world declaration for the contribution of people with functional diversity to a culture of peace

World declaration for the contribution of People with functional diversity to a Culture of Peace Fotografía: Concurso de Fotografía Digital del INICO Las Personas con discapacidad en la vida cotidiana Premio Fundación Grupo Norte Música: Cristina del Valle Tema: Nada que ofrecerte Álbum: Tiempos rotos Initiative: INSTITUTE OF PEACE, HUMAN RIGHTS AND INDEPENDENT LIFE (IPADEVI)..

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Post on 09-Aug-2015



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World declaration for the contribution of People

with functional diversity to a

Culture of Peace

Fotografía: Concurso de Fotografía Digital del INICO

Las Personas con discapacidad en la vida cotidianaPremio Fundación Grupo Norte

Música:Cristina del Valle

Tema: Nada que ofrecerteÁlbum: Tiempos rotos


Título: Leire 2Autor: José Antonio Silvestre Valero

There are currently over 650 million people living in the world with some kind of functional diversity.

Título: Barreras arquitectónicasAutor: Óscar Vázquez Arrojo

If we add the group of family members who habitually live with them, this figure becomes a very significant number: two billion inhabitants whom, in one way or

another, cope with these circumstances on a daily basis.

Título: Niños autistas, almas con corazonesAutor: Quim Fábregas Elías

They have low hopes of attending schools, obtaining jobs, having their own home, developing their gender identities, forming a family, considering maternity or

paternity or enjoying social or political life.

Título: Oteando el horizonteAutor: Manuel López Puerma

This is particularly true in cases of men and women with severe functional diversity meaning they need the support of other people in

order to carry out their life’s project.

Título: El mejor jineteAutor: Claudia Figueredo

For the great majority of people living with functional diversity in the world, shops, services, public transportation, information, communication, etc., are,

to a large extent, outside their reach.

Título: Amigos para siempreAutor: Francisco Joaquín López Grau

The social and political structure is what disables and determines the precarious nature of the human reality of functional diversity. Therefore, it is

of utmost importance to eradicate the phenomenon of disablement, since there is a fact, functional diversity is an inherent condition that concerns all


Título: Sombra de la alegría 2Autor: Luis Quintanal Cabriales

The process of disabling who suffer people with a functional diversity is a determining factor in social exclusion and discrimination, which, if added to many others, such as:

sex discrimination, sexual orientation, inter-generation, levels of poverty, different ethnic groups, skin colour, typology and/or degree of functional diversity..., becomes a

devastating situation.

Título: Hermano daudaAutor: Juan Carlos Ruiz Duarte

The figures are condemning: it is estimated that among the poorest people in the world 20% are those who suffer some kind of functional diversity; 82% of people with

functional diversity in developed countries live beneath the poverty threshold.

Título: Sombra de la alegría 4Autor: Luis Quintanal Cabriales

98% of children with functional diversity in developing countries do not attend school; 30% of street children in the world live with some kind of functional

diversity, and the level of literacy among adults with functional diversity only reaches 3% and in some countries it is even as low as 1% when we are talking of

women with functional diversity.

Título: Quién fuera como élAutor: Yander Alberto Zamora De Los Reyes

Marginalisation and exclusion lead to poverty, and the more there is, the higher the probability of systematic discrimination against people with functional

diversity throughout their lives.

Título: El bajista de jazzAutor: Robert Navarro

All forms of oppression against men and women with functional diversity must be eradicated. This must take place from an inter-group point of view, among people

with and without functional diversity.

Título: El amor más allá de las palabrasAutor: Patricia Otero

A culture of peace demands fighting against the violence of poverty and social injustice, such as discrimination, exclusion or forced dependence, in every aspect

of the life people with functional diversity.

Título: Sin límitesAutor: Santiago Bañón Irujo

It is therefore mandatory to correct all this unbalance within each country and between different countries in order to sever the roots of violence in the world.

Título: Igual a tíAutor: Fernando Marcelo Cañuelo

Real and effective equality of people, respect for human diversity, development, Independent Living, Human Rights and the Right to Peace, are joined at their


Título: Hasta donde queramos llegarAutor: Jorge Villa Bolaños

There cannot be long-lasting peace without human development, in the same way that it cannot be attained without full equality between people with or without

functional diversity.

Título: Contra el vidrioAutor: Miguel Montes

We must fight against all kinds of violence, searching for peaceful ways to resolve conflicts and to forge attitudes

of tolerance and active commitment towards others, with or without

functional diversity.

Titulo: Un Mar de VoluntadAutor: Vicente Andrés Pérez Bolaños

Human society is capable of transforming conflicts, either violent or otherwise, into a positive change experience.

Título: Desafío o temorAutor: Sonia Sánchez Cuellar

That can happen if, and only if, each and every one of us, excluded for whatever reason, including functional diversity, manages to fully take an

active part in all processes. Only then we could combat the Culture of Violence that thwarts all humanity in one way or another.

Título: Nuestras manos son nuestra vozAutor: Mª Teresa Brioso Montaner

In order to achieve a Culture of Peace, we must make and build, through education, a Culture of Independent Living, as well as a Culture of Human Rights,

which jointly complement each other in order to guarantee a democratic, participative and pacific coexistence.

Título: Mano amigaAutor: Ana Yturralde Arquiola

Since wars (or other multiple forms of violence) are born in the minds of women and men (with or without functional diversity), it is in the minds of these people where

the bastions of peace must be erected.

Título: RostrosAutor: José Antonio Pupo García

"Disability" is found in every socio-political, economic and cultural structure, meaning that it is a concept created by the human brain and consequently, with the right education under the perspective of the Philosophy (worldwide) of Independent

Living, and that of Human Rights, we will contribute to a positive attitude and changes in mentality which will hold up a Culture of Peace.

Título: Herencia de guerraAutor: David Martínez

Achieving Peace must take into account the rights of people with functional diversity, more so when dealing with poverty stricken people. To a large extent

these are populations devastated by war or other disasters. In such circumstances they are the causes of functional diversity and of absolute abandonment in civil and

general populations.

Título: Niños autistas, almas con corazonesAutor: Quim Fábregas Elías

Through Resolution 52/15 passed on November 20th 1997 by the United Nations, in which the year 2000 was proclaimed “International year of the Culture of Peace”, it invited through its “Statement for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence”, to commit

to contribute to the development of the community we are part of.

Título: Así mejorAutor: Olga Soto Valenzuela

Some people with severe functional diversity, who need human support to carry out our daily living activities or to guide us in our daily learning, did so.

Título: AmanecerAutor: Juan Luís De Vega Blanco

We believe that functional diversity (human diversity) is synonymous of wealth, and without our presence or active participation in society, a Culture of Peace

will not be possible.

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diversity to a Culture of Peace

Montaje: Nacho Sánchez

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