world war i - mrs. war i...

Chapters 22-25

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Page 1: World War I - Mrs. War I Author Administrator Created Date 12/5/2014 3:04:27 PM

Chapters 22-25

Page 2: World War I - Mrs. War I Author Administrator Created Date 12/5/2014 3:04:27 PM

Militarism Build-up of weapons and navies

Alliances Defense agreements that could pull countries

into battles Imperialism Competition to prove dominance and power

Nationalism Loyalty and devotion to one’s country of origin

Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Immediate cause: by Serbian national in protest

of Austria-Hungary controlling Bosnia

Page 3: World War I - Mrs. War I Author Administrator Created Date 12/5/2014 3:04:27 PM

Attempt to stay out of the war Continue to trade with both sides Newer immigrants had emotional ties to each


Allies = Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Portugal,

Greece, Serbia, Romania, Japan…eventually U.S.

Central Powers= Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire,


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Page 5: World War I - Mrs. War I Author Administrator Created Date 12/5/2014 3:04:27 PM

British Blockade Britain stops U.S. supply ships from getting to


U-boats/Lusitania German submarine attacks on ships without


Sussex pledge Germany would try to spare lives in future

attacks…if U.S. force Britain to end blockade

Preparedness movement Increase readiness for war

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Propaganda Allies and central Powers try to gain support for

their side

Zimmermann note German telegram offering Mexico parts of the

U.S. in return for support

Russian revolution Autocrat overthrown for a more democratic

government = U.S. comfortable fighting on the same side as Russia

Russia pulls out of the war = Germany no longer fighting on 2 fronts

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Airplane Artillery Battleship Flamethrower Machine Gun

Poison Gas Submarine Tank Trench System = Many more deaths compared to previous wars

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Pacifists Opposed war; for political, moral, religious

reasons Four-Minute Men Supported war; made patriotic speeches for

government propaganda American Families Mostly supported war; bought Liberty bonds,

recycle and conserve goods/metal, “Meatless Mondays”

Federal Government Officials Supported war; coordinate war efforts (bond

sales/supply deliveries/worker unions)

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African American Leaders Both; W.E.B. DuBois urge blacks to joins others

suggested the government should first work for equality at home

African Americans Most supported; served in military, Great

Migration moved north to produce war goods Immigrants Most supported; faced anti-immigrant feelings

from patriot groups Wbbblies Opposed war; spoke out publicly against the war

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Espionage Act: 1917 Made it a crime to interfere with the military

draft, sever penalties for spying, sabotage, and “obstruction of the war effort”

Sedition Act: 1918 Crime to SAY anything “disloyal, profane,

scurrilous or abusive” about the government

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Fourteen Points – presented to Congress January 1918 Prevent future wars Eliminate the causes of war

Self-determination New countries in Europe by ethnic group

League of Nations International organization Work together to resolve conflicts

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1. No more secret agreements ("Open covenants openly arrived at").

2. Free navigation of all seas. 3. An end to all economic barriers between

countries. 4. Countries to reduce weapon numbers. 5. All decisions regarding the colonies should be

impartial 6. The German Army is to be removed from Russia.

Russia should be left to develop her own political set-up.

7. Belgium should be independent like before the war.

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8. France should be fully liberated and allowed to recover Alsace-Lorraine

9. All Italians are to be allowed to live in Italy. Italy's borders are to be "along clearly recognizable lines of nationality."

10. Self-determination should be allowed for all those living in Austria-Hungary.

11. Self-determination and guarantees of independence should be allowed for the Balkan states.

12. The Turkish people should be governed by the Turkish government. Non-Turks in the old Turkish Empire should govern themselves.

13. An independent Poland should be created which should have access to the sea.

14. A League of Nations should be set up to guarantee the political and territorial independence of all states.

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Big Four – U.S., Great Britain, France, Italy Leaders of 4 largest winning nations; made all

decisions Defeated nations no power Russia early agreement with Germany = did not

attend U.S. Wilson – wants peace France wants Germany weakened for security

reasons Great Britain wants Germany to take

responsibility for the war and pay reparations Germany resentful of war-guilt clause and

reparations Wilson agreed to protect League of Nations

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Self-determination Austria-Hungary divided into ethnic groups BUT Parts of Germany given to France, Poland, Denmark

and Belgium Germany colonies around the world also given as


League of Nations Agreed to by the other leaders

Treaty of Versailles

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Page 17: World War I - Mrs. War I Author Administrator Created Date 12/5/2014 3:04:27 PM

Ratification (Approval) Debate Reservationist Willing to approve the treaty with a few changes Article 10: about collective security…feared this would

draw the U.S. into wars

Irreconcilables Opposed the treaty no matter what Especially the League of Nations idea

Internationalists In favor of the treaty, cooperation between

nations would benefit all

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Wilson goes on speaking tour to gain public support Wilson suffers a major stroke, very ill

Partisanship Republicans and Democrats vote a few times on

different versions of the treaty Along party lines – does not pass

Next Election Republican win = no treaty 1921- U.S. signs a separate treaty with Germany League of Nations not very strong without U.S.