world war ii the war in europe poland ► german-soviet pact ► invaded on sep. 1, 1939, surrender...

Download World War II The War in Europe Poland ► German-Soviet Pact ► Invaded on Sep. 1, 1939, surrender on Sep. 28, 1939 ► Britain & France declare war on Germany

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Poland ► German-Soviet Pact ► Invaded on Sep. 1, 1939, surrender on Sep. 28, 1939 ► Britain & France declare war on Germany


World War II The War in Europe Poland German-Soviet Pact Invaded on Sep. 1, 1939, surrender on Sep. 28, 1939 Britain & France declare war on Germany Fall of France (June 22, 1940) Blitzkrieg Tactics combined infantry armor and air power to encircle the French Surrendered in the same railway car as the Germans in 1918sending a message? Dunkirk (May 26-June 3, 1940) British Army surrounded with back to the sea The British used every boat available from troop transports to private yachts Total of 558,000 saved but lost all the equipment The Blitz (August-October 1940) Germans bombed London day and night Children evacuated from the city (sent to English countryside, often to live with strangers) 30,000 killed 50,000 injured Battle of the Atlantic Longest Military campaign of the war from German U-boats attacked allied shipping Germany wanted to strangle Britain (an island nation) Operation Barbarossa (June- December, 1941) Germany attacked on a wide front The attack caught Stalin by surprise Soviets followed a scorched earth policy Drew Germans deep into USSR by winter. U.S. Enters War U.S. Enters the War after the attack on Pearl Harbor FDR agrees to a Germany First policy (not a popular move at home) The Big Three Joseph Stalin-USSR Winston Churchill- Great Britain Franklin Roosevelt-USA Met throughout the war Agreed to the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill (from left to right. El Alamein (October 23- November 4, 1942) Turning point for the British Pushed Germans out of Egypt Protected the vital link with Asia the Suez Canal Battle of Stalingrad (September 1942-February 2, 1943) Turning point for the Soviets in the War The city was devastated by the battle Entire German 6 th Army captured Allied invasion of Africa and Italy (Summer 1943-June 1944) First time US troops saw battle North Africa to Sicily then to Italy Knocked Italy out of the War Operation Overlord D-Day June 6, 1944 Landing beaches: Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha and Utah Largest amphibious assault in history See Saving Private Ryan early scenes. Battle of the Bulge (December 16, January 25, 1945) Last German offensive of the war Planned to split the allies and drive to Antwerp in Belgium Attacked in the middle of winter and with inexperienced troops Germans pushed out by the US 3 rd Army Victory in Europe Red Army takes Berlin Hitler committed suicide- April 30, 1945 The German Government & Army surrendered on May 8, 1945, also known as V- E Day.