wot, nott, kakuri and the hu ba hou: part four - the face of their enemy

Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy - 1 -

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An unusually small Christmas transported Wot and Nott to the magical land of Onisha, where Umahia, the Grand Mystic, asked for their help in ridding the land of Miafra, the evil. Having accepted the challenge, Wot and Nott set off, determined to put an end to the despot’s cruel rule. Having eaten from the Tree of Knowledge and Wisdom, then sailed across the Sea of Loneliness in a five hundred year old boat, to Onisha proper, they met a statue hell-bent on destroying them. In their quest to save the land of Onisha, Wot and Nott travelled further across it, fighting a ferocious Dragonsaur, and then battling the dreaded Protectors. When they found the Temple of Wan, they repaired it via the Realm of the Black Crystals. Determined to save Onisha from the clutches of Miafra, Wot and Nott freed Kakuri from the Sacred Site of the Stones. After fending off an attack by deadly Chameleon Beetles, they must tear down the 'Timeless Gates' of Onisha City, where Miafra is secreted.


Page 1: Wot, Nott, Kakuri And The HU BA HOU: Part Four - The Face of Their Enemy

Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy

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Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy

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Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy

Part Four: The Face of Their Enemy

Gerrard T Wilson


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Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy

The Crazymad Writer


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Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy

Contents Page

Introduction: Introduction 6

Chapter One: The Road to Onisha 7

Chapter Two: Assault on the Gates 19

Chapter Three: To Enter the Citadel 29

Chapter Four: The Return of a Friend,

and the Face of their Enemy 43

Chapter Five: Within the Bowels 59

Chapter Six: The Return of Umahia – and Disaster 69

Chapter Seven: ??? 75

Chapter Eight: A Fusing of Minds 83

Chapter Nine: The Back-up Plan Remembered 95

Chapter Ten: The Final Showdown 101

Chapter Eleven: Self-destruction 109

Chapter Twelve: December 32nd 117

Chapter Thirteen: Greeting the New Year 129

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Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy

Part Three: The Changeling Attack

Text copyright © 2010 Gerrard T Wilson

Gerrard T Wilson asserts the moral rights to

be identified as the author of this work.

Conditions of sale:

This book is sold subject to the condition

that it shall not, by trade or otherwise,

be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated

without the publisher’s prior consent in any form,

binding or cover other than that in which it is

published and without a similar condition

including this condition being imposed

on the subsequent purchaser.

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Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy

An unusually small Christmas transported Wot and Nott to the

magical land of Onisha, where Umahia, the Grand Mystic, asked for

their help in ridding the land of Miafra, the evil.

Having accepted the challenge, Wot and Nott set off, determined to

put an end to the despot’s cruel rule. Having eaten from the Tree of

Knowledge and Wisdom, then sailed across the Sea of Loneliness in

a five hundred year old boat, to Onisha proper, they met a statue

hell-bent on destroying them. In their quest to save the land of

Onisha, Wot and Nott travelled further across it, fighting a ferocious

Dragonsaur, and then battling the dreaded Protectors.

When they found the Temple of Wan, they repaired it via the Realm of

the Black Crystals. Determined to save Onisha from the clutches of

Miafra, Wot and Nott freed Kakuri from the Sacred Site of the Stones.

After fending off an attack by deadly Chameleon beetles, they now

face the last leg of their epic journey, where they must tear down the

Timeless Gates, enter Onisha City, find the Citadel of Composure,

where Miafra is located, and ultimately defeat him.

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Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy

Chapter One

The Road to Onisha31st December

The sun climbing high in the clear blue sky heralded another fine day

in Summerland. This day, however, differed from all others before it.

It differed in one simple fact; the people wanted their lives back, and

they wanted them now. From across Onisha people stood, ready to

lay down their lives for the greater good of the land. Making their

way by whatever means possible, they headed for Onisha City and

the Timeless Gates guarding it. From the smallest Orlu to the tallest

Onishian, from the youngest child to the oldest person, all of them

united in a common belief that change was indeed possible.

Raising his hands, calling for quiet, Wot said, “People of Onisha,

Nott and I are with you today, on the day your lives change for the

better.” Hearing this, everyone cheered the Outlanders. Lifting his

hands again, trying to calm their excitement, Wot said, “This will be

a day to remember. It will not be an easy one, though. You will face

many dangers.” Hushed, silent, they listened intently. “Fighting

tyranny, the emperor Miafra, some of you might not return,” he

warned.” Despite ending his speech with a dire warning, everyone

clapped and cheered, giving him a standing ovation.

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Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy

Thanking them, Wot insisted it was their day, that Nott and he were

only a catalyst for the insurrection, the outcome of which lay

squarely in their own hands. After wishing them luck, Wot passed the

mantle to Kiliki who had some final comments.

“Thank you, my modest friend,” she said, “thank you, my two

Outlander friends.”

The crowd began cheering again.

“Although we met only a few hours ago, I feel as if I have known

you much longer. We are fortunate, incredible fortunate to be

entering battle with the likes of you.”

The cheering and clapping, even louder than before, erupted again.

“You know, you all know what you must do,” said Kiliki. “Go, go

and be safe.”

Afterwards, in order to facilitate communications, the Orlu, with

Mezu and Rurum in charge, mingled with the many diverse groups

heading for the city.

Climbing onto the HU BA HOU, Kakuri made herself comfortable

in the specially commissioned saddle (courtesy of the Orlu).

Speaking softly, telling it of the battle they were soon to face, she

asked for its help smashing down the Timeless Gates. When its ugly

head turned towards her, looking directly into her green eyes, Kakuri

knew that it understood exactly what she had asked of it.

Although their weapons were of a rudimentary nature, the Onishians,

assembling in their pre-assigned groups, were an impressive force.

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Standing to attention, they awaited the order to march.

Whizzing around, conveying messages between the many diverse

groups, the Orlu were all action.

Mounting their hound-horses, Wot and Nott positioned them

alongside Kiliki atop her hound-horse.

Waving his hand, Wot signalled the off. With that, the ragtag

entourage set off for the city and its impressive gates.

The defeat of the Changeling Beetles had incensed Miafra. Having

underestimated the Outlanders yet again, he fumed at their continued

success. “How dare the people, the lowly, despicable people rebel

against me, their Emperor, ruler of this Summerland. I have the

power to crush them out of existence if I so wish,” he growled.

Storming out from his chamber, swearing to teach them a lesson,

Miafra disappeared down the stone steps leading to the very bowels

of the building…

The progress of the insurgents was, if a little slow, steady. With the

help of the Orlu, to get orders relayed to the diverse groups heading

down on the city, Kiliki was efficiency itself. Up ahead, pulling hard

on the reins of the HU BA HOU, slowing it, Kakuri allowed the rest

of the troop to catch up.

In case someone suddenly attacked them, Wot searched for some

words, to create a Mystical Rhyme that might help in such an

occasion. Thinking about the life, the quite life he had enjoyed

before he laid eyes on the small Christmas card that brought him to

Onisha, Nott whispered, “Will I ever again see home?”

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As the sun shone brightly onto the Summerland, the temperature

continued to rise. Feeling the heat, Nott wished he still had his trilby

instead of the fur hat procured from the fallen Protector. As the

gradient of the road increased, the grey coloured trees growing

alongside it became taller and taller. In fact, the entire landscape was

monochromatic, black, white and grey.

Reaching the top of a high ridge, Kakuri pulled hard on the reins;

from this vantage point, she had a clear, uninterrupted view of the

city below.

“I can see the Timeless Gates,” said Nott. “They sure look

impressive, even from way up here. I hope that animal of yours has

got what it takes, Kakuri.”

Kakuri and the HU BA HOU gave him an incredibly cool stare.

Embarrassed, regretting his tactless remark, Nott tried to make

amends, “Sorry for the blip,” he apologised, “I have every

confidence in you both, I really do.”

Saving him from any further embarrassment, Wot said, “How far do

you think it is?”

“No more than a mile, I would guess,” Nott confidently replied.

Spotting Kiliki, he said, “Less than a mile to the Timeless Gates,


Joining them, looking down onto the city below, Kiliki said, “From

here on anything might happen; Protectors, magical rhymes, or

whatever, might assail us.”

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Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy

“Can you see something moving down there?” Kakuri asked, staring

hard into the distance. Despite studying the visage below, trying to

see what she was talking about, no one could see anything unusual.

“Look; look over there!” Kakuri insisted, pointing to one side of the

city. Seeing with her eyes, they spied dust rising in the distance.

“I’ll bet my bottom dollar that’s more Protectors!” said Nott. “I’ll eat

my hat if I am wrong.”

“You will eat your hat?” Kiliki asked, confused by his strange

statement. “It’s made of fur!”

“It’s only an expression, you know,” said Nott, laughing. Wot also

began laughing. Although baffled by what they saw funny, Kiliki

joined in with the laughing.

“I don’t want to spoil the fun,” said Kakuri, pointing to the rising

dust cloud, “but this does warrant our attention.”

“Sorry, Kakuri,” Nott apologized. “I got a bit carried away.”

“I can now see them,” said Kakuri, anxiety sounding in her voice. “It

is Protectors, at least a dozen. We must act quickly. Everyone go

hide,” she ordered.

Hiding under bushes, behind trees, rocks – anything they could find

to conceal their whereabouts, they waited, wondering what to do


Seated cross-legged under a tree, Wot listened for words, words he

needed to thwart the rapidly approaching threat, yet save the

precious hound-horses they so desperately needed, he heard;

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Wot, Nott, Kakuri and the HU BA HOU: The Face of Their Enemy

“Phrase and words enter your mind.

Reasons and rhymes in and out of this time

To deal with the threat be it now, be it then

Is a matter of perspective, if it’s one or it’s ten

Look to the problem with new eyes for old

The answer is simple as the vision unfolds.”

Opening his eyes, Wot stood up and made his way up to the top of

the ridge, then down the far side. After a short distance he stopped.

Standing in the path of the rapidly approaching Protectors and their

wheezing hound-horses, he dared them to come closer.

“What on earth is he doing?” screamed Kiliki.

“I don’t know,” said Nott. “Usually, when he acts funny like this, he

has a good reason.” Secretly, though, he was as worried as she was.

Spotting the opportunity to kill one of the troublesome Outlanders,

the Protectors urged their panting hound-horses to gallop ever faster.

Defying them, daring them to come closer, Wot seemed oblivious of

the terrible danger he had placed himself in. Nearer and nearer,

closer and closer men and beasts galloped towards him. Despite

seeing the whites of their eyes and throbbing veins in the animals’

long necks, Wot stood his ground. They were almost upon him, but

he did not move, he did not try to get out of the way.

At the very last second, as the wild, charging hound-horses were

about to trample him underfoot, amidst a flash of bright light, Wot

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vanished from sight. This spooked the animals no end. Rearing up on

their hind legs, whinnying, they tried to escape the intense light.

Their mounts, Protectors, struggled to maintain control.

Recognising the opportunity, the bit of luck they sorely needed,

Kiliki ordered her compatriots to attack. “Charge!” she said, kicking

her heels deep into her hound-horse.

As the opposing forces met; Protectors and insurgents,

pandemonium ensued. The Protectors fought valiantly, but the sheer

number of people attacking soon overwhelmed them. Some fell from

their mounts, others dragged from them, and others died while still

atop them. Fighting for their wits, their minds, and the freedom of

the land they held so dear, the Onishian saw no other way forward

other than victory.

The battle was over; the Protectors lay dead, and their hound-horses


“Where did Wot go?” Kiliki asked. “He seemed to vanish into thin


“I have no idea,” Nott answered in all honesty. “I really don’t.”

“That was some trick your friend performed out there!” an Onishian

man said.

“I thought he was a goner, for sure,” another Onishian man added.

“Yeh, it sure was some trick,” Nott replied, humouring them.

Although everyone tried to find Wot there was no sign of him, not

anywhere. In the end, with so much at stake, they decided to

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continue without him, hoping he returned sometime soon.

The newly captured hound-horses numbered twenty-three, in total.

They secured an equal number of clubs from the fallen Protectors.

“This is a bonus,” said Kiliki, handing one of the clubs to a young

man. “With these fresh animals we can travel faster,” she explained.

Come; let us continue,” she ordered. “The Timeless Gates are

waiting for the HU BA HOU’s fine touch.”

As the motley group of men, women and animals streamed over the

ridge, Nott hoped against hope that his friend was alright.

Leading the column, Kakuri, sitting proud on the HU BA HOU,

blazed the way forward. Waving to Nott, she beckoned him on. This

small, thoughtful gesture raised his sagging spirits. Digging his heels

into the belly of his hound-horse, he set off, following Kakuri.

The fallen Protectors were yet another defeat for Miafra. It was only

a small one, but it was still a defeat. Striking a guard offering him a

goblet of wine, knocking it clear out of his hand, Miafra roared,

“You think I want wine? I should have you horsewhipped! Get out

of my sight!” Thus admonished the guard scampered away.

Pacing across to the window, Miafra rested his elbows upon the sill.

Clasping his gloved hands tightly together, he gazed across the land,

his land, to the ridge where he knew the troublesome Outlanders

were located. “I can almost see you,” he growled, “you, who came

here to my Summerland, with such meddlesome intent.” He breathed

deeply, and then called for some wine. The same guard returned,

handing him another goblet of wine. Accepting it, Miafra said, “Yes,

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I should drink wine...wine to celebrate your impending doom, my

Outlander friends. After drinking his fill, Miafra dropped the empty

vessel out of the window. Striking the wall on its way down, the

goblet banged and clattered its way to oblivion. Exiting his sanctum,

Miafra banged the door shut behind him. Descending the stone steps,

heading for the very bowels of the building, his razor sharp mind

was hatching a plan for the demise of the heroes…

After overcoming yet another obstacle put in their way by Miafra,

the mood within the group of Onishians, Outlanders and Orlu was of

optimism. With the city in sight, they had something real, something

tangible to set their sights on. They wanted so much to get on with it.

Some of the men who had acquired fresh hound-horses, breaking

free of their ranks, galloped towards the city below. “Come back,”

Kiliki called out, worried for their safety. Their enthusiasm, however,

clouded their better judgement, and they were soon out of earshot.

Although it had gone relatively well up until then, some of the

people were becoming restless. Despite the fact that their unruly

actions were unacceptable, it was also dangerous. Moreover, the

Outlander, Wot, was still missing.

As the ragtag troop marched on the city, the Timeless Gates loomed

larger and ever more imposing before them. The red painted wooden

gates, covered with intricate carvings, framed with jet-black timbers,

were certainly impressive. Enthralled with all the fine detail, Nott

exclaimed, “They are beautiful! There are indeed works of art!” It

was true; the Timeless Gates were works of art to beat all others. At

the top of each gate was a panel of intricate criss-crossing ironwork,

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in the same design and style of the woodcarvings upon them.

Through one of these openings, Nott thought he saw someone

peering out. He shuddered, thinking about it. Distracting his attention

from the panel, the sound of so many Onishians converging on the

city, raised his spirits no end.

Suddenly Rurum appeared. Running up to Nott, he said, “Hello

there, I have just returned with reinforcements. How are things


His thoughts fixed upon his missing friend, Nott was slow to reply.

When he finally answered, he said, “Hello Rurum.”

“Where is Wot?” the Orlu enquired.

“He disappeared a while back,” Nott told him. “I have absolutely no

idea where he is.”

“Don’t worry,” Rurum said cheerily. “I am sure he will be alright. I

will put out the word that he is missing. If anyone can find him, we

Orlu can. Not much can escape our attention, you know.” With that,

he sped away to a newly arrived group of Onishians.

As the diverse groups converged, the final assault on the Timeless

Gates began. Guided by the stunning Kakuri, the HU BA HOU,

standing proud in its gleaming armour, set its sight firmly upon the

gates if the city.

Studying the high walls surrounding the city, Nott become aware that

something was wrong. Apart from the lone person he saw peering

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through the gates, earlier, nobody was visible. “It might be a trap,”

he whispered, looking for signs of life atop the high walls. Without

warning, his gift of perception kicked in again, telling him,

screaming to him that it was indeed a trap. “Scatter!” he shouted,

waving his hands, trying to get everyone’s attention. “IT’S A TRAP.”

Emerging from their places of concealment, the guards of the city

sent a volley of missiles raining down onto those in the line of fire,

below. Those who had broke ranks, earlier, caught in this deluge

died painful and grisly deaths.

Patting the HU BA HOU, Kakuri spoke calming words to it. Turning

her attention to the Outlanders, she said, “We are ready for the off,

but I need a diversion.”

“A diversion?”

“Yes,” she insisted. “Something to distract the guards’ attention long

enough for me and HU BA HOU to get a clear run at the gates.”

“To distract the guards of an entire city will be no easy matter,” Nott

answered gloomily.

“It doesn’t have to so,” she said. “Do you remember how Wot found

me in the Grotto, using a catalyst? He did it by thinking sideways.

You must also think sideways, Nott.”

“Yeh, I remember, but that was different,” he grumbled, unconvinced

by her argument.

“Don’t worry about it,” she said. “Follow your heart, the words will

come to you.”

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Instructing everyone to be at the ready, Kiliki watched Nott with

some interest.

High atop the HU BA HOU, in the warm summer sun, Kakuri waited

for him to begin. Everyone else waited for Kiliki’s command to


Withdrawing his trusty old lighter, the catalyst he had chosen as a

bridge between himself and Wot, Nott rubbed it affectionately. They

had been through a lot together. Opening his mind, allowing the

words he needed to enter, he said:

“I hold this item in this my hand,

To act as a bridge in these our plans,

We need a distraction, a disturbance right now,

To help Kakuri and the HU BA HOU.”

Nott had no sooner finished speaking when the sky began to darken.

Dark clouds gathering on the horizon, growing larger and larger, and

blacker and blacker, filled the sky with their mass of congealed

anger. Soon, the sky had changed from a deep summer blue to a

black so intense day turned into night. Seeing this, the hound-horses

sidestepped nervously. Their handlers struggled to calm them. The

wind began to blow, soft at first, but increasingly stronger. The

heavens suddenly opening spewed a deluge the likes of which no one

had ever before seen. Thunder cracked, lightning flashed; the mother

of all storms was upon them…

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Chapter Two

Assault on the GatesA storm was exactly what Kakuri needed. Speaking to the HU BA

HOU, she said, “My friend, it’s now up to you. Do your best.” With

those words lingering in its cavernous ears, the huge animal took off,

galloping at full speed towards the Timeless Gates. Sensing it was

the final offensive, the HU BA HOU kept its armour-plated head

down. The storm was so intense Kakuri lost all sense of direction.

Trusting the HU BA HOU, she held on tightly.

As if that was not enough for those inside the city to contend with,

Kiliki had meanwhile given the order for the assembled Onishians to

attack. The rag-tag collection of Onishians and Orlu, following

Kakuri atop the huge beast, charged towards the Timeless Gates.

Soaked to the skin, they rushed headlong into the unknown. Some

shouted, others roared and others screamed, rebelling against the

man who had promised so much, who had given so little, and who

had taken everything.”

The HU BA HOU’s armour-plated defences, crafted by the ingenious

Orlu, reflected the brilliantly bright lightning flashes. The armour

plates clanged and banged in a surreal, unreal musical tempo.

Stopping short of the Timeless Gates, the HU BA HOU, puffing and

panting breathlessly, became peculiarly still. Seeing this, the

Onishians and Orlu following closely behind, also stopped.

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“What is it up to?” someone asked.

Another man, said, “Dunno.”

As suddenly as it stopped, the tank, the ugly humpy-tank of an

animal called a HU BA HOU, began moving again. Rising onto its

hind legs, roaring its defiance of those who thought they could stop

it, the HU BA HOU set off once again, galloping at full speed

towards the gates protecting the city. Hurtling towards the Timeless

Gates, nothing could stop it now. Keeping her head down, Kakuri

held on tightly to her excited, living battering ram. Because of the

driving rain, she had no idea how much further they had to go. All

she could do was hold on and hope for the best as the HU BA HOU

raced headlong towards the massive, black-framed gates...

When the HU BA HOU’s head met with the Timeless Gates, the

sound of the thunder paled into insignificance. The ground shook

and the air cracked. The Timeless Gates, cracking, fracturing,

exploded apart. The ancient wood, splintering terribly, released its

dry sawdust into the wet air. The gates, the Timeless Gates were no

more. They had surrendered to the superior might of the HU BA

HOU. Bellowing loudly, it celebrated victory.

Opening her eyes, Kakuri saw that she was in a courtyard, flanked on

one side by the city wall and a conglomeration of buildings on the

others. Looking for signs of life, guards, Protectors or whatever, she

saw nobody.

Exploding through the opening where once the gates stood, the

Onishians and Orlu, with weapons at the ready streamed into the

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“Where is everyone?” a man asked, confused.

Another man said, “I don’t like it. It might be a trap.”

It was not a trap, though. Faced with the mother of all storms, the

guards, deserting their posts, had simply gone inside. However, the

instant Kakuri and her HU BA HOU crashed through the Timeless

Gates, the negligent guards, realising the error of their ways, rushed

to get back. The element of surprise, which the attacking Onishians

had enjoyed, was but a temporary advantage. Exiting the doorways,

guards and Protectors, with weapons at the ready, were fully intent

on retaking the initiative.

“Watch out!” Kakuri shouted from atop the HU BA HOU. Jumping

down off it, she rushed headlong into a group of emerging guards.

The largest man, swinging his deadly weapon, tried to kill her.

Returning the favour, Kakuri lunged at him with her razor sharp

knife. The steel of its blade cut a deep swathe in the man’s arm.

Blood spurted from the cut. Wiping away the blood with the back of

his hand, the guard, snarling angrily, lunged at Kakuri. This time, his

club finding its target, he knocked Kakuri down. Landing heavily

upon some ceramic water containers left standing in the corner of the

courtyard, Kakuri smashed them to pieces. Struggling to her feet,

slipping and sliding on the broken shards of pottery, she lunged at

her attacker. However, he was big; she was simply no match for him.

Turning round, returning to the broken water pots, Kakuri picked up

two of their circular bases. They were perfect for what she had in


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Laughing at her, the guard said, “Look, she is so scared, she is

running away from me!” He stopped laughing, however, the moment

Kakuri picked up the two bases. Seeing this, he was puzzled as to

what she intended doing with them.

Before the guard had a chance to work out what she had in mind,

Kakuri hurled one of the pot bases (like a Frisbee) at him. The

speeding disc struck him hard on the forehead. Staggering from the

impact, blood gushing from his forehead, the guard tried to walk

forward. Throwing the second disc with all her might, Kakuri

watched as it struck him squarely in the face. The guard’s steps

faltered then stopped. Wobbling, standing unsteadily, staring

obliquely, blood running down his hard face, he collapsed in a

bewildered chaos of blood and pottery fragments. Abandoning the

guard, Kakuri rejoined the battle.

Many had fallen, both guards and Onishians. The speeding Orlu,

having developed a hit and run policy, used it to their advantage,

confusing the enemy long enough to give their comrades a chance of

striking them hard.

Dismounting his hound-horse, Nott melted into the shadows. Kakuri

followed him. The original plan depended on the Outlanders making

their way through the maze of buildings and alleyways, to find

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Miafra. However, Wot was still missing. Deciding to go it alone,

Nott melted into the shadows.

Creeping up from behind, placing a hand on Nott’s shoulder, Kakuri

almost frightened him to death. “Oh my god!” he said, “It’s you!

Never do that again!”

“Sorry,” she apologised, although laughing at him.

“And so you might be,” he chided. “Why are you here?” he asked. “I

am sure you are needed elsewhere.”

“You need my help,” she told him forthrightly.

“Hmm,” he answered. “I suppose I could do with a hand.”

“It’s agreed, then,” she said. “Is it this way?”

Nodding, he said that it was.

Several minutes later, skirting the side of a laneway, Kakuri and

Nott passed down it unnoticed. After passing along several more,

equally dark and foreboding laneways, Kakuri and Nott found

themselves in a newer part of the city, with wide streets and many

fine buildings therein.

“Shush,” Nott whispered, “We’re close to the Dome of the People.

It’s directly ahead of us,” he told her, “but something is telling me to

enter that house over there!” He pointed to a building across the wide


“Are you sure you want to go in there?” Kakuri asked.

“Yes, we must enter that house,” he insisted. “I can’t explain why, I

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just know it’s vitally important. Are you with me, Kakuri?”

“Of course I am,” she answered. “Come on, let’s get it over with.”

Making their way stealthily across the wide street, they approached

the building. Placing a hand on the door handle, Kakuri turned it.

The door opened easily, almost by itself. “That’s strange,” she

muttered. “It wasn’t even locked…”

As soon as they entered the building, the door closed mysteriously

behind them. From out the darkness a familiar voice spoke. “Nott,

how are you?” it asked.

“Umahia!” Nott exclaimed. “Is it really you?”

“Yes, my friend, it is,” he answered, emerging from out of the


Shaking the old man’s hand, Nott was ecstatic with joy. “Why didn’t

you contact us, via the amulet, before we sent it away?” he asked,

still energetically shaking his hand.

“The time was not right,” Umahia replied. “It was too dangerous to

try it. There are many more dangers about, so I will be brief. The

time of reckoning is almost upon us… I will soon have to face my

nemesis, fight him, and, if I am successful, restore Onisha to the


Turning his attention to Kakuri, Umahia noticed that she was deep in

thought, studying him. His long, curly moustache and even longer

incredibly black hair fascinated her no end. However, his unusual

robe really caught her attention; the vision of the unfolding universe

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therein absolutely mesmerised her. Pointing to it, she asked, “How

can this be, the stars and the planets within?”

“There are many things in this life that we cannot explain,” Umahia

told her. “The vision you witness within my robe, be it there or not,

is such an example.” After studying her intently, he said, “Sometimes

things are not as they seem, and sometimes they are… Wisdom is the

ability to differentiate one from the other.” He paused for a moment.

Offering her his hand, he said, “I am pleased to meet you, Kakuri. I

have been following your heroic deeds; you are truly one in a

million.” Delving a hand into his robe, into the vista of the unfolding

universe therein, Umahia searched for something. Withdrawing his

hand, clutching a bag made of the same material as his robe, he

handed it to her. “It may be of help to you,” said Umahia. “Use it

wisely.” Securing the bag to her waistband, she thanked him for the

kind gesture.

Turning his attention to Nott, Umahia said, “You and your friend

have developed your gifts wonderfully. You had no problem at all

receiving my message, telling you to come to this house. That good,

my friend, it is very good.”

“We don’t know where he is!” Nott blurted out worriedly. “There

was a huge flash, then he vanished. Have you any idea where he

might be?” he asked hopefully.

Stroking his moustache thoughtfully, Umahia said, “Your friend is

still here, though in an altered plane of existence.” Stroking his

moustache some more, he said, “I had need of him… I called, he

answered. He is fighting our battle on a different plane, trying to cut

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off the route the power of Darkness uses. If he can do this, your

fight, our fight will be easier.”

Although Umahia had told him what his friend was doing, Nott felt

none the wiser. However, he was becoming increasingly patient.

Accepting it to be true, he said, “I will expect Wot whenever I see


“He will return sooner than you think, my friend,” the Mystic

replied. “Come, sit down,” he said, pointing to some chairs. “We

have much to discuss. Although my powers are still draining, I have

used the newly returned Chi of the people to get me this far. When

your friend has completed his task I will be strong again; capable of

facing Miafra for the final encounter.”

Continuing, Umahia said, “You must set a trap for Miafra, a place to

contain him until I return.

“That sounds mighty dangerous,” Nott grumbled, uneasy with the


“It will certainly be dangerous, my Outlander friend,” Umahia

answered. After settling his robes, he said, “I only wish there was

another way.”

“There is another way,” said Kakuri, butting in. “We have our own

plan. Or do you want us to abandon it?” she asked.

“No,” Umahia insisted. “Except for the final encounter between

Miafra and me, your plan remains the same.” Standing up, Umahia

paced the room. “When you come face-to-face with Miafra, you

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must call me.” Sitting down again, he said, “Are we agreed?”

“Yes, of course,” Kakuri answered.

“But will your powers be strong enough?” Nott asked, fearing the

worst. “What if something were to go wrong? What if Wot is unable

to cut off the route the powers of Darkness use, will you still be able

to tackle Miafra, then?”

“There are many things that might go wrong, my friend,” the old

man answered. “No matter what happens, I will face him. It is the

time to fight…or there will be no time left for anyone.” On that

chilling note Umahia said, “Be off.” Returning to the shadows, he

whispered, “Remember, call me when you are face-to-face with


“What do you think of him, Kakuri?” Nott asked.

“He’s a bit odd,” she answered. “He’s a good man, though – I can

feel it, a very good man indeed.”

“What’s in that bag he gave you?” Nott asked, curiosity getting the

better of him.

Touching it, she said, “It’s empty. There is nothing in it.”

“That’s strange,” said Nott, suddenly yawning with tiredness. “I

suppose it will become clear to us, later.” Opening the door, he said,

“Let’s get on with it.” Exiting the house, they splashed their way

furtively across the rain soaked street.

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Chapter Three

To Enter the CitadelDisappearing into the shadows on the far side of the deserted street,

Kakuri and Nott wondered where everyone was. “Where is

everyone?” said Nott. “You’d think, with the city under attack,

people would be milling about, either mad or glad that it’s

happening. It’s like a ghost town.”

Gazing up at the angry sky, and the torrents of water falling out of it,

Kakuri said, “They are too scared to come out, in case Miafra’s eyes

and ears see them. This dreadful weather isn’t helping, either.” She

was right, the lightning flashed and the thunder crashed in a sky as

black as coal. Creeping, skulking they way along the cruel streets,

each one a copy of its predecessor, two lonely figures advanced

towards their objective, the Citadel of Composure.

After what seemed like an eternity, battling their way through the

elements, the wind eased and the rain turned to a light drizzle.

Standing on the curb of a wide, arching pavement, Kakuri and Nott

could hardly believe their luck. On the far side of the street, the

grandest, the holiest of buildings awaited their attention.

Smiling from ear to ear, Nott said, “Look, there it is! We’ve made it,

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Kakuri, we really made it!”

“Is it really the Citadel?” she asked, fearing deceit by Miafra.

“It is, it is!” he insiisted. “It’s the Dome of the People; the Citadel of


Accepting his word, she said, “It’s beautiful. Look at its roof. It’s a

perfect dome.” Marvelling at the structure, she continued, “The

green of the dome stands out so brilliantly against the dark, stormy


The building also bowled over Nott, but for an entirely different

reason. You see, he had never envisaged it being so large, “This must

surely be defended,” he said, inspecting it some more. “How we can

ever hope to Miafra within it is anyone’s guess.” Realising how

exposed they were, standing on the pavement, opposite such an

important building, he said, “We are sitting ducks out here.”

“It’s a pity the rain eased off,” said Kakuri, “for it did offer us some


“Umahia,” Nott called. “If you can hear me, we could do with some

more rain, just for a short while, though.”

“I don’t think Umahia can hear us,” said Kakuri, “just like that.”

“I guess you’re right,” he answered. “I thought it was worth a try,

though, in case he heard...”

“I understand.”

Something quite unexpected then happened. It started to rain, not as

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heavy as before, though, but it was rain nevertheless.

Beaming, taking it as a sign that Umahia had heard him, Nott said,

“Come; this is our chance – run!”

Kakuri, however, seeing it quite differently, believed the old Mystic

had played no part in it. With the thunder still banging, the lightning

still flashing, and the rain falling again, she believed it was nature.

“Follow me,” she said, stepping onto the street, heading across it.

At first, they made good progress, crossing the street, then onto the

plaza. However, running so fast, Nott soon had a terrible stitch in his

side. “I can’t go on!” he cried out. “It’s impossible. The pain, it hurts

too much. I must rest.” They stopped; they stopped in the middle of

the great plaza, obvious for everyone to see.

Impatient to get going, Kakuri asked, “Are you now feeling any

better?” Nott groaned. “We’re sitting ducks out here,” she protested.

“It’s only a matter of time until someone sees us.” Looking warily

ahead, to the Dome of the People, she said, “You must be feeling

better now!”

“I’m not!” he protested, holding his side. “I feel worse. I can’t go on,

not yet.”

“How bad is it?”

“It’s terrible,” he replied, still holding his side.

Kakuri appreciated the fact that Nott was in pain, but stuck out there,

evident for everyone to see, they were in real danger.

“You go on,” said Nott, “I’ll follow you, later.”

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Although she was impatient to get going, Kakuri did not intend to

abandon him. Lifting him off the wet pavement, she placed him atop

her even wetter shoulders.

“Are you sure you can do this?” Nott asked. “Am I not too heavy for


“Yes, I will be fine,” she answered. With that, she set off across the


Although she insisted he was not too heavy, Kakuri struggled under

Nott’s weight. Trying to ignore her growing discomfort, setting set

her sights on the green coloured dome, Kakuri willed herself on.

Looking out from a window, a guard spotted something approaching.

Being a young man of little experience, he decided to wait until they

got closer before raising the alarm. As he continued to watch,

straining his eyes, trying to see through the rain, to work out if it was

friend or foe, the guard stared, amazed, when he saw them. By the

time he pulled himself together, and had raised the alarm, Kakuri and

Nott were gone. “They were out there – I swear it,” he insisted,

telling his superior.

“Who was it?” his commander asked.

“I’m not sure,” the guard answered, his voice faltering. “I think it

was a woman…with a midget on her shoulders... One minute they

were there, and the next they were gone.”

Glaring at him suspiciously, his commander said, “Have you been


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“No!” he insisted. “On my life – I swear it.”Looking out through the

window, he said, “I saw them…out there...I swear it!”

“Alright,” said the commander, who was by now quite wet. “I

believe you. I will post extra guards.” With that, he stepped inside

the dry building. Returning to his post, the guard gazed out of the

window, hoping to spot the elusive couple.

Below, at the base of the wall Kakuri and Nott stood huddled

together. “Is it safe, yet?” Nott asked.

“Hush,” she replied, turning her head at an angle, listening. “It’s

okay, they have gone,” she whispered.

“This place is a veritable fortress,” said Nott. “We’ll never get inside.

I’m sorry for being a burden back there.”

Deep in concentration, examining the wall, Kakuri hardly registered

his words. The lightning flashed, the thunder cracked; the rain fell

heavier again. Gazing up at the almighty deluge exiting the heavens,

Nott wondered if he had he been a tad presumptuous, assuming

Umahia had answered his request for rain.

Searching along the base of the wall Kakuri found a dry spot, an

alcove built into it. Entering it, she sheltered from the rain.

Following Kakuri, Nott joined her under its welcome protection.

When they had rested a while, Kakuri climbed the alcove, to a ledge

atop it.

“What are you doing?” Nott asked, fearing someone might spot her.

Wiping the rain from out of her eyes, pointing upwards, she

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answered, “There is something up there.”

“What is it?” he asked, peering out from under the alcove.

“It’s a ledge, with a small window above it,” she told him.

Finding handhold in the smooth, slippery stone, Kakuri began

climbing the wall. Suddenly losing her grip, she slipped down again.

“It’s useless,” she grumbled. “I need extra height, so I can grab hold

of that ledge, and then pull myself up to the window.” Smiling, she

stared at Nott.

“No!” he protested. “I can’t! You are too heavy!” Despite his

protestations, he knew that he owed her one, so giving in, he said,

“Okay, I’ll do it, but God help you if my back gives way!”

Leaning down, offering him her hand, Kakuri said, “Grab hold of my

hand. I’ll pull you up.”

When he was safely atop the alcove, standing tight to the wall, Nott

made himself ready to take Kakuri’s weight.

Using Nott’s body like a ladder, she climbed him. Standing on his

shoulders, she stretched her fingers upwards, upwards, trying to grab

hold of the ledge. “I need some more height,” she said, calling down

to him. “Another few inches should do it.”

“I can’t grow any taller!” Nott cuttingly replied. However, standing

on tiptoes, he tried to give Kakuri the extra few inches of height she

needed. Securing a safe handhold, Kakuri pulled herself up.

Reaching down, she said, “Take my hand.”

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Accepting her hand, Nott waited for Kakuri to haul him up. “What’s

wrong?” he asked when nothing happened.

“I can’t pull you up in the same way as before,” she told him. “This

ledge is too small, I will lose my balance and fall off.”

“What do you want me to do?” he asked.

“Use your legs; try to scramble your way up.” With him scrambling,

and with Kakuri hauling, Nott made his way awkwardly up to the

ledge. Pointing to the small window above them, Kakuri said, “I

need to get up there.”

“No!” he protested. “I am not doing that again! You help me up this

time, and then I’ll take a look-see.”

Lifting Nott onto her shoulders, Kakuri asked him what he saw

through the window.

Gazing through the window, Nott saw a corridor beyond.

“Can you see anything?” she asked.

“I see is a corridor,” he answered, “with some doors leading off it.”

“Is the window open?”

Trying it, he said, “No, it’s closed tight.”

“Smash it.”

“Smash it? Are you mad?”

“No, I am not mad,” she snapped. “You are wasting time – smash


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“I have a problem.”

“What is it?” she asked, losing patience with him.

“I don’t have anything to break the glass with.”

Realising how terse she had been, in a friendlier tone of voice, she

said, “Hold on, I’ll find you something.” Instinctively her fingers

across the bag Umahia had given her Kakuri, however, felt nothing

within. Rooting around in her pockets, trying to find something with

which Nott could smash the windowpane, her fingers touched the

cold steel of her knife. Passing it to him, she said, “That’s all that I

have. Do you think you can smash the glass with it?”

Staring hard at the knife, Nott grumbled, “Here I am, in another

world, standing on a woman’s shoulders, perched on a ledge, in the

mother of all thunderstorms, and she asks me to smash a

windowpane with her knife. How on earth did I end up in such a

predicament?” With that, he sighed long and hard.

“Have you broken the glass yet,” Kakuri asked, trying to keep


“Hang on,” he replied. “I think I can jimmy it open.” Pushing the

blade into the side of the window, Nott prised it apart. Delving a

finger in, he ever so carefully undid the clasp.

“It’s open,” he said satisfactorily.


Opening the window, Nott peered inside. He heard the sound of

people talking somewhere in the distance. Apart from that, though,

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there were no signs of life. Whispering to Kakuri, he said, “The coast

is clear.”

“Get inside,” she replied, waving him on.

Pulling himself through the window, Nott fell heavily to the floor.

No one had heard him, the coast was still clear. Whispering down to

Kakuri, he asked, “Do you need a hand?”

“No, I think I can make it,” she answered. Moments later, having her

way through the window, she grizzled, “I can hear voices! You told

me the coast was clear!”

“It is,” he insisted. “Look,” he said, pointing in both directions. “Can

you see anyone?”

Thinking his interpretation of the English language was somewhat

lacking, Kakuri scanned the corridor, trying to work out which way

to go.

“It’s that way,” he said, confidently pointing to the left.

Creeping furtively along the corridor, following the diminutive

Outlander, Kakuri headed for the centre of the building.

A gust of wind catching the open window caused it to bang and

clatter about loudly. Running fast along the corridor Kakuri and Nott

exited through a door at its end. Finding themselves on another,

identical corridor, they ran down it as fast as the previous one. At its

end, another door beckoned them on. Opening it, then cautiously

peering through, they made their way across a landing. A cast-iron,

spiral staircase, the grandest Nott had ever laid eyes on, led down

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from the landing. “Follow me,” he said, descending the stairs two

steps at a time.

Arriving on the landing below, Kakuri asked, “Where to now?”

Pointing ahead, Nott said, “Through those doors.” (Happily surprised

by the clarity of his newfound gift of perception, he hoped it would


Studying the doors, Kakuri instinctively felt that something was

wrong. ‘Have things gone a bit too easily?’ she wondered. It might

have been her woman’s intuition, or something entirely different,

whatever it happened to be, she knew without a shadow of a doubt

danger lay behind the two doors. Pushing Nott away from the doors,

Kakuri warned him of the danger. Raising a finger to her lips,

signalling for silence, she stood motionless, listening. Instinctively

reaching for the bag Umahia had given her, she loosened the cord

securing its top. Peering inside, she gasped in amazement at the

vision within. It was breathtaking, beautiful, and wondrous. It was

the vision, the same vista of the Unfolding Universe that was

Umahia’s robes. If they had not been in such a dangerous situation,

Kakuri might have gazed at it all day

“Well?” Nott asked. “Is there anything inside?”

Kakuri was so mesmerised by the bag’s wondrous interior she never

heard him. Staring into the bag, at the stars, planets and inner space

therein, she was in a world of her own.

His voice that bit louder, Nott asked, “Well, is there anything inside


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Snapping out of it, Kakuri delved a hand into the bag. Feeling

something, she grabbed hold of it, and then carefully withdrew her

hand. Opening her hand, she showed it to Nott.

“It’s a globe,” he cried out, quite in surprise, “and a gold one at

that!” Thinking about it, he said, “What can we do with a globe, be it

gold or otherwise?”

Investigating the bag further, Kakuri found another golden globe

therein. Delving her hand in for a third time, she searched she bag’s

mysterious interior but found nothing else.

Unsure as to what it might actually be, Kakuri gave one of the globes

to Nott. Accepting it, throwing it from hand to hand, thinking they

were simply balls, to play with, he suddenly froze. “Did you hear

that?” he asked, pointing to it. “It made a noise!”

“I did,” she replied, eying her globe suspiciously.

Visibly shaken, Nott said, “This thing is volatile, as in bomb!”

Scrutinising her globe, Kakuri said, “If they are bombs, they are just

what we need.” Whispering to Nott, she said, “Do exactly as I do,


Although he harboured some doubts as to the reality of the perceived

danger behind the doors, Nott said, “Okay, it’s agreed.”

“Remember, do everything that I do,” she said, emphasising the


Nodding, settling his fur hat, Nott promised that he would.

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“Now!” Kakuri yelled, running, making a beeline for the doors.

Bursting through them (with Nott following closely behind), she

revealed six of the burliest, meanest men they had ever laid eyes on.

Diving to the floor, Kakuri threw her golden globe at three of the

guards. Exploding in a flash of white light and blue coloured smoke,

it sent them hurtling into the wall opposite. Following Kakuri’s

example, throwing his globe at the other three men, Nott laughed

with satisfaction as they too smashed into the wall. “That wasn’t too

hard,” he said, symbolically wiping his hands of them.

Her thoughts having already moved on, Kakuri said, “Where do we

go from here?”

“I, I don’t know...” Nott answered falteringly.

“Why not?” she asked, befuddled by this.

“I, I don’t know why,” he answered. “I’m sorry. My gift seems to

have let me down.”

“It’s okay, it’s alright” she insisted. “We’ll do it the old-fashioned

way, by trial and error. Come; follow me.”

Stepping past the fallen men, Kakuri opened the door and exited the


Following her into another corridor, Nott bemoaned, “Look at all of

the doors along it! There must be twenty of them!”

Taking off, running like the clappers, Kakuri said, “Follow me.”

Racing along the corridor, towards the door at its end, ignoring the

doors alongside it, Kakuri and Nott passed through it.

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“I don’t believe it!” Kakuri groaned despairingly, “Another


“Come on,” said Nott, trying to keep her spirits up, “this might be

the last one. I’ll race you to the end.”

This corridor, however, was different. It was darker and colder, its

floor sloping downwards towards a door at its end. Despite the

unwelcoming ambience – and some misgivings, they headed for the

door at its end.

The further he progressed along the passageway, the more uneasy

Nott felt. Tentatively touching the walls, he felt their slippery, cold

smoothness, like ice. “Am I imagining it, or is it getting colder?” he

whispered. The low ceiling, also resembling ice, made Nott

claustrophobic, sending shivers of dread down his spine. “I don’t like

it,” he grumbled, “I don’t like it one bit.”

“Nor do I,” said Kakuri.

“I don’t feel at all right,” Nott complained, looking nervously about


“What’s wrong?” she asked, her eyes set firmly on the door at the

end of the corridor.

“I, I don’t know how to explain it,” he answered, his pace slowing to

a halt. “My hands...they feel cold, so very cold – and heavy.” Lifting

a hand, he was horrified to see ice crystals forming upon it.

Moreover, they were progressing fast along his arm. Looking down

at his feet, he saw the same icy crystals on his shoes, progressing up

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his legs. The progress of the freezing crystals was so fast, so

relentless it took no time at all until Nott was unable to move. “I

can’t move my legs!” he cried out, all in a panic.

Turning round, to see what all the fuss was about, Kakuri was

shocked to see him almost entirely covered in icy crystals.

Yelling in fright, Nott said, “Your face!”

“What’s wrong with my face?” she asked.

“The frost!” he answered, pointing to it. “It’s on your face!”

Lifting her hands, touching her face, Kakuri was horrified to feel

particles upon it. Panicking, she said, “We must get out of here – and


Although also succumbing to the effects of the cold water-crystals,

Kakuri dragged Nott along the passageway, towards the door. She

struggled; she really did, fighting the bitter cold particles. Although

her pace slowed, she never gave up. However, a few short inches

from the end of the corridor, and the beckoning door, she collapsed,

beaten by the cold icy cold crystals.

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Chapter Four

The Return of a Friend,

And the Face of Their EnemyThe door that was so close, that they had tried so valiantly to reach,

creaked slowly open. Particles of frosty cold ice, breaking off it, fell

to the floor. A face appearing round it looked in; it was Wot.

Grabbing hold of his best friend, he pulled him out through the

doorway. A few seconds later, the door opened again. Reaching in,

grabbing hold of Kakuri, Wot dragged her to safety. As the door

banged shut for a second time, the icy cold crystals swathed both it

and the corridor within its deadly embrace.

On the far side of the door, however, it was much warmer. Taking

care of two special people, Wot tried to return them from the brink.

Slowly, slowly, the frosty cold particles began to melt. Kneeling

between Kakuri and Nott, he prayed to his god that he had found

them in time. That was all he could do, it was all he could think off,

gazing down at the cold, still bodies. After what seemed like an

eternity, Kakuri showed signs of recovery. She began breathing. It

was barely noticeable at first, but it gradually became stronger. When

she finally opened her eyes, Wot breathed a huge sigh of relief. How

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are you feeling, Kakuri?” he asked.

Sitting up, hugging him with all her might, crying, laughing, asking,

she said, “Is it really you? Have you really returned? I knew you

would!” Her expression suddenly changing from relief to fear, she

said, “We were trapped – you saved us!” Looking about her, she

said, “Where is Nott?”

Pointing behind her, Wot said, “He’s there.”

“Is he alright?” she asked, worried for him.

“He will be fine,” he assured her. “It would take more than a bit of

ice to stop the likes of him. He has more lives than a cat.”

Kneeling alongside him, Kakuri stroked Nott’s brow. When he

regained consciousness, she said, “Are you okay?

“Me?” he answered, staring up at her. “Yeh, I’m fine, at least I think

I am.” “How are you, Kakuri?” he asked.

“I am still rather cold, but otherwise fine,” she answered.

Sitting up, noticing Wot, he said, “Where the hell have you been?”

“I had to do something for Umahia, an errand,” he answered.

“An errand?” he griped. “You abandoned us to go on an errand when

we were facing down a bunch of charging Protectors?”

“It wasn’t like that, and well you know it,” said Wot, hurt to the

quick by such an accusation. “I had to go, to create a diversion to

give us an advantage.”

“You could have sent us a message, though,” Nott grumbled, “to let

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us know you were okay.”

“I did help you with your Mystical Rhyme, remember?”

“I know, I know,” Nott replied. “I’m glad you’re back, okay?”


“Are you going to tell us where you actually went?” Nott asked. “Or

is it a big secret?”

“You already know I was trying to cut off the route, the powers of

Darkness use to gain access to Onisha, through the Grotto. Umahia

told you that. We don’t have time to discuss any further. However, I

can tell you I was successful.”

“That will have to do, I suppose” Nott answered. Pushing him

further, he asked, “How did you get here?”

Winking craftily, Wot replied, “You will have to ask Horatio about


Baffled as to what he could possibly mean, Nott was lost for words.

Changing the subject, Wot said, “How are you feeling, both of you?”

“I’m fine,” Nott dryly replied.

“Me too,” said Kakuri.

“Are you certain you are okay?” he asked. “I can go on alone… No

one will blame either of you if-”

Cutting him off mid sentence, Nott barked, “Not on your Nelly! We

are going to see this through to the end! Standing up, pulling

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Kakuri’s arm, he said, “Come on, Kakuri, we’ll show him what we

are capable of doing.”

“Which way do we go?” Kakuri asked.

“Search me,” Wot answered. “Can you tell us, Nott?”

Opening his mouth, about to admit that he had no idea at all, Nott

suddenly felt his gift returning. In his mind’s eye, the way forward

was clear, perfectly clear. “How could I have forgotten it,” he

gasped. “It’s that way,” he said, turning a corner, confidently

pointing to a pair of doors.

“Are you sure?” Wot asked.

“As sure as I’ve ever been, old buddy,” he replied. “Those doors will

lead us to the Room of Deliberation, the very centre of the building,

where Miafra killed twenty-two members of the Brotherhood of

Mystics in cold blood. Are coming?” he asked.

Nott’s description of the sheer cold bloodiness of their adversary sent

shivers of dread running down Wot’s spine. They had even more of

an impact upon Kakuri, for her father was one of the unfortunate

souls cut down so ruthlessly that day. Reaffirming her intention to

pay back in-kind, that which had been done to her father, she said,

“Come; let’s see what’s on the other side of those doors.”

Placing an ear against one of the doors, Kakuri listened for signs of

life on the far side.

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“Can you hear anything?” Nott asked.

“Be quiet,” she whispered. A few moments later, withdrawing from

the door, she said, “I heard nothing. I think it’s safe to enter.”

“At last we are getting somewhere,” said Nott. Approaching the

doors, taking hold of one of the heavy brass handles, he turned it.

The door opened easily. Gasping his annoyance, he said, “More

bloody doors, and big ones at that!”

To each side of the doors, a deserted sentry box stood. Framed in

black timbers, finished in red-painted wood adorned with ornate

carvings, the doors bore a striking resemblance to the Timeless

Gates, which had, until a short while ago, stood guarding the city for

millennia. Running a hand over the carvings, marvelling at the

quality of the workmanship, Nott examined the panels depicting life

in Onisha long ago. Noticing something odd, something very out of

place, he halted his hand. Nestled amongst all of the others, one

particular panel depicted three figures, standing side-by-side. The

first person was large and portly, the second person was small and

thin, and the third portrayed a young woman. “Look at this,” he said,

waving them over.

Having scrutinised the panel for several minutes, they all came to the

same conclusion – it depicted them. “How can this be?” Nott asked.

“These doors were built hundreds of years before we were born!”

“There is more to life than sea and sky,” Wot said cryptically.

“You what?”

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“Some things can’t readily be explained,” he answered. “That does

not mean they aren’t true. We still have much to learn, to

understand.” Pointing at the panel, he said, “Look at this depiction of

us, see how we are standing, three in a row, with our backs turned to

the viewer, as if we are about to embark on a journey. This was a

prediction,” he said, “about us coming to help the people of Onisha

in a time of need. On the other hand, though,” he went on, scratching

his head, thinking about it some more, “time isn’t always a constant,

so it’s possible we have already been here.” Scratching his head

again, he said, “Heaven knows which hypothesis is right.”

“Prediction? Been here before? Am I going mad?” Nott barked,

thinking Wot tuppence short of a pound.

“Whatever the meaning,” said Wot, butting in, “there is one thing

that I am certain of.”

“And what might that be?” he asked.

“We and this door are inextricably linked.” Placing a hand on one of

the handles, he asked, “Shall we pass through?”

“These doors are incredibly solid,” said Kakuri. “Even though I

heard nothing, there might still be danger behind them. Proceed by

all means, but with caution,” she advised.

“Alright,” said Wot. “With caution it is.” Turning the door handle,

with Nott doing likewise to the other, the Outlanders pushed the

doors slowly apart.

Fearing danger, Kakuri instinctively placed a hand on the bag

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Umahia had given her. Feeling something, she loosened the cord and

delved a hand in. Withdrawing her hand, clutching another golden

globe, she felt instantly safer. With globe at the ready and her eyes

fixed on the doors, Kakuri waited to see what (in anything) was

behind them.

As the doors creaked slowly apart, a blast of infinite black light

scorched its way through the divide, narrowly missing the

Outlanders. Jumping aside, Kakuri barely managed to evade it.

Smashing hard into the wall, the deadly black light dissipated into


Counterattacking, Kakuri hurled her globe through the divide in the

doors. In the room beyond, the globe exploded in blinding flash of

pure golden light.

Delving a hand into the bag, Kakuri found another two globes.

Holding them tightly, one in each hand, she made her way through

the gap in the doors, into the uncertainty beyond. Peering around the

doors, the Outlanders’ eyes followed her into the space beyond.

Catching a glimpse of something, Kakuri made ready to throw.

“What is it?” Wot asked, adjacent his door.

“I saw someone, at least I think I did,” she whispered.

“I can’t see anyone,” said Nott.

“Nor me,” Wot added, feeling a tad braver.

With globes at the ready Kakuri passed through the doors. Kakuri

knew it was either an ambush (to catch her) or a trap (to kill her), so

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taking the initiative, with the aim of catching her adversary off

guard, she ran fast into the auditorium. Hurling one of the globes to

her left, then the other to her right, she dived to the floor. Two more

explosions of golden coloured light ensued. When the air had

cleared, Kakuri stood alone in the Room of Deliberation, the

mysterious figure gone. Abandoning their doors, Wot and Nott,

joined her inside the auditorium.

Marvelling at the fine space, Wot said, “It’s absolutely huge!”

“And a perfect circle,” Nott added.

They were certainly right; the Citadel of Composer was both truly

immense. Plainly decorated, sparsely furnished with two circles of

seats, the Room of Deliberation was both impressive and mundane.

The outside circle of seats, for guests of the Brotherhood of Mystics,

was plain in design. The inner circle of seats, reserved for the

Brotherhood of Mystics, consisted of twenty-two ornately carved

chairs. At the centre of the room there was a chair reserved

specifically for the Grand Mystic. Apart from one carving, though,

this chair was devoid of decorations. This carving, an abstract design

resembling the hands of a clock, fascinated Wot no end. Spellbound,

he gazed at it in awe.

Looking around them, Nott asked, “What exactly did you see back

there, Kakuri?”

“I’m not sure,” she answered. “It happened so quickly.”

“Try to remember it,” said Wot.

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“It... it looked like a man,” she answered. “But he was red – glowing

red. I know that sounds silly, but that’s how I remember it.”

“Hmm, glowing red, you say?”


“Do you have any idea what it could be?” Nott asked.

“I’m not too sure… Perhaps later…” Wot replied. Whispering, he

added, “I believe he is still watching us.” On hearing this, Nott

became decidedly edgy. Returning to the safety of the door, he

welcomed its handle like an old friend.

Delving a hand into her bag, Kakuri found another object therein.

Withdrawing her hand, guarding the object, she held it at the ready.

“So, what is the plan?” Nott asked, from his new position close by

the door.

“I don’t have one, old friend,” Wot admitted. “Do you have any


The thought of a red-glowing person spying on him had drained Nott

entirely of ideas. Turning his attention to Kakuri, he asked if she had

any ideas.

“If there is someone here,” she said, “perhaps we can try flush him


“Good idea,” said Wot, “but we’ll have to be careful.” Scratching his

head, thinking about it, he said, “If I go over to the left, and you,

Nott, to the right, we can circle the rotter, then flush him out. If he is

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hiding under any of these seats, we’ll surely spot him. Kakuri,” he

said, “be ready for anything.”

“You haven’t asked what I think of your plan,” said Nott, holding the

door handle as if his life depended on it. “We might get killed, you

know!” he protested.

“We will certainly get killed if we don’t do anything,” Wot warned.

Strolling across to the door, he broke off a chunk of its ornately

carved frame. “Look,” he said, holding it up for his inspection, “if

you are that worried, here is something you can hit him with.”

“A stick, he gives me a stick,” Nott griped. “Why did I bother to say


“Don’t worry, Nott,” Kakuri said reassuringly, showing him the

object she found in the bag; a silver coloured globe. “With this, I am

ready for anything.”

Creeping silently around the outside circle of seats, the two

Outlanders attempted to flush out the hidden person. Being taller,

Wot’s progress was faster than Nott’s. Having reached the halfway

point, he began heading towards him. He was almost upon Nott

when he saw it, when he saw something glowing red under a seat

close by his friend. “Look,” he whispered, pointing under the seat.

“What?” Nott shouted, oblivious to the danger it posed.

“Look under that seat!” Wot insisted. “It’s glowing red!” Rising from

its place of concealment, the object headed for Nott. “Look out,”

Wot warned, “it’s going to get you!”

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Having other, more serious things to contend with than listening to

his friend’s dire warning, namely the glowing red article drifting

towards him, Nott walked backwards, away from it.

The thing, however, the glowing red image taking on the appearance

of a man, began to speak. “I warned you to leave,” it said, Miafra

said. “But you ignored me. Now you will die.” Trembling with fear,

beneath the fearsome articulated image that grew closer by the

second, Nott had no place to hide. Speaking again, Miafra said,

“You, puny figure beneath me, whom I could squash underfoot like

an insect, will be an example to anyone foolish enough to consider

opposing me. Your death will be a permanent reminder that anyone

who dares defy me will die.” The visage of Miafra, twenty feet in

height and still growing, reached down, to squeeze the life out of


Suddenly, a turquoise-blue sticky, gooey, gelatinous substance struck

Miafra hard in the face. The dripping, gluey substance severely

restricted his freedom of movement. Miafra roared with anger.

Seizing the chance to escape, Nott raced for the safety of the door.

“Good work, Kakuri,” said Wot. “You saved his life. By the way,

how did you do it?”

“With that silver globe,” she answered, patting her bag. “I threw it at

him, and then hoped for the best.”

“It appears to have down the trick,” said Wot, congratulating her


Noticing something, Kakuri said, “Look at that!”

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Pointing to the visage of Miafra, she said, “There, a piece of string

trailing down from him, glowing red. What do you think it is?”

“Hmm, that’s interesting,” he answered, scratching his head some

more. “I did have an idea, earlier, when I saw it, the glowing red

phenomenon. That string confirms my suspicions. You wait here,

Nott. Kakuri and I have something to attend to.”

Feeling rather less than heroic, Nott answered, “Okay, that’s fine

with me.”

Making their way around the struggling visage of Miafra, Kakuri

and Wot followed the red-glowing string. Pointing, Wot said, “Look,

it leads under the seat beneath which he was hiding. They edged

closer to the seat. Pointing under it, he said, “Is that what I think it


Stooping down, looking under the seat, Kakuri saw the Amulet of

Oxmosis secreted therein, with the red glowing string attached to it.

“How can this be?” she asked. “We saw you returning it to its

Minder.” Picking it up, she inspected the precious object. “Look at

this mark,” she said, “it happened when the amulet struck the rock,

on the mountain. This is the Amulet of Oxmosis, there’s no doubt

about it.” Passing it to Wot, she awaited his opinion.

“You’re right, Kakuri, it’s the very same one. Miafra must have

intercepted it somehow.”

“Then what are we facing?” she asked, pointing uneasily at the red

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glowing visage before them. “Is that Miafra or only image of him

created with the amulet?”

“Let me try something,” Wot suggested, running a hand through the

glowing red string. The image of Miafra, which had terrorised Nott,

so, promptly faded away, with the sticky blue substance falling

harmlessly to the floor. However, the instant Wot removed his hand

from the glowing red string, the image of Miafra returned. “Hah,” he

said triumphantly, “we were afraid of an image!”

Calling out Nott, he said, “It’s alright, it isn’t Miafra. It’s only a

projected image of him!”

Looking at the floating visage, Nott asked, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m positive,” he insisted. “Watch how I can make it

disappear.” Waving his hand through the path of the red glowing

string, he made the image of Miafra vanish again. Satisfied that he

was safe, Nott emerged from behind the door. Things in life,

however, do not always go according to plan...

Losing his grip on the magical talisman, Wot watched, horrified, as it

fell to the floor and rolled under one of the seats. Moreover, the

glowing red string, taking a different route (under the floorboards,

this time), made it impossible for him to control the image. Re-

materialising, his glowing red arms swinging for Nott, Miafra said,

“Now I will snuff you out!”

“It’s only an image, right?” Nott squeaked. “That is what you said?”

“Yes, I was sure of it.” Wot answered, trying desperately to find the

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“You were sure?”

A giant red hand grabbing hold of Nott lifted him high into the air.

“It’s not an image!” he croaked. “It’s definitely not an image!”

Despite the acute danger Nott was in, Wot’s thoughts drifted away

from him. Peculiarly, the words of a long-dead playwright came to


There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt

of in your philosophy.

“There’s that name again,” he said. With only seconds to digest its

meaning, if any, Wot prayed to his god for inspiration. Then had it,

he knew what the words meant, and how to deal with the red glowing

image. Forgetting about the amulet, he instructed Kakuri to do

likewise. “Forget about it,” he told her. “It’s not important. Listen,

the amulet has the power installed within it to return to its Minder.”

“Help,” Nott shouted, squirming anxiously high above in the red

glowing hand.

“Don’t worry,” he replied. “I’ll have you free in a jiff.”

Tendering a look that would have curdled milk, Nott shouted again,

“Help, HELP!”

The mystical words that entered Wot’s mind had removed all fear, as

once again, he realised that all things were possible in Onisha.

Beginning the Mystical Rhyme, he said:

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Amulet of Oxmosis, I now set you free,

From the clutches of Miafra, listen to me,

Set off again for your Minder’s embrace,

Until you are needed again, in a life or death race.”

Emerging from its place of concealment, the Amulet of Oxmosis,

hovering in front of Wot, released the red glowing string. Cut off

from its source, the string disappeared into the nothingness from

whence it came, including the visage of Miafra. Landing on the floor

with an almighty thump, Nott bemoaned, “Ow! That really hurt!”

“Are you okay?” Kakuri asked, helping him up.

Rubbing his soreness, he replied, “Yeh, I’ll be fine.”

“Hey, you two,” said Wot. “The amulet is leaving.”

Exiting the building through an open window, the amulet flew off

and away. They had no idea how it was able to fly, because no beetle,

Chameleon or otherwise, accompanied it.

“Although that amulet was a godsend,” said Nott, watching it

disappear into the distance, “I hope that is the last we see of it.”

“Me too,” said Wot, “me too.”

Changing the subject, Kakuri asked, “Do either of you have any idea

where Miafra is?” Continuing, she said, “Can you feel where he is,

Nott. You know, with your gift?”

He’s down below,” Nott answered, pointing to the floor, “and he’s

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waiting for us.”

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Chapter Five

Within the Bowels

Although it was Nott who had told them that Miafra was

beneath their feet, it still scared him almost to death. Returning to the

comfort of the door, he held tightly onto its handle. “Stop that this

instant,” Wot scolded. “We have more important things to be

concerned about than feeling sorry for ourselves. Pull yourself

together, Nott.”

“You could show a bit more compassion ‘mate,’ he answered,

abandoning the door. “And I’m surprised at you, Kakuri, saying

nothing.” Walking across to a recessed area cut into the stone of

wall, Nott reached for a rusty door handle, and then said, “Do I have

to go down on my own?” Opening the door, stepping through it, he

disappeared from sight down a set of stone steps. Kakuri and Wot

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dashed after him.

Standing on the last step, Nott searched for his bearings. Being so

close to Miafra filled him with trepidation, yet also excitement.

Knowing that Miafra was so tantalisingly close spurred him on

despite the grave danger this posed. Perhaps he was acting a bit

reckless, chasing the man who would be a god. Having come so far,

though, he fully intended to see it through to the end. Stepping off

the last step, Nott entered an antechamber. The air smelt of

dampness, the walls glowed strangely. Passing under a low archway

constructed of murky red coloured bricks, he entered a circular room.

As his eyes became accustomed to the eerie glow, he scrutinised his

surroundings. The room, about twenty feet across, had a curved

ceiling and walls made of the same red coloured bricks as the


Stifling a cry of pain when his foot struck something hard, Nott

stooped down to see what it was. Picking it up, scrutinising it in the

dim, eerie light, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. The

item that had caused him such pain was a golden chalice of

fantastical beauty, encrusted with precious stones, red, green, yellow

and blue. “How could anyone leave such a wondrous thing

abandoned in such a dark place?” he mused.

Approaching the wall where it was a bit lighter, he tried to get a

better look at it. Jumping fast away from the wall, he said, “The wall

moved!” Studying the wall, he realised the source of the light –

glow-worms. Thousands of glow-worms lining the circular wall and

ceiling of the room emitted a light strong enough to see by. Reaching

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out, touching some of them, he was amazed when that part of the

wall lost its light. “I won’t do that again,” he said quietly.

“No, you had better not,” a voice boomed from behind.

Dropping the chalice, Nott tried to turn round, to see who it was, but

his feet refused to budge, not even an inch.

“So, we meet at last, my Outlander friend,” the voice boomed all the

louder. “I suppose you would like to see me?” it said, clicking its


With that, Nott was able to move. Turning round, seeing the man

who had caused so much pain, so much suffering, whose only

consideration in life was his own perceived glory, standing in front

of him, he was lost for words.

“Has the cat got your tongue,” Miafra asked tauntingly.

Breaking his silence, Nott said, “Are you quite happy, having

brought Onisha to this sorry state?” Continuing, he said, “You

dictators are all the same – blinded by your own importance! You

make me sick!”

With the twirl of a hand, Miafra conjured a small cloud that hovered

stationary, inches above the floor. Slowly ever so slowly, the cloud

altered, taking on the appearance of an intricate, highly detailed

dagger, the same instrument he had used with such deadly force

dispatching the Brotherhood of Mystics in the not-so-distant past.

The ethereal image drifted towards Nott…

Sliding back the hood of his cloak, Miafra revealed his face to the

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Outlander. In the eerie light, his dark skin, shaven head and jet-black

eyes terrified Nott.

Halting mere inches away from Nott, the floating dagger awaited

Miafra’s command. Speaking, he said, “Nott, I won’t say it has been

a pleasure knowing you, because that is no so. Like a thorn irritating

the foot of a lion, you have been a pain to me. That, however, is all

that you were – an irritation. Before I despatch you to your maker,”

he said mockingly, “have you a last request?”

This threat to his very existence left Nott in no doubt that he had

nothing to lose if he tried something reckless, with everything to gain

if he happened to succeed. Sidestepping the floating dagger, lunging

at the emperor with all of his might, taking him completely by

surprise, he knocked him to the floor. “The only request I have, is for

you to go to hell,” he yelled, biffing him one.

The difference in size between emperor and Outlander put Nott at a

distinct disadvantage. Although ruffled, Miafra soon regained the

upper hand. Counterattacking, he landed a litany of cruel punches,

hard kicks and spiteful slaps upon the little Outlander. Wiping a

trickle of blood away from the side of his mouth, caused by one of

Nott’s rare punches that had found its target, Miafra ordered him to

get up.

Standing up, Nott felt every blow Miafra had landed. Preparing to

meet his maker, to go with some dignity, he picked up his hat.

Donning it, straightening his tie, and then closing his eyes, he truly

believed that his time was all gone.

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The deadly dagger, drifting closer and closer, stopped, halted mere

inches from his throat. Swallowing hard, making ready for the

sharpest cut of all, Nott, peculiarly, felt nothing. Behind him,

however, pandemonium broke out…

Concealed by the archway, Kakuri and Wot had witnessed the entire

fight. Needing a minute or two in order to formulate the Mystical

Rhyme required to summon Umahia, Wot had taken full advantage

of Nott’s mêlée with Miafra. Having found the words, he said:

“The time is here the time is now,

The time to stand and fight,

Umahia, we need you here right now,

To face Miafra’s might.

Oh hear my cry my plead to you,

Your time has come, you see,

Join us beneath the room of thought,

Come; set Onisha free.”

Opening his eyes, seeing the ethereal dagger vanish, melt into

nothingness, Nott intended to take full advantage of the opportunity

this offered. The pandemonium breaking out all around him was in

fact the arrival of Umahia. With an almighty thunderclap,

accompanied by a flash of dazzlingly bright light, the Mystic

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appeared. Within the confines of the room, this made for an

incredibly spectacular entrance. The old Mystic, Umahia, knowing it

was going to be the fight of his life, wanted to dispel as much of the

Darkness as possible. The tremendous force of his spectacular

entrance, encountering the thousands of glow-worms lining the

walls, caused their light intensity to increase exponentially. Soon it

shone so bright Wot, Nott and Kakuri had to shield their eyes from it.

Returning to the archway, sheltering behind it, they watched with

baited breath to see what happened next.

Unable to contain his excitement, Nott let out a cheer when the old

mystic fully materialised.

“Be quiet,” Kakuri warned. “Don’t distract him.”

Paying no attention to them, Umahia, unmoving and silent, faced

down his nemesis, Miafra. The two Mystics, one representing Light,

and the other one Darkness, appeared for all aims and purposes little

more than statues.

“I can’t see anything,” Nott grumbled. “That light is cutting the eyes

out of me.”

“Nor can I, old friend,” said Wot, “This is his time, not ours, so let it


After what seemed like an eternity, Miafra began to speak, he said,

“You should have remained hidden, old Mystic. Your time has

passed; your old ways finished. It is I, myself, who is now in


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“In control?” Umahia replied. “In control of what? Death and


“You don’t see anything, old man,” Miafra continued. “Your eyes are


“My eyes are more open now than at any time previous,” he retorted.

“It is your eyes, and your eyes alone that are shut. Everything

screams STOP, but you are so caught up in your lies, your rhetoric,

you actually believe it.”

Miafra, silent and brooding, basking in his surreptitious splendour,

offered no reply. Catching hold of his cloak, he turned away from

Umahia as if in retreat, then spinning around again, his free hand

open and extended, he sent a million dark crystals hurtling towards


For a man of so great an age Umahia avoided the crystals with

surprising dexterity. Striking the wall hard, the crystals interrupted

the light of the insects. A rippling effect, black and white, black and

white, resembling a Mexican Wave, radiated around the room.

Entwined in the fight of his life, Umahia hardly noticed it. Defending

himself against Miafra’s second wave of attack, he avoided, though

with less of a margin for safety. Umahia knew it was only a matter of

time until some of the black crystals struck him. As if to emphasise

this point a few of the crystals smashed into his cloak, disappearing

into the depths of the Unfolding Universe therein.

Seeing this, Nott wondered where they had gone. The battle between

Light and Darkness, however, cracking up a notch, caught his

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attention again. As more black crystals struck the wall hard, another

Mexican Wave danced its way around the circular room.

Whilst attempting to compose, a third wave of attack struck Umahia

hard. This time almost all the crystals, finding their mark, entered the

darkness of the Unfolding Universe within his robe. Some of the

black crystals, striking Umahia’s exposed flesh, passed into his body.

The band of three, although watching with a growing concern, was

unable to assist him.

Miafra’s black crystal attack took Umahia by surprise. Although he

fully realised the danger he was in, he had no idea of the damage

they might do to his body or robes. Catching hold of his robes,

briefly inspecting it, Umahia was shocked to see the vista, the vision

of the Unfolding Universe, changed into a grey, paltry two-

dimensional facsimile of the original.

“Old man,” Miafra gloated, “you are no match for me. Give up

before I destroy you completely.”

“Give up?” Umahia answered. “I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!”

“Then I will crush you out of existence, you foolish old man.”

The old Mystic bowed to Miafra. Taking it as a sign that he was

giving up, surrendering, Miafra said, “So, you have come to your

senses at last.”

The self-satisfied smile on his face, however, vanished when Umahia

vanished from sight.

Miafra was livid. The room shook with his anger. Turning his

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attention to the band of three, he sent a volley of black crystals

hurtling towards them.

“Look out!” Kakuri warned, pushing the two Outlanders out of its

path. This brave, unselfish act, however, placed Kakuri in the path of

the approaching crystals. One of them, finding its mark, struck her

on the shoulder. In the same way as the others had disappeared into

the old Mystic’s skin, this one did likewise with her. Doubling up in

pain, falling to the floor, she wondered how the old man, Umahia,

whom the black crystals had struck so much more than her, was still

capable of standing let alone fighting for his life.

“Come on, Wot!” said Nott. “Let’s make a run for it!”

“What about Kakuri?” he asked, worried for her.”We can’t abandon

her, not again!”

“We must!” Nott insisted. “There is no other way.”

Felling incredibly guilty, following him out of the room, Wot

abandoned Kakuri to an uncertain fate…

“So, my pretty lady, it is just you and me,” said Miafra, sickly, sweet,

insincerely. “You, an Onishian, should have known better than to

defy me. Like your Outlander friends, you are at nothing against

me.” Reeling from the effects of the black crystal entering her body,

powerless to stand up let alone fight, Kakuri edged away from


“Umahia cannot protect you,” Miafra said gloatingly. “He has

disappeared, gone. He has shown his true colours, that of a coward.”

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raising his arms, supporting his cloak with his gloved hands, Miafra

exposed the hidden, inner recesses of his Mystic Garment to


Unlike Umahia’s robes, where the Magic and Mysticism were

evident from the outside, the qualities of Miafra’s robes lay hidden

beneath its plain exterior. However, now that it he had opened it,

exposed her to its temptations, Kakuri was increasingly beguiled.

She tried to resist, though, she really tried not to look into his robes,

but its powers were so strong, so oppressive, they tugged and tugged

and tugged, telling, daring her to look. She peeked; she glanced into

his robes, and its beguiling promises. No match for the cloak’s dark

spell, it caught her, ensnared her within its evil embrace.

Whispering delightfully, Miafra said, “Come closer, my dear. Look

further into my robes and enjoy its dark Mystical embrace.”

Gazing into the Dark interior, Kakuri felt its mind numbing coldness

overwhelming her. She tried to struggle against it, she really did, but

the black crystals had weakened her so much she was at nothing

against it. Then, slowly, ever so slowly her chi began to separate

from her body. Her legs giving way, buckling under her, Kakuri fell

to the floor…

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Chapter Six

The Return of Umahia – and Disaster.Before Kakuri’s beautiful young body touched the hard floor,

invisible hands, cosseting her, lowered her gently onto it. Looking up

in her pain, Kakuri thought she saw Umahia’s face gazing down at

her, his piercing blue eyes offering hope. She had no sooner seen (or

imagined) this when the painful effect of Miafra’s Dark cloak eased.

However, although the pain had diminished considerably, she was

too weak to stand let alone try to fight. Noticing the invisible help,

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Miafra instantly knew Umahia had a hand in it. “Old man, I know

you are here!” he bellowed. “Show yourself and fight!”

Although so different from Miafra, Umahia, in full agreement with

what Miafra had said, reappeared. “You are right, Miafra,” he said,

“This is indeed the time and the place. There shall be only the one

victor, and for the sake of all I hold dear, it must be me!”

“Brave words, old man,” Miafra answered, “but words are not

enough. I grow weary of this, away with you.” With that, he

stretched out his hand, sending a stream of silver stars speeding

towards him. Reaching Umahia, they encircled him.

Attempting to walk through the circle of stares, an intense burning

pain raked through Umahia’s body. It took all his willpower to

remain conscious. Were it not for the stars encircling, holding him

upright, he might easily have fallen.

“Hah, so the Grand Mystic is in pain,” Miafra laughed. “My heart

goes out to you. How does it feel, to be helpless, so?” he taunted.

Although in excruciating pain, Umahia defiantly stared down his

nemesis. Despite putting on a brave face, though, he knew Miafra

was right, that he was helpless against him. Moreover, he had no idea

how to escape the encirclement of stars.

Still gloating, basking in his success, his easy triumph over the

Grand Mystic, Miafra was in no hurry to finish him off. He wanted

to enjoy the moment, so he could remember it for years to come.

Strolling around Umahia, he said, “So, this is how it finishes, on a

whimper. I am so disappointed. I thought you better than that. You

are indeed too old.”

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That was exactly how Umahia felt, old and useless. Struggling,

trying to get free of the encirclement of stars, another more painful

wave of pain assailed him.

“You won’t learn, will you?” said Miafra. “Can’t you see it is over,

that your time has gone?”

Struggling some more, Umahia was rewarded by more excruciating

pain attacking his already weakened body. The old Mystic was

deteriorating rapidly, his legs unable to support him, yet unable to

buckle, because of the encirclement of stars. He tried to speak; his

words were faint, incredibly faint.

Paying no attention to what he was trying to say, Miafra basked in

his perceived glory. However, the faint words, escaping the

encirclement of stars, drifted upwards to the floor above.

Like the sound of distant drums floating on a breeze, the faint

verbalisations entered Wot’s ears. “Nott!” he cried out. “I can hear


“Hear who?”

“Umahia!” he answered, pointing down. “He’s in trouble, big

trouble! He needs our help!”

Confused, Nott said, “It was supposed to be his fight, was it not?

That was the whole point of calling him here!” Seeing him walk

away from him, he said, “Hey, where are you going?”

“To help him, of course,” he answered, descending the steps once


Running after him, Nott called, “hey, wait for me!”

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On entering the antechamber, the Outlanders saw Kakuri lying so

still upon the hard floor. “Is she dead?” Nott whispered

Approaching her, feeling for a pulse, Wot answered, “She is alive.

For now, I think it is best if we leave her here.” Pointing to the red-

bricked room, he said, “We have more pressing matters to deal


Gazing into the room, the carnage within shocked them. “We must

do something to help Umahia,” Nott whispered. “And quick!”

Miafra was so intent on maximising his enjoyment of Umahia’s

defeat he never noticed the Outlander’s return. This gave them

another window of opportunity to exploit. Thinking fast, Nott

grabbed hold of the bag Umahia had given Kakuri. Handing it to

Wot, he said, “Here, this might be of some help”

Peering into the bag, Wot marvelled at the vista of the Unfolding

Universe therein. “It’s the same as Umahia’s robes,” he said. Delving

a hand in, he searched for something, anything to save Umahia from

the lunatic, Miafra. Withdrawing his hand, he said, “We’re in luck.”

“What did you find?” Nott asked. Smiling, Wot showed him two

golden globes. “Try again,” said Nott, “you might find some more.”

Although Wot searched the bag’s inner recesses, he found nothing

else. “No,” he said, “that’s all there is. Two is the number.”

With a hand outstretched, Nott said, “Give me one of them.”

“No,” Wot answered, holding them rightly, “I have something else

planned for you.

“I have a feeling that I’m not going to like what I hear,” Nott

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grumbled. Wot described his little plan to his friend…

Minutes later, Wot asked, “Are you ready?”

Although wishing he had one of the golden globes, Nott answered, “I


“Go on, then.”

Gulping hard, dashing into the red brick room, Nott stood between

Miafra and Umahia. Shouting at Miafra, he said, “You are a despot,

and a bad one at that! You make me sick, you old fart!” After venting

his anger, changing his tactics, Nott ran around the room with all the

speed he could muster.

The stupidity of his endeavours surprised Miafra no end. Laughing

as Nott ran around in ever-decreasing circles, he said, “You are such

a stupid Outlander. I have no idea how you managed to get this far.

Moreover, as to why you think running around like a squealing pig

can possibly help you is beyond me. Whatever it is, though, it will do

you no good, no good at all.”

If Miafra had taken the time to think about it, he might have

concluded that Nott was stalling, buying time, so Wot could make

good his aim. On Nott’s fourth lap of the room, Wot saw his

opportunity. Springing up from his place of concealment, hurling the

golden globes at the two Mystics, he belly flopped aside.

The first globe, striking Miafra, exploded in his face, blinding him.

The second globe, striking the encirclement of stars surrounding

Umahia, blew it apart. The stars, shooting in all directions, struck the

walls and ceiling of the room, creating another Mexican Wave, black

and white, black and white, around it. When it had subsided, though,

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the glow from the worms began to fade. Freed from the grip of the

stars, Umahia’s legs gave way, and he fell hard to the floor. Helping

him up, Wot and Nott asked, “Are you okay?”

The old Mystic mumbled a few garbled words by way of reply.

When they got him to his feet, Umahia said, “Hand me the bag –


“The bag?” Nott asked. “Oh, you mean Kakuri’s bag!”

“Here it is,” said Wot, handing it to Umahia.

Umahia grabbed hold of the bag as if he might never let go. At the

instant, he touched the mystical material he was well again. Standing

proud and erect, re-energised, he inspected his robe. It was alive

again, displaying the Unfolding Universe in all of its glory.

“Wow!” Nott exclaimed. “Now that’s impressive!”

Nodding his agreement, Wot kept a watchful eye on Miafra who

appeared to be shaking off the effects of the explosion.

“We have a battle to finish,” Umahia confidently declared.

“And a war to be won,” Nott added.

Turning round to face his nemesis, the sound of confused speaking

distracted Umahia. “Who is that?” he asked.

“It’s Kakuri,” Wot told him. “She is regaining consciousness; she is

going to be alright.

“Ah, the fair Kakuri,” Umahia mused.

This small distraction, however, came at precisely the wrong

moment. His vision having returned, Miafra, taking full advantage of

Umahia’s distraction, attacked him with all of his Mystical might at

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his disposal. With arms outstretched, sending flames, smoke and

burning bright fire screaming towards Umahia, Miafra laughed


Despite the ferocious attack upon the Grand Mystic being so close to

them, the Outlanders and Kakuri were unharmed by it. When the

tremendous force found its target, the Grand Mystic, it wrecked a

deadly revenge, smiting him down. Watching, in sheer disbelief, Wot

and Nott were speechless with shock. Sporting an expression of

bewildered surprise, Umahia, dropping the bag, fell to the floor quite





Chapter Seven


_____The small amount of light still emitting from the glow-worms

suddenly failed. Instead of being enswathed by darkness, though, a

new source of light entered the room. This light, however, indicated

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a bigger problem outside.

“Shaking with fright, Nott asked, “What’s happened?”

“I, I don’t know,” Wot answered. “Whatever it is, I doubt that it’s


Kneeling by Umahia, lying prostrate on the hard, cold floor, Nott

began crying. Tugging at him, he refused to accept that he was dead.

Retrieving the bag the old Mystic had dropped, Nott patted in

comfortingly. It was soft to the touch. Stuffing it into a pocket,

wiping away his tears, he said, “This wasn’t supposed to happen…

He was supposed to win… We were supposed to win. What are we

going to do? I am so afraid.”

Also unwilling to believe that Umahia was dead, Wot lifted one of

his hands. It was heavy and lifeless. Lost for anything meaningful to

say, he knelt there, silent and unmoving.

Having plenty to say, Miafra said, “Look at me, see how I have


In their grief, the Outlanders had forgotten about Miafra. Standing

up, facing him, they saw that he had indeed changed. He had grown

taller, much taller. Moreover, he was radiating a red fiery glow.

Peculiarly, although Miafra glowed red, he also glowed black, as

black as coal. Seeing these changes, the fear of god consumed the

two friends.

“I have changed into something quite different,” said Miafra. “Along

with my own powers I now have those of Umahia. He wasted them.

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He never used more than a fraction of their potential, so frightened

was he of their Dark, hidden side. There is a Yin for every Yan. It is

something he chose to ignore. Having no such qualms, my plan in


“How do you make that out?” Nott dared to ask.

“Don’t you see?” Miafra asked, laughing at his naivety. “Time is no

more! I have won! And you, you have lost!”

“I don’t believe it!” Nott yelled defiantly.

“Then you are even more stupid than I thought, little man,” he

answered contemptuously. Gazing down at the pitiful figure standing

in front of him, Miafra continued. “When Umahia, the ‘Grand

Mystic,’ breathed his last, the final part of my plan came to fruition,

stopping time – forever.”

“But, but the Axis of Perpetual Time – you can’t touch it!” said Nott,

aghast at what he was hearing. “And the chi of the people – they got

them back! This must mean something, or all that we have fought for

has been for nothing!”

“They are but minor details that I can remedy at my leisure,” Miafra

replied, enjoying his moment triumph. “When I have resolved them,

I will be unstoppable!” His crazy-mad laughter, permeating the

room, shook it to its foundations. The glow-worms, falling away

from the walls and the ceiling, showered them in a rain of dead


His grey matter buzzing, alive with activity, Wot felt – believed –

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there still was some hope. You see, he heard something. It just a

word, one small word, but enough to set his brain spinning into

overdrive. Miafra had said WHEN. He said when he resolved those

issues he would be unstoppable. That meant they still had a chance

to win. Realising this, Wot’s heart beat excitedly – with hope.

Opening his mind, seeking words, any words to help him stop the

madman, Miafra, Wot dared hope they might win. ‘What if I am

wrong?” he thought, doubt suddenly entering his mind. ‘What if time

has permanently stopped?’ Pushing these doubts aside, he listened to

the words, the interesting, elusive words entering his brain. Unlike

previously, when they had streamed fast and furious, this time it was

different. This time they were alive. This time they were using him.

Moreover, in a few short minutes, the words, the alive and kicking

words, had taken him over, making him more than one. With

renewed courage, an ancient courage of times gone by, of battles

fought and won, Wot began to change. Showing absolutely no fear,

he stepped out from the shadows, confronting Miafra head on.

Belly laughing at another seemingly futile gesture, Miafra glowered

contemptuously at him.

Unperturbed, Wot scowled by way of return.

In a fiery fury, Miafra hurled a viscous attack screaming towards the

upstart Outlander. Although the changes in Wot were ongoing,

Miafra was blind to them. However, when his viscous attack faded,

disappeared into nothingness before it could harm Wot, Miafra was

puzzled. Wot was also puzzled.

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From out of his outstretched, open hand, Miafra hurled another

viscous attack at his opponent. Wot effortlessly evaded it. The cruel

attack, ricocheting off the wall, struck the ceiling, blasting a hole

through to the floor above. An eerie light streamed into the circular

chamber. Sensing something was awry, Miafra twirled his cloak

around his fiery red body. Levitating from the floor, he exited the

room through the blasted out hole in the ceiling.

“You never cease to amaze me,” said Nott. “How on earth did you

manage to do that?” Without giving Wot time to reply, Nott

continued, “You know, you somehow look different. I can’t put my

finger on it, but you’ve changed.”

Wot knew this was true, that he had changed. Moreover, he believed

that another person was inside him. “That’s silly,” he whispered to

himself. “How can someone be inside me?” Pushing those thoughts

aside, he said, “How is Kakuri faring?”

“Hang on, I’ll go take a look,” Nott answered. Kneeling beside her,

he said, “How are you?” Kakuri answered with a few garbled words.

Placing his hat under her head, as a pillow, he said, “Stay here and

rest, Kakuri.”

Returning, Nott said, “She is dazed and confused. She is better off

left where she is, resting. Come; we have a battle to win.”

“It’s not only the battle, my friend, it’s the entire war,” Wot answered

thoughtfully, strangely. “A war I fought long ago, that I thought I had


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“Pardon, what did you say?” Nott asked, confused by it.

“I fought this battle, before,” Wot explained. “Five hundred years

ago, I fought the very same war, and I won it.” Scratching his head,

pondering what he had just said, Wot said, “I realise how absurd that

sounds, but it’s true!”

“It sounds daft,” said Nott, screwing up his face, confused and


Speaking again, Wot said, “You looked at me...a while ago.”

“I did.”

“You said I looked different, that I had somehow changed.”

“It’s true, you do look different.”

“That is how I feel – different – as if I am two. It’s like there is

something inside me, an entity,” Wot explained.

“Entity?” Nott asked. “What sort of an entity?”

“I am the ether of Merlin,” Wot said, quite amazed that he had said


“Merlin?” Nott asked, thinking he heard wrong.

“I am the spirit of Merlin,” Wot explained. “Many years ago, after

the defeat the last emperor, I made a promise. As an honorary

member of the Brotherhood of Mystics, I vowed that I would fight

the powers of Darkness for all time. Because I am no longer in the

physical realm, I have been waiting, watching until your friend,

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whose body I now borrow, was ready to accept my presence.

Umahia’s death allowed me to enter him.”

“If you are really the spirit of Merlin,” said Nott, “surely you come

from Earth, not here!”

“Earth, yes, but also Onisha,” he replied. “You already know that our

worlds occupy the same space, separated only by the dimensional

barrier. In my time, the route between Earth and Onisha was open.

Our worlds were as one. In effect, I am from Earth-Onisha.”

“But you are dead!” said Nott, pressing him further.

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are

dreamt of in your philosophy,” Merlin strangely replied.

“Wot used those very same words,” said Nott. “If you are Merlin,

then where is Wot?”

“He is inside, slumbering. When next he awakes, he will understand

all that I am.” With that, Wot’s eyes, although physically open,

opened again. Awakening, he understood what he had become.

Speaking, they said, “Miafra has escaped. He will be planning anew.

We must act fast!” Twirling a hand, he drew Nott towards him, then,

levitating, they exited the room via blasted out hole in the ceiling.

Landing safely outside, they searched for Miafra. Although the

monochromatic effect Miafra’s designs had imposed upon the land

were still present, the eerie glow that began when Umahia died was

beginning to overpower it. Strangely, there was no sign of anything

living, not even an insect. The storm clouds, also changed, were

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ghostlike luminescence in an unmoving black sky. There was not a

breath of wind or a sound to be heard – anywhere.

“This is spooky,” Nott whispered, afraid to say it any louder, “very

spooky indeed.”

“Time has been interrupted,” said Wot/Merlin. “We must act!”

“What can we do?” Nott asked, uncomfortable addressing two

people sharing the one body.

“The next part of the battle is for us,” they replied. “Nott, hide

yourself!” hey warned.

“From what?” he asked. “I can’t see Miafra.”

“He is close… closer than you think,” they replied. “Be off with


“Where shall I hide?” he asked, looking about him.

“See that alcove?” they said, pointing to a section of wall a short

distance away. “You will be safe there. Stay out of sight until we


This treatment, as if he was an insignificant part of the team, made

Nott reluctant to obey orders. However, with a twirl of the hand, they

magically pushed Nott, slipping and sliding, towards the alcove.

“He gets a few new powers,” Nott grumbled, “and all he can do is

push me around.” Sitting under the alcove, he remembered happier


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Chapter Eight

A Fusing of MindsWith the fight of their lives imminent, time was imperative. They

had to find Miafra – and fast. Although Wot had a trump card,

namely Merlin’s knowledge and magic, as his disposal, Miafra also

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had a trump card. With the combined powers of Light and Darkness

at Miafra’s command, Wot (with the spirit of Merlin within) had to

be careful, very careful indeed.

Speaking, Merlin said, “He is here. I can feel it.”

“Where is he?” Wot asked.

“I, I don’t know,” he admitted. “It has been many a long year since

we fought… Perhaps my senses have faded.”

“Mine haven’t!” said Nott, from under the alcove. I also ate from

that tree of Knowledge and Wisdom, you know! If you allowed me

to help, I might be able to work out where he is.”

“Sorry, old friend,” Wot apologised, seeing the error of his ways.

“I’m really sorry. We need all the help we can get. I should never

have treated you, so.” He beckoned Nott to come join them.

“That’s more like it,” said Nott, feeling important again. “In case you

have forgotten I did find our way across Onisha, from Ogbo Island to

Gandu Point, then here.”

“All right, you’ve made your point,” said Wot. “Can you help us

find Miafra?”

Feeling vindicated, Nott settled down, trying to work out where the

evil man had gone. He had no sooner begun thinking when a force

threw him high into the air. Returning heavily to ground, he rubbed

his aching soreness.

“Are you alright?” asked Merlin.”

Helping Nott to his feet, Wot asked, “What happened?”

Still rubbing his soreness, listening to two voices addressing him

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from the same body, Nott wondered if it was happening at all, or was

it only a bad dream, an incredibly bad dream. Adding to his state of

confusion was the picture he had just seen in his mind’s eye. “Am I

alright?” he said mockingly. “Do any of us know what’s right or

wrong, Horatio?”

“Horatio?” Merlin asked. “I think the man is suffering from the

knock he received.”

“If you had only seen what I saw!” Nott exclaimed. “It was


“What did you see?” One of them asked.

Because he found it so off-putting, talking to two people in the one

body, Nott suggested that from there on he addressed neither of them

by name. Returning to the question, he said, “The view, of course. I

could see for miles.”

“The view?”

“Yes, the view,” he insisted. “I was up – high!”

“In the sky?”

“No, no! I was sitting down!”

“On what?”

“I’m not sure… Was it grass?”

“Grass?” they asked.

“I was up high, yet also close by.”

“Was it copper?” Merlin asked, thinking out of the box.

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“Copper? Why copper?”

“It acquires a green patina, with age.”

Looking up to the Dome, the Green Dome of the Citadel of

Composure, they saw someone perched atop it, a person of a red and

black fiery appearance. Miafra instantly knew they had spotted him.

Glowering defiantly, he laughed mockingly at them.

“Look!” said Nott, pointing skyward, “It was he, Miafra, who hurled

me through the air – I am sure of it.”

“Take it easy,” said Wot. “You’ve done your bit, now it’s our turn.

Keep an eye out, though, in case we have need of you,” he added.

As they rose from the ground, heading for the green dome, Nott

wished them luck. “God speed,” he said, waving goodbye.

Their ascent to the dome was slow. It was Merlin’s idea, to frustrate

Miafra. “A frustrated man can make mistakes,” he said. Their slow

ascent to the dome had another purpose, to offer Wot the time he

needed to ingest Merlin’s age-old knowledge. In order to work

seamlessly with Merlin, Wot had to understand how he defeated the

last emperor. Because Miafra had no idea Merlin was there, they

wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible, thus keeping the


Seeing the approaching Outlander, Miafra laughed at him. With a

casual turn of a hand, he sent fire and brimstone raining down on

them. Raising his arms skyward, without bothering to look, to see if

the fiery deluge found its mark, Miafra, spinning around and around

atop the pinnacle of the holiest of buildings in Onisha, glorifying in

his creation, liked what he saw…

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Working in tandem, Merlin and Wot evaded the fiery threat raining

down on them quite easily. A mere twirl of a hand protected them

from it. As they approached the Dome of the People, Wot’s brain

started to ache terribly. Absorbing Merlin’s life-leanings at so great a

speed taxed it to the hilt. He felt dizzy. Ignoring the pain and the

dizziness, he kept the channel open, the melding of minds…

The fire and brimstone that they easily avoided posed a considerable

threat to Nott waiting patiently below. Running for cover, he dived

into the alcove. He had no sooner entered it, than the fiery deluge

struck the rain-soaked ground. A particularly large chunk of

brimstone landed where he was standing only seconds earlier. At

first, the ferocious heat of the brimstone was neutralised by the

water-soaked ground, but such was the intensity of the fiery rain it

had dried the ground within minutes. Edging further under the

alcove, Nott nervously watched the brimstone and ash accumulating


Although the fire and brimstone was still falling around them, Merlin

and Wot, unaffected by it, continued to rise.

Speaking quietly, calmly, dangerously, Miafra created a spell to stop

the interfering Outlander from reaching him.

As Merlin and Wot continued to rise, thinking it plain sailing to the

summit, Miafra’s spell took effect. “What’s happening?” said Wot. “I

feel strange, confused!”

“This is not right!” said Merlin, also struggling against the effects of

Miafra’s spell.

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“You’re telling me,” said Wot. “I feel weird, as if everything’s

changed!” Looking down at his friend, he said, “Although I can see

Nott, and know that he’s down there, I feel as if I could reach out and

touch him. Merlin, can you understand what I am saying and


Merlin, however, remained silent.

“It’s like distance has no meaning,” Wot went on.

“Yes,” said Merlin, when he finally answered him. “I can feel it. The

last emperor subjected me to a similar unreality hex. Miafra’s powers

are much stronger than his were, making it all the more difficult to


Cocking his head over to one side, listening, Wot said, “It’s the same

with sound! I can barely hear the falling brimstone, yet I can hear it

so loud it hurts my ears! Merlin, what is Miafra doing to me?” He

felt incredibly awkward, confiding in someone occupying his body.

It was an even stranger feeling when his lips moved, answering his

questions. As if that was not enough for him to contend with, Miafra

was attacking him with an unreality spell. “Space,” he cried out.

“Why is there so little space?”

Realising the Outlander was suffering from Miafra’s dark spell far

more than he was, Merlin tried to bolster Wot’s defences.

“I feel like I am an ant that is about to be trodden on,” said Wot.

“That my life, and the reality I know and hold dear, will soon be

gone, as if I never was!” Wot tried to look up to the dome, but found

it impossible. “My life will have passed; gone in an instant, with

nothing to show I was ever here. Help me, Merlin, help me!”

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Unbeknownst to Wot, Merlin was already helping him. Having

channelled his mystic power away from protecting their physical

bodies from the fiery, falling substances, to protecting them from

Miafra’s unreality spell, he was using every strand of his power to

break it. “Hold on, Wot,” said Merlin. “Hold on for another few

minutes. “I will get you through this!”

Fighting the demons invading his head, Wot said, “I’ll try.” As he

waited, the fiery substances fell closer and closer to the Outlander

who was secretly two…

Wot had no idea what Merlin was doing, his only interest being that

it worked – and quickly. Struggling, trying to stop his mind from

splitting apart, he glanced upwards, to Miafra perched high on the

dome. In doing this one small act, focussing his entire attention on

Miafra, Wot clawed his way back from the brink, and his mind began

to clear.

Suddenly, one of the fiery particles struck Wot a glancing blow,

leaving sticky, burning daubs attached to his clothing. Alarmed by

the brimstone he panicked, and with that Miafra’s unreality spell

kicked in again.

Speaking through Wot’s quivering lips, Merlin said, “Look up! Look

up! Keep focused! We are almost there!”

Despite his fears, Wot looked up and realised he was at the base of

the green coloured dome. Having reached their objective, reality

returned. It was only then did he realise the nature of Merlin’s

counter-attack, focussing his mind on their objective, thus freeing

him. “Thanks, Merlin,” he said gratefully. “I really mean it.”

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Reaching the dome, however, was only the beginning. Addressing

them, Miafra said, “So, you think you can fool me with your

levitation and cheap tricks? I know you have received some help. I

have no idea from who it might be. It makes no different, though, for

soon you will die!”

Stepping onto the ledge, skirting base of the dome, Merlin and Wot

never answered him. Because Miafra was sussing out their trump

card, they erred on the side of caution.

“Come up here and join me, Outlander,” said Miafra. “Stand with me

atop the Dome of the People. Pray tell me how your small friend is

faring, and why he has not joined us on so glorious a day.” Miafra

waved a hand, presenting the landscape below. “Watch your step,

though,” he warned mockingly. “It’s a long way to fall.”

Standing at the base of the dome, Wot realised how large it actually

was. It was huge, with Miafra, some distance above, standing atop it.

Rather than giving the game away too soon by using their magical

powers, Merlin and Wot ascended the dome by foot. At first, because

of the steep incline at the base of the dome, it was mostly by hand.

Reaching up, grabbing hold of one of the many handles built into the

surface of the dome, Merlin and Wot inched their way up.

Reaching the top of the dome, they abandoned the grab handles.

Standing straight and erect, Merlin and Wot, less than twenty feet

away from Miafra, stared him down. Looking deep into Miafra’s

eyes, Wot saw the black of his soul, and it scared him.

Speaking telepathically to Wot, Merlin told him about the Darkness.

“It controls and corrupts everything it touches,” he said. He also

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reminded him that Miafra had both Light and Darkness at his

disposal. Standing atop the dome, Outlander and emperor, daring the

other to strike first, waited, waited.

Although he wanted so bad to get it over with, Wot held back from

making the first move. “Patience, my friend,” Merlin whispered. “He

is toying with you.”

“Outlander,” Miafra boomed. “From this high vantage point I can

see for miles across my Summerland. Look, look around you,” he

went on, “does it not fill you with wonder?”

“With wonder?” Wot asked. “Yes, it does fill me with wonder –

wonder why you ever chose to do it!”

Staring, black-eyed, deep into Wot, Miafra thought he saw

something. “There is something about you that has changed… It has

made you confidently more Mystic… I still don’t understand just

what it is. Mark my word, I will work it out.” After staring even

more intently at him, as if trying to do exactly what he had promised,

Miafra said, “You wonder why I have done this, made this

Summerland?” He waved a hand, presenting his creation for Wot’s

perusal. “This is just the beginning,” he went on, “in the here and

now, what some might call Hell.” Hearing this, Wot’s heart skipped a

beat, and he almost lost his footing. Unconcerned for Wot’s safety,

Miafra said, “Hell was banished into the Nether World, the

Neverworld for too long. You will not deny me it any longer. This is

the time for Darkness, and those who support it.”

If Wot had still believed there was some goodness, somewhere deep

down within Miafra, he abandoned the thought, then. “I won’t lower

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myself, answering that,” he replied. Whispering, Merlin warned him

that Miafra was about to strike. Even with this forewarning, Miafra’s

attack took Wot by surprise. A volley of pure evil came hurtling

towards him, striking Wot hard in the chest, sending him flying

though the air, away from the dome, falling, falling. Landing him

gently upon the brimstone-covered ground, the quick thinking ether

of Merlin saved him from certain death. Seeing Nott, secreted under

the alcove, with the fire and brimstone growing higher and higher,

trapping him there, Wot tried to go help.

“Leave me be,” said Nott. “I’ll be okay, I have a plan. Get back up

there. Go on – go!” he insisted.

“Are you sure?” he asked, eying the brimstone, with concern.

“Yes, of course,” he insisted. “Go, go get Miafra!”

Reluctantly abandoning his friend, they began their ascent to the


Although he had insisted Wot leave him, Nott’s heart sank. When he

told him he had a plan, Nott lied. “A plan, yes, that’s just what I

need,” he said. Rummaging through his pockets, for anything he

could use to help him escape his predicament (brimstone and ash

burying him alive), Nott felt the Kakuri’s bag. Pulling it out of his

pocket, he inspected it. The material was but a shadow of its former

appearance. Loosening the cord at its top, he opened it and peered

inside. The visage of the Unfolding Universe was in chaos. Planets

were colliding with planets, stars fading, and the wonderful, magical

three-dimensional effect that described it, diminishing.

“If this bag, along with Umahia’s cloak, represents reality and life as

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we know it, we are in big trouble,” Nott whispered. Putting this

thought to one side (at least for the moment), he tried to work out

how he might use the bag to set himself free. Although he had seen

nothing inside (except the pandemonium of the imploding Universe,

that is), Nott delved a hand into the bag, hoping against hope to find

something of use therein. At first, he found nothing. Undeterred, he

delved ever deeper into its hidden recesses. One of his fingers

touched something. He felt it for only an instant, though, before it

was gone, but he had touched something. Searching, desperately

seeking to locate it again, he delved deeper, ever deeper into the bag.

Feeling, touching it again, he grabbed hold of it and ever so carefully

withdrew his hand from the bag. “Phew,” he said, wiping his

sweating brow. “I thought I had lost it.”

Opening his hand, Nott inspected the item, a small, silver whistle.

Plain in construction, it gave nothing away as to what help, if any, it

might be. “Perhaps, if I blow it, Kakuri will hear,” he said.

“Hopefully, she will know how to get me out of this mess.” With

nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain, Nott blew into the whistle.

However, he heard nothing, not one single, solitary note escaped it.

He tried again, but not a sound came out of the whistle. Thinking it

might be blocked he gave it a shake, but still nothing. Going over it

in fine detail, he inspected it for defects. There were not any. He was

at a loss for a reason why it did not work. It was in perfect working

order as far as he was concerned. Blowing it a third time, as hard as

he possibly could, he was bitterly disappointed when yet again

nothing happened.

“Why isn’t it working?” he grumbled, just as a horrible thought

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entered his mind. “What if it’s a dog-whistle?” Having experienced,

first-hand, how angry dogs of the humpy-backed kind can become,

he whispered, “God, I hope I haven’t called one of those things.”

Looking nervously about, he said, “Dogs and me just don’t seem to

agree.” Unwilling to tempt fate any further, he deposited the whistle

into a pocket, as some more fiery pieces struck the hot ground.

Not far away a dragonfly was resting, a very large dragonfly indeed.

As part of their back-up plan, Wot had instructed the insect to be at

the ready, in case they had need of it. Nott most definitely had need

of it. As an incredibly high-pitched whistle invaded its ears, the

dragonfly stirred. When the same high-pitched whistle sounded a

second time, the insect beat its wings furiously. When the third

whistle sounded, the dragonfly flew up and away towards the city of


Rising faster this time, Merlin and Wot had the emperor set in their

sights. Having thrown the first stone, Miafra was fair game. With the

gloves were well and truly off, Wot actually looked forward to it.

Looking forward to it, though, also worried him, because that was

not how he operated. Reaching the dome, their senses clicking into

overdrive, Merlin and Wot stepped onto the ledge at its base.

“Look with all of your senses,” Merlin whispered. Heeding the

words of advice, Wot sensed Miafra ready to strike. He sensed that

Miafra had, secreted behind his back, a large, fiery globe, set ready

to hurl at him. Concentrating their combined mental energies, Merlin

and Wot attacked their opponent. With an almighty snapping sound,

every sheet of copper covering the dome shot high into the air, and

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then wrapped itself tightly around Miafra.

Clambering across the huge timbers, the bare bones of the dome,

Wot steadied himself. “Perhaps that will stop him,” he said, smiling

with satisfaction.

His smile, however, was short lived, because the green metal strips

suddenly exploding, revealed the fiery, raging face of Miafra.

Growling, hissing his displeasure, he dived at the upstart Outlander.

Having only seconds to act, Wot listened for Merlin’s advice. Miafra,

however, was too fast, and before the old sage was able to offer any

advice, he was upon him. The resulting collision between emperor

and Outlander destroyed most of the dome’s timbers.

The entangled opponents, crash-landing inside the Dome of the

People, sent plumes of brilliant green flames high into the air. The

building that had stood undamaged for a thousand years shook

violently. Huge pieces of stone crashed down from above, as all the

while Outlander and emperor clashed, too busy fighting to notice.

Chapter Nine

The Back-up Plan RememberedMeanwhile, beneath the alcove, trapped by the growing pile of

brimstone and ash raining down from above, Nott had no inkling that

the battle between his Wot and Miafra had started. However, when

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the ground began to shake, and pieces of building began to fall,

smashing into the ground all around him, Nott realised the mother of

all fights had finally begun. “I must get out of here – and quick,” he

said, staring out from the alcove, with concern.

The fire and brimstone stopped falling. Cooling, it formed a brittle

crust on the outside. Daring to be brave, Nott clambered up it. The

crust, however, broke off. Falling back into the alcove, trying to

avoid the brimstone’s molten interior that run, smoking and popping,

into it, he groaned, “This is impossible.” Remembering the whistle,

he withdrew it from his pocket. “All that I’ve got is the whistle,” he

grumbled, blowing it again, wondering if anything was capable of

hearing it.

A short flight away, hearing the whistle, the dragonfly, altering

course, made ready to land.

Inside the building, or what was left of it, Miafra and the Outlander

struggled to their feet. Dusting himself down, surprised that he had

received no injuries from such a great fall, Wot noticed Miafra

standing close by him.

“I was right,” said Miafra. “You you have changed. No Outlander

could have survived such a fall. Tell me who you really are?”

“I am Wot,” he replied, quite matter-of-factly, evading the full truth.

Believing not a word of it, Miafra said, “WHO ARE YOU?”

Despite his lips moving, Wot never answered. “I am Merlin,” the

great Mystic said.

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“MERLIN?” he asked incredulously. “Merlin of old?”

“Yes, Merlin,” he replied, speaking with Wot’s lips. “I have returned

in spirit, to fight that which is wrong. Some five hundred years ago, I

fought the same fight, when the powers of Darkness consumed the

last emperor. After I defeated him, I vowed to return if it happened

again. And it has.”

“Merlin – if it is really you,” said Miafra, slowly, deliberately. “I

know of the meddling you did, that time ago. You, who considered

yourself as much Onishian as Outlander, were not Onishian then, and

are not even now. The power of Darkness almost defeated you, then.

Your body has passed, it is only your spirit I hear, and have to deal


“I am in body!” Merlin declared defiantly.

“You are in the body of one foolish Outlander,” Miafra growled, “a

man who has no idea when he has lost. This is his flaw, his fatal

flaw, your fatal flaw.”

Miafra’s cruel words, however, cut no ice with the spirit of Merlin.

“Although he and I occupy the same body,” he said, “we are

separate. I do not speak for him, or he for me. With that declaration,

Wot’s body finished its metamorphosis, the changing it had begun

earlier. Although his physical appearance remained the same, the

spirit of Merlin became visible. Wearing a red coloured robe,

festooned with precious stones, red, blue and yellow, sporting

flowing grey hair, a long straggling beard and the greenest eyes

possible, Merlin’s ghostly visage grew ever clearer. It was like

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looking at one person, but two souls. Like a shimmering ghostly

vision, Merlin’s spirit occupied Wot, two spirits balanced in


When next they spoke, it was as one. Offering Miafra peace, a way

out, if he renounced the ways of Darkness, they told him, he was free

to go if he did so.

His blood boiling at such a preposterous suggestion, Miafra hurled

another, two-pronged attack at his adversary.

“Surely someone heard this whistle,” said Nott. Gazing out of the

alcove, he saw nothing except for brimstone and ash. Trying to avoid

stepping onto the hot particles, he considered his future, or lack of it.

Hearing something, something incredibly familiar, he gazed out,

looking up to the sky. Circling above was the dragonfly. Jumping for

joy, waving excitedly, he shouted, “I’m here!”

Landing on the thin crust of hot debris, the dragonfly awaited its

rider. Clambering up the brimstone, Nott tried for a second time to

escape his place of confinement. One of his shoes, breaking off a

chunk of its brittle surface, sent rivers of hot fiery substance

streaming into the alcove, around him. Trying to avoid the hot, sticky

matter, Nott said, “Come closer, dragonfly, so I can reach you.” The

dragonfly, however, remained where it was. “This is useless,” he

groaned. The dragonfly’s wings, bursting into life, offered Nott some

hope. His hope, however, was short lived, for it flew away from him.

“That was a whole lot of use,” he grumbled, watching it disappear

into the distance. The dragonfly’s flight, though, was but a short one.

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Less than a minute later, it landed on the far side of the building,

close by to where Kakuri was standing.

Having regained consciousness, Kakuri had made her way through

the crumbling building. Seeing the eerie light she realised something

was terribly wrong. On reaching the Room of Deliberation, where

the battle between Outlander and emperor raged unabated, Kakuri

realised she was powerless to help Wot. Turning her attention to

Nott, she set off to find him. Exiting the building, narrowly avoiding

a chunk of falling debris, she said, “I must get away from here – but

how?” Remembering the dragonfly Wot had placed on standby, she

said, “Dragonfly, if you can hear me, I have need of your assistance.”

As luck would have it, the dragonfly, on the other side of the

building, was close enough to hear her.

When the dragonfly landed, Kakuri climbed onto it. Flying low and

fast, the dragonfly, made its way through the crumbling building,

returning to Nott. Dismounting, Kakuri approached the trapped

Outlander. “Watch your step!” he warned. “The brimstone surface is

wafer thin! Trust me, its DANGEROUS!”

Leaning down, acutely aware of the danger this posed, Kakuri

offered Nott her hand. “Grab hold of my hand,” she told him. “I’ll

have you out of there in a jiff.”

Grabbing hold of her hand, Nott climbed out of the alcove. His shoe,

however, breaking off a chunk of its delicate surface, sent rivers of

hot, burning liquid streaming in, filling the alcove in seconds.

“Phew!” he said ever so gratefully. “That was close! Thanks, Kakuri.

I owe you one.”

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“Don’t mention it,” she replied. Eying the crumbling building, she

said, “Let’s get out of here.” Helping Nott onto the dragonfly, she sat

in front of him. Its gossamer wings beating fast and furious, the

dragonfly rose into the eerie black sky, awaiting instructions.

“Return us to Wot,” Kakuri told the giant insect. Looking over her

shoulder, addressing Nott, she said, “I saw him a while back. He was

fighting Miafra. At least, I think it was Miafra. He looked so

different. Wot also looked different.” Pointing skyward, she said,

“What is this eerie glow, anyhow?”

“I have something to tell you, Kakuri,” he said ominously. “Take us

out of the city, to a quiet space, dragonfly.”

The obliging insect, flying away from the city and the battles ensuing

therein, landed a distance away. Dismounting, Nott said, “We need to

talk, Kakuri.”

“It’s Umahia, isn’t it?” she asked, instinctively knowing that

something bad had happened to him. “What is it?” she asked.

“I am sorry...I am so sorry…he never made it.”

Bursting into tears, Kakuri sobbed her eyes out. Nott tried to console

her, but it was impossible, her grief was too great.

Several minutes later, Kakuri asked, “How did it happen?”

“It happened like this,” he replied.

After Nott had explained how Umahia had died, and brought her up-

to-date with everything else that had transpired while she was

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unconscious, Kakuri said, “Where do we go from here?”

“I’m not sure,” he answered. “My heart says go help Wot, but

something else is telling me that I am needed elsewhere. What do

you think we should do?”

Thinking long and hard, she answered, “With the spirit of Merlin

assisting him, Wot should have no need for our help. Having said

that, though, let’s go see him, anyhow. Do you want a hand up?”

Chapter Ten

The Final ShowdownFlying low over the crumbling building, Kakuri and Nott saw the

battle still raging; Miafra, with the powers of Light and Darkness at

his command, and Wot, with the spirit of Merlin assisting him.

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Up to this point, Miafra had not yet used the powers of Light and

Darkness together, but he was certainly capable doing it. Suddenly,

something in the eerie black sky caught Miafra’s attention. Realising

that he had seen them, Kakuri set about steering them away. Hurling

a lightning bolt skyward, Miafra glowered in anger when it missed

the dragonfly by mere inches.

“Come on,” said Nott. “It’s far too dangerous around here. Let’s see

how the others are faring.” With that, they headed away from Miafra,

towards the destroyed gates of the city. Reaching them, seeing the

shattered remains of the once beautiful gates, Nott felt a pang of

regret that he had been a part of their destruction.

Flying further along, Kakuri and Nott witnessed fighting, brutal

fighting still going on. “This is terrible,” said Nott, pointing down.

“We must do something to help them.” The dragonfly, however,

continued on its way. A few minutes later, though, it stopped,

hovering stationary above a familiar site.

“Look down there!” Kakuri said excitedly, pointing down.

“It’s the HU BA HOU!” Nott answered.

Contentedly grazing on a patch of grey-coloured lawn, the HU BA

HOU appeared unscathed.

“I had forgotten all about him,” said Nott.

“Hold on, we’re going down,” Kakuri told him, steering the insect



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“I said I’m taking us down. The HU BA HOU might be useful. Is

that okay?”

“Yeh,” he answered, though fearing she was about to abandon him.

Minutes later, having abandoned Nott, Kakuri, sitting atop the HU

BA HOU, asked, “Are you sure you will be okay?”

“Dragonfly and I will be fine,” he answered. “I will go see how Wot

is faring.”

Flying solo, with only his thoughts for company, Nott became

increasingly concerned for Wot’s safety. “No matter how much he

has changed,” he said, “Wot is facing the fight of his life. I will soon

be there, in the thick of it. God help us both.”

As the skeletal remains of the Dome came into view Nott’s heart beat

increasingly faster. He had seconds left to decide whether he should

land and then fight, or flee. “I’m here to help, not to run away,” he

insisted. With that, Dragonfly descended, landing in a secluded spot

close by the citadel. Climbing down, Nott said, “Thanks dragonfly.

Will you return if I have need of you?” Turning its head towards

Nott, its bug eyes staring cold-bloodedly at him, the dragonfly

answered his question without saying a word. “I hope that was a

yes,” he whispered, as the dragonfly flew promptly away

Despite landing in the thick of it, Nott had no plan of action. The

Citadel was falling apart; its seats lay scattered and broken. Bricks,

stones and mortar lay scattered about. Huge wooden beams lay

broken and useless, as all the while, yet more debris came falling.

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“I’ve got to think of something,” Nott whispered. “What did Umahia

say to me, before, when first we met? Oh, yeah, I remember. He said

I had always had my gift. Perhaps I can use it to help Wot?” he

mused. Creeping furtively towards the battling duo, hiding, his brain

cranking into action, Nott tried to see the way forward. Images,

thought and words flooded his brain, some abstract, difficult to work

out, and others simple and easy. He closed his eyes, trying to make

sense of them.

As the mother of all battles raged not a stone’s throw away, with

neither Wot (with the spirit of Merlin helping him) nor Miafra (with

the powers of Light and Darkness at his disposal) displaying any

clear-cut advantage, Nott’s actions passed unnoticed. As the struggle

for supremacy continued, though, it was about to crank up a gear...

Frustrated by his lack of progress, defeating the upstart Outlander,

Miafra turned to the power of Light. Summoning it, Miafra crafted a

powerful spell to turn Wot/Merlin’s power against them. From there

on, for every action Wot/Merlin instigated against Miafra, a similar

action would smite the instigator. Having done that, Miafra waited.

Attacking, Wot/Merlin hurled a beam of pure radiant energy at

Miafra. With a deft twirl of a hand, warding it off, Miafra laughed

contemptuously as the powerful attack returned to its maker.

Catching them off guard, the beam of pure energy knocked

Wot/Merlin violently to the floor.

Struggling to their feet, Wot/Merlin attacked Miafra again, this time

encasing him within a band of white light. Seconds later, however,

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the band of white light, failing, shattering into a million starry

particles, returned to its maker, encasing them within it. Escaping

from it, Wot/Merlin instigated another three, even more powerful

attacks upon Miafra, but each one returned, attacking its maker with

as much force.

“Stop!” the voice of Merlin finally cried out, speaking alone. “He

has outsmarted us. He is using our powers against us.”

“If he can do that, then how can we win?” Wot asked despairingly.

Merlin, peculiarly, offered no reply.

“If Miafra has the power of Light and Darkness at his disposal,” Wot

continued, “we are surely finished!” His feelings of despair


From his place of concealment, witnessing the dangerous turn of

events, Nott wanted to run out, to help his friend. Controlling himself

like never before, gathering the images, feelings and thoughts that

had entered his mind, he tried to compose the Mystical Rhyme. “It

has to be special,” he said. “So I can catch Miafra by surprise.”

When he had finished composing the Mystical Rhyme, Nott went

over it again. “It’s rather crude,” he groaned. “Parts of it don’t even

rhyme.” Despite its shortcomings, however, he was quite happy with

it. Thinking about it some more, Nott smiled mischievously.

Having taken his opponent off guard, Miafra laughed. “Here is the

foolish Outlander,” he said, “who dared to try and rise above his

station. Where is your precious Merlin to help you now?” he asked.

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The very same question was nagging Wot. In truth, he had absolutely

no idea where Merlin was. ‘Had the old man deserted him?’ he

wondered. Even if he had, though, the struggle had to go on; he

would never give in to Miafra, not ever.

Merlin had not deserted Wot. If he had, he would have almost

certainly been dead by now. Invisible, Merlin was saving his

strength, every iota of his power to defeat Miafra. If that meant

saying nothing, so be it.

Sensing Nott and his crude plan, Merlin seized upon its potential.

‘Perhaps,’ he thought, ‘if I work alongside the Outlanders, offering

no hint that I am here, I might, just might be able to gain the upper

hand.’ It was a risk, with no guarantee of success, but it was all he

could think of. Placing his hands against his temple, Merlin

concentrated, concentrated, willing the Outlander closer to Nott.

Seeing his friend edging closer, Nott panicked, thinking he was

losing ground to Miafra. “That’s the last thing we need,” he

grumbled. Watching some more, he realised that he was giving as

much as he was getting. “Hmm, that’s strange,” he said, “very

strange indeed.”

After watching his friend for several minutes, as he edged ever closer

to him, Nott said, “I have no idea why he is doing it, but it sure is

handy. Come on, then,” he whispered, “another few feet, and then we

shall see how it goes…”

As the two opponents edged closer, Nott’s heart pumped adrenalin

rushing faster and faster through his veins. When they were only a

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yard away from him, Nott emerged from his place of concealment.

Having had no book in which to write down his Mystical Rhyme, he

hoped he was able to remember it. If he forgot it, even one word, all

might be lost. When he began to speak, Miafra and Wot looked on in


“Man of evil, hear me, I say,

You are in dire trouble, yes, here today,

You have created a place, a space so bad,

From a beautiful world, a beautiful land.

I call on the power of Light, right now,

To strike you down and remove your crown,

Do it now, do it now, do it ever so quick,

Destroy Miafra who makes me sick.”

Laughing with disdainfully, Miafra said, “What a pathetic, child-like


“You are so afraid of me, yet you do nothing to stop me!” Nott

blurted, bluffing like never before. “I tell you, YOU ARE A


“I thought this one was stupid,” said Miafra, pointed to Wot, “He is a

genius compared to you. You must have a death wish, addressing me,

so. Moreover, if you have, who am I to deny you it? I will speed you

on your way, little man.”

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With that, summoning every vestige of the power of Darkness, he let

rip. Peculiarly, Miafra’s cruel attack missed Nott entirely.

Bellowing with rage, seething with anger, Miafra said, “This is your

last moment, little man, for now you die!” Commissioning a fury of

Dark powers, Miafra unleashed another vile attack upon the small


Sensing an opportunity (or was it a disembodied voice speaking to

him?), Wot attacked Miafra with all the power of Light at his

command. As he expected, it returned attacking him. Despite this,

though, he kept doing it, sending attack after attack after attack

towards the evil Miafra.

Sensing victory, Miafra summoned the combined powers of Light

and Darkness for one final, sustained attack to finish off the

meddlesome Outlanders…

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Chapter Eleven

Self-DestructionLooking back, years later, neither Nott nor Wot were able to

remember the last, tumultuous events of that day with much clarity.

The instant Miafra unleashed the two opposing forces, Light and

Darkness, something had to give. At odds the other, the two powers,

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summoned by the man who would be a god, reacting

catastrophically, exploded, demolishing the crumbling remains of the

Citadel. Searing white light, erupting from the man who would be a

god, accompanied by a darkness as black as his soul, played a deadly

game of follow the leader, churning, entwining, and melding,

culminating in the explosion that ripped the building entirely apart.

The vicious attack Miafra instigated upon Nott ceased, the returning

attack on Wot vaporised into nothingness, and the appearance, the

fiery smouldering manifestation that signified the altered Miafra,

reverted to that of a man. He was mortal again.

Stripped of his immortality, standing alone and defenceless, an

implosion ripped through his body. There was no noise from it, no

deadly force radiating outwards. All of the energy, the power of the

implosion went inwards, into Miafra. Although screaming in agony,

gasping for air, for life, Miafra reached out, trying to grab hold of the

Outlanders, to take them along with him. His hatred for them was so

intense, no matter where he was heading, be it heaven or hell, he

aimed to bring them along with him. He wanted a deadly revenge for

what they had done to him. One of his hands, twitching peculiarly,

before he could catch hold of either Outlander, heralded his exit into


As a cool, fresh breeze cleared the air, Wot and Nott, barely able to

believe what they had just witnessed, wondered had Miafra truly

gone. Wondering how Wot had managed to survive Miafra’s attack,

Nott asked, “What happened to Merlin?” His attention distracted,

pointing skyward, Nott said, “Look, look at the sky – it’s changing!”

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The sky was indeed changing, the eerie glow replaced with shades of

blue, and white fluffy clouds. The monochromatic effect was also

disappearing. Stones looked like stones, trees like trees, and grass

looked green, so incredibly green.

Laughing, celebrating the return of normality, Nott said, “We’ve

done it, Wot! We’ve really done it!” Spinning around and around, he

marvelled at the wonderfully bright colours. “We’ve won,” he cried

out, “we’ve won our race against time!” Shaking Wot’s hand, he

exclaimed, “I am so happy!”

Although he was also happy, Wot was simply too tired to celebrate.

Collapsing to the ground, he rolled onto his side, closing his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Nott asked, worried for him.

Opening an eye, he answered, “I’ll be alright after I have rested a

while.” With that, he fell fast asleep.

Grey and white clouds tinged with redness heralded the end of the

day. Feeling a drop of rain on his face, Nott wiped it away. “It’s a

sun-shower,” he said gratefully. “It’s actually a sun shower!”

Hearing something, Wot said, “Is that what I think it is?”

Cocking his head over to one side, listening, Nott answered, “It sure

is. It’s the Orlu!”

Amongst the many Orlu emerging from a nearby lane, two familiar

faces appeared. “Hello,” they said together.

“Rurum, Mezu, its great to see you,” said Nott. “We’ve won! We

really have won! Miafra is gone! What do you think of that?” he

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asked excitedly.

“It’s great, it’s wonderful, like Christmas all over again,” Mezu

answered them.

“He got what he deserved,” said Rurum.

“What’s wrong with him?” Nott asked.

“Don’t mind him,” said Mezu. “He wanted to be here when it

happened, that’s all. Everyone in Onisha owes you, they really do.”

Seeing Wot lying upon the ground, Mezu asked, “What happened to

him – is he alright?”

“Don’t worry about him, Mezu,” said Nott. “He’ll be fine. He’s just a

bit tired.”

Reassured, Mezu thanked him again.

“How is everyone else?” Nott asked.

“There were many casualties,” he answered, “especially so when we

first entered the city. However, the further we went, the easier it


“Once the fear of Miafra was lifted,” said Rurum, “his guards and

Protectors swapped allegiance. There won’t be any more trouble

from them, I am sure of it.”

“And Kiliki?” Nott asked. “How is she?”

Eying him curiously, Rurum replied, “She was hurt. Don’t worry,

though, it’s not serious. Do I sense a special interest?” he asked.

Embarrassed, Nott hastily changed the subject. “Did you see

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Kakuri?” he asked. “I haven’t seen her for ages.”

“No, not since she and the HU BA HOU charged the Timeless Gates.

She can’t be too far away,” he said reassuringly.

The ground shook as another huge explosion rocked the pile of

rubble that once was the Citadel. Many others buildings surrounding

it shook and began crumbling apart.

“Let’s get out of here!” Mezu yelled above the terrible din.

“And the sooner the better,” another Orlu added.

“Do you need help, moving Wot?” Mezu asked.

“No,” Nott answered. I will wake him. He will be fine. You get out

of here. We have our own means transport.”

Whizzing away, the Orlu, negotiating they way around the crumbling

buildings, disappeared from sight.

“Come on,” said Nott, shaking his friend. “It’s time we were off.”

“Hmm, what did you say?” Wot asked, yawning sleepily.

Blowing his whistle, Nott said, “Whoops, I almost forgot to summon

our transport.”

When the dragonfly arrived, Wot was fully awake. As another strong

tremor shook the ground, the dragonfly buzzed its gossamer wings,

waiting for the off. Standing adjacent the dragonfly, offering a hand,

Wot said, “Up with you, Nott.”

From above, seated atop the giant insect, the Outlanders saw the true

scale of the damage the city had incurred. It looked as if a nuclear

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bomb had exploded above it. Swooping in low they spotted the HU

BA HOU with Kakuri seated atop it. Moreover, she was not the only

person seated atop it. There were several others along with her. As

well as its extra riders, the HU BA HOU had a cart in tow, packed

full of people, many of them injured. Spotting them, Kakuri waved

excitedly to them.

Waving to her, Wot shouted, “Get out of the city, Kakuri! It’s falling


“Okay,” she answered. Pulling the reins, steering the HU BA HOU

towards the Timeless Gates (or what was left of them), she waved

the Outlanders goodbye.

“She’s great,” remarked Wot, smiling contentedly, “the best.”

From their vantage point, high above, Wot and Nott saw many other

people exiting the crumbling city, Orlu and Protectors, soldiers and

civilians. Commissioning ladders and ropes, timbers and boards –

anything to help them exit the city, everyone tried to make good their


Changing direction, the dragonfly headed away from the city.

“This place looks familiar,” said Nott, when the insect made a soft

landing in a field. The field looked so familiar because it was where

they had assembled before storming the city a few hours previous.

Jumping down from the dragonfly, Wot helped Nott to the ground.

Its job done, the dragonfly flew up and away, disappearing from


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Although the Outlanders were first to arrive in the field, it was

strangely noisy. At first, neither friend could work out why this was

so. Then it struck Wot, and he knew. Shouting with joy, he said,



“Life!” he passionately replied. “I can hear life – listen!”

“I can’t hear anything,” Nott answered. Waving a hand in front of his

face when a fly landed on his nose, Nott suddenly understood.

“Life,” he chortled. “Yes, yes, it’s all around us. Insects, birds,

everything is back, returned as it was, as it should be!” Pointing to

some green coloured sparrows flying overhead, he delighted in them.

A colourful butterfly, as big as a dinner plate, fluttered lazily past.

With tears of happiness in his eyes, he said, “Wot, we really have

won our race against time!”

Suddenly, an ear-shattering roar filled the air. For a split second, the

Outlanders feared the worst. Pointing to the field entrance, a smile

on his face, Nott said, “Don’t worry, it’s only HU BA HOU and the

fair Kakuri.” Jogging across to them, he said, “It’s great to see you,

Kakuri. And also you HU-BA,” he added, patting one of its legs.

The ugly, but likeable animal returned the show of affection with a

wet, slippery lick, covering Nott with saliva. Straightening his tie, he

asked, “Is there anyone here good at washing clothes?”

Jumping down from the HU BA HOU, so happy to see them again,

Kakuri hugged the Outlanders as if she might never let go. “Is it

really over?” she asked.

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“As over as it will ever be,” Nott answered.

“Is he dead?” she asked, daring to believe that he was.

Her question, however, hit a raw spot, because without a body they

could never be entirely sure Miafra was dead. “It appears so,” Nott

replied. Moving on, he said, “We have more important things to be

thinking about, like helping the wounded.”

Working far into the night, all those who were fortunate enough to

have survived the battle unscathed, helped tend the injured and

dying. It was a heartening, to see it, ordinary folk and Protectors,

guards and Orlu, all of them working together for the good of Onisha

That evening, after the last stragglers had arrived, and all of the

wounded been treated, a great celebration was organised. They lit

fires of celebration, sang songs, and ate and drank well, courtesy of

the Orlu, who revelled in their return to the work they liked best. The

fun and merriment lasted well into the night. By the time the glow

from the fires had subsided, everyone present believed it was truly

the best day of their life.

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Chapter Twelve

December 32nd

Next morning, after the previous day’s battle, culminating with the

liberation of Onisha, then the partying and merry-making that lasted

well into the night, nobody was in any great hurry to rise. It was a

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cool drizzly morning; so different to the wonderfully sunny

mornings they had come to expect – and enjoy – in the Summerland.

Seeing the drizzle, a lone individual, venturing outside his makeshift

tent, filled with overwhelming happiness, sang out, “This is truly a

glorious day, a day to cherish, for everything is once again as it

should be!”

Hearing him singing praise to the day, everyone camped in that field,

exiting their makeshift covers, wanted to see what all the fuss about.

Facing the damp, dreary morning, they were also happy to see it.

Joining him, they sang praise to the morning.

Having never been an early riser, Nott took exception to the activity

going on outside. Storming out from his tent, he made ready to give

them a piece of his mind. However, the instant he saw damp, drizzly

weather, his offensive lost its momentum. Seeing everyone singing,

dancing, celebrating the dreary wet morning, his heart softened. As

the raindrops trickled down his face, he said, “I wish I had

remembered my hat.”

An aroma of cooking wafted into Nott’s nostrils. Inhaling its heady

aroma, he followed it. “I’ll bet my bottom dollar it’s one of the

Orlu’s wonderful fry-ups,” he said, following it to its source. From

the first time he tasted their wonderful fare, Nott was intrigued as to

how the Orlu managed to do it. ‘This is my opportunity to find out.’

he thought, following it some more.

The wonderful aroma led Nott across to one side of the field, to a

wooded area. Listening, he heard activity within it. Venturing closer,

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closer, he dared to believe he could discover how the Orlu did it,

made such fine food. Poking his head through the undergrowth,

however, he was none the wiser. You see, the Orlu, within such a

confined space, were rushing about so fast they were a blur. They

were so preoccupied with what they were doing they never saw him.

Pulling back, ashamed that he had done such a sneaky thing, Nott

prayed for forgiveness. Just then, as he was disappearing from view,

the Orlu, halting their tack, laughed at the good of it.

When he returned, Nott found Kakuri and Wot getting up. “That sure

smells wonderful,” said Wot. “Where have you been?”

“Oh, nowhere in particular, Nott replied. “I was just stretching my


A voice calling out told everyone to sit down, ready for breakfast.

“That voice sounds familiar,” said Nott.

Countless Orlu, emerging from the wooded area (Nott wondered

how so many of them could have fit inside it), set out a myriad of

tempting breakfasts upon before them. This time, however, instead of

whizzing away, they joined the gastronomes.

“I think the rain is going to stop,” the same, familiar voice as before

said. “Can you shift up a bit, Nott?” Before he was able to move,

Kiliki plopped herself down beside Nott.

His eyes lighting up, he asked, “Where have you been? I heard you

were injured! Are you alright?”

“It was only a flesh wound,” she replied. “Look, it’s nothing.”

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Pulling up her sleeve Kiliki showed him the wound. “Why all the

concern?” she asked. “Did you miss me?”

“Yes,” he coyly admitted.

Staring deep into his eyes, Kiliki said, “And I missed you too.”

Leaning over, she gave him a peck on the cheek. Although

embarrassed, Nott glowed on the inside.

Standing up, tapping the side of her glass, to secure everyone’s

attention, Kiliki said, “It is only fitting that we pause for a minute’s

silence, in remembrance of Umahia, the Grand Mystic. If it were not

for his wisdom and bravery, we might never have won.” Bowing

their heads, in remembrance of the Grand Mystic, they honoured the


In a lighter tone, Kiliki said, “We have much to celebrate. Charge

your glasses; I give you a toast, a toast to Umahia.” Raising their

glasses, mugs and beakers, they celebrated the man who had made

victory possible. Finishing her speech, she said, “Eat, drink and be

merry; live long and happy lives.”

After everyone had had eaten and drank their fill, and the leftovers

were cleared away, an air of contented relaxation permeated the

encampment. Despite the inclement weather, many stayed outside,

discussing the day before.

Addressing those sitting immediately around her, Kakuri said,

“Today is New Year’s Eve. A few days ago, I made a promise, a

promise that i would return to a certain Minna, and light the fire of

greeting to welcome the New Year. I will keep it! It is what our

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ancestors did it for millennia. Thank you.” Sitting down, Kakuri

received a tremendous round of applause.

“Very well spoken,” said Wot. “But haven’t you made a mistake?”

“And what might that be?” she asked, taken aback to hear this.

“Today is January 1st,” he explained.

Laughing mischievously, she said, “In Onisha it isn’t.” Feeling they

had somehow missed something, the Outlanders waited for her to

explain. “Every fourth year is a leap year in Onisha,” she told them.

Butting in, Nott said, “We have the same thing on Earth. We get an

extra day in February, for it.”

“Our extra day is in December,” she answered. “And this just

happens to be a leap year.”

“Which means today is December 32nd,” said Nott.

“Exactly.” she replied.

“That means you can welcome the New Year,” said Wot, happy for


“Yes, I most certainly can.”

“Have you any thoughts as to how you might get there?” Wot asked.

“You know, it’s an awfully long way.”

“Our friend Dragonfly will bring me,” she told him.

“Good idea, Kakuri.”

“I know I’m changing the subject,” said Nott, “but there are still

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some things I don’t understand.”

“And what might they be?” Wot asked.

“There are some things about Umahia and his death that don’t add

up,” he said. “If time was lost when he died, then how come we

won?” Also puzzled by this Wot had no answer to offer.

“It’s because of the old ways,” said Kakuri, “that I want to teach to

the young, and dedicate my life to. The answer to your question,

Nott, is in the teaching…” Wot and Nott, however, were at a loss as

to what she could possibly mean. “When Umahia died,” Kakuri

explained, “his powers were transferred to the person most deserving

of them. That was you, Wot.”

Hearing this, Wot’s jaw dropped in sheer disbelief.

“As the Grand Mystic’s body passed on, progressed to the Place of

Spirits, his powers entered Wot. That is why I never saw him in the

red brick room. I was too dazed, earlier, to realise it. That’s how the

spirit of Merlin could enter you.”

“Are you telling us that Umahia’s powers, along with the spirit of

Merlin, entered Wot’s body?” Nott asked.

“Yes I am,” she answered, “but it was only for a while, mind you.

Wot had no sooner received Umahia’s powers when Miafra took

them for himself.”

“Where are Merlin and Umahia, now?” Nott asked.

“I am sure Merlin’s spirit has long since departed,” she told him.

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“What about Umahia?” he asked.

“He is in the Place of Spirits,” she reminded him.

“Are his powers lost,” he asked, trying to understand all she was


“No,” she replied.


“When Miafra was defeated, Umahia’s powers re-entered you.”

Hearing this, Wot’s jaw dropped again. “It’s not Umahia, though”

she insisted. “It’s only his power, his knowledge taking temporary


“Taking temporary lodging?” Wot asked, confused.

“Yes,” she answered. “They will remain with you until the

Brotherhood of Mystics is reformed, and a new Grand Mystic

chosen. When that has been done, Umahia’s power will enter the

chosen one.”

“But we mightn’t be here when that happens!” Nott interjected,

worried he might never return home.

“Don’t worry, Nott,” she said, smiling thoughtfully. “When that day

comes you will hear the summons no matter where you are.”

Scratching his head, trying to take it all in, Wot said, “I suppose

that’s okay. There’s an awful lot to know about the old ways, isn’t


“There certainly is,” she laughed.

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“Would you mind if we accompanied you to the Minna?” Wot


“Of course I don’t mind,” she answered, laughing again.

“There’s no time like the present,” said Nott. “Shall we be off?”

“My, you’re keen.”

“Do you want me to call Dragonfly?”

“Thanks, Nott, you’re a real dote.”

“I’ll go say good-bye to the others, first, if it’s alright with you?” he

said, dashing off.

“Don’t forget Kiliki,” she called out. Stepping closer to Wot, she

said, “And as for you, mister Wot. You have a special place in my

heart, a very special place indeed.” With that, she kissed him on the

lips. Returning the gesture of affection, Wot told her she was also

quite special to him.

Returning with Kiliki, Nott asked, “Have I missed something?”

“Don’t be so silly,” they laughed.

When the dragonfly arrived, it landed close by them. However,

before Wot, Nott or even Kakuri were able to board it, some Orlu,

making a surprise appearance, run fast around them. Around and

around they went, faster and faster.

“Stop it, stop it, I’m getting dizzy,” Nott complained, wondering

which of the Orlu they were.

Stopping dead in their tracks, Mezu and Rurum, with a few other

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Orlu, appeared.

“Well, what do you think?” Kiliki asked.

“About what?” Wot asked, agog.

“Your appearance, of course,” she retorted, smiling ever so kindly.

Examining their attire, Wot, Nott and Kakuri then noticed what the

speeding Orlu had done. Their clothes, which had become decidedly

shabby over the course of their travels, were clean, miraculously


“Wow!” said Nott, admiring the crease in his suit trousers. “I feel

like a million dollars, in this.” Feeling his chin, he added, “They

have even managed to shave me!”

Wot’s casual attire, returned to its former state, was perfectly casual.

Kakuri’s long flowing hair was perfection to behold.

Burning with curiosity, Nott asked, “How did you do it, Mezu? I

thought the Orlu only helped out with food and drink!”

Laughing amicably, Kiliki said, “I have been teaching them new

ways, Nott. The Orlu are branching out.”

After thanking her with a kiss on the cheek, Nott turned his attention

to the awaiting insect.

“Haven’t you forgotten something?” Kiliki asked.

“I don’t think so,” he answered, in all honesty.

Producing a brand-new trilby hat from behind her back, Kiliki placed

it carefully upon his head.

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“How did you know about my trilby?” he asked. “I never told you

about it!”

“A little bird told me,” she answered.

Tipping his trilby over to one side, and then hugging Kiliki again,

Nott thanked her for it.

“Get off out of that,” she said. “You have a Minna to get to. And

don’t make it too long before you return.” Thanking them for the

much-needed makeover, Wot, Nott and Kakuri boarded the


As they flew fast away from the energetically waving Orlu, Nott

said, “You know, Kakuri, I’m going to miss her.”

“You will see her again,” she answered, “I am sure of it,”

Heading due west, through a sky swarming with life, they made

good progress. On a number of occasions, the dragonfly had to take

evasive action, trying to avoid the many colourful birds flying

through it. It was truly a wonderful end to their race against time.

Sitting back, relaxing, Wot, Nott and Kakuri enjoyed the rest of their


As evening approached, the Dragonfly began its descent. “Look,”

said Kakuri, pointing below. “It’s the Minna!”

Hovering above the forest, seeking a clear space upon which it might

land, the insect spotted a clearing. Landing, the dragonfly rested its

wings. Stepping down, Kakuri said, “Thanks Dragonfly. Perhaps we

might see you again, some day?”

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Joining her on the ground, Wot and Nott also thanked the obliging

insect. Flying in an ever so straight line, the dragonfly disappeared

from sight.

“Come on,” said Kakuri, “it will be soon be dark.”

Although it was cool, they decided to sleep outside, under the stars.

Gathering armfuls of dry kindling, Wot presented it Nott’s trusty old

lighter. A roaring fire chased away the cold of the evening. Returning

from the Minna, Kakuri shared out the blankets. Curling up under

their blankets, the three weary travellers were soon fast asleep.

Somewhere, far away a wolf howled.

Early next morning, Nott awoke with a start. “What’s happening?”

he asked, eyeing his dark surroundings suspiciously.

“Nothing,” Wot answered. “It’s early, go back to sleep.”

Sitting up, looking for Kakuri, he said, “She’s already up there, isn’t


“I guess so.”

“Do you think we should go help her?”

“Yes, good idea.”

After gathering armfuls of dry kindling Wot and Nott made their way

up the little hill to the Minna. Reaching it, they found Kakuri, having

opened the windows (one for each point of the compass), waiting for

the first sunrise of the New Year.

“Morning,” said Wot. “I thought you might have need of some

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kindling.” He placed it onto that which Kakuri had brought, earlier.

“Thanks, Wot,” she answered.

“Hi, Kakuri,” said Nott, “I thought you might have need of some

more kindling.”

Laughing good-naturedly, she said, “Thanks, Nott.” With that, her

gaze returned to the eastern sky.

Although Nott tried to spot the first rays of dawn, he saw nothing

other than a hint of lightness on the horizon. His eyes glued to the

horizon, Wot remained silent. Kakuri waited, waited, waited...

Fumbling in his pockets, Nott shouted, “I’VE LOST IT!”

Fearing an attack, Kakuri instinctively drew her knife

“What have you lost?” Wot asked, trying to calm him.

“My lighter!” Nott blurted. “I’ve lost my lighter!”

Offering her apologies, Kakuri said, “It’s okay, Nott. It’s alright. I

borrowed it while you were asleep. I am sorry.”

Lightening up, he said, “I thought you had it. With the New Year

almost upon us, I got a bit carried away. Sorry.”

With the issue of the missing lighter solved, they settled down,

waiting for the first rays of the New Year…

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Chapter Thirteen

Greeting the New YearAs more colours joined with it, the palette growing on the eastern

horizon took on a decidedly red glow. “It’s coming,” Nott whispered.

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“It is,” said Wot.

With Nott’s lighter at the ready, Kakuri watched the growing

redness, waiting for the first rays of dawn...

Then it happened; a shaft, a jewel of sparkly bright light, shooting

above the horizon, illuminated the land. “Do it, do it!” said Nott.

“Light it, light it!” said Wot.

Offering the delicate flame of Nott’s lighter to the dry kindling,

Kakuri waited for it to take. The kindling sparked, crackled and then

burst into flame. Standing back from it, welcoming the New Year

with a flaming beacon of hope, the friends each made a wish upon it.

As the sun rose silently in the sky, it was a life changing experience.

“Next year, on the first day,” Kakuri confidently proclaimed, “there

will be fires, beacons of hope in every Minna throughout the land,

reminding us of the Outlanders who saved us.”

“There’s no need for that,” said Wot, “is there, Nott?”

Nott, however, standing stock still, was unable to speak.

“Is he alright?” Kakuri asked, concerned for him.

“It looks like he’s having one of his visions,” Wot told her. “It seems

to affect him differently each time it happens.”

Nott was indeed experiencing a vision, a vision that shook him to the

core. While gazing contentedly into the flames of the beacon of

hope, the face of evil (how could he ever forget it?) appearing within

it, stared back at him. Nott tried to get away, he really did, but he

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was powerless to move. He tied to speak, to shout, to warn the others

that Miafra was there, but he was unable to do so; his eyes fixed onto

the face of evil, and it laughing back at him.

“Can’t we do something?” Kakuri asked, increasingly worried for


“No, at least I don’t think so,” Wot answered. “Give him a minute,

he might snap of it.”

“Look!” said Kakuri, infinitely relieved. “He’s coming round!”

Recovering from his vision, Nott collapsed to the ground.

“Are you alright?” Kakuri asked, leaning over him.

“Yes, at least I think so,” he answered.

“Did you have a vision?”

“I did,” he replied, remembering it too well. “And it scared the pants

off me!”

“Why? What was it about?” Wot asked.

“What was it about? I will tell you what it was about, it was about


“Him?” Wot asked. “Him who?”

“Miafra, of course!” he snapped.

Recoiling, in horror, at the mention of his name, Kakuri was


“Miafra! NO! You must have mistaken,” said Wot. “He’s gone,

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“I can only tell you what I have seen,” said Nott. “I saw Miafra, and

he was alive and well. I saw him in those flames, and he was

laughing at me… It was horrible!”

“If that’s true,” said Wot, “then where is he?”

“That’s what puzzles me,” said Nott, scratching his head, thinking

about it some more. “He was in another place, another land...”

“Have you any idea where it might be?” Wot asked.

“Somewhere remote, very remote,” Nott answered. “I think it’s on


“On Earth?” Wot gasped. “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” he insisted. “Miafra is alive and well somewhere on Earth.”

“But where?” Wot asked, pressing him harder.

“I, I don’t know,” he answered, “and its scares me.”


In another place, another world, a man suddenly appeared, then

collapsed to the ground. Battered and weary, his cloak torn and

frayed, this man, this tall, dark-skinned man tried to gather his

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bearings. Dragging himself onto his knees, his fingers raking

through the soft sand, he wondered where he was. Pulling himself

up, tall and erect, he pushed back his hood, revealing a shaven head

with the blackest of eyes set deep within it. Daring to believe his

magic had worked, he whispered, “I am Miafra.”

Bruised and battered, his powers all but gone, no more than a man,

one of the ever so many that he so despised, he said, “I am still

Miafra.” Speaking that bit louder, he said, “Nothing can take that

away for me, or my burning desire for REVENGE!”

Turning round, trying to ascertain where he was, Miafra came face-

to-face with the biggest stone statue he had ever laid eyes on. Edging

away, trying to take it all in, he stared hard at it. Approaching the

statue, he touched it; it was old, incredibly old. The statue, a

depiction of a head with a decidedly blank expression upon it face,

intrigued him. It had long ears, a long thin nose, and deep recesses

where the eyes should have been. The statue, erected on a stone

plinth close by the seafront, peculiarly, looked away from the sea.

Turning away from it, gazing inland, Miafra asked, “Where am I?

Looking for signs of life he saw none, all that he saw were more

stone heads dotted across the lonely terrain. Speaking again, he said,

“It matters not where I am, all that matters is that I am.”

Raising a clenched fist, Miafra decreed, “I will rule this place, every

last inch of it! I will be king of all that I see! And, no matter how

long it might take, I will exact my revenge on those meddlesome


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Wot and Nott: Walking With Statues.

I’m the crazymad writer,

The crazymad writer today.

I’m the crazymad writer,

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The crazy-mad writer, hey hey!

You may think that I’m not serious,

And I might even agree.

But I’m still the crazymad writer,

The crazymad writer, hee hee.


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