would ff - university of floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/09/89/64/02386/00127.pdf · vears in...

PAGE TWO Caub Calling HE CAPTAIN and Officers of H.M.S. Sparrow, entertained a number of guests to cocktails on board the vessel yesterday eve- ning. Among those invited Were: His Exeel lency the Governor and Mrs. Savage, Miss P. Suvaxse, Mr. D. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopwood Major D. Vaughan, Hon'ble E. J, Petrie, Hon'ble D. G. Lea cock and Mrs. Leacock, Sir John and Lady Saint, Hon'ble H. A. Cuke and Mrs. Cuke, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Adams, Dr and Mrs. H. G. Cummins, Mr. M. E. Cox, Mr. and Mrs F. L. Walcott, Hon'ble R Challenor and Mrs. Challenor, Hon'ble Dr. H, G. Massiah and Mrs_ Massiah, Hon'ble G D. L Pile and Mrs Pile, Hon'ble A. G. Gittens and Mrs. Gittens, Hon'ble Dr. C H_ St. John and Mrs St. John, Hon'ble V. C._ Gale, Hon'ble G B. Evelyn and Mrs. Evelyn, Hon'ble Mrs. M. Hanschell, His Honour the Speaker and Mrs. K. N. R Husbands, Mr W. W~ Reece, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Wilkinson, Mr. J. ET. Brancker, Coi and Mrs. R_ T. Michelin, Lt. Commander and Mrs. Gartside Tippinge, Major and Mrs_ OQ. F. C. Walcott, Major and Mrs M.L. D_ Skewes-Cox, Sir Allan and Lady Collymore, Dr. and Mrs Grannum, Dr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs D A W LN. Chenery, Mr George and Lady s, Mr. and Mrs Jemmott, Sir Mr. and Mrs R. Norris, The Ver) the Dean, Miss Mandeville, Mr. an AV. Nyren, Mrs. H_ Phillips, M and Mrs. W. H Grannum, Mr. and Mrs. J. Niblock, Mr V H A. Chenery, Mr. and Mrs. H_ WN Armstrong, Mr and Mrs F. A~ Bishop, Mr. and Mrs C. G_ Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Cc C. Skeete, Col. and Mrs. Lioyd-Stil), Mr.and Mrs_E_ 8S. §_ Burrowes, Mr and Mrs. T. E. Went, Mr. A_ B. Skin- ner, Mr. D. E_ Chase, Mr. W. HE Garrod, Miss B. Arne, Mr_ and Mrs J. A. Robertd. Mr. and Mrs. A G Leacock, Major and Mrs. A. R. Foster, Mr and Mrs. G. L Taylor, Mr. J. W.B Chenery, Mr. and Mrs H. A. Vaushan, Mr. and Mrs. J P. Taylor, Mr_ and Mrs A G IL Douglas, Mr and Mrs. R. B McKenzie, Mr and Mrs GH _ Hunte, Mr and Mrs F J. Cole, Mr_ and Mrs D F. Blackett, Mr RG. Mapp, Mr W A Crawford and Mr and Mrs. J H Peacock New Master for H.C. R. R. R. M. GENDALL. B.A., Leeds University, arrived yesterday morning from England on the Gascogne to join the staff of Harrison College and will be teaching French and Spanish. He was conductor of the College Musical Society at Leeds Uni- versity and will be taking charge of, the school’s Glee Club. Mr. Gendall served for 3% years in the Royal Navy during the war as a Lieutenant and since then he has been training at Leeds University. This is his first teach- ing appointment. . Gendall was accompanied by his wife. Travelling Representative —Grenada R. A. R. Cools-Lartigue, trav- elling representative of Gerald S. W. Smith and Co. of Grenada, arrived by the M.V. Daerwood yesterday morning on a short visit. He expects to leave on Sunday for St. Vincent and is staying at the Hotel Royal. Back from B.G. Holiday S. Dorothy King returned on Thursday by B.W.1.A. from British Guiana where she had been spending a holiday with her rela- ves, She is the wife of Mr. R. H. King of the Advocate Co.. Ltd, . 1¢: Engineer—Apex Oilfields ME, and Mrs, R. I. MacLachlan of Trinidad, were intransit on the “Gascogne” from England yes- terday morning after spending four months holiday. Actompanying them were their two sons Ian who is remaining in Barbados to go to school at the Lodge. and Michael, Mr. MacLachlan is Production Engineer with Apex Oilfields, Shot at Bisley R., Conrad Lumsden who was in England with the West In- dies Rifle team and shot at Bisley, returned home yesterday on the Gascogne. He was accompanied by his wife, BY THE WAY... E had one intelligent of those fierce, faces which you see in the pictures of the Castilian painters who trans- formed the Flemish School and made it something new. Fernando Gallego might have painted him. His features were full of a dark violence. He swag- gered as he talked, and you ex- pected to see a sword at his side. I moved across the bar to get a better look at him, and to hear what he was ranting about. As I eame within earshot, he said in a_ high, scraping, nervous voice, “So I fiddled about a bit and got another station.” An Awkward Question Na column devoted to the grotesque tumblings and somersaults of the City, I read: In the absence of any visible sup- POSOS POP OOOT SSSS 5 TO-DAY This fs POO? i i “Would you mind lean- tng on the other side signor—we're beginning to get a bit worried about it!” | Service London Express Lodge Schooit Matron Visited Art Galleries— England ISS Sybil Atteck, one of Trini- dad's leading artists who has been to England visiting art gal- c which called r ti I his j Mt leries and studying murals and culpture, returned home yester- lay evening by the Gascogne here earlier in the norning Back from U.K. R. Briggs Collins, Director of I R, M. Jones and Co., Ltd., re- urned yesterday morning un the sascogne from England where he 1ad been on a four months’ busi- 1ess trip. He was accompanied by wife. Spent Three Months R. Victor Stolimeyer, Solicitor of Trinidad and brother of Jeoffrey Stollmeyer, Trinidad and West Indies cricketer, was an intransit passenger from England on the Gascogne yesterday on his way back home. He was accom- ISS K. M. BOULT. Matron of panied by his wife and little son the Lodge School for the past 14 years returned from England yesterday morning by the Gas- conge after spending four months’ holiday. That was her third visit back home since she came out to Barbados to take up her appoint- ment. School Mistress Returns ISS Sheila Ward of Brome- field, St. Lucy, and an Assist- ant Mistress of the Alexandra School, returned from the United Kingdom yesterday morning on the Gascogne after spending four months’ holiday While there she said that she visited Scotland and Switzerland and had a very en- joyable stay. Well Known Here Humphrey and they had spent three months’ holiday in the U.K. Aftending Conference In Trinidad R. Perey Stewart, Managing Director of the National Bus Co. and the Esso Servicenter, left for Trinidad yesterday evening on the Gascogne to represent the Scottish Diamond Lodge No. 84 at the Scottish Mechanics Conference in Port-of-Spain on Sunday. He expects to be away for a week. Awarded Diploma ISS Joycelynne Pilgrim has been awarded a Diploma from the Women’s Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences of the Interna- tional Correspondence Schools at R. Ernest Forjonel who is wei] Seranton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. known in Barbados. having visited here on several occasions with the Tranquillity Tennis team of Trinidad, was an intransit pas- senger on the Gascogne yesterday from England. He is now returning home after spending a holiday in the United Kingdom Trinidad Turfite R. Fedo de Cannes, well known turfite in Trinidad, was another passenger from Eng- land intransit on the Gascogne yesterday, He was returning home after spending holiday in the United Kingdom His brother’s horse Ras Tafare, is probably one of the best known on the West Indian turf, having passed the winning pole first 38 times in 100 starts, Will Observe Elections R, J. E, T. Brancker, M.C.P., left on the Gascogne yester- day for Trinidad on a short pro- fessional visit, While there he said that he would take the opportunity to observe the elections which take place on Monday next. Mr. Brancker is a member of the Caribbean Socialist Party of Trinidad of which Hon'ble Dr. Patrick Solomon is President. Dr. Solomon is contesting a seat in South Trinidad for the Legislative Council. o egs ° Visiting Relatives RS, E. L, COZIER whose hus- band is Acting Information Officer, Caribbean Commission, is remaining in Barbados for a holi- day to visit her relatives. She arrived yesterday morning with her husband on the Gascogne from England, Mr. Cozier went up to cover the Test Matches for Reuter’s Ltd. British News Agencies, who were giving a special coverage to their subscribers in the Caribbean area. He returned to Trinidad yesterday evening on the Gascogne, a plies of tin... tioning of the London market would be seriously endangered. “You talk a lot about tin. Well where is it Show me some?,, “My dear sir, that’s not how business is done. We don’t show you the actual tin.” “But I happen to want to be sure that the actual tin exists.” “You must take the word of Schackstick, Bottle and Wyle.” “Then I'm to buy invisible tin?” “Of course,” “Look here. Confess that you haven't a single ounce of tin on your premises.” “Of course we haven't.” “There you are then.” The Week’s Prize T took an Essex builder four years to establish the right of POPPOLEPSPPE CES PPO LPP? vs ; THE PLACE: : STROMBOLI met” “THE STAR: . i BERGMAN UNDER THE INSPIRED DIRECTION OF steed da tl By Beachcomber the normal func- the She has completed the pre- sweribed course of “Foods and Cookery”. Miss Pilgrim is a laughter of Rev, A. C. and Mrs. Pilgrim of Mount Tabor, St. John. Another sister, Miss Grace Pil- grim, is taking a course in nursing t Farrborough Hospital, Kent, Mngland, ' oz Doing Well in U.S.A. R. Benjamin Wilston Watkins, Barbadian now studying medicine at the College of the City of New York has been covering tuimself with honours since he left here in August 1946. He is Presi- dent of the Caduceus Society (the pre-medical group) of the College, and he is the first coloured student in the College’s history ever to be inducted into the Sigma Alpha Society for honours in his junior year. in addition, Mr. Watkins is Manager of the Biological Review. Chancellor of the Senior Honour Society, Supervisor of College Re- “istration of students and Chair- man of many committees. To be chosen as Chancellor of the Senior Honour Society is the highest hon- our that can be given. to student, In Barbados Mr, Watkins was a pupil of the Boys’ Foundation school, and was an Assistant Teacher at St. Christopher's Boys’ School, He is son of Mrs, Milli- cent Watkins of Maxwell Road, Christ Church. a nore the passengers return- ing from England on the Gas- cogne yesterday intransit for Trinidad were Mr. Gerry Gordog, Deputy Director of Surveys and Mr. A, W, Skinner attached to the financial branch of the Trinidad Civil Service. They were both on four months’ leave. . Intransit men who work for him to work five hours a week overtime on building houses, But the per- mit that took four years to ac- quire expired yesterday and the fun has to start again, The men want to work overtime, the builder wants them to, the people with or without homes want them to. So, naturally, every obstacle must be put in the way. What is the use of my trying to invent imbecilities? Cat Out of Bag If there wasn’t so much money spent on Government information services, é C GLOBE THEATRE AND 8.30 P.M. AND CONTINUING DAILY LT Ia Sh T run by publicity men, everybody would know what the Fovernment was doing. (Charlie Suet.) PPLE LSPPPOE, Ota ? ; . > Ss, - > ¥ 7 7 q . $ AND s x Leon Errol—‘In THE UNINVITED: BLONDE” ~ “4 . 24s > » % Latest American and British Newsreel % |) > . % SSS GSO FOSS’ GOOOS OOOO OF OPO FOOO6 99990 8898S SSSSOSSO" any - J BARBADOS. ADVOCATE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1950 B. B.C. Radio Programme SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1950 7.00 am. The News. 7,10 a.m. News Analysis, 7.15 a.m. John Maden at the Theatre Organ. 7.30 a.m. The Nature of the Universe. 6.00 ajm. From the Edi- torials, 8.10 a.m. Programme Parade. 8.15 a.m. Band of the Irish Guards. 6.45 a.m. Dance Music. 9.00 a.m. Close Down. 12.00 noon The News. 12.10 p.m. News Analys- is. 12.15 p.m, R.A.C. Tourist Trophy. 12.45 p.m. Semprini at the Piano. 1.00 p.m. Eng- lish Eloquence. 1.15 pm. Radio Newsreel. 130 p™ Anything to Deelare 2 oe. The News 210 p m. Home News from Britain 215 pm. Imterlude. 2 30 p m Heary Wood Promenade Concerts. 3 30 pm Sports Review. 400 pm. The News. 410 pm_ The Daily Service. 4 15 m. Jack Train’s Record Variety Bill 00 pm. Listeners Choice. 515 pm Programme Parade. 530 pm. Dance with Me 6 30 p m. The Nature of the Universe. 700 p m_ The News. 7 10 Pm, News Analysis, 7.15—7 45 pm_ Behind ‘Up=to-the-Minute report from Paris on THE NEW HATS By The Garden) ST. JAMES TO-DAY AND SUNDAY 8.30 P.M. Mat. SUN. 5 P M. R.K.O.-Radio’s Action Spectacle! Paul HENREID and Maureen O’HARA in = SPANISH MAIN ~ Color by Technicolor! Got POPPY RICHARD 6s 69366655: S B15 Din” Weekly Sports Summary, 636/f| MAL MAZ AM —Oistin: sar. and SUN. 5 & 8.30 P.M. pm. Me the Composer and You. 9 00 - ' we News 8 10" mu Snterluge 3o"ls scheaie m, . . 10 45 ER a , Om. leuse bao tee Mon. 5108 pan, “THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON Hear it Again, and ‘CHEROKEE STRIP” (Musical Western) DICK FORAN in Beauty Queen Wants To Be Nun (From Our Own Correspondent) PORT-OF-SPAIN. cust Sand th tn inne ueen of the Sou a Islan : for the past three years, who had ‘INEMA (Members Onl been holidaying in’Chile, said on | AQUATIC CLUBCIN (M y her arrival in Trinidad last night, ) + that she was on her way to Rome TO-DAY TO MONDAY 8,30 p.m. to seek audience with the Pope. She wants to enter a Convent, she said, She wants to get away from the persistent invitations of Hol- lywood star hunters. She said she} won the South Sea Islands Beauty Competition in 1947, 1948 and A putty-coloured felt velour = Restavranr ceps cone is edged with pleate Baimain ‘eature veiling. This flouncing alain clack olilbox. trimmed with London Bxpress Service. snarse Diack veiling, snood style, is stitched with sequins, trom Pierre MATINEE: TO-DAY 5 p.m. This Picture is Suitable for ADULTS Only PARIS. Smartest numbers are brightly] 1949. After her first win, she said, WHEN a Parisienne returns coloured (grass green or ruby] she was plagued with Hollywood FIRST SHOCKING EXPOSE OF _ from her holiday her first invest- red) and usually untrimmed. Cut} “scouts,” but refused all their . CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN! ment is a new hat. supplies the interest. Crowns are] offers. pbs iis ai She sees nothing incongruou® big and fit the ane. Brims are a in wearing a long -haired autumn small and aureole the face sym- - ¥ : felt pelene the gutters are thick metrically, So far there is very Loot Taken After Fire y. Wh 7 yf SF, with leaves—in fact with her little tendency to tilt hats for- ff i y ij summer clothes. This is keeping ward although we are warn- ie ‘i PORT-OF-SPAIN. j shi more impor- ed that this is coming. rom Our Own Correspondent) 4 vs iiliem ro Se ore = acitinery “for 5 Freadnrd- When a recent fire gutted build- eee: ee ty teh Slee ings at South Quay, Port-of-Spain, hundreds of persons fought for salvage of goods, ranging from whisky and cider to sardines and saltfish. At first, by the scores they came, then by the hundreds until traffic was almost stopped along the area. Cases of whisky and cider were seen being brought out by findeys, who hugged the booty tightly to their chests. Towards afternoon, when things began to get scarce, and the police had the upper hand | | man than in anything else. —L.E.S. sn » Released through FM CLASSICS, Inc. / Rupert and the Castaway —6 =~ ROYAL TO-DAY & TO-MORROW 4.30 and 8.30 M-G-M’s Super Double. . . EMPIRE TO-DAY 445 AND 38.30 of the crowd. persons carried AND CONTINUING Joel McCREA away burnt timber and stone, Charles BICKFORD Fish For Snobs 20th C-Fox presents : —imn MELBOURNE. Australia’s largest fish hatchery, Captain Barnacle seems pleased out every day through my built to raise 1,000,000 trout a to avi someone who will listen to telescope." All at once he pauses. year, will be opened shortly at in THIS WAY m his troubles. “* I'm getting an old raion ot iplgseapes, he mes Snob’s Creek. —(C.P.) ROSE man, Rupert,"’ he says, “and very thoughtfully, “1 saw someshing na er. My favourite nephew, who onl on the 7 just now. | CROSSWORD aa : should be with me, went to sea wish you'd see if your young eyes rring : hres years ago and never came can tell what it is and if it’s still i4 5 6 JOHNNY EAGER back. | can hear nothing of him there.” ‘Yes, do leg me try, Tyrone Power; Starring: though | wai: for news and look cries Rupert os oe Robert TAYLOR rson WE Lana TURNER Extra at 8.30 Half-hour Stage Entertain- ment by Madam Tiam Fook and Syd Vander Lyde, OLYMPIC TO-DAY TO MONDAY TO-NIGHT ROXY TO-DAY & TO-MORROW 4.30 and 8.30 Republic Double . DINE AND DANCE | AT 20th C.-Fox Double” .-Fox Double . 2. Without ean atin a ee June HAVER CLUB MORGAN 4) 88282 |) aS. anies LS SE 12. Preneh waite, 15) : a ae 15. “OH YOU BEAUTIFUL THE WEST INDIES MOST POPULAR NIGHT CLUB | 2: ¢'::« SECRET SERVICE DOLL” Ba) Artetad in $-Bew ia ES << rea i 7 wh 4) DELICIOUS STEAK DINNERS SERIO SIe Ob Ses ant: the INVESTIGATOR : oe Served throughout the Night By pow a, Dank tu run a) ' uy) * FIGHTING MAN . us you are eehir re Dial 4000 for Reservations * Puente back ‘oy AND OF THE PLAINS or 1 HERES Syste we. vo “THE RED PONY" Starring: | 2 Bort of type. 18) Randolf SCOTT ie aces Toh Mth coco ; 16. Scientific heath. 15) with } 18 Pamous straits. 1 mean (5) Extra: Sat. Nite at 8.15 for ; , Solution ot vesterdas s uaz rerons Myrna LOY half-hour: MAGIC... 1 homaneeee! \rtee Petes THRILLS . . and MYSTERY THE MANAGEMENT presents. 3! *: AP Bit Robert MITCHUM By Professor ALVINZY J % uns » Parabolic: with pride re Pp, ,Beernty: rh THE DELIGHTFUL VOICE OF BRITISH GUIANA’'S SINGING STAR. | SSSLIS SUNDAY, RATED SPECIAL MATINEE THIS MORNING 9.30 ike tk THE TARZAN AND THE AMAZONS 8.30 P.M, rte THIS IS THE CHEAP PRICES HALF HOUR VOIOR VISIT PLAZA’S is fa ha INGRID BERGMAN SNACK BAR PICTURE THE WORLD HAS a.m, to Midnite eo OARIRAEAN BEEN WAITING TO SEE! aero oaniee STAR | ITSANEW HIGH FOR TO-DAY SPECIALS HITCHCOCK SO EXPECT oe witn RADIO THE UNEXPECTED! esi oes: THE FILM. STROMBOLI LF Y. (1) Again; (2) Foolish Heart;(3) Maybe its’ Because (4) Ole Man River; (5) If I Love You; (6) Stormy Weather, POS TOOLS? OUR PRICES ARE BIGHT = CHECK THIS LIST = THE NEW INGRID BERGMAN HIT! INGRIDBERGMAN 3 JOSEPH COTTEN V7 MICHAEL WILDING @ ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S Mr. RAY NUNES. PROGRAMME: Pick axes Ras, a : 7 7 Axeheads SpoRe Shaves UNDER, Chisels Rules ' Braces & Bits Tapes Compasses Pliers Clamps Screw Drivers Hand Drills Saws . Files Levels F 7 = Planes & Irons Oil Stones ~ co: 22 by = { AS Hammers Emery Wheels (complete) me Ni Hatchets Paint Brushes Tee HNICOLOR N Tool Handles Putty Knives Squares Chalk Knives THE BARBADOS CO-OPERATIVE FACTORY LIMITED. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Tel. No. 2039

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Page 1: Would ff - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/09/89/64/02386/00127.pdf · vears In the Ro>.il Navy during the war BI taking;I Lieutenant alongand since then he Casesh.is


Caub Calling HE CAPTAIN and Officers of H.M.S. Sparrow, entertained

a number of guests to cocktails on board the vessel yesterday eve- ning. Among those invited Were: His Exeel

lency the Governor and Mrs. Savage, Miss P. Suvaxse, Mr. D. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopwood Major D. Vaughan, Hon'ble E. J, Petrie, Hon'ble D. G. Lea cock and Mrs. Leacock, Sir John and Lady Saint, Hon'ble H. A. Cuke and Mrs. Cuke, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Adams, Dr and Mrs. H. G. Cummins, Mr. M. E. Cox, Mr. and Mrs F. L. Walcott, Hon'ble R Challenor and Mrs. Challenor, Hon'ble Dr. H, G. Massiah and Mrs_ Massiah, Hon'ble G D. L Pile and Mrs Pile, Hon'ble A. G. Gittens and Mrs. Gittens, Hon'ble Dr. C H_ St. John and Mrs St. John, Hon'ble V. C._ Gale, Hon'ble G B. Evelyn and Mrs. Evelyn, Hon'ble Mrs. M. Hanschell, His Honour the Speaker and Mrs. K. N. R Husbands, Mr W. W~ Reece, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Wilkinson, Mr. J. ET. Brancker, Coi and Mrs. R_ T. Michelin, Lt. Commander and Mrs. Gartside Tippinge, Major and Mrs_ OQ. F. C. Walcott, Major and Mrs M.L. D_ Skewes-Cox, Sir Allan and Lady Collymore, Dr. and Mrs Grannum, Dr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs D A W LN. Chenery, Mr George and Lady

s, Mr. and Mrs

Jemmott, Sir Mr. and Mrs

R. Norris, The Ver) the Dean, Miss Mandeville, Mr. an AV. Nyren, Mrs. H_ Phillips, M and Mrs. W. H Grannum, Mr. and Mrs. J. Niblock, Mr V H A. Chenery, Mr. and Mrs. H_ WN Armstrong, Mr and Mrs F. A~ Bishop, Mr. and Mrs C. G_ Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Cc C. Skeete, Col. and Mrs. Lioyd-Stil), Mr.and Mrs_E_ 8S. §_ Burrowes, Mr and Mrs. T. E. Went, Mr. A_ B. Skin- ner, Mr. D. E_ Chase, Mr. W. HE Garrod, Miss B. Arne, Mr_ and Mrs J. A. Robertd. Mr. and Mrs. A G Leacock, Major and Mrs. A. R. Foster, Mr and Mrs. G. L Taylor, Mr. J. W.B Chenery, Mr. and Mrs H. A. Vaushan, Mr. and Mrs. J P. Taylor, Mr_ and Mrs A G IL Douglas, Mr and Mrs. R. B McKenzie, Mr and Mrs GH _ Hunte, Mr and Mrs F J. Cole, Mr_ and Mrs D F. Blackett, Mr RG. Mapp, Mr W A Crawford and Mr and Mrs. J H Peacock

New Master for H.C.

R. R. R. M. GENDALL. B.A., Leeds University, arrived

yesterday morning from England on the Gascogne to join the staff of Harrison College and will be teaching French and Spanish.

He was conductor of the College Musical Society at Leeds Uni- versity and will be taking charge of, the school’s Glee Club.

Mr. Gendall served for 3% years in the Royal Navy during the war as a Lieutenant and since then he has been training at Leeds University. This is his first teach- ing appointment.

. Gendall was accompanied by his wife.

Travelling Representative —Grenada

R. A. R. Cools-Lartigue, trav- elling representative of

Gerald S. W. Smith and Co. of Grenada, arrived by the M.V. Daerwood yesterday morning on a short visit. He expects to leave on Sunday for St. Vincent and is staying at the Hotel Royal.

Back from B.G. Holiday S. Dorothy King returned on

Thursday by B.W.1.A. from British Guiana where she had been spending a holiday with her rela-

ves, She is the wife of Mr. R. H.

King of the Advocate Co.. Ltd, . 1¢: Engineer—Apex Oilfields

ME, and Mrs, R. I. MacLachlan of Trinidad, were intransit on

the “Gascogne” from England yes- terday morning after spending four months holiday. Actompanying them were their

two sons Ian who is remaining in Barbados to go to school at the Lodge. and Michael,

Mr. MacLachlan is Production Engineer with Apex Oilfields,

Shot at Bisley R., Conrad Lumsden who was in England with the West In-

dies Rifle team and shot at Bisley, returned home yesterday on the Gascogne. He was accompanied by his wife,

BY THE WAY... E had one

intelligent of those fierce, faces which

you see in the pictures of the Castilian painters who trans- formed the Flemish School and made it something new.

Fernando Gallego might have painted him. His features were full of a dark violence. He swag- gered as he talked, and you ex- pected to see a sword at his side. I moved across the bar to get a better look at him, and to hear what he was ranting about. As I eame within earshot, he said in a_ high, scraping, nervous voice, “So I fiddled about a bit and got another station.”

An Awkward Question Na column devoted to the

grotesque tumblings and somersaults of the City, I read: In the absence of any visible sup-



This fs


i i

“Would you mind lean- tng on the other side signor—we're beginning to get a bit worried about it!” |

Service London Express

Lodge Schooit Matron

Visited Art Galleries— England

ISS Sybil Atteck, one of Trini- dad's leading artists who has

been to England visiting art gal-


which called r




j Mt

leries and studying murals and culpture, returned home yester- lay evening by the Gascogne

here earlier in the norning

Back from U.K. R. Briggs Collins, Director of

I R, M. Jones and Co., Ltd., re- urned yesterday morning un the sascogne from England where he 1ad been on a four months’ busi- 1ess trip. He was accompanied by


Spent Three Months R. Victor Stolimeyer, Solicitor of Trinidad and brother of Jeoffrey Stollmeyer, Trinidad

and West Indies cricketer, was an intransit passenger from England on the Gascogne yesterday on his way back home. He was accom-

ISS K. M. BOULT. Matron of panied by his wife and little son

the Lodge School for the past 14 years returned from England yesterday morning by the Gas- conge after spending four months’ holiday. That was her third visit back home since she came out to Barbados to take up her appoint- ment.

School Mistress Returns ISS Sheila Ward of Brome- field, St. Lucy, and an Assist-

ant Mistress of the Alexandra School, returned from the United Kingdom yesterday morning on the Gascogne after spending four months’ holiday While there she said that she visited Scotland and Switzerland and had a very en- joyable stay.

Well Known Here

Humphrey and they had spent three months’ holiday in the U.K.

Aftending Conference In Trinidad

R. Perey Stewart, Managing Director of the National Bus

Co. and the Esso Servicenter, left for Trinidad yesterday evening on the Gascogne to represent the Scottish Diamond Lodge No. 84 at the Scottish Mechanics Conference in Port-of-Spain on Sunday. He expects to be away for a week.

Awarded Diploma ISS Joycelynne Pilgrim has been awarded a Diploma from

the Women’s Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences of the Interna- tional Correspondence Schools at

R. Ernest Forjonel who is wei] Seranton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. known in Barbados. having

visited here on several occasions with the Tranquillity Tennis team of Trinidad, was an intransit pas- senger on the Gascogne yesterday from England.

He is now returning home after spending a holiday in the United Kingdom

Trinidad Turfite R. Fedo de Cannes, well known turfite in Trinidad,

was another passenger from Eng- land intransit on the Gascogne yesterday, He was returning home after spending holiday in the United Kingdom

His brother’s horse Ras Tafare, is probably one of the best known on the West Indian turf, having passed the winning pole first 38 times in 100 starts,

Will Observe Elections R, J. E, T. Brancker, M.C.P., left on the Gascogne yester-

day for Trinidad on a short pro- fessional visit, While there he said that he would take the opportunity to observe the elections which take place on Monday next.

Mr. Brancker is a member of the Caribbean Socialist Party of Trinidad of which Hon'ble Dr. Patrick Solomon is President. Dr. Solomon is contesting a seat in South Trinidad for the Legislative Council.

o egs ° Visiting Relatives

RS, E. L, COZIER whose hus- band is Acting Information

Officer, Caribbean Commission, is remaining in Barbados for a holi- day to visit her relatives. She arrived yesterday morning with her husband on the Gascogne from England,

Mr. Cozier went up to cover the Test Matches for Reuter’s Ltd. British News Agencies, who were giving a special coverage to their subscribers in the Caribbean area. He returned to Trinidad yesterday evening on the Gascogne,


plies of tin... tioning of the London market would be seriously endangered.

“You talk a lot about tin. Well where is it Show me some?,,

“My dear sir, that’s not how business is done. We don’t show you the actual tin.”

“But I happen to want to be sure that the actual tin exists.”

“You must take the word of Schackstick, Bottle and Wyle.”

“Then I'm to buy invisible tin?” “Of course,” “Look here. Confess that you

haven't a single ounce of tin on your premises.”

“Of course we haven't.” “There you are then.”

The Week’s Prize T took an Essex builder four years to establish the right of


vs ; THE PLACE: :




steed da tl

By Beachcomber the normal func- the

She has completed the pre- sweribed course of “Foods and Cookery”. Miss Pilgrim is a laughter of Rev, A. C. and Mrs. Pilgrim of Mount Tabor, St. John.

Another sister, Miss Grace Pil- grim, is taking a course in nursing

t Farrborough Hospital, Kent, Mngland, ' oz

Doing Well in U.S.A. R. Benjamin Wilston Watkins, Barbadian now studying

medicine at the College of the City of New York has been covering tuimself with honours since he left here in August 1946. He is Presi- dent of the Caduceus Society (the pre-medical group) of the College, and he is the first coloured student in the College’s history ever to be inducted into the Sigma Alpha Society for honours in his junior year.

in addition, Mr. Watkins is Manager of the Biological Review. Chancellor of the Senior Honour Society, Supervisor of College Re- “istration of students and Chair- man of many committees. To be chosen as Chancellor of the Senior Honour Society is the highest hon- our that can be given. to student,

In Barbados Mr, Watkins was a pupil of the Boys’ Foundation school, and was an Assistant Teacher at St. Christopher's Boys’ School, He is son of Mrs, Milli- cent Watkins of Maxwell Road, Christ Church.

a nore the passengers return- ing from England on the Gas-

cogne yesterday intransit for Trinidad were Mr. Gerry Gordog, Deputy Director of Surveys and Mr. A, W, Skinner attached to the financial branch of the Trinidad Civil Service. They were both on four months’ leave.

. ‘


men who work for him to work five hours a week overtime on building houses, But the per- mit that took four years to ac- quire expired yesterday — and the fun has to start again, The men want to work overtime, the builder wants them to, the people with or without homes want them to. So, naturally, every obstacle must be put in the way. What is the use of my trying to invent imbecilities?

Cat Out of Bag

If there wasn’t so much money spent on Government information services, é C


LT Ia Sh T

run by publicity men, everybody would know what the Fovernment was doing.

(Charlie Suet.)


Ota ? ;


> Ss, - > ¥ 7 7 q . $

AND s x Leon Errol—‘In THE UNINVITED: BLONDE” ~ “4 . 24s > » % Latest American and British Newsreel % |) > .




B. B.C. Radio Programme SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1950

7.00 am. The News. 7,10 a.m. News Analysis, 7.15 a.m. John Maden at the Theatre Organ. 7.30 a.m. The Nature of the Universe. 6.00 ajm. From the Edi- torials, 8.10 a.m. Programme Parade. 8.15 a.m. Band of the Irish Guards. 6.45 a.m. Dance Music. 9.00 a.m. Close Down. 12.00 noon The News. 12.10 p.m. News Analys- is. 12.15 p.m, R.A.C. Tourist Trophy. 12.45 p.m. Semprini at the Piano. 1.00 p.m. Eng- lish Eloquence. 1.15 pm. Radio Newsreel. 130 p™ Anything to Deelare 2 oe. The News 210 p m. Home News from Britain 215 pm. Imterlude. 2 30 p m Heary Wood Promenade Concerts. 3 30 pm Sports Review. 400 pm. The News. 410 pm_ The Daily Service. 4 15

m. Jack Train’s Record Variety Bill 00 pm. Listeners Choice. 515 pm

Programme Parade. 530 pm. Dance with Me 6 30 p m. The Nature of the Universe. 700 p m_ The News. 7 10 Pm, News Analysis, 7.15—7 45 pm_ Behind

‘Up=to-the-Minute report from Paris on



The Garden) ST. JAMES

TO-DAY AND SUNDAY 8.30 P.M. Mat. SUN. 5 P M.

R.K.O.-Radio’s Action Spectacle!

Paul HENREID and Maureen O’HARA in

= SPANISH MAIN ~ Color by Technicolor!



6s 69366655: S

B15 Din” Weekly Sports Summary, 636/f| MAL MAZ AM —Oistin: sar. and SUN. 5 & 8.30 P.M. pm. Me the Composer and You. 9 00 - '

we News 8 10" mu Snterluge 3o"ls scheaie m, . . 10 45 ER a ,

Om. leuse bao tee Mon. 5108 pan, “THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON Hear it Again, and

‘CHEROKEE STRIP” (Musical Western)

DICK FORAN in “ Beauty Queen

Wants To Be Nun (From Our Own Correspondent)


cust Sand th tn inne ueen of the Sou a Islan : for the past three years, who had ‘ ‘INEMA (Members Onl been holidaying in’ Chile, said on | AQUATIC CLUBCIN (M y her arrival in Trinidad last night, ) + that she was on her way to Rome

TO-DAY TO MONDAY 8,30 p.m.

to seek audience with the Pope. She wants to enter a Convent, she said, She wants to get away from the persistent invitations of Hol- lywood star hunters. She said she} won the South Sea Islands Beauty Competition in 1947, 1948 and

A putty-coloured felt velour = Restavranr ceps cone is edged with pleate Baimain ‘eature veiling. This flouncing alain clack olilbox. trimmed with

London Bxpress Service. snarse Diack veiling, snood style, is stitched with sequins,

trom Pierre


This Picture is Suitable for ADULTS Only

PARIS. Smartest numbers are brightly] 1949. After her first win, she said, WHEN a Parisienne returns coloured (grass green or ruby] she was plagued with Hollywood FIRST SHOCKING EXPOSE OF _

from her holiday her first invest- red) and usually untrimmed. Cut} “scouts,” but refused all their . CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN! ment is a new hat. supplies the interest. Crowns are] offers. pbs iis ai

She sees nothing incongruou® big and fit the ane. Brims are a in wearing a long -haired autumn small and aureole the face sym- - ¥ : felt pelene the gutters are thick metrically, So far there is very Loot Taken After Fire y. Wh 7 yf SF, with leaves—in fact with her little tendency to tilt hats for- ff i y ij summer clothes. This is keeping ward — although we are warn- ie ‘i PORT-OF-SPAIN. j

shi more impor- ed that this is coming. rom Our Own Correspondent) 4 vs iiliem ro Se ore = acitinery “for 5 Freadnrd- When a recent fire gutted build- eee: ee ty teh Slee

ings at South Quay, Port-of-Spain, hundreds of persons fought for salvage of goods, ranging from whisky and cider to sardines and saltfish. At first, by the scores they came, then by the hundreds until traffic was almost stopped along the area.

Cases of whisky and cider were seen being brought out by findeys, who hugged the booty tightly to their chests. Towards afternoon, when things began to get scarce, and the police had the upper hand



man than in anything else. —L.E.S.

sn » Released through FM CLASSICS, Inc. /

Rupert and the Castaway —6



4.30 and 8.30 M-G-M’s Super Double. . .


of the crowd. persons carried AND CONTINUING Joel McCREA away burnt timber and stone, Charles BICKFORD

Fish For Snobs 20th C-Fox presents : —imn — MELBOURNE.

Australia’s largest fish hatchery,

Captain Barnacle seems pleased out every day through my built to raise 1,000,000 trout a to avi someone who will listen to telescope." All at once he pauses. year, will be opened shortly at in THIS WAY m his troubles. “* I'm getting an old “ raion ot iplgseapes, he mes Snob’s Creek. —(C.P.) ROSE man, Rupert,"’ he says, “and very thoughtfully, “1 saw someshing na er. My favourite nephew, who onl on the 7 just now. | CROSSWORD aa :

should be with me, went to sea wish you'd see if your young eyes — rring : ‘ hres years ago and never came can tell what it is and if it’s still i4 5 6 JOHNNY EAGER back. | can hear nothing of him there.” ‘Yes, do leg me try, Tyrone Power; Starring: though | wai: for news and look cries Rupert os oe Robert TAYLOR

rson WE Lana TURNER

Extra at 8.30 Half-hour Stage Entertain- ment by Madam Tiam Fook

and Syd Vander Lyde,



TO-DAY & TO-MORROW 4.30 and 8.30

Republic Double .



AT 20th C.-Fox Double” .-Fox Double . 2. Without ean atin a — ee June HAVER CLUB MORGAN 4) 88282 |) aS. anies LS SE 12. Preneh waite, 15) : a ae


Ba) Artetad in $-Bew ia ES << ‘ rea i 7 wh 4) DELICIOUS STEAK DINNERS SERIO SIe Ob Ses ant: the INVESTIGATOR : oe Served throughout the Night By pow a, Dank tu run a) ' uy) * FIGHTING MAN . us you are eehir re

Dial 4000 for Reservations * Puente back ‘oy AND OF THE PLAINS or

1 HERES Syste we. vo “THE RED PONY" Starring: | 2 Bort of type. 18) Randolf SCOTT

ie aces Toh Mth coco ; 16. Scientific heath. 15) with } 18 Pamous straits. 1 mean (5) Extra: Sat. Nite at 8.15 for ; , Solution ot vesterdas s uaz rerons Myrna LOY half-hour: MAGIC... 1 homaneeee! \rtee Petes THRILLS . . and MYSTERY THE MANAGEMENT presents. 3! *: AP Bit Robert MITCHUM By Professor ALVINZY J %

uns » Parabolic: with pride re Pp, ,Beernty: rh







a.m, to Midnite






(1) Again; (2) Foolish Heart;(3) Maybe its’ Because (4) Ole Man River; (5) If I Love You; (6) Stormy Weather,








Pick axes Ras, a : 7 7 Axeheads SpoRe Shaves UNDER,

Chisels Rules ' Braces & Bits Tapes Compasses Pliers Clamps Screw Drivers Hand Drills Saws . Files Levels F 7 = Planes & Irons Oil Stones ~ co: 22 by = { AS Hammers Emery Wheels (complete) me Ni Hatchets Paint Brushes Tee HNICOLOR N Tool Handles Putty Knives Squares Chalk Knives