write about: what is the advantage of many plants and animals living in the same area?

Write about: What is the advantage of many plants and animals living in the same area?

Upload: abraham-chapman

Post on 14-Dec-2015




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Write about:

What is the advantage of many plants and animals living in the same area?

In this presentation you will:

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

explore biological diversity and ecosystem sustainability Next >


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The ability of an ecosystem to remain, and of life to continue despite changing conditions, is called its sustainability.

One of the most important factors of ecosystem sustainability

is the variety of species that inhabit the ecosystem.

Ecosystem Sustainability

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Today, there are millions of species of living things on Earth.This variety of living things is known as biological diversity, or more commonly, biodiversity.

What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variety of life both within and between species and includes the diversity of: Species

Genetic material

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It also includes the diversity of ecosystem types.

Which of the following best describes biodiversity?

Question 1

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A) The variety of species, genetic material, and ecosystems found on Earth

B) The number of trees in a forest

C) The sizes of fish in a stream

D) The dependence of one species on another

Which of the following best describes biodiversity?

Question 1

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A) The variety of species, genetic material, and ecosystems found on Earth

B) The number of trees in a forest

C) The sizes of fish in a stream

D) The dependence of one species on another


Species diversity is the number of different species of plants and animals that live in an ecosystem.

The more variety of species, the more organisms there will be in food chains and webs.

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This makes an ecosystem more stable and less likely to be disrupted by changes in numbers of one species.

Species Diversity

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An ecosystem that is stable will be more able to tolerate this change.

When diversity is low, change can cause vital elements of an ecosystem, such as the food chain, to collapse. The ecosystem would fail.

An increase or reduction in a particular species changes the dynamics of an ecosystem.

The Food Chain

Consider this food chain.

What would happen to the ducks if the snails were wiped out by disease?

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The ducks would suffer too.



Algae onstones

With more species in the food web, the outcome for the ducks may not be the same.

The Food Web

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Algae onstones

Dragonfly larvaeMinnows

Water fleasTadpoles



Now consider the effect of removing the snails.

Removing a species from a food web that has more species is less disruptive.

The ducks would not be as affected since they can still eat mosquito larvae.

Genetic Material

Genetic diversity is the variety of all the genetic material that is present in organisms.

Varieties in inheritable characteristics give rise to adaptations in species, including resistance to disease.

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It makes a species more able to cope with changes to the environment.

Why is diversity of genetic material important to the stability of ecosystems?

Question 2

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A) It enables species to adapt to and cope with changes in the environment.

B) It prevents species being part of the food chain so that they live longer.

Question 2

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Why is diversity of genetic material important to the stability of ecosystems?

A) It enables species to adapt to and cope with changes in the environment.

B) It prevents species being part of the food chain so that they live longer.

Why is Biodiversity Important?

Biodiversity keeps ecosystems healthy and stable and enables them to function for a long time. Healthy, long lasting ecosystems are essential to our planet.

They keep gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air stable. They recycle nutrients.

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They keep our climates stable. They keep the earth stable by controlling erosion.

Why is Biodiversity Important?

Ecosystems are also very important to the way we live our lives.Plants and animals provide us with:

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Food Shelter Fuel Materials Clothing Medicines

Preserving Biodiversity

Biodiversity of ecosystems is essential to preserve the quality of life we have on Earth.

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The loss of species will lead to a loss of many of the resources that are valuable to us.

Our climates and atmosphere could change in a way that makes it difficult to live.

Biodiversity is very important for which of the following reasons?

Question 3

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A) It keeps ecosystems stable.

B) It preserves resources that are valuable to us.

C) It keeps the conditions of the planet suitable for humans to live.

D) all of these reasons

Biodiversity is very important for which of the following reasons?

Question 3

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A) It keeps ecosystems stable.

B) It preserves resources that are valuable to us.

C) It keeps the conditions of the planet suitable for humans to live.

D) all of these reasons

Threats to Biodiversity

Human activity is one of the biggest threats to biodiversity.

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We rely on natural resources, but by overusing them we can damage and upset the balance of ecosystems.

For example, global warming causes melting of ice caps and affects all living things that rely on them.

Threats to Biodiversity

We are changing the varieties of species through advances in genetics and selective breeding.

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We sometimes introduce species into areas they are not usually found. This can affect the species that already live there.

The gray squirrel was introduced to the UK and now outnumbers the

British red squirrel

"The introduction of new species to a habitat could never be a cause of reduced biological diversity.”

Is this statement true or false?

Question 4

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Answer true or false.

"The introduction of new species to a habitat could never be a cause of reduced biological diversity.”

Is this statement true or false?

Question 4

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Answer true or false.



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the meaning and importance of biodiversity

In this presentation you have seen:

the threats to biodiversity