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A . d.A. M. Edition. . T H E .... V0L.-12. -NO.^ljSr - ------ " ifllllimLESJ! SEI 8 K 8 Dii> UlEUIlliilll! . _______ _ ___________________ thi Net Declinos of AoUvo sues On RI r Hoard Rnnpo nn From $2 to S22 Por Share' ” I rxt With Many at New I.ows, (AoMriVtril l‘rrx« riiiaiiriil Kdllor) , NKV/ YORK, Nov, 11 - A liur.si of M-llliiK. ilc.vondlni; w ith t e r - ' ride Imimcl- In Ilx- Iu.hi hour uf iradlim. Mill |>rlr«'s cia.sliliiK di>v.iiwiir(] un Hip . Ni'W -York ^l^;d•. fM-lmtiKi- HJdny. Nfl tU'fllm-H III tlu' aillvi' ruiiiv'.'tl \T licm l i tu $21! ft slwr.-, wfth u .spriiiU-' ------2in8 of-OMilimrily lr.ii.'llv<' l'j.iio« .d w n : . sn.'* lo J5I) a r.liare. Sei-i-niy .■ '.lO '-li.i, Jm-liulli!i! Anifrlr;iti i ^ ------ (.‘IIH. Onn'i3!-^ lrff»r an rt»-Wr*i--Vorit------ ....... (Vrtfrul, f*'H (0 {att' t-’ivla tor-UuL.___ yrnr; whlli' duwtis of oiliw . lncluiUii« ■ linliiil SinU'.'< Si<‘('I common, wink 10| ^ tllf loa-ckL prlceA nliice thc current • iM-ar" mnrltei stnrtPd on Octobcr 24. _ Dfcllne Orderly ‘ i Uh Prices started lo drlU ilownwnrd Jfd Jrom the o|K'nlii;r KW'U for tlieji'ec first .two hours tlie decline was order- ilnl ___ !y-untl-bti!*lne»-wfl»-rrlBllvely JlBlii-lttU-J volynic. Mon}' brokm Qilrtbuicd the old "• !.»<•> lirPalrio n'p0nrpricd-‘~bwr-drivf‘.''-rit( ' throuKlioui tllf doy of wcakeiifU mnr-.Oc ulnn) accounts . 'nm Total Kale* on the New York Mock:nto <"cchD«ge for the ihrec-liour st.i^onilot V c rr 3JB1.1S0 ^lil^rw,■morl‘ th a n Imlf of which cliaiiKCd hniul.*. in tho :n^t. i h o u r, u h lc h coiiiparcA w lih U.'.’M.COO| 1 Miorf* on Friday. : ______Xhe-Nt;i-_York.bauUntt_ErotijjJiefld-'-8l) cd by J. P. Morcon and compony or{in>, iilzcd u (ew weeks bko lo nssure un cri orderly market, hold no mofiinns to- < liny. SpskcMuen for th f KroUft alw made no commcnt on tht; doy’d pro-1 n ' cecdliw. 1dn; Avrrace* ot New Low hl« The Indices of 50 leodtp^ IndiisttUI. I * :o railroad and 70 public iilillty slocks.' liifpared for The Awoclfttcd i>reM by thP mondard StalUUct - compuny. all rstubllihed new loW-U»c>ii lor ihe jrear W 111 the doy'B tr«dlte.'>»ul the net de- t«i cllnea were nui .>f^»tont o« «woie « .. tho*c whl/.U Imvey A n iitmaU n-Ua; a la*t iliree week*. i TJie cOrb ifiSVkei broke lew j)reclpU . ___umlly_Uuin.thcj!lotk exchonftc, os (h'‘ mii ------rtrop-on-the-“blir'boatTl“-« n if-i» 'la tr _ lu l ^ Kcsslon thiit the ciiib did not ^ liTIVp tiiiich lime to rw ct In p>Tnpothy, },i| : ; Im Canadian Minister of i Finance Dies of Stroke "" TOnONTO.’OntBrls. NOV..U — - ) Ji<ine» AlcxHuer Kobb, Canodlun mln- dei Islcr of finnni-e, dl«l oi a slrwke hc nuf-i eoi frrpd today a .iliort tlnic aftor his [iliy* rcj ilclans huU announced hc w u nwking im ------^inwiimnp.ln i r „ ...nT* *r» vt;.~ £Jj ^obb bccamc 111 tliice wvrkh uru whili* fly ___ _oiMi UnIn en lOiiU: from Ottawa to To^j Of . loiitb aii^ lobur'iincumoniu devclopnl. Boy Accidentally Fires ' ^ Shot Fatal to Father; FULTON, Mo.,' Nov. n _ Paul J ------ WaCDCnMflr a';. n UVliter. Wak'accident- nlly shol to death by hU ft-year-old liomc. ilK niUes nortlin'est of Atixva.'we. I o, Missouri, lole today. i ^ MocDonald.' wllh L. M. Ooinble.ini Mexico. MLwourl. postina.ster, lu d re* | turned from a liunUntr crip and were Mondlntr In the yard ulking with XIn. H ------MacDonald,-wheo pli boy-pulled the. H irlKRCr of thc shotumi wlilch has fath- U er lind realed isalMt a po#t, A verdict of accidental homicide, wos returned at the InQucsi. 7000 Persons See Stunt, Flier Plunge to Death jy MAflLDORO. Mais., Nov. 11' 6V)-S- wnuo-Bn-*ATmtRicc-dtr crowa-crf-iooo- — Kiizcd skyward at hla darlns feotji. Lieutenant Wllllun P. Leonard, noted ftunl filer, cruhed to his dealh. at the Marboro air (leld here lal« loday when his plane tt'enl lnu> a note dive i from a hel)(ht of about 1500 (eet. lal ' Lieutenant Leonard and Lieutenant “ir >’ QcorRe Watkins In unolher plune. Iiad rc| been cnlcrtalnhiK the crowd. Le ' _ _ _ _ _ -be Secretary H^FBiSfieves ' ^ price of Land at Bottom S ______cincA OO, Nov. n i.^y-Pciief thnt .. ■ tlR r^ttoh priMs for jandA nad ISI been rcached w u expressed todaj’ by Le Secretary o( Agricullure Arthur M. < Hyde, as he slopped off cn roule to'8l. on Paul, where he will addres-i a meeting rf t^lllf pr»v1ni««r» ~ _ . ^ - - '•Tlifre.U certainly no boom In flthl." mi lie- said, "but Indications are ihai bol- torn prices for form lands have been ^ — r-rrafh»l fL>mA-auUmrlt^«-K„||,V ,H ,|. _i liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau." nm> 8T0BM VIOTIBTB BODV ' irooo, Oola, Nor, U UPh^ body “« ol Vernon BUvon. « . lort durinj • op snowstorm October 38, kbeut 91 nUM m northtart of Powler. Ooloiido, ww cm lound today Uum milu fram hit Iwme. bn ' which he had tried t« reach cn (oot lst< after ibandontnr his track. tai 1 T W I tKAItKD mtMUBAXR ni> ~*6SboUTB>PMaH -------------------- Colorado-Mine Cavc-In Ql Kntombs Three W orkmen ]H RTEAMUOAT fil-niNO.S, CoU., Nhv, (|> n i4-i-Tliret* miner*! wrrt_U;4iii^.i i,, ^ *n civc-ln at lti« Mi-Sril Cnal (.imuaiiy W mhiP nt MurnrcKor- 13 mllc^ mst m i U lllghl.'' .I’lffl'IIIPW illH iw .m wan establL'Jied when rjp i upiv iiranl ' n ona pipe Iradlnv from Uip IiiiiikI KiiPrr U -ihejncn.wcriLWMht,_____^ _____________ TJip men are Jnck Condon. Ivjrl L\. brnnch uiiU Jack OarUr. » TliP McNeil properly L". a '.Iwli niinr and e.xtend'< to a depth of bctHi’cii cco ^ nnd 700 feet, with tiinnok tinm uir I'i mnin hlinft.ol Inlcr^aL'. Tlie luve.in occurred In one of the lower IrirL. tti(> ll rxai't depth of uhlcli w n not loarnHl. I IN nnil CASE i I tuke 'ior I' New York 'City Roa.lv TriftlTjr^Acciised Sljiyi'i;;!".!!!! NEW YOIlk. Nov. 11 t/l'i-.'llii' Holil- sleln ca.w. whldi coal-a.j)OJke,<-imiiil«- 'y ,Ii Moncr hln Job. Ilamcd Intcmiilli'iitiy in }” f , UlC headlines for muntliN And tlui'. Ieai>- ed OKBln Into prominence ilurliiK tin- * I'econt mayoralty campaign, « ill develop Inlo a trial tomorrow. -Just.a-y«ar-and elghUdaysjOnce-Arn- old nuthsieln. Broadway gambler and ' rackrtr»r.-»KH nhot nnd wmindwl.- u,. Ocorno a!' Mc.Mamu. rocc inick buoR*^ *' mifcer.and Kambler asMxlnte of Rotli- ntoin. will enter tl courlroohrio b<‘ trli'c!* ,.r “ lor Uw- killliiK of hla one Umc frltiia. , CS Keporien Want .Seats | morl . Extviwivc preparallotw by Un- i)rws'i^'''ie Indiciilp widespread Interest In the trial.: _81xti';{|giii_reporier.?_hnve.a|)i>ilri!.for.i*»*f ,WRtx In the lar,:cst court room In tlie criminal courls btilldlnif. Oil NoJ-embcr <. IB2H. Roiluwiii uered oul of thc PniJ Central hoiw wltli a bullet In hU abdoiiieii. He died two days loter. refusing to the la;,t to name ^ hU wuUani. Shortly aflcnsard McManus .^urrcnd* nM, ered and uun hidicated wltli ll)inan U < BUler. ond two unldenlUled nun for ihp UUl kllllnff. -Biller, who woh Que^IiollPd by , . police a few iMurs after thc stiooiinx Olid then relea*ed. is still M lar^e. ^ Ll SOUim.OUAWBUVCK FUOilT NEW YOBK. Nov. II ir>-8emyon A. 8he»l»kov. chief pllut ul the Ru»* «>f n slon.-plone.-.i'Lamt-o{-~ilic—Sovleu!^ fuU.j ■wluarne«rrfoinT^{Sari5*NeFTCHir moo today announced thni tlu- Owavlajc* on t him, Soviet aviation jwclety.-had-re- jmdi fUKCd tu IndorK hl.i pruiwsal lo fly oeni acroM Uw Atlantic ocean on thc home- <iimj ward trip. |ciiss; REPOKT DEADLY DISEASE i ■ MEXICO c m r, Nov. 11 (-V;-An e])l. ^rvj demlc of a deadly d ln w marked by eratl convuWons In-the afflictea ha* been —;L, rcjwrtwl lt> Mexico City from the re- ^ ‘ mote und yj|[,_|<‘Tltury of Quintana. flying In huntltm recently for remains ie rs of the Mayan cIvllUaiiuii,....................... Noted Archaeologist ' ___ Succumbs at Santa Fe' SANTA PE.__N.Vt., Nov. 11 (AV-Wex-! died .11 his home here hut night, lit- luid been sufferhig i'rom pnriimoniii. i — urnticwwM' oir ine'«tw rdr:U'c:— I School of Anierlcun Rewurch. In 192J.! : 27 he wa.1 usnoclate din-ciar uf ilie-Ban ----- - j Diego. California museum. eisiPlSTs AT - 411WMEB - M embership Not Founded on Faith and Renentancc ___ W orthless, Says Pastor ' SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. U WV-Ban- lahmenl o( commercial evangelism u a “membership unfounded on faiUi and repetlieiice” was urged by Bishop a. W, I^onard. Bu((ato, today In an address -before a gaiherluf-of.Son-Fnuidseo Bay — district' Meihodlst ministers, held in conjunction wiUi the Mml-flnal meet* lug of the bd&rd of bishops of the Melho* ^as^.SpU«|»^^lbw«l».-------------------------------- - “Commercial cvaiiBellsm mtwi-bfrhtTTr — ished from the churcli." satd Bishop Leonard,___________ ^ ________ •» - ___ “A membership which is nol founded on faith and Ttpeutoncc and a wllllnt* ness to labor In God's ^Ino-ard Js worse eonverta on ihe personal mlnUtiy ofthe people." A fee of tSBM which ho a^rlad wm ___ paid Uie Key. uuiy bunoay iw piw h* Ing six sermons receAlly “shocked b ia - when he heard about U, BUUop Ltonard said. Hie MtlviUes of “pulptl thrtUen- iai “sejuatlon m an « n ". n i jc o M by. Blah* rS S g J S C i; Isten and a like gtied in a studr. of church ---- ---------- -TON-rai7hS-, i BAHC BiK E iinYESySE W iiTO ByY im fiim sl __________________________________ -b u i ------ ; s Auditoi-.-; Uiuovor Fiinl)e/.5clenipm from Sinjrk' Miii - . . , -Iifi: Institution 111- - H istnry mu nf Financc in Amprica ____ 1 In ---------.'Dy Th'f X'.-iC.'iatKI rrerjll---------------- FLINT. Mii-n,. Nuv. 1 1 - M ore Ih an Sa.OOit.rKK), -.{iu; <u Ix- Ilie larKP.''.. i-nibrvlcmi-iit from :i 'li:ul'‘ boiik In Amerlcun tmiil.iiii'.'lil>l'jry. Uip smn c tukeu h> lU ur I'Miplnyes mul Jun- Jml ior esit-uiive-. ol ill'' Union fiu{ii''«r<;ii irci luiik ot Kllnt, ic:i iii'.'ii ^^|>lrulaIilln.^ hi ju t Ilie MOi,'l; inarki-i, 11 nar. rncn'isl lirrc i;i f lnUij III ull oitlcbl Mrtl'iiifia (III tliP rr>< |ir»Ki<'S.-i of Die'iiiiilii (if III!' rliiiri.iitf ii.m Hlik'li iui\ lii'i'ii iiiiiliT. u;iy (lir .-Olil" 'I' ‘tm r -------- ------------------------------------------ JB? TJl,‘ J'T--'-’- Ml/JI ;jj W.iyj.OCHi, i ilill th e 111-1 ‘lu.-. 1-. ■.vtiliiAKd i I r l h r ' — ll.•^^!l1borho^Kl n{ j:.MjO0,O0(l. w iden in lurn In fX|HTl«(l to b<- cul down by] a l«ij-ment5-on-cenaln-lnsurancr-i»licie.ni-fl' lu-ld by tho bnnk. ' U To forcMull any iMs.Hlljllliy of Iws to' the bunk n.i a n-Mill nf Uu‘ thrfi:*.. rharlen B. M011.. pri->;kli‘nt of the bnnk Mid vlcc im'sldoni of Uenerul Mutor^ ;uVlfiSrutlOtr— l» r r -lu r n i‘d over .nioiv — Hum Sl.600.000 of liln.iwrsonnl fiindv __ n<>.liprl |ir.iv|.»|]^|y lF*WO:0004«H4Hk--------- ------------ Hold Conference -Early. pro.«cuUon of Uie employe:, in- - volved. who nre s.:il(l to imve u.sed. tiie iiunk'.^ fiind.i 10 .i])^citlair-ln th«n>V(x:lf-t— morket. was indlccii-d in Uie .<(tnl<:muni| ij.<ued to<luy. Offlclalx of tlie Flint bank iiiid of Detroit bunkliii: Uou-io.h. with wlilcli U I' nlflllnij<l, ronferred with Rudolph T, Uclclicrl, state’ banking «re :ommtAloiu-r: Prosccuilint Attorney daj Charles D. BraRjc, Ofije-ve county, anil ww » irprewntotlve of the attorney Rencr- to office, it was announced Ihnt ''oil ma iContlmied On Paje 4, Colunm a 1^ ' BOSDIllnlEIN LiDONGiPLESSISMs . -i ___=_::== ____ L ____ LONDON. Nov. n WriN’Jlth a gale of ralu and wind blowlnK and Ihc city fuaof.AtmlsUce day crowds, more .than 2000 bus bperativiM on !■) routw went . on strike today., A fon(erence ot union JeaderB-aad'-dlr^ctorR of.the Londdn Oeneral Omnibus cojnpany broke up In dlsayrcenient aHer M-verul hour:.' dis- ciissiiin UiU afternoon. 1 It i.s now believed that there Ls dnn- n r llfr the fclrtke mny crtpulc liie etttlir omi MTVlce which nmnbtrs 4WW buws oji- ... ^ tln « from 50 garugfs over the city. The shorp ciu-tallmeni of bus wrvlcc . caiiH'd much Inconvenlfiico to w orkm hu n'UirnltiK to tlielr liomes thlfi evenlnn. He Never Again- t) p nB asm v s fiA P iiR m sJi ^LLS HOVTUESDA-Y-MORNlNflrNOV W inter Take.s Sotond rfl Fling at ('t)ioradoans | U nnNVnn. Nov. n .v, Wlnt.-r took M .•vnother Itin;: ut ('.,:i,;ii(i,> [c,iay. Its jU, third thb. wa.';fiit. ,K i,..„vv, v,.'t /.nuw III ni Wlien the wiowlnll .iti'.-.i tiic men'ury Hj s ia r ie d KlIdl^iH >tuv.n ;i>. :. ;,i,. u , III .bUtuUnwlnis.___ __________________________ Some .ippremi, l',i. ,1;, i,.U m r.iiiinr iKPtwVtlon'rIjccai.'ii.-harvo .i u not yet conipU'tMl. W iu,.'ii;.rr i; Abnut u '-'•a t t«o *rrl;s' ,supplv m vi.cp the .'.unar Iat'toi1e.s lirtii-;.-. ij„.ir iiui\ be dll- IR liculiy In Bettini! ilit- ujlaiir.- ol'ilic crop _ uut of thP itcicn .[riiiiiiii. ’E ; --------------- . g, Indian Hravw Drink — AiitFPiTCTT-l.iiiiiiil ill----------- Hiinlcr.s' Car and I)ic --— «!»• Le ONAMIA. Miiiii., t.'.r, ll ..i'i--ThtPe here Indiiiii brJVf.i v.liu iiMiind an unlj* four | irei-re MiIuUuii friii. wiili.- huntprd' M pHi juioaKJblles and 11, a ir iii'iid und Thr :x fourth was muili- ;vii,.j.,iy m on « Amon rrMTVuilcn tiPar |;>r. I.,': '.\i,-u, u uu-; EUmu Ii-ained todsy.^ ovtr I Till (loud Ut“ 'run;; Mui'iirll. Charle*; Uie III .inrif-in 4iiii Joiiii ,11 mViiiti<rs oo«o, tlw . , bu»<« ---------__ __ ' - • Yji aror« IDiOIT.Sm -S I -iraillS-BILLSJ ------------------------ "■ I cunlo goloirSccks Traiisfur u f ieniieh. Tl« '■“BiTlge-Pc.'^t lo-V eterans’ ____ Hlld t: on nil .WASHINGTON. .S-ov, 11 -I',-C on* Spfr arejt-ohjm AddL'otrT-FiiiUirTdiirerio^ lucky; day Introduced Uirn- bll^. one o( which the li would oulhorlxe Uu' .wrriury- oJ wnr Thlrtj to traasfer to the vctert.iW-biireatl train.- monaRenienl 0 deed 10 Luul and build- profM ln>;s in Bolte burmck.'.. non- used nk'ti cui-d t hospiui. Tlie nu-iiwri' provides lor lmns(er lo the stair r.' idnhn Innd oml T ljn buildings o( thc u-4^1 by thet,Idclio I [||| Expenditure of u:>.(*00 for eonslrac* *f Uoh of roncLs of Cmirrs of the Moon is I Muitlit In n sreond iiipii.'iire. and liome* ' Qlciid enir}7nen und owners of patent- ed land would be/imlurlsaO^to |Uirclia«8 -.ysji B40 acrca ol atock niMug liomcstead avlalt laiid under a third bill by Mr. SnUth. nwnoi ________________ _ .south AccidentallyDischarj^ed___ '" “*• ""Gun Kills Rromctt-ehild -Th, ___ j.\( EMMETT. Idjhu, Nov. II « > -R 06ena •o*" Johnson. u. iiiuglw njrM r'o«a Mrs.' ' Orville Joluison. was aceldeutally.ehot Sunduy nt 4 P. M. ulien the gun her father .wu» untuadlng In the house was (he ? jUscluirscd_Slw-llved.for-one-liour.~ Johnson hud Jusl relumed from o contn hunUng trip und wns clconlnjt )ils gun. was 1 Ho is foreniun of the .wood yurd nt the Plonc BoU-P:.v.-ll.-viwT ,mi ^ ------hsOft in—Until the Next One Come _ A _ f THA.T --------- idKHRjEffl------- flMSSeBB I TW tN FA lhf;(^rm v DM K [OVEMRRK-12; iaae " ' - flyH E lM ilF IJlEBIBHEffilS imriEcoiitp ....... ' i i>f. Inifk I'a.-s.'^enfrer'l’raiii Ilur- tic.s from 'I’rac-k.-; During •Early M orning MnurN’car Slate Line in Tenno.'^.^oe lUr ' -------- ippi ------- nym r -Awnr.tt'ir pr. kM----------- rV OAKDALK. Nov. 11 .-I-... IVrailineiil o l' L U llf northbound i»a;.‘.-iu!rr train, *• Leon, ol tlie Uouilicrn inilwav iu-:ir{ I iprc early todnv i'uun'<I Uh- dt-uii of! | Qur perMins und InjiirU-:. to nion' tiiaii, | 0 pnssriiKi'rs. Thrw of the dfnti wrr.- tialnnii-ii. • .monK llii-m wai; ilie riiKiiD-ir, w . A. ;Umnn, Cliolian'xmn, who liod taken l‘ lf^\ Vtr the thiottle twluy ii-m|rtiailly, 111 IIP ttlsce or.W. A. WU . of o«o, the ri'KUlur ouKlni'.T. Klsninn wa'. Urtt'd beueaUi Ihe wJ-.-i'lyil eiwJjji-. () F.d ariint. fltrmnn. ftuitw Pnwn, leorKlH. V. L. Wlnsteml. mull clrrk. Ne- . 0. Kentucky, and Ntorioii'-UradKtihw, t.'AiiBuslliie. Kiorldn,-wen* thr oUiem —WA llle<l. y' KscunJonUt* Vletlm* beaiw Nearly all ot the injured pu^w|»Jer!, ■ere from Ohio and MIchlKun. They •ere amonit Ihe numbor of iwrMiw from '“''‘•J’ iiose st-cilon.i who h i u r i i ? i n i r c i i i i r r -^“ iefl inmUT" «n » «v. jlnore iirslon aiul wm'rt'iiiminBhoine In diiy ' sache*------------------------------------------ .liaul^ The wreck toot place at l::-0 A. M„ n ft curve. 28jnik-s north of here and 1 nillc.s south of thi- Kentucky Mule durini nf. T I1P 1?iVu~ pe^ age nnd expres.H cnr. four-duy coaches and 2. nd three Pullmans left Uie rolh frum ol the n nndctennlned cnu>e, .|- Spcclftl lraln.s-(roin SomcfSct. Kcn- 353 iikyriinit CliotniiTOKntrrpnnc^pr.nooR- lie Injured pas.seni(erK to those chles. „ „ hlrty*tlirce were In the Chattanooga •aln.-Every ombuloiKtHiKlHM>liy^«,. - g rofsed Inlo service In n'movhm tlip res- ued to haspllaU. - ^ -------------------------- ! The lEMIiiMK = ilig»iiimi= r _T nu •XtARSItm* Mo, N^»'. Il.w»-Three viators who were klUed whl-u their utnoplane n-ent lnU> a spin Ihrev miles oulh ol here thU nfternoon. met an ' " aceiawilil—di«UiA-Di';^PC;^BniUi haw. Sulliie .county coroner, nniiounc- d lonlglit, after 011 lnve.sliKnilun. .. -Thr-men-kllled-wero;_______________ J.\CK ARNOLD, 38. a trnns|)ori pilot, owa Cir>'. Iowa. K n.-KIiWH.-20.-K-«tW8s-Olly. • ----- -- —' I t. T. McUhee. Kantos City. LO nie three men were on'tlidr «-ay tu *>)• W he Marelinll airport near where Uie frscn tasli_tKi:un'i.'d..._McGhct:..u-uii-uuihe ontroli and had circled the flrld and vas lurnlug Inlo Uie wind, wlk-n the ilone went Into Itf. fuial spin. i>t abou'. I MC 50 tePt nitlnide.— ~ —“ •nrrn --------- --------------- afe-l lthe« m es A long ! ---------------- --------- ’I ’ HATi ! I 1WWAT ! -------------- --- H— rrSf ^ ----------------------------------------- ^ ^ 0^ mS n'o™ York " IM tI , 3MC<;TncW 'I ' kr Ik U I «UE ' ^ t he f watc ’Rj K'WtJb Wy uiuc' -------- thei , . *xit ■■■ ....... > ___________ < -------- -------- in a tw at-A cp rrntn ttitu ------- 11 o r cincuiATioH» _______ ^ cterun in Service of jl T (lountry Dies Suddenly |j CinCACO. Nov, It'-I'l Dr, Miv,'III W. nf :l<ti. 04. 01 the d<parlin<’iii t.l ii«rl- Mr ill,;,.', (11.U suddenly tonlKlit ol heart Ul -tni 1 tlie Inte Ur. Alfred (l.’lVui-. Ills pred* II rvor ax head Of thf deparltiii'iu'> ex- L ■iluiKUUj.taUan______ ______________ i>f. Alien inrlveil lieri' lodny nnd wa*; iuliin-v; llu* ronvni’ .loii (ll lund urant pt,|„, H- xi'.. (itxl «nlver.*ill«''-. lomornm-, '• Hr. All. 11 will. a:i«o.latcd uilli the de- iriiiirnt (.1 Hurlculturc lur the la.u 33 l>. ■ar.«, 'r;vln« u,s ussMnnt dircf.lor from a i to ini.'i. He hu. ;;inte born in IW larri' ul the e.\i>erli«i'iit .lalUm v i- rr, . ni' flELD IREISi __ I Worl 'iuuios n.v Di'piiruiicnl j;;f; llf 'A|Tii-nlniiT- In(lic:il£. i),nnii,o/)()-niK ii?i- iT i .<i* .'11 In h WASIIINOTON. Nov. U .■i\--VJelds, Arm rorn. potatcex. sweet potaloos. rice, born ■an», peuniit.s nnd ^u«ar beeU; nil m n cpIcu batantinlly above earlier exiwctatloiw pnrtj Ihe ileparimenl ol aKrleulture report _ _ duy of conditloiw as of November 1. ilefly-becflUse-Octabcr wcnUicc_wn t ___vs.. ore favorable than wiial for luut crops. Combining-nir-«^ir»7ilie-Ui'i»ir'lineiii. ^ 'tl urnsnertx nvyrated aboul IS |X-r _l_rtW nt IwtUT than they were a niontli uko nicnii It chiefly on account of.drj' weather ^.(,..^11 iring the summer, crop yields nvcruKcd _.j , j Jperccnt-belowtho»e-!iecured-laM->ear j ■ Id 2.0 percent below Uie averiise yields | t-St n the prcvlou-s 10 year*. As The poUto er»p. estimated* at 3J3.977.000 bu»HeU Is about 9.000.000 .'<inip basli>l»“mofrtHiS^ni5-Hltm3te-of ----- Ikhht u month ago bul about M.8 per cent of tlu Ifu* than iJie lOT* r»p. The Jdalio To tli notato^rou' nafc~es«maled' at IO.* which mooo. , Aniprl The prellnibiary estimate of corn pro- ' icUon was 2,031.000,000 bushels, nu in- *. . 1 ,, eo.se ot 93.000,000 bushels or 3.1 per nt over the October I forecast. Prac- -all>- nil ot thc Imiiortaia corn pro- . , icing stnics hhowed nn Incren-ve over The 1620 com crop was, however, the L'pnrlment said, a rcUtlvely short oue. ‘ •in* 7.7 per,cent below Uic 1028 crop. " PreUmlnaty e(.Umote;< of. other crops. Ilh compnmUve figuren for Insl year, ^ n ^ B m o flO -a n d -io,ooo^roo:7op--^ les 140.0000W) uud 180,000.000; jwar.i , 1300,000 and 24.W.OOO; muiur bw t»-8.- . ACTOIl'S IHFE nuw | LOS ANOELKS. Nov..11 M V-Slicl-| The [• Worm! SoHiem-i. wife of Pot Bow-1 Jheir -sctrformcr-BrliUh staKe- uctor. died ‘ Pendi I her jtleep early today._______ ( » uk WOMEN LEAKS OF WAR {, fAOSCOW. Nov. 11 wnenrwho Ioiik have-been-admitted I , »'|i|rfgitu unila lit nil' RfBTiimy.' null, i" *? ^ re-to-hu\e-hrtvuno«l-ln»truoUou-l» ____________ „. ifc; 1 In I ,835,000 Jews Residing |uie v In Cothum ,-Survey Show s j “,^r - his b( ■NEW-ilQnK, Nnv, 11 f/ll-TliPrr au\ Beam .835.000 Jews In New York Clly. a Jew* mon I The repori. based on a tlirce-yeor ludy. pri-dlcts a Jewlsli iwplihitloii ol , t’AI wrc Uiau 2.000,000 In Greater Now tj'c e •ork. five yenrs from now._________________ « _______________ Onkn iLTIIUDESFLOCK S TOPiSmiEl! _____ roarii fort I ^lore Than 100,000 Persona versa .Me _Fr6m_EasLer.n PointaSeek E^y^t Cure at Cemetery Shrine -------- ,Th( MALDEN. .MO.SS.. Nov. 11 l»lV-More han 100.000 iwnions from nil parU of lojuachusetls and some from ’Veni)ont p„ ind Canada vUlled the grave of Rev. „ **Ulclc PM-er al Holy Croiis cemetcr^ fere't^iy uiid several nires were re- Kirteil to liave occurrcd. . Reports of cures ol aKllcled persona ifler praying al Uie grave of the ob- . cure prieat who died here 00 yenrs ago. ,C iiivc uitscd thouVanas to iiucK nere. ^ to itiiwio perwrn vuiteu he grave and women and clilldrcn wero t iifc t m 'a~gof pgyami IKS' MnOiOl 0) M pollccmen a s ^ n e d to qq fatch the place. . .. 1 hallce which those reporting curw im w servo ouched wa!i moved (rom the cemctery fnemi «9tanUy because 11 had been damaged, yean he crowda A i ixlt w u erect«d around theirave aad wiih he t^iO tts'm ed Uirotigh: *nie m w d ni ody WMgnjttly. (jrbvi OnBA BTAB QtirS’^TAQB » oe KBW'TOBK.Ner.ll(4V^Mme.ft»n- am - jU M t^Tne'veuu qult-opcn irttav triiS dtt-of ttJ«'piwenlflei«» Mui derot* ^ ,- i to e o e t « l « 8 toBtnilnr1or'-nttto. ' <0 TOnAY; PalV. ' :ws : 12-pA G E S^irC E N T ^ M im Hof M ajji.strate of (loun- iry Lc*adi^ People in Com* ineinoratiiiff Eleventh An- nivei'itary of. A rm istice 'itk:u ,\s imop.s dead .IS CI.0CK .STKIKIi.S 11 l.o.s ANaKl.F.S. Nf.v. Jl I.w-Rob- rt main CuUiernian. JO-year»old‘ V(irl(| war vi'irmn. died of heart fall- . III' ai 11 A, M. loduy MS whWlci ii‘n' r'.oun(llnj! in comnieniorutlou ot ill' iii-nil;ilie-.lKiii'd 11 jrur.';uR<-. ^nttrt1t-«tA*ff*-l‘AttTY------------- ' ------- roll Jl miKNDS'AT 11 >III.WAUKF>;.Nov,Ti uV-Nained 11 hP.nor 01 the'ullletl •triumph on wmkice duy. lOlB. Victoria Lakosh. ___ lorn uTtl P, M.. I'.'yeors ajo icdsy. elcbrnted her elevenUi blrlhday st a inrty o^tlended by 11 quests. iBy Tlie AModatPd Pre.iit ■^JfASH l N &TON»-N-o-v^H:=^ ic r’Aniericiiit-iwonl^T-l-e-il-Uy— •t>«itlciit Itoovor, totlay com- cnioraieti I n e ui'cventh anni- iVrtHvy nf UlC sijfiiliijr of the ar- I iHticL» which cndetl tho trreat- | r^ihtiiry conflict of hliitory. j As ill evory city, town and imk‘1 tlirouKluHit the nation, mpl« .'unl tllKiiifletl ceromonlcH >itorlui-«i«-iii«iiK.ry-of-ih«-h»re-daad------ the wTir. were held In Woslilngton. I the undocoratcd white niarble slob ■ Ilch covets tht body of the Unknown------ iiprlcsn Soldier In Uie Arlington cem*. fry, there wont durlni: the doy.a pll- ImsRp of Kovemmrnt o{flclals. in- idlng Uic cliief executive, aud World iV veteraM to loy WTeaths'of'Uibute.. The cUnmtlc touch was provided lo- iklil in exorclse.s of the American X<e- Jn. wiileh.Prcsldnel Jtoover chose for ■e enimclol^n to thc world of hU Ar- lallce ilay iiu»jatc.Tlie audlencflof fed- hl olflclals. diplomat*«iKt-World \nir<- • teraas was eaUmaled lo bc 18.000 and TanKcmenls made il possible for tbe lief executive's address to be hraid by Twelve liiouiiand Legion posts had ’ : en_lii.ttructed to gather and Usten In. ie of 'Uie speakers being their nar . mul couihmtider.'orcrBOdBnhajner.” ....... Hear Pendilnir* M esuge They likuwbe heard a message fnm leir wartime chief. General John J. indilng, who cabled to Bodenhainer- Qin p«rls a greeting lo his comrades ■Uie-wona-»nr;------------------------------------- At 11 o'clock for two minutes Wash-' glon sillied lls nctlvlilm m a tribute -thP-dtraa-Dnhe war.TlW ie hit* stood Icnilv tiurlnir tlie.w rlod. which wm Ided by the Mjft tones of "taps." blown r' an army bugler ut ilie U nlcnow n^- ■er's tomb. In another ceremony, tho memory of le wartime president. Woodrow WU- m. was honored ut the national ca- ledrnl In the Delhleliem chapel whera is body Is entombed. Bishop James E. Oil In tribute lo WllBon'.-? career. niENCH CELEBRATB PARIS. Nov. 11 (rtV-A celebration of ic etevenUi anniversary of Artnlttleo iV centered around the tomb of the nknown Soldier in Uie sliadow o( the rc de Trlomphe where President Dou- ergue ^nd numero^iu French o ffld ^ kthorcd at 11 VcloclTllfls mornlhgl Preniii'r Tordleu, members of tbe for* gn diplomatic corps nnd military lead- ’s. Including General John J. E ^ h - ig.-ulso.wcre present. ___ ________ After a mlnutc’a Impre&slve silence, wring guns from the Mont Valerlen irt signaled all Paris Uiat tho anni- •rsary observonce was under way. .Meniben of the Parb troop of thc oy Scouts of America ond a color gtuird__ r American.L^BiTwero presehi. Presldenl Doumergue- aliook liands - 1th General Pershing. There was no music nnd no- cheering, Ul medltaUon and prayers la tha eoits of S00.000 specutora who looked ll. Premier Tartlleu. who has only re- Hilly taken over Ihe reins of govrm- lent- was-rocelved-wl»h-great«ii-Btten-— 'ca. ' Aflcr the cercmony & score of Com- lunlsls ottempled to break up the pro- isslon to the Arc de Trlomphe and live f >h«n. nnrt Ufcm tn ^HB0N(HWTHER9-A«ftM«>Ir^ BOISE. Nov. 11 ( ; ^ A Uirong of S6V* . ml Uiousand perjoM witharM in fn « t ervance o( two mlnutek of sUeneo'tn letnory of ;^ ln c of the onnlsUMrll— ,Hie- thioni rove. w I U tetU ^ . o o l o r f i r p k r i d r t h i b i d ^ ' S l ! ^ ^

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Page 1: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."

A .

d . A . M . E d i t i o n . .

T H E.... V 0L .-12. -N O .^ljS r - ------"

if llll im L E S J!SEI8K 8D ii>UlEUIlliilll!

. _______ _ ___________________ thi

N e t D e c l i n o s o f A o U v o

s u e s O n R I r H o a r d R n n p o nn

From $2 to S22 P o r S h a re ' ” I rxt

W i t h M a n y a t N e w I . o w s ,

(AoMriVtril l‘rrx« riiia iir iil Kdllor) , NKV/ YORK, Nov, 11 - A

liur.si of M-llliiK. ilc.vondlni; w ith t e r - ' r id e Imimcl- In Ilx- Iu.hi hour uf iradlim.Mill |>rlr«'s cia.sliliiK di>v.iiwiir(] un Hip . Ni'W -York l ;d•. fM-lmtiKi- HJdny. Nfl tU'fllm-H III tlu ' aillvi' ruiiiv'.'tl \Tlic m l i tu $21! ft slwr.-, wfth u .spriiiU-'

------2in8 of-OMilimrily lr.ii.'llv<' l'j.iio« .d w n : .sn.'* lo J5I) a r.liare.

Sei-i-niy .■'.lO'-li.i, Jm-liulli!i! Anifrlr;iti i ^------ (.‘IIH. O nn ' i3 !-^ lrff» r anrt»-Wr*i--Vorit------.......(Vrtfrul, f*'H (0 {att' t-’ivla tor-UuL.___

y rn r; whlli' duwtis of o i l iw . lncluiUii« ■ l in l iii l SinU'.'< Si<‘('I common, wink 10 | t l l f loa-ckL prlceA nliice th c current • iM-ar" mnrltei stnrtPd on Octobcr 24.

_ Dfcllne Orderly ‘ i UhPrices started lo drlU ilownwnrd Jfd

Jrom the o|K'nlii;r KW'U for tlieji 'ec f irs t .two hours tlie decline was order- iln l

___ !y-untl-bti!*lne»-wfl»-rrlBllvely JlB lii-lttU-Jvolynic. Mon}' b rokm Q ilrtbuicd the old

" • !.»<•> lirPalrio n 'p0nrpricd-‘~bwr-drivf‘.''-r it(

' throuKlioui tllf doy of wcakeiifU m n r-.O c ulnn) accounts . 'nm

T ota l Kale* on the New York Mock:nto <"cchD«ge for the ihrec-liour s t.i^o n ilo t V c r r 3JB1.1S0 ^lil^rw,■morl‘ th a n Imlf of which cliaiiKCd hniul.*. in tho :n^t. i hou r, uh lch coiiiparcA w lih U.'.’M.COO| 1 Miorf* on Friday. :

______Xhe-Nt;i-_York.bauUntt_ErotijjJiefld-'-8l)cd by J. P . Morcon and compony or{in>, iilzcd u (ew weeks bko lo nssure un cri orderly m arket, hold no m ofiinns to- < liny. SpskcMuen for th f KroUft alw m ade no commcnt on tht; doy’d pro-1 n ' cec d liw . 1 dn;

Avrrace* o t New Low hl«The Indices of 50 leodtp^ IndiisttUI. I *

:o railroad and 70 public iilillty slocks.' liifpa red for The Awoclfttcd i>reM by thP m ondard StalUUct - compuny. all rstub llihed new loW-U»c>ii lo r ihe jrear W 111 th e doy'B tr«dlte.'>»ul the n e t de- t«i cllnea were nui .> f^» ton t o« «woie «

.. tho*c whl/.U Imvey A n iitm a U n -Ua; a la*t iliree week*. i

TJie cOrb ifiSVkei broke lew j)reclpU . ___um lly_U u in .thcj!lo tk exchonftc, os (h'‘ mii------rtrop-on-the-“blir'boatTl“- « n i f - i » ' l a t r

_ l u l ^ Kcsslon thiit the ciiib did not ^ liTIVp tiiiich lime to rw ct In p>Tnpothy, },i|

— : ; ImC a n a d i a n M i n i s t e r o f i

F i n a n c e D ie s o f S t r o k e " "

TO nON TO .’OntBrls. NOV..U — - ) Ji<ine» AlcxHuer Kobb, Canodlun mln- dei Islc r of finnni-e, dl«l oi a slrwke hc nu f-i eoi frrp d today a .iliort tlnic aftor h is [iliy* rcj ilc lan s huU announced hc w u nwking im

------^inwiimnp.ln ir „ ...nT* *r» v t;.~ £Jj^o b b bccamc 111 tliice wvrkh uru whili* fly

___ _oiMi UnIn en lOiiU: from O ttaw a to T o^j Of. lo iitb aii^ lobur'iincumoniu devclopnl. ’

B o y A c c i d e n t a l l y F i r e s ' ^

S h o t F a t a l t o F a t h e r ;

FULTON, Mo.,' Nov. n _ Paul J------ WaCDCnMflr a';. n UVliter. Wak' accident-

nlly shol to death by hU ft-year-old

liom c. ilK niUes nortlin'est of Atixva.'we. I o , Missouri, lole today. i ^

M ocD onald.' wllh L. M. O o inb le .in i Mexico. MLwourl. postina.ster, l u d re* | tu rned from a liunUntr crip a n d were Mondlntr In the yard u lk in g w ith X In. H

------M acDonald,-w heo p l i boy-pulled th e . HirlKRCr of thc shotumi w lilch h a s fa th - U e r lind realed isa lM t a po#t,

A verdict of accidental homicide, wos returned a t the InQucsi.

7 0 0 0 P e r s o n s S e e S t u n t ,

F l i e r P l u n g e t o D e a t h jy

MAflLDORO. Mais., Nov. 11' 6V)-S- — wnuo-Bn-*ATmtRicc-dtr crowa-crf-iooo- —

Kiizcd skyward a t hla d a rln s feotji. L ieu tenant W llllun P. L eonard, noted f tu n l filer, c ruhed to h is dealh . a t th e Marboro a ir (leld here lal« loday w hen his plane tt'enl lnu> a no te dive i from a hel)(ht of about 1500 (eet. lal

' L ieutenant Leonard and L ieutenant “ir >’ QcorRe W atkins In unolher plune. Iiad rc|

been cnlcrtalnhiK the crowd. Le' _ _ _ _ _ -be

S e c r e t a r y H ^ F B i S f i e v e s ' ^

p r i c e o f L a n d a t B o t t o m S

______c in c A OO, Nov. n i.^y-P ciief th n t .. ■t l R r ^ t t o h priMs for jandA nad ISI been rcached w u expressed todaj’ by Le Secre tary o( Agricullure A rthu r M. < Hyde, as he slopped off cn rou le to '8 l. on Pau l, where he will addres-i a meetingr f t^lllf pr»v1ni««r» ~ _ . ^

- - '•T lifre.U certainly no boom In f lth l." m ilie- said, "but Indications a re ih a i bol- torn prices for form lands have been ^

— r-r ra fh » l fL>mA-auUmrlt^«-K„| | ,V ,H ,|. _ iliirn of ..reeenl flwurlly m atkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I" ' nvttltable for farm InvM tm eau."

n m > 8T0BM VIOTIBTB BODV ' i r o o o , O ola, Nor, U U P h ^ body “«

o l Vernon BUvon. « . lo r t d u r in j • op snowstorm October 38, kbeu t 91 nU M m n o r th ta rt o f Powler. O oloiido, w w cm lound today U um m ilu fram h i t Iwme. bn

' w hich he had tried t« reach cn (oot lst< a f te r ibandontnr his track . tai

1 T W ItKAItKD mtM UBAXR ni>

~ * 6 S b o U T B > P M a H --------------------

C o l o r a d o - M i n e C a v c - I n Q l

K n t o m b s T h r e e W o r k m e n ] H

RTEAMUOAT fil-niNO.S, CoU., Nhv, (|> n i4-i-Tliret* miner*! wrrt_U;4iii^.i i,, ^ *n c ivc-ln a t lti« Mi-Sril Cnal (.imuaiiy W mhiP n t MurnrcKor- 13 mllc^ m st m i

U lllg h l . '' .I’lffl'IIIPW illH iw . m wan establL'Jied when r jp i upiv iiranl ' n o n a pipe Iradlnv from Uip IiiiiikI KiiPrr U-ihejncn.wcriLW M ht,_____ _____________

TJip men are Jnck Condon. Ivjrl L \. brnnch uiiU Jack O arU r. »

TliP McNeil properly L". a '.Iwli niinr and e.xtend'< to a depth of bctHi’cii cco ^ nnd 700 feet, with tiinnok tinm uir I'i mnin h linft.ol Inlcr^aL'. Tlie luve.in occurred In one of th e lower IrirL . tti(> l l rxai't depth of uhlcli w n not loarnHl. I

IN nn il CASE iI tuke 'ior I'

N e w Y o r k 'C i t y R o a . lv

■ T r i f t l T j r ^ A c c i i s e d Sljiyi'i;;!" .!!!!

NEW Y OIlk. Nov. 11 t/l'i-.'llii' Holil- sle ln ca.w. w hldi coal-a.j)OJke,<-imiiil«- 'y ,I i Moncr hln Job. Ilamcd Intcmiilli'iitiy in }” f , UlC headlines for muntliN And tlui'. Ieai>- ed OKBln Into prominence ilurliiK tin- * I'econt mayoralty campaign, « ill develop Inlo a trial tomorrow.-Ju st.a -y«a r-and elghUdaysjOnce-Arn- old nuthsieln. Broadway gambler and ' rackrtr»r.-»KH nhot nnd wmindwl.- u,.

Ocorno a!' Mc.Mamu. rocc inick buoR* *' m ifcer.and Kambler asMxlnte of Rotli- „ ntoin. will enter tl courlroohrio b<‘ trli'c!* , . r “ lor Uw- killliiK of hla one Umc frltiia.

, CS Keporien W ant .Seats | morl. Extviwivc preparallotw by Un- i)rws'i^'''ie Indiciilp widespread Interest In the tria l.: _81xti';{|giii_reporier.?_hnve.a|)i>ilri!.for.i*»*f ,WRtx In the lar,:cst court room In tlie criminal courls btilldlnif.

Oil NoJ-embcr <. IB2H. Roiluwiii uered oul of thc PniJ Central hoiw wltli a bullet In hU abdoiiieii. He died two ‘ days loter. refusing to the la;,t to name ^ hU w uU ani.

Shortly aflcnsard McManus .^urrcnd* nM , ered and uun hidicated wltli ll)inan U < BUler. ond two unldenlUled nun for ihp UUl kllllnff. -Biller, who woh Que^IiollPd by , . police a few iMurs a fte r thc stiooiinx Olid then relea*ed. is still M lar^e. L l

S O U im .O U A W B U V C K FU O ilT NEW YOBK. Nov. II ir>-8emyon

A. 8he»l»kov. chief pllut ul the Ru»* «>f n slon.-plone.-.i'Lam t-o{-~ilic—Sovleu!^ fuU.j■w luarne«rrfo inT ^{Sari5*N eF T C H ir mootoday announced th n i tlu- Owavlajc* on t him, Soviet aviation jw clety.-had-re- jmdi fUKCd tu IndorK hl.i pruiwsal lo fly oeni acroM Uw Atlantic ocean on thc home- <iimj ward trip. |ciiss;

REPOKT DEADLY DISEASE i■ MEXICO c m r , Nov. 11 (-V;-An e])l. ^ rv j demlc of a deadly d l n w marked by eratl convuWons In -the afflictea ha* been —;L, rcjwrtwl lt> Mexico City from the re- ‘ mote und y j|[,_ |< ‘Tltury of Quintana.

flying In huntltm recently for remains i e r s of the Mayan cIvllUaiiuii,.......................

N o t e d A r c h a e o l o g i s t ' ___

S u c c u m b s a t S a n t a F e '

SANTA PE.__N.Vt., Nov. 11 (AV-Wex-!

died .11 his home here h u t night, lit- luid been sufferhig i'rom pnriimoniii. i

— u rn tic w w M ' o ir i n e '« tw r d r :U 'c :—I School of Anierlcun Rew urch. In 192J.!: 27 he wa.1 usnoclate din-ciar u f ilie-Ban ----- -j Diego. California museum.

eisiPlSTs AT -411W M E B -

M e m b e r s h i p N o t F o u n d e d o n

F a i t h a n d R e n e n t a n c c ___

W o r t h l e s s , S a y s P a s t o r '

SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. U WV-Ban- lahmenl o( commercial evangelism u a “membership unfounded on faiUi and repetlieiice” was urged by Bishop a . W, I^onard. Bu((ato, today In a n address -before a gaiherluf-of.Son-Fnuidseo Bay — d is tric t' Meihodlst ministers, held in conjunction wiUi th e Mml-flnal meet* lug of the bd&rd of bishops of th e Melho*

^as^.SpU «|»^^lbw «l».--------------------------------- “Commercial cvaiiBellsm mtwi-bfrhtTTr — ished from the churcli." satd BishopLeonard,___________ ________ •» - ___

“A membership which is no l founded on fa ith and Ttpeutoncc and a wllllnt* ness to labor In God's ^Ino-ard Js worse

eonverta on ihe personal m lnU tiy o f th e people."

A fee of tSBM which ho a ^ r l a d w m ___paid Uie Key. uuiy bunoay iw p iw h *Ing six sermons receAlly “shocked b ia -when he heard about U, BUUop Ltonard said.

H ie MtlviUes of “pu lp tl th rtU en- i a i “sejuatlon m a n « n " . n i j c o M by. Blah*

r S S g J S C i ;

Is ten and a like g t ie d in a studr. o f church

---- ---------- - T O N - r a i 7 h S - , i B A H C

BiK EiinYESySE W iiT O ByY ™

i m f i i m s l__________________________________ -b u i

------ ; sA u d ito i- .- ; U i u o v o r

F i in l)e / .5 c le n ip m f r o m S i n j r k ' Miii- . . , -Iifi:

I n s t i t u t i o n 111- - H i s t n r y mu

n f F i n a n c c in A m p r i c a

____ 1 I n

---------.'Dy Th'f X'.-iC.'iatKI rrerjll----------------F L I N T . Mii-n,. Nuv. 11 - M o r e

Ihan Sa.OOit.rKK), -.{iu; <u Ix- Ilie larKP.''.. i-nibrvlcmi-iit from :i 'li:u l'‘ boiik In Amerlcun tmiil.iiii'.'lil>l'jry. Uip smn c tukeu h> lU ur I'Miplnyes mul Jun- Jml ior esit-uiive-. ol ill '' Union fiu{ii''«r<;ii irci luiik ot Kllnt, ic:i iii'.'ii ^ |>lrulaIilln.^ hi ju t Ilie MOi,'l; inarki-i, 11 nar. rn cn 'is l lirrc i;i f lnUij III ull o itlcb l M rtl'iiifia (III tliP rr>< |ir»Ki<'S.-i of Die'iiiiilii (if III!' rliiiri.iitf ii.m Hlik'li iu i\ lii'i'ii iiiiiliT. u;iy (lir .-Olil" 'I'‘tm r-------- ------------------------------------------ JB?

TJl,‘ J'T--'-’- Ml/JI ;jj W.iyj.OCHi, iilill th e 111-1 ‘lu.-. 1-. ■.vtiliiAKd i I r l h r ' —ll.• !l1borho^Kl n{ j:.MjO0,O0(l. widen in lurn In fX|HTl«(l to b<- cul down by] a l«ij-m ent5-on-cenaln-lnsurancr-i»licie.ni-fl' lu-ld by tho bnnk. ' U

To forcMull any iMs.Hlljllliy of Iws to ' the bunk n.i a n-Mill nf Uu‘ thrfi:*.. rharlen B. M011.. pri->;kli‘nt of the bnnk Mid vlcc im'sldoni of Uenerul Mutor^ ;uVlfiSrutlOtr— l» rr-lu rn i‘d over .nioiv — Hum Sl.600.000 of liln.iwrsonnl fiindv __n<>.liprl |ir.iv|.»|]^|ylF*W O:0004«H4Hk--------- — ------------

Hold Conference -Early. pro.«cuUon of Uie employe:, in- -

volved. who nre s.:il(l to imve u.sed. tiie iiunk'. fiind.i 10 .i])^citlair-ln th«n>V(x:lf-t— morket. was indlccii-d in Uie .<(tnl<:muni| ij.<ued to<luy. Offlclalx of tlie Flint bank iiiid of Detroit bunkliii: Uou-io.h. with wlilcli U I ' nlflllnij<l, ronferred with Rudolph T , Uclclicrl, s ta te ’ banking «re :ommtAloiu-r: Prosccuilint A ttorney daj Charles D. BraRjc, Ofije-ve county, anil ww » irp rew nto tlve of the attorney Rencr- to

office, i t was announced Ihnt ''oil ma

iC ontlmied On P a je 4, Colunm a 1^ '

BOSDIllnlEINLiDONGiPLESSISMs. • - i ___= _ : : = = ____L____

LONDON. Nov. n WriN’Jlth a gale of ra lu and wind blowlnK and Ihc city fuaof.A tm lsU ce day crowds, more .than 2000 bus bperativiM on !■) routw w ent . on strike today., A fon(erence ot union JeaderB-aad'-dlr^ctorR o f .th e Londdn O eneral Omnibus cojnpany broke up In dlsayrcenient aHer M-verul hour:.' dis- ciissiiin UiU afternoon. 1

It i.s now believed tha t there Ls dnn- n r llfr th e fclrtke mny crtpulc liie e tttlir omi MTVlce which nm nbtrs 4WW buws oji- . . . ^ t l n « from 50 garugfs over the city.

The shorp ciu-tallmeni of bus wrvlcc . caiiH'd m uch Inconvenlfiico to w o rk m hu n'UirnltiK to tlielr liomes thlfi evenlnn. He

Never A gain-

t ) p n B a s m v s f i A P i i R m s J i


W inter Take.s Sotond r f l F ling at ('t)ioradoans | U

nnN V nn . Nov. n .v , Wlnt.-r took M .•vnother Itin;: ut ('.,:i,;ii(i,> [c,iay. Its jU , third thb. wa.';fiit. ,K i,..„vv, v,.'t /.nuw I I I

n iWlien th e wiowlnll .iti'.-.i tiic men'ury Hj sia ried KlIdl iH >tuv.n ;i>. :. ;,i,. u , III.bU tuU nw lnis.___ __________________________

Some .ipprem i, l',i. ,1;, i,.U m r.iiiinr iK P tw V tlon 'rIjccai.'ii.-harvo .i u not yet conipU'tMl. W iu ,.'ii ;.rr i ; Abnut u ' - ' • a t t« o *rrl;s ' ,supplv m vi.cp the .'.unar Iat'toi1e.s lirtii-;.-. ij„.ir iiui\ be d ll- IR liculiy In Bettini! ilit- ujlaiir.- o l'ilic crop _ uut of thP itc icn .[riiiiiiii. ’E ;

--------------- . g ,

Ind ian H ravw Drink— AiitFPiTCTT-l.iiiiiiil ill-----------

Hiinlcr.s' Car and I)ic- - — «!»• Le

ONAMIA. Miiiii., t.'.r, l l ..i'i--ThtPe here Indiiiii brJVf.i v.liu iiMiind an unlj* four | irei-re MiIuUuii friii. wiili.- huntprd' M pHi juioaKJblles and 11, a ir iii'iid und Thr :x fourth was muili- ;vii,.j.,iy m on « Amon rrMTVuilcn tiPar |;>r. I.,': '.\i,-u, u uu-; EUmu Ii-ained to d s y .^ ov tr I

Till (loud Ut“ 'run;; Mui'iirll. Charle*; Uie III .inrif-in 4iiii Joiiii ,11 mViiiti<rs oo«o,

tlw . , bu»<«---------_ _ __ ' - • Yji

a ro r«

IDiOIT.Sm -S I -iraillS-BILLSJ------------------------ "■ ■ I cunlog o lo ir S c c k s T r a i i s f u r u f ien iieh.

T l«'■“BiTlge-Pc.'^t lo -V ete ran s’

____ Hlld t:on nil

.WASHINGTON. .S-ov, 11 -I ',-C o n * Spfr arejt-ohjm A ddL 'otrT -F iiiU irT diirerio^ lucky;day Introduced Uirn- bll^. one o( which the liwould oulhorlxe Uu' .wrriury- oJ wnr T hlrtjto traasfer to the vctert.iW -biireatl train.-monaRenienl 0 deed 10 Luul and build- profMln>;s in Bolte burmck.'.. non- used nk 'ti cui-d t hosp iu i. Tlie nu-iiwri' provides lo rlm ns(er lo the sta ir r.' idnhn Innd oml T l j nbuildings o( thc u-4 1 by thet,Idclio I [ | | |

Expenditure of u:>.(*00 for eonslrac* *f Uoh of roncLs of Cmirrs of the Moon is I M uitlit In n sreond iiipii.'iire. a n d liome* ' Qlciid enir}7nen und owners of pa ten t­ed land would be/imlurlsaO^to |Uirclia«8 -.ysji B40 acrca ol atock niM ug liom cstead avlalt laiid under a third bill by Mr. SnUth. nwnoi

________________ _ .south

AccidentallyD ischarj^ed___ '"“*•""G un Kills R rom ctt-eh ild - T h ,

_ _ _ j . \ (EMMETT. Idjhu, Nov. II « > - R 06ena •o*"

Johnson. u . i i i u g lw n j r M r 'o « a Mrs.' ' Orville Joluison. was aceldeutally .ehot Sunduy nt 4 P. M. u lien th e gun her fa ther .wu» untuadlng In th e house was (he ?

jU sclu irscd_S lw -llved .fo r-one -liou r.~ Johnson hud Jusl re lu m ed from o contn

hunUng trip und wns clconlnjt )ils gun. was 1 Ho is foreniun of the .wood yu rd n t th e PloncBoU -P:.v.-ll.-viwT,mi ------h sO ft

in— U n ti l th e N e x t O n e C om e

_ A _ f THA.T

--------- idKHRjEffl-------flM SS eB B I

T W t N F A l h f ; ( ^ r m v

D M K[ O V E M R R K - 1 2 ; i a a e " ' -

flyH E l M i l FIJlEBIBHEffilSim r iE c o i i tp

■ ....... ' i i>f.I n i f k I 'a .-s . '^ e n fre r 'l ’r a i i i I l u r -

t ic .s f r o m 'I ’rac-k .-; D u r i n g

• E a r l y M o r n i n g M n u r N ’c a r

S l a t e L i n e i n T enno .'^ .^ oe lU r '

-------- i p p i------- n y m r -A w n r.tt 'ir p r . kM----------- r VOAKDALK. Nov. 11 .-I-... IVrailineiil o l ' L U

llf northbound i»a;.‘ .-iu!rr train,*• Leon, ol tlie Uouilicrn inilwav iu-:ir{ I iprc early todnv i 'uun'<I Uh- dt-uii of! | Qur perMins und InjiirU-:. to nion' t iia ii, |0 pnssriiKi'rs.T h rw of th e dfnti wrr.- tialnnii-ii. •

.monK llii-m wai; ilie riiKiiD-ir, w . A.;Umnn, Cliolian'xmn, who liod taken l‘ lf^\ Vtr the th io ttle twluy ii-m |rtiailly, 111 IIP ttlsce o r.W . A. WU . o fo«o, the ri'KUlur ouKlni'.T. Klsninn wa'.Urtt'd beueaUi Ihe wJ-.-i'lyil eiwJjji-. () F.d a riin t. fltrm nn. f tu itw Pnwn,

leorKlH. V. L. Wlnsteml. mull clrrk. Ne- .0. Kentucky, and Ntorioii'-UradKtihw, t.'AiiBuslliie. Kiorldn,-wen* th r oUiem —WA llle<l. y '

KscunJonUt* Vletlm* beaiwNearly all o t the injured pu^w|»Jer!,

■ere from Ohio and MIchlKun. They •ere amonit Ihe numbor of iwrMiw from ' “' ' ‘•J’ iiose st-cilon.i who h iu r i i ? in i r c i i i i r r -^“ iefl inmUT" «n » «v. jlnoreiirslon aiul w m 'rt'iiim inB ho ine In diiy 'sache*------------------------------------------ .l ia u l^The wreck to o t place a t l::-0 A. M„

n ft curve. 28 jnik-s no rth of here and1 nillc.s south of thi- Kentucky Mule durini n f . TI1P 1?iVu~ pe age nnd expres.H cnr. four-duy coaches and 2. nd three Pullmans left Uie ro lh frum ol the n nndctennlned cnu>e, .|-Spcclftl lraln.s-(roin SomcfSct. Kcn- 353

iikyriinit CliotniiTOKntrrpnnc^pr.nooR- lie Injured pas.seni(erK to those chles. „ „ hlrty*tlirce were In the Chattanooga •aln.-Every ombuloiKtHiKlHM>liy^«,. - g rofsed Inlo service In n'm ovhm tlip res- ued to haspllaU. - ^

-------------------------- ! The

lEM IiiM K =i l ig » i i im i=

r _T n u

•X tA RSItm * M o, N^»'. I l.w » -T h ree viators who were klUed whl-u their utnoplane n-ent lnU> a spin Ihrev miles oulh ol here thU nfternoon. met an ' " aceiawilil—d i« U iA -D i ';^ P C ;^B n iU i haw. Sulliie .county coroner, nniiounc- d lonlglit, a fte r 011 lnve.sliKnilun. ..-Thr-men-kllled-wero;_______________

J.\CK ARNOLD, 38. a trnns|)ori pilot, ‘ owa Cir>'. Iowa.

K n.-KIiWH.-20.-K-«tW8s-Olly. • ----- -- — 'I t . T. McUhee. K antos City. LOn ie three men were o n 't l id r «-ay tu *>)• W

he Marelinll a irpo rt near where Uie frscn tasli_tKi:un'i.'d..._McGhct:..u-uii-uuihe ontroli and had circled th e flrld and vas lurnlug Inlo Uie wind, wlk-n the ilone went Into Itf. fu ial spin. i>t abou'. I MC 50 tePt nitlnide.— ~ • — “

•n rrn--------- --------------- a fe -l

l th e «m e s A l o n g !

---------------- --------- ’I ’H A T i ! I1WWAT !

-------------- ---— H — rrS f^ -----------------------------------------^^ 0^ m S


"I M t I ,3 M C < ; T n c W ' I '


I kU

I ■ «UE

' ^ t he f


’Rj K'W tJb W y uiuc'

-------- th e i

, . *xit

■ ■ ■ .......

>___________ <

-------- -------- in a tw a t- A c p r r ntn t t i tu —------- 11o r cincuiA TioH » _______ ^

c t e r u n i n S e r v i c e o f j l T

( l o u n t r y D ie s S u d d e n l y | j

CinCACO. Nov, I t'- I 'l Dr, Miv,'III W. n f :l<ti. 04. 01 the d<parlin<’iii t.l ii«rl- M r ill,;,.', (11.U suddenly tonlKlit ol heart U l

- t n i1 tlie Inte Ur. Alfred ( l . ’lVui-. Ills pred* II rv o r ax head Of th f deparltiii'iu'> ex- L■iluiKUUj.taUan______ ______________i>f. Alien inrlveil lieri' lodny nnd wa*; iuliin-v; llu* ron v n i’.loii (ll lund uran t p t , |„ ,

H- xi'.. (itxl «nlver.*ill«''-. lomornm-, '• ■ Hr. All. 11 will. a:i«o.latcd u illi the de- iriiiirnt (.1 Hurlculturc lur the la.u 33 l> . ■ar.«, 'r ;v ln« u,s ussM nnt dircf.lor from a i to ini.'i. He hu. ;;inte born in IW larri' ul the e.\i>erli«i'iit .lalUm v i ­rr, . n i '

flELD IREISi__ I Worl

' i u u i o s n.v D i ' p i i r u i i c n l j;;f;

l l f 'A |T i i - n l n i i T - I n ( l i c : i l £ .

i ) , n n i i , o / ) ( ) - n i K i i ? i - iT i .<i*.'11

In hWASIIINOTON. Nov. U .■i\--VJelds, Arm

rorn. potatcex. sweet potaloos. rice, born ■an», peuniit.s nnd ^u«ar beeU; nil m n cpIcu batantinlly above earlier exiwctatloiw pnrtj Ihe ileparim enl ol aKrleulture report _ _

duy of conditloiw as of November 1.ilefly-becflUse-Octabcr wcnUicc_ wn t ___vs..ore favorable th a n w iial for luut crops. ■ Combining-nir-«^ir»7ilie-Ui'i»ir'lineiii. ^'tl urnsnertx nvyrated aboul I S |X-r _l_rtW n t IwtUT than they were a niontli uko nicnii It chiefly on account o f.d rj ' w eather .(,.. 11 iring the summer, crop yields nvcruKcd _ .j , jJperccnt-belowtho»e-!iecured-laM->ear j ■Id 2.0 pe rc en t below Uie averiise yields | t-St nthe prcvlou-s 10 year*. A s

The poU to er»p. estimated* a t ’3J3.977.000 bu»HeU Is about 9.000.000 .'<inipbasli>l»“ m ofrtH iS ^n i5 -H ltm 3 te -o f----- Ikhhtu m onth ago bul about M.8 pe r cent of tluIfu* than iJie lOT* r » p . The Jdalio To tlin o ta to ^ ro u ' nafc~es«maled' a t IO.* whichm o o o . , AniprlThe prellnibiary estimate of corn pro- 'icUon was 2,031.000,000 bushels, nu in - *. . 1,, eo.se ot 93.000,000 bushels or 3.1 per n t over the October I forecast. P rac--all>- nil o t thc Imiiortaia corn pro- . , icing stn ics hhowed nn Incren-ve over

The 1620 com crop was, however, the L'pnrlment said, a rcUtlvely short oue. ‘•in* 7.7 per,cent below Uic 1028 crop. " PreUm lnaty e(.Umote;< of. other crops.Ilh compnmUve figuren for Insl year,

^ n ^ B m o f l O - a n d -io,ooo^roo:7op--^ les 140.0000W) uud 180,000.000; jw ar.i , 1300,000 and 24.W.OOO; muiur bw t» -8 .-

. ACTOIl'S IH F E n u w |LOS ANOELKS. N ov..11 M V -S lic l- | The [• W orm! SoHiem-i. wife of P o t Bow -1 Jheir -sctrfo rm cr-B rliU h staKe- uctor. died ‘ Pendi I her jtleep early today._______ ‘ ( » uk


w n en rw h o Ioiik have-been-adm itted I , »' |i|rfgitu unila lit nil' RfBTiim y.' null, i " *? ^ re-to -h u \e-h rtv u n o « l-ln » tru o U o u -l» —

____________ „ . i f c ;1 In I

,835,000 J e w s R e s i d i n g |u i e v

I n C o t h u m , - S u r v e y S h o w s j “ , ^ r- his b(

■NEW-ilQnK, Nnv, 11 f/ll-T liP rr au\ Beam .835.000 Jews In New York Clly. a Jew* mon I

T he repori. based on a tlirce-yeor ludy. pri-dlcts a Jewlsli iwplihitloii o l , t’AI w rc Uiau 2.000,000 In G reater Now tj'c e •ork. five yenrs from now._________________ «

_______________ Onkn


_____ roariifort I

^ lo r e T h a n 100,000 P e r s o n a versa.Me

_ F r 6 m _ E a s L e r . n P o i n t a S e e k E^y^t

C u r e a t C e m e t e r y S h r i n e

-------- ,Th(

MALDEN. .MO.SS.. Nov. 11 l»lV-More h a n 100.000 iwnions from nil p a rU of lojuachusetls and some from ’V eni)ont p „ ind C anada vUlled th e grave of Rev. „ **Ulclc PM -er a l Holy Croiis cem etcr^ f e r e ' t ^ i y uiid several n ires were re- Kirteil to liave occurrcd. .

R eports o f cures ol aKllcled persona ifler praying a l Uie grave of th e o b - . cure prieat who died here 00 yenrs ago. ,C iiivc u its c d thouVanas to iiucK ne re . ^

to iti iwio perw rn vu iteu h e grave a n d women and clilldrcn wero

t iifc t m 'a~g o f pgyami IKS'MnOiOl 0) M pollccmen a s ^ n e d to q q fa tch th e place. . .. 1

hallce which those reporting c u rw im w servo ouched wa!i moved (rom th e cem ctery fnemi « 9ta n U y because 11 had been dam aged, yean h e crowda A i

ixlt w u erect«d around th e i r a v e a a d wiih h e t^ iO t ts 'm e d Uirotigh: *nie m w d n i o d y W M gnjttly . (jrbvi

O n B A BTAB Q t i r S ’^T A Q B » oe K B W 'T O B K .N er.ll(4V ^M m e.ft»n - a m -

j U M t ^ T n e 'v e u u qu lt-o p c n i r t t a v triiS d tt-o f t tJ « 'p iw e n lf le i« » Mui de ro t* ^ , - i to e o e t« l « 8 to B tn iln r1or'-nttto . ' <0

T O n A Y ; P a l V . '

:ws :1 2 - p A G E S ^ i r C E N T ^

M i m

H o f M a j j i . s t r a t e o f ( l o u n -

i r y Lc*adi^ P e o p l e i n C o m *

in e i n o r a t i i i f f E l e v e n t h A n -

n iv e i 'i t a r y o f . A r m i s t i c e

'it k :u ,\s im op .s d e a d.IS CI.0CK .STKIKIi.S 11

l.o.s ANaKl.F.S. Nf.v. J l I.w -R ob- rt main CuUiernian. JO-year»old‘V(irl(| war vi'irmn. died of h eart fall- . • III' ai 11 A, M. loduy MS whWlci ii‘n ' r'.oun(llnj! in comnieniorutlou ot ill' iii-nil;ilie-.lKiii'd 11 jrur.';uR<-.

^ n ttrt1 t-« tA *ff* -l‘AttTY------------- '-------r o l l Jl m iK N D S 'A T 11

>III.WAUKF>;.Nov,Ti uV -N ained 11 hP.nor 01 the 'ullletl •triumph onw m kice duy. lOlB. Vic toria Lakosh. ___lorn uT tl P, M.. I'. 'yeors a jo icdsy. elcbrnted her elevenUi b lrlhday s t a inrty o^tlended by 11 quests.

iBy Tlie AModatPd Pre.iit ■^JfASH l N & T O N » - N - o - v ^ H : = ^ i c r ’A niericiiit-iw onl^T-l-e-il-Uy— •t>«itlciit Itoovor, to tlay com- cnioraieti I n e ui'cventh ann i- iVrtHvy n f UlC sijfiiliijr o f th e a r - I iHticL» which cndetl th o trrea t- | r ^ i h t i i r y con flic t o f hliitory. j A s ill evory c ity , to w n an d im k‘1 tlirouKluHit th e na tion , mpl« .'unl tllKiiifletl ceromonlcH>itorlui-«i«-iii«iiK.ry-of-ih«-h»re-daad------

the wTir. were held In Woslilngton.I the undocoratcd w hite niarble slob ■Ilch covets th t body of th e Unknown------iiprlcsn Soldier In Uie A rlington cem*. fry, there wont durlni: th e doy.a pll- ImsRp of Kovemmrnt o{flclals. in - idlng Uic cliief executive, aud World iV veteraM to loy W Teaths'of'U ibute..The cUnmtlc touch was provided lo - iklil in exorclse.s of th e American X<e- Jn. wiileh.Prcsldnel Jtoover chose for ■e enim clol^n to th c w orld of hU A r- lallce ilay iiu»jatc.Tlie audlencflof fed- hl olflclals. diplomat*«iKt-W orld \n ir< - • te raas was eaUmaled lo bc 18.000 and TanKcmenls made i l possible for tbe lief executive's address to be h ra id by

Twelve liiouiiand Legion posts h a d ’ : en_lii.ttructed to g a th er a n d Usten In. ie of 'Uie speakers being th e ir n a r .mul couihmtider.'orcrBOdBnhajner.” .......

Hear Pendilnir* M esu g e They likuwbe heard a message f n m leir wartime chief. G enera l John J . indilng, who cabled to Bodenhainer- Qin p«rls a greeting lo h is comrades■Uie-wona-»nr;-------------------------------------At 11 o'clock for two m inutes W ash-' glon sillied lls nctlvlilm m a tribute -thP-dtraa-Dnhe w ar.T lW ie h it* stood Icnilv tiurlnir tlie .w r lo d . which wm Ided by the Mjft tones of "taps." blown r' an army bugler u t ilie U n lc n o w n ^ - ■er's tomb.In another ceremony, th o memory of le wartime president. Woodrow WU- m. was honored u t th e national ca- ledrnl In the Delhleliem chapel whera is body Is entombed. B ishop James E.

Oil In tribute lo WllBon'.-? career.

niEN CH CELEBRATB PARIS. Nov. 11 (rtV-A celebration of ic etevenUi anniversary of Artnlttleo iV centered a round th e tom b of th e nknown Soldier in Uie sliadow o( th e rc de Trlomphe w here President Dou- ergue ^nd numero^iu F ren ch o f f l d ^ kthorcd a t 11 V cloclT llfls mornlhgl Preniii'r Tordleu, m em bers of tb e for* gn diplomatic corps nnd m ilitary lead­’s. Including G eneral Jo h n J . E ^ h -ig.-ulso.wcre present. ___ ________After a mlnutc’a Impre&slve silence,

w ring guns from the M ont Valerlen ir t signaled all P aris U iat tho a n n i- •rsary observonce was u nder way. .Meniben of th e P a rb troop of th c

oy Scouts of America ond a color g tu ird _ _ r Am erican.L^BiTw ero presehi. Presldenl Doumergue- aliook liands - 1th General Pershing.There was no music n n d no- cheering,U l medltaUon and prayers la th a eoits of S00.000 sp ecu to ra who looked ll.Premier Tartlleu. who h a s only re -

Hilly taken over Ihe re in s of govrm - lent- was-rocelved-wl»h-great«ii-Btten-— 'ca. 'Aflcr the cercmony & score of Com-

lunlsls ottempled to b reak up th e pro- isslon to the Arc de Trlom phe and livef >h«n. nnrt Ufcm tn

^ H B 0 N ( H W T H E R 9 - A « f t M « > I r ^ BOISE. Nov. 11 ( ; ^ A Uirong of S6V* .

ml Uiousand perjoM w itharM in f n « t

ervance o( two m lnutek of sUeneo'tn letnory of ; ^ l n c o f th e onn lsU M rll—

,Hie- th ion irove. wI U t e t U ^. o o l o r f i r p k r i d r t h i b i d ^ ' S l ! ^ ^

Page 2: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."

j j ' o r m e r J U n i \

Elvin Kelly Plays g rlnRoleOfHipOn MOKI

p era tt

■ "Field At Gate Gty isffitlic Rl

_____ j)ort«:<l

H o l i l s O n e T i m e amoui

l ! r u i i i , . i n S l c l l a r P i i r t m

A ;; lifCC’ivLM- o f P a s s e s

Idaho livanch’H I^lcvcn ■ Al Triumphs for Fifth Time

Wi*e,R u d d y K i i i g c , I ’h i s l i y J l u l f ,

K l i m i n a t e 'd F r o m i ' u r l h e r —

C u m p o U U o n b y I n j i i r i e . s____ I'OC■ u-irill.

'l lv 'Mio A.'.'OClutid i 'ru s i p .irlln[♦Ol A 'I 'L l u )'. k o u a i u f

- vcthU v \> \ -h « r n-W -iW :b r a n c h , f ir id te a m d e fe a te d th e B r ig h a m Y ounK u n iv c rK ity ju n » y,.ur._ l o r vh rH ity e le v e n in u ii A rm is* uic up U ce rf:iy « a m c h c r e lo d n y by a H corc o f ]:{ t o A b la ck * h n irc d j nem c.sis . IT I %-) n K eU y. f o rm e r uc kc

-T vv in K ulls h iK h w h o o l g r id sU ir . w «tcn p lu n g in g . pHw Hng u n d D a s h in g ‘' ‘“ 'I'

- a r o u n ( j - t - n - e - r lR h tin ir = IJ r ig h n m - jY jn J c

f e a t f o r t h e f i g h l i n g l i t a h n s to - i ,Ain< d n y in o n e o f t h e m o s t sp c c tn c u - Jj,’* ^

= ta rT n im c B ~ c -v T T ^ v t tn c R !;c d “ o n 3 ^ ^ H u tc h in s o n f ie ld . ' i or the

L a l e In t h e f in a l p e rio d w ith ffiio ii t h e Bcorc k n o t t e d n t G-all. K elly “ I’icJi

_ i | i t « r c e p t e d - a C o u g a r p .is s a n d r a c e d 99 v a rd B f o r t h e w in n ln c . touchdosfn. He enrrJrd th r ball 22 ,i,\. , tlm fs .tor 2U vnrtls. nnd wns. llic out- {.landing m an o:i llie field. j ^

Vkl»ry'Kj.p»w>U«- K lU toTlw' victory, ilic JIIlli for tlir Tik- |

cir*, Wll" exiwiulvc. n* Ruddy RIiikp. . Btellnr hnll who iJiarctl honors wlih , Kelly, was cllmliiaUfl from fiirth tr 1 compcUlioti lIils ycnr by a broken col- lBrt>on». and tlic TlRprti .«III hnve tin ' m eet the V anJals wiUioui Iils ncciir* p r f a u ^ ‘ _

yiartln in SlfU ar rtolc”" 1 0Hollis JrlarUn was ano th rr « a r from •

Twin r.-llto. wlltj.v .imvtnriiliir i-fcrlv. GOI '"Jiig of t^vMS countcd luaterlally Ui Ihc , New*' T is tr oflCDic. . • •clmnu

O lher iorm cr Twin FnlU h lsh «1im1 coHw ffri5UUT»_who j>nrlielim l?d.Jn l«lw ;fl_J?nt?d conlesl .ire; A tnterwn. Vance. Robcri- ,tlie co ten nnd Lucas. 1 noon IBRIQHAM i d a i i o ! w rrr V

(fil - (13 ico.e<lJobnjon_-,............................... Deckfitead j by vlt

— -------- le tl end ]yrnr 1:_C r»*ic :a----------------- -----— r^ste|))ien.i7 tlic-t«

le n incklc MnrOlaHt ■ •_____________________ ItoHWU-Vlreln

— Irft KuarO dnll.. ..............ftttOcTton nope

-M inor---------------------- :_______ U cnnei. X“ lnriKlii iiiwrtl Iv.iiiliu

M u n a o n .................................... . Viincc | Thp- rlBhtlncklo ■ Uiu ,

Jlalvcrwii . . .......... Wuriiii I powclTlKhVcnd jr tfn i;

P r o b c r l .....................................lliibcrlson cilie.i.(liiorterbnck row, j

iefi'hiiif"--BtCilka............. ........................ lUncp

rlKlit ha lf T W i IKlUicn ........................................ .. Luca^ “ U

fullback Score by iwrlods;

B righam ..................... G o o 0 - cId al'u . . . . . . . ......... o o o 7-13

___ ^ ■ • __________U if l.C

K n u t c U o c k n c t o D i r e c t S '

K a m b l e r . s ’ a t P r a c t i c c

— S O U T T i i i l T N i j : N o v . II Coach K tiuir lUirkiii-, wlin hn.s been ’ l |i „ , coofUieU 10 hki. huiiu' wiUi un lulecU'cl ’ v knee, vi-.ll d l i m thi- prac lirco l Uic Ntilrc,Danio football if»in lomorrow lor .th'^' r,».^ ll r a t time 111 chrcc w rrkv It ivii;- lui-1

- n o i m m m i a v r -------------- "Accoidln« lo iircw ni |)lnii4. Itocknr m ,

u lll conlUiiip h b direction ol llic-Noire ‘ .v illii D m o . Kumil lUtOHRh Ww SouUitrn Cal- v,,,,' U om li lU 'inaal CHlcnso Salurday.

A ciP o r t l a n d M u t M a n B c a l:>

T o u t ' l l i 'V e n c h W r e s t l e r

B E A T a r , Nov. 11 (/7’< -T td Thvr. .PorllBrid. drfp:iirJ • AiiOrc Adtirci-. c lfllm m l 1)1 llic Krciich lieavywclKla , .„ i WTMlllns tllle, i:i the m ain fveiil ul „ ,W a cntrl. hcrium itehl________________

. round m h i h wtMiur)^. AO <w t ^ t l i e " eeeoijil r iiii 'i.T in c iiu i i wiiu u wric.il o r Of licadloct.. I hye won Uir miiUli In I „r sb th e MvenUi tthM> h r inw H om ■ ‘Ol loe rjiiK uiui lltc m nch iiu irw ^^ ^ j,5 ^

U t a K l l a t t l c r W in .s O r e r I?®!!

FJghtcr Kromix).s Anncto .rv^fiaLTiAKEcirvTNnc. tl m-M- iifwn

itaB B to n . itnnuikuln, Ulnh, M ulhpar. boul poiiw loJ.W * w y U) an .ui«y dccltion T hun ownTMBOiy»cWtOB. Uw Aiiwlw. in a .beiien

,,;Oj.nmDd Ijoui h m lonKthi, E to n lonUil rm lfb o d m U V D iwunds loM Uian hU fle v p i i l < ( * p o n e n t . « to D » tin p f s t j ic i l - f i b U ^ 2 5 ! ? » ‘* « m a 'a lttw u ib puslirtnb iU ic ''« tlro i

Fi^a Two. '

r e r s i t y G

3 S $ M s a :^RK CA ST KOK f (m ’AV“AND‘' f 6 - t f U m O W -K alr: N-. .H nnje In U m - J a tu rc . \

Rovcriitiieiil 'RfiiUnT oVuwrvcr- rc*Oti Sii:ul;iy evKTcmcs were 44

I a j— <lu«uv>-.:uid...iircclj)ltaUon L — , nuiil 10 .111 01 .III »irl.. ^

iatProspectsGood• * Kcnc \

\l Pocatello School s iexj>ecii

_____ chorufc

r e s l l i n i j C o a c h i i e p o r u * ! noiRurikl

B r i g h t O u t lo o k f o r U n i - «iowni

v e i ' j i t v S e a t o i f irwpirl:% • cnouRt

-------- AlOCATt:i.LO. N<r. II PrOJiirt'L. for illh iB n t the iiniK'i'liy branch arc _ llcularly ^uikI Ut^ yeur, nccortllnn lo •

iillii.-w luiij:..uaiai-iook.lour.cluira-- . iu'lili>5 ill llic AtiuK'ur Alhlcllc ton lournam rni h<-ld nt Logan la:il r. _Shrrwofx!_HjiiK^i runncr*uj) for nntlonni u tle ni ihr llKhUclRlil dl>

on will nol be bxclc thi" ycnr hav- Bonc to Swiucrlaiid un a L atter

f galiiU inivonn. niiil hla losa keenly fell In ihn curly scnson

CchCA. -naniM Loikx, nnolher chan t- '

U ie.VandaK al Mc>‘>o« ii« will Noel

ph tof Ihr VniKlnl .Miiuxl..illox Sleiihcn.N. loolbnll cnpUlii Ix

only champinn who will be able loIrtr flir n[.rnhw> U’nrlrotll .

I ln k r nlni-p sliortlv n tlr r tho cla^e , llic foolball M'.ron. H tcphnu h d e - ,OluB chnriipiori in the IlKht heavy- ' • s h t c la u fur lhe Rocky M ounUiin 'Lrlcl, and .should be an auistnudhiK 1 a 111 hU division ilil* year. |latchc.5 Wllh BriBhnm Yourir u n lv c r-! "\ U lah A re lt i nild Ihe Uiilversllv 1 Ulah will br r.chrtlulcd If iiav.ibic on ;'Ip llir<nit;h UUih, anil n-uirn iiuitchc.% i I be-. K hrt 'ilert lot I'ocatrtlo.- U ts i } hoped ^0 mnkc n trlp’h onh schcdul* [

sam ca with Montana •tui4', M on*:,a. W aih ln iion Slate and the Unlvcr- '•I- or Idaho, I

-------------- H ------- I

reshmen Win Hoop i 'ourney At Gooding!iODINO. Nov. 11 (Special l i .T licl v<i—A nother Inlcr-eln.M bmkclbiill \ .inploiulilp w u decided n t Ooodlnc > cfto w hen th e freshnient boys de- i led- th e hcnlors In .a hard tu^v l l n | . cblicBC Rymnnsliun on FrldViy lif i r r - ;

in by a *corc of ,38 to 10. Tlie junlcr.v T vlciont by u « » rc of 2ft to H In the I Kl division, TlvurwlRy nflttnoon s « « i . • v lrtu rc of UieiV defeat of the I ir» i' r banket tof^sers they came throush- to u m n tn m H r llh 'n 'p crfe m T C o n tr^ -------Innrtrcan BrcwTr, OnUrlo, Oregon; •Blnift-RobcrLr-O oodlnir-liultr'tKm H ----------I, K una; FrniiCM Fullon. E d .;n ;' pe M-CU-aiy. Idaho FaHs; OlartyM

mcnilhTj of lhe |______iliiK rci-eti -soxletle..' ~,'hp foUowliiB boys art: members ol •. wluiilni:^ f>'eMm)''n »f)imd: Johii< ivcll. Ruperl; Olen .W erner. Aber-1 ■ii; l),ilc Clemons. OoodlnB: Paul!IC.1, Onliiiii). Oretruii; IIi<ruld Ncil- I, M li to n ; Louie Ewing. Twin Fnlia;

^illamettFBeats ~ Linfield, 52 to 0

lALBM. Hov, 11 M’l-sco rln i: i:i pu ln is ; n.ciUHiter. Willamette uulvcr^lly d c - ,,leil Llt\HeW coUecc. W Uv 0. h \ s\ rlliwcflt confcrence name hrre loday. villi>niclip’« fln<t touclulowir w.i.-, do Icr.s tluin two m linilrs after ilie •nm jrstm .—T he Bcnrcnts-ltlcked off • ' 1 LInflrlcL nfier twn line ph iy \ imni- 10 lh e W lllnmciic SO-ynrd llnr. Unrl:- i. WlHuu'/'Uc’x rtellar hallback. m iid''; - ynrds aMund cnil and Enfirbnn.-i'n t ^ V'rd to Ciiidtnnl for 3& yards und u i lelidown;— A fi«—tlu » f th fD c a rc ;it ;! " ' irtp yardiiKc virtually til will. jjlnflclrt nuidc only one llrM down lo llam ettc 's 28. Coach ’•Spec" K m ie . ' llanictic, Ufcd hU rcsrrvck lliroUBh-|: mo»i of Ihc tccond lialf. jV croMd of COM persons wliiic.^'(t t^ie i

I/ • " — • ]

) u r 3 ’c a m s Tic in Bike Knee On C h i c a g o 'I 'r a c lT

;iI IC A a o , Nov. n rnrl u'tc DO liouiy of^^rtdlng m ClilcuBO'a

UTI llliloi-HIHt-tlllKVlai)-.:---------------- -Df th e qunrtci ot leaders, lhe len m ! Spencer und Dellaete^ led wiih im !IIU, U llh Ulcliifl unil k le lcr 6 poiiit.i llnd.

ux4*r F o u ^ j l j j j w o n s c i o u s ] • -

r r .irL W ftt n .,■■ ______•»0H, cuspfr. wj-omlne, who b « c h rd .<1 to 111* 1 Steve SnilUi In i« iM.'tlns u l . n l Kun^as Q ijr. M iv«url, nexl ' urrduy ulglil. vnu found uucoi»clou.'i iicfttli tm overturned jnolor ftir here lUlbl. , .jte wny a tln uncoosciotu late lonlslit.X^cJoBs sold lie «uUcred iw laucr* ono. bu t believed he mlahl have been utcd IntcrnsUy.

t w in FALLS D A n

Os ^ t a r K j r i d t o D (


S I D E L lty liki AM

7JIERE do footbnll p la jm Kri ihcir nlckm There are two n il/a jin lj'iii ihe Soulh w:

r only Rrnlle bn'CzcA blow, ru lanc hn.1 WIIII.S Uaiikrr. llK' IKonil Ollzun tie McEver, the flrl^lol U !w jfd . If there is icrc but on ihe football iii-ld. iiulmnnni cllli done aboiii ll. nnd while nn lione.'-l to jtoodi

nnce In TrnncMce. any .•;u;-Mi'.siti>n lh a i *u< peeled durhiR the life of tlu- fcoibnll fcnwn orufc from lhe V oluiiifir StnU' j- bi'sl inlndji. New-York iiiilYcrsllv hns a fullback, Q-neri ll Mcm lo- bc nny more liable to injury thac riki "Old HaR" obvious eiiuucli but the blR C wn horse.There was oiicc'n foolball iram with two pl vplrlnc nlcknamr.i. One wu-i "Dloocly BlIJ" ouRh to rttlKe vcnoT to th e oiipoamon.Al .Marster-. I'i ealkd "Sprrlal Delivery." n 5t all Npeclnl dfllveo- nu'.«.'-iii:crj sol oul K Every foolb,ill lenm hx% lu ' Ked;' ba i some > iKlf of Army for liuuiiici-. wha-e hair runs rt W r.n Vlrclnln hn-i H*. can..ft "Rlt


; AMERICAN INTELL inmiUions of hornet, 1

_ ___ ___________^:----- ----------- Gone-is-tha

hasheenmi token we re tants) hom

Y e a r s ago njodernsck

all cigarottes.Thi • the finest cigarc — properly-aged at

‘‘TOASTING, ■ removwfromLI

ent in cigarettes Evetyione Jsnjc


_______ old-fasiiioned ini

dice agunst cigi

TUNE' O » » . Th.


s a t e e s 9 9 ' l e f e a t B r i ;

. ■ ------- . “ I in lhe S

h e : .............. ' - 'Z

•IN E S iand If I

I m b — »Dcir«.

— bet weencknames? Dugan iII where Uie Clinmber.s ot Commerce New Yo

about 11a»rd, while TenncBaee aweary by Eu*c is n B l im r d In New Orleans any - {"* n"f, clllrens will dem and thn t MmethlngoodncM bllizard would have r better iftueh w enthcr development may be a «-c. s.

w n would be m e t by n loud negative A t O ilndji. „Ijirin, »ho I.' tmicll ■VIlIT' ton ^ than h it fellown. T h e We-si ealls Na-iB Oopher does no t run ' like a broken •

0 players In the lineup boastlnR awe '^ o 'c rN 5IIJ'; n»d Ihe o the r "iJuJkr," c /tlie r over Jo

■ •teehnlcrn bll c f Bfntle sarcnjui, iH'thaps. of their

ll to break speed recbril^. olas areme of the player* arc not very "Red," pounds, i^ ram er w a

fomen Hath


L U G E N C E h t u r id ic u le d in to o b liv io $, t h t dtUciouM f la v o r o f L U C K Y s r


toastingjdi^hat-ancient^ejuditxM gainsi made. We removed the§rejuc removed harm ful corrosive A am_the tobaccos. go, when cigarettes were ma icicnce, there originated that ar rhat criticism is nplongerjustif irctte you ever smoked, made ( and skillfully blended—-It’s ' G,” the most modem step in i

LUCKY STRIKE harmful if] gs manufactured in the old-fe inpws that h w t pUrifle's,. a m

)S (pungent irri|ta ts) from Ll m ahu^ iusjstfiiga ie ttea ia^

igarette smoking byjiroen and

I r i lM p u g . O n h w i f c m r e i t w t oV- . . . . . . . ..--r - ...... -..■•■r . — Ti^Mr*. - • ••


' Y a r d s o n i g h a m Y c,he Soutli anrjfcrs to lhe nam e o l “Cal

STER BELL, fonner th ird baiem an o t tile I Br«vea-M*mtHtt ha ro R oittnr-H om sbr'Tvni lah had BeU a t UUid (or the Cftrda w hen BU }. U lc r when Uomsbjr w m mftnager o ( th e 1 Boeton. And now, a lthough Roeera U no t i

n icQtilred tn p la jrth lrtt fo r tlw N ational lei o«lb!y Bell bellevei h e can play better ball ( l l f i h U U U j o w e . hc wjll m ake a fuod m

an)-whcre near the end of h is baacball eourn lell'B depanute will leave the th ird base a«t vcen two former {uardiiins o f 'lh e position f tan and Oene Robertson. BoUi Dugan and R V York via Uie waiver route. Joe before the ut the (ime ll woa drawing to a close, icbciuon In M gam ta lo r th e ■yftnkces bait nigc for 139 garnet in th e ’N ational league. 1 Botton but batted m

Sin‘gcr W ins On Kayo Over P u g ilist of Boston

-------- John VlEV.' YORK, Nov, 11 yj';—Al ShiKcr. * “ ,cr New Jork Junior lightweight, won ! r Jdiiiny Sheppard. 0<uton. on a phyera lintcnl knockout In the seventh round Ihrir lO-roimd bojil n l the S t. N lch- GEKIM s nri'iin tonli’ht. Singer weighed 132 NEW mds, Sheinwrd 135':. Shlkal.

, ------------------------- nlzcd I;■e t-TiurW Pbw P fi^ lu . Me. jM i j |jluil, .u

oe Somethii

r N R Xivion that ancient prtjudice tokich'e STRIKE filU the room om the fami

nste jgarettes—Brogress-—- judice against cigarettes e ACRIDS (pungent irri-

made without the aid of : ancient prejudiccagainst- ■ 3tified.LUCKYSTRIKE, ie df the choicest tobacco,;’s Toastedr’!------- --------------in cigarette manufacture,1 irritants which are pres-1-fashioned wav.and so “TOASTING”-s—removes hairmfiil r nr.----,LUGKIES.which in thb ajissjiroat irritation and .


i f eN o C o u ^ h .


i r iP o c a f e M o u n g b y . 1

Westhe a u Loub CardiiuOa.aiicI .flt^on

BU Loul* won ft w otW t chomplon-h e Brave*, Bell wna third bwemaii w eslcriot manager of lhe Cube, Bell lios tl1 league champion?. , Idaho Cleall on an Inflcid Including Horniby Qig),vd m an fcr Joe McCarthy. The big ..3

)unic._a«ilgmncnL.on.tht^ravc&.rcsUnR. oiim m v'- )n for the Ncs^ York Yankees, Joe • d Robertson moved lo Boston Irpm ^nnnti- thc 1030 Mi&on opened and O tne (.jj^rackt

balled JW . one point above Bell'B ue. Dugan played in only 00 gomes

ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Y38 ANOELES, Nov. 11 - T h e en- n ' . ' i ; ement of Marjorie <MldRC) Olnd- gcnnlon

n Van Ryn. East braw ^^^ ^was announced here tonight. M l«

dman and Vnn Ryn are nmong the it promlsliiB of the yoimg leimia ■ j- ' -ers In America. ^

:RMAN ^VRESTlEIt TRIUSIPllS EW YORK. Nov. 11 M V-Blchard with 11 < Iral. Oerman wrc.illcr' who Is recoit- mhiutcs ■d In New York a.s wnrlH'» rtm m . l,.iaV LU LU U jillJU -aU cc«rlialyrln -B o n to r

fng to 5 a y j

R E 3 r ar M O i rh ex c lu d ed u io m e n f ro m a vo ice i n et m iiy g ro u p re sp e c ts th e o p in io n o f i t

M w

..........“I t’s Toastcd^L-rtephtase--------SiBa~*'toastii's" piocess np;

facturc of Lucky Strike Cigi

I tificaDyiubjectiato.pmobi------ mumrJ50'’ --ih2timum, 3ffO'

oact, cagiert reffllationaf si tuns remoy»inipuntlcs. M "It's Topslxa”.is acotiwxtl m e t ' a o S m s t i ¥ ’i> > « ie ii re H

N .B .C . ' ' .


I lo1 3 t o 6s t e r n A u t o T e a m

j i s B o w l i n g C l a m e s -

ilcrn Auto bowlcra were vlclor- n three straight ^ > c a wllh the Cleaners at jh c bowling alley here «hl. Mclntyrb was high mau with ointa. The winner# scored 2155ir,im;TwUiiilgiTO I I . l i t: scorcs:

WESTERN AUTOnv--------- TTT-.-.-.iSO 1J0-130-3B0-u'y .130 130 -130 301)tr. . 151 12R 1:1 308ackcn ...iJtllUMdl iiiily t e ...................103 IW 168 513

707 718 730 2153 IDAHO CIXASERS

>rmnck . . . 1 1 0 113 88 31(J, Y ork ................ICO 89 07 340m y ..................... ttw m no aoo -lon ............ .... 120 eo 103 300. RtHfU ..................123 ’70 107 31t-------

051 490 SU 107U

bout a l vhc M-vtwy-IiTtt itg i- armory tuiili;ht. Shlkal pinned

ipponcnf.i ^llQuldrr lo lhe mul II crotch mui anii-hold alter 20

tcs 01 seconii.1 of fasi wrcsUbiR.

Bicmahnrt? PhrDcrW ttertltnW r.'------



teoanciL Today, fits women folk.

se th a t describesjilC____ippUcd in the manu-__________:isarettcs. The finestthe Cf eei—are seieit- ---------------K tiifg ’h ea ta tm in i- ffO'TFafirenheit. The , ■ f su ch fii^ te iii iie ra - M atc.thanA.stogan, ' . cdbym ilJia iis^athe reitenunuiacture.


..... ' '.... ,■ /

Page 3: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."

r C ^ TTI I I I In M I I

jaineR l With Thrills Draws Big - Holiday Gathering I


. n n t ; U r o a i l i - ’r a l< i i i i r |

- P n F s p s - n n d l i j - e n l s A p i i n s t i I

V i f l o i - s K e e p 2 5 0 0 I s m s

i n O a y S p i r i t s l i t G v i i lF i c 'l i l

Illy r - M. s w m . r y i 'T w in F a l l s H n i in s rilU‘<i U 'c ir •

[liirl o f Uk * A rm is t ic e ilay p r o - . , u ru m b y i!cfe :ilin« : th e s lr o n j ;h iU i? ^ - 4 ) i t¥ - S n im K - tv a m - f c u n U ------------S a il I.:iU * t ’i l y . 20 lo (i. in a !U'unie t h u l s e n t t h e f a n s lu tm e h a p p y t h a t th e local l)oys liail w tm . h iit m o re lHip|»y Ilm t in w in n in i i th e y p la y c il ii Kanu* lliiM d e s e r v e d th e resiilU

T lir llruiiis r:;irn«'il Uiflv victory. K ivn> n njiiUliik'. cloiio knll. sicady iriiv-

Wllll.', ii:ui ll tno irtvanT w rn inm airrrr III ll lo u irn lui'k lliu KOld lidm rls of llll- Imj'H Horn Umll, Twin l-'iills M-urfu ittir.' In llif PToiHl mill oiicp in U if ;hlra ih 'dod. luul.llie Siiliil-vcounlcd 111 .;li( l;ii,l OIU'., Oililly tnouBh. tl'fW'»'I T I IK• iiccfA'iliil loviiy-! wiTc Kiartcil Irom llu’ }>;■lorliiK. IVnm's own 20-ynrd lluc„a iv lf- fj iMch o n u ' trom u lotin n m thnl cither ^ i:ro!uca Uu- line, or cc i M iirnr t!inl only ^It m iiirh ovrr v.'itr. needed,________ ;__________

Many ThrUls In Oatiip =Tl u.,,.-.

rrniurcs of a-rraHootbaU-lliriiK'r, - Loiiti nnd nn riM-; h rrn ili.lr.k lni; Piw.-s. nnd brcnks ,.,idpd i turn went analnii'. the wlmiers. bul wlilcli the 20* on ly-„w t«^».»>-il«hU U icJardiir—1]i&.4oU»»4 lonKext .vivccp of the tiiwle cnmc when .score, nnu ilon , the l.niV.y tnckle of tlieUCahns. neld, a calmiy utcepied i>o«cs.ilLn ot a tijftj, c Hial wn.': belni; batu-d uround busily by uU rijth bnck.H niul cndK. nntl wlUiout brcnklnv irlcil w h ls-siilU a or looklni: urmmii,. nallopcd ini; ihc acic-vs th e T u h i Fiills i;nnl line. Bcii- tlio nn niuii devoted liU intention to runnhv;, luin by his team nin tw swepl woultl be ir.cltler.s nirou«l oil th e ir Icel so he wns not tioubled. best kc Hevi-nly-elnlii yards luy between where ihin« ( 'tli.it'lil.-'y -'.tniTeQ a iid - \v h e rc tn tlo tl , ' Twin 'i

Tdwuii I'.ti: on the receiving end or hi>tc. I I'.io pus.M's thn t wer<’ mixhty hclplul. ,,||,One letl to the llrs l Twin FnlU ^tole, A [ The ,M!ol Irom l-Tan-lle mld-ffelri leached rd In T Ilu- blK l.-llow'M lmnfl,i on llie aH*ynr<l a spore m aik. T he Qrtiln Intorference lormcd cd ano tnsHiiitly and I'lenrcd ibe way. nllowlng ri'; the tlic-“i'iinner ft c lcn rflc!^ , J lc w em .io Staines' e lght-yurd llne .before. n n en- sa ln loritrlRinK flolrt he lm rt bored llirou«lt puM, the protection Irom behind ond stopped fully, t

‘Uie rnn . Tlic o iher paw camc fliont! nnd In enrly In the second (luailer to pnvc the renclie ■way foM hi-next. 6cj:c, A«uln Ihe rom- Kot sn blniillon wns Frnrelle to Townn, bul tliU uriiin.s imie ihc nrrlval of the ball and n flock m the i>! tacklcrs w-a.% nil n l the Kime weond. stu rt.v und no run resulted. After Ihul'I 'ow an 20-yan was n closely walehed liidlvldtia!, nnd T he bi later pa-WN heiided hl3 way were MiUled, u!'.ole' Uut. while llie U uihiu were w.uchlng netted

J.'uwan^\Veavt:r.5lippi;d,acroM.Uii:.imiU. dufv iu line and look one of Frurellc'ji bcsl shot;! wn.n’ t lo inuke the Kcond louchdown. Then siralul

“UntpTTleetcd to -«corc.—He.chi»e.-insoitt: •Bniln'; •p la y -n ^ -m rT n c d liim rn rd -w ltli- la ic r '- ]Uon-| (i-rmce th a t .swejii the way clear he irav- .«ridln i-lleii -tllyard^ lo scorc siandlnn up.* .taeklei

The xlsiiuni kicked oil lo To-*im. in j)iuu;_ ■ n rrtO iy a rd ^ in rk . 'i tic ru irback look in jjls i -Ihe ball to the 42>ynrd Kirlpe, Utah KOl riKhl c Ihe ball on u iihort punl near tlic mldle iu> wn of thc field and drovc43yardsbeforc the and Si lltu ln defenw iipceded up enough to (or po Mop thlniis. A B ruin drive wns chcckcd Tlin and a .Oiort, punl kavc Utnh the bnil on is nil t Twln'.i !«lde of the Held. U didn't go fnr. S alt and u pun l over tne itoni jlne br6U||lll ini* and oj bnil ou l to llic Utc.t' own SO'Vard mark, in nn i

•tliirUrnm R' Juvoi'lU' SUlHllij point for wcrt* i a .^corc. Steady.drlvlnv, helped by a run SnhiLt by Sm ith UQl up lo the cenler. nnd there one tr the Fra*clle*Towun comblnnllon Rot the colner ball ncroM the scrlminnKe line, nnd thc kop]) t Bruin Interfurcncc did Ihe re.il. The tup of l i n t (iiinrter ended wllhoul a uo re . bul [;avc t Ihe Druhis were only two .vard.s away, i r o m i ntul liail iwo downs lefi when ilie whLMle could blew. ended

Fumble Paw Capi They needed Ihcm, I'ownn was « n i defciw

into Ihc ilnu iwlce. mid when thc pile field I ol the .iccond untanKli-d the ball wa.'* ' nicely on the counllnc slilc. Thc p a « ne r of from cenicrJorllic .odd poliii.wn! fumbl* o n .p ti cd. but the vljltora were off»tdc.,»o Uie Twin H rulni BOt ttie point and the lead. 7 to 0. urRun

The ncxl w ore came ijuli'kly. Foi- lline« lowliiif thc klckoff Ihe Sail Lake C liv Tlie boys fuuKht Ihclr way lb mld-fleld. but were Icrced lo punl. Tlie Bftln wns Twin f^luirl. nnd Ihc Bruin* niarUd. Smilti S a ln u pickcd up JO-ynrds arouhil llic end. n Y d * 0 line sma.\h or two Ml thc.Mnp.c. and r w m l aRRln Ihc FraMllc-Towun w t worked. L. D. leavlnB only 20 yards to go. An atlem pl- T he ed fake reverse w m smeared.. Anolher TW IN

-U u»U ook«U ju«.llk^l-*U rU d.JjiIl_Q U l. . ^ ‘201 of It came uV uR from Praielle to Wcav- Lony er w nlllns patiently by himself under the S a lt Lako City goal, T liat gave Uic O ray llrulns C polnta and, ft plunat.by-H ates

' iuidi-<l llic extra a n iom e^ iiiG r to bring tn r s o i Ihc Ttt'In Fnlls count to H . The n-st ol _____

(illeiiw . One attack woa diverted by a nimble, im othrr wa!. only t4 ynrdsJrom Kuyke

.:thc-DruJn'Koal.wneii-therffm«li: .«nacrt Ihc half. Hogan wns dQlng nice work Brails:

-lo r-tlits.vU llori.-lIl4*w ccps-from .aJtlclt---------Ih rra l wcrc )mrd lo nlop. and he took ft Weave pjiis Irom M urphy thn l had Uie_e#r- niark* of trouble for tho Brulna un til Froacl

■Tflwa'n flrovc-nim -flufor m m ---------“ r r :S a lt I>ftkc C lly came back refreshed, Bates

and In the f irst-m inute of the third q uarter got &' break tho t m u of ir c a t Colnet help. U tah punted,, and .the ball w u lum bled by T irIn T tll i . Utah got i l for T ovar

, a clean sa ln of 38 j v d j . with 3^ yard) le l l between th e ball and ft seore. Pour Twl; plays broiightr a first down by toehe*. Colnei Bralisford was smoKhloK Inlo the U tah Sm ith

ond taeiOlng so th * l ll could be lo r In


I J 'I l , U U I H

- - R i v a l s o W 8 7 9 - 1

i I h '^

— --------- ( e d ^ w S d IT ^ i - w — ------- C a p t.-C B

R F IT O K T I l-A N N 5 V H U .^ A llY - f) f - lh i b i 'u te d , N ov«?n^1^ K i. w lu-ii th e lon f ie ld , L e.'c liiK tw iT ^e iitm -lty rti-hL T e it S m ith . A 'm onj.' th e 'H p t’ctalor.-< w ill 1: so il , I .o iiIhvI11o, r iv a l I’a i i ta i i is o f fill y

an Incomplete pas-i to th e end ?one I I f j l l ' ■d the th rcn t and .vn l the ball tmi to U i q i . 20*yard Une. which psAltlon Mcmedn>-UruUu-to-bo-Jutt righ t for anoihcr I------r%—a. 'lliey bucked and ran It lo mid- I A . aided by n llve-ynrd pcnnliy, ami V U 1. conclU[lln;{ lha l sliort unlas -a itp Ijtht, but hard work, n spin play w.isI w ithU atoscnro in ic lhcball,T uck- r i ) i l v ‘ the ball comfoiinbly under Ins arm n in n er hnd a clear Innr inntir :orbv Ills leatn mates, nnd hc iruvcllL-il uuh It -M UiouKh hc Ihouithi lu- tnui KCl his distance covcred before anv- 0 1 S

K CPuld hnpiien. T hat brouulu ilu- n 'l-'alU total lo 20. und ll siiiycO I', for ilio pa^s for n kick was iiiiiibl- i>n0V'

Youuk 11lie rc-st of Ihe third period-.v;is play- jn d Ihe :iTwlnFalLV!crrllory. U lahw.inied sni,ill rr nrc. Nenr thc end Ihe Bruhi'. Mart* 2.S tn 12. m olher drive. Iiiif had to i»:nt Ju>i n(irUi w. he quarter cndetl. -njo n

Open With raM n fitiln l.1 o|H-ncd ihc last (lerlod with ft |hk |ierl 1, Sm ith looked ihift to>s ovi-r c u r e - a j;j r. dcclded li met with hK approval. i rellnqul> Intercepted it a t such siKi-d lhat h e , Teoeher

ihed Ulnh'.s 42-yard mark before h e . ||, nj|. j siifflclenliy tackled lo *ioi>, T lie :i,.si.

in.s thouRht they miw another sco re , cOLOn ho offlnR. biit Uicy were too claic lo , ,i;j, t.w ilh , and (invu.up thu-biiii.on U ic!q . Hum •nrd mark. Hure wa.t Uiali'K chancc. j ' bull wa!> on her 20- p n l hne, thelgi(.j,)„,|, ite’fleld ahead lo pluy tn. 'IVo pluy.^l .cd two yards asaln.it the Tv;ln Fnlls umfiiHi .n«i,.*o-:Murphy-hPnvcd-a_ims— ILl . .

a iKrfcclly sood pn.<a. headed : ciirlsloi lu h t fur an end. but It encountered a l in T O n g c m ijn n ren t o i£ .ih ie^ z in rB is i:> — Thnd-com c 'ftlo iu fim dor thc“ bali;;Jlni: RTlmly to tnke nfl some Bruintier.-, a* soon-nj> the pavs was com-________IV TiiP t lnnU^T b.i1l ni..stjpri-f)lll,-avj-j . lls nnim between Mrldes, and he k e p t:It on slrldlni,'. When lie finally quit wnn belilud the Bruins' Roal.llnc., S a lt Lnkc had her Korc. The kick ipolnl «a« Woctal.lin t made thc count. SO lo 0, and th a lII tlic counllUB Iherc WHS,a lt Lake Clly wanted more poinl.i,: opened up wiui r>wevii.H und piuuics,

c nol disposed lo huve any n io r c |_ , nLs counUnt;, Towan Intercepted \

try . other.i were knockcd down bj-1 "I ner. then Bates.Intcrccpled one t o , , , , p the bncWlcld bnlonced. R U ht o n . of Batc.s' capture n Bm ln fum ble:

c llle U tah team the ball 30 y a r d s ' . , , 11 th e B ruin line, bui before any lh ln s ' 5* . J ! Id bc done with ll fhe llmcr.s' g u n ,r t i i . u m m e _ ............ j ! " ' " ™optalii Bralltford )mt up n .sterilni; - --■ " Jiwlvc Buine. He roamed a ll over t h e ; a lo r h is ucklcs. mci tho Uuih lin e ; kfl with the Hlrack tha l rob.s the n iii ,- ' of lh a l extra yard, nnd wns do w n .

ptnita to Mop thc tun. bnck._ T h e , -------in Fnlls ilne hnd ih r better of thc um enl, and broke ihrou^li m any j e» to Mop Ulaii, ■lie score by quarter*; • ’ •

1 2 3 4 TotalIn Pnlls ................. 0 14 0 0 '20n ts ............................0 0 0 0 aI a n d . Rn. Pm . Pis, Pnlly Tut. P.O. InPaltslOO 18 100 10 387 110 . 8 ......126 12R 11 5 330 10*:■he lineups:IN FA LLS. SAINTS20> _________ (6> ' !IK ................ .. . . .......... Srnltfi

endly ............................ - ..... ••Duncan^*_________ T ack le . ____ ____ :---------.■wn................. TT! Ingerbauer

OiKinl_____________ .

Centery k c n d a l l ............................... .. P u » h '' _-J4.*“>ru__ ■ . ■ ,ilW o 'rd 'iC )............................ B enn lon !____________ .Tacklc— ____________ ---------aver ..................;..... H ogttn------------

D id I « » ' ..........................................M um hy


n e r .................. ............................H aleH all

f o n ........................................... MonPull .

V ln .PaUs tubsUtutes: Sm ith lo r m tc q , ner, 'D a rts for Oray. Ootaer tor lUi: Sain ts subsUtutes: 0 . Beanlon ^ toB trbau ir, P tn reie 'Ior Murpliy, H . H

' 9 - M e c l ~ t n - P o ( ) t l ) i i l i - C c i c h r a

i n o n C “ P » c m s1 9 2 9 — TA L K E N ST E tt l - i > % (

-0 1 I

— V

R D H E ^ ^- c b h t p e - — A y / / - —nc<jivri>AHCTi.’

- lh ( ‘ f iiv t-fo ()U m ll-jr .u iio .ev n -.- |)!n y e (i lo a m s o f C’l ' i i t r c a n d T rjiii.xylvani

•e•i«-l-& 7!M h♦•:^tr-l^\•n-ilw littltio»lrl-ilm ill Uo H d w ai'tl l l . B n u s t . ( ’iia -in iia li ■)0 y e a r s iiKo. * ‘


ColoradotehwHly ilOOO I 'a iis i^ raye Cold C a l i

S'ortli W ind to Seo Vi.^it ■I .K l

»rs -T rounced. 25 to 1:^! s a c i111:-. All

-------- ini; inWVO, Utah. Nov. l l '.V .-Ilrliiliaui UK iinlver.-'lly crld lion warrloi'.-i trl|>- 'Ihe Colorado T rarlier.i bofori' a "

II erowtl hero loiluy hy » score o( “ 'J 0 12. Only 3000 f:m j bravi-d n i'old ^ lh wind lo sec th e ijyiiu-. I’’"?;lie tcnclitTK wei'C victim,i ot breaks a fia.-hy Couftar'attack lr. thrTcpen- I'""™*- perliKl and lh .- "Y - Mnlwari.^ piled t a IJ-polnt load w hich they never! iiqulihi'd-dc*plU) Uio-fnet- thnt, ilii'.j —— ehers b.mled them on evni l e r m s jU ta h Ihl' liKt three qunrters ol ilu- eo::-! ^

.o n . \b o nm c .H A M , "i:i) 125* j 1X5QHumphrey ' c ^ ' ’''r l 'I ’ u tu li fi

left end j u t a h siiheiis lM H ..,s ,„

left inckle ; um hehlleld I).ir.ti'.:ii|^i,)e

■Istenscn ' ........................ ■^'fhc.'^ichiUlcccn te r nirnici

Ke.- : ... . JB,.!3r,uit-vii-p,.rl55'. rlRhlRMnrd yurd r

iquiler.s ............... .......... .Mimi-lijy. D #- qua rte r back

‘• '™ ' ■■ .0.1 . . . . . .........

: .............' full bnck

tellers '. . . . . . 0 0 il I - U "Khaiiv ..................13 0. fi .’eachers' .'•corliiB — Toiiohdimn;: C. UCCK mplirey. llutler <sub for Moin-’:

o r for C, Deniiion. WHIIcfcree; Benoit: umpire,Sw im ; head eldenU jsmah, Doanc. Cnilfor

M is s o u r i I n v f

______r - t ...........

. ( n e m ^ c S k ) ' ^» \ • N.V, . /

I S S O i lR I ’S T I G E R S w ill invndo Y a i C n p tn ln J o h n n y W fildo rf, f le e t M Y o rk q u a r t e r b a c k .



: Fron- • Y iU ’ih

H m ’' 'A M M V sffiS L 1*\

i tO.<l •M B M c S a f f w sToi i.

n i L U

.ii'lUOMIH j j j H ■ tine fnotii

B iHCTWAwift ~ • ' ; llllll fi'i-i ii<

Atroelatti Vftti I'li.lo ' -'n'* rillll'.ei . ............................ : Wenilell 11

V e d .in .tllC .S o iit li In- .v ie - j e u o m k

a n ia co llt'^a’-'* 'H' i i i i nf}' un«l <Hl -i l i— ^ U lli. a m ! Hr. •!'-!iii I.. !’; i l ln - I

. i 'r c i= = = i= = = ~ = r r > r = :L . ;L F ^ ^ j llCJimWll

>n idrop k lck t,...... — ............. .......... 1.■|n)Vi,.i Vouiij! M .iir.i;____nv. Tliorn 2. Iloiv,. :. .mh.-U- i. tr,r M..akDU-'.iillj:-'i^.l;l. ! i„ni -.■•y. ‘ ___r-touchdo'vn; ll.-i.i', ii.v.. iiv'm j '•

- iD avls .....— I-------- ---- I

ilif ornia’s Aggies Keep Record CleanACRA^^KNTO, N.IV, 11 V - Ciillliir- A ii’les' ^ru^tant;^ ilii'ir m;!;uI- *• in the Fnr We-.i.-m .™ !rr. ii-r m i- o tllce il

rri-d here today l.> .1,'.-..iiiir i-V.-sr.o ' u -eleven . 22 io_0, WiUi i-.nr vie- , , V A;;, es and no de l.ai- i’;- -rm bei but not bcaii-ii III. !iu-curile'-.-ii;-.-*J. only v « . « : R l c h |

'he AitKles uoied U ln ' In the ecD-ul f - T o ilofl. lulded n .saletf i;i the th ird ;intl 1 1 « 1 )Un r louchdmMi ;iiic mai in Ih c ’lliiulliter, , llA il.

—— ■ ,-v“ r . Nl' VSl —

; a h F r o s h I lo Id L oK an

, T e a m to T ic a t « l o (J

OQAN. Nov. 11 . f.-U liiv .T sf-y ol ! jill fre-'huu-ii (ckiiImI; tt-am batiied th e \ „ ,r ,p „ lh s ta te in;n,-iiUiiial collesir fio.'-li lo j ,,(1,,^ ti -lo-O tie lu'<r iciiiiy 1)11 II w;ei IleM .. (,,^(1, ftnh seoiTii :ir 11>> ri'covcrhit! a funi- vani i f

on the Ankif.' ir.-yard Hnf un il! in sn in r 'D V M -fm -im r-lJ iirk 'm 'n in irj— •••• ;Uiensen cMr.Wiv; the ball.over, T l ie i» . r , , -mcr.-.tlwli)i'- .vfo.e eaily In the th ird | »> <•‘•'■1 ^liid wli-n \ ' . . i . i i : - - c n m r:i r fo J -a -« ^ -------- 1 )t;d n m t.> .••'III ll« 'h polnf. u fier

■iKhiim Vmins: Krcshnmri D efeat Klcven a t I« ic k s

•— *“ 'n loueiulilEXBUl^a. Nov. 11 '-Tl — BrlKlmin 1,.|IIH, Oti ■iHK unlvc.-stty I rr hmen defeated the Her Rick.-; tolii' je c-lcvcn here today flno U .score oi U’ in O, Tlic sam e wii;; ,r,,

due io a 111 ./.}"ir;1U mid l ltg-Iill^ T r n^ Hnv,

a t l l l will, tn tl.i In'— j i i aved III

ic ld c n la l W in.s, 28-0 , -------

F r o m W l i i l t i c r C o llc f fc---------------------------------OceUlrnt;

VHlTTIRH. c,i;ir., Nov. 11 i/V>-Oc- and thenental collei;<- lilanlu'd lls S outhern hur uml ^llfomln conlereiice rival. W lilttlc r wllh iwo

iv a d e s Ea.st T o M e e t N e w Yc

I ' L


— . ' ..

ITankee fitaflhim No.vomber IG to .mcc Mlwwiirl bnck, will p it Ii Ih p row ess ui


i)me’s-Footbal!+®lam JBIanks Foes i 1m6dI

1 (

omWen[le!l32-0njM ii' l l n iii ii' V . ■i m l . - i V

i n r s “ 'V .V T n u . - i i . i t i w i i /

ir iii .i i ' O iU '-.'^ i< ic .[ ( . 'i 'l l-

•s[ i l l M u l 'l l i S i d e r i ; y . BfflEL

c •|! < l.ll To Til" N'-a Io m i ;, N.1MI..0.I K ,.i.i..m i- ' --------ootiinll tean; rt. ira ;.(i V\'. ;i,-:r;i 1 .

S S , ; : ; ; ; ; 2

E^ErHS~Naiiik ip l Can! mul 1 :ii -mi; . i\|I iH till' I

‘Mitli-<i M 'ti'ia .lv ,,i.(v .j 111,' ,MI.I.' , D f t f . IU- wllh C!ii,KilH'; ll:.;:ilii, w . u - ' U H U cap liln . w;is r.lMli.'ii l.>- ;i ImuI : curly 111 III'' ' <|ii;nji ;- :iiu! w.i, j

■ • 'l . 'i

■Ml'; w i ;n i) i :i .l , ... ■ ----------------;n;----------- Iv iin i

______________________ Um::;_________eiul

. , 1). Ooiiiiaii u iviiH'klf ......................... --DOTSK,

n W n ---------------- ----- Wiiteiiar iiravt-: nn

lm;un «• ui'Uiia) [•nmi' h n .

„ , .r iw iK .fi1-------------- ------------------------- ‘’’‘'•'‘•M ,ii'iii"rni'

............. »«lh l.'i.............. ..................................Uarina:L.

' „ ; iKJih kk.i;,1. ’ I il;:n:: .'ipc

...... -■ “ . t . ' S i ;a n .....I ' f t " ' " ! ” !

■" I ,, ■ • ■ ; ll;l -> liurliUl,,,... j 1“ ||» ' .«■

S iillto i,; imii.iiT, ll« v .o n li;!

c i l f i e M T r o u n c e s . 1“ “

[ a i i e y T e ^ f i T o O i i S S

IAil.i:V, Nciv. II l.Sprrlal 111 Tllr ■ i ' A sl-U lehflrld defealeil Hailey, li i ^ ill a hi’.li ’ rhoiil Arm NtIrr iby < X U L c t Iliall Mitir lii-rr Ihln aftiriiiHHi. ’ t j i t» .iM il,r ..fU ir l) r .t rx l lll; l l l i .l1v j 1 ( 1 3 1 llir cilillriMi Kauir th a l has brrn gr.l h rrr llils vcas<in. Illehrirhl K v red a t<iii<'1iil»v.n during tho I W • ' r r iiiiiiules of play, und Ihrre- , r r till- tram s Imtllrd lia<k and I'OC, tu aiTii-s liir f lr ld -u ltliu u l ad- F.ilU h llJCr lo u lli rr 'Id r . Hr. \V. I., tlir l'o( inl. .li fciuir. was re frrre . ra rr h r

------------------------- liduip rs ( ( j> a .s l A r m y T e a m

'D c f t S f l s 'N i i v y b y fi‘ 1o-(>- — piay-ir_____ Ki al «

•Pl.TT TTY ;;iiv .1.1 ,;il’i. . A!1, 111 ! :t- I 'M -]n-7r-thar-H alfbaclr-i!ohrr-nr'- -eo m m i' 42 y,lids lo the Nuvy SO-yard line .-(I 111'- -Drrak" tuday th a t enabled Wf:.i Co,ivi Army eleven lo ;*'ore J ill lehdnHii and defeat Nnvy .^Prvlee

emwd e.lliiintcd u l m ore thnn .V.,- );-r;.()ii.-. wiiiier.'.ed ih c aiintml ;"tv- I J '.Cll'': 1____ & C

- r mtiin t l t l ir 'con tcs t - ljui, ' iiwiiu- ------------,i Inti' Mari th e last q iin rtrr was!d in ,-eml-darlinc.vi, H u m b '

!te. 2(!,i« 0, on llndlcy field loday. ilrmal imsiuHl over a touehdown, f \ then ki.'iud i;oni In both the .o|K'n- 01 1 Iiul ,'i'iiiiid iiu.irlcr, and womul up IWO moi'f In the th ird «uarl« i'.

.....■ ------- . . --------------— NKW-Square <

Y n r L ' Humbertr ig h u to

»HN n . o ' H E ^ ^ ^ . ____announc

1------- - T - -----r-TT*r------r r i ; TllC C(. , / 1 iHjrIiood

' 11.111c c lr. • ' • TnU d. ' . monopol.

■ • " i. . ;Trlous if ' n itik lby-V icady hn^ leadlni{ i

I f l i th ln t Schmelh n ex fl» .\

• Scoit'. WlE p r r : Ing cxjw■Tl. ’. C l * - h U K C Sc

W ~ . 1 7 r The Nev ^

a t r r f j a f w k X r I|> chan trac t COI

O U V E R foottmll■ ^ ^ T j i j D E N M E V e R , of the u

M lM O u rl Ins U ie 'iiu o ta iid JYMt term en '

m e e t N e w Y o r k 'u n i v e r s i t y .!s ugainH t J lh x - O 'K e r in . N e w tu n e wi



e n b y 2 (RuperPoint

^ G o o p r c v e f t T H im v iR HAV J AMP n 1

iVe h Cv c r * K i l l 'I Ya><CM *

' \V oRlTBO T-m iI I

^ i - t . i R (

________ '-S,

se Team Plays' win llioir

smpa to U-iniTpV;r U uport I

“fore 7000 Fans H rhowev.-r, ^

— " and till' rc

V ,S i n i f i ‘s . , L r i i >M hy l ! ;u w

(I i l a c t 'S T o w a r d t l n a l

( l l l l l H (i0ni.'< C lo .‘ l' W itl l l lw 're q J ir^ , . , , , , . ley wore, :

i n n f l * 'O l l - l H - ^ - a l 'r i - l j i n t * form, nnd rtuiK'n'fl 11

-------------- ---------------------------- ----- -wircTTBm-i

1 llv The A.--'iOclnled Press) ,1*'SK-Nov. 11 -■•Doi.ie'lilKliTelfOor ninl the N am ptm ulldojis bntllfd nn.l..'.. II,. In Iheh' ArmLsHc,. dav n ^ E r!‘|- lu-K' nnd ih e re b y jh rew the dis* „ c j - , acc into nu u ln iw i liopeleM mud- ^

i.f uboul lOflO persons, one of the jjndiov rn ii fiTni'il ncrr;----------------------[-------------I i.':iiii.' laeketl olfenslve and only j -la-t'Iivr-m lm tien-of-i»liiy, when — - iiK.i; lo Ihe a ir, did Ihey do any- pa^ry .spcclacular. Neither team was

II dank'crous .sirllihli; dLstniiee of petcr.^on 1.till- crowd wns hendhiK for the Dnvis Miiivsnn. lloi.se, brought It to a

ninr hall by.Miurfnis a 25 yard MoM-r .. urled by a i l l ln und broke thioiiKh ■ lU-yaid hue us Ihe Rame ended. To"er

Nnmpa, Caldwell a*nd Boise nreK'kcil wliht-ul ft d e lca l while a Heed .......y for ellher Cnldwell o r Bobe In i5ntifrday'.s name would leave two O. Niillln . n;ideleftted. T he Mate uthletlc atlon ha:, m in i th a t dLitrlel ehani- Norby iilps im u l be (U'cltli-tl nol luier iii'Xi 5!aiiirftay. , Huporl

*3 Davls. Bo_ ------------------------ Reed. Hai

c a t e l l o L o s e s T o - " S i r ™ ,

a h o F a l l s E l e v e n

y S c o i ; e O f 7 T o 0 J J j j j j j

oVaTKLI.O. Nciv. 11-i.r.—Idaho Is hich schoiil rlrv rn rlim liuitrd I j ■ I'o ralrllo tram from the district K A j l f

r h rrc Iculiiv tiy wlnulne ovrr th r l ^ w W I HP rrrivT! ifTO. iin a mutT])' anil H-y firld.M , , M , » | , . , » ' l , ru |c,l l l ; , g „ , „ . | ; |

I was In dancer. Uotli team* . ■., yrd Euod ball i-onsiderinE\ th r tO Vtmiuu-ur-lhc-ildii.' ' ----

_______________S n o \

ixSchmelingto ,„fss_ . _ _ . clawed U

Batde4oi^ardeft^— Ued scorc

I lb e r t F u g a z .v S e l ls C o n -

f a c ts n i ( ! l i t to S e r v ic e s S S i i

f N o te d C le rm a ii F i .e h te r !game.

-------- W llh o;W -Y O R K ,-N o v ^ n -U ’<—M adlton £ ra tt i toerc G arden ha-s purcha-xcd from and madiberi Fugar.y, promoler, the contrnci ft 35-yftrdK lo Ui» Kervlce» ol Max Schmeillnx, lilcko ff.'m ny! I’hll Scot, Biiirland, and Vlc- Wyoming .^nouw lo.oj Uu- Arventliic. lt-Wns unccd lonlBhl, ‘ lih rouifiic con.sldcratloii wa:; In thc nclch- T lien heX)d of }75,00u ll wus understood In a rn u tuu

circles. WYOMllU dcnl Blve;. the cardcn n virtual lU)ipoly of the he.wywel«hU who nrc CouKhlla us contenders for the cro-,vii vn-Ib y Q e n cT u n n c y . The garden ni- S tew art { has Jack Sharkey, considered thcni( contender, under contract lor a Scott ....

n t Miami this wlner. Scott andu-linit have U 'en meniloncd ax Uie Biicklcy be.« bets In a s<imcwhat iiihllocrc

:— €3mpolor~Blthmtgh- b e atf n " by Biinffilra 1. won iiltth prai'ie from many bot-xjM ru wlio b.-lleve lh a t in lime the ManSouth Aiiwrl^tn will be n chain- ____

' c a t g l l o S e h o o l ’s n . . . i „

J l a s s 5 e a m s J i i i £

iOAaELLO ;:N ov^-tape.cU U io EckdalL.News)—W enlher pcrmllUni;, planslbw under way at the university lo Score !

lioracter and one that should a l- M o n t^considemble otiCntion nmonB the --flcorlai

a ll la w of Pocatello, and friends Prate 110 university, immediately loUow- OKlclshe ThanksglvlnK game football let- Bowaanen will be selected to coach a foDt« enno. h»ileamfromeachoftheclasseaonUje ;JUS, anti fl university championships will be played when the teams are h y . | ^J. A. D„ H

2. 1929 ■ ' - ^ ^------- ------------- ------------- T------

PflBO ThfoeJ v J

f f ' Y ' l

U i o bert Gathers"?-? nts to Vanquish— irley s WarriorsI n i i l i M jU iiliin ft ii^ni>jf>[iii iiii

S o u t h , C o i i l r a l l ) i s - ■

.-I T i t l e b y O v o i--

( ‘i n i l n . t j O r i d N c l .u h l io v

'.special In The New.si !U .I''Y , N o v . 11— R i ip o r l’s i n K m a c h in e rn n u p 77 o n Miirlc.v h c rc to d tiy to

lo ir Wiiy c le a r ti> n d iK lr lc t ' r ^ > f m i d e fe a ts . H u rle y 7 p n in ts fiillow inK th e f l r s l t lo u c h d o w n , f ro m w iiic li x lr ; i n o in l m'hh n o f .c«r- . a n d f o r a n in m c n l w e n t hu le .n il..()n th c n e s t pla.v,r, Norby put mi his tap >t)ii'd I' rest llf the «anie was u pro- ,. Norby. O. Nutllni!. l irn l u m l.

Iml Hurley could nul Mop. lliiIMTt Toyer ta n hl.s leam n^

hli UioiiKht wmetlUnn !'|>eclal lulred lo make up for Him Bur- re, Norby was n l tlu> Io]> of hli;nd hftd.uvoryihliiK.u back-iic«ai<___ _'» line Rave way to Kirslilsnik,B tm n n (b in H r M I l- 5 n T p a r n y -------^i kick and hnd but 12 yurds lo . -Um t-wtui Ih f only -llm e-B urler— ^ 'ncfl. ilncujvt:

------------------------------B y f t te v — -

..................... .... .. O rlffliheiiH !”

__________________________ Pacgtacklc

;lnit ................................. NleUnn~ Rtinrd ~ ~

.......................................... Pcacockcenter

m ........................................ Hank*Kuard

.......................................... McBridetackle

............................................ Jackllnend

............................ Bakerquarter

............................................. Parishhalf

l i l n i t .................. ................. Deweyhalf

............................ KlrsliUnlkfull

M l suUstllules: R. N iiltn ? for Bodlii Cor Dunn. Donaldson for .

Hawk for Peterson. Frecman’ for _W all. for- J . -NulUiiR, -Kirk- for . ilKon. M iller'fo rO . N u tttn irs te v -— - r Kirk. Qabordy for Wall.

ntana’sBobcats— at Wyoming. 13-0:-H ng V i s i t o r . s C l a w W a v

V i c t o r y ' O n F ie lQ W i t h

l o w F o i i F ’ In c h e ^ s” D e e p • •

nUOAN. Wyo.. Nov. 11 M’l-S n a r l- ibcaLs from Montana S late collegc d Uielr way to the front entl of a Kure In a game today w ith the

w ith slushy snow.

roreless although Uie BobcutJi oiil- ed the Cowboys and m uffed three ehaiicc.1 to U lly. In Ujc' fourth tr , D cPrate, the M ontcna speed lanl. nippekl the plkskin In a dou- UA und sk lddcd.lS .yatds over the ry field for the first « o S ‘ o f lR e

h only ft few' minutes to play, De- _tnQk-malteni into hla own hnnds • nade a spccUculnr Ilne plunge and ' m rd. open-field dosli following thc ff. T h b brought Uie bail bock to ulng'c 20-yard line. D cFrate who

igii Ihe hne for a five-yard gain, hc tucked Uie boll In h is own

und ran 24 yards to score. iM tN O MONTANA

(13)-iilla ................... W orthington

le ll endt r t ...................................Senilngjen

left Uckle........................... am

. left guanrley ................................ - .... Preston


rlghl guard....... ............................... Renn

right tnckle '

r ight end_____________________D cFrata___

, qunrter tnck

" ic f r h a ir " '

r ight h a l f . ..

■ "TuiTback""'”)re by pcrkiA : . • . t.;V ' n l n g - ______

u ln g ^ u e ^ o w x i s :J 1ticlals—ii^ o n e y ,nan. D e a w t u a p tre : PskeiL C b i s g m, hM d

6 red b a t

Page 4: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."

iL C if iis r“— O L m iH llL

■ of{|iKfiV

Tn-Tlirce Winiitca i^i'csiilent ^of Lehigh Valley liailway

Gives Vague IiifoniKilion J" '_ . CI\K<

• * lllK WASHINOTON. Nk- :: lliifo .j.

m inute* tlif

t^ i i y oii'lhftl £7^ . I-f«nih,7 rf<Wcji: ol j jiji'. the ViiUcy Rnllro.id. li.id lo *a>’ j,,,yubout llia l orcnslon since made famousby Senntor Drookliiiit. lows. -f

Mcntlotird in tlir fniHlr ns linvlnK l.,su taken ".V)nic nlcoliolu' >iii!l" m lUe iim- ^ifr, I.ooni!s ilc.-.cribeil lils iipptnraiicr „ r t bcforr the J^ ry ns 's liort hiitsttcel," llp «lcf1ii-i'(l fJ dl«iivi Ills tts - llmniiy. MJliii:; ‘ , , , mci

" Il »a,t il jirivui»> (ilniipr umi I lia \e jjri) nome We. ot the im .prictlrv You will have to n-ly on ihi- laUorulory cxpcrlencp and smclllii'f iirDiH-ii'ltlrs <i{ Senntor Ijrookhnr;. You don't i-xprct me to aL'- ]{

— n w ior' tlif pubi r r iiiivimnT tii.iUiin>- \„ ,^ I>eiw,nl.a |>rlvoK dinner where I >u.i il Kuest. do you?" Iiitiei

IVank n . ItlKhi. m;inni;i-r of llir WH- j,,, ., lard h o ld w hrre llir iiU<".'c<l iwrty” ^^as hrld . aUo tp 'tillcil briefly brforr (iie crnficJ Jury. UioiikhnTi Jiad J>jj iippearca prcvloufly.

l l r in i i I trrnrilt TliP linlcl m nn brouK’.U « itli h':n f i - •

concernhis tlic dlm ifr, w lilf lt^ n n r ir r iv -----to somo Reinibllcuii soiulor.-) by WnUrr J. Kiihy. n New York brokiT- These Ilx- rd llio date as Dccenibcr 10. 5920, ’n v ju rj' niso (lupsllunrd -WaUrr Ui:i:>'ti.

•_ maBft?.lnB writer, whose arllclc In lh<- curreni issue cr"PIaU rT tilt:“ fontalnc<l —

• " ' ttun'Crnuir-cttnn;cs-of-»qm)r-linv-viulu*- lion* here. , nnr''

— -D ls lr ic t Ar.criicM-RcvciLtiillrtplnWy . m ■ nobtlicr'wililftre.*; would bceallct) Icr a t j|,n,

least 10 days ii-s the i;rund Jury had 1,^ ,

'“ -’c r '^ W ^ - 'w n ld -l»' callcd .-hc-ijld lllin t vas ni) to the Jury, bul ndili’d llm t lie ww HiDiKiciined he WOllUl b f iiun.um; l>' T m

___ iDdlclniuil__________ ________________ ____LlRRCtl said a l l r r hi', iiiuipariiiicnn'

had not. been nsked for tlio iiauu'.i ol KOvernment cftidftU —trj—rxplntn-hls — tnasazlne .Ntatemeiii ihiit "ilii'ti; Is pieii* ' ' ty of drinkhiw in lil«h Kovrriinu'nt clr- clca anfl th a t cnpliol hill li probabiy "

,thu wellast place in Wa.Milri:ion."He *ald Ills Intnrinallon on liquor

supplies was suppUrd iiuriliilly Inmi JocbI and natlcnal cntnri'iMirnl rivurds. and th a t h li de«crlpt!un o< coriditlain

.w as ■'cotuervnilvr."----------------------------- Kn

H avana Law OpiwscsIn stru m e n t Testing

HAVANA, N o v .irZ v ,-T h e aiui-nol.-.e ■ cruMide, InaiiBuratcd vevernl wi-uks uco '

by Mwyor Mlvuel M. O omet. hus iiroveil iroublcwmo to piirchtt-scr* of mublcul

- lusirumcnts-of-lhij-whul-vwloly------------------T lw -o rd inances slljiulntc Uml hrforc - an liu lrum cn l opcmte<l by the bri'iilh' can \m * Into the hands of a purehuwr , ; the Mile m ust bc completed. H m eclhe would bc looter mny not JudRo llic tone

------ cjuftUllw of hw -ncw -po»e» !nn by nicniatlve tool or two .In advnitce. but ‘ ‘‘ m uJl' buy "alBhl unheard." To make

- Iho Juw bltidlnji, lhe liiislncH end of ull . horiu*. whlstlrs. und reeds Is covered . w ith uu offlclnl scnl. ,

---------T he ortllnoncc Is uppUod ului lo tUi }*horns und penny whWles for ehlldren.II- Is nrHued th a t the liiw not o n ly ^ lry = :


— C clotcx-Itcprcsentalive------ ----A nnounces M eeting Here

T here will be n Cclotcx «hie.Hlnnal _ niccllsiB In th e banquet hall of the I’nrk hotel Thursday cvenlna which will be — conducted by H, E, Scull, factory repre-

mecUnR Li frees Anyone Interesled hi • — . insulution b mvUtiU. ------------ : ~ J

• Deftvcra ^ t r c the f irst animafa llm t , knew hov to control nnd turn lo nc- ; counl two oppashitr eleincnU of lnnd : nnd w nter., *

, “ l i i v a l u a b l c ” S a y j ------------------------ S o c i c t y _ \ K o m e n _ |

MELI.O-OLO Fnce Powder b prc- 1 / e r r e d .b e a u t l f u f •xomcii bcM irc ll | lenvcK no iracc of fUikincM, pa.'.tliicss ^ c r Irritation. Siii.vr. «n lonB cr-no fhlny

------- nMCst-Made-by- B-iiew^Krpnch.proccii. —-p re v e n ts inrce in>ri'.%. Sprrudii more mnooihly—Btve-s a youthful bloom. Vory pure, Use MELLO-OLO Face Powder.If* wonderful.—Thorff.oiiS DruK SUire, —Adv.

• ' ' " ~ I

A bedroom oxteosioa for — •pTmctlon-ut-Tdgbt=foi— -

,'j . ' coavcaience daring th tt — ' —day. 'C uits but i -/ g y — -

: cents a day. ■* . ■

Order ooe t,oday

J i t i e s a n d l l a m i e i s ^ I T

O f N a t i o n P a u s e t o _ ■'»*

H o n o r W a r ’s H e r o e s ’

(Contbiued Prom p ag e.O n a)

)ff"lce8 w e r e ; i : i d llag^ were flow n ' 3 ^ lencroUy uver thn ciiy. i E

- r j? i n ;> s i> ix iv i ; i tk . \u u u L iia — -CTtlCAGO,-r«K-tJ-'V '7-'*’' ' ’'* i 1 1 ,lebt 10 If. .'<)!aifr« w;w emphasized 10- , liiy by Vlr<> I'lv.Uiei'.l Cli.irli-'i CurlLH.ln “" ‘ j, I sprc'Ch lit S:ililic'i..' IieUl whi'ro C h l - ] . , ' nKO oflli'irilh I'oiiuiicmiirated tin? bIrh- \ . j nu ot llif ii.-inl liu ' II year uko.

•nic vice prc„i!eiii vilio' e addre.s.i wus " . he prlneip.il .-.iiit <>r tlic ArrnLsilee.. ,

Ul Wlirrlor.1 vn.' "i'" It i.ovcr couW i;iy, b'lt thiit It do as m ufh n s ;Hi.v-ll)l'- lo'viinl tn^eii;i:: l u oblltiailon. • jjp

••Money h n'-; c|i d lu mlnum ihc bond^ ' /vfrir .•^suitl dorlniVliie -^ir, Ui m e n th e fx - ,i,v ^ )cii,sc:> ol Ull' M i< 1,111 ■ buriMU hi Ink ln i:, viici •arc nf lhe •cldln-i, nnd U »tlr,i,u itIriH-iidciii.': ,u,il I M.:il llio ;<- who were Un. i lependent i>n i!"- i'f ive men und .wo- ,;;,i,vi nen whu Uic-n live:; In th e icreat i*o

lli" IHl•^llll•nl snld."T h b aionev f.iii. 'I.mild und will Iw jia lii

f.Uetl and mipli'-cl i'> nerds, i l u l i rcpoi vr may ID p;iri iii'-iy n^ir obllKntlor.!;." l^yntli

a: l war, iiuil ili .i ri'n ;l a net'tl for un Convitleqimle ...........nl ile i.ii 'c ns n n o th e r ,e:,-0ii U'lirneJ Dv the •.une experlcilCM, i , v

------------ Be' i a n k E m p l o y e s U s e i

.S:J.(HI(l(>,(Hill l o U u y

S p o f i i l u t i v e 'S t o c k s

Ico n tU iu c d i"tom ruRC~Oncl

lerc >nlMlecl lh:i' einyM iini; p.-Mlble ' ‘' ‘I' II1'> b"lli': done in isn rd lie ir ;ii :e rs tji Imt pro.seeui|nn iii;iv lie InsllluM I ut he ei.rlleM moinrnl," • ' ^ !"^rF^^^otl-re,^lllll^(l-th^-acl^rr-prc.•^^.-^•'•'_;' illc j'T in n t'-h an ti - t ic m if tm h c -a h o r t— J- ■Hes were revealed, , , .- I

Bliile biinklnii .^ifflclaU nnd local-nu- ■ linritl(\ n.s well u.'. «rflwni of th e bmik . mvc fxpiei.'-rd ihonvclves lui .valUfltd

K.fn~llioi'ouKhly' w ftK uardcd................... I .J__

r t 'a r . s a w u i u i c t i i c s I ' l r s l ~ T a l l i i n i i H l y n o n T i c t u r i ’s

WARSAW. NV,' rr<;i‘~ - “ ”irpi'ii<-“ ( k ■ irylDk’ lu i.lni;'--J:. W .irsau's eumhlned j,er<' rrlilcran nf the iirM Amerlcun liitklnu-ciTpf inotlnii pieitirc la be shown here. old (

Dili 111 ;-i)i:e of lhe ixut.-al crilU'I'.m „ jf lhe lu'w melliod of ciilertnliinK'iil iroo .itid Iho piilpaiMnd.i ut llie ^ik'n l flliii • in rxhlUUoi.., three mure iilcliire hoiise.> In l;.olil VVar\:i'A luc in..lulling ap |m ra‘. i i \ mid ^vho (itio mi'll 111 L\vuu’, I'li/itiui, lAjd/. und [|,r,, Kniowlcc. I iliijs

-.-•.—---------------- -•■FAIl>ll;ll JOK" WIN-*; lw(.

i 'n -ro U i:iic ii i , Niiv. 11 '.1' . - ' i-'.iiui- •[-. IT Ti'iv: IIa iile„liu llan ;i. i.,.,;won a faM un ion welierweiuhl li;iul i;,., Irnm Hiiel: MeniTnnii. I*iiisburi:li, i:i 10 roinid^i liLiT loiiltihi. C.Kipvr tl.x.iiJl wi McTJrrnnn iwlcp. W

----------JTt.ATTKnV-TRIUMi’llS - • ■ - [„ v. D U FFA L O .-N ot.il i.T l-Jlm aiy S la t- . Viui

lery conllnucd his comebaclc ciitnpal;:n lonlKhl by kiiocklni; ou l Johnny Hay- • wm slack, Dlniiliannon. In '■! mlnuie.s 1- scconds w llh u left hook nnd a rlitlii m ' ]] the chin. Slaiicry'wcl«hVd lfil>’;. H;iy'- 'a i;. suick ICO':. i,.o„

IfKji'Hi {r.i<Hl}(jH,s ftirrJbtr Ihc of the worM from the nqurou'; it;;es It) the liuliMt-y nnd hiti-lll:;eiieL' ot beavers, - - •, _


------------ E l S h IG IT Y -!— -UK. S. C. W Y A 7 T

O icr WMltrorUi'aPhotie 467 ;

lU P M M rL tH M

1 m:t.aKKAiiiiJjo\. tm.':

I k ^ m m m ‘R C T r \H V 5 il ;

T s Y O I I R L 1 F K A “ ~ 1 *

M I S T A K E ?Uo you Hlld wllh ull yonr lu.tiir-

ul r.iH.-' nnd lalcnLs th a t you nic , baffled. duu-ouraKCd und unr.uecc.-.^s-ful? Han life »iaadcd yon «llvi|i- ,iwlnimciiW u l every tu rn of _ th f ;roudV THEN CO N SU L T - I

C - y i N C E N TT h e M iiH lcr P8yclio loK «> l

— Y irerrohfa ttb fnH rork-«H )w -L ei-~ -liiro PUIform: r.pcclulued collcsc .Mudlci: und Uav- ________

■ .remove hliiiiilJllne-bloclw nnd 'f lac lw which retn rd your proprrK.| , Thlo U YOUR opporlunllyl v i j l .CCNT caa only rem oln li'-rr but u | very e lw rt tim e only, due to Lcclurr EngoBcmcnu »honly to bcRln on

‘the Pacific CcMt. SO 8EK HIM iT H IS WEEK! Offlcc hour»; Vi to ■1 to -0. OXFORD 'A P T S , Sulle P . ,up8t»lr«.-NOTE: .M f.-V inccnl. UoC3 i jiol •■IriJ /OrtlHJM".

> T W IN F A L IfiD A

" S K b :!— 'l " '® " 'V 'A T iC A T rcm rr7 rm 'n i- -T ? ^ = ^ A -j rreneli iioblemtm uiiU aiuiy offlccr. .«> H ;urned prcachltJR monk In the Snhnru; Uon Icsert nnd Mnln by finarirliiJ tK/mdrfu, iwy be ninmiu th e:i>''aHfirn-Titanyra'— f .irocluluied n t th e (•nd.n('tTirPo;)c’« ]d* . Into Jllec year In Deci-mbei, I ot t

Vlscounl Chariea <l<' F<rnild w en t' In i ;hrouKh Bt, Cyr. the French \Vc-.t Po in t,: nnd in d won u c;ivalry CLnuni:>-loii He J L ir. ■;ervcd In Africa bu t »f:i r •.•veral Iir1U.s ovci n llh trlbcsracn, reslKin d Imm :lie nrmy mnt ami started burefoot anU i nrbml as a ,

lanS'TrenchlnB* ' »Next he wenl to the i!o!y I.aiid where i ‘.

lie look o rderj nnd Ihen returned to Africa III lOOl, In IHHl he wai ^laln Ijv Mo.slenw nnd i-nl<imlfii :i- llm aiar, T tthencr » wan mxiii reiMi i r l lU l t h e ; linii halt and..sick who r<veieiillv M.irhed Daa UU' inmb of th e soldler-iniJiil; wire in- ber.i liluivtly riireil. Chl

l-0|H- llened lrt XV, pndeei M,r ot the )irti,eni pontiff. In IJl« rhan;eil a eer- lllin Fiitlicr Joycux lo hive .Mi;:il'-. His reporl ciiiitlrmcd lhe inanvidoiu anil lentlrd too lo coiitlrni the iRiiiin:; Suin- trir.i* wHni'M.es have Ic/lltUii i" Ihiiih-

cunveriilun of souls.

Benny Bass Whips S Negro of New York,

pnlI.ADFLPH»A, Nov. II < V lli'iuiv ;Bji .s. Philndelphln feallief.iel.ilil wh'>li i l j I i r . - .J o l l l i . i l l l l l l l l iU . l lL l . 'r .v*tr.-------',1011 Ihe ileeino iroverT O nrT T m ^rN 'w -----Voil; iieRrir, in n in-rr'imil Ix'iit ;>i U'c nreiui lon'.i:hl, Dn.s\ :.c;ilcd 1:7 |):,'.ai;l:.. i Hie.l I2.V,..

Charley Bcl.mi:er. Uuht hv.ivr.vel;jhl e’l.’itfiplw} ol Ciiiml.1. leoji :!ir iJeeWiMi (iver Miitt A'dgle, I‘lilla'drinlil.irin~ th" i'n.round W iril-final. Hi’lai'iMT 'vefchcd n.*> pounds. Aclfjle 173, t ■•Jou'TiLircenlf. New Y.ill:; ir7,'w .m lhe di’cUInn In 10 round:, over I’abl-) Ulauco, Cuba. IUI, •____________ ■

( i r u v e s o f F r e n c h A la r k __________

_______J t l i m c l a r i d .O i - f H u a l io n f_

. COULENTZ. Rliliielaiid. u .1 '.- 'A French war (It-uil of three iviiia iriiiain g here lo rcinhi'l Ih r Oernini'... cif the c<'- P ciTpSflcn ot 11)1* niilnehiiitl. F.ielia; lhe I olil Ciermnnforlre.>;sof Ehre'ibreilsleln Is I II mllltnry eenietery where are buried fl lr<»ipeni of ts’apoleiin's nrmy. I

tu tho w ar of ICTO, la i'im u l F n i ie h . T ;.olillets were Imprl.'.ontd hi re and IIkim- ^ who tlletl were iilaecd b.'i.lde :lw:o i>f , three iirnerntioiis before- And now. iliDM' nf the Freni'h who, ilitd durlm: ali< Ihe louR occni)iitlon, He beilde tliu.j; of ;.o Iwo other wnr.s. \va;

•fii'ievini! ubove hradstnni's 1:. a leim- i«'c l.i.<h m aih iil .''Imply “Friiiiie, w aller .ttei l;i'.id."

WOMAN ANSlVEIt.S POU SU W IN d jUv WKNATfJlEE.;WaidL, Nov. H \,V. - .s,,j

FlrM ileirrte riiurder charRe.i were Illr;! v.11 In sn|>cnr>rcotirt here nRaln.st M rii.'T O .'C~ Van.1 WmkIuII. 0;!-»'cur-old tc lf-c o ii- . bn fesied slayer o f her husband. W. It. ki; Woodall, • .

-------------------------- otillcrbcvt Spcneer snld th a l chei.'._was jit

' a liiimc of bi'ahts while bllllard.s v^as a" lai I ROine of .ileutly iiirve> and corrccl eye* m 6l(;hl. ' W

' --------- --------- ------- ficAtt foul truublr.'k I'll. i>r. Poster, adv Ai

— “ S t r a a g c r p v h c n y o u <

••'\V lli:N yon cnll me that There’* no nioa- raiiioit

' t h e world! And lllerc•.^ no lal tu re rvcr made better lim n •

. Blnlan!”Now OwDii Wlslcr’.s fnnioii;

an outdoor cplo rlBbUy Icri Covered WafiOli" of the tiUkli A cafnst th e crandeur of lh W eil Is told Uio Jove 6t0O’ ot Rlrl from Vermoni and Hie

______Virglnlnn who won her niodds! Voii’l chccr

^ ‘TfinriRGir----------------- 0 b 'T I X ) 0 8 - A tL - T A I .

(i i iry Cooper . ------- W all- I M u r y U f ittn ■ ' . ..tU c

n ^T ltA V E L lN tt ALOP urum oun i &ound

IUld a F a r a m g u n t N

i ' l ^


W i n s a t H o r s e E x p o s i t i o n I s

NEW Yo r k ! Kov. n (/1V-"Montrcar‘ veteran Jum per of tbo CanadUn arm y Ileam.-tonlghM iUved-olf.UteJ^ballcBse- ------ !of the bl-iit, thoroughbreilt'froin five na* llon .s lo w in th e Internailona! iiilllUry I— itake Ht lh e lu tionol h « « a Ix= T w lce--'M oBirfai- *a^ lirouBhCbacfc Into the a re o k bccaui? reprc-ienUitlves . of the U nited SU tcs nrmy hnd lun ied “ 'In crack nerrornanees lo lie tljc C a- • nndlan fencer. E.'ich time. Iiowcvcr. g u i. . . L leulenam c . C, Mann w in hU moimv j over lhe obsU clct In almo-it faiiltlCM m anner. ^ j, --------------- -------- ..................... bridal

A N N O U N C E M E N T S. O ertn

Tl’.P U nity'"club'w lll'have a~poi!uct linieheon u l the^ home ot .Mu- E. M.D3MCII on Wednc-iday a t I P, M. Mem- , . bers p lew e b rln s handkerchiefs for the Children’s h om e ,. and 11

________________ ULsujfown

“ S Y S T E M S E E M E D , S i , ”

F U L L O F l ’O l S O N S " “ i’l

“ 1 t h i n k I ’d b e .si-lfi.sli n o t to t i ‘11 o t h e r s a b o u t lli in w o ii t lc r lu l pink : S i ir jro i i . ro « s

"J*’o r t o n y e a ir f I .xtifl'i-it^d w i th s to n i a c h t r o u b le . I 'd f e d b lo a te d I Sundi

____ dliiK 1



the pi

— f VanP

jK m O te ■ u.H h B ^ S I » k b S B I B b - PA

.M K S. I D A W IL « E L .Mth e 1

aller m eals nnd n l llme.i the Kas wn.s ' :.o bad m y heart would m iu bcnifi.. I WIUS ,-.0 nervou* 1 never slept- wi'll, and I'i'cnine dreadfully nm.dnwn- Constlpa- •tten blithered me tco. and jny .wjiolc jv .tein .-.jemcd filled wUh.ixil'Oii.s, '

' l’ An bnlilc.s of Sariiun made mo leel Jll-.t; u new womun! My uiiptclte Ir .splejj'did and ;1 eat anythlns 1 'want, v.ithnut n irace,of IndlgeMlc-n or lii-art

Iw lp iln iio n .'T n rn o m c rv m u iiliy niuru..bu l kleep JUM. (iriuul.iLnd fecl .Mronvcr I Kial beller In every way.tHan «i ye.-ir*. i a

'SiiiRoii Pills d id n l upw i niq. Ul:e o thrr Inxntlvi'.'!, and whdl';; more —

..th u r c llc c u were liftllna. I siAy.rc.-;'!^____ilaled pcrfeclly nnil my whole nyslein L'. 1 loned' up-i'f-flW d health."—Mrs. Id a • Wllh.-lni, ■J73.) Clay St:. Denver,— ' - . f ichm m jii-jjliji iw . -iJrugs. .afeiits. —Adv. ' . ^

u c a l l m e l h a t j ^ s m i l e ! ” “ ^

’ ’ ‘

from Hie Ianiuii.i' j'rtovTinjj--------- l ~ -VI

OWKN WISTKR j:., { tx

lha t. .Mulli-r' . Vi.iKHrTltne-1n------------------- r ----- ---------------- ^. lalklni! plc- . m,M l'-'ThL-Vlr- M a t.

UOILS novel !.s litOO

i lk i iS ^ c r S '; a n d ,

, - r t h ? i i S a : J o iHie drawIiiiR ^

ngaliu i 111!

1___________________ 7 ;U I I __________ _AI.KLV<;-------------------- ------------------------- :

( a l l c r H u s i o n . - W jl!!)____ I I Z

nes— ----------------?L O N JI"______ ^i a “ A c ( ~ . ' , ■ • ;t N e w s

A l ’u l i l i x '- - T h e a t r e


I _ I t a . » a w m iM ti •PhOM 'fM —

s s s s = s = s s s s s s s s s = s L , ."The A_bcflu»/ut B’cdding wa« w lcnmlacd a t Bm iriiiiei'T'JincrM 'r-ciinrcto' Sundny lornlnR n t ten-thirty, o'clock when MUa tar(|uerltc VlehWf*. (Jaughtcr. of P. O. , lehwci:. becnme the bride of Edgur u i. ,i hlcrs, w n of Mr, aud Mr*. Pelcr Ehler*,^v. U. M, ZaBc). pastor of llie church t J,, tflclnilni;. Lohengrin's W eddlns M arch - q. . as played by E dvoid W erner os lh e .hiiL i rldjil parly enured the church oiid os ^ ^

g a g t e M o M i i i t i ! ! t « ilehwes, tls ler of Ihc bride, luid MU* „*,{{: lertrudc Becher. saiigr •:! Love You Tru- t." The bride's gown «oa a iundsom e t . . lodel of white salln and lacc and h t r ! ell was arrunKcd In cap sliniw and held iw,H( I plucc with oranae blossoms. Sho ^ jh t iirrled a shower bouquet ot bride's roees q ^ v , nd lilies of the valley. 'T he bridesmaid. givL iL-u; Vlolcl Vlehweg. wore a lovely g m j, own of pink Bcometto aud carried a ^ ri ouquct of Ophelia r06c9. O tto EiUers, ^ctflr ro thcr of the Broom, waa beat man. Fol- 1,5^0 )wlng’ the cercmonjt u reception and jn a ir fcddlns dlnneV was given in the parlors ign ii ^^heH‘l^u^oh^.plnk■am l.tthU il mntit 'OS featured In Uie menu nnd lablc dcc- piaye ration*. The centerpiece was n large q{ qq link and while wedding cako nnd pinka « s and pink cnttiedrai c«ntHeJ Jii ____rystal holders added lo the beauty of be cnjcmble. Mr. and Mrs. EliJers le it unday Qficrnoon for Boise on a wed- liiK tr l |) nnd will make Ihclr borne to ■win Falls. Mr. Khlersbclnt; ndvcrtWngvinaiirir tn r the r M l f l innnirtm cilt ___■tore.

The Red Knljjhls entertained their irl friends with u theatre parly FYI- ,ay iilRht. mcrtlnR n t the C. D, ThoiUiU lome on Sevcntli Avenue North nnd ro- :ilj rrom Hicrc to tJic high wfwol lo tee hc“ ulliMhoot-play.—“rh c TlBhlwnd.” — iftcrw ard returning lo the Thomn* lomo where Mrs. Thomas nnd Mry. C. R. icott. Rtil-Kniiihl-molliem rcnlcrtulncd' — he pnriy wUh a buffcl supper.

-TTTr0t^A .N li-Ft0nTKH rW »N r . . . I r , _

CALQARY. Alberta. Nov. M' i'V>-

'rank Wine, Olilo. hei-o tonicht in B :inie IJ-round boxipi: mnlch- Lrnlmrt i-a.% tlie nsrewor ihrouRhout. lakhij: lino rounds wUli ilirec even. The fUtht- rs nre lit:lil heavys'clRhl.s.


PALO ALTO, Nnv, 11 M’l ~ David ila r r .lonlnn, noted idiicnlor. wa-s pre- eiited today n llh nn rlnboralr imrcli- iicnt copy ol a rwoluilon adopted by hc Palo'AUo cliapler nf lhe Dausii- cr-H of the American Rn'o lutlon, .sup- lorthig hUn stand on world pcaee.

BoomemnR n sliurp curvcd womien’ iven;wn. 2l> Inclie,'; loii;;, thn t l.s ihouii vlth acciirnte aim nnd force b ' iiailves )t A ustralia.— ------ ---------------------------------- —

. W- micro-; \^ s.yncnronou$ \ •

m d o rJ l a d t o ^

A s lr o o i ’ 'm«ot» b u l » c 'l l '

"p rove l t .n r n e w - "(taiultrdoircilitm >Item *Jlb«r tif Of \reoo rdkC lio tio i k t l

•Vlot fl r*«33jMri*— A - ■ e z n e r ia n o * ' in .

S tp n m t —Ihntihal. N o diitorliOB

i i to rv o lu '" * ' Un* DOiioamic;<i:e!*<l^ tuaia<. VUlar.IlBdw i i «l»o iviilib le

real m u s i c * h o u s c

■■ a jnplcto^ .


■ ' ' ' ■ ^

i l lM H I I I lW S -CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. 11 ( -1 ^ = Z !!^ , rhc Angora Poat." the I tr jt movie to be c ° ^ JM d out by a« lcn« rflyT “ fkl»h troupe ^ -the-«lrto-ea i:Jlnc(L :lh»-productlon

Halldo Edlb'* -S h irt o t Flame.” U inn ln j hcre a t «\e aame tim e na therst talklo from Atncrlca. ThU T u r k - ___n silen t film Is glvlDS tho American C p F >vclty n run for IU'money. ^ _The srea te r popularity of "Tlic An- t ira PoKl" Is probably due lo the fnct mi lal ll Is a g rea ter Bonltjr for the Turk*I MO a T u rU ih Win than lo hear a

S i f S S f f S S W f e i s AIth th e KemoUat ilrugglc against the to rellj i u n In 1031 and 1923. . almoslI t gives a moving and faithful plc- o f aire o f the effect of the W ar of Inde- K rlp tlm dence upon Uie women, th e youth cameId tb e otid people of Aanatolla. T tia i origin:lly 13000 v a s spent on the production under>ves evidence of Ihe stem simplicity avalU

Bey. Turkey's chief I* th a;tor. dlrccUU the film aud p lny i th e conlolero. Nlyrl Nlr Hanlm. who studied a c t- o n t tig In Russia and Oermany. Is the lead- famll}:n lody. The AnatoUau m other who sore t:

h,r ^nimtrv Is mODeilayed by Nafle Hanlm. who a t the age COc. a100 Is making l^er film debut w llh sen- Store,itlonnl success. a n d a

O M -T im eT 0 N I1 3

F i r s t D a a c c o f S e a s o n a

: T w i n T a l

--------------------- M u s i c R e l e a s c d - o v


r J p -p j rd parents and a corkTyetl stot crrur>!

T he very wonls tliu t k rp l New Y ork ro.i . . hilarious yea


Q n -FIltSTGItK A T K S I-'AItt'E HIT OF B f . t h f ; TALKIN(< . ^ :

-{ jT ^ lT ^ F B IjA ^ Er' DOlHisyKA IO ;• OTHEK!

P R O U D f a t h e r s -

W h a t ' i f y o u ’d a l r e a d y a c c o p lc d ' V ra tij la t iD n .s . p .is s c d lh e c i g a r s , w iS c o f f l c c " U 'h a b o y ! ” . . . . a n

“ t u r n e d o u H h c r c w u H n - t -a n y - b a b y

c r a l l ? .

HAPPY MOTHlW h a t i f t h e n u r s e r y t h e c r ib f r i l le d , th e .d o i a n d H d e v e lo p e d t h e

--------------------'<ynK s lx -y e a rH o l d ? —

BLUSHW h a t i f KO f o r t h e ( i r ji«4 t l i m t 1 you‘d d rc a

t o u g h S P O T S t o b e I

— ^ --------------------- r r r B U T - N (

T b e ^ E l t_________ :___________ I f a a R a d io l

X Tnm icK lnff-Inn T " A ll in U ia lo E a n n

-A iw -S h o w ln ft^ lie k e y -M c Q u Jw uN o v e lty H

--------------- .A -S H O W Y(H? C A W l’ /'M n lin ccs-1 9 ^ -a n d -V > « — B venir

C hU drco :

COMING S O O N -C O M IN G — “ Ti O ut-D oor F e a tu re A d o p ted f n

R 12.1929 ■ ^

S S M ^ Y « S 7 W « k r t * < r a t r H I ^ S i . 4 t U u l s . t a t l » » w ^ « 'm d I a scheduled 10-rouud boul here to- h t . Each weighed 133.

CONRAD OTNS< E W A W t^ N .^ X rK 6 v :n i- fg fe a» y ^ ------nrad . Vtv Jersey's reigning aenw - n m th e middleweight clju». » o a a round deelilon boxing c o n u s t frcm n T 'de-V oe,-B elg ian?: here - t o n l g h t t r : : : ! - cll weighed 163 pounds.


T h is Doctor'll l>tc»cri|ilion RcilulrM No GnrBUnB

So longer Is l l necessary lo Rurnlc

relieve w rc throat. Now you can Rct nosc Instanl relief w ith one .’iwallo','.'

a doctor's prescription. T ills pre- Iptlon was Kfllled k > o ften and be- me M iMpular t lu t the druRRlst who ginally filled It decldcd to pu l li up d c r the name Thoxlne and mnko P. ollable to everyone. - t h e remarkable thing nboul Tljoxlnc th a t It relieves almosl Instantly, yot n la lns nothing harmful. I t Is plco.^- t tastlnB. and safe for .the whole tnlly. and U gunninleed lo rellrvo rc th roats or coujhs In 15 m ln m ti or jney_b»ck. Ju-st ask for Thoxlne. 3Sc.: . and n .oo.'Solfl'by TliorcMn Drui,* - - ore, Twin F^lls and Jerome, Idaho, id alL other KOod drug storc.i.-Adv.

i-.Da n c e Am v — -at DANCELAND,

■allso v e r - J C - G L L Q

Q z j z z a z z r — =


rOMORROWstork In a serraminc rom rdy of »:

ro a r in t with laUKlilcr fur a solid yearl


H'm. LcBarati’s


T H £ I

^ E I R Y i

w ith F R A N K C R A V E N

rftM j TnW ^VOR A N n _______


id con - , w ire d a n d i t

iby a f t* - — - — -------------------

H E R S - . Vr y w a.s furnl.H3feiJr~~d o c lo ^ w a i t i n B . . . »h e e x p e c t e d ' bub y

i H I N O B U I D E S -

K onieone o f fe re d y o u $1 .5 ,000 ( I r e t b o y . . . a n d y o u n e e d e d i t in u c J j t o p a y f o r t h e h o m e r e a m e d al>out?

3 I N . . .

N O T - I F - Y O I ^ D ^ E N - ^ ~

lY ID E A ^iu P i c iu r c _________________________ .

la m g h -R io t — ------------------J ld A ll in f u n !

» - A l l T a lk -C o m cd y a n d - P u l h c : - “’ R e v u eIL J^ F F O U l) T O M IH S _ sn in g ,-A d u U « , 3Q ^i jm tl 4 o f ; ~ ” 10 i o e

‘T u i ! : l 6 n (}, l On g t u a i l " f ro m a N o te d N o v el “ T h e

■■ i , \

Page 5: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."


T o o ls f o r t h e C a rp e n te R e a d E v e ry

30c K cntone Mill File. B-incIi 15(^ > 40r Krjrtlone Mill Fite. lO-inrh 2r><> {« e K rrtto ae MIU File. It-lnch ' ?5c K m tflne MIII File. M-lnrli r.OC « THKEF^COKNEKKD SAW FILES

— nrfU > *r-lS r-& 4flfh -S iiw Filra. 3 - t o r ...................................... . . «;S(«

0 = ^ 1. . TIN SVII»S ^

SI.OO Tilt K n i^ ... .^ ‘■^-T<d-I;b*p‘ 118ft- .=

— I"

. (;«mhlm»Uon-l’l l f r - , .......................-----------“ I U 5 C«ii.lfli»allon Tiler. Hlfkle p^Ut-" ^

Si2 i H ath S«»-. with btaJe . T .tp i


JO IJ-iiicIi 15h I Drvll Unrk Saw — ninilrx worlh S1.20 dnz. Special |S(>

— T ---------- ^YANKEE I)UIM~S ANI) AUTO­

MATIC SCIIEW DUJVEnS • Yankee Aulomntic Drill j;

5i3ja Yankee Aulonjallc Screw Driv- •-. w ; .Siwrlal , . . ■• .Sli.tW „

p lle n ......... ...... «2 .4 HS4.50 R-lnrh Genuliie Klein Line* * iiu n S T lle r . : - .- I

J3.00 Keen K u titr llaitii Saw. 12

« .5 0 DiHt'on No. 120 Hand Ka»- 0 * polnc Ihe finest »aw mnde In th e “worm ..................................... W J.WS.UO Dlutbn?! No. U Sapii, f) polni.

^1__U M .S p r ln c Sleei llan il sii*!!, Ihc ~

1.c>t » .00 w K W c rv e rM w .

\b ^A e««<l (uli Mtr G3c Nall llainm rr. »nnly .'.|H 0 JA high quality S l.r. Nall Hammer *w llh br>l erjile liaiidle. only . «.*}(i •$ l.:s Oak Lear Carpeiiler's Hammer, '

- iikc.«bovii-cm--- --------------- s i . a . ^ - -

NAII. HAMMKK llANDLKS i A ^IllRndl(] ham nirr haiidle. Good ^llilpe nnd, good n’u lily . 23c value, ,p>r -■ ................................... ,

- *

- ■ i s i l * ! 4 i t a i l . l i i i : i i ! : V i l j S : _ I' A sood (wn-foot Foldlns Itule. uiua)

lififc-:5e ; for . .. ...... .

A cooa quaiily »le u s rule. C H. V»‘ u » t prlee 6 5 c .................... ' .......SWC

D un 't you nted-a-good-wood-fhliel?.- -- — wiTTPn tiTBt j e w iu tr r rm ia - y - in .- -

for only ......................................-|«<-

Thl^ l« a comI M rr- cVI n e a h i e tw o - to o l -V.

- nnm rr f n r ,n n l r ! >Wli y -

H o w lio-jloo tcl% n u l h i s o m i

Ih o r n , t h e lu m c s h a l l n o l b c

to o le d . . '

•eJ&GUCt e r a n d t h e F a r m e r ' r y W o r d .

--------------— --------------^C R Y ST A L W H IT E SOAI'5 Bju h CrjBtiU I Q W h ile S o a p ............. l y C

In t I ta r fo r only ■ ......... I80

A 5ptendld 2<!.ltich Aluminum (Vr- /■ im itef‘a-Lcvcl.JB <ial«r tUJO value, _ J

~A^.OO nel o f 6 ip lclT illiI'A ustrnil* 'In canvas r o lU a n ly - ^ ' “ SH O JP

«av« need, only " . J»Hr

S3.00 Wreasl Drill. Spr.-ial, tor only ..........................................^ I .» 8

~ T .'if13.25 10-inch Sweep Ralrhet Bnuie. only........ ......... — ...... - . — 4 1 . I Q . - —

Mllr : ............................- ............. i w t

W e a d v e r t is e w h a t—\v c -h a v c - to ^ e l i— -----------

W e h a v e t o s e l l — "W H A T w e a d v e r t is e a n d - L O T S O F I T !

85e C rcK cnt Paltern WrenchetSiaS C rew enl Patlern WreBebe*. a ;f o r ..... .... ........... $i.4»o —IIJO Crescent Talteru Wrtncdten. _far ............................................ ffl.Iff B

- — j g - c p z j -------- ■; "A ■

JLM lO-ln. Pipe W reneij........ 7 « f}2.(>0 M -ln. Pipe Wrench . ... ||K c $100 18-ln. P ipe Wreneh . JJ I ,. |K y NOTICF*: ThCM w rinrhes are no t / IU c^tjito re_qM lily . bul high /

tA xplendkl LiU.00 T m I-

Grinder. E itr a hU h < i ^ y

N e .4 4 0 'ln n b Iron Kmaolhlof Plane, - ra y B la r« 4 M .w h n . ' , i „„ W ttitH - -

H -lqeh cocm raled bot}om~..']|^{,nf(

A foodTsX w tl*e ne * d « i'in e»ery hom e «r.tM l,alM p.iofllx ........g


I L Y N E W S , w m - F A U ^


Y o u a r c c o rd ia l ly In v U e d to n t t c i > a rt UiDl y o u n r c w e lc o m c to c n m c a a r ^ c q u a n ii t ic t i d i r e c t f r o m th e m

w c a r c a b le lo o f f e r m a n y i t e m s a l

a dandy JM 5 quart Mk Blow Torch. For

only .............. liH .1 8

K2M %tt lilch irradc Boll Rlocki aiiaD Ie* cutllne trom It to V ftneh :O T ^ ^ r . - r r . ■■■ -

~ ..{III y jL . inr to buUil a

*i"oo iock « U 3I H ? I . n lll . eost you

S J l . j c , only, cach ff>ra

I " W -.. s

' N (O u r g o o d f r i e n d s T h e ' o f b u s in e s s . D o n ’t m iss w ill h a v e IJ lo t o f go o n e e ii t h a t y o u c a n ’t g e t H a r d w a r e Co.


' .................. a Wlrecti

Hc.avy S4.00 2- Vcn

noo fin i. Spc- ,clal.^^^r^^quarc _ g

: 5a.00 M in e OiforU Alfalfa FoA .

A tiM'd 75e Fork Handle, onlv J,KQ ^

i m i f c i i i I-A cSSa-CSr S l iig irn il-A ic IIanaTe.

- m

• ••> . 514.

' I l_ -w _____

i r -------^/ / \ M \ MW

------------ ----------------\ W : ^

I ___________. \ \ ts*.I'L ■ar .A'\ dh-\ \ U r.

Here i-. anollier muscle builder. Spe* i4«l d a l (or your h e a l th .............. 9 1 < ^

[S av e ’reax

i o i i d J/ ■ ............

i n s H

H E P U B L[tend th is KcmurkaUlc Side — w llh .tl le a n d look, w h e th e r you buy o r n o t. L I m anufac lu rerK .fo r spo t cash and In I I a l p rac tica lly ^vholcKaIc prlccH.


J« c s ” ’(

• — roCT

i2.00 Foci

'armer* — Every up.lo .datc farm er *!»1iNds thU A C C U ia T E n ’laltJirro' -^e 'rb til^ l ici le r a w U l - - : ^ " " - ' S 2 7T .0 -

■■■: - 1UrsrOM !

^ “ Si■---------tn ly ................................................................

O T I C E !e T w in F a l ls H a r d w a r e Co. i is s t h e i r b ig c lo s in g o u t s a le , o o d b a rg a in s . . I f t h e r e i s a e t t h e r e b e s u re a n d c a l l o n '

« wSk^batk^iIrons r ilO V ID K D dt- rectioDa are tolloned. 6 -ft. lejisth . V crytperial ................S l .H ."

We have an eUra t w l K.flo” * * ? boq ih t for lldM a lM o r^ y y i ,;r* >l-2-'i Sw

• \ /7 -N Jp ii “" 'M , -s- ff* y /

\ \ r • H

« .5 0 YHoeipedex .............. H

9t4iMI Velocipede*, very heavy, lor » only ... ............... ■

“ iS g g o l f <’L«B s p e c i a l s HMet of four coif cIuIm for men or B ladlcit con1l lint ot Driver, Maable,MW-Iron and Pulter. S5A9 value fornnly ........... ■ ------- » t .» H

ClOO wt Slerl S h a f t Coir C labS 'Driver, Mid-Iron. M aih le a n d Put* ^ U r. only . .................l|(17.-iK f e j |

FISH LINE SrECIA L M244b. tc i t W lnch(«ier (bU enamel i W irU h Une, >150 vHue, only . .... 08(S •

T h is S lV KVERi ITKi ■ g a x ' f t Y f i i i 1\

I i i r d '


[^T THET lA R D W i^

IPLieh . t h e n R su riin c c nn o u r W h i t e d t . D u e t o o u r b u y in n In in l u r n s c l l ln i ; f o r cu sh ,

I n m o n d H n rd w a rc Co.

's , P u t Your “Op- " on THESE B a t.

gains— ■ ■ the nl(e«l— val ue. On

large ii»e W lnrhenlfr Corru- \ C

rie», only .............. <(.’»r jMMM■ o c rs T N n 'n . 'A s in n o H T ................H mFocualnff Flax^ Light eomplele.

_____________ . - S3.00 - Uoyi i m i i f a H - o o r i.p«L a*4nJool_ J o r ---------

baaket liall*. boxing glove*, ........ ' ■b tit hcr«>-a«).a few ouUUndlng

DA^KF.T BALL GOAlS" ' '•ite basket bait guul, ]>er pair,

................................... • S n g )for onty

S3.0D Ik nD. a re goinj^ out --------Ie, b e c a u s c th e y 5 a n y th i n g y o u |n T h c D ia m o n d

'R fly5.'G e

W 57J0 Koxln: T h e Imd

!l Swrul Sinrlx ............... !>H0 ^

^ Hall near- j S

g ‘-fc J _______ only

o n ly .....

Supporter ................................

3 boxe* H’iDchestrr 22 cart- / ;

ridge*. Special for .... 17 t‘

a ( s .oo_ . ■ Hide

h e e t -EZ_Z.._j

' . r I J *Uddle

A 1989 ' .... ..........

r n r a m\R E Co’s


"sS "..19c

ThU genuine KolU Ilac rr I* B | | | ^ ^ | j ;e«l tli ln r ,vou ever »aw. 111.50

? r i l j „ . . . . r i

M iM ti* 1 anywhere lot

N ( t * r ^ np in yoorUoy Sewn -M*u JU t, »peeIaJ *U»»e board,


lg R ubber Tire ivagon In town Illy .................................. Ij^-I.im

Ik n iam tn Air Uttlc, for . H ;;

1. ■ ' . Try 0 ^ ot

• C e fo n e -o r ihfic-Pool Tnblet- i ■■ n* a ch - th e old man “llO W -V tor. . ------------- ,-................................. ... $7.»H

b est and cheape*l Itacquota In f ^ -$ tM -Ien n ls-ltacke tM U S ..'> 0 - —fTT^ ^

) G cnulncJIrucc.Sutlaa.fiackcL —| ^ B | H .. * 0 .5 0

) WllM>n Super-Slroke Racket, ygg {rog|d......$ 1 0 ' tbew prctt;

I ^ o u kne^

KUh B a»kcl..... ...........$2.^K 1—faU leather boand lUakct, to r ■ ^

..'iiUi’.icaiiK r beond i a i k e t j o r

.............................. ff«,r>o0 (dU leather baund Batkcl, (or. J 2


.00 H untlnc CoaL-game bag In*.«t>d ontilde and lo u r large

jate,j>niy...~— j t x j s . —

lie C ar, Wood wheels, tL W -« a u t - T T--------------------. —ile C ar, wUli noUelcM rpbber '. / / sJ* -■■iH.'IH] ■s a s s s a s = s = = ; ; = r -cw

W e | ] ^

■ P k m -P Hfe.■! V. ii.i I HI

b f f i j -s B IG

s —


ord on heater*—Here i'i a 1 lirn lfr th a t should «fll ^

for IlOS.OO, Ha* open door f.p la re effect and will heat _ irge rwiinx. We h tu it clean eaten , and will »et thi* one oor house complete wilh ird, pipe, dam per and ceal ..... ................... •.. ljlK-l.O«- ■

L _________ _ J__ • • 'Jc

AT T « e la t- i0 ^ i* ------- —L ~ ^ A count on a ll W a g - — l H . « t r . _ W a t e r l c » s _ - « —l - ( ’ o o k l n * - W a « i — — :

j / dnrlng thia nale-. ^ g m e x c e p t p r l c c a

. priced fUewhere3 In thU circular.

a '^

‘ of the«e beautlfol oloral* ke Covers apecUl .... f f I .W

J _

raldn’t do w ithout \«Be of rctty colored G arbaee Cans, mew liow nlee they are. 8pe- ,........... :........... ..............

^ i g £ > l P ^ / "

ip Uread_Ooxea, Green, Dluc,___ow ■ » « f o r K . % < >

J S l ! S ty l la h P y r e x ^ t 3 S ( ^ ^ l T w - Pot».-C ,M —

..... ? > - o » .

- /f J j

Page 6: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."

an. . ----

IfiiioFiifiliJ:■SliFiB ll-

T w I iT F iTHs C o l c l i r a tp s O n '

A n ii iv c i ' . 'i i r .v n r V V o i - |( l W a r

f k w W ith .S i is |) c l l s io i) n f 1

f V tm ii i c iv c , . ' l i i f l T i - i lm t c s

Wjih linn.lrrd ' U Haa'. 111— ttir-tJTffw and Ii-.iit s nnd ,

o llirrs I lo fd-m O'.; o! Uinn lor ' t i i l ir f (l.iy -T *in rnlls jibvrvod j r .M i 'f , ilir.' Uu' .•l.'VfMtJi anniversary ol Un- a ii Aniilmlfc liinl iiiiirl:i'<i llu- clo-i' <iJ lln-llfrni Wiirlil Rir. (Ilrpl.iyiin; Miinr'lliliiK ___

' n[ III." rntm- rpirlt llml m:irkvil Ilic flr.Hl — ' Ariiilsliri-dny liiTiv • • c i 1

Kvi'iiK o! llll' iliiy o|>firil v.ltli n ‘ tiiiiii'h III Worlil v rlrraiw lliinii'.ll J T uln I'iill' ;ll- ' .•<.m u l luniitiiu'il *1111 Aliulstk'i’ d.i) 1'j.i'U'lM's ;« Tttln Fnlls l;l‘:li M'lii-ol iiUilUntliim anti 11 mumorlnl ir ||) .:ii' 111 ;!»■ Mi'iiiorliil iiinnurnnii (in ^ ilip rourl liiiiKc i:nm m iri(rn iFX \'til'I(I~ „ u u r Oc'Uil. iiuikr

•I'lu' (iK,ib;ill Kami' l>ri»(‘i-ii l.i-iirr Ony ;; Ralnu lit-yli ,'.cli:>«l. Snlt Uiki' Clly. mul " T«lil i''.ilU lilKli .'.vli'»)l llriili'.s, \kii.s tlir l.uliiri' III lh.' ntlrriiiKm, iind In 1.■vniiii" Tisiii AuL'vliiiii !..'ni.iir ‘|ki I ('iih rialiii ll ut ll • aiiiui.il Ariiii' llri'iia / i!M.i.' ;il'ir.lllii'!.iitTt-T!Hit!-wr----------

N f.iil\. l(i;l xcloiaii. ul 'lit W.irlil w;ir '” s'-'‘ftiiljlfll ni‘ nn ifiinmmi- »i — •

(llnni'r ul llir I'ail: hnli'l iliiiltu: ilic

T»lt» SUnUli-fHOP «f _ VDpaliiiii ftitli thi’ i-Iiimncuijtr (iFAT- ^

jnJsiirc ilay jii ))Ik udilri'.vs iil rxrrcl;^'.s nl \ the liliili M.'li(K)l. Cai)liiln J. L. HcxlKin.l

^M iin a iK l< r of_ IV ln PalM iintloriul ■■ RiiiVnTiTiiit ftimTrrPTPnni-tjr-iiii' i

n-ar. iHfaili'fl fornn-niiprrelnllon. bn«d • , • ' tinnii kliottlPil.n'. nt ll»- Unllcd Suii-s cnvrniiiinit. ■ ,

Twill Falls Aniorlrnii U>Rlo:i |» « ro- oiiciait-il wltli till’ sflifx'l In ilii;. )in>!iraiii. , •.

- n n a rrsrJy-lOO WcrJd « « r vHpram, a '-njr^y ';

^ v o ri nf I 'u in Falls iiatloiiol Runrtbinrn ' X .!![' nnd Tv.ln FalU hlitli vrJiool b a n d . 'a „ lliroiiiin T f lii FnlU M rrrts Jolni-d 111?'vrr

- .n tf c mbliif!- of giidcnl.s In Uic uiidltor- * liini. The |noiirai« Inciuurci coinmiiiiilV | sinsliui ltd by Fred Hull, nnd u niiiiibcr i ' of clevrr Minits Muiicd by "Pc|) amjui’i-Uamoiiy Hays ' an<5 yv!I In con* I j nrctlun '.vlth a footbull "iwj)" rally. Tlic] „ ie ’Li liollonal colon and the Amrrlciiti L m l^n ' QHrdi, standard were iidvanccd by Aini-rican | ,,,1 I.c'ilcn color b earers 'to tlir lilullorm :.j{, j , ' Hlien Uir veteran ' and Kunrdmirn e n - : sraiili tf l l-d tlie asiembly liall, 1 to,,, g

TrtbBl« lo Dead j LcwiMA larKc aisemblniie. IncliidlnR m nny: Un. P

hijil) rxlioul sludritUi, Joined vllt) C. 1vd.'Taiis 111 Ihelr trlbiitr.of memory and 1 ki'1»‘'>;

■ li-.syi'Ct lo tliclr .fallen comrades,- whleli j-Pttrilii \\u% .>;a)ird a i 11 A- Nt. a i lliu Mrmorlal moiimiv'iil crri-tcd by the Uuntthters o ( ! PEI' tlie AniL'rlrnn Rpvohiilun on Uir cnurl-1 Pfovo home arumida. 'llie Hour, which inaikOd !»ci-flni lhe-i‘Xoct llmc th a t gtins cnwed flrln» hoFnl on World vviir frcnl.s 11 yrar* aiio, Mas, ner. K slKnalleit hv nctmdinw' of Ilir Mrrn nitUiid M TMhi rnlls lire .station, ' 'Utf.V,

Memorial rtficlw .s wrrn Imprrvlve In Nlcliol thelV brcvlly, Rt‘V,-K. Trmplo SU rksy , upolis; 0: lhe B aiiiljichurch offered nn Invocn-, Ojiden tlon. Diinran JohaMon, T«'ln Falls c ttc: Amerlenn Lesion jw.it comnii'nder, reurti A udrr

■ 6 no rU on i^th r American UiiliinS tllll- Denve■ ul lo f'An^lI^^c^ duy ou^TO llw . A n ir^S > ««*■ lhl";;lll*d c ri 'w ln F0II.S tmtiuiial-tiitanl-r-^^n^

riihtnwrs. tmder command of Hr5t C. D. Llcuienani J, il. Seaver. Jr.. llrccTlliriT' J- B tb sharp volley*, and Clel McDOwell. na- tional Riinrd biiitler. wiiiudeit tni>s,

___ --------- badncsi J i n i e k j i la t lu n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i_ l”Arml.stler day." Capw ln Hodirin told •

-44i»-lil»>>^hwil utwtnhly, ■'li .a 'l r iu iitf il ^by the fx-strvlce man ttllli » ItrlliiK oi ;

' exnlinllon over the victory. United wlih <'• >'■ ’MidiieM cf memory Jor h is buddy who O-lie# 111 P lm tdm field. M*'-

••When the war suddenly rndeil 11 Wllwiyears ago Uil* nioi tilng, men were stini- Mrs. \ liCil. i^lrVliJiiSTUlflOf* or nniiw iccjrtinilinnil,. Ihrn. .In'nllBfll Ttm ngi.l. nntiii-. rOtHtll,ailv luriieil loward iiome, nnd, wlUi tlie Mr*. .jeuJjMlJon iJial 0>e>' would be going Cluns.home, came Uic rcuUuUou th a i friend* Slnnyfl;il>:, formed In mony Inatoiices in Uie Mo»™I11CC of dealh. would be broken up. O nl Ln *f '(ll Mils irnllMllon cnme ilie Paris caucus Cliy, <i-nd Utvr the meeltnR In St. LouU n t itcU.uhlch lhe American LeRlon was brouRltt rick. 1

Captain Hodttln told of (ho vork ol the B. LiliLckIoji Jh b<‘hBl/ 0/ disabled World «n r Pairiiile lcn inv Uicn look np thcurgunliuiilon'if and M ether ol)J«ttVM. pnyiny »i>eclttl Kiieminn

. to lt.s Amerlconlzallon und peace ]iro- I'i:rnnu>, OAI

H r urged students uh "lhe one who niysien rr oon lo tnke your plnce In ihe world." J » f ’i j study not only .the American (orm 0: Holbnta*. crnuiciit but ulso sovcrnnienis ol the venibtijrJnrJpal ivorJd powvrs "*o ihut y<m niu.v eHy “realize U irdlffcrcnccT n-theo iy .-— ................

study O ihcr Covenimentx " l i r a fd c r tlm t one may uuderstniid

hl.s own Koverninent. "Cuplaln Jlodnln N. Medeclurcd, "iic m a n pause and reflcci up- “ '•''Jrn the history of novcrnmcnti, When Ji'the wbic men whn were guldliiK lhe drs- Cnsey Units of Uie 13 colonics durliiK lhe trylnw (ImeKCl 177flcffcrfd to a'i)c<fHlcaf uorld

= = n iP B ^ S n r tr a i ro f Iiidef)crideiret;VnKt:¥ Miuoimcrd a new theory of Kovunimeni Fru.n the lieslnnlnit o t time men luid ruled bi'Ciiuse Ihry believed Ihry ,wer«

—divtocb'Javorcd with Uie r iglil 10 rule Ihclr fcilO'A' men; Tlic niuiiCB bad iiolh- ®- Ins 10 sUy about tliclr novcnimcnts nnd “ ncrei)!. d th r edicts and laws of the klnK. [

the ir 'ccncra ilon . a sem b led in Phlln*(Iciphln to form n bo th of ROVernment |“ ”

__foMlie colonies, tiiey were working upon t jnil eiiUrcly'i>ew liieory of Bovernmcnli i

. tn c DcclurailoH of Independence. Uwl £men tiere endowed w ith ceriaUi insBcrf^ :able rixhU -llfe . liberty and liie pursuit. . . 3'c r iiapplneu. U&inf th a t %-onderfuT 3dccumeni os a foundaUon, Uiete m en Hbeitan to build on ihe theory t h i t a il 3R ovem nien tlf lbued \ipoa thecon ien to f 3

■ tte 'R cvim ed. l u other words, the pow* “ •“ er, a iid Uw oaljr earlhljr power, reated :

^ » ^ p o « « 1 n r ( S > v e n to tc e D tr a l8 ( lV • , s : ; i : v e ^ t h t % r e g r u U (rom th e pe«ple ' J U t n ^ I v u . A B4M 'Uieywro *G M K v o t W O n t l e d S U i i e a . ” ^

" T W I M f a l l s D A r

_ W ilI iV p M a _ _ p B [a i ■ o n n i T q u a i J t n jj

. .1

IrN, ItrH ui ,.nN nl.i.liiira wliolr iilrUelj lo niliiri hr, li4t.y JU’ »i>nliln’l pay m r ' ‘ ‘ a iirnnv rv ira l<ir llie rli<'»lir ( iim 1 ^Uvnl III k rrp II- U iir mtl of Ils ryvs." f,\ n r * - - ...................... : :---------raid 1

I. K f h v n r d s ’ P i i r o c h i a l

S c h o o l O h so rv o .s H o l i d a y j;

hlld b.Ml }>■■■■ U'jm kIv- f,.,,,,.

Ill c;'!'h r l . f . s: rdward'K par* coin

'V7pr, [iiiMiii cl, Mt.'HilwHMl'-s e ln irrh ukf ll* Miiili-m'. Ml llll' ju iilor hiKli )b;ij(trx i.vs;r-1)11 "IViii r mill Hnw lii Promoti- ,1 urr." ill' niii<li.i i/i'i the f.icl lh i ; l : , i ,p ai'l' inu'ii Ixciii Mill llu- iiiillvlduii!. ic Ilm; mul t!.- !ll^l''r> cllsrii.si.cd. (»• f/idnJ »ii>) 11 'J iJHlf ti>■ ' in-:, mill Hir lUii' nml Uir slii'.|in« nf 1

-'I.......‘" I I.....~ ' i m I:.___ _______ Ct'iii

■ I bcr <1!

HII, It, W, oi.M)ii, K, il. Covert,■•Jop— - " - : ' A'i‘. Mr. and Mrs. « . W. T h \m nX K.

nm lfluT . Ui-.i.slry. l-a'.icr Dui‘.Snlii<H' L ,' .™ ,, ibalLlcnni, Ja rk Mr.rslinll. P. R, 0;i* 1 .,.. „II. Mr, Ulld M rs.a . Wnllacc W ca t.M rs .jiJ

n .-D .-W nl|ilM , F.

•rliiKtoii. Twin Falls; T. N. McBw.-en. n. lirroctoii, C. A. Uniddock. D en- . M. A, Siskin, iteiib. Ed Lnmbkc. •"***' f*' ld I lc ld ^ ttevuda^M r._:inil_J,1rK. 1- Iks. WuukrHnii, Illinois; O. 8 . C u l - |F » " ' 'C HC. F. D. Dowas. J. B. Cnr.wti. L. M. i Anyuiu uillh. Pocatello; T. L. Illckmnii. C iilc- ‘I'l* i; H. B. Way, Tlioniax Sniffii, P n n - _

Liirkin, 0(!(irn; J. W. Davis, l ^ c i T lic ' rdncr, ahoshdiip; W. V, W ard, M r..w ill be I Mrs Sam Ardrry. E.G. Diivld. Bol.se: evenlni J, T iickeit, E, L, Clay. K. D. W arren, | been nf lllle: A. n. Immlsch. Thnnilon W ai- jchnlrm . S|>okuiic, .1. Si-utt. F. W. D odson .! at the vision; Mr, and Mrs. C h rsttr M nr- , Provo; K. L. Kluart, Mr. and Mrs. 1 TheC. Kyle, f.oKan; Curf KcJty, Las An* will la l-s; Marlon Aikliison. C. C. W lillc. 1 ncjiclay 'l in n d ,- ' I rd t iib i

---------------- maklui‘E U iU N n -n a r. Bnrtllt, K. Tcmi^luv, whleh)Vo: Ar^lnficr, New York Clly; P. O . vcmbri•flhbrrttif.- J.U'imim-: L W ram ititrldn* -A corthFalljc Wlllinm UilclavlU, Jolm C urd- body.'

Mr. ami Mrs, Harry L. Fisher, Mr.; .Urs. W. J. Ward. CClse; Mr, and CJtatI. W ahri Cicodfton. .Mr, und M u. A. L, hnve ahoLs. Piirinn; d ia ries Cole. M lnnr- Novemlis: Mr, nnd Mrs, C, D, Mnhoney. W. Wlilen; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dawr.'i. Pny- i:l.stlnRK Mrs. S. T . Small. llORcrson; H. D. Uolw,irrsun. IndlniinpolLs: W. P. Srcouf; Memb<iver; Herniun Peler, Onlnrlo: L. W. und sllvcjuoii. Loiiu.Bcocli: Mrs. Alice Wil_; edltorl aa_iUiS_4my WfHlnms, Twin r i lN :D. Newhousc, Kuiiu; Mr. uiut .Mrs. I ’THe taham )ttr8utin> 'H de;-PJW JroiuU e- pcnm c iver; M rs.-J. D. Hall, Pocniello: C. Mrs, C IVoekt., C. T. Snow. R. CumplK‘1!. easl T

lOOBRSON—PrMi-Mniiley.-.\tr_ftiid .T lies. C. O. Jolni.'on, SealUe; H. B. Ron* ship nr W ^ n n i r O a c k 'S l a g i i l r B U t l c V uTlerI). Hokk, Mr. nnd Mr*, W. J. Schuttji. i>econcf C. Uullard. Pocatello; D. Rascniwrl., umi Mrs. L. Lasher. Denver: J , C.son, R, LcwU. Etiiel Wlxom. Mr, and i j<, William A. Uowrr. W. J , Ooodlnu, | J ;

nh , O w nte B. Middleton. Mr. und

mg. Joei Evans, 'MnUu:‘itn i , Jrn sen . „ n y W1II.S. PortloJid; Pnul A. Eke. scow; W, R. Sloan. H. M. Core, Sa lt ;c Clly: Mrs. V, i’ederson. Crf.scent f . " , ' y, Cnlllornla: Mrs, J. Everett, j . Ev- U. Jr.. Idaho Pails; Mra. E, L, Piit- t j , „ s. Uuhl; E. C, Parroll. Uurlry: W ll- n J3 ..W » lirrs Flier; Mr. nnd Mi-n. i,;^ Llie. Hot Lake. Oregon: A. C. Kelly. you; rfield; Elbefl Kincaid. JarbUivie; Mr. mMi I Mr;). R, N. M ltfhell.. wilL

MYSTERV UNDER PHOBJ* ^ slmr5ALLUP. N. M.. Nov. 11 o V ,-T iir driij{sierloiiA disappearance of ':Diumond Ti

Ln Mont. prominent rancher o t herbIbrook. Arlionlo, last »e«n iiere No* clcaiulKr G, vn. iielnv invcstli:atr(l hy upse k- and coudJv ixOicf iiere loiiidiil.....................................................................I KMtiTWO WOMEN TOUND I)K,Ut M’hai

CAN8AS CITY, Nov. 11 ^ 'ir-M rs. U. “ 'esiMcReyiioUIs, (55. and iifr sIsUt , MIs.s p o dlu Alice CralK, 00. were found dend *‘” '1 the ir home iierc this nflernoon. Roysey, depiiiy c;ironcr, Mlil d ra th wus I*'*" ised by asphyxlntlon.

>■— s n i .n it:it-i!N D 8..J4F i;5AN JUAN, i’orlo Rico, Nov. i t --------'Utennnt OusUvvo O uim an, aide lo imi.’ilcan' l>rr.sldeiil Homclo-Va.Ki«ez, , iiuntird suicide today aboard liie E.-(■Hiniiio.-Jrom-Now-yoric.— L lc u u a i-____ rI O urnuui .sliot hliitself wllh his owii ^ 7nol. ^

' pennies 9I d o l l a r s m

&:^1^'wiLeY’S M'B

A i L i y : - U ! i w a , T w u ^ x - ' A d

K l i M Fflll (iBr


, r , V. lievri. J . ( o m i e r y , A c u v i ) j i i ) i 'r v .iun

C i i ’c u l a l i o n M a n . S i n id o n ly ii»iI>i|kI1

K x i j i r c s W h e n H e a r t I ' l i i l s' n v.u(

• • ) lm N .lolm J. Comiery, nhTit ’ i-;!!' "i'l. ..

ll) lUfthiiit iiii'l ■> ^ ..rciiluiioii mun v.ho lind ii* -ii <'in|j|ciU'(l 1 , ' . , i . -rr lor veral Hn-iiili''cltiriH'; in- I.r. wus l(iuiiir<l.-n(i i!i l.l!; r.».!ii ;.i “.lri l„.». 4 | . M.lM:L.,.u nm:I'avh uiL'i Hiiritiuiid ci .. in-i-

Fullv rtud, llic b.vly w.i • I'nifi.l ••'.M U !r*!I ac.oss'th i- l«'d. i'. I l . ; i '. i i i i.-mcry h/id ' i''.'.'; 11,1, 1]'.en Ihc Lyid> wi,.v fonml. Tiii i.- v-..; u o ; * Idrnccol tlnlriiie.Coroii'T K. K.Dral'.i'I ‘,ld la.n I'vrnliii.. l;n>"ii;:;iin'ii dl---1 [M'd Ihul Coiiiu-rv h.id .iiiji l"i'ii Id aVnlXHil H 1'. M..'-lim<liu li-' ; .I , jI u |ili)'.liliin h^le wiM Iiit:iril)ijh ru ri ulfri iu-n. -rU.- ............... c , ‘

Id b;'cn pir,>cilln-4. w..-, l»iintl 111 llie ‘-ml, (>iif 1( IKK (..'.-ll.....m i.C o iiu r,/ .' ftKlini* Mv- I<;iil^' O ui- ... , trrt-<ft <>rlynmid-nYrnii ",'1‘nrttmn!. ivls«",l bv win-lus! rv<'iilj'.i'.,i I i»-i lm-.- jitl'x (}n»ih- A rWiifJir- 111 J-j;iljiiil ' ;<-r iclciilinui-d the rnroiirr lc. conlirm I r mi'Nsaiii.. Wnrd w ,i. n«:titi'il M''"'.1 cvrnliiK us Id wlu liii'i iclniiu 's d>- j ' rd (u n h rr lnvr:,li'<alloii ol lln' < nii-i . ,,,,,,

...............................\ ......... ! i . T

ul:r tuiicr.ii paiUirs, li,',nd'iC.Viiiu:rv hnd Ih-oh ■' ' 1 ^r Ul yiar.-im hUwork-its uTi.-w,;,7ap-r-:;'^-J culiitinii m an. and hud lir. ii cmpliiy- j “ _ ” III Hull work Ul Rulri.i'uiid Ki’itc'^'. L,

•cwn, w lihln Ihe lu -t lttu-s.-,u>., ----------------------------- Ai

ANNOUNCEMENTSThe Home MLvslonnry virli'iy nf ihi'.■thntlL i rh iird i will m rel ill th r!:..:.!.„ urcli-pnrloM W ednrsilayat L*:;in ^ -< l-i \v,,r|(l ic meelhiK ha.s been rhaiv^i-d lioin iiir.sdtii- on accouut o t Uie db iiic i coii- ntlon 10 bv held In Buhl nn that d.iy.

~ — T w in ;Kimberly Rrange will meet ihlr. eve- i-j jro :i« a t B o’clock In liir Rradr .whnol nu- i;-n[ c orlum. John E. lluye< of tin- Twin .i,|.|'n | US cnnul romjmny u iirb r Uir.spca*;iTT|o) u jr lyuiie lir.ci'e.strd will bc welctiiic 10 |)i,riai Is ineeUiiK. (.ny b

-------- . Ttt'fuHic Twin Palls Royn! NflKhbar IcdurII bc KUest^ of (hc Bulil lodicc th is | | | | i mlni:^. All who cxpi-cl 10 ntlrnd have | | l |y ?n nsked to nollfy Mis. w . A- MUinick, U U ll nlrmnn of arratuicmcni.^ ami m mcci < the Odd Pcllow iiaU at ii;<:i !*. M. «

rh e Communliy Church l^ullc.s’ Aid II m erf fll (fir church iwrlury iVciI* ndayafternoon, AllmembersnreiirK- “ lo bc prcsciiUiiUliiiiimcji'ilLbcjiKUl. iklUR ready for Uielr aniiii;.! bu:_nar Ileh T.-1U bf held Friday rvminR. N,.- ‘ m brrJ!). Supper slu rls alOTllU P. M. ?ortlinllHvltn'.loiHsrxtrihlTtHocyi'ry- I


CTiatifpr ly. P. K. O. dstrrltood «-ilJ ve a dinner ul 0:30 P. M. Wtdiiesday. ivcmber 13. ut the home cf Mrs. H.. W llw n wllh Mrs. T. P . W arner ns* »«*’•' c tint? hoMes*. in honor of Mm. Brink. lUb sla le orBttiila-r of the society.>mbers are requcstrd to bring dishes metlii d silver. Roll call to be nnswered wlUv They Itorliils, _ _ ___ _ _ ____

I'iie JiliilOfWOm tll'!' CluUUiui- T ^ -----TAhm nee unlon.wlU m eeLaLthC-home o t p u r j : rs, Olen Schnclder. CIS Tlilrd s tree t Twin 5t Tuesdny ni 3:30.P, M, romn

----------------— — ceneoTlie T cxil--. flr.st A iwrlcnn bnltle* Joiirr Ip nuUiorlzed by congrcssrwoii'tjullr m rn t ler ■lBBO:'tno“^raine“ w^u■AmerlCflT tJrlKJ «ntf battleship. pJiew' Mlsa

' lence

Bad Stomach Cause S■ n f B a i l S i r i n " S

You can't <-)rtn-c{ to Imvc a i'oml sc n it c lear frvsh-Iookintf complexion i( swen your Btoniach is weak nud disor- ■lered.

UndiRusted food scniU poiiions = th roueli your w hnk l>o<ly. plmplr« a ppcur in your face, skin Kro»a snl* low unJ mutidv nml ln<c« its color.Your tonvuc U-cuiiim loatcd . ureuiu WMt unpTeu«a«t. U ut these Iroubies wilL^nd quickly ami skin clear un if /

sim ple herbal comjiound known to dniKgisl* OS Tanlac. , ,

Tanlne contaiiiM nnlhliiK but *'* ' herbs, ba rks ond rools which im?c n cleansing, hcnllnjr cfToct on u poor Oeli upse t stom ach, Ju-^t a tras|K>onful beforo coch meal s im u la tes th e (JK Kestlon tm turniiy so th a l you cnn eot what-yon m n t w ithout fe a r o f dls- tress. And .when vour alonincii Is In Kood ahnpo a ca ln sco hnw much keener your api>olltc is—w alchhow nuickly skin becius to i;row free of illsflipirinj: cruiJtidns, Tho cost of T Tantoc is less thun 2e 0 dose. Gut u r hottlc from your drutrftist today. J L Money buck i f ft doesn't iirlp you.

S ' -9 | HEAR I I H

9 NO hum! I I

l i a l "b B i i SSS t

L L S . f P A H O , T U E S D A Y M (

^ R E H T IE S EIj -ovm fo r Colirornla-**Mt<. Anna ». U

lo>rr le ft yrslerduy lur Chico, O lllof* OU ' in, to VLMt,

Unmr Friinl lo«a—Mr _niiil Mr'., A, evrrcoii.lx» huvc r'lnrni'd ln»m lowa .] Iutc Uiey .spent Uie la a inonlli vWtIn*.

Ik lu rn* (0 U G rV iJ r—MKs Lniilscf''i ii» an .-U Q ran ilr . Qrcktiii. m iin ic l ' imday cvrninff ioCio:;dlii'i. wli'Tes.ne lv » j ,« 11 s'.udeni In G oodlni cjlir'-c, :ififr visit- 0 ,.0'rKc n MI.W lio ro th y K-iUinit. '• j-Music'i

Homr I'n im Shcslifltir-M r, A. lx,i-r, n''er»!npaiilc(| by h"r (ImialiterK. lldrrd an,I Urvcrly, r.'tarm-J ic:,t^rdoy IINI flUoshone whcrr ;0 '' vL-.i;.,] her c | , „ , uitrhirr. .Mr;;, finio;,', Iti.niii-, J,,,,,,

l!#avr A fter v u 'l 'l - i ta '. ' j . 'i . Urerken* line. W h n n u i.ukc. liidiLun, nrcom- uoudav inled by itr .v lin cii'THil -i'. Irfl >e;> rdaj for Uerkcli-y n :i- r .1 vi-i; wllh

hio iher, L. L, Hri ri.ciirid V and ( „ " “ 'i' . bt'cn llv

llrtum>i (11 P rc .il.ii^^ lr:. I(. f . Slokc.s.'csi'jii. wlijTijK-nl'u wti riic ri' rulM , .1,,^ ,,

her sun., iir li ry ; ;u 'k - nnd Mr.s. .j. , okcs, lefl |ii.Ht rvriilui'. i''i' her home, i,„„i ,.p 1C wll! stop in ^ crq u ia li>: n -hnri visit. j,j„lllle t'li route . J

Vjhyi-l'arfM Ls — .SlK, inHhler ol Mr. and Mrs. William Buk- !,,■.)>• vi . iru in ie -j ln.si cveiilu.: i'> Piiruicllo ' icre i.hc Is an lu.sinii'Uu lu the liiHli ‘ liixil, afUT six-nfllin:' AunKili'i- day i.jv,.'i)o ■I'win P.ills w ith her p.r.'ii;-. " ,^.|

Will VLsil I.unjr JJrjiJ)—Mr. uijiI.Mr.'i. y. IfiitdtT will Icuvr o\i-iliiiid tcday

I 1.1 111! Ui'tiMi. 'I 'iirV util ll'. II, I'l in - ' —!id and will be ncromi.nni.'d by Mr. d-M ii.,-i.'P,-i-K,-W »hl,“ I.oi,K-lJ#uuh.10 wrre lie a - 'to ultciul ihc fniicial ol r.v W aiii's nioilier, Mr> Cailirrlue

--------------- --------------------------Prttith '.Ai » lf« jM '~ K e tIn to n - i; , A, Well,s. loknne, w ur lim e comnumdcr of Head- J? ui'U'rH coHipany. Hdili l-lcld’ Ariillery Dlmenl,-wiuelT was-composeTl-Ini'^ ly T aiirF ailiT na tlono l i:ita><i.--menTpcnV — piidoy here nnd vUitrd tormcr n.vJO-lies In tho m llllnry NerY(f;(» illlflni! the ___nrld wnr. . / f j

CrU_Seetm/l-Z'romui:o/i—Tlioni.')^~A: - - 'W

i'lll Fnlts, who n year bro was promoi- ^ from th e duUcs of lineman here to .

ul of w ire chief In.jJurlcy has nenln 2 5 5cii^ironioied. tiila lime tQ.ltiiLi:Qsi l l o n _______wire ch ief h i Blackfoot. a mme lm- -------

r ia n t post, i l was uimounccd yci>(er- y by E n ri Squires, wire chlcf of tlic — ifu Palis e x ch a n ^ ,

11 m.miSflCIEmO OIIGH

Plans for tiie oninnlsntion o f.i Junior ncnlORlcnl society of Uir U itter Duyilnt.^rhurrh-im iw T w in-PuH T -w ««tl- ---------'re ouUiiied a t a bicokfual Klvcn Sun* ly luoriihiK in the Relief U>;:lciy rooms

nlur nicmbi-rs of the church by the WlU l-'alli: W ard OeneoloRlcal saelcty.Mv-elwJii voijijj; foliyi were in uiiinut*:i.c, lind will IH- IdcnUflcd wlUt the or- imz:illuii. Members are ail bclween Ihe ;r.s ol 12 and 17 yenrs. Tlicy will tiv.;el :cr every m onlh mid will receive lii- ruclloiK In research work and on uthods of 'Recpuii:'I«r.sonai Journals, licy will compile moterlnl to bc p r.- ■nicd a t Iho next Junior temple m M onH»ch-w}JMM'-hr.‘f}-lH-JulyrJWrf' ‘ - ---------Tint—nroaniin .Sunday wus iirr.sided(.•r by. Jo h n R. Seaton. chalrm a iT orn ir ------win Fnlls W ard Oeneologreal w ic ty ' jm m ltlee. Hnrold C, Powell. Junior ■neologlst. rrud exrerpts from "An Old jtim al," A musical irlo. “Ncjihlie Lu- irntatlons," was presented by ihc irlKgs sl- 'i ier.'.'n iT lB rvtrjInltrctirtsm -- • — fr<-r.«Jii jjrerciited "A JouniaJof Totfs)'." liss A rtn Llnd uavi; "My Temple Exprr* ncc." Blsitoii Roy \Vood made an ad- rc.ss on "A Junior’s Temple Experience." ollowln« Uie soim “My PnUier" by tlu-irlRgr. fcl-sters, the benediction was pro- ___outiced by Herman Q. Llnd.Miss_Culllc A rrhiglon and Miss Vlr-

•rvlnK of tfie breatcfost. Miss Lucfir wensou and Miss Aizlnn Hale Iiud liurgc of lhe decoratloas, the color

I f In tc rc R te d in

•>•011 ore J»vlte*i lo atlcJid

A F r e e E d u c a t i o n a l

M e e t i n gwhich will be conducted by H. E.Scull, lu c to o ' rcpresentaUve of Ihe Celotex coiiiiuiny. In tlie banquet

hull .of thePARK HOTEL

N OVKM HER ,14. AT 8 l». M. _

H A Y E S ’Dairy M I

C u iita ln n iir

B iT.11 a m i 2 ' . C ow ‘

MifiL‘nr(.s •

$ 1 . 9 ,5 p e r C w t . ~

P ositive ly N o Fillor

Used ' - ■

H A Y E S B R O S . F E E D


i'hone 73 .160 Main Ave. _


l iE T f f lB E E■ Iio Am

lA.'lTI.rPORD. Nov. U —Tlift lJdle.V mojidci. r.oc>cty m rt In the MethodUt Eplft* AnnLMinl chnrch Thur.Klay wiUi .Mrs, Mel e rty lliik .K ho.stcM. ".Major P fopliits,''w as e::crcL'i

hubjrci of Bible <iudy under the UlalnJer.'.hlp of Mrs. O . ,\l, Pulmuii. i’a* e n len a■ .iixia mnd h j-M ra-L -E -H am iii;.:. nlctiitc.1, 11. A. IChiyon. Mrs. J, L. Curr. Mr*, ml.slicc jm ii Cirm rnt nnd Mrs. Ouy I'liiman. sic liirnl.shcd, by the ulrls' *|fiar-

JUS Mar;;are’ Tliouuis liA.^Vr-n aji- | f «Ilted chairm an of the Red Ctn.'.s'seal H i> In iIiL', di.<irlet aRaln ihL-, y m . I J J :tiri.', He.v.eholt w as'host to a Rrouo

lor of MKs Brv.lc DOBiiry.who liuves tonlftiitIiday v.lih her parent;. ^>r Cali.'ornli aiiKlcri■fc .sl’.c -*'111 reside. n vocaf r a»)<} Mr*. PJovd RJcJiartlMJH n rr foilowce Irom Wa.shliii-.lon wliere they havr dueled n llvliiR durlni! the la.' t. year. T iicr'he Ca-;ilrford Parent-Teuchet a.wo- "RcioU•lyii.wlli !ioia.B.niecllni: Tutsdiii'.eve- o f u D rn a t th r schoolhousF. ■ a^lve (I', 0 . lim iih ha.' purclinied 10 ncres o! -Wuynoll nrnr Hiihl where he 1.-: uuiv n-.sld- negoUv

liart. Ftrorifc fVni'/'ll A-'vnt fhe »crl.--cnd Ik There

s-hlp by

ly. vi'-.t;cii rrlailv rs In CaMlefonl Suu- The H'llllllll

I'r. and Mi.s. I,. C. Lltllr and children tlt ru fd r none to Ouden tnr a weeks' vl.sll ;i K-lnllve.s.iis!lclnKl C.raii'-e will .srrve u himir .(nri.': .:;(;i!ier oti Mijrmficr 1’;-.

.•mc_nrwhlch was IlRhl bill,-. ,'He w ar<i"Rehebluf[le&T tOllllililT7'I*“ in HMM'd Of John R. Scalon, Harold C. . i r = : r : u 'l l, Willl,im P. Miller. Cluirles L. - Iith.-H ufus B:TTyler<-JohnrL, H un- — er. Horner L. Crow, Miss Lcnore Car* ( i ( , MKs VlrRlnia CiirlBlopiieison, ML« lie Arrington, MIm Aizlnn Hale nnd 2 M i

' . . Woi

F er oJI Colds -- »t«k‘


~ S tv le iir



— -------;„ .C a$ s im « cs ,gceds i n th e i

m o d e l w i t h p

a n a m p le selci

' ' a n d a iia d o v -3

-■ ------- — *--« n d - th e ^ s < a 5 o

m e n t .

'G tl


J. C.PE/ c o r n e r M A»


t l l i , i t I Z i l "

K lo n S l a t e C o m m a n d e r ; P | l | j ill

AII.EY. Nov. It iSpeclni to T iif N A r s i - a . Nicholas Ifil. PwuK-ilo. Idn- American Legion deparim ent rm n*'Ilder. wtLj.iho.prmelnal speul;er a l , » » (n raW lre dnv fXPtclv-; held In the " , V.lJ ' theatre iiere ihis lorenooii. ‘I 'h e ' tctra mt wll nll..|iilr.l. ' „h„i„lalnc Cuttnlv Aiurrlcnn Legion poM, ^fnalned thi? rvenlni; a i c motion New

tlce day diiucc, ,orn_________ i_ ._ . eompnnl


High Sciiool News S'_________________________ \ .Mr. ni

M u i^iIftiit nl T:'JO o'clock In Uie .Blue 'I 'r l- Ro,<err.oi :le room. Thc^Ji-uiirnm will o|h-i> wllh k . WuI|> w a i r^lo by Ml.s.s a c r tn id c Bnkcn, for Salu owed by n jw riJum rniao’ driJJ cou- led by .John Estes, debate coacli. Wuynt iicre will be a debate on th e subject ,1 vL«lior luilvod: T h a i BIk Pect Arc More I Drawback Tlmn Red lln ir. ’ Affirm - sieam e debaters arc Ifurfy JeimliiHi,yno Nygurd and Wyland L jiu i, The -----------a llv r leam eouslsi*. of OcorRc Rulh* t. Pern Mliirr nnd Hownrd Adktin, .0/•re wiiJ be tryout lulks for member , 1 > by Ixiulsr Throckmorton. Ken Deu- I II. Tnim Slliih"fT i'lul H-rM*'V MrlRr he iiroi:rnm ulU ilo>r w ith th e prc- I liilloii of a rouiuiice In l lu r r acts by i |■uf(f Wnlt.irr and a rnx ip of meinlxT;:hc clul).

team ana elertrlo ba th i. woman M d 1 Altendunt. I'h. Hr. Foster. BIO. Ad?

arpi-iiter niul cublnd m akrr. 135 .C M t ^ d L —_____________ _________________

(76dn «ft ACRE FARM / FOR SALK .- J

Milw E i is t a n d li Snutli o f ________

Woven wire fcnccd. m otiern 8* ^ oai h miw, full bft«.mrnt._i>l«,.l,ln- _ ;iils.-n)H rn.-doublo- c a r • iioii.w. - ■Icken house. iuach!uc'.sh«i, and . - x k shell- 00 feet lonjr,- {rninrry,- -----------

f>. M . 5 I IL L E R r ! ~ " 'Route 2. Filer

^alue andr Y o u n g i la F a l l S a i t i

V ^ H R 'ec ie iit a r n w I T m o u r Styi

\ 4 1 G r o u p o f Q u a l i t y F a b rii

L j J / h o ld ~ m iu iu a lT n R T c s r - f t

^ t h e m a n w h o de s ire s to ad

- l \ - t o l i i s t a i n n d 'w i n t c r ■ »« (

j 1 1 . r o b e a t d i s t i n c t sa v in s

I l l See th e s e v a lu e s n o w o

f JW, d is p l a y a t —

t h M mExtra Pants to MatcK


, twists,; cheviots and-unfinulied wor- le imart, two-button, sinsIe-brcMted h peak or notch lapel. You will find lelection of novelty weaves and grout w-stripe effects to Aoose from . .. ason'i newest iIi!idet.in;dioice.aiKirt.

tWier Young Men’# SulU

Extn P u t t to Match at


m m i ' »

n i s M i ^IflTKRDAM. Nov. li-S c lm n l clill-

h rte Qpiwoted in Armlitlcp day ;iwj ihi« jn£>niJji<r. Schoo) wns then Lued for liie day.-s. N. 11; Sietsemn cxiwcU to lenve iew York Clly on N oiember IB nnd

formerly rc-slded. She will bi- r.c* innled by lu-r m i . O erril. nnd h tr j.iiiRliicrs, KntherliKMind lienrlrttc . r. aud Mrx, O. K. Cocononr w ho.■ llvc<l )it tJlAirifl Um J.i.-;! fwii r. havi- movHl lo a fann nenr the Hue cnti-jl.

-. nii(i Mr.!. A. 11. Kiinki'l. Mr. nnd

i:mma Kutiu.'; .- liciii Sinulay In'?rr.oii vKliliir. Rev. uud Mrs, John /ul|»le Ulld chlldn-n. who leave f«iti Salmon City w hen' Rrv, Wal|>olc K* {wstor oHiJc Prf-'bylcrJaH cJjiirtJi. jync UQnnlft:«n, Soldier Cr.'Pk. wan illor here Suturday,

raw bailis. Dr. Fosier. FIi. 810. Adr,

/ / / .W H o le w liM ti ib e ii th _ J ______1/ w h e y t —C a r n a i lo a

/ W hesd’f tfj^iewbexf. 'I 'ry ltfo rb reslt/iu to*

--------- moTfotr-momfog^----- -— p — ---------

" W h a t -% r- T N - n m — =

f e a ’s ^

1Style---------------------- — -------brics________________

) add . ^« r d - ■ * ■

'ingj. r OQ


'or- ____ __

itcd "Endoup

- ' V y * INC. iTEAST

........ i - ■; . - v - - ' . '

Page 7: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."

/ l"l \ / l

e iS is f lp ’"

STOCK OF_DE[PiINew C!hairmnn of Repub­

lican N ational Committee

Moses’ Jibe N ot M aterial

n i . FRANCIS M. STEPllP.NfiON I A&wclatcd Pre.u SUkIt W riter) I

W A S H IN O T O N . N o v . 11 — | T i ik in jr s t o i k i>f th c n i f m u i i i t r I r i f t in t h n s o n t i l e K cin iM iv a n I ra tJ h s , a(im iiii.'<truti*>n tJ iH vos f o iim l ti l l ' bliK’ n f W t's i- c n t e r s s t i l l im l if f f ix jr i t UkUiv a»»l s t i l l vi*ry in ( lo p '‘*'‘ '-‘i'^ *!*'■ im b l ic a u r e jn i ln r s on t lu ' t a r i f f p r o g ra m .

( ’laudiii.H H u s to n , i n t i n ia lc o f

mun of 111.- Ki-publlc.ui lullonul com-___lulUce—xkli£iL U m -m uU ^w U u;.ol.. lliv.........

copltol a n d had an opporlunlly to dr* tcmtltip wlmt dunioKe. If uny, Iiud rr> Milled from tlii" liwl txplcwlon In the p f tr ly -lh e cham clcriuU on of tlw Wr»t* ern IndependenU by .Senotor M aw«. _ New H am pshire, as th e "lioiis ot '•k'IIU i

He vnn lold by Use W eilern Indcpen- — ‘{|pm rilw riin r^ rd iw "Jiliirw afi-1n in in .- —

trrlBl tn Tt.. >.»urnMt from lilt;_____Itcpubllcan rc«»ilar*. Iiowever. of *omc

- discontent'nmonfr those w ho.are up for- rt’clcclloii in iloubllut i b i t u a n d ih soniu. 1

(if Ihc M id-W eil sta tes aRBlait DC' ‘ ' n l 1 Hf. l<i»pilUllrill\'SfllhlOI ** ____

lul cninpalitn committee.Neverihele.s». no acllon Is cxpectcd

nifftliLit Mi»e.H ellher aa c lialiinan of Uu'— carnraig tr- n 5ntm nw »"T>r-ar T nrflH enr «

pro tem o t ihe senate. Movm In bolh dtrccllons w ere-th rea tened , .R epubll- “ can re8ular.H iip for reelectlon are under- , stood to be dem«ndln« lh a t Mowk do ntore coiuulllnKAnd le.' i i>pMch-tnnkint.' ^ during Ihc n e s t few monllis when ihe

• jwlUlcal campaluiK ow In the dcllcate sloRes.

P re iide iit Nol to Dlune ColncldeJitully. rep o n s wi-ni aroimd

Ihe copltol today t l i i t the p risldcnl ad> wanted It understood he did no l select It Senator Moses u-; chalrmuii of the i>en- Idli ntorlal cnnipuiKu comniiUt.-v: thu l Uie dm (^election wus Uiut of Senutor WaLwn. Ne

— Indiana, th e 'R epillJlM l IC-llflerr"8tnncr — of ee iia lo r ' Atose*’ rrlend< )Ud under* coi stood he » iu « r \ln B ja l the gpeclllc re- w (itieSl o t m e iircildehVifr'U 'c ll lU 'df-Senotor W uUon. ' ’ ........ upi

Tlie apparen tly complete Indifference udi Ulld Independence of the W estern twit* hoi crs to th e Hoover fnm i relief and tariff ' proitniniit U drawing Uie u iu n llo n of tlic frc chief execwllvc. While holdlnn their m( sllcnce. th e piiriy Indi'pendenUs who H la v e comblni'd wllh the SouUiurn Dem* Ihi ocruts In ih e lu rllf and fann U«lit« ure bcl known to b(r noUKing the )>oislblllty of mi

- ’-Tnich-aTTRltitnm?nfin-TtnrTiraire'poilP‘ “An Iciil conipulgns. An uliKnmcnl of the for We.'tl and Soulh. ili;!y calculate, could I

___ lK-ft.scilou*.j>olliicaLpolt;ntlallly.Z:______ sljiSneaking iirlvatcly. fOme of tin- Iiide* by

pendenu "laid.ihey t-eKlir(nm’~vi'lU'>m fT t 111 the lU'piibllcuii iunk.% us duqier Umn . ' 111 n m iy y e an . They coiii|>arcd the fn present slum tlon lo llm l exLstliiK when cer

' I’resldeiit T a f l found hliiueU In the to throes o t a sim ilar U illf dbipulo, .

Thc w n u te ’s u ltenllon 'wus c-ulled riil BKOln todiiy to the Moses oppelutlon for the W fstorn Ind ep en d en t of the “soiw ml o t wild juclcoMeA" when Senalor Nor- _

— b r i l.. 3uuU t OttkutJi. u u d un r a ituru r___to m llm .W flalilumon HLralil.tirlilcUlng.

the N ew .ltin ipsh lre senator’s vli'ws. He offered no comment.


ny D . lIAItOLI) OLIVER«Associated P i w .Stoff W rlterr

• - WASHINGTON. Nov, Jl - The sen­ate voted today to give liiKhcr ta riff pro* ti'cUon to unotlier mineral enterlns Into Uie m nniifacture of steel, approving re*

l»iind on tuiiKdien os attulnst 42 cents in the p resen t law.

Finance committee Republicans had proposed e lim ination of the S*cent in-

. creow, b u t by a vote of 31 to 31, Uie llrs l tic »lncc th e U riff bill was taken lip. Uils waa rejected and Uic house rale reilored.

T o tho surprise of thc'D em ocrats, all five of Ihe eomtnlttee Itepubllcans who nn sw cred lhe rol) call voted aitalnst Ihelr orlsinol rccomniendaUons. Tliese five a n d 17 o th e r Republicans und nine D enw cnita w enl against Uie committee omendmenU Fyjurteen Republicans und

___ 17 Dem qcrat4_voted_for l l , . ___"Sohalor lie N a jy . Oregon, acTJiiTl’re's*

ident' pro tempore, w m among the Re­publlcnns vollngr In thc negitlve; "Had Vice Pre«klenl-O urtl».been-preiidlog-ll would h av e been necewory Jo r him to ciBt th e deciding vote.

T h e 'd ecU io n c tm e toon a fte r iost ^^ eck'fl w te lo raise th e to rlff on man-


• ■ ■ ' - ' ' M i

D O T O U RKMEMBICU thf.-io suiiios— hi r n r H , W Q uniim l-H reiiL-h so lU ie r

d iv is io n re c e iv e d new.-i i)f t l io a r n w a s «iK'necl. Ix iw o r r l j th l : .Mi*ii o f

ganese, aiioUicr iniiierul used In ^teel litcrc mnnufacture—w hich the conioiltiec ma-' A < Jorliy hnd propwed to iratislcr lo Uie duty frw Ibt. ener

No explanation wa« iilveti loday for sixth the revcr'tal of Uie posiUon ol il» i-om- cent m ltite Broup on tungsU n. Tli

Favor SO-Cent lU tf Western RcpubllcoiM add Dtinocral,. *

advocated the 80-cen t rote, contending It would prm iil a reopcnlni; ot many ' idle tum{su-n mlne.s and iloiilile pro* dUfUon In ihi' itnie.s ol Culoiado and _ , , Nevada. I* V—T h c - f lr s t- r il id ln r^ i^ » " tH f-» ''’> h i- • icoi']>4nted In the bill iwby «hen Uu- ' commltUf am endm ent propo>li)»r grad-iratPffTlutiM ''Oir"uiitliii™wli'lK!iidliit{ ‘B lupon the Nev,-York nmrket price wn.i Now;udopted in place oi llii- exlJilnvj and untilhouse m ic o t 2 ecnts :i iwiiiul. HukI

The scule pi-ovide>‘ » il i i ty ra n s ln f oiThfrom <■;: cen l a pound wlim the a n ti- by 1mony prlcc above 13 uml no t over wllhH i-ents. up to 5 ecu'... .i iMimd when Couithe price i» noi over 7 cents, the plun durlibeing to prevenl wide tluctuallan.s in Jumorket quotutloiu on th b commodity. Full 'A nnniouiTs US«J j)iiinuTllJ/'fiS~iIIi"ulloy wcvifor tlu and leud proiiucUon, Fall:

In Its .Uirce-hotir m-ssIuii. the sciuitesla>hfd other InerraM-s recoinmi-ndid '.C l by tn rT o iS n lite e and adopttd o ther R

f rtu c th m s pm |w.e»l-b)^Ui^iou}>,------ b lrl. 'D ie ralt: on certuiii'ii)Btal_waft cul. w as from (2 to t l ll and on Irrro- Uiir

cerium Irom S'J u iiound und 21 p *r centto $1 and 2S per rent, T

• TllC levy on uphui:.:creiV.iialU was lOSi raised from l ’s eeiit.' i) iwuiid to 3 ccnts0!. provided by ilir noi^e. The com- T m lU re ru ie o f« ! i i‘ri'v:it. which W.I-, an in i

The IDAHO’SA— is fo r Acids, a c icnner's (leliK B—.Ht«ii(I.s fo r J{lenche.H, t lm t wo C— is fu r Ck'niiiii^', th e bo.st tro d D— m eans Dark SimttlOK, .w here E — is fo r K tlier. “d ry ns n bot

TTTp-i-iw fuii-i>ir«rt‘mMwl frnm d p o i G— is fo r Greu.''e. about w hich wi H— is fo r " H u rry ” , w hen th e y s I—Htnnds fo r Ink and a lo t o f hi J — is th e Jo b . on which we c a n ’t K— i.i fo r K itchen, a poor p lace I I.r—itt fo r Ljip. w htr'e d ir t Is ulwi M— is fo r M ud w iL uet.w hen-lL ra N— irt fo r NecktioH. som e funcy, 0 — Is fo r O veralls. “ Chock” fujl P — is fo r tlie P resser, who p u ts ; Q -^ is fo r Quiet, w hen we’ro try l i R— is fo r R ust, th a t comea "q u l S - t s t he S p o tte r, th e boy w ith 1

— T = iir ju H t^ f ir c d ro f te r :f l j rh t in { r U ~ is f^C-Vniforms, th a t m u st.b V— f« fo r V elvet, th a t causes de:

- w r \ l iT ie f e “ w e 't4 iX— sta n d s fo r unknown, i t m uk?

Z ~ / r fo r

Idaho Cleanei. K B S H T O H O N

' _______♦ . T T T

i j^ fc S c c n c s A fter Signinj

IPS taken as douKliboys ce lebrated ti u ie rs paritfled in i ro n i >»i A niuricaii arm istice on thi- fro n t n t Henioivilh1 o f th e i’i}rhly*ciK'hth d ivision recoi'

ncrease. wut. rejected. 011A commltUe um cndm cnt U raise the hU

lu ty on siaplM for use in paper fast-fners lo « ccntn a jwuiid from one* A fsixth ot u cent wus rejected ond a 10- , I rent la ilft approved.

Tlie iicmite Ls ex|)ccifd lo complete actluu on commlltee am endments (otile metals scheduti- tonw now and to Qprocced with consldei ntlon of Ihe wood Net'chetUile. ’ mCl

_________________ a whas

I . W . B n r l o w C a s e l o C o m c « "

B c / o r e A l i « l g c a t H u r l e y u *dirr

• B im n c Y rN a t 'r i i - r s p « m i - - to -T tic - - i~ News) — District court ha.s iidjoiirnud until T hurrd .iy ..on which flay Jud«e HUKh A, Buker will return here to pussuiThubl-u.%'4oi-p«-s'proCecdln*!.'*inRUtUtJd- (•by liiwyers for I. W. Barlow.- charm'd wllh Infnictlon o t the."blue .■■ki" luw. Coun will probably be cunllnui’d hero “ during Kriday and Sulurduy. nlso.

Judtte Baker will hold courl n l Twin j Fulls Tuesday nnd WcdiieMby I h ls ; wceiT'Tnid~win~tfiiairy?;nrfir7n-Tftin--— Falls Monday, November U.

'.CELEHIIATE K IN O 'S m ilT linA V ■ROME. Nov. 11 lA-» — Tlu- ilxUeth

was celebrutftl today wiih Kreut-en* UiiiMa.sm thro_uglioiit Italy. '

Tl;e litie reverend w;is fii'si ustd in • Ids;....................... t ■

Till' M. D. was fir.Ni conl.-rred |in Mu’ ji-ar I:i29, in Kuioim’.

S AlphabeteliKht.work overniKht.

rnde of all.ere thoy s t a r t ’em whon small, bono."

Iflan in if-n t-h o m o — .-------------_tl we tlon 't fu ss . |•y say “Please R ush ." if h a n l work, an ’t shirk.ce to clean. ■always seen. • - jt.raiii.-i._________ :_______ __ _______ icy, some p lain. ju]l o f jjroase. : •-I ts in th e crease. iry ln ir .to th ink . • :•quick ns a w ink”. 'th th e b ra in s : ,n jT th m rtm n R T — --------------------------—3t.be.80 neat. .................... !...,^ d e f c f t l \ : _ :_____________ _^2 ta k e out th e sm ell. i alCQs. s))ottin{r su ch h e ll! I s t a r t In. ■ I

: t o w in, - . =

■ ,1 ■

ers & DyersO W E S T . w . . .

)perHOTKi i i £ o f A r m ' i s l i c o I I Y c a r . s A (

■ ■ ■ ' • '• -'IT—

^ H || '

d t h e s ij rn in K of llu- iirn iis lic e iu F r a n c i :iiii h i l l i t a r y In -m lm iartet s. U p p e r n y ill a l i e . F r a n c e . lu l l : T h e r n iirb . 'idco iv in jj n e w s o!' t lu ' a^rlli.^tico a l U if fu e


_____ I from 1! Spe<

BURLEY. Nov. 11 iSi)eci.U to T h C jn tc a News)—Coicium cfilorale. wlllch cxpcrl; jclieml' m ent seems to have proven a.s effecUve i I t will a weed exterm inntor us sodium chlorate. Is sale has been u u d cxicii'Jiely In Uie noxious I d irec t weed campaign Ju.i; brouKlit to a cla%e In i oven..

I Cassia counly. Ov«r 50.000 pounds 01’a n d n I Uils chemical hns been ii.%ed here, u n d e r , th a t t direction of Couiiiy AkviiI W. W. P i lm - sodiur ' cr. wUh_Clef). Co, i<r uctiiig os wee d , iw a j^ ,su|)ervi.sor. "Ai ihe bcKinnlng ol th c i isea.<ion. soini' 7000 .|>ounds of sodiunii Ooli chlorate. le ll over fioin losl season, was by Spalso..uged.as a .wccd-spraj'.______ !___________

Cassln cuuiity Ims tour spray outfits. Adv and three , crrw.s were kept on the Job iglnat


Old Golci!........ . _ • ____________________ _____

j___________________________ '

i . W hen m e a t o r fish 01j b y artlfic in l fJavorlni-------------------------- n c l | bew nru l "Be>T«i

have to re ly o n “ u n

O L D G O L D tobncco<

b y M o th e r N a tu re

B e t t e r T o b a c c o s m a k )

On jrotr M to, OU) COLO~PAUL WHI

‘ ! • ; ■ . .



A g o iCath(

■ '\ >■ r'*» M iu ! P L V l ^ 'NnAM-

I k m | l l j

' GOiT l iii-.

i 1 J 5 m / > I F

_______, jok.s.

...............M ': 1

.ICOIitn c c 11 y e a r s a t ; o ! U p iio r o f t ;

iJoU K liiioys 01 llto K il i l i * ^111 w d c a r in w h ic h llto u rm isliL -t' • f fu e y . F r a n c o .

------------- --------------------------- - _ n u i----------------------------------------------------•re du ring the greater j»nrt of th e coojie a san . 'According to Coster, culcium Wcdo ilorote Is more sutUlactory In use th a n conce d lum derivative, a-; it dissolves In wo- ing Ui r m uch more ri-ndily and l i easier by thi indJed. Tliere have been no accidruts o.ivkI om fire he rc ’durinK Ibe sea.ton. vemb< Specialists hove ftiven cnlclum clilor- The c a clean 'bill o.s lo lire hiuard. T ills of a lemlcnl ir. quite safe to use in xprajrlng. mpio will n o t burn except'When dry, a n d It thecc sa id to require 10 houn exposure to ^ t r c . rec t su n n»)s. o r to be dried in a n Alblo 'cn . before it wUl igidte. I t absorbs Spau: Id reU ln« moisture to tuch on ex ten t be gl lot th e (tnnger of-flre, so serious w ith MA tliun i chlorate Is pracllnilly done much vny.wl t h . _____________ ;_______ O n j!

■ - biwjf Oold was firsl dlscovcre<! tn California liove ,• ap iiniurds in 1090. osthi_______ — ...................... .......... ................ alrftBiAdvertising as we k lio w 'ir to d ay .'o r- In' qi Inatcd only two ceiiturlcs agO/ well I

l i t o b a ^ G o sn o t r e q u i r e

hor fowlhaBtobe.nia<fcgood rltijj orsauccai let your 8tom-‘ware, also, of tubnreus thm -------•artifldal treatment.”

;cos arc natui^ly good; made nd free of “ throat sw tch” ire herself. By the “violet ‘

a k e t h o m s i n o o t h e r a n 4 ' . B «

W IirrM U N llOU*. M « t i k j. n

• ' T , 1 *

itholic C hurch M ission T f l S e r v i c e f t - E n d a i U u p e r t L t u

LUJ'ERT. Nov. 11’ ii5pfcl.-il 10 The n [ M i-O i’f week's mission a l the St. ' I hclr.\‘ Cutholie eliurch term innird in I Dert s.iturday. T he la.si evrr.lnz W*I' wu. Ktvui Friday on the. r.iibjcct . i.«'verari:e." W tlo f t

{•V. niuiiiuft Miwre c t the neilrmp* mil. r. har, been the »|iruk<T iliroiiHti .

■Tfert.ii*.i!-^Une-UrvrN-K'Wefli!beig- - -^ il-1

\ .v .\ iiilil iiirge aintl;ii<'is ti.ivc ui- -•s;;i.,.irlly » : 111*- el.lilliK W*

.• aii'i :.rtaioir,. . I . UUI’E■.;i tuinjdetliW ihe v,ork lu re Rrv.i

Buriej ; : r ;i rit s orjuBy unc ■■;iU;C. l.vliUll 1


—------ < •'Vinur'( ;ou iJiN t;,-N ov.-U -U fi— iS|ivclaLiu- T O -rhr

i t i e Ooo<iliiK CollrKlaii. bi- uioitc i ijiitlil) iiiiblleulioii of the A'.suflnted \

iiuide lu .ap iir iirancc-on -tlic onr'-t< iiillvL. rrlday noon. I t wu.-i flic first pHorts lull ol the new i.latf lieai'itl xy Lloyd Mii.'.ii iiijiton. lUmberly. with I t. B. Roberts p, Aud* lucully udvi.wr. F«-utun.-.. ot ih l i is* Temorr

t' are u s|K>rt.< cummui.v. u eampu.s pnnyliii Uimii. tin fslttorial eoverlnn ihe poUty H fm rh

m e paper lor tlie yrur. imii r«iiie colVeii k<s. liifKudiOiluT-mwnU*r«-ot-jl«>-stiUUneludai wLslunt edllor. Betty Jones, Wendell; and " k l '. itiiiur. - rra iiccs.. FulioiL Eden: w ulld^ orts ttlltor. Melvin Oib.son. OaiuieU; invc< elrly edltor.'QeralUJne U uKer.'aood- Orolioc Ii: reporters. PliyllisE\-ans. Twin Falls, |a ro Oi '.I Wlnnna AftttUii»w<L . fiuiinv^ldf. ...OI({C ashincton: atenogiapher. Sonna Kin- mondei ■ ]\B lii^ foo t: btHlneevs niansRer. Ed- l . V. C


ommiLyECEi^ IMHTlllllEyS-llI-BllllLEt B u r l

-------- B lnum .R v ,-N < « .-n -*ap« i.i-io T h . ------ -fws)—Tiirkej.s will be delivered to llielorieroUve pool committee hi Burley on „ r l : ; ' rcdneaday.--Buyers .of Jseverol large tncemt. however, have been purclias- :g Uip bird* w er since th e price was set r the Southern Idoho Turkey Orowera'rtoclatlon Thankfiglvlng pool on No* All Ca:'m ber 8, ’The big pool here wUl be In the luind.s or not,

0 commlllee conaUUnif ot u repre- bonq*m otive Irom each turlcey district In and gile co u n tj : A rth u rP le rc ih M a lu :Jo h n Arra a tr c h ia OoUey valley: P. G. BuUer. well k Ib lon :-John OtUey. E lba and John and a paulding. Biidge. A silslonce will .also TliercD given by the county agent's office. Aocon M A nn trow rs; i t la belleved. wlH’HoH U i^»r

lUch of the ir pfOduet /o r Ja te r delivery. U to bi Tm«oui> t of Uie raUwr warm fall, the cijuntj ItSThave noT been’ .eSUnir heavily and niid thave Ihercfore no l put on fa t or weijiht o;- coll s they ordinarily would. Those turkey* ,Ireatb* brought in. however, ore good - ThcT qualt^r and Rive-evldetKe-of-behig housuell handled. . .centut

i-2Lre~naturaia r t i f i c ia l t r e

. rays*^ df n a tu ra l s u n s h in e . . . n o t irKtmetit.

M o re th a n th re e m il l io n sm o k ers fa ■ t o t h i s s m o o th e r - a n d b e t te r cl|j

c ig a r a m ^ e v ttf w u i i t.u u i eu t ^

In M s h o r t a s p a c i o f t im e . Tr. ftnd y o u ’ll k n o w w hy.

B w ^ tir . . . with- Vmt a ■amiIsraiitplH* «rcb«tn . m q r ts a id a r .i . t a l IP .U ..'

12,1029_______________ __...............

; P a i» ;S « m %::S

i i ii j i lB rIson The.itvc Sceiic of

ii:m is lk e ...D n y .Obiwyj:_,._

lliw nyOT'R'iiiii .'iH'iDii""

a i’ERT, Nov. l l ' iSpfclal to Tho Si—Armistice day exercl.ses.herc to - ' under direction o t OeorRe B. M ar- I jHWi. Amrrican Legion, held a t i A. M. a t the WILson llieatre, were nded by liiimlreds of Ritfxrt'citlzens.

niidience Inrluded • Rupert high wl siudents who nttended In a body. ii‘0 fine nddresvs marked the occai* n.< memornble—Ihe short talk. b}‘

I Conimuniler R, I.. Ciiiicy. on Uie :utrs o t W ar and Pence." wliq spokethr-foTindnttmTC-oHlberty OBd-pa*------ile lu>ahy thm Lmpeltcd ‘'thete bo)'A im wc u ir ro jusUy ptoiul to rail ourr'-«/-wrlir-lil'><iry-wiih-UielrlhctolB------Tts. ;In'iie wn tnrnlslied by .Mrs. Herman aidrew. who sbuk. "In the Oatdeii ot iiorrow." Wr;i. Edna Sinclair aceom- lyliiK, and I.awrence Hahn. WllUam i<;<“hriil Kr.\nk Wut.son Olid H orry ‘ ! ^ .' w\'ro santf. -T lu^^o is M llie UIU Kude." "America" and "Stur Spana* -Banner^-were sung by Uie audlsnc^^^—I "F irst Cail". and -Tups" were nded by Prank. Watson, bugler.. , .. nvfcatlon was given by Rev. Orcn iliood und beiicdlctlon by Rev. W ol-i Oiinn.ifHceM-of-thfr-day-inohidiHlt-Com— r- nder, H. L. Culley: M rgeinl-B l-anni,V. Com enter:- c6!b'ii bearer,-nattonal— yrM.al±V. Paul: cnl ^ b ^ t WI!._IHgr— in . C he t P e term an:-co lor guard.It. Fred Craig: color guard, left. Com -. g.Flcmrnlngs.— :z :— z . :_

irlcy-LcgionAVillStagc--------B anquet fo r All V eterans

JU nLEY. Nov. II isiwclal to The iTR»—A bantiuel. which it I* proposed nake on annual oflalr. Is to be staged the Burley post .o f the Amerlcon -

lion a t . Masonic hall November 15. Ca.«i« counly veteran.^ o t the World r. wheUier members ot the Legion no t. a rc Invited to be present. Tho iiq«ei will be followed by o smoker d get together ta lk lest.^ rran«em ents will be made to h&ve ft 'II know n outside npeaker on hand, d a (ew local men will also make UUk*. terc will b e also 0 musical program. i » n i l |^ to Lb O. Parsons, chairm an of o ftrrangenients committee, the affair to be (or th e purpose or mofcliv CasslA Linty service men better acquolnled.d therMi-Hl bendo rfo rrm adelb 'so liat— collect dues.

rh e pfovetb "Those who live ln gUsii uscs.a]iould iiot.throw.<to»eOi" l a two nturles old and of French orig&i.

' -

x lly ^ o o d r —

e a tm e n t” P

l o t b y

r s h a v e c h a t i ie d cltfarette. No -.......—

T r y a p a f k a ^ ^

Page 8: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."

r “ —


Jfi*>tenUui'________ 1—». .. ....... P-M ll

ei»M m»il ‘$, J9IB. »t Ui» pwloHlw M W n m i . I, HUb9. unarf tn# • « ot u t t ta „"TiiuMl Txfiy norn?nB MCtpt Mond»y. Twtn »«U> !<>■«<> i*uhiuum Co. Xuc. “

n u w u b r t i»4 _________ I’~ ’M S ro K r o f7 f f o c / m r r s M s a

Tlii A»»o«IHf<l Pr«M I* eidu^ve JT »o- tlUffl «n th» u»« lof pufcl1c*tIon of kil ntwt dUpilrnn CT«*lt«l ** >t. Of OOI otherwlit, ctmum m tnu p«p« «n<J »i*o be n m puuub'd brrrio, AU maw ot »* |n

------(ll«p»t<BW fcWltBlI

: tit) wwtm A»««utrt rr««i. ||| Th* H»wi U * munbtr of lh« Audll I

Burr*u of cireiiutiom. from *hom.kll form»l1on u in cIrcuUtion nt«r be ohulnfd 1 (I upon kpriicaiion. tHuriM infurmktloo l| »upi)llMl loc»ilr iiix'n iKiU't- _______ lu" ^ 0 rM|-,n«ihiilir U tMiimMi rnr th* ewe I or uii«oiifii«i miinii»fMpu, pliuio*tiph» o r |j Olhrr hoiiimnitH mmi'r. Ariiclm lubmlt* ,i. tffl fftf iMibilMlMii nhniilrt iioi «»ce«l thrM hiitii:tr<l oni'ii IQ truKth ftnd nhould tw i eonfinea io lopio ot cuircm itn s td In- Umt. Ationnnou* tommunlc»tlott» or tboM or (l»»llni In p«»antltUMwill nu tin puti{<i(i«d. No afauMCTipu will t

>___b* r«tufawi uitlf* «ccomp*al«d by a*cw» o

• KAT10N*L KtmVECTAnW I______r3IUDDtV.HW0 /NU rnUDDRN, M e*].

Tar*, cnicato. Omj> rrueuco, lot Ansdc*.___________ __________ ___________ • ■ ■ r—--------------- ----------------------------------- - r

Jt'K V L fSS IT .U .y r

TlH' Hew ilu H ii i i 'U > ll '. '..ll|iiilim l^ 10 rnrliiuiicnl by Muiiioiml'.'; iiiliil.'ilrr i j

~ ~Plfs;“ inKl ■lllO’imftTtl'rr-MKK'l!— ju |- aboIt>lic% im l by Jury, In M’lti: «f l»ci > ecnemi wJiieiiHJ of our o«» Jury oyMcni | in rcccnt yenn, few of the Untl- i

• o( am'^Uicr-£uu;ilry_wllli, t;' AiiBl0'3a»tm-(rwtHtWHHi h III wnnf BO an rnr Its — o

—— ^,M 0i'0 Mioctt;—3‘iui..lau--aill Uc micr- pretoi! Hiitl'ni)|)llc(l solrly by lm:n!*i'!rktf<l ■ n Judges re|in\sfnlins tlie I'njcist Kovcni-Yti

------- ment: eaplliil punWimcn't is introduced j ”I QRaln. nfUT Ions clLsasc; iv jirlMiicr sen- j j[ .1.'.-. tcDccd-w 11(0 linpciunutcal. on Ifto scp*.

arslc chiirgc!! bccomcii auloin^ilcall}' li I liable 10 the dcnlli pcnnlly: cxeciiltoiis " \ ore-by menn.1 of o IlrlnK sqund: il>c I courts nrc BUtborif.«I lo scnlchce for f, I Jndelinlte confinement imyonc who is P

considered •'socially danRcrcus." lliouttli ■ he mny nol linve commlltcil nny crime: under llaltnn Inuf: an>'Oi>c ‘‘blnApliem-, f

j Ins.the stole" will set ono lo Ilirce yeur* j c .1 In prlMn. nx will niiyono JuIiiUir an

••unnutliorlicd orgnutoilon." • ! , To the iivcrnRc Amtrlcnn It looks ns »!

ft wunlr>- with such n pcnnl wstcni n-i 1 >' these Items revenl ccrtolnly necdii judges | " to lafcRiinrd cltlzcnV rlsbin. U Is n>

— .-iato-Rum^UinUMmc-ilay-UicJlttllan '.r JUTT- trill COKIC Ijack ttrongcr tlinii cvvr. j t

NATIONAL IDEAI-S' , ®--------------------— -_____________ _ O' - I

A mluUier says these arc Uio L '^ 'O t niodcn) Amcrlca:

-Physlcnt beauty, personnl sircngMi. K___ JnleUKtual power, flnancWsuccesB."' 1 •

Tlio result or tiiiirrin56“wor8Wpr-^c'|^ , adds, ts th^t Amerlean lUo Is ituterinl*

IsUo, selfish, hard ftnd amblUous. ! I Looking oround, any inlclUjenl jjcrson *

— Can MC.evldeilCe. lfi-t»pprtrL th ^ mlnln. i ler's.vlew. Dut monl of us cnn also see i evidence. Jitsi as tsrong. Ihot Amerlean |i JIfe ll JdeaHiJJc, JJHwltolj, JcJntlJy and , |

-— tenerouj. .A complclc llstflf oilr Amort* I j con gods would surely liovc to Includc; fnlUi. Ijopc and love. : i

Ewn the hratlKii dlrioltlcs nicnJIoued 11

selves. Tlielr nierll or demerU conslsls In the uw made of .them. The lowest, t perhaps. o( #11 th^-wpposediy. ftlio

[ • , gods.'■'flnttnclnl suwess,;'may aerve tbe • purpoK of benevolence^ojid does so )n

I ever-lncreaslni decree.I Mnlcrlul tliinn mny flower Into the

spiritual. The ImporUnt thing Li not [ to rest conU'iit In iho maierlM.

........... ..........n.^TVKERSTycoxTnPT:-------- —

It Wim aniiouiiceil ihc cUirr tiny Ihnt IJiff control or l!ic •'taJl money" murkrl' In W.i11 Blrrel ut l.ir.i'lind piiwcd Jntoj the IuiiiOh o( lhe buiikcn.. l l i u dcfinllt* |

_____ .Ihc of * iwrlod full- ol r-flnonclnj norcjty and uncertainty.

Elghl tnomii.i ajo ilic money mnrket ; got oul of hnnd. tMnds In vast quan> )

titles v,'cre lent (or speculallon by ccr> , i pomtionj with large ctlli reier^-es. by I i Indlvlduul i-npllatlsu nnd by forcleu j -i bonks. The funds furnL'hcd on collatcr* ]

“i al'by Air.ericnii minxs dropped 4nlo mc« ' ' ond place. The wild«r Iho bull move- •

epecululivp mciicy wa? Iti tho honds ol ,* these oubido. irri'.'.iwislble, uncontrolled : ^ n j f r r s lx ^ ■ i:

.• . No wojirior tlint flie'iharVcL fuii flwnyv y . w ltblt«ir. The redcrul Rcwn'c ^yslcm. fi . orgnnlzcil to contrciauillonul credit, wns

left liplnlcM. vlrlimtlv sanitincd bv the ■ trraendous volume, of- resources over ; WblcJi U could cxCrclsc no dlrcct Tiy

T- - .........BAQkers'havo ihelr laulU. Tlio «U b-

e ^ l e i s bonkers hnte their profcKlon*__. t i e ^ a a n d Uielr c«to of tound

B T ^ pwcyert Blid-in aij cmericucjr llicy.al-- flonsc or public ^c^poll8lbll-

U)cr<^6rc.. t iu i crcdit of. the, rcfutar

'“fin a n c e .|»wt-

I fM nnllt^r yy 'H 'y concerned only w itn / p , th e ir own profits, loeklng orjanlttU bn.

prij^e«l(W * * P 'n f« n 'l pub lic .m ponn- ) bIHtjr. They may dump.too much c iih [ Into Wall Street during 0 bull movement.> or tak« too much out in a crisis. W hen 11 [ they suddenly withdrew one bftUon four• hundred milllQudollMS (rom the m a ik el; ’ . in ono «'cek recenlly. ihe banks were• bnrcly nble to wve ihc- situation by.|/|^

IhrowlnJ In n billion of ihelr own. Buch foi' « sJlunlJon iJJoulJ noi develcp ngaln.. j o(

I I ■ — ' . th

i | r . — ' £

I a t Large . |;n.i i C . I ) . SEVMOUB I PCI l| T itJ - - --------- ifuI I NEW YOllK. Ndv 11 ,,V .-The most | M ardt^il nnd fovnl fir-i iilKhtcr a m o n n ..,, Ii'New yotkor* liiiimu.il Hinnlrf*goer» h ’ 'I not Otto Itnhn. nnr nci:«- llnmiHon. nor i• even lh a t denn <i( vnilcs. Kclcy Allen, „; II Is Oeorge Miijer. iiii unnssumlng III-1I tJo jjiun vlio. jit tli. J))i,sn't mliwetl the ;• oiicnlnc of nn Imiiortnni play or music a l, ^ , : khW lii'Nott^'irrknm H-yrnns:----------— -r' Hr M now n rcllri'd cdrMt m anufac- :I lurcr, nnd. lor morr years ihan nnybody | .

' lnt<Klii}''«J<H>at/'c«uJluicMCflnrcme}n» ■,• ber. he has occiiplrd n H-nt In th e « r * t ,. row on the rlRht-hnnd tide on opening | .j! ' nlRht*. „ - l?n• Perhnps he tlld in nlways hnve f i r s t , , , . n tf ai.«l» wn[!i. (nr fro lieean golnc to

, oppnlmts wlipii h f w a ' 17. O ut lo tlny ; . '""ificreu a Aland lilt; la.ii-t In i . i i y UuX u f ' • (leo In town ibai u lii'ii n »«•»' play opens >,. '^♦mn»-Mrt.v<‘r-»»-»*i-liavt AA .101 -nnil4 .• iOJ. : Jt, I Kro|wi K jvo rilr ' S o irrt

“i ir -ym i-hn rr-n rrrr-)w r< l-< it-C co rcc ..„ - ' i M.iycr, llinV.'. Just n« ho wnuld h a v r |i . > i) llfl alivnyii Iiuk hhriink Jrom public n l - : „{lenllon and hu» cuntc iu lcd il-w nsjio ;.:__I bCKly'K publnoM bul h is own If he llke il' <■ t Ihe-tlieHlro-wcll-euouKh to.st>cnd_ror.:.M

i_ge»tM ovorv vi'ar w hat nlhcr men spend im

If one clmncch to (Ind him In a mood-1 jp, . lo rcliU c.H 'm '^f'hinTxperlm ces-lti-tlifr-^i

Uiciitre. lie will rovi'iil flmi he waa in Iho \ IU.H- IIIW 811 -lhe -nhtM Mnuila Atlaroii- y i

I mniJo Jwr t in t jjppoiirnnce n» n lead ing ; gj I Indy— (ho nlKht she (irsl plnyed In "The ' £( 1 Masked Bnil" opiwslte Jolm Drew. , ;

-. llo .w ill-U !ll..pc iiuw ..lhu l he .w iia.lij,L ,; his wonted iilnce when Ethel Dnrrymore u( vm »l.tneil for ilu' tir.n time Jn Clyde j Pilch's comcdy, "CupUiln Jinks o( lhe ^ i Horse Marlnen, ' O r Ih n l he suw Muude gj, Adnms tho flral nlshl-she-played Peler — Pun. uml Jeunne Easel* fil lhe first New Qf

: York performance of O r tliat h e i tt,iwob lil lhe (ronl rank of the nudlcnee u l dn

' lhe Lyric thenlre on ilic nluhl In the m. I early nlncleon-hunrirods wlion tho flrM m, i crisp lwll-1 of profanli y over fIuns ncroi.i in,

iKc fooUlKhln or n Now York tlifntre w, I were hurled frmn th e llp i of Tully Mnr- )«i ' shall In "The C iv ." or! George Mnyer ha< w en some OOOO llrsl

. [ nights, nnd nboul some of them hc l.s not ju , I imwllllnK to lell. Bul ho will venture no 1 cx ' opinion iu> to who Ls liU (nvorllo iiiiiong itvl ' nil the ncloni nnd uclreu«.'-i ho hiib t« e n .'

I ;.aor-JKiilcli_amoun-OQCO.plniiVhe llkcil _on .; best. : M

lluy i T ickets (or All ;MiI When two or -six o r ten new plnys op en , dn ' cn the snmc nlKht. ns (rcqucnlly hap> ; i

iwn.1 nlong Crondwny. Mr. Mnyer Bcl-i]nl . J ro fit row iij ijr spnta lo cycr>' ono of icl>

them : ------------------------------- : - | a 1Ue decides which lie wonts lo see. nnd , ‘

, Blvcs the rest of th o llckels to hla | mi friends. - : wl— tfittH -n-ro itr-o r so-Ogg-nl»-c<>»*ltint--N<

j comjinhion in th e playhtJusM oniie’io'i’i r r ' was Ills moiher. 8 h e died. Now he o t - '

! lends olonc or w lth-*-rrlend. - I> ilc comes to th e theatre In hU ow n ' M

cnr on mo.it evenings, aoraetlmc*. wJictt,- -ntmew-|il«^l»op«n>ii«rhegoesm otD rlug;~ ’ In (he evening, bu t if there‘a no ploy to ;I go to he'd rniher ploy li- quiet game of I poker U'llh h it f rlen d s-in o sl o( Uiem

residents ot the n im rtm enl hotel on Wosi i ! Sevenly-sccond stre e t In which he llvei'.; r i

;; A small man. froH nnct portly bold, a n d ' . i . n bachelo'-; he finds In th e theatre h U ,

I i complotcsi rrcroallon, In two years more j I he will hnve been n first-n igh ter for half i

r ^ B om cU ^s he th ln k i‘lU n r i« ir a e n » rn ^ , then from such coiialont ploy-going, S u l I , h c hns his doubts. .|ijj

M im iE ii liETSITHlP

, Mi‘8, Jiimcs Boyle ami M rs.'

J i a l p h Vay H M tc iw c .t iit

•I G athering of M jem bevsI .— ;— ............. ......................

■ ■ r .. MUIlTAliOIt, Nov. l i —Mrj. James ,21

Boylo nnd Mrs. lU lp h Day were j _• hostesses for member# of th e U dies’• Aid society T hu rad iy a t Mrs. Uoyle-s |(• home. T lio$«pre»efttw preM rs.P .j.Pa-, hey. Loukio Johjw on. Emmn Carmen.

Lena Jolm ion. V crdo Puller. Mr*. John [• Dland. Mrs. S , h. Dlggerstoff, Mrs. Lec, r ^ O T iE T - W w T T r m i c r r A i i n i r t c tn i r ^ . Mra. O. A/Koctc. MIm M ary Eftoii iJnyl,-„ Mlw Mnry 0.»-lii«.'M lAM flryM oNnr>'.7 7,ltRrDBlTTBT«nti‘t»l-HW-PMkln»J,lic— '■ nexl mecllUK will pc heW i»t tho home ot d Mrs; Ixinlsc Johnson. Mrs. l«nu Juliu-

I ■ oll win |>e c6»b05ttss..

^ T iraeV '^i'igl^rtchooriw w h l i l i ' i t ^'• (rwihmcn ontortwlned Ihn upper clnsi I . IS mon and the school faculty Priday even-

evtve Howley: "Flower Dancc," Elea* [>* nor Roberls, accompanied by Mcdlim:. pkiio solo, Eftlc Moy shrinetnolm iirdlu;

PlckcU; ••P im nyJM no^ P icn u L eei', piano solo, Ef fie Moyes; readings, Eico- i- oor-Roberta-tm tt F ta itw a' W nrd;-Tongn- >• Qlenn Lc«, Leslie I{pttbcck .ond Rexia ToJnian. Oaroe* w cw than Played un-1 I. d rr tlw direction ol ^Ua-.M arjr Ellen ■ nay l; a pinto-Im icheon-w us-served.- -

*■ Co»lumw w m by'JivnW Clawson-ond It Domilia Dcckcr w e n de^nrcd th e best, ir ftlliw KoUicriHe Palwy *fMl »ll*» Ajhw I , Mnrtin ore fciieiidlng the week-end with •

H r. 'oM Mw. P. ^. Pnhcy . . .Tlio uMcmblj- program n t lhe tchool

i* F riday 'w o siu u iertb e tU re eU o o o i M lu

T W P JF A IiflD j

'\ A Washingtoi| | | By Kirke L :

i WASHINOTON. Nov, 11 ( ’r^ ln the ft, woods of M aryland mid Vlriilnli (hai »' i Jringe W ofhlnglon. you can »tlll find «Vinony n canuy old fox thnt hns laiiBhed tl ‘ (or y e ars-n l tlio pursuliri John Pe«U

of th e cap lla l. f■ The BysUinder h u a friend who knows «them oil by nam e, almosl. . For two b

' decodes th is tratisp lan led son of Norlh PCarolina hos roved the colorful, autumn- v

Pace wind nnd sun lacquered lo as h ' ruddy u hue a« lhe dying leave* thnt,■.fall obout him , th is msii In whn«c veins •pcrhap.5 run-i th e blooi of li hard crldlnfr, fox h n n llng Enaliflh 'riuire U a w

i (umlllar sight to dweller.; on the clly c , . outsklrla,; I H>dOR8 c lustered aboul him in a rnl-

.‘i.’ttrn jj cur. h e pocu earfrtJlJii; Irom one *'' 1 well known (ok n m lO'ninJUu-r. lorever y 1 In chose, bu t rarely H ever driving a• , through lo tt "kill." I’ I .I t 's Just th e love of tho Rnins In lhej j Rlorlods a u tum n wood* Jfint cuJU *■

CongreMlonal IlunU rs I,■ N orlnhc th e only/oxlm nler of Wash*

’ • liiRton. T rue, th e re is no bintnew of « ■! "pink” coals nnd white biwHins to *« t;« ' j off th e spo rt; b u t ihere Is dlsilnqulshed. H

1 compnny nevcrthele.is to lake ihe field ci ‘ ' when the " frost Is on the pumiiUn and j S' ; , Iho fodtlcr'a In th e shock." . |

' ■ Timo w ai w lw i former Repfc^enla♦, tl tlv i' John Sm llhwick: 1-lml.llt, IMIUI'U u

, lilmM'K lh e title of ‘T h e Old FVxlinnt' w : or"51j) 'T W m re re r io u rn e y -n lie r iw or;« ; Iteyinird.

Ami now inert! nre SteaKOll. Alfl'Ji'mn, n ‘--nnd-yt'rehcndrW ebraskn.-Hiid Roodncss ,11 •, kno'A’s how m nny 0lher« who uke Joy- ri ’ ; ou>ly lo ih c ojw n of llie Mnrylond hills P

I ~i I yi III ir.:.Mary-n.-E%‘ans-a iid conslslediil.tlic.fal?!1 lowliiu: Plttno'solo. Lnurcl True: dancc.; —jftW-nnd-fouriu-Bruofr-HHu-flccumpaiisSjr >•' led by Mlw M edina PIckcll; pluno .-wlo,: " ^ l lS T K n im in n c - m h i r ; toenHolQ.-Mlw-g ’ I Anna M artin : play, "Lcarnliig to Sny,

u— p nrrllv.' f i 0lurK».«H. Lovn ToJmnii, lvnn Moyes, “ ’ Etfle Moyes und a group ot school chiU

: dren, 'l.L^Mrh. NuiUc Muyc&-Mi- (tir iUcluuond.; a■ U lah. M onday to vWi relnilvcs- ii• Mrs. M nry Slzottrorc «f»l a ’ R uth nnd Lucille, left Wednc.>JDy (or I’ Soda Springs w here they wlll.resKle. | =■ “ A ' surprlsc birthday pnrly for Ida’■ Bronson nnd Mnbol Egbert wili hold a i |• jth e home of M rs. Idn Bronson W dtie.s-;• dny cvenlnK. Oiie.'sts were Mr. and Mrs.' M. Pick , M r. and Mrs. Hurry Egbert, 1 t Mrn. 8 . A. Shnrp , Mr. nnd Mi.r Clcvo- ' Innil ERberl, S ariih Egbert. Doris Bron-1• son. Phyllis M cFarland, Kern M cFar-;■ land. Mr. ond Mrs. Bert Egbert, Lewis

Bronson.I A shlpnicnl of 800 hcnd of calllc hns I Just been received hy N. Jenion, who )1 cxpecu to feed 1300 licod o( caltle th lj (I winter.'• ' CueMs rtl th e home o t Mr.v Avo Cox l-oni-T hursdny wcro-M w. Cox<and

. son. jtw k, KlmlJorly.'Mrs. J ' I.'Toltnnn, :Mrs, c . C. Calien; ifo WUIilte ond

».daughter, J e a n ond DorU.• ; Ooldle Tolm nn led the Relief society s 1 nl the m eellni: In tho U t te r Day Saints f ich u rc h Tijfsdny. E m w elt Tolman nnd

!A lta.C hrlstoffcrM n assisted.1. T he Pnrcnl-Tcaclier a s s o c i a t i o n i I membership drive hns storied and fec.i

:wlll bc received a l itic next meeting, r-N ovcn»l»f-l3. - ..............................

SmoEyiiiifflrr F m |F o « B |

COEUR 13'ALENE. Noy.# l/rH Charles ;;;C h e m p k ln , Indian of th e Coeur d'.-

Alene reservation, goes on trial lit fed- : em l court here November I t. charged

® M th m urdcrlnu his wife.

a supply o t'tc«5"andm w iiSS*o^ to the (hJlia de/}1iv pursuit. . .I . T he w oman was sho{. officers ta ld . be*; c&use or an o th er Indian who had paid . h e r a ttentions.

. I W hen ho heard tho t nichard J . (T»o Onn«) H a rt.^ lw lf ll /ederal Indian c /- fleer, waa on h is trail, Chcrrapkln gave himself up to nuthorltles o t St. Morlea

' a fle r a th ree-day Imnl.' He Is well educated, undcrslood lo b o ! well (0 (fo. Aild teas foVmerfy an Indlitn

'*.1 Appcles p a lh tfd a hrjrie so trUe lo life lh a t llv lns horses neighed to It,

I T he f irst ;.Amcrlean Chrlstlnn mor*S j l i i s e W03 perform ed In-VlrgltiiirtrT'ttlOOr

. . . Apple dnd pcor trees grew wild in », Europe a n d Asia In prehistoric times.

Atj-i— — -

" I D O U B L E A C T I O N" i

S a m e P r i i p e - . ..

— fo r-a iie r-3 8 'y ta r* — ^

i j X B p m t t H e r i f j f

tl' ' t l i o t « s A i i i i i ~ ' ■ '

i b U b v t l c e d b r a i l l l t

' u i L U o n i o r r o u iiD t u lV D 'o y OUR OOVBRHHIHT...

“ I > ...... .. '" y / "


on Bystander i |^L.'Simpaon' . P

D each year abou i the Ume the apples ' t Ito In tiowtag hM pi b e n n th <h« t re n _ 1 and th « e td ir BUlU are busy aU U o q i 1 th e wide h i|h w a y i. J® Js A m onf th em U another very d lftln - 2 “

gulshed to^B...pot o r official lite. He ^ I i l ( h t a o d u u tse Train” of baae*D ball, W alter Johnson, once tha m t e i t ^ { I pitcher o t h la tim e, do* manaker of U ». W aahln iton Senators. P l«

s h 7 t ^ to U » 'h i l l s 'a . h o « ^ a"Toot ^t to run a wily tox for mile*.1 - Sonetlm ee, ou t where the rumbling o t *hoid city traffic U stilled by distance, you >»rI win hear th e tox hunter's horn ond th e nea y c inm orlns bay io f o f o golloplng paelt. em|

Fox Enjoys I t ' will. Even, th e fox most times seems keen leat e to r th e sport, tlee tin iw llh new m l each mllr r year down th e same old runways bu t OerII also w ith new tricks to bsffle the whim - mill

perlng d o ts as they check, ot fau lt. a yic The B y su n d e r 's foxhunting friend in - - n slsU th a t h e always csn lell Just which

crafty old sinner It U hi* dogs have - w m tedT vhentherW vctoncuenm i shoo t

In pursu it. ^He knows Ju st about where the chase

t will tu rn a n d dot;b>«, snd many a tim e c . has strolled ott a t r ^ h t xngleJ with Ihe u i line o t th e h u n t and presently stood a l theI cose on t hillside and seen the chase upo:I I go by below him . ad I

I That la h i t version of foxhundnir and fore♦! the tox s c tn u to know ll. for run one aioi

> ways a re th e re o«aln next yenr In the andr old cover.----------- ------------------------------

And hav ln s fought it out again, (his I, modern Jo h n Peel oges hviplly home In t) ,,, s the dusk w ith his sore-fooled but happy ~ . f ioB T bcsldB T iltiro irth rm ta o f-th eo ld» i ^ . a .

a m jj•! _ -i) iB 8 .o r_ jN JU B iK s_________m'■[ N E W Y O B K .N p y .ll (ff>-NlcliolasJ.

; Ardmore avenue. Chicago, died in Belle- , “ VHP hospllal S iU u d s jrin n ju r ics rcport-_

.; od to have been Innicted by the blow ot; ; . b o i i i . .» , .V B M iw m . i . . o . a ;

UlOl' In the N ational museum a l Naples is look

I .; a ease of bone. Ivory ond melnl th e - sla t a lrc tickets tound in Uie tragic theatre tHe

'. a t r^m p fll. • T


!d • __________ _________'




11 ^ ~ z 2 £ m ;

i n n e i

p ■ C s o a r

»i o t l i c i

u l i g h t

» Ev£ b e g u

o n e .fo

» T h

” | t o b u

“ " W.-W-C

^ ^ ..7= ,= .— -TT:=r

10 . t i s c 3

I i e n d

j : . _____________ _____________^ th e j t l

_ c o m i

" r e j e c

r a i s e

m e n '

I Mld ' T h e

" T b u y i

■ ' ' v e n i i

f o " B i

- -------------------------------------------- K e


J ' U S f : J [ D A m TOonuaant oi) O tunat-O oodltloM tn |

Hm 0«m Aut*. i ', By oiTY n j t w n r e . |


Par away W nland ia ahipplnf cheeae ^ , to American ch ain grocery systems a t p r te« th a t pcnn lt aetlve eompetltion T " ' wUh the Ameriew product.-c tecbpalo- ^ niiiian factories a re eelllng tine lin en ^ In Americsnsiflres a l pHcescompeUng , Ti w ith Amtricsa cotton. Agrtctiliural tm - Ineu pleuienti are being m anufactured In l io i Amtricsn tseioriea ln ''-forelgn laods. lost

maintaining labor conditions tn har* pair mony with Ameplean alandards. Amer- goot Ican .capital haa tSOO.OO(M)00 Invested In nearly 3W b ranch foreign /aetorles. , “ employing cheap labor and competing With higher paid American labor. Amer* u ._ Ican rallrosds employ e igh t men to the mile and pay an average of tllOO a M ar. German railroad* employ 33 men (o (he = m lle 'snd psy an ayerage o t about l i H u,e a ycsr. »nd

These few instances, and many more on i coufd tw gifen, constltu to the motif Sot big) th e American tariff s)'stem. designed to i^ u i te i r T ^ f S t« t ~ T O w n a n~ iarming - i - | ond. indeed. American industries of all /I I descriptions. T j l

Idabo is tremendously intertsicd in th e tariff. I ts basic induslries depend Upon It. Economlsu m ay unreel theories ad Infinitum as to^Vmerican Invasion ot foreign tiisfket*. bu t they encounter th# stone wnll (ac t th a t Europeans buy . ^

—[TttlyMSihfltj»th>y— norr and that ihcir supply o t cash Is not large. Ths-nieM unLot.ievlvrd-prosperlty.thcy {’? “ bnjoy Ls due more to the ir ' tliriftlncss th sn to.thelr bonk accounts.

W rst cnnsldem tlon. therefore, thould _ J i t tg lv c n lo 'E w o p e s irn ra u iir it r in m io n ol Ametleit w ith chfap-Jsbor goods, "yjj

High wages and 'better'w o rk lng c o n ' fe<$( dlttons hsve made th is country pros- t perousrA raerlcahfH ave'hodTnorc-tlm e 'f o r tn.buv and more w tth w hich to buy. els. "■lasrwage«rlonf-hoUT»-ot-iiitwr-ftnQ »Hc low prices kept thU country chained cnn to an-lnterm ltlciit depreiwloii- Ililtln- n\o^live was stifled, slugglshnew nnd 'd ls- __•conienl manifest, T lic great cnange ~Ci Uiot has come about was due lo meoos to r looking to the elevation of the American Chli standard nnd n o t to a tendency toward IHTturopeiin. ” T

The m ilt Is enmeslied in politics a t IDOd

~ " “A t^ lro m '

; f e e m h e r

| I A C H y e a r t h o u s a n d s u p o n

w h i t e - e n v e l o p e s f i n c L t h e i

n e i ' e n v e l o p e , a n d a t r i m c a r

a n n o u n c e t h e m a i ' r i a g e o f

h e r c a r d — “ A t h o m e a f t e r N

j h t A v e . ” ,

E v e i y o n e m e a n s a n ^ v l i o r ‘g u n . ; . a n e w s e t o f p r o b l e t l

l e . ”

T h e y ’v e m a n y a q u e s t i o n tc b u y . F u r n i t m - e , k i t c h e n w a r

a r e , c e r e a l s , m e a t a n d p o t a t c i s s _ t h e i i L l i p s a s t h e y b u y - s eB p r o d u c t s T 'q u a t i t y m e r c h i

: n d a b l e . T h e y ’v e k n o w n t h e

l e j t i l L b e g i a i o j i e a d J J i e - U J b

i m p a r i n g v a l u e s , b u d g e t i n g

r j e c t i n g t h a t , r e s e r v i n g t h e

l i s e . T h e y ’l l m a n a g e , a l l r i

l e n t s t o h e l p t h e m .

M a k e i t a h a b i t t o r e a d t h e h e d a y s o f h e l t e r - s k e l t e r i i y i f i f a r e D T B r r F o r - t h e ^ s a k Q - j n i e n c e , h a v e y o u r m i n d m a

rBny.~ --------- ^ ^ —

e s s e n t i a l s o f g o o d


I ic y d j^H ADITTRAININO • of» t<

T he cultlvaUon ot-deslrable habits, wc prodiiare tflU ..l» .of iJrat rate Im p o r^ c e .ln o t celhe train ing of children. We updersland I f tlha t they m u st leam early to w a l t ; ip ^ th a t I themselves, to be punctual, orderly, to puC m th tn l.a n d if fa re ..................... ' • ' ' ‘‘ d i

T rue a t I t I5 lh a t these habits m ust bc , Incukaled du rln s lhe early years, there .II ooe elem ent In tbe lr uachlng «(hlch s ...nfc' lost sight o f . , The emoUonal concoml- . j,y, tanU of aoy w r t of lewnlng are oll- lr t-

painful m alteaiiniM T nrfO T fiiriK lw cih: |h e n good and bad Uaohlng. ' L<r qI

I t used to be iHought tha t the w ay to ! m ust euro a ehUd ol his fear o t water »ti* t o , a re a -harden" h im 'by .repeatedly im mersln! tlon 1 blm In ll. Those who unted this method [or nr w tre no t aw anvthat repeated experience | Irotn

' ■ ' ' , ' ' ~ ~ lhe national capliol, but In ilie m arl* g n n and homea of.the notion It Is looked up ­on a s purely a business quesllon'of the ' • highest importanee.

■(iilFiisicrira■ I II iniSE! J

I ■ — . b e r , 'LEWISTON. N ov..il ilPi - ^ p e r U

here estlmatetl tho t more th sn 4.000.*000 u im ijia m m am m stattdhouiei along lh e Comos Prairie railroad ,bt*lweenOranjrevJJ)enndlnlfrlorrttwall. “ “.fInK belter priees. >—

Tills Is bu l n p a n of the North Idaho . J . grain harvested, since groin movcmcnln , h o v e 'sJow cd-dow n 'on -accoun fonow ' ' i prices. Few saletl haye been rfiwrtcU ;reiSemiy:----------- r t — ---------------------

The execss to r th is year over lost yenr forOetoberU»cratabout-OOO.OOObush. — ela. The low stage of the Snake ^Ivcr, iTacltenln^rOpW ofirtcBniboatSTwhkilv — corry gm ln, hns niso tended lo block - n\ovemcnt o t g rain .— — r r : _ ■

for the f irs t emperor cf Chow dynasty,China. ‘ . • %

' 'ing |TTc ' ^ t 7mai» i‘'<l r e ''Jf“ t h^ r e « t4 — « IDOd. burned 430 city blocks. ____

l e r a f t e r - :

r f i r s t : - " ’! j .

o n t h o u s a n d s , o f t h o s e n e a t ,

l e i i ' w a v t h r o u g h t h e m a i l s .

a f o r g y o u i ^ i p e n - t l i e n i r r T V a j i

a r d — “ M r . a n d M r s . ' S o - a n U -

) f t h e i r d a t i g h t e j c ” - ^ a h d a n -

N o v e m b e r l s t . a t l O l M o o n -

P o m e i n i t i a t e d , i n r e w f a m i l y

l e t n s f a c e d b y “ t w o - w h o - a r e -

t o s e t t l e , a n d j n a p y a t h i n g

a r e , l i n o n ; a n d c h i n a — s i l v e r -

i t o e s . . . F a m i l i a r i i a m e s w i l l

V— e a s i l y , n a t u r a l l y . A d v e r -cHarnlisc r r . I'Cliabie-r^dc-h c m a l l t h e i i - l i v e s . B u t n o w

i d v e r t i s e m e n t s i n e a r n e s t —

n g e x p e n s e s , c h o o s i n g T E i s ,

h e o t h e r t i l l h u b b y g e t s h i s

r i g h t — w i t h t h e a d v e r t i s e -

l e a d v e i ’t i s e m e n t s r e g u ' S r l y

f s e l e c t i o n a n d b l i n d f o l d e d

f ( j o t t i m c , - e c o n o m y - a n d - c o n .

T i a d e u p w h e n y o u s t a r t o u l

i v e r t i s e m e n t s I s o n e b f t h e

o d h o u s e k e e p i n g

a R /2.1929 .

S ® i 1' courage.'I f th e oecaaton of reminding Uie child la t i t la tim e to get ready to r dinner or I p u t oway hla loys become assoeUted I h is m ind wlUi feelings of trustm U on - .Id reaUtance; our repetition o t a ta e t- ss approoch almpljr pracUcea h im , nol I punctuality and erderllneis, bu t In a . jilk e of boUi.H um on beings are s3 consUtuted th a t

ien we hojw to train hablta which will f of real sefvlce to our children wc lUsl see>o i t th a t Uiesc desirable hoblU - re iiittociated wKti tceflnn of s a tis /a c ' on ond pleasure. Rewards o t one sort r ano ther m ust accompany any habit -otnlng worthy of the.nome.

landpolnt Uadio s ta t io n P la n s Increase o f Pow er

.SA N D E O m T JIm .aH ® =K Q iU C a!lC ________I t l i IS-w olt radio broadcostlng stntlon e re , lias rccclved authorttaUon to In-- rcase IU power to 100 wotta w ith lull Ime operation.T h e new equipment Is expected to bo

u t in to oneralltfn the first of Decem- er, w llh crystal control end 0 modulo- s lon system. Tbe }5-K-att sta tion Ijoa m ecelved ocknowledgemenls from Iho 9

•cbru o ry .________

. P E N N IE S . ■■ ____

§ ■ W IL E V 'S


_______ _________________ ___ :

it, ■Is. '

x P ; ^ 7 " “


- = = = 4 —' e - . - . ' • - -

1^' ' ' ■ ■ j r - '

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lis,.l i s .

5 e -

ly. ’ / .ied ■

______ __________________;...

mt ■,

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Page 9: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."

^SrtstocnG m i i i i g i ■


fiOOO H e a d o f N a t i o n ' s H c s l

A n i m a l s l o C’o n i p o l i '

f o i ' H o n o r s

Tnlal Sum of mOfiOO In Aii-anls foi- Oi-owera

A i n o r i i ' i i i i R o y a l B i i i l i l i n i ; _____

S c o n c f o r F a n i o n s

. lO x l i i l j i t io n

/ tUv TllC Avii(;lii!o(l I’rps-.iI K A N S A S C I T Y . N o v . I I -^ . ‘ on ililii'tl nn il s lt‘f l i t ‘(l a iu l tn a iii- ____

n i r r d . r i i T c n i im i t m i i s ' l iT T!iV ~ ~

I h c tli i i t y . r i r s l A n u 'r ic iu i U o y a l . l.iv t'.-;lock s lio w lien* N o v e n tb c r

- ; i ( 5 1 n 2 :{ . - ............................................ Sw lIA b o u t fiOOO l io u d 'o f s c le n l if i -

— c i i l ly .J > w l -n i tU f t , - x w in c ,—H heep.liorrfc's u m l nuilcH jiro c x p c c tw l

- -u>-tQniiioiu-(o.--ji00.000-W.ptlzc.money.Uri'cdvrx from every section o t ihe coun- .

— i ri- n>rnnU<c>feElUt!aTul.lin ;r . : jn t ^Iry llMv ._____________ ■ ■ p

- — A ll-llrted 'T tw -A pp^f--------- ~ fi^iS• nisii!i;vs m il Include t-v.-rv brccU luiowii 1(1 the Amerlcnn stock rnlscr. ‘Klx milvcr.illlc* have entered ncu '- ly 4C0 hcntl ol stock In u "coUeiif tow."

Moil' tlm n 3000 buys und glcls t r o m i » lirliKulcs lo uiV"nTinflf\ll'l'Mfl” “ '"A i

nKrituUural hl«h school conRrei.s Mmu :itia -l-H club conferencc. will dl.iplny »h'«. Ihelr lionie-rulMd .«w k. T here uiU be d ' ' ' ! ' iiiiiiieioiis JiidRlnc conicsls between col- T io»' li':«-4ind h ish SclioolitCHms.

. Variety uf llo n .r ,Thc horsr show cxpeciJi to ntirncl

llirce- and flve-RnUcd saddle horses, • roadsicrii. lU hi nnd hcnvy h.imes.1 hors- • es and iwnles front iho country'.i Ipndlni: "‘•“ 'p Mablcs.

Hi'vi'nty-flve lhoii.s.-ind jwrsons nrc cx* ' ‘ ncclcd to view Ihc exhibits and buy cnl- i l r U5 lw niieiloiiprt off a fte r Ihe show,L T h e Amerlcun Roynl bulldinu In Kan-

Clly. an $800,000 p lant i l t h 10 ncrw . M floor si)aco_inidcr oue r o d . I* to house ] /pearly nil the siocit on illtplay. ■


' Idnn,• -------- ' •

• Proffi-am-Features-.Syt?t!ion i f

of Orjjanization a t H om e|"S[

---------n f ~ M r .g 7 ^ G '0 ~ 0 T 7 r tr ~ M o K p r - n in g

— ^ “ i joydPAUL. .Nov, 11—Mra, Gcortte Moserjho;t*

• rm ertalncd the Woincn'b ChrU tlnnI Mrs. Totnperanco i;nlon u l h e r home W ed-' ''on i nt'.sUny uftcriioimi ^Jrs, F. J . Tocvs Knve '• iin Inlcrcstlni! r o ;» n on ihe nmte con*: ilay vi-nllon held ;it Twin FalU. Tlte follow- H’ty Inic i)ro«rum under ihc direction of Mm: 1

g ^ tn ic rn n d Mra. Hcnrv Hncknian m is | men — riveni-T-wo-tlnefai-by-Mi'Crfflwrlofc-itoU iS E n

Kiinle.aiul Mrs, Moncr: u holo by Mr.vi held ciiarlc.( Belnardc; papers rend by MrH.i “ hd H. W hllion. .\U'«- Wlllinm Trlelicr, Mm. l lcfl Porter W arner. Mrs. Faye Coon n n d ; «

., Mrs, A. Hoover. Al llii* dos« of ihc c«5s nflcrnoon a delicious lunchcon wn* wrv* • r d lo lO women.

Norma Betty H um . who h.r'* been ; MiffcrlnR wllh menslc.-i a l the home o t | h e r uncle. Frank Hum. Is Improved. . .

Mrs. EthH Jcllntlt, Midvale. Idnho, |/ tin old pioneer ol ihLi p rojcfi. vl'lted nt

4 -UltMcMllh*irhome:Salurd«^---------- j ~ r —T .Mrs. Carrie Roive, who hii’i bcmt vLs-

Itlni; a t the liome of her daunhtcr. Mr*. W alter Marsh, the lant twO momlv>, rf*

___tiirncil-to BUM Bnlurriftv.______ ■ ■■ Uobcrl Hardin, who ha-i been 'siiHer-

Ins Irom blood pol.sonln({ in his fool ‘ for thc 10.M few wwlcs. Js rciMirtfd m , be Im provrd.' ;

Mr. und Mrs. Orcnr NctKon nnd dauith-1. terg. Helen nnd Dot. rotum cd ihe Ilrsi |Of the week from Pocatcllo nnd U ' i , . I io t SprliiBS. where ihcy vUHcd -wveriil' dny», . .- John Baker, Mrs. Dick Z ahl and Merle j. Z ahl motored to Pocatcllo Wedncwlnyl

. v.here Merle was taken (or medical M*,

Mr. und M^b. Albln Drown and duuKh*, tem, Lenor and Ada, son Karold, MKt [ Olodys Bu.ili.-Tcxlc R iuh ,'M arB arcil —Hoover, Vcrn Eiier and O rarge DeUiIg-------motored to H asern ian Friday evenlns to

---- nHi»nd Uig hlgh_llphool ttU>li>Lle_hall. ___

^ d o l l a r s .

t ^ F A L U q n 'A T

:of L

_Thc_A m cH can K oyat building Qtttn

.ock. One oxh ib il is sliown almvo. W

ivlfl Is' p rcaidcn i.

I .« n s lc Hie.rrctTim cd-hom r-^'lllfM r:|rd-Prh Id Mr.». Urou'n und Twixty nnd r.j>cm | jirovfti indny w ith frkmlA In-Patil.-------------- -—Little ^ c k S troud. ‘h r c c -y c M ^ o ^ n

riouMy lU & uurday cveiiliiK aboul ^jw i'ro l nock’niTn’Sandfl>T«omlnirhr-wa<^rp-j -

Mv. and Mrs. \V. B. Cmven nnd <wo] tldrcn Icfl Sulurday-raonilJig fo rl lllJ J .S arkfool to vlnlt nl the Laccy hoim-. ; A-inimUMMH-tftendii-*urprUcd .Mt;,.; _ niulu Petiii n l her home Fridiiy I'Vr- n u . ' Aflcr nn I'veninn of cards, n - ■.slimcni. were served by thc women, bron p, lose present wcn> Mr. and Mrs. Hoy « nrk, Mr. and m . Jam es Ellis. Mr. nud ; ‘ho ok r.<. Jfenry Ford. Mr. nn<J C>ri! j l>Httks. Mr, and Mrs, OcorRC ZfrnUc P. M. id Mr^. Albert Stew art. -Miw Julia Velour, who U tciichlni; “ ’"o t'" hool ni HiiMlttin. spent Sumlay al | »p>' inley nnd Paul. 'I'ul u ,Mr. nnd Mr*. John Bnker. RocUanil. Nc iDho, nre vl.illlnR nt the home ol Mr^. - f '>> fllccr'.-i brother. Dick '/M l en rouir lo le coaxl.' ,Mrs..Fny Coon and two chlldnu wtll ‘ nvc Tuesday for jloldridge. Ncbri'kn,. vWt n t the hoiac of Mta. Cnsn’. par-

^ lra..A M iandn.W ilU onj^irrlw l Sun- ny Ironi O m aha,'N cbia.sku, HFVWf , , , - ‘7., I lhi‘ h o m ro n n T « in .J lH rlry Wlilllim, '( p , Mr. und Mm. Charles Wlley; Mr. nnd ^1 ,, lr:,. F. J. TOcvjt. Mr. und Mr.s. (leori’c « j- lo-MT nnd W. N. Tibbs nttoiided the enlMn .baiK ititl^a t _ tlic -l’r«byterlun .^.^y ,i iiircli In Uurley Tuesdny evoniui!. ifornl: Mr.nndMr3.ClnytonU.HonvL-r,Shcr* wm nn. Oregon. vLilicd :<t Ihc hoim- of A, i^niriI, Hoover. a .b roU ic rJliu ridu i',_____ _ jiH U tjMr, and M n.-M llo Lorcnrrn rctitfn- -----H o thcirhom c'ln 'Itocklanrt-T tierdny — ntir Ilcr, vL'iilnit nc the home of Mr. nnd Ktyiu rr>, Dick Zalil.Royal N dchbors m et TlnirMlny cvc- a C inir T n r - th fir-R ocm ritiec tin rr-A ftiT

lyed. Uulre.SlUUljiils wi'iL'.u'l led.byHfr- — Oof w tme;!, Mrs. Clnrenee Holli'nU-ck. li>. 105 Irs. James Cloughley. Mr'- Walter N d- )!i nnd Mr.-<. Cltarli-y Er,.ston. TheMr. und Mrti, Adolph Kocli ivli T u ts- Jumw ay morulnj: fo r Portland nnd when, iey ivashcri HunthiRton, Mr. Koch, who Bill •a drlvlnu th e cm-.-wn* sirlekcn with tevntl icnln;{Itls, uud became nncuiucioiu .Illh- lit llllvU 'liL 'a LItlli' l iupe wail —Ttit cid out for HI.S recovery lo:' u limir. Mr. 2Wr><lid-M rsrKocn.-hlsTnm hcr-anrt-fnthcrr--------ifl Wednesday for Onlnrlo where he mil BS taken to th e hospital, Tlicy return- vntlci

_ ---------— V a n i l l a - f l f t - T o c - i a - b c a

is d e l ic a te — p o o r ia~ ---------COTlring-whenit Ir f la- -----S ch iU ing-Y an iU a-pu

^ in g i t to a ch e t^ l BmoiherB daiaty dis

“ fiaTdy. I t la the pore z^chest Tanilla Eeans ■>

M apl* . (__ L4B0D

■ S lttm W«*Almoad

r . ------------------- --

V , ''t

A T T ,Y N m , _ - r T O m i i


v r n n i E ^ K I

lit'ffitv) ;c{ ii;inv;i.< <’H y iin n u ! j |]y bin ' W . I I . W e i 'k s ( k - r t ) is R cnornI nm

-PrW ny-r<iK)rUn«-.M i:_Koc)uaa_lmi--------OK'd.«K i_ iU Ina .Clui'.vii;t_cnlrrA alnM _l^_____uni! people or the Mf-litx'tn rhnlf nl

ThiirMMv_i-v..iiUii; • Gnniesi TO jilayotl h riu~ r uiiiMfunioUr^eil* itd . - n .-rr«>>ntnoin.’; wrrn !=crvwl._______

iJ J .sd a lc I ) i . s t n r t j p _____________Sell Old Schoolhouse

S-'DEN. Nov. ii -U '«n l nmlccs. hnvo I'n posted by the irur.iee.s of the Hllls- le Hclfuol caliini; (ur bids lo ptirchai-c I- old i>cliobl biilldiuR. ThvbltlK nr.' i-ioM' Oil Tut'.tdny. November 12. n l 2 M. T ho old bulldlnR of tr.imc con-

nctldn hn.>i bern replaced witn ti idem . hirHo buUdini:.Roy G ordon hu:: started cnnstnicilnn irk on oni- of th e finest Inrm loiue.s uf I 0 N orlh Side. The new homo will bo

l»y 44 feoi w ith full basement. M.. Suple;!. locnl coiwlrnctor. Iw.i clinrRe 1 •lho*^vorl«, ■ IAt llie ne.xi ihcetlni: of tho K den; rntiRr. u> hc iicld ncxL Friday cvrninK > jta llu ilo ii of officers will inki- ]ilacc. I le ifieiulMTS of Eden Loc Fltffn iK):il. will • r held Mondny evening. IE ._R._0.nsc.j:in.t«‘..i'.ii]:c.i»Mii'n aKcm , ir th c Idahn OrnngerK. wan a visitor.Frc SiiHfrcJiij’, from hl.s fjomc nl Dli-i- [ ch. . iC. D. Schmidp.uli hn.«i rcslRiU'd his po-1tlon nil oveiMiDr for thc HilM ule hli;h^,____ay d ls trlrm n d w llflo a v c ’sooirror Cril-' ornlu w here h f nnd Mrs. 8elirnlil;;;iil I 111 siM'iHt thv wlnler. They_]it;iti lo l . .'turn hero and live on their fiii’iii u rar I IllLflnliLiii-liiii-aurliu;_______________ j____

i:ypi. I

A ChlcuKo nnilfiuary ha.s a.sccntilni'rt int“ iti('-coiiiinljti!rvoyni:i'-rosr stiwuH------

105i havlni; orleinulwi in ArnblH, . . j- -

The iiosuiiio .Mnmi)'wa.'i Invonteil by Itme.-. Chulum In Entfland Its lU'J. | .

Billlnrdh woiv' Invented in ihi' kU*: • w n th ceiiturj' by Wlllinm Kew. ;

X) jfo rs . i-------

RnbbiT ern.'.cr.H for V ei'Plk Wfrc ln*i i-ntcd in U udon , m o . .


- '• ••

jCAutifuLivJitii-li____ _______

t a s t e a n d p o o r

flo sh y -a f td luud.----------------- ^permefltot! gvery- - |----

— i t _ _ n P v c r _

d ishes i n . n raw ‘

i re essence of tbe n s 'u n a d u ltc ra te d

. Coffc*] 4 7 S p i c t i ^ B a k in t P ow d tf

33 E s (r« c it------------------------- ^ -

k Will A

.----------------------------- . . iM .dUllI)imse.s n /iinioiw display <.i

n ia n a s c r of th e slm w. und .1. C. 1 'imlpTJlI lallnl

Ts a v

w a

^ (a rta i lU dlo '• P ro c ttm t

Bulfn-WDZ. Chbi- CladniuU-

■ Woii!i-\W aI'.' K inui


A mT il

225 SH O SH O N E SO .


D is tr ib u to rs f o r t h e Frederick

" ~ i F i f ^ P C E S I

Appear a

PEimKES5IONS[_lt;M^r;V...Vf)V, .H |-'<|)VCJ,.) )!■,vii—Koiif Sulurduy n-'uiiiv ui :h" ''.tlM'IUHils, sol Ict t i l l - d ii>..'s-;

up ilMie lo^t d in iir; ItitrvrK'. \ , | . ' lon. will nol be hcM ;iy,i- i i ' < i i ■ Hurley M-li?ol.i imi in .tii|i.';;i'. wnli •'

tnii I ; ‘l i l l . I ^ ^■ui;!iri;- to meuil>'’r- '.ll" Mh.iii j irit.il;;ii llu 'v iiT .l li.': L-’ "!*li ..'Mil in ?(1 vliii.M'-, .111 Sadiul.t. tm:. . it •>.. j ■lO'i'llii'tl lu Ill 'll .".;ilt;,..i ,u 'h l!ir' f ;lt;, b'l.ir'l. jl

ml. ll Is prr.nlll>-.l by l.r.i ttm: :li,' <•;;)rl hc.Nl i.;-lici'l <o: :i' 17J i!a> ■ ^;ilH III'- .- '.•hL'Ol y .a r. .-^ii;iin1;a m' '- JII.S wore ;.iiP';eMi'[l in im ln m v:i't iii ^• it-i|iilred nnm bfr di'r- hc-rini' \,i- <,Icinlim.'. T h .-b i.:iti ii. II rX--i.'r.ii'.:- <; will, l lv n(<<-;-ll'. l.iiii'illaUili

tu- ntlier p lun ' wh-:--!)'. '..iv> .an <•If.-/I' in llio miiiiiiiuiii imii:lj.'r ■:! iv- ^llr;l (l,!. '-. fr

i r a d n i t e . I i i m p i ' i - Die.-; | .

N, i ' . . P V. .\m.. % )H(UllH'. II iir<jln’'- '.m ,il ||,Ilill liiilr i»)i. ' !!llP!ir*n l '-llT l - iT Ii j; )Ullll- I’l-riV C.Vllli'V ;.li|,ii.; ;i l l .f lir a .1

■ .ipT rfH iiin r vii‘i " 'T ^ v n . : : i i r m ( r % '~ v l i .lnl til (ipi-n lllKl Mitillu,- IrU HUIJ J •t. .

Th e M a y t a g — d o e s a $ 3

w a s h i n g i n a n h o u r o r s o

s a v e s t h e c l o t h e s b y i t s g e i

w a s h i n g a c t i o n . . . p r o t e c t s y

h e a l t h b y k e e p i n g t h e c l o t h e i

h o m e w h e r e y o u “k n o w c o r

t i o n s - a r e - ; ; a n i t a £ y - , ---------------------


E K S O N HDW. C O . , -

r l c k - S a l l L ake C i ty , U tah


- i ^ ’ i l o a n ' " , . . .

iirEansaiI'k^v H idh School .to ..M u m ,

S hine One-Act Playlet• — J i cL!n 1)1

i:m .r-Y. NIV • 1 1 ' rsneci^i lo t h - rhts.- -Tii'-r.-ila;' e.-.rnin? Durley hiijliMhi- aril; '.wU in-'M-n; ll.« lirsl «lHHe pr.»* ;,l;ov,>. n

m il ..I ;l'.r r.l-,! in , u l tin- si'l-.nol an- lolniful,

Ai'(' P lc a so d l l) AiiiK

Activi* .A s.'^ocia li

M r. Robert Leoiwith tlic Twin Falls sl

______ S-V-E' Cliain.

Retail Deiiai-tmcn

• iloli" VVai noi- has cnjciyt' IH'i'ioiK'c in thc mcrehaiidi


^ - R a i$3.00 ■ Phone for a trial wasl

Maytag cast-alumir>umwashing action and Ro!

je n t le mover change your idei; y o u r I f i t doesn’t sell itaelf,hes a t Deferred payments yoi

n i E M .\ \T .\G CO M PA N . 'O n a i - , bu»4.4 IN)

tUTfjSuff= g 2 2 2 y



■ Dlslrlbutprs—Sal> Labe C

rsEu; pcn*T‘:.:?i

. '• i i

:um, Thi-y ato {o> ; flnc*oct play* . ...• lo|ilctliii:'u(;iiun luklnK place diirhin rt-volull'innry iieriod, liurinV Cjir* ..uL.Q e o ^ i n . ^ _es.' Hule dronini^will accen tua te ................arUMlc atandpalni, wllh coiiiimc » s. Kroup und Mlo' danclnii and n fill, old-fn^lWonrd choruii.

j f e i g c f e i i C o i i i - ^

i n o u n o o t l i o

l l i o n ( i f ■

311 W arner! s t o r e o f t h e ; '

h i j i f ■■■ _____

o n t S t o r e s

y e d m a n y y e a r s c x - : ■

i d i s e b u s i n e s s . . a n d

v h - e I ' f t i l l , n e e d s . i f _____

'ashlni!.''L«t the imtubiKyiafaani Roller W ater S o dea3«fwa«hday. df, don’t keep i t ; . ./ou-11 never m iuiANY, N c u lm i 1m m '


I ^ ,

T W IN F A U & ; i t t * « 0 : ^ ^ ; i

s .C l ty . UJiK

Page 10: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."

■“ f t i i O t o . .................

loiifflijiais- ^ - T n i d i n g = D i 3 | i i ay e ' « I ' l ' ' |

S h i c k e i i i i iK . U n U l T o w a r d j •

. C io s u o f T i i i t e r H w M ' D a y i

. . ; — ' I

— l " H * nKi:T8 «T ,A r i i a ti r F ~ [ ;

' SEW VOHK. Nov.'ll c.r,- IK(o<-it«r !

Iiirm i:-' li'l'Ht mvr«li!itnl l»- ]»u« HI t»ir clriii»ii'>. .

CiJili: Wr.k. n r id tc llufitl mitl tilurf Idrolo 13 , • I

FutrlKll RX(■11AI1 ;. .Irllliii: »lowrr,

collonr t/i» rr; n..,' csl.lr- niiO wc.V: ' Itock in»tkfl. / '

Biignr; fji-y; ,i«il mnikfl. 'cotfpr; Dcilliinl; <11-uyiiulll'lini . 'IV '. iZ

mutHrl. —C.'IIICA0}J: r j i i l - ' irtrr<i:iir JJiV «l<-n<lv '<> l"" 'f• OlUc[.Ii,atKr(,. d..s«l

IJy C l.it'D K A. JA<ilSV:it 'Pross Kiimw-lnl VVilUT'

NEW YOHK. Nov. 11 -'riic m u r - '• w;iK cnisliMl 10 .

(•(I dlirlllK llir M 'niii .M.i.i.h IJ.tllll ll 'l" ' -— rriKlliritHinwirhWTrDf-iretHni;- i.h1i.¥ .- -

HS fiirllirr iKiulili'llon iirnrnr-^-;t-lmrnrlor wns duini'cd uiit'> m:'iki't. m

•m c liw i» r.oliililf AlPliirkoiilnu Iinlll t ’)'*;iril t!u- c tiw nl iln' Uiii:c*liour KP.s.ilon. m«l ihc Ik k rr Imtl; Xi

------- kf|iirWcl>-oUnnu.i-oflille rii;.l» ot jirlUiiK tnnlcd the dny's lo* Jj ml M ks Ul :i.au7,ifio i.iiiirM, siiKiiiiy i-x-

■ cci'diiiK Prlday’!. lum uvi-r'o t :i.;jU,000, Ai Kmcvi wrri‘ dfP!'c<-''<»';

' ' -I liraTWmtST'nrdHhr-SUiitlara.iiuiUa^^-i,;____ t o J’n-M liKlliN'.i • 11-_____ o t j l l «TOU|H rtiiclicd iii'w W U-vrls for

til? ycnr. — ^TllC bankmg co:i.-.ofl»ini iiii|inri-iilly ’ n

JcplliiK tlm l Ull- voliiiiii- of bcllins'ttii-s Jl •~ ~ ~ n d c !.uut' f i tu u iii tn-w il-tur itmcraciK v -,r t

• meaMirc.i. . rrlcr-s ill.',iilay«l U^coHruB*; liiKly m ile re.^Ut^lncc to Un- Mlllntf. c

' . Vn*eUUae K«ni<« I>^nW I J-'• Tlirrt* WUJ. no t miicli In H»' iwwh , t(i niiise ivny fiirtlici- inrowls iipoii siicc* ■ o iilntivr ronfldpilcp. liut jiiwritilni; r u - , o

. mors wlilcli *crP )>rom|iUy dinilcd In un* ijiorltallvc (iiiaricrs liikn -lll« l l t e iil* ; i>

"really Krnvf M;itc ot ncrvw. . nCnll ninncy licld olllclilly nl 0 Rcr. j’

• cciil. ultliouKli U *xs iiviillnblt' In ltn‘ n oiitMdc m nrkct-flt 5'v. MoM a l a r n tm ; ! ^ rci:iirclcd tlic 0 |icr cent role ll u ilU ic ln l.; j,'

• bcllcvltiB llm l bnnkln« intcri'.vU (cor u , ci dfcinie wmiW rrau ll In heavy wUlidmw- , «i

.«U by both dom caic and lorelRu le n d - 1*'' c n In order lo *ilucc llielr funils n l ; •: more liicriiilvc rules elNcniicre. . i u

W ceV-eni UaMncM rpvlrwn pointed lo I Ecmc lurilie r prlcc-cullliiB In 'n iilo n u i- ' g

. Wlfs nnd radio nets, lidC Uiese | „Itidastrlcs were striigKlliiR wllh over- j,.

_____pnxlHcUon and keen cornpetlllon before n— F.


Iiimrotitoin oJ a »UonB*r dcmiml lor iw- j I! lulon. Imiiisni « qiiouiTon of HM Jor No. j,<I Pll ttin >nf«> fn*flift. yf»lcnl»y.

- — __:^ 4 s iThn# p r im aiTebUltifd diMy »t 4 r,**

. . e’ttofk la Uie *il«n*on and ai« la- lo (endtd (o eor»r snljr th* of jOl

-prirt*.-Wi<tr« n n tln du le n tgr ih s i t , , q _______prrlodi ot>« Mun Ui« quotrd 1,,

— ! ~ n ^♦4*oien^T rt^*P tf» t t ' ' ‘O ' !kboultf na t aoMottd t t reHerilat e i- ; , m a t i o t c l t t t t M tt ot law ptltw. i>>

- TJio T ina n U f dltulct mwnei je*lcnlBT ; «H u (oilowa: ____

u i« to«k ' ;l.lBhl biilrlicm —....... ..........................JBSO]l:

. ........................ 8 a i k

—ronltrr gl

Hf»yy hm*. 4 li Ita. and up. l»ou ib t tiew. unaw *\\ its., lu--------— i ^ iLrsliDriu,-beni. 16. .................- . _ _ . l i e . l jCMKa. It I ___ I I «iwI g

— eprlnK«t». ictlwcio . . a i« .............. I M .ITl’HKKVS '

YdllllH IPin». t l l«llM i . . ^ ..........— 32C(Yoims •irfi*. # I'onnrti .. ........ 20c;No. 1 nvf to™ . H iwimrt>....................2«C.

.— — lto..uue-hcti»..ia-paimai---------- -----------------o i r t - t o t i t ' . ' ___—..........I,- . .

Uo. 2 lom«. UtrraRl • _ , .....................I tc .(Irr^v. ‘ . . . . ' ”Uucki —.............. .. ......... To I g

D»ii? ' IButUrMI, »»**l ---------------

___ liuiieriit i o u r -------------- ---------------- 4<c ,• rsK iricu iu "


l i « l ................... W.M'ro u to a I

1«uv>Pl< ... .............No. 2. .......... . ................. »H0 10 » l.» j

Hfgf f I<ltP«l Nortlrtrn ___________ UiO 10 M.OO' ,Kifd M lilcoai ^ ................ — ,......,H.OO| '

7 « 4 ''5'. Ui«rt CJorcr.,____----------------------------M e:,f i a vH,;.. :- r r - r r rr!K ;

— « . - " 7 -IJuo U t .............. — aic ;} Wh«at U i MlU r« rt

Uraa, MO l^ io U - ............. ..................t l 3> |Itlack tood. 100 Ib loU ....,■ ll.SS* , fxocK food. UO 11). l o u ____________ «I.W

----- fl'ni*‘uVi’m '..... ’----- >

• Umona. do ien --------------- —w.co« fttia soc ‘

- • J4itue9 ----------------------- 7J «

• rw iS tfc '^ 'u n il------------------------ -------- *

V : . ; y ;


. - . ’ Y0U R 6 G 5TT1W GI Cl o s e r , SH SiiK E ,' • «

• • BUT NO D H^VE(^rT ffI • COT IT 'f E T . NOU’L l V'I . K E E P ------- ^I • \ O lCG tfO G V A T ' lT. /I . A t t 'S g o t t o b b /! ' ■ V P E R F E C T . y ■

I -------


ajWCKW. : _________ __ ____________ Oloilng B

~ v riV. I'n'.v lh - GOl'l n i K t --------'mIK <'h..l Mltf ■. I'..

.A m /-'“ 'l.r IMf t (ir-nt Snri:i'llj i

■ Aiirwm K Itr!-------------iiW »l..l-‘|.-U»!il.f—- -, Am ttim llf. IW in Crnl hun-TTT-rr--------------

' A'm''i'r''l>‘‘''l 'l ' KciiiirroU< AlrliMK T A: H . : i l Kolxcr lludio

u a ^ . t i____ i n . , -Kiuti lOfu tri'is-Mli»lt A; uhli). IH S Krrtitr ib!. Uf*

: A x m i r « r n u - -llrlli Hlrrl I.lKlt \ Mvcl' Ti)1>

’ fnllf I'wi;^n»i!-‘l’’Jr •M «^1»'| l ''. ciii<r-u

Cft"r Tliroli M"> ll I jl MlMoiirl f»Pl»if P - c ^ ^ r . i ^ i -____ -^w ;.

; c I T hi l'li ' !’»'• I'l A

j Chry»lrr I'UIJI ' i j s ’* n ' u

■ rllill'"’’n'"f*nr't ^ w ‘sou'^Uay .v i Cou :i‘i., N!lnhrr^i''i4^‘lll-‘Ciirtl-S rtrt.i l-ll 1-iuVnr.l Miilor

I S K W * '“ “1 iHil-oiH <!.• NiMl l"l'> ' ' ' ‘III Jl , ., I:«IIIUII K.kI-1. I t t ' . ITMlri.-nil"-I ltl-

' OmI W»U.'» <i) I’i' r^ n ii i mli IIIi^Oll'lili'l' . I l ' j !l*'luilt.' ll.'l l>'ort'

I llin slork uitiiUi-l ili-lKicli',• 'A dl'oj) Ql I t ' . imliitN In Uiilli'il SUiU';i ( ' SU'Ol to :i ii'iw Iniv for the niovimenl at . m I i 69‘7. wlifch I.S only [loim.'' .'ilwi'i-'Ji'

U).*' ot Ihc ye.ir. Klvcs nn liidlc.Uluii of Ihl! .si'vcrliy of H'p dcclliu'. (li'urr.il KIrcIrk droppofl 33 polnta to « m-w l&ill low Jll JOa. and New York Ccnlriil liroki- , 13', point.', lo 171. iil.so n new butmni for the year. Amerlcnn Cnn iiiiiibli'ii

I IS’s l» ln i lo u new low for llio vnir at loO’i. Che.^ni«'iikc nnd Olilu, C.m.nil- . i.i..i,.i n . „ -rnru i’rodtffl-1, (iHi.-itc iS iifclv Riisor nnd Deccliinit r.u'ku'iii i 1 were niiioniri.wieH Vcniim :.t ‘ i'f-t)CV ~ ' low llielr minlnium levels fo r lo nn'nilis . jo r Jliwr. J b d la Montuonn'rv W.iul. . I SUind Oil ot N w .Je rw y , unU G.'iur.il v ■^doU)tAJmt.»tMuLa_io 4 polnt^i. AiijT- _ •I Iran TelfDlione dropped. 13 |wiiiV. m ! "09. whicli IN!»iwlnLi tllRHU U.s lu* .m i —j ] thc iiiuvcmeut. ,

OIN i;irvatt)r Drop.' oO ' f Inleriiiitloniil H i t .s l n e > s Mai'lihi.^* |

' (lro i> |ir< liw ln t.-i lo n ik 'w 19'Ji* li»v nt | i l i 'i , aud ll trw U'tuc.'i .MilfcrnfwUliT

;ilo»iM. Abrnham and S trn iu , iit.i Ull'. j

lj PnmiiioiHtv mnrkets were iiiiKtly de- ■“ ! ( prc.i.'cd. AlliioiiKli lliO"u!tT<e!np»-<)«if4tj—tTOrmac-wn!c-clowd-!n'<>l)*-"i''’ ii“ -uL —

Amvl-Hlcc day. wlicut wo.s uiuUr prr.s- I I giiiY on torcUn markcui. <

If mOmiisM u'Cie tJull ai)il(.ilr- :!;ly Rieiifly. nltlimigiv slerllni; e.iiii,'., 1

t'get! 1 10 of II ccnt lo J4.07. | ^

;! E a r n i n g s R c p d i ' t s ]

•: _ - .NTW YOttK;C‘KNTnAI...... - i'i NI'-IV yOBK. Nov. N.'V,' '- Y o r k Central railroad r n w r h i;i'l iii- ’ 1 comc for lite Ihrcc tnohllv. endrd Seii- —■

' tembcr yo of $n,«7.890, nn tiirrc;!^ ol e uvcr tho Uko pV,lod ol tltclai.'.,

year, ’i'olul ne t for l«e llr.'t IhrrL- > iiiii-a.i.<wrf.UML.Mar_ujrp SIH n;ia JOO. an

^ , mcrcna- ot SM J05.B01. ' i , Hi

-----------------------------------------------------— I U(

Stock M arke t ■ Averages I JJI

J MBIV YOIIK. Uoy. Jl W— .'.wrXrl } I .V) . VII V< iO - r -----------— ---- — Indl*___UulLili. l-ill' xl3

■;ri«mii* U.V • IM-iS. m yi*; Wnli •eo—HullJfar. . , ' ' * . *'.Y r« rn i;o IBIJO* l» in jx' . innii. W i .. • m w • iPi*-' 1?i 57

Jl t<mv YOUK. Nov. II i4V--iim,r;i j 'r Boxrnmoiii tundt clot«):«. Ui>»ttv3',* M-47 . . .

.... '_________ted . > » ;'n nil

« Tt w u S .. ■ m h r« TrecMUfv 3%» IMO-O . »W ‘u ^I -------nwrSEvnn-------fe5 NEW YOBK. Nov. 1,1 J.I'.-H ar .'UN Jf ■c A-or43^c; Mexican dollnrs-ac,I'. d«;* . V . ---------■ cl* MUNBY Sfl

NKW y o tlK , Nov, n i/11-Call mun. to• ey: Bloadyf-fi i»er cen l a ll day. ci S Time loni»s:_Blcady: 30 days i3; W lo Ic

■ n days 0; foiir io 's lx n u n llu C. w< Prim e coinmorcUl popcr &71 to 0 .'... .

« . 'Dnnkcrs’ neccptftnccs: Sicndy:-30davir w

* m b n il i r^ k riVB-'to 6lx moiiUa tlj f c i o . i s . -; I*

O A l L y M K W S r T W H ^ f A i

^ T H S R £ ' S S O 1.ITT1.E TO 0 0 ' ' « E N . - W s J O - I T S ' O N e J J F T H ? . . -■ f t H A R D E S T I EV E R T A C K L E&

i p m fP i t t %y t i r S s — *

_____________ : __________


W h -i m i i i A H iifc 8

ILm - ---------------li-; - ! — '-y,'

iva"* ^liiilri'i^^iii' ' ■ n«

= r —

;.ll|,rr C3>. flUI.'l Oil :i Y Jl 1;,\ ‘>1

l.r R w i T iTfrnTJ^rlF.---------------\V«tll I' H S'-H 'i'-l'' u

.......1 ' " '.-AlllMil. IJ|0 . »;iirll» VVilUlr. 1'‘-Il'll-''’ M I 'n in MviiKi r,r , I'l . NKW YOUK. I.'... 11 I'. .'S

i ? . . i ^ n i : ; s ; ; : i ......- n* Vi', Klrc ll'.iiil i M.«|'' 1^’. “

.IIK ■ ii'.i, Kl.-c llniii: A; .''hi.f i>I l" . '\ .MIMW '(pl. Uylf Oil oM-i. '-'■‘‘- l l .

•:2 Ilrcln ilniliTt H '/,11-, N-ti-c/U'ATM,;}'; l iT . tl

, n :.0 l)..lkCrrrk i.im'. 2 '. |,

i l i

c u i c . v d o i'iii> rn :c i; | ! 'C inOA O O , N o v .'l l I-V.' - - riiiilU'.-: 1'

AUvc. .sleatiy; ie;:cl|>U'i U c.irs; tcwS iJc : j-;irliiK.s tne : No. inc; ro o s ti- r -r I'Ji'. T iirkey r aJc. Heavy diick:i :!tc. (.icir.'-c llic lo 20c.

Potato Mjufket i)--------


_____CU lCAtiO . Nov. 11 i.V>—(CnllfdSlnle> l)rit.irlm rtit »f AsrleuIlufFT ■*■ ^ -I'u la tii r>'(fi|>ts I0< f in , on track ' 3!»3. l-'jjJtrd .SJaJri >Iiipmrnl> 'Sn lunlny :t: ear. Snnday 34 r a n :

. ___trn Tll**f 'ilflM'i Wls* _• whites to

ncAutii'iind North UawoU iiafki;d jrnund'U tilte!) S7.10 tn S tU ; saekrd ' iIted lU vrr Oliln^ K.SO to $U 5 ; i(iiiuth Duhntii Mirltrd round whllrn |S'MO «n J 2.r / ; Mcked Hariy Ohio-* jS3.in i<i S3.15: Idulio M rknt H unets tSJ!3U to S3.1S, inuslly |2.S0 to >3JI3. ']

J roT.XTO, SHIPMENTS | I SAI.T i:A kl. l ,IT y rN 0 V r4 U J! te_ j

(United S ta in DrparUnenl orAfTls-----e u ltu rrl—Novnnbrr 0 total United '

: S U tM polalii khlpiiienta C37 car- ' londHj | i r i n r l |M l \ u in — California :iO. Colnrndi. .'.K. Idahn 70. Maine

_ IK^. M leU kan 21. a im ifM to C4. Nf* |

v;uila Jff, lVa\fil(i((flti 4«. U 'Isfon- ' nIi i 3S.' • '

Novcniber ID total Unlletl S tates ;yK lilpnw n ts -K r-p rlne liH l-^m a----------'fiU irornU 20.- • ............. - ...............

_____ I

l j L IV E S T O C K M A R K E T S

i C m C-.\(iO I.IVKSTOCKCIUCAOO. Nov. lT~i.vi -~ ~ lU n lle J ■

.Sintw D cparlm i ul of A firlcullum —

1ltoK.^: R ccclpu 47.UOO, Includlns 30.000 . till ccf. m arket Mcmly to lOo lower; t o p ' j $D.40 pa id for around 380 |>ound wetshts'.

’ bulk 100 to 300 pounds (0.30 to (OJS;' to m t9 lc psrk jiii ;):

iow.^ $8 (0.20; inlchcr.^ intd iu in to ;,LdlQlC!LJ:5Q_L0J 10_i5O !Jji^^^ to M.40: ' 1 I'uo lo 250 pound.\ *8.30 to $ 0 .35n ro W

I 2CU jmundfi $9.7i> la tfiJO;, 130-to ICOII h)onlld.^ «B.CS to W.W. packlns m w s i ° I S7.a.'i 10 »0.C0; Ills*, medium to cliolcti

i&U io l3 0 iwiiiids M iS 'tO t# :------------------J C.7tITorTtH T!tpCr^.000,--rolyM 3000:

' i yciirllliRa nboul hteady: olheni alow; 11b- ' j ;v r .tl .Mipjiiy H-eUlUy stccr.i hci’c : curly ,i U ll hp.ivies <13.50;.lnni ygarllnm .

X nUiiitcliier cIouki steers sood nnd cltoice .ntxi in Jfiiffl .nouiuls a ia ,to .

;* noo |K)Uiid» SI2.&0 to SIS.50; DM to HOO liounjLs t I 3 to S15.7}; fpd ycafllnE<i.'B(x^

' [.un l i.'.iuK'; "liO.lii B50. pniin fh .a in ifH> . - jtr t: Jiclfcn.. gcwd and cholcc BSO pounds

down 113.35 l o ,$18.25: eow . tr»«l clioicc »t.M lo J10.2S: c u ttm -.J I 'iO -lo SO: iHillt:. Eood und cliolco (1x^0

. to $10.3&: veukT.i tm lll(.trd) gbod ciiolcc 81: : ^ to $16.75: atocker » n d |

0 feeder uteers. 'cood ,nnd . cholcc. oUi weliihU'SlO to 811.35. ' ' '

.. , Sliccp; nccclpts 10.000: opcn ln j bIov.I g weak 10 SSc JoAcr; choice laU I13.S3 r to •13.8A; bldiUntf 813.35 on bulk ! » •IS tlvca; I tit cwcj ftcRdy. is .to IS.60; teedr

tUittily, f lS J i U) r - ' .


^ / ? IP TUB pROBAriOfJ OKa i ^ f u T B j o G R E S S s s t o B 'V^ IN) L O W D O M I m a n W AK Jm " T H R O W IN A M O N JK 6 S V\S {~TO S L O W T M fM G e U P . TC

I I "lim i£

E _2 o l *pj.i m<l' .l*-u,‘u t l 2 tft fnlj

J i s a s ; cwta, rordJiHJi in cholcc 150 to l I |ioiind.n down 840510 SO.?:.: feeder lambs crs cood tiiid cholcc 812 to SIJ. $9.l>

----- grai■ ST . JOSEPII I.|Vi:ST<K K rr.i

ST . JOSEPH. Nov. II i,V ,-lU nlled Kiiiu-s.D cpftrlmenl of Ai;rlailmrir> — / '

Palrly acllvi-. m.irkei inaMly -•U-ndy wllh Sntui'day; i.-p $0.15 for load

ofw 1,0,-.,■. i.,.lk bcM 170 10,"^m -poiim iK -TO -to T ''i 'n - l i ' '3 iM 'iniuii'. kinds down ii».$a.76: .x(d l.iU Mb lo 160 . _

IKiiitids J855 lo lii'jvy li'ic . MMrCi’, ,• ii-ir .7.10 jw u o j B'flt'Jjt.'. jimiyrJJy ,,

iMckiim klndh around ST .'o.■ "sncrp rn p cp ip L '; snnnrxo e .irlrT ia ton

for lam a: aaklnit uciulv nrki-s: naed *, Viieep ocurcc. --- -------------- --------f,V'. Cuttle; Recclptn 4000, r.ilves 700: n m , Inrnelyraiixero llcrln ijs: very l l l tk done ; on kUtuKhtcr Bteeri: enrly sulc i'iin tlvc > -lw l-ye«rllng6—an<l— J«w -Ioads.cu lto r v'*''

nf „r.i.,f.. ,0 2ic """. lilBherrfccdcrK Fcarccr^tfjcKcrs'kit'm iy, I - ^ =Sca=natlmJciU 'E iirlltiK-> J '3 «o S14.25:|y* ^— i:i'ii.vs sfniijh icr btw rs l l i i i lo 810; b e e f ; ^

I to $0.60: medium biilln si>."5 in S7.2-'):'"‘' | . r lm ic - vpfll. i i a ^ ; iMrlv Hulk .Mockers

•$10.50 10 8 IU 5 : sloc'k cilviM 4iu.:ij W ™

• « > •» • . _____ M.:KANSAS CITV J.lV tSTlK 'K

KANSAS ClTY.'Nov. U .-.r.-iU iiltcd nm.'Siau'.' d epartm ent o( Aiii'leiilinn*' — dcciffiS'.s: Rtvcliit.i C5W; ntaslJv s(f.id)' •

, 111 ll 'r lower than Smiinlay'.'- avi'riu:i':. .Mock plKS IGc lo 2.SC liUlii-r: ijip $0.30 h‘ lllll l.’I5 to 350 pound Uulk (le.'tnibk 170 wjv' l l u :tllil 18.00 to JB.i:.; HO lo ICO cns• ||)i)i;nil., $a.M to $'J; iinckUu: ;o\v.s $7.25 con M lo SB25; htock pis.s *7.:’.'i to J7.7i; lew Hic 1 J7.!iit, . , .Mk; . f iH ik : liccclpta 2:1,oco. ('.ilve.s 4000: rep■ 1 Iiii.ii. t \e ry slow; b»-cf In Hbcr.1l Cul

i.iiliiiiy; I'Inlcatloiw y v a k 'to loft'cr: bei- on11-f I;^:•.(le^yearlllu^(l compurilvely scarc?. Cni

■ ' li"A- tarly w lcs *tc»dy. uilklnij lower on rus , i ;nu-i unidw she slock und bulLs; veul- \ ;.*j rn. ■ii|wilnK-«tOBdy;-.-wolahfcy ualU ; am

..« i'a'< ; MortjiTs and fecdera ;.low; nroiiiid doi :.',nuU' Wllll |U!;l wcek'« dull dO;.o: bUTr: i la Ird hiceru chcibk to ic ir tirpiind Siy.W 1 i to $i:i.50; eholce ycnrlintfs held iipwnrd poi

■ Jl) $i.'>: Icfl, luv cu ttcr cow* curly S4iO tin• Vu Jl./.'i: vi'iil top 813.60: bulk stockers vio

und lecdcrs.$8;iO to 810.75; choice slock cer j-liTiV!,‘ r;jln-.. #12.25, * Ma

‘Kliecp; Hrci'Ipi.N 4000; Inmb.i .steady; ten— -^l^»4•p.<.uol^:_^;atlx.lo^Jcd.lnnlbs 812.50: ■]

.'unic licld hli;her; m ost nutlvcs down- ier w.ird Iroiii 5ll.7j: top cwcs S5.70. dci

-------- ctn__________ OMAHA U VESTOCK $3,;

OMAHA. Nov, 11 i/T)—lU nllcd Stalir. ' ” ’n i|) ,u iii ,n ii ':8i , ru r t ir - _

necc ipu icooa.i'Mivfi.iooo; iiumi klltiiiB ^ clii.'.M-;. M-ry :l0'*> w euk .to 35c lower: "I’l vraN v.n\k to 50o lower; htockcr and feed.'i' s ic m tiiK'UliiB slow.-uroimd 25c Job<t; Inl . icpe!, untl ycarlliiK.1 8J2.25 ’’ to s i i n ^ jn i - held hlijhcr; fed h e lfe n '

■$13.'J5 to sm •.•.’i; i;rn.« liclfcrs 88.35 lo $9; - . irtav. .n'.T. < i;r,nm tii- bulk nll-rutler.s »

85 to $!i; lucditim native bulLi 87.35 to ^ 87.75; lew heavy »hlppcr.s 88; Wc.slcrns . '

= 3 g 3 g a r a > ^ ^ . . i . « r irlnfl^ tO; yeni lon , $13.50; Mucker nnd feeder stccr.i $0.77 tu $11: yearliiiKs $11.00.

Slifcij; Hfccint.'T AMO; .75 fwr ct'Jil of lamb MJiijily ti'<-dcr»; slniightcr nnd Iccd- ' im: Inmbs l ^w, « rak lo 25c lowt-r: Miecp

_ .:Jiu tdv :.ta rlv s:ilen Mlnuvblcr wcMiled _ lamb.i $11.7;. lu $12; Blnughler pwc.s Sb.50 down; »h<m irn n brccdtnic cwe;t iiji to ‘• SiiiiO: this prill- l:ikln(C ewes mixed nnd

. . . . broken ujid-iulid.mouths.___________llo s i: -Itcccii)i.i 6500;, s tcn dy .lo . lOc

iowrr; ma 'tlv fflc loircr to uliJpfwis; b/n puckrr.s bldrtitu; ir>c lower; lop $0 on 215

" iKiinid buic1u'[»: bulk 300 to 300 i>omid buleherx $875 lo 88^0; 160 to 200 pound llUlit» SR70 tn S8.85; packltiK tOW.H 87.75 r i

” to $11: nu icfllcr p ig a o n o flc r . M

- J ------------- «CiI)»;Nlu5E51DCiS____________— OOl)F.N. Nuv. 11 m '^ lD n ltc d SUitc.i W DPjiarim^nt ut Anrlculturei—Hoa'>: f?e- ip ; f c lj iu I Hli; hardly cnoush h rrc to tcM»; m arkcl: lew eaily m Ibs uboul steady ■ 5: w ith Fridny: k l 115 paunds 88.73; odd . . .la i JjCHil JurklDC Ml*;. 87,75 to 8fl. ' i-t lo C atlle; ,llccrliii:i IB21: acUvc. RciicraUD: ly hWody w Mrons; .'i» t3 hlBhcr: &cv* jJ.

50 810.33: lood choice feeders 810; bulk °vs Rood fecdrre 88 r-om $0.80; totnm on ondM) medium 80.25 10 SB: uood h c l le n $7.75 to fv— $8,35; -ra minoiv um^ incdUim $.S5(1 liil)im 0; 87.50: bulk pnnrt.mu.-i.nmuud-&7; com . ,, , >4.. r u i f ;iinl tr'> ^u .im ^» .. t n to 8C.50: m irt ^ l>- Toad KtKxi eow.1 nfOimn ST. tuniiuuu aiul '751 ly medhirp eo^.n $s to SQ.SO: p a rt lond KOodb-. heavy calviM $10: fow nu-dlum nih-M SD, y,,. ce . ijiiecp:, Hceelpta 2705; no early sale-i. |.et12_________ : ........ - » = r T - ____________ ___ »ti00 l*OUTI.AXI) LIVESTOCK JciXl PORTLAND. Nov, 11 (A’l — tU nlted p<,

ds ccipui 2050, j}jcji/{ll{}g ® d irce i .mni ,JSS jS id throiiBli; market, ucllvc: kllUnc claiacs . lo BcneraUy 2.V- liigher; bulk llalit. butch* •' 75< era $10.35; nue d o u b le d ^ 810.35; Strang thi Id tt'clsht* Ulld hcuvlc* >f>.75 dott-n; pack* id iDU MU'S miuUy 87JS to 87.60; »tron|i ' l ll l w elghu and heavies >0.79 down; puck- wo

InR Mwi mo&lly 87.36 to 81.50: bulk y . l alaughtcr piRs $0.25; bidding up to 89.35 1 S3 fo r rcpder pJs.<; iiotj^ » W c a r ir ; u o l Ur a - fliatiy horo. . • ..d f ' CatUe:RccclpU2IOO,cafves300; mnr* j x , k e l Otfculuii ia in y wU vo; b c iu x s r a d u op

' ■ ■ ■'

o r T o d a T N ’ " I« W E L L O V E R ] . V

< W R B M C H /T D T H E y .

Iigfiiiiv btrady; several load.i hU h.medium lo fairly good Ktccr« ilO lo Oin- — crs SO down: p a rt load good helters $3,50: considerable showlni; metllum (frudt'»850 lo »9; nilxed cowt and Ijelf- cr.i up to $8.50; llltlir done early on lo*'. , medium nnd undergrade Klnd.'C no bulls n r calve.i sold early; talking generally around ^lrndy.

Sheep; Jtccclpti 500: no early sales; lalkU)),' scnernlly jtr.idy , j.

s a n V hVn c is c o u v i :s t (k ;k ISAN FKANCtSCO. Nov. II M'i - - Unit*

cd Slatr.s- U e[iarlmriil of AiJi K'uUiiro— H to : Hrri-ipLi 13^0, tllri-cl IhO: .‘■icadv:.tluh.k.idy.,i:.0_ t o _ . l 00 iv)u;i(Lldiiho.' SlU.75: under nnd over Wi'r;hi.i $10 to .S10,2.V few loads llkht welKht Calltor- i}}a.t 510.50 to 810.W; odd JOT p « lJnn r — m '3 $8.75.. C.Htk; ftccclpLi 550; 160 stock eo-.v* . '

tliroimli: market supply ino.slly medliinii nnd uiiiifr: about Klcmly; few iut.s me- dlum iira^u u c c r i 83 lo SOJfl: two loiiil'

^lirrr^ ^ . • . n r m u r - ~ : bulls K'aled: Saturday few lot i ilirow -j ■; Utjt ..Idi.i itS.'JtJ: Csh 'i’’ ; '40. ppiiioililmt dotir: Kootl to tlioicc llnlu vcaU ; m t g;<«nituHv.nmm:d.to S14. : v ii

Sheep: itecelpt.i 650: ili'iidy: d;‘ck ' shorn 74 iKiimd Orcftuii inmbs sil.25 ;>trnicl>i: deck ;iiedluni to i;u<xl wuuled ^ CaUfornlit.'i $11.25: deck mixed ycaiiiiig.'t S nnd two yeiir old w cIIutk .SD.25; jiart dccl:e*ej$i>;.oddIol.s5r, IOS.V50, ‘ }

SUOAU . jNKW YOUK, Nov. 11 i,i',-U aw .iiiMr.| •'»

Wju (jUlvi luday, bu l the undertone was 1 easier nud ihere were olterini: «l im- i “ 'j controlled u i ronces.'lons nl l. Ki; or on j the biuLA of $;i.71 duty palil. Rcliiiets ; shoi'.'Kl no inlcre.M nnd no ;>ak:'. werei reported. I l ie MukI'- :.elllni; aweney In Cuba nceciucd birf-: d fsi.R j.r.o . It, Cuija I on ISOO toas for Novt'inbiT.Milpiue;u to 1 Connda bu t rejrctcd Novenibcr lo. 1-Vb- ! ruary shlpincn’..s from Diropc.-.n buyers,

lucrcase'd'oIterliiR'i In the si>oi markeiand-tlie-dUuppoliilUuc.UiowhiK.utXan:____don were re.'i)otv,lble for ah exsler tone ;

■| ia fiiUire.*. ; — ......... ■I The market iipened imrluiniicd Ui 1 1 point lower aiul cimttntu'd e.i.iy w iu i ' tlnal prkea 1 to ;i pu tnu Ix'low ihc prc- ; Vlou-H clOie. Sales wetc 27.700 t<jn,«. Uc* ' eember closnl $1!H. January SISC. ; Alarch 82.02, May S2.io, .luly $2,17. «cji- • tembcr $2.22. • ’ i '

The cujikr Imie lu tin- r.iw m arkri lends lo rc,strklTiu;.lik,‘vSlir rcfllieTulva-r-- demand contlnui'd ot a Imnd-io-moiiili ctinracler. Price;, ttere iincliutiued a t ' $5.25 for fine i;raiiu;au'd. __ . ___

im iK l) I 'K f lT 1 1■ 'l u m c.M i . . i l ..IV i : i'.j)ji']»(<iUj—

apples: h r m ; .cliolii-jr.'ji'j laiiey 1G'.;C |to 17c. , ■ ■■ ; '

Prune.s; a tc .id j; Cahlovnlu a ';C lo ,, 12i'.-e; OrcBon lie. 1.) I5 '.e . • 'i t i

Aprlcob; Sicady; ^^alulnrd 15c lo ICr; ; cholcc 17'jc to IHi-; pxlrn eholec 20‘lc. I

. Peaches; Sieady; s tandard 15e; clloiee |

' IlaiaSiu: BIcmly: iuo.'-i: imi.'iCMvk i'-.c ; )o I lo 8c; choice to tiliivy seeded O’.c to U l'4 s W « - * M d i £ a a . i k ' l < / - .............

----------------— r r rl*OltTI.ANl) CKAIN \vo

POUTLANI), Nov. 11 .,1 — W heal! ■ , nmrket cluscd today—holiday. | uvI • , ------ - • ! U.

--------------- DHNVKlt-SIIKKP----------------‘ rirUENVEft. Nov. ll'.V,-iih<-ci>:

I 30,COO.' Incliuhm; Iii.<iDil throuch und uj Acvcrul loads dlrei'l to traders: early bld^ m

. on ltircc~lOTd.^afl;imbs offcrcdrlitKh* p: [ r r i cwc.i'atnidyT-ttt'o londs-$4iO,'iwrled ct \ 50 out n l s;i; asUuig lully sicady on 1 l«dcr.v •* . ' , iuI ~ . . lu

‘ EllSTEiSTiRiiNflT i :iyi)[E!;i80iSlESTS’'; ,;_____ J.C; BURLEY. .Nov, u ' ('Special to T il-

NcwM—Masons iitid member.s of ihe E w tcni fitJtr order Rittiiorcd 111 tin? b.wi*

' quct table Friduy rven ln ; hi ihc Ma.un-• hall. Rouiit vcnijoii took the pla;':^- **'

[ on thc metui ul lhe.^c oltalrii given nu*• huully by the Mnsons. The mt■mb;^ 01’ Evergreen chapter. Enatern Star, w. re •' SrcesbHsf-llie-MnMrtiMhe-luHer tiiriiU-h-• lug'lim l nerving the dinner. ------- -J Th/iw fit llif binnj»ct H'cre r?‘'7cTI! RObliauii.-Bolsi:. past' et*»iw-ntirt—i-ii ‘ ler. 0 . C, Bnker und Roy Painter. The 1!

' I'ectlcn'Of Ed Schroudrr. Amonu iho.su ~

ifcaturca vicro Mrs. Pred Culer.Mrji. Ike 1 PovrcTK) Frnnce.<Lobdcll. Caroline Coop-'i• r r and the Mnsoiilc gunrlelle. Almiit.y i a .«-crt a i -me' w o je . ^J . .......... ........ I■ -Tho llrs t jilccpliW'Cnr witi built In - ; the OilllCd 8tnlc.i In 18jy.

I TllC tlr s t American sm pcaslen brldsc■ w u creeled In Pcniuylvanla In leol. 1I -- ----------------------- !i photograph^ wns Invented In His.I U fdtftl'e tales. 18J5. ' i

. A naothctlc wna first used In surgical i i o p w U m u la 11H2. . , .


^7 ::::€ 0 D A ^ S -\V tit--------

3 R 1 2 ; 1 9 2 9

I I i.vlA'f M E E D T M 5A S 6 A F A R IM G '

t h e n m u s t BI5 C O L T I' PICKED A T fV > N D O M .

* v a M V S P L P o w S E fA JG A

, ' i ' ' ( m

■ • A llA N KEMU^S


I Allan Kearns aiul Horlt U l'^ ll 111 I'iie ■'

! ments uu t ut uhlch the lilLirlnus new ItKO 1 : Nation nuw p b y lu r n l tlip Orpheum . today

} grei

,'“ T J ) c Vh*;if i i i i j i n " ; i t Id u h o ; T iic i i lr c S tr ik in g I’ ic lu r e g '

Iw a t& y

vfti!~ ' \ • ' S B »tt)

• Dlo

'“c1 — r:^^- ■ ■ .J -/ : ; i ............ mil

! • ' ■ / Nnii ............. ...............

• Itlrliard Arlen, .Mary R rbii lu the Para-j niHuiit Picturc "The Vlr«lnlan." cou

i Wllll Ui'i city n laht lllc. m c tropo lllau ; “’j|

'■ io3:liKl)is /urnlslil'tig li plctliorn oi i lil'i'iiies for ouijlbk moving p k tu rcs . l l : «

- ! u .a .wtdcouic. lntcrlude..whciv_nn o i l - 1__ - Tr.il^iim idiii •lu'.h llll "Tim V lrnliiiiin— ;ci)inea to town, ji "Thu Virginian" I.1 dcKcrvIng of even j)i„ ; uuiri' thnn companillvc prnl.sc, however. (I U.i vahic ns hlRli lypc enlcrlnlnm ciiitriom-n*ii-l)<>iilonu In-ihu tac t Umt I l l s a(. jV iffcrcfit‘/ro;rt Die Bciimil rw i f>; |>Jc* r|y,

liirea. l ls vnlue u^ en lcrtnlnm i'nt lle»l i m Ita own inirliisk worth o.s ii ta lk lm ;; iiui IKciurc fabrlcnllon cl rlch romuiu'c. eltK 'm tr cramn and Iminortul liiiinor. ! •;

Hcrc Is a plcUirc Uihl •'gcl.s ju ii n n d r tlu hoid» you." IU Khoniucn u y . I t l.s uli-Pi

. lu ithful reproduction In tulklnt;.fllni ol 1 uv me renowned novel by Owen W ister nnd i »n llic ptny by Wlstcr and Kirk La StieUe. 1 dii. T hat oloiic, Jihould be rw om m eiidatlon ' eiioujli for an y doubting Tliomns. N enr- ‘

■ ly cvcryoiic E T iiii ii iw n n u r iin r s to ry r" f**'In tlic mctllum of ,tlic a!M.-i}Jc»ic

j,cri'cii the Immortal chafaclcris o f th c Wlstcr classic live and breathe. All thc sliiinorous sounds of the great oufdoors aie fiilthfully reproduced. Cowboys yell a.-> Ihclr herd b driven, bcllon'liig,

. Ihrough a ^wltt river. Itanehcr:: chnh t ^.j, - '^h«rtyplci»l-dlMlcsM.iider-llic-(.Ur»-by:

iJietam pH rc. aun-to lln^c iicm lc iba rK (!i«ir 5.nnRc cpKlicls. I7ic fovtrs spcHl;, 51 Uiclr hrartA in thu m urmuring pllic tOIllll__ ________ __

- —JUU-io thls an cn.scmbk of i>crlcci_ .uji■ Porfrni'al.i b)’ O m ' CooptT, 1

l!ri,iii. Uiitienc Pullctic and othcrfi, ond ^

;■ ‘U t nm '-nvlUins tlie f n ill bu»lne»s, Ideal Apple >Vaaher a n d D rier, rot

Apple w iper; Usrdl6 T riple* S praw t I 'Klerlrlc -Melor: fo rd Truek'i lO W S t

. lii» Uu#*; W dtllw M a rh ljjf ir ; »>«elH nlsta ..elr. .

I LoU .o t Good CogJ TiJllM S C

• . M A U I Q N I U'C orner iibo thoae a n d FU th f

I I M imyon A L'tte,’j

= = S - y :■MS A C C U A IN JT A N JC ^ '

M f iN -O R T W O A M O ........... ,L-nVATED-NOT ' 1 , iW. A N D I PRIDE , AB1.ETO P IC K T H E / -

^ I i --------- ---------'


»OtM«^-^^^/pctViby^}^rovldp'\lic c k - CO comedy Is built. A rAdIo screen sen- Joy and tomorrow. .

jTitt have ft picture tlm t Is de/ln!lfly « mn&tcrpleee In thc new- Show World ol films th a t talk.

"Thu VIrsliilan" opened.ut-lhcJd^lio_ _ _ _ theatre auiidny for a « h e d u k d five days only but wiis extended U) a Hrveti-day.% run. NobodyBlfUuldmliu.lt. It's 'iimply greqt.

simiiiips - iill i l l i 101,

P r o p o s e d ’ L i n e W 6 u l d ‘' S u i ) - " ^ ; ~

p l y R a p i d M a i l S e i - v ic e ^

i n L e m h i V a l l e y T o w n s

UOfSE. Nov. a (-IV -Prolim lnni'/sur- je y for a Mule air route Ih u t will In* S jiufo-towiu tc a ite rc d .a la n » -U 3 c _ tc m h L _ L. valley receiving llw lr m all while it Is still frrsli, hus bet;i> m ade by A rthur - Dlomgren. state acronauilcii engineer, he

Only lentutlvc proposals huvc bcen miide for opcnitlng thc rou te which It

n ff frtim {fie |Nnllonnl Purks ulnvnys probnbiy u t Idn* iho'FiOlS.------;.................................................. I

Rlonigren Mild the m ute wuh over flat country which would niuku on Ideal couri«. iwrmltllntt cmcnccncy landing ulmo.st any place. D udiig th c u iniitr fog. occasionally fllln th c vulley bu t In

T lllf.‘liviiiit tn cru IS m m u x m iny luuic— — *Jli(»jtly lo tJic RvstH-ard. -

Iteildent l*repare« Field ' |— Dr. H ummer,Salmon Clty.hacftlrcady

I hc und 111* eon have lenrncd lo fly ii ■ plniie whIclMhey own.-

Ol) lltc Olher end of thu proiioxcd roule. Idnho FuIIn liius bri;uii preparationflf-a.Jleld w lilc li.tliu -d ti'-bc lkvcs w i l l_____rlvnl ttic best lh Ihc .'.lule.

I DlomKrcn uald further Improvrmciit^; hud ulrcDdy been laid ou t fo r Ihls full^nnd thc'fie|d-w«uld-b<>-llgl»i«d-»ooii--------—! This Is not thu only; u lr acUvlty hi X . ;-the Unlu. however. Dlomgren reccnUy M 1 spent Eomc tlmo u l thc Burloy airport.I u.ulstlng 111 brlnglni; ll to completion jund this Wlll-bc llKhtcd w ithin a few.I diiys.I Nampa Layn Oul AlrjMrt

Nnmpa hus laid oul it Held wllh thrco runways whloh-iwmli-lftiidlnfj-frofn-ul— — most uny direction. Thlx full the run- wnys-Hrt lo be runded preparatory to adding a cballi'icof oil next nprlns. This will turn the i-urfncc Into uu oily mplch which Qlonii/reii ta ld U Ideul lor nlr- ploiie Inmlini; jind laklni; otf. I t druliiK well und provides u llrtn support of.lho wheels.~~POcatcllgTtTid-Mcr.e w wHl-gath deril*--------calo fIMds on Arnilstlco day w ith ulr circuses. Twin f^US-liuA. ulso .beaiiii surfacing Its Held for olUug. Uio riiii- jiruVB havliiR already beeu cleiircd out und the flcldlcvelled;------------ -----------------------

( N S A L E - ” ' ■■ I- A l^O N K O X X O CK S lU l tU -----------c»s, win n t( s t sBcUon: . . . rotnplete with motoni Andr Dice

m r i Cutler Apple t4dder:> 3fh'or»e . . ' ^ e s a b a 'D w U b l U ddcr»| ihck*-

rel T rack; . W M dm BoUen; C hain

Cogklni Apples . i CASH • ■ .J A M M O N S ' ' . . . . ; V

wiimiiiiilu*ii!,(!iip(V-' -

Page 11: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."

The ~

^ By F rank L. P ackard

AVhat he might^^be abje to fccoomplUh .

no t known, had not «ven stpppcd to w n - Ktdrr, when he had comn a b n rd . he did not know now; he would nn t have known rvrn tf tie were now abto to mnko hl» woy a t will on deck—h e had depended wholly on being guided by th e clrcum- Mnncej c t ffie moment. B u l reach her lie mennl lo, nnd reach her he would— fconiehow.

The (orward end o( th e hold h a d ^ c n n disappointment to him . He had Itop- cd there mlRht be some opcnliiR Into th^ torccwitle. nnd he wos no t even now con- « S S vlnced Ihn l there was none; bu t tho

h .r t W n gtored th rro c l w «» ncBlMt the buttheadj. nnd though, w i n r * ^ {Krhspi hounol tllon, he mJcht be oblo to shUi enough of Jt to eonblo hint to , determine definitely w hnt wa« beyond. ‘ to m ik# th a t attem pt now would ob­viously for the moment be ti waste of tim e, for there was Mill tho n ite r end , *, o t the hold to explore, j

Peter'R hond wenl to IiIk lemplcs prctx* 'Ing fltrccly agalaul ih fm . Ho crlcd out. - rii.irply.. llgiir*! H r Hntl no hours lo j ^ , wnnlc. Mnrlon! Where wn* r.ho? P e r-j 7i:iTHni(*-irflrfr/>m70!rtoo la f f tlrd with th r thoiiKhl. to iiiR i<S drive U > ».■ from him; bin It MirRcd back ORuln. i j ..,, bringing In IU troln n frcnr>- of tcnr nnd . . . j, niixlety—and. too. n mnd lust for ven- geance. Whnt hnd they already done

ed to the b is. Tlie big hnd Milted uway: . .i .,. ' hnd the Ilil. oflcr being looted nnd Mar-1 .-u

r^on-tiikenr«liw-8nlled*nwHy-.:or-wlwV7—He began lo cmwl opnln. mnkliiR hix

wny u ft no*', it u'fiji dlfflcDlt. alnia^t =^prrilotpr:woricTi>tTthfrrlnttni»grd«ri>»y^—

He could not'see his hnnd In front of

pnckoge* of all sties nnd shapes, thu t . u . , were piled and packed together, formed .,,jy ft surface w broken nnd uneven th a t ll.

Ullty >ir *"r*"touch, nnd not alwojs then w ith «nfrly; j now hla hand. feclinB onl before him. would shoot downu-fird Into moHiIuk- „.airi tie-vr, n^ 'Jnlo « mJnJaturc abyis; »»«•. strupgllng out of some crexitMe. tiii 11 un were, his head nnd shm ildcrs would , bump nnnliut n box or citse higher ihiin 11* feIIO'«. nnd which cllher must Ih* ] climbcd nr a dclour miide iirmind it. Il

slow work, iinil. in the Miffocnt'.ni:hem, exhausting. __ ^iio

For iwrhfllw five mlnntr<< Peter scram- bled and crawled aud ,frll. mul crawled on ognln->antl then suddenly he pauRfd. Soond( cume to htm from Iiiriiicr » « • ' ulble ^.ound^llkemu^ned^Tiee*-alldlhN \th,e

. audden creaking of w hnt wriil [Jcninps a door being opened, n door th n t yielded gnidglngly. or iKrlinps th e sirnlnlng nf

nvoved.Pclcr ralHd hltnself peering over the i f ij,

top of a hugo packing cnse. There, was . n llghtl There wore u t least six or scv- ri„rk c n -« n d Uiey were nil bobbliM up and do«-n.' Lanterns! For some reason or you i other, the hold^wns being Invaded by cquIc a half-dozen or more m en. . .

Hla mind was working In fjulck. :.tnb- J — blng^fUulicsjuw.-llicyj\'cra.aftcr.:>loics. .(1,^0

of some sort, probably. But If they j | ,— found him! T hut would be lhe end. but

wouldn't It?—the end of any chancc of

T he voices renclied lllin now"(iuilc dls-JJncJly—cnc Jn rommnnri. -C

The lanterns begun lo sprend out and n «-hJcrTTiiraiiTTiirnrTnnm nyrttT itK m riT -nrnitheir ownem were befilnnlni; lo climb ^crstup nnd ndvanee over th e cargo.- j „„tit

Peter liistnnlly began lo retreat. jjowThere was only one chance for him, n„vi

and th a t wos* to h ide; nml the onlS' " . '5 t>lace tha t llwihed Into h is mind u»oflerlng wm any clm nie 6li in a i word i , ^

' was where, n few ynrdn bnek. he re- t^lmifiembered cmirlJng over a num ber o l ^ luU rge bnles Uiot had been m aau d loge- ,),tp

tween, or under, some of those! it isHe was crawling. « « rrj ltiR back in ^n .

nlmont frniitlc haste now. lieedlcM of th e 10 t sllghl noise Hint hc m nde~ lhc gronii .

— of-bulkheads-atid-Umbcia._Ul(!. bliJp'B ' iiolscx. must lake a irc of Ihiil; nnd. be- g,, o hides the voices, •drawing ever nenrer.

■ were consiantly'shoutliiK out to one Ull- m,;- — ottftT and-helped -to-drown ovi nny- —'•5

- m n d - l ie mHde.-Ovor-hls slujuldor ho j, oaw the glimmer of the lanlcm s. sprend tu oui from port to starboard, udvanclng - r In a line of donclng lighu . He shu t hU teeth as tho sweni |» u rcd from him. T hank Ood, u lunlem did not ]>enetrute

' very deeply Into the ahndows, -VA minute more, nnd he had renched j^njL

— th c -b a ie r~ i ie ^ o rK e d BM portticiyw qup^pry two of them ap art: und then , w llh matt one Joo«ncd.t»iff rcat waa companiUvfly giyc easy owing to the llglit weight of Iho ried bales ond lhe soft yielding na tu re of th e you 1 m aterial was th a t they, combined. Ho wTlOTled his way di>wn be lw rtu tho “U i.

'tw o , and then In under one o( them. true. Hfl Uy still ROW, Uo wu» quite sufe, ^ q i

— he-felt.-«n lw rbythe-w obH m probablo , —- y of iiMucV, what the m eu w iiii the lun* nam t e m were a lter happened to be-under ' . these tinrllculir bulc!i,'or were thi: b n ln -a iheaiaelva, but }io seemed to liavff «b- pind

— _tln .a lr-thero wns in Uta hold, and ho void ___gQiilri hrgalhn only w ith thV pmitPKl anri,

dlfncultv- 4jold

h ta r the*voIcci u v e In a fain t, nlmoat w<' 'l ittud lb le ggy; niid then he fe ll 11 sud- th e i

(I?tl WBIgtll U|iun liliiv Oume-one wna t o t entnllD s o m him. *A m om ent more and nnd

' t i a r l i m. tow ard therfor'vdrd end o t th e hold. I t -Vi

e tlo u td 'b e la le now, imiU they ,cnm e ly.- 'b«ck.-to imsh tlw bnitai a llitle I# rthcr la m

— ap art BO tlu t;h o could BCl m o rt a trron it uisr:

re le r 's Jnws uniippcd toQ clher.. H ii sahll hand, in the crampcd space, fouaht Ita ■ a « \-ay swiftly to h li pockct and>closed up - somi

on Ills revolver. Bomethlng h a d toueht^d hot,' tlto rale of KU ihoe a n d ,< m toubblntf 'tv

It.ngaln now-hUdgfuir’ ft- dellbemteljr. (cr'e< It ' NCQtcd,. And thcQ - P c lc r lay In .

A (sE W lU M ftN

7 “ - r - - C i l i l D . f o US 1U l k I

I r i iM !______ V - ................. /

nazem enl listening to n volcc: a voici', mt pprt camc Irom Jii»i l »jove hU head; a s '^ o u g h 'llie l lW S V i 'r r r -W M were n t the opening between U te, W ro bales.

A Friend In S'eed r r r r"U il In the wihlb’s mliul that Iip nn o tlrlch? If lhe lahlb who urum . (

mte shocf, will draw In hLi fmii mur.Ill mnke tu) jound.K ll will be wHl. !;>,■_____

wll relurn . Is It umlerslooil. miUIIi? • — •'It 1.S understood." Pelcr answcri'd in n imb{‘a."mcchanlcnl •ray.Peter drew in his foot, l l mu.-t hmc cn protruding sllRliUy from the ciullhe bale. He had hnd no menuK o f ----------

lowing th a t. Who' wns>tliU mnn. u 1.Illve obviously, who a t leo&t pn-teiul-' l-n o -o ffc t -h e lp ? -W a a -iU p re tc n i i iT ,L ^ ~ Ickcrj-—nntlve cunning? Nonwiiw!! ' ' ‘*7.^ The m an need only-lmve shouted outrdlK O V cm nicthI* companloitt-»oul.i-\YAin )ve liwurmcd nround him. Wliul wim p^fi ■e gnmc. then? n»*aiit’A-'U m c .im ifM tm w lll_ltrt illll^l^r •.‘te r i>as.^ed. He was no loiigrr umlcr •_6TEN<

le volcM of the men in the hold w ihe Oi icy pusMd by him agiiln on iheir wnj;,:t—nnd then , w llh lhe bale* iwricd. h c ; wAID■ »nH n.slinvl tliA .' tllCle hold was ricserled. hnd crawled o u r nvc no om hls sillllng hiding plncc. He w on' . 7 ; " ‘ nillnR n o w -fo r Jusl whnt ho,illd not

But one th ing hc did knnw-ilu-rc *' ,is u wny ou i of the hold lliroiicii the Ho**” ' U 'rcnd. H e hud been tcmpi'-i! to rlhc Scvcra st little while lo make nn clfi>ri <m hl.i «.'n Initiative in ihn t {llrcetltm w iihoui. Rnwlc iiltins fo r the return ol iho nalivr wcci ho lunl epokcn to him; tmi, ihnuRh ,*no"- ich m inute was unciuliirnblc with the work, use of liiacllon. where ncilon th a t Depl. lluhl produce rcmilis wnn |)crliai« |km- ' ble, common sc iw , tha t |jfoml.«d n t ;nat,.an_ci-ciLChanc<! oLomsiiir a s s i ^ . ^ lice w hich nbove all tliliiEs clic'w ua reded, hnd kept him ihere. And so h e I ns still wnlting. Bul his Impatience. , ) ra ,o u l,.o tjm x ltu :. and.on.ngoiu ', of ,®“ 'V lul n l th e thought of Msrion, would Jt m uch longer hold iu tlf In chcck. th e m nn-----A volcc closc lo him Mwkeoul of th e “ *■>!• irkness; »orlc."Sahib. Z have made tfie rciwrt lh a i Co„ C )u nre no t here and that, though they IUld no t llnd the sahib on the other llp, he m ust still be there, since there rc eo m nny more pliiccs ihere to hide

Tlie m an «ns close bci,lde Pclcr now .!J l P e te r could Kurccb’ see him, lei : one dlsUiigulsh a single one_of_Uic -A 4icr.‘s-featur«*.— p«i«r.T4 r'ou:»ad-ln>^.w suui lu tfd way. Here."Do )'ou menu." fip (JrmaiKlwl, "llinl of ec WBR'for me vou wercsearchinB nrountl brig i I IIUU' 11 llUlij ttlilli' iit'u? 1 dnlVl Ull r :rstnndt Whrrc'K ihc lsli!? Wc‘v rb ce n * |, Ilder wny for nt leiai 11 good Hour now, >• * low did anyone on board hcre know {' , ,iiylhlug about me?" __ ‘ , 1"Sahib," unwscrcd thcVth'cr. ‘T a j a l . . II, whose m an.servnnt I nm nnd who I , ,I chief of all on lhe ship, took mntiy llnga from the other shiii besides th e[ lu SahJb and then lie let the other Pcillp go on Ita.way__I do not.know th e dnrkiiiiawer-to-llie-sfthib^ilW MliiesHonrfor - i.y,

Is locked nwny In the mind of T ajnl II. T h is only I know. Unit It cnmc , '7 ^ ^ ) T oja l All'll knowledge Unit th e m nn , , )r whom u grenl reward wns offered i«l-whow-nHin«i-U.-Illuka-«ahlb..wn»II th e other siilp nnd hnd e«ciii>cd fm m le cubln In which he hml Iwen Mint

? here," nsked Peter, "did hc w all u n - , I now lo w arch the brin?" '•T h a t also, sahib, do nol know,” the ;hcr replied, "cxrept tlm t first s c n rc h ' ' n.1 m ade everywhere und Insl of n i l !3W71 here Jn the Iwld," jAghn"Welt, th a t |w rhn |» nccoiint.s for It \

jely. “B u t It doc.<<tri mntlcrl W hnti>ngt< lo tten U lhe fuel th a t this Tujol A ll ' o t S”■ youfx. o r wfiae^'wyot{ Mil him. c a r- 'd i o cd off u young lady from the I 4U. D o two t >u know— - ed. L "W all, aahlb,” tnld the other softly, of tlv I la m y tu rn to a^k a (juestion. I I |» Iho n uc. ta It Mot, th a t the t.alUb'B nnmc of *•»: .B lake eahlb?'* "Y« “V c*^-B t|tJ-i*i:fcrtnTctyrnhafs-Tn>- rw\ri amc." anyil

• .. - Aghar r in d Imve"And m ine,” said the other, "l* Aghnr "®“ Ind. FVrto is slrungc. Mlilb. Wc trov- *

ould have foretold th a t Blake Sah ib of Ta ifl^AgharPlnH of.th

W o n el T he word cul a t Pcter-llke ie laah -o f-u -w h ll)77y«= ^foS erT 1m t' P>nd, M 111 M arlonl— itn'-leanHl rcfw y d nd h i t f ln s e h closed riercely o n - th e ^ ihef* urm . ‘ * . bc tr

‘'W all. Bdhlb." n l i l Aghar l in d c itm - "T lw rc tfl yel OIIO more qijcitUoa. I t

In m y mind ih a l It TTM >TMuio of i6‘M ii#-B *i»U )nitia:rd r'w ro iiierfB o’-»i, U ial lt)c Kuhib cumc hcre. W ill th e ‘ih ib « y Ih a l 1 am right?" HeAgftln I*Bter frow ned.. T here wwi hi# I

unc th lng about the mail U u t he could ^0^ fa^ io th .’ * : , ."If 'v m ia t m akes you thliilc io?'! ho coun-'

;red curlly . - - ■ • coult."ficcauK , Aahlb;'. u u i ’ i ^ b v s m .



^ I L _

' ' ■ ■ ■ - ........ , — I T

O n e C c n t I ’c r W o r d . ____

_______ P c r j n s c r t i o ) ! ________

U W .0 I Ad. lUIn u l u U ti ™— IH iTftlSriKtaj*.-^---------- w S

PbttM IS ' ------_________________________________ ; r o R

H e l p W a n t e d !m*J^

i t O C O W T ? b i S ^quire Herbst's. Orpheum Building. , Inn— — ' ' ' ■ groce■ANTED--^COMPETCNT-BBAUTV-i------Parlor Operator. Enquire O rpheum !0 0 0 •outy Shonpc. Clly. j wo\

rENOGRAPHERS TO ENROLL FO R ' t —E I'fl'-inr pMHInn.li Vr»> .-ofltstmtton a l : 40 AC e Qregg Em|>loynicni Buiviiu. ' for

’ANTED-SALEijMAN TO HANDLE; pi,onth e new rodlolrope. Cnll n t 138 Snd ’ ____H north betw'ff H b Mig TPTHf T uesday .: W-AC

■ I diniAN OR WOMAN WANTED W ITH lew.p ambition and lnduslr>-, to-lntroducc Id supply the demnnd for Rnwlelgh'si' >— ousehold Product* lo ateady users. FOR ;veral line openings In Tw in Fulls and bni w by lowns. Wr irain nnd help you, c tp l awlclgh Dealora cnn ninkc up lo *100 lot. al week or more. No experience neces- 7 th (i ir>'. Pleasant, protltnble. dignified ork. Write todoy. W. t . Rawlcigh Co„ ' Y* epl. Denver, colo.

.1 ______ _ cn nIAN OR: WOMAN WANTED W ITH oUlCi nmblllon nnd Indm iry. to introduce Lclsc id supply Uie demand for Rawlelgh'a ousehold Products to steady user*. everal flno openlpgt In Camaa and lalne CounUes and near by towns and iral dlatrteti. We tra in and help you; ‘" 'P '' awlclgh dealer* can make up to *100 week and more. No cxjwrleiice neccfi- • iry. Plcaaant, profitable, dignified ork. W rite today. W. T . R aw lelgh; p o n o„ Dcpl. 1D-47M, Denver. Colo. j gg^

ulcily, "If It were lo escape from the iw nnri llnd shelter with men such ns ^ iie s c o n ih ls ship whom the law a lto :eksTihc fuOilb would nofhave rrnvfleatd®*^ijie ru to hldc.1’___ ________"A b ll ihin," suld Peter iirufflv. "I I

raiui-|tfliku ieM hcra-ffitlw iio^lw iw i,Icre. there would nlwaya bc the chnncc [ ; f ectUne nn'ay unobserxcd nltni thej J- rig made land." - ~ -' 1 lu-u. »iiiim." ■iim M im i i~uiu luui-.!

"I will tcll.Uic sahib more, so t h a l ! , ~ ^ ,c will understand th a t 1 know whyi iR Is here. 1 saw tho tah ib comi- aboard s s s s -and before titat 1 heard talk between he Mihib and a IllUe m an wllh red | ]

abln for him." j

Pelcr alared blanlcly tl»rous*» ba rkiitss___ __________________

"You saw m e'com e nbonrd! You I the 6learil----- " He broke olf lidplcwly. ComtLook I'.crr. I tlon'i uinlcn.tand. You've w*hi ,Pi)l vour mouth shut, nnd w la r you'vr the 2 tood liy me. Jiiil_whni> tlie [:.im^?_tJurnl rouarcouco rT he« m e n -e v m lhe iier- tcrini oiinl servant of th laT u ja l All. pr so I j th e I :iilherc(l from whnt you Kiiid—nnil yet. inlej-.Uioro'^-n-trlok-M mcwherc.-you jtno« ,re now double-crossing them for jnc. a xw ln nun you never tow before, und you ccr- _ ninly could not do llm t wUhou: great Ihk to joursclf!"

"All llinl the sahib wiya Is Inic." said • J**" kghnr Piild grovcly; "ond ll Is bc tauic J™ "' hc wiliib fears th a t there Is some trick

ng lo help him. even a i the sililb says It grenl risk lo myself un til I hnve prov- d io lhe ■.nhlb Ihut do Jiol »|>ejik with ‘‘“v wo toiiKues and th a l 1 am to lie in i i t - “ I” ** d . Listen, then, saliibl Wc will s|K ak A ( >f the Mls» Snlilb since th a t Is most in ^ ho sahib's mliHl and slncc it U bccauw M®**' if thu t nlonc the sahib l i hefo." • W "*'

"Yes!” rxelBimed Peter cugcrb'. 'T h e work «l-cn ii-w i* in t yoi^arD-nblo-lo l«ll-m# inyililng about her. Where Is she? Wliul lavo they ilone with her?" •

"Sahib." Mild Aghar Plnd, "there nro “ Mf* wo cabJiii wJiJcJi Joln.lOBcUicr n t tho Tlli .ifrn nt the shln^ hleh nre the cablna powl if Tnjnl Ali. Tlic Miss Snhib is Itv one

. . " ^ liir.sahl^Bh^^ Agnar p o w?lnd.~n'a jal All-caU now with hla o f- cent-

o tlie sahib thnt I. A ghar Plnd. am to hi fo M trusted If I took the Nihib iccrctly d ie dji.iiif- Mkv B^hlb'a oiM n?" _________made

Nrirlng Minion----------------- T r tmPclcr did nol uiwwcr for u njbmciil I

h.thc blood seemed tg bv poiindlng lu d - <o .bu Iciilj’ 05 though, wlUi hommcr bloWB-al e st 11 liU ears. tions

lie leaned forward ngnln und ngnln equl|i Ms hand clo-wd wlUi.u cnislUng grli» w iu t jn the olher'a n r m . • b a

" If you cun do tha l, und will." he . . . a id , his ralce'Rtrained nnd tense, "Ihctu .

M ^ ^ ^ O T U E S D A y j ^

t h e g u M P S - S O

7 ' ' w r Z t ^ u r ' w r ' ' v■ P, A K 'T - \ /

- ........ _ j « _ » * r t > . - u e , J . I------s V t » L L l O TO i>.»E - 7 - ' I;'

M t . l l ----- ■ 'O ' '* ' I. . . \ G O O D

• '

F o r S a l e — l i c a l E s t a t e F o

S°°OR SALB - 80 ACRf:S, 00013 IM- provemfpi.'. 3 niili '. Jro;jj coc4 lowu..M lc Box A. core Nr>is. PURNA'

DR 8A L E -«-U 00M HOUKE WITH aleeplng porch, modern i-xcepi lieui; BOARD

1 goM locaUon. Phone 710W. uvenm

o n HAt.R OR T f tA U r ^ 'iT A C RE FRONT farm, w llllm d e for mcni ninrkei“5f le d r^

rocery. Box M8. Twin Full-v Idaho, ■ "— i------------------------------------------- - _ F .o a _ nlOOD 100 ACRF^, NKW HOUSE, ALL rOOm. woven U'tre fenee. C'nn give ItnmerfI-

IcpoSMMlon, WrllMlox l),-rarft 8 H0DA--------------------------------------------------- east, a) ACRES FOR SA LE-1 WILL OFFER nen t gU for sale privutulj uiiill l«’ui. 18 iii> 40—w a te ry

eres P i mllea souih cf Ktmberly. --------hone Kimberly 23HJ. F. Jl .Jonc,^. LONO'S

house.H\ORB8-?Oft4UlL£.ORJ3lADE.£OB_tOOnUJ! (unoUacreageneorTwlnFalls, A v ery rooms,

iw.prlce. See owner 2 mllrs south nnd ........ajnJIri west of wulhwr.^t rorncr of Buhl, t " " •

O R MALE-fi.ROOM HOUSE AT A FORSA bargain nnd cnM- irrniK. nicwlcrn cx- condlt

L'pt heat; slerpiti? pfiivu, iMl.mc. l;irvc—— ■ *- )U alindc trees and cood :w-alion. 1351, FOR S< lh nvc cnst. . I Pl'oi'u

" . ■ ned fni■OR SALE OR K E N T - MODERN tnsl.liom eon lOacreno! elioK'c land, S c v - ----------

n room* nnd baih, furnace h eal nnd FO R I Uier convi-iik-nct.'. F rr p,n tltiilnrs sec 1 I'cntci x lsch nnd Wlllbiiii.1, Phouc 318, lo itrroa• ..................•________________ ____ .•'en.st nil.•OR SALB-HO ACRES O P CHOICE ■land, southeast Eden In the Bcon PIANOi

tldgc dlslrlct, lor StSS nn ocre. Oood ulcoll m ptw eotentr deep soil, no rock, nnd plnuos. aay to water. If inicrcstcd In n real Uirce ui uy, SCO me. \V. O. S m ith Rcnl Estate, . very sin V ln Falls. .formalic

______;___________________________ Twin FrX)R SALE - 160 ACRES *105 PER acre, good 7*«wm liouw wJlh cJccJrJC „

ghlA and ali norm slope, thin Is a piece .5000 will haiitlle. « ncre.s. «155; closc ----------0 Pller,- n seed one. *3M0 down nnd FOR B ood Ume, A dandy pool hnll lu Filer,

p *7000 n vear on thla, prlccd to se ll., i r l Murmj-, Hler.-Idnho.--------------------------- ---------------------------Ir e o is i----------------- -

‘ B u s i n e s s O p p o r t u n i t i e s

O R SALE--ANlisVE ^ - M E N - n - '^ ^ ' m g -10 per-crni, oy ownl'l'. I 'liJiii pl,o,ic d

___________________ I WILLSI either

L e g a l A d v e r t i s e m e n t s ' |

NOTICK TO CONTnACTOIlS [ FOR S ' Scaled progxiHils wtll bo received by mmiii 1

tIp-CemtiiMoiier of_P^bll_e W orks ot r . V ■ IB Stale of Idiitio, n t th e olflcc of lhe ' I , • «mmlMloiier of Public Work.> Bols?. — ■ laho. unlll iwo <2i o'clock P . M. o n . ,v „ .. lie 2Cth dny of November. ll)2!>. for the | >■jrulAhlns cruMicd.rock'Surfacing m n - '- -------!rla1 m MorkiilU's for th n l ponton ol OARAd tie Buhl•Cll^t!eI•)rd M arkcl Rond from i'lx” ''' iuhl w utli. II diManco of a.B3 miles and ,, no» in iH -ilt<rpllancourPro;cct-423rln „ , ,L ■win FolU Ccuniy.Proposoli will be opened und publicly POR R

cod o t Uic abovu ^tatcd hour. • officePlan.n. specl(ication.s. form s of coft- ^ ^ 2 =

met, propOMil Inrms a n d other Informs- p o n may be obuilncd a t th e office 01 Jl'Ol ne Bureau <il Hlahwnys. Bol.w>. Idaho ,' ~ - ntt a re on ntc lor cxninination a t llic ii'-u tllce of tlie AMOClated G cnerul Con- pr‘< cd ractors, Salt Lake C ity, U tah, and , poknne, Waslilngton. • •A charge of Two D ollors (*J.nfl> will ,

0 made lor cach w l of plans and speci- cations. Payment to bo mndc by check

lo Uie D epartm ent .of Public r o R 8/ /orka, s u te of Idulie. -jg■A U ^D fopttBla-muil-be-niade-Qn'ttie ijre?, ji )rms furnished, ond m u sl bo ilgned by nvc nnri IW bidder, wllh h is nam e nnd post offlcc „orlh.ddrCM,. I----------Tlie right is rc scncd lo reject ull p ro -,.

etaU. or lo accept the proposal or pro- ! .. ..........

g” , . •

K ompanled by an acecptable Proposal ____ L_

snt- <8-i>«r c en ts o f -ihe-to ta l nm ount ly fui >4lw propoaal-^ThtfcOuamnioMnay-hc wlUi.ga1 form of,- ra) paah: ibv a ccnified oliice licck dmwn on an I d t t 'o '- b a n k - n n d -r . - - : - lade pa>iblc to the Cpm inJW tm rr; or Al’ABTj n r n u tii i 't. • . . 1 cn'I 1J t l i IH* IwnMifl o t W tO )m m l» tone r.

s f f l l » n S S S ® 6 ^ “t 'lonj. and complete a n d well” esll[n?d yinKC qulpDienl'and cffecUyt.orKanlzbllon uhiiui

S i S l S S J m K• - ......... -R . H .-8H O BM A K SR ,------- V o R S/

................ • • O ffice Engineer.' box, i. . . J . D .^W OOOe- . . 'H arty l

I O R N I N G j W ^ M B E ^

O U P ’ S ON

B P| 4 - o t - J f i .M l l

I^ p - T T ^

g a i u s - CF o r K e n t — F u r n i s h e d j F o r

d m X n d BO A R D -2: : F i n 'l l AVK- p o r V aU tja sk - i..------------------------- ----------- 1 _ A .I.',ra

OM AND W mT u ), Cl.l),-’!! l.'^. .11..(Id nvc iiOrth, 10 bi-

ilN A O E ~inA T K n K O O M V o il

_______________ P u ll'c ,MID AND ROOMB-:-i:i yEVENTH l ^ i T ^ irenue north. PhnneSDl. ' ,iomes

DNT BEDROOM- -LADY PRW 'EU- Hid aiK rd nO T E ighxtm rcnntnm K r------------

rt R E N T - N I C E H tO flT U ED-.|xiny,jom. c lM e m T in rW iv c T n F ir ,■----- --

" • ...D R O P : PD A iR-H O TgL— 133 MAW AV« - i - 4«l>t-g. ist, special monthly rete* lo pK rm a-, Itcld ba it guests. Plcnly of heat and h o t ! SV 2 pe

NO'S AD - O-ROOM MODERN j Jd a h J" oute, *3&; 3-room Iiouk, $12.50: ti- « = = m -m o d c m . house, ><5; lurnishodl ins. A, N, Lniig, I'lioiie 5KI. 1 ___ , ,

” p o r ^ l ^ F u ™ U u r e --------

R SALE. STEWART RAN'C.K, OOOD ' KAWO undlllon. 23C :>ih uvi- notth. ‘ per b

R S A L F /-K O R N IT l'R E : N I C E ' .Iionogrnph i<nd re.'iird.v a nu:h, n m - haVK I fruit nnd vi'x’ci.ililc^ 510 1i!i nvc! niciix I. ; Ri'piilr

R SALE - - “ )7rE~K A LA N iA K )b j n[,'ii.i''d icntcr, Oooil (ifiidltloii. Will ht;nt ‘ r rooms, C;ill a t 533 FoijriJi av en u e . ^ .-W I nflcr 3:30 P.-M, - 1 W ll

iNOS FOR SA LE'B Y ADJUSTOR | WANT I colleclion^. 1 liuvi: two ulmu.sl new., ter. uos-Ior balance on conlracl. .A lso; ce used pianos. Wc sell plonos on WANT y small payments. For fu rther In-1 *or » nialicn write O ordon Rice, box 885.; „ . , ™ in Falls, lonho. -------- |

F o r S a l e — L i v e s t o c k i ^5: ^

Ir' B A li-H E A V v” w b ^ TEAM. *-nd Deerlng binder. Phone 291W.

'i ~ f r A L ir ^ i i i ) S 'c H “ o v “ o d b i r ' '* ' ' ' 'f f '^ Hoots, eouplc .sows. Wood.v. 505J::. C fp ig

0 i3 T E R E D ls P 0 T T T O 7 i^ M 4 C L ! n T T ;^ Jhlna-boar«-*nd-|llle.-L i'A . W ln k le , - ! -^ j^

^ _______ _____________ ________ ; mid MlR.SALK-A J'E\V PAIR OF SILVER i Publicilnck loxc:. on rca.vannblc terms, |one t!:i.lU. ur 4IB.----------- 1----------------- j---------r

I l S E i I ^ B R E U L IN C O i^ 'K w i« . 1 LOST ither. one of nny number up lo 20, j stone ck nw nged 18 lbs of wool ln.st ^prlnB. | "I’win F

iT sA L E -24 H eX d W HITe'fA CK D j KRENI ■wes.,bred lo Inmb Jan. I, 0 mllc.'i) for t th west of Southwe.M corner ol jCrownt 111 Nfroii PhlllHM._tehnm._$7 n-!rIPhone ul. Ur. A. A. Ncwberr)-. Filer. ; .rzr^rrr --------I STRA I

F o r K e n t — U n f u r n i s h e d I b‘

.iiA G l'f- 42a~’m » ’ AVK n o r t h " Ijtew an 'lioiicHfi5W nftcr5P,.M . I — _

— — — — LOSTiR R E N T L r^ O raC E . llOOM___I H i ._|>nrk«frr Dr. Hllllngton. Cc»iir»l BJd?. j j ,a t. sii

R R E N T-O O O D CLEAN, LIOHT, fllce roams. Good location. Inquire iwnw, Wnm 1. o w Q rtU Cafa. ■ STRA^

F o r S a l e — A u t o m o b i l e s t S f................... ............ ....................................hog. 1z iiu iu K u u u p g . ' A - r c o y n m o .v r T h~ n~iriffd 10 f.cll. Phone 00. Ktmberly. —---------------------------------------------------- LEWfilr t ' JD:!0 OLDS c o a c h t o t r a d e old,or milk cows or 'm achinery. E. T . marklnod. I mile uouth uouthcoi,l corncr leg. blO'•r. ____________________ Mallon,

R 8 ALE-CHEVR0 L E r TOURING.16 mcdel. new curtuin^, extru s^od p -

Mr n i .m nii..r '|->n Rrrnt'Tt■iiorUi, or M arm onsaleasurasc. M nln W K K I■111. ; - adult

W anTcdTTKcnt ^. ________ _ ....... ....... . . . . | FO R B

f fumUlicd flvo or alx room house STITTS h.gantfe. .W rllfi Bok .23, rare

-------------------- l i miltABT.'iii.'^'i’- ^ r c A L i; ain 4TH a v e

F o r Sale—F y u i t H ______ luariwt

v r r CLASS a p p LesT d e l i c i o iJs . — ^ iHiiuim, Jonathan , Romc^ Whiesups. S Dillti south a r i ^ t j e f l y . Sliamtiaugh. purcl

R SALB-^-DBLlClOUS-APPLES, 80c Yearllr «x, ofcliard run;- Bring conlalnera. Young rr>>Bnuulo&, H n i io w uU i o tX lm - B n » .s 1/. ' . . . thUcaei

-I • I.


/ ''I T O tO UlMlI I w ^ S v £ R t SC

' ^ 1 V P U VvERt NOT

AT DID ] \


' . W ~

Jpportu io r S a l e — M i s c e i l a n e o u s ----------

rsV l.E -HAYTN CTACK, OEORCiE | nnidii'v. 1‘lionc i f i j i 2 J : i .____________■

i‘ iAi,k. : r T m ^ .t - . - n u u T i ;u I i ' . .L - | fbl- moved, Plioin' rill;-,lt.

’A‘IW~h‘ACKff"'AT ' TH E /n,W <0 _ ~ ink floiuc, 153 tlnd uve iwulli. " uc oto. . . . . . .

.n s - T U L I P 8 lM PORTED~AND imesilc grown. Hj'nclnihs. crocuscs aiifmones of the Iliieai qualily. I t '.

u now. Uorro'v Uroihera Seed Com- i w .iZ o U)\_____________ . .. _____________ BuUdtc

3p1 n 7 T f* T jIF s ir (^ 'A N D L ^ ^ i 0 . C.-OI

1 bags, branded No, 1 a n d branded W2 pdUlo bai;s: onion b.lgs nnd iwltic. j J h avo Kads and scads o LUicm. P h m if, Hflfifl

Twin Falls, 152 2nd nve* souUi Moorm

f l l ' i s c c n a n c o u a

N'TED — CHICKENS ALL KINDS rO .-C anada. • Phone lt)HW.

:,8 0 M im N a P A n m N O A N O P A |T banging. P . A. Row an. 336 61) „ .

I/K Y o l^ P L A ^ r E ilf N ^ 'A N b “c f f t M in ii-iiX woik (lone before* culd i\eulhcr, sli'own lalr work of all liinds done iienily ana Phone 2 . mitli'rlals iiM'd. sa llslariion gunr- —— ■ ei'd. Al the old Mand, 12i 2nd avt' UALLA? III.; A. T, Pfi'ltyimm, ^___, , tnc g^

A V a n te d — ^ l l s c e l l a n c o u sNTED-POULTRY. H . C. H U N -!:r. Phone MJW. , _

,NTED TO’ D O Y-W A TER 'T A W r ~ '^ — ~ >r wagon. 025 Shashone north. 1 c R o n i

,N TED-CREAM . POULTRY AND'Igs. r i l Shnhonc soulh. 'K culcr.'t fTARBE r. j- AOB<

lin-ED - lO ^ A lT N U M flE R ONE M W cj? orses to pasiurc. Phonc 517R3. P u t - ; Oarba,

rlvfltc hamcs for .•.tudent«r ntlcnditig Pbone 31 •gg Hii.slnt!* Ccllege. Phone 850. —

ry. Will pny ih r hUtheM inn rk rt prlcc : ® I w nd irtlcik ilItcrMlicirt, Plione MO.'

_______________________i i i i iE i i i“ - lln tC0

^ -------------- f c u s t --------------------- — = =S T - TRUCK TIRE. a4x7 FIRE-1 tone, bct'vrrn Poplar Hill nchool and ;In FnlW. ■ Notify W,-A. O rlevc, Filer. reward. ^ARM I

ENGELS WILL GIVE, *5 REWARD UOKET >r return ot the following ulfalfa; wutte, 'wners. number 3, 0, II, 13,20 und 34.i me 1202,____________ __ ___________ -fl PER '

m E D ^ ^ V A T E s .T ^ • T H i 7 m ^ N o n i jT o ray. brand dcMiin log c.ibin: I sm n ll.-. k bay, hrmul (''rc.-.ccnt, N oilly E, F, IjjONBY 'ioneUe,:ilo:ir(l noitli. I'hone ll7i)>J, {. Boder vard. • Arthur

BT — A 'i'T l-a iO i.' UANgUB’I^ A T ' ODR T a rk hotfrW niiUlcu lluv,. Kray sicU uu 1— t« n - t . size. T'.-, .Inictnls li U.K. In band.; repayoic son who loa'< same by mi,^tnkc pleu&e: mtsslOR. n n to Ncwn clftcc. |

lAYED - JICRSn' HULL CALF, | and d t-M from truck between Oakley und ! tbe best in Fulls, cue hundred iioiind feeder j fe ttd 01 . Reward tor InlnrnmUon of c a c h , 'p y r you me i:il>8iO, i<. i;. 'I'aiiiicr, «

iVfiLLYN S m -E I l .D O a 10 YEARS j O Id, white u’iUi blnck and lem on, ^ •kings, bnii.-.r growUi on le ll hind | block Irfl i-ii- nnd cnr. N otlly O. J.

Ilon, 730 •-•lid live n o rth , or iihone I ‘ >• ■ ■ ■ . ■ • , WOMA^

F o r R e n t — A p a r t m e n t a * [ — ^a m t E N r - - ^ < ! n T l l ' AVK aulU only. Call a lir r r. P . ^ r ___

F o r S a l S ^ P o u f t r yEl SA LE-PRIZE V/INNINO T U R - --------; rey t onw, far bi’eedlnn,- I»hon<»-&caJl .TWP.R{0

CM tor snlr t^ n y . Brynnt, MaiitUc r ~ T ~

3UFF ORPIN'pTOy'PUCLETS'AKi?' to § tf 'tf

mile MUlli •"^"Ki''"l'“cioryt__^____

f? BALE - . aia.\jm 'o i ’h b r o n :®

dy birds. Priced itccordln? to low • a ijja , rket.- Phono -aM jn . G ladys Cor, il,-Idnho, . • • - 'v - ^'v--

R SALB-MY EN TItlE rL O Q K iO P or vrrite urcbred bronso turkeys, ^ be sold by oiitf.'' , ,Kic.,1 yearling toms t l D ’»nd'«13< ....irllng-heiui,di47— 3CouuffJams4UL X S f t K ing hcnalft. TIitosU iokiiQ ttheiiU M a . strain. JMrs, Clifford D e jm ^ . 'a t t flW U w . CB eu tA lB den , Idaho oa tU ghvny. , U btulB t

' . 'F k s a '- E I e v e tL


■ ;■ : z i :

wr , l | ' ..........— • .. - ........ ..

i ' . . A



^ S r' P r o f e s s i o n u l

A m S N X Y B

f> tlflliG IN , Rooms 4 and B. Bans rru i t Building. Phone 0. _ _ .. . _

D U I W - R w r n s a a n d tB ^ 'm M Jdtnt.

r:flA LL-O rer CloT Book Stora.

< w 7cTllA U A M -U iryef. B a S l i uv BuUdlng. Phone «34-W.----------------

E ie y - * - 8 W K B L n - U T o f t im orm sa Building. — ■

H ^ S - U w y e r , Baa)T<b TnistM m je n o a f tja a * -

. SIICNEBERGER. Lawyer. .P in t Uonal Bank B uU dlng^:Phone 258.

B u s i n e s s

~ f L W g lWQ-------------------—

iE T iiu M M N a A UEATtNG CO 7wn roou and sliops, 152 3rd c u t le 28J,

LANTYNf PLUMBING Jk HEAT.; Co. hXir h ratlnz troubles, ph. U l-«


T O .INSDBANCe-AU eomafffls ;Uor Real Estate. Pbone 371

-------- - T M N S m ---------------

(HER TBANSFEB C O ,^ P h o M ~ Crallng, flotage and Liberty Coai

IBEttO TBANSFCR A im n ^ to iit - 'IE CO.»Coal at^d wood. Fhone 143 —

1CH0L8 TBANSFEB A STOM^OI irbaie hauled dally, Pbone 300,

B T S S f s r a r c o i ^ ^ Z S ^ T ^eklng-.%-siM!Ctalty— BayaU Coal___>e3M.

m u o m c H i K

}.~CCS3C^BtECCll •^ T c ac h C r irfin o. Phone 1070-J.______________

ERT F. FRANCIS-Accredllcd vlo- I tcachcr. Phone 813J2._____________

L o a n s

B V BWlM dT iro .

«E7 TO lo a m ; * P O r r iR 'R B A i.late,

SR CENT LOANS. N O C O W I ^ '~ " >os, llrs t Class rcaldcnco.property , CsU 2Qg or 1531. ,

lEY FO R SrTRA lG H tLOA N S'O N Mletn bouses tn T w in FaUs lur L. Swim « Coi '

f r o i VEAR FARM tO A N n - U i i 'b w t-o I 'ln ie re a i- ra ta e -a D d — ymeat prlriJeffe*. Ko n a b oom- ton. Lcisch At W lUlama. -

M OFFBRIMO A V ERT OHBAP id desirable farm loan. I th ink U best f a n n loan propoalUoL ever of*1 00 tbe T w i a . f ^ t r a e t I t win - you to^ «e m s ^ e w pUalnt yom

S i t u a t i o n s W a n t e d

,TS AND SUITS TIELINED. 641 dn Iiorth. .

VIAN WANTS WORK BY HOUR..lotle 536W,' . : ^

n lur. Phone 487R4.

MANENT WORK BY W B ^ e;30 1 3 .Call 1418,9 t o 7 P .M . ‘ *

btffs Mieiidlnir Q reea Bu.in»«

0 X 0 - •WORK ' F O ft' HEAVY. ou t team oi-nonai. rof'aftM 4K M ;im rW fc 'r:?v--r - •

- I ’o r ' - R W t r - P h f i n i i

Ifl, : '

r n ' i ,Miags a n d to ^ l o c * ® rite


Page 12: :ws :T O n A Y ; PalVnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...liirn of ..reeenl flwurlly matkeU wlU TJt have the effect pt making mor® money I"' nvttltable for farm InvMtmeau."

i r a i i E K ^- OFFieSflEIi::— M e m b e r s o f O i 'j i a i i i z i i l i n i i j

■‘ E l e c t S t u a n S o v e r n s i

___M a s t e r f o r C o m m i t Y o a » : | •

HANSEN, S'ov. ll- .M (fir mnrHti;: nl ' lla iiJ fn O tniije on Novfrr.bfr 7. iiic m :- ,

. Icxln^r mi'iiiiH'M ftprr clix-t-'il :o oiiii r ^

C, F. Ituiiiii-, W fciiiry; Mr li<itnl'; ' tm 'a i n r ; Mrs. Charles J’rlnt, Icd iiirt;Of.'o Mlimlil;. Mi’wnjil: Mr, uml Mr-.. Car/)] CJajJ;. U'.slslaiii .■i>».irr| uml h iiy n'’.'ls:;iiii -'.ii-»unl; * ifaiK Tiuri1;v. BairkPfpcr: Rfv. H. F. Moirdiili, chaplain: .Mr< Frank Tninliy, Mti.

. HatoW Wlnc'liT, Mrs S:.01,i IIukIh''.Rr^rf^. ■ Tlip rrfrcsliriii'Mi> wi'i;- mtvciI

' by MtMlaiiiri J. fl. H»i:, A. II, Sr.>U mul WillW Samivsnii, llu - inccilnv >»;!■; p rf- iilclfil ovir bj i{oy Uiirk.

ncuiirlm: Ct.uciici' Ij iCoui.'” in,<l Zcii- du Ilobl-on, Vera Yen; i.iid Kr.iiursO. ■iiliii;iii. u l i j IVI fl- lwii»- Ilir llir<iu:. NU". l.ortayiK- r^m.illi'v i iili BaiiirJaj- I'vniftii: .ir lu r tmiiic. V .- . C’VMiluc s iitniiM'mi'iil * as jirovidcil hv VmiI'jus ciif'i'-' ■ Uiiii.' nml n ’lr.'.ii-miiiiA Mrvid, Tiii.'M"iin‘-i'iii Wi ll'Mr. Af:-. Ilaliill Niljiml. Mi\: Ajii;'-. 'Ml-v, Uflll ::i, Mlv. AtlMlil. Ml' • Nol Iti- • ,

-T T T jr - rrn r -T r -T T - rn -T r -T n c i^ w ^ ^ ^ - - -

• >JUf’Main!.-'Ki>cix-k, M.ir:;;i:vl Amli--*SIII' tvfiM- Walker, W inilii'il llll".', ItiiUvw j,-nioii, :>rruiy \vTi/i-! F .- ii rs rm in ---------IV '.sk \Vr^t oj W rnilrll; UUiii'lii- Curry.Vliila Mill. W r.i aiiii llr lrn Yost. Uim ra Frniic-ikiiUI, jTlltitnxl Kuiiii. Marjorli- aiul ■ n Pt&nc«» OOAdnui), Kozlim McCalliiiii.: Hrlcii' Marlin. ntul LoU IHII..Ruth O r t ^ of M cCainmnu;'Jrm r iii>(i i Z^iiila RoClioi), U V friir Ctnffc. l / i i l o n “ Oregon:' Orace Brevier and T iii'odorr' m

— fleo ttr Lronnnt-R nll.-Ror-«m lU i.-JUii— l . i ' Koup. Hn:r^-. Clarence nml Crell Iji- I i

Coijj-M'. Curry. Victor Mnl. Uj }' ,Pe<iiiliii><on.~Jolin Oailry.-Max Galley. ■ Q /

^Leiiusr ami K m neth Nnylor. Clin rb s i / f Miildi-r, Tom HIU. lla rrj' I’rlnr, Jcmi-11 Fiki-.

"• R tv. JI. W. Parker ttlU fill tlic U aiw n ;__ .Coninni«Ky_£!mrihJilil;)U_3m5J3uti((.ii'' ^. PVfnln«. Rev, I’nrker Ims been canva;i«■ ilnjf ll)ls dl-sirlct tlir 1»« Irw tlu.v.-; ln > '> :h

bchaU cr llip MclIiodl«i chiircli Iiind (or Uie bcnrfii ol lLi conferrnee clttluiBiilv ;Xi:mi

T he poftfr line th ree mllc.< casi.o l ^Hflnsf n hn<i been cQniDlelcd nml I'lfc- I"'*'''”

trlcity U »icw blng drllvem l lo the U. S.Beul-i. J. A. S u n a c r, A. D. P, K ilih , Mi?.U iils* Kennedy, nnd I . E. DttVb homw. ;

- Tlu* Hoa*^*!) Olrl Rowrve!. uii) h o ld ' Th A recoanlllon «rv lce In the school aiidl- ,'hcni torliim ncxl Kriduy e.venlnu. jOl

MeAdumos SHiiin Severn", J, B. L "»lv i "■ ■ M. .V RcbL^n, T, K OuUey. 1

Ko.'nia umS J. B. W lwmim altMuI.-d u 1 D'clccU lunchfOu.ul lUo V .C , U ullan-;•'''■7 , tyni'hom e 111 Tw in Fulls aaliirduy, Mrs. 1 Paul am lth . r lw L-« leniinR ihls week I ‘" f on a trip lo Kjinsa.1 where Mr. Sm ith luis 1 f * '”

• • 'b w n 'fo r about lu -o 'm ontiu . wi‘.s U if '} * “ • BUest or honor, and Mrs, OallBiilpii; sm! 1

MfA. K. E. Lelehton were lhe hc. ic.'.to.i.U h i t(iiptU-tt'cni-a<atcci .aC tfl'O {BrKt-. tabl?N, placus Ueln« laW.for 30. The m* ttrtiooii's div tnron coiu4.'«ic(i o( pinochle. 1

MiM liessle Weal, leaeher In Uie Wen- [— drH -schaok-w as-a sw s t al (he H«tr}- '^ ^ 7 — CJCiJurarnom e-D ver-sundar:------- ^■ The Women'* Communliy council *111'

mi'Ct TliurMlay atternuon m iKecliurelt. M'?*’, Member# pJea?el)r»Hj ir»il !or ChJJdrcjw Ihcy

houie aud Uie mile Iwx cclU'ftlons' ror er. V — th«iuNeai--KottorpliBH. . Tl

lil t- rir»t immber of (he Lyceum Hpn courxu will be glveu I'uesduy ev rnhi: nexl « i (he *choul BiKlliorlum. cord

TiicHday tveiihit( at Woudmun hull. fcUc _ . . _M1.«. R.uUi Oreen. McCBiumuti, uml dl(o

U V eriie C(Brk‘. Unlcn. O rtnon ,' W wliu are MiuScni.H at Ooodhn; coIIckc. lellc

— W I T H - B E L I G

T h e E a s y - W r i l i n g R o y j l

a c l u o l l y ( a s l e r l l i a n iK e

l i n g e r s . L e i l l i i s m o d e r n

' c h i n a s p e e J a n d s i m p l i f

' o f y o u r o f f i c e a f f a i r s , .

^ ^ ^ I H m n S ' E W R T T E R— -------------------M n .a U liU iW

' T o le p h o h p »n

j : ; ; t Y p e w r i T E i T s ^ j B

f e ' - - : . ' ‘ • • ■ I| » r : : i W $ i t o 5 o ■

H b S i U ' -

^ ---- -

I ’ r i n c e o f W a

^ 9 ' / ' ■ ■ '

- - 4 ....

nil-: I’UI.VCK OF WAI,J>S i,xi c r r u i i t c d h i.il^y o iir w h e n lii s fu t o n |)ri 'v iou .< v is i t .

!67-Ril)bdnsand$1130UURI.EY, Nl.v- II i.'?iti'ci.il 10 TiiL'^rKieii iw TzrA Tn-n i:ivn iiu :~6vT r5o«nin if!i— t i ul!h IWO hevd-i ol ihi-lr fancy pure bred Polm ,Hu'. Curl OIm'M mat Floyd Oisen, (wo a u u Ca.'v'tlu county uuflcuUiirUU and Lwo I reder.s, an- ijack heme 111 ihclr la ther's Portl ,rm ui-.ir llurl.-y, WUli them they avrra uinTHnt(an»: jb * im ij..'ii.s una » .«iu t(~ » ll). mul a ii 'iiin a iit 'o t J in o won In f a '’’-'' emhim moiu'y.s fool.

T h ry ulso brnuKlit hack liome wKh icm. so lliry .*.«y. a itt'iii(.-udoiir. aiudimi |j i*xpericnce and i-diiciitlon uml a live*

' apiin-clutluii i.[ llU’ tiel]i nnd en< jurabiemenl ulvi-u Ly .tsrlculturn!aciu-rs nnd rxti'iiftluft S|k-cUJli£a.-W___Jl''t-rlruliurul chib ■'\nd I 'l l ilul) U»>m <iu1 >’>r lUls, •■riii-y al;: > ray Ihal «i mo.'.i.of thu*. he slBic untl couniy tBlrs .Mliere ibcv nu-iii

,vj)fnaJ non- uJIrU-d }*•') boys' Mubn. nnd tn some tn^tnnre.^} ,j— iwrd, liXliillu; mil! .-n lirtulniiiriit ttr io j

Crc Bt'e^t* of-MlM Frn iicc ' a.Todiiiau; ltd MIS.S Zenda Robl.Mii ovor ihn we'-k« '■ nd. Ml.*vs Lnubo L clslilon. LaCriiiidr, I ireKon. nccompanled^lUeni as (ar iw |^ 'ln■ ’ ll.s w hrre Mho vlsilti'il tiu-iuli..' ........Mr. and Mrs. c ln rrnce Houchlm, U-Il t

lendarnromlnrforWnHtv-W rtllH-wlH-ti---------:)cy will vUlt wllh Mrx, Houchins bruth- 1 r. W aller Wllllitnu. nnd fumily. [T here -wJll,b£fni-iac:cd:cancert by ihi*! . . .

l^^a^cn chnrch orrlicsirn u l the cliiiu li I e x t Sunduy rvenln;; lo wlilch nil n r,- ' jrdlully mvlu-d.■ArinlMlcr iliiv WlLs'flll^yrVl-Ll Iiy H:i»M'Ii 1____cUooIh at nn a.ueinbly hi-ld In tlK- an- Korliun u t It A. M. !WllllBm Cllnr arrived here fiom H.'c.u.,

pUo Sniurduy lo vl.sli frlend.s, - j

3 H T F U t -----------

ASE X|sl Typewriler Is 1

i faslesi Kutnon I '

rn lousiness ma- '

lify rouline

i n n x e H S T ^ E — - —ia l io —__________w ---------------------------------------- ' "

francliat in ti A gt'nciot- jk. \V o f ia -O v ,f

- . I - : ,

j J A i l i l I V V l i N C A

f t ^ a l e s I ’ r e p . n r i ) i f f f o r A f r i c i

K l ' ^K k v M v■ r i i f 1 | P ^ \- ^.............. '

l o r f t u j- j i li> A»>iw! in J a m fu tlii* f, K itijf G coi’k i*. Iifciiint* ill.,J.j*;

lAvc Win Qilvoir f iinH Jjfj : I I U I u I I t v I ~ v l l U i 3 a

• Uii.j

50JilIiEancy:Siine;“xiended as coiirlexli-.i,-T lirbo jrrshnB T rtlhclrllB m psm n^nrt-------'o lnn tl China swim- a t four iduho lalts. wo In MotiWna. U'O )n , ,wo In Ulllll und wound mi u l ih r bu; 1 tn ’ortland Intemulloniil, • T hry im-i r.n 1 Ci .vrra«e of a llUIe over four com|>clUors | u 'l-Mieh-»J)0»T-l)»rrr^>f-!Jifm~br)ne-M«(r-i—rr alr.s nnd one lhe dUlrlct la lr at b b ir lc ; h loot. They won cham|il».-i and Kruiul br :l)umplon rlbboiw, nnd 60 blue ribbons.At Snll Lake City they became inltrc.M- ni .•d In u campeillor'.< .showlnn. nnd | M uehl lour nt hU Humt>;-hlrr:< whU-li iht*y brouohl home to ih r tarm lii-rr.■ n i '.-Jilrs lln-ir l'.Oji breeding nclivltlr:.,

ilTr'boyt. ;« r inien-Nlrd In rv(>ryiliiirj,, tivu*. uoer. on nl Uir furm, nnd "both u t r ’ ■*’’ lunnbrr.i ol a 4>l(Mii:i>r bcei club. Fluyd l.< u:.-:o 11 mrnibi’i' >>i Uie 'Fitiurt-, > a rin '

v ^ r

N e a i - t o v o i i F l i o

---------- n i e i ' c h a i i d i s c .

. f a c i l i l i p s r *

O p i r i i lu ip jnosR p e o p lf , j i c r i e n r c w i lh youi

n r r .p r ic e i l lo r r«


------------------ --------------- -— P = D a l_____ i A:

----------------- ^ ^

• * I___ ^

• . ^


H H . : '

. NKiVs)

^ K ^ K ^ ^ wS '- ‘ ’<'i|

' s tu d r T M ' -------- lillll.

J B | | | h

lliun5 ^ ^ “ . The

Ckmul' ■ .<v. v W “ •‘fi'

. V " third. — » f ^ : , • •. \ \ Pll, w

\ Wl;.^ll

> Thrre

. n t ; J V ■ft,’' Wnvii^ • ; JVtl-i;

^M octairf JV*H rjiot* Ibaru

jn iiiiiry In c o m p c ti ' l)ii“ Im u’ in* ‘on H J.li: is .shown n t E n ltl j l j t . A fl ira ,

• - ' ' ' ' ^ m iIHCJHl

ITS Of Amcrlca. a t llie UurU-y liltih Le.slie .'Cliool,- T hey have been brmllnu purr C. BUI brrdT-yinp'tnrPCTCBr!:. gPtunrTOmc-ol- -borne ih flr first sto tH irom NclirnsKa., - - j . 't 'i i

^TH RErM Y S^ -------rYOUR-DAN(

.Cnufsb from eoliiimiir IriJ (a icrluu> anJ 1iniulilc. You e jn »ton lUia now wlili «npCrrumiJilon, sn rmultificd ctraxite tlu t iioe« 1li plraMnt to talc. OcQmul.ion U u, ibe Ll

h itfotlin anil KraU (be inlliioril mcm- CreIfsBf* and Inhibit! Etoxtlu lory

01 all kniiwn dniiit. crrfi»«lc It tecoR> culd»,nitril |i)r IiIkIi mritical Qiillii>riliri«* uno IironcdI llir|.-ic9ii-'ll:ralini:a|irnn'nf<ircoUKli* for fifmm fiiKU and Lroiuliial icilliliunf. or fluCteomiil.ion eontiiini.lniidilliiontocrr<>. alterfvte, Dibir liealiii:: clemcnlt wbicli Mwitie Aik

C R E O M Uf O / t T H E C O U C H F R O M COL

I Do you :]= tE Sf es t reasonablw

!i<im<‘7W)ii n'nientroff<?rtiig I i(‘. pLofoiaionalsciw ejind frOfflcn is your iialiiral mai

^ ( M i r c l i o p p i i a l i f r . '^ tT R q M a in i e d th i OKI- tiiM'ds :iii(l w iin ls . T h f i i r w a r e s a r ru l ie c a p r o i i l ii> l l i c b u y e r a s w e l l a s t l


Dflig-vourtH>lC-j>}Oy-toH>ttend-iilie^^ Annual Ogdcn'Live«tock Show

...............' J a m i n ty l l i f f - I t S -----------------------aad the 1

F irst Annnol (Jgdea Sid Meet and DogTJerBy ^

Early in Febraary.Two big erenti—profitable* .

eniertaJpJng! •

3EH OF .COJEUEHCS I ^ U C n l f !

i f S f W N g_____ . F oi

. ___________-. DavU

.I'lici^M S i-h o o ] A n n o u n c e s

' T i l i r t l t o ' E i i h T i n S i F H a c ^ f

U s t f o r I ^ i i - a t P e r i o d_____ ' Plf

JK itO M 'ErN ovTll /S pecial to" r iie pij, K>Vs)-Aii hntior roll ha i been comMled gi^ I iln! Ji-riiim* Lincoln school lor the ynn

tuilrnt.'. inaidiiK un arvrai(.r of two- 3 «ec lilt, w ith no irrade leM ihnn Ihreo are - g ij lacrd on a s]H*clal honor roll, the r«KU* Sam i ir huiiur roll rri|Ulii-mpnt.^ bfln i' un gj] s r r .iw fll nnt? no unde Ic.v q ;inun four. jijo oTlio«e on the spccial honor roll a re:

kmuld Ki;i;elit\ Marjorie Fulkinaii. f.»rJorlr f'revniaii flem ior Kenry. from E'«el lilrd A: Ciirlin Ulamlre, Ch.irles M tifh-1 ll, W aynr S(d;icll, Rnhih Sm illi. Ju iiif .l ^'l;.^llalI. Uin-iHliy UnrtliUoinew, ICaili-l flfic I.oi.i .MilJer, l^ ih u .Moore,'hrrr.iu I’aradlie, John Trmpli-ton, | tary Sw rrtUnd. LaVrrne 8U im pt.| Vnviir Thoiiiiiioii. from th ird B; Juck i •r u-i.-.un, lourth A; Ima fiockwi-ll. j iiirili ll: I!,irbar;i flurk.^. .Murcaret f 'y ir .!U'len 11olini|uiii, licin tirih A: O eruld- - ___ _IP RlU-j. itl;li ll; .Edllh Uruner. .• l^ Iilii!------

■ [V o l.The nanir.' on th r ri^tilur honor roll

['CT*;cf)s-.vf)l.. llrnilillne Hunily. Madnllne Povr luyfom0,lii i0t;rne Miller. Hurley Yum- of dl da, lxiui>r Gruy. Marjorie Koule, Uur* belle a ra Peter.-ain. Eleanor Osbtwn. M or- numi >n Hull. I.iielllu Webster, I>;ivld Hum* lowe! tt. Harold Kuhn. Arthur Miller, .Attn lurdici:, g „-Tnirfl-B-Blllle'X?tl01d.-'wnnstn~EIir- thi )eJHrui)l/WJlJ McDonell. Daniel I’u jne . Whe ,e,ilie Rober,-;oii. June O'H arrow; th ird • Iq| , BUlIe ilond. Verlu Camro, Ruili Clal* Wheom f.-Hitlier-Bauer.------------------- - . dm.T 5tM ll"A ' - Wr» li r . L'lart ^ •n ltr r -And-


COUGH;^ER-SIGNAL-EnJ Jiral t!ie I'nflametHitemtrriftf* la J ,top the Itriiaiion. while tbe <cco«Qta •;oc« cm to (lie Momicb, l» abtorbed inlo be L l^ a iU c U tlic ical of the troulila __

CrcoiuuUiun i« liUJiiiilcetl Mllifsc* j youory In ilte trrjimfot uf cuurIk frotn | to n;uld», lirnncliltii and ininur lorm* of doug itonclilal ifriliiiunt,'aiiit it.exccUcni itp q'or f)u(W;nit up (lie »ri-frni after coW< _ _>r flu. M.<nry refunded if nut relirvtJ liter taking accnrJIfiiC lu ditecliooi.\ ik jour diUKiiit,


seek ^U d F ~ -~ - rp rk e f~ ~ '^ e n ■ i

i T T t n "g t l l c - b e s l J n _______________ ’

i d t r a d i n g _______

i i a r k e t . _ _

: through long cx---------------------------JS and 8cr\'icc iR the seller.

V- - - . . . ■

■ \ I

t i O W A I G N - - J

‘T ’ " ' 4

o * je r, H elm Musgrave, Victor NcLvjn, Held. 1 oh-Jn PclrJf, Youklyft YoroantJB. EeflIP JomeK Hi Pleldfl. Ernerj' Doane. Carol Plow. 8a/tancy ntti. : ........................ ' ^JhFourth B -IInw aril MeMlllaii. RUeben Thelm H a r T T a o m n z E S I ^ jO T a n T n r r r M a r t- ^ j ^h . Emmu Ur>ttr-/Tutl.Fourth C - O v n r Cook.*: fili 'i A - avid BNiker, Jftinrs Dolion. Jack Flath- = T 's ra 'n I^n i5 J ? ? r7 T r^ n .? rn r iw tw - ^ - 5hn*. Harold McMillun. Orover New* I \ \ 0;nh; Vanite T h o in p M h T I f in T ^ * ''^ ’ .......»ek I 'ubb’i, Mi>lll< Handy. ’Jr.iti MC- IJJJfli). Evclyjj R audtJ). Auella VlnhiK, la»a Yamnnda, Mildred Yurki-i-s. RUr PlfUi B -C larcnce IIolllbauKh. Dorlr. Kcwr.i

u n u n e r _ - _________________________ IniLhiiPlfUi C - U n o r Johns. ly loctSlxlh A -F ran k Johiw.ChBTlotle Ren- men's

in . Birbar.a U uvK D»irothy Turjicr. a slot

ia^TuaiL'Neuii- Jlo.^^^'\'lo^n'«^' HaVhei l iy * ^weetlaud. ’ • , "Wn: 1S liih B - ! r r n r -Pafon.-PeflTl 8m \th, |w*L.t

amuel Tillman. Praiifc.Yumn«alo. 10 tlnj Sixth C -P e w Elorlelta. Brr'>» HH'on, ment

W. Pnyton. V<rna Sm ith, Oren Ami liom pwn. «»h»rMSeventh A -Jcu tm e Abrnmson. Mar- Royal

)fle CarMon, June Clnrk. Elmu Deed*, i:ara«i iJjel Hc)Ilb.iUKh, H H rn Humphries.W olhy May. Tlurda Nclnon, Fay Over* BUI

t h f7 h o m e:d l(n r- nny v;no*l.

- Chief I 'la n k er-W , 1

r’ol. 1 Tiic.stlay. Nitvcnilioi-

H>vrriy l'iVrih?*cnUM >- ' | ' —;jM rt“ ro rrT t-f dWionrMy. Only llie , , f " , welter holelv have the irlumes woven m Hie M.- Come , undowcls. in d hear liow u

— Cclolcx In rcim llilp me w niew hrrj^ ln « n d Insuli■ the'iroplcfi.................... vmir’ home " ' 'Vhere l))B bread fruit *«>'«''■

falls from trees, — ,^ —Vhere th rre a in 't no W r cnn 't teU yo -rion«one_fiirl bills n,oney; iWid-»-inai«-tt«<Hl-^WiWC: >uu noli le

* " « e .- x o m e mom'y. I— ------ ijom e-and throw

■ The StcN lehoU -Txaitt.- _thOiC-r,i.'nt_recelpb fr Company I* rom - ' “ ilednc B i to ra je ware- ••Julmny. when

ean«d for one year to "In Uu* trunk,"h r W o o d T hreshlnc "Whnl trunk?"lachlne Co. for IioDxIne " T h e e l e p h cbelr maehlne.i. trunk, "

"At-irT5infu>il“«P?‘Do------ AiiiorlcnTiLrm':—Iou wunt to blow huw Iuk to »el rk-h 10 make u llfde enhy drllvrrlnK your m lough? Mix Hour, wa- 10 a Kcnilcinan wl IT and a htUe yen-it. elded first,

HOME LUMBER AND G'hbne.V<. . • . • C o r.:

R e -R o o f ]- W I T H -

—Old AmeT e e - L o k S h i n g l e s o r B i

Right over your old root n

_____________________ S a v e o n I n a u t

S a v e o n l ' ' u e l

S a v e o n C o s t 0

Wurinb'i^jn winter, cooler In fiummci nnd lermfl t(J suit your convenienc

Wo also apply 10,15 nud 20-y■ Full line of Old Ameriam Asphnit S

^or nftl^ 7 -S h o i l io n c .a a ------- - ' '

E STIM A TESn Telephone 22


Twin Falls - Shoshone - Pocntello - 1 ___________ _ A Roof For Evtjry .

— P L rO S H A E

-------------W e - G * i T y - a i u M i n e _ o

p l o w s h a r f

W e d o a l l k i n d 3 ~ g f ~

^ ------------- P r o H i p t - S e p

& R E W GHARDW.J p e c t r l c a l S n ^

2 1 0 -2 2 0 S e c o n d T w i n I A v e n u e S o n t t 4 "

1 ' -

Id Oenc Ulcketu*. Caiherlne Siiilih.HeTSOU H ^wm nbel'eug.----------------^ttt-enth B-E A lhrr WlLwn.y*h lh B—Wllia nacan. Edna n iuien. 'elma-M orrox. Ahn-KinW». Noramiu,. .Ihorl niir^p" H<"vier. Iliii'by Ol(o. berl MeCiilfheoir — —^Uhtll C -Ja in M Kjli?. •

iv o S t o r e s n f H u r l e y

" “ M o v e l o N W Q i r a r t t r s ...........

HURLEY, Nov. U iSntclat fo 'Hie wr.i~Two Durley .'lores u rr expand- {_b« movhitt to Icruer or more w n lral- locaiiid qiiariers. T h r 'te ad e r. a-Tcn- -n's wear chain ntorr, Jia.s m o t^ l i'> slim ' room under the Nullonul liolid

y t - M T H jjT '. 'T r * ■MiUfl’lIl- F«yl< blliliJJll):. upjxi'sl!!' llir kL-oUlui.-uiid.wllljili^i *np In ubout tlny.'i, adihnu u meat m ark rl • d p jn n - " - - —

•nt 10 lla- groeery line.Amonjr rMn61i:.hmtuU rrm odelina or lurnlnK tiuaitcr.-v .are Uie Club cale, lyal Furnliure company nml Jelf'.s r.i«e, • _______


F newsJ _Cub n epo rle r—Jennie Shtirllllf

V, I>, Kayfor

101- 12. 1!)20 N o . ^

___ — ■ Vl.' ltflr. '-Tlrnf.s cer-

‘n tl; ho- Oiiard. "He ouiihl to md see be; he ju'.t u ie th ir r *• 10 iLie nlarin elockR,"

•cmodel- jonstnnlly kce'pliu:isulatlni; gwnke (ti our cmiomei'h' ____.......... — • "nccdK, wc a re buirdliiK n - ._ _ _ _ _ Innic circle o t bi«lne»s

friends each year.1 you how —y; we can • U',s a lrlRlif lo nwrry______

’. Buy n Icr to stay .single anil i;o row nwny lo v.'ork,IptS;______ Kdilorlal

T lic~ G 'o ’.’T!TTi-o-i^or---------1 , ■ South Caroltnii Iia.'S « - neje arp tperi a compul-sory filii-

eutlon bUl, ah one sum ll) the f>ilier Hint lime,

I n n f “ » JoJitf tim e bP-J i i n n t .1

Aninnc tbe Hlllerale

;h quick; book.s on the m arkcl U r Mivltiiu "PlK.« Ls Pltis". I f s llie I who de . uuiobloKrapliy of n road

hog, ••• • »> . K

' G O A L C O M P A N Y ■

r. .Ird Ave. and 2nd S t. South ^

¥ o w r '

ericari :B i - L o k S h i n g l e s .

r nnd ROVC ri\nney"

luriancei e T B i l t ---------------- ------------------- —

t o f J o b -----------------

mcr, very reasonable prices ence. All jobs guaranteed.';0-yenr built up roofs.It ShinRlcn nnd roofing nrn-

Twin Fftllsritiaho ■■T T a JE -------------------------------------T


J G L E C O , I n c .'porntionI - Boise - Bnrley • Rexburg ry Purpose

' ~ T

r w —a E Si o f G u a r a n t e e d

a r e s ■ ' u g l U S

i f - p t o w ^ r k —

e w i c e ------------------------------------- =

EhE-IiS^S:^I f A R E

I n p p l i e a

JPalls, Idaho