www. woodlinks wednesday weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. drop off at 9am – pick up at 3pm....

1 DATE CLAIMERS: From the Principal’s Desk WWW. WoodLinksWednesdayWeekly 07November 2018 Only Our Best, Everyone, Everyday STATE SCHOOL WOODLINKS Only Our Best, Everyone, Everyday ASSEMBLY Every Mon 2.20pm YR 3-6 Every Fri 9.00an Prep—2 PLAYGROUP Every Tue and Thur 9-10.30am in the Hall TONIGHT 6.30pm P&C Meeting Staffroom 28 November Cyber safety session Yr 5-6 04 Dec (Tue) Redbank Plains State High Orientation Day 07 December WoodLInks Festival 12 December Yr 6 Graduation from 10:00am 2018 Uniform Shop Hours Mondays 8.15—9am Wednesdays 3.10—3.45pm EFTPOS AVAILABLE Positive behaviour in not an option, it is an expectation! Students at WoodLinks are demonstrating that they know how to work with each other collaboratively, listen to teachers and each other, solve problems in the classroom and in the playground and be learners. We are proud of the many students who come to WoodLinks every day to be safe, respectful learners. In Term 3, students showed exceptional behaviour. Well done Superheros! We are now in week 5, it is hot and students are having assessment. We do have some students who think that positive behaviour does not apply to them. Every day in every class our teachers are explicitly teaching students how to behave in a positive way. Speaking respectfully to each other and using kind words instead of physical contact seems to be a concept some students need to learn. This positive behaviour applies before, during and after school. We ask all parents to reinforce and model the WoodLinks positive behaviour strategies with your children every day to help them make better choices with their peers and their teachers. Walking around our school and in the classrooms, you will see reminders of our 3B’s, Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be a Learner. Every student can learn these 3 rules and use them to be part of a successful WoodLinks team. Please talk to your child’s teacher if you would like to know more or need advice about our positive behaviour for learning strategies. Students who do not exhibit the WoodLinks positive behaviour will not be invited to the end of year behaviour celebrations. If you can read, you will succeed! Reading has been our explicit focus and will continue to be a major focus in 2019. Students have been writing daily as well as reading daily. Our year 3 students excelled in NAPLAN writing this year. Well done year 3. In prep classrooms you will see classrooms turn into post offices, postcard writing, letter writing and lots of reading about writing. Throughout the school, students are continuing to engage in reading and writing to learn. We encourage you to get your children writing at home, make shopping lists, send letters to friends or family, write a new ending to a story, write in a diary or journal, write a persuasive text to you if they want to do something. Get reading and writing to learn! Hot weather at school. Please ensure students are bringing water bottles to school (with names on them). We do not have air conditioned classrooms but students can take off their shoes and socks during class time. Teachers also use spray bottles during the day to keep students as cool as we can.

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Page 1: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


D A T E C L A I M E R S :








Only Our Best, Everyone, Everyday


Every Mon 2.20pm YR 3-6

Every Fri 9.00an Prep—2


Every Tue and Thur

9-10.30am in the Hall

TONIGHT 6.30pm

P&C Meeting Staffroom

28 November

Cyber safety session Yr 5-6

04 Dec (Tue)

Redbank Plains State High

Orientation Day

07 December

WoodLInks Festival

12 December

Yr 6 Graduation from


2018 Uniform Shop Hours

Mondays 8.15—9am

Wednesdays 3.10—3.45pm


Positive behaviour in not an option, it is an expectation! Students at WoodLinks are demonstrating that they know how to work with each other collaboratively, listen to teachers and each other, solve problems in the classroom and in the playground and be learners. We are proud of the many students who come to WoodLinks every day to be safe, respectful learners. In Term 3, students showed exceptional behaviour. Well done Superheros! We are now in week 5, it is hot and students are having assessment. We do have some students who think that positive behaviour does not apply to them. Every day in every class our teachers are explicitly teaching students how to behave in a positive way. Speaking respectfully to each other and using kind words instead of physical contact seems to be a concept some students need to learn. This positive behaviour applies before, during and after school. We ask all parents to reinforce and model the WoodLinks positive behaviour strategies with your children every day to help them make better choices with their peers and their teachers. Walking around our school and in the classrooms, you will see reminders of our 3B’s, Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be a Learner. Every student can learn these 3 rules and use them to be part of a successful WoodLinks team. Please talk to your child’s teacher if you would like to know more or need advice about our positive behaviour for learning strategies. Students who do not exhibit the WoodLinks positive behaviour will not be invited to the end of year behaviour celebrations. If you can read, you will succeed! Reading has been our explicit focus and will continue to be a major focus in 2019. Students have been writing daily as well as reading daily. Our year 3 students excelled in NAPLAN writing this year. Well done year 3. In prep classrooms you will see classrooms turn into post offices, postcard writing, letter writing and lots of reading about writing. Throughout the school, students are continuing to engage in reading and writing to learn.

We encourage you to get your children writing at home, make shopping lists,

send letters to friends or family, write a new ending to a story, write in a

diary or journal, write a persuasive text to you if they want to do something.

Get reading and writing to learn!

Hot weather at school.

Please ensure students are bringing water bottles to school (with names on

them). We do not have air conditioned classrooms but students can take off

their shoes and socks during class time. Teachers also use spray bottles

during the day to keep students as cool as we can.

Page 2: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone

S choo l Bank ing


Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyone, Everyday

Class spits 2019 As mentioned in previous newsletters, now is the time to talk to your child’s teacher about class considerations for 2019. Please discuss learning, peers and anything about your child that needs to be considered for their class in 2018. We do not take teacher requests but will consider the best teaching style for your child. All class splits will be completed by the end of Week 10 and changes will not be made to classes after this time. Teachers don’t know what year levels they are teaching yet as we have transfers in and transfers out of our school. Once staffing is organised, then teachers will be informed of what classes they will be teaching in 2019.

Booklists 2019 Booklists for next year are out now. We encourage you to order these as soon as you can. Teachers have spent a considerable amount of time developing these lists to ensure students have the equipment needed to learn. All students need to have their resources ready for learning on day 1 of 2019. Please make sure that your child/children come to school ready to learn. Please discuss any special circumstances with your child’s teacher. WoodLinks Festival Save the date: Friday 7 December. This year our WoodLinks Festival will be huge and fun for all the family and friends of WoodLinks. Students will be performing year level items; year levels will be having stalls and there will be much more to entertain and enjoy as family and friends. Check out the flyers from the P&C outlining what is happening at the festival. Hope to see you all at WoodLinks Festival 2018. Development across the Road As you would have noticed, more trees have been removed from the estate across from WoodLinks Way. This development will have 300 houses on completion and access from WoodLinks Way. I have asked the developers to ensure that there is little to no interruption to our school days. You may also be aware that the service station development across from us on Collingwood Drive has also been approved. Lights will eventually be put into our intersection. We want to keep our students safe so please remind students to watch out for traffic when going home. Thank you to our amazing students who wrote over 450 letters to the council. The council has now been informing us of the progress of the development and contact with the new developers has been progressing with Ventia, the company that owns WoodLinks State School. P&C Meeting If you want to know more about what is happening in the school, then attend the WoodLinks P&C meetings. This is a great time to learn about what we are teaching, learning, assessment and how the school operates. Hope you can make it to the meeting on Wednesday night at 6:30pm.

WoodLinks families and friends, have a great week.

Page 3: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone

S choo l Bank ing


This term in robotics club we have been investigating block coding further by using the Sphero’s on our new Sphero mats. This has proven to be very challenging and require a lot of problem solving skills. “I like learning new things in robotics club and how to work with new technology” - Jaiden 5B. Deklin from 6A said “this really challenges us to think outside the box” WoodLinks Festival The robotics club will have a stall at the WoodLinks Festival where you can come along and have a go at some of the robotics we have been investigating this year. Please make sure you come say hi as we would love to show you what we have been learning!


Page 4: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone

S choo l Bank ing

Scholarship Opportunities at Redbank Plains State High School Is your student acing school report card results and NAPLAN?

Does your student excel in extra-curricular activities?

If yes, your student should consider applying for a Redbank Plains State High School Scholarship for


Redbank Plains State High School makes a limited number of scholarships to students who will

enter Year 7 in 2019. These scholarships are to recognise excellence and potential in a range of

areas of importance to our school which include – Academic (Sirius and Nebula), Sports,

Instrumental Music & Performing Arts.

All successful scholarship students will receive one year of the resource hire scheme fees paid

and $100 to put towards the uniform. In addition, the successful academic scholarship

students will receive loan of a school laptop for the duration of 2019, for home and school use.

Application submissions have been extended until week 5, term 4. Shortlisted candidates will then

be contacted to arrange an interview time. All scholarship applicants will be notified of results of

their application by the end of the year.

Full details about these scholarships and scholarship application forms can be found on the school’s

website – www.redbplaishs.eq.edu.au (Enrolments / Scholarships).

Redbank Plains State High School Year 6 into 7 Transition Day All students who have enrolled for year 7 in 2019 are invited to attend our annual Transition Day on Tuesday 4 December 2018. Official invitations have been distributed upon enrolment interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year 7 student ambassadors will greet you at the front gate of RPSHS on the morning of Tuesday 4th December. Please RSVP your involvement for catering purposes to: Mr Pearse (HOD JSS): [email protected] or RPSHS Admin on 3432 1222

Please note: There is an incentive of a $25 discount off the resource hire scheme fee for parents

who enrol before the end of this year. Please contact RPSHS Admin on 3432 1222 to book your

enrolment interview today.


Page 5: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone

S choo l Bank ing




Page 6: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone

S choo l Bank ing



Last week some very lucky students got a surprise visit from Learner Girl! She made a guest appearance at the Super Reader of the Week celebration. Whilst she was at school, she also helped out the wonderful ladies in the office during a very busy afternoon.

This week we continue learning about what it means to be a LEARNER! We are now up to N -Never give up. Students discussed a variety of situations both in school and out where giving up should be avoided. In the junior school we compared not giving up to Dory from Finding Nemo! In the senior school we continued to use the ‘Growth Mindset’ and came up with ways to overcome barriers we may face.

Page 7: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone

S choo l Bank ing


Page 8: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone

S choo l Bank ing


Page 9: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone

S choo l Bank ing


Page 10: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


S choo l Bank ing



At WoodLinks SS we believe that attendance matters! By attending school everyday students have the very best opportunity to achieve success. Each week we monitor individual and class student attendance. We celebrate attendance every Monday at Assembly with the announcement of the previous week’s winners. In Prep-Year 2, classes are involved in a weekly horse race and in Years 3-6, students are involved in a superhero race (located outside the library). The WoodLinks Attendance Policy can be found on our website.

‘Every day counts’ is a state wide initiative that aims to assist in improving student attendance at school through a shared commitment by students, parents, caregivers, schools and the community. To do this, Every day counts promotes four key messages:

• all children should be enrolled at school and attend on every school day

• schools should monitor, communicate and implement strategies to improve regular school attendance

• truanting can place a student in unsafe situations and impact on their future employability and life choices

• attendance at school is the responsibility of everyone in the community.

Attendance target is 95% Recent WoodLinks data shows that the days with the lowest attendance rate are

Mondays and Fridays.

At WoodLinks we believe that ‘Every Day Counts’.

Our Attendance

Target of


Page 11: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone

S choo l Bank ing


Do you struggle to find the funds for Excursions / Incursions / SRS?

Do you receive Centrelink Payments?

if so: are you aware that you can set up a deduction from your Centrelink fortnightly payments to

come to the school? If you are interested in finding out more or how to set up this deduction please

come into the office. We are also awaiting discussion with the P&C to see if it can include Uniforms

and book packs (obviously a credit amount would be required before being able to use these funds for





School Banking day for WoodLinks is Wednesdays - so ensure your child’s bank books are handed into their Classroom teachers which will then be placed into the classrooms silver satchel (this stops books going missing). Please ensure that you have completed both the banking slip and deposit stub and included the student number. If you have done 10 deposits remember you are eligible to claim a reward. Rewards can only be claimed once a term. If you would like to sign up for school banking or find our more information go to the website shown below.

Please note the final day for school banking this year will be Wednesday 05th December.

Page 12: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone

S choo l Bank ing



Welcome to week five of term four in Year One! In English, we are writing a procedure for making a pizza after reading “Pizza at Sally’s”. Students are very excited to be creating their own pizza plan. We are also finishing our Reading Comprehension assessment based around the book “Captain Jane Stanislaus; Chief of Stuff”. In Mathematics, we are practising our number facts and using a variety of strategies to solve word problems. In Science, we will be making another instrument to investigate the science behind sound and how it can change. Monday of next week is our final swimming session, certificates will be sent home. It has been great to see the progress of all student’s swimming ability during these sessions. A reminder that home readers are sent home twice a week and library books weekly. If you have any questions or concerns regarding missing books, please contact your child’s teacher ASAP as we would love to see every child borrowing and reading at home.

Mrs Griffin 1A Teacher

Welcome to Week 5 of Term 4! We can’t believe that we are already almost half way through our final term! English This week we continuing on with our letter writing unit. The children have been having lots of fun receiving letters from all over Australia with our ‘letter exchange’. So far we have received letters from Western Australia, Far North Queensland, Victoria, Central Queensland and lots from Brisbane! It has been great to look at where these places are on a map and work out how long it would take us to drive, walk and ride a bicycle to these places. Maths In Maths the children have been working hard to write number names and numerals to 20, connect collections of objects to 20 and find magic and missing numbers in a number sequence. Congratulations to all of our Prep’s for a great first few weeks of the term, they are all showing that they are safe, respectful, learners.

Miss Shapland

Prep D Teacher

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S choo l Bank ing



Happy Week 5 everyone!

We are almost half way through this crazy term which means that our students are working hard to prepare for assessment time. Last week, Mrs Steel had her last day with 2A before she left for maternity leave. We wish her well for this next adventure! 2A has welcomed their new teacher Ms V! We are so excited to have her joining Year 2 for the rest of the year. Science: In Science this week we have continued our investigation into Earth’s natural resources. Students learnt about the air that we breathe and why it is so important for the survival of living things. We then considered how and why air can be polluted and measures we can take to help keep or air clean. English:

This week our students continued learning how to use

conjunctions to build compound sentences.

Conjunctions can be used to ‘glue’ two simple

sentences together. Year Two have been working hard

to incorporate these sentences into their writing. Ask

your child to give you an example using one of these


Housekeeping: • Homework and home reader’s are due every

Friday for marking. • As the weather warms up we’re all getting

thirsty. Please remind your students to bring a water bottle to school to ensure they stay hydrated.

• All students need to be either in the library, at the undercover area or on the oval in the morning as these are the areas that are monitored. Teachers are not always in/near their classrooms in the morning to supervise

students. Ms Bray

2D Teacher

Dear, Parents and Carers

Welcome to Year 3, week 5!

In English we will be continuing creating exciting

poems. Students are using language features such

as alliteration, onomatopoeia and stanzas to engage

the audience.

In Maths this week we will be looking at

Multiplication. Working on different strategies in a

fun and engaging way. Students will be working on

concepts to extend their knowledge . Also we will

be looking at how multiplication and division work


In Science we are conducting experiments on liquids and solids. We will be recording results, making predictions, looking at safety conditions and making sure it is a fair test. Dance: Everyone will be up on their feet choreographing their own dance moves. Students will be using the elements of dance to create well structured and amazing dances. Just a few friendly reminders: Homework is handed out on Monday and students are responsible to complete the work throughout the week and submitting on Friday. Homework includes daily reading, spelling and math problems.

Mr Purdie 3A Teacher

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And just like that we are into week 5!

Thank you We would just like to say thank you to the amazing interns, Hannah Leadbetter and Brianna King for their outstanding effort on their internship. All the year 5 students and teachers are going to miss having them around! See What I Made (SWIM) The countdown is on for our SWIM projects. We have had lots of amazing ideas being shared and cannot wait to see the final products! Storm Boy Excursion Don’t forget to return the Storm Boy permission note and payment of $13 to the office. Please not the new date of Monday December 3rd (Week 9). Books & resources As the term wraps up we will be slowly sending books that are full, books that haven't been used, and spare stationery home. This will save last minute over packed bags going home in the last week.

Ms Wilson 5B Teacher

Hello Parents and Guardians of Year 4. We have been working hard for our upcoming English assessment – analysing advertisements, describing them, comparing them, making them! It’s a bunch of work, and they are doing great! Even with this scorching weather! It’s starting to get to that time of year when assessments are being completed, from money problems in Mathematics, to Waste management in HASS – it’s all starting to come together. The Year 4s are also being treated to Dr Cameron, and his works such as Pierats (Rats that are pirates)! In 4A, before Dr Cameron’s visit, we created our very own pie-rats, with some back-story; my favourite was a student’s Pie-Rat that had a missing leg because a shark chomped it off! Please make sure your students have icy cold water before school! They’re going to need it with how hot it is getting! Kind regards

Mr Wilcox 4A Teacher

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S choo l Bank ing



I can’t believe that we are nearly half way through the term already! English: This week Year 6’s are beginning to work on their final persuasive essay for the year. We are comparing the classic picture story book “Where the Forest Meets the Sea” by Jeannie Baker, with an informative text about the Daintree Rainforest. Maths: 6B have been playing different chance games and collecting experimental data to compare the similarities and differences between the expected and observed frequencies. We have also reviewed a chance game to see if it was fair or unfair for both players.

Science: Over the past few weeks we have been exploring micro-organisms.

At the beginning of the term, we particularly focused on yeast and the

role it plays in making bread rise.

6B investigated how to make a loaf of bread and also what happens to

bread if you make it without yeast.

Hayden, PJ and Noah kneading the dough

Students were also grossed out by ‘a nightmare in my lunchbox’

lesson, where they closely examined pieces of lemon or orange

that were covered in mould.

Ngahina and Mikayla making close observations and

precise diagrams of their mouldy piece of fruit.

This humid weather has certainly increased our mould growth on our bread pieces. There is a huge array of colours of mould in our investigation groups in the classroom. Some of 6B are not enjoying looking at them already! I’m sure there will be great conclusions drawn from this fair test once we conclude the mould growing section. Don’t forget to fill out these notes and return them to school with the money: • Year 6 Bowling trip • Year 6 Graduation note (+ $ donation) Enjoy your week!

Ms Hall

6B Teacher

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Page 17: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


S choo l Bank ing

Abs en ce L i n e

Remember if your child is going to be away please call the

Absence Line: 3381 4688

and leave a message stating child's name / class / and brief reason. (ie—sick/doctors appointment etc)

a reason MUST be left or the absence will be recorded as UNEXPLAINED


Un i f o rm Shop

Admin News

SMS Notification

If your child is away from school for an unexplained reason, you will receive an SMS notifying you. Please ensure you

reply back (before 3pm) to the message with a reason for the students absence do not include any emoji's or pictures

as these cannot be read. Do not reply to the SMS after 3pm, you will be required to contact the school the next day or

send in a note about the absence. If you can’t return the SMS you must phone the school with a valid reason.

Remember that if your child is not in class by 9am when the rolls are marked, they are required to obtain a late slip

from the office. Without this they will be marked as absent and you will receive an SMS.

Please only reply to sms that are sent to you. DO NOT use this number for any other messages or to put in

future absences.

Monday 8.15 - 9.00am and Wednesday 3.10 - 3.30pm

We now have EFTPOS facilities available in the Uniform shop.

Can you help out in the uniform shop? If so, please see Melissa in the uniform shop.


Page 18: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


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Page 19: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


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Page 20: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/11/07  · interview. Drop off at 9am – Pick up at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please bring a hat and a water bottle. Year


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