wyzwania w zakresie zarządzania informacją


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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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•Meeting the challenges of information-centric transformation

Canon Business Services can help you unlock the value in your customer information – tailoring communications and interactions for improved customer satisfaction and retention.

We surveyed* 150 business leaders in the European Financial Services sector –a highly regulated industry that typifies the need to securely communicate and process customer information – to find out their top information challenges when creating customer-centric transformation programmes.

This is what they said:

At Canon Business Services we understand your information challenges and we have the expertise and proven solutions that can connect you seamlessly with your customers.

* Conducted by Coleman Parkes on behalf of Canon for the insight report “Putting Customers First” published in June 2014

We provide management information tailored to clarify and make sense of customer data.

We ensure consistent high quality service across end-to-end processes, both locally and in selected shared service centres.

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 50% of the vote

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 83% of the vote

59% stated Information Security

74% stated Providing analytics on customer data

56% stated Providing a standard service across multiple division

We ensure complete operational compliancy to various internationally recognised standards (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301).

We deliver multi-channel inbound and outbound communication services on a platform that maps target customer’s channel preferences.

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 64% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 56% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 81% of the vote

74% stated Multi-channel communications

We are a flexible service provider who can deliver services that improve cost efficiency and productivity.

51% stated Automation / straight through processing

•Meeting the challenges of information-centric transformation

Canon Business Services can help you unlock the value in your customer information – tailoring communications and interactions for improved customer satisfaction and retention.

We surveyed* 150 business leaders in the European Financial Services sector –a highly regulated industry that typifies the need to securely communicate and process customer information – to find out their top information challenges when creating customer-centric transformation programmes.

This is what they said:

At Canon Business Services we understand your information challenges and we have the expertise and proven solutions that can connect you seamlessly with your customers.

* Conducted by Coleman Parkes on behalf of Canon for the insight report “Putting Customers First” published in June 2014

We provide management information tailored to clarify and make sense of customer data.

We ensure consistent high quality service across end-to-end processes, both locally and in selected shared service centres.

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 50% of the vote

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 83% of the vote

59% stated Information Security

74% stated Providing analytics on customer data

56% stated Providing a standard service across multiple division

We ensure complete operational compliancy to various internationally recognised standards (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301).

We deliver multi-channel inbound and outbound communication services on a platform that maps target customer’s channel preferences.

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 64% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 56% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 81% of the vote

74% stated Multi-channel communications

We are a flexible service provider who can deliver services that improve cost efficiency and productivity.

51% stated Automation / straight through processing

•Meeting the challenges of information-centric transformation

Canon Business Services can help you unlock the value in your customer information – tailoring communications and interactions for improved customer satisfaction and retention.

We surveyed* 150 business leaders in the European Financial Services sector –a highly regulated industry that typifies the need to securely communicate and process customer information – to find out their top information challenges when creating customer-centric transformation programmes.

This is what they said:

At Canon Business Services we understand your information challenges and we have the expertise and proven solutions that can connect you seamlessly with your customers.

* Conducted by Coleman Parkes on behalf of Canon for the insight report “Putting Customers First” published in June 2014

We provide management information tailored to clarify and make sense of customer data.

We ensure consistent high quality service across end-to-end processes, both locally and in selected shared service centres.

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 50% of the vote

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 83% of the vote

59% stated Information Security

74% stated Providing analytics on customer data

56% stated Providing a standard service across multiple division

We ensure complete operational compliancy to various internationally recognised standards (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301).

We deliver multi-channel inbound and outbound communication services on a platform that maps target customer’s channel preferences.

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 64% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 56% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 81% of the vote

74% stated Multi-channel communications

We are a flexible service provider who can deliver services that improve cost efficiency and productivity.

51% stated Automation / straight through processing

•Meeting the challenges of information-centric transformation

Canon Business Services can help you unlock the value in your customer information – tailoring communications and interactions for improved customer satisfaction and retention.

We surveyed* 150 business leaders in the European Financial Services sector –a highly regulated industry that typifies the need to securely communicate and process customer information – to find out their top information challenges when creating customer-centric transformation programmes.

This is what they said:

At Canon Business Services we understand your information challenges and we have the expertise and proven solutions that can connect you seamlessly with your customers.

* Conducted by Coleman Parkes on behalf of Canon for the insight report “Putting Customers First” published in June 2014

We provide management information tailored to clarify and make sense of customer data.

We ensure consistent high quality service across end-to-end processes, both locally and in selected shared service centres.

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 50% of the vote

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 83% of the vote

59% stated Information Security

74% stated Providing analytics on customer data

56% stated Providing a standard service across multiple division

We ensure complete operational compliancy to various internationally recognised standards (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301).

We deliver multi-channel inbound and outbound communication services on a platform that maps target customer’s channel preferences.

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 64% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 56% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 81% of the vote

74% stated Multi-channel communications

We are a flexible service provider who can deliver services that improve cost efficiency and productivity.

51% stated Automation / straight through processing

Zarządzanie informacją w firmie: Wyzwania

Canon Business Services docenia znaczenie informacji o klientach. Nasi eksperci pomogą Twojej organizacji wykorzystać potencjał gromadzonych danych, poprawiając poziom satysfakcji i lojalność Twoich klientów.

Przeprowadziliśmy ankietę wśród 150 pracowników wyższego szczebla z europejskich firm z sektora finansowego, by dowiedzieć się, jakie są najważniejsze wyzwania związane z zarządzaniem informacją.

Oto jakie odpowiedzi uzyskaliśmy

74% ankietowanychwskazało Analizę danych o klientach

59% ankietowanychwskazało BezpieczeństwoInformacji

59% ankietowanychwskazało Zautomatyzowaneprzetwarzanie

Dostarczamy dostosowane do indywiualnych potrzeb rozwiązania umożliwiające efektywne zarządzanie danymi o klientach.

Zapewniamy bezpieczne zarządzanie danymi,zgodne z uznanymi normami międzynarodowymi (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301).

Dostarczamy elastyczne usługi. Zapewniamy automatyzację przetwarzania dokumentów, obniżając koszty i zwiększając produktywność.

Tę odpowiedź najczęściej wskazywali dyrektorzy ds. IT

50% wskazań

Tę odpowiedź najczęściej wskazywali kierownicy centrów obsługiklienta

56% wskazań

Tę odpowiedź najczęściej wskazywali kierownicy centrów obsługiklienta

81% wskazań

•Meeting the challenges of information-centric transformation

Canon Business Services can help you unlock the value in your customer information – tailoring communications and interactions for improved customer satisfaction and retention.

We surveyed* 150 business leaders in the European Financial Services sector –a highly regulated industry that typifies the need to securely communicate and process customer information – to find out their top information challenges when creating customer-centric transformation programmes.

This is what they said:

At Canon Business Services we understand your information challenges and we have the expertise and proven solutions that can connect you seamlessly with your customers.

* Conducted by Coleman Parkes on behalf of Canon for the insight report “Putting Customers First” published in June 2014

We provide management information tailored to clarify and make sense of customer data.

We ensure consistent high quality service across end-to-end processes, both locally and in selected shared service centres.

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 50% of the vote

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 83% of the vote

59% stated Information Security

74% stated Providing analytics on customer data

56% stated Providing a standard service across multiple division

We ensure complete operational compliancy to various internationally recognised standards (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301).

We deliver multi-channel inbound and outbound communication services on a platform that maps target customer’s channel preferences.

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 64% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 56% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 81% of the vote

74% stated Multi-channel communications

We are a flexible service provider who can deliver services that improve cost efficiency and productivity.

51% stated Automation / straight through processing

•Meeting the challenges of information-centric transformation

Canon Business Services can help you unlock the value in your customer information – tailoring communications and interactions for improved customer satisfaction and retention.

We surveyed* 150 business leaders in the European Financial Services sector –a highly regulated industry that typifies the need to securely communicate and process customer information – to find out their top information challenges when creating customer-centric transformation programmes.

This is what they said:

At Canon Business Services we understand your information challenges and we have the expertise and proven solutions that can connect you seamlessly with your customers.

* Conducted by Coleman Parkes on behalf of Canon for the insight report “Putting Customers First” published in June 2014

We provide management information tailored to clarify and make sense of customer data.

We ensure consistent high quality service across end-to-end processes, both locally and in selected shared service centres.

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 50% of the vote

Main influencing party: Chief Information Officers with 83% of the vote

59% stated Information Security

74% stated Providing analytics on customer data

56% stated Providing a standard service across multiple division

We ensure complete operational compliancy to various internationally recognised standards (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301).

We deliver multi-channel inbound and outbound communication services on a platform that maps target customer’s channel preferences.

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 64% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 56% of the vote

Main influencing party: Customer Care Officers with 81% of the vote

74% stated Multi-channel communications

We are a flexible service provider who can deliver services that improve cost efficiency and productivity.

51% stated Automation / straight through processing