xavier university 143rd commencement exercises

Xavier University Exhibit Xavier University Commencement Ceremonies Digital Collection University Archives and Special Collections 5-16-1981 Xavier University 143rd Commencement Exercises, Undergraduate Colleges, 1981 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH Follow this and additional works at: hps://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/commencement

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SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1981 - 10:00 A.M .


Undergraduate Coll eges


(a) Candidates for Associate Degrees

(b) Cand idates for Degree of Bachelor of Science

in Business Admin istration

(c) Cand idates for Degree of Bachelor of Science

(d) Cand idates for Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Candidates for Degree of Honors Bachelor of Arts (e)



r aculties of the Universrt7


(h) The President

THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 0 say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,

O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming.

And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in atr,

Gave proof through the ntght that our flag wa~ sill/ there.

0 say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

THE ORDER OF EXERCISES Procession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... . Reverend John LaRocca, S.J., Ph D, Marshal

National Anthem ............... . .... . ... . ....... .... .... . ... . . . .... . Audrence

Invocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . ... . . . . . ... Re\ erend Ed\\-ard \\ Schmidt S.J , \.1 5

Valedictory Danrel G. Fagel

Conferring of Degrees ..... ........ . ... Reverend Robert W. Mulligan, S.J., Ph.D., President

Alma M ater Xavier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audience

Recession .............. . ..... . ... .. ........ .... .. . .... ....... .. . . .... . ... ... .. .



The College of Continuing Education

Dr. Robert H. Helmes, Dean

(Presented at Senior Dinner, May 9, 1981}

Presadential Citations for Outstanding Scholastic Achievement ...... . ....... Elaine Banzhaf Kathryn Hake Teresa Schuld

Anonymous Alumnus Scholarshaps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ....... . .. .. ...... . . Kathryn Hake

Teresa Schuld

The Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Business Administration

Reverend Francis C. Brennan, 5. ]., Academic Vice-Presiden t (Awarded at Honors Convocation, Apri l 13, 1981)

Paul L. O 'Connor, S J , Scholarshap .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donald J. Lechle1ter Richard J. Palenchar

The Mr & Ylrs Fletcher E Nyce Award ........ . . . .. . .......... . . . . Margaret H. DePiore The Ae< ountang Scholastic. Improvement Award .. . .................... Patricia A. Schutte The Ro~H'rt E Stautberg Accounting Award . . .......... . ........ .. ..... Diane M. Coviello The Wall Street Journal Finance Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark P. Lynskey The Arthur Andersen Accounting Awards

Mary T. Barnhorn Donald J. Lechleiter The Biology Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ylary L. Broderack Biology Praze In \1\emory of Dr 1. T Clear . . ..... . . . ...... . . . . . ........ Daniel G. Fagel American Institute of Chemists Award ... .. . .. ... .................. Patrick J. McCullough The Rev Frederick 1\.. Miller Award .. ... .... ... . .. . .. . .. ... ....... James M. Fleckenstein Ragland Latin Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . ... . . .. . .... .. . . ... David B. Cosgrove Joseph A . v erkamp Award For Study of Greek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Carl T. Bruggeman The John M lahuranc1k Prize ........ .. . . .. .. .. .. ... . . .. .. ... .... . Thomas G. \1\ 1m berg Delta Sigma P1 Scholarship Key .... . . . . . ... . .......... ..... . ... .. . . .... Laura \11. Daush The WVXU-F\1 Public Service Award

Stephen S. Gottlieb George H Zahn The Pro Alma \1\atre Award

\1\ary Ann \11cCabe Kathleen M. Ranaghan Kathleen VI Swegman George H. Zahn

The Craig \1enderson \11emorial Economics Award. Karen A. Riestenberg The Department of Economics Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \11ichele T. Pol1 The Raymond F. McCoy Educatio n Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ronald J. We1sbrod The Alumnae Assocaat1on Engl ish Praze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \11ary \11. \!\asset The John Patrack Scully Athenaeum Prize .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . ... .. . ..... . ...... Paul A. Wack Sweeney Ach1evement A\<\ard

Laurie T Phenix Catherine M. Porter


Mermaid Tavern Pri ze ... .. .. . ................................ ... ........ Erich ). Kesse Elizabeth Bishop Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ...... . Martha M. Plagge Robert G. McGraw '49 History Prize ....... ... .............. . ........ Margaret S. Cooney Louis j . Simon Memorial History Award ...... . ............ . ........ Susan M. Winterman The Rev. W. Eugene Shiels, S.J. History Award ........... . ........... .... Sean C. Madden The Management Award For Excellence .............................. joseph ). Feldkamp The Information Systems Award For Excellence .... ... ....... . .......... Robert N. D oyon American Marketing Association, Cincinnati Chapter, Award ............. . .. Ann T. Weber The Richard A. Grosse, Jr., Memorial Scholarship Award .............. . .. .... Mary C. Otte The Wi lliam V. Masterson Memorial Scholarsh ip Award .............. . ..... Kathy A. Falso Special Marketing Departmental Award

Shanker Raj Pandey W illi am F. Ungruhe The Walter A. Kumpf Outstanding Marketing Studen t Award ..... .. ......... Ann T. Weber The Comer Memorial Fund Award Best Studen t In Stati stics .......... . ..... Judith A. Cates The Robert F. Cissell Memorial Fund Awards

Margaret J. Grever jean M. Lynch Maria-Rose Youstra

Stephen ). Kurzhals James A. Mohl

Kramer-Miller Mathematics Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jud ith A. Cates The Richard ). Wehrmeyer Pi Mu Epsilon Award ........... . ........... Ca rl T. Bruggeman Colonel Charles F. Williams Military Scholarship & Prize .......... . ...... Dri na R. H arwell The Joseph E. Bourgeois French Memorial Award ....... . ........... Kimberly A. Schreiber The joseph E. Bourgeois German Memorial Award

Stephen D. Cain Michael F. Leruth Martin G. Dumler Philosophy Award . ............................... Richard ). Palenchar Archbish op McNicholas Philosophy Award. . . ... . . . .............. David B. CosgrO\e Frederick A. Hauck Physics Research Award'>

Anthony ). Stentz Joseph G. Uehlem John A. Yeazel!

Theodore A. Kent-Bozhidar Kantarjieve Physics A'Aard ................... Steven T. Herbert George F. And Agatha M. Salter Political Science Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul D Ratterman The Edward C. Gasiewicz Prize in Political Science ................ . .. Richard J Palenchar The Clarence ). Wagner Sociology Award . ....... . .. . . ................. Deborah F. Jones Francis I. Hamel Prize in Psychology ................................. J o~eph ; So ldano Magdalena Strobl Link Psychology Award ........ .. . .................... Ke\ rn J Franke Catherine Brizzolara Psychology Award ............................ Chn<;topher L. Grote Th e Otto Kvapil Drama Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas \A. Ca~ t ele The Rev. Vic tor B. t\.ieporte, S.). Achievement Award In Theology ....... Catherrne E \o'>s The David William Snyder Theology Award.. ..... .. . . . .... . .. . . . . . . . \.1ichael F Leruth The Dr. William ). Topmoeller Theology Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lame'> R Btcr

ALPHA SIGMA NU - National Jesu it Honor Society

Michael A. Bain Gerard V. Berger Stephen D. Cain Diane M. Coviello Margaret H. Depiore Craig R. Giesse Mary E. Gruber

Ltsa 'v1. Knor Donald J. Lechle1ter Janet C. Limke Leslie B. McNeill Mary E. \11enke Carolyn ). Orth Richard ). Palenchar


Shanker Ra1 Pandey Paul D Ratterman Sandra A Schroeder Ann M. Wasserbauer \11arina Zvetina


Major Dale T. Gui lfoy le, U.S.A.


Wil l iam F Ungruhe

Jeffrey R. Witsken


'v\ay 15, 1981

Jeffrey R. W1tsken


Joseph F. Gombach


\tlay 15, 1981

William F. Ungruhe


\tlay 15, 1981

Deborah A Wright


May 15, 1981

Clair A Schwendeman

Regina L Vaniglia


july 30, 1981

John P Schwegmann


The College of Continuing Education Dr. Robert H. Helmes, Dean


Eileen Berberich Bauer janice Lynn Bruner


Linda Sue Aldred Margaret Mary Hinderer

Constance jeanne Swegman


Richard Albert Kaesemeyer

ASSOCIATE DEGREE IN MANAGEMENT August 22, 1980 Roger Dell Buck


Mary Katharine Ausdenmoore



August 22, 1980

Patrick Michael Broderick

Marina Gracia Granados

Dorothy Louise Moore

Jerome Joseph Oberjohann

Clara lnes Ramirez

December 20, 1980

Pedro Miguel Bernal

John Joseph Carter

Gary Leo Doppes

Mendel Meyer Gentry

Keith Donald Baker magna cum laude

Ann Carl Bossard summa cum laude

John Pinckney Butler, Jr.

Michael Anthony Forste

Russell Hamlin

David Anthony Huber

Barbara Rose Lamphier

Daniel T. Liming

Thierry Emmanuel Lorthioir

Richard Lawrence Lucas

Garry Eugene Luke

Cynthia Ann Luecke

John C. Mazurek

Jean Eileen Millikin summa cum laude

Patricia Mary Tapke

May 16, 1981

Karen R. Mueller

Dale Allen Nerl

Michael james Niehaus

Vida Nyame

Robert Ross Otto

Steven Joseph Santen magna cum laude

Teresa Marie Schuld magna cum laude

Mary Ann Stacey cum laude

Kenneth Lawrance Tatum

Joseph Francis Tekuelve

Milton R. Thompson


Michael Louis Grome

Ellen M Hiltz

Spyndon C. Bokos

lv1ohamad Reza Noorzad

Mark David Burwinkel

Susan Jane Cox


August 22, 1980

Paul Edward Lanham, Jr.

December 20, 1980

William Weber

May 16, 1981

Julia lv1ichele Pol

Margaret Ann Sieber

Donna Jean Emerson cum laude

Leah Raye Hall summa cum laude

Geraldine Mane Hammond

Cathy Jo Smock summa cum laude

Mrchael Soldano, Jr.


August 22, 1980

Gregor~ Douglas Goldcamp

December 20, 1980

Kathryn Marie Hake magna cum laude Donald Paul Schaeper

May 16, 1981

Charlotte Schroeder Estlow magna cum laude Vi\ ran Elena \ assallo

Amy Teresa Marrero


August 22 1980

\.1ar~ Ellen Harkrns \1a'>'>On

Elaine D. Banzhaf summa cum laude

Patricia Joan 'vkCoy

December 20, 1980

Arthur Joseph Schuh

Ma~ 16, 1981

Susan Baker Hudson


The College of Business Administration Dr. Robert 0. Zimmerman, Associate Dean


August 22, 1980 Monirah Sa leh AI-Rasheed Jennifer Sue Clough Gregory Robert Hopkins

Richard Paul Meirose Jacqueline )aye Pardun Harold Wayne Turner

December 20, 1980 Scott Lee Applegate Steven )ames Badinghaus magna cum laude Monica Lee Bandstra summa cum laude Anthony Amedeo Bianco )ames William Broxterman Choompol Charungvat William John Cramer Robert Francis Dahlstrom cum laude Mark Edward Derrick Mary Michelle Deters Daniel Tieman Emsicke Joseph Cyril Finke Gary Joseph Fischer David Luttmer Freeman cum laude Victor L. Gaffin Susan Kaye Gilchrist Steven Charles Hoffman Thomas Daniel Huber magna cum laude Gregory Raymond Jaeger Norrne Ellen Kratz

David Andrew Kuntz Luong Due Le Timothy Michael Maloney Patrick John McCullough Mdfy Beth Mendel magna cum laude Julie Marie Odley Richard Cassidy O'Donnell Julio F. Patino Perrone Amy Ann Poynter Trinily Marie Prather magna cum laude Ramona Anne Riddle cum laude

Karen Marie Russell magna cum laude Robert Matthew Schiller summa cum laude Beth Schroeder cum laude Laurie Beth Soper Lydia Helen Tamale Frank Joseph Tricase Bruce David Wietlisbach Edgar C. Williams

May 16. 1981 Mayra Mercedes Anguizola James Chnstopher Ashley Lawrence Andrew Augsbach Jeanne Mane Barrett Mary Margaret Bauer Paul D. Behrends Michael Patnck Bennett F ranees Ellen Bertoli Ollre Ernst Brrthelmer Timothy William Bokenkotter Nancy Carol Brakers Michael Kennedy Brennan, )r. Richard Frank Breslin Sharon Denrse Brisco Thomas )ames Brizzolara Richard T. Broerrng Roger Alan Brown summa cum laude Trmothy Vlichael Brown Catherine Ann Burfisher Bruce Stephen Bussard Paul Damian Carlin cum laude Diane Vlarie Clarke George Joseph Clayton cum laude Thomas Michael Condon Daniel F. Conway William Woestman Corich Dave Anthony Custer magna cum laude Lisa Anne Dame

Laura Vlary Daush summa cum laude Thomas Michael DeCaro Cornelio Paraiso Deogracias Vlary Beth Dillhoff Robert Anthony Doll cum laude Daniel John Donnelly summa cum laude Broderick Dow VI. lv\aureen Downey cum laude 1\.eal Andrew Driscoll Alice Vlarie Eckert summa cum laude John Kenney Eckert )ames Raymond Eigel lv\ary Virginia Erker Kathy Anne Falso magna cum laude Gregory Wilbert Feldman Jeffrey Thomas Ferry Sue Caroline Flottman cum laude George )ames Flynn Elaine Terease Funch Terrence MacRae Garrigan Gary Joseph Gatio Michael Anthony George James Francis Glasmeier Joseph Francis Gombach Sandra Anne Gontero summa cum laude Keith Edward Goodpaster


Edward Gorman John Brett Graham James Will1am Gresham magna cum laude Daniel Walter Gruber Mark Richard Gruber cum laude

icholas Peter Gulyassy Dav1d Mark Hackman Charles Kelly Hamad Deborah Lynn Hamrich cum laude Kevin Michael Hanrahan summa cum laude Duffy Gerrard Heffernan Janet Marie Helmes cum laude Edward lawrence Hickey Brent Harbour Johnson cum laude Robert Michael Kalthoff Roger Michael Kathmann joseph Patrick Keating Terese Marie Kern Katherine Ann Kuerze summa cum laude Charles Michael Lavely magna cum laude Julie Ann Leesemann Gregory Mark Leugers laTice Ellis Lewis Nicholas James Lonneman Donald Anthony Ludlow Nancy M. Luken Mark Patrick Lynskey magna cum laude Joseph David Macke, Jr. cum laude Thaddeus David Marek Richard Laurence Martin Gary Robert Massa cum laude Mark John Mazza Daniel Patrick McCartin magna cum laude Lori Ann tv\ecklenborg Gary Michael Menke Richard Al len Mertens magna cum laude Jerry Michael Mielke John Charles Mistier Lisa Ruth Mitchell Timothy William Molony Edward John Motto Michael Donald Muenchen Duong Van Nguyen David John olting Brian Frank owak Michael D. ugent Osita Chijioke Nwachukwu Paula Marie Offerle Carolyn Jane Orth summa cum laude Marianne Pater summa cum laude David Patrick Pietras magna cum laude Teresa Marie Popken William John Powers magna cum laude Richard W. Quatkemeyer Peggy Ann Rankin Mark Christopher Rapking James Clifford Rieder l isa Faye Ringo cum laude Ronald Pau l Roemer


Debra Kunkemoeller Rogers summa cum laLde Sylv1a Helena Rozycki David Kenneth Rudolph Oscar Paul Ruffing, Ill lance G. Rushing Anthony William St. Charles Stella Paterno Sallay lawrence Tufts Schildmeyer Mary Ann Schilling Scott Michael Schilling Robert Michael Schmitt Joseph Gerard Schoenfeld Michael Richard Schoettmer joseph Gerard Schuetz magna cum laude Robert Steven Schutzman Gregory John Schweikert Susan Gerard Sherman Judith Ann Shields Deborah Anne Smith Mark Jeffery Smith Peggy Ann Smith Gerald tv\ichael Solimine, II 'vlary Al1ce Spelman John Charles Spencer, IV Robert Scott Stone magna cum laude Sandra Denise Stroman John Thomas Sulli\an James Anthony Sunderman 'vlichael Tighe David Gerard Torchia cum laucfr Maria Hortencia Torres Thomas Oscar Tracy Janice Ann Truesdell lauric; Francis Turck 'vlichael Shawn Turner William Frank Ungruhe magna cum laude "vvr. Terry Keith Van Meter cum laude "-'1ichael Allen Veneman Patric1a Cathenne voegele magna cum laude Glen G Vogel magna cum laude Paul Joseph Vornberger Ann Theresa Weber magna cum laude El1zabeth Ann Weber cum laude Bradle't John Weigel Thomas Joseph Welsh 1\t Stephen Andrew \.venstrup Susan 'vlarie Westerkamp James Howard \Vestpahl Thomas Warner \'\ 1ckstrom \1ary Elizabeth Will1ams 'v11chael Levell \villiams James Charles 'v\imkler Dav1d John \\.t1tzgall vvill1am F Vvohleber, jr Da' 1d Thomas \vorrall Deborah Ann Wnght cum laude Edward Anthony Yarcusko cum laude Mam1e Soo Yee Robert louis Zins

The College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Charles J. Cusick, Dean


Richard F. Crone August 22, 1980

Thomas Owen McCullough janet Mary Santi ll Joseph Thomas Jacobs, Jr.

Mary Louise Laage magna cum laude Eric Alan Staples

December 20, 1980 James Albert Barton Glenn Anthony Feltz Joseph Lee Gemperline Peter Joseph Henseler

Carol Elizabeth Jenkins Josephine Ann LoPiccolo Madonna Marie Merkle summa cum laude Martha Sonia Yepes

May 16, 1981 David L. Ausdenmoore Lisa A. Baker summa cum laude Joseph Norbert Baumann magna cum laude Richard A. Beham magna cum laude Susan Mane Bellman magna cum laude RIChard E Bruner Joellen Burn~ Teri Emerson Campbell summa cum laude Mary Patnc1a Cardos1 Mary Theresa Custer Eileen Mane Daly Pamela Mane Dattilo Thomas Michael Downey Steve J. Dunphy Jean Elaine Eichhold Emmanuel Ch1ke Erokwu Susan M. Eyerman cum laude Adelaida Fernandez summa cum laude Mary Frances Fey James Michael Fleckenstein summa cum laude Anthony E. Forte magna cum laude Kevm Joseph Franke summa cum laude Connie Ann Friedmann cum laude Robert E Gallager Stephen S Gottlieb cum laude Mary Jo Hake Nancy Elizabeth Hake Rosemary Maqorie Hamberg John Robert Helmick magna cum laude Catherine Ann Hellmann Darlene Ann Herfurt Paul Christopher Hiltz Carolyn Marie Hoffman Dw1ght Hollms Wi ll iam C. Holohan Sharon Honeywood Mary Elizabeth Hunt cum laude Russell J. Isgro, Jr. cum laude Scott A Kaple cum laude Amy El1zabeth Kappers magna cum laude


Darcy Louise Kastner Susan Louise Kirk magna cum laude Matthew Scott Knecht Haven R. Kretschmar magna cum laude Henrt Bernard Kreuzman, Ill magna cum laude Robert A. Ladder cum laude Anne Luebering Sean M. Madden Jerome J. Madigan, Jr. cum laude Elizabeth Marie Maher Mary Ann McCabe magna cum laude Pamela Sue McClure cum laude Patrick J. McCullough magna cum laude Kathleen L. McGonagle Kenneth J. Meyer Arthur J. Moeb1us Margaret M. Murphy Robert Thomas Murray Ly Hoang Thi Nguyen Raymond Louis Noschang summa cum laude Colleen ~arie O'Connor Sharon Patricia Ossege Kathleen M. Ranaghan summa cum laude De1rdre A. Roberts ~1chael Dav1d Rolfes Mary Patricia Rooney James Joseph Rosenthal cum laude Robert Joseph Rosing cum laude Tanya R. Rutledge 'VIark Droege Sander cum laude Robert J. Schaeper magna cum laude \!1ark E. Schrand summa cum laude Dan1el J. Schufre1der cum laude Cla1r A. Schwendeman magna cum laude Gerry Richard Serger Elizabeth Ann Siegel ~ark J. Silvers cum laude Gary Paul Slowik Cyndi R. Sokolowski cum laude Steven Andrew Stiens summa cum laude

John Daniel Summers Kathleen M Swegman magna cum laude Tanya le1s Taylor Mary K. Thompson summa cum laude Thomas P Tressler, Il l Thomas Wi ll1am Uihlem summa cum laude Reg1na luc1a Vaniglia Kathleen Frances Varsho Sally Ann Velten magna cum laude Sharon Ann Vietme1er summa cum laude

Pamela Ann Weber cum Ia ude Nathan Owen Webster Ronald ]. Weisbrod summa cum laude Lisa Marie Wendel John Charles Westerbeck magna cum laude M. Ei leen Whalen Rex A. Wolfgang George H. Zahn magna cum laude Margaret tv\. Zink magna cum laude


August 22, '1980 Anita A. Buck cum laude Michael Casey Farmer summa cum laude Norman L. Moore, Jr.

Anna Marie Perrino Tracey Ann Renner Mary Ann Stratman Waldvogel cum laude

December 20, 1980 Kathleen Anne Cusick E. Timothy Doherty magna cum laude Patnc1a Marie Gowan cum laude David Joseph Martin cum laude Paula Eileen Monhan

Frank Barberio Sally)o Velora Bentley cum laude John Brett summa cum laude


Tamara Mary Brin kmann summa cum laude Mary M ichele Brunemann M ichael A. Budkie Mary Teresa Burwinkel James ). Cappel summa cum laude Thomas Wi lliam Castele Therese Marie Cerimele magna cum laude Helen M. Clark summa cum laude Mary Eileen Conway Margaret Susan Cooney magna cum laude Kevin Gerard Corrigan Tricia Mary Dell l aura Ann Ennis Edward G. Faeth Mary Elizabeth Fischer magna cum laude Mary P. Fi tzpatrick Mary Eileen Frederick cum laude Edwina Faye Gauche M imi Marguerite-Marie Gendreau cum laude Craig Raymond Giesse summa cum laude A nn Marie Haas M erri ly jo Harvey jean Kleinert Haven Moira Brigid Hickey Brian james H ill Edward F. l ansing Theresa Ann Jastrzemski Deborah Fay Jones summa cum laude Laura Marie jones Beth Eileen Jordan magna cum laude Eric August Kessler Q uvadus ReNae Kinney Karen Mary Knappenberger cum laude

Louise M. Olberding Barbara Hodges Richards summa cum laude jerome Anthony Ruberg Joseph tv\. Sonnefeld

16, 1981


Kathryn tv\. Kneer Mary C. laGrange Molly Ann McArdle cum laude William David Modic Kathryn Heather Moon M ichael Casey Murray cum laude Thomas A. Murray, Jr. magna cum laude Pamela Ann Orecchio Mary lou O tto magna cum laude Thomas Vincent Pernno Catherine M . Porter summa cum laude VV i ley Van Reeves Mary Jeanne R1ess summa cum laude Raymond lopez Robles Mary Christ1ne Rolfes Barbara Roth Mary Ann Rourke magna cum laude Wm. 0. Sansinger Marjorie B. Sch1lling summa cum laud<> M1chael P. Sch loemer Catherine Evalyn Seizer Sandra Skees cum laude Holly DeSantis Slattery magna cum laude Terrence Ford Smi th James lawrence Splain magna cum laude Margaret Kim Strickland Pamela K. Sw1nk cum laude lv\ark Joseph Tekulve Thomas F. VeJiupek cum laude lv\ark ]. Vondenberger Catherine E. Voss summa cum laude Peter \11ichael Walton cum laude Edward F. Wilz Susan Marie Winterman cum laude Jeffrey R. Witsken cum laude •

HONORS BACHELOR OF ARTS David B. Cosgrove summa cum laude Gilbert L. Gigliotti cum laude Susan Marie Kramer summa cum laude justin Joseph Power magna cum laude )ames Patrick Shanahan, )r. magna cum laude Thomas Gerard Wimberg summa cum laude



December 20, 1980 judith Ann Cates, Bachelor of Science

summa cum laude

May 16, 1981 Thomas L. Baranowski, Bachelor of Science

cum laude

Dana Bidzos, Bachelor of Arts cum laude

Mary Elizabeth Brickner, Bachelor of Science summa cum laude

Mary Lynn Broderick, Bachelor of Science summa cum laude

Daniel Gerard Fagel, Bachelor of Science summa cum laude

)ames Edward Lang, Bachelor of Science magna cum laude

Mary Margaret Masset, Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude

Gordan John Miller, )r., Bachelor of Science cum laude

Steven Richard Neiheisel, Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude

Karen Ann R1estenberg, Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude

Mark Rubertus, Bachelor of Sc1ence magna cum laude

John Paul Schwegmann, Bachelor of Science

Gregory Joseph Stagaman, Bachelor of Science magna cum laude

Jean Marie Stentz, Bachelor of Science 1n Business Administration summa cum laude

joseph Edward Temming, Bachelor of Soence cum laude

John Joseph Vennemeyer, Bachelor of Science cum laude

Frederick Carl Wagner, Bachelor of Science summa cum laude

~arina Zvetina, Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude

The ~p~.arance of n.ames m thiS pro~r~m IS lor progr.am purpr>W\ only . .ind IS not certd1C~l10n of gr~c.JU~ltOn


Conferring of Honorary Degrees by the President

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)

May 16, 1981

Morley P. Thorn pson

presented by

Dr. Roger A. Fortin, Dean of Edgecl1ff College

Edward G. Harness

presented by

Dr. Franc1s V. lv\astrianna, Execut1ve Dean of College of Business Administration

Fenwick Award John Getz, Ph.D.

presented by

Mary Lynn Broderick, President, Alpha Sigma Nu

*ALMA MATER XAVIER (Audience wt/1 kindly me and smg)

Dear Alma Mater Xavier! Undying troth we pledge to you

That we the livmg shall hold true The faith of those of years now gone

Inviolate kept and thus passed on. So may the truth within us dwell

And may this song our voices swell Until resounds o'er hill and dell

Dear Alma Mater Xavter