xdi graph patterns

XDI Graph Patterns OASIS XDI TC Submission Drummond Reed, Markus Sabadello 2013-02-15 This document contains XDI introductory materials plus illustrations of many standard XDI graph patterns: 1. I-names, i-numbers, and synonyms: XDI statements used to assert multiple XRIs for the same logical resource 2. Peer graphs and XDI discovery: statements used to describe and navigate the distributed global XDI graph 3. Social graphs: relationships between XDI authorities 4. Attribute singletons: contexts that contain a single literal value and can describe versioning of that value 5. Attribute collections: contexts that contain a set of attribute singletons 6. Entity singletons: contexts that represent a single entity 7. Entity collections: contexts that contain a set of entity singletons 8. Personas and roles: entities and relations that model contextual identity for individuals 9. Inner roots and outer roots: inner graphs within a local graph 10. Link contracts: contexts and relations used for XDI authorization 1

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This document contains XDI introductory materials plus illustrations of many standard XDI graph patterns: I-names, i -numbers, and synonyms: XDI statements used to assert multiple XRIs for the same logical resource - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: XDI Graph Patterns


XDI Graph PatternsOASIS XDI TC Submission

Drummond Reed, Markus Sabadello2013-02-15

This document contains XDI introductory materials plus illustrations of many standard XDI graph patterns:

1. I-names, i-numbers, and synonyms: XDI statements used to assert multiple XRIs for the same logical resource

2. Peer graphs and XDI discovery: statements used to describe and navigate the distributed global XDI graph

3. Social graphs: relationships between XDI authorities

4. Attribute singletons: contexts that contain a single literal value and can describe versioning of that value

5. Attribute collections: contexts that contain a set of attribute singletons

6. Entity singletons: contexts that represent a single entity

7. Entity collections: contexts that contain a set of entity singletons

8. Personas and roles: entities and relations that model contextual identity for individuals

9. Inner roots and outer roots: inner graphs within a local graph

10. Link contracts: contexts and relations used for XDI authorization

11. Policy expression: conditional logic for rules evaluation

12. Messages: XDI graphs used in the XDI protocol

13. Dictionaries: machine-readable XDI ontology definitions

Page 2: XDI Graph Patterns


XRI context symbols

Globally unique identifiers controlled by legal organizations (trademarks)

Globally unique identifiers controlled by standard bodies (e.g., XDI grammar)

Globally unique identifiers controlled by the general public (generic nouns)

Globally unique identifiers controlled by natural persons

Symbol Meaning Examples














Global Context Symbols

Locally unique identifiers that may be reassigned to different resources over time (“i-names”)

Locally unique identifiers that are assigned to a resource once and never reassigned (“i-numbers”)

Symbol Meaning Examples





Mutable *susan*back.forty


Local Context Symbols

An identifier assigned in one context being reused in another context

Symbol Meaning Examples

() (http://example.com/)@kynetx+customer(http://example.com/)


Page 3: XDI Graph Patterns


XDI Graph Notation

Context node: Represents any entity or attribute within the graph

Contextual arc: Uniquely identifies a context node

Relational arc: Non-uniquely links context nodes

Literal node: Represents a leaf node containing data

Root context node: Represents the starting point of an XDI graph

Literal arc: Singleton arc that identifies a Literal node

Symbol Usage In RDF graph model?

Page 4: XDI Graph Patterns


Simple examples














(=bob) (=bob)









local root

peer root














Page 5: XDI Graph Patterns


JSON serialization (1){ "=alice/+friend": [ "=bob" ], "(=bob)$!($uri)/!": [ ”http://xdi.example.com/bob" ], "=alice$!(+tel)/!": [ "+1-206-555-1212" ], "=alice$!(+tel)$!($t)/! ": [ "2010-09-20T10:11:12Z" ]}

Page 6: XDI Graph Patterns


JSON serialization (2){ "()/$is$ref": [ "(=!1111.2222.3333.4444)" ], "=example/$ref": [ "=!1111.2222.3333.4444" ], "=!1111.2222.3333.4444/$is+": [ "+person" ], "=!1111.2222.3333.4444/+friend": [ "=example2", "=example3*john.smith", ”=(mailto:[email protected])", ”=(http://example.com/friend)" ], "=!1111.2222.3333.4444$!(+age)/!": [ 33 ], "=!1111.2222.3333.4444$!(+vegetarian)/!": [ true ], "=!1111.2222.3333.4444+favorite$!(+colors)/!": [ "red", "blue", "green" ], "=!1111.2222.3333.4444+address$(+street)$(!1)/!": [ "123 Corliss Ave N" ], "=!1111.2222.3333.4444+address$(+street)$(!2)/!": [ "Apt 42" ], "=!1111.2222.3333.4444+address$!(+city)/!": [ "Seattle" ], "=!1111.2222.3333.4444+address$!(+state)/!": [ "WA" ], "=!1111.2222.3333.4444+address$!(+postal.code)/!": [ "98133" ]}

Page 7: XDI Graph Patterns









Leaf nodes that contain the raw data

Starting nodes of the graph

Does not contain member



Contains zero or one literal node


All nodes that provide context

for the data

Nodes that are neither starting nor leaf nodes

Contains zero or more member





Root of current graph



Reference to an external graph

Does not contain a literal node

Relative to current graph

Page 8: XDI Graph Patterns


Multiplicity and dictionary syntax

Concept English syntax

Class – plural (collection)

Class definition


Class – singular

Class specialization

Specialized class definition

XDI syntax


a photo

the photo


color photoFlicker photo

a color photoa Flicker photo







Node type

Entity singleton Default (no special syntax)

Syntax rule

Attribute singleton Begins with $!(

Collection Begins with $(

Member entity singleton Begins with $(!

Member attribute singleton Begins with $!(!

Page 9: XDI Graph Patterns

I-names, i-numbers, and synonyms





The local root node address is ()








The top two i-names are synonyms for the bottom i-number

Every non-root XDI node has exactly one canonical XDI address. A canonical equivalence relationship may be asserted between two XDI context nodes (i.e., that they represent the same logical resource and thus their XDI addresses are “synonyms”) using a $ref relational arc. (The inverse relation is $is$ref.) When navigating the graph, an XDI processor is required to redirect to the target node of a $ref relation before continuing.

The “I am” statements, i.e., a way for the local root of this graph to assert its own XDI address(es)





The XRI =abc, an i-name, is a synonym for the XRI =!0999.a7b2.25fd.c609, an i-number


Page 10: XDI Graph Patterns

Peer graphs and XDI discovery



The XDI global graph is a single logical graph of which subsets are distributed across any number of network locations (clients, servers, databases, etc.) Each subset, called a local graph, begins with a local root node, expressed as an empty XRI cross-reference, (). A local root node accessible on the network is called an XDI endpoint. A local graph may describe other peer XDI graphs by including XDI statements describing peer root nodes. This enables XDI clients to perform XDI discovery: navigation of the global graph by making XDI queries across a chain of local graphs to discover the URIs for other XDI endpoints.






This local graph describes two peer roots each with a singleton URI attribute



This $uri attribute collection is a property of the local root











The “I am” statements where the local root node describes its own identifier(s) using $ref and $is$ref relations


Page 11: XDI Graph Patterns


Outer roots and inner rootsThe local root node of every XDI graph is also called its outer local root, which is unique. In addition, there can be inner local roots, which are used to form inner graphs within the current local graph. An inner graph can not itself be an XDI endpoint, but it is addressable within the XDI global graph via its outer local root.



The local root node address is ()









The address of the inner local root is a cross-reference containing the address of a context node plus a relational arc.





(=abc/+inner)/()/=abc(=abc/+inner)/()/=xyz(=abc/+inner) =abc/+friend/ (=abc/+inner) =xyz

Page 12: XDI Graph Patterns


Social graphs





=abc is a teammate of =xyz in a Seattle soccer context

=abc is best friends with =xyz

=abc is friends with *bob in the Facebook context







Social graph expressed at the (=!1111) local graph, for which =abc is the authority

$is$ref() (=!1111)



!a726df $ref


=!2222 $ref

XDI graphs can express the relationships between XDI authorities in different contexts. This example illustrates the relationship between =abc (i-number =!1111) and =xyz (i-number =!2222) in a global context, a Facebook context, and a Seattle soccer context.


Page 13: XDI Graph Patterns


Attribute singletons












Attribute singleton +age

Literal value

Versioning subgraph

First version context

First version timestamp

Second version context, which is also the current version




First version value

Timestamp subgraph


An attribute singleton has a single literal arc to a literal node. It may also contain other contexts describing it (subproperties). An attribute singleton is always prefixed with $!. The diagram below illustrates a person's age, $!(+age), with two standard XDI subproperties: a timestamp $t and a versioning subgraph $v.



$is$ref() (=!1111)

Page 14: XDI Graph Patterns


Attribute collections














An attribute collection represents a set of attribute singletons of the same type and optionally ordinal contexts expressing their order. An collection is a cross-reference prefixed with $. Each The example shown below is a phone number with two instances, =abc$(+tel)$(!1) and =abc$(+te)l$(!2). Ordering of these instances is done with ordinal contexts – i-names in the form $*n, where n is a positive integer. Relational arcs describe the non-unique type of each instance, e.g., +home, +home+fax, and +work.

Version subgraph – reflects changes to literal values only

Version subgraph – reflects changes at this level only


… …



Two ordinal contexts, =abc$(+te)l$*1 and =abc$(+tel)$*2, assert the order of the two phone number members



$is$ref() (=!1111)


Page 15: XDI Graph Patterns











Attribute singletons and attribute collections may be used together to express the full semantic richness of contextual data. This example illustrates how the XDI graph for a person =abc can express his/her default, work, home, and home fax telephone numbers.





$is$ref() (=!1111)



Combining attribute singletons and attribute collections







$ref $ref $ref $ref

Page 16: XDI Graph Patterns


Entity singletons



An entity singleton represents a single instance of an entity, like a single noun in the English language. Entity singletons are the default in XDI, i.e., they have no special multiplicity syntax. The example shown below is +passport. It contains three attribute singletons: a country string, a number string, and an expiration date.

Version subgraph – represents changes to this level only


“New Zealand”








Version subgraph – reflects changes to the literal value only



() (=!1111)






Page 17: XDI Graph Patterns


Entity collections










An entity collection represents a set of entities of the same type. Each member is a subcontext identified with an i-number in the form $(!n), where n is an i-number. The example shown below is a set of passports. Two instances are shown, =abc+passport$(!1) and =abc+passport$(!2). (Ordering of these instances is not shown in this diagram, but uses the same ordinal context pattern as with attribute collections.)

Version subgraph – reflects changes to this level only

Version subgraph – reflects changes to this level only





“New Zealand”














Version subgraph – reflects changes to the literal value only





() (=!1111)






Page 18: XDI Graph Patterns


Personas and roles





Personas are an example of using entity collections to model the identity of a person. In the example below, the person $(=!1111) has two personas, $(=!1111)$(!1) and $(=!1111)$(!2). @!4444 (aka @example.co) is a company in which the $(=!1111)$(!2) persona plays the role of president.

+president is a role that the persona $(=!1111)$(!2) plays in the context of company @!4444









$ref +president

$(=!1111)$(!1) and $(=!1111)$(!2) are personas of =!1111 that enable =!1111 to control the sharing of portions of =!1111’s personal graph

The ($) variable relation allows subgraphs to be included in other graphs – in this case, the $(=!1111)$(!2) persona includes =!1111$!(+age)



$ref() (=!1111)


Page 19: XDI Graph Patterns


Link contracts (1)

This root link contract uses the $all relation to allow performing all XDI operations on the local graph, if the policy expression is satisfied.

A link contract is an context used for XDI authorization. A link contract is defined by a $do context. Shown below is the “bootstrap” link contract in a graph, called a root link contract: a $do child of the local root node. The $all relation pointing back to the root asserts that the assignee(s) of this contract have “root access”, i.e., permission to perform all XDI operations on the entire local graph.









$if begins the policy expression branch of a link contract

Page 20: XDI Graph Patterns


Link contracts (2)





This diagram shows the addition of a link contract to the previous Personas and Roles diagram. This link contract, created by =!1111 to control access to the $(=!1111)$(!2) persona, is intended to provide $get (read) permission on that persona.












$ref() (=!1111)




The $if subcontext of $do is used to assign policies to this link contract (see the next page)

This link contract gives the assignee(s) permission to do an XDI $get operation on the $(=!1111)$(!2) persona, i.e., read anything in its subgraph


Page 21: XDI Graph Patterns

Policy expression (1)



$if begins the policy expression branch of a link contract

$and branches group policies that must all evaluate to true

$not branches group policies that must evaluate to false


$or branches group policies of which at least one must evaluate to true









Policy expression is handled by the $if subgraph of a link contract. Policy expressions can use the boolean contexts $and, $or, and $not, which establish a boolean logic tree. Within this tree, the operators $true and $false, as well as conditions such as $equals, $greater, and $lesser are used to formulate how the policy can be satisfied.

Link contract

The inner graphs contain conditions for the policies (not shown here due to space limitations)











Page 22: XDI Graph Patterns

Policy expression (2)








The following policy expression evaluates to true, if a message is sent from a certain I-Number, and if a correct secret token is provided.

Link contract














Page 23: XDI Graph Patterns


Messages (1)





“to” peer graph

Message entity

Message operations

Message envelope





Message timestamp

Message collection



“from” XDI authority (sender)


$is$ref“from” local graph (endpoint)





XDI messages are XDI graphs sent from a local XDI graph (the “from” graph) to one or more peer XDI graphs (the “to” graph(s)) to perform an XDI operation (e.g., $get, $add, $mod, $del, $copy, $move). Every message must reference the link contract authorizing the operation(s) it is requesting. Note that the $add relation records the source graph for auditing purposes.



Every message must include a $do reference to the link contract authorizing the opera-tion(s) it is requesting. For example, this message references the =!2222$(!1)$do link contract for $get permission on the $(=!2222)$(!1) persona


Page 24: XDI Graph Patterns


Messages (2)



Message operations

Message envelope






$is$ref“from” local graph (endpoint)


This is an example of an XDI message with a $add operation, which uses an inner graph for the statements to be added. Most of the message envelope as well as the link contract are left out in this example.

The $add operation requests the statements underneath the inner local root to be added to the target graph.















Page 25: XDI Graph Patterns


Dictionaries (1)


“{XBNF statement}”!



The global + context is the root of the XDI literal type tree

Dictionary statements may be timestamped and versioned like any other XDI graph


XBNF (XDI BNF) is a version of ABNF in which every statement is XDI-addressable

$ref+ statements define supertype relationships

XDI graphs containing XDI ontology statements are called XDI dictionaries. They are machine-readable definitions of entities and attributes. Attribute types are defined by reference to the XDI literal type tree, which includes the datatypes defined in JSON, XML, and MIME. Entity types are built up from attribute types and other entity types.


$is$ref() (+)







“{XBNF statement}”!


All branches of the XDI literal type tree end in !$xml


Page 26: XDI Graph Patterns


Dictionaries (2)


“{XBNF statement}”!

The XBNF for this definition of +num overrides the XBNF in the global definition

$!($*) is the attribute singleton for multiplicity – it takes a literal expression that defines the cardinality of a subcontext

An entity type is defined using definitions of attribute types and/or other entity types. Note that these “definitions in context” can override the global definition. For instance, in the example below, the definition +(+num) in the context of the definition of +(+passport) overrides the global definition of +(+num) by providing its own specific XBNF. All other properties of the global definition still apply.


() (+)



“{XBNF statement}”!











Values correspond to cardinality notation in UML, e.g., “1” means exactly one

Page 27: XDI Graph Patterns


Dictionaries (3)


Relations for a context are defined using the dictionary context *. Multiplicity of a relation is defined the same way as multiplicity for a subcontext. Note that complex relations can be defined, e.g., +(+best+friend).


() (+)














Page 28: XDI Graph Patterns


Extra Examples

Page 29: XDI Graph Patterns

Device identity



This pattern represents an approach to putting a device on the XDI graph. Since a device, such as a GPS transponder, may change ownership over time, the device is identified with a URI using the URN UUID schema. The XDI root node is identified using a cross-reference to this UUID. At any point in time, this cross-reference may be put in the context of a specific owner, such as =!2222. Data output by the device is in a subgraph in the context of the device identity. This subgraph is identified with an i-number which is cross-reference to the UUID.

















Sensor attributes…

Accuracy attributes

Location event instances

Page 30: XDI Graph Patterns

Event channels



This pattern represents an approach to modeling event channels in an XDI network.












Event channel identifier (ECI)

expressed as an i-number

Link contract for permissioning to send events to

=!1111 on this channel