y. octobeh i, 1912 n student booy vot es€¦ · 'r.oltl lnter shad1•

THE WEE LY EXPONENT. "UL II' TITE WEEKLY EXPOXEXT, FRID.\Y. OCTOBEH I, 1912 SWEATERS raR COLLEGE EXHIBIT n STUDENT BOOY VOT ES SURE TO ar cAMEs sPrnK MEN rAm aniws cnawas ING or EMBlEM Exhibit Which was Placed in Large Ten! was Attended by Over Half Are to be Grey With Shaded Letter. the Fair Visitors. At a Me e ting of th e E xecuti ve Co mmittee of t he Athletic Mines States That They Will Not Have a Team This Year. Will Play U. of M. Oct. 19 and Nov. 9 Will Also Have Service Stripes. Without a dnubt the bt•st etfucntional A ssoc iat ion W ed n es d ay It Was Re c omme nd ed C'oach Docsta<ler and :\Ianager Yee· rxhilJit en•r sent out by )fontnua State tnl hn,·e beeo <luring the past Nine Men to Receive Tokens. college was seen at the state fair in Th at Emblems be Chan g ed from " A" to "M" week trying to arrange a schedule of - Helena the pnst week. Housed in a gnmes for the college this fall . for th(' mrn 'tvbo won let- large tent and situated in one of the At present only two games are ns· hrs in track 3 rc CXJleCte 1 : most .on the fair sured; both of these nrc with the Un· "' d th 11 1 b t pro ·ed o , i,·ersity. The wHl be played in i?1 n h w d:ns. 'fbt•y l1ave been orderc·l bTOUD s, e egc ex u 1 f h 'f . Ilt.: The executi\'C tomrnil leo o:l the ath· ngriculture. 'l'he in the letter Bozeman ·an October l!ltb. and the sec· from the sPaulding people through on·• rf the attracttYC features 0 _e air. letie association held ao important would be one more step toward dispell· ond in Missoula on the 9th of Novem· 1•f tlw loe.11 firmQ and should be hl'r".' Although the weather conditions dur· rng this false impression of Montana's ing the first few days of the fair were meeting Wednesday 3t thred her. that th<'y may lie gi,·cn out at the not of. the for the exhibjt, the c'clock. It wa3 decid<"d that the C'Om· ;nstitution of technical training. It was hoped that the lf.ine:i woulcl next regular absembly. tent was crowded at all times with mittee should rc ... ommend that the col· Othe r arguments of a minor n3tnrc be represented by a team this fall, Out The sweater' arc to be grey with a spectators. Ou Thursday. the recor•.1 lege athletic emblem be chnnged, anJ and otlwr suggestion::; as to what the a letter received yesterday stated tbat 'r.oltl lNter shad1•<l w.tb blue sewed on day for attendance, an estim 3 te basl'.vl the sale of athletic tickets was dis· change should bo haYe bt.'cn made from it would bo impossible to arrange an.v tliem au<l will ha,·e r1 large pony col· <'D eouuts m:idc 3 t the door nt various cussed. !ime to time, but tho leading a.re games. This leaves but the two games Jar. who won a first place or times during the dn)' showed that OYN At the present time the athletic em· summed up in the abo,·e. The move· before mentioned and prospects for two fl('l'On<lR last at the dual meet fi,·e thousaud people passed through blem h; the letter "A.'' Howe,·er, it ment for th<' c:hangc is being !eel by a outside game RTt' not the brightest. are to sweaters. The list is as tLe tent, over half of the total attend· seems that the members of the colleg(' 1 number of the seniors in agriculture . Thls state of nffairs is mainly due to C10orgr Blinn. cnptniu; 'Vil· athlc:>tic teams ,1n d the student body iu ehowing how the general feling now to the fact that the Uni,·ersitv sched· ].rd 111 ance of the fair thut day. Of tho I , Atkinc;i, Halpb Brabrook, ... ax . . . . general prefer the Jetter ").( ·' for th" f:tandi:i. ulc wi11 be played almost entirely awa:· Knnck, :.\[ax \rilcomb, Joseph D. :Mor- thirty thousand that y1s1te<l. the f:ur, it 1 '" · d that half that number athletic emblrm. so in nns_wer to t_hl) ..-\nothrr ma. tter thnt rccei,·cd a gre:i._t I from here. Consequently no outsi<le pin. Lt.'on Da\t:s, \\"m. Il. Ye!stal an•l! 1 s estimr1te f passed hrough the college tent. the athletic executn e u.eal o atention was the sale of athletic team will be brought into the stat!?, 1 · B-chumocb('r, t.•ach onl' of whom The farm mechanics exhibit, 1 comnutt_ee clcc1ded to rccommPn? I tickets to the mrmhcrs of the co.llege and with the coJlege standing the total cHricd off a first la't spring and in I I I bl J d I t I t b d S f b f t ing of a cream separator, an c rn.nge 111 t cm em, llD< aceor rng Y 1 uc en o y. , o ar a num er o s n- expense it is improbable that a team !»('\ er:i.l cases pickerl up n few extra electric and a gasoline power washing I the malter will come up before the gen- dents. not secured them. although can be here. roints. nir1chine, :rnd a model irrigating pump I era! student bo<ly for a Yote today. I the entire body has been Call\·.assed. Iu speaking to au Exponent reprc· ThC' swrn.trrs ordered this year will plant was one of the most attractin? One argument that has been ad,·anecd ln order that college athletics may sentath·e Coach Docstader stated that lian• S'C'ni<'e stripes of gold and blue exhibits and, being located near agninst this mOYC in the past is that be successfull_,. carried on it is neces- the guarantee requir ed to bring n on the left arm. These stripes door of the tent, it pro,·c<l a large fac· Mines and both ba,·e the s:i.ry that arc available, and Utah, Colorado or \Vashington team t:> the number of years that the man has tr.r in drawing the Jetter l l? ['' for athletic e.mblems. How- (.f these are _ expected to through Bozeman would be enormous and woulc1 breu out for the branch of athletics Pobnder, the world's greatest grade e,·er. this argument loses its force when the sale of hcketq, The pnce of four be far aboYc what the coJlege coultl cow, also proved one of the main attrae· '.It is cons1< ere thnt t _e are< 1 • c•o ars or lC tie mt 1s cons1 er.e< 3.s possibly raise . He stated, howeYer, in which the sweater is gi,·en. Three 1 · · j d h I j'f · II f ti · I · 'd l I strip<'!". will he given to Ralph Bra- of the exhibit. ferent for the three rnstitutions, :\n 1 :t fee, nltbough holders of the tickets that this was not a final decision. lf trook, the colle,:?e jumper, and to Jos· l I t · ti t t I · d 'tt d JI cph the two-mile man. C'ap· E,·ery phase of the college work wac; fu.rt t 13. rn o ter s a es se,·e1·a .tn t!r.e a m1 e . to a contests' couclitions are favorable the students tain Blinn, the coJJege sp rinter and win- -rrell represented by neatly ex· Et1tut1ons often hnYe the same without pay1.11g m.orc. :Not cuough will see the team .in action more than ner of the quarh•r mile race last sprini;, l11bits. The cent.rat portion of the tent One argument for the change besides· once. "ill get two stripes. ·w. B. Yestal, was occupied by the biolog.'·· John Wharton of the association, state.1 who took first in the low hurdles last; try. plrnrnrn.ey and horticulture depart· spring, will also be awarded two stripe$. ments. On the west side of the tent -n;rong impression of the college. At lthnt the purchase of sweaters by the \rhcn the sweater& arrh·e nnd ard were the engineering exhibits. while one time the college was almo8t entirel.Y association this year would be out ".>f giq•n out, e,·ery man who won n let- near the ent rance on the north sitl-:> agricultural in n:\ture ancl as such it the question unless the rest of the stn- '"aS a model kitchen, in which v:as known. Since then. howeYer, other could he induced to purchase hr last year ou any college team, who coursec; hn,·e been introduced until a);t· 1 t!ekets. lad not pre\'iously hen g-h·en a oi the dome8tic science cle· iicultu re is no longer the major part It wa:;; stated at the meeting tha"'. (Continued on Page Four) partment, gaye daily lecturec; on that c·f the coJlege. Yet the ' 1 A'· is re· tltosc who r epresl'nt the collC"ge in :1 I hase of the work. Prof. F. B. LinfilE,\J tained and the impression is that game or two not be exempt (Continuec.1 on Page Four) the college is yet priueipally one oi I (Continued ou r:i.ge Four) GIRLS WATCH PRACTIC E The girls who bnYe stayr<l out to wntch the footbaJI men at their pra.ctice this week hn,·e shown the right spirit. At times a cold winll has been au<l th(' fact that n few of the girls at the college are willing to braYe tbl' wincl to the men practice is a credit to them. DRAMATIG Gl UB TAKES IN TEN NEW MEMBERS ANNUAl TUG-Of-WAR TO TAKE PlAGE AT fROG PONO Series of Entert ainments Is One of Best Ever Offered by the Organi zation. AT ONE TEAMS SEEM TO BE GONrlOENT Noted Man is Here on Invitation of Woodrow Wilson Club. Will Ad- dress Students on Politics. A mrssage was rccei,·e<l b.v Prof. Brewer the first of t he week, stating tbnt Gov. Edwin L. Norris ba·l accepted the invitation of tho ' V'ooU- row Wilson Club to speak before them them today at ele,·en o 'elol'k. The col· foge hns allowed th e club the use of the college assembly hall for the occa ion, and a good attPndancc is e:o..-peete1 as a genera l io,·itation bas been extend· e1l to the college and townspeo1llc alikC', to be present to l1ear the governor. 'l'he subject of the governor ·s i;pecch is not known, but it will undoubtedly go on some phase of the:> present cam· paign. Go,·. Norris is a very pleasing speaker aud because of the organization of the ,·arious political clubs at the colll'ge tbe interl'st in talk should be good. GoY. will be met at the train a committee from the clubs and also by one from the cen tral committee. 'l'he club will hold a business meeting at ele,·en o'clock at. which ti.me reports from the commitlt.'C on eousli· tution anll from thC' committee on nomi- nation will br heard nncl act('d on. The \\'oodrow Wibon <'ltib hns been the only oue at the eollege to do any acti,·e campaign work so far this year, altl1ough the prohibitioniRtR ha,·e made a grent de:il of no.is<' and ha,·e ha•1 some Ii ,.e !'tudeut rnllirs. 1 t is c:>xpecte1l however, that the ''Bull will commence active work at once and do what <'<ln to help <'ol. RooseYelt in his eampaigu. ,., hat tht" plans of that organization is at the pr('sent time arc unknown. WOO DROW WllSUN PRESIDE N TI Al GHOIGE Governor of New Jer sey Popul ar Choice in Straw Vote Taken at College By Exponent Wednesday. \\"ilson seems to he thC' choice of the The first meeting of the Jnek-o- Lantcrns. the college dramatic club, W3' Annual Event Will Take Place at About One O ' clock Under Directions of the Student Senate---Captain Hodgskiss of l1ehl ln't Th11rsday at the coll·•r,:e . th F tb II T t A t R f C t t T d I F th 0 H Id A th F E college is an:· a11thority on the way the o>eph Truman of the senior class was e 00 a earn , 0 C aS e eree••• On es O ay S OUr ne e CrOSS e roggery·•• Vent •t11dc11ts and faculty members stand. lectecl llllnnimou•ly to the office of Has Taken Place Between Classes of 1910 and 1911 , 1913 and 1914, 1914 and 1915 in Fall ' fhe polls PJlCUCcl \\'cclncsday morning at to succeed Harry P. Dietz. eight o'clock, nnrl throughout the day, d10 rcturnrd to Indiana this ye:u. Xcw and especially bl'tween the ,members 'i\'Crc discussed and tho follow- Ji,·ely interc.'st was takekn by the Yoters. ng were elected to the club; Georgi::i. At one o'cloek toclay the most spec· up such n hnrd fig ht when it is cou- \)f men shall weigh up a · week before Au umpire will be to wutch The names of nil thr colll"gr mrn and Iullic>r, J<enyon 'faleot ·, Quaw, tacular of the many interclass events s1dered that they were outweighed and the eon test and the other class must C'ach aide ant.l sec U n1 these rule& are women werr- in thr srcretary 's Rhoda Dnwes, Olin• Clark. IT:izel Hop· will take place ·when two teams ontnumbered. weigh up within a hundred pounds of CJ!isen·ed . offiee, and two ballot were pro- kins. PlorcnCl' Pool, Ray Ll'rO) senting the two lower elases will en· Last ycnr was the third time tha ... lheir That the t;wo arr in dead car- Y.idra, one for the men of thl" college \Yi11<'.'·, Kennard. To be ·,dt"3TOT to pull C>ncb other through the tbe contest was held, and tbe class uf \11 weighing shall he done in the pres- nest o,·er the m:i.tter is e,·i<lenccd from who will ht'.' eligihil' to '·ote this fall, 1lc.· for the club a pt.•r.;ofJ. 11.n·e frog pond. The .affair will be l:lt-1 was the Yictim, when thr ("nee of the cnptains of the two team:::i . fht' fact thnt they Juwe been in acti,· 0 and the second for the rest of the four- 't""'sfully eompletrd ye 1r rn charge of the student ennte. I sophomore class dragged them team shllll place a class p('n· i reparation for the eYent for uer1.rlv a coll<'ge stmfonts . t collt•gl' work :rn.l m•t·:f h:-tn' (1,e rei The custom of haYing the classc:>s holt.1 thorugh after a hard tuss:le. It hap· nant at the encl of the rope nud tlvse1week. The sopohomores haYe held two The as counted at four o'clock omtnl'tHfation of the colk;:e 8nglii;i1 <le· a tug of war over the frog pond wtl.S p<:ned that fiftren wns the number tlwt pt.:nnauts shflll become the property of .e · three pulls. iu one case pul1ing against were as follows: Eligible votcrs-\n1- 1nrtmcnt. Othrr 11:.1.rn"'" will he yo,. I c.i'iginatNl betwcl'n the of HllO the sophomorr:o:; could nrnster, and COf.l· the winners !\fter the pull. the. strongest tc:im in tbe college barn.:;. son. 25i Roose,·elt. 13; Taft, 9: <'h!tfin, min a time. (•lub member- :::1'.d J!nl, who pulled for fifty sequent!_,. the fr<.'shmen had a m1m· The rope be t:tken from th" "l'hc freshmen hnYe also been making- 1 9. an<.1Dl•l>s1: totnl. .5i. fneligihlt.• YOt· hip is limited to thi:-t ;•. i"3 190i to a. tie. Xo rope coult.1 b,. Ler. Hules gon•ruing the use of cleat."i barns by a committee of eight persons, .U<'th·c although the:· ha,·c ers-\\'il:rnn1 42; Hooseq•Jt, 36j Chafin, ).Jrs. Herrick1 dirrdt>r of th e club found that was strong enough for the..;.o?la.ud holes wen• adopted, as well as other four from each tlass. 1 :ot bern so public. :?.>; Tnft, ·I; total, 107. Ho, ontlint.•d the plans for .h'? stlt111;>; contestnnts :rntl consequently the nffair rules neces:-;ary in such a contest . I The ropo shall be returned to the Captains ha,·r hern elected for th,.. it SC'ems that thr people- on the- hill th:1t prohabl.'· two wn11ld he gi· cu. \'-as declar ed to be :l tie. ln April of the year the stu- bnrn by a committee from the losini'{ two team8 as follows: Ernest Bt>rcler in fo,·or of \\'hi Ir n few of the Dates for the!iiC' produd1or•:-; t ,\ii:;- Tho next year the tug wnr wa -; dt•nt senatr took up the question of chtS$ within tWl 'nt,·-four hour ij after thJ , ror the '15':oi :mcl Harold \VidenC"r for students !-<hOWC'd no inlert•st in the YOll' enc..sed but no actiou tnkc:>n 111 that omitted for unknown renson or I the of wnr and pa!:.sed the meet. the 'Jfi' s. rrhe two men are ha,·ing ancl SOlllt' took thr '·otr as a .iok(', ,\"l't it mntrl'r. It also d 1 'c::r11,-·1 tirnt 1!1'' I other, but in 1909 it again appcarcU. regulations: I >:o pits i:;hall bC' dug for cont<'stanls. te-ams ttt "iYork and the aggregntions of is helien•d hy in dtnrgt• of tlh.' , ,. rt'\·i ..... e•l when the present senior Each tr:\m co.11sbt of n muuher Ec>ach prrson must rernain iu the po· Loth will striYC to the utmost to lan•l C'\·ent tlwt mo:-;t of thC' 1woplr took ii <-ommlltl'<' <'Oll!'istwJ! of ).L the '14 's through aftc>r fl hard st rug· of .nen equ:\I to !hC' s1111\ ll er of thr t\\·o sition :H•sia-uNl to him on tht?- rope an.{ their in the mucl . Holli! in fl serious light :1iul ,·otrd afo; th,..y rx- ('u_llum. \\"ilia ... E 1 l'n 1 n:. gle. iuterr"itiug fc:1ture of evn· J11ust not t-slide the ropC' through his c:iptain of the football squad, P<'('t to <lo fall. ... s. and Kyle ,Jon:•.-. 01lieio. test wns the faet that thr juniors put I The having the smaller numb('r hands. will referee the eYcnt. 1t might hr a good +hing ll> rl!min.I appornted lo m:l.ke all dlang-r·s ---- -'-- the eolll'j?<' men that iu onlt•r to in th(' t•onstitution. 'they will hnYc• to he betor• Last yt•:tr the Jack·o-Lanterns !?n'·e- ll1•: hook" !'I.re <-lo!-iecl Saturday. two play"', • 1 Thi• Ri,·!.i,.·' ki1.'hanl Briusley :tn(l ''The Final SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE '\"ord. ·· hoth of whk11 Wt'l'•.' \'ntire1,. 1s. n'g:1rcls t :wir qna.!jty an:l tht• finant•ial h'turns r('l'd\ ed j .-o ), 1wm. Vrn111 the n11doc'lk di.Ji ; nt \·ipatP ... '1 "(\COI11I •N''i"lU I 1:y ... 1 ·1 ...... t'ul !l.!-1 that 01' la t \"(' 1 r. KIRK VISITS COLLEGE SEES SQUAD IN I ( ...... 1J" L. Kirk, c>x '13. frh•n·ls on tnt 1 hill anti :ittl'u1lt.•,] football pr:lt'· tic1• \\\•clnl'sdaY. :.\Ir, Kirk lt.'ft that t.•n•wn,;! for ... ou. Wi ..... he will hi"' l'our-.(' in .n,!'ri{·ulture. \\"hilt• It"(' he was one of the best men on the squad nnd Lis has bPc-n l tht' ln:-.t two ye:Lr.:i. l"IEIY OF l'O.\'TE::<T HELD YE.\Il \\"HEX !'l>Pll:l>!URE,; \\"UX WILL OPEN TUESDA 7 Xt•xr w1•t•k the> six rnont h... 1• 111 agrieultun• '''•II la•gin. Thl' l'onr"'t' I. fc1r thrrt• ,n•ar .... six 11111111i ... rnrh ; l..:ht .n':tr thr tnt.11 1C',!I t • on nhom :-ixt; ·th1t·l-. Htl , 11 pnlil•r f1 I \fl" largt' ... lga n th" \t .\lrC':t<h tht•r• r "t'\ r,tl l')!l"t' I : for 1 l.''lttr"•'. and Jt, Tu+· tin t' P 1 ing mo ... r t tlu• pc>opl1" 1 , 1 l! t 1 takt.• tht? t'OUr"e \\Ill ltP. r"".'h 0 10 l Ja("ll<'t "ork. I Thl· work in tht' t'<1Ur"t' 1s rn• t ' ;1 pr nn 1 ur nnd 1t 11rf' t .t-:llllt' st:lllilin:J t\" is 1l'<'1'SSl.l''.\° for t I tranct• tn h·..:h ... hool. In tl the cour .. e n•acl1rs ni:t.n) rn n u : att1:n•l t''Jllcgt'.

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Page 1: Y. OCTOBEH I, 1912 n STUDENT BOOY VOT ES€¦ · 'r.oltl lNter shad1•



SWEATERS raR COLLEGE EXHIBIT n STUDENT BOOY VOTES REG~Ra- rnorn~ll SijU~o SURE GO~EANOA TO ar aNl!_'.w~ cAMEs sPrnK To-n~v TR~CK MEN rAm aniws cnawas ING ctt~NGE or EMBlEM 1on~r

Exhibit Which was Placed in Large

Ten! was Attended by Over Half

Are to be Grey With Shaded Letter. the Fair Visitors. At a Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Athletic

Mines States That They Will Not Have

a Team This Year. Will Play U.

of M. Oct. 19 and Nov. 9

Will Also Have Service Stripes. Without a dnubt the bt•st etfucntional Assoc iation Wed nesday It Was Recommended C'oach Docsta<ler and :\Ianager Yee·

rxhilJit en•r sent out by )fontnua State tnl hn,·e beeo bu~y <luring the past Nine Men to Receive Tokens. college was seen at the state fair in That Emblems be Changed from "A" to " M" week trying to arrange a schedule of

- Helena the pnst week. Housed in a gnmes for the college this fall .

t-\wf•nt<'r~ for th(' mrn 'tvbo won let- large tent and situated in one of the At present only two games are ns·

hrs in track Ja~t ~J•rin" 3rc CXJleCte 1 : most con~picuoas pl:i.ce~ .on the fair sured; both of these nrc with the Un· "' d th 11 1 b t pro ·ed o , i,·ersity. The flr~t wHl be played in

i?1 n h w d:ns. 'fbt•y l1ave been orderc·l bTOUD s, e ~o egc ex u 1

f h 'f . Ilt.: The executi\'C tomrnil leo o:l the ath· ngriculture. 'l'he ehnng~ in the letter Bozeman ·an October l!ltb. and the sec· from the sPaulding people through on·• rf the attracttYC features 0 ~ _e air. letie association held ao important would be one more step toward dispell· ond in Missoula on the 9th of Novem· 1•f tlw loe.11 firmQ and should be hl'r".' Although the weather conditions dur· rng this false impression of Montana's

ing the first few days of the fair were meeting Wednesday aft~rnoon 3t thred her. ~o that th<'y may lie gi,·cn out at the not of. the be~t for the exhibjt, the c'clock. It wa3 decid<"d that the C'Om· ;nstitution of technical training. It was hoped that the lf.ine:i woulcl

next regular absembly. tent was crowded at all times with mittee should rc ... ommend that the col· Othe r arguments of a minor n3tnrc be represented by a team this fall, Out

The sweater' arc to be grey with a spectators. Ou Thursday. the recor•.1 lege athletic emblem be chnnged, anJ and otlwr suggestion::; as to what the a letter received yesterday stated tbat

'r.oltl lNter shad1•<l w.tb blue sewed on day for attendance, an estim3te basl'.vl the sale of athletic tickets was dis· change should bo haYe bt.'cn made from it would bo impossible to arrange an.v

tliem au<l will ha,·e r1 large pony col· <'D eouuts m:idc 3t the door nt various cussed. !ime to time, but tho leading one~ a.r e games. This leaves but the two games

Jar. Tho~ who won a first place or times during the dn)' showed that OYN At the present time the athletic em· summed up in the abo,·e. The move· before mentioned and prospects for two fl('l'On<lR last ~pring at the dual meet fi,·e thousaud people passed through blem h; the letter "A.'' Howe,·er, it ment for th<' c:hangc is being !eel by a outside game RTt' not the brightest.

are to re~ch·c sweaters. The list is as tLe tent, over half of the total attend· seems that the members of the colleg(' 1 number of the seniors in agriculture. Thls state of nffairs is mainly due to

1olow~: C10orgr Blinn. cnptniu; 'Vil· athlc:>tic teams ,1nd the student body iu ehowing how the general feling now to the fact that the Uni,·ersitv sched· ].rd 111

ance of the fair thut day. Of tho I , Atkinc;i, Halpb Brabrook, ... ax . . . . general prefer the Jetter ").( ·' for th" f:tandi:i. ulc wi11 be played almost entirely awa:·

Knnck, :.\[ax \rilcomb, Joseph D. :Mor- thirty thousand that y1s1te<l. the f:ur, it 1

'" · d that half that number athletic emblrm. so in nns_wer to t_hl) ..-\nothrr ma. tter thnt rccei,·cd a gre:i._t I from here. Consequently no outsi<le pin. Lt.'on Da\t:s, \\"m. Il. Ye!stal an•l! 1s estimr1te f passed hrough the college tent. popul~r clemnn~l, the athletic executn e u.eal o atention was the sale of athletic team will be brought into the stat!?, 1 · ,,~. B-chumocb('r, t.•ach onl' of whom The farm mechanics exhibit, con~ist· 1 comnutt_ee clcc1ded to rccommPn? ~-1 I tickets to the mrmhcrs of the co.llege and with the coJlege standing the total cHricd off a first la't spring and in I I I bl J d I t I t b d S f b f t ing of a ga~oline cream separator, an c rn.nge 111 t l~ cm em, llD< aceor rng Y


~ uc en o y. , o ar a num er o s n- expense it is improbable that a team !»('\ er:i.l cases pickerl up n few extra electric and a gasoline power washing I the malter will come up before the gen- dents. h~\·c not secured them. although can be brot~gbt here.

roints. nir1chine, :rnd a model irrigating pump I era! student bo<ly for a Yote today. I the entire body has been Call\·.assed. Iu speaking to au Exponent reprc· ThC' swrn.trrs ordered this year will plant was one of the most attractin? One argument that has been ad,·anecd ln order that college athletics may sentath·e Coach Docstader stated that

lian• S'C'ni<'e stripes of gold and blue exhibits and, being located near th~ agninst this mOYC in the past is that th~ be successfull_,. carried on it is neces- the guarantee required to bring n on the left arm. These stripes indieat~ door of the tent, it pro,·c<l a large fac· Mines and Uni,·ersit~· both ba,·e the s:i.ry that fund~ arc available, and mo~t Utah, Colorado or \Vashington team t:>

the number of years that the man has tr.r in drawing the cro,o,·d~. Jetter l l? ['' for athletic e.mblems. How- (.f these are _expected to co1~1e through Bozeman would be enormous and woulc1

breu out for the branch of athletics Pobnder, the world's greatest grade e,·er. this argument loses its force when the sale of hcketq, The pnce of four be far aboYc what the coJlege coultl

cow, also proved one of the main attrae· '.It is cons1< ere thnt t _e c~ or~ are< 1 • •c•o ars or lC tie mt 1s cons1 er.e< 3.s possibly raise. He stated, howeYer, in which the sweater is gi,·en. Three 1 · · j d h I j'f · II f ti · I · 'd l I strip<'!". will he given to Ralph Bra- tion~ of the exhibit. ferent for the three rnstitutions, :\n 1 :t fee, nltbough holders of the tickets that this was not a final decision. lf trook, the colle,:?e jumper, and to Jos· l I t · ti t t I · d 'tt d JI cph Moq:.~an, the two-mile man. C'ap· E,·ery phase of the college work wac; fu.rt l~r t 13. rn o ter s a es se,·e1·a .tn t!r.e a m1 e . to a eolle~c contests' couclitions are favorable the students

tain Blinn, the coJJege sprinter and win- -rrell represented by neatly ~lTanged ex· Et1tut1ons often hnYe the same let~era . without pay1.11g m.orc. :Not cuough will see the team .in action more than

ner of the quarh•r mile race last sprini;, l11bits. The cent.rat portion of the tent One argument for the change besides· ~l~:ne)~c~:~a~e::n;:~::,d :,~d fa~rt;si~l~~~ once.

"ill get two stripes. ·w. B. Yestal, was occupied by the biolog.'·· chemi~- ~~:: ;~;.,tl~:t u~!~ ~~:: ~~~~;e~;,~::·o~ John Wharton of the association, state.1 who took first in the low hurdles last; try. plrnrnrn.ey and horticulture depart· spring, will also be awarded two stripe$. ments. On the west side of the tent -n;rong impression of the college. At lthnt the purchase of sweaters by the

\rhcn the sweater& arrh·e nnd ard were the engineering exhibits. while one time the college was almo8t entirel.Y association this year would be out ".>f

giq•n out, e,·ery man who won n let- near the ent rance on the north sitl-:> agricultural in n:\ture ancl as such it the question unless the rest of the stn­'"aS a model kitchen, in which }.!is~ v:as known. Since then. howeYer, other ~ients could he induced to purchase

hr last year ou any college team, who coursec; hn,·e been introduced until a);t· 1 t!ekets. lad not pre\'iously hen g-h·en a sweateT~ liarkin~, oi the dome8tic science cle· iiculture is no longer the major part It wa:;; stated at the meeting tha"'.

(Continued on Page Four) partment, gaye daily lecturec; on that c·f the coJlege. Yet the ' 1 A'· is re· tltosc who represl'nt the collC"ge in :1

I hase of the work. Prof. F. B. LinfilE,\J tained and the impression g"in~n is that game or two ~houh] not be exempt

(Continuec.1 on Page Four) the college is yet priueipally one oi I (Continued ou r:i.ge Four)


The girls who bnYe stayr<l out to wntch the footbaJI men at their pra.ctice this week hn,·e shown the right spirit. At times a cold winll has been hlowin~ au<l th(' fact that n few of the girls at the college are willing to braYe tbl' wincl to ~ee the men practice is a credit to them.



Best Ever Offered by the Organization.


Noted Man is Here on Invitation of

Woodrow Wilson Club. Will Ad-

dress Students on Politics.

A tel~phone mrssage was rccei,·e<l b.v Prof. Brewer the first of t he week, stating tbnt Gov. Edwin L. Norris ba· l accepted the invitation of tho ' V'ooU­row Wilson Club to speak before them them today at ele,·en o 'elol'k. The col· foge hns allowed the club the use of the college assembly hall for the occa ion, and a good attPndancc is e:o..-peete1 as a genera l io,·itation bas been extend· e1l to the college and townspeo1llc alikC',

to be present to l1ear the governor. 'l'he subject of the governor ·s i;pecch

is not known, but it will undoubtedly go on some phase of the:> present cam· paign . Go,·. Norris is a very pleasing speaker aud because of the organization of the ,·arious political clubs at the colll'ge tbe interl'st in hi~ talk should be good. GoY. ~orri8 will be met at the train b~· a committee from the clubs and also by one from the count~· central committee.

'l'he club will hold a ~hort business meeting at ele,·en o'clock at. which ti.me reports from the commitlt.'C on eousli· tution anll from thC' committee on nomi­nation will br heard nncl act('d on.

The \\'oodrow Wibon <'ltib hns been the only oue at the eollege to do any acti,·e campaign work so far this year, altl1ough the prohibitioniRtR ha,·e made a grent de:il of no.is<' and ha,·e ha•1 some Ii ,.e !'tudeut rnllirs. 1 t is c:>xpecte1l however, that the ''Bull )Jooser~ will commence active work at once and do what tht.~y <'<ln to help <'ol. RooseYelt in his eampaigu. .Ju~t ,., hat tht" plans of that organization is at the pr('sent time arc unknown.



Governor of New Jersey Popular Choice in Straw Vote Taken at College

By Exponent Wednesday.

\\"ilson seems to he thC' choice of the The first meeting of the Jnek-o-

Lantcrns. the college dramatic club, W3' Annual Event Will Take Place at About One O'clock Under Directions of the Student Senate---Captain Hodgskiss of ;.:~;~·jt:'i~: 11~:r!~: ~l~~."'t~;~~~u:: 1:~: l1ehl ln't Th11rsday at the coll·•r,:e . th F tb II T t A t R f C t t T d I F th 0 H Id A th F E college is an:· a11thority on the way the

o>eph Truman of the senior class was e 00 a earn, 0 C aS e eree••• On es O ay S OUr ne e CrOSS e roggery·•• Vent •t11dc11ts and faculty members stand.

lectecl llllnnimou•ly to the office of Has Taken Place Between Classes of 1910 and 1911, 1913 and 1914, 1914 and 1915 in Fall 'fhe polls PJlCUCcl \\'cclncsday morning at ren~urer to succeed Harry P. Dietz. eight o'clock, nnrl throughout the day,

d10 rcturnrd to Indiana this ye:u. Xcw and especially bl'tween the elasse~, ,members 'i\'Crc discussed and tho follow- Ji,·ely interc.'st was takekn by the Yoters.

ng were elected to the club; Georgi::i. At one o'cloek toclay the most spec· up such n hnrd fight when it is cou- \)f men shall weigh up a ·week before Au umpire will be ~clcctecl to wutch The names of nil thr colll"gr mrn and

Iullic>r, J<enyon 'faleot ·, eug~ 11 c Quaw, tacular of the many interclass events s1dered that they were outweighed and the eon test and the other class must C'ach aide ant.l sec U n1 these rule& are women werr- ~ccure(l in thr srcretary 's

Rhoda Dnwes, Olin• Clark. IT:izel Hop· will take place ·when two teams repr~· ontnumbered. weigh up within a hundred pounds of CJ!isen·ed. offiee, and two ballot boxl"~ were pro­

kins. PlorcnCl' Pool, Ray .J 1 ·11 1~1.:, Ll'rO) senting the two lower elases will en· Last ycnr was the third time tha ... lheir opponent~. That the t;wo cln~rs arr in dead car- Y.idra, one for the men of thl" college

\Yi11<'.'·, En~leen Kennard. To be 0lig~· ·,dt"3TOT to pull C>ncb other through the tbe contest was held, and tbe class uf \11 weighing shall he done in the pres- nest o,·er the m:i.tter is e,·i<lenccd from who will ht'.' eligihil' to '·ote this fall,

1lc.· for the club a pt.•r.;ofJ. 1~u!:-t 11.n·e •mc--1~olege frog pond. The .affair will be l:lt-1 was a~:tin the Yictim, when thr ("nee of the cnptains of the two team:::i . fht' fact thnt they Juwe been in acti,·0 and the second for the rest of the four-

't""'sfully eompletrd th~ fr1·~1 1 m:in ye 1r rn charge of the student ennte. I re~ent sophomore class dragged them E~.ch team shllll place a class p('n· i reparation for the eYent for uer1.rlv a ~·ear coll<'ge stmfonts.

t collt•gl' work :rn.l m•t·:f h:-tn' (1,e rei The custom of haYing the classc:>s holt.1 thorugh after a hard tuss:le. It ~o hap· nant at the encl of the rope nud tlvse1week. The sopohomores haYe held two The result~ as counted at four o'clock

omtnl'tHfation of the colk;:e 8nglii;i1 <le· a tug of war over the frog pond wtl.S p<:ned that fiftren wns the number tlwt pt.:nnauts shflll become the property of .e · three pulls. iu one case pul1ing against were as follows: Eligible votcrs-\n1-

1nrtmcnt. Othrr 11:.1.rn"'" will he yo,. I c.i'iginatNl betwcl'n the cla~es of HllO the sophomorr:o:; could nrnster, and COf.l· the winners !\fter the pull. the. strongest tc:im in tbe college barn.:;. son. 25i Roose,·elt. 13; Taft, 9: <'h!tfin,

min a ~hort time. 'J'l1·~ (•lub member- :::1'.d J!nl, who pulled for fifty minute~ sequent!_,. the fr<.'shmen had a lik~ m1m· The rope ~hall be t:tken from th" "l'hc freshmen hnYe also been making- 19. an<.1Dl•l>s1: totnl. .5i. fneligihlt.• YOt·

hip is limited to thi:-t ;•. i"3 190i to a. tie. Xo rope coult.1 b,. Ler. Hules gon•ruing the use of cleat."i barns by a committee of eight persons, .U<'th·c prrparation~. although the:· ha,·c ers-\\'il:rnn1 42; Hooseq•Jt, 36j Chafin,

).Jrs. Herrick1 dirrdt>r of the club found that was strong enough for the..;.o?la.ud holes wen• adopted, as well as other four from each tlass. 1:ot bern so public. :?.>; Tnft, ·I; total, 107. Ho, Pilher'\\n~·, ontlint.•d the plans for .h'? ,.~.tr. stlt111;>; contestnnts :rntl consequently the nffair rules neces:-;ary in such a contest . I The ropo shall be returned to the Captains ha,·r hern elected for th,.. it SC'ems that thr people- on the- hill ~re th:1t prohabl.'· two pl1J.~·!ol. wn11ld he gi· cu. \'-as declared to be :l tie. ln April of the pre~ent year the stu- bnrn by a committee from the losini'{ two team8 as follows: Ernest Bt>rcler in fo,·or of Wil~on. \\'hi Ir n few of the

Dates for the!iiC' produd1or•:-; t ~re ,\ii:;- Tho next year the tug 0£ wnr wa-; dt•nt senatr took up the question of chtS$ within tWl'nt,·-four hourij after thJ ,ror the '15':oi :mcl Harold \VidenC"r for students !-<hOWC'd no inlert•st in the YOll'

enc..sed but no actiou "'~' tnkc:>n 111 that omitted for ~ome unknown renson or I the tu~ of wnr and pa!:.sed the followin~ meet. the 'Jfi's. rrhe two men are ha,· ing th~ir ancl SOlllt' took thr '·otr as a .iok(', ,\"l't it

mntrl'r. It wa~ also d1'c::r11,-·1 tirnt 1!1'' I other, but in 1909 it again appcarcU. regulations: I >:o pits i:;hall bC' dug for cont<'stanls. te-ams ttt "iYork and the aggregntions of is helien•d hy tho~c in dtnrgt• of tlh.'

tlrnsti~ulion sho~dr~ , ,. rt'\·i ..... e•l ~uvl ~ when the present senior ela~s pullC'~l Each tr:\m ~hall co.11sbt of n muuher Ec>ach prrson must rernain iu the po· Loth will striYC to the utmost to lan•l C'\·ent tlwt mo:-;t of thC' 1woplr took ii

<-ommlltl'<' <'Oll!'istwJ! of '· 1 ·0H~l:l ).L the '14 's through aftc>r fl hard st rug· of .nen equ:\I to !hC' s1111\ ll er of thr t\\·o sition :H•sia-uNl to him on tht?- rope an.{ their rh·ah~ in the mucl. "Bin~" Holli! in fl serious light :1iul ,·otrd afo; th,..y rx-

('u_llum. \\"ilia ~ultu ... E1l'n1n:. 1ro~g- gle. ~\n iuterr"itiug fc:1ture of thi~ evn· cins~e:::i. J11ust not t-slide the ropC' through his ~kiss. c:iptain of the football squad, P<'('t to <lo thi~ fall.

~lu ... s. and Kyle ,Jon:•.-. ~'( 01lieio. ·,\·J~ test wns the faet that thr juniors put I The elas~ having the smaller numb('r hands. will referee the eYcnt. 1t might hr a good +hing ll> rl!min.I appornted lo m:l.ke all II!'·~ ·!':~r:· dlang-r·s ---- -'-- the eolll'j?<' men that iu onlt•r to ,.,,~"._>

in th(' t•onstitution . 'they will hnYc• to he re~istt•retl betor•

Last yt•:tr the Jack·o-Lanterns !?n'·e- ll1•: hook" !'I.re <-lo!-iecl Saturday.

two play"', • 1 Thi• Ri,·!.i,.·' li~· ki1.'hanl Briusley ~ht·riilan, :tn(l ''The Final SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE

'\"ord. ·· hoth of whk11 Wt'l'•.' \'ntire1,.

~Ul't'l"•sful 1s. n'g:1rcls t :wir qna.!jty an:l tht• finant•ial h'turns r('l'd\ ed j .-o ), 1wm.

• Vrn111 the }lTl'~t.'Ut n11doc'lk th~ di.Ji ; nt \·ipatP ... '1 "(\COI11I •N''i"lU I 1:y ;'1~

... 1 ·1 ...... t'ul !l.!-1 that 01' la t \"(' 1 r.


SEES SQUAD I N ACTIO~ I ( ...... 1J" L. Kirk, c>x '13. Yi~ite,l frh•n·ls

on tnt1 hill anti :ittl'u1lt.•,] football pr:lt'· tic1• \\\•clnl'sdaY. :.\Ir, Kirk lt.'ft that t.•n•wn,;! for ~fa,Ji ... ou. Wi ..... \\ht'r•~ he will l't•t.tiunt.~ hi"' l'our-.(' in .n,!'ri{·ulture. \\"hilt• It"(' he was one of the best men on the

~oothall squad nnd Lis :.1b~r·uce has bPc-n l tt.~It tht' ln:-.t two ye:Lr.:i. l"IEIY OF l'O.\'TE::<T HELD L.\~T YE.\Il \\"HEX l'HE~E.\'T !'l>Pll:l>!URE,; \\"UX


Xt•xr w1•t•k the> six rnont h... 1• 111

agrieultun• '''•II la•gin. Thl' l'onr"'t' I. ·~

fc1r thrrt• ,n•ar .... six 11111111i ... rnrh ; l..:ht .n':tr thr tnt.11 1C',!I t • on nhom :-ixt; ·th1t·l-. Htl , 11 pnlil•r f1 I

\fl" largt' ... ~XI•t••te~I lga n th" \t

.\lrC':t<h tht•r• r "t'\ r,tl l')!l"t' I : for 1 h~• l.''lttr"•'. and Jt, Tu+· tin t' P 1

ing mo ... r t tlu• pc>opl1" 1 , 1 l! t 1

takt.• tht? t'OUr"e \\Ill ltP. r"".'h 0 10 l

Ja("ll<'t "ork. I Thl· work in tht' t'<1Ur"t' 1s rn• t ' ;1 pr ~1 ~·ti nn1ur nnd 1t 11rf' t .t-:llllt' st:lllilin:J t\" is 1l'<'1'SSl.l''.\° for t

I tranct• tn h·..:h ... hool. In tl the cour .. e n•acl1rs ni:t.n) rn n u

: att1:n•l t''Jllcgt'.

Page 2: Y. OCTOBEH I, 1912 n STUDENT BOOY VOT ES€¦ · 'r.oltl lNter shad1•


The Weekly Exponent. It is not for th(' student body rn R ooters, Stay Off the Football F ield.

dl'il\('r kit·k~ uud cur-t'"' on tht' football Established Jan. 1, 1910.

Out:;::r.1\\ h of ).fouthly Exp<.1ucnt, t'"

t·1hli~h1..··I .T:lu. 1, isri:;.

mt•n on tht• ~qu:t11. Th:lt is to ht> Idt .\ r n.ll thC' 1•rnct1Ct' .1.!HIHt'" bct"C(''ll to tht• ('():lCh :inll '-'apt::&rn. Xo men c:ln lhe '-'oll('!?t' anti the high ::-diool a num

ht• 1..•x1•\'Cft•~I to ~n.•t out if that spiril I her Qf college -.;tu<lent~ June been get t:-. to rult? "1th tht• :.tu(font hlld.'. lt ting out on thi• f1t'ld to wntc::h th• 1 n pcr ... on A''-'ts out In bC'lp. hC' 11C'si•n es prog-rc"S of the plu.'· Jn (';ts(' tlus credit for \'hat hl.' do('"', (',·cu if it ht• dont• \\l11.•n :l 'i:-:itlllf!' l.!amc t(':uu is hut littlt•, :tnd be doc:-; 1wt cfo~enc th·• hNt, lht• game cnn bt• :-:t11pped or callc·l


Puhli"'ht•d l''·<'ry Fri•l:l.'. of tht• t'ol fo~e y1l.1r h.v :tu ('Jit11rial "'tnff dHl"Prt from tht• "tulil'nt" of the )font:rna t'tate l ollt•J.!C' 11( .\grieulturt•

)ft•t·huuil' .\.rt!-1, Hozt•mau, ~Lout:in:l.

:...;T_\ FP.

Hu-.;i!Jt'' ).1.111.1;~··r rrt•ol E. l; lr\lllll, ·13 )fan:tJ; t ~ E1lilor

Lyt11lall P. Di\Yid"'on, 'J.)

('ircu.1 Uhm )h11111~er

.\ ..... 1

..• 1. Ern~•:-;t B0rd('r, '15

Hu-.rn('"'" )i:1na!!t~r ·-·· .•. ·-- ··­.lll'O. \Y. Blinn. ·14

\[:rn:ig1•r Roy E. ~I:1J:..or . 'lJ

ridicult.• of thC' ~tuclt>nt horJy. off. So it 1 ~ ~ll~ftt•stl'd to the ~tudcnt1' Jn the i1r:H'th.•r gnm.l'!ll tb<' prr:-;rnc."

that C'\"t•n· man put a Jittk confideiw" of ::-111•t•tnlor~ on tht' f1('ld onl.'· ha11d1 1\\ith thC'. sqnnil. t'ncouragc them. an:l cnp~ tht' 1ilayN~ so lt is ~trged t~·tt "'('(' if the changt• in :Jttitmle tcnnid /:di t'r'llt•g1• '.ncn ~1:1y 1~n~·k of tht• wl11tt•

thL'm will not hrin;:c abom a C'h:rngt• i:1 \lint's houn11ang the g-ndtron and do .di th{' \\Ork llf tht• !t•:tm. _\ tel\m with,till.'." l':lll to g-i\·t• hnth teams a fair tl1..•:.il.

.no bncki11g- i~ a Jo-.;ing- team. A tt•a. 11

or Jh1rsiln. "hippt••l hrforr a l'Ontest. 1:-i GORDON RETURNS FROM

110 gooJ in the cnntC'"t. • · Dopt• .. h:t'3 TRIP-ACTS AS A JUDGE

bt'L'U upsd Ud"on• :It the collegl.', and :t

l',tn lh' done ag.dn. The tt':H11 is im· pro' iu~; 1h:1t mttt•h is CNtain. Xow Jct th(' ~tudt•nt boJ~· get in antl j?iVf'

the bovs t•ncourag-l~ment. ~\nd if tb('r,• is nuy~nl' "ho cirn 't do thnt. l1~t him

As~t- l'ircub~-~::n . . ").~~~;;.('~'. ·(.:j:.\rk. ,14 ut foa...,t k<'l'Jl his opinions of the boy~ to bimst:'lf.

:\Ir. C111r1l<ln h11Jds a seholursbip from tht' \rrnour 1'11('ki11l! l'Ompan~· this

yc:1r. 'l'hl' schol:u~hip :1111ounts to <;;~;;n

:ind \\as OU(' by thi• t('am reprl'S('uting j .:\Ioutann Htnl(' ( ollt•ge at lb{' Im.crn:t· ttionnl Stock .ludµing Contest at Chi· cag-o la:;t foll. The scholarl:'hip was

nwardt•d to the .\ ml'rican team scoring the high<'sl in thf.'ir judging of bngs. Thi:-: honor fell to )fontana State. Due nnti<•tl nf tht• ~l'lwlnr:::ihip wa~ ~ent tu Pr('sitknt Hamilton nod accordingly he left it with th(' team nnJ the coach


Prof. JlnrH•y Griffin, to make a rcoc· omnu•tul:uion. This wn~ done fa~t

~priug- at th(' rlo:-:l' of sehoo1 antl Presi· dent llamiltvn. al'trng on the r('('nm· mC'ntfation. awarded tbt' 51.:bolar~bip to )fr. Uortlon.

InterC'tllll•g-iatt• Editor ....................... . Rh1Hfa D1H,'('O:I "J3

~\ thletit' Heporlt'r. Hoht. T. Kt•lley, ·15 Notice, Frcsluuen.

Hcpnrll•r H. Ll•-.lil' Pcttign•w, "J5 rp to !he prt1Sl'nt timt' huf Oil(' fr(',..,h·

111:111 h:i.s !-hnwn the !--lightest intt•re"t in

taking- up Wtlrk ou thl' ExponC'nt. ,ln.u Wht'rt" thl• trouhl(' lie" is diffil'tllt lo

General R('portC'r < h:t" .. \. Whipple, "JJ

Gener.11 lh•portl'r ~f;vrtle .\hler"'•lll, 'J3 st:tlc..'. )h~·ht' it j ... ht•t•au~(· th(' Nli:or

Suh-.aiptaon Ratc--Two Doll;trs pl'r h;1~ not J'll"'lit'il tbt• uwrfrr :-o far. ~fa\'· _\ih"t•rtiv lil" it i" bt'Cllll't' tht• fr('"hmen !irt' slow, y1•:tr, it\ e t'•'nb pt•r t·opy.

inJ;! 1*" .,.. 111111<:0 kno" n on applil::ltitl!J. Entt rt•tl us stcontl d:1 ..... mail mattc..•r

nt RoZt'm w, ).lllllfall:l, u11tler .\l't oi

The \Veckly Exponent is strictly a student enterprise. Its chief purpose is to pre!;ent to its readers each week au accurate aucl complete record of the dcvclopmeuts 111 college affairs during that penod aud it is inteuded that its 1llfluence shall be exerted for the UP· building of M. S. C. The paper is the result of volw1tary effort put forth by

the ~tttdC'uts wlto com9ose the staff.


to l l1•g-t> .. tal11'ut-. hy l'lirhtinu so~ f'

11 "' o t ll' ~ ·v. Pit• ... tn h'riau ..:hurrli: e>jgt 1 h1rh

Fritla,-, Lh· hl'r ·l -.\t.nual Tu~ of \\ :\f, J'n•.;}111H'U :ttul :-io11lwmor(':-, Frog

ponrl. 1. 11.

\t ,\n~ r·t1l' 1t 111:1y Iii.'" ~aid that till'

<-'f tht'lll are mi~!'oi11g on(' ,,f tla hc-""•l \\"hilt! in co1ll1gC' ).Jr. Oor11on has bcf'n

opportuuitit•S .tor c-ent•ral training of- a le~11kr 1U thtl Yarious studC'nt actiYi·

frrt' 1 iu C"11lk:tt' hy p:t"'"'lHg" up the: work ties. Jft> has takl'n part in RC'Y"ral : ucl t':-.pt•rie111·1' thnt mny be g-ainr1l stock judging contests nn11 lrns matle ex·

throu:.;:h tlu: l'xpo111·111. cclll'nt n'cor<l" in all of th('m, Lllst ::-i11llll' 1111•mht r of tht· pn'"C'lll frt•sbm.111 ,Yt•ar ht• ""s ;:11"11 bn:-;inc"'~ mana)..!l'l' tlf

d:-. ... "1 I h8 \l' tn hp the l'tlitor of 1h1•lthtl :i.rnntanan and last sprin~ wa..,

pa1 1l1 r "'Ollll' d:i,,· , nnd tn tl11 :ii(' wort ll'lt'l'fl''1 prt'"'11l11 11t (If !ht• -.;t11d1•ut :""'1·ua'•'- l

pn•pt: rl\' th:t m n 111 ... t utn• hail allit• j..., aJ ... 11 bu-.11w-.s managt•r oi 1h,.· grt:i: mount of l'Xpe1:t1 1ll'l' 1u tlil' CltLt•r l~x11ou('nt tl11-.; ~t•ar. The m:iny J._'ri('111h

pn1-. of tl1t' f•:tJH'l. In goi11.: o\tT tl-1• of \Ir. l>11rd11n will he plC':t"t~t! ttl he:i.r

ro· 11 I :rnt lu11l" to I hnt 11osit .on ;1 p..:1 of his good fortu11l'.

"'Vil .:tl ... n "'\'Ute .. :1 1•r;:11.:til•:tl trainin~J In th1:-; co11111'l'lton it ma,· ah•) bl'

nhid1 "111 1·11alde him to t•arn :i. li\io:! nwntio1wd that th<'r(' will p;ohahly bt'

nrtt•r ~.rn·ln:n_iun fr1•111 1•nllt>::t'. Furth1•r. ,110 "'tot'k iutlgrng. t 1•am this year. Jn t l' \\ ork bnll..!"' th(' m:1n whn un1h•r su<.•h 1·11ntt:"'b it i~ a rnh• that no man

t kt,. 1t bto ad "'i'r n'l:it1on with th•rc:au ('Ompl'tt• mon• than tlllCC' anti ~o the

re-.t of tlic..' student'. th(' fal'ldty. ~111·1 111l'U who w 1 rt' on till' tt1am fa"'t Year t'' t'~,· p:1rt t•f lhP in"'t,tutiou. ""O It i:-; Ian• illl'ligil.llt• this .'"t'ar. Owiu~ to~ thC'

"0? 1h "lult f r th :11h-a11t:1gl'' it hrin!!:-\: i-;m:dli!t'':I of tht• "lllil('nt h11lly it woul1l nnh "hilv in t'l1lh-!!1'. nlso lil' lliffh~ult 111 'Hlrk up anollJ('r

team this .n•ar. lt is thoutrht that nt•xt

~·L':tr I ht• l'Olll\:!L' "ill h\• in a positl1Hl

to put 1lut a tt•nm that will mak(' a 1110:-:t

Our hook clepartml.'nt continues lo grow. . \I Jof the late'-t anrt

be:-:t 1it('rnh11'(' l'nu be found b('H'. rn at!dirion to our book deparr· ml'nt WC' art• paying particuldr Bttl•ntion to our magnzin~ i], ,.,jHH t· ml'nt. \\"{' handle a full !inf' of the popubr magazineR tf)g't·1 her with ~tyle hook~ and ligli~t'! l't>lHI· i111r. Our stari01H•ry <lcparl ment i" not to ht• o,·crJonke11 . Hern ~·ou will find ~r'cial uniq:w hi;.;h qualit~· stationery for idl COITC"

pnn1lC'nrt' wh('tla•r ~oci~J c a llll"i· ue ... s.


Asa Practical Demonstation

of ~1•0!1-li \\·otilPn ~J Jl ... , :1l11c..'s, J\~t

us s}1f1w the "Clrt of f:1hric-. \1 ,. of

frr .tt, snv, ::~cl 0). i1 ,·1m 1lon 't

• -n on(! in town

-n:n·. 110 one 111 .\n1t1 ri1·a. ~an

}'ri,fov-. lld 1?1cr 11. Pr('"'irlent '.-.; l'l'

l'Cptiou 1 mt•mhC'r"' of thtl faculty. llami tt n ll 1 : c1..::ht o 0 c 1 j)~k.

!'atu11l'1~-. lll'!11h1..•r l'.~-).L K C'. Y~.

r. If .:\L, i 111th;llJ. at Fair g-round ..... :::;aru :'\11'emlitr !1-l'oothall. )f,

Xt•W a wnrol .is to the..• qnalifi1•;:1tiou"'

llt'l't's"';:1ry for \\Ork ou tht• Expont•ur.

1-:xtr 11ll' In illiaJH't' i"' nut rt'quirl•tl .. \11.•

P"r"uu ni nn1in:try ahility :11111 tht' 1·ap: t·1ty for wor" whl'n t:alled on will de· 't lop into :t ~OOd lll:tll. })C'pC111bhiJit,Y

i" :inotht'r lltCt.':- ... ar,,· 11ualifil•:ttion. It j., to hl• liopt•d tliat the pr6l'nt frt'sh·

m:111 cl:t"" h:is •1 1t'W in its ranks who

han' thr allln l' to tl1C'ir f.'rt•'1it. and it' tlu•\· dl.':-;irt> to make tit•· nwst of tllt'rn. t •<' Exl~ponl'nt is one of tbc bC"st ml'an~

for 1he ~tt·1•onqd1-.;hmcnt of th:1t purpo"•'.

Till' t•ilitor will IJe gfall to na•l't nn•l

try out nn.'~ of tlll' 11('\\' or ohl ~tlH.lcnt",

and wmdil nr!.{l' thostl who nul\- he in·

t('rt•stetl to rt'port ns :-0011 as .possiUle.

~·;~::!:t1:.~,~~~.\ ~1:~~:-l:~i\.~:~.a\: ~:n;~t't~tc/~11~~1 i ;;.Ji,~-,·cw-cmt•ut tha11 u I' ur one''"''·'· ,·,,ar. ~·


uf )f., at )li~~oub.

'l'hur .. ~la.', :\nn·mbc.'r ~".i-Th:1uk-.;;;i\

iug day.

How About the Football Team'?

Tilt.' 'l11t'~tion uppl'rmo~t. or the 1)nl'

that :-;houlcl be upp('rmo~r. in l.'vl'ry col· Jeg" ~tudl•nt ·~ min(l, i" ront'('rniuz the •No More Free Exponents: Get

fnoth:1ll tt•:im. How are tht'y gtling to Subscription List.

lfort• i"' ii llln·t•I \\:l_,. of w111ning ,

lnhband. lt 1:-; tilt' plan :-;m'Cl'~'t'ully

CH.\ YE¥ & .T.\ f'OBS

Popular Price S tore for Men

fo\111wl'cl by Lizzit• Robt•rts. a. ~pin .... frr. -' ge, :tpparentl.'·· il'i no dt.'tl'rrt.'nt. Bhoul 1 tlC, :\1..•w York. h>· the )fess rs. Shubert

h.st fall :1.ntl t•ontinul'tl thcre to cnor· 'l tttiw-.;paJ't.'r conduct a lotter,,- with a? innus returns for the remainder of thC'

younJ! llH\n ns n priZl~-bu.'· or st1Jal a .. :'iutson.

mnn:· of the coupon8 ns ynu can, thC'n ''The L(lttery ~[an'' iR anounced as

On the s;1 quil'lly hnck nucl nwait results. Thi:; the attraction at the Boz<"ntau opera

i" how Lizzie. in the pla:· of •·The .hl1t1se Friday ni~ht. Lnttl'ry )..fan.'' Jid.



Tht• collC"g-e hand made its SC'('ond ap· pt'arancc for I his vear last Thursdnv t'\'('Hing wh('ro Jndge


Ht•nry l'. Smith, th0


Russell Freeman I .---C-0-ST-LY_D_E_LA_Y_s --


Headquarters at the Hub Both Phones

Tho Expc1nent is th{' best mC'dium f1.1r adn:-rti~ers to reach colll'gc !-.ludents.

:Mo--t people intend to saYe SOME TIJIIE, .\n il \\hi!(' puttinJ? it off lt•t a hig- :tgjtr('g:tll' of little sums ~lip throut,!'h tht•ir fingt•r:-;. The ":\.'" to sa\'e su1·ee!-l-.;fully is to ~an~ NOW. \\"hy not hC'g-in to ~rt\'(' at thi~ au"lpio·iou~ mnml.'nt br Opl'ning a :-<a' Ill~~ :lC'l'Otllll Ht


Capital 3100,000 '.Y. R I>AYID80X, Cashier.

'Cl)is Spart is fiutrvtd for

Cangobr JI cordial invitation is txttndtd to all to visit our flntnbous~s

at anp timt

3/S Soutl) 'Crary




Thelen & Hanley J:---------Up-to-date Livery W. J. FRANSHAM and Automobile

llome Phone 2.311 Bell Phone 5i blk



'.28 West Main 3pecia1 Attention Paid to Students

~or 'Chat Dire Smooth Shave

That Wt> :.trt• :ill lonking for, tn· our --;J..i} J:nder'" ~att•t,· Razor_:_ ju"'t u" ,.!ourl "" the .!:.j,il!) kiud­.... ,11.1 111 du 1ht• work to your ::at· h-fol'I ivn . ~old b~·

Owen house ljardware ~

E. W. THOMPSON Four Chair Barber Shop

(Rul'Cl's"rH to }""'. E . Da,~i~)

PLAIN AND TURKISH BATHS Corner of Main and Tracy.


Weighed on County Scales



PARTIES-A Specialty

'Cl}t 'Cl)ru

Prime Virtues 1n Pl)otograpl)y

Jlrtistic Quality Ptrmanancp : and C:ikeness

Schlechten Studio 12 Blark :Rvt. s . Bozeman

After the Show Stop in at the

Sugar Bowl Opposite Lyric Theatre.

..,Jiuw up whL'n they line up against th._•

:llinl'-. U111l titL' eni\·er:"ity thi:-. fa JI~ :-;0111.:> of lht• "'tudl'nt~ seem to kno\7

anrl :i.re mak111g 111:\11.'· tlir(' pre<lidion~. Otht'b an .. not :.•l $UH\ aml tht> per:-on who 8ttt.'nJs practh>l' rl'i:ularJ,,·. :llhl

thosl' whc) an~ 111 a po .. ilion bl know.

ft•l'l that the Cl1llq:-e t'len•n nrny "'prin;.r

~ume "nrprist'" "hen thL•:· gt•t lined •.tp tlus fall.

Jf the 11h'mht•r~ of the strnknt bodv and thl' l0 0ll('g'l' fac•ult.'· waut 10 r~­eei\·(' thC'1r Expon('nt~ rl'gul:1rlY her~· after, they mu-.t suh~cribe or c:t lea~; sign one o! the promis(' ~lips. This t!l

the 13."t is:-;ue which will be clistribnt ·

C'rl indisnintinatC'ly to all the colleRJ. stu1lenh iu the main hall. Onlv sub !"('rihc.'r~ will rc·~·ci\ e the pnper


ber('· aft Pr.

The lottery, in tht• play, is conduct(' I l'y a Xew York paper. .fol'k \\~righi.

r·ne of the rl'portt'r-; , i~ r e:-;ponsihlr for the schl'ml', ancl he offrrs him~elf as a J rize. ).foantilllt\ ht• fall~ in lo,·(' wit:1 ,\ eharming young l:td~· :llhl l.'Yer,,· c_>ffort

1:-; u-.l'tl to t•nptun• at'. mnny of the co~­lH'llS II" po:-siblC'. Lizzi<.> quietly l'nh'=.."' the rael.'. Hht• inYl'sl~ hut a singfr th1i lar-thl' priCl' of th(' t•onpons-anil

J"C'JHthlit•:i.n l'1t111lidah• for go,·C'rnor JU.1de ---------------. a sprel'11 nt the upera hou"ie.

The home of delicious, fresh made

Candies lt i-.; !rut• that th!' ct>llt~~t' m('n cli l

not mak(' a remarknhly goo1l ~howin:.r ~uh ... t•ri]'tion' may hl• pair at the dis· stt•als a second from 1he l'nok. lt is the

Af1111clay t•\1•ni11.g- wh1•n thl'Y liDl'tl up tnhuting tahlt• toila.'· or h:1111fo1l io Fn~·l latt<'r coupon whit•h win~ thl' hu!-ihaud.

ug:.d11"'t tht• hil.!h sl'liool team. ~·et .t Unrt!rHt, Ho.' )[alsor, .T. E. norilt•t or \\'rig-ht, h!lWt'n~r, l<'Hrn~ uf Lizz.il' 's

S•'l'l1l'i 1bat tho.'" onlonki•rs a~ a wholt> (it'nr~t' Hliuu, :tll of whom :lrt• memlil~r.,. tl1cft ruul, thn•atl'ning- ht•r with arrt~:-if, an1l tho:-.• who "':1w hoth l11gh sclh11•l Clf thi• "'ln f So far lht• :suhc..eriptinns ~lie 1}p 1•iilC'~ to flisg-orgl' r:nht•r than go g:rn1 ''· nrt• unani11ltlu-. 111 ~ayin~ th 1t ha\-t' ht't•n l' 11 1111ng in nin•lv from hot ii 10 pri~nn. flu• ~011•:,::1• nh•n d1ol mu1·h t.l•ttcr n tht• stuch' 111 " :llltl Hlumn :11111 it is the d•· Tht• <·umt•ily j:-; h:· Hitl:t ,Jnhnson

i-:ecnu,1 gnml.'" th.rn in tllt• fir-.t. !'om· "irt of tlw "faff lo gd C'' l'n· nwmhl~r Youn!.!. :1ulh11r of'' Brown of llnn·ar<l, · ·

Jt•w t:k 1 at lht 1•1,t\t'r", c:;,)Jll<' l:tl•l of tllt.' in..,titution on the s~l'"'l'ription 1 'H:1g-g1•1l Holihin.' ••,Ju ... t Chu• of tht•

ti.t• "'hin\ I,! or !lit' t·1lll•g1• to nth"rlli"'t nf !he p:q11'r. Th£> Jlrll'l' nf th• J~11y..,,•· an1l 11tht•r wt•ll k11trn11 ~lH't't'~"l'"· t ii ._t ... , ht.it it "1'1'111" th1 a" n who'• ti:qier is I\\ dnllur-. fiir lht• cnlle~(' ~·ear. 1 .i w:i-. fir-.;t 11ro1l11el'd al the Bijt1u th1..'.1 t Jj) lOl 1',.~1· lill'U 11111 h1..•t er th.111 heIOf'

th"' :n•.1r

.\t thl' snnll' timl' thl' prohibition rh1b from t ht• l'Olll'g<', lhl' · ' ( 'a111('1s. · rn:ule an : 1 ppt>arant·t~. 'I'ht•y :1;1ru1r~tl wi~h n. 1··111 <'I' hn whi\·h a t·nnwl was painlt.'< l.

:·11il m:tr<'hl'<I up and ~lown \l ain strl't't

~" ing y1.tl, fur the r r:1,.ni,}aft'. si'.J~ 111!! ''.\"oho1l.'· Know~ llow j1)y 1 .\m. ·

.•1111 ha' in~.: :111 nlil · t \I· 1 .1·:ip;li~11 r:1lly ' ·Ji ,tll tl(' :ltlt'll1L111t t1•1i• s :UHi i>X

l'ilf'1111•11t. \\ lH'n 1 ht·\' rea~-:1(·11 th1• post· k1ft1c·t• . )Ir. I~. 0. \\"11 1l~l, one vf till' 11·:1.!t'rs in tht• lllO\ ·.1.l•nt. '• 11!1• .1 -.;hnt

The Man Behind Uie camera. is as importaut in

a photograph os the SITTER IN

FRONT of tbe camera.

Appreciating this, we give

OUR PERSONAL attention to

ALL si ttings.

BOZEMAN CAB CO. Automobile same as hack for

city calls

Home Phone, 13::? Bell, 230--2

D. H. BUDD \\"}J, h'\t'r tht• t' l"ie, it JS ('t'rl'lill ih·t

krwcl" •t::; I it~ pl •. ' l'r-., 111·\k1n:z ~lin• i•fl' dieti11Jh ot r'a1Jurt• 111tl t•n111plaiu1n1! I h··

\1a.' hinl.!"' art• goiu!.! 1·an tl,) nn go11•l at thl"' ttmi•. Thi• writ,·1 know-.; from l'Xpt•r:t'lll't"--not 111 fnotlwll. liut in oth1·- 1

ihin~"' 1hat t•\"\'H tht> -.;J1~h1•st cncour I a::.!t'll!C"nl '\ he11 t11111~ ... <.:ll{'lll to be 1!'11·

ill.:.!' '\ion~. 1"' of 111nr111.111..., \'alut• iu nKhlrn~ th 111 8,.!'l'11. \1111 he at ... o knon"' that kirk~ .111.J t'o111pl:unts 1li::it :ir"

nuu1e "llt1 11 :-.I rn 1 UJ! to •l1l his h1•"'t h:l\·c­just th(' op 0hit1• l'f1'1•\ t. .\nil it h:b

al:.o ht'<'ll not t'~·.J that lhh 1"' thC' ":llllt' I in 1~\l ' otlh•r l"Ollt1 ~t' .u·t1n1\·, T1l

mak~ l thrnt.:: a "'t11· t'"''• 1h1• n;an "lt,1

i:-. l'Xl'l"t'tt••I l1l 110 1111i...t h:a\ t' till' -.;np

port :11111 t'llt'•111r,i,..:.•nll':tt 11r h1-.; tello" "· 'l'bat 0111• 11f the thin~ ... 1h11t tht" l'o!

Mentor's Unions are Unions that give Comfort Satisfaction as long as they wear'. at the new "Klosed Kroch" and

Service and Take a look

you will buy



1 .. k.11111liniug- !ht• Jd:11inr111 ,,f th" party :11.ct urgin.! t 1 t' :-;tud"nt" lo •.•:p11on it in

iis l'lltir••'\· . lntl•n•st ~.· .11 •1l lu l>e

l,1•t>u at J .. 11·. uf 1h1• ralliC'~. I ;t ~111tlH'r r·tlly wus lit>ltl In th(' pr.)

I• 1 .tinn1 .r.. r •I 1 '.1• l'lllllp '" Fri.iii' :11 I noon. :\[r. \\'01111 wus a~nin the priu­c•i111ll ~p1•ak 1 •1· an1l h,, 11r~111 tlt1~ rt•-t uf l ht' '' t ':11nf'b' · to stn.' do•q•r to f hC' nn t ion:d plat form.

Witham's Studio I


('\t'f.'" tu.tn )ot\ !ht• t1•n111 t•11ulci gn 0111 on th1• fil•l1! iN·ling thnt Ill' wu~ C'X·

pPt'lt·~l hv 1'Yt•ry man 10 t•nrry hnnw a Yictury, :11111 ft•t·l111~ that t h1• rf'st ,).­

the ijtUJt>nl 1Mily would be d1,.appoint' l in him ii hl• tfttln "t, tbt• e11lll'J.!r rou .1 look fon,:ir,J o n bright "t""~t"lon. The..•

cnlle::1' '~ .\ numh,•r 1l( hl' he:;t fo•1t h :dl 111('11 111 th~ "'l.1t1•, aud H i~ up I·> tl11~ 111-.111·itw11 to mak~ u :.howin!!.

One w lJ to hL•lp b fvr M"t•ry man q

1!1'1 in unJ en(• •ura~t· .tn•l lu.•11~ tht• m. 1 -Oil t h1 "it}llll•l


Walsh's L Syst('m Clothes



This C\'Cning th,, .l'Olllll( Jll'Oplc of th•' Ouality "t'H•ru l churches of thC' l"ity will g 1y,• ""'"'

a joint reception for th l' collog-e Mu· Sh e t d1•nt:-i. lft~rc1ofore it has hN·u tlw <'ti... Jr s tt1111 for t'IH'h church rn holfl a reception, :1utl eo11s.t'quc..•11tly they stretdu~d tnt 11uring- the who!(' fall. HowC'\-cr, this

;------------------------------,' .'·t·n r nll will combine nnd hold a joint I at'fnir. 'l'hC" ('\"ent is to hl' held at thC'

.i\ldJon:tltl ':-. Q11111ity ~hirts !lr(' guoll for 1111 s1•a-;trns nn1l <'t.'11· sinns. :-\ tyl1•s an1l p:1ttC'rns for the ~111dc11t, till' llffit•t•, for fi(')cl or


BRUSHES I Extraordinary Values



Store I Spalding Jacket Sweaters PrPshytC'tiuu t·hurch nt l'ighl o'clock

and, ns tht' datu lrns hf'l•n held ou th" coll('gc e;.tll:'ndar for thnt t'n'nl, o goo 1

?Ulln~. .\ wi1lp l'iioil'(' of ~tylel' ,.---------------~ 111 e' Pr.'· w:llk of lile, iu nil fnh· ril'"'. :lnd {'\'('ry shirt is llt' good a-.; 111akrr"' l!nn mnkf' it. .. McDon­ald's Shirts are top notchers. \\"e hH\'f' your st,, ·le in your sizl' wait · ing for vou in fall nn1l winter

\\"oruen, Boys and Girls. \\"hitc and grny.

to order, if 5·ou rle~ir('.

Notb!ng Better M:u!e than Spalding

Spednl colors


.:nten .. nnt•e is t~xpl'ctcd.

iht) e'·t'ning w ill ht> i-i)H'nt 1n getting

n<'q 11 nln rt>d, j?ftTU('q of ,~arious sorts will

ht' played and :1 gl'nernl good time 1~ plaon d. 'l'he l' C"Cl.' pti oos tb1tt hn,·e bN•!l. h('Jd •ft th{' Jl:l"'t hn,·{' always been c.11· JO.\" bk>. notl this one should be {'\'('n more so.

Kub C'ribt• for the Exponent-Today

wrighl!ill. ·

$1.50 to $3.50

WE Respt•etfully bid for a ~h.tr" of

:•our tra1fo, and will crrt:1inly

trl'at you foi r. Try uq.


Phono 20 Opp. Court HOWie



Page 3: Y. OCTOBEH I, 1912 n STUDENT BOOY VOT ES€¦ · 'r.oltl lNter shad1•


In every line of We lead in


. IS a there business

Classy Clothes that Fit Give Satisfaction

leader 1323 MERLE H. NORTON Presents

The Shubert ·s production direct from X ew York, ::ifter one year at the Bijou Theatre, in Rida .Johnson Young's two

hours of laughter


MAN COLLEGE NOTES .Tohn \Vli'!rt on of the flcnior

rprnt the gn•iLter part vf lnst week in fc .f'lla .tt thi' :;tah~ fn r.

_.:-.\loum D. Burket of the sophotn()IC

Je!ls returned to Bozeman Raturd:1~~

, ening after a plf ~f:ant Yisit w:t11

rif•utf:.1 nncl relative" ut th~ stat(' fair.

F. B. Lernard, president of the f. f. < • A., hns returned to the college o t~kc up his senior work in agricul·

re au1l his othn aeti,·ities. ---:·-

K1 nron Talcott, Ifoy .::.\(alsor an•l !lc·nn '\\'iJlsou WC'rt ' thf' guest!<i of John 'jsk<• t his homt in Hel('na the latter a~t r.•f Jn-..t w<'ek. The entire party "turned to lfo7.1•nut11 Run1hly.

).[1•:.i1l t'amphC'11, t.'X 1-!, Tom Hilli-;, 1 nr • '.dlc>nt nf' and Tom Herrin, II l'X ·i.;. w1.·rc nmong thc former to1-

..-:-•~ .. tu1lt•ut~ at the st te fair at il<>lc­u.

~t.'1 111'~ Doug1a!:i, of th<' senior cla-..s, eturne·d ro t:ilu~ 11p his C'lC't.'tric:i.I work ~llt"· la;. )fr. fJouc;las ha..; 'ht>i'U farm 1g thi .. summer. ha' ing tak<'n up a OTJHSt<'a<l 111.•ar Dor-.;e~·. north of this ity.

THE SUIT MAN Does your Suit need pressing?



Carl Gott~~halck ii:; ('njoying a two " r· E. 1'.fnddox of Go,·e, Kansas, reg-week 's vaeatiou from his work in the istered :.\£outlay as a. sophomore in ng· Ja1>oratory of the Loard of health . riculture.

Elmer Larson, John Potter ,Don:lld Albert JI. Anderson, a member of last ('ook and '\'jJI \\'hit"worth were among- year's freshman class, has been spen1l­tho~l' who ~1u~nt part of laRt WCl~k at I ing the last few d:lys in town, on bus-t he state faJT. liness and Yisiling fricn<ls. )Jr. Ander-

_.:._ son hns taken up 3. hnmestC'ad near

}'rC'llf.'ril•k ).[effor<l, n member of la::;t 1 Springdale, but Rtates that be will soon

' rar freshman class, 8 peut :l few days ju be able to take care of both the home­town vi!'ii.ting old fricntl~- l\[r. :lief- stead anil co11ege work. Mr. Anderson Horii wiJJ not attend college this year. expects to be back on the hill by tho

"I am still laughing at Lizz.ie."­AllC'n Dale in Xew 1-ork American.

'' .\ frast of laughter.' '-1'he "\\1'.inni­Jl<'g Tribune. Take a Chance 1323 W in s a Husband

This is the story you read in the nrngazi1H•s:

"A world of happy comedy. ' '-:Mil­waukee Free PrC>ss.

''Rare e:i.pabilities in way of laugh prOYoking. 11-St. Pnul Piouecr Press.

''One of the merriest nt tractions seen here in many a day.' '-~linueapolis Journal.

Listen next Friday night; bet you can hC':lr 1em laughing clear from the opera house.

Prices $1.50 to soc


es.t in this V>·ork it has been decidc1 to gi,-e au anual to the person handing in the best collection of plclures for the

-•!•- beginning of the second semester. n.111ual and nl:-;o for he best set of hits

Stn<lPnt!'l who n~sisted in the various __.:._ nnd jokes. f'xhibit~ at lhe :--tatc fair WNC' Otto One of the finc~t exhibits at tht' Pictures of college life and those of Batch in thC' dairy, Rowland UeagC'le as state fair was that of Lewis and ('lark special interest lo the collC'gc }Jeople judge\ .. cfork, an<l Le~lie Pettigrew an.cl conuty. It was a Ycry e1:iborate dis- are most cle:jired, and the .iokes shouiU Hamilton ~tecl iu the wirelC's:q exhibit. play, showing in detail the Yarious pro- be of a local nature. A box will be

\Ym. f'lrnpman, ex- '13, has been visit­ing friends on the hill the last few day~. :\fr. Chapman was the college yell lead·

ducts of the county aml inci<l.entally J)!::te<'d in the librftr,Y in fL short time,

this month. the other students of the college.

l l

Page 3

BEN. --W-ALKER Transfer and Baggage

Special Attention Given to Baggage

Headquarters Gleason's Cigar Store



LUMP EGG NUT Both Phones Frank H;rle, Agent



Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses in Ci,·il, Electrical aucl ~fcchanir:il EngineHing, .Mechanic Arts, Agdculturc, Dairy, llorticulture, DomN;tic SeiC'nce, Industrial ('hemistry, Economic Biology, :\Iathematics, Literature, For­estry, Pharmacy, )[usic and Art.

Beautiful grounds, commodious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, estensiYe laboratories, model kitchen and sewing Tooms, music and art studio.

J. 1''1. Hamilton, President BOZEMAN, MONTANA



er 1vhile in college, and has hecn spen<l· "~illwm .l. "·iuter. 1.•x· 'l-t- w~1s at 1ht' ing the evenings watching the progress

ate fair. wiH'rC> he hC'ld :1a import"a,1t of the college football e1eYen in their

reflecting grent cr<'dit on the de~igner, i?1to which contributions mny be placed. Tom Hillis, ex- ']5. :.\Ir. llillis will pro- fu the meantime Lhe editor ind mem­hably take liis exhibit to the ~Iinue~ota Lcrs of the staff arc gathering materia1 st.ate fair in Minneapolis some time and anxiuos lo get new material from I

- ·:-- F. \V. Schumacher has been a.ppointeiJ. "·-------------------------------' Preside nt Hamilton attended thtJ businC'!'iS manager of the publication, to :<1sitio11 in the lh·e ~tock section. :..\[r. practic:e.

;-inter tate1l that ow·ing to the fact -·:-- state fair at Uclena ·Friday and Sat· i!Uccecd D. Y. Iligbie, by \V. B. Yestal,

, Ilnrvey Sloan. 'OZ. i 8 in Bozeman for urday. Ile states that the fair wt~s editor-in-chief. 'rhe rest of the staf! at he h:ul SN·nr('1l this position l·c onl<l not lH' in eollcJ:?c this yc·u.


a few weC'ks yisiting bis mothH. Since his graduation )fr. Sloan hns been coun­t.'· Hnn·e>-or for Gallntin ·"'O l;11ty. and more re('entl)- has been i11 the ·"'mpk·~· of the public ~en·i<'e ('Ommis:-;i1)•1 a~ '\J:i--1i ~on, '1'is(•On~in, along with hi~ l•rolhi•r, Frank, who also graduated in 1003.

- •!•-

,one of the. most successful oues ever fa as follows: Selemr ll. Solberg, as­held nod that the college exhibit was sistant editor-in-chief; "Willard E. At­especially well rccei,·ed. The huge ten~ idns, associate editor; ::.\Iildrcd Eckels. in which th<:' e.xhihits were placed ,\'ll~ &ociety editor; Yie Yalleau and Rausie crowded all the time and wa::; of im- RoC'ChC'r. art editors. anti ('J:.\ra Flan­mensc value to the college as au ad- dPrs, calendar. n~rtiscment. For the benefit ('If the new students.

1. few ·words about the :Montanan may

Rnht rr. K('lle~· and 1JaA-well "\\'il­omlJ ha' e heen appointed as the eom-1ittee to nH.•<'t GoYernor Xorris today r the train, when he comes to address le "\\"ilsnn mC'n at th<' college. under ic <rn:-;pjces of tlw "~oodro,,- "~llson

lub. .\ committee from the drmo­ratic central committee of the county il1 also meet the gon!'rnor at the trait;.

Edna Yrecland, 'On, has gone to Salt Last 'l'ues<lay noun :Misses Edith bt' of interest. The book is put out Lake City to take a position in a cafe- Breneman and Inez :?\foore gave their rncb year by the members of the junior teria. Si.nee her graduation )[iss Yrce· reports of the Y. \V. C. A. conference. class at the college. It rontains a gen· land bas been engagcd in Y. V\7 . C. They ga,·e. a general outline o~ the coll cra1 reYiew of the work of the college A. work, ha,·ing had ch:nga of eafe-[fcrence, .'nth s~mc of the 1~0111ts fro~ for the year, in athletics, societies an-1 teria work in Spokane and other coast the _ 1ead.rng talks, and details _of thei r student actiYities iu general. Pictures

)fan·in Spain, '11, ,-jsited the college I t Tl II t f ti I d" ts f th ea a i-,.·dn e~rlay to sec that his credits were citied. :Miss Vreeland has been spend- socia. irnes. lC report was I ustra .. - C'. ie ea rng e,·en . o e y r r'!

1 right preparator:~ to his lea"1ng for ing a. short ,-acation in Bozemau . ed with photographs mounted on larg·~ sho.,;rn, and e\•erything is done to matte "-m. B. Yestnl, a junior in the ~j, il cards. Next time it is planned to ha,·e it attrac.tiYe aud a book that the sb.1-

le lJnh·er~ity of \\'isconsiu, v:here he cngiuC'ering der>artment of the eol'C>!!_o, a ;joint meeting of t he Y. '\V. C. A. dents will ,·alue after and during under-iJI enroll to take post-graduate wo1 k · · ,, C I tl t d

has been appointed as the inspeet•Jr c.f and i-. )f. '. A. to be hCld in the eY- gra ua e ays. l agriculture. )fr. Spain expects to t• b k ~[ s . ajor in agricultural eronomics. Since the work that is be ing done in pa,·ing ~ning Ther e will be speeial music and T he ust year oo - at ontana tate

_ i~ graduation Mr. Spain bas been wnrk- \VaJJacc avenue. Mr. Yestal ~,.i ll miss Rev. G. G. Bennett of the Episcopal was published in 190i by t he class of classes for about two weeks, after w1L<'h .church, will talk. 190 . 1t was rather modest in appear·

ig for the U. S. government in dry he will return to his coll ege wo,·k and ---:·- ~rnce and was called '"rhe B lue an1l nd farming inYcstigations. that connected with his posithn as The members of tbe fres hman class Gold." T he next year a la rger ant)

-•!•- editor of the next M ontanan. liave held several meetings this week. be t ter book was put out under t he namf' at which t he tug-of·war has been th11 of "The hlontanian1 " a nd since thcn Charles II. Draper, '12, was in charge

· the Carbon county exhibit at the ir. Rince graduation last June he s been put in charge of the stat c fair

Ralph "'e11s, one of the new mem- principal matter up for diseussion. each year has seen an improvement in bcrs of the faculty and the assistant in llaro1d "'Widener has been elected cap- t he book. Tho third year tho book was

;.hibit and has been elected secretary the agronomy department, was call ed to his home in Illinois F r iday because

" the democratic county central com- of the s rious illness of his father. No ittee in allilition 10 his other dut ies word has been received from M r. '\\ells ~ editor of the ('urbou co~nty Journal. I since his departure, but it is hoped

•. r. Drnp~r cx~>f'Ch to be 111 attendance that his fathC'r will soon be well agarn the Un1\·eri'1ty game here OctoLer 19. \and that ~Ir. "'ells will be able to

Tb1.' a11n11al faculty reception which return soon . as to haYe heen held this en•ning has I __.:._ en po~lp1HH?d for a Wt.'C'k owing to l\Uss )Jars.a Riddell, '16, ,-.IltNt1in~d

tain of the f r eshman tea m and a list culled the ''Montanan,'' and has borni' of those eli gible for the contest has that name since then. been prepared. The men have weighed The book is one of the best a<h·er­in and ready fo r the eontest this af- tisernents the college boasts of, an~l

ternoon. The on l:-t· other matter of im· therefo re each student should endeaYOr portance has been the election of 'Vm. to make the book ns good as possibl~.

Heagney to the position of freshman The staff is getting an early start on representati,•e to the executi,~e com- the work this year and expects to get mittee of lhe athletic association. .Mr. cut a good book next spring. Heagney bas been playing one of the end positions for the college and is a FIRST BOOSTER CLUBS track man, so 1 he choice of the fresh- DANCE ATTRACTS CROWD

e fact that the young chunh people ~c,·f'n)i of the college studl''l 5 at b('r · the t.•1ty are gidng- a joint reccpl ion home in Helena la&t Saturday C'YPt•ing. is 1.•,·ening. 'The po8 tponment of the The part.'- sang seYeral sone,r.: anJ ~.fter man for the representath·e in the com­

>OYc e,·cnt lea,·es the <:alendar fr "'c attending the theatre were r;cruecl v:Hh mittec should be a good one.


0 ~1;,ec:~~·l~~ti~~<';l~~ :~.e~:~:ga~~1:1~~c~ 1~; ~ro1

1~~h~h:u~~~l~ge T!1

::i:le~11 1~:; ~::~~~~~ MONTANAN STAFF HOLDS o.J. were :i\ f ios Amelia Stanley of Grent FIRST MEETING OF YEAR.

the most enjoyable colJege danees e\·rr held. The affair was given for the frc8hmen, in ordcT that they might be-come better acquainted, the upper cla.;s· 111\"Il only paying for admittance. As it was, the Boosters came out even ai-I ter settling the usual bills attendant

upon such affairs and ba,·ing the drill

hall piano tuned. Dancing commenced ut eight thirty

and was continued until the small hours of the next m~rning. The ball was decorated with green foliage, pennants and blue and gold crepe paper, and presented a most attracti,-e appearance. Punch was sen-ed throughout the e\·cn-ing, and eYeryone made it a point to see that the new students were getting acquainted, all of which went toward making the evening a pleasant one for

all who attended . It is expected that the Booste rs will

giY8 dances at regu la r interva ls this year, the same as they did last year .

Fifteen hundred aud eighty-two stu-dents 1rnxe registered so far this year at the State College, Washington .

Welcome Students

And clon 't forget. tho pince to

buy the best and snappiest

I Shoes nt popular prices.


J . H . H a rris & Co. I Falls, K n:-t·on Talcott, Glenn Willson, , _______________ ,_

1(Roy ~falsnr, Leslie Pettigrew. Charles J?riday afternoon at three o'clock tili'

J.\\"' hipple, .John Fiske, Hamilton Steel ~\rontauan staff met for a short bu~-iand Lyndall D·n·idson ir.ess mC'eting. A genC'ral outline' of

I . ~ ~ the work was made :rncl caeh pC'r~on II We've l

Abont sixty couples attended the firat Boosters · and Boosterinf•s' dan('e fo1 the year, which was held at the col liege drill hall Fri<lay evening. 'l'hc generaJ rcport was th::i.t it was one •)f

I've delivered Ne_ver Seen

~· ===== Iu our many yt'ars of ::Jhoe sell-

Two numbers of ;he " Tel'kly Kaimin, was asigned eertain parts of the work. , published bv the U. of )i,(., h~l\-e bel~n The members of the staff desirC' thL> J n'cei.ved. by. t he Exponent sinc:e its last 1 co·operation ~f e,·ery menib~r of ~h<' pnbl1eat1on. The J<aimin has alway~ student body m the mattt'r oJ securing been countcU as one of the best pape!·-s rictn res of int,('rest to tlw ~tuclruts fo:-


on the Exponent exchange list, and it the annunl and also desi re jokes a11c1 will continu(' to hold that l)Osition as !:its on members of the stutlent body long ns it continues at its present. high to1Hl facnlt_,~. In order to arousC' iuter-

1 standard. From the Knimin it woultl

ing, a l.H!lt1.'r o r more att racti,·e I appear that e,·er.vthing is teeming with

lot of shoC's than are now dis-1Jifo and enthusia!:-m ov<'r nt our sisti~ r Lyric Theatre played W our windows. institution . Mavbe that is what hcl"

'.accounted for th~ footbnll championshi p .. g-oinq to the l'niYersit>- so oftC>n. A

little of that here might help the foot· ;\ large ''" rtmeut of

I ~"' '"""moo '"'· NETTLETON SHOES ! EL

1 Representing the popular styles i for fall and winter wear.

Nicholson's Shoe Store Let Us do Your Shoe Repairing

2 FOR 15 cts.

High Class Vaudeville and Moving Pictures


4 FOR 25 cts.

several Suits

this wcC'k to col1ege boys. J 'd like to tell you thctr uames, and yon cnn ask th('m how they like the elothcs I make.

make special prices to college boys. Ask mo about them .



rhen come iu and see our line of \\'atehl's, Clocks and .Jewelry, Cut Ulass and China. Quality

I the high<'st: price the lowest.

Leslie E.Gage Both Phones J eweler 134 \V. ~fain

Registered Optometrist


I Think I Then Eat




Office i>lichigau Bldg.

Sui to ~o. 17. Bozeman, }.Iont



Rooms 1 and 2 St-Ory Block

Phone 46 blk. Bozeman, hlor.t.



Golden Rule Blk. Bell Phone 97 blk.



Offi ce and re idence, 16 w Babcock

Phones: Bell, 403 blk . ; Ilome, 2962

Bozeman, Montana.


ORAL SURGEONS Ten per cent discoount to students

Commereial Xational Bank Bldg. Bozemau, Montana



;F"ost Office Block. Bozeman, )font.




Bozeman, - - hlont:tna.

The Cafeteria STUDEN T RATES

Ringle 'fick('tS ........... ... .................. $3.00 Two Tickets ........... ··---··-· ........ ...... $9.0~

I Any 5 cent dish frcc with a 35-ce11t



LUMBER - 00-


LUMBER COMPANY 320 West M ain St.


Capital Stock .............. $150,000.00

Surplus antl Profits .... 250,0<l0.00

GEORGE cox, Cashier

Bozeman - -Montana

Page 4: Y. OCTOBEH I, 1912 n STUDENT BOOY VOT ES€¦ · 'r.oltl lNter shad1•


Arrived Thursday The swellest and nobbiest line of

Norfolk Mackinaw Coats you ever saw. Come in and see them.



Gosman nuJ Carr 11layt?J. as usual a Thost. .. connectt>d with th~ collE'ge ~x·

ohe Printer's Art ~trong. ~tendy g-nme. Gosman was per- h1bit expresl'd themsl'ln.·~ as more tlw.u Jia.ps ht'ttt'r on the 1lefen,C. <;.poiliog nl plea~ed With tht' f('<;U]t~ s('CllfC'd. rn-

UlO>t every fornar<i pa'< lhlll the >ehoi· t~oubt<dh· the leut methoJ Of housing can extend the CUStOmer'S market as far as the ambiti-O>li<' attl·miot<><l in hi> J;re<·ti•>u. Carr the exhil>its bas l'""o" it• •upenority ion and enterprise of the customer prescribes, bridging

I I I j . tt t. th• seas and crossing continents, and speaking all tongue;; . I was a ht•:1vy g:linC'r on lint" p1ungC'8, nn<l 0>1.·t'f t 11 .. ~ l\)ot 1 or a rac 1Dg -

abo ~toorl the brunt of the lme work 4,;lOWtl~. L:t:-.t Yl'llr thl' c:ocbiltit wa~ N"o other expenditure returns itself so quickly, bringing On th<• defl'll'e. hn11><<l iu !\ hoot!; nil the lll'l'er floor of With it a perennial Stream Of profits, aS that for printing

I the agricultural huiltling nt the fair.

Grnl1"m. who was out of tho game '!'h<• mni11 obj<t·tion tt> this was that ,o MORAL:- Have your printing-done by on :\lond:iy. was :it.le to play ag:1in on few people vi~ited that portion of the D etrick the Printer

l''·~·dnt•sdny, :rnrl playt•U a hC'atly. con- bniltling thnt the adn:ortising sccurc-1 {l "\;\~e::it Main

Ed and Lou H oward, Props. ~istl~ut gnm~ nt riunrti . .'r. hy tht:' rolil'g'l' did not pay for the co.-.t !._----------------------------.....;L'

!....-------------------~---------' I of c:i.rin~ for thl' ('xbihit..:;.



For 65 Cents Postoffice News Stand

)!.·Dougall. Connor an~l .T:ieoh:-; ,..hnw·

ctl pll'nty of :->pt'('1l Ill lht• 1mt•k f;1.•1d ronTBAll TEAM 5unws :in,J h:in<llcd lh<'Ul•ehe, wdl on the th· r u ti nu 1\.•n .. (.'.

Ost11hrn(!' niadl~ h1m ... 1.•lf fcJt on th .. !inf', hr1•:-tkin!! throug-h Sl'Yl'ral tim(>~ :\ncl ::1C'kluiug tlw runners before tbi' play was w('IJ un1kr wa~·.

M~RKrn IMrRO~tMENT Bell rhonc 'Cl Hou I'bont 6!'11


Staple and Fancy Groceries Xl1blt'.' :HHl Pink W<'rc always in th,.... L----------------------------....;. game and were hara nuts to crack on thl'


The impro,·enH•nt in thC' foothall sit­

uution 3t )J. ~- t'. clnrint.:. tht• p:1--t Wl't'~

cnu only b<' apprcciat1•il hy I hosp wlio 1-':lW lih~ college team disgr:\Ct•fully bt'aten by tl11• O:tll:.nin County High school ta~t :\£ondny, nnd the same team whi(·h phlyed real football on \ \-C'Clnes·

d:1y. To ::;ay thnt the fi r )'lt exhibition was tfi:-;g-rnct•iul i~ putting it mildly. i\fen who lw1l made Sl'YCral nil star hi~h E>chool t1•ams of the stall.', playeJ like tbt>y hatl nen•r ~ecn a football be­fore. Tbe interfrr1.~nt.'e w:1' ragged, if riot entirely lneking, forward pass1.~s

·were failures anrl line bw,•k:-o averag<>d only two or three yard~. On the de­fense thp showing was jui:-t as mi!Sernblc

and at the close of the finsc.o the foot· baU outlook at )L l'. was an.rthing but cheerful. 'l'he men them!'.eh·es real·

ized this more than the stUt.lC'ot bod.\• anil a reformation "lnls started.


IIcatlqunrters for Fcrndell canned goods nncl Fernrlell TC"as and Coffees

ARE YOU IN NEED Of a Set of Dishes

or doC'.s vour ohl ~et need r('pleni~hingf If 80, 8CC us Grent rNiu('tioo!? in Tnble Gb.;;:::-wnre

Hrr our wc~t vdndow and ~::ill.

THOS. H. REA & CO. Prompt Delivery Both Phones 24.


Alkins ·wn~ nnothcr man who played a good game at eucl. Ile tackled sure and hnrd :incl broke up a number of forward pns:-~s thnt would have meant big gains if 8111'1.'"~sfuJ.

Milburn, Nelson, Truitt, Ford, \V iJ­eomb and Connor h:ive hcen out ench e ,·ening, mnking the other men ''"""Ork for

positions. Thf'~e nwn indirectly mnke

the tenm which rrpresents the col1ege. While mnny of ~uch m~n are not hcarl Qf in th(' gnml'!' played, the:· ha,·e mad~ it pos~ilile for the co!Jege to whip into sh'tp<' a tcnm .

Don't You Worry!


HENRY'S '~-·

ronch Do('kstn<lrr j~ l'nthusiastic O\"er

tl1c impro\·C'ment of the tcnm durint--\'

the pnst Wl'C'k . Jn :spl':lkiug to a rep·

res<'ntnth·e nf the :r-;xponcnt, he stat~<l

that thC' tn('n WC'rl' all wnrking hard rind getting into thC' spirit of the gam<'.

'Then• i~ still a grent dt:'al of wo-rk

before th<' first gt1ml', ·' he said, "but, I look for r:1pid impronnnent from now

oo. The mt.•n :art• taking hold of th:>

work in great ~harw nnd t1re workin<r nnd fighting hanl for a tC'am.' · Tl1~ COO('h sai\l thnt he would like to !-.CC

n h('ttt"'r spirit l'xhibited in the student hClcl~,. as a wbolt•. Tn the pa~t it h:is

bet:>n shown t lmt the sturlt'.'nt~ will not support a losing team when the,- reall \.

ueea n Uoo~t. nnd this fact rat~her di~:. courag('s tht"' m('n 3t time~. Xow that

the:'- :ne pin.Ying h:ird to win there is

\\'ednesduy, practically the same tt.•am lined up for the kickoff . The snme tenm iu men only, for it might ha,·c be('n entirely diffl'rent tC'am by the gam~ th('y pl:i~·e<l. The interference

was not near ly so ragg-eil. nnd every

time a. college man took an opposing taeklC'r out he wns not on his foot in an

instunt, rrn<ly to mnk<' a ta('kle but wa::­out of th(' running altoginher. ome surrut.~~s w:1s :il)'io shown by the college

in mnking anri handling forw:inl p3:-se~.

m:rny of the Ion~ gains were made hy the surr<'ss..fnl nrnnipulatiou of this play. "\\~ith ·w. E. ~ladilox playing hii::;

Just get your Laundry ready every Monday morning, or phone in any time. If anything goes wrong don't wait, but phone Vestal and have it straightened up at once.


Gallatin Laundry Co. Bozeman, Mont

D. D. SlVIITH first gnme in the hack field, gains of ------------------------------·f fi,·e and ten y:trUs wl're consistently

made. On the dt:fense fht:> college aj!grl'gation showC'd a ~imiJar impro,·c· ment. The forward pass use.] so sue· ee~full.'· b.'- the lligh in the previous

WE ARE GLAD TO SEE THE OLD STUDENTS BACK ·w e hop(' the Freshmen will follow the o1d ones, nnd they will

come to the

FURNITURE TUXEDO BARBER SHOP for high class work. \\"e spec.ia1ize on C'olle~e work



no rt':l."OU whaho\l'r for the studC'nt games wn.s hrok('n up time and 3gain

bod.'· not to gh·e thPir support. hy the eollegl' st.•enndary llefC'n~e. fhr line from tack](' to ta('kle had nbo

But to lC':t\ l' footbn11 for a minute. From the rnin:or~ity (':1m<'"' the news that there i~ '"'0111<' cli,cu~siou of whether

tr:lck or hasrhall will be tbc major

"'Priug ~1thlt•1ie~. .\t :1 mC'rting of th~ 3~..;o<·iated )'ituih•nt"'. helil recenth·. this

taken a hrnrt.• nnd lh1• :-ehofa~tir~ were

no Jon::?er !1hle to IJrC'ak throu~h ant1 I stop tht:> plays hefor(' thC':'. were ~tarted. Tuxedo Billiard Parlor

. ~;: ~ , -• .. :·,. .. : 5 -· . _ .. ~ :. . ' .... :::..-:_

l.,. Gl~~~~;~~re?t?~:!ar~~~~~R BOTH PHONES J. F. DONOHOE COURIER ANNEX

·1 J roblC'm w:i~ brought 11p. Xo ~pinion


W:l"' rC':tche,1 at that tilnt.• and it appe:tB i1:d 1 lll\rC' w:1s not :l m:ijorib· fo:­

rit her. )fony of tht'.' slmfonts 0

at ::\I. S, C. would lik" lo sC'l~ a b:1sehall tt'.'am

u our sister institntion next spring- anil

a serirs of games arr3nge<l. At tbt:< ~:line tim{', howe,·er. it i~ siucerrly hvpecl

Th<' impro,·ement matle in the coi­

l"ge t<'nm during the a:-t weC'k w3~ ;;ill that anyone touhl desire nml indic3!e!'

that ').f. ~- <'. can hn'·" a rC'nl team. .\. !ew more such C'xhihition~ wilJ awake

an in terest in the hC'rctnforC' indiffl.'r·

C'nt student hod,,·. From 3 poor start. the team i~ now impro,·ing fast, ;HHi

when on Ortohrr l!lth, thl'." nre eall·

ed upon to defenll the hlue and gol<l a team th3t can be 1le1wndt.•<l to pla.'· the g3n1e from wlli~tle to whbtll' wiB rt"'pre­sent :\1. ~ - ('.



Michigan Block F. C. Brandeburg, Prop.


tlrnt th(' trnck work will not be aban­

done<l. 'l'he dt•ei~1011 will be wnt<"he•I with intert•.st ::at th<' t·mYersit,-. for ,t

will mcnn a great c.leal to Montnna Fltate whitht'.'n•r wa~- it goC's.




(C'ontm11C'<l from Page One)



ertoirc aho.

Folowiog tbe musil'al nulDbers com

what is coni:edt•tl h> be the be:-ot i per~on:ttion of t.·h.1racter" from Dickf e,·er o.fferetl 1.)n n Lyceum platf J

Sp.'."icc will not J•('rmit of a d:taileil count of nny of the other ::ittradi<

• .\s is mcntionl'll C'l,C'wbNe iu thc~e I a slump. Bettl'r team work, bC'tter in· (rontiuued from Pnge One) from buying a ticket. For, while th<'y of the cour,..('1

lnn nmong- them m:i:-

eolumn~. lht•n• has hel'n a mn.rketl im- <lividunl ploying and. a.hove :ill, a re:i:l 11iay get into th<' game that they pin.• ?\~ext :Mondn}~ eve-urng will witues~ mentionNl C'x-lioYernor Glt.•nn of So

prOYt'meut during thr JutC'r pari u.f rhe foothall :-11irit, au now being mani- v.ill h:l\·e n\e1.•i,·etl one. TIH• Booster i11 or sub in. t1l(' pricC' of the tiekt.•t the opC'ning of thl" t'iYic Lengue's lee· Carolina. null Ernt•~t Conner, ouc oft

we{'k iu the foutl1nll situation at ).f. fe~ted on the fi1.~ld. c.'ub gcl\·e H'V(•rul tfauees. nnd in lha is simply a fl'C' so that athletics m:l._\. tur(' course for tht• St.':J~on of 191~·12. uiost ph~:ising !'pt.•<1k<"rs on thl~ L.,·ce\ ~- ( '. While it dot'" look now as though I -- \•;ay rnist.•il enough mon('y tn pureha:-01.• l'c carrit'.'tl on :it ~fontana State. .Ap· The cour:::ie will consist of eight num platform today.

tJic 1.•oll('ge would be reprC'sentC'll hy a .\. g-n•at 1.foal of criticiim1 has been lSW('ater~ for tlw football mC'n. Pree;;- rarl'ntly a numbC'r oi g-irls are nJso Clf bt.~n• this yenr nnd, ncordiu~ to infor- Tit.'ket-. l':ln hC' sC'cUrl~tl of nny oft

?C':-;t•mlilant.'C' of n tl·am, it dors not mean offorC'd hy many of thr squad, ilne to ident Hamilton gave thC' mt.•n who WO':l fend('r~ in this muttrr, it nppC':Hin2 mation seeured from ~omc of the lt'.'~eu .. • l'ide Lt·:i~m~ <iffit.'t"r" or from Lo

thnt thl• work cnn slop. Jn fad, a the attitut]e of the ~tmknt body toward tht•ir lt.'tfrr~ in haskt•thall i-we:iters o•i th:lt thl'Y are holding 11ff iu antieipa- offieinl~. the bt·~t course of nt.t r ntt10'.1' ,Fischl oi thl' ._01

,honwrt' das ..... _\. "l't>t'

crt11t"'ll stagt> ha' l•l'('n re.achPil, nn<l if


1the te:uu nfkr their <l<>frat :it tho h:in1ls "hirh to Wl"ar them. and l:t>l spriug ti on of some mnn tnkinit them. One that the lc:igue l>ti. .,.,,r orgamzed, wi'i r:ite of ,q J' j, diar~,.,J f srn.J.

t H' men nn tlw !(·am, ;is wt.'ll as tht.• ot till• l11g:h "chool )londa)-. "\Ylule :d a gi•u,~ral ai-;:-;C'mhly ol fhC' ~tuclent uf the llll'mbC'rs o( th(' :i~soeiation srnt bC' gi,·en this winter. tickl~h anil ..,~_.it) 1, chnn,!t>~l f·ir a,J

'l\ho11.• st111hnt l101l,\ . fol] back in the e11cryo1u• :-honl1l gd iu and fight antl lifld.'· it W!h ,·o"cd that the nthll•tie n~ .:'d that a girl who would nc1t purd1a:o;_.., Thl• eour..;l' of tht• ('ivi<.' Lt•ague h.1~ tickt•t... Tht.''t' ttckd.., admit thC' h lorm1 ru, it s haril to ttll 1·u:-t \\hat lrnost all tht• har1kr, .'"l't it is onl.'· · an :ithletil• tickt•t wa~ nn mort..~ <lt'"l'I'\- 1t.ir 11:-; 11nml' ohjet..·t thl' C'tluc:ltian an•l J I I l (

1 s•1<'1<ltio11 shoulll 11:->t~ tht• small surplu-. . er:-. to t Jl' t' }! H nun1 1e1s o t 1e t.'0111

the outt·onh• \\ 1J l.iC'. natural tlrnt th1·.'· should he dishearten 1 1 I f 1 in~ of a ft•llow than the 1wy who coul.i entertarnmt.'nt of it audttor" The co.-·,_1111111


to .,0

_,1,, llUl>tl•·'. _


•n 1a1H or t It' purdt:tH' of ::;wl~atl~r:s ·· ·' '"' ... '" ' ' -- Pl] :tftt.·r tht.~ flr:.t 1111-;1,.'rahle ~howing. for the lc>tll•r uwn in truck. t;et out for football l•ut woultln 't was <•f such n t•nnrse 1s ratht•r l11gh. and 1u cent-:.

The wny :n \\hidr tht• meu nre fight- If it h:11l bt•t.•u a tollt..•gt• 1!31111~ that the 11 h:is lit•t•n t..•alt•tdatt•d that it all thl"' desening of n girl':-; fa\·or, n~ llu• t1nh ont• "·" 1·;111 1t h1• m:Hl1• rt.•n .. on

in(! tOj.!dher uow gi\t.'' no inJit·alinn nf Tlll'JI hacl lost. it i-; .sat"t~ to .sa' 1hat s+tident~ liuy ~111 ntltlt•tit• tickl't for thC' t·nach st:itC"1I ~nn1t' timl:' ngo. :1hlt .. 111d thm "'h.\ sl'll111g a large num GRANGE HOLDS INTERESTING

tht.• :-pirit shown wunlcl ha,·e h;C'n al· I t"'t f II Drnstie nwans will ht'.' taken to st'(•ll.er of t11·kt•t:-. fht.• l'Ul.lt•g-l' Ji:i, ah\,I~:-; '~flt.' 1 o at 1 t•tic:-; ut tht.• cc1llegl', thnt I MEETING ON MOND.A

A Real Sweater kn ttul from lou~ liVt' wonl is {·la~­t \' ('lluH:!h to r1·~:iit1 it" shupc •1ftt'r thl' li:wlt· .. t pu11 1j!, tnol if l1t>a\·y will stan1l ahuo<;.t auy str rn without hrl·:ikin~ t-fJt lit

tng\•thrr 1l1ffer('11t, but tu ~o rlown he- f tlrnt every studC'nt g1.•ts n tiekt~t th:..- Lt.'C'n H lihl•tal patron 01 thl' IP!l:!Ut.'. and fon• a high Sl'ilflnl team dampens the ; tc; nt.l;~r expt'llS\"• arc llll't enough Yt'nr. It is only natural to l'Xpt.•1·t a l'ontiuttn

l f lJ I f i1nc s w1 rC'111ni11 to Jlllrt'h:l~C' swN1ter~ 'l'he e13~~ l'C'llr<'s.C'ntaiivC's of th" :is ... ,) fiou of it~ IHltron:"\l't'. ThC' lul·al C"ir:u1g\' lwl1l auotht•r ar


or 0

t'\"Pll It' Jest supporters 0

f1;r C'fit:h fl('W man who wins a INter "' Tl>• ft'r-.·t ni>iii\i,7,. ,,f tlit• ••iir•.•' 1.

5 .t hl,ir intl•rcsllllt! llli't.•tin,!!~ l:bt 'font

thr tram". llowcYC"r. the article of bull lfOWC'Yl't, it rt.'<piirt•<; ahout $:WO fo; <.:i:ttion this \"l':tr nr\•: llPo. H!inn. !Wn· ,.. _, .........

tlwt i!'I now lil·iuj,! pl:n~·1l ca111rnf fail to that Jmrpusf', so !ht• :alhlt.•til' asociation inr: \\'111. Yt•stal, junior: '1t•o. (:osmun. Brll,1nmin t h.1p111 111 :rn 11 npi.•r .. c'lualion Cit '\1..•uiu~ in tlw "'l~" 11 ~ rt•t\m ot .\~ri. make n hoostl'r of t.•n•ry slu<lent in the ninst th•prnd 1111 a gniitl ~nl~ of nth] •ti" ~rphonwn•: \\'111, lll•:\~1w.'. fre:-.hmaa, .\ hr:ih:11n 1..11wolu at thC' tlpera ho11-.·~ ~ural hall. .\ ttrgt" llt:lJnntt' nt

Ct•llq.~t'. Uckt.•ts bl•fon• it l':in awn rt I sweatC'rs to und 1 ·~1.nmt.'I Hion1au, ptt•p:1rutor,\· . • John 1 ('Xt ::\Imt•la.' l'\ t•ning. Tht• entertain- 1 nembers w1.•re l1Tl''t'U£, ra\'•h 01w a

--- Wharton j, ptl"•irlt•nt and .\hrnzo Trull~ lmr11t is suppo"l'd to bt." more thnn :\1 \~enng 111s or hl'T nnme "itb a quc It w:u; :di tl11.~ mt.•n who df'st•ryt~ thcm. is 'ic•·1•r<»•'•l•11t. 111er<' 1'11t1·rt·.11n111•11t. ··'' it 11ortrn.v:-. to :l tion. . l·Prtainly a r1·jt1YC'natetl t+..'am It i'I thl• l't1st11111 t•l);C'wh1•rt• for mem- ,. , ...

1J1at umtlt.' its a111warant'l.' \\'1•<lnt.·:-;1lav. l1C'rs of athlt~t11.• tt.':lm"' lo hC' awarlle:l It h:1s 111.•1•11 1h•<•i1fod th:tl thl' \OI<" i:!'Tt.".1t C'Xtt~nt thl• life of Lincoln dunn._, Follo"1n~ t t" roll <':tll, n report

Thi' 11J(>1t ~huwl·1l that th\'.'" kn('w a li.t !->Wt•ater:-., thus ht'lll:,.t "hown that tht• stu on tht.~ mattt•r of ehangtn:.! th(' rolh .. g:t' lt" \arious stn.l{t'~. ~lie "'ta111lut;!" t thl' Rt"tl.., nml Hl

tie Joothall :ind got tutu th1• g.ime "ith ii.i•nt hotly appr('t..·iati"; lltc>ir t.•fiort. nn•l t•ml>ll•nt will he hl'lil toil:t\" ~It t•lt'\"t'n Edmuntl y ('nok prr .. ,.nts tln, twx", ~n tht• ''Olltt'"t f1,r nt'W mernl1er",

n '1m }'ur tht• first tirnt.• tlu•\· phn•il · o"dC't'k ~harp. This \viii \,t, :I h~· la\\ numhl·r \\Ith a st.•riocom1~· sl't i"" fl'~" Pmadt>, tLl~ Blot~" ltnl -!' with ·b1 "\\.I' "hi>w :1 lnr;::t' linC' of rr~ Swi•:tt ,; • ·, 1 1 ·1· · 1 l j b'.i·t lit is Jrnpi•d th•t1 lht' stuifont" will ht•lt• to thr t'Onst lutlou :111•1 t is 1111t iwt·- tntions th;,lt art'.' a<"kl111\\lt.•1l:.,.!e1l t(I h"f nilll', tlu; fh~il .. h,I\ '1-. ~ 'lTi'

£>r .. 11 lh· 1, ( timlirn t 111, \ •lil Ru1t 11s n nui :lll•: "

111' Jrn


11 ua a 11 ?- ~he athlt•!tl' ns'oli:H1ot1 to tlt'C'Ompli-..Ji \

':\ 1 k n01l ).., rn a , th~ mn"t \\ :1 H I "3 ' uot lad; iug, lt"lfll "nrl\. "ha h 1" It 11t' ,1 hn' ,, l IH1 011 I lll' hdl. t•,-.:ir:'· tha anv furt llt'r nl't • lit ht• takl•n :•'t: t 11u> ll"' ·111~ th 111! 1~\ 1 r d~·ll\ l' 1.. ·l frt11n / t" ent.' ont•. t •r 1 1 1 lt r• t - I

t 11 I'. , ... ) (' t Jt ii, \\ .h l'h irl\ l' 1111 ut. H•1 f,1 r 1.t lta ... I t n a 111.1tt1 r ot i·li. nr" lwfnr1• lht' '11tt• l1l l1er f h.111 that "hi1·h t~ l1•d urt' pl11! form. gr:1111 i·o11"1' II !! t

e to n r Sw t·( or r ll I 11 101.

REAL SWEATERS $5.00 to $12.00

"ht't lit r t ht• nf hli ti'" ri, f'I\ ed ,, i'.ilt>IS I nuk pl:11·t• n tlie 1111 1· n~ d' t h1• :1""0- !·'ohm HJ.! \1 r ( 1111~ .nl' '" •• 111 u,..i1•:il \"ii' ,- llh· u, r,ql !I ' l

\\.I·:. \fa,Jtl• pl 1.'•il hi-. f rs1 /!.1111<' tr llrlt :i it!, iit•nrding Ill mi•nilit•r, of 1·ial1u11. lt is \t'!"\ .11111rf111! th11t f'\" 11umlwr .... tht 1r t \.\ a tr11UJ•l' th.1• l:i•kll''"' 'lll•l

f hi• th<" thct 11· ..... 1•1 1011 11 wal r('t11ain 1' \ 1111•11il1t•r nl tlu• t11d1n1t hndy hi"' Jrt'sl•nt"' 111 ron 111;,.rilll' ,,.l<"rl11111~.z\u \;!rll·nlt

t 1.1• \\U\' 1iJ 1 tlit l!<li>ut lu•IJ• nu prl'"l'lll 1 this 11u•1ting 111 ortl(•r 11.nr l101h fr1 n ~ 11d oppr u1 li~ht op1·r.1 llll:i 1' 11 I tlw 1.•nt1r1• 'lt1l1·11t horl.' lllll.' huvt• ·1 ~1'\C'rnl 1ch tOlllJ•lll ~·s llll\l' \1,i 1.JI \llb 11 1 I 11 I•' j•lll I " l Ii fl(' ttrkd~.

;;- .. 1y 11th m tr of' tlu• lhung1._ l'oZl'ln n 111 1!11' pas 11111 w th t 1J<' h ~I '

COLLEGE EXHIBITS AT (" \"PfJlor urn" w!l1 nut rl'81·li th(' lSl rt.•c11m111t•n•ht1nn 'I f'1<" 1 1 lllll of I BATCHELOR BRO\VN.

FAIR DRA\V C 1·11 l 1gt• hall unt I 11:1.") or 11~~0. ,1 fit"i:tls, n r:att• 1r(•at u n liC' \\' r h . .., Ut•c>n r < ,uJ •f I

RO\VDS 1lw lllt't"'lan l•f thn s tt1l1,t.;. on th" Tlit~ otlwr n111s11•;1 nu111l11•r w1l 1 hf' rl rini:• < [1,s 1,1 1· ~I Dn

aihlet l~ 1•111hh•m "ill n 110 w11v l'ff'l"t (h'tt'•l h\ 111,• l' 11u'"r .I 1l11Il s g- r .. , 1 'I nt

tlw 111t·dilll! nf ti1t1 ~uul1•1Hs n11tl to\\ns- ,,Jiid1 1, g"t 111 ... ' 1•11nt•t ill•I t~1 I l

pt•opl<' ,,110 1h·Sitt• t 1 hrllr thr J.!n\"C"rnor h•a.1lin~ <'llon•d 11111 1e

"fll'.lk. th1• '<Ollt I.

Two-thir•l" of l11l' 1111•inht>r" uf tl1e J?r:im of nt'l!ttl ._~,n:..::" man\ of

The Willson Co. ;-·"'· on ,h .. li1•. ~tu1lrut brnl_,. mu:-;t \"otr for tht.' 1•ha11).!'l' Ll,·orih':-; ]win)! nmon,..: tlit•m Thl·r hl• at ho11.11• 1t

in or<lcr that it may gu into effect. ;1r(' several modern song in th~ir n·ii· I nrnuy frit.'flil".