yalta conference feb. 1945 stalin favored harsh approach to dealing with germany germany divided...


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COLDWARYalta Conference Feb. 1945Stalin favored harsh approach to dealing with GermanyGermany divided into occupation zonesChurchill disagreed with this approach

Roosevelt wanted:Soviets to join war in PacificSupport for United Nations

Potsdam Conference July 1945Stalin Soviet Union (USSR)Prevented free elections in PolandBanned democratic parties

Clement Attlee Great Britain (replaced Churchill)

Truman U.S.Wanted to see democracy spreadAccess to raw materials in Eastern European markets

ORIGINS OF COLD WAR2 major superpowers emerge from WWII: United States and Soviet UnionBoth had opposing political and economic systems

Soviets were upset: U.S. didnt help early on in EuropeSecret development of the atomic bomb

Americans were upset:Non-aggression pact that the Soviets had signed with Hitler before the warStalin would not allow free elections in Eastern EuropeCONTAINMENT Stalin- set up communist governments in smaller European nations (Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Poland)Satellite nations- countries that depended on the dominant Soviet Union

1946- Winston Churchill- stated that an iron curtain had come down across Europe

U.S.- policy of containment- trying to contain communism- block spread of Soviet influence

TRUMAN DOCTRINETurkey and Greece needed economic and military aidTruman asks Congress for $400 million

Truman Doctrine- Trumans responseTruman to Congress:support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation

Aid will be sent to any nation trying to avoid communismMARSHALL PLANSecretary of State- George Marshall

Marshall PlanSend aid to European countriesMove directed against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos

$13 billion in aid sent to Western EuropeCommunist party lost support

BERLIN AIRLIFTGermany had been divided into 4 zonesOccupied by France, Britain, the U.S., and the Soviet Union.

France, G.B., and U.S. combined their zonesWest Germany

Soviet Union controlled East GermanySoviets cut transportation to West Berlin in June 1948

U.S. and Britain sent food and supplies for 327 days- known as the Berlin Airlift277,000 flights2.3 million tons of food and supplies

May 1949 - Soviets gave up the blockade

NATO VS. WARSAW PACTBerlin blockade increased concern among Western European nations about Soviet aggression

NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Apr. 1949)Military support to any nation attackedU.S., Canada, Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Greece and Turkey (1952), West Germany (1955)

In response to NATO the Soviet Union formed a military alliance with its satellite nationsWarsaw Pact (1955)East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, & Albania

Berlin WallAugust 13, 1961 November 9, 1989East Germany built wall dividing east and west BerlinKeep Western fascists out of East Germany and from undermining the socialist state

The Berlin WallTodayTsar Bomb

U.S. exploded 1st H-bomb in 1952

October 30, 1961

Most powerful nuclear weapon ever tested Hydrogen bomb CHINA TURNS COMMUNISTFor the last 20 years, China had been struggling to keep communism out.

Chinese Communists led by Mao Tse-Tung (Zedong)

Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek- supported by U.S.

The nationalist government was corrupt- people did not support it- Chinese were looking for a leader

Truman would not send military support- nationalist govt had to flee to Taiwan in 1949- China was now a communist nationKOREAN WAR 1950-1953Japan had control of Korea- after WWIINorth surrendered to the SovietsSouth surrendered to United States

2 nations split at the 38th parallelNorth Korea=communistSouth Korea=non communist

1950 North Korea invades SouthKorean War begins

Domino Theory- if one country fell to communism, others around it would fall

June Sept. 1950KOREAN WAR 1950-1953UN agreed to help South KoreaSouth Korean troops95,000Increased to 350,000 with UN support Mostly from U.S.

Troops were led by General Douglas McArthurPushed troops back to Yalu River

Sept. Oct. 1950Korean War 1950-1953Chinese soldiers joined war on the side of North Korea300,000 soldiers

MacArthur wanted to extend war into ChinaCalled for use of nuclear weaponsMutual-assistance pact between China and U.S.S.R

Chinese drove UN troops southward

Nov. 1950 Apr. 1951Korean War 1950-1953Stalemate lasted roughly 2 years till July 1953 armistice

Losses40,000 American deathsOver 5 million total deaths mostly civilian

Demilitarized zone established at 38th parallel

ELECTION OF 1952Americans felt that Korean War resulted in lives lost without much gainWent against Democrats in 1952

Dwight D. Eisenhower (R) became presidentWWII hero

Americans became more worried about communism in the U.S. (2nd Red Scare)Joseph McCarthyRepublican Senator from WisconsinLed charge against communism in AmericaMcCARTHYISMMcCarthyism - unfair tactic of accusing people of disloyalty without producing evidence1954- made accusations against the U.S. ArmySenate hearings were broadcast on television- made McCarthy look crazy- made it look like he was on a witch hunt

Several programs were set up by the government in the late 1940s and 1950s to combat communism.House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)Looked for communism inside and outside governmentMcCarran Internal Security ActNo actions that might lead to establishment of totalitarian dictatorship

Fear of CommunismFocused on Hollywood- because of its influenceHollywood Ten- refused to testify- put in prisonHollywood executives blacklisted those they believed to be communist influenced

2 spy cases:Ethel and Julius Rosenburg- executed in 1953Accused of giving info on atomic bomb to the SovietsAlger Hiss- official of the State DepartmentFormer Soviet spy implicated Hiss in spying for the SovietsHiss denied it- convicted of perjury- went to prisonCold War Takes To Skies1952- U.S. developed the H-bomb (hydrogen bomb) More powerful than the atom bomb

1953- Soviets tested their own H-bomb

BrinkmanshipU.S. must be willing to go to edge (brink) of warExpansion of Air ForceBuild-up of nuclear weapons

Air-raid drills were done- in school were called duck and cover- people built fallout shelters in their backyards to prepare for possible nuclear attacksCold War Takes To SkiesJoseph Stalin died in 1953Thaw in the Cold War

Nikita Khrushchev Continued communist regime Believed communism could triumph through peaceful meansThawing period

October 4, 1957- launch of Sputnik IFirst artificial satellite to orbit the earthWorried the U.S.

NASA- National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEstablished by Eisenhower administration in 1958Began encouraging math and science educationCold War Takes To SkiesU-2 incident- May 1, 1960Francis Gary Powers- shot down over Soviet UnionCaptured and convicted of spyingReleased in exchange for a Soviet spy

Khrushchev calls off summit to discuss arms race

Khrushchev withdraws invite for Eisenhower to visit Soviet UnionKENNEDY AND CUBAFidel Castro had seized power in 1959 from Fulgencio Batista (dictator)

Castro declared Cuba communistFormed ties with the Soviet Union

Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)Kennedy approved plan to have Castro removed from powerPlan involved Cuban exiles invading Cuba to overthrow Castro

Plan failed - Exiles captured - Kennedy humiliatedKENNEDY AND CUBA1962- Cuban Missile CrisisU.S. spy planes revealed Soviets were building nuclear missile bases in Cuba U.S. was worried these would be aimed at U.S.

U.S. placed missiles in Turkey aimed at the Soviet Union

Kennedy demanded that the Soviets remove the missilesU.S. surrounded Cuba with navy shipsSoviet ships were headed to Cuba

Krushchev finally backed down and the Soviet ships turned around- this decision will hurt KrushchevELECTION OF 1960John F. Kennedy (JFK)(D) vs. Richard Nixon (R)- Kennedy won- 2 factors: 1st time a presidential debate had been televised- image became important- Kennedy was coached on how to use the cameras and wore make up. Kennedy expressed sympathy for Martin Luther King Jr. and persuaded the judge to let him out of jail- he won the support of African American voters

His time in office became known as Camelot- American royalty- very into fashion and culture and very popularKENNEDY AND KRUSHCHEVKennedy and Krushchev did attempt to agree on things:Established a hot line- direct phone line that connected them directly to each otherLimited Test Ban Treaty- barred nuclear testing in the atmosphereVIETNAM WARMoving Toward ConflictFrom the late 1800s until WWII- France ruled VietnamTreated the Vietnamese badly

Communist Party organized several rebellions

Communist leader in Vietnam- Ho Chi Minh

1940- Japan conquered Vietnam- Vietnamese communists combined with other groups to form Vietminh

Japan left Vietnam after its defeat and the Vietminh claimed independence for VietnamVIETNAM WARMoving Toward ConflictFrance wanted to retake control of VietnamFrance took control of cities and southern half of Vietnam

Vietminh took control of the north (North Vietnam)

U.S. supported France and the non-communist South Vietnam$15 million in economic aid

1954 - Vietminh defeated the French in the northSigned a peace agreement (Geneva Accords)Split Vietnam in half at 17th parallel

North Vietnam= communistSouth Vietnam= nationalists (non-communists)VIETNAM WARMoving Toward WarU.S. provided economic and military aid to South Vietnam

Ngo Dinh Diem ruler of South VietnamNot a strong rulerCorrupt administrationRestricted Buddhist practices

1957- Vietcong - rebel group in the southAttacked Diems governmentSupported by Ho Chi Minh and communists in the north

Ho Chi Minh TrailNetwork of paths from North Vietnam to South VietnamCommunists would send Vietcong supplies and weaponsVIETNAM WARMoving Toward WarKennedy administrationU.S. supported military coup against Diem

1963 16,000 U.S. troops in VietnamKennedy is assassinated in Nov. 1963Lyndon Johnson becomes president

1964- Tonkin Gulf ResolutionJohnson asked Congress for special military powers to stop the North Vietnamese from attacking U.S. forcesJohnson given broad military powers in VietnamOperation Rolling Thunder bombing of North VietnamVIETNAM WARU.S. Involvement1964 Presidential Election LBJ winsJohnson spoke of containing communismSupporting South Vietnam ability to defend themselves

American public agreed with Johnson

By 1967, almost 500,000 U.S. soldiers were fighting in Vietnam

3 things that turned the war into a stalemate:Vietcong fighting styleHit-and-run ambush tacticsKnowledge of terrainIdentifying the enemyVietcongs refusal to surrenderAmerican troops inability to win support of the Vietnamese peasantsVIETNAM WARU.S. InvolvementNapalmGasoline-based bomb used to set fire to the jungle

Agent OrangeLeaf-killing chemical that destroyed vegetation

Search and destroy missionsU.S. began destroying villages they believed supported the Vietcong

1967- Americans still supported the warJohnson administration - everything was going wellTelevision told a different story

1968- Americans started turning against war in VietnamVIETNAM WARNation DividedMost soldiers sent to Vietnam because of the draftCould avoid the draft:Medical exemptionCoast Guard or National GuardCollege

Majority who fought in Vietnam - lower class whites & minoritiesCould not afford college - known as working-class war

Women served as army and navy nurses

20% of American soldiers killed were African AmericanAfrican Americans made up 10% of populationLed to more support for the Civil Rights MovementVIETNAM WARNation DividedAmerican college students became politically activeBurned draft cards Held sit-ins (teach-ins) to protest the war

Anti-war movement:Vietnam was a civil warSouth Vietnamese were no betterU.S. should not be global police officer

Kent State UniversityProtest by students that turned violentUpset about troops invasion of Cambodia Students began throwing rocks at the National Guard troopsGuards fired into crowd- 4 students killed

VIETNAM WARU.S. Withdrawal & End of WarTet- Vietnamese New Years EveWeek-long truce was called

Tet OffensiveVietcong attacked over 100 southern towns and 12 U.S. air bases

After the Tet Offensive, most were convinced the U.S. could not win the warJohnson had insisted U.S. victory was nearLoses much support

VIETNAM WARU.S. Withdrawal & End of WarNixon pledged to end the war

VietnamizationGradual withdrawal of troops so South Vietnamese can take over

Nixon continued to approve bombings of North Vietnamand Laos and Cambodia1970 invasion of Cambodia causes loss of American support

1969- Americans learn of My Lai massacre200 Vietnamese killed women, children, elderly

VIETNAM WARU.S. Withdrawal & End of WarDec. 1970 - Congress repealed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution

1971- Pentagon PapersDefense Department worker leaked documentsPast U.S. presidents had planned to enter war when they had been talking of withdrawing U.S. troops

March 1973 Last U.S. troops left VietnamU.S. involvement in war endedVIETNAM WARU.S. Withdrawal & End of WarAfter the U.S. left, North and South Vietnam resumed fightingEventually the North would take over the South (captured Saigon) and the South will surrenderAll of Vietnam will become communist

November 1973- War Powers Act Law prevented the president from committing troops in a foreign conflict without approval from CongressMust inform Congress within 48 hoursTroops may remain no longer than 90 days without Congressional approval

END OF THE COLD WARSoviet Union begins to lose powerSocially and financially weak

1985- Mikhail Gorbachev takes overSupported economic restructuring (perestroika)Open to discussing social problems (glasnost)

Ronald Reagan - president from 1980-1988 Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wallBerlin Wall will come down in 1989 marking the end of the Cold War