
THIRTY-EIGHT- H YEAR. NEW YORK, FRlbJ. DECEMBER, 1870. PRICK TWO CENT? li mm IP THE WAR. '111. The Prussians North and South mi. Falling Back. ODJ u, Tho Fronch Awaiting Trocliu'e Pw- - Groat Sortio. ,tu Operations Bctivocn Havro and Saris. 'K . THE CAPITULATION OF MOHTMEDY. I England's Position Question. on tho Lux- embourg Vrruih Iteperls Iron Ihr Amu efllie l.elre - No l'lgbllug Stiir the lOlli-T- he Friia-elan- e Oder Itutilr-Th- ey are Deponed J'fililiiK Hath an Part, ltirox, Dee. 14 I'. II. Tin Prussians litre crrttlnlr oecapled Biols; but the report thst Ihey tere fit Tour I not confirmed. orriciAL nsiti now noaniAtji. IMxiihacx, Ptc. 11. All tbo ntnlim of the tKpirmttle Corps, recently ttitloned t Toon, litre srrlv.J la Uli cltf. The following: Dent It offl. l! T hit been no tertoui engagement since the IJt'j m't. A number of imill engagement!, 1 srlilibthe Frctcb nere successful, tie reputed to Use i ecurred. 7 On He lelt bank cf tbs Loire tbe Pranlsni " scripr Cootro, MontrleHard. uil Ilamorintla. retxen ncrvBT or pgrssiA tonn. st p.t ..oners irrt U it tlie loues of tbe trior of Jiieee Ptederlck Charles during Itt combats with jfj O-- o Chicly have sot been less thsi M.OMmu. uil Hit tbe villages In tbe neighborhood are filled ' with w ended. There l no commanlostloa wttli the north or Fnnce. Tbe Journsls here dtmisd a romst elections to the Constituent AuimUf, M a ercixnoKi ix rni ricixur or blou. j Sews bis reached bere thtt tbe rrastltai tar-- m trhied tt Itumbord (eliht mllet eut ofBlolt) tome " Mobiles snd rrirctllrrur. It it sttred th. t the rruH.3L bate not Injured tbe Chilean it Guam-- 1 VorJ. . - 7 j III reported the Prcssltits hire bombarded I Bids tit now eceapyone of tbefjobouriJ of Tours. j I 11,(1 .bctta was there when tbe Prussians demand-- I II'"- - wader. He otdered tbe defence of tbe I dir. in bid tl-- brldre OTrr tbe Loire blown go I Tlit u"' tier iij needed to secure the safety of tbe I force un rr Gen. Chauzy, which moved toward the t I .t ah.. a It vrtil be heivlly reinforced tod 3 I r.rsrtr. tiii orriMtvt. 5 I t''- - H'nrlAI h realr to ouome the otTentlr, J I II t. .i: tlU repealt tUUmcbt thtt Ujjrbivr. r. I kitim ure to cogU condition. ) I TDZ rCCSIUS NIT AT TO CM. I I ' r - report that tbo 1'iaiflim ire t Toor i I keo indiclcd. I I T.- - (.rcrrnee of Corn. htrld3n and llurnille it i DurtJutla(:e It coainealed upon In diplouittic I iliU' M A Cllin P.EVIfW. I .. j A rrvietr wai a:1-- brre to dtf ef the I tvti. ni wnlch are ibout to let out to relnfbrce I Jit A; in) o' tbe Lolie. An Immense number of '.roof, nell eqiloprd, were oa the ground, 'lie ' M Trinr, tirnure ire Ttrr iciItp, tnd we hear of V tbir vv lvltii In kit trute ut tliu coantrr. t'verAl So. Tiijtbf provllon tio ro'vollr ben arprl-in- l I r Ihrm, tud mm) I'ruMljne bin been taken I llrillitT'. ai.i titi inimiti rAtttKo nicrt I l.ut-- r -- The rltr ol Tunra la no 1'iojnr nienacol. I fit rr.-n- la rttre.tiir towarl I'-- 1 . Minuter I Uanil. I'.al. n t coinl u to he hai gone 1 tack to the Army cu ui lAlri',uud will remain with U for t e potent. I ru nnvcntt ttrrATloK. I CuirACO. Drc. IS. A private letter from France, date i Nor. ST, from t man prominent In tclencr, contain tlie fo'lowb! pjra;raph, whloh thowt tLe M eonduli o of mtlltir alTalra In that country at we 1 I te tbe reiln: of tbe pcoph. It will be obeerre4 that w i lie he la foil of devotion, he admits the Utile I Uye rrmiluli'i to the I'rrncX lie tar t fl '" I hope to l called for mlll;rr lerrlot. I hire M teru tod tlat I am Uralnnatet for one of our tr ci tVe am wtltinx ever ilv the ennooncene t of lone great battle oi Hhich dinl our deal . uit the prellralaarr enieminU are In our la-- tor Our Armr of tr.e Loire la not onr latt trasr, l .d mt cur Uil losource. We btre mini people m uilikI nod read, but iber are rnerel crowd. i(l orriniied elrenttn. liut If we cen 1 have anccraa and CAtch tbe enemr around 1 farLi lor two or ttrM days, franco will rlae txtla and le rtroncer be. ore. Kur lie proaeni ike I bearleal analelr prews our hearU, InlUdomr a duty to the en I. If Frame li defeated I wlau to die In aome elru;jfle. If I remain alive I will do i) but to restore her. If tela la forbidden me I 1 Uteu 1 to eo to Aratrlca." tiii: or l'Aitm. Vuiaan of Aneiher Ills Mertle The Qovera. input at IlantcKUS Anxloualr Avrllia tlr.palchre-I'lon- tr to Kit la Pari. VuuhtAtrx, Dec. H. Ituraora ro circulating bere that a lortle of ereatrr proportlou than the lislhu been made from rarla, anl liaa net with untsrerted aoccesa. The reported falllnr back of ihi rrie:ana, both north and aouth, Indlcatrt an laportsut movement at I'urli.) nornixo orrictAU I'et itnj, Tbe Gurtrriment bere hu rlron to the psbllc, as jtt, notbln: official from Paris. Tbe In the cltjr la latenae. 1'eople are coming from all quarters to lietr the newa of the grand aortle which ther believe bas ttken place at Parla. II it iid an of Uto. Trocliu bas arrlrej tero. BOMITUIXO IX Till WIND, loiuox, D(C II. Intelligence from Paris of date bas been received. A council of war w I eld on Thursday last, when measure wrri-a4ot- looking to Ibe deliverance of Purls sud Vcraail es from tbe enemy. It Is thought that eoaie Pni movement Is on foot to tffoct this result, it uoiACi auicLtr ix nixcaT Tl e UMUur saji that the Tourt delegation tre a to: of arrant llara, who with to be conaldered an C.tti and Arlstldtl, and that the Toura liwi-r- s are even worse Iban the Imperial 'l la ilalu.ed that tbre li a incident quantity of frji.oni In tbe city to last six weeks to cone, and li e red ctrealt tudcltnt for tlx monthe. - lte Amerlrta ambulance at Parti li extolled as Uscil of dfiicltner and a curative success. a balloon cnora xiai nAvni. Csxy, Dec 14. A balloon from Tarn landed to. r it llcuOeur with despatches and letters, wblcn kavs betn foratrded to their destination. tuk Anruxan ox jta ra . The PrneelRBi Hurriedly Hellrlnt -- Tb 1'erie ol Havre ana Dieppe Cloeed-Tbl- rtr Taoaaaad Frcnchmea C'oafreotlai 14. Tbi following official ialaaieaHel. received by tie dovera'seatl Prusslaa foroe which waa i ITtflla to stuck tuli city le hurriedly retlrlnr. ITUa may Indicate troubio at Parti. ' T" Oovernmeit baa anaounced that the aorta of Btvre and Dieppe are not open to neutral vessel!. tbi ravuiam rALuxa back, i The evacuation of tho triangle formed by Ibe ) nru if Yernee.ll, Dretolles, and Bronx, U on raed. (These towis are suldwi between Paris Havre.) la the tbe enemy to be withdrawing. Dieppe haa beei free Jtaee the join, Evrenx and Bergulgny hire been P'Hed by the Oermana. A despatch from Alenf oa JJH the rruaslam retreated from Verneull tnd Wfvui toward Cbartres and Versalllei. ' vva return Anopsau. I Maoon, Dec. frora Harro report hi jai.i m ijj li i i u li t at rlty and Honfleur quiet. A force of 31,030 men baa been thrown out to confront the Ucrmtne. Havre Is fl.led w ilh w ir material. There ire a num- ber of cunbeata on the Seine. From Honfleur It Is reported no Prussians bare been discovered by tLe French Seoul. TROI'CLR VOR Ttl aillUAX.. 1'rrncti sdvlrrs state that the French array tinder flen. Fnrdherbe live retiken La Fere a few miles from Laon.and aome thirty mllca nortbeist ol Pari TOO OOOO TO Rl LOST Tt e tntltptndantt Jlelje laments that the Prussian war reports haro lust their character for terscliy at first ascribed to them. The Ameilcan iteannhlp Erie, from New York, hilcn with American arms for the French, la off Coes,where al e will be cctivo)eJ by French to a French port. T7Jil AHMY Of 7 7 IS HAHT. The flnrlhnlitlnne Dolna Ooorl Yorli-(ln- rl. Iinldt'a Hon Uetvardetl-T- he Kail of Meut-mp- nod Dinlebure. Hobbbaox, Dec. 14.-- Tli Utrlbalitlan have Inflicted heavy loei In killed and wounded on the enemy In the eaatera departments, and hivo l.ln. dered his progress The Government of National Defence baa made Illclottl Usrlbaldl a member of tbe Legion of Honor, Deepalclies from the Rut show a number of mi- nor succe.aes for the French. pall or iioxTiiinr ahd raALsnono. Alontmcdy tin surrendered to the Oer nans . Tbe bealegen did not bombard tlie town, is waa report- ed. 1 Lev tittered the walla with solid shot, and cs soon they had effected a breach the place capitu- lated. 1 he oHelal report of the surrender of Pb stalra that Slotaccrs, 1,839 men, end S3 gun were raptured with tbo fortress. Tin: i.uxKJtnouiKi ovis.snox. Knjland Hliovrlni- - brr Teelli-Tl- ifi Inlmhl. iMBIa of Iho Duchy Petition tbo Kim or Holland. iAianoN, Dec. 11. Tlie eniletv about tbe of Ibe I.nxemboorc affair cauten moch depres- sion In buttons or all kinds. Tbo new Oerman lean la already quoted at a rrrmlum. Tbe London Ti.Aii aa) a : " Knxland cannot conseat to the naflldcitlon of the Luxonibour' 1 reaty, and aha mail roeuJlat tbe onxtrlara ol l'lola aa welt aa thote ol liuaale." a car rtsa Lrxiaeorno. AatanriOAw, Drc, 4. Tbe King of Holland has remtved a petition from the cllltera ef Luxeinbeurg aroseeling aeatnst tbe eesalon or that province to l'niaaia, and praying that the King will Interfere to prevent It; ateo aektag tbe mat ate nance of the In. Uepesdeuco of the Uraad Duchr. Coo .1 voa namarck defends the eourae adop'ea br Trns'li with roferenre to the Luiemboorr qner-t'o- a, aaaerting that the French Consul openly rein--1 4ed fuyttive countrymen who bad eacioed ncro'a tie fron'lf r, and that this violation of neutrality via w II krnwn to the .rople iui Government of the Ur.ud Do by. THE OI.I.HNKlt Of VE ICR. Why tbo flrenl Povrrm are Endeavoring to llrlni About an Arinlellre. IloaoiArx, Dec, 14. It is otliciallr announced tint France has not refused to take part In tbe Con on Ibe Kaatern queatlon. Tbe neutral powere understand that Ike presence of Franco is nceaaary, and are now eeekin; a vra) to bring tt about. They know that Trus. til h:a refused to treat with this Oov ernment unleas It le bickej by a Constituent Aaeembly, and In order that each body may be p'ccled, tbey aro endeavoring to procure an armle llco between Pruaala and France, on condltlona rthlch will allow the revlctualllng of Paris. Ibe statement made by some journals that Mini.ter 0rr.. I etta had taken aoc'j steps for a ceeiatlon of bostli-iil- e Is Inexsct. a rnrsstAN covaatoa ro xoMueiur rro-- s llrr.LtH, Deo. it llio Baaon tu'I'r of War. Fabtlcl. hat beon aypoluttd Governor of ll.e North, cm Pro'.ncee of France by the I'rnselaa flovein-mnit- , nnd has assumed conlr.l ol Ibe new depurt nrent. vuoToaii.trns jit svn iirronrnr.s. The (irnlle Hoy tills need Is ga lo school Toirelber. Tlie annual meeting of the Mnlh (Mars Ano-rlatlo- of old Public School No. 7 was held yratrr-da- attrrnonn in tbe school house, Chrjstle street, nesr HeeKr. blx'y memberi were prtsent. The old ctSiere were rrCiected. TLe Executlre Com mlttce v a Instructed to make arrangements for Ibe annual dinner tt Bt. Jamrt Hotel on or about the lit day of 1 cbruary urxt, and resolullona expn-mlv- of regret were alopted on the announcement of tbe recent death of two membora. Amoag the more prominent of the members of the organisation ire fleorre F. llrlatow, the musical composer ; Samuel D, Allison, l'rlnrlpal of Grammar Uchool No. T i the Hon. Orestes Cleve'and, member of Con neat, of New Jereey; tbe Hon. Andrew J, Garvev. tb Hon. Morgan Jones, Dr Ueorr W. Uoener, Suoerlntee. dent Kelso, and Usrslial Tucker. The meetlni os enllvtnel by tery deter speeches, in which happy references were made to rygone tit) a, tome of the I emlnltemcc e eliciting ahcuu of merriment. Of the slity present, one wore t lg, Iblrlyltto were hon- estly gray, tweuty-ou- were palpably bald, Ihrre were nye I, two were a llitle al.aay on top, and one young lellow of flity moved tbout to be coaldn t be Clearlfled. An Innseent Man two Itlonthi In itrTlnba. Pollard Harrison, a colored ninu, tins called to trial In the Court of Oyer tnd Terra;-- , r joUenlaj for Illegally attempting to reylstcr. Hi pleaded gallty, ttttlug frankly tbe facie, eayirg Hut he h'd never voted before, aad underatandlng Ihtl l.e vraa now eatllletto vote, he went to rexlaler his nan-e- Ha told Ibe intpectort where he reaided, aed how keg lie bad rmlded there. Aa be bad cot lived there t ie requisite length of time to entitle him to vole, be aa arrested tnd has been In Jail ever ilnce. Judge Ctrdoxo told Stuart, who bid been assigned as I'ollir counsel, that lie bad bitter tave him withdraw the plea: that It he p'eaded guilty r e ataiut waa mandatory that tbe Court sentence hlta two years In btate Prison. That, Juiige Cirdozo sala, lie wai e I ) dl. Inclined to do. He tdrl'M that the cnmrlnit be posiponed In. I'eanltely, and that Harrison be ie!e.ied on nominal ball, Mr. A mas j A. Mark f al;l;he was satlsiled that the prisoner had Intended no wrong, and t..ercfor tUat gcutleiiiau gave ball la tIGO. The CoatoJIann of Ibe llobokrn hUte, Tlie bankrupt lloboken Deinocralio Club, after gelling rid of their palatial club house on Peeoad street, hate reorganized, ruling out all the dead- head! and lelectlm for Its onlrera ; Preablem, Ensloeer llobert A. ltrod ; Ham Webb ; (Secretary, Geo, Cooper ; Treasurer, ex AMersian Joe Bowens (Ibe champion bell rlnter) , Men aid, ex Deputy Sheriff Johnny Wright i Kieru. live Comml tee, Beasen, bain ftlmont-ton- , the tobacconist, and Deputy City Clerk Andr Itowal I, A Committee on Application for- - Uerabrr- - hip waa also appointed, consisting of the Hon. Au- gustus O, Ki.lje, editor of the luilton County Dim nrdl, tlie Hon. Willi im Henry Havens of the Land and Improvement Compaor. and itamon Cook, Ksq., Ferry Maaier. An American flag ta to be raiii over lte hcadquartt ra lc honor of the re- organization. Municipal Mpreo In 1'aaeulr. Tbe Taiiala Tillage (N. J,) people are probably jet asleep from the effect! of their grand jamboree lut night. Tbe Common Council, village orators, aad Passaic Item falling to furnish a suoply, a com- pany was atarted for tho manufacture of gas, and now tbey rejoice over their street laupa without wiekj. Kverrbody waa tlluuluated, tnd the Gas Company felt glad. Tbe aolltary engine company tnd the cltizene generally ptraded. The Irtdee were represented In the procession, tnd tbe dliylar throughout waa a decidedly big thlnr for Passaic Tillage, rJpoer. the wine man. wit In bit glory, and treated o US. (French tor Jersey light-ling- Uteri body waa glad, tnd ill wont to bed wliea thetblag wu over, utterly unconscious of my other place on tbe plteet. A C'arlaua Lavreult. In August, 1857. a Uri. Htry A. Hotallnr, of Brooklyn, retained Jscob Koaengardaa aa couaael In in tetloo against bar at tbi suit of Albert Frle. She paid Boaengtrden zO0, and had t written agrermont with him that be ahoold be responsible for the leiult of Ibe suit. Fries obtained Judgment against her, aad yesterday be sued Kosengarden lo Iho City Court to recover ISIS, the amount of the judgmeut. Toe defendant jealerdiy uaerted thtt Prtes's claim agalual ttrt, Uottllng waa fletltloua, and thtt the lady herself had tllowed Judgment Ui be liken by default, The wrttlen egroenieut wai read in Court, and tbo Jury loaud for plaintiff. ANOTHER MURDER AT SKA. .1 .v .f imvnn VI. KA OF SVSV1CIOX OP MUTINY Ad A IS. Alrnrliles on Hoard llie llrlar F.llrn O. In the llnrbor of nionlovliteo -- A hbocktua Mlorylroui l,ud-la- ir Hirer! Jiill. Tbo American brlp; Ellon 0. Phlnnor of Port- land, Me,, arrived yesterday, and two of her officer and three teamen are already confined In Ludlow street Jail, the former as principal! and tho latter at wltnesaet of a brutal murder, Tbe prisoners aro David Leech, iteward, and Thome Ward, second male. They we're arraigned before Commissioner BhtelJl, tnd tbe following facta were brought to light. ldtlyln June tbe brig Kllen O. rhlnner.Captnln Boyd, silled lro:n Portland, Me., manned by John Scott, Crrt mate; Thomas Ward, second mate; David Leech, steward ; cook, tnd rlx teamen. Tbe veeael belonge lo the captain, tnd hid t cargo of lumber; tho waa cleared for Montevideo tnd i mar- ket. At dirbreak on tbo morning of August 9 the rrlred at Montevideo, tnd wlillo tie csptsln wis ashore In dispose of hit freUnt, the vntel mean while belli; tuchored off tbe mole, tho Oral mate or dered the malnmaet termed, and a trtinile was rluc.t. Three men wore detailed for toe Job, one of whom was an Austrian, who bad thloped under the name of Jack Shields, He spoke Kngllth Im- perfectly, ati.l white alult eangont to the man on deck who was tending Iho halyards to "Inner asr " Holrli-r'- e wrs lowered, and Jack crlel out, "Thatwi.l ilj." Tue man n deck, not understand- ing Jiuk, kept on lowerln;, when the latter. In a very loud lone, etld : " What the h I a'e you doing r Make fast." The chief male, bearing the rrmark, sang out, " Come dow n on deck, ) ou run of a ." Jack answered, Yea, te, mc come down ;" and be to reached the deck than he was etvagely assaulted by the mate wi.uanlrun belaying plu. The attack was to tndden tad unexpected poor Jack at first made no attempt to defend hlui aelf : but aoou rt covering tils presence of mind, though tho blood ss streaming down his race a rtt ten cuts, he eeited tbe mile, Ihrew hltn dnwn, and was abtul to punish lit in. when the second mate rushed to the scene cf blood, and selling a bll et cf wood, knocWrd tl e poor fellow down and beat and kicked him until he wu almost InsrnMbte. The males then walked it, apparently tatlffled with tlelr brutality, when Jack ruse Irona the deck with bis knlleln bis tlrht hind. . a At thla moment tbe aleward elepped out of the cabin with a revolver In Ms ban 1, and deliberately attpplng np to within four or five feet of Ibe almost unconscious ind bleeding Bailor, be fired, tnd t bill went mailing throogh tbe brain of poor , I ck. He tell unconelooi lo the deck, and as his life's bbod was ocilng cut, tlie demoniacal steward eidtlmed, ea Ibe seamen ran aft to tee the cauae and encct of the plalel shot; "Ilon'tcitke a move, you , or I wt'.l about you all " Poor Jack lived about lenlj mlnutea, and while la his death throes the ataarard and two mates en- tered the Cabin and regaled themtelvea with deep drau'hte of New Knglmd rum. Aa eoon aa the poor fellow died the captain Wat Ignallcd. On being told tlat Ibe steward had aaul oue of the men, he tskedt Hat he croaked T" " Yer.slr." nusprered the stewsrd, "aai Pm sorry I's not of them." " I'm orry too." ssl 1 the ripttlB The case was liorttedly Inve'tltated by the eap-tal- and two of bll frleuds, end reported to lhe on rul 'ho ceil day. lech tvat not aire. ted or and when tbe Conaul sent for the wllne-se- the murderer aaa illowed to escape to Duecoi Aires, dlsliLl ilut ninety miles. i'r.o n.urdiruJ man was burled ashore, no effort waa made to tin. 1 the assas-l- the cargu was un ioadeJ, bides were purchased fjr Miller A Houghton of this cltr, aud on the UMh of Oetoter the brig aalle--l for Itueno Ayres. Two day allerward III .uurdert went on board again, and the vessel tti sail for New York, where she trrlvod 'Cct:day .llor a teuiuc-stuuu- paaa;e of allly-ln-- j dtyj, Laat night a ri porter ol 1 uss fcv- -i hid an Inler view wltulhe niuidrier. B"r53 Leech, In the Lud- low alrvct Jill. H; !i a netlt e of Boston, low tiled, ppm-u- ib-..i- t Si) lours of nee. tery much e.i bss a motderoua look. He said that bel.HrH thtte waa a premeditated mutiny, te went 13 the cabin and look the captain's plslol ; that aa l e came out .lack was trying to slab tho chief mite, wLlt ill order to save tita l.lo Le dlschsrged the fatal slid. He inquire rarticulirly tbe probable reau.t of bit lull, Liid, on belag told mat the eililcuie wis very atrotig aralnat him, be exdalined: "Weil, by , It is a .bard case that a man ahoald be punl'i ej tor taring another maa'a life," ' W.ird It a Daca from llfHImore, la!', well built, and nltti a good fare, much browned by exposure. He ta core Intelligent than Leech, and said that from coatersi-llo- orerheanl untaevny ago out l.c expected trouble at Montevideo olih the men. He denied Lilt us J.irk with a piece of wood, but tel. uo hedged btallog him, becau-- e he waa beating the ma: J. ck, Le said, made two .uucra .t tbe mate itlih lit knife, when the aiettard aiiut -- lai, and Le ell auu dl-- d In a fowtnlunlua. He then called all him a to tilineaa that the dead man hid a kni.e flrml clasped lo alt hsnd. The witueetos, Jatnra Pardeldee, a Dane, John Pctereoa, a German j and Henrr Solomon, a Prua-aian- , coiroberated euh other la thtlr aturlea of the unprovoked murder of their ihipmaie, whom they diecrlbe as quiet, luoOenelve uian, whose only crime wu I is Ignorance of the Kniltrli language, U Paidelacn sa that while at s:s, tn the outward loaud vOjHL.e, ne waa struck llli abeiarlngpin by tue chief male.becaute whan the watch wai callei he did not gt out of the forecast e bood enough, He reaisud the aaaaull of the m.le, when the caotalu rut forward, ironed him, and triced htm up lo tlie rigging by tho Handcuff.. Tlhe irew begged the captain lo let him go, bnt he refused, and aept him trireil up until tbe Irons cul into the flesh nearly to the bone. S i He he was In this position, the captain put a l li.l to hit head and (hrcaionej to shoot him tor insubordina- tion. Is t brief skrlch of some of the horrors of a voyage befoia the lna-- l in tho bilg Kllen O. Phlnney, Tlie Vnnater of tbe Old Colony. Cap). Isuttab (Jtindle, of tbo ablp Old Colony, who la beld for tie tctlon of tbe Grind Jur, br t otumi.siouer Haielda, ou the charge of maltretilng tt i oi lil xn en the voyage hum CtiliX to IhU burl, gave hall yrsleiday In fG.fJUO. Ills surellea. ire his hio'.i' r, Di Lliury lirlr.dle, of K1 Wrat Txen-ty-slit- aireet, H. 1. Hnten, of tlil Tnlrd street, Wllllam.hurgh, aud FranX D, Walsh, of llu Sute atroet, Brooklrn. tiik tuvtii ritoM iin: tivt.r. The HoTolutlon In Venranda-.llnrnriil- bii Nol Fallen Into Illanco'a lliiuila. I'rrderlck Cutiimius, mile of the iclioouor Dutch Prlneea. which arrived on Wednesday from Curicot, called ut the Sl'H cfEce kit night tud laid that the tlory robHred In a city paper yesterdiy of the fall of Martcalbo Into the bands of Guzman Bunco's ptrty la totally false. Wbrn the Dutch Prloceat tnlltid, cn Ibe 191b pi Norrmter, Gen, Her- nandez held torre, from which place he hid routed the rebl General 1'olgar, Maracalbo Is Irce to all veaaelt desiring lo enter. aMr.SCummlns siys Hernandez bad atmut 5,000 men In rurtsonal Maracalbo, and about 8,UJ0 or l.txi) with him In the field, Blanco, the revolutionary President, holds Caracas Porto Hello, Lnmiairt, tnd aome other vlllagea. The atatemeut that Gen. Hernandez Is reported killed la wllbnnt foundation, and that Gen, Polgar was shot lo a cft,U uulrui. Tbe Crispin with 8 J00.000 for Ibe ftlauufaclurere' Action, At a mceling of tbe working ihoetnaken lut night, correspondence wis reed fiom lodges la all parks of tbe State! encouraging ibeut to reiltt the demand of the emrlojers, and promising lupnort. II wai anted thtt the mru would l ive In a lew daya over ISOO.OOU to ctrry on the wtr. The men ate unintm'.us In their determination to fight It out at all hazards. The manufacturer! tn til tbe large cities a ill uollo and tct In ronrert. T be Botrdi of Trade, comroied of the hole tale Jobbers and manufacturers of Bos (on, New York, tod Phliadelptla, will tld the " bosses " with monetary tnd moral support Grrtt distress prevails among the large number of female who were employed In the trimming ibope, nil ol which have tiopped woik, thut throwing oul sev- eral ihouiand womeiu Death In the Waxing of a Ilnllltoom Floor. John Maloner, a butcher of Adami aireet, Ho. bokei, attended the Baraflild Guard bill In Odd Fellows' Hall on Wednesday night, aad at 1 o'clock yesterday morning Maloney ascended the winding tlilrcui to tbe top floor lo ret hit bit. But he leaned igalntt the baluster to look oyer, and hit feet Hipping from aider him, be fell down tbe well wiy tbout thirty feel to the main floor. About mid. way In the fall he atroek on to iron brace, which crushed la several of hit rlbt. Dr. Cougdnn but caae hopeless. Matoney'i boots bid become at tltopery st glut from the oewly-wtie- floor of the btllroom. Beuttnos) of the Slarrlatovra Fire Fiends. Tbe Morritlown Incendlsriet were sentenced by Judge Dalrymple on Wednesday, Before sentencing them, the Judge took occasion to tell Kent, the leader of tbs gang, thtt hid hs not pleaded gsllf r to the last five Indictments, his senteneo would hive been fur forty years. Tho senteoces areas follows I Kent, altteen years; Doty and bleveua, four vein; Htnut, Willie, tnd Dcmiter, three years: tnd Wood nitr, one tear. In tbe Btate Prison, All with the I rxrepllon of Kent had ponfeaied Utelr guilt, and bud pleaded guilty, aryrvncit orjr.nnr nv.vx. The Motion In Arrcet of .Indcrment-Ohl- pp llou Ovrrrnled-Th- n Trlsoner Henlrnerd ta Pear Yrnrs In Hlnir Hint. Jn the Court of Oer snd Terminer yesterdiy morning, Mr. Birllctt appeared nt precl'ely 10 o'clock to argue the motion In irrnt ol Judjmput In the case of Jeremiah Dunn. Mr. Bartletl take I that the verdict cn which the tentence wis to It pronounced be reitj. The Clerk read cs follonil "Tint Jeremiah Dunn I not guilty of murder In the first degree, but of uiinsltnghter In the third deree.' Mr Itarllett Now, your honor. I raoal respectful- ly rnbmlt tint that Is not trio verdict, either In lorm or snbattrice, which wss rendered here yesterdsy egslnst the orlsontr. I tm awtre and I tmnot golnr lo (llrpule iny principle of law tahlcti 1 know to correct 1 am twtre I .at It Is competent for a Criminal Court lo have Its own record amended during tho terra. Whelbor that power ritondt to far a to rive the Court power to amend the record of a verdict, I do not express anr opinion : but I sst It Is nol the verdlcl In lu'm or substance whloh wis rendered here yesterday. Thla verdict dlffsri from the record, and If It were recorded at given II would then, In mr opinion, be a verdict unknown to the Ian, a repnyntnt and contradictory within Itself. There csn be no snrh thing a manslsnghler In tie third degree, without ntcnuiilng clrcumlsnces, Minttanihter In the third deiree Is merely the legal definition of a kind of homicide In which there are extenuating rlrrutnelaneet. There can bo no such thing at ILIs offence without extenuating circumstances, Agnln, when these respectable gontiemen speak of "rlrcumslancr to Justify the crime," 1 should like to be Informed what new rodo of minis tad of law ther propose to Introduce Into New York This Is trerply uamcinlng and teoselrts. "there ran be no "nch thing aa circumstance which Justify crime, If It I Juslinab'e It cannot be a crime. I should be willing to consider this part nf the verdict as sarplnssge, If lour Honor bad not already taken Joill'lal action based upon II. Bui when I asked your Honor 'or a delat In passing sentence, you assigned this extraor- dinary apuendsgeto the legal terdict a a i.on whv sentence should be pronounced it once. This prove tint II lit tlrrady bad III effect uoon the Judicial mind ; tn I stlcr seeing tl It Is Importlble lor the rriaunrr or bit counsel to dispel the tppie-Lcnslo-n tint It will Increa-- o tbe rpyrrllr of the sen- tence and I hold that If the term of tbe sentence be Increased one year, one month, or one day by that literal addition lo the verdict, to much of It will be (aits Impilsonment. Judge Cardoso held thai the part of the eealence objected to by Mr. Ilirtlctt tnl-'- be regsrded aa sorplasage ; bnt he did not deny Hist bla Judicial ac- tion bad been Influenced by ihl surplusage. Tbe learned Judge then proceeded Is pronounce sentence, as folio at Jcremlaa Daan, you have been found xnllty by s Jary ol your fellov-C'tuea- s ef nisnilanchter In the third degree, and tr sentence of the Court uroo voa hi that yon be Iwnrtieno! la the Ptale mun of Slag nlu for tne terei ef four yeara, with nard labor t and It as to be hoped that the severity or this sentence win serve as aa edntoMiion lo the reckless classes er thtt cltr who are tn the habit or earrrl-t- concealed Drear - s, and lo whom the greater tart of tbe crimes commit lad are Tin: SATiox'a cim.niti:.y. t'nlr for the Benefit of the Home for Hu dlere' nnd Hallora' Orphans Haw Ibe 1'nlrlolle People Patronize It. The fair In aid of the Home for the orphans of tolditrs tnd sailors wis opened last nlxbl. Tbe three rooms of the armory of Ibe Bcventy-flrs- t Rsrl-raen- t ttrre Ititefully decorated with the sstlonal colors, flowerr, (Iclurea, ercrgTeens, birds, Ac. At 3 o'clnck, wbstt nearly every avallsble Uch pe hil been occupied by visitors, itaJcr-Gen.- ' J. C. Bi.blr.ton mounted the la the reir of lb. middle roe, nJ I" a fr timed remarks Int-gt- MjJor Oen. UcCiellan. who sooke trir3 In behalf of the Union Home, amid rrijt ifpltoae. tMilltm M. Kvarts, and tho Hp.?. fT. W. Ilellows folloned. and while first one end then satotter band of musicians mide the air rlnr. tbe vast aseeraldagp promenaded through Ibe rooms and left at Ire tarlons many enhstti;-lla- l toktna of the (tltioilc aentlu.ent that had brought Ihrm tngetLer Among the articles on sale wi re palntlngJ, statu- ary, head or k, boots, rrocerlet, cigars, tnd all tht other et cetpret nsnillr disputed at (airs. A doien prttty gull busied Ibemsplvet la sectrrlng auoarrlptlon to aa maar luttrrie. For three or four hour the aceue wax of tl o liveliest ilpsenptlon ; and it Is j rraum.ibla lb effort to ralae lor the Orphtna nomewlll lose nothing br the enerry tn.1 tact displayed by tbe voluatter wurkers In the cause. Among tbe many amateur tnctchanta whot wires met with a rapid sale bast nlgot, w m tlrt Gen, Diz, Mrs Gen. Fremont, Mia Co'. Pell, Mrs Judge Daly, Mia. L. Clarenco, snd Jlr, DavU lloyt, snd a numbrr of younger Lullo. whore skill la eichunge was only equtllid by their beauty and grace. o the cluae uf the fair lucre will be t rtffte for ore hundred prizes, Including about flily oil pjiul-Inra- . canlributei! by our resident nrtials. Bellies the distinguished speakers arove nanc", t ere were l resent last night tt the opening nf the fair lien, and Miatcr, Major Bullr,rd, Cel. Marahall. leil. Hopper, Col, CuJ. 'Ihompaon, and numoroits rei reeentailves of the t annus National Guard Toe fur will not close until the I'.Ui Inst, A Cood Thing from Ittayor Itn'l I Miyor O'lltll relumed to Ihs Asitant Alder- men ymterdty a latch of resolullona prorldlng for the pating cf eleven svrnuet led streets of tbe Twelfth Wtrd from 110th to 131b ttreet, with Stow Foundation. The Msror has caused i canvass lo be made among til the propel ty holders who ire to be iiteaaed, nnd cinnct find one who detlrti It, In USth aireet, front Cast Hirer to Fourth avenue, prorerty holder! emphatically remonstrate against themessuie. In nearly all ol the ilreels the num- ber ef vacant let ezceedi that of erected building-- .. In taenty o the blocks no sewers have ta yet been constructed. In several of the streets no gas mains h re i el been laid or made ready for operation, Let thla Abusive Coudurtor he Dlschnrtred. Tbe altontion of tbe worthy President of the Broa.twav and Seventh avenue Itallroid Compear la called to the fact that last nLbt, at 1LW, ihs con- ductor of car No. 8 of Ihs sbove-name- line fas most grossly sbuslve In t it languare to a white-haire- passenger, who ao far fors-o-t himself as to complain of laving been carried two blo-- la beyend bis eloi plng place. Tbe epithets nspliM to the passenger at be lelt the car were filthy, and the out-ru- e upon ccnimon deccbcy waa tendered moro un- pardonable by the fad that the gentleman waa ac- companied by a lut if. while five other ladles occupied seats in the car within hearing dlalaoce of the conductor's obscenity. I'Itp lluudred Tbouauud ftollnrs Dnruiigre. William Wright, ono of tbe pasrrnccr of the Jamea Fetter, Jr, hit toed Charles 11. Maitha'l and otberr, owners of the veesel, for $10,000 dim-aze- for during the passage of the te'-s- from IJveipool lo t.'cer York, In December, 1SC3 He surra that l.e was deprived of proper food and water during the vol age, and wst compelled to work cn deck is i common tsllor during all kinds of weather. Tho trial wis becun teatorday In the Court of Common Pleas. The suit Is the Drat of bout Oily which ire to be prosecuted tRilnit the owners of tLe James Foster, Ir., by tbe passengers tnd crew. Btvlitfinlng tn Mulberry Hltret flln, John Potter, who keeps a liquor ttoro nt 110 Mulberry street, went to the Doneralle ball, In Ma sonic Hall, on Thursday mornlnt. While he was trloplng tho light fantastic, tome saivea entered his stoie by way of the fanlight, HiJnuor wai good, tnd the burglars sampled elx bottles of gin, whisker, tnd brandy, 'ihey also robbed hit till, tad telped themselves to three botes of choice Attempting to lap a barrel of lie, they pilled the whole on tho floor. Tbe Impeachment of Uov. Holden, ItALxion, Dec 16. Tbo House y sent a coTiralttee of tluee to the bar of the Beuate, im- peaching Gov, Iloldco, tnd demanding thit they tike order. The irtlrlet of Impeachment, tt is be. tlevrd, will bo shortly snhnutlol tnd Hie High Court of Impeachment organised, the Chief Justice ef the BUte presiding. Tivenly Yenra In Prlaon. Jatne Crawford, who pleaded guilty of rob. bery, wis sentenced by Judge Cardozo ycilerdty to twraly yens In blng Bin: prison. LO.VO IdL.tA. Charles Hsoee ha been elected Chief Koglneer of U rushing Mrs Department, tud Joseph Builih tad Vf. o. tAiwtne Assistants. Owen xfcKeana, Ibe alrnal roan, whose care lees-r- e ciusm tht accident at the orawbrldge or the riuahlag liitlroad on 1 uesday night, was irrestra re, lerday, novns or i.mavnm. Colored Orimmir School No, t, la Liiirent street, open thut morning, Ktreliior Muslctl Union hive n enlerlilument In Itisonlo llall on Jau, II, Tbo Cummlegs Association enjoy their tnnutl ball In Irving llall lonttbt. The ladles of the Baptist Church, Hunter's Point, Lone- Island City, will open a tair I o Bml'hsoolao Hall, oa rrld ir afit rnooo and evunlon of thla week, to retts nivuoy to furulih limit new onurch gdlhoo, BHLafaaH UOW THEY FIXBD WATSON. A CLAIM Toil $B,00O, A JVIJ A COVX. 2 nu claim rou $un,ooo. Humor orilio I.nat Klrcllon In N'eslrlientrr I.tinny'a tlnine lor Hie llefrnt ol Hltenlon The Heerel ol .llooney'a Cauvnas-T- bo C'ounly Convulsed tvllli I.nughler. Mr. Martin Yon llurcn Watson Is.a resident of Iho totm of West Chester, In Weslchefter county, nbero he carries on business with his brother-in-law- , Thorns B. Bowne, and wst In lfCJ a duly qua lifleJ elector therein. In March of that year, Uugh Loony tud John B. Bkcnlon were rival cinJidilos for tho ofduo ol Itecclver of Taxes, and Wutson had defined hit Intention of voting for the latter. On the 301 li of the month Wukon received a telegram addressed to lit brother-in-law- , and sent by Ibe West- ern Union Telegraph Company from Tioy, purporting to le from hi married altltr, whoso husband, Geo, Stirbuek, It utosm-cngln- e builder In that city, an- nouncing the sudden illness of her husband, ts fol- lows; Tsov. Marh:, lftl. To romae fl. t!cuni. ITeil CAre er lUla'jt, WtucknUr totiuin, .v. r. George hud a paralytic stroke i be will not live but a row Ills consttot reqiir tt is to havo you and Martin Watson with him In his last moments. !! de- ntin lo wins a will, an I will not heir to a ay one elee Uolotlt, Ho rome, both of you, on the nrit rrain, or It will oe too late lo aes him. hMKUNK. Tin telegram wu delivorrd at Watson's place of buelneas late In Ihs day, snd created rUTtlESl AND AMODtSn Or UIKP. Wutson communicated Ibe message to hit father who wit old tnd feeble, tnd to his mother, upon both of whom It hid such tn effect ss lo create serl-ou- t apprehensions, Boon after tbe receipt of the met'sze, Watson ittrled by rail for Troy, flrst'telegraphlng to his sister to announce hla cumlog. and Hopping at Slnr Sing to repeal the message. In his tnxlety he also attempted to jump on an express train. Ha arrived In Troy at seven o'clock on the morning nf the next day, tLe 21st of March, tnd found his brother-lti-Ut- r IX Ull IfPAL STATE OF DKALT1I. Ills tls'er or course dlsclslmod sll knowledge of the telegram which had ted lo to much gilef end anilely, nnd caused tlm to undertake the long Journry at so great a waste of time and money, as well aa to mis the opportunity of recording bis vole a an eloclor. Mr. Watson, In a complaint before the Supreme Couit In tbe Wrslchealer, ten forth the ract ibove recorded, and alleges that Mr. Hugh Lunnr, who una candidate for the office of Itecelvrr of Taxes for West Chester tutro.and who kne that Watson was abou' lo vote agalnat him, bad sent, or caused ts be sent, the lelcgraphl message ibovs glvss . r TO OIT MM OUT OP TUB WAT on election day, and so prevent hit recording his vole against blm, Mr. Watson lays bis damages at ts,ouu In his answer to this complaint, Mr. Lunny aayt be does not kuow whether Wstson wua then or Is now a qualified voler; does not know that Bowne Is the husband of Watson's sister; does not know whether George Blarbuck 1 the nuaband of Wat-sen- skier, or whether he ever did or could trt a stetm engine. Heidmltt thai Witson ' .K.rTiiV vltlouilr, wickedly, wrongl). mvB;S?Yh?mo: li 1 rK,, hl election el'S Jf LlVn t. rZ . .J- -' dtn," knowledge tufil '"J1'. - whether Wstson autll-re- grief ina sarr-- ,n orwt-elhe- r he started lor Troy aa Le .vrt, erf telegraphed, or ATTEMPTED TO jntlP OH AH tXPBts TgAIV, anJ Insists thai. If Wat.on did so attempt to Jump, he mull have bean drunk or tnaane. Lunny I roc to den) all knoelrdra of ths tele-tra- Inetcry particular, and Insists thai If Wtileon wai derrlved of his not north more t in one dolltr, "for which price olber vote of equal value could have been obtained, ts defendtnt Is Iniorned and Lellevcs. at said election, It the nay ng (or votea had not been a misdemeanor and Illegal, and that ILo plaintiff! claim of five toousand Job lars lor bis vole was and Is excrbltant, uujutt, and Illegal." Mr. Lsnnt concludes his sns-- . er by saying, "Thit as cWrrdant l Informed aud rcrl.y bcllotot, tod alloxea tho fact lo be, PLiuiritr and o.ix jAiiis i. uooxxr, who bad the year previously been a member ol lrom said cltslrict, ami a melt olgraced and caused hi eonalltuenla to Idmu with abutne 'or blai, touir aall rrprcionullve, and Uli igued toxauer, with olfaers whose names are to drlenUnnt nnknown, and with one G. Hilton Bcribncr, the regular Itepuh iletn candidate lor Assembly In uld district, lo defeat the election ol delendant to said office That lo carty oul It elr 'aid deslgne and consplracr against defendant, and ronlrlvlog to Injure defend-an- t in hla reputatloii, plaiuliu and llio.o associated with him therein, aa defendant Is informed and verily believes. Induced the raid Mooncv to run In said district as a 'stump' or 'striker's' candidate fcr toe Assembly, und caused tbli action, the tame bt-i- AN tLECIIONEICl.ta P000I, and In 'bad tallh,' to be commenced In tbe name ol the plalulld agalnet delendant. and falsely and composed und piiDlnheJ, or caused lo be comtotpd and pLbllshed, the ccrapl luant therein. " That dereidutt It Informed and believe that the plalollir was used s the tool, and was bought aud paid fur ty said Mooner and for the purpose of slandering aad libelling defendant, and by ao doing preventing Ma aatd elocllon. That by leswon ol tne premises, defendant hat been greatly Injured In lilt retiutallon aud cis-J- aid was do. leateJ at sala e'ectlou, tnd hat suffered damage hereby fixed at S'iVU-O-. Wberu ore de.'eudinl thai the laid comp -- lat be distulaeed, and Itnt te have Judgment sgalnst the plalullri for the sum of 123,000, besides the costs of this actloa," WbiU tho Politicians have Hone lor Jrrsrr Clly-- .l Haukriipl Corporation. Yesterday Mayor O'Ncll ofJersey City received a note from He Cashier ol tlie First National Hank, Informing him that the city's account had been over- drawn to the amount of llt,Ci, aud tbtt until some trrtngrmenti bad teen made to secure Ibis money no more wsrranri would be canted. s I oldlng warrants ire unable lo even get the in discounted, ind contractors tnd others Hhohave work lor tho city art seriously embirrtssed. The Hale. Duilng the squall yctltrdar, a small tallboat cia talnlng William J, Anderson tnd Ueorgo White up set in Ibe Kills, opposite Port Itlchmond. The for- mer swsm ishorr ; but the Utter was crowned, Aa tbi Jersey City ferry bott wat leaving the foot cf Cortlandt Mrrit ilorltg ll.e gale yesterday morn pg, she waa run Into by a propoller, which cut Into the irii.ilimei.'s cabin i earlr two teot. i re gale last night proalrited the police telegraph l run of the roull ern line so thai no cnniiuuntca-tlu- could be h id with Police Headquarlert. Couhin, n brtiriiiiii on t freight train on tl.e Hertford ind New Haven Halltoad, aa blon from the lou of the train wlillo adjuiting ihojirakp. Ho fill bet t een the cars, fourteen of which lusted over hi n, cultlug off ono leg, He Is alive. H ASUIXOIOS .Yorr.v. r?chniz's sreerh occupied three hours. The hid to repeal the Income lax la not likely to pit, this settion. The lloure Kleeilon Commltt.c have lo far only seven cases lor eonsneratton. The Wtyt and Means will not do ant thin.- - tt present with Ilia proposed ojw 9 per cont, loin, 1 here we no motion to Like up the nomination of Admiral Porter iu thoLircullvo sitstlon yesterday. The Bcnale yesterday confirmed tho nomination, as Alitor of Internal llevenue, oflpeneer Kubv 1 Now Vork,aod Jimes Jourdtu, Third, bear York. T he Uouse Committee on Foreign Ilelatlnn bad up yesterday the Alabama claims and Ht. 1 lomirigo, but rtldiiothlur. Ihclr Irsl measnru will be to perfect a Mil to rezulite the land nir of foreign cables and pro- hibiting any exclusive privileges. As s carriage containing Col. Hubert Doucl.ts, Mrs Cults, tad Nellie (Hddiuie wss retumloz from tbo (bully Fair on Weduesdsy night, the hones took frttht and beC'tme tinmaQAeeahle. 'Iheyjm agalnt a carilazratcp at F and Twelfth atreett. throwing oul the occupants, all of whom were arrlouslt bruited. A llu hoi containing some SHOO, tne pioccrds nf sales at Ibe fair, nh'ch was la charge of Mrs. Cutis, Is niltslng. Ya;rr j mis nr. Alderman Dan Baker ts to lie the next President of the Newark Common Council. Mr. and Mrs. Jtmet Anderson of Newark cele- brated their golden weddlnson Vfcdneadtr nun I. Kenalor Jim Will of Elizabeth hat been elected President of Ihs Cltlsani' Uasllght Comptny of New irk. Ignttz Hufshlg, tged 18, of T Bedford street. New. ark, eouuiliud sulci it yesterdsy by lumping Imo ibe Pattalc river. Ths Inquest It still progressing Is Newtrk with closed doors. The Coroner telutct te give tny tnlormitlot to the press. The Tunnel war wat continued yeaterdsy In Die court St Trenton. Mr. Ullohrlat continued bla argu- ment lu behalf of ths Rile Company, ind Mr, Yinttti bua his plea (or ths oppotltt party, Tbe floor of the New Jersey Kallroad depot, In Jersey cur, took Are lass nlxbl (rom a locomotive. For an hour the ezcltemeni wat Intense. Ihefiior was lorn up In ttrcisi placet before mo flames win extinguished. Kdward Piyion Weston, the walklsl, talked to i raterton audience last night abcul "Athletlo exer- cise." naUhlag ths entertarnineni wllh a ratia wnlkoo the platform, The women la the house had lo walk home alone Iu consequence, their er rts having been so profoundly linuressMt ihtl Ihey stalled 09 at ths rale of seven mllet an nniir, ao I liuvot all alioiii tb Ir wcothoarisiu dmauit vf Wetlou aud 1'ivl Dvriraui, ryyyt cabixbt nvrrunn. The President held In Check by the Itepnb-llenne-- A 1'lnt Denial In 1'nce of tho 1'nrta-Ilontt- vrtl to Rrllrp. Wasiiimotoh, Dec. 15. The report of Bout-well- 's prospective retirement from tbo Cn'ilnet ore-ate- a decided stir here last night and this morn- ing, snd led to a pressure npon both parties to pre- vent It. Secretary Bontwell called upon Ibe Presi- dent at an csrlr hour and subequently went to the Capitol and spent two hours Willi tbs Wsys and Mesnt Courmlttee. While there hs paid to sev- eral members that he should not retire from tlie Cabinet unless the President desired it, aud ho did not now think the President did. At about taoP.M.Ucn. Porter, tho President's Becretsry, earns opto the Bentte, snd denied that there wis snythlng In the report, snd added tbtt the President ond Bccrelery Bontwell were In sccord about everything. This may he so as far it Gen. Porter know i, but It I known to others that some nf tie ttlrTrrencc between them aro very wide Han Domingo being one ol them. It la alao known lo membfia hero tint none of tho prominent ap- pointments of tho Treasury Dsoirlment have boon of Mr. Bontwell' selection, tnd that he waa openly for Jtidco lllchardson or Sir, Dougliit ts ltevenue Commissioner. In irconlnnce with tht desires of prominent fte. publicans In both House, no change will be mets st prose nt. nnd snv rupture would be considered dealt-.- . blow to the Wcaldent's political fortune, and a serious slab at the party. Thcro I a moral certainly that a change In the Treasury De- partment w.H be made it no distant day. itisrirnLicAxs astoxisiiv.d. a The Kllllnsr of Wllllamaburgli'a Itlng-- A Htormy 'tlretlntr In the Thirteenth tVttrd-T- he Trlnmph of Cor. The Jteptibllcans of the Thirteenth .Vard, Brooklyn, have been disorganised by Hit selfish tnd unprincipled King. At ths list election, John W. Coe, on energetic young Rcpubllein, resolved to test the sentiment of the pirty relative to ihliJUng, tnd offered blireelf ss a candidate for Supervisor, In opposition both to tbo Democratic aad Republican nominee. He wit triumphantly elected. Having thut proved to the men who controlled his ptrty In the wtrd that tbey did not have the confidence of the voters, he offered to hsrmonlre the psrty. and several mailings of sctlvs Ilcpabllcans have been beld. A lirge snd earnest merlins wss convened last evening, John D. Darlington rrce Ided. and W. II. Leayerait acted as tecretiry. It was etldont to ill that a storm wss looked fur, tnd It burst out In inry when Ibe committee of ten, sppolnted it a prevlooa meeting, reported the following ticket to be Toted upon at tbe coming primaries I For ITesMsnt of the TVard Asoclatoi,George III fard t laaae Requa, J. ATBradler. W. Curtis, and Damaa Strong. toUt alet to the Oej Committee-- It. VT. "'- - bmalhand lit?' K,"U,-1v- 3 Comraltte-Thomi- e Browne, Jsmes ay," uomu htinton, Chirlss Clevelind, tnd John atlS. Die motion to edopt thlt ticket wis opposed by til kinds of lactic, iir'lamrntary and otherwise, nearly half cf tht is composing the meeting miking Individual effo tl 10 be hcurd. Among the loudest of the tilssentlnr were Col. 0. B. Morton, George Wren, Wllllsni It. Lcayrrsrt.Kdwsrd K. Diiley, ind oifiers who felt sxgrtoted si tLe proposed revere!. Put alter Ihs dlsilferted had bellowed themselves hoarse, the venerable chilrram took a vote on Ibe adotlon of the ticket, and It was carried by a huge an I Uecl'lre voice. With this trlurapli of tie harmonious element Mr. Darlington vacated the cbalr, and thoae who took part Id the meeting sought to be enrolled, bat the secretary bad forgotten bis enrollment book. $1Q3,430,78U, 1X3,4X0,7X0,000. Cosh for Ihe Counselor the Heir of Annrhe Jani-Avrulll- na- a Decision by Jildgo Mo C' y's Alleged Apostasy. Tbe Hon. Clinlon Itoosovclt, tho venerable counsel for the belrs of Anneke Jans, has given notice of his lnlentloo to more for sn sllowanco of cost In the new suit or Oroesbeck against Trinity Church. Mr. Oroesbeck says that Julys McCnnn cmnot deny hla motion, as he la a lineal descendant or tbe celebrated Dutch lldr whs owned the vaat p'tate now lild by ihe vsstrr ol old Trinity, sir. Oroesbeck avers that old Trinity hsa departed frora the liplacopal faith, and should be coiupellel to disgorge her Immense wealth talo the lara ol tie genuine believers in tbe Thlrly-nln- Arllcles.snd Ire heirs of Anneks Jans, Judgt McLunn will render sn Important decision In tie suit next week. Undermining the Krto Track la Ilebekru Peremptory Notice Is Quit. Yesterday morning Mr. Weeks set men to work on lils property la Seventeenth street, digging for a foundation for a row or buildings across the Krle Hallway's track to Woehawken. At Boon the work- men had cnt awty in much of the earth that Ihe trark wai liable rt any momrnlto fall Iu, audit was laiposrlblo to run a train np to Ihe Weehawkrn rattle yards. Ir the Krle Hallway or tbe Uohoten I.and and Deranrement Comoanr does not effect a compromise with Mr. Weeks br tills mornlnr, blv Koiktnen will resame their g before noon Nitsaon In Chicago. Ciiicaoo, Dec. IS. Tho sale of season tickets for the Nilaiou concerts commenced this rooming. Kveiy ticket wss sold. The line exlendei from tne box cifflee Into the street, snd commenced forming at 7 P. M. yesterday. The Drat person In place waa a colored man. All male themselves as eomfortal le as possible nnlll this mornlnr. when tbey disposed of tbelr placet for is much as fi. ri.AHnr.smoM tiik ookax caulks. Consols closed at 01.', for ruo sey, tnd 91 lor ac- count. Cotton clewed In Liverpool, uplands, BVd. ; New Orleans, 8J to 6Sd. A force of nearly .CO0 cavalry and Infantry bat been ordered tc Londonderry for feir of dial rotnee at Ihe aprroachlng anniversary ot the eatiblKhaioatof tne I nion of (in it llntalo tad Ireland. Loaarn i:r rum. noyle'a cotton mills it Bolton, Bng'and, bare been destroyed. The lots ty the fire In KpnllsnJ, Ind., on Tue. datwss llW.OOO. A, J. Kent's low alone wi, over Tbe rts woiks it Warsaw, N Y were burned yeiterday tliernoon. Dr Dale, the rroprlelor, Mrs, Uatet, and two workmen were badly burned. Mitchell A Co.'s tannery nnd A. F. Wood's gro- cery In I'nlon Vl.lnro. N. II., woro ourned on Wellies day night. Ihe vll.tgo library waa alto deatroyed. At a Ore Iu a row of wooden sublet, MJ lint Hj. leenth stieet, laatevenlne.threo nor.ei perished, Thev heiunaed to Peter lloriaiau.Charlei Clump, andCharlci Fronuian, cartunn, Daouge to atahle, tlx iiiiooiu.rx. About two hundred els have ben tikrn frtnn Iho water pipes dnrlug tne past ruw mouths. Justice alah muted warrants yesterday for the arrcsl of about twenty live nullcentoj liquor uoilo.-s- . The Water Commissioners of Lowe I, Mass., In- spected tue Itldyevnod water works yesterday. Tbo chaut ague was etcelleut. The Wntor Commlsiloners of Lowell, Mas., lo- st ecled Ihe III Igewood Water Workt ycalorday. rue cliaiupsgne was etcelMit, Tbo General Term of the Supreme Court will de- cide whether the Fark Cotuuilatlonor have a nahl to sell the eattern section of Prospect Park. Jame Mcllsle. a elate roofer, fell from the roof ot the rurltan church, at I.atayelte and Marcy ate. nue", ytsleiday artsrnoon and was killed. The second concert of the Phlthirmonle to ho riven this evening at 8 o'clock. Ihe programme In eludes the entire mus o of "Midsummer Nlgui's Dream." Tbe Water Commissioners wint the pollco lo Iho hydrautt of the c ty, so that the service. o( it number ol inspectors may bodUiensed witn, aud the eipcnui of the Water Department lusenud. ri:i:.soxA l iniki.i.iu kxch. Mr. snd Mrs. Scott Slddons will toon return to Kcglsuit. Commodore Kldd resides In slezanl style at the aristocratic 6t. James, Mr. W altar, t ion of the proprietor uf Ihe Lonton Ttmti, Is at present In the United Stale'. Lloyd Pbcsnlx Is home artln, but oulr for a brief period, is he will tetura to Europe in ths epilog, A photographer ol Glasglow has received orders fiom a London house for (0.000 photographs ot the Mar-cu- lt of Lome. Blrorl. brother of Ihe celebrated vlollnltt. Is stew- ard on one of the sound tleauiert, He Is regarded as a Jollr good fellow. The captilut tnd aerrtsr.ts of police ers tboot lo preaeat to the lloa. M T. llreunan a lei of tesolntlooa on bis reuremeot lrom i Pol.ce Couuuittloucithip, CasfcJsmes Flak, Jr., was asked to subscribe for the rmtjouora fsnee aro and a grave yard lo Vermont "ho. "said hs. "wlattj the uaf Thoti Inudecsu'l get out, tad I gieat aooodr eutside vsoU to gel In," Sehneldsr. tbe great Iron muter of Prance aad i factotum cf Louis Napoleon, tas sold his properly at KCreuiot loan Amrilcaa coiuteny, an.l the BUrs snd Strlpsi srs now kolstod over las wbols ettshlish-mem- . An Rogllsh writer cbsraolarlirs Mr. Olsdstone's recent speech at the Lord Mayor's dinner Iu Loadou aa belnir namht but maralfloont reurenoei tlr Carl, well's aa nonderona ebintea i Lord Orantllle'a aa genial renerslltlet, and sir I.owe'a as founded on a uoilon ttutt crnirii.u ut i quslincsllon for Ucittng briskly with THE ACTORS' JEALOUSIES S mil r. 5. ciiAxritAVH ottALLr.xam iSl TO Mil. CltAllLltS rECUTlSll. I Tbe (Irpnt t'rpnclininn'a Inanlt lo Itlr.J. W. iwal Wnllnclt-T- he Itccrtlcllrntit Wnllnck'i fvfl Indlgnntlou Itoilspd-Th- e (Hobo llurstlna rl uplu n Itntv-lloat- ou In an Uproar. 't Ilosrox, Dec. IS. Tho troubles at tbe 0 lobs' IsB Thcstre here culmlnsted la the withdraws! of Mr JM Feebler from tho management. The Trantttr pah I a history or the steps which led to Ibis result,1 the first of which It the following note I jH Park ib HoriB, lloton, Dee. Ill, 1870. igH Rial It hit coma to mt knowledge that on a recent laaaaaa oeraalon, it the houte of i friend in thlt oily, you pre. 'B turned to tiidieM to my wife certain femiras dlsre. ,B srectfut In their nature, tnd utterly unworthy of i gen. B llenisn. Itesrecl (or the family whole hotolialuy vna aaaaia thus grcwly soiled rnstmns me from eztirettlng the contempt wllh which nn have Inaplrod nie br Iweifc. sjBaBH inc your note in public, bnt I lake Ihe first ind oolrt opportunity your careful aeclnslnn or vnur preoionet ifJktafal pcraon renders Immediately available or string, upon' pTaaaV my personal rpspoualhlilly, that I think yoa are whal ronr conduct Indicate yon tt he. a grots hltckzuarcl. I shall be at this hole! until tlie this evening, when t aBJ propose tn return to Long Bunch. ,v. J, BTfTfTfal Obediently ynors, P, ft CltANFft Atf. tTaal To Cnsi. Ficiitei. at, James Hotel, Boston. Mats. iKTV In replr to thla Mr. Feebler siys I 'WU The ibove letter, which 1 have given rrrhttlm a. hlrritllmtt tiKttKallm. speaks forlueir. With recird to Ihe question of genilcinanlineea between Mr, Unana Dan and myself, I (rare others to judge, and will eon. kVJH lent myself by siting limply that one clams ot Mr, nKfli Chiuirin't letter, to Ibe ciiecl thtt 1 hive zrotily tolled the hotpitility of any sentleman, I untrue i for, Iu the house or Ihe grntlrmsn rrfeired lo (undoubtedly Mr. Arthur Cheney) I always have been and am received aa atatfll one or the faml'y. snd Mr, Cheney hia too much man. sxsxsaj hood to receive In his henso as a euest one who has naVal soiled his hospllat tyi and If you will (or one mnmenl consider Ihst. since (he time I claapod Mr. Cbanfran's hand tefore hla departnre lrom Boston, and his wire bfirged nir teir snnled-l- o ecoempaoji him to New York, whence the only returned to decline aaaawJ lue bertormance of her duties, 1 neither havesrokea , tn or met or seen the lady, yon can form a notloa of who Is the real blackguard la the milter, ind lor yourself. The next ttep It trouble with Mr. J, W. WiTlick. BVafl who waa given Ihe part of Don BaUutti. He kept It for live days, sad never alluded to It In his conver- - aBBl tatlens rrltli Mr. Fechter or the slate manager, tue) walked off, leaving In Ihe hands of the doorkeeper fkaaaVI the book of "Huy But "confided to blm, oadosed 'aaPal In thlt brief nets; fl lr DBan FacriTiat I do not like the part or Don Vol Kiffvtie it all, and would nlhri not uiume ths part. I return tas bom therrfote, and tat Youra truly. j. TT. WALLACIC. To thl Fechter replied that lha book wit teal for his study, not for hi approval, tnd expressed surprise that be did not like ths part, adding: ills the beet part nf the Mty, ml I'd much rather set pBl It than that of rip Slt-i- s (aa eiperlmenl wa can trr, II yon like, by ailernallpg character). Dot should yon slill daetloe to assnnie the part, please consider your services uieleu, and your engagement st sa end this fJJJJJJJJJiJ Terf week, in the hope yon will rpeontlder the quea. BBBBBBJ lion la a restonahle spirit snd glee me a aillafactory reply, I icma u, dear Wallack, yours truly, SafafBl CUAtt. FKCUTEfl Tlil lauckod Mr. Wa'.lack's pride and hs rstpond- - td tartly os follows iHH BuiNoolher prefix no-- d I employ irter yonr per. cmptorv note of this date. 1 will not enter Into any trgnmmtit to fi tialiuu or any olher part, but I iHaaaal simply reply to your edict, " that your servlree are SbbbbbV useless and yonr engsiement at an end this vers wCtX" aUcsss tthdcisisnl tint I im engaged to AYr. VJnl Arthur CAfftf snd eel to vex, sn engsrrinest mads bbHbTbI before you were considered. 1 do nol recognise yonr bbbbbS right lo tell me my servlrrs sre not reeulred, nor will I rennlt Mr. Cr.enry to stultify himself br acceding to ITJeTBl one supporting you. In abrocatma tLit which 1 thought J,9B was prriectly nnderstoo I between gentlemen. sTaaaaa Myposltlonln the Globe Thittre ooght lo he nndcr- - fl etood. rnd thit position 1 Intend lo maintain If 1 can. IbBhJ Any ruiiher tutlnets communication I must bavn wtitt fiBgBl Mr. Cheney, with whom I nrxotlitcd, to whom I look uaTaBI tor the fuinliient of mr epgazemont, and with whom alone 1 will In the fnlure bold any corrosp uid nee. ifSBl J. W. WALLAC'U. KJVal This rovers the correspondence, and Mr. Feebler ail sums np In colcIuiIoo sa follows; This Is Ibe whole, plain, tnd eintld tratv Ittht BH public, tha preas, end my friends )n fge and decM. It PBB1 waa clearly my intention not to have conaidried the aSBl services ol Mr. Wellnekvseler to the Ihratre. provided IsbbbVJ he would have aried in the same kind and frlanillr tflgsl spirit lo me thst 1 would have acted lo him. I consider that I have erted Ihe parr of a true ai l it to him la mr written rropotlllon, which H nnmlitaVible, In offer. tng tn tltetntte with htm Ihe pans ot mi Kalluttt EBaaa andyrmrMat. Mr, Wsllsck's service! to the theelre. bbbbbbbI it win tiesflilv to ei'mlttrd, would prove bbbbbbbI uiflce" should h do noihlnx but go to Ihe HwBJ box eface every Moudiy morning mil demand W'SSl his weekly tt ptnd without rirlnir anything In return. bbbbbbbI 1 had no other vla la assuming tae uianagement of bbbbbbbI the Olobelhealre (at a great pecuniary Iom to met bbbbbbbI than tr.e beneet or art. the wholesome amusement oi bbbbVI the publto. tnd the pride ind comfort of isy hearts. rrlend Ciieney, The eipertnienl proving tpdtousiy usoV . bbbbbbbI les lo tho mean and petty Jealous circl- - I hate ts bbbbbbbI work In. continually attarieeit by a clique na bbbbbbbI gentleman ran lace, aud aa I have no mortal ifaBBBBBI reeion for lurnuig my poor sell Into a modern Hercules bbbbbbbI Jo carry tne globe on tny shoulders, t beg leave to to- - bbbbbbbI i'.f- !"",'." "r heartfelt thanks to the public, mr rt'enils odtierress, an.l patroni of the thratro. (or the iVaVJI vsluibls and sosiained support Ihey have given me bbbbbbbI murine: my too short slat Inaclty Iconsldued IIKpmf 9 bbbbbbbI own houie. I now beg leave to announce the last (nor 1 BJJJJJBJ weeks or tho present nisnegerornt. and ot Misst HBsmsmfftl Lecleid'a and my perforrotncea In ttostni. 9 kTaTasBl CHAllLhB FECHTgrt, OasVaVjl flrrni Fire Iu Wntrrburr, Conn. SpaH The largo and haudsome Ilifgli School bulldtna I bbbbbbbI In Wsterburr, Conn., wat buined last nlabt. AI I bbbbbbbI midnight the fire nil still rs;lng fiercely, ind threat- - ll bbbbbbbI ened dclrrjcilon to Ihtt pin of the rltv. Tlie DbsVJbsI school bouse, vslued tl tbout tT3,O0O, wsj Insured. H BbbbbbbI Mnsonlo Chll-Cha- r. ItpH Chancellor Walworth Lodge, 371, ra W. VtttttM M . (lerze w.iltr B. W., John A. Moore i J. W, LaVjafl lleury Krcwolf. IfaWaWal Silvan Chapter. No. 18. It. A. M.,h elected A. SbbbbVsbI M. nrorkwar. High John I) Th-v- . King IL, IbVJbVJI JLi.".1naJV,em,n' '"'ei M oi rUIl. Myert, TretsVet t IH II. Utborn, IIbbbbwJI ri:nTcui!STvn covxrr. The Weslehpster County Agricultural Society bbbbbbbI veeterday reflected last year'a ticket, with Mr. tf, IjBSal notTi-e- i itilell as I'realdeot. A motion to dltcintlune bBbsBJ Ibe Irottlne of horse duilnx the Koclcly'a eahibitioa bbbbbbbI was crlrd down br a large uajoilly. Mr. Whltmore'a rpsideuce at Fnrdha-- wa en- - iffawSBl te cdtrsterdar br burglars, who stole toeae rlolhlng. bbbbbbS aud afterward visited the gardener s h mse, bui he wst jafJJJJJJJJJJI sitting op with a sick child, uid neailn: them, rau oat BHBSBBJ and gave chase. Hovernl slots were eicbanged. nnawJ si- - titles rnoM rim TiiLKaiiAvn nH rive convict tttemptea lo escape from Sing Blng bbbbbVsI yrslrrday. The Ilepnbllcsa State Central Committee of Vlr- - gVsVfai tola fatora grneral b7ibbbb! They have elghleea Indies of froat on tbs Tip to , bbbbbbwJ House, on Mount Watblnzlou, sbbbbbbbI The Ililladelphla Councils last night passed a bill I ! to create a paid fire (lepirtnicnl. aTSTJ In Ihe First District of Tons, imprnred lands ! bbbbbbVJ have advanced fmru ti to tl no' acre. Unimproved bsbsbsBJ lands range (rom II to gj. Frai.rl Badger, a well krown New York printer. I bbbbbbVJ war round dead In bed at his boarding bouse la llttt. I bbbbbbbbI burgh ycaterday morning. I V A freight train on the Lntilstllle anl fxilneinn i bbbbbbwJ I.ilhoa I was liiro'io fiom the track on tVcunrtday t.w jTfjJHl broVi-- rail, smtsliing Die cart and killing twenty. ' bbbbbbWI BHJ In tho Unllod ftta'p Dlalrlct Court of Iltlthnreh. bbbbWbVi rraleritty, the Jury Iu the caie of llenham the bbbbbWbI Intuit lieneflt Life Insuraiice (Vimpsny ofew Jcr bbbbbbWI srr. Idnnd a vrrdiri for the plalntitr tor tho amoiiul ol bbbbbWbI the mlcr ind lolerrsl. Itrninm it ulhged lo hats bbbbbbWI oumuiltted sulclae Iwo )ears ato, fBWjWJ joihxih Aitour roirx. BVj The lot'.l reei'tnta of tbo Hobrew Fair up to last bWbbbWb night were II 3.U0J. A largo tbaJo tree vai blown dnwn yesterdar LbbbbWbI aflriuoon across Washington squire. i The Ilelhtehem Chapel on Ninth avenue, neat VJVfl Klxhly.lhird slteol, was dedicated yesleruiy Prthellt, ' bWsbWbI Iter. Iliahop Poller. WJ Prof. It. O. Dora-nu- t delivered the third tectnr ibbbbbbWI of his course on th irluuiprii of Science" Is.t evea- - iWsbWsbI lug In Auoclatlon llall. A woman, aged A3, annpnsel to be Psrah Hart. IVJWbWi enterod Noruuu C iox A Sons' alnro, at 10) Uroadwas? aWsWaWI yesterday sflernoon, and Instantly expired. ) Capt. Samuels, of the arht DJUntloss, Is building bWsbWbI anrwiarht In llrnoklyu, w ilh whlrh he prrpntetts IbbbbWbI ojuleal the waves with the snd Uaunilrst, IbWsbWsI Andrew J. llleh of IlulTslo, while on his war ta VsWaBWl the ipera In this city with hla faiullr latt evening bWsbWbI dronpel dead Ut riaieuth avenue, near Thirly-nrl- l Thetrsnyiin W. Agostlno's gttnsmltk atore. WI lm Twrolr-tblr- atreet, wns ,J VWJ adog In the alore iaat cvcalng, The load vcul Ihiouxl XlUl Ihs window. ''idBwJ Hrrmiin Lansinr, the father of Dr. Lansing ol ' ifVWsi Fort) ninth UN-el- . sat down la.t erelilng on tha stona a tbi Weal lliiil.rnia street, aud dlrdsuddonlr. Ill 'RaWI wu 1J year' ol jo ' vaWl " W, II S ." wlille coming dowa Int Sixth avenue 5Vsi car yesierday iu irniog uoilrod 19 persons reading Tul ' Husr. S Ihe ernf,, I the fnU litforttug Jntunr, ansl ' ths UKtiyng Ti.i', J The Itiquiat over the holy of Leon Thistle, whose Kiwi dealt, was cauved br Hie ratling ot i wall during the aVtSal lire in MoAlpiti't toiiacro rectory, rctuiitd ycwlcrdax 'KaWI in a verdict of accidental death. ' rwVJI laiat ulvhl three romana entered David W. Fit. ' P-a- gerald'a fine rr, rt lhaniet stieel. tnd ctlled (er a rKWal drink, tthlle Mr Fllisertla was wilting on llitm thei .'Jvfljl knocked blm Uowu tnd robbed blm of Ills welch sal '.Xit cnalu worth t.n. , jvfU Ancillary O'lltll pretlded it tbs Supervisors .''Wa! Ttiii&l&KXF whntot "' y$m Margrel SBlllvta. who had fallen from I lecoid- - story window of TTsohaor Myer's lobaocu faotorr, Tl r&U Bulgers street, while cJeanlnj wlnrjows.dlrd reslel. r 'K ajWJ dsr ta llellrtas llMptlal of ethiuttloa (row einpwta, Uou, ghewssllyurtofige. liit Mr. Ohs. II. rtrrell. ex elllor of the rVrrnlnff MlflM tyf.!'4' applied for warrants at tne Jelforsoa Man krt Police Uourt yensiaay a;alnsl Thomas A, tved 'VbwI with, John Fox, James U'llilen, KdwarJ Hacsn, and ! ,vB

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The Prussians North and Southmi. Falling Back.ODJ

u, Tho Fronch Awaiting Trocliu'ePw- - Groat Sortio.

,tu Operations Bctivocn Havroand Saris.

'K .


I England's PositionQuestion.

on tho Lux-


Vrruih Iteperls Iron Ihr Amu efllie l.elre- No l'lgbllug Stiir the lOlli-T- he Friia-elan- e

Oder Itutilr-Th- ey are DeponedJ'fililiiK Hath an Part,

ltirox, Dee. 14 I'. II. Tin Prussians litrecrrttlnlr oecapled Biols; but the report thst Iheytere fit Tour I not confirmed.

orriciAL nsiti now noaniAtji.IMxiihacx, Ptc. 11. All tbo ntnlim of the

tKpirmttle Corps, recently ttitloned t Toon, litresrrlv.J la Uli cltf. The following: Dent It offl.

l!T hit been no tertoui engagement since the

IJt'j m't. A number of imill engagement!, 1

srlilibthe Frctcb nere successful, tie reputed toUse i ecurred.

7 On He lelt bank cf tbs Loire tbe Pranlsni" scripr Cootro, MontrleHard. uil Ilamorintla.

retxen ncrvBT or pgrssiA p.t ..oners irrt U it tlie loues of tbe trior of

Jiieee Ptederlck Charles during Itt combats withjfj O--o Chicly have sot been less thsi M.OMmu.

uil Hit tbe villages In tbe neighborhood are filled' with w ended. There l no commanlostloa wttli

the north or Fnnce. Tbe Journsls here dtmisdaromst elections to the Constituent AuimUf, M

a ercixnoKi ix rni ricixur or blou. jSews bis reached bere thtt tbe rrastltai tar--

m trhied tt Itumbord (eliht mllet eut ofBlolt) tome" Mobiles snd rrirctllrrur. It it sttred th. t the

rruH.3L bate not Injured tbe Chilean it Guam-- 1

VorJ. . -7 j III reported the Prcssltits hire bombarded

I Bids tit now eceapyone of tbefjobouriJ of Tours.j I 11,(1 .bctta was there when tbe Prussians demand--

I II'"- - wader. He otdered tbe defence of tbeI dir. in bid tl-- brldre OTrr tbe Loire blown go

I Tlit u"' tier iij needed to secure the safety of tbeI force un rr Gen. Chauzy, which moved toward the

t I .t ah.. a It vrtil be heivlly reinforced tod3 I r.rsrtr. tiii orriMtvt.5 I t''- - H'nrlAI h realr to ouome the otTentlr,J I II t. .i: tlU repealt tUUmcbt thtt Ujjrbivr.r. I kitim ure to cogU condition.) I TDZ rCCSIUS NIT AT TO CM.

I I ' r - report that tbo 1'iaiflim ire t Toori I keo indiclcd.I I T.- - (.rcrrnee of Corn. htrld3n and llurnille iti DurtJutla(:e It coainealed upon In diplouitticI iliU' A Cllin P.EVIfW.

I .. j A rrvietr wai a:1-- brre to dtf ef theI tvti. ni wnlch are ibout to let out to relnfbrceI Jit A; in) o' tbe Lolie. An Immense number of'.roof, nell eqiloprd, were oa the ground, 'lie

' M Trinr, tirnure ire Ttrr iciItp, tnd we hear ofV tbir vv lvltii In kit trute ut tliu coantrr. t'verAl

So. Tiijtbf provllon tio ro'vollr ben arprl-in- l

I r Ihrm, tud mm) I'ruMljne bin been taken

I llrillitT'.ai.i titi inimiti rAtttKo nicrtI l.ut-- r -- The rltr ol Tunra la no 1'iojnr nienacol.

I fit rr.-n- la rttre.tiir towarl I'--1 . MinuterI Uanil. I'.al. n t coinl u to he hai gone1 tack to the Army cu ui lAlri',uud will remain with

U for t e potent.I ru nnvcntt ttrrATloK.I CuirACO. Drc. IS. A private letter from France,

date i Nor. ST, from t man prominent In tclencr,contain tlie fo'lowb! pjra;raph, whloh thowt tLe

M eonduli o of mtlltir alTalra In that country at we 1

I te tbe reiln: of tbe pcoph. It will be obeerre4that w i lie he la foil of devotion, he admits the UtileI Uye rrmiluli'i to the I'rrncX lie tar t

fl '" I hope to l called for mlll;rr lerrlot. I hireM teru tod tlat I am Uralnnatet for one of our tr

ci tVe am wtltinx ever ilv the ennooncene tof lone great battle oi Hhich dinl our deal .uit the prellralaarr enieminU are In our la--tor Our Armr of tr.e Loire la not onr latt trasr,l .d mt cur Uil losource. We btre mini people

m uilikI nod read, but iber are rnerel crowd.i(l orriniied elrenttn. liut If we cen1 have anccraa and CAtch tbe enemr around1 farLi lor two or ttrM days, franco will rlae txtla

and le rtroncer be. ore. Kur lie proaeni ikeI bearleal analelr prews our hearU, InlUdomra duty to the en I. If Frame li defeated I wlau todie In aome elru;jfle. If I remain alive I will doi) but to restore her. If tela la forbidden me I

1 Uteu 1 to eo to Aratrlca."

tiii: or l'Aitm.Vuiaan of Aneiher Ills Mertle The Qovera.

input at IlantcKUS Anxloualr Avrlliatlr.palchre-I'lon- tr to Kit la Pari.

VuuhtAtrx, Dec. H. Ituraora ro circulatingbere that a lortle of ereatrr proportlou than thelislhu been made from rarla, anl liaa net withuntsrerted aoccesa. The reported falllnr back ofihi rrie:ana, both north and aouth, Indlcatrt anlaportsut movement at I'urli.)

nornixo orrictAUI'et itnj, Tbe Gurtrriment bere hu rlron to the

psbllc, as jtt, notbln: official from Paris. TbeIn the cltjr la latenae. 1'eople are coming

from all quarters to lietr the newa of the grandaortle which ther believe bas ttken place at Parla.II it iid an of Uto. Trocliu bas arrlrejtero.


loiuox, D(C II. Intelligence from Paris ofdate bas been received. A council of war

w I eld on Thursday last, when measure wrri-a4ot-

looking to Ibe deliverance of Purls sudVcraail es from tbe enemy. It Is thought that eoaiePni movement Is on foot to tffoct this result,

it uoiACi auicLtr ix nixcaTTl e UMUur saji that the Tourt delegation tre a

to: of arrant llara, who with to be conalderedan C.tti and Arlstldtl, and that the Toura

liwi-r- s are even worse Iban the Imperial'l la ilalu.ed that tbre li a incident quantity offrji.oni In tbe city to last six weeks to cone, and

li e red ctrealt tudcltnt for tlx monthe. -lte Amerlrta ambulance at Parti li extolled as

Uscil of dfiicltner and a curative success.a balloon cnora xiai nAvni.

Csxy, Dec 14. A balloon from Tarn landed to.r it llcuOeur with despatches and letters, wblcn

kavs betn foratrded to their destination.

tuk Anruxan ox jta ra .

The PrneelRBi Hurriedly Hellrlnt -- Tb1'erie ol Havre ana Dieppe Cloeed-Tbl- rtr

Taoaaaad Frcnchmea C'oafreotlai

14. Tbi following officialialaaieaHel. received by tie dovera'seatl

Prusslaa foroe which waai ITtflla to stuck tuli city le hurriedly retlrlnr.

ITUa may Indicate troubio at Parti.' T" Oovernmeit baa anaounced that the aorta ofBtvre and Dieppe are not open to neutral vessel!.

tbi ravuiam rALuxa back,i The evacuation of tho triangle formed by Ibe) nru if Yernee.ll, Dretolles, and Bronx, U on

raed. (These towis are suldwi between ParisHavre.) la the tbe enemy

to be withdrawing. Dieppe haa beei freeJtaee the join, Evrenx and Bergulgny hire beenP'Hed by the Oermana. A despatch from Alenf oaJJH the rruaslam retreated from Verneull tndWfvui toward Cbartres and Versalllei.' vva return Anopsau.

I Maoon, Dec. frora Harro report

hi jai.i m ijj li i i u lit at rlty and Honfleur quiet. A force of 31,030 menbaa been thrown out to confront the Ucrmtne.Havre Is fl.led w ilh w ir material. There ire a num-ber of cunbeata on the Seine. From Honfleur It Isreported no Prussians bare been discovered bytLe French Seoul.

TROI'CLR VOR Ttl aillUAX..1'rrncti sdvlrrs state that the French array tinder

flen. Fnrdherbe live retiken La Fere a few milesfrom Laon.and aome thirty mllca nortbeist ol Pari


Tt e tntltptndantt Jlelje laments that the Prussianwar reports haro lust their character for terscliy atfirst ascribed to them.

The Ameilcan iteannhlp Erie, from New York,hilcn with American arms for the French, la offCoes,where al e will be cctivo)eJ by French

to a French port.

T7Jil AHMY Of 7 7 IS HAHT.

The flnrlhnlitlnne Dolna Ooorl Yorli-(ln- rl.

Iinldt'a Hon Uetvardetl-T- he Kail of Meut-mp-

nod Dinlebure.Hobbbaox, Dec. 14.-- Tli Utrlbalitlan have

Inflicted heavy loei In killed and wounded on theenemy In the eaatera departments, and hivo l.ln.dered his progress The Government of NationalDefence baa made Illclottl Usrlbaldl a member oftbe Legion of Honor,

Deepalclies from the Rut show a number of mi-

nor succe.aes for the French.pall or iioxTiiinr ahd raALsnono.

Alontmcdy tin surrendered to the Oer nans . Tbebealegen did not bombard tlie town, is waa report-ed. 1 Lev tittered the walla with solid shot, and cssoon they had effected a breach the place capitu-lated. 1 he oHelal report of the surrender of Pb

stalra that Slotaccrs, 1,839 men, end S3 gunwere raptured with tbo fortress.

Tin: i.uxKJtnouiKi ovis.snox.Knjland Hliovrlni- - brr Teelli-Tl- ifi Inlmhl.

iMBIa of Iho Duchy Petition tbo Kim orHolland.

iAianoN, Dec. 11. Tlie eniletv about tbeof Ibe I.nxemboorc affair cauten moch depres-

sion In buttons or all kinds. Tbo new Oermanlean la already quoted at a rrrmlum. Tbe LondonTi.Aii aa) a :

" Knxland cannot conseat to the naflldcitlon ofthe Luxonibour' 1 reaty, and aha mail roeuJlat tbeonxtrlara ol l'lola aa welt aa thote ol liuaale."

a car rtsa Lrxiaeorno.AatanriOAw, Drc, 4. Tbe King of Holland has

remtved a petition from the cllltera ef Luxeinbeurgaroseeling aeatnst tbe eesalon or that province tol'niaaia, and praying that the King will Interfere toprevent It; ateo aektag tbe mat ate nance of the In.Uepesdeuco of the Uraad Duchr.

Coo .1 voa namarck defends the eourae adop'eabr Trns'li with roferenre to the Luiemboorr qner-t'o- a,

aaaerting that the French Consul openly rein--14ed fuyttive countrymen who bad eacioed ncro'a

tie fron'lf r, and that this violation of neutrality viaw II krnwn to the .rople iui Government of theUr.ud Do by.


Why tbo flrenl Povrrm are Endeavoring tollrlni About an Arinlellre.

IloaoiArx, Dec, 14. It is otliciallr announcedtint France has not refused to take part In tbe on Ibe Kaatern queatlon. Tbe neutralpowere understand that Ike presence of Francois nceaaary, and are now eeekin; a vra)to bring tt about. They know that Trus.til h:a refused to treat with this Oovernment unleas It le bickej by a ConstituentAaeembly, and In order that each body may bep'ccled, tbey aro endeavoring to procure an armlellco between Pruaala and France, on condltlonarthlch will allow the revlctualllng of Paris. Ibestatement made by some journals that Mini.ter 0rr..I etta had taken aoc'j steps for a ceeiatlon of bostli-iil- e

Is Inexsct.a rnrsstAN covaatoa ro xoMueiur rro--sllrr.LtH, Deo. it llio Baaon tu'I'r of War.

Fabtlcl. hat beon aypoluttd Governor of ll.e North,cm Pro'.ncee of France by the I'rnselaa flovein-mnit- ,

nnd has assumed conlr.l ol Ibe new depurtnrent.

vuoToaii.trns jit svn iirronrnr.s.The (irnlle Hoy tills need Is ga lo school

Toirelber.Tlie annual meeting of the Mnlh (Mars Ano-rlatlo-

of old Public School No. 7 was held yratrr-da-

attrrnonn in tbe school house, Chrjstle street,nesr HeeKr. blx'y memberi were prtsent. Theold ctSiere were rrCiected. TLe Executlre Commlttce v a Instructed to make arrangements for Ibeannual dinner tt Bt. Jamrt Hotel on or about thelit day of 1 cbruary urxt, and resolullona expn-mlv-

of regret were alopted on the announcement of tberecent death of two membora. Amoag the moreprominent of the members of the organisation irefleorre F. llrlatow, the musical composer ; SamuelD, Allison, l'rlnrlpal of Grammar Uchool No. T i theHon. Orestes Cleve'and, member of Con neat, ofNew Jereey; tbe Hon. Andrew J, Garvev. tb Hon.Morgan Jones, Dr Ueorr W. Uoener, Suoerlntee.dent Kelso, and Usrslial Tucker. The meetlni osenllvtnel by tery deter speeches, in which happyreferences were made to rygone tit) a, tome of theI emlnltemcc e eliciting ahcuu of merriment. Of theslity present, one wore t lg, Iblrlyltto were hon-estly gray, tweuty-ou- were palpably bald, Ihrrewere nye I, two were a llitle al.aay on top, and oneyoung lellow of flity moved tbout to be coaldn t beClearlfled.

An Innseent Man two Itlonthi In itrTlnba.Pollard Harrison, a colored ninu, tins called to

trial In the Court of Oyer tnd Terra;-- , r joUenlajfor Illegally attempting to reylstcr. Hi pleadedgallty, ttttlug frankly tbe facie, eayirg Hut he h'dnever voted before, aad underatandlng Ihtl l.e vraanow eatllletto vote, he went to rexlaler his nan-e-

Ha told Ibe intpectort where he reaided, aed howkeg lie bad rmlded there. Aa be bad cot lived theret ie requisite length of time to entitle him to vole,be aa arrested tnd has been In Jail ever ilnce.Judge Ctrdoxo told Stuart, who bid beenassigned as I'ollir counsel, that lie bad bittertave him withdraw the plea: that It he p'eadedguilty r e ataiut waa mandatory that tbe Courtsentence hlta two years In btate Prison. That,Juiige Cirdozo sala, lie wai e I ) dl. Inclined todo. He tdrl'M that the cnmrlnit be posiponed In.I'eanltely, and that Harrison be ie!e.ied on nominalball, Mr. A mas j A. Mark f al;l;he was satlsiled thatthe prisoner had Intended no wrong, and t..ercfortUat gcutleiiiau gave ball la tIGO.

The CoatoJIann of Ibe llobokrn hUte,Tlie bankrupt lloboken Deinocralio Club, after

gelling rid of their palatial club house on Peeoadstreet, hate reorganized, ruling out all the dead-head! and lelectlm for Its onlrera ; Preablem,

Ensloeer llobert A. ltrod ;

Ham Webb ; (Secretary, Geo, Cooper ; Treasurer,ex AMersian Joe Bowens (Ibe champion bell rlnter) ,

Men aid, ex Deputy Sheriff Johnny Wright i Comml tee, Beasen, bain ftlmont-ton- ,

the tobacconist, and Deputy City Clerk AndrItowal I, A Committee on Application for- - Uerabrr- -

hip waa also appointed, consisting of the Hon. Au-gustus O, Ki.lje, editor of the luilton County Dimnrdl, tlie Hon. Willi im Henry Havens of the

Land and Improvement Compaor. and itamonCook, Ksq., Ferry Maaier. An American flag ta tobe raiii over lte hcadquartt ra lc honor of the re-organization.

Municipal Mpreo In 1'aaeulr.Tbe Taiiala Tillage (N. J,) people are probably

jet asleep from the effect! of their grand jamboree

lut night. Tbe Common Council, village orators,aad Passaic Item falling to furnish a suoply, a com-

pany was atarted for tho manufacture of gas, andnow tbey rejoice over their street laupa withoutwiekj. Kverrbody waa tlluuluated, tnd the GasCompany felt glad. Tbe aolltary engine companytnd the cltizene generally ptraded. The Irtdeewere represented In the procession, tnd tbedliylar throughout waa a decidedly big thlnr forPassaic Tillage, rJpoer. the wine man. wit In bitglory, and treated o US. (French tor Jersey light-ling-

Uteri body waa glad, tnd ill wont to bedwliea thetblag wu over, utterly unconscious of myother place on tbe plteet.

A C'arlaua Lavreult.In August, 1857. a Uri. Htry A. Hotallnr, of

Brooklyn, retained Jscob Koaengardaa aa couaaelIn in tetloo against bar at tbi suit of Albert Frle.She paid Boaengtrden zO0, and had t writtenagrermont with him that be ahoold be responsiblefor the leiult of Ibe suit. Fries obtained Judgmentagainst her, aad yesterday be sued Kosengarden loIho City Court to recover ISIS, the amount of thejudgmeut. Toe defendant jealerdiy uaerted thttPrtes's claim agalual ttrt, Uottllng waa fletltloua,and thtt the lady herself had tllowed Judgment Ui

be liken by default, The wrttlen egroenieut wairead in Court, and tbo Jury loaud for plaintiff.


.1 .v .f imvnn VI. KA OF SVSV1CIOX OPMUTINY Ad A IS.

Alrnrliles on Hoard llie llrlar F.llrn O.In the llnrbor of

nionlovliteo -- A hbocktua Mlorylroui l,ud-la- ir

Hirer! Jiill.Tbo American brlp; Ellon 0. Phlnnor of Port-

land, Me,, arrived yesterday, and two of her officerand three teamen are already confined In Ludlowstreet Jail, the former as principal! and tho latter atwltnesaet of a brutal murder, Tbe prisoners aroDavid Leech, iteward, and Thome Ward, secondmale. They we're arraigned before CommissionerBhtelJl, tnd tbe following facta were brought tolight.

ldtlyln June tbe brig Kllen O. rhlnner.CaptnlnBoyd, silled lro:n Portland, Me., manned by JohnScott, Crrt mate; Thomas Ward, second mate;David Leech, steward ; cook, tnd rlx teamen. Tbeveeael belonge lo the captain, tnd hid t cargo oflumber; tho waa cleared for Montevideo tnd i mar-

ket. At dirbreak on tbo morning of August 9 therrlred at Montevideo, tnd wlillo tie csptsln wis

ashore In dispose of hit freUnt, the vntel meanwhile belli; tuchored off tbe mole, tho Oral mate ordered the malnmaet termed, and a trtinile wasrluc.t. Three men wore detailed for toe Job, oneof whom was an Austrian, who bad thloped underthe name of Jack Shields, He spoke Kngllth Im-

perfectly, ati.l white alult eangont to the man ondeck who was tending Iho halyards to "Innerasr "

Holrli-r'- e wrs lowered, and Jack crlel out,"Thatwi.l ilj." Tue man n deck, not understand-ing Jiuk, kept on lowerln;, when the latter. In avery loud lone, etld : " What the h I a'e youdoing r Make fast." The chief male, bearing therrmark, sang out, " Come dow n on deck, ) ou run ofa ." Jack answered, Yea, te, mc comedown ;" and be to reached the deck thanhe was etvagely assaulted by the mate wi.uanlrunbelaying plu.

The attack was to tndden tad unexpected tl.ttpoor Jack at first made no attempt to defend hluiaelf : but aoou rt covering tils presence of mind,though tho blood ss streaming down his race f.oma rtt ten cuts, he eeited tbe mile, Ihrew hltn dnwn,and was abtul to punish lit in. when the second materushed to the scene cf blood, and selling a bll et cfwood, knocWrd tl e poor fellow down and beat andkicked him until he wu almost InsrnMbte. Themales then walked it, apparently tatlffled withtlelr brutality, when Jack ruse Irona the deck withbis knlleln bis tlrht hind. . a

At thla moment tbe aleward elepped out of thecabin with a revolver In Ms ban 1, and deliberatelyattpplng np to within four or five feet of Ibe almostunconscious ind bleeding Bailor, be fired, tnd t billwent mailing throogh tbe brain of poor , I ck. Hetell unconelooi lo the deck, and as his life's bbodwas ocilng cut, tlie demoniacal steward eidtlmed,ea Ibe seamen ran aft to tee the cauae and encct ofthe plalel shot;

"Ilon'tcitke a move, you , or I wt'.l aboutyou all "

Poor Jack lived about lenlj mlnutea, and whilela his death throes the ataarard and two mates en-tered the Cabin and regaled themtelvea with deepdrau'hte of New Knglmd rum.

Aa eoon aa the poor fellow died the captain WatIgnallcd. On being told tlat Ibe steward had aaul

oue of the men, he tskedtHat he croaked T"

" Yer.slr." nusprered the stewsrd, "aai Pm sorryI's not of them."

" I'm orry too." ssl 1 the ripttlBThe case was liorttedly Inve'tltated by the eap-tal-

and two of bll frleuds, end reported to lhe onrul 'ho ceil day. lech tvat not aire. ted or

and when tbe Conaul sent for the wllne-se-

the murderer aaa illowed to escape to DuecoiAires, dlsliLl ilut ninety miles.

i'r.o n.urdiruJ man was burled ashore, no effortwaa made to tin. 1 the assas-l- the cargu was unioadeJ, bides were purchased fjr Miller A Houghtonof this cltr, aud on the UMh of Oetoter the brigaalle--l for Itueno Ayres. Two day allerward III.uurdert went on board again, and the vessel ttisail for New York, where she trrlvod 'Cct:day.llor a teuiuc-stuuu- paaa;e of allly-ln-- j dtyj,

Laat night a ri porter ol 1 uss fcv- -i hid an Inlerview wltulhe niuidrier. B"r53 Leech, In the Lud-low alrvct Jill. H; !i a netlt e of Boston, low tiled,

ppm-u- ib-..i- t Si) lours of nee. tery muche.i bss a motderoua look. He said that

bel.HrH thtte waa a premeditated mutiny, te went13 the cabin and look the captain's plslol ; that aa l ecame out .lack was trying to slab tho chief mite,wLlt ill order to save tita l.lo Le dlschsrged the fatalslid. He inquire rarticulirly tbe probable reau.tof bit lull, Liid, on belag told mat the eililcuiewis very atrotig aralnat him, be exdalined:

"Weil, by , It is a .bard case that a manahoald be punl'i ej tor taring another maa'a life,"

' W.ird It a Daca from llfHImore, la!',well built, and nltti a good fare, much browned byexposure. He ta core Intelligent than Leech, andsaid that from coatersi-llo- orerheanl untaevnyago out l.c expected trouble at Montevideo olih themen. He denied Lilt us J.irk with a piece of wood,but tel. uo hedged btallog him, becau-- e he waabeating the ma: J. ck, Le said, made two .uucra.t tbe mate itlih lit knife, when the aiettard aiiut-- lai, and Le ell auu dl-- d In a fowtnlunlua. He thencalled all him a to tilineaa that the dead man hid akni.e flrml clasped lo alt hsnd.

The witueetos, Jatnra Pardeldee, a Dane, JohnPctereoa, a German j and Henrr Solomon, a Prua-aian- ,

coiroberated euh other la thtlr aturlea of theunprovoked murder of their ihipmaie, whom theydiecrlbe as quiet, luoOenelve uian, whose onlycrime wu I is Ignorance of the Kniltrli language, U

Paidelacn sa that while at s:s, tn the outwardloaud vOjHL.e, ne waa struck llli abeiarlngpin bytue chief male.becaute whan the watch wai calleihe did not gt out of the forecast e bood enough,He reaisud the aaaaull of the m.le, when the caotalu

rut forward, ironed him, and triced htm up lo tlierigging by tho Handcuff..

Tlhe irew begged the captain lo let him go, bnthe refused, and aept him trireil up until tbe Ironscul into the flesh nearly to the bone. S i He he wasIn this position, the captain put a l li.l to hithead and (hrcaionej to shoot him tor insubordina-tion.

Is t brief skrlch of some of the horrors ofa voyage befoia the lna-- l in tho bilg Kllen O.Phlnney,

Tlie Vnnater of tbe Old Colony.Cap). Isuttab (Jtindle, of tbo ablp Old Colony,

who la beld for tie tctlon of tbe Grind Jur, brt otumi.siouer Haielda, ou the charge of maltretilngtt i oi lil xn en the voyage hum CtiliX to IhUburl, gave hall yrsleiday In fG.fJUO. Ills surellea. irehis hio'.i' r, Di Lliury lirlr.dle, of K1 Wrat Txen-ty-slit-

aireet, H. 1. Hnten, of tlil Tnlrdstreet, Wllllam.hurgh, aud FranX D, Walsh, of lluSute atroet, Brooklrn.

tiik tuvtii ritoM i in: tivt.r.The HoTolutlon In Venranda-.llnrnriil- bii

Nol Fallen Into Illanco'a lliiuila.I'rrderlck Cutiimius, mile of the iclioouor

Dutch Prlneea. which arrived on Wednesday fromCuricot, called ut the Sl'H cfEce kit night tud laidthat the tlory robHred In a city paper yesterdiy ofthe fall of Martcalbo Into the bands of GuzmanBunco's ptrty la totally false. Wbrn the DutchPrloceat tnlltid, cn Ibe 191b pi Norrmter, Gen, Her-nandez held torre, from which place he hid routedthe rebl General 1'olgar, Maracalbo Is Irce to allveaaelt desiring lo enter.

aMr.SCummlns siys Hernandez bad atmut 5,000 menIn rurtsonal Maracalbo, and about 8,UJ0 or l.txi)with him In the field, Blanco, the revolutionaryPresident, holds Caracas Porto Hello, Lnmiairt,tnd aome other vlllagea. The atatemeut that Gen.Hernandez Is reported killed la wllbnnt foundation,and that Gen, Polgar was shot lo a cft,U uulrui.

Tbe Crispin with 8 J00.000 for Ibeftlauufaclurere' Action,

At a mceling of tbe working ihoetnaken lutnight, correspondence wis reed fiom lodges la allparks of tbe State! encouraging ibeut to reiltt thedemand of the emrlojers, and promising lupnort.II wai anted thtt the mru would l ive In a lew dayaover ISOO.OOU to ctrry on the wtr. The men ateunintm'.us In their determination to fight It out atall hazards.

The manufacturer! tn til tbe large cities a ill uolloand tct In ronrert. T be Botrdi of Trade, comroiedof the hole tale Jobbers and manufacturers of Bos(on, New York, tod Phliadelptla, will tld the" bosses " with monetary tnd moral support Grrttdistress prevails among the large number of femalewho were employed In the trimming ibope, nil olwhich have tiopped woik, thut throwing oul sev-eral ihouiand womeiu

Death In the Waxing of a Ilnllltoom Floor.John Maloner, a butcher of Adami aireet, Ho.

bokei, attended the Baraflild Guard bill In OddFellows' Hall on Wednesday night, aad at 1 o'clockyesterday morning Maloney ascended the windingtlilrcui to tbe top floor lo ret hit bit. But heleaned igalntt the baluster to look oyer, and hitfeet Hipping from aider him, be fell down tbe wellwiy tbout thirty feel to the main floor. About mid.way In the fall he atroek on to iron brace, whichcrushed la several of hit rlbt. Dr. Cougdnn

but caae hopeless. Matoney'i boots bidbecome at tltopery st glut from the oewly-wtie-

floor of the btllroom.

Beuttnos) of the Slarrlatovra Fire Fiends.Tbe Morritlown Incendlsriet were sentenced by

Judge Dalrymple on Wednesday, Before sentencingthem, the Judge took occasion to tell Kent, theleader of tbs gang, thtt hid hs not pleaded gsllf r tothe last five Indictments, his senteneo would hivebeen fur forty years. Tho senteoces areas follows I

Kent, altteen years; Doty and bleveua, four vein;Htnut, Willie, tnd Dcmiter, three years: tnd Woodnitr, one tear. In tbe Btate Prison, All with the I

rxrepllon of Kent had ponfeaied Utelr guilt, andbud pleaded guilty,

aryrvncit orjr.nnr nv.vx.The Motion In Arrcet of .Indcrment-Ohl- pp

llou Ovrrrnled-Th- n Trlsoner Henlrnerdta Pear Yrnrs In Hlnir Hint.

Jn the Court of Oer snd Terminer yesterdiymorning, Mr. Birllctt appeared nt precl'ely 10

o'clock to argue the motion In irrnt ol JudjmputIn the case of Jeremiah Dunn. Mr. Bartletl take I

that the verdict cn which the tentence wis to Itpronounced be reitj. The Clerk read cs follonil"Tint Jeremiah Dunn I not guilty of murder Inthe first degree, but of uiinsltnghter In the thirdderee.'

Mr Itarllett Now, your honor. I raoal respectful-ly rnbmlt tint that Is not trio verdict, either In lormor snbattrice, which wss rendered here yesterdsyegslnst the orlsontr. I tm awtre and I tmnotgolnr lo (llrpule iny principle of law tahlcti 1 knowto correct 1 am twtre I .at It Is competent for aCriminal Court lo have Its own record amendedduring tho terra. Whelbor that power ritondt tofar a to rive the Court power to amend the recordof a verdict, I do not express anr opinion : but I sstIt Is nol the verdlcl In lu'm or substance whloh wisrendered here yesterday.

Thla verdict dlffsri from the record, and If It wererecorded at given II would then, In mr opinion, bea verdict unknown to the Ian, a repnyntntand contradictory within Itself. There csn be nosnrh thing a manslsnghler In tie third degree,without ntcnuiilng clrcumlsnces, MinttanihterIn the third deiree Is merely the legal definition ofa kind of homicide In which there are extenuatingrlrrutnelaneet. There can bo no such thing at ILIsoffence without extenuating circumstances,

Agnln, when these respectable gontiemen speakof "rlrcumslancr to Justify the crime," 1 shouldlike to be Informed what new rodo of minis tad oflaw ther propose to Introduce Into New YorkThis Is trerply uamcinlng and teoselrts. "thereran be no "nch thing aa circumstance which Justifycrime, If It I Juslinab'e It cannot be acrime. I should be willing to considerthis part nf the verdict as sarplnssge, Iflour Honor bad not already taken Joill'lal actionbased upon II. Bui when I asked your Honor 'or adelat In passing sentence, you assigned this extraor-dinary apuendsgeto the legal terdict a a i.onwhv sentence should be pronounced it once. Thisprove tint II lit tlrrady bad III effect uoon theJudicial mind ; tn I stlcr seeing tl It Is Importlblelor the rriaunrr or bit counsel to dispel the tppie-Lcnslo-n

tint It will Increa-- o tbe rpyrrllr of the sen-tence and I hold that If the term of tbe sentencebe Increased one year, one month, or one day bythat literal addition lo the verdict, to much of Itwill be (aits Impilsonment.

Judge Cardoso held thai the part of the eealenceobjected to by Mr. Ilirtlctt tnl-'- be regsrded aasorplasage ; bnt he did not deny Hist bla Judicial ac-

tion bad been Influenced by ihl surplusage.Tbe learned Judge then proceeded Is pronounce

sentence, as folio atJcremlaa Daan, you have been found xnllty by s Jary

ol your fellov-C'tuea- s ef nisnilanchter In the thirddegree, and tr sentence of the Court uroo voa hi thatyon be Iwnrtieno! la the Ptale mun of Slag nlu fortne terei ef four yeara, with nard labor t and It as to behoped that the severity or this sentence win serve as aaedntoMiion lo the reckless classes er thtt cltr who aretn the habit or earrrl-t- concealed Drear - s, and lowhom the greater tart of tbe crimes commit lad are

Tin: SATiox'a cim.niti:.y.t'nlr for the Benefit of the Home for Hu

dlere' nnd Hallora' Orphans Haw Ibe1'nlrlolle People Patronize It.

The fair In aid of the Home for the orphans oftolditrs tnd sailors wis opened last nlxbl. Tbethree rooms of the armory of Ibe Bcventy-flrs- t Rsrl-raen- t

ttrre Ititefully decorated with the sstlonalcolors, flowerr, (Iclurea, ercrgTeens, birds, Ac. At3 o'clnck, wbstt nearly every avallsble Uch pe

hil been occupied by visitors, itaJcr-Gen.- ' J.C. Bi.blr.ton mounted the la thereir of lb. middle roe, nJ I" a frtimed remarks Int-gt- MjJor Oen. UcCiellan.who sooke trir3 In behalf of the Union Home,amid rrijt ifpltoae. tMilltm M. Kvarts, and thoHp.?. fT. W. Ilellows folloned. and while first oneend then satotter band of musicians mide the airrlnr. tbe vast aseeraldagp promenaded through Iberooms and left at Ire tarlons many enhstti;-lla- l

toktna of the (tltioilc aentlu.ent that hadbrought Ihrm tngetLer

Among the articles on sale wi re palntlngJ, statu-ary, head or k, boots,

rrocerlet, cigars, tnd all tht other et cetpret nsnillrdisputed at (airs. A doien prttty gull busiedIbemsplvet la sectrrlng auoarrlptlon to aa maarluttrrie. For three or four hour the aceue wax oftl o liveliest ilpsenptlon ; and it Is j rraum.iblalb effort to ralae lor the Orphtna nomewllllose nothing br the enerry tn.1 tact displayed by tbevoluatter wurkers In the cause.

Among tbe many amateur tnctchanta whot wiresmet with a rapid sale bast nlgot, w m tlrt Gen,Diz, Mrs Gen. Fremont, Mia Co'. Pell, Mrs JudgeDaly, Mia. L. Clarenco, snd Jlr, DavU lloyt, snda numbrr of younger Lullo. whore skill la eichungewas only equtllid by their beauty and grace. o

the cluae uf the fair lucre will be t rtffte forore hundred prizes, Including about flily oil pjiul-Inra- .canlributei! by our resident nrtials.

Bellies the distinguished speakers arove nanc",t ere were l resent last night tt the opening nf thefair lien, and Miatcr, MajorBullr,rd, Cel. Marahall. leil. Hopper, Col, CuJ.'Ihompaon, and numoroits rei reeentailves of thet annus National Guard Toe fur willnot close until the I'.Ui Inst,

A Cood Thing from Ittayor Itn'l I

Miyor O'lltll relumed to Ihs Asitant Alder-men ymterdty a latch of resolullona prorldlng forthe pating cf eleven svrnuet led streets of tbeTwelfth Wtrd from 110th to 131b ttreet, with StowFoundation. The Msror has caused i canvass lo bemade among til the propel ty holders who ire to beiiteaaed, nnd cinnct find one who detlrti It, InUSth aireet, front Cast Hirer to Fourth avenue,prorerty holder! emphatically remonstrate againstthemessuie. In nearly all ol the ilreels the num-ber ef vacant let ezceedi that of erected building--..

In taenty o the blocks no sewers have ta yet beenconstructed. In several of the streets no gas mainsh re i el been laid or made ready for operation,

Let thla Abusive Coudurtor he Dlschnrtred.Tbe altontion of tbe worthy President of the

Broa.twav and Seventh avenue Itallroid Compearla called to the fact that last nLbt, at 1LW, ihs con-

ductor of car No. 8 of Ihs sbove-name- line fasmost grossly sbuslve In t it languare to a white-haire-

passenger, who ao far fors-o-t himself as tocomplain of laving been carried two blo-- la beyendbis eloi plng place. Tbe epithets nspliM to thepassenger at be lelt the car were filthy, and the out-ru- e

upon ccnimon deccbcy waa tendered moro un-pardonable by the fad that the gentleman waa ac-companied by a lut if. while five other ladles occupiedseats in the car within hearing dlalaoce of the

conductor's obscenity.

I'Itp lluudred Tbouauud ftollnrs Dnruiigre.William Wright, ono of tbe pasrrnccr of the

Jamea Fetter, Jr, hit toed Charles 11. Maitha'land otberr, owners of the veesel, for $10,000 dim-aze-

for during the passage of the te'-s-

from IJveipool lo t.'cer York, In December, 1SC3He surra that l.e was deprived of proper food andwater during the vol age, and wst compelled to workcn deck is i common tsllor during all kinds ofweather. Tho trial wis becun teatorday In theCourt of Common Pleas. The suit Is the Drat ofbout Oily which ire to be prosecuted tRilnit the

owners of tLe James Foster, Ir., by tbe passengerstnd crew.

Btvlitfinlng tn Mulberry Hltret flln,John Potter, who keeps a liquor ttoro nt 110

Mulberry street, went to the Doneralle ball, In Masonic Hall, on Thursday mornlnt. While he wastrloplng tho light fantastic, tome saivea enteredhis stoie by way of the fanlight, HiJnuor waigood, tnd the burglars sampled elx bottles of gin,whisker, tnd brandy, 'ihey also robbed hit till,tad telped themselves to three botes of choice

Attempting to lap a barrel of lie, theypilled the whole on tho floor.

Tbe Impeachment of Uov. Holden,ItALxion, Dec 16. Tbo House y sent a

coTiralttee of tluee to the bar of the Beuate, im-

peaching Gov, Iloldco, tnd demanding thit theytike order. The irtlrlet of Impeachment, tt is be.tlevrd, will bo shortly snhnutlol tnd Hie HighCourt of Impeachment organised, the Chief Justiceef the BUte presiding.

Tivenly Yenra In Prlaon.Jatne Crawford, who pleaded guilty of rob.

bery, wis sentenced by Judge Cardozo ycilerdty totwraly yens In blng Bin: prison.

LO.VO IdL.tA.Charles Hsoee ha been elected Chief Koglneer of

U rushing Mrs Department, tud Joseph Builih tadVf. o. tAiwtne Assistants.

Owen xfcKeana, Ibe alrnal roan, whose care lees-r- e

ciusm tht accident at the orawbrldge or theriuahlag liitlroad on 1 uesday night, was irrestra re,lerday,

novns or i.mavnm.Colored Orimmir School No, t, la Liiirent street,

open thut morning,Ktreliior Muslctl Union hive n enlerlilument

In Itisonlo llall on Jau, II,Tbo Cummlegs Association enjoy their tnnutl

ball In Irving llall lonttbt.The ladles of the Baptist Church, Hunter's Point,

Lone- Island City, will open a tair I o Bml'hsoolao Hall,oa rrld ir afit rnooo and evunlon of thla week, to rettsnivuoy to furulih limit new onurch gdlhoo,



A CLAIM Toil $B,00O, A JVIJ A COVX.2 nu claim rou $un,ooo.

Humor orilio I.nat Klrcllon In N'eslrlientrrI.tinny'a tlnine lor Hie llefrnt ol HltenlonThe Heerel ol .llooney'a Cauvnas-T- bo

C'ounly Convulsed tvllli I.nughler.Mr. Martin Yon llurcn Watson Is.a resident of

Iho totm of West Chester, In Weslchefter county,nbero he carries on business with his brother-in-law- ,

Thorns B. Bowne, and wst In lfCJ a duly qualifleJ elector therein. In March of that year, UughLoony tud John B. Bkcnlon were rival cinJidilosfor tho ofduo ol Itecclver of Taxes, and Wutson haddefined hit Intention of voting for the latter. Onthe 301 li of the month Wukon received a telegramaddressed to lit brother-in-law- , and sent by Ibe West-ern Union Telegraph Company from Tioy, purportingto le from hi married altltr, whoso husband, Geo,Stirbuek, It utosm-cngln- e builder In that city, an-

nouncing the sudden illness of her husband, ts fol-

lows;Tsov. Marh:, lftl.

To romae fl. t!cuni. ITeil CAre er lUla'jt, WtucknUrtotiuin, .v. r.

George hud a paralytic stroke i be will not live but arow Ills consttot reqiir tt is to havo you andMartin Watson with him In his last moments. !! de-ntin lo wins a will, an I will not heir to a ay one eleeUolotlt, Ho rome, both of you, on the nrit rrain, or Itwill oe too late lo aes him. hMKUNK.

Tin telegram wu delivorrd at Watson's place ofbuelneas late In Ihs day, snd created

rUTtlESl AND AMODtSn Or UIKP.Wutson communicated Ibe message to hit father

who wit old tnd feeble, tnd to his mother, uponboth of whom It hid such tn effect ss lo create serl-ou- t

apprehensions,Boon after tbe receipt of the met'sze, Watson

ittrled by rail for Troy, flrst'telegraphlng to hissister to announce hla cumlog. and Hopping at SlnrSing to repeal the message. In his tnxlety he alsoattempted to jump on an express train. Ha arrivedIn Troy at seven o'clock on the morning nf the nextday, tLe 21st of March, tnd found his brother-lti-Ut- r


Ills tls'er or course dlsclslmod sll knowledge ofthe telegram which had ted lo to much gilef endanilely, nnd caused tlm to undertake the longJournry at so great a waste of time and money, aswell aa to mis the opportunity of recording bisvole a an eloclor.

Mr. Watson, In a complaint before the SupremeCouit In tbe Wrslchealer, ten forth theract ibove recorded, and alleges that Mr. HughLunnr, who una candidate for the office of Itecelvrrof Taxes for West Chester tutro.and who kne thatWatson was abou' lo vote agalnat him, bad sent, orcaused ts be sent, the lelcgraphl message ibovsglvss .r TO OIT MM OUT OP TUB WAT

on election day, and so prevent hit recording hisvole against blm, Mr. Watson lays bis damages atts,ouu

In his answer to this complaint, Mr. Lunny aaytbe does not kuow whether Wstson wua then or Isnow a qualified voler; does not know that BowneIs the husband of Watson's sister; does not knowwhether George Blarbuck 1 the nuaband of Wat-sen-

skier, or whether he ever did or could trta stetm engine. Heidmltt thai Witson ' .K.rTiiVvltlouilr, wickedly, wrongl). mvB;S?Yh?mo:

li 1 rK,, hl electionel'SJfLlVn t. rZ . .J--' dtn," knowledge tufil'"J1'. - whether Wstson autll-re- griefina sarr--,n orwt-elhe- r he started lor Troy aa Le

.vrt, erf telegraphed, orATTEMPTED TO jntlP OH AH tXPBts TgAIV,

anJ Insists thai. If Wat.on did so attempt to Jump,he mull have bean drunk or tnaane.

Lunny I roc to den) all knoelrdra of ths tele-tra-

Inetcry particular, and Insists thai If Wtileonwai derrlved of his not north moret in one dolltr, "for which price olber vote ofequal value could have been obtained, ts defendtnt IsIniorned and Lellevcs. at said election, It the nay ng(or votea had not been a misdemeanor and Illegal,and that ILo plaintiff! claim of five toousand Joblars lor bis vole was and Is excrbltant, uujutt, andIllegal."

Mr. Lsnnt concludes his sns-- . er by saying, "Thitas cWrrdant l Informed aud rcrl.y bcllotot, todalloxea tho fact lo be,

PLiuiritr and o.ix jAiiis i. uooxxr,who bad the year previously been a member ol

lrom said cltslrict, ami a melt olgracedand caused hi eonalltuenla to Idmu with

abutne 'or blai, touir aall rrprcionullve,and Uli igued toxauer, with olfaers whosenames are to drlenUnnt nnknown, and withone G. Hilton Bcribncr, the regular Itepuhiletn candidate lor Assembly In uld district, lodefeat the election ol delendant to said officeThat lo carty oul It elr 'aid deslgne and consplracragainst defendant, and ronlrlvlog to Injure defend-an- t

in hla reputatloii, plaiuliu and llio.o associatedwith him therein, aa defendant Is informed andverily believes. Induced the raid Mooncv to run Insaid district as a 'stump' or 'striker's' candidatefcr toe Assembly, und caused tbli action, the tamebt-i-

AN tLECIIONEICl.ta P000I,and In 'bad tallh,' to be commenced In tbe name olthe plalulld agalnet delendant. and falsely and

composed und piiDlnheJ, or caused lo becomtotpd and pLbllshed, the ccrapl luant therein." That dereidutt It Informed and believe thatthe plalollir was used s the tool, and was boughtaud paid fur ty said Mooner and for thepurpose of slandering aad libelling defendant, andby ao doing preventing Ma aatd elocllon. That byleswon ol tne premises, defendant hat been greatlyInjured In lilt retiutallon aud cis-J- aid was do.leateJ at sala e'ectlou, tnd hat suffered damagehereby fixed at S'iVU-O-. Wberu ore de.'eudinl

thai the laid comp -- lat be distulaeed, andItnt te have Judgment sgalnst the plalullri forthe sum of 123,000, besides the costs of this actloa,"

WbiU tho Politicians have Hone lor JrrsrrClly-- .l Haukriipl Corporation.

Yesterday Mayor O'Ncll ofJersey City receiveda note from He Cashier ol tlie First National Hank,Informing him that the city's account had been over-drawn to the amount of llt,Ci, aud tbtt untilsome trrtngrmenti bad teen made to secure Ibismoney no more wsrranri would be canted. s

I oldlng warrants ire unable lo even get the indiscounted, ind contractors tnd others Hhohavework lor tho city art seriously embirrtssed.

The Hale.Duilng the squall yctltrdar, a small tallboat cia

talnlng William J, Anderson tnd Ueorgo White upset in Ibe Kills, opposite Port Itlchmond. The for-

mer swsm ishorr ; but the Utter was crowned,Aa tbi Jersey City ferry bott wat leaving the foot

cf Cortlandt Mrrit ilorltg ll.e gale yesterday mornpg, she waa run Into by a propoller, which cut Into

the irii.ilimei.'s cabin i earlr two teot.i re gale last night proalrited the police telegraphl run of the roull ern line so thai no cnniiuuntca-tlu-

could be h id with Police Couhin, n brtiriiiiii on t freight train on

tl.e Hertford ind New Haven Halltoad, aa blonfrom the lou of the train wlillo adjuiting ihojirakp.Ho fill bet t een the cars, fourteen of which lustedover hi n, cultlug off ono leg, He Is alive.

H ASUIXOIOS .Yorr.v.r?chniz's sreerh occupied three hours.The hid to repeal the Income lax la not likely to

pit, this settion.The lloure Kleeilon Commltt.c have lo far only

seven cases lor eonsneratton.The Wtyt and Means will not do ant thin.-- ttpresent with Ilia proposed ojw 9 per cont, loin,1 here we no motion to Like up the nomination

of Admiral Porter iu thoLircullvo sitstlon yesterday.The Bcnale yesterday confirmed tho nomination,

as Alitor of Internal llevenue, oflpeneer Kubv1 Now Vork,aod Jimes Jourdtu, Third,bear York.

T he Uouse Committee on Foreign Ilelatlnn badup yesterday the Alabama claims and Ht. 1 lomirigo, butrtldiiothlur. Ihclr Irsl measnru will be to perfect aMil to rezulite the land nir of foreign cables and pro-hibiting any exclusive privileges.

As s carriage containing Col. Hubert Doucl.ts,Mrs Cults, tad Nellie (Hddiuie wss retumloz from tbo(bully Fair on Weduesdsy night, the hones tookfrttht and beC'tme tinmaQAeeahle. 'Iheyjm agalnt acarilazratcp at F and Twelfth atreett. throwing oul theoccupants, all of whom were arrlouslt bruited. A lluhoi containing some SHOO, tne pioccrds nf sales at Ibefair, nh'ch was la charge of Mrs. Cutis, Is niltslng.

Ya;rr jmis nr.Alderman Dan Baker ts to lie the next President

of the Newark Common Council.Mr. and Mrs. Jtmet Anderson of Newark cele-

brated their golden weddlnson Vfcdneadtr nun I.Kenalor Jim Will of Elizabeth hat been elected

President of Ihs Cltlsani' Uasllght Comptny of Newirk.

Ignttz Hufshlg, tged 18, of T Bedford street. New.ark, eouuiliud sulci it yesterdsy by lumping Imo ibePattalc river.

Ths Inquest It still progressing IsNewtrk with closed doors. The Coroner telutct tegive tny tnlormitlot to the press.

The Tunnel war wat continued yeaterdsy In Diecourt St Trenton. Mr. Ullohrlat continued bla argu-ment lu behalf of ths Rile Company, ind Mr, Yintttibua his plea (or ths oppotltt party,

Tbe floor of the New Jersey Kallroad depot, InJersey cur, took Are lass nlxbl (rom a locomotive.For an hour the ezcltemeni wat Intense. Ihefiiorwas lorn up In ttrcisi placet before mo flames winextinguished.

Kdward Piyion Weston, the walklsl, talked to iraterton audience last night abcul "Athletlo exer-cise." naUhlag ths entertarnineni wllh a ratia wnlkoothe platform, The women la the house had lo walkhome alone Iu consequence, their er rts having beenso profoundly linuressMt ihtl Ihey stalled 09 at thsrale of seven mllet an nniir, ao I liuvot all alioiii tb Irwcothoarisiu dmauit vf Wetlou aud 1'ivl Dvriraui,

ryyyt cabixbt nvrrunn.The President held In Check by the Itepnb-llenne-- A

1'lnt Denial In 1'nce of tho1'nrta-Ilontt- vrtl to Rrllrp.

Wasiiimotoh, Dec. 15. The report of Bout-well- 's

prospective retirement from tbo Cn'ilnet ore-ate-

a decided stir here last night and this morn-ing, snd led to a pressure npon both parties to pre-

vent It. Secretary Bontwell called upon Ibe Presi-dent at an csrlr hour and subequently wentto the Capitol and spent two hours Willi tbs Wsysand Mesnt Courmlttee. While there hs paid to sev-

eral members that he should not retire from tlieCabinet unless the President desired it, aud ho didnot now think the President did.

At about taoP.M.Ucn. Porter, tho President'sBecretsry, earns opto the Bentte, snd denied thatthere wis snythlng In the report, snd added tbttthe President ond Bccrelery Bontwell were In sccordabout everything. This may he so as far it Gen.Porter know i, but It I known to others that somenf tie ttlrTrrencc between them aro very wideHan Domingo being one ol them. It la alao knownlo membfia hero tint none of tho prominent ap-pointments of tho Treasury Dsoirlment have boonof Mr. Bontwell' selection, tnd that he waa openlyfor Jtidco lllchardson or Sir, Dougliit ts ltevenueCommissioner.

In irconlnnce with tht desires of prominent fte.publicans In both House, no change will be metsst prose nt. nnd snv rupture would be considereddealt-.- . blow to the Wcaldent's political fortune, anda serious slab at the party. Thcro I amoral certainly that a change In the Treasury De-partment w.H be made it no distant day.

itisrirnLicAxs astoxisiiv.d.a

The Kllllnsr of Wllllamaburgli'a Itlng-- AHtormy 'tlretlntr In the Thirteenth tVttrd-T- he

Trlnmph of Cor.The Jteptibllcans of the Thirteenth .Vard,

Brooklyn, have been disorganised by Hit selfish tndunprincipled King. At ths list election, John W.Coe, on energetic young Rcpubllein, resolved totest the sentiment of the pirty relative to ihliJUng,tnd offered blireelf ss a candidate for Supervisor, Inopposition both to tbo Democratic aad Republicannominee. He wit triumphantly elected. Havingthut proved to the men who controlled his ptrtyIn the wtrd that tbey did not have the confidence ofthe voters, he offered to hsrmonlre the psrty. andseveral mailings of sctlvs Ilcpabllcans have beenbeld.

A lirge snd earnest merlins wss convened lastevening, John D. Darlington rrce Ided. and W. II.Leayerait acted as tecretiry. It was etldont to illthat a storm wss looked fur, tnd It burst out In inrywhen Ibe committee of ten, sppolnted it a prevlooameeting, reported the following ticket to be Totedupon at tbe coming primaries I

For ITesMsnt of the TVard Asoclatoi,George IIIfard t laaae Requa, J. ATBradler. W.Curtis, and Damaa Strong.

toUt alet to the Oej Committee-- It. VT.

"'- - bmalhand

lit?' K,"U,-1v-3

Comraltte-Thomi- e Browne, Jsmesay," uomu htinton, Chirlss Clevelind, tnd John

atlS.Die motion to edopt thlt ticket wis opposed by

til kinds of lactic, iir'lamrntary and otherwise,nearly half cf tht is composing the meeting mikingIndividual effo tl 10 be hcurd. Among the loudestof the tilssentlnr were Col. 0. B. Morton, GeorgeWren, Wllllsni It. Lcayrrsrt.Kdwsrd K. Diiley, indoifiers who felt sxgrtoted si tLe proposed revere!.Put alter Ihs dlsilferted had bellowed themselveshoarse, the venerable chilrram took a vote on Ibeadotlon of the ticket, and It was carried by a hugean I Uecl'lre voice.

With this trlurapli of tie harmonious elementMr. Darlington vacated the cbalr, and thoae whotook part Id the meeting sought to be enrolled, batthe secretary bad forgotten bis enrollment book.

$1Q3,430,78U, 1X3,4X0,7X0,000.

Cosh for Ihe Counselor the Heir of AnnrheJani-Avrulll- na- a Decision by Jildgo MoC' y's Alleged Apostasy.

Tbe Hon. Clinlon Itoosovclt, tho venerablecounsel for the belrs of Anneke Jans, has givennotice of his lnlentloo to more for sn sllowanco ofcost In the new suit or Oroesbeck against TrinityChurch. Mr. Oroesbeck says that Julys McCnnncmnot deny hla motion, as he la a lineal descendantor tbe celebrated Dutch lldr whs owned the vaatp'tate now lild by ihe vsstrr ol old Trinity, sir.Oroesbeck avers that old Trinity hsa departed frorathe liplacopal faith, and should be coiupellel todisgorge her Immense wealth talo the lara ol tiegenuine believers in tbe Thlrly-nln- Arllcles.snd Ireheirs of Anneks Jans, Judgt McLunn will rendersn Important decision In tie suit next week.

Undermining the Krto Track la IlebekruPeremptory Notice Is Quit.

Yesterday morning Mr. Weeks set men to workon lils property la Seventeenth street, digging for afoundation for a row or buildings across the KrleHallway's track to Woehawken. At Boon the work-men had cnt awty in much of the earth that Ihe trarkwai liable rt any momrnlto fall Iu, audit was ntle.lylaiposrlblo to run a train np to Ihe Weehawkrnrattle yards. Ir the Krle Hallway or tbe UohotenI.and and Deranrement Comoanr does not effect acompromise with Mr. Weeks br tills mornlnr, blvKoiktnen will resame their g beforenoon

Nitsaon In Chicago.Ciiicaoo, Dec. IS. Tho sale of season tickets

for the Nilaiou concerts commenced this rooming.Kveiy ticket wss sold. The line exlendei from tnebox cifflee Into the street, snd commenced formingat 7 P. M. yesterday. The Drat person In place waaa colored man. All male themselves as eomfortal leas possible nnlll this mornlnr. when tbey disposedof tbelr placet for is much as fi.

ri.AHnr.smoM tiik ookax caulks.Consols closed at 01.', for ruo sey, tnd 91 lor ac-

count.Cotton clewed In Liverpool, uplands, BVd. ; New

Orleans, 8J to 6Sd.A force of nearly .CO0 cavalry and Infantry bat

been ordered tc Londonderry for feir of dial rotneeat Ihe aprroachlng anniversary ot the eatiblKhaioatoftne I nion of (in it llntalo tad Ireland.

Loaarn i:r rum.noyle'a cotton mills it Bolton, Bng'and, bare

been destroyed.The lots ty the fire In KpnllsnJ, Ind., on Tue.datwss llW.OOO. A, J. Kent's low alone wi, over

Tbe rts woiks it Warsaw, N Y were burnedyeiterday tliernoon. Dr Dale, the rroprlelor, Mrs,Uatet, and two workmen were badly burned.

Mitchell A Co.'s tannery nnd A. F. Wood's gro-cery In I'nlon Vl.lnro. N. II., woro ourned on Welliesday night. Ihe vll.tgo library waa alto deatroyed.

At a Ore Iu a row of wooden sublet, MJ lint Hj.leenth stieet, laatevenlne.threo nor.ei perished, Thevheiunaed to Peter lloriaiau.Charlei Clump, andCharlciFronuian, cartunn, Daouge to atahle, tlx

iiiiooiu.rx.About two hundred els have ben tikrn frtnn Iho

water pipes dnrlug tne past ruw mouths.Justice alah muted warrants yesterday for the

arrcsl of about twenty live nullcentoj liquor uoilo.-s- .

The Water Commissioners of Lowe I, Mass., In-spected tue Itldyevnod water works yesterday. Tbochaut ague was etcelleut.

The Wntor Commlsiloners of Lowell, Mas., lo-st ecled Ihe III Igewood Water Workt ycalorday. ruecliaiupsgne was etcelMit,

Tbo General Term of the Supreme Court will de-cide whether the Fark Cotuuilatlonor have a nahl tosell the eattern section of Prospect Park.

Jame Mcllsle. a elate roofer, fell from the roofot the rurltan church, at I.atayelte and Marcy ate.nue", ytsleiday artsrnoon and was killed.The second concert of the Phlthirmonle to ho

riven this evening at 8 o'clock. Ihe programme Ineludes the entire mus o of "Midsummer Nlgui'sDream."

Tbe Water Commissioners wint the pollco loIho hydrautt of the c ty, so that the service. o( itnumber ol inspectors may bodUiensed witn, aud theeipcnui of the Water Department lusenud.

ri:i:.soxA l iniki.i.iu kxch.Mr. snd Mrs. Scott Slddons will toon return to

Kcglsuit.Commodore Kldd resides In slezanl style at the

aristocratic 6t. James,Mr. W altar, t ion of the proprietor uf Ihe Lonton

Ttmti, Is at present In the United Stale'.Lloyd Pbcsnlx Is home artln, but oulr for a brief

period, is he will tetura to Europe in ths epilog,A photographer ol Glasglow has received orders

fiom a London house for (0.000 photographs ot the Mar-cu- ltof Lome.

Blrorl. brother of Ihe celebrated vlollnltt. Is stew-ard on one of the sound tleauiert, He Is regarded as aJollr good fellow.

The captilut tnd aerrtsr.ts of police ers tboot lopreaeat to the lloa. M T. llreunan a lei of tesolntlooaon bis reuremeot lrom i Pol.ce Couuuittloucithip,CasfcJsmes Flak, Jr., was asked to subscribe for

the rmtjouora fsnee aro and a grave yard lo Vermont"ho. "said hs. "wlattj the uaf Thoti Inudecsu'lget out, tad I gieat aooodr eutside vsoU to gel In,"

Sehneldsr. tbe great Iron muter of Prance aad ifactotum cf Louis Napoleon, tas sold his properly atKCreuiot loan Amrilcaa coiuteny, an.l the BUrssnd Strlpsi srs now kolstod over las wbols ettshlish-mem- .

An Rogllsh writer cbsraolarlirs Mr. Olsdstone'srecent speech at the Lord Mayor's dinner Iu Loadou aabelnir namht but maralfloont reurenoei tlr Carl,well's aa nonderona ebintea i Lord Orantllle'a aa genialrenerslltlet, and sir I.owe'a as founded on a uoilonttutt crnirii.u ut i quslincsllon for Ucittng briskly with

THE ACTORS' JEALOUSIES Smil r. 5. ciiAxritAVH ottALLr.xam iSl

TO Mil. CltAllLltS rECUTlSll. I

Tbe (Irpnt t'rpnclininn'a Inanlt lo Itlr.J. W. iwalWnllnclt-T- he Itccrtlcllrntit Wnllnck'i fvflIndlgnntlou Itoilspd-Th- e (Hobo llurstlna rluplu n Itntv-lloat- ou In an Uproar. 't

Ilosrox, Dec. IS. Tho troubles at tbe 0 lobs' IsBThcstre here culmlnsted la the withdraws! of Mr JMFeebler from tho management. The Trantttr pah I a history or the steps which led to Ibis result,1the first of which It the following note I jH

Park ib HoriB, lloton, Dee. Ill, 1870. igHRial It hit coma to mt knowledge that on a recent laaaaaa

oeraalon, it the houte of i friend in thlt oily, you pre. 'Bturned to tiidieM to my wife certain femiras dlsre. ,Bsrectfut In their nature, tnd utterly unworthy of i gen. Bllenisn. Itesrecl (or the family whole hotolialuy vna aaaaiathus grcwly soiled rnstmns me from eztirettlng thecontempt wllh which nn have Inaplrod nie br Iweifc. sjBaBHinc your note in public, bnt I lake Ihe first ind oolrtopportunity your careful aeclnslnn or vnur preoionet ifJktafalpcraon renders Immediately available or string, upon' pTaaaVmy personal rpspoualhlilly, that I think yoa are whalronr conduct Indicate yon tt he. a grots hltckzuarcl.I shall be at this hole! until tlie this evening, when t aBJpropose tn return to Long Bunch. ,v. J, BTfTfTfal

Obediently ynors, P, ft CltANFft Atf. tTaalTo Cnsi. Ficiitei. at, James Hotel, Boston. Mats. iKTVIn replr to thla Mr. Feebler siys I 'WUThe ibove letter, which 1 have given rrrhttlm a.hlrritllmtt tiKttKallm. speaks forlueir. With recirdto Ihe question of genilcinanlineea between Mr, Unana

Dan and myself, I (rare others to judge, and will eon. kVJHlent myself by siting limply that one clams ot Mr, nKfliChiuirin't letter, to Ibe ciiecl thtt 1 hive zrotily tolledthe hotpitility of any sentleman, I untrue i for, Iu thehouse or Ihe grntlrmsn rrfeired lo (undoubtedly Mr.Arthur Cheney) I always have been and am received aa atatfllone or the faml'y. snd Mr, Cheney hia too much man. sxsxsajhood to receive In his henso as a euest one who has naValsoiled his hospllat tyi and If you will (or one mnmenlconsider Ihst. since (he time I claapod Mr. Cbanfran'shand tefore hla departnre lrom Boston, and his wirebfirged nir teir snnled-l- o ecoempaojihim to New York, whence the only returned to decline aaaawJlue bertormance of her duties, 1 neither havesrokea ,tn or met or seen the lady, yon can form a notloaof who Is the real blackguard la the milter, indlor yourself.

The next ttep It trouble with Mr. J, W. WiTlick. BVaflwho waa given Ihe part of Don BaUutti. He kept Itfor live days, sad never alluded to It In his conver- - aBBltatlens rrltli Mr. Fechter or the slate manager, tue)walked off, leaving In Ihe hands of the doorkeeper fkaaaVIthe book of "Huy But "confided to blm, oadosed 'aaPalIn thlt brief nets; fl

lr DBan FacriTiat I do not like the part or Don VolKiffvtie it all, and would nlhri not uiume ths part.I return tas bom therrfote, and tat

Youra truly. j. TT. WALLACIC.To thl Fechter replied that lha book wit teal

for his study, not for hi approval, tnd expressedsurprise that be did not like ths part, adding:

ills the beet part nf the Mty, ml I'd much rather set pBlIt than that of rip Slt-i-s (aa eiperlmenl wa can trr, IIyon like, by ailernallpg character). Dot should yonslill daetloe to assnnie the part, please consider yourservices uieleu, and your engagement st sa end this fJJJJJJJJJiJ

Terf week, in the hope yon will rpeontlder the quea. BBBBBBJ

lion la a restonahle spirit snd glee me a aillafactoryreply, I icma u, dear Wallack, yours truly, SafafBl

CUAtt. FKCUTEflTlil lauckod Mr. Wa'.lack's pride and hs rstpond--

td tartly os follows iHHBuiNoolher prefix no-- d I employ irter yonr per.

cmptorv note of this date. 1 will not enter Into anytrgnmmtit to fi tialiuu or any olher part, but I iHaaaalsimply reply to your edict, " that your servlree are SbbbbbVuseless and yonr engsiement at an end this verswCtX" aUcsss tthdcisisnl tint I im engaged to AYr. VJnlArthur CAfftf snd eel to vex, sn engsrrinest mads bbHbTbIbefore you were considered. 1 do nol recognise yonr bbbbbSright lo tell me my servlrrs sre not reeulred, nor will Irennlt Mr. Cr.enry to stultify himself br acceding to ITJeTBlone supporting you. In abrocatma tLit which 1 thought J,9Bwas prriectly nnderstoo I between gentlemen. sTaaaaaMyposltlonln the Globe Thittre ooght lo he nndcr-- fletood. rnd thit position 1 Intend lo maintain If 1 can. IbBhJAny ruiiher tutlnets communication I must bavn wtitt fiBgBlMr. Cheney, with whom I nrxotlitcd, to whom I look uaTaBItor the fuinliient of mr epgazemont, and with whomalone 1 will In the fnlure bold any corrosp uid nee. ifSBlJ. W. WALLAC'U. KJVal

This rovers the correspondence, and Mr. Feebler ailsums np In colcIuiIoo sa follows;This Is Ibe whole, plain, tnd eintld tratv Ittht BHpublic, tha preas, end my friends )n fge and decM. It PBB1waa clearly my intention not to have conaidried the aSBlservices ol Mr. Wellnekvseler to the Ihratre. provided IsbbbVJ

he would have aried in the same kind and frlanillr tflgslspirit lo me thst 1 would have acted lo him. I considerthat I have erted Ihe parr of a true ai l it to him la mrwritten rropotlllon, which H nnmlitaVible, In offer.tng tn tltetntte with htm Ihe pans ot mi Kalluttt EBaaaandyrmrMat. Mr, Wsllsck's service! to the theelre. bbbbbbbIit win tiesflilv to ei'mlttrd, would prove bbbbbbbIuiflce" should h do noihlnx but go to Ihe HwBJbox eface every Moudiy morning mil demand W'SSlhis weekly tt ptnd without rirlnir anything In return. bbbbbbbI1 had no other vla la assuming tae uianagement of bbbbbbbIthe Olobelhealre (at a great pecuniary Iom to met bbbbbbbIthan tr.e beneet or art. the wholesome amusement oi bbbbVIthe publto. tnd the pride ind comfort of isy hearts.rrlend Ciieney, The eipertnienl proving tpdtousiy usoV . bbbbbbbIles lo tho mean and petty Jealous circl- - I hate ts bbbbbbbIwork In. continually attarieeit by a clique na bbbbbbbIgentleman ran lace, aud aa I have no mortal ifaBBBBBI

reeion for lurnuig my poor sell Into a modern Hercules bbbbbbbIJo carry tne globe on tny shoulders, t beg leave to to- - bbbbbbbIi'.f- !"",'." "r heartfelt thanks to the public, mrrt'enils odtierress, an.l patroni of the thratro. (or the iVaVJIvsluibls and sosiained support Ihey have given me bbbbbbbI

murine: my too short slat Inaclty Iconsldued IIKpmf 9 bbbbbbbIown houie. I now beg leave to announce the last (nor 1 BJJJJJBJweeks or tho present nisnegerornt. and ot Misst HBsmsmfftlLecleid'a and my perforrotncea In ttostni. 9 kTaTasBl

CHAllLhB FECHTgrt, OasVaVjl

flrrni Fire Iu Wntrrburr, Conn. SpaHThe largo and haudsome Ilifgli School bulldtna I bbbbbbbI

In Wsterburr, Conn., wat buined last nlabt. AI I bbbbbbbImidnight the fire nil still rs;lng fiercely, ind threat- - ll bbbbbbbIened dclrrjcilon to Ihtt pin of the rltv. Tlie DbsVJbsIschool bouse, vslued tl tbout tT3,O0O, wsj Insured. H BbbbbbbI

Mnsonlo Chll-Cha- r. ItpHChancellor Walworth Lodge, 371, ra W. VtttttM

M . (lerze w.iltr B. W., John A. Moore i J. W, LaVjafllleury Krcwolf. IfaWaWal

Silvan Chapter. No. 18. It. A. M.,h elected A. SbbbbVsbIM. nrorkwar. High John I) Th-v- . King IL, IbVJbVJIJLi.".1naJV,em,n' '"'ei M oi rUIl. Myert, TretsVet t IHII. Utborn, IIbbbbwJI

ri:nTcui!STvn covxrr.The Weslehpster County Agricultural Society bbbbbbbI

veeterday reflected last year'a ticket, with Mr. tf, IjBSalnotTi-e- i itilell as I'realdeot. A motion to dltcintlune bBbsBJIbe Irottlne of horse duilnx the Koclcly'a eahibitioa bbbbbbbIwas crlrd down br a large uajoilly.

Mr. Whltmore'a rpsideuce at Fnrdha-- wa en- - iffawSBlte cdtrsterdar br burglars, who stole toeae rlolhlng. bbbbbbSaud afterward visited the gardener s h mse, bui he wst jafJJJJJJJJJJIsitting op with a sick child, uid neailn: them, rau oat BHBSBBJand gave chase. Hovernl slots were eicbanged. nnawJ

si- - titles rnoM rim TiiLKaiiAvn nHrive convict tttemptea lo escape from Sing Blng bbbbbVsI

yrslrrday.The Ilepnbllcsa State Central Committee of Vlr- - gVsVfai

tola fatora grneral b7ibbbb!They have elghleea Indies of froat on tbs Tip to , bbbbbbwJ

House, on Mount Watblnzlou, sbbbbbbbIThe Ililladelphla Councils last night passed a bill I !to create a paid fire (lepirtnicnl. aTSTJIn Ihe First District of Tons, imprnred lands ! bbbbbbVJ

have advanced fmru ti to tl no' acre. Unimproved bsbsbsBJlands range (rom II to gj.

Frai.rl Badger, a well krown New York printer. I bbbbbbVJwar round dead In bed at his boarding bouse la llttt. I bbbbbbbbIburgh ycaterday morning. I V

A freight train on the Lntilstllle anl fxilneinn ibbbbbbwJ

I.ilhoa I was liiro'io fiom the track on tVcunrtday t.w jTfjJHlbroVi-- rail, smtsliing Die cart and killing twenty. ' bbbbbbWI

BHJIn tho Unllod ftta'p Dlalrlct Court of Iltlthnreh. bbbbWbVi

rraleritty, the Jury Iu the caie of llenham the bbbbbWbIIntuit lieneflt Life Insuraiice (Vimpsny ofew Jcr bbbbbbWI

srr. Idnnd a vrrdiri for the plalntitr tor tho amoiiul ol bbbbbWbIthe mlcr ind lolerrsl. Itrninm it ulhged lo hats bbbbbbWIoumuiltted sulclae Iwo )ears ato, fBWjWJ

joihxih Aitour roirx. BVjThe lot'.l reei'tnta of tbo Hobrew Fair up to last bWbbbWb

night were II 3.U0J.A largo tbaJo tree vai blown dnwn yesterdar LbbbbWbI

aflriuoon across Washington squire. i

The Ilelhtehem Chapel on Ninth avenue, neat VJVflKlxhly.lhird slteol, was dedicated yesleruiy Prthellt, ' bWsbWbIIter. Iliahop Poller. WJ

Prof. It. O. Dora-nu- t delivered the third tectnr ibbbbbbWIof his course on th irluuiprii of Science" Is.t evea-- iWsbWsbIlug In Auoclatlon llall.

A woman, aged A3, annpnsel to be Psrah Hart. IVJWbWienterod Noruuu C iox A Sons' alnro, at 10) Uroadwas? aWsWaWIyesterday sflernoon, and Instantly expired. )

Capt. Samuels, of the arht DJUntloss, Is building bWsbWbIanrwiarht In llrnoklyu, w ilh whlrh he prrpntetts IbbbbWbIojuleal the waves with the snd Uaunilrst, IbWsbWsI

Andrew J. llleh of IlulTslo, while on his war ta VsWaBWlthe ipera In this city with hla faiullr latt evening bWsbWbIdronpel dead Ut riaieuth avenue, near Thirly-nrl- l

Thetrsnyiin W. Agostlno's gttnsmltkatore. WI lm Twrolr-tblr- atreet, wns ,J VWJadog In the alore iaat cvcalng, The load vcul Ihiouxl XlUlIhs window. ''idBwJ

Hrrmiin Lansinr, the father of Dr. Lansing ol ' ifVWsiFort) ninth UN-el- . sat down la.t erelilng on tha stonaa tbi Weal lliiil.rnia street, aud dlrdsuddonlr. Ill 'RaWIwu 1J year' ol jo ' vaWl" W, II S ." wlille coming dowa Int Sixth avenue 5Vsicar yesierday iu irniog uoilrod 19 persons reading Tul 'Husr. S Ihe ernf,, I the fnU litforttug Jntunr, ansl 'ths UKtiyng Ti.i', J

The Itiquiat over the holy of Leon Thistle, whose Kiwidealt, was cauved br Hie ratling ot i wall during the aVtSallire in MoAlpiti't toiiacro rectory, rctuiitd ycwlcrdax 'KaWIin a verdict of accidental death. ' rwVJI

laiat ulvhl three romana entered David W. Fit. ' P-a-

gerald'a fine rr, rt lhaniet stieel. tnd ctlled (er a rKWaldrink, tthlle Mr Fllisertla was wilting on llitm thei .'Jvfljlknocked blm Uowu tnd robbed blm of Ills welch sal '.Xitcnalu worth t.n. , jvfU

Ancillary O'lltll pretlded it tbs Supervisors .''Wa!

Ttiii&l&KXF whntot "' y$mMargrel SBlllvta. who had fallen from I lecoid- -

story window of TTsohaor Myer's lobaocu faotorr, Tl r&UBulgers street, while cJeanlnj wlnrjows.dlrd reslel. r 'K ajWJdsr ta llellrtas llMptlal of ethiuttloa (row einpwta,Uou, ghewssllyurtofige. liitMr. Ohs. II. rtrrell. ex elllor of the rVrrnlnff MlflMtyf.!'4' applied for warrants at tne Jelforsoa Mankrt Police Uourt yensiaay a;alnsl Thomas A, tved 'VbwIwith, John Fox, James U'llilen, KdwarJ Hacsn, and ! ,vB