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  • 8/9/2019 Yep Manual





  • 8/9/2019 Yep Manual


  • 8/9/2019 Yep Manual


    PDF Viewer! 22Scanning and Photo Import View! 23

    Details Panel! 24Preferences! 25

    General! 25Viewing! 25Tracking Locations! 26Scanning! 27Advanced Preferences - Academic support in Yep ! 28

    Advanced Topics! 29Using Yep 1.7 on a network! 29Yep 1.7 and Leap ! 29Using Yep 1.7 with disk images! 29Disk Images and exporting! 30Spotlight comments and Yep 1.7! 30Backing up ! 30To restore from a backup ! 31About Ironic Software! 31


  • 8/9/2019 Yep Manual


    Welcome to

    YepPaper and electronic documents come at us all dayevery day. PDFs are thought of as the solution to theproblem of the electronic document, but that just leads one to the question ! how will I organizeand view all my PDFs?


    On first launch, Yep locates all the PDFs on your computer, and shows them to you in a simpleiPhoto ! like interface. You can tag, sort, move, rename and do more to all your PDFs. Since youmay have loads of actual paper to deal with, Yep supports many scanners ! taking your paper andturning it into PDF documents.

    Your files are not stored in a propriety database. Scans of your important financial and legal docu!ments are as easy to get at as that funnily formatted document that came across your desk twoyears ago, even though you no longer have that old application on your computer. Yep leaves yourPDFS in place, making Yep a great way to see all the PDFs on your computer in one simple to useapplication.

    Organization could not be easier. Instead of having to decide which folder to store documents in, asimple, powerful tag mechanism we call the Yep Tag Cloud allows you to tag and retrieve docu!ments with ease. In addition to tagging, there is a collection organizer similar to iTunes or iPhotothat lets you make smart collections . This makes Yep an ideal tool for researchers in a universityenvironment. You can now organize all the hundreds or thousands of academic papers on yourcomputer without the rigid hierarchy that the Finder imposes.

    Yep 1.7 introduces a way to see your documents in a hierarchical Finder ! like view with a twist.The twist is that, unlike the Finder, if you click on a folder in the Tracking Locations panel, youwill see all PDFs in that folder and below. We have found that this is a very natural and productiveway to deal with documents.

    What is Yep?

    We like to think that what Yep is depends on your needs. Here are some things that Yep is:

    Yep is like iPhoto for PDFs. Yep is the end of paper. Yep is a document management system that stores and finds all your important documents.

    One thing that the programmers know here at Ironic Software is that learning new software can behard. Thats why Yep uses a familiar iPhoto ! like interface.


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    You can create PDF documents with Yep. Store these PDFs wherever you want to ! or leave themin their default date based location. Any document in Yep can be tagged, commented on, emailed,printed, viewed and shared.

    Examples of documents that that you should store with Yep:

    Important paper documents. e.g.: invoices, personal letters, receipts, brainstorming sketches,deeds and banking documents. Yep allows you to scan documents right into your collection,using our integrated scanner support.

    Microsoft Word documents and all other proprietary formats can be saved as PDFs. Thesesnapshots of a live document are very useful ! and Yep keeps track of them.

    Emails that you dont want to lose. Birthday cards, receipts, commendations, etc, etc. Yepdoesn't erase or change your email, it simply stores an indelible PDF for you.

    Web pages, especially news or other web pages where simply saving a url or bookmark will notlast. Many news articles or shopping pages "such as that kitchen idea you saw on the web# willnot have links that will work for years in the future.

    Anything that you would print out. Yep allows you to keep track of all the paper documentsthat you have sent or faxed other people.

    What Yep is Not

    Yep does not store your PDFs in a database that ties you into using Yep. Your documents are storedwith the titles that you pick on your hard drive wherever you want them to sit. Yep leaves all theexisting PDFs on your hard drive in their original positions, which makes Yep as non ! intrusive aspossible. If you use Yep to organize and view your collection, you will never see this, but it is goodto know that if you decide that Yep is not for you ! or you are at a computer that you cannot run

    Yep on ! you can still get at your documents ! they are simply PDFs.

    Yep is not hard to use. In fact, as you use Yep, the entire process becomes more automated ! as tagsthat you actually use are automatically assigned to relevant documents.


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    Quick StartGetting going

    When you first launch Yep, Yep looks for all the PDFs in your home account. The welcome dialogshown above lets you pick which folders you want Yep to track. Note that it is OK ! and oftenhandy! to pick folders that overlap. Yeps preferences allow you to have fine grained control overwhich folders to track. If you have a large collection of PDFs and have them organized in theFinder already, you should use Yeps Tracking Location preferences to add the folder for your library

    later. If you are just getting going with organizing PDFs, then Yep the default settings in the wel!come dialog should be fine.

    Yep creates and organizes PDFs. First we will take a short look at Organizing, then creating PDFsby Scanning, and finally creating PDFs by Printing to Yep and the new for 1.6 YepShot web cap!ture feature.


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    Yeps main window has three panels:

    Central Panel

    Yep will show you a list of all your documents by thumbnails, or in list view. You pick which view

    using the control at the top of the window: List view is allows you to see and sortyour documents by such things as title, creation date, etc.

    Left Panel

    Tags, Collections and Tracking Locations. Three ways to organize and choose which documentsyou want to deal with. Clicking on a tag in the tag panel selects all documents withthat tag. Clicking on a saved search in the collections panel will show all documentsthat match your saved search. The Tracking Location panel allows you to browseyour PDFs in a fashion similar to the Finder, without all of the other documents

    getting in your way.

    Right Panel

    The right panel is called the Details Panel . It is all about the documents you are working on. Withno documents selected this panel shows you some facts, like the total number of PDFs that Yep istracking. With one or more documents selected, you can edit various things like the creation date,author, tags and notes.

    Important Tip:

    When you click on a document in the central panel in Yep, whether in list view or not, thedocument you clicked becomes selected. With Yep,you can select many documents atonce, allowing you to add tags or notes, delete, move and more to many documentsat one time.


    Tags "also known as keywords# can be added to any document. Simply click on the document,and add tags on the right. Note that you can select 1, 2 or thousands of documents at the sametime and edit all their properties at once.

    You can have Yep look through all the selected documents and add tags to them automaticallyusing the Auto!tag button in the details panel. Yep can extract tags from PDFs using severalmethods. You should use the Options button first to see what Yep can do.

    If you click on a tag, Yep shows you documents that have that tag. Yep has an option for dynamically creating tags from the folders that your PDFs are located

    in. This option is on by default. You can set Show Path Elements as Tags from the threelined button below the tags panel.

    When you do a search with Yep, and press the Save Search button, your search is saved as acollection in the collections tab.


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    Dont miss: The Loupe "magnifying glass# can be turned on at the bottom of the window.This tool allows you to get a closer look at a document without opening it up. You can holddown the option key to bring up the loupe "see the preferences#.

    Double clicking on a PDF allows you to read the PDF page by page in Yep or in your favoritePDF reader. New in 1.6 is the full screen PDF viewer. Dont miss: If you select a documentyou can read it full screen by using the Documents Menu Open Fullscreen. Exit the

    fullscreen viewer with the escape key, and the keys 1 and 2 switch you between single pageand two page viewing.

    Yeps main screen PDF viewer has a search facility. Just use Find... under the Search menu.The back ! front and home buttons at the top left behave similarly to a web browser. The

    home button shows you all your documents.

    Dont miss: You can search for docu!ments in Yep by combining several dif!ferent methods: In this example I havesearched for documents containinguser in the folder on my hard drivecalled Developer with the tag cocoa.

    Dont forget the Preferences. Yep pro!vides many useful preferences for you to customize yep to your needs.

    In addition to files on your local computer, Yep can look for documents on your network.Please see the advanced Network section of this manual for more information on this.


    You can scan multipage documents directly into Yep. When scanning, Yep makes PDF documentsusing a compressed format that results in a good quality representation and a reasonably small PDFfile size.

    You can scan documents into Yep using the scanning software that came with your scanner, a scan!ner that supports TWAIN, or a scanner that supports ImageCapture. Which of these three meth!ods you use depends on your workflow patterns and your scanners ability use TWAIN or Image!Capture.

    To scan a document in, press the + button in the lower part of the window. If you see the messageNo scanners detected it means that your scanner software probably does not sup!port ImageCapture. If this is the case, please try to set the preferences for your scan!

    ner using Yeps Preferences dialog. Depending on which setting you have set in Yepsscanning preferences, please use the correct directions below.

    Scanning using ImageCapture or TWAIN

    Get your scanner ready, place the document face down on the scanner, and then press the scan pagebutton "Command ! D#. For each page you can crop, rotate and constrain in order to get an imageof the page that you want to look at. If your document has multiple pages, dont press the Done


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    The Fujitsu ScanSnap is a nice, very fast document scanner that works well with Yep. Here are theinstructions to get Yep working with the ScanSnap:

    1# Install the ScanSnap and all software that is included with it.

    2# There should be a program called ScanSnap Manager running in your dock. Click on it in the

    dock, then select Settings... from the ScanSnap Manager menu. Add the application Yep to the ap!plication tab. Then in the Save tab, set the destination folder to be Yeps Pending documents folder,or any other folder that Yep tracks. "~/Library/Application Support/Yep/Pending Documents#

    3# When you drop a pile of paper into the ScanSnap, the resulting PDF will be saved into the Pend!ing documents folder, and Yep will select the new scan so you can name, tag and file it, all in a feweasy strokes.

    We find that this method of using the ScanSnap works well for us.

    Printing to YepOne other way to get files into Yep is through printing them using the PDF menu. This is handy ifyou are in a application such as Microsoft Word, and a document is in need of being archived. Sim!ply start to print the web page, email or word processing document, and instead of following

    through with the Print button, usethe PDF drop down menu to save thedocument to Yep. Yep does not haveto be running for this step, as thedocument will simply be saved to YepsPending Documents folder.

    Simply select the menu item calledSave PDF to Yep and your documentwill be added to Yep the next time Yepis run. Advanced Tip: When you usethe Save PDF to Yep menu item toadd a PDF to Yep, you dont have toname the PDF file. This is usually agood thing, as the PDF file name willbe the same as the document you areworking on. In order to save with adi$erent file name, use the menu item

    Save as PDF... and save the PDF fileto Yeps Pending Documents folder. The Pending Documents folder is located at ~/Library/Application Support/Yep/Pending Documents.

    The next time you run Yep, just switch to the Tracking Locations panel, and select the PendingDocuments folder. You can then click on the document you saved, rename, add tags, etc, and thenmove it to a folder on your hard drive. Note that if you drag the document to the Yep Documentsfolder Yep will route the PDF into a folder for the current year and month.


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    YepShot - capturing web pages with Yep

    If you would like to capture web pages from Safari into PDFs in Yep, so that you can keep them forfuture reference, Yep 1.6 adds a new one click method to do this. We call it YepShot.

    Setting it up Open Yeps preferences, General settings. Then click on the Install YepShot Bookmarklet...

    button. Your web browser will navigate to a page on Yeps website, where you can drag theYepShot URL into the bookmarks bar of your web browser. After you do this you should

    have something as shown above in Safari.

    Using YepShot

    When you are in Safari, and have a web page in front of you that you would like to archive, orperhaps read as a full screen PDF in Yep, simply click on the YepShot bookmark in yourbrowser. Yep will launch, and use the URL of the page you are at to build a PDF document inYep. You can read it in fullscreen by using the command!D key board command.

    YepShot limitations: Since YepShot works by passing a URL into Yep, there are some sitesthat will not open and render properly. Sites like secure banking, receipt pages, and others willlikely not work with YepShot. These pages can be printed to a PDF using the Save PDF toYep method described above.

    Buying Yep

    The demo version of Yep is fully functional andwill allow you to track tag and manage all thePDFs on your computer. The demo version willexpire after a few weeks or so, after which pointyou will have to buy it to use it. The Buy Now

    button will allow you to purchase a copy of Yepusing our secure ordering system. The Buy Nowbutton allows you to order and take delivery on! the !spot, while the Buy Online button takesyou through the slightly longer process of buy!ing Yep through our online store, run by Kagi.


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    OverviewThis section goes through Yep view by view, showing what each widget, button and dialog is for inthe application.Main Window

    The main window is split into three panels.

    The panel on the left shows threes views ! Tags, Collections and Tracking Locations. The YepTag panel always has list of the most popular tags in the documents that are displayed in the

    Central Panel.The Central Panel shows three di$erent views. The Normal View, as shown below is the de!

    fault. The Central Panel also handles scanning and individual document viewing.

    The panel on the right is the Details Panel. It shows the details about selected documents,and when no documents are selected, it shows some overall information about all your docu!ments.


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    The Top of the Main Window

    At the top of the main window are the tools that you use to search and navigate with in order tofind the documents that you are looking for. The home button at top left, always clears all search

    terms and tags that you have set up, and returns you to a view showing all your documents, sortedby whatever you have selected in the View menu. The two arrow buttons take you forward andback through your most recent searches.

    Dont miss: Yep now has two views of your documents, a thumbnail view as shownabove, and a list view, which shows your documents in a multicolumn table.


    The search field on the right operates very similarly to Apples Spotlight, since Yep uses Spotlighttechnology to look for your documents for you. In addition to file contents, Yep looks for docu!ments that have tags that match terms in your search.

    Dont miss:There is a pop!up menu for the search field allowing youto select what it is Yep will search for. If you turn o$both content andmeta data searching, Yep will only look for document names that matchthe search.

    The tab control, with a tag icon, a book icon "collections# and a searchicon, allows you to switch between a view of yourdocuments organized by tags, by saved search"Collections# and by Tracking Locations "Yeps Finder ! like organizer#.

    Searching with Tags

    When you click on a tag in the Tag panel, only documents that include that tag will be shown inYep. Note how you can focus in on a group of documents by simply picking a tag from the Tagspanel ! no typing required. As you pick more tags, you narrow down the set of documents that youare looking at in Yep.


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    Saving Searches

    When you do a search for documents in Yep, you can keep the search for later use with Smart Col!

    lections. Do any search, then press the Save Search... button . You can also createSmart Collections with the File menu. Give the search a name, have a look at the search criteria,and presto ! you have created a new Smart Collection.

    The Bottom of the Main Window

    Under the left panel:

    Tags Panel: All Tags... allows you to see, select and manage all your tags, not just the onesshown in the Tags Panel. The button next to it with 3 lines on it allows you to turn on and o$Yeps Path elements as Tags. With this on, Yep treats the folder names that your PDFs are inas tags. This feature is on by default and is especially useful if you have your PDFs organizedneatly into folders. For instance PDFs you have stored in Work/2006/September will have thethree tags Work 2006 and September shown for them.

    Collections Panel: There is a + and ! button that allows you to add and remove collections.

    Note that when you remove a collection, Yep does not delete any documents, you are onlygetting rid of a way to organize documents.

    Tracking Locations Panel: There is a button that allows you to access Yeps Tracking FoldersPreferences, which is the place in Yep where you pick where on your hard drive you want Yepto look for PDFs. Note that if you remove a tracking folder from Yep using the ! button orthe preferences, Yep will not delete any PDFs from your hard drive. It simply changes whereYep will look for PDFs. Also, when a PDF is no longer visible in Yep because it is no longerbeing tracked, Yep does not delete all the tags and notes that you have written for each PDF.

    Continuing on, The + and ! buttons under the main panel allow you to make new PDFs using ascanner, or delete PDFs from your hard drive. The Loupe button activates Yeps magnifying glass,which allows you to quickly view individual PDFs without opening them up.

    On the right, the contextual menu under the details panel allows you to quickly do many tasks toany selected documents: Email, print, or look up similar documents online with Google Scholar, toname a few. You can also obtain the same menu for a document by right!clicking on it.

    The zoom slider on the far right controls the size of the thumbnails, and also controls the size ofthe view when looking at one document with Yeps built in PDF viewer.


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    TagsThe Yep Tag panel always shows the most popular tags for all thedocuments that are the current search results. "If you have en!tered no search terms, then the most popular tags from all

    documents are shown#. Tags are shown in di

    $erent font sizes toreflect their popularity in the current document set. Some of the

    tags shown may be small, but simply mousing over the Tag Cloudwill magnify these tags, allowing you to see them clearly.


    If you hover over a tag, all the documents in the currentview with that tag will highlight, showing you which docu!ments are using that tag.

    If you click on a tag, the current set of documents will bereduced to only include documents with that tag.

    If you drag a tag to a document, that tag is added to thatdocument.

    When you select a document in the Central Panel, tags inthe tag list that are also in the document are highlighted.

    By default, Yep treats the folders that your documents arein as tags. To change this setting, use the button with threelines at the bottom of the Tags panel.

    You can select one or more documents, and add tags bytyping them into the details panel on the right.

    Dont miss: Yep can also search through your documentslooking for keywords or tags that it finds inside them. Thereis an Auto!Tag button to do this on the details panel. Makesure you check the Options first, and start slowly, so thatyou dont get an avalanche of unsuitable tags.

    The All Tags... button brings up a window showing all yourtags. In it you can hide any tag, or promote its status so thatit always shows in the tag cloud. You can also delete or re!name any tag from this panel.

    Adding Tags

    Select a document "by clicking on it once in the NormalView#, then in the Details panel, simply click in the Tagsbox, and start typing new tags. Right!clicking on a tagbrings up a menu of editing options. As you click in theTags box a window appears to the left of it, o$ering upsuggestions for new tags. Simply click on any tag in this


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    Removing Tags

    Usually you will want to add or remove tags from onedocument: To do this simply select the document in Yep byclicking on it, then edit the tags for the document in the

    tags field. To delete a single tag from a single document, se!lect the tag in the Details section, so that the tag is high!lighted as shown in the diagram to the left, and then pressthe delete key on the keyboard. Be careful not to delete all

    the tags using this method. Remember there is an undo for this action. You can also place the cur!sor in the tag box, and use the delete and arrow keys to delete tags.

    Removing all occurrences of a Tag

    Sometimes you will see a tag in your Yep cloud thatshould not be there at all. If you want to remove thistag from all documents, right click "or control click#on the tag in the Yep cloud and pick Delete All TagOccurrences.... Note that this will remove the chosentag from all documents that have it, so a warning dia!log will be shown to you for confirmation.

    With Show Path Elements as Tags turned on, Yepcannot delete any tags that are the names of folders inthe Finder. The All Tags window has an option for

    never showing a tag which will have the same e$ect.

    Tag Management

    Depending on the preferences you choose for tag display"in the Appearance section of the prefer!ences#, Yep may be able to show a maximum of 20 to 100 tags in the tag cloud. It is quite easy toadd several times this many tags for a large and or diverse collection of PDFs. The All Tags... but!

    ton at the bottom left of the Yep window allows you to select tags that are not showing in the list,as well as manage which tags are automatically picked for the main tag list, etc.


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    You can also make Smart Folders using the Save Search button after you have done a search inYep.

    Tracking LocationsThe Tracking Locations Panel ! Yeps Finder ! like tool, is accessed from the right button:

    The Tracking Locations panel shows your documents arranged much like the Finder would arrangethem with a few main di$erences:

    1# Yeps Tracking Locations only show you folders that contain PDF documents, so you eliminatehunting around for PDFs in folders that have no PDFs.

    2# When you click on a folder, all the PDFs from that folder and on down are shown. This featuremakes narrowing down the location of PDF easier. ie: If you click on a folder that is called 2006,and it has 12 folders in it, one for each month, you will see all the documents in the 2006 folder. Asyou click down to a month, Yep will narrow down your search to documents that are only in thatmonth. It is actually more complicated to explain than it is to use. We find this feature of Yep to bequite useful.


    You can move documents to another folder on your hard drive by selecting them and thendragging to the appropriate place in the Tracking Locations.

    When you select a folder, the name of the folder is shown as an orange lozenge in the current

    search summary:

    If you then type in a search, the search is limited to the folder you have selected. In the caseabove, three documents have been found for a search on user for documents in the folder


    If you drag a document to the Yep Documents folder, it will be routed to a folder for thismonth and this year. ! a handy shortcut.

    The list of folders that you see is based on the folders that you have selected Yep to trackdocuments in in the preferences. By default, Yep tracks all the documents on your hard drive,plus it has entries for your Desktop, Documents, Pending Documents and Yep Documentsfolders.


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    when you have a scan of an old family photo from 1978, you would usually pick a creation datein 1978 for it.

    The documents shown in the Normal View are always sorted by the method that you havechose in the View menu ! you can also switch to the list view and select your sort by clickingon the appropriate column header.

    Double clicking on a document will open that document for viewing using Yeps PDF viewer.

    Pop-up menu in Normal View

    If you right ! click "or control click# on a document or rightclick on a selection of many documents, a menu appears withseveral options:

    Open in Main Window! opens the PDF document forviewing with Yeps built in PDF viewer.

    Open Fullscreen ! opens the PDF in Yeps fullscreenviewer. Use the esc key to exit from the fullscreen viewer.

    Open With ! opens the document in Apples Preview, orthe application that you select from the menu.

    Auto ! Tag... ! Yep will read the PDF, extracting tags fromit for you.

    Add Tag! gives you a list of tags that you might like toadd to this document.

    Add Tags from ! Adds tags to the document so that it willshow up one of your smart collections.

    Remove Tag! gives you a list of tags that you might like to remove from this document only. Write tags as Spotlight Comments... Yep will write the tags out as Spotlight comments. Be!

    cause this is a lengthy process for many documents, Yep will work away at this task in thebackground for you.

    Show Related Documents ! changes the current search to be a search that includes all docu!ments that share at least one tag with the selected document, along with documents thatmatch a search for the tags in the document.

    Google Scholar ! will open a web search at Google Scholar, looking for documents that havetags or titles similar to the document in Yep.

    Move to Folder... ! Yep asks for a folder that you want to move the document to. Move to Yep Documents Folder ! will move the document into this months Yep Documents


    Move to Trash... ! after asking for confirmation, deletes the PDF file and all associated datafrom Yep. THIS REMOVES THE PDF FROM YOUR COMPUTER FOR GOOD. Reveal in Finder ! shows where on your hard drive the PDF document that Yep is tracking


    Get Info in Finder... ! opens the Finders info window for the document. Print... ! causes the selected PDF to be printed. Send in an Email... ! opens your email program and adds the selected PDF as an attachment

    to a new email message.


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    Details PanelThe details panel in Yep shows you more detail about the documentsthat you are currently dealing with. With no documents selected, theDetails Panel shows you such things as the total number of pagesand documents in the current search results.

    With a single document selected, the Detail Panel allows you to:

    Edit the title, author, date and tags for the document "see theGetting Started section on tags for more information#

    If the document has an associated url, clicking it will launchyour web browser to visit that site.

    With multiple documents selected, you have the ability to add tagsto all the selected documents, and see other details for the selecteddocuments.

    With no documents selected, Yep often shows two counts of docu!ments, those in the current search set, and another total for the totalnumber of documents that Yep is managing for you.

    Note that the page count shown here is only an estimate. There maybe many more pages, but until Yep has the opportunity to open allthe documents, the total page count will likely be incorrect.


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    PreferencesPreferences are arranged in 8 tabs.

    General Check for updates automatically.Yep is set to do this by default. Ifthere is a new version of Yep youwill be able to install it with twomouse clicks.

    Default author ! Yep will use anyname entered here for pdf docu!ments that are imported or cre!ated with Yep, as long as no author

    had already been set in the sourcedocument.

    PDFs from web!pages ! Yep usesthese settings when it renders aURL it is passed into a PDFdocument. The paginate option ismore useful when the web pagePDF is to be printed out later. Theretain backgrounds check box,

    when selected keeps more of thebackgrounds from web pages in the PDFs that Yep creates. Note that Yep does not have full

    control over the look of the PDF, as often the web site author uses di$erent CSS style sheetsfor printing web pages to PDF.


    Open Documents: Here is whereyou can set Yep to use anotherPDF viewer, such as Adobe Reader.


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    Tracking Locations

    The Tracking Locations preference is important: Ittells Yep where to look for documents to manage foryou:

    You can pick where you want Yep to track PDFswith a few clicks in the checkboxes. If you needmore control over this process, you can use the Ad!vanced Settings. With all checkboxes checked, Yeptracks all the PDFs on your computer, with handyshortcuts to your Desktop and other places. See theTracking Locations view on the left of the main win!dow.

    Tracking! Advanced Settings ! The Track Tab listsfolders that Yep will search for you. It is OK if some

    of the folders overlap, Yep figures all that out for

    you. By default, Yep searches your entire harddrive, as shown by a single /.

    The Dont Track Tab lists folders that you dontwant Yep to search inside of. You may have fold!ers that contain temporary or unimportant files.

    Spotlight privacy folders and Yep: Since Yepuses Spotlight for all its searching, it also obeys allprivacy folders that you may have set up in yourcomputers System Preferences. If you have anyprivacy folders set in the System Preferences, Yep

    will not be able to see any PDFs inside thesefolders.


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    Yep supports three ways to use a scanner.

    Use scanner software ! with this setting,Yep will wait for your scanner to tell Yepthat it has created a PDF.

    Use TWAIN ! using this option usesTWAIN drivers for Yep to communicatewith your scanner. This method may haveboth more flexibility and also more com!plexity than using Apples ImageCaptureto retrieve scans from the scanner.

    Use ImageCapture ! Yep will communi!cate with the scanner through ImageCap!ture to retrieve scans from your scanner,and if available, is often a good choice, asthe scanning process is simpler with this

    option. Many scanners, however, do notsupport ImageCapture.

    Remember if you cant get your scannerworking directly with Yep, there are stilllots of options for integrating your scanner into Yeps workflow. See the Quickstart section formore information.


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    Advanced Preferences - Academic support in Yep

    Yep supports academics who often man!age hundreds or thousands of PDFs ontheir computers through two "new for1.6# features:

    Yep Documents folder: You can se!

    lect the folder where Yep saves itsnew scans and other documents itcreates. Note that if you changethis, Yep will not move all existingdocuments in the Yep Documentsfolder documents for you.

    Deleting: If you leave this checkboxunchecked, Yep will not ask you be!fore moving PDFs into the trash. Becareful, but note that the PDF will

    only be lost when you empty yourtrash.

    Custom menu item for externalwebsites. Set up by default to accessGoogle Scholar, Yep can easily lookup related papers on Google. Accessthe custom menu by right clickingon a document or using the menu atthe very bottom of the Details panel. You use this feature by right!clicking on any documentin Yep.

    The other option, related to this is in the Auto ! Tagpreferences panel. The Keywords from AcademicPapers option will scour the first page or so of aPDF looking for the keywords sentence that is foundin many scientific papers. This keyword scanning willmake the Google Scholar menu will result in bettersearch results on Google Scholar.


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    Yep has no issues with disk images. Any PDFs you store on a disk image will also have their meta!data stored on this same image, which keeps your data more secure. Yep uses aliases to keep trackof Tracking Locations, so if you decide to track a disk image, then unmount the disk, Yep willprobably be able to automatically mount the disk image when you run it.

    Spotlight does not index the content on disk images by default. This means that documents on diskimages can only be searched for by title, tags and notes. You can enable spotlight content indexing

    on a disk image by using Terminal. We are working on a way to make this easier in the future.

    To enable Spotlight content indexing on a disk image, open Terminal and type the following in:

    sudo mdutil -i on /Volumes/name_of_image

    Where name_of_image is the name that your disk is mounted on: You can see the contents of the/Volumes directory with this command.

    cd /Volumes


    Disk Images and exporting

    Sending document sets to other users of Yep:

    If you want to send a number of documents to another user of Yep, along with tags, notes, etc, oneway to do this is to create a disk image, move or more likely copy documents to the image, andthen quit Yep, unmount the disk image and send a copy of the disk image along to a colleague. Weare planning on implementing an easier method of doing this in the future.

    Spotlight comments and Yep 1.7

    When you do a Get Info on a file in the Finder, you will see an area where you can enter com !ments. This is known as the Spotlight comments field. Yep supports reading tags from and writingtags to these spotlight comment fields. To read from spotlight comments, select a group of docu!ments, and then auto!tag them, with the settings for auto!tag set up to scan for spotlight commenttags.

    We have noticed that Spotlight comments can be a source of trouble on Network volumes, iDisks,etc. If you notice any problems with specific volumes and spotlight comments, please let us know.

    Backing upYep keeps its meta data in an XML plist file in the follwoing locations:

    The metadata for all the PDFs on the boot volume are stored on the boot volume in

    ~/Library/Application Support/Yep/docInfo.plist.gz

    with a record of all your collections in

    ~/Library/Application Support/Yep/folders.plist

    The metadata for all the PDFs on any other volume are stored on that volume in


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    /Volumes/otherVolume/Library/Application Support/Yep/docInfo.plist.gz

    These are the most important files to backup.

    The other data in the Library/Application Support/Yep folder are all cached information that Yepcan easily generate itself. "There may be PDFs in the Pending Documents folder, though#.

    Since Yep neither moves nor copies your PDFs anywhere, you just need to follow your usual backup

    procedures for these documents.

    To restore from a backup

    1# Run Yep, making sure that Yep can find all the PDFs that you need to restore metadata and tagsfor.

    2# From the file menu, pick Import Metadata... , and choose the docInfo.plist.gz file that you havefrom a backup. Note that if you also want to restore your folders, make sure folders.plist is in thesame folder as docInfo.plist.gz

    3# Yep will look through the metadata xml plist and attempt to match PDFs to their metadata.Usually this will work quite well.

    About Ironic Software

    Ironic Software is Ted Leckie and Tom Andersen

    Ted and Tom have been programming for a long time. Their previous accomplishments includeStarry Night and The Body Journal.

    To get in touch with Ironic Software:


    For support, please visit our web site.

    Ted Leckie

    Tom Andersen

    Ironic Software

    046516 Old Mail Rd

    RR 4

    Meaford Ontario


    N4L 1W7

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