yoga for weight loss and boosting your immune

Presented by RiversZen Yoga Saturday, September 29, 2012

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Presented by RiversZen Yoga

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Why are we presenting this workshop?

Our society as a whole is suffering

from an epidemic of obesity. Our immune systems are compromised and many feel

“sick” daily or are easily susceptible to

whatever bugs come in their path.


Why are we presenting this workshop?

There are so many reasons—for some it may be a sedentary lifestyle, for others

it is a full-speed ahead non-stop schedule, stress, lack of sleep,

processed foods, drug reactions, pollution, the list could be endless.

Why are we presenting this workshop?

But what can we do?

There are many things in our lives of which we have no control—or minimal control.

We must identify those things we can control and make the changes within our


Why are we presenting this workshop?

But what can we do?

Some things are easier to change than others—work and family commitments are

often difficult to change. But those too may be able to be changed if you watch for

the opportunity to make a change.

Why are we presenting this workshop?

But what can we do?

So the focus of our time together today and as we meet for each class in the future

will be to concentrate on those items we can change—taking baby steps on our

fitness and overall health

Why are we presenting this workshop?

But what can we do?

Often times it is helpful to have a “buddy” when making such changes. We will be

going through this together—sharing our experiences and venting our frustrations.

Hopefully, finding answers together.

Why are we presenting this workshop?

But what can we do?

We are creating a lending library

Often times we will be sharing topics garnered from those books in an effort to enhance our yoga practice as well as our

lifestyle outside the yoga studio

Why are we presenting this workshop?

But what can we do?

You will have an opportunity to borrow those books and videos to enhance your own home study. All you need to do is check them out—just like at the library

Yoga for Weight Loss? Yoga is certainly recognized as a great way to increase flexibility. It teaches us to concentrate on our breath—but weight loss? As we proceed we will find that the combination of the asanas (the poses) and pranayama (our breath) are key to our success.

Yoga for Weight Loss?

First, if we wish to make a difference in our overall health we need to provide our bodies with a nutritious menu as opposed to the processed foods and drinks currently ingested during our hectic days. So diet is very important—but weight gain is not totally a matter of too many calories compared to the calories expended.

Yoga for Weight Loss?

With the challenges placed upon our immune system and the toxic buildup in our organs, many of our systems are not

able to properly function—thereby creating the imbalance leading to the

weight gain many are currently experiencing.

Facts about our Immune System According to William Mitchell, N.D., a Seattle

based practitioner who teaches advanced naturopathic therapeutics at Bastyr University, studies show that many viruses and bacteria

quietly reside within us until something

within the body’s internal environment becomes unbalanced.

Then they rally into action and attack.

Facts about our Immune System

Our yoga practice provides a gentle, natural means of supporting our immune system and can easily be included in our daily routine. It lowers stress hormones that compromise the immune system while also conditioning the lungs and respiratory tract, stimulating the

lymphatic system to rid the body of toxins and brings oxygentated blood to the organs to

ensure optimal function.

Facts about our Immune System

The proper functioning of each of our organs is critical to the overall well-being of our very

complex body. For a moment let’s just think about the liver. It is our natural detoxifier. If our body is out of balance, the liver can build

up excess toxins and cause all sorts of problems. The liver processes the foods and

drinks we consume but also many of the chemicals we encounter daily.

Facts about our Immune System

That could mean any thing from prescription and over the counter medications to hand soap to pollution in the air. When the liver

gets overloaded—our liver is stressed. An over stressed liver can result in migraines,

irritability, rashes, anger and more. We can get tired or get sick. We can gain or lose too much


Facts about our Immune System

So what does all that mean?

When the two systems in the body designed to transform toxins (the liver and the digestive system) become overwhelmed, we start to

collect a type of toxic sludge made up of all the waste products that the body has not been

able to properly break down, digest or otherwise expel.

Facts about our Immune System

That sludge is the basis for much disease and emotional malaise. It offers a perfect environment to host cold and flu viruses.

This same type of accumulation can occur in our other organs.

So Why is Breath so Important?

If you don’t breathe deeply your lungs will experience a similar fate. The periphery

will get stale and allow toxins to build up in the areas that are not utilized due to your

shallow breathing habits.

So Why is Breath so Important?

But proper breathing also calms the nervous system and the overworked mind. Your breathing habits can create a struggle

between the parasymathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

So Why is Breath so Important?

The sympathetic system is great if you are in a dangerous situation—it activates the stress hormone cortisol to allow your body to prepare for the threat.

So, if we are being chased, that is a good thing.

So Why is Breath so Important?

But over time high levels of cortisol can disturb the hormonal balance of your body.

If you allow your exhale to extend longer than your inhale you will engage the

parasympathetic nervous system and all the responses change.

So Why is Breath so Important?

Your breathing will slow down, your heart rate will drop, your blood pressure will go down since the blood vessels are able to relax and your body will be in a state of

calm. When this happens your body will now be able to begin the healing process.

So Why is Breath so Important?

Doesn’t that sound like a really great reason to learn to breathe properly?

So what will we be doing? As we work together to develop this class, we will be concentrating on issues we all share. We will be working on our breath, identifying poses through our studies that will provide the prescription we need for health and healing.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! There are 8 ways Yoga can improve your ability to lose weight. They are:

1. Stimulating the liver

2. Activating the thyroid gland

3. Creating the correct pH—Alkalize!

4. Balancing the bodies needs between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss!

5. Working with the internal heat in the nervous system

6. Moving the body with strength

7. Getting your heart rate up

8. Cleansing the colon

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss!

We will now address each of these 8 areas and consider the poses that might best

accomplish our goal.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Stimulating the liver—where is it?

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Stimulating the liver

The liver is an extremely powerful detoxifier and cleaner. It purifies your blood. It processes fats, both good and bad. If it is healthy and strong it can dispose of bad fats and put the good fats to work for you. It gives you energy by storing glucose and making coenzyme Q10 to power your muscles. So what must we do to make it run like the well run machine we need to be healthy?

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Stimulating the liver

The best poses for the liver are backbends and spinal twists such as Cobra, Bow, Wheel and various spinal twists

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Stimulating the liver—Cobra Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Stimulating the liver--Bow Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Stimulating the liver--Wheel Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Stimulating the liver--Spinal Twist

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activating the thyroid gland—where is it?

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activating the thyroid gland

In healthy people, the thyroid makes just the right amounts of two hormones, T4 and T3, which have important actions throughout the body. These hormones regulate many aspects of our metabolism, eventually affecting how many calories we burn, how warm we feel, and how much we weigh.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activating the thyroid gland

In short, the thyroid "runs" our metabolism. Simply put, if it is overactive it is called hyperthyroidism—if it is not active enough it is call hypothyroidism. Strangely enough some of the symptoms are common to both.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activating the thyroid gland

Yoga poses that encourage an active thyroid are Boat Pose, Bridge Pose,

Shoulder Stand and Plow Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activating the thyroid gland-Boat Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activating the thyroid gland-Bridge Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activating the thyroid gland—Supported Shoulder Stand

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activating the thyroid gland—Plow Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Creating the right pH balance--Alkalize

According to Marcus J. Felicetti, a naturopath and yoga therapist, our pH balance is crucial.

Most people are too acidic. Teaching them how to return to a more balanced state is a major

piece of the healing puzzle.

So what is meant by our pH?

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Creating the right pH balance--Alkalize

pH stands for the power of hydrogen, which is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in the body. The pH scale runs from 1 to 14. 7 is considered neutral with measurements less than

7 being referred to as acidic and those greater referred to as alkaline. Our ideal pH is slightly

alkaline—7.30 to 7.45.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Creating the right pH balance--Alkalize

So how do we measure our pH level?

You can test your own pH level by using a piece of litmus paper with your saliva or urine first

thing in the morning before eating or drinking.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Creating the right pH balance--Alkalize

Felicetti has found including a pH balance in his approach to health and healing through

yoga and nutrition, many of his students have repaired their minds and bodies from many kinds of degenerative conditions that others

were unable to cure. Addressing an over acidic system is fundamental to bringing a

body back to vitality

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Creating the right pH balance--Alkalize

An example of the potential danger of being acidic:

The body attempts to protect itself by storing fat to use as a buffer. This is extremely dangerous as the visceral fat (inside the organs and blood vessels) accumulates within the veins and arteries, narrowing the passage

available for blood and gradually creates an obstruction. The heart is forced to overwork which may

cause exhaustion and ultimately a heart attack.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Creating the right pH balance

Yoga poses that help create the right pH balance are Seated Forward Bend, Head

to Knee Pose, Downward Facing Dog and Bound Angle Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Creating the right pH balance—Seated Forward Bend

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Creating the right pH balance—Head to Knee Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Creating the right pH balance—Downward Facing Dog

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Creating the right pH balance—Bound Angle Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system

Our current lifestyles expose our bodies to immense amounts of stress. At our job we are

often sitting at a desk with neon lighting breathing stale air with minimal windows. When we are done

with our day’s work we get into the car and drive home to sit in front of the TV because we are so

exhausted from our day at work.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system

We stare at a computer screen for hours. We rush to meet deadlines. This lifestyle places the nervous system in a very stressed state setting up an environment capable of starting a chain

reaction of negativity throughout the body.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system

Our body is designed to be in a relaxed state. This requires a balance between the

sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system The parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems usually function in opposition to one another, creating a balance within the human body. For example, when the heart receives neural stimulation from the parasympathetic nervous system, the heart slows down. On the flip side, when the heart receives neural stimulation from the neurons of the sympathetic nervous system, the heart will speed up.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system Problems occur when the autonomic nervous

system is out of balance. For example, overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system can lead to such problems as anxiety,

hypertension, and digestive disturbances. Overstimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system can result in low blood

pressure and fatigue.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss!

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system

The best poses to provide the balance required are Child’s Pose, Corpse Pose, Legs up the Wall and Reclining Bound Angle Pose. Meditation would also be


Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system—Child’s Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system--Corpse Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system—Legs up the Wall Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system—Reclined Bound Angle

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activate Internal Heat of Nervous System

The “internal heat” mentioned is not accomplished by “hot” yoga. For a variety of reasons, hot yoga may not be safe for everyone. The heat being discussed is generated internally by creating nerve tension/length.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activate Internal Heat of Nervous System

For example, drawing the chin towards the chest in forward folds. By lengthening the femoral nerve and spinal nerves it heats up the body. These methods burn up and purify visceral (deep) fat and subcutaneous (superficial) fat.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activate Internal Heat of Nervous System

The best poses to heat up the nervous system are Seated Forward Bend, High

Lunge, Low Lunge and Wide Angle

Forward Fold

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activate Internal Heat of Nervous System—

Seated Forward Bend

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activate Internal Heat of Nervous System— High Lunge

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activate Internal Heat of Nervous System— Low Lunge

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Activate Internal Heat of Nervous System— Wide Angle Forward Fold

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Moving the Body with Strength

Any yoga position that requires you to be active, either as you shorten or lengthen the

muscles, will help with weight loss. This is because muscles are active tissue that consume fat as fuel. If you build strong

muscles they will be eating your fat stores even when you are resting. That is why strength work is very good for

weight loss.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Moving the Body with Strength

Arm balancing postures are great for this. Even basic arm balancing poses are great because they often engage every muscle, not just the arms or shoulders, but also the abdominals and legs.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Moving the Body with Strength

Some great postures for moving the body with strength are: Dolphin Plank

Pose, Scale Pose, and Chaturanga

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Moving the Body with Strength—Dolphin

Plank Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Moving the Body with Strength—Scale Pose

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Moving the Body with Strength—


Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Getting your Heart Rate UP

Many people think that getting the heart rate up through jogging is a good way to lose weight. Research shows that this is

a misconception, and it is not a good way to lose weight at all. It can make a stressed

nervous system even more exhausted, and lead to adrenal fatigue.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Getting your Heart Rate UP

A much better plan for weight loss is getting the heart rate up for a very short burst and then dropping it down, then getting it up

and then dropping it down. This can certainly be achieved by an

intelligent yoga practice.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Getting your Heart Rate UP

You can get easily accomplish this interval effect within your yoga practice by

concentrating on your core, doing sun salutations, flow or holding some of the more difficult poses for a longer period.

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Cleansing the Colon

Many of us have food matter blocked up in our colon. This may make us feel bloated

which can appear as obesity. If left untreated it can poison the blood and lead

to disease

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Cleansing the Colon

So what can we do?

Drink water (free of chemicals)

Start your day with warm lemon water

Let’s Get Back to Weight Loss! Cleansing the Colon

There are various postures and breathing techniques that can help the colon

Any of the twist poses, downward facing dog, bellows breath, breath of fire

What’s next . . . . This is a summary of the issues we need to consider in order to stay healthy and productive into our golden years. None of us know what our genetic makeup, years of bad eating and abusing our body along with the impact of toxins will have on us as we to age. But we all hope to do it as painlessly as possible.

What’s next . . . .

RiversZen wants to help you on that path. My mom passed in March and she was not very interested in any fitness program—she just figured you should get enough exercise from life. When she was my age she was the same height as me. But not so when she died . . .

What’s next . . .

What’s next . . . .

That all happened in 30 years . . .

What do you want to look

like in 30 years?

Join us on our journey as we get there together.