yoli complete thousands attend hallowe'en...

Thousands Attend Hallowe' en Partie Only the REVIEW Gives YOlI COMPLETE Coverage of ALL Home. in Groue Pointe & Gratiot Twp. VOL 21-No 13 CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY GROSSE POINTE PARK 30. MICHIGAN THURSDAY. NOV 2.1944 BY CARRIER lOe A MONTH M-O-R-E LOCAL CIRCULATION LOCAL ADVERTISING LOCAL NEWS MATTER Southwest Pacific II Hero Awarded Oa Leaf, Purple Hear~ - I Flfth J\Ir Force Sauthwest POl, _ '\ Grosse POInte p lot of the blast ng P 38 fighter outfit S Angels re-cently recetved two aJ for combat actlVIty from Brlg Paul B Wurtsmlth, comma~ general of the Fifth FIghter mand In the Southwest PaCIfic Capt \Vtll am G Jeakle, s Mr and Mrs George Jeakle, FIsher I'oad was awarded the P Heart for wounds recelVed 1n over Ne ...... Br tam on De<: 18 and the Oak Leaf Cluster to th Medal Captain J eakle has shot three enemy a r<:raft m aenal bat durmg hiS 22 monrt:hs ove Prey 01.1slyhe was awarded the tmgUlshed Flymg Cross and th ;::~~;;:;:kc~o~ Sales Returns to [ Grosse Pointe Par Announceme';-;-;-m.de thIS I of the return of Turner Motor In.:: Bu ck sales and serV1C Grosse Po nte Park 10 the bu recently vacated by the arm I nance tank school at Kercheva Maryland I Owned by MaJ Ha1'rY A T who has been 111 the army f~ past 30 months the Turner \\111be managed by Charles G v..ho \\as Major Turner s sales ager at the agency when 1t w cated on Jefferson near Bed field I Complete sen Ice for Bu ck I ers 10 the terntory ""ill be fe as well as general repalrs f makes of cars In the com eqUIpped repa1r shop Registrations Caus Township Clerk's I Office to Be Busy I - I Henry Lavers township cler Grosse POInte IS one busy man t days and hts office IS one busy p for at the concluslOn of the last of reg stratton for the preSide eleot on to be held next Tuesda was found that a.ppro::(lmately thousand regbtrattOns had been en Th s bnngs the total reglstrat for Grosse P01l1te to an estlm eIghteen thousand vaters In addltlOn to prepar1l1g for j comlng ejectIOn m the precmct Grosse POInte Mr Lavers off 1 also handhng local as well as the wcemen s absentee ballots HIts Delivery Truck Jack Kel1ery 17 of 17440 Maumee dnvmg a delIvery truck last Fnday afternoon was struck by a car dnv en by Lee Burdett 18~ of 20460 And over as he was turnmg mto a drIve- way No Gas for Hunting There Will be no gasolIne for car owner!> for hunt ng deer, officlals of the OPA regiOnal offIce m Cleve- land announced recently Patnot ~m s lOuld cause hunters to be more than wl1hng to pass up huntmg tnps thls year, sald BIrkett L Wtlhams regIOnal OPA admintS t ator OPA 15 just as anxtous to do a\\ay wlth ratlOnmg as anyone but first, war demands must be met If motonsts wtll not be co operatlve voluntanly In helpmg to meet the war demands OPA enforcement off 1 ctals wtll step 10 and take such ac- t10ns as may be necessary tc see that those demands are met In\ e!>tgatlllg a h t run aCCIdent re- po!"t last Thursday mornmg, Serge- ant Verl11er and Patrolman Henmg and A Conlon arnved at the aCtI det scene to find a small puddle of water unknown to Its dr ver the offend lUg car had a leaky radiator and the off cers trailed the car to the home of Thomas .l:::.d""ards,4423 Barham ",here the car was parked 111 the ga .. rage AdmIt mg t 1a e was dnvmg the car whIch hIt a parked car owned by G H Decker 1576 Gray, he was gIVen a ttcket for leavmg the scene of an aCCIdent He w 11appear In COUfttnext Wed ne!>day HIt and Run Driver Traced Through Leaky Radiator LIEUT DAVID LOUGHLIN \V Bawman Arhngton, Va The CItatIOn accompanyIng the award reads For extraordmary aChle\ ement wh Ie partlclpatmg 111 sustaIned combat bombardment mlS- SlOns over Germany and German oc- cupted countnes from June 10, 1944 to Sept 5 1944 The cour-age, cool- ness and skill that ueutellant Loughhn displayed on all these oc.. cas IOns refle'Ct the hIghest credlt upon hIm:telf and the armed forces 0+ the UnIted States He also has been awarded the AIr Medal WIth three Oak Leaf Clusters LIeutenant Loughlm has been lIst- ed as m ss ng In actIon smce Sept 9 1944 An 8th Alrfor<:e Bomber Stal!:lOn England -FIrst I eut DaVId Lough~ 1m son of Mr and Mrs Th-otp.as E Loughl n 195 Oak street, Grosse PQmte Farms has been awarded the Dlstlngmshed Flymg Cross while servtng as pilot of a FlYing Fortress at the base commanded by wI H Missing Pointe Pilot Awarded DFC in England Beyond any shadow of a doubt, the giant HallO'\\ e en <:elebratiOn '\Ml11Chwas gwen for the younger generatIOn af Grosse Pomters last Tuesday n ght turned out to be the most successful party ever gIven here dunng the past few years "both from the standpomt of the yaung sters who attended the SIX parues and from the standpo nt of the vol- IEnthusiasm High At Celebrations For Young Pointer I unteer asslstan<:e offered by the ml and women of t<hecommumty I Preschool and elementary ~ boys and gIrlS decked out m the c tumes charactellzmg Hallowe en, tended moves and watched prof slanal and amateur performers the stages of Malre PIerce, RJch and \1ason schools The element school youths and maIdens cong gated at the NeIghborhood c where they danced to the musu; well known DeQrott archestra In diNon to the dancmg there was ~ a stage show for the enthus1Q audIence and refreshments Scores and s<:ores of the blue the navy and 'the khak1 0.£ the an (admttted free) mmgled WIth pi shtrts Jeans and dress up clot of the senlOr high school crowd attended tme affaIr at Grosse POI hIgh school With two DetrOIt n bands playing m the glrls and b gyms and se\€i"al Sltage acts 111 audltOr1Uffi the boys and girls mI led WIth students from 5t P DUS Country Day, the Convent St Ambrose Throughout the nmg the cafetena was steadIly q ron zed for the lunch served bYj cal women Forrest Geary chaIrman of I G1'osse POInte Hallowe en com tee, WIshes to thank the volunt who so ably aSSIsted at all SIX tIes the pollee offIcers who dIre traffIC and the many orgamzat whose donatlOns made thiS P the huge success It was DOG BITE Carat Corey 16 278 Kenwood re ported to Farms pollce last Fnday that she had been bitten by a dog The heanng on the mJunctlon 15 sued to Ernest Tony Ko UlS agamst the Vll1age of Grosse Pomte Park was agam postponed unt 1 next Monday Inablhty of Ko nls attorney to be present because of anothel ca<;e caused the postponement Hearing of Injunetion Against Park Again Postponed \Vhtle commg to a bu~ stop last Monday afternoon Robert \facDer mott of 4386 \{amstlque struck a car wh eh suddenly turned m front of hIm at l\otre Dame and Kercheval Wllham 1vflchaels 12,) lfapleton road was attemptmg to park 1ll front of 16930 Kercheval and turned In front of the bus Both vehicles Jumped the curb and stopped before crashmg mto a store wllldow Mrs Mtchaels \\as taken to Cottage hospital for first ad for brUlses Bu.-Auto in Crash Monday Afternoon on Kercheval East Side Belgium Businessmen Hosts to Belgium Cadets City Firemen Fight Blaze; Detroit Fire Department Al.o Answers Alarm The new Bncker Dewey Republt- can headquarters located at 122 Ker- ehev.al, near Radnor Park wtll be opf'n every day from now unhl elec- tIon from 8 a m to 10 30 pm ThiS earher openmg hour WIll enable the busllless men to stop on theIr way to work and pick up campaign matenal The hours Saturday will be from 12 noon to 10 30 pm Arrangements are betllg complet- ed for ballots to be- taken 1I1to the hosp1tals and to the Sick at home Anyone wlshmg such mformatlon m.y call the offICe lOt TU 1 9865 Under the leadershIp of Mrs R E Kmg a motor corps service has been orgalllzed and ca..rs will be avadable for thos-e who have no means of transportatIon to the booths Any- one wIshmg thIS servIce IS asked to call Mrs Kmg at NI 3279 and she Wll1 arrange transportation Sample ballots for people to take home ana study may be obtamed at the headquarters The offlce w111be open until a late hour for returns on electIOn night Mrs BenJamm 0 Shepherd cord Ially illv1tes all Republican women to stop III at the headquarters and urges any who can glve some t me to call her at the ofhce TU 1 9865 Republican Women Headquarters Open 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. German Prisoner MR AND MRS Frank P Mar- sack, 213Oak Itreet, have been no- tified that their ,on, Sergi Charles Marsack, who wal reported XniSS- mg In a bombing raid over Ger- many In September, IS a prisoner of war In Germany. able to show thousands of DetrOIt voters who do not beheve 1D non parbsan at large electlons of mem~ bers of a leglslat1ve body tn com- mumt1es so large that the voters cannot know anythmg, about the candldates that thIS IS exactly what Proposal No 4 will brmg about m \Vayne county, w1lJh Dekrolt elect- mg 14 or two 1:hlrds of the new leg- 1s1attve body at large on a non par~ bsan ballot In addltlon the fact that certam county offlc a1s, like the prosecutor could be appomted rath er than elected, under tJlte terms of Proposal No 4 has stlrred deep op POSItion A bonfire Intended to burn only leaves around the Lee res1dence 17141 Kercheval avenue, last Satur- day afternoon spread to the adJom mg property and caused slight dam age to the Gray home 17151 Kerche- val uty firemen put out the fire Home Rule Defeat Seen Joseph R Cox, 14331 Seven Ml1e road. failed to stop on Somerset for CharleVOIX Sunday afternoon and cr.ashed mto a car dnven by Frank H Magee, 710 Lmcoln road Mrs Cox receIved a brUIsed hand whIle Mrs Magee suffered a brUls ed ankle Passengers Injured in Auto Accident Last Sunday The school chIldren of Grosse I Pomte marked up a score 01 26;41 tons of waste paper whJch they cal leded m theIr last school paper dnve ThiS was the first of monthly dnves to be held here Trombly school led the dnve wuth 8400 pounds the other schools fol low In order Defer 68OO! RIchard 6300, Ma son 5300 St Paul, 5200, KIrby 3400 \htre 2800 Pler<:f, 2300 and sUmmer school collection of 2800 A group of 16 men from Board 57 I Wlll leave for serVIce to the armed forces next Thursday from the I \1'elghborhood club at 6 00 am Sendoff ceremonIes will also take place at thiS time They will be III ducted at the Chicago mductton sta tlon The men leaVing are as follows Jere H Dykema leader 410 Lake .. [ land John E 'llcholl ArlIngton IVa HarTy L Rogge 286 Moran Wllbam H Wurm 1242 DevonshIre I Carl E Brand Berke1y Mtch W1 ham F Arnoldy Jr Glendale 0 AHred W Bender Jr Adnan MIC'h Donald S Lubtc, 1248 Lakepomte RIchard C Rohe 989 Barnngton Frank J Goosen 182 Oak street Joseph G Wlttman DetrOit Harold L Savory 1413 Nottmgham Wtl ham R Wallace 1312 Devonshlre Wdham L McKenzle 1760 Broad I stone road John L Sanderson Jr., 19322Washtenaw and Fredenck W Seltzer, 1151 Kenslllgton Defenders of local government tn Wayne county are enthused at the result of their campalgn throughout the state ln bnngmg the underlying CIty firemen some who were off facts on State Proposal No 4 be duty fought a .stubborn blaze whIch fore the voters of Mlc.htg-an and ex. partially consumed a. warehouse of posmg the manner In WhICh It WIll Beauty Counselors, Ma~k avenue cause a breakdown e;'erywhere m and CadIeux road last Thursday local government, Chester Carpen llIght for two hours ter, Grosse p.omte supervIsor and t Two DetrOit fire compames also dW.lrman of the Committee for Rep ans\vcred the alarm resentatlve Govelnment sald today Damage 1S estlmated at $15000 The splendId co operabon we I Cause of the fire 1Sundetermmed have recelVed from counh town ---------- ShIp VIllage and c ty leaders III all I Fire Damages Garage parts of the state Vl-ho are )0 lllUg Constderable damage was done to \\lth us for defeat of Proposal No the Slocum garage, 1241 Bedford 4 (the fourth attack on local goy last Saturday afiernoon after a bon ernment 1n 10 years) IS highly en fire spread to the garage Park fire couragmg , men extlllguIshed the blue _~ __ ....,->i:~ """ ~~_~ ~_~_~~_~~~_- ~~~J ~- EQUIPMENT 116 Men to Leave for l"v--o-ii- EA-R-LV~'- .-.----j Property Owners Armed Forces Nov. 9 I .. I t\wait Decisions in I The voters of Grosse Pomte are urged to vote as earl) 'I Assessment Appeals I as possIble next Tuesday ThIs appeal IS made prlmanl)' I -- fOl those who are In their homes especIally the women Members of the state tax camm s I dUrIng the day tIme and \\ ho can easily cast theIr vote,;; I slOn appeared In Grosse Pomte last I ' between those hours They are asked to do th,s so that the I Thursday to hear two appeals of tax workmg people of the Pomte WIll not have to stand m i assessments made on certalll par long hnes for any length of tIme before bemg admItted I eels of property In the Pomte Those !I mto the electIOn booths It IS an Injustice to make these I who were here were loUIS Nlmms people walt before castIng theIr votes chalrman of the tax commlss on and I CommIssioner Marsh t A second reason 15 also In mrnd for makmg thIS apw I Also atte.ndmg the meetmg were peal Late voters also cause late hours for the members of , Carl Schwelkart, superVlsor ()f !i the elecbon commlSSlOn T}1e recordmg- and tallyIng of I Grosse Pomte township attorneys the votes 15 a long and drawn out process and when for 67 lakefront owners Maxon and the tIme lomes the members of the electlOn board have McMahon represent ng 14 other not been rushed by a last minute crowd theIr task WIll be property owners and approxlmately I much easIer I seventy taxpayers I Take thIS appeal to heart and vote early I I The appeals from the assessments made by Mr 5<:hwelkart on the 0 0 6 _ ,- above propertIes apply prmcipally to W omen Hear of Year's Work Completed the manSIon tYPe and lake front resIdences, they are claImed to be by Grosse Pointe AWVS Unit Here over assessed Mr Schwelkart how ever clamls they are prcperly as- ------ sessed More than seven and a half mll-125 at the home 0.£ the chaIrman Mrs The superVlsor conrtends that If hon dollars worth of war bonds and Alger Shelden a decrease m the assessments IS aJ.- stamps were sold by the AWVS How the paper dnve was augment lowed, It wtll mean a substantial ill from June of 1943 through Septem ed by the work of the salvage com crease III the property tax for all ber of 1944 more than 26133 miles ffilttee headed by Mrs Edward Isbey the obher taxpayers m the townshIp drIven dur ng 3000 hours by volun was another mstance of what serv- The declSlOns of the members of teers In the AWV5 motor transport Ices AWVS~helps to render In war- the tax ccmmlSSlon were not ren dlVlstOn and nearly three thousand time m the community The Work dered here, they WIll deCide WIthin garments mended for bo}s at the shop now supervIsed by the actIve the next two weeks If the assessment naval armory by the button bngade consumers dtvlSlon IS a prOject where IS to be lowered ThiS must he done were highlIghts of a superb combm each day In the week work 15 gOing so that the supervisor wtll be able ed report of achVIt!es read by Mrs on for the Red Cross emergency to prepare the assessment tax rolls Edward T Herbert at the fall meet- cupboard or for the field army of the and tax bills before December 1 109 and tea of the Grosse Pomte umt Amer1can Cancer SOCIety Also m- of the AWVS held Wednesday Oct structlon IS offered m clothes re- ______________ [ modelling, slip cover makmg an1 FIre Spreads to Neighbor's household repairs whu:h are an asset Home; MlDq,r Damage ill COUSe1"vattonof resources and la- bor Just now MISS Helen Ann Burns director of the Wayne county clmlc for chIld study, talked on some of the prob Four young BelgIUm aIr cadets re- lems of present day youth, stressmg tutrned to Canada thIS week after be- a need for the sympathetlc under- mg feted royally over the past week standIng of chlldren who fall mto end by promment East S de BelgtUln one of the four types of dehnquency, I bUSInessmen who took them mto wh1Ch she dIscussed their homes and on a round of fes I Tc thlOk that a mantle of Wlsdom tlVltles rarely expenenced by any of falls upon parents when a baby ar- them before Tlves 10 the iamdy IS a sa.d mIstake, The four young BelgIans study MISS Burns saId In stressmg the fact mg to become navigator bombardIers that untramed parents cannot be 10 Toronto and later at Prmce Ed blamed for mIstakes they make m ward Island headed towards DetrOIt reanng chIldren For, she pomted when g1Ven a short furlough from out that one of the most dIfficult their studies thlllgs In hfe IS to know how to do Arnvmg here the youths were thmgs about emohonal qualitIes adopted by Alex DeClercq pro wh1ch are so Important to children p1'letor of the Rathskeller at hottlng Crowded schoolrooms present an ob- ham and Mack, Henry Sabbe offtcer stacIe to teachers, also, she feels m of the BelgJan Amencan BusiOess dIrecting chIldren mdlvldually men s ASSOCIatIon and Constant Brouk past commander of Roose Vanker Amencan LegiOn The boy~, "'R.el1e Aerlgeeb an I Frank Bayet of Brussels Armand Parmentter of Lleze and Paul Dey nekens of Antwerp told of thea" ex- penences when escapmg from Bel glum Rene and Armand were cap tured by the Germans when they en tered Spam and spent a year In a concentratton oaIn1' before the Bel glan consul was able to obtam their release Frank and Paul after har rO'\Vlngexpenences crossmg the bor der Into SpaiD also reached England by way of Portugal GIbraltar and AfrIca SInce thiS was thelr first vtstt to the UOited Skates they were qUizzed on thetr bkes and dlsl kes They ad- mlre the Amencan gtrls and have found Detrolt to be the most fnend Iy town e~peclal1y Its USO They don t care for Jltterbuggmg how ever These lads expeCtt to gladuate 10 approximately four months and W1Il leave for achve duty m England The CommIttee fur Representative Government states that the DetrOIt cmpter of the NatIOnal Lav.ryers' GUild, composed of 250 leadmg De. trolt attorneys, together W1th home owners labor leaders and small bUSl ness groups, has waged such a strong campalg'n m opposthon to State Pro posal No 4 that tts defeat seems as sured III Wayne county, as well as throughout the state Outs tate oppos1tton has been car ned forward by the MichIgan InstI tute of Local Government under D Hale Brake, state treasurer, as chaIrman The claim of the propon ents that Proposal No 4 can have no effect on other counttes In the future has been challenged by them and the entire stat-e has been advtsed that Proposal No 4 IS merely a repetl JustIce Kenneth M Thomas found tion of the effort of paId DetrOlt re- two men gul1ty on a morals charge formers to Install non partisan govP over the week end 1ll the Farms JUS ernment :first en the county level tlc~Oc~urt He fined them both $100 I and later In th~ legls1ature and other orA 3aOYOs 0 ~ J state offIces whIch was turned back tam an ct ~ oseph Mk 2 f 2519 B m 1934 1936and agam m 1942 at illS 2, 0 eWlck, was brought mto the Farms pollce sta \Ve have shown how the 11 CitIes hon on complamt of a 16 year old and 18 townSh1pS III \Vayne counly boy on a disorderly charge He ap outSide DetrOIt WIth. a combmed peq.red III court later m the day pO:PulatIon of 450000 would ha\€ no Sunday n ght H B Bryant 19 ot VOlle ill county gO\ ernment under 1631 Lemay was apprehended by po the terms of thl!> amendment said lice on a SImIlar charge The com Milton CarmIchael secretary of th p plamiants were two young g1rls The \Vayne county Republican commit hearmg was Monday before Justice tee and a leader 111 the OPPoslt!on to Thomas Proposal No 4 IWe have also been Two Found Guilty on Morals Charge in Farms Court Recalhng the hme when he re- cetved 28 of the 30 votes III all of GratIot townsh1p, Rep LoUIS C Ra baut expressed hIS surpnse over the growth S1n<:e then cf a commumty WhICh naw has some fifteen hundred homes and a populahon of between fifty five hundred and SiX thousand res1dents There are tlmes when We are so close to thmgs we cannot see them' he saId, durmg an Informal VlSIt wlth the personnel of the town ShIp pallce and fire departments, last Sunday afternoon In hIS talk WIth the men gathered around hIm, he explamed some of the thmgs a congressman encounters whIle servtng hIS home commumty What Representative Rabaut has done so iar as Gratiot townshIp 15 cencerned amounts to approximately one hundred fifty thousand dollars m federal appropnatlOns One of the thtngs he was mstrumental 10 obtam- mg IS the townsh1p fire truck, he seemed partIcularly pleased to find It so well eqUIpped and m such good condItion, the men of both depart. ments $0 alert and well mformed m theIr duties He later donned a fire- man s helmet and posed for photo graphs beSIde the truck In return he was made an honorary member of the department Mr Rabaut was the guest of Odl Ion Houtekler, townshtp supervlsor who later took hJm on a tour of GratlOt township Rep. Louis C. Rabaut Pays Gratiot Town- ship Visit Sunday , Car Recovered Park Pollce Officers Snay and Dl1 loway recovered a car stolen m De trott and abandoned m front of 965 Pemberton road, last Saturday ntght Beeause the volunteers who work 1ft the bond 1ssumg offlce of the AWVS at 17027K..rcheval are reo qU1red to balance their money before they leave, It has been deCIded to keep the bond 1ssumg offIce hours as 10 00 a m to 4 00 pm week days and on Sa<turday 10 00 a m to 1 00 pm Anyane turnmg III funds IS re quested to observe these hours whtch have been arranged to fac1htate the work We hope that the wrIter on\one of the DetrOIt dallies who cnttcized the Grosse Polt1lte commullitIes for their Hallowe en rowdyIsm 10 an artIcle recen11y, Will take back every WQrd he wrote a..fter seelllg the fine dIsplay of publIc SPiTIt whtch was eVidenced Tuesday night at the communIty lPonsored Hallowe en parties held In five schools and the Netghborhood e1ub Announce New Hours for AWVS Bond Booth •• Dr RK 0 Nel11 vetermary With offIces on Kercheval avenue, report- w to Park pollce that a large flag WhIch usually sways 1n the breeze 1Dfront of hiS offIce had been skolen la.st Thursday Bemg a patnotIc fel- low, he J01ned 10 the search, he 10- eated lit, too, tn a. nearby field We want to agam urge all voters 1ft the Polllte to ga to the polls early so that everyone 1S gtven a chan<:e to east their ballots before they are closed ne:x:t Tuesday nIght ••• CAPTURED GERMAN Begin Preparing the dnver anq three men of hIS or Tin Cans for Next gaOlzabon are III the pro-eess of tow I C II . N 13 mg a nInth aIr force fighter plane I 0 ection, ov. on a runway somewhere 10 France The vehtcle be10g used lS a motor "The tm can you contnbute to cycle half track WhlCh was captured the tm can salvage drtve wdl fight from the enemy durmg the mvaSlon feed a.nd heal our fightiOg men now of Europe oversealS II says Nell Blondell chatr- Before entermg the army m De man of the Grosse Pomte and Gra behmd cember, 1941, L1eutenant FlUItt was ttM townshIp tm can salvage com -------------- employed by the Budd Wheel com mlutee ITm IS essential In produc POI NTE pany III the m€lteorology la.boratory I tIo.11""of~shiPSsubmarmes, tanks, and PARAG RAPHS At the present bme he 15 transpor- ammunition tIn because of Its ab1l- tatton and supply ofbcer of a mnth lty to wtthsta.nd heat, cold shock ..,..--.- at!" force service command UUltIcontammatlOn and clImatIc changes The pollce dockets throughout the whIch keeps fighter planes 1ll repair is used to bne food cOllitamers that Pomte have been contammg a very I and 1n trtm He receIved hls commls-I go to our overseas forces, tm IS used large number of re.ports cancernmg Sian m November 1942, at Fort to transport Vital medlemal supplIes the youths of the neIghborhoods It I MonmoUith N J He atterded Wayne I whIch dally save lives In war areas would be welf for the paren1s to UniverSIty In DetrOlt HIS father, Al I Remember all thts when you ,prepare check the aC'tlVlhes of thetr offspnng bert 0 Flmtt Sr, resldes a,t theIr your tm cans for the next colleotion to make- certam that he or she IS not home at 343 Kerby road, Grosse I on Monday, Nay 13,' conduded paTtlcl!ptlitmg 10 some of the adIV!- VOJ.nte Farms Bl'O!1d~l1 tJes-not pranks __ whIch have bee"! From left to nght are MaJ Joseph takIng place 1.tely H Flemmg New Haven Conn. School Children Collect One seven.teen year old Ctty youth Sergi Hai"ry Dorsey, PIttsfield, III 26 TODs of Waste Paper has been a,pprehended foe pulhng a Lteurt Albert 0 F1U1tt and Staff false fire alarm on October 17 at Sergt Francts Kehres Pasadena Harvard and CharleVOIX whIle an Calli olJher-the same age-was faund &hoot.mg street bght globes A ten year 'Old lad had hIS air nfle confis~ cated by the pobce for shootmg It from hIS front porch whtle two ot-h- tr youths are bemg held for steahng fender skirts Wihl1ea,tendlllg a party here In add,JJt!on there are numerous reports of pea shooters and the re<:k less dnvers cuttmg up lawns and bushes Fmal1y, there are the three reports of a group of boys who are pllmg up dned leaves on res1dents porches and settmg fire to them ThIS can and WIll lead to somethmg very dangerous So parents, questlon your young sters and find out tf they are domg any of these thmgs It should be A 9th AIr Force Service Command Untt, France - Convertmg captured German eqUlpment for use by the ninth air force IS ope of the Jobs that LI-eut Albert 0 FlUitt, of 343 Kerby road, Grosse Pomte Farms performs for the mnth air force ser vice command umt With which he IS now servmg Lieutenant FlU1tt shown \

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Thousands Attend Hallowe'en Partie

Only the REVIEW Gives YOlI

COMPLETECoverage of ALL Home. in

Groue Pointe & Gratiot Twp.





Southwest Pacific II

Hero Awarded OaLeaf, Purple Hear~

- IFlfth J\Ir Force Sauthwest POl,

_ '\ Grosse POInte p lot of theblast ng P 38 fighter outfit SAngels re-cently recetved two aJfor combat actlVIty from BrlgPaul B Wurtsmlth, comma~general of the Fifth FIghtermand In the Southwest PaCIfic

Capt \Vtll am G Jeakle, sMr and Mrs George Jeakle,FIsher I'oad was awarded the PHeart for wounds recelVed 1nover Ne ......Br tam on De<: 18and the Oak Leaf Cluster to thMedal

Captain J eakle has shotthree enemy a r<:raft m aenalbat durmg hiS 22 monrt:hs ovePrey 01.1slyhe was awarded thetmgUlshed Flymg Cross and th

;::~~;;:;:kc~o~l,Sales Returns to [Grosse Pointe Par

Announceme';-;-;-m.de thIS Iof the return of Turner MotorIn.:: Bu ck sales and serV1CGrosse Po nte Park 10 the burecently vacated by the arm Inance tank school at KerchevaMaryland I

Owned by MaJ Ha1'rY A Twho has been 111 the army f~past 30 months the Turner\\111be managed by Charles Gv..ho \\as Major Turner s salesager at the agency when 1t wcated on Jefferson near Bedfield I

Complete sen Ice for Bu ck Iers 10 the terntory ""ill be feas well as general repalrs fmakes of cars In the comeqUIpped repa1r shop

Registrations CausTownship Clerk's IOffice to Be Busy I

- IHenry Lavers township cler

Grosse POInte IS one busy man tdays and hts office IS one busy pfor at the concluslOn of the lastof reg stratton for the preSideeleot on to be held next Tuesdawas found that a.ppro::(lmatelythousand regbtrattOns had beenen

Th s bnngs the total reglstratfor Grosse P01l1te to an estlmeIghteen thousand vaters

In addltlOn to prepar1l1g for jcomlng ejectIOn m the precmctGrosse POInte Mr Lavers off 1

also handhng local as well as thewcemen s absentee ballots

HIts Delivery Truck

Jack Kel1ery 17 of 17440 Maumeednvmg a delIvery truck last Fndayafternoon was struck by a car dnven by Lee Burdett 18~of 20460 Andover as he was turnmg mto a drIve-way

No Gas for Hunting

There Will be no gasolIne for carowner!> for hunt ng deer, officlals ofthe OPA regiOnal offIce m Cleve-land announced recently

Patnot ~m s lOuld cause huntersto be more than wl1hng to pass uphuntmg tnps thls year, sald BIrkettL Wtlhams regIOnal OPA admintSt ator OPA 15 just as anxtous to doa\\ay wlth ratlOnmg as anyone butfirst, war demands must be met Ifmotonsts wtll not be co operatlvevoluntanly In helpmg to meet thewar demands OPA enforcement off 1

ctals wtll step 10 and take such ac-t10ns as may be necessary tc see thatthose demands are met

In\ e!>tgatlllg a h t run aCCIdent re-po!"t last Thursday mornmg, Serge-ant Verl11er and Patrolman Henmgand A Conlon arnved at the aCtIdet scene to find a small puddle ofwater

unknown to Its dr ver the offendlUg car had a leaky radiator and theoff cers trailed the car to the homeof Thomas .l:::.d""ards,4423 Barham",here the car was parked 111 the ga ..rage

AdmIt mg t 1a e was dnvmg thecar whIch hIt a parked car ownedby G H Decker 1576 Gray, he wasgIVen a ttcket for leavmg the sceneof an aCCIdent

He w 11appear In COUfttnext Wedne!>day

HIt and Run Driver TracedThrough Leaky Radiator


The CItatIOn accompanyIng theaward reads For extraordmaryaChle\ ement wh Ie partlclpatmg 111

sustaIned combat bombardment mlS-SlOns over Germany and German oc-cupted countnes from June 10, 1944to Sept 5 1944 The cour-age, cool-ness and skill that ueutellantLoughhn displayed on all these oc ..cas IOns refle'Ct the hIghest credltupon hIm:telf and the armed forces 0+

the UnIted StatesHe also has been awarded the AIr

Medal WIth three Oak Leaf ClustersLIeutenant Loughlm has been lIst-

ed as m ss ng In actIon smce Sept9 1944

An 8th Alrfor<:e Bomber Stal!:lOnEngland -FIrst I eut DaVId Lough~1m son of Mr and Mrs Th-otp.as ELoughl n 195 Oak street, GrossePQmte Farms has been awarded theDlstlngmshed Flymg Cross whileservtng as pilot of a FlYing Fortressat the base commanded by wI H

Missing PointePilot AwardedDFC in England

Beyond any shadow of a doubt,the giant HallO'\\ e en <:elebratiOn'\Ml11Chwas gwen for the youngergeneratIOn af Grosse Pomters lastTuesday n ght turned out to be themost successful party ever gIvenhere dunng the past few years "bothfrom the standpomt of the yaungsters who attended the SIX paruesand from the standpo nt of the vol-

IEnthusiasm HighAt CelebrationsFor Young Pointer

Iunteer asslstan<:e offered by the mland women of t<hecommumty I

Preschool and elementary ~boys and gIrlS decked out m the ctumes charactellzmg Hallowe en,tended moves and watched profslanal and amateur performersthe stages of Malre PIerce, RJchand \1ason schools The elementschool youths and maIdens conggated at the NeIghborhood cwhere they danced to the musu;well known DeQrott archestra IndiNon to the dancmg there was ~a stage show for the enthus1QaudIence and refreshments

Scores and s<:ores of the bluethe navy and 'the khak1 0.£ the an(admttted free) mmgled WIth pishtrts Jeans and dress up clotof the senlOr high school crowdattended tme affaIr at Grosse POIhIgh school With two DetrOIt nbands playing m the glrls and bgyms and se\€i"al Sltage acts 111audltOr1Uffi the boys and girls mIled WIth students from 5t PDUS Country Day, the ConventSt Ambrose Throughout thenmg the cafetena was steadIly qron zed for the lunch served bYjcal women

Forrest Geary chaIrman of IG1'osse POInte Hallowe en comtee, WIshes to thank the voluntwho so ably aSSIsted at all SIX

tIes the pollee offIcers who dIretraffIC and the many orgamzatwhose donatlOns made thiS Pthe huge success It was


Carat Corey 16 278 Kenwood reported to Farms pollce last Fndaythat she had been bitten by a dog

The heanng on the mJunctlon 15sued to Ernest Tony Ko UlSagamst the Vll1age of Grosse PomtePark was agam postponed unt 1 nextMonday Inablhty of Ko nls attorneyto be present because of anothelca<;e caused the postponement

Hearing of InjunetionAgainst Park Again Postponed

\Vhtle commg to a bu~ stop lastMonday afternoon Robert \facDermott of 4386 \{amstlque struck a carwh eh suddenly turned m front ofhIm at l\otre Dame and KerchevalWllham 1vflchaels 12,) lfapletonroad was attemptmg to park 1ll frontof 16930 Kercheval and turned In

front of the busBoth vehicles Jumped the curb and

stopped before crashmg mto a storewllldow Mrs Mtchaels \\as taken toCottage hospital for first a d forbrUlses

Bu.-Auto in Crash MondayAfternoon on Kercheval

East Side BelgiumBusinessmen Hoststo Belgium Cadets

City Firemen Fight Blaze;Detroit Fire DepartmentAl.o Answers Alarm

The new Bncker Dewey Republt-can headquarters located at 122 Ker-ehev.al, near Radnor Park wtll beopf'n every day from now unhl elec-tIon from 8 a m to 10 30 pm ThiSearher openmg hour WIll enable thebusllless men to stop on theIr way towork and pick up campaign matenalThe hours Saturday will be from 12noon to 10 30 pm

Arrangements are betllg complet-ed for ballots to be- taken 1I1to thehosp1tals and to the Sick at homeAnyone wlshmg such mformatlonm.y call the offICe lOt TU 1 9865Under the leadershIp of Mrs R EKmg a motor corps service has beenorgalllzed and ca..rs will be avadablefor thos-e who have no means oftransportatIon to the booths Any-one wIshmg thIS servIce IS asked tocall Mrs Kmg at NI 3279 and sheWll1 arrange transportation

Sample ballots for people to takehome ana study may be obtamed atthe headquarters The offlce w111beopen until a late hour for returns onelectIOn night

Mrs BenJamm 0 Shepherd cordIally illv1tes all Republican women tostop III at the headquarters andurges any who can glve some t meto call her at the ofhce TU 1 9865

Republican WomenHeadquarters Open8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

German Prisoner

MR AND MRS Frank P Mar-sack, 213Oak Itreet, have been no-tified that their ,on, Sergi CharlesMarsack, who wal reported XniSS-

mg In a bombing raid over Ger-many In September, IS a prisonerof war In Germany.

able to show thousands of DetrOItvoters who do not beheve 1D nonparbsan at large electlons of mem~bers of a leglslat1ve body tn com-mumt1es so large that the voterscannot know anythmg, about thecandldates that thIS IS exactly whatProposal No 4 will brmg about m\Vayne county, w1lJh Dekrolt elect-mg 14 or two 1:hlrds of the new leg-1s1attve body at large on a non par~bsan ballot In addltlon the fact thatcertam county offlc a1s, like theprosecutor could be appomted rather than elected, under tJlte terms ofProposal No 4 has stlrred deep opPOSItion

A bonfire Intended to burn onlyleaves around the Lee res1dence17141 Kercheval avenue, last Satur-day afternoon spread to the adJommg property and caused slight damage to the Gray home 17151 Kerche-val uty firemen put out the fire

Home RuleDefeat Seen

Joseph R Cox, 14331 Seven Ml1eroad. failed to stop on Somerset forCharleVOIX Sunday afternoon andcr.ashed mto a car dnven by FrankH Magee, 710 Lmcoln road

Mrs Cox receIved a brUIsed handwhIle Mrs Magee suffered a brUlsed ankle

Passengers Injured in AutoAccident Last Sunday

The school chIldren of Grosse IPomte marked up a score 01 26;41tons of waste paper whJch they calleded m theIr last school paper dnveThiS was the first of monthly dnvesto be held here

Trombly school led the dnve wuth8400 pounds the other schools follow In order

Defer 68OO! RIchard 6300, Mason 5300 St Paul, 5200, KIrby3400 \htre 2800 Pler<:f, 2300and sUmmer school collection of2800

A group of 16 men from Board 57

IWlll leave for serVIce to the armedforces next Thursday from the

I\1'elghborhood club at 6 00 amSendoff ceremonIes will also takeplace at thiS time They will be III

ducted at the Chicago mductton statlon

The men leaVing are as followsJere H Dykema leader 410 Lake ..

[land John E 'llcholl ArlIngton

IVa HarTy L Rogge 286 MoranWllbam H Wurm 1242 DevonshIreI Carl E Brand Berke1y Mtch W 1ham F Arnoldy J r Glendale 0AHred W Bender Jr Adnan MIC'hDonald S Lubtc, 1248 Lakepomte

RIchard C Rohe 989 BarnngtonFrank J Goosen 182 Oak streetJoseph G Wlttman DetrOit HaroldL Savory 1413 Nottmgham Wtlham R Wallace 1312 DevonshlreWdham L McKenzle 1760 Broad

Istone road John L Sanderson Jr.,19322Washtenaw and Fredenck WSeltzer, 1151 Kenslllgton

Defenders of local government tnWayne county are enthused at theresult of their campalgn throughoutthe state ln bnngmg the underlying CIty firemen some who were offfacts on State Proposal No 4 be duty fought a .stubborn blaze whIchfore the voters of Mlc.htg-an and ex. partially consumed a. warehouse ofposmg the manner In WhICh It WIll Beauty Counselors, Ma~k avenuecause a breakdown e;'erywhere m and CadIeux road last Thursdaylocal government, Chester Carpen llIght for two hourster, Grosse p.omte supervIsor and t Two DetrOit fire compames alsodW.lrman of the Committee for Rep ans\vcred the alarmresentatlve Govelnment sald today Damage 1S estlmated at $15000

The splendId co operabon we I Cause of the fire 1Sundetermmedhave recelVed from counh town ----------ShIp VIllage and c ty leaders III all I Fire Damages Garageparts of the state Vl-ho are )0 lllUg Constderable damage was done to\\lth us for defeat of Proposal No the Slocum garage, 1241 Bedford4 (the fourth attack on local goy last Saturday afiernoon after a bonernment 1n 10 years) IS highly en fire spread to the garage Park firecouragmg , men extlllguIshed the blue

_~ __ ....,->i:~ """ ~~_~ ~_~_~~_~~~_- ~~~J~-

EQUIPMENT 116 Men to Leave for l"v--o-ii-EA-R-LV~'-.-.----j Property OwnersArmed Forces Nov. 9 I .. I t\wait Decisions in

I The voters of Grosse Pomte are urged to vote as earl) 'I Assessment AppealsI as possIble next Tuesday ThIs appeal IS made prlmanl)' I --

fOl those who are In their homes especIally the women Members of the state tax camm sI dUrIng the day tIme and \\ ho can easily cast theIr vote,;; I slOn appeared In Grosse Pomte last

I'between those hours They are asked to do th,s so that the I Thursday to hear two appeals of tax

workmg people of the Pomte WIll not have to stand m i assessments made on certalll parlong hnes for any length of tIme before bemg admItted I eels of property In the Pomte Those

!I mto the electIOn booths It IS an Injustice to make these I who were here were loUIS Nlmmspeople walt before castIng theIr votes chalrman of the tax commlss on andI CommIssioner Marsht A second reason 15 also In mrnd for makmg thIS apw I Also atte.ndmg the meetmg werepeal Late voters also cause late hours for the members of , Carl Schwelkart, superVlsor ()f


the elecbon commlSSlOn T}1e recordmg- and tallyIng of I Grosse Pomte township attorneysthe votes 15 a long and drawn out process and 1£ when for 67 lakefront owners Maxon andthe tIme lomes the members of the electlOn board have McMahon represent ng 14 othernot been rushed by a last minute crowd theIr task WIll be property owners and approxlmately

I much easIer I seventy taxpayers

I Take thIS appeal to heart and vote early I I The appeals from the assessmentsmade by Mr 5<:hwelkart on the

• 0 06_ ,- above propertIes apply prmcipally to

Women Hear of Year's Work Completed the manSIon tYPe and lake frontresIdences, they are claImed to be

by Grosse Pointe AWVS Unit Here over assessed Mr Schwelkart however clamls they are prcperly as-

------ sessedMore than seven and a half mll-125 at the home 0.£ the chaIrman Mrs The superVlsor conrtends that If

hon dollars worth of war bonds and Alger Shelden a decrease m the assessments IS aJ.-stamps were sold by the AWVS How the paper dnve was augment lowed, It wtll mean a substantial ill

from June of 1943 through Septem ed by the work of the salvage com crease III the property tax for allber of 1944 more than 26133 miles ffilttee headed by Mrs Edward Isbey the obher taxpayers m the townshIpdrIven dur ng 3000 hours by volun was another mstance of what serv- The declSlOns of the members ofteers In the AWV5 motor transport Ices AWVS~helps to render In war- the tax ccmmlSSlon were not rendlVlstOn and nearly three thousand time m the community The Work dered here, they WIll deCide WIthingarments mended for bo}s at the shop now supervIsed by the actIve the next two weeks If the assessmentnaval armory by the button bngade consumers dtvlSlon IS a prOject where IS to be lowered ThiS must he donewere highlIghts of a superb combm each day In the week work 15 gOing so that the supervisor wtll be ableed report of achVIt!es read by Mrs on for the Red Cross emergency to prepare the assessment tax rollsEdward T Herbert at the fall meet- cupboard or for the field army of the and tax bills before December 1109 and tea of the Grosse Pomte umt Amer1can Cancer SOCIety Also m-of the AWVS held Wednesday Oct structlon IS offered m clothes re-______________ [ modelling, slip cover makmg an1

FIre Spreads to Neighbor's household repairs whu:h are an assetHome; MlDq,r Damage ill COUSe1"vattonof resources and la-

bor Just nowMISS Helen Ann Burns director of

the Wayne county clmlc for chIldstudy, talked on some of the prob Four young BelgIUm aIr cadets re-lems of present day youth, stressmg tutrned to Canada thIS week after be-a need for the sympathetlc under- mg feted royally over the past weekstandIng of chlldren who fall mto end by promment East S de BelgtUlnone of the four types of dehnquency, I bUSInessmen who took them mtowh1Ch she dIscussed their homes and on a round of fes

I Tc thlOk that a mantle of Wlsdom tlVltles rarely expenenced by any offalls upon parents when a baby ar- them beforeTlves 10 the iamdy IS a sa.d mIstake, The four young BelgIans studyMISS Burns saId In stressmg the fact mg to become navigator bombardIersthat untramed parents cannot be 10 Toronto and later at Prmce Edblamed for mIstakes they make m ward Island headed towards DetrOItreanng chIldren For, she pomted when g1Ven a short furlough fromout that one of the most dIfficult their studiesthlllgs In hfe IS to know how to do Arnvmg here the youths werethmgs about emohonal qualitIes adopted by Alex DeClercq prowh1ch are so Important to children p1'letor of the Rathskeller at hottlngCrowded schoolrooms present an ob- ham and Mack, Henry Sabbe offtcerstacIe to teachers, also, she feels m of the BelgJan Amencan BusiOessdIrecting chIldren mdlvldually men s ASSOCIatIon and Constant

Brouk past commander of RooseVanker Amencan LegiOn

The boy~, "'R.el1e Aerlgeeb an IFrank Bayet of Brussels ArmandParmentter of Lleze and Paul Deynekens of Antwerp told of thea" ex-penences when escapmg from Belglum Rene and Armand were captured by the Germans when they entered Spam and spent a year In aconcentratton oaIn1' before the Belglan consul was able to obtam theirrelease Frank and Paul after harrO'\Vlngexpenences crossmg the border Into SpaiD also reached Englandby way of Portugal GIbraltar andAfrIca

SInce thiS was thelr first vtstt tothe UOited Skates they were qUizzedon thetr bkes and dlsl kes They ad-mlre the Amencan gtrls and havefound Detrolt to be the most fnendIy town e~peclal1y Its USO Theydon t care for Jltterbuggmg however

These lads expeCtt to gladuate 10approximately four months and W1Illeave for achve duty m England

The CommIttee fur RepresentativeGovernment states that the DetrOItcmpter of the NatIOnal Lav.ryers'GUild, composed of 250 leadmg De.trolt attorneys, together W1th homeowners labor leaders and small bUSlness groups, has waged such a strongcampalg'n m opposthon to State Proposal No 4 that tts defeat seems assured III Wayne county, as well asthroughout the state

Outs tate oppos1tton has been carned forward by the MichIgan InstItute of Local Government under DHale Brake, state treasurer, aschaIrman The claim of the proponents that Proposal No 4 can have noeffect on other counttes In the futurehas been challenged by them and theentire stat-e has been advtsed thatProposal No 4 IS merely a repetl

JustIce Kenneth M Thomas found tion of the effort of paId DetrOlt re-two men gul1ty on a morals charge formers to Install non partisan govPover the week end 1ll the Farms JUS ernment :first en the county leveltlc~Oc~urt He fined them both $100Iand later In th~ legls1ature and otherorA 3aOYOs 0 ~ J state offIces whIch was turned back

tam an ct ~ osephM k 2 f 2519 B

m 1934 1936and agam m 1942at illS 2, 0 eWlck, was

brought mto the Farms pollce sta \Ve have shown how the 11 CitIeshon on complamt of a 16 year old and 18 townSh1pS III \Vayne counlyboy on a disorderly charge He ap outSide DetrOIt WIth. a combmedpeq.red III court later m the day pO:PulatIon of 450000 would ha\€ no

Sunday n ght H B Bryant 19 ot VOlle ill county gO\ ernment under1631 Lemay was apprehended by po the terms of thl!> amendment saidlice on a SImIlar charge The com Milton CarmIchael secretary of thp

plamiants were two young g1rls The \Vayne county Republican commithearmg was Monday before Justice tee and a leader 111 the OPPoslt!on toThomas Proposal No 4 IWe have also been

Two Found Guiltyon Morals Chargein Farms Court

Recalhng the hme when he re-cetved 28 of the 30 votes III all ofGratIot townsh1p, Rep LoUIS C Rabaut expressed hIS surpnse over thegrowth S1n<:e then cf a commumtyWhICh naw has some fifteen hundredhomes and a populahon of betweenfifty five hundred and SiX thousandres1dents There are tlmes when Weare so close to thmgs we cannot seethem' he saId, durmg an InformalVlSItwlth the personnel of the townShIp pallce and fire departments, lastSunday afternoon

In hIS talk WIth the men gatheredaround hIm, he explamed some ofthe thmgs a congressman encounterswhIle servtng hIS home commumtyWhat Representative Rabaut hasdone so iar as Gratiot townshIp 15

cencerned amounts to approximatelyone hundred fifty thousand dollars mfederal appropnatlOns One of thethtngs he was mstrumental 10 obtam-mg IS the townsh1p fire truck, heseemed partIcularly pleased to find Itso well eqUIpped and m such goodcondItion, the men of both depart.ments $0 alert and well mformed mtheIr duties He later donned a fire-man s helmet and posed for photographs beSIde the truck In return hewas made an honorary member ofthe department

Mr Rabaut was the guest of OdlIon Houtekler, townshtp supervlsorwho later took hJm on a tour ofGratlOt township

Rep. Louis C. RabautPays Gratiot Town-ship Visit Sunday


Car Recovered

Park Pollce Officers Snay and Dl1loway recovered a car stolen m Detrott and abandoned m front of 965Pemberton road, last Saturday ntght

Beeause the volunteers who work1ft the bond 1ssumg offlce of theAWVS at 17027K..rcheval are reoqU1red to balance their money beforethey leave, It has been deCIded tokeep the bond 1ssumg offIce hoursas 10 00 a m to 4 00 pm week daysand on Sa<turday 10 00 a m to 1 00pm Anyane turnmg III funds IS requested to observe these hours whtchhave been arranged to fac1htate thework

We hope that the wrIter on\one ofthe DetrOIt dallies who cnttcized theGrosse Polt1lte commullitIes for theirHallowe en rowdyIsm 10 an artIclerecen11y, Will take back every WQrdhe wrote a..fter seelllg the fine dIsplayof publIc SPiTIt whtch was eVidencedTuesday night at the communItylPonsored Hallowe en parties held In

five schools and the Netghborhoode1ub

Announce New Hoursfor AWVS Bond Booth

• • •Dr R K 0 Nel11 vetermary With

offIces on Kercheval avenue, report-w to Park pollce that a large flagWhIch usually sways 1n the breeze1Dfront of hiS offIce had been skolenla.st Thursday Bemg a patnotIc fel-low, he J01ned 10 the search, he 10-eated lit, too, tn a. nearby field

• • •We want to agam urge all voters

1ft the Polllte to ga to the polls earlyso that everyone 1S gtven a chan<:eto east their ballots before they areclosed ne:x:t Tuesday nIght



Begin Preparingthe dnver anq three men of hIS or Tin Cans for NextgaOlzabon are III the pro-eess of tow IC II . N 13mg a nInth aIr force fighter plane I 0 ection, ov.on a runway somewhere 10 FranceThe vehtcle be10g used lS a motor "The tm can you contnbute tocycle half track WhlCh was captured the tm can salvage drtve wdl fightfrom the enemy durmg the mvaSlon feed a.nd heal our fightiOg men nowof Europe oversealS II says Nell Blondell chatr-

Before entermg the army m De man of the Grosse Pomte and Grabehmd cember, 1941, L1eutenant FlUItt was ttM townshIp tm can salvage com

-------------- employed by the Budd Wheel com mlutee ITm IS essential In producPOI N T E pany III the m€lteorology la.boratory I tIo.11""of~shiPSsubmarmes, tanks, and

P A R A G R A P H SAt the present bme he 15 transpor- ammunition tIn because of Its ab1l-

tatton and supply ofbcer of a mnth lty to wtthsta.nd heat, cold shock..,..--.- at!" force service command UUltIcontammatlOn and clImatIc changes

The pollce dockets throughout the whIch keeps fighter planes 1ll repair is used to bne food cOllitamers thatPomte have been contammg a very I and 1n trtm He receIved hls commls-I go to our overseas forces, tm IS usedlarge number of re.ports cancernmg Sian m November 1942, at Fort to transport Vital medlemal supplIesthe youths of the neIghborhoods It I MonmoUith N J He atterded Wayne I whIch dally save lives In war areaswould be welf for the paren1s to UniverSIty In DetrOlt HIS father, Al I Remember all thts when you ,preparecheck the aC'tlVlhes of thetr offspnng bert 0 Flmtt Sr, resldes a,t theIr your tm cans for the next colleotionto make- certam that he or she IS not home at 343 Kerby road, Grosse I on Monday, Nay 13,' condudedpaTtlcl!ptlitmg 10 some of the adIV!- VOJ.nte Farms Bl'O!1d~l1tJes-not pranks __ whIch have bee"! From left to nght are MaJ JosephtakIng place 1.tely H Flemmg New Haven Conn. School Children Collect

One seven.teen year old Ctty youth Sergi Hai"ry Dorsey, PIttsfield, III 26 TODs of Waste Paperhas been a,pprehended foe pulhng a Lteurt Albert 0 F1U1tt and Stafffalse fire alarm on October 17 at Sergt Francts Kehres PasadenaHarvard and CharleVOIX whIle an CalliolJher-the same age-was faund&hoot.mg street bght globes A tenyear 'Old lad had hIS air nfle confis~cated by the pobce for shootmg Itfrom hIS front porch whtle two ot-h-tr youths are bemg held for steahngfender skirts Wihl1ea,tendlllg a partyhere

In add,JJt!on there are numerousreports of pea shooters and the re<:kless dnvers cuttmg up lawns andbushes Fmal1y, there are the threereports of a group of boys who arepllmg up dned leaves on res1dentsporches and settmg fire to themThIS can and WIll lead to somethmgvery dangerous

So parents, questlon your youngsters and find out tf they are domgany of these thmgs It should be

A 9th AIr Force Service CommandUntt, France - Convertmg capturedGerman eqUlpment for use by theninth air force IS ope of the Jobsthat LI-eut Albert 0 FlUitt, of 343Kerby road, Grosse Pomte Farmsperforms for the mnth air force service command umt With which he ISnow servmg

Lieutenant FlU1tt shown






~Izes 10 20and 9 to 15

Native Detroiter

Property Owl1er

Practicing attorney 18

Well QualIfied-PreferredCivic Search Light

29.95 to 49.95

/ Thursday November:! 1944


First District


51-Gauge Hose

$1.15Limit - 2 Pairsto a customer


Hosiery Scoop!


State Representative

Republican Election Nov. 7,1944

Hel e one of the gl andestcoats the Chestel fieldWIth an eye to coldel da,.ahead time now to 111..

vest In thIS comfortableday-!tl clay out coat

In black

"Choose Your Chesterfield"

TWO STORES14812 MACK, Near Alter Road TUxedo 2-9595

O];3enMonday, Tuesday, Wedne.day tli 6 00ThU1".day, FrJday, Satl,lrday ill 9 00

16938 HARPER-Vogue Theatre Bllildinlf TUxedo 1.1850


Defer SchoolN.E-W-S

U. of Michigan Clubto Sponsor Party

Northeast LIOns AuxlharvGIves Bndge L~ncheon

All Grosse PO:lllte IS In a tIzzy ofexcltement over the mformal fallfunfest to be held next Saturdaynlght hov 4 at the Alger POSfVFW clubhouse 17145 St Paulsponsored by the Umverslty of\{Ichlgan Club of Gro:>se POlllte Allformer students as \\ell as membelsof the organIzatlOn and their frIend~are InVIted to share In the nlerrIrnenil: A good tIme 1S guaranteedThere W111 be an arches tra for dancmg-one that you Will like facilitiesfor those III a mood for cards d.

\11dllgan smg bes des a hvely program of novelties and surpnses refreshments too and anythmg youWish 10 the tap room The festWltlesWill begin at 9 60 p m

T1ckets may be obtaIned from DrE R Stohker 'N"I S676 chaIrman ofthe SOCial committee or any of thefollOWing members of h1Scommittee

Mrs K ng TlJ 1 2390 or TU1 6D41 Frances Huff DR 1243 DrJ Walker TU 29130 'des Kronner 7\JI 6674 Forrest Heath CH~570

DurIng the commg season thegroup plans to have two mOre SOCialevents and three of an educatIonalnature The first lecture wIll be glVen early 111 December and WIll be ofmte-rest to everyone

The '\ortheast LIOns Ladles Auxlhary WIll sponsor a brIdge luncheonIII Kern s auditOrIum on Monda)Nov 6 at 12 30 p rn Proceeds Willgo mto the1r Leader Dog fund Therew111 be table and door prIzes \IrsAl Purnell IS cha1rman aSSisted by\fesdames Fred Moehrmg Josepi.Stab1le and Chester F CarpenterThe pubhc IS lUvlted

Neighborhood ClubN.E.W.S

St Paul Altar SocIetyMeets l>ext Monday

The 8t Paul Altar Soclety willhold their regular monthly meetmgnext \fonday Nav 6 at 2 00 p..m 1t'J.

the school auditorIum The guestspeaker WIll be Mrs Arthur E Ker ..WIll preSIdent of the Greater De1:roltMotIon PIcture Couned whp WIll

speak on Mot on PlOtures, Todayand Tomorrow' All members arerequested to attend and hear thl.Stimely mess~ge

Hostesses for the meetmg wlll beMesdames Arthur Fauser C F Tan-ner and H G Hammond

Urge Boys to JomLocal Cadet Corps

Arttentlon boys between 14 and IiCome and JOin the Grosse POlllteCadet corps ass1sted by the 31st Iniantry regiment of the \1.lch ganState froops The first meetll1g wlllbe held at the \ e1ghborhood cluh'Dhursday 1\0' 9 at 8 00 pm Colonel Cleary Will be the guest speaker

Goo-d news for women Our mornmg mlllInery class has proved sopopular that It has been ecessary torun another class m the afternoonqThe afternoon IDJllmery class wJ1lstart Tuesday \iov 7, 1944 and wdlmeet from 1 00 3 00 pm There areeIght lessons given lU the course byi\1rs Clyde Sutton A few open ng£are stIll aval1able so tI you are 111terested please call NT 4600 or come111tOthe helghboflhood club 17145WClIterloo before hav 6

We are also :.ponsollllg a sewmgclass for women whIch wIll start on\tfonday morn ng 1\ ov 6 1944 from10 00 a rn to 12 00 noon If you haveany clothlllg you would hke to makeover--here 1Syour chance for adVIceand helpGirl.' Pottery Claas_

On Tuesdays from 4 00 5 15 p m1S a pottery class for girls 10 yearsof age and over There IS an openingIn thu group If you care to take adva.ntage of a most mterestmg andworthwhl1ehohby

llhe IntermedIate glrls gym classenjoyed a. htke and cookout 1:1.stSat.urday a.t Pme Woods The JUl110rgJrls gym class IS planlllg theIr ll1keand cookout for thiS commg Saturday, Nov 3

The advanced klOdergarten groupbul1t a frUlt and vegetable malketof Fatty HIll blocks They modeledvegetables and frUits of plastecllleLabels and pllCe signs were ~Iedand placed near the vegetables Acash register and toy money wereused In theIr dramatic playas customer and market man As a resultof th1S actiVIty many of the chl1drenhave learned to recogn ze frUit andveget-abJe WOl ds a'! well as numbersThey have learned to co operate In

takmg turn~ 111 their dramat c playMr Multer gave the klOdergalten

a crMe of pumpklllS which hebrought from hiS farm fhe chIldrenha ve en;03-ed mak ng ;a<:k a Ianterns, at!-d savlllg and drymg theseeds to be eaten th S ""lOter as wellas dlctatmg a Thank You letterfor them to hav, r ll'uch fun



St. James Women's GuildAnnual Fair November 3

The 'Nomen s Gul1d of St JamesLutheran church of Gros~e Po nteWill hold Its annual faIr on Friday'N"ov 3 beglnlllng at 9 00 a m atthe Farm~ and Orchard Market17045 Kercheval Mrs Fred Flemml11g IS chairman of the fa r MrsW lham F 1< enske 1S co chaIrmanThe followlllg Will ?erve as ch ..mmenof the vanous booths

Mrs COrlISS Stoerke1 pIllowcase~and handwork Mrs LoUls Ver Wlebe, handkercheIfs Mrs MIlto'1Ramphenkel Mrs T G Dahlen andMrs Eugene Rummel aprons MrsWllham 1\ elson baked goods MrsHerbert i\,tIanzelmann .country storeMrs Frank Mumford delIcatessen'and Mrs Ed Bauman, children sbooth

Grosse Pointe Post, 303to Sponsor Glunes Party

The Grosse POlllte Post 30.3of theArner can Legion Will sponsor a hugebenefit and games party m theIrcluborooms, 18316 Mack avenue onFr~day haY 17 at 8 00 pm ThepublIc IS cordially mVhted to attend

14224 I •• t Jaffe,.O"14331 H.tpe ...... Ch.I"' ....


"When You Say It WIth FJowera- Say It WIth Ours'

Cut Flowers - Floral Arrangement$ of All Kinds




-L n 1e~erth A WV':::, P1hotoMISS HELEN ANN BURNS spoke on the problems of the youth oftoday at the fall meeting of the Grosse POInte AWVS UDlt held Wednesday, Oct 25, at the home o.f the chairman, Mra Alger Shelden


Don t take chances Just because you thmk you have strongeye, Don t 1:>rushaSIde the thought that headaches snddIscomfort may be caused by eyestraIn Don t neglect totake every precaufuon against CARLESSNESS DUE TOPOOR SIGHT


This Week's Special, • , •CORSAGE AND FOOTBALL PIN

Grosse Pointe Park Flower Shop15114 Kercheval Avenue LEnox 2511

,f' 'wr,~iI

Michigan StateStudents DoPractical Work

East Lansmg _ Mafllyn Dreherand Mana \1cKmg1t Grosse PomteJuniors a'!'e two of 14 edt\catlOn students at MIchl£1an State college whoare hvmg In Charlotte th s quarterunder the commuOlty stud1es prognm Dr Troy Stearns aSSlStantprofessor of educatIon, announcedrecently

MISS Dreher daughter of 'ir andMrs Myron Dreher 780 Pembertonand MISS McKmght daughter ofMr and Vfrs Wade H \{cKll1ghr828 Hawthorne boulevard, begantheir field work III Charlotte on Oc;tlR~nd will remam there for the re~tof the fall qua-titer

The prbspectlve teachers WIll take Collegiate \Vho's Whopart In grollp conferences and local LIsts Ten From Waynecommunl4:y programs assist In driVe:.and recreatIOn programs work wIt 1 Ten students at Wayne universityyouth groups and make studles of Will be lIsted III the C1Jlrent edItIonthe atht1lde of puplls and adults III of Who s Who Among Students ofthe commuOlty The nme weeks Amencan Colleges and Umverslhes •study program f'Of which 5cholar~ They are Mar;cme Chavey, 1453ShlPS are offered by the W K Kel 1'.;'Ottll1gham Grosse Pomte Parklogg foundat on plOvldes full college Jean I:dme 9307 \ion ca Ruth EdcredIt for the partIe pant strom 951 Algonqum Wllham Gall

MISS McKnight has also taken 1930 Atkmson, Carolyn Hock 3462Over the treasurershIp of StudiO the PennsylvanIa John Olemk 5063ater at the recent orgalllzatIon meet CanIfi ShIrley RIchIe, 15715 Prmce.mg of the group Ilc.cordlllg to Don ton Banbara Snover 165 Cortlando Buell aSSOclate professor of Highland Park Glo!'l;' Stommelspeech and dramatuc5 4727 Second, and Leonard Zubroff

2721 TaylorSIgma Eta Meets

The regular monthly meetIng ()£SIgma Eta WIll be held Nov 10 at830 pm at the home of Mrs P SRelllecke Dora JIesse WIll be chairman of 1he program III whIch LoUlseKmrner, Edith Costly, Edna SuttonDel1ght Ross and Garnet Ar-bogos twIll take part

* PredsiQnMovensellh

* CompleteDeJlOndabJht,.

Visit OurCompleteOptical

DepartmentDr M. MassermanRegistered Optomet-

rist in Charge

Mohon PIcture CoundElects New OffIcers

The Grosse Pomte Mohon PIcturecouncIl held Its annual meetmg In thepubhc llbrary The follOWIng offIcerswere elected

Mrs Frank Reid J r , vice preSldent and lIfrs Fred Slocum secretary for terms of two years

The new Junior delegates from thechurches and schools In the counedalso took over their term of office Ifor two years and Mrs Gerald ....VChamberhn was appomted publlClty Icharrman

1 he purposes and alms of thecounCil were outlined by the preSl~ Ident Mrs Boward \Vestph,t!, forthe benefit of new members I

1 he pictures recommended are ITwo Gl Is and a Sallor My

fnend 1 hcka See Here, PnvateHal grove LaSSIe Come HomeSweet and Lowdowll Lady Let s

DalKe Th s Is the Llfe and InSOCIety

To Meet MondayThe fall meetmg of MichIgan

chap,ter Daug>nters of Bounders andPat1lots of Amenca WIll be held IMonday mornmg Nov 6 at eleveno clock III the Rlvervew room of Ithe WhittIer hotel Mrs CharlesHorton Met!:;alf stMe preSident WIllpreSIde

1he meetmg \\111 be followed byluncheon at 12 30 a clock In thePlckw ck room for WhICh reserva~hons should be made by tomorrow~ov 3 With the corres,pondtng secretary Mrs Alexander Munro ofLaSalle Gardens South

Left for New YorkAntomette FranCOIS and Carolyn

Pornno of "l\ew York left last Tuesday after spendIng a week a~ thehome of the former s paretns Mrand Mrs Fel x l<nnco s of 330 RIYard

$49.50IlULOVA_ 21J,,,,II PreSIdent _ yellowgold, heavy leatherstrap

$29.75BENRlJS _ 'LadyLIeutenant' 15 Jew..l!:ls, SIlk cord brace ..1"

$39.75BE'IWS _ ' All'''''can Trooper/, 17Jewels shock remtlngred gold color, radl"~ll' dial

$49.50IlULOVA_ DollvMadl~on' 21 JewelpreCISlon mOvementsl1k cord wnst band

HARPER wt C\I;..,,,,,,,

$135BULGV A_ I Adnural 21 ;e'''els 14 ktgold case fine leatherstrap

--- -- ---- -".Ut'::,....... tv•..,..,.,....'"..............bt. r.,. be,....-..- ~¥

AI... Fine Displa,. of Military Model.From $37,50

aExtensive Selection of

Nationally Famous


$33.75ELGIN-na.tural ye1.low gold, 15 Jewels,SIlk cord bracelet

$29.75llENRUS_ ' Bro$d_hurst,' 15 Jewelshock ... proof, redgold color, leatherstrap

$37.50llULOVA- Goddesst1f Tune' -17 Jewelmeveml!:nt matchmgbnk bracelet

$45BULOVA- 'Nav,-gator 17 Jewels yel.low gold expanSIonwnst band

$81.75BENRUS - 'LadyFrances 17 Jewels14 kt red gold casesl1k cord bracelet



GRU~~~~EX_ $59.50Kn,ght 17 Jewel GRUENCURVEX_

preClSIQll curved to Crescent 17 Jewelsfit ~flSt Yellow or Curved to fit ~rls~pInk gold Heavy PInk or yellow goldleather strap Lmk bracelet

Other B ,I v", and Gruen. as low as $2475PRICES INCLUDE FIIDFRAI, TAX








hy Vote 'No' on Proposal No.4

lage Two


Pament.at No !leu., Cost

k' L4te.tMocIeIo

~ Varlet,.ofShapeo

NowShowing At ...

It has always been the poltcy of thiS newspaper to "01 k f01best Interests of Grosse POinte as a whole and the welfare

ItS taxpayers In most Instances the stand wlllch thIS papers taken has been endorsed at the pollspw about FJreman Pension???? inxe

Tuesday s electIon '\Ill gIve the electolate of Glosse POinteopportunity to express them,elves on the '0 called Home

lie Amendment" m proposal No 4 on the ballotFor the most part, It would seem that the amendment IS

rttal to the mterests of Detr01t and therefore has been cha,m-'rted by DetrOIt's datly newspapers plus certain out-cIty In~ests whp have holdIngs there 01 other reasons for sponsonng-'amertdment By Its passage opponents claIm that home rule,uld actually be destroyed for 11 cItIes and 18 townshIps Inilyne county

On the baSISof the debt pel formance of the cIty of DetrOIt, people of Gro~se POinte should scarcely Itke to have theIrvernment bracketed With the city 1< or DetrOit s deht hastred over one thousand per cent smce 1919 whIle Waynemty's debt has decreased 13per cent It appears to be the old:tge of a drownmg man clutchIng' at a straw, or at least anempted grab at other mUnlclpalttles and townshIps fine finan-I condItIon.

ReSIdents of the POinte have been given an opportunity to,lyze the proposal through a senes of 16 statements made by• committee for representatIve government whIch have been1dunng the past eIght weeks In thIS newspaper

The Grosse Pomte townshIp board has gone on record as.nlmously recommendIng that you "Vote NO on Proposal4"



Iflces at 15121 Kercheval between Maryland and LakepomteI'The Only Weekly New,paper Covenng- All the Homes In

Grosse POlnte and GratIot TownshIps"L B OLDHAM Pub!"",,P J BLACKBURN Editor and A.dL!,rttsm~ Manager

I RITA WALBY SOCIal and New, Editor

I Submlptton Rates By Malt $200 per year, S( per copyBy Camet 10 Cents a MORth

fbushed Every Thursday by The GrobSe Pomte Pnntmg Co


, H

IPage Thre

IFine workman~ jshIp by skIlledwatehmak ..er. Moderate I


Genume Co w-h 1d e leatherbound With met_al corners and10eks-18 SIze$850

21 me 1 Size

III t r u s t you-you can trustme-LIonel WIllens

14319 Mack AvenueBetween Lakewood Chalmer

Two Weeks ServIce on Reque


Cookie JarsAssorted charactersIn a variety af col. EHR1B001 S ~i SANTHLAU

if. ors iO'1/t,f $195

*Garden sorrellS a 1 ard) pcrcnl1lalvvh ch bears ed ble lea\ cs cons deredby manv to be dehe ous

"\0\ 11 1942 ax d Cd llC to t :> 4tha 1 force fighter base 11J Ul1e of th) ear fl0m Hammcr 11e1d Cal f He1S a ere v cl ef 01 the fl ght 11 e

*1,. I L gl th \ rIa t.t 1 b1 t r ;,taton Ll1&la 1t1-llr~t J cut l{lt.hardS .spe ccr Jr 22 ,car aiel fgl terp lot of Gro~~e Po nte has beena,yardcd a 10thCl thc tl n! OakLcaf Clu:>tcr to 1 :> \ r \le tal forexcept onallv mCl1tor ou~ :>cn CC 11aenal fhght oYer cont1l1C t"l l.t rOl)C

J lcutenant Spt..nccr a member orCol Hubert Lcml e s J Jl \Iu t:J.ngr ghter Group has been mak ngregular bomber escort and strafingm ~slO 1$ over ll1vaded Europe fronthlS E ghth A1r rorce I ghter Stat on He s the son of \Ir an 1 \InRichard S Spencer 7J Hand) roadGrosse Pomte Farm:>


Open Friday and Saturday TIll 9 P M.

Open a ChargeAccount'


14319 MACK AVE.

Lovely mUSical powder boxes dec-oration for any lady s baudo r

r---"-"-"------ ------_-"_b ~ __

I Distfnctive 6 Diamond Ii



, D st nd ve 6 d amond wedd g combi ~ nahan Two f ne d amonds support t 1e Q 20I ,; g,n"ou, cont" d>amond of tho iovo v 'i"1 00

soltalre There are 3 d amonds n theperfectly matched weddmg band,








If you want to help in this Crusade, Join the Young Reopubhcan organization in your community.


Clean HouseAn Honest, Vigorous, Intelligent Legislature in LansingMeans Opportunity for Youth and Good Government for


This is our Country-It is OUR Future that is at stake!Let's Start at the Bottom to

Michigan Federation ofYoung Republicans

THE PRESCRIPTION STORE1~228 East Jefferson LEnox 0800

Succe .. ora to SWlft~SD,.der

GORDON WALKER, State Chairman1521 Dime Building, Detroit 26

CHerry 7668

But Voting Begins at 21


Life Begins at 40!

The dl.tlngul.hed name. on our pre.cripbon drug. are more rell-able guarantee. of qualIty than any extravagant claiM' ••• bettereven than' best" These name. have behind thsm the reputation ofreputable pharmaceutical houses - the endorsement of phySICianswho depend upon them.. When your doctor prescribe. from thIS•Blue Book of Drugdom,' he know. that the medlcme will havethe precise strength for the mdlvldual s requirement He knows, too,that the quality of the compoundIng wl1l equal the quahty of theIngredient.


*rort Bennmg Ga - Pfc \\ l11tamC Emory Jr son of Mr and 1fr~"YV C Emory, of 426 St Clatr, GrossePomte M1Ch has 'Won the r ght towear wings and boots of the U Sarmy paratroops He has completedfour v. eeks of Jump tramlng durmgW111Chtime he made five Jumps, thelast a tacttcal Jurnp at 111ght mvolvmg

*Among those graduatmg from an1lltenslve course of basIC engmeermgtrammg at recent serv ce schools exerClses here \-vas Keith Kenton Karr26 1452 Brys Drne Grosse Pomte

TillS Bluejacket was selected forh1S speclahzed trammg on the baShof hiS recrUit trammg aptttude testscores Graduates from the 20 spec ahzed courses taught here at theserVIce schools are sent t.o sea, toshore stattons Or to advancedschools for further duty

*Lloyd E Barber was recen 1y promoted from first lleutenant to captam he IS a commandmg officerWith the mvadmg army 111 FranceHIS w1fe Edna F Barber re~ des at1037 Lakepo nte

*HAZC J m Marshall left recentlyto return to Great Lakes where he1S awaltmg reassIgnment to a hospltal H1S parents are Dr and Mr~James R Marshall of 607 Lmco1nroad

Capt RIchmond r: McConnell of a combat problem on land ng the school 1 e " 11 return to ll~ forthe air corps returl11l1g from 131 Jumpmg at the parachute s\.-hoo1l mer camp at Camp S C\\drt Gamonths overseas lU the 'fed tetran has been steadily deHloped to a \ 1 ert.. he 5 a~~ gned to t1 e 93,)thcan theatre of opelatlons has arnved recogmzed \yar SClelee Amenca1 Oldnance IIcdvy AutomotIVe \fd. 1at Ft Shendan III and IS expected paratroopers have been reeog 1 zed tcnance lOlllPd.ll}

to reach his home at 704 Washmgton throughout the world for the1r 111en H 5 Shtcr \11~S Ll11 a Z aJa 11\1::5

road where he will VlSlt h s parents tonous aehons aga nst the ene111} at 810 St Clair Gosse P011tevI" and \lrs H I McConnell In add tlO11 to producmg Jumpe1S *

parachute speCial ~t tram ng IS glVe 1 \fo:>es Lahe \\ ci:>1 - '\1 naUl1ceto qualified men m commun Cd.t on3 men has been made at t c ~fosesdemolitIOn r gger:> and parachute Lake ~<\F of tl e prom at all of Pvtmamtenance yltal skills for airborne Robert \1 Ech.ert to tl I:: ranI ... oftroops corporal* Corporal Echert 1S the 1 u~band of

Corp \V 11 am E Ha\\k 115 son vir:> \fargaret Hunter Eckert whoof Mr and \Irs vVl1ham Hawk ns 1S 1n ng at \foses Lake and the sonof No1Jtmgham 1S With the army air of \Ir and \Irs Cbades R Ecke tcorps ill Pans he has been oveiSeas of 1014 Buck! 19ham road Grosses nce February Po nte Park

¥ The 24 year 0 d ~01d1er h a grad 1

Arthur Earl S"oboda 17 64 Handy ate of CulYer \11 tary academy androad IS recelvmg hiS 1111tlal navalm later attended Cornell umversltydoctnnatton at the U S naval tram '\150 he scned as a clelk for thelUg center Great Lakes III l\orthwestern 1vfutua1 L fe Insurance

HIS recrUit trammg cons sts of 111 company at Detro t5tructlOu m seamansh p mll tary Corporal Eckert entered the armydnll and general naval procedureDurmg thls penod a senes of apt!tude tests will be taken by the recrU1t to determl11e whether he WIll beass gned to a naval service school orto lmme-<i!ate duty at sea

When h1S recru t trammg IS completed the seaman WIll recen e apenod of lca ....e

*Fvt Stanley J ZlaJa now on detached sen Ice attendmg the FortCrook 1\eb ordnance automohve

school rece ved the hlghest grade 111

h1S class for a '" eek and 1S listed

among the week s honor students

FrlYate ZlaJa who s takmg a spe

clahzed course 1ll a'Utomobve chass s

mechan1cs came through w1th a

grade of 86 After graduatmg from



Dorset Deluxe CreamVichyssoise Soup

14oz. tin 29c

.. .. .. .. ... lb. 31c

Mrs. ColgroveFrench Dressing

8 oz. jar 36c

Grant-O PureGuava Jelly16 oz. jar 38c

PioneerMinced Sea Clams

7 oz. tin 29c

Sally Brand Cantaloupe.Orange Marmalade

16 oz. jar 39c


Liberty (with or without stems)Marschino Cherries

16oz. jar 46c




This Finest Quality VealFRESH DAILY FROM THE

G. & R McMILLAN KITCHENS• Turkey Pies • Vegetable Salad• Chicken Pies • Baked Beans• Corned Beef Hash • Spaghetti• Cabbage Salad • Macaroni Salad


SFIRE BROS. - Successors to



Premier Whole (in brme)Artichoke Hearts

14112oz. jar S9c

Crosse- BlackwellChow Chow

8112oz. jar 29c

AugClurmetWelsh Rarebit11 oz. jar 63c

Libby's Sweet SpicedGreen Tomato Slices

29 oz. jar 32c


Heinz CondensedCream of Tomato Soup

2 for 2Sc

Ancora GenuineClear Green Turtle Soup

with Sherry Wme19oz. tin 61c

Young Roasting ChickensFryers and

Stewing Fowl


Youog Hen TurkeysPlace Your Order Early

II8U KERCHEVAL AVENUE... WOIt MeNlchola--Phone UN 1.6700 I

WILD RICE - Just Arrived, Season's Supply of Wild RiceQUANTITIES LIMITED

Make Your Fruit Cakes and Puddin2's NowSupply of Candied Fruits and Peels Are Very Limited

Dromedary Glaced Cherries 3 oz. tin 20cDromedary Glaced Pineapple 3 oz. tin 17cDromedary Citron 3 oz. tin IScDromedary Orange or Lemon 3 oz. tin lIcDromedary Mixed Fruit 3 oz. tin 13cSunmaid Seedless Raisins 2 IS.oz. pkgs. 29cFruit Cake Za:nte Currants 8 oz. pkg. 18cCitron Fancy Halves lb. 69c




Medium Strong FrankenmuthCHEESE lb. 36c


Thursday, Nov,mber 2 1944

__ v __ '" __ ._ .. _.,.....-- , ... ~_. __ '" "••__ • ' __ .,,, __ ..--..- __

ProgramSaturday 3:30 to 3:45 p.m.

Station WJLB-1400 Kc.

Christian Science

It IS fully equIpped to prated it.

self from enemy ground anet air at ..


Thursday. November 2. 1944

Foct Wayne DetrOIt MICh - Oneof the world s largest mllttary transport vehIcles a massive 40 ton tankretnever IS used to bnng back sertously damaged tanks from the battlefront to repaIr statlOus In the re-af

ThlS ImpressIve recovery vehle1ecan be used off the highway andacross rough battlefield terram tolend ttmely aid to disabled tankshalf tracks, trucks tractors andtraders

Non Paflhsan

• Lawyer 27 yean and auistantprosecuting attorney five years

.In.tructor Detroit College of Law10 years

• Judge five years.

flA Goocl Record Ment.Your Support"



Frank B.

For your mdulgence durmg the past several weeks whIlewe were swaml'fd WIth watch and Jewelry repaIrs

We are pleased to announce that we are again able toaccept repaIr work

17008Kercheval AvenueHours 8 00 a m to 6 00 pm Dally

Fnday. and Saturdays Untll 9 00 pm

Thanks .. · · ·


fDW. J. PONa~ACZ, J~"ID~euut9~

Recovery VehicleCrosses Many Kindsof Rough Terrain


Our CleaningMethods

ARE TESTED, TOO!Now when good

clothes areprecious, is no

time to riskpoor cleaning!

• FlUe FlUIShlUg.• Pure Solvents• Expert Spot

Removal• FlUe FImshlUg,


l5326 Mack at NottinllhamTUxedo 2-3000

t' t

powerful In the worldWhen the pilot reqUIres an adde i

burst of power from hIs engme hepresses a button A water regulatorattached to the engme crankcase 1ll~

traduces a stream of water mto thegas lme while a de nchment valveattached to the carburetor, leans outthe mixture

Added engme effICiency IS achleved by leanmg out the mlxture However a lean mixture produces exeesslVe heat by reducmg the coohng aC~bon of exceSSive gas m~lde the cyhnders vVater lllJectlOn overcomes thISby keepmg the cyt oder temperaturewlthlll the bounds of operatmg efflclency whtle the engme 15 fund onmg on a lean mixture

+ •• •

Pilots Can ObtainExtra Horsepowerfor Emergencies

These women Will receIve help andtrammg for thetr Jobs suggestlOnson how to start and how to keep golUg wIth mterestmg aCltVltles Thewaiting 11st of Scoutll1g IS growmglonger every day Scout leadershtpIS a tremendous opportuutty for anywoman It IS a war Job with a future

It lsn t necessary to be part1cula~~ly clever or gifted to be a Girl Scoutleader-for the girls, themselvesthmk up more 1deas than can po ••s bly be u~ed \Vhat they want tS

someone to take an mterest m theirproblems to gUide them III the Scoutprogram and to be theIr fnend andadVisor It IS the leaders who canhelp tra n girls to be better citizenstomorrow and there are very fewohter war Jobs that are more 1mport~ant

Grosse Pomte already has 550Girl Scout;; but there are still agreat many girls on waltmg hsts be~cause of the need for volunteerworkers There are three age groupsto work With - Bro\'. utes the smallest seven to 10 years old mtermedtates 10 to 14 and senIOr Scouts, 14to 18 Anyone mterested 10 belllg aleader, please caU Mrs HowardParfitt 1\1 3698

Girl Scouts of Troop 201 have already held thellr first two meetll1gsand have elected the follOWIng ofhcers Joyce Clements, pres1dentAllce Schlaepfer, treasurer, JeanOrebaugh serV1ce chaIrman JeanD1Ckoff and Lmda Huntmgton coun.cl1 members

Girl ScoutN-E-W-S

A special water mJectlOn deVicethat enables fighter pilots to obtamapproximately one third addlt10nalhorsepower from their engmes dur-mg emergencies IS now standardeqUIpment on all Pratt and Whitney2000 horsepower engmes built by the

There IS fun and an opportutllty Ford Motor company for use Infor worthwhile warttme service for P 47 Thunderboltswomen lU Girl Scout leadership The Thunderbolts powered by Ford enGrosse Pomte d strict committee Is gmes bUilt 10 the Rouge plant com.lookmg for women over 21 to give pnse 60 per cent of U S fighterabout two hours a week of their plane strength The added powertime as leaders of Girl Scout troops makes the engtnes among the most


D ~eJ1 Reid a candIdate for thestate legislature on the RepublIcanticket 10 the first dLStr1ct which compnses the city of DetrOit the GrossePomte commumttes and GratlOttownship IS a Me long res dent ofth.e Redford sectIOn of DetrOit HeIS a graduate of the hterary and lawcol1eges of the Umverslty of \iichlgan recelvmg hiS law degree m 1926and has smce that ttme been activelyengaged m the practice of lat.' m thecIty of Detrolt and associated WithLeshe P Young Justice of the peaceof the City of Grosse Pomte

Mr Reid IS marned has threechildren of school age and IS particula-rly mterested and qualIfied 10

youth problems educa.tlon taxatlOnhospltahzatlOn of mdlgent afflIctedpersons and 10 postwar readJustmentand reconverslOn He also advocatesand Will work for a diVISion of thepresent large first district mto several dlstncts thus provldmg for better representatton of the differentsections of the dlstnct and gettmgthe people closer to their governmental representartlves

Although thiS IS the first time MrReid has been a candidate for publicoffice, he has long been mtere'Stedand actlve In public affairs and gov-ernmental problems He placed second among the 21 candidates nomnated on the Republtcan ticket at theJuly pnmary The CIVICSearchhghtafter makmg Its mvesttgatlon of allcandidates runnmg m the pnmarydeSignated Mr Re d as well qualted--preferred, he bemg the onlycandidate of e~thet' party to receivethIS partlcular endorsement

D. Neil Reid GivesQualifications forState Legislature

..lb. 31c••••


contmuation tn a pOSltlon where hehas been an outstandmg Judge andmediator, then we may be assuredthat the calibre of our county courtsWill contmue on the hIgh plane onwhich they have always been

HIS overwhelmmg endorsement bythe DetrOIt Bar ASSOCiation when hereceived nearly three tlmes as manyvotes as the combmed total of allthe other candidates for thiS officeproved that men who know the lawand the reqUirements of tne menwho deCide the law recogUlze JudgeFriedman s worth as a Clrcult courtJudge

Fresh Ground SteakHamburger . . . . .. .Ib. 28cVan CampPork and Beans .... can 14c

Round-No PointsSteaks .....

Call Orders in Friday forSaurdaY Delivery

Minimum Order $5

The selectIon of all JudlClal officersplaced on the non part san JudIc1alballot on Nov 7 should be Wisely andcons-clentlOusly made by each voter

When a man hke Judge WilhamFnedman at present on the bench ofthe CIrcUIt court and appomted tosucceed the late Judge Harry BKeldan announced hiS candidacy for

Urge Endorsementof Judge Friedmanfor Circuit Court I

Fresh Dressed-Grade AChickens .. .. .. . .. lb. 36c

Open 8:30 A.M. til 9 P.M.-Saturday 8 A.M. to 10P.M. - Sunday 9 A.M.to 2:30 P.M.

\Free Delivery

Get Acquainted Specials"DelMonte

Coffee lb. 31cI Rich Filed-No. 2% size canI Apricots can 31cI

l Hy-GradeLard lb. 18c



14715Kercheval Avenue, Opposite Christian Science Church

age Four

aranatha Baptist ChurchMoran. at Rosbury

Rev E.!; Waldeck. Pa.tor

mch II 00 a m and 7 30 pmnlor Church 11 O~ am,Ie School 9 45 amayer Meeting Wed 745 pmrUng peoples 6 30 pm.

or the preachmg of the cross ISthem that pensh fooltshnesst unto us whIch are saved It 15e power of God I Cor I 18


rtsr Utt'M .. to" U'Nt/~ ,

PHILIP F. ALLARD,Village Clerk,Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan.

'All land fronting on Vernier Road from a point 300 feet East of thecenter hne-of Mack Avenue to the Westerly line of the Village and toa depth of 300 t...,t from the center line of Vernier Road, as establishedby the Wayne 'County Road Commission: provided; however, that Inno event shall the depth of saiCldistrict exceed the platted depth of lotsas determined by the recordecl plats thereof,' •

'All land fronting on Harper Avenue within the Village limits andto a depth of 180 feet from tlte center line of Harper Avenue, as estab-lished by the Wayne County Road Commission; provided, however,that in no event shall the depth of said district exceed the platted depthof lots, as detennined by the recorded plats thereof.

DISTRICT C'Shall embrace all land fronting on Vernier Road from a point 300

feet East of the center line of Mack Avenue to the Easterly line of theVillage anClto a depth of 300 feet from the center line of Vernier Road,as established by the Wayne County Road Commission; provided, how-ever, that in no event shall the depth of said district exceed the platteddepth of lots, as determined by the recorded plats thereof!

'SECTION 2. All Ordmances or parts of Ordinances in conflictherewith are hereby repealed, only to the extent necessary to give thiSOrdinance full force and effect, and that the Zoning Map made a partof the aforementioned Ordmance be, and the same is hereby, accord-ingly revised.

'SECTION 3. The Provisions of this Ordinance are hereby de-clared to be immediately necessary for the pubhc health, peace andsafety and are hereby given immediate effect!

the center line of Mack Avenue aforesaid to a point which is 160 feet,measured at right angles from the common hne between the City ofDetroit and the Village of Grosse Pointe Woods; thence westerly alonga line parallel with and 160 feet d.stant from the common line betweenthe City of Detroit and the VIllage of Grosse Pointe Woods to a pointon a line, which is the common line J>etween Lots 82 and 83 of GrossePointe Country Club Wood. Subdivision, as extended; thence alongsaid hne to the common line between the City of Detroit and the VIllageof Grosse Pointe Woods; thence westerly along the common lille be-tween the City of Detroit and the V.llage of Grosse Pointe Woods, adistance of 540 feet to a point; thence northerly along a line which isthe East line of Lot 95 of Grosse Pointe Country Oub Woods Subdi-viSIon extendecl to a point distant along said line 150 feet southerlyfrom the South line of Bournemouth Avenue (30 fe~t wide) measuredat right angles; thence easterly along a line parallel with and 150 feetdistant f~om the south line of Bournemouth Avenue (30 fee~ wide) toa point on a line, which line is the common line between lots 82 and 83of Grosse Pointe Country Club Woods Subdivision, as extended; thenceNortherly along such common line between Lots 82 and 83 of GrossePointe Country Club Woods Subdivision. as extended, to the Southline of Bournemouth Avenue (30 feet wide); thence easterly along theSouth hne of Bournemouth Avenue (30 feet wide) to the place of be-ginning.

'Provided that the property herein described shall be used for park-ing purposes only and that no bUIldingstructure shall be erected there-on.

'All that land situated in Privtae Claim 617 in the V.llage of GrossePointe Woods, descrIbed as,

'Beginning at a point on Bournemouth Avenue. which point is 300feet d.~tant at right angles from the center line of Mack Avenue (66feet wIde) as estabhshed by the Wayne County Road Commission;thence Southerly along a hne parallel w.th and 300 feet d,stant from

be amended so as to read as follows, to-wit:'SECTION 19. Description of Districts:

DISTRICT A'Shall embrace all land within the confines of the Village limits of

Groue Pointe Woods which is not a part of Districts Band C.DISTRICT B

'Shall embrace the following described parcels of property:'That part of the Village of Grosse Pointe Woods bounded on the

South by the common hne between the Village of Grosse Pointe Woodsand the City of Detroit, on the East by the westerly line of Mack Ave-nue (66 feet wide), on the North by a hne parallel w.th and dIstant 200feet northerly at right angles from the Common Line between the Cityof Detroit and the V.llao;e of Grosse Pointe Woods and on the Westby the line between lots 82and 83 of Grosse Pointe Country Cluh WoodsSubdIvision, as extended, to the Common Line between the City ofDetroit and the Village of Grosse Pointe WOQds.

'All the remaining land fronting on Mack Avenue for its entirelength WIthin the Village and for a depth of 300 feet from the centerhne of Mack Avenue, as established bv the Wayne County Road Com-mission, excepting therefrom the Southerly 60 feet of such Mack Ave-nue frontage which is to be dedIcated for public highway purposes;provided, however. that, in no event, shall the depth of said dIstrict ex-ceed the platted depth of lots, as determined by the recorded Plat there-of.

Friday, November 17, 1944at 8:00 o'clock pm, Eastern Wartime, upon a proposed Amendmentto Ordinance No. 34 of the VIllage of Grosse Pointe Woods, adoptedon June 18, 1940,which proposed amendment is as fl'lIows:


'AN ORDINANCE to regulate and restrict the location of tradesand industries and the location of bUIldingsdes'll"nedfor specified uses,to regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings hereafter' erected,to regulate and determine the area of yards, courts, and other openspaces, to limit and restrict the maximum number of famihes whichmay be housed in dwelhngs hereafter erected or altered, and for saidpurposes divide the Village into districts, to provide a method of ad-ministration, and to prescribe the penalties for the violation of its pro-visionl.~'

"Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the Provisions of Act~o. 207of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan for the year of 1921,as amended, that a public hearing w.lI be had at the Mason School onVernier Road, in the Villalle of Grosse Pointe Woods, Wayne County,Michigan on

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, A.D. 1944"t 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the Mason School on Vernier Road in the Village of Grosse Pointe Woods.

Notice of Public' Hearingon Proposed Amendment to Ordinance No. 34, Known as, 'The Zoning Ordinance of the Villageof Grosse Pointe Woods,' to Be Held on.

ii'4' ...... , n.tte ..... ' " ,1A:::;Pt;' $'leV u"*s' de ce e"it;t ,,, ...... " ," uHst :\ 0(...... ' 4 t " rt;,.,'t 4' It....... ",' wrtnsP n" ......, d ,nLEnoll 5376

BIg enough tG want to work long hours at oneof the Army's most VItal Jobs •••BIg enough to want to work now - so that youcan enJoy victory 18 the knowledge that )'ouhafe helped men to hve and laugh agam?If yours is a heart lIke thIS-YOU belong III theWomen's Army Corps-as a medlcal techDlClanIn the WAC,

For full lnformatlont about IOlnlng theWomen's.. Army Corps 01 .. Medlcol Tech-"lellOh, go to your Morest U S ArmyRecruiting Station, Or mod the coupon below.,r-------------,p S ARMY RECRutTttiG STATION

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l'IN thout arty obhgatlOu on my Pllrt tull nformatlOn about I

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BIg enough to help a wounded hoy fight biBway back from the fear 8lid palh of a blood~ albed hell?BIg enou#;h to give hIm a prop to 1eaJ.'t. on-,our Iympathy, your understtlndin" t6Ut 1116.nite woman's compauIon?BIg enough to take on the tinielt Mote - ot aJob of Iravest responSlbdlty?

A. J. FOR S T E Rj JEWELER &: OPTOMETRIST1400 Charlevoix at Cblm .....j "1 '( " t;.....cl~d..~';,;;yc',C 1AA~~G>-.k..:i01~~~.1'.~Av_~"""-&iiL:.~~

This Patriotic Appeal Sponsored by

If you are fully qualified to do any of the jobs listed below, you ore assured immedlote, assignment to on Army hospital, after bosic training.

If you are inexperienced, and can pass required tests, you will be 9iven free technicaltraining in certain selected jobs.

Lohoratory TlichnlclansDented TechnlclGn.X..ray TechnlClonsMedical and Surgical techniclanlPsychlotrlc SOCialWqrkerll and

PsychiatriC AssistantsEducational Reconditioning Personnel

(Teachers)Medical SteilogrophersOccupatlonal'Theropfsts




Are there 22,000 hearts big enough?

Thursday, ~.,velnbe': 2, 1944 THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW . Page Flv


Oe Luxe MOde' I

HEATERRe9u/ol'Jy sr4 j

eOllrP.let"$w,th 1295D& Luxe

mummoted _ISWitch

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HEATER PARTS FOR YOUR CARHeat9l" Hose v, per ft 7c ~

8ross ,..ttfnV9Heater Hose CI.., _~ 23c

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43c Heater N pples-

• Assuresproperbreak Inreconditionedmotors

• Removessludge andgum

• Frees stIckyvalves




• ThiS " the standarde Ulpment lamp onm%st 1940 and latermoliel car' Play safecarry a spare lamp

Olher WesllnghouseLamps 10 Ftl All Cars

al Savings


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Tu.e experts Will recap your tires WIth extraheavy duty rubber tread of the best gradefully guaranteed Firestone factory methodsused

MUFFLERRepair Sleeve


3 ~~


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Open Mon., Tues., Wed. Evenings Till ?; Thurs., Fri., Sat. EfJenrngs

WashlRglon Blvd, I John R E. Jalferson Gd. Rlvtr \ Grallot \WOOdward MIchiganCor Mldllgan An Cnr Nevada An Cor ManhUau \ or eh eago 81.d at 7 Mile lid eM Cah,"t i Cor Scllatfer lid

RA 1615 I 10 9.4400 LE 4400 HO 4400 AR 4000 I TO 6.4400 I OR 4400

Reg $1 Pm;e 6gcFd. 1010.1 CO"

• Double strength on boltholes

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No Priority RequiredSIZE 6.00x16


TUxedo 2-2275

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By Westinghouse


Choice Imported Darwin Tulip BulbsVarieties "., .dozen $1.85 Choice Mixed Darwins .. dozen $1.50

$15.00 per 100 $12.00 per 100

Order 1 dozen or 100We Deliver

* Dependable

• Perfectly balanced sothat It Will not tIp

• White and red colorcombmatIon

• Sturdy constructionWith foot rest bars25 mches long 18Inches hIgh



J'or Large Room, Store otSmat! House

$74~Budget P'on

• IS-lOCh firepot• Takes cold aIr from

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• Walnut - brown porce-lain gunmetal trimNo RlJlioft Neeclecl

Greater Detroit Landscape Service Co.COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE

Estimates Also Given on Tree Spraying, Trimming and Tree Removal

Certain evergreens do not last very well nor hold a good green color year 'round. While theymay be less costly to begm WIth, in the long run they are a poor Investment. Whether youneed one tree or a complete landscape planbng IT IS of utmost importance to you to dealWIth a REPUTABLE CONCERNl





1nIts a change 111 the structure of the Under the proposed plan all the county them ~eems mterested m a C'hacounty government It does not legislative body would be elected Fifth The objectIOn IS made that The c rcu t Judges are electedchange the powers and 1filtatlOns not more than two thirds from De under the amendment the offlcers of non partlsdl electlOl s And III cot1 eleof It pelmlts the adoptIOn o-f a trolt and the re:,t-one thIrd or more the county may be appomted The tv elect 0 ~ ",1 at pOS~ble baSIS~harter whIch wIll proVIde for the from the rest of the county dlvlded amendment so pro,;- de~ bUtt It also tl ere cor pal ty dIVSlon:>? '\on pgovernmental structure chIef execu mto dlstncts accordmg to popula prOvIdes thd.t they may be elected tbdll elect ons therefore seemtIVe small legislatIVe body etc hon :'Ixth The prOYISon for non par only Ju:,t tidble but preferable I

Third One objection lS made I<ourth Ce1"bal.i1 bugaboos are tlsan eled om I~ objected to Pract! 1 c prolone b of the measurethat representatIOn IS taken away raIsed bv the opponents of the plan- cal pohtlclans assert that from a po_ n H da m fo t that tts adoptfrom the sma.J.ler un ts of govern that It '" 11 permIt Detroit to take hbcal standpo nt thiS prOViSIon15 un- means pcrlectIOn 111the admm sment It IS ObVlOUSthat 1f we are over the county or to fOist ltS debt \y "e on the theory th,it WIth a non tlon of \\ d.\ne county affairs Wta get nd of the present mefflclent on the county or to use the county ~ part san county government the 111 t1 ey do c1aMn 101' 1t IS that undun", eldly board of superVlsorS) Its money or tax ng powers for De fluence of \Vayne county 111state well drdwn charter the adrnlU1sSIze must be reduced Wicked mfluence \\ 11 ncrease taxes pol t c" \'.-111be \\eakened ThiS may t on of the bus ness of Wayne

Of the present board af supervls These objectIons and others like be so but t seems to me the argu ty v,. 111e carned on more effectlvors only 18 are elected The other 64 them are all answered b) the ev;pre~5 me 1t5 for non patitlsan e1ectlOl1Sout more exped tlOush- and more ecoare supervIsors because they hold prOVISion that \Va\ne count) Sh<l.11we gh th ~ objection The home rule m cally tha 1 IS pOSSIble underother offices or because they are ap have only the po "en and be subJec l t e ,,, th er few e"ceptlons have pre~E'nt OfQ;anZ<l.tlon and that ~pomted to all the hrrlltatlOns of every other, non part san eleotlOns and none of, (Co tm ted on Page 7)

• 24 lOches high, strongly bUilt• Combmatlon sto.,1 and kItchen

chair• Hmged under Side so top folds

backAdd. Charm and Smartness 10 Any Room

~x .." ...oS ~\~..... :< i'N'#" ,;:;:-""'<-:;" _~ -.. »• t''' $' "':~r{~~1f;~~~"'1ffi ~~ ~





VITALITY STEPSTOOLSRegular $1.95 Price $100

pointed Redond White -

mentI note that the statement purport~

to come from the '1 chlga"n InstItutefa Lodl Government of WhICh MrD Hale Brake 1" Pre:'ldent and theCommittee for Represen ta'lwe Government of wh~ch Mr Che~ter Carpenter IS Secretary I wonderwhether the} are prepared to support by competent proof theIr statement whIch I challenge as hbelous

YOUi s very trulyJA'IES K V,ATKJ'\S

ChaIrman CLtzem CommIttee forWayne County

EDITOR S 'IOTE-The folio"ng answers to obJectlOns to theproposed home rule amendment(proposal ~o 4 at tne polb Nay7) were submItted far publIcail:lOnby James R Watkms chairman ofthe Gttlzens commIttee on HomeRule for Wayne county Attempthas been made by the staff of thiSpaper to condense the article dueto space lImltahon but wIthoutsUibtractmg from thought or mean-lUg

r F1rst The proposal makes nochange whats-oeV'er In the powers ofWavne county as the amendment expressly provIdes that Wayne countyshall have all the powers and be subJect to all the restrIctlOns of allcountles In other words after theI amendment Wayne county Will haveexactly he same powers and he sub

I Ject to exactly the same lImItatIonsas though the amendment had not

Ihem adopted ThIS proVISIOn effect vely disposes of all the objeClt10nsmade to the proposal based on thealleged fear that If the amendmen1IS adopted Wayne county WIll dosometh ng to one or more of theCltles VIllages or townshIps In thecounty _ that the county WIll forexample take over the pohce andfire departments of the CIty ofGrosse Pomte or the V1Uage ofGrosse Po nte Farms or the city ofDearborn It can safely be asserted

1 that the county has no sueh powerahd It IS beyond the shghtest questlon that If the county can do anysuch thmg after the amendment It

I can do It now, smce the amendmentI neither lUcreases nor decreases thecounty s powers

Second The proposal Simply per



A Comstock Charles E DoraIsGeorg .l:!.dwards WIlham Ci RogellHenry S Sweeney and Eugene LVanAntwerp have been notOriouslycorrupt Whether they have beenmefftclent IS a matter perhaps ofOp1DlOnbut the stakement that theyhave been notOrIously corrupt call~for proof

There 1:, of course not one wordof truth 111the statement and noneof them needs any defens'" from meI submIt however that the statement should not go unchallengedand I submIt further that 111 Itsreckless d1sregard of tlhe truth It 15typrcal of the kmd of campaIgn thatIS bemg waged agamst thIS amend

Featuring----Complete BUICK

The Revaew welcome. contributlons for publication Howeyer, as8Yldence of good faith, all article.mu.t be algned NaMes will beWithheldupon requ~.t

and General Repairing on All Makes of Cars

Tuesday, November 7th

Women's Republican Clubof Grosse Pointe

Motor Sales, Inc.Authorized Buick Sales and Service


While the Owner, Maj, Harry A. Turner Is in service

Will Re-Open 'inThe Pointe Soon


at the Northeast Corner of Kercheval and Maryland15103 Kercheval Avenue - LEnox 3094



Proposal No 4 on the November 7r'l-tballot Although your paper has In

dlcarted OPPosItIOn to the cimendment I thmk you would wish It called to your attention that the firstsentence III reason ~o 3 15 clearl;libelous It reads

DetrOit s present city and legOctober 30 1944 lslatlve offle als now elected AT

1he EdItor LARGE have been notoriouslyGrosse Pomte ReVIew mefflClent and corrup1Grosse POinte Park 30 MIchIgan What th 5 says IS that DetrOit 5Dear S1r present elected offIcials Its Mayor

In your Issue 01 October 26 1944 Edward J J effnes J r Its Citythere 1$ an advertIsement In heavy Tuasurer Albert E Cobo its Citytype Whl'Ch purports to set forth Clerk "Dhomas D Leadbetter andcertam reasons for votmg agamst tts councilmen John C Lodge Fredthe Home Rule amendment bemg. C Castdtor Frank Cody Wl1ham

Letters to the Editor

e SIx THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW T!iursday, November 2, 1944 ,,~~-



Repubhcan Candidate for

State Flepresentative

to Honest, Capable Represen.tation in the Legislature


toServe You

Those DeliciousSANDWICHES

Master of CeremoniesComedy Song

Gladly Playing Your Requests


Under the New Management of


The Can Bella Is Closed Mondays

15203 E. Warren at LakepointeCafe Casa Bella


Fine Mixed DrinksLiquors - Beers and Wines

, A quallfied ;tudent of governmental problems"-Ed, tonal The DetrOIt News August 28 1941

Specialists in

Your Host

The Congenial "Little Tony"


Graduate, University of Michigan and lawyer for 30 yearsAssistant attorney general, 1916.1921Law clerk of the senate, 1923.1929

President, Taxpayers Council of Wayne County, Inc.Member, mayor's advisory committee on city planningPreferred by Detroit Citizens League three times and Now

It's TimeFor A Change

* * * CompleteSODA FOUNTAIN

Inez Collver Mohn

Concert SopranoTeacher of Voice -

Home StudiO1334NottIngham Road

NIagara 7007


Thuraday, Nov 2 - Last TimesTonight Wally Brown, AlanCarney 111 ' Seven Days Ashore"plus Janl. Carter In f'Glrl In theCase" Cartoon, New. SpecialActQal battle scenes, f'Battie forthe Marianna."

Wed, thur Nov 8, 9Wednesday MatInee at 3 p m.

SpeCial Reque.t. ProgramCharles Laughton,Maureen 0 Hara



Martha Raye Charles RugglesIII

'THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER'Color Cartoon }.jewsreel

You can do a better Job for VictOryand serve beSide the men who keepour ntlg-hty planes aloft by Joinmgthe Wac to serve With the AAFRoom 600 Buhl BUlldmg Detrolt

Frl, Sat Nov. 3, «Joan Davls Bob Crosby


PlusChester MorrIS Russel Hayden


Color Cartoon Desert Hawk

Sunday, Monday, Tue.dayNovember 5, 6 and 7

ROibert Walker Donna Reedm


PlusJohn Carradme Bela LUgoS1


The b111fo< Sunday and Mondayoffered by the management of theAloma theatre W111be Seven DaysAshore Wlth Wally Brown and AlIan Carney and 4 Gambler s ChOicestarrmg Russell Hayden and NancyKelly

'Seven Days Ashore' 15 a TlOtOUSmusical WIth dancmg girls and hotmusiC supphed by FreddIe SJack andFreddle FIsher Tdle antics of theseSe1"VICertnenwhIle they spend sevenprecIous' days With the 'landlub.

bers ' The pIcture IS nothmg butone laugh af.ter another

One of. th-e biggest best sellers ofrecent years, See Here, PrtvateHargrove' IS the baSIS of thes1mghtly comedy of army hfe to beshown at the Aloma tomorrow andSaturday Robert Walker In thelead role With Donna Reed, RobertBeachley Keenan Wynn Bob Cros-by Ray CoHms and ChIh Wills arefeatured 10 the laugh provokmgstory of the rookIe who was born tobe a clvlltan

Delicious Sodas and SundaesFeaturing Your Favorite Sweitzer Ice Cream

Opposite Gro.se Pointe High School369 Fisher Road

Open 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Midnight - Closed Sunday.MAKE A DATE TO EAT HERE TONIGHT

Pierre Clemenceau SpeaksPlerr-e Clemenceau, bn1l1ant and

courageous young French patnotspeakmg for t-he Detr01t Town Ha Iat the Cass theatre Fnday mornmgNOV 10 at eleven 0 Clock vn.ll gIvea Frenchman s VIew of La Franceand the French People -, FrranceToday and Tomorrow

Varied FeaturesOffered Patronsat Aloma Theatre


Niagara 9693

Frank B Ferguson who IS seekmgoffice as ClrcUlt Judge tn Waynecoun tv recently made the followmgstartement when asked about h squahficatlOns to serve tn the abovecapacIty

I ~-as bo 1 1Il 1893 In Harn:.onCIty Pa Graduated from the Unt~versity of Pltbburgh law school In

1917 I have practIced law In MI<:h-19an for 27 years Taught 10 pubhcschools three years and was tnstruc.tor m CIVIland cnmInal law at theDetr-Olt college of law for 10 xearsI served as an assistant prosecul1:Ingattorney for five years and hav-e beena Judge for the past five years IJ

Frank B. FergusonStates Qualificationsfor Circuit Judge

A comedy filled With ~he best GIhumor laughs and peculiar sltua-tlons IS teamed 'VI ~th a horror thnllfilm fOl the Shores theatre SundayMonday nad Tuesday See HerePnvate Hargrove has been adaptedfor screen use from one of thecountry s best sellers whIch glVes themSlde mformatlon on the hfe of arookIe who spends mo.st of hIS tImeon KP duty

Robert Walker becommg a favante everywhere plays the leadlllgrole as Pnvate Manon Hargrove

The companIon horror thnll feature Return of the Ape Man' 1S

the story of a mad sCientist who endows an ape wlith a section of up~to date bram bo-rtl."owedfrom hiS bestfrIend

SANDWICHESServed from 6 P. M to I A. M

Plenty of Choice Beers and Fine Liquors"Mixed As You Like 'Em"

And His Band-Playing Your Favorite Tunes

MIXed Drmks our SpecIalty WIth a fulllIne of Beers, chOlce W mes and Ltquors




•14948 E JEFFERSON, Gro.se Pomte ParkMUrray 9289

c. A. BRUNTON, Propnetor LOUIS GIRARD, M__

Cbarlev01X at WayburnPhoDe TU. 2.2615

cop" Shumway's (Cocktail Lounge Marine Room Grille

East Warren at Courville

Dance at The AlgerEvery Friday, Saturday & Sunday Night


Tue.day, Wednesday, ThursdayNovember 7, 8 and 9

Ann Savage Tom Nealem


Lynn Roberts George Meekerm



To the Lache.Every Tuesday, Wed.neaday and

Thur.day Night

Sun, Mon Nov. 5, 6Wally Brown Allan Garney


P1usRussell Hayden Nancy Kelly


Fri, Sat Nov. 3, 4.Robert Walker, Donna Reed



Joan DaVIS Jane Frazee.and Bob Crosby



The second major productIon ofthe CatholIc Theat['e S CUlrent season WIll be The Far Off Hills anamJable IrIsh comedy to be presented for one week only begmnmgSunday Noy 19 at the Pl~yers Theatre 3321 East Jefferson

'Two GirlS and A Sador' IS themerry mad story of two girts whofall 10 lorve With a myster ous some-body who qUietly arranges/ to fulfillall their hopes for a large scale canteen for servicemen and sends themor-ehlds In the bargam Johnson ISthe :.allor and the MIS:'CS Allysonand DeHaven play the smgmg anddanang sister ad There s comedyby Schnozz Durallite and GraCIeAllen, whose one finger conce-r10 ISa claSSICof lts k nd There are alsosongs by Lena Horne, Carlos Ra.mirez and VIrgmla a Bnen

Catholic Theatreto Present Comedy


and HisBAND


* * *Presenting -



Sunday, Monday, TuesclayNovember 5, 6 and 7


Loretta YO1lngGeraldme FItzgerald


W,thRoddy McDov,ell Preston Foster

Color Gar-toon, VIctory ShortContmuou. Sunday from 12145

Wed, Thur Nov. 8, 9


WI,hHarold Peary


WIth •Edmund Lowe J ants CarterColor Ca1"toon Short Sab J ect

Free Dl.he. to the LadJe. EveryWednelday and Thur.day



Re.spondmg to Captain Frankle soalls of BlOgo' and Ronton' apair of oanny oanmes the Stevadorn s current attractwns gothrough their- paces WhlCh mcludesUIChdIfftcult tncks as hgMWlre bal.ancmg and dearmg a hoop In neatfashlOn

In a show emceed by WItty co or~dmator Harry Wh~tney, tenor JackRegan late of the Bob Fuller LatlfiQoorter Sextet IS one of the bIgdra'\\lng cards Keepmg a constantstream of ball:. gomg at one tIme ISan aocomphshment of Tom Chaleswho d!"arwsgasps of amazement withhlS Juggling prowess

I 15635MACK AVE-TO. 2.2324--

Fri, Sat Nov 3, «"two GIRLS AND


Van Johnsbn June AllysonPlus

"HI'rLER'S GANG" ,W,th

Ro'ber-t Watson Vt1ctor VarconlColor Cartoon

Contmuou. Saturday from 12 45

Clever Canines Walk Tuneful Musical Hit GI Comedy andTightropes, Tricks Scheduled for Colony Mystery Thrillera East Side Club MG\1 s tuneful zestful new muSl at Shores Theatre

cal hlt Two Girls and A SaIlorstarT1ng Van Johnson June AllysonGlona DaHaven Jimmie Duranteand the bands of Harry James and::{<avler Cugat plays at the Colonytheatre tomorrow and Saturday

The second feature \\7111be Hitler s Gang fea1urmg Robert Watson and Victor Varconl

* Tom ChanesNovelty Acrobatic* The Vee Ames GirlsDanCIng Chorus

and HisAccordIon

Take OutOrders



day Nav 1 The new stamps WhlChwill be good mdefinltely are S5, T5,US VS and WS These stamps w,llhave to last at least a month OPAadvised

Ballroom. Tap. Ballet

Morning - Afemoon - Evening

Expert Ladies and Gentlemen Instructors

Bial CN 8800 for Carrier,Belivery

Thursday • Friday • Saturday • SundayChoice Liquors Mixed to Your Taste


Banquets and Dinner Parties

* * *

Capt. FrankieI With Ranton and Bmgo

I Johnny Regan! IrIsh Tenor * Harry Whitney, M.C.-Comedy Nitwittmous Chef _ Improved Fast Food Service - Complete Seven • Course Dinners

~om$1.75 to $2.80 (Half Price for Children) Sta;:';~:e1~d:draIi DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT STARTS AT 9:00 P,M. NIGHTLYli!Ni.I"";u!ll!@I6!@!ilJQi!lri'!iI!'ii!lMN1i!!! ....@iftlj"'@1fiI1III AIR"CONDITIONED


filtIriiJiii!jilli!!!jiJli!ffl1WIiAAI!liI1@!N@!lIIffi1ljimiUji!liitfjjl!iil~ AIR -CONDITtONED ijiiiijiliilij!!!i\!ii#!'riIlri!!ri!!j!!!ii!W!N!iI!liU+iiV!riI!i'ljijjri!!ii!!NUiIDi!Jii'!!jiI



SiEVADORA1'115HARPER at Crane, 5 Blocks West of Gratiot • Reservation., Phone IV. 9088

Still Pre.entlng the BIggest, Mast Entertaining Show on the Ea.t S.de

e more blue stamps for prod foods were announced byas becommg vabd on Wednes


rivate _ $2.50 Semi.Private - $1.00 Class - 50cfor Beginners and Advanced, Adults and Children


50 Alter Road LEnox 3837!

Now TWIce as Large as Our 01?lgmal Inn,and ThIS Increased Space Allows Am,ply ~or


I EUZABETH JOHNSON. DirectorI REGISTER NOW FOR FALL TERMbm,pJetecour", and indIVidual in.trudlon in Plano, SIDging, VIO-

tVtolin Cello, OrgaD, Wood WInd and Bra .. - Theory and Com-ltioll - Leading to

Dlplomas _ Graduation _ Teacher'. CenlBcatelSpecial Courses of Instruction for Chlldren

3 East Jefferson Avenue RA. 6745


II Taylor's Stage Bar'\i4050 Gratiot Near Seven Mile Road

e Blue Stamps Validtmg November lot

I THE FINEST IN FOODSrULL COURSE SUNDAY DINNERS $1.50;at and Drink to "Music for Your Moods" at One of the

Ea.t Side's Most Popular Night Spots.

ffhLee's Burmat,~ Road Inn~

15406 Mack at Nottingham

Delicious Chinese and American Food

IHours. Open D&1ly4 00 p 1ft,. to 4 00 am.

Sundays, 1 30 pm to 9 30 pm.


Thursday, November 2, 1944 / THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW Page Seve


LEnox 5800

whIch he feeh quahfies hIm for t 4!off ce of dram commiSSIoner


\ew Zealand spmach IS not a sPlftJjael but a trap cal plant whIch hot"ian b call tetragonla expansa II

for Pickup


Beautifully Cleanedand Pressed


e }, ith dean Draperies


Brighten Up Your Home for theHobdays Ahead • • ••

Order from




Now's your opportunity to get theelection-eve America Speaks andDetroit Speaks results on surveysof voters, both in the Detroit areaand in every state of the Union.

Don't fail to get these tabulationsappearing in




MONDAY, NOV. 6The Detroit News



Freshen Up Your H01

15139 Kercheval at Lakepointe

candldart:e for prosecutor a man qldate of the C1VlCSearchhght for the Red Cross and C0111mUnltyfundassistant 10 that offlce unqueshon the office of 'Vayne county drain for the past 20 :years and s a memably fit htm to mstall an admmls1.ra comm sSlOner on the Repub1Jcan ber of the Boy Scout orgal1.tatlOnt on that will adheer to the creed of t1cket has been an active par c pan III addltlOn he 1a~ had a wealth 01

Fair Play 10 Every Way for many years III the c VICaffa r~ of bus ness e)..petle ce l1d.vl1g \\0 h.edGerald K 0 Brren graduated from the county \1;r \fered th has taken III the capacity of purchas10g ,,~en

Houghton high school and upon an actlve part 10 all campaIgns of, off C'" manager a 1d ot er capac.. t (,graduatIOn entered the U S navy m ------------------,-World War I In 1923 he graduatedfrom the UnlVerslty of MIchlgan la\\school and contillued In pnvate practlce With hiS lather Judge PatrIckH 0 Bnen untll 1933 when he became deputy attorney general of thestate of MlchIgd.n In 19,)5 Gerald Ka BrIen became an assistant prosecutor m Wayne county

Judge Jos. MurphySeeks Re-election

Voters of the 11 cItIes 18 townShIpS and 13 vtllages 10 Wayne county outSide DetrOLt have Geralrio Bnen to thank as the only candldate for office who has dared to oppose the DetroIt dally press not onlyon how he rhmks the office of prosecutor should be conducted, hut onthe subject which 15 of almost equalImportance - 'N"ov 7th With the outcome of the national ele'Ctlon He opposes state proposal No 4 the socalled Home Rule for Waynemeasure

Judge J o~eph A Murphy 1udge ofprobate who seeks re election m theforthcommg electIOn nex~ Tuesdayhas a pubhc record of sound admmIstratlOn behmd him for the past 12years J\ reSIdent of Grosse PomteJudge \1 urphy has partIcipatedWholeheartedly 111CIVICand busmessaffaIrs In \\t a} ne county

He has proven himself capable ofhandhng the hundreds of caseswh ch al e brought before hIm because of h s effIC1ent and tempermen tall} sound ph110sophy concernmg Me laws of ,hiS state and country

1udge \:[ urphy IS preferred by theDetrOit Bar aS5Q'ClatlOn the DetrOItCItIzens: League and all leadlllg ClV1Cgroups and organlzed labor

Rep. Louis C. RabautScores Again WithNew Song Hit

A L \Ieredlth, !the preferred can

A. L.MeredithSeeks Office ofDrain Commissioner

Open MondayUntil 9 :00 1". M.

Rept LouiS C RaJbaut ha$ scoredagam w1th a new song hit Whl<chwas recently released The new songAll Over 1S qUickly becomlllg Ii

hIt wherever It IS heard The wordsand musIc were WrItten by the cangressm<an

The unique cover for thiS composItlon deplctmg the various branch-es of serVice throughout the world\\as des gned by \1155 Bern.a,detteHenk of Grayton road GrossePomte Park It IS 1» mbo! c of thetheme of the song which pays tnb~ute to our fight 109 men whereverthey are and closes WIth a prayerfor a qUIck victory and homecommg

Congressman Rahaut '\\ho IS wellknown for h s smgung abll1ty, hasmade a h-oibby of muSIC

t!! .

'." 1I~mi-~I'FlOM"POOf PAtHS ii :• •i If you hove tried WIthout i• Success to filld reWef alld i• comfort for those tired,: oching feet, cIon't be d,s. •

i couroged ••• it will cost i.r,ou 1I0thlllg to v,sit the

I 'ARCH.AID" olld leorn I.• how you COli hove goodI feet olld good heolth. •

INon-Medical Service I: Scientific _

I Foot Analysis !

IFREE i• 10 am •• toSpm Ii~11 IlARCH!i-AID III Foot Culture Service

i~~r 2 John R. I: Cor. Woodword Avellue 1love, Clonnlllgham'. :


Or.lglnal Prices $40 to $60

• Chesterfields

• Belted and Fitted

• Box Styles

• Casual and Sport

John R, East of Woodward

Store Hours 10 00 to 5 30

11:00 to 7 00 on Monday

103 Coats at Cost! Ever)

untrimmed coat must 1'01

Come m and see them foryourself Slzes 10 to 20

and JUniors

Wayne county voters ha:ve mGerald K 0 Bnen the Democratlc

graceful contmued MOSier butputs \;v'ayne County In a stnaght]d.cket III the eyes of the people ofthe state

Wayne County With half of thestate s populatIOn and paymg wellover half of the state revenuesshould be m a pOSItIon to commandrespeert: III leglslatwe matters Masle.r stated but we WIll never attaInthat pOSItIon as long as we send toLans ng representd.tlves who do notknow what It s all aboTht '

MOSler who owns hIS home at16196 Harlow has practIced law for30 years and IS preSIdent of the Tax-payers CounCll of Wayne CountyIuc Because of hiS mterest and un~derstandmg of CIty problems MayorJ effnes named him on h1s AdvIS0YCommIttee on CIty Planmg representmg the Federated CIVICAssocla<tlOnsof Northwest Dekolt totaling24 C'!VICorganizations He was aPreferred candIdate for the same offke m three preVIOUS elections bythe' Detro)t Otlzens League

Gerald K. O'BrienAgainst Home Rule

I,,,~~"'" _~.L......<."",-,,,,,,,,,,,,,>- ....L'""'~~L...-..~~~_~..L.. ......"--'~_~~ ~

Kimaul Blanket Insulation$5.30 100 ..q. ft. Double ThickGold Bond Medium Thick

$3.50 box 60 sq. ft.Rock Wool- 79c per bag

Covers 18 square feet three inches thick


Very truly yoursKenneth L Moore

Civic LeaderSeeks State Post

They will find 1t very s1mple andeaSily understood and I do not thmkthey W11Ifind ltt It any of the t~rnfymg posslblhtles tha,t the oppo-SItIon are becommg almost hysten~cal about

It gIves Wayne county the sameprlvlleges" WIth respect to govern-mental stru<:rture that were accordedto all the cltles of MichIgan almostforty years ago and which no onehas e¥er even suggested dlscardmgIt does not add nor subtract one IOtafrom the present powers of the gov-ernment of Wayne county

There IS neIther space nor reasonfor dISCUSSingIt 10 detail Get a copyand reaQlt That IS all that 15 neces-sary

'Dlshon~ty corTuptIon and voteselhng m our leguslature mu-s.f: bestamped out for all hme If WayneCounty 1$ ever to regam It s oncerespected posltton III state affatt's,'says Duane H Mosaer, prommentleader m CIViCaffaIrs and canQ.ldatefor stMe representatlve on the Republtcan tlcket r

Mos~er m promotmg hIS campalgnm the first district comprISmg theC1ty of Detroit and Grosse Pomtesays that thiS unhealthy coudatloncan only be remedied by electmghonest and capable men to the leglslature and the pCWler hes WIth thepeople on November 7th

The recent conVIctIOn of 14Wayne county past and presentdemocratIc members of the legiS-lature for vote selling IS not only dls

$3.95 and up$1.65$2,75

$1.89 and up

the Heme Rule amendment seemsveTy conftlsmg Perhaps It wasmeant to be so and perhaps toothat IS why so many people are say~mg they don t understand what It 15all aboUit


For the HERB Kitchen

$1.00 to $12.50

Costume Jewelry,

DOLLSSelections Are Still Good

But Supply Is Limited. See OurStory Book Dolls, Games for allages, pull toys, stuffed toys, pegtables, blackboards, kiddie cars, ete.

Lovely matched pins and earringsets, bracelets, necklaces.

Oct 31 1944



* THE ONLY DRIVE.IN SERVICE IN DETROIT * PI. 24129941 HAYES BOULEVARD NEAR OUTER DRIVE* Ten Minutes Drive From Grosse Pointe or Gratiot Township *

INSULATENOW!-3 Years to Pay!StorlD Sash and Insulation!


33x15 Combination Basement Storm Sash

Storm Sash

KWICK CHANGE Storm Sash andScreens

33x15 Basement Storm Sash

Open 10 00 a m to 6 00 pm Fnda,. 'b1 9 00

Now IS the Time to Buy Christmas

Christmas CardsNames Imprinted

*China-CrystalPottery. Leather


Vote Democratic

ThiS Advertisement Paid for by A Friend



My letter IS Just to recommendthat they get a copy of the amendment Itself and read It It was prmtw

1 Q the Editor ed In full on each copy of the petI~\f uch of the propaganda agaInst, hons that were c.t:1:ulated

Letters to the Editor(Cont1nued from Page 5)

at ng under a charter Wayne countycan carryon Its present busmess andmake prOViSion for new problems asthey arise far better than IS pOSSIbleat present


Page EIght THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW Thursday, November ~, 1944





We SpeCIalIze inWatch aDd

Jewelry Repair ..In"

Finest Selectlon of

WATCHESBulova Wittnauer Loblln ...

Benrus Welsbro

Gill JewelersJ(The House of Jewels'.14299 HARPER AVE.

Opp Harper Theatre

~"the completion of theIr pro£ess~ona("-

trammg #

Granted councIl of socIal agenCles.vscholarshIps were 16 Wayne untvers.lty students whIle fOtlr others wereawarded Eloise scholarships "i'

Children 5 center scholarshIps weregranted to June Gold 2340 ClementsMary !\orman 1381 Alameda andMary Watson 1266 Grayton road;rGrosse Pornte Park

The years Immediately ahead'saId Dr Upson, WIll see a great de.maud for adequately tramed SOCialworkers

store Rours Mon. Tues,Wed tillSp",ThUl'll,

Fri. Sat,Till P pm

An adminlstrahon which WIll devotaItself to the slngle.mlnded purpose oflobs and opportunIty for atl.

An administration free from the influ-ence of Communists and the domina.tion of corrupt blS City machines.

An admlnlstrahon made up of theablest men and women in Americawho will receIve full authority to dotheir jobs and WIllbe let alone to dothem

An adminIstration in whIch the Con-shtolion is respected so that the lobe...ties of oor people sholl again besecure.

Carrelatipn of tourist and resortagencies.

Providing recreation facilities for"starved" metropQlltan areas.

Youth guidance program designed toprevent delinquency.

Orderly future planning under StatePlanning Commission.

In fees for Money Orders Insuranceand Unreg1stered CO D.-s and an 1ll-

crease for Reg:lstered COD sandspecIal Delivery fees which 1n thefirst bracket up to two pounds are m-creased from 10 cents to 13 cents forfirst class mall and from 15 cents to17 cents for other classes

A new postal note m amounts fromone cent to $lQ With a flat five centrate w1ll be placed on sale on orshortly after Jan 1 1945

The fee for effectmg debvery ofCOD s upon terms dIffermg fromthOse orlglrtally stlp1,11a.tedat tJme ofmal1mg 10 cents The demurragecharge on domestIc COD s over 20days IS five cents The act proVIdesfor the establIshment of a new feeof five eents for nottfymg the senderor hIS representative of 1llabl11ty todehver a collect on delivery artIcle

Ansts MeetMembers of the Gro~se Pomte A""

tlStS Assoclat on at theIr rst meet-Ing of the year m the studIO of MrsWalter R Mele1" received very energetlc and smcere cnt1clSm of theircanvasses from Wayne Claxton ofWayne uUlver'SIty

Scholarship WinnersAre Named at Wayne

Names of the rec plents of threegroups of scholarshIps -awarded tostudents 1ll the Wayne ulllversltyschool of public affa rs and SOCialwork were announced recently byDr Lent D Upson dlrector of theschool The scholarships are presen~ed to students of abil1ty to facIlltate

An adminlstrahon in whlc)! the Cabi-net is restored as a responsible I"stru"ment of Government.

An admlnlstrahon davoted, to publocservice Instead of bureaucratic bick-ering •

An administration working In har.mony WIthCongress•

An administration In which you Willno' hove to support three men to doone man's lob. •An adminIstration which will root outwaste and bring order out of chaos

An admml.trahon which WIllgIve thepeople of t)lls country value receivedfor the taxes they pay.

Distribution of blood plasma to CIVIl.ians, a program which the medicalprofeSSIonsays is savIng 1,000 lovesa year •StateWIde tuberculOSISd,agnosis pro.gram. •Pionaerlng In postwar adult educa-tion and preparing for return of vet-erans to civilian Iofe.

More adeqoate aid for dependentchildren. •Increased assistance to aged

Postmaster Tells ofChanges in Fees forPostal Services

Postmaster Roscoe B Huston announces that effectIve Nov 1changes for fees of several postalservices become effective

The changes mvolve a reduction




Through New-Deal-controlled depreSSIOn, for 10 years we haveseen our hbertles dIsappear. Year after year, tntlhons have beenforced to hve on New Deal doles. Even ChurchIll, In 1937, accusedthe New Deal, through ItS persecutIOn of capital, of forcmg the worldback mto another depreSSIOn! To restore our hbertles, protect ourfreedom of speech, our vote and our opportuOltles to progress, votefor Dewey's program. To preserve good gover1Ullent 10 MIchIgan,re.elect Governor Harry F. Kelly'

More Ioberal assistance to inlured A farm program administered andworkmen. approved by practical farmers.

Should the mcompetent, radical-supported New Deal con.tmue, we may end w.th d.ctatorsh.p. THIS may be yourlast chance to vote /01' the preservation 0/ your freedoms.

ToEII.r, Mlclll,tln Vof.rlMEllI fiE


keep up the routme of four days un~del' fire followed by two days of rest

After mJury the woun<l.ed are taken to hospitals behmd the lines andlater moved to more remote placesfor extended med1cal care PatIentsnot ready for duty WIthin threemonths are sent to the Untted Statesfor further treatment If pOSSIblethey go to hospitals near theIrhomes

Wacs from all parts of the countryare workIng hard for the Injured menat Percy Jones They are asslgnedas medIcal techmclans surglcal technlClans, dental techlllcians X raytechmCIans physlO therapy trameesand laboratory techmcIans They liketheir work and the men like themOne Purple Heart In speaking ofa Wac medIcal technl(::lan saId Shestays on the Job ten and twelve hoursa day I don t understand how orwhy she works so hard for the fellows I

But we who have seen the 1ll~Jured soldiers and their wonderfulspmt can understand why.B12 hours


of work a day seems lIttle enoughfor a woman to gIVe III return for 1l.

leg or an arm lost 1ll the fight forher freedom


* *










WIlham Munro IS the husband of\:[rs Gertrude h Munro of 980 LIDcoIn road He was wounded partlclpatmg III the actIon In 7\JormandyWhile ly ng on a hedgerow a shellexploded and threw him In the all'causmg concus:,lon and shrapnelwo-unds on the lert Side face and lefteye he was also shot m the thl¥hTh s occurred on July 16

Q* lAma Wac *

After he was sent to the hospltalm England hlS brother arnvedthere Through the efforts of theRed Cross Douglas (known to hlSfnends as DUke) was able to seeh1m (they had not seen each otherfor 18 months) Duke has been mservice for the past 27 mo.nths Billhas been In umform for a year hearnved overseas last ApriL.

Dunng hlS convalescence Bill 15

studYlng \1:ecanno therapy to aSSbtm rehabllttatlOn He has also beenawarded the Purple Heart

'Wilham w<¥"sproprletor of the serv.Ice station at Barrmgton and Jeffer-son and after Duke s graduatlon heasslstf:ed Bill lLt1 the bUSiness

Over a1 Percy Jones hospItal InBattle Creek last week we VISitedthe Amencan wounded Rows androws of wh)te hospItal beds were fill~ed with men mostly In theIr twen-ties wrapped 111 dull gray pajamaslayers of gauze dressmg and splIntsWith very few exceptions everyman had lost a leg or an arm on Euwropean battlefields In a few casestwo legs were gone and the patlentspIloted themselves up and down thehasp tal corndon In wheelchaIrsBut though the phYSIcal condItIon ofsome men was low morale was glor-Iously hlgh Reason? It IS wonderful to be back m the UllItedStates I

We asked a few careful questIonsof the men who to our surpnse seem-ed wlllmg enough to talk aboutwhat It was hke over there I Most

of the soldIers had been overseas forat least twenty months One enhsted

,man saId the men m the battle areas




Leaves POinte\!irs Susan Foster of "Ehzabeth

~ J recently re1:urned home afterspendmg two weeks wlth her COUSinMn; Edwar<l. F Metzzer of 1100Lakepomte

Wounded Yank Sees Brother in England

1(0. * * *HERE'S THE REPUBLICAN LEGISLATIVE TICKETYou Can Vote Safely lor the Men on This T.cket.

They are men of character and ability who are pledged toobserve !althfully every principle of good government.

"-!though he was confined to ahosp tal 111 England to recover fromVl-ounds suffered whl1e fightmg WIththe L S army at St Lo FranceStaff Selgt v\l111am D "luuo Jr\HS Vblte:d by hiS brother TechnicalSergt Douglas \1 unro who had JUSarnved oversea~ Both boys are theSOilS of \1rs Stanley Thornton of35J \fernweather road GrossePomte Farms and Wl1l1am D \1unro of Ottawa


Victory GardenCouncil ThanksReview for Aid

The followmg letter has been re-ceIVed by The Grosse Pomte ReVlew Cltlng It for ItS co operatlo'1WIth the Grosse Pomte VIctory Garden counctl dunng the past season\>II' L B Oldham Publ1sherGrosse Pomte Revlew15121 KerC'heva,l AvenueGrosse Pomte Park 30 MlchDear SIr

A motIon was unanImously accept~ed at the last meetmg of the GrossePomte Victory Garden couned, onOct 3rd 1llstrudlng the secretary tothank the publisher and -edltor ofThe Grosse POinte ReView for thesplendld publicity glVen to the Har~vest Show and our V1ctory Gardenprogram throughout the past seasonLooking back over our chppmgs wehave found the counCil s actlvltle~sometlmes headhned and frequentlyon the front page of The ReView anda very complete aCCouht, from thedeSCrIptIon of gardenmg classes In

FeJbruaty through that excellent ar~tIde aJ!ldpIcture of the Harvest showcovenng our entIre program for the1944 season

The council was e.speclally pleasedWIth the garden sectlOn whlch youpublished at the tune of the Harvestshow and appreclated your UiterestIn puttmg 1t out

We hope that we may contmue tocount on your contmued supportthrough the 1945 season

Smcerely yoursChnstme Edwards


" HI 0 w,flU • tu u



Fvt and \irs Edwar<l. Zlelesch(Janet Emory) announce the bIrthof a daughter Janet Lorrame onTuesday Oct 24 at Cottage hospItal

Because of the dIfficulty of obtammg adequa.te housll1g 111 the 1mmediate ne1ghborhbod of the unlverslty 37 of the students are hvng 111 the federal housmg project atWa)ne "llch commutlllg to the I'

classes dally 111 chartered busses

Unitarians to SignWorld Order Compact




Supervised by Gladys Km e1 y In

structor 111 nurslllg the \\ aynecourse proYldes th" student nur:>e~With nstruct on 111 bactcl ologychemIstry zoology psychology 0;0

clOlogy and nutntlOn fhe prospectlve nurses w111complete theIr courseat Wayne next February when theyWill return to the1r hospitals forfurther tralnmg

Of the group 180 were sent toWayne by DetrOIt hosp tals 82commg from Grace 64 from Ha perand 34 from Evangehcal Deacones~Of the outs tate 11stItutlOns CommU1llty hosp1tal Battle Creek <;ent22 \fercy hospital Bel ton Harbor18 Butterworth hOWltaJ GrandRd.p1ds 19 Traverse City State hospltal 6 and H1ghland Park Generalhosp1tal 28

, S"';CER''TY


Clear the wiresfor themfrom 7 to 10 P. M.





Our radlo technlclans With years of experience behmd them areeqmpped WIth the fine~t laboratory eqUlpment made - your assuran-ce of competent effIe ent service Brmg your sets here hOW I

ROBERTS RADIO SHOP16369 East Warren at Courville ..

()pen 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. - TU. 2-4550

Three young ladles from GrossePOinte have become members of thelargest group of cadet nurses everto enroll at Wa}ne ul1lverslty Thewomen numbermg 273 are all membel'S of the U S Nurse Corps

The Pomte g1rls are Jean Elderdaughter of Mr and \>Irs B VElder o-f 20770 Marter road DonsMane Coon daughter of Mr andMrs Elmer C Coon 575 Lakeshoreroad and Harnett McGIlhvraydaug1.ter of Mrs Ella McGillivray of489 Neff road

Three Local GirlsEnrolled As Membersof Cadet Nurse Corps

01 Sunday '\iov 5 members ofthe congtegatloll of the GrossePOlllte Umtanan church 'WIll SIgnthe World Order Compact as aform of per~onal enhstment and support of part clpat on by our countryn a Just and Ilghteous co operattveworld order The md1vldual slgnmgof the 'World Order Compact WIllform a part of the observance byUnltanan chuTches all over thecountry for World Order Sunday

The compacts wh ch are an adaptatIon to present day needs of theongmal 7IJ:ayflower compact Signedby our Pllgnm ancestors WIll laterbe sent by the Umtanan 'War Serv Ilce CounCll to the Senate of theUnIted States Sen Harold H Bur Iton of Ohl'O Moderator of the ArneI' Ilcan UOItanan ASSOCiatIon Willimake the presentatIOn

Senator Burton In acceptmg saId~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~I I wl11be glad to present to the U S_~a_o __ o 0_0 0 • senate the appeal for mternatIonall

RED COMB POULTRY MARKET I ~oo~~r~t;~:r ~:~~~: p~:~~:hT~:I lS an appropriate tImely and helpfulI exerCise by our cltlZic<nsof theIr can

PURVEYORS OF FINE POULTRY , stltn' onal right to petition congress

FISH AND SEA FOOD 'I for actlOn on he most vltal lSsue ofour time

Closed All Day Monday _ Open Tuesday Through Friday 9-6 _Saturday 8-6 30 Baby Daughter

ODILON HOUTEKIER, Proprietor I19291 Harper Avenue TUxedo 1.1580 I

DetrOit 24, Mu::hlgan--- >-.:I __ .....-._u ~

We'd Uke to ask a favor of you-forthose In the camps.

Whenever you can, give the servicemen and women first chance at LongDistance between 7 and 10 each night.They'll appreciate It a lat.

On the Separate Non-PartISan Jud,c,al Ballot



.................................................................................................n,.. .! DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS i ,. .: SELECT A JUDGE ON THE BASIS i:



Photographer GivesDemonstration toPointe Camera Club

Wants Voters toKnow Men WhoSeek State Offices

freshman daughter of Mr and MrsGlenn Searles, 457 Cloverly

Others are Barbara Jean Morey,freshman daughter of Mr and MrsRobert G Morey 421 Cloverly road,Mary Lou Watson, JUOlor daughterof Mr and Mrs J Gordon of 365McKmley, Shirley Jean Brattmsophomore, daughter of Mr andMrs Floyd C Brattm or 1327 Nottmgham Bl1he Lee \Vrlght, JUUlordaughter of Mr and Mrs Paul CWnght 1029 Beaconsfield DorothyWIll ams upper freshman daughterof Mr and Mrs Raymond Wdhams1367 Hollywood, and Paullne EWoodward sophomore daughter ofMr and Mrs C Earl W'Oodard of1070 N Oxford road

Albion s enrollment represents a 17per cent JUcrease 9ver last year scl\"1han reglstrat10n



*A IIf•• long resident of Mich.*Asa't Wayne County Pro...outor for 6 Yeer.*Form.r Ass't Attorn.\, GIn..rel of MIch.*World Wer V.t.ran* Promin.nt L.w\,.r ftr 20Jeer••

Vote Straight DemocraticI t- T~J.s.Ad'verth,mt\Y1t Paid Fo't By FfleMh 4' J

Large Enrollmentof Local Students. \at AlbIOnCollege

Under the adml111stratlOn of Andrew C BaIrd the office of shenffof Wayne county has reached th~highest state of efhCleJ1cy It has everknown Commg mto the office whenthe department was m a chaoticcondltlon due to the graft and corruptlOn, Shenff BaIrd has devotedhIS best efforts to restonng the respect of the pubhc for thiS tmportant branch of the county governmentby plckmg hlS personnel carefullyand carrylUg on a sys tem of educatwn of hiS men so that the department IS functlOnmg efflclen~ly In

every dIVISionFollOWing hiS paIlcy of educatmg

hIS men for the Jobs they hold Sher~Iff Balrd has sent men to the FBIpolIce school III Washmgton and tothe mlhtary police school at CampSkokie Valley, III These men areused as Instruotors to the rest of theshenff s force upon their graduatJop.

knowlOg the man for whom the vot-er IS voting for

~In a distrIct as large as the firstcomprlslng the city of Detro1t andall of Grosse Pomte It IS utterly Im-pOSSible for a voter to mtelhgentlycast hIS ballot for 21 cand dates The Edward Ketterer well known pho-1mportance of dlscnmmatlon un tographer Wilt address and give amediately becomes !mportant"

practical demonstration to theThiS was explamed by Duane H

MOSier, Repubhcan candidate for Grosse Pomte Camera dub Tuesdaystate representative In a mee<tmg of night on makmg a good photoFederated CIV!C ASSOCIations last graphiC print Mr Ketterer IS recogWednesday night mzed as an outsrtandmg pnnt maker

I Voters shDuld not vote for a and a former preSident of the clubname candIdate contmued MOSler He W1ll make vanous types of pICunless he knows that the candIdate tures and show the members how to

possesses the necessary quahfica- co:rrec1: their faults Endorsed by:Hons to make laws' *: All three DetrOIt Dally Newspapers

Don Thomas preSident of the club *: By CiVIC Searchlight (pnbhcation f)f Detroit CItizen'sMOSier was aSSIStant attorney stated that thiS educatlOnal evenmg League)

general for five years and law clerk wdl he one of the many that have * By all branches of organized labor includmg UAW-CIO,of the MichIgan sena.te eIght years been planned for the membershIp AF of L and RaIlway Brotherhood UnIons.HIS 13 years of close contact wI~h He also has Issued an mVltatlOn to * By mdustry and managementthe legIsl~ture plax:es hIm III the the pu.bhc to attend the lecture * The Detroit Bar AssociatIon (thIS AssociatIOn comprisedforefront of cand dates for the leg The meeting wlll be held at the of all attorneys, voted for Judge FrIedman nearly '7 to 1Is1ature He has drafted hundreds of clubrooms III the NeIghborhood club over hIS opponent)bIlls among them the only stench * BV the voters of Wayne County at the prunary electionbomb law ever enacted m MIchIgan En tertams Sister glvmg Judge Friedman a tremendous maJority over hIS

nearest opponent.which has sent many crunmals to *

'When the legislature III 1943 m prison The penalties wet-e made so Mrs Albert Yakbn of St Clair, Life Long ReSIdent of MIchIgan Teacher' Lawyer! Welfarecreased the number o-f De.trmt's rep- severe that the law has not only de- enterta.med her Sister Frances Stead- Worker! House of Correctlon CommiSSlOner17Years WIthout PaJI •

resentatlves frC}fi117 to 21, It placed terred the tQssmg of stench bombs ley, and fnends at a gOing away par : T~~tD~:~~IS:t%Et'l ::lJ'D~2~l~u~1i:I~f;:lJ~~~S:upon the voters the added burden of but has made thiS form of ctune ty last mght Frnnces IS leavmg Nov • Iknowm r d d t h 11 7 d th th * lI&-g me>e can 1 a es, t at 15,,praohca y extmct . to spen e wmter Wl an aunt. • [

l!.I.!!l!l!!l!l!!l!!!!l.!I!!1!l!!I!ll!l!l!!1!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!!!!l!!!!1!ll~!l!!!!!!l!!l!1!!1!I!!J.!l.!!lI.l.!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!I!l.!!.l!l.!!1!1!!l!l!!l.I.J.!m!!1!!l!l!!l!1!!l!l!1 .!.l.!!l!l!!l!l!!I.!I.!!1!l!!l!1!!l!1!!l!l!!l.!I!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!I!J!!l!l!!l!l!!l.!I!!l!l!!l!I!!l!l!!l!l!!l.!I.!!l!l!!l!l!!.l!l.!!.J.!J..!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!Gro.,s e POinte and 1ts environs are ~li1iiliTiiliTii1iliiTiIiiIiIii1iliiIiJiiliTii1'iliililiiliTii1iliiliTiiliIiiliTiiIiTii1iliiTiJii1iIiiTifiillliiJjljililiiTiIii1iTiiliJiililiiIi1i1 iTiiliTiililiiIiIiilriTiiIiTiililiililiililiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliIiiIiTiiJiliililiililiililiiJiliiTiIiiTiTiiTiTiiIiliiliTiiIiTiiTiTiiIiJiiTiTiiTifiiliTiiliTil I

well represented among the 538 stup !Ii ~dents enrolled thIS fall at AlblOn cOI-I'~;;:'.=. , 1.111=_lege It has sent the follOWing students

Jack H Buck sophomore son of ~ ~ ~Mr and Mrs Frank Buck of 851 iti iiiPemberton Carol Mar1e Hay, fresh I~ iiiman daughter of Mr and Mrs In :: IiiC Hay, 645 Neff, PattlCla Antll: = !IiJaekel, freshman, daughter of Dr - 1and "frs Clarence Jaekel 1023 No~- ifI -1~:m road, ShIrley Jean Searles -1=. Iii

t •• itI* *.= ~Elect An Experienced IH it! IProsecutor Who : - ~

FAli"'LAY in I. IEVElY WAY I ;"

* -*. iI!..~ ** ~* * 1 ==~ ~~ ~iiIi '*'~ it!m~.- ~~~ mm ~~ • ~I~ ~~ ;=;.~~~ ~III :.• Save Your Village, City and Township II1 II From Taxation Without Representation ~1 This community has prospered under careful ad- 1-=1I ministration and enjoys low taxes while Detroit's Iii~ taxes and debt bave soared. I1111;_ Don't let the ...paid reformers and big business in ~i1i. • Detroit take away the gains that have been made III

* .. I under our local government. iii~ ~I ~-I~ Don't Give Up Your Village, City, Townships II To Pay For Detroit's Extravangance I:I A "NO" Vote insures representation in III ml

~ county government and low taxes II~iti~iIi~


iIll Thia Advertiaement Paid for by Taxpayera of Groaae Pointe ~~ *~ !f!!!l!! =......1!lIJ!!l!l!!l!l!!l!!I!!I!l!!l!l!!l!l!!I!l!!l!I!IIl!Lll1!I!!II1.l\I!!I!ll!l"I!I"I!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!lIJ!!I!l!!I!I!!IIlIII!I!!I!Jll.J!l!!l!l!!l!l!!leliII!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!lIJ!!l!l!!I!l!!l!l!!I!l!!JJI!!l!l!!l!l!!I!l!!I!l!!l!l!!I!I!!I!I!!l!l!!l!l!!I!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!I!!l!!IJ!l!!l!l!!J!J,,ilifiililiil1IiifiliiTiTiiTiTiiIiRnDiIIliiIiTiiJiiIiilllil1tlilTllllI q nlirn1irlililiiliJiililiifilimiiIiTiiJiliiliTiililiiJifi a II • liliIiiIiJiili1iili1iiTiJiiTiIiiTiTiiTiliirllifiiTiJiiIiJiiliTiiliJiiIiTiiTiliiliIiiTiIiiTiliiTiIiiTiJiiTiTiiTiJii1i1iililiiIiTiiIiJiiIiTiiIiTiffiiJiiJiIiiliIiiTil


Bait:dMakes Goodin Sheriff's Job

are featuring

Quiet<. !6reac/s

The Republican Candidate for


Serving mo,. than half the people of Mi.higon

Review Liners Bring Results!

Plan to "lsit your neare.t Home Ser"iee Centerduring November. Demonstratio1UThursday and

Frulay from two to f'Ve p.m.DEARBORN OI=.ICE • • • • 22010 Michigan Avenue near MonroeGENERAL MOTORS OPFle! • • F1m floor, General Matbr. BuildingGRAND RIWR OFFICI. 9836 Grand Rive'" Avenue heor llvefftol'GRAtiOT OFFICii • • 99S0 Grallot Avenue at Harpel'HIGHLAND PARK OfFICE • 13953 Woodward Avenue neat fordJEFFERSON OFFiCE •• 13314 E Jefferson Avenue near CapillIREDFORD On:ICE • 21600 Grand Rlyer Avenue at Burge ••

ROYAl OAK OffiCE • • • • • • • • • llQyal OQk, Michigan

A loaf of home.made bread - freshly baked, pipInghot from the oven, WIth a crisp, golden crust • • •doesn't It sound appetlzmg?

And bISCUIts t FruIt bISCUItS ••• cheese bISCUItS •••orange ••• butterscotch ••• applesauce • • • andluncheon blSCUlts •• In mouth-watermg vanety.

If you have linseed the fun of making these, there'sa real treat in store for you durIng November at ournew Home Servlee Centers, where demonstratIonswill be held each Thursday and Fnday from two tofive p m.

We promise to make your VISIt well worthwhIle.Friendly experts wIll show you, month after month,tested ways of prepanng dehcIOus food They wlllgIve practIcal demonstratIOns and funllsh easy~to-follow rMlpes Our Home Setvlce AdvlSors will gladlyanswer any questions you lllay have about cookIng.They will show you how to get the greatest benelitfrom your present eqUIpment, and what furtheradvantages you can e:x:peet lD the near future

Elght of these Home ServIce Center. are beingopened on Thursday, November 2, 1944 by TheDetrOIt EdIson Company for woman who are Inter ..ested In knowmg more about the advantages ofelectrical hvmg • . • how to use your hghtll1g andapphances moet effiCIently both now and after the war.


lake no mIstake-they are gomg to deCIde to return to the Americanay of lIfe where free enterprise IS encouraged, where mdIvldual imtIative

nd rIsk capital IS enduced to develop new products and new marketsvhlch wIll create new Jobs to take care of the returned service mennd the people now employed makmg war materials when thiS war IS over

the AmerIcan way of hfe that through the profit IncentIve has offeredqual opportunIty to all to accomplIsh big things

A. RepuJ,lican Election Is the Only Way These Things Can BeAccomplish~dl

Says:The hig Issue to he decided at the poils this fall is not the 16 years m theWhIte House, it ,is not the staggermg debt of over 300 bdbon dollars, it ISnot the cl'ushmg tax burden the people have to bear to $erVICe thIs debt,jt IS not the fumblIng, bunglIng, lending, spending orgy that the NewDeal has carrIed on for 12 long years The issue that the real Americanpeople are going to the polls III such great number8 to decIde IS Ameri-attlsm versus RadIcalIsm


Fiat Diatrict - RepublicanCapable. Expenenced • Dependabl

The reconversIon program oEtermany problem.

Perlonal experience and moral courage will solve them.

.'It dQe. make a difference whom.you send to Lan"ng"

Vote W,th Confidence for




<,i This Month the Edison,p

e j{ome Service Centers

,IThursday, November t, 19#


I!Thursday November 2 1944'

FOR SALE-MiscellaneouschaIrs row machme ~ I 2235

PREWAR - !oldIng baby buggyWith p ..ds hke new $20 play pen

and pad $10 baby scales $5 Tm:edo 2 9499

\1APLE-Sofa and tVla chan s per-fect cond hem used only a few

wceks Save one thIrd TLJ 2 4796

FIREPLACE - Cradles large SIze,new man s wmter coat excellent

quality s ze 38 ~prl s 1eavy coa,size 12 daybed NT 7840

Proposal No. 4(Wayne County Home Rule)


t Proposal No 4 prOVides representation for all the peopleProposal No 4 speclfica,lly prOVides for the direct election of super ..Visors, the majority of whom are now pohtlcal appointees Every'Voter of Wayne county will, under thiS amendment have a directvOice III the selection of hiS county officers

7 Proposal No 4 protects every municipality In Wayne countyStatements of opponeats that Proposal No.-4 Will permit DetrOit toshift Its debt burden on the county a.re a dehberate misrepresenta-tion The Propo~al No 4 defimtely prohibits any such action

5 It IS fostered by CItizens of all cla5Ses Proposal No 4 IS notthe project of any speCial group or mterests It IS, however oPPolled9Y specIalmterests-the machine politiCians who fear loss of patronage and profitable Jobs If the county government IS reorganized

4 The CItIzens of Wayne county are strongly In favor of It In1942a Similar amendment carried In Wayne county by a majority of80,000 In 1944, 142,000 Wayne county cItizens Signed petitions askingthat It be put on the ballot

2 Proposal No 4 protects minority groups Direct election ofsupervisors by districts prOVides more eqUitable representation De-troit With four fifths of the county population IS expressly lImitedto not more than two thirds representation on the board of super-

3 No other county wIll be affected The amendment specIficaUystates that Jt apply only to Wayne It has nothing to do WJth lE"glS-latlve reapportIonment It does not supersede or ab01lsh any munlclpaI vIllage or townshIp governmen t

6 It IS nece5Sary Wayne county has a $25,000,000 budget ThiSpubhc bU5mess has no responsible executive head Many departmentsand offIcers have outlIved their usefulness Under Proposal No 4these can be abolIshed or consohdated With substantial tax saVingsWayne county, wl~h a population of 2225,000 IS trymg to get alongWIth a government formula adopted 100 years ago, when the county'spopulation was 23 000

The Politicians AreAGAINST It ....•

The People Are FOR It?

Why Grosse PointersShould Vote "YES" on

FOR SALE-MiscellaneousLARGE - Overstuffed davenpol t

and chair Grand Rap ds makeZen th radlo floor model othert1111gS ~I 0109

,{I\fE PIECE-Dmmg sUite davenPOlt desks maple chest alf ex

cellcnt condItIon mirror" bar

~!l!!l!!l!!l!!l!!l!""",,",, __ !l!!l!!J!!I!!l!l!!l!!J!!l!!l!!l!!l!!l!!l!!OO!!l!l CA.LVERT'S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i Get Ready for Winter Ii YOUR (A~ NEEDS IT, TOO!!"m Make It 1I. TOPS 1I ~~ ~~ ~I for Victory's sake! I~ It takes a lot of care 1= ;;

~.. to be sure you re safe = =•• •~ r---------, ~



~ • CHANGE OIL _, rm f or Appointment ;~ Call TUxedo 2.0220 tide~ "'0. -~ -cal~e-rt ....se-r"i.ee_

saleS Ii-\ 15210 Mack Ave.- ~Lu~m~...

LW!l!!1.'-I.!!l!i!~~!I!J!!J.!I.!!l!I!mmlilnHlntlf!rluHItJH.nl!l!!l.!iIM.m!1!l.!!J.!i!.J!:l!W!l!li!U!1iIIi!iJiiJiIiilif ..1iIiiIiTiiJimlfjUllITiiTiIiiJi[iI. I • "lilh ,. IIIMI • iJDiIilillWlWlJii1iliil"~

At Morang


FOR SALE-MIscellaneous

......_ .._--_ .....-

PLEASANT-Roqm KItchen prlVlleges for elderly lady In good

health who has sold her home l\JI1193

GARAGE - On \'.Capleton or OakStreet CallT" 2 0120 after 5 00pm

TWO-Employed lad es \\Ish fUlnlshed apartment or mcome In

Grosse Pomte Have references FI2235 between 10 OQ a m and 5 pm

INCOvfE-A.partment or flat heated rbpons ble employed couple

CA 9760 ext 7 \{ urray 1187 afterfive

FIVE-Or s x room house or flatby responsIble DetrOlters '" th

daughter 14 Le!lOx 4265

RESPO"\l"SIBI E-Detrolt executlveVi-rantsrental of furn shed apart

ment or nouse uut I Apnl 1 Adultcouple no ch Idren or pets Best atIderences \ir Elliott TV 2 2100


l'WO- vrlddle age lad es 01 m ddleage couple to share I orne III St

CIa r Shores \1,lth lady Rent rea,SOl1able 1\0 refngerator 1\T 9587 200to 4 OQ week days

BABY BED-Complete maple bedroom set 28 lllch glrl s bicycle

WIll s,vap for 20 ll1ch or cash :N1908,

WA~TED-To lease or re-nt two orthree bedroom unfurillshed house

or lower lUcome m Pomte or EastSlde by responsIble profeSSIOnal per-manent DetrOlter Lenox 7485 orTV 1 4161

SIxth Church of ChrIStSClentlst DetrOlt

14739 Kercheval Avenue~unday Servlces

10 30 am - 5 00 pmSunday School

FIrst SesslOn 10 30 amSecond SesslOn n 50 am

Wednesday Evemng TestImonIalMeeting 8 00 pm

Read ng Room open week days11 00 a m to 9 00 pm - SUnday!

• 2 30 to 5 00 p m-----------_.-

PI hASAhT _ Room WIth kitchenprivIleges near car or bus 1ne for

elderly lady m good health who ha~~old her home and IS alone \VnteBo). S c 0 Grosse POlllte ReVIew15121 Kercheval AH Grosse PomtePal k 30 \11Ch

TVV"O-OI three bedroom 1ou~e alower mcome for draft exempt

executIve \Vill take care of prope'ty TV 2 4005

NAVAL-Offlcer permanently statoned 111 Detro t needs small

house terrace or garage apartmentFxcellent references Good rentalPlaza 3851

TA.BLE-\fodel electnc sewl1g machme Flgured green chair Rexa r

vacuum cleaner '" It1 attachmentsProspect 2262

JoIGHT Plr;CE - \lahogao) d 1 ngroom su te Also ma 1 s blue \\ mter

10 ercoclt s /e 40 reaso able Lc 10"


BEAVTll LL - Doll bo.gy ~2,g rl s skates and shoes S.le 3 $3

hobb} horse $2 SO small doll house$2 Jd 0704

Knotty Pine-IIf )ou "ould hke to beautlfyyour recreation room I have a

I few thousand feet of selectknotty p1l1e on hand \i\; 111gIve

I estImate on complete Job Lf'0386

Come Early for Best SelectIon


Kales & Maffor Nursery



Review Want Ads

ORDER NOWSupply L,mIted


Mason SchoolN-E-W-S


17516 Harper Avenue

H. E. EngelmannNURSERY

21721 Mack NI 2728St. Clair Shores

Yes, We HaveBone Meal FertilIzer, PeatMoss - Expect shipment ofFruIt Trees soon.

Our 16th Year


Draperies - Lace TableclothsSpeCialists 10 laundenng and clean IIDg fine curtains, draperies, lacetablecloths, chenille or candlestick Ibedspreads



AND CLEANERS14727Kercheval Avenue

Between Ashland and Manistique

Tl e land area of all the \Vc~t Indies Islands IS about 100000 squaremiles

At Mason School the Sen Ce GirlSare orgamzed to assist on the staIrsIl1 the halls lU the lunchroom m theoffIce and to assist the teach~rs 1U

their rooms They try to e 1couragesafety m the school through sugge~tlons on th s subJcct The AAA Clubsends th s mformatlOn

The Sernce GIrlS meet everyThursday to dISCUSSbusmess and tochange duties The teacher sponsor s M Harger The Cap tam ofthe Service G rIs IS PatrIcia McKmncy The lieutenant " Dolores Ragers


UPPER :H AT-Or ncome two orhi ee bedrooms heat preferred

1 aml1y of three adults ASSistantpll lC pal of sohool Home owner~for ma ly years on Somerset Permanent Detrolters Best of refere 1ces TV 1 1859

TO LEASE-Or rent three or fourbedt'Oom unfUlmshed house pref

erably 11 Grosse Pomte sectIOnThree responsible adults Mrs PaulJ He ler Wardell Sheraton MA9500PROFESSIONAL - Man seeks

Grosse Po nte rental \Vlll pay upto t75 DR 1355ROOvI - In pnvate home'" th or~lthout bath 111 Grosse Pomte\Voods Good references TV 2 9324

STORE- \ianager wants three bedroom house All adults WIll take

e},.cel1entca1"eof home and gIve goodreferences John Hannan co Jacobson s (former Tuttle & Clark 10catton) 17030 Kercheval Avenue'Grosse Pomte TU 1 3100

• •

Fitzroy 8586


-,/ T Ft:c G R 0 's S 1: POI N T 1: R 1: V :r :c W

Seven ot:!t of 10 persons accldeu-taIly ktl1ed In 1943 'were male~Shghtly over half of those Inlled 11ifalls and about three out of five ofthose who d~ed from bur 1S weremales


Remodeling Porches Steps RoofmgS dmg Storm Sash We bUlld completeun ts of Kltc1en Cabmets and Sinks

Non-Partisan Ballot

Judge Joseph A.

TU. 2.3737

ThiS Ad Paid for by Grosse POinte Friends

Furnaces - BOJlers_ Furnace Parts and Repairing


Thousands in Service - Quiet - EffIcient • DependableFHA Terms Arranged

Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned - Stokers Serviced111l1neapohsHoneywell Ihermostat Controls AVdllable


Election November 7th

Judge of Probate



Wacs are needed to ~er\'e with th~AAF You may be able to quah£y Ifyou are between the ages of 20 and49 with no dependents under the ageof 14 Room 600 Buh! Bmldmg DetrOit


I Day: PRospect 5650 NIght. MUrray 7703,



LEnox 4225

LENOX 4000

lervlce later Don't take chance. Order an l11tpectl~n NOW I

Manpower shortage will make It hard for you to get prompt


UNWANTED HAIRPermanently Removed by

Multiple Electrolysl'

Ann CO;:t~v('nsonSpecialist

2241 Book TowerWathmgton Boulevard at

Grand RiverHours 10 00 to 6 00

For Appointment. Phone RA 4842

It requlfe$ five trees annualIy toeqUlp ad thatntam each man In Canada s armed forces

Complete Plumbing and Heating Service *• RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • REPAIRS


Quahty Cleaning and Pressing

We Own and Operate Our Own Plant

14900 HARPER





WARNING---Cold Weather Due!


ONE DAYPressing Service

Phone for Estimates



Our 61 years of continuous serVIce to home owners In Detroit'syour assurance of competent, friendly advice Let us estimatethe price your home will bring In today's favorable marketNo obhgabon Just stop In or phone

Broedel Plumbing & Heating Co.

Page Ten

20752 Mack Avenue Grosse Point .. WoodsNights, Sundays IU1dHolidays NlaglU"&81lO1

and CombInation Screenand Storm Sash


15226 CharlevoIx

Authorized Cadillac and OldsmobIle ServIce14350 E. Warren, at Chalmers LE. 2060



Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted

10 OOam to 5 OOpm

Evenings by ApPoIntment

16853 Harper AvenueAcross From Vague Theatre


______ n n _

I * - All Sizes - *\ ORDER EARLY

'1Y~~-Al~;~G~;ili;--II Highest DollarI

The Un ted States army overseasfqurres about 1250000 barrels of


11)etrO:::c::O:~:~:~YI ~::60I Dr. Edward C.


BUMPING . PAINTINGI All Kinds of Pohshing - One-Day ServIce


,Thursday, November 2, 1944 THE GROSSE POINTE REVI~W Page ~eveii

I ~


Detroit, Michigan



Continental MotorsCorporation

12801 E. Jefferson Avenue


SERVICEMA~ S _ \V,fe wan t,Iron ng to do at home Cash and

carry TV 1 04.)6


Situations Wanted-Female

\VE BUY-Complete homes of fur-n t Ire Ant qle~ mo,;""T' odi

pIece Also radIOS, "l\ashers, refng ...erators sewIng machInes etc.Schram Furniture CalI FI 5810


Blueprint MachineOperators andCuttersComptometerOperatorsCORSETIERE - Wanted Expe.,.

enced Ex-cel1ent salary pleuantworkIng eond tIons lIberal employeedl<;count Permanent employmentwIth e<;tabl shed Mlchlgan !aShiOftlll<;tJtutlon J\ppl:l Mr Hannan 1ft.person or phone TU 1 3100 for at'-p6 ntment at your convenIence Ja-cobson s 17030 Kercheval Ave (For-mer Tuttle & Clark locatIOn GrossePo nte)

Or tricycles, regardless ofcond.l1on Bill's Elke Shop.Lenox 4130

WE BUy-old wa.shers sweepersand motors Lenox 3775

FORTY FOOT - Lot on Manor,Grosse Pomte Farms Three loti

South Webster, reasonable Tuxedo2 4004

GRO%F POI" TE FARMS-N ceSI\. room br ck t0ree car garage,

bm fd stoker lot 40xloR land<;cap.ed fr t tri:'es grape arbor screens,1'\\ 19 1('1 ools an 1 tra'1$.portat on lake pnv leges \fust sell.leav 19 Cltv <till,OO X,I 0411

S\fALL-Ice reibgerator SUItablefor me on boat TU 2 7368

ELECTRIC-Heater or gas burnerfor fireplace PI 0731

GIRT S-B c:lcle 20 or 24 Inch Tux-ero :2 440~


H gl e t pn('e~ paid for men s SUltsand shoes Telephone call w II bnngus to \01 ImmedIately TelephoneTyler 4 3625CHILD S-J\utomob Ie pedal drIve

Aho c111ds cham drIve tnc}c1e •Both n good can lIt on Call ~I 3361

POOT 1 J\BI F-Jun or s 7e Dayscal1 \1'\ 7046 e\ e1 ngs 'IV 7711

WANTED-Real Estate


FOR SALE-Real Eatate

WI: II '\ VE bm ers "anhngslngle hOlnes $5000 to $15,-

000 Also good t\\ 0 flats and In-

comes 1\\enty five years onthe E"t S.de

C;eldon &. Johnson IncTU 2 2100 16322 Mack Ave

FOR RENTTHREE-Bedroom furn shed home

on Penn~, I anla near JeffeJ!'son,$65 TL 2 2484

GARAGE-Beaconsneld and FaIr'"fa:x DR 08.)2

-THELP WANTED-Male and Female



CJvIlIan enrollment In land g"ant

colleges and UnlV(~rsltles-compns

mg the large state schools-totaled239430 III 1943 compared to 204608In 1942 and 272394 In 1941


Who Want Full

or Part Time Work(One to Five Days Per Week)

Apply Employment Oftlce 14th Floor



The J. L. HudsonCompany

16822 Kercheval Avenue or Phone NI. 3200 for Appomtment

1365 Cass Avenne near State 10 Downtown DetrOitHours 9 00 5 00 every day except Sunday

Must Comply With W M C Rules

Clean modern bUlldmgs located m all parts of the CItyPleasant clean lounges and dmmg faCIlities

The favorable workmg condl1tons such as vacatIOns,pay when s.ck regular pay mcreases opportumtyfor advancement

100 Per Cent Union Shop

Employment Office


Both Local and Long Distance

and MOST Important of all

the mterestmg, pleasant, sat.sfylng work-Vital Inwar and peace

Come 10 and let us tell you about th.s work andother Jobs ava.lable

Man W.th Good Personality ONLYl

------ Also -----

Experienced Butcher for High Class Market(lOOD WORKING CONDITIONS - GOOD PAY

Hundreds of \\ omen" ho \\ ark here sa \

The TelephoneCompany

Girl for Delicatessen DepartmentApply Mr. McInally

HELP WANTED-Male and Female


An applteant, to qualtfy, should be able to devote atleast one day a week to a poslt.on on our sellmg forceThose selected w1l1 be gwen the necessary trammg-andw1l1be pud at the regular rates whlle 10 trammg-

We are mterested 10 dlscussmg employment 10 sales workw.th women who have never had a busmess career orwho have be~n .way from the commercial field m recentyears

"I like to work for the TelephoneCompany." They like the:


\VA'\TED-Weekly washmg lronwmg done O'Ut FamIly of three ref

e-renees Wrtte!: Box X c..o GrosseP01nte ReVIew, 15121 KerchevalAvenue Grosse Pamte Park 30Mlch

Review Want AdsHELP WANTED-Male

Continental MotorsCorporation

Must Be Over 16

For work 10 d.splay shopSome knowledge of carpen-ter work Full or part I1me

Must Have USES Referral


Employment Office

12801 E. Jefferson Avenue

Detroit, Michigan

Boy Wanted-for Usher.

Tool DesignersToolmakers

Colony TheatreTUxedo 2.2324

Men Wanted-

L a the Hands andProduction Men forNew Machine Shop.E. & G. Engineering& Manufacturing Co.

15131 Kercheval(Rear) •

13301 Kercheval

LEnox 6273

Fitters andSeamstresses


MAN - To work on grounds pn.\ate estate Grosse Pomte NI

3980 after 6 00 p m

Situations Wanted-MaleMAl\J-Wlth ton and a half stakeI truck wants full or part ttme haullug !-II 3841

Help Wanted-Male or FemaleEARl\J-Better than $1 per hour ad

dress ng card~ In spare tIme LegIhle 'Hlt ] g des rahle ""JI 0829

HELP WANTED ... Female

McEachin DisplayCompany

• SplendId opportuntty for advancement

• Pleasant ....orkmg condItions

• Good pay

• L beral employee s dIscount• Work 1n your own c:ommunlt;)

and near your home

• Permanent employment WIth es-tabltshed Michigan fashion Insh ..tutlOn

Apply to Mr Hannan In personor phone

TUxedo I 3100 for AppOintment atYour Conventence



'",hHI",.Chryo.... "1 ..Tt..,Hol"'''Lu"ox

Moncn.'aoun. 00Ics.. _

17030 Kercheval Avenue

Grosse Pomte 30 MlchWOME,-Age 20 through 49 for

many Job~ at army bases and hosp tals III Lll ted :,td.tes or oversea~ I

attractn e cloth Ilg be<;t food excellent I \l11g quartels nlN!Jcal anddental care reel catwnal and enterta n~lJellt fac hIes £(trImhed £1eeplus cash ,Salaly v,lth opportullltyfor advancement and Job ttaltl1ngTelephone CA 7087 ext 46 or wntePublic Relatlo~lS OffIce 600 BuhlBu Idmg DetrOIt 26 M1Ch

RELIABLE-High school gIrl Careof ch ldren afternoons and eve-

nmgs LIVe In If posslble NI 0172

Genuine Parb UsedSk,HedWorkmen i!.T METALV'D "lJSEI(S ~H~OOFING CO.~ 1&&140Harper


For 25 Years We HaveBeen Servmg Grosse POinte

Interior-ExteriorPaintmg - Deeoratmg

We Must Be RightCall for Estlm<lte


F. D. ReisenerPainting and Decorating

5260 CourvilleNiagara 5944

Pearls restrung and knottedIm.ta tlOn pearls and beadsrestrung- QUIck serVlce

LOST-Registered hver and whltemale Enghsh pOlUter In V!'Cln1ty of

Washlllgton Road and ChalfonteAnswers to Bau Reward no quesbons asked NI 0398

LOST-Brown daschund Return to334 Hillcrest (near Seven Mtle

Road) Reward NI 5219

LOST-La<ly s brown bl1lfold Re1,\ard Vlcmlty C1ty of Grosse

Pom.e NI 1641

LOST-Tortoise shell rimmed glasses Lost Tuesday on Merrn"eather

01 Kercheval Avenue Reward NI4066

NIagara 1426



Have Your-

REFRIGERATOR-And motor ser-vice LIcensed and bonded Kelvl-

nator Fr g dalre Leonard Colds potUmversal and others Wtll ams LE6763

CARPET-Bmdmg weavmg gen-eral repairing Guaranteed work

TU 2 4651

General Repair-

PAINT IT - Yourself With Devoepamts Pamt sprayltlg eqUIpment

rented MUMFORD S Floor Cov"enng 15006 Harper Arhngton 7080

JUKE BOX - For rent Ideal forpartIes and weddmgs PR 3183


Porches steps roofs screenand storm porche> K.tchensmodermzed No Job too b.g andnone too small


HOgarth 5668

Painting and Decorating




PAINTING _ Paperhanglllg anddecoratlng mtenor and exterIor

Prewar matenals Also usmg thenew plastIc pamts Want It clean;>Call Green PL 1986

PAINTING-And decoratmg by ex-pert men QUIck serVIce Leno'!:


PA.I"\fTI~G--"'..nd deeo atmg \\ apaperIng Also paper removed by

steam Prompt servIce Reasonablerates PR 1166 RosevIlle 1164 R

NI 4255

INTERIOR _ DecoratIng Guaran.teed workmanshlp and materlal

(plus 30 years experIence) &11-tnates free Have your work donenow FHA time paymen~s 1£ deSiredWilham Loader Tuxedo 2 7143 orNiagara 4407----JOH" EVANS & CO-Inteno< snd

exterIOr pam ten and decoratorsEst1mate~ furnished. AR 9223

PAINTING-And decor at ng r D}telsener 5260 Courville 1\ I 5944

If not at home call Tuxedo 2 5257

ALL DECORATING-Paper hangmg and pamtmg guaranteed

Twenty fi"e year«; expenence Steamremover MU 1471 after 5 00


ELECTRICIAN L"ensed Installs plugs w1tmg sWitches, re-

paIrs bells, floor lamps, fixturesfluorescents Anythmg electrIcal In

stalled and serViced MU 7604

All Electrieal Fluorescent



and Vacuum leanersPHONE MR GRAVES

TUxedo 2.5044at 4174 Maryland

ELECTRICAL-Wlrmg and repatrtng by licensed e1ectnclan specIal

Izmg tn small Jobs s\Vltches plugsbells fixtures fluorescent kItchenllghtIng NI 3492-- - -~-------

Brick and Cement Repairs

ALL KINDS-Of bnck and ce-

ment repair work expertly

done Call TV 2 7218

New ConstNctionCommereial and Shop



Pfumbing_andH~ting _

PLUMBING-Heatmg repalrs Shopon wheels Expert serV1ce No Job

too large, none too small NI 0833Joseph C Eger 15830 CharleVOIX

GEORGE M PRICE - 1373 Beacamfield Lenox 5542 master

pi mber Plumbmg and heatmg repaIrs of all kmds

CEMENT - '\nd brlck work Garages and porch floors, SIdewalks

s1:one steps DR 1163

Washing Machine RepairingELECTRICAL - Appliance service

Washers and vacuums rebUIltCecl! Ayllng NIagara 6248

BRICK-Stone and cement" N;Vand repair work Brick work a

speCIalty Tuxedo 1 2450

BRICK-RepairS All kmds Speclal- Qualitymg III fireplaces NI 7932

-B '-k-P h-R . WorkmanshiprIC orc epausCracked porches broken steps Make your reservatlons for

If lis wrecked, Wtll fix .t SatlS- the fmer pamtmg and deco-fact10n guaranteed Gr~se POInte ratlng of your home Be as.d1sttld Get estImate now Tuxedo sured of our serVIce at your2-3774

con veOlence


REPAIR-Work of all k nds Alsonew work hrst dass Job Good

servIce Drexel J938

ANY-RepaIr work on homes, storesor apartments Flrst c1au \\ork

and prOlIJ:pt serVIce S E. Barber20380Nesb.t Niagara 6784

PA~ELS - Plywood recreatIonrooms Build no,\ Holiday season

ahead The perfect gift enjoyed bythe entIre famIly See my fil1lshedrooms Call AR 3160

CARPE"lTER-Work New or oldAny kmd rooms III attIc etc Call

:N agara 0890


MASTER WINDOW CLEAN-ERS-Res.denllal and mdus-nal Clean work PromptserVIce

9315 TR-\VERSEIVanhoe 8088

Spotless WindowCleaning-

Awnmgs cleaned and stormsash put up and removed AlsoWill wash 109 PR 6723 -DRESSMAKINGCARYBELLE-Dress forms made

especially to your measure Mustbe seen to be appreciated Call dot1112 Newport or Drexel 3185

DRESSMAKING - And alterationson ladles and chIldren s clothmg


AWNINGS-Taken down - Stormsash put up Reserve your date

now Also wall washmg Call U1-J2 2612

AWNINGS-Removed Storm Win-dows mstalled and repaired Lenox



- -


HIGHLY - Recommended rehablewall wash1ng serVIce by refined

whJte men Call Arlmgton 4192

WALL WASHING-H,gh Quall'yworl< d6fie by while men Drexel



er cleamng- Rehable whiteworkers One day serVIce

PRospect 2644 orARhngton 7185

V. '\LL WASHI"lG - Best workR ght pnce Call evenmgs Tuxedo

1 2012

W\LL W'\SHING-\\alls and cel'ngs washed by reliable man MU




Classes In pottery castIng' andmodelmg- beg-m N ov 7 and 8and contmue for SIX weeksEvenmgs 8 00 to 10 00 0 clockMoross Road and Mack Tuxedo 1-1683

Pottery Classes-


Ing C L Edwards, 1377 Ph.lIpAve MUrray 5236

UNlverslty 3-5982



Good workmanship Esll.

mates cheerfully given

T.lephon" Olf••e T~ 1.1800R.lldence Nt 0557


Meet. Second .."d Fourth Monday.Each Month at 17145 :£t Paul Aye.nue, Gro .. e POInte, Mu:htgan

VFW and Potential Membe1'l

Dr. MargaretVerbrugghe

Oateopathic Physicianand Surgeon

1843 LancasterOffIce hOUri2-to 4 and 7 to'

Except Thurlclay and SunclaySUft~y by AppOintment Onl:1Grolle POinte Woodl 30. MJch


Gen. R. A. & Col. F. M.

Alger Post 995 V. F. W.



SPENCER CORSET!>-Ind,vlduallydesIgned dress and surgical gar.

ments over 13 years expenenceMaude Bannert, Nl 40")7 or TO7-4312 368 McKInley

COM P LET E - Framing aery.lee avaIlable on prmts, pIctures

paintIngs, etc: Prompt and excellentser~Ice Golden Basket Bookshop16820Kercheval NI 6553


Ed Harvey TEmple 2 0753

MILLER-Employment agency FI2656 Domeshc help women for

laundry and cleanmg Par't..tlme orweekly Good laundresses and ele&n-era

White Workers

(luaranteed Work

EAVESTROUGHCleaning Service

We Specialize in

Cleaning CarpetsOn Your FloorWork Guaranteed.Prompt SernceFor Free Elttmatel

Phone Tuxedo 1.1260


A Capable Public Official


SherIff Andrew C.


To save -eoal the government has authorbed manufacture of Honeywell ElectrteJanitor damper controls

By Installing an ElectriC Janitor you can.Ilve up to 30 % od your fuel bill At the..ame tlme YOU are protectl.llg yourselfagainst the threatened coal shorta!"e

We have II llmlted number of Eleet:ru:Janitors In stOck Call us today before the$UPp!y 15 gone for fullmforJnatlofl Cost(Omv1ete - $23 00 - pIu, Installattou

16 Z4 Inch LengthsFor FIreplaces

_ AI.o ](tndhng ---PEAT MOSS



WM. ALLEMON17727 Mack at University

TUxedo 2.9085WE DELIVER


for Free Esllmate


NI. 4058 - NI. 6442


-INSULATION -Blankets - Sheets - Rock Wool



WINDMILL POINTE TAILORSMen'. and Ladlel SUits tadored to order-Alteration ..

rebnmg, deanull' and prel.JR.Fred M Schuman Established 1925 We dOle evenln,l .t 7 00

14931 East JefferloD at C_t, Llmitl

19473 Harper Avenue Between Seven and Eight Mile Rds.

TUxedo 2.4800


We Are Now in a Position to HelpYou With Your Lumber Needs.


LENOX 3467

Spars to Conclude Recruiting;To Go Overseas

Lleut Ehzabeth C Barnes an CREOSOTE-Roof all IS your bestDaunced today that general recfUlt assurance of protectton and long~mg of Spars IS to end on the Spars er hfe for that wood shmgle roof

you ve been neglectmg We do Itsecond annIversary Nay 23 She also for less Call R E Long IV B088

« gave addItional mformation on Spars -' __bemg authonzed to serve overseas

L _

Grosse Pointe

CallARlington0810 .2710




We PalItf tmd 'ItStaIIFREE ESTIMAftS


NL 3&&5








Parts for all makes. Whitewringer rolls. Vacuums andsewin, machines repaired.

We pick up and dehver or you(7 can bring the work to our shopb; and save time and money.

WASHER Servic,Niagara 0991

Call Moming. or E'NIIina's ,-======- f1owo .....• MiDor Il...trioR....


.........CoIuUttee for Representative Gevenunelt

(PoJitital A~



3 Let Det1'od clean house first in Detroltl Her. Is the record ofDetroit city ofliciols and Detroit state leglskttors, now elect.d

• AT L4RGE:CONVICTEDI One-third of Detroit city councn, mayor ond

muny pohce offtclals.

CO"IVICRD! A maiority of Detroit state legislators In 1944.Proposal No 4 wovld Impose AT LAaGE elechon. with non.partisan ballotsupon Wayne county, despite Det...ws record of corrvptlOn under that syste.n.

Zit vitally concems all of Michigan. The so-called county homerule plan FIRSTapphed to ALLcounhes. It was beaten by Mich-

• isan voters in 1934 and 1936. The Wayne county scheme wasrereded in 1942. Let's bury thIS thRat for all tllRel Defeat

Proposal No. 4 I

'1'hm Eippea1 Is Sp: Bored by

1 Elected oiBeaal. of local IOyamments In 83 Mlchlgan count'" ....vlsorously opposed to Proposal No.4 which imposes Detroit rul.

• on 11 cities and 18 townships In Wayne county. If constitute. theentenng wedse for destruction of reapoMibie government i.

eYeI'y county of Michlgon.

* Gutters * Eavestroughs * Down SpoutsFlat Roofs Built Up -Visit All 0 .. Men Are Covered

n by Compensation Inaur-Our Deautiful Office Display en...




Grady Roofing Co.

•Thursday, November 2 1944

MidI. IIStitule M Lecal Gevel'JUlellt

FACTS~~ 1/tJ,4

4 Proposal No. 4 woulel destroy responsible county government.Wayne county has the lowest tax rate and bonded debt of any

• county of Its .lute In the nation. Contrasted to the county'. 13 .percent debt DECREASE .sInce 1919, Detroit's debt has soored ipor.

than 'I tlmes-$30,627,253 to $332,125,738. Detroit city taxes hav.doubled, while the county tax rate goes downward-drOpping another 14

, cen" on Dee. 1, 1944.




605 to825 to

1015 to375 to500 to900 to350 to700 to

1000 to


'37 &: '38'39 &: '40'41 &: '42'37 &: '38'39 &: '40'41 &: '42


World's Busiest Dealer

Chevrolet Sale. A Semce


9800 Grand River AvenueNOrthlawn 9200Buyer Will Call


8811 E. Jefferson LE. 1103

High .. t prices paid for Gen-eral Motors, Ford and at.,.-sler products.


FOR SALE-Miscellaneous

Must Have 500 CarsAT ONCE

Used Cars1938 • 1939 • 1940






'33 to '37 $ 100 t. $ 380'38 310 to 490'39 470 to 715'40 645 to 840'41 770 to 1080'42 1070 to 1255

')3 to '37 7S to 430'38 313 to 540'39 475 to 685'40 605 t. 860'41 825 to 1100'42 1015 to 1285

'37 &. '38 375 to 645'39 &:'40 500 to 850'41 &. '42 900 to 1300'37 -& '38 350 to 750

::~:::~ 1;:::: I::: WALTON'SBe r t Ba ke r 10711 Whittier

Beaut~ful young slOget'll All colorsHome raIsed 1441 Nottmgham

GENUI"'JE - Chlnchllla toy horse$25 mmkum toy dog $25 rag

dolb a few black seal dogs made toorder See my samples DR 14361151 Lakepomte

\fAHOGANY-D lllng room sUlte9x9 ft and 9x16 it rug and pad

WIth staIr carp,t to match punchmgbag car heater extenSion ladderlce skates TU 2 492..J


We Pay More - Cub Waitintr


You Do Not Cere to Seu Let U. Repolr Y_ CorTry Olll' £-Z Tune Payment Pltm



'33 to 37 $ 103 to $ 390 Ford.'38 320to 505 Ford.'39 480 to 735 F orei.'40 66S to 865 Plym.'41 790 to 1110 Plym.'42 1100 to 1290 Plyms

'33 to '37 75 to 430 Ponta'38 313 to 540 Ponta'39 475 to 685 Ponti


New ShipmentBoys' and Girls'





ehev ••Chev ••Chev ••Chen.ehev ••Che'ViFordtFord.Ford.

Ford • Mercury . Lincoln DealerWILL PAY


Near McDougall PLaza 0065BUYER WILL CALL


14338 Kerch ... a1 Avenua

Leno" 804%


New Bicycle Frames Now

Ford Mercury Lincoln-Zephyr Sales'" Service• 16901MACK AVENUE at Grayton Niagara 4800

No Longer Rationed

Bicycle Tubes $1.25

Grosse PointeBicycle Co.

()pentllll '" "BID" F......ro. Z.4Z30 11301.05 Mack

FOR SALE-Miscellaneous

BLUE-Moh<alr love seat SlIver.tone radIO bwgundy rug 8 it 3

III by 10 ft 6 In All good cond1tlon628 Notre Dame after 4 00 pm

WALNUT-Bed COil steel sprmgsand mattress $25 high oven Gar-

land gas stove $25 NT 3767

GREY - Tweed SUlt and matchmgtopcoat, powder blue two p ece

gabardme SUlt pale blue silk nettwo pIece dress black sdk sequlIltrlmmed afternoon dress pale greychlffon evenmg dress all size 18 andIII excellent wnditlon Also shoesSlze 8 NI tl72

BOY S-Camel hatr plald hned overcoat stle 7 reversible coat and

covert cloth Eton sUite size 5 smallwoqI bathrobe All m ex<:ellent condillon MU 7168

HUDSON SEAL-Coat, SIZe 14 ex-cellent condItIon cleaned and glaz

ed $125 NI 9292

NINE PIECE - Solid oak dinIngroom set complete w th pads

Quaker cloth and scarf ohrome birdcage wtthout stand lady s cloth coatSlZe 14 two topcoats men s 40 42two over-coat'S Slze 40 42 one suedeJacket SlZe 42 mackmaw SIze 40two sUtts SIZe38 and 42, dress shlrtSlze IS';' 16 TU 2 9768

THREE PIECE-Large dining setmodern walnut 66 mch buffet

table closed chma cabmet Makeoffer PR 4493

ROLLER SKATES-Two pal<" ad-JustaJble and one palr lady s Ice

skates WIth low shoes TU 2 2988

PHILCO-Car radiO, used less thanone year, porch drop awnmgs

new 12x8 ft and 7x8 ft fibre porchsettee, new wtth cushIOns metalporch chaIr Umversal electTlc percolartors foUiTand SIX CUp Tuxedo2 4005

BLUE-FItted coat SlZe 14 With detach able sllver fox collar $100 TV

2 4156

SMALL-Seven by five lllch ArVInportable radlo recently recondl

tloned new tubes $25, Grmnell up.right plano plam case 55 mcheshlgh excellent tone $110 all leather black ndmg boots lady s Slze 4%practIcally new $5 Pnvate owner1'<1 0992




Pier ...... C...... t W.....NO MONEY DOW'4

We Do Electric ......ondG_r Work

Let us give you on estlmota;expert workmpnship; imII'la-d,ote service

F.BoA. Beqa..... _ ...

PLaza 6622R 6' G Conltructloa c:..

11820 HARPER .... 00_

WINDOW SHADE CLEANINGCALL MUMFORD'S-Arbngton7080 fol' WIndow .hade cleaning,new .hades and .hade repaIr'We rent paint .praylng eqUip-ment MUMFORD'S, 15006 Har-per

THREE-BIgelow rugs, two 9x12 ftand one 9x6 ft 18th century flow

ered perfect conditIOn 460 FisherRoad

BUY-That boy or glrl a school deskfor Chmtmas $1350 Lochmoor

Hardware 20779 Mack Avenue NI0616

FUR JACKET - $75 tweed smtsllk dresses all size 14 shoes, size

4)1, 5 and 5';' TU 2 1937

LARGE - Dog house $8 Tuxedo2 1937

BLACK COAT-Beauttfu1 SlIver foxeonar Slze 36 hke new man s ox

ford gray chesterfield sIze 40 42 exceMent cond hon Iron bed and dresser $5 '\11 1233

EIGHT MONTHS - Old ch ckensand ducks 4 and 5 p.ounds Call m

the afternoon ~I 0112

SNOW-Whlte cabmet clothes dryer cnb play pen folduJ,g buggy

two tncycles mIscellaneous toys andclothmg Udder age five NI 7033

NI"\TE PIECE - Dmmg room set1344 Beaconsfield Tuxedo 2 5001

CABLE-Pleino and bencn apartment Slze excellent condition AR

4958 8570 E Outer Dnve

SEVEN-Skuts 14 16, two 14dy scoats, one dyed squirrel other

Strook sIze 16 boy s coat sIze 18tvvo pairs lady s ndmg boots NI8307

MAHOGANY-desk and cha r $25wardrobe trunk $50 two small

Onentals $15 each satseema 1amp$5 bm! cage and stand $8 bronzeand marble bookends $450 Ivoryporch or recreat on room cha selounge $8 wa:ndow waJsher s ladder$10 tadory reconrntlOned Royalt)"p<wnter $75 TU 2 4918

STROUD-Baby grand Duo Art reproducmg mahogany A 1 cond

tlOn orlgmal CO:.t $1500 claSSicaland modern roll<s beauttful lllsrtrument will sell for $800 For appointment call PR 4493

FOR SALE-MiscellaneousPIANO-$50 boy s bIcycle boy's

skates size 6 gas plate threeburner one palr oak French doors3x7 three mtenor doors stuffedtoy dog LE 5105

OVERCOAT-SIZe 3840 snowsUl!coats and dresses size 9 .0 16 LE

1398 1037 Alter Road

MICHIGAN S-Best fertl1Ized topsoil $10 per five yard load 'l\JI


LIcAVI1\TG CITY-Must sell everyth ng 606 No re Dame, Grosse


Review Want AdsLenox 1162 For Better Results Lenox 1163••

• If you've ever '.hefted" asoldJer s pack, you know it sheavy. Yet our servicemencarry these packs day afterday, 'iuthout cOlPplamt. It spart of the price of Victory

We know that you w111heno less willmg to carry smallpackages, when you under ..stand that It IS a war measure.We 11he only too glad to goback to unhDllted dehverIesat the first possible moment.Meanwhl1e, we truly thankyou for your heJPlOg hand I



Insulin Availablein All Quantities

FOR SALE-Miscellaneous

........~ .


FOUR PIECE-Bedroom set, modern waterfall deSIgn, hke new

complete wIth mattress and boxspnng man s all wool overcoat SIze38 40 J966 Kenslngton TU 1 19J4

Small Down PaymentOne Year to Pay


Readyto put


Election, Nov. 7th

Up In Tapedry

Free Home Esbmate.Day or Evening'

A. L. MEREDITHRepublican Candldate

Attorney In Wayne County 17Years

ResIdent In Wayne County 27Years

Leader In Wayne County ClVlCAffaIrs

Qualified - Endorsed


Drain Commissioner

7933 Kercheval



t.... _

Aho flte AMazItIgIy NEW LOW COST Storm Sash



World War VeteranRepublican Ticket









While Materials Are Still Available* Prewar Springs* Prewar Materials* 5 Year Written Guarantee* Selection of 19 StylesTwo Pieces

$49.50----- 15 Years Same Location

FournierUpholstering Coa

n805 HARPER. Near COMNIR OL 8480




East Jelf_15318

Vacuum Cleaner and Sewing Machine RepairsParts for All Makes - Pickup and Delivery


-Call PL. 7936

COUNTY CLERKEndorsed _ Qualified

Be 100% American-VOTEHelp the Community

War Chest Drive

Page Twelve



:Grosse Pointe Review Liners Get Results\,

.<...{ ~'3 \fZ_ 4' .f>..<,.....L~~~......x ~>.......-J ~-!-...--....:--~_

INVISIBLE - CombmatIon screenand storm sash Change both top

and bottom sechon from inslde ofhouse Nl 3665 Mtller Screen andSash Co 17801 Mack Ave

NEW-Add ng machmes and prmt-mg calculators wIthout pnonty

Tax consultants place your ordernow to aVOiddelay In dehvery Handand electnc operated Phone H EMeyer CA 7170 for mformat on------------------------- EVERYTHING-For the stamp co1

lector album, stamps sets orsmgles We buy stamps 9270 Bedford Road, north of Harper TU28910

UNIQUE-Storm sash for steel wm.dows made to open with your

wmdow Miller Screen and Sash Co17801 Mack Nl 3665

FIREPLACE-Wood All hard anowell seasoned, 16 mches and 24

mches No tops All body wood CallTU 29324

ELECTRIC STOVE - E1eetrochefchrome oven In excellent condl

hon $85 TU 2 8675

MINK-Fur ca1=le stze 16 18 excellent condltlon $25 653 Umversity

Side entrance NI 3279

DINETTE SET-Blond Mod Inc1udmg buffet and chma cabmet

Call evemn.gs Lenox 8235

FURNITURE - MlScellaneous 35pieces some of the finest quality

sell reasonable Call between 7 30and 10 00 any evenmg PrIvate homeDR 2282


Upholstering Withl PRE-WAR SPRING



