your fundamental rights as americans the 1 st amendment


Upload: elizabeth-garrison

Post on 02-Jan-2016




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The 1st Amendment

Central Question

When are citizens justified in disobeying laws they feel are unfair or unjust?

The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to our Constitution.

Added in 1791, these amendments place strict limits on how the government can use its power over the people.

The Bill of Rights protects our Civil Liberties.

Civil Liberties – the freedoms we have to think and act without government interference or fear of unfair treatment.

The First Amendment

Protects five expressed freedoms.

5 Freedoms: Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and Petition.

Discussion: Why do you think the founders named these freedoms first?

Why did they need to name these specifically?

1. Freedom of Speech

In some countries, people can be arrested for criticizing the government or voicing unpopular ideas.

1st Amendment protects our right to say what is on our mind, in public or in private, without fear of punishment

It covers: face to face conversations, radio/TV broadcasts, protests, and other expression.

Expression can include: Art, music, clothing, and other forms

Discussion: Is Internet communication considered “Speech” and protected under the 1st Amendment?

Limits to Free Speech

Slander: Spoken lies that harm a persons reputation.

Libel: Printed lies that harm a persons reputation

Any speech that endangers the safety and security of Americans

Any speech that immediately leads to criminal activities or efforts to overthrow our government by force

Disturbing broadcasts

2. Freedom of Religion

The 1st amendment prohibits congress from establishing an official religion in the U.S., favoring one religion over another, or treating people differently because of their personal beliefs.

Discussion: Why did the founders include the freedom of religion in the Bill of Rights?

3. Freedom of the Press

Allows Americans to express themselves in print as well as speech.

Protects: books, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and computer networks.

Ensures that American people are exposed many viewpoints.

Censorship: banning printed materials, films, or broadcasts because they contain alarming or offensive ideas

The government cannot censor the press.

4. Freedom of Assembly

The 1st amendment protects our right to gather in groups for any reason, as long as the assembly is peaceful.

It also protects our right to form and join social clubs, political parties, labor unions, and other organizations.

Discussion: Does the 1st amendment protect people who join groups dedicated to the violent overthrow of the US government?

5. Freedom to Petition

Petition – a formal request that expresses your ideas to the government

The 1st amendment protects our right to petition the government

Forms of petition: written statement signed by many people, letter, email

Discussion: Why do we need this freedom?

Group Activity

Analyzing Court Cases:You Need – Case Study Handout,

Organizational Chart, Pencil, Notebook PaperDo NOT Write on Case Study HandoutDirections:1.Read your case study2.Discuss the questions for your case study3.Answer the questions (on your paper for

notebook assignment)4.Present your findings to the class

We Do

Mr. Jones was the boss of a major automobile manufacturer in Alabama. During the previous election, Mr. Jones backed a Republican candidate who was running for the Senate. Despite Mr. Jones endorsement, an Independent was elected to the office. One day, Mr. Jones decided to email his senators to complain about a proposed policy. When Mr. Jones sent his email, he received a response from the senators office, which stated, “Because you endorsed a Republican candidate for Senate, we will not hear your request.” Mr. Jones decided to file a complaint in court, believing his 1st Amendment rights were violated.

1. Which expressed freedom did Mr. Jones believe to be violated?

2. How did the Senators action violate 1st Amendment3. What reason did the Senator provide for rejecting Mr. Jones’

proposal?4. Should the court require Senators to read all mail from


Remember the Central Question

When is the government justified in limiting 1st amendment freedoms?