youth panel live - introducing voicebox


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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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How v is working to engage young people via innovative presentation of research insight.


Page 1: Youth Panel Live - Introducing Voicebox
Page 2: Youth Panel Live - Introducing Voicebox

G h b iGraphs are boring

Voicebox is an open project curating young peoples‘ views and visualising the findings through graphics,g g g g p ,

animation, robots and more.

Going live online on 25th June

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I i tiInspirationData visualisation is increasingly being used as 

an effective way of communicating information online.

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Page 6: Youth Panel Live - Introducing Voicebox

O A bitiOur AmbitionTo ensure that v is successfully and authenticallyTo ensure that v is successfully and authentically 

youth led.

To make a hub for youth insight.

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How do we achieve How do we achieve this?

By creating a platform through which we canhave regular ‘conversations’ with young 


Using opinion polls s r e s and a blog toUsing opinion polls, surveys and a blog to facilitate debate we intend to probe for the opinions of young people on a range of socialopinions of young people on a range of social 


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H d thi h l ?How does this help?h i i h ill h l l kThese insights will help v not only speak 

about issues relevant to 16‐25s but provide programmes that are in tune with theseprogrammes that are in tune with these 


As an organization we will be able to highlight problem areas that need to be addressed.problem areas that need to be addressed.  

The insights will give us good reason to speak to policy makers.p y

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Th T i• Labels ( ti f l )

The Topics• Labels (perceptions of young people)• What do you care about? 

( h h !)(in no more than 250 characters!)

• How do young people spend their time?• Places to go –

the provision of things to do in local areas

• Values• Communityy

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A d th ’ b tAnd there’s a robot…

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What’s the plan for What s the plan for today?

T di f th d• To discuss some of the areas around our launching theme, Labels

• To give you the opportunity to listen in on some of our discussions with young peoplesome of our discussions with young people

• To allow you a chance to direct some of yourTo allow you a chance to direct some of your own questions

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How can you get How can you get involved?

• Go to and answer the surveys yourselfsurveys yourself

• Pose questions on the blog and register your i i t t i l d i th d b tviewpoint, get involved in the debate

• Download the data and use it, maybe even ycreate your own visualisations

• Encourage the young people you encounter to• Encourage the young people you encounter to do the same, let them get their voice heard