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Page 1: YOUTHPASS plus CURRICULUM VITAE as ERASMUS PLUS … · E (YOUTHPASS plus Curriculum Vitae as Erasmus Plus Employability)". A special thanks goes to all youth workers that participated





ERASMUS PLUS PROJECT 2014-2-IT03-KA105-000946

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This publication was realized for Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. by Annibale Morsillo as result of the Seminar "YP + CV=E + E (YOUTHPASS plus Curriculum Vitae as Erasmus Plus Employability)". A special thanks goes to all youth workers that participated in the Seminar and to all partners of the project. “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”

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1. Applicant


2. Project


3. Partners


4. Seminar


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1. Applicant The Support Centre for Voluntary Organizations from Capitanata (Ce.Se.Vo.Ca.) is an association of associations, which counts among its members 287 nonprofit organizations in the province of Foggia, mainly voluntary organizations. The main purpose of Ce.Se.Vo.Ca is the promotion and support of volunteering. This aim is achieved

through the implementation of a range of services, which are offered free of charge to voluntary organizations, registered or not in their regional registries. The services offered are: a) advice and assistance in administrative, tax, accounting and legal; b) support in the project managment; c) promotion of volunteering; d) the development of training courses; e) communication through a magazine, newsletter, website and social networks; f) documentation, thanks to the presence of a small library area with books and

magazines; g) promotion of networking between voluntary organizations; h) logistical support. The activities carried out by the Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. are financed by law each year by 1/15 of the profits of the banking foundations. The proper allocation and use of these funds is subject to the supervision of the “Regional Management Committee" (Co.Ge.) from Puglia.

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2. Project In the Puglia Region and particularly in the city of Manfredonia there is a high unemployment rate, especially among young and women, and the number of NEETs is high ( 32.8 %). Although there is a regional program on youth policies called "Bollenti Spiriti" and a tool called "Citizen Training Booklet" for the recognition of the competences acquired through

non-formal education, the public institutions are struggling to recognize and certify the competences acquired by young people with volunteering in a non -formal education. For these reasons, the Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. considered it appropriate to carry out the project "YP + CV=E + E (YOUTHPASS plus Curriculum Vitae as Erasmus Plus Employability)" consisting of a Seminar for the exchange of best European practices on the acquisition of competences through voluntary activities of young people, included in the Curriculum vitae and usable in the labor market, with a confrontation with the local institutions for the recognition and certification of these competences.

The objectives of the project were: a) to accompany political reforms at the local and regional level in the youth field

and to support the recognition of non- formal and informal learning; b) to strengthen the international dimension of youth activities and the role of

youth; c) to strengthen cooperation among organizations active in the youth field; d) to promote the concept of volunteering as a value and opportunities for the

acquisition of competences can also be used in the labor market . Participants were among 34 youth workers, volunteers and members of the executive board of youth organizations (and one Local Council) from 15 countries, half from the European Union and for the other half belonging to neighboring countries.

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The main activity of the project was a Seminar in San Giovanni Rotondo, from 24 to 28 November 2014 named "YOUTHPASS plus Curriculum Vitae as Erasmus Plus Employability" in which participants exchanged best practices on the competences acquired through voluntary activities based on non-formal education, and shared with the local institutions the procedures for the recognition of these competences and their development in the curriculum vitae, to facilitate the creation or job research by young people.

The methodology used for the realization of the project was based on non-formal education, which includes the planning of activities, the voluntary participation and especially the involvement and active participation of partner organizations and participants. The main impact of the project on the participants was: - to share good practices for the recognition of voluntary activities based on non-formal education; - to learn a new digital tool, the platform for distance learning (named open software "Moodle "). Among the results of the project, all the best practices presented during the seminar were shared with local institutions, and it was the subject of this publication, that each partner translated into their language and spread through all media. The main long-term benefits of this project were: a) the consolidation of the partnership, with the goal of starting a lasting

collaboration within the program "Erasmus +" to promote the recognition and validation of volunteer experiences, acquired through non-formal education;

b) the recognition and certification by the local institutions of the competences acquired through voluntary activities of young people.

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3. Partners The Partners of the project were:

ADAPTO Asociatia pentru Promovarea Egalitatii intre Tineri


European Diplomats' Association


Comité de Liaison Diagonal-France France

Youth for future 2006 Romania

Centre for promoting of healthy lifestyles


BEDER Bütün Engellileri Destekleme Dernegi


Qëndra për Kulturë dhe Zhvillim Europian Albania

Birgu Local Council Malta

Ligo Lex Legis Kosovo

Azerbaijan Tafakkur Youth Association Azerbaijan

Interregional voluntary organization (IVO) "SVIT-Ukraine"


Center for education and development FY Republic of Macedonia

Klub sportowy TSD Sport Poland

Associação Mais Cidadania Portugal


Associazione TDM 2000 Italia

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4. Seminar 4.1 Venue San Giovanni Rotondo is a city in the province of Foggia, Puglia region, southern Italy. It is in the National Park of Gargano. San Giovanni Rotondo was the home of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina . The city is renowned for the important hospital and medical research center Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza (Home for the Relief of the Suffering) founded by Saint Pio of Pietrelcina.

4.2 Accomodation Hotel Parco delle Rose Viale Aldo Moro 71 - 71013 San Giovanni Rotondo (FG)

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4.3 Timetable

4.4 Web Platform During all senimar the participants used for the activities the web platform on the web address “”. This is a tool for a distance learning using by Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. and creating by the using the open software "Moodle ".


24 November 2014

25 November 2014

26 November 2014

27 November 2014

28 November 2014

08:00 10:00


Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast

10:00 11:30

Introducing to the Learning


8 Key Compe-tences

Open Seminar


11:30 12:00

Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break

12:00 13:30

Open Space YouthPass

Dialogue with the represen-tatives of Isti-


13:30 14:30

Lunch Lunch Lunch

15:00 16:30

Tool fair Curriculum

Vitae Final part of the Learning

Agenda 16:30 17:00

Coffee Break Coffee Break

17:00 18:30 Getting to

Know each other

Press Confe-rence

Citizen Trai-ning Booklet

Final Evalua-tion

18:30 19:00

Evaluation Evaluation

19:00 20:00

Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner

20:00 22:00

Welcome Par-ty

Intercultural Evening

Meeting with local NGO

Fairwell Par-ty

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4.5 24 November 2014 Getting to know each other

Using the methodology of non-formal education the participants knew each other

better through some activities.

4.6 A 25 November 2014 A1 Learning Agenda Using the methodology of non-formal education the Youthpass and the Learning Agenda were presented to the participants to allow them to record daily the new skills , distinguishing between 8 key competences. The Learnong Agenda is a tool , also contained in the web site Salto Youth , and it was created and spread by a voluntary association (Centro Solidarietà Terzo Settore) members of Ce.Se.Vo.Ca.

K = Knowledge; S = Skills; A = Attitude

A2 Open Space Using the methodology of the Open Space, the first organizations presented their best

Activities Competences Key Competences Notes

Getting to Know each other

K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Introducing to the Learning Agenda

K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Open Space K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Tool fair K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Press Conference K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Intercultural Eve-ning

K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 Key Competen-ces

K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

YouthPass K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Curriculum Vitae K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Citizen Training Booklet

K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Meeting with local NGO

K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Open Seminar K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Dialogue with the representatives of

Institution K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Final Part of the Learnong Agenda

K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Evaluation Proce-dure K S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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practices, the projects that helped the volunteers to gain skills, which after being inserted into the Curriculum Vitae allowed them to find a job easily. A.2.1 Name of Organization Associazione TDM 2000 PIC number 945604695 Country Italia E-mail [email protected] Short description of organization Associazione TDM 2000” is an independent organization, no profit, that coordinates young people willing to cooperate in the voluntary sector, supporting them in developing personal and professional skills through experiential learning and non-formal education. Main fields of interest: HRE, democracy, ICL, active citizenship, non-formal education, international cooperation, local development. All the activities we implement are thought, planned and realized by young people. In the frame of Erasmus +, we are active under all actions, and we are accredited as HO,SO and CO for the EVS. We are recognized as Volunteer Organization by the Government of Sardinia. We are accredited by the CoE and we participated in Leonardo Da Vinci Programme. From 2009 we are hosting a project under National Civil Service. We cooperate with other Sardinian associations and institutions. We are part of the Anna Lindh Foundation network. TDM 2000 is member of TDM 2000 International network. Name of the Best practice Youth2Youth Identification number of the Project n.a. Number of Action in Youth in Action Programme 2 Short description of the Project Youth2Youth, EVS project hosted by the Center Mladinski Dravisnke Sinkholes of Konjice (Slovenia), provided for cultural activities and entertainment aimed at young people of the city and nearby villages, isolated from the city center.

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The project lasted six months. Volunteers have organized concerts, photographic exhibitions, language courses, courses in arts and crafts, a mobile youth center that carried the above activities in the smaller towns of the valley. Number of volunteers involved 12 Key Competence learnt by Volunteer 5 Learning to learn Did the volunteer receive YouthPass? Yes In witch part of CV (European form) the Volunteer put the competences learnt in the project Education and Training In witch sector the volunteer found a job Non profit organization

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A.2.2 Name of Organization Azerbaijan Tafakkur Youth Association PIC number 948493161 Country Azerbaijan E-mail [email protected] Short description of organization Azerbaijan Tafakkur Youth Association (ATYA) is a national NGO working towards building better civil society. The organization is located in Absheron region (Between Baku and Sumgait cities). The process to establish ATYA began at the end of 2002. ATYA was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan in August 2005. The main purpose of ATYA is to enlightenment of people, especially youth on the social, scientific-cultural, legal spheres, to development thinking and to strengthen them role in the civil society building. Name of the Best Practice Youth in Action for Conflict Transformation Identification number of the Project 2013 - 1746 / 001 - 001 Number of Action in Youth in Action Programme 3.1 Short description of the Project Young people are the leaders of tomorrow, but their active engagement can start today. The 2013 Youth in Action for Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding programme aims to activate young entrepreneurship for positive social change through an international training and networking experience. With the globalization of our contemporary world, young people in Europe and abroad are faced with complex social and political environments. Too often, these complex environments become marred by conflict and violence, destroying the foundations of security, prosperity, and partnership. Navigating these complex environments in ways that build social cohesion and solidarity while meeting the needs of an ever more diverse population is the challenge of our time. This challenge requires youth people to acquire competencies in intercultural communication, conflict analysis and transformation,

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acquire competency and confidence in social entrepreneurship, including needs identification, conflict-sensitive project planning and stakeholder management, human resources development, project evaluation, and communications. Number of volunteers involved 4 Key Competence learnt by Volunteer 8 Cultural awareness and expression Did the volunteer receive YouthPass? No In witch part of CV (European form) the Volunteer put the competences learnt in the project Social Skills and Competences In witch sector the volunteer found a job n.a.

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A.2.3 Name of Organization Center for education and development PIC number 947577772 Country FY Republic of Macedonia E-mail [email protected]

Short description of organization Center for Education and Development (CED) invests in young people’s development through non-formal education, volunteerism and youth work fostering creative initiatives and mutual collaboration. Center for Education and Development (CED) is a nongovernmental organization that works in region of Tearce and it's wider region since December 2006. Organization has as a target group of young people aged 12 to 28 years, while for achieving its goals in youth activities includes young people, parents, teachers,heads of leading institutions and different other organizations. Name of the Best Practice Bean's day Identification number of the Project n.a. Number of Action in Youth in Action Programme n.a. Short description of the Best Practice "Bean's day" is event which aims to present the Bean as autochthonous food from our region. Through creative access and many activities which include different range of people from our region "Bean's day" is developing every year and it aims to be internationally recognized. We try to empower people (mostly younger) to engage in working with this agricultural product as good chance of profit. And also try to help the permanent farmers to increase the productivity and promote the product as healthy food with autochthonous seed. It's completely voluntary project which is initially planned and led by our organisation members and volunteers, but it includes various stakeholders from our region and wider. Number of volunteers involved 50 to 80

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Key Competence learnt by Volunteer 7 Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Did the volunteer receive YouthPass? No In witch part of CV (European form) the Volunteer put the competences learnt in the project Organizational Skills and Competences In witch sector the volunteer found a job Agriculture, companies. A2.4 At the end of the presentation of the best practices all participants evaluted the key competences proposed and they indicated 3 of them: Learning to learn, Entrepreneurship, Cultural awareness and expression.

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A3 Tool Fair Using the activities of the Fair Organizations the partners presented their best practices, sharing objectives and results of their projects, for the recognition and certification of acquired skills through participation in volunteer activities.

At the end of the activity the participants evaluated the key competences proposed and they indicated 2 of them: Communication in foreign languages and Cultural awareness and expression.

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A4 Press Confernce Using the activity of Press Conference, the organizations presented their projects, simulating a presentation to the international press. A.4.1 Name of Organization Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Egalităţii între Tineri ADAPTO PIC number 948654181 Country Romania E-mail [email protected] Short description of organization Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Egalităţii între Tineri ADAPTO (“ADAPTO - for youth equality association” ) is an association promoting the equality between all the young people, regardless of race, gender, income, image, abilities/disabilities or any other fewer opportunities. Name of the Best Practice A small team for a BIG smile Identification number of the Project RO-43-68-2010-R4 Number of Action in Youth in Action Programme 4.3

Short description of the Best Practice The Partnership Building Activity was created to form networks of organizations in order to build together future project with or for people with disabilities, to stimulate the inclusion/non-discrimination against people with disabilities and to promote their participation into youth projects. What we wanted to do: - to create a favorable work environment for stimulating the open dialogue and the cooperation between the participants, - to create a cohesion and a synergy between the

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participants, favorable for creating future projects, - to establish links of co-operation, that enable the participants to organize new and innovative youth projects with an European dimension, - to create a network of partnerships that will lead to the development of new projects for people with disabilities, - attracting, encouraging and involving

disabled people in volunteering and future youth projects. It was addressed to youth organizations, youth leaders, trainers and youth with disabilities who want to be actively involved in future projects, who wish to gain practical knowledge and theory about why it is necessary to know and take into account when developing projects for people with disabilities, who want to work with other NGOs so as to create a network of non-profit organizations involved in European youth program, who write and implement future projects with youth and youth with disabilities. And all because everyone has the right to participate in projects wherever they wish and not only where there is accommodation and accessible information, but where they can fully participate in all the activities. The project was held in Constanta, Romania between 18 - 25 June 2011 and there were involved 6 international partners from 6 countries (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Latvia, Turkey, Romania). Among the local partners there were Constanta city Autonomous Transport Administration, The Natural Sciences Museum Complex and 6 non-profit organisations. A particularity of this project: from the 28 participants involved, 50% had a disability. The project was financed through European Commission through Youth in Action Programme (Action 4.3). After this project 2 persons got hired and at least 2 future collaborations were created. Number of volunteers involved 10 Key Competence learnt by Volunteer 6 Social and civic competences Did the volunteer receive YouthPass? No In witch part of CV (European form) the Volunteer put the competences learnt in the project Social Skills and Competences In witch sector the volunteer found a job NGO's, Foundations,Volunteering or the sector corresponding to their own education.

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A.4.2 Name of Organization Youth for Future 2006 PIC number 949326100 Country România E-mail [email protected] Short description of organization

The association develop programs of civic, cultural education, of fight off the discrimination, as well as activities regarding the training, improvement and professional development of didactic and auxiliary personnel from high schools education, conducting to the creation of a real and efficient dialogue with the institutions of the Romanian State or other States including European and international. In order to accomplish the objectives mentioned a leave and the effective realisation of the rights of the persons of Romanian origin and any other persons/groups with no concern for the residence, professional centre or nationality, that are considered to be disenable in report to the medium standards of life from a civilized society or with free circulation international acknowledge for persons, information, goods and capital. Since 2006 was involve in many international projects in different files of real social life . So in 2012 we take part at UN summit in Rio and are involve in educate civil society for sustain the Earth. So our activities are very diverse trying to touch all the points of social life. Begin to respect the human rights until work with all the types of peoples we involve in all the projects were we find support by the institutional bodies or partners with other NGOs. Name of the Best Practice Who we was the winner of Global Youth Context competition which made like to performe during the UN summit in 2012 in Rio of Janeiro.

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Identification number of the Project n.a. Number of Action in Youth in Action Programme n.a. Short description of the Best Practice The aims of project was like youth from all the world to create an original song about sustanability of Earth and after that to take at a national selection of video and after that during of two months to be voted at an international link were was posted all the songs and the winners to perform during the UN summit from Rio in 2012. So the comments of organaizers was “The winners of the Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest were at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development - The winners of the Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest attended the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in June 2012”. The overall winner, the choir Santo Amaro de Oeiras from Portugal who won in the children category with the song “Meu Planeta Azul” (My Blue Planet) along with Ms. Milena Paraschiv and Mr. Radu Popescu from Romania who won in the youth category with the song “Open Your Eyes” have been in Rio to share their message for a better world through their winning entries with all participants to the UN conference. The contest was organized by the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) with support from a team of more than 100 global youth organizations, leaders and volunteers. A group of over 50 Regional and National Coordinators have supported the contest as volunteers and reached over 5000 global youth! The aim was to mobilize youth from all over the world to use music as a powerful tool to activate people around the achievement of a real sustainable world. By the deadline on the 18th of March, 313 entries from 40 participating countries were received, coming from Kenya, China, Cameroon, Trinidad and Tobago, Rwanda, Seychelles, Burkina Faso, Spain, Columbia, USA, Nigeria, Germany, Romania, Australia, Gambia, etc.

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These amazing songs prove that youth don’t care about borders when comes the time to address global challenges. United despite their diversity, the participants committed themselves to ensure the sustainability of our mother earth through their music, while they decided to engage themselves in creating the change they believe in. These entries bring those who take the time to watch them in a wonderful world where a real sustainable world is possible! The winners in each category of the contest were chosen through an online voting process from March 19th to May 19th with over 250.000 online votes registered. The songs which received the top among of votes won the contest and their authors have been confirmed to perform and receive their awards at the Rio+20 UN Conference as stated in the contest rules. The winning songs have called the United Nations system and the world citizens on the role we all have to play to ensure a sustainable planet for all by mobilizing our power and energy. Global youth has a key role to play here and therefore they need to be heard and empowered. Milena Paraschiv one of the winners said “This is one of the best experiences I have ever had and I think it’s great that we could send our musical message to so many people. And I am really glad that we were able to meet so many people from diverse places and make friends. It reminds me of the song by John Lennon, Imagine all the people living in peace. It’s great to be in Rio.” The contest was also supported in its development by the Commonwealth Youth Climate Network (CYCN) which also collaborated with the organizers at Rio+20. The Global Coordinator of the initiative being Mr. Jean Paul Brice Affana, a youth leader from Cameroon. Some of the National and Regional Coordinators of the contest were also coming from Commonwealth member states, such as Mr. Chola Siwamza from Zambia, Mr. Simon Matafai from New Zealand, Ms. Anam Gill from Pakistan, Mr. Garry T. Perry from Trinidad and Tobago, among others. The winners have performed on June 23rd, 2012 at the ’Concert for a New Earth’ along with other artists such as Playing for Change, Milton and Maria Gadu, two very famous musicians in Brazil. The concert was organized by Peace Lights at the Teatro Fundicao Progresso in Rio de Janeiro.

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Photos of that concert could be accessed on Facebook at and the videos on YouTube at: To listen to the messages of global youth on The Future We Want and to “Let the music talk, let the rhythm play and let the world know what the youth have to say !”, go to the Facebook page where you will be able to access all the photos at: and for the videos go to YouTube at: Number of volunteers involved Direct 5 and many supporters Key Competence learnt by Volunteer 8 Cultural awareness and expression, 4 Digital competence Did the volunteer receive YouthPass? No In witch part of CV (European form) the Volunteer put the competences learnt in the project Artistic Skills and Competences In witch sector the volunteer found a job They are students in UK in a film director and communication and media Video

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A.4.3 Name of Organization Klub sportowy TSD Sport PIC number 948121069 Country Poland E-mail [email protected] Short description of organization TSD is a group of close friends from a small town in Poland called Trzcianka that have created their own youth NGO. There are over 30 of us - aged 15-30 - right now and some are studying, some are working, but what’s most important we’re very integrated and active in local community. Most of our passions are connected with sport, dance, art and music. Some of us are dancers, musicians, a few do graffiti, make v i d e o s o r p l a y s t r e e t b a l l a n d o t h e r s p o r t s . Our association initiatives topics vary from sport, adventurous, ecological or other less or more serious project themes. In our small hometown we organize events and animate free time especially for young people. These are for example leisure time activities, concerts, sport tournaments, and all kind of events consisting of sports, dancing, graffiti art, films projections, dance workshops etc. Name of the Best Practice THE WORLD IS OUR HOME

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Identification number of the Project n.a. Number of Action in Youth in Action Programme n.a. Short description of the Best Practice THE WORLD IS OUR HOME. During 5 days a group of 22 volunteers 13 from Russia, 7 from Poland, 1 from Italy and 1 from Slovakia had the opportunity to learn in a non-formal way through workshops, presentation and activities about their opportunities of traveling. Members of the project shared their pass experiences of grant programmes and other possibilities to visit foreign countries in a cheap way. Something important: not just theory, cause the participants received practical advises for traveler and direct information available on the net; where to apply or check for cheap way of traveling. For sure all the participants come back to home with some useful knowledge applicable from now. Number of volunteers involved 22 Key Competence learnt by Volunteer 7 Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Did the volunteer receive YouthPass? No In witch part of CV (European form) the Volunteer put the competences learnt in the project Personal Skills and Competences In witch sector the volunteer found a job n.a.

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A.4.4 Name of Organization BEDER(Support For All Person With Disabled Association) PIC number 946880633 Country Turkey E-mail [email protected] Short description of organization BEDER(Support For A l l Per son With D i sab led As soc iat ion) Started activities in 2005, BEDER is the first Non-governmental Organization being organised to involve all disability types and support. Having studies on disabilities as Visual, auditory, oral, mental, physical and psychological - emotional (schizophrenia, etc.), the center of BEDER is in Beylikdüzü, Istanbul. While maintaining the classic association activities (wheelchair, cane-walking stick, tools, and distribution of supplies, sacrificial meat, clothing, stationery, iftar dinners, etc.) BEDER also implements projects on health, education and employment. Being in cooperation with Turkey Business Association and the Adult Education Centers, BEDER has become the first in the history of the region with the training for Certificate of Computer Administration for both visually and physically disabled people. In this project, especially exclusive equipment has been supplied for physically disabled people who actually can not use their hands and arms.

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Organisations BEDER have taken parts in: - 2007-2008-2009 Representative Association of the People in Büyükçekmece District Governorship Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation Board of Trustees; - By 2010-2014 Beylikdüzü District City Council executive board member; Civil Society Representative in Board of Trustees of Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation; - Representative of the Civil Society Commission of the European Projects; - Board member in Istanbul Governorship External Relations of the European Union Co-ordination Centre and Barrier-Free Life committee Chairmanship; - Founder and Presidency of “Beylikdüzü District Civil Initiative BEYSİP Platform”; - 2014 - BEDER has been still conducting “Hope of the Bee Project” that is financied by Central Finance and Contacts Unit and European Union. Also “Hope of the Bee Project” is the first Project model on the World which including entrepreneurship training and Beekeeping training. Name of the Best practice Hope Of The Bee Identification number of the Project TR2009/0135.01-04/309 Number of Action in Youth in Action Programme n.a.

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Short description of the Best Practice

The Project “Arının Umudu-Hope of the Bee” is the only Project in Turkey and also in the world that brings “apiculture” and “disabled people” together. With the help of this project that is being supported by European Union Central Finance Department and the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, it is aimed disabled people to take part in social life actively; to set a good example for their employment; to make community conscious against negative attitude and discriminatory affairs towards disabled ones in both social and economical life and it is also aimed to contribute to the dialogues among Non-govermental Organisations. By this project, 30 disabled people who have the quality enough to get employed will each be economically independent; it is also provided disabled people to get proficient in the scope of bee-keeping and products. Besides, “apiculture” will come into question again, it will be an awareness and a contribution towards nature and also socio-consciousness. During the time the project goes on, it will be given such courses as Basic Apiculture and Production of Bee-Products, (both theorically and practically), Practical Entrepreneurship. It will be practiced two-staged questionaire to evaluate the both possitive and negative results in order to improve the courses given; a social awareness seminar will be presented. As a good sample of being on the stage both economically and socially, disabled people are planned to be on social media and networks actively. For the Non-govermental Organisations and local administrations in particular districts of Istanbul where the project is actually practised, a workshop about “Increasing the employment of disabled people” will be organized and with the help of this workshop, a contribution to dialogues and communication among the organisations will be supplied. Number of volunteers involved 40 Key Competence learnt by Volunteer 7 Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Did the volunteer receive YouthPass? No In witch part of CV (European form) the Volunteer put the competences learnt in the project Option Technical Skills and Competences In witch sector the volunteer found a job Beekeeping A 4.5 At the end of the activity the participants evacuated the key competences proposed and they indicated 3 of them: digital competences, Interpersonal - intercultural and social competences and civic competence, Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.

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4.7 A 26 November 2014 A1 8 Key Competences Using the methodology of the World Café the participants were on 5 tables, two tables only with boarding members of the partner organizations, two with volunteers and one mixed. The participants at each table reflected on a key competence, including those identified among the good practices chosen the previous day and at intervals of 10 minutes the participants moved to various tables to make their contribution to the definitions of five key competences. Only 1 participant per table didn’t move to collect and share opinions with all participants moved. A2 Youthpass By continuing to use the methodology of the World Café, participants analyzed the 5 key competences, identified in the previous activity, by including them in 5 different YoutPass, simulating the compilation of it and share the content, using the writing system shared WIKI in the web platform for distance training “”. In the other page the YouthPass created by participants. They used this YouthPass not only to continue the other activities but to present in the Open Seminar too.

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A3 Curriculum Vitae The participants divided into two major groups, one consisting of only components of boarding member of the partner organizations and one consisting of only volunteers. The group of volunteers prepared Curriculum Vitae on putting the Youthpass created in the previous session, using the writing system shared WIKI in the web platform for distance training “”. The group of members of boarding prepared job interviews. The participants shared Curriculum Vitae and interviews and reflected about what happened. In the next pages the Curriculum Vitae that the participants indicated for the next activities and to presented during the Open Seminar and one example of job interview.

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A4 Citizen Training Booklet Participants learnt about the "Citizen Training Booklet", the booklet used by Regione Puglia to recognize and validate the competences acquired using the methods of non-formal and informal education. The participants divided into five mixed groups (formed by volunteers and boarding member) completed 5 "Citizen Training Booklet ", using the writing system shared WIKI in the web platform for distance training “”, and at the end they chose one (in the next pages) for the presentation in the Open Seminar.

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4.8 A 27 November 2014 A1 Open Seminar Participants met the representatives of the Regione Puglia, Territorial Centre for Employment and the San Giovanni Rotondo Municipality, to acquire new knowledge about the program "Bollenti Spiriti" (for the promotion of participation and citizenship activities of young people from Puglia), on "Youth Guarantee" and the active policies of the San Giovanni Rotondo Municipality for young people. To the Open Seminar participated some students of the local schools. With them some of the youth workers realized some activities as Energizers and Icebreakers.

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The representatives of: School, San Giovanni Rotondo Municipality, the Regione Puglia, and Territorial Centre for Employment.

Students and youth workers before the Open Seminar

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A2 Dialogue with the r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o f Istitutions Participants presented to the local authorities Youthpass, Curriculum Vitae and Citizen Training Booklet prepared during the days before as results of the seminar. They shared and reflected with the local authorities and promoted a unique point of view on the certification and validation of competences acquired through the implementat ion of

voluntary activities based on non-formal education. The 3 youth workers that presented the results of the seminar received by the local authorities their original YouthPass, in this way the local authorities had the opportunity to view and understand what is a YouthPass. During the last part of the day the youth workers met students and local NGO to share with them information and to create a p o t e n t i a l f u t u r e partnership. A3 Final part of Learning Agenda Participants collected data recorded on their "Learnong Agenda" and after the Open Seminar filled their Youthpass. A4 Final Evaluation

Participants provided the final evaluation of the Seminar, using methods based on non-formal education and the web platform for distance training “”. 4.9 28 November 2014 Departure day

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