youtube traffic loophole


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YouTube Traffic Loophole for Video Marketers






    OF GOOGLEBy: Jeff Farley

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    Your results may vary from mine. I put a lot of time, effort and discipline into my


  • Contents:

    The YouTube Traffic Loophole: How to Get Your Videos Ranked at the Top

    of Google.1


    Step 1: What Are You Going to Sell?.............................................................8

    Step 2: What Keywords Are You Going to Target?.....................................10

    Step 3: Creating Your Video.22

    Step 4: Ranking Your Video in Google26



    My name is Jeff Farley, & I have been marketing online since 2008. In that

    time, not only have I made money in a variety of different ways, but I have

    also seen a lot of trends come and go. In fact, some of those trends were

    quite profitable for me. If youve been doing this as long as I have, you will

    remember the days of Bum Marketing. I would write a bunch of articles

    on Ezines, and get conversions as a result, $1000 to $1500 a month. That

    gave me some savings which I was able to use to spend on ads with the 800

    lb. gorilla in the internet world, Google Adwords. As a result, I was able to

    add an extra zero to that $1000-$1500 a month

    Both methods went out the window a long time ago for me and almost every

    other affiliate out there. After months (and even years) of trying to play cat

    & mouse with Google, trying to sneak back in to their almighty advertising

    platform, for the last year or so, Ive hardly even thought about trying to get

    back in

    What about search engine optimization? Yes, its still a viable way of

    making money. But its definitely much harder than it used to be. Google

    has gotten a lot better at detecting the strategies that affiliates were using to

    game the system. If youre aiming to rank for a profitable keyword,

    youre going to have to either spend a lot of time or money, and I suspect

    you dont want to do either. I know I dont

    Now, does that mean that the enormous organic search world of Google is

    dead to you, the affiliate marketer? Hardly! You just have to think beyond

  • your mini affiliate site, but the good news is, you dont have to look too far.

    In fact, you only need to look to the website with the 3rd highest amount of

    traffic in the world. And that site is

    The Google search engine LOVES YouTube. And why wouldnt it? After

    all, the company owns this giant video platform. They bring in countless

    dollars from all of the ads they place on YouTube videos. So as a marketer,

    you dont have to deal with nearly as many SEO hassles as you to if you are

    trying to rank for an affiliate site. On-page optimization is a breeze. You

    dont have to constantly check your video on Copyscape to make sure it

    doesnt violate Googles duplicate content penalty. Want to send a ton of

    backlinks to a YouTube video to get it ranked quickly, but youre worried

    youll be penalized the same way you would be if you did this for a website?

    Dont sweat it! Fire away! The same rules do not apply to YouTube


    And maybe the best part of all this is ranking speed. You often have to wait

    weeks (if not months) to see your websites rank in Google. This is not the

  • case with YouTube. You can rank quite quickly. And on the subject of

    speed, developing a YouTube video is much faster than developing a full

    website (no matter how skilled you are at web design)

    Now that Ive hopefully convinced you that YouTube videos are the way to

    go in SEO, lets look at what you need to do to get a video ranked so that

    you can have some more money in your pocket!!!



    Step 1: What are you going to sell?

    Perhaps you are already making money as an affiliate marketer, and dont

    need any advice on what products to market and how to find them. If so,

    congratulations! However, I still think you can benefit from my

    perspective. Id bet the rest of you are struggling with what to sell. I know I

    was when I got started

    But then I stumbled upon a concept from a woman named Alexis Dawes,

    and that is the concept of the desperate buyer.

    I go after customers who need a solution RIGHT NOW and are willing to

    pay what they need to in order to get it fixed. They don't have time to mine

    through web forums, trying to find some free nugget of information. No,

    these folks essentially have their credit card in hand, ready to buy

    You need to be the one to give them that solution

    Alexis Dawes unlocked the key to this method for success when she sold an

    ebook on how to get a checking account, even if you are on ChexSystems.

    If you're not familiar with this, a person who overdraws their checking





  • account and never puts funds back in to make the account balance positive

    will eventually get placed on ChexSystems, making it very difficult to get a

    new checking account elsewhere

    Can you imagine how hard it would be to not having a checking account?

    And can you see how badly someone who was in this situation would want

    to fix it, even if they had to spend some money to find out the information to

    do so?

    I should know. I hate to admit it, but that was me in 2007. For months, I

    had to pay my bills with a money order. Sometimes, I would just send cash,

    praying it would arrive okay

    If youd like to learn more about Dawes desperate buyers strategy, its

    outlined here in her ebook Desperate Buyers Only. I also want you to

    make a list of problems you think people have, and the types of products that

    solve those issues


  • Step 2: What keywords are you going to target?

    My business strategy is pretty simple. I dont target keyword phrases like

    how to lose 10 pounds in a week. In fact, I couldnt care less about them

    Nothing wrong with going after keyword phrases, if you choose to go that

    route. But Im all about finding warm buyers. Again, those who have

    their credit card in hand, ready to buy. Thats why I only target keywords

    related to product names. Why? Because I know they are ready to buy, or

    at least thinking about it. If not, why would they be searching for that

    product? They just need a little encouraging, and that is where I come into

    the picture. I reassure them in my copy that this product will fix their

    problem, and that they should by it

    Lets use the example of a customer who wants to lose weight. The person

    searching for a product like Truth About Abs is much more likely to buy than

    a person searching for something like how to get ripped abs. First of all,

    the person searching for how to get ripped abs might be looking for a free

    solution. And secondly, lets say that person reads on a site that The Truth

    About Abs is the best product to make this happen. Well, they might end up

    doing another search to see what other people are saying about Truth About

    Abs. They may very well end up buying that product, but chances are, they

    are not going to come back to your site to do it

    ***Please note. a small number of products do not allow you to use their

    product name via the search engines. If they find out you are using their





  • product name in your SEO campaigns, they may refuse to pay you. If you

    have any questions, consult your affiliate manager

    As far as which keyword phrases to target, I primarily target the actual

    product name. But there are some other related phrases you can target as

    well. So if I was promoting Truth About Abs I would target the following

    phrases other than the obvious one, Truth About Abs:

    -Truth About Abs review

    -Buy Truth About Abs

    -Purchase Truth About Abs

    -Truth About Abs scam

    -Truth About Abs cost

    -Truth About Abs does it work

    -Truth About Abs scam

    Of course, to target a product name to make commissions off that offer, you

    have to be signed up with a network that has that offer. The network that

    most affiliate marketers start with is Clickbank. This network mainly offers

    software products and ebooks. There are also a number of other CPA (cost

    per action) networks out there that will pay you for whats essentially a lead.

    Many of these are known as email submits where the customer simply

    enters their email address and is entered to win, among other things, a free

    gift card, or iPad, or LED TV. The conversion rates are very good on these,

    but the downside is that the payout is very low, usually about $1.25. I

    generally stay away from such low paying offers. The other downside is






  • that these offers are almost always for well-known product names. Its

    going to be very difficult for you to rank on page one of Google for iPad. Id

    stick with higher paying offers

    In addition to Clickbank, here are some of the CPA networks I would

    recommend that you sign up for:

    -Peerfly (very respected, trusted network)



    -Profit Kings Media

    -Point Click Track




    Another great affiliate network to take advantage of here is the Amazon

    Associates network. Amazon products convert very well because theyre

    products that people are already looking to buy. Your job is just to get a site

    (or, in our case, a YouTube video) with YOUR affiliate link to that product

    out in front of them! There are a couple of drawbacks to Amazon products.

    First, the competition can be fierce, so dont try and rank a YouTube video

    for the keyword Sony 4K TV and think itll be easy. But there are

    thousands of products out there that arent quite so competitive, so dont let

    this scare you away from promoting Amazon stuff. The other drawback is

    that the payouts are not as high as many other affiliate offers. Then again,



  • the conversion rates for Amazon products tend to be higher than traditional

    affiliate offers

    And on the topic of commissions, there is one big benefit to Amazon

    products that I would like to share. Lets say you are promoting a Cuisinart

    product, and a customer buys it from your affiliate link. Well, for anything

    else that they buy on Amazon for the next 24 hours, you get commission on

    that as well!!!! I once had a guy tell me he made a commission off a

    $100,000 diamond ring someone bought off Amazon!!!!! And that was

    because the customer originally landed on his page that was promoting a


    So now that we know where to look for products to sell, we still need to

    answer the question of what product to promote? In addition to using the

    desperate buyer factor, there are also a couple of other metrics you can

    use. When going through the offers on a CPA network, look for the EPC

    (earnings per click) and, if its available, the conversion rate (which will

    usually be shown as CR). Its how much users earn for every 100 times

    theyre affiliate link has been linked. So, for instance, if Product A has an

    EPC of $8.70, for every 100 clicks that have been sent to Product A, users

    have made an average of $8.70. This gives you a general idea of how the

    product is converting if the CR is not available. It also can give you a bit of

    an idea of how much traffic the offer gets. You may see a product with a

    HUGE payout, but if you see a N/A in the EPC column, chances are it

    doesnt get a lot of searches (at least not on that network).




  • Heres an idea of what Im talking about, using data from the Point Click

    Track network:

    I have circled in red the offer with the best EPC, iContact. But I still want

    some more information on how many people are searching for this product.

    If no one is searching for it, then it doesnt make much sense to put the work

    in to get a YouTube video on the product ranked high in Google. (At least

  • not at first. Once youve started making some money, you could reinvest

    your profits, and build an army of YouTube videos for a bunch of different

    products. Imagine if you had 200 videos bringing in $5 a day!!!!!)

    To find out how many searches a product gets per month, we will go to the

    Google Keyword Planner, formerly known as the Google Keyword Tool.

    This will give us a rough estimate of how many searches per month a

    particular keyword gets

    Lets look up iContact:

    This keyword gets 27,100 searches per month. That is definitely enough

    searches to be very profitable if you were to get your video to page one of

    Google! (Ignore the competition column; that only deals with Adwords pay

    per click (PPC)

    However, we dont have a winner just yet. We want to make sure the

    competition in the organic search listings of Google isnt too tough. So lets

    type in iContact into Google and see what comes up:


  • As you can see, there are a lot of major authority sites like Facebook,

    Twitter, and Wikipedia that are occupying the first page of Google for this

    keyword. Unless you have a very good SEO budget, I would stay away

    from this keyword. (As a general rule, I stay away from product keywords

    that are relatively well-known in the marketplace)


  • The other thing we have to worry about is, how many backlinks are pointing

    to these sites. If its a huge number, then we should ignore this product

    keyword because its probably going to take a lot of very good (i.e.,

    expensive) backlinks to rank for it

    Lets examine the backlink profile for, which comes up first in

    the search rankings. To do this, I will go to a site called

    As you can see, this URL has 13 MILLION backlinks pointing to it. Best

    for us to just move on

    Remember, when in doubt, you can always email your affiliate manager

    and ask them which offers get the most traffic and which convert the best

    After scrolling through Point Click Tracks offer sheet, I found a product

    that intrigued me. Its called 100 Day Loans UK. It gets 3,600 searches per

    month, and its EPC is $3.45. Definitely profitable



  • Now lets check Google to see the competition on page one. Well do this

    by specifically searching in the UK, so we go to


  • Well, Im not seeing a tremendous amount of competition from huge

    authority sites, so I think we have a winner! Especially considering there

    are no other YouTube videos on page one!

    What if there are already YouTube videos on page one of Google? Well for

    now, I would recommend trying a different keyword. But if its a keyword

    you have your heart set on, then you need to determine how difficult it is

    going to be to outrank these videos. Lets see how many backlinks this

    video has pointing to it. To figure this out, we will go back to


  • Im going to see what the results are for the keyword Plimsleur, a popular

    language program that gets 40,500 searches per month!!!!

    As you can see, there is a YouTube video for this keyword on page one.

    Lets check its backlink profile in Ahrefs:

  • Only 12 backlinks!!!! That is great news!!!! Definitely a keyword you

    could work with

    So now that we have some ideas for products to promote, lets move on

  • Step 3: Creating Your Video

    Before you get started, please know that your video needs to be at least a

    minute long, preferably two minutes or longer. You are going to have a very

    hard time ranking your video on page one of Google if its shorter than one


    Dont know what you should say in your video? Want to learn the exact

    outline I use to narrate my videos to maximize conversions for ANY offer

    Im promoting??? Then click here

    You may be wondering if you are going to face a big challenge in creating a

    YouTube video. Dont worry!!!! Its very easy!!!

    All you need are four things:

    -A cheap microphone (I got one for around $14 at Best Buy)

    -Microsoft Word (or a similar system for creating text)

    -Go to (its free! No account needed)

    -YouTube account

    The first step is the figure out what you are going to show on your video. I

    keep mine as simple as possible, and that means bringing up Microsoft

    Word, inserting a picture of the product I am promoting, and a link to the



  • Now, notice the link we are sending the visitor to. I have gone and

    shortened my affiliate link. It would normally be That is way too

    long, and just looks funny to the user. Thats why I take advantage of a

    URL shortener like

  • As you can see, I have pasted my affiliate link in the box at the top of the

    screen. I will then hit shorten.

    This will give me a shortened link:

    Its now time to create the video. I use As I mentioned

    earlier, it is free. A lot of people use Jing, but the problem with that program

    is that you cant directly publish to YouTube unless you have the Pro

    version. Screencast-o-matic will guide you through the process

  • As I mentioned when you bought the course, I am giving you the

    opportunity to have ME make your video for you! I will choose the

    graphics, narrate the script, pick the title, description and tags, and even

    upload it to your account for you (if you wish). Click here if you are


  • Step 4: Ranking Your Video in Google

    The information I am about to share with you really is the most important

    part of this course. Knowing which products to promote, and how to create

    videos is essential, of course, but you could have the greatest video for the

    greatest converting offer ever, but if no one sees it, you wont make any


    The key to getting your YouTube video ranked in Google is really the same

    as getting any site ranked, and that is backlinks!!!! But this is especially

    true for videos, because, like I mentioned earlier, the same spam policies

    Google has in place for your regular sites do not apply to YouTube videos.

    If you send 1 million links to your website in a week, its going to get

    slapped so far down in the rankings that it will never be seen again. Send

    that many to Google? Much different story

    So what type of backlinks do you need to build, and how many? Well, I

    would say as many as you can afford. Now you dont have to build a ton of

    backlinks to rank for many product-related keywords. But for more popular

    keywords, Id say build as many as you can. But for this training, I will

    show you whats needed to get the average product-related keyword with

    decent search volume to the top of Google

    Im going to start by having a user create a link wheel for me.

    So essentially, the person who performs the Fiverr gig is going to put my

    YouTube link on a bunch of different websites, but theyre also going to link



  • a lot of those sites together, so that each will get more link juice. Its also

    going to be quite varied, so the whole thing will look natural

    Heres a great Fiverr gig for making this happen:


    This gig has more than 6600 positive votes!!! An outstanding service

    provided here by crorkservice

  • Were not done yet with backlinks though. We are now going to create

    some backlinks from .EDU & .GOV sites. These type of backlinks are very

    powerful because Google gives them a lot of weight. Ill recommend

    another great, highly ranked gig:

    Heres a step that is not essential, but can speed up the ranking process

    (which, by the way, usually takes about a month or so). This optional step

    will get your video a ton of backlinks. Youll be using a service called

    Scrapebox. Its an automated software program that automatically posts to

    sites all over the world. And the great thing about it is, you can easily let it

    run for hours in the background on your computer. Im not going to give a

    tutorial on Scrapebox here, but you can find lots of information on how it

  • works by doing a Google or YouTube search. Scrapebox is normally $97,

    but you can get a $45 discount here:


    So far, weve talked about how to get ranked in Google, the #1 search

    engine in the world. But what about the #2 search engine? And no, I am not

    talking about Bing/Yahoo. No, the #2 search engine is YouTube itself! And

    what better place to have your video show up in the search results than

    YouTube itself?

    In order to make this happen, we need to look at two more Fiverr packages.

    The first is to buy some high retention views. Notice the words high

    retention. This is important because this means the majority of your view

    will be watched. Google and YouTube can obviously track this, and if they

    see someone clicked on your video right away and then immediately went

    elsewhere, you wont see any benefit

    Heres a good high retention view service to use:

  • We also need to get some likes, but that number needs to be much lower

    than the number of high retention views because most people that view a

    video dont hit the like button. I also want a Fiverr service that will give me

    some manual comments. This helps add some social proof

    Heres a good one here:

  • At this point, youve completed the process. As I mentioned earlier, it will

    take about a month for your video to be ranked, depending on the

    competition. You may need to repeat these steps to get your video to where

    you want it to be, but dont give up!

    Once you get a video ranked and you start making money, scale things

    up!!!! The potential to make money off many different affiliate offers is



    One final word: please promise me you will perform the steps I have laid out

    in this guide. Dont just read this guide and let it sit on your computers

    hard drive. I honestly cant think of a better source of cheap traffic than


    And dont forget, its still not too late to pick up your copy of YouTube

    Clicks & Conversion mastery and my Done-For-You YouTube Video

    Creation Service!

    Click here to check out YouTube Clicks & Conversion Mastery

    Click here to check out my Done-For-You YouTube Video Creation Service