zenon pestaño niña s. cañares jo-sha borja remjen francisco jannica

Group IV Zenon Pestaño Niña S. Cañares Jo-sha Borja Remjen Francisco Jannica Manuit

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Page 1: Zenon Pestaño Niña S. Cañares Jo-Sha Borja Remjen Francisco Jannica

Group IVZenon Pestaño

Niña S. Cañares

Jo-sha Borja

Remjen Francisco

Jannica Manuit

Page 2: Zenon Pestaño Niña S. Cañares Jo-Sha Borja Remjen Francisco Jannica

Promptness & Punctuality

Definitions From Online Word References:

Strictly observant of an appointed or regular time; not late; prompt. Made, occurring, etc., at the scheduled or proper time

Quick to act or to do what is required; ready

The characteristic of doing things without delay

The quality or state of being punctual; especially, adherence to the exact time of an engagement; exactness.

The characteristic of being able to complete a required task or fulfill an obligation before or at a previously-designated time

Definitions, Quotations From Us:

Punctuality is having time management, time discipline, value of time and most of all, the etiquette.

Punctuality is doing your best not to make anyone or anything waiting.

Being punctual is not only respecting others, but also respecting your self.

A punctual person is well-rounded; for he is able to deal with demands of time. It makes a quick statement of people about you, just as much as they criticize your appearance and attitude.

By being unpunctual, you become a thief; stealing people’s most precious thing: their time.

Page 3: Zenon Pestaño Niña S. Cañares Jo-Sha Borja Remjen Francisco Jannica

Promptness & Punctuality


Strict punctuality is perhaps the cheapest virtue which can give force to an otherwise utterly insignificant character. -John F. Boyes

If I have made an appointment with you, I owe you punctuality, I have no right to throw away your time, if I do my own. -Richard Cecil, American Poet

Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no delay, no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. -Lord Chesterfield, British Statesman, Author

I could never think well of a man's intellectual or moral character, if he was habitually unfaithful to his appointments. -Nathaniel Emmons

Unfaithfulness in the keeping of an appointment is an act of clear dishonesty. You may as well borrow a person's money as his time. -Horace Mann, American Educator

I owe all my success in life to having been always a quarter of an hour before my time. -Lord Nelson

The while we keep a man waiting, he reflects on our shortcomings. -French Proverb

Punctuality is not only a duty, but is also a part of good manners; it is favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and usefulness; a little attention and energy will form the habit, so as to make it easy and delightful. -Charles Simmons

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. -William Shakespeare, British Poet, Playwright

Being on time, every time, conveys far more than just a good sense of timing. It tells people that you’re on top of things, that you’re organized, that you can be counted on, that you value them, and, ultimately, that you value yourself. -Dustin Wax, The Writer's Technology Companion

Page 4: Zenon Pestaño Niña S. Cañares Jo-Sha Borja Remjen Francisco Jannica

Promptness & Punctuality


LATE AGAIN by MXPXLate again, Forgive me friends, For I am late again, Til' the day I die, Lord knows I'll try, 'Cause I'm still late again.

When they call my name outside those gates, I'll be on my way, Well that's all I can say, 'Cause I'm late again.

Late again, Forgive me friends, For I am late again, Til' the day I die, Lord knows I'll try, 'Cause I'm still late again.

With all the saints, that don't place blame On sunshine, rain or snow, Believe me 'cause I know.

That I'm Late again, Forgive me friends, For I am late again, Til' the day I die, Lord knows I'll try, 'Cause I'm still late again

Late again, Forgive me friends, For I am late again, Til' the day I die, Lord knows I'll try, 'Cause I'm still late again. [x2]

Til' the day I die, Lord knows I'll try, 'Cause I'm still late again.


After some time I’ve finally made up my mindshe is the girl and I really want to make her mineI'm searching everywhere to find her againto tell her I love herand I'm sorry 'bout the things I’ve done

I find her standing in front of the churchthe only place in town where I didn't searchShe looks so happy in her wedding dressbut she's crying while she's saying this

Boy I’ve missed your kisses all the time but this is25 minutes too lateThough you travelled so far boy I'm sorry your are25 minutes too late

Against the wind I'm going home againwishing me back to the time when we were more than friends

But still I see her in front of the churchthe only place in town where I didn't searchShe looked so happy in her wedding dressbut she cried while she was saying this

Boy I’ve missed your kisses all the time but this is25 minutes too lateThough you travelled so far boy I'm sorry your are25 minutes too late

Out in the streetsplaces where hungry hearts have nothing

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to eatinside my headstill I can hear the words she said

I can still hear her say.......

MESSAGE: Don't make people wait. In turn, use time to show you live up to your promises.

Page 6: Zenon Pestaño Niña S. Cañares Jo-Sha Borja Remjen Francisco Jannica

Promptness & Punctuality

Manifestations Of Persons With Without Punctuality:

Shows Mastery

With: Being on time consistently shows everyone around you that you are the master of your life. It demonstrates foresight — the ability to predict possible hang-ups — and adaptability — the ability to change your plans to accommodate those hang-ups.

Without: On the other hand, being late all the time shows that you are a victim of the winds of fate, that you’re incapable of anticipating possible problems and either dealing with them or altering your course to avoid them. It sends the message that you’re harassed by time, not in control of it.

Shows Competence

With: Someone who shows, over and over, that they are the master of their time is someone who will be taken seriously in areas far removed from time management. That foresight and adaptability that gets you where you need to be, when you need to be there, tells the people around you that you can handle whatever is thrown at you.

Without: Conversely, people assume that if the chronically late person can’t even consider the possibility of a little extra traffic, s/he won’t be able to consider other obstacles that might stand in the way of getting a project or task done.

Shows Integrity

With: Punctuality is also a trust issue. When you make an appointment, you are making a commitment to be where you said you’d be when you said you’d be there. The only way you build up other people’s trust in you is by consistently meeting your commitments — and that starts with being punctual. The person who is always on time is someone others can trust to be as good as their word.

Without: In contrast, the person who is perpetually late is, plain and simple, someone who lies to you repeatedly. You said you’d be here at 9 o’clock, but you’re not here; if your word isn’t good enough about something as trivial as showing up on time, how can your word be any good about anything more important?

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Shows He Value People

With: People are busy — too busy to be waiting on you while their other work goes unfinished. Being punctual shows, clearly and truly, that you value their time and, by extension, that you value them as a person. It says, “Let’s make this time we’ve arranged as productive as possible so we can both get on with all our other important stuff.”

Without: Compare that with the attitude of the chronically late person who, when confronted, says, “But I’m always on time for the things that are important.” The message this sends is that, when I’m late, it’s because I really don’t feel that whatever I’m late for is all that important — if it were a date with a cute woman or man I met at the Starbucks, I’d have been on time; if it were a Moby concert, I’d have been on time; but since it’s just a meeting about the status of the big project I’m working on, I feel I can be late.

There’s another kind of always-late person: the person who makes a “big entrance”, using their lack of punctuality to show their status. Let’s face it — showing off your importance by having other people sit and wait on you clearly says “you’re not important to me.” And everyone knows the solution — don’t show up, or wait until the moment’s just right, and stab that high-and-mighty loser in the back. If you like to make the grand entrance, don’t worry — someday soon you’ll make a grand entrance to an empty room.

Shows He Value Himself

With: Finally, being on time shows you value your time — and yourself. First of all, being repeatedly late is a self-destructive behavior — why else would you risk not landing the big client, losing your job, or insulting those around you? And everyone knows that most self-destructive behavior follows from low self-esteem. Even if it’s not true, that’s the perception you’re allowing others.

Without: Second of all, punctuality shows that your time is too valuable to waste stuck in traffic, on the phone dealing with trivial matters, or otherwise occupied in anything other than the business at hand. Being late demonstrates, plainly and clearly, that you’re interruptible, that your work is never as high a priority as whatever trivial thing comes along, and that you’re unwilling to set priorities in your own life. If that’s the case, why should anyone else care about your time? Why shouldn’t they interrupt you whenever they feel like it, dump meaningless busy-work on you, or dismiss you entirely?

Wax, Dustin M. . "Punctuality Counts". Stepcase Lifehack. 14 May 2008. 16 Nov. 2008 <http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/punctuality-counts.html>

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Promptness & Punctuality

Anecdotes:Lew Wasserman: Power-BrokerUniversal Studios chief Lew Wasserman was the preeminent Hollywood power-broker of his generation:

"A stickler for punctuality, the mogul and his wife, Edie, were seen sitting awkwardly at a table set for four at the old-guard restaurant Chasen's in the early 1990s. Looking angrily at his watch, Wasserman grumbled, 'Our guests are 15 minutes late.' A few minutes later, Ronald and Nancy Reagan belatedly joined the couple at their table."

["Maybe that should be the epitaph of Lew Wasserman, a man who for more than 60 years zealously pursued power for its own sake: He only waited for presidents."]

Wasserman, Lew ["The octopus"] (1913-2002) American talent agent, producer, and studio chief; head of the Music Corporation of America (MCA) and of Universal Studios [noted for his pioneering use of 'packaging' (leasing to a studio a group of actors, directors and writers, who might share in the profits from a film), and for his role in the production of such films as Jaws, Psycho, The Sting, Star Wars, and E.T.]

[Source: " Lew Wasserman: Power-Broker". Anecdotage.Com. 16 Nov. 2008 < http://anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=9837>]Usher: TardyUsher was never noted for his punctuality. "Boy wears a $40,000 watch," his road manager, Terence Carter, once lamented, "with the wrong time on it!"

Usher, American hip hop musician [noted for various recordings]

[Source: " Usher: Tardy". Anecdotage.Com. 16 Nov. 2008 < http://anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=20572>]

Ricky Gervais: Punctuality"I hate lateness," Ricky Gervais once declared. "I hate people who are late. There is no excuse for turning up late for anything. I've never been late for anything in my life. I was actually born a week premature, because I wanted to be early for my own birth!" Gervais, Ricky-British writer and actor [noted for his role on "The Office" and in various films]

[Source: "Ricky Gervais: Punctuality". Anecdotage.Com. 16 Nov. 2008 <http://anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=16966>]