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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Page 3: Zogathon

This substance fuels our hovercrafts so it is very

carefully looked after however before Zogathon was

inhabited a volcano which is now a dormant lake once

erupted and the fresh water mixed with the magma

from the volcano and it turned into salt water that is

fuelled from the extinct volcano. So this salt water base

is forever refuelling itself.

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Obviously this is quite an important factor of any planet, and we make sure that all of our crops are in the right temperature and get enough water by a machine that took our scientists over 50 years to come up with. This device is a machine that once you type in the type of plant it sets the right temperature and waters it when needed. This marvellous machine also gives a plant the right amount of sunlight

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Nature is a important element in zogothon life so our green grass Is well looked after much like the crops.

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On Zogothan everyone is given a species of animal to look after, keep count of and generally keep the species in touch. The most common animals on Zogothan are the most rare animals on earth like the animal you would see walking down the road is the pinta island tortoise who on earth has only one individual.

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animals The list of animals are as follows:

Pinta Island Tortoise

The Yangtzee River Dolphin

Vancouver island marmot

Seychelles sheath tailed bat

Javan rhino

Hispid hare

Northern hairy nosed wombat


Iberian Lynx

Red wolf

Golden tabby tiger

Snow Leopard

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The Pinta Island Tortoise

• RIP George

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The Yangtzee River Dolphin

The Vancouver island marmot

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The Seychelles sheath tailed bat.

• The Javan rhino

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The Northern hairy nosed wombat

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The Tamaraw and the Iberian lynx

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The red wolf, golden tabby tiger and the snow leopard.

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The people of Zogathon are naturally crazy about nature, and their planet. This provoked them to use trees and leaves for the cover on their Zotes, and land animals and water animals for the cover of their Zollars. Zotes are only worth the following $5, $10, $20,$50,and $100. Whereas Zollars are worth $1, $2, zoins.

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• Oxygen is natural on Zogathon so there is no problem with breathing.

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• The people of Zogathon get electricity from a lake in the middle of Zogathon which has been converted into a hydro dam.

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The temperature on Zogathon is very similar to Earth. In the day it can reach 25 degrees and it drops to

about 17 degrees at night.

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• School in zogathon is very nature based with most lessons compromising of learning about the species of animal they are to be trusted with when they are adults. Every child is given charge of their own learning if they want to do maths one day and English another, it is encouraged.

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• There is only one type of vehicle on Zogathon the salt water powered hovercraft the hovercraft is rather large and spacious it has a hood that can be deployed when necessary.

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• Criminals on Zogathon are dealt with pretty much the same way as on earth they are charged and given either community service or jail time but it is a rarity.

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• Environmental enthusiasts.

• Zets ( instead of vet )

• Zoctor ( doctor )

• Animal species counter.

• Teachers

• Zoo keepers

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