, agriculfuredepartment -...

./ Panaji,23rd ,May, 1991 Uyaisthat 1913} . SERIES IIlNo. 8 OFFICIAL ........ ·,.,····''7E······ T TE' \.J.t\..l:.. ",1'.1 £J GOA , ;' GOVERNMENT OF 'GOA , AgriculfureDepartment Dire,ctorate of. Agriculture , Soil ConservatiOn DiviSion .•.. Panaji - Goa . / . Tender Notice No, 1/SCD/DA/91-92/83: . I' / , : The Executive,EngineeI', SoH ConServation Division, Directorate of Agriculture, Panaji, 'invites on behalf of the Gover- ' nor of Goa, sealec]; Item Rate tenders' from approvedfeUgible contractors, registered in appropriate.:.: class and category of W.D. (Irrigation), ,Goa State and possessi:i}.g ,experienceof.havihg succe,ss'fully executed slimllar works for the following works. . . Name of works. Iqstimated . cost 1. Closure of 'breach and repairs to t11'e bUI).d "Murda" at 1,58,041/- Merces of'TiSwadi Taluka; , . '2; Work of closure. ofbreacb. in the bund' paddy field "Goltiiri Tenants Association situated at Navelim of Tiswadi Taluka. F...arnest money ,'deposit . Its.' Class of .<;ontractor Timelim1 t m(H&I) -'-do- Cost of tender form Rs. 100/"' 100/'" .Pe'· received. up to 3.00 p. m. and Tender focrm:sWUI be .issiued on all days up· to same day at 3;30 p. m, in the, Office of the 4.00 p. m. till 28-:5-91 to the. appropriate: ClaSs of contractors Directorate .' whose application for the tender received iIi thisOftice not . sh<?uld . bedeposi:- late:!," . than 27-5-91 alongwith valid Incmrie,,;t:i.x- ' J3ank of andUSitof SUnilar works executed by the Contrac- 'rught ol'reject any or all the without Directorate thereof is reserved. ' Saving Bank 5pledged to qbyernITttmt to' / . . 6th. May, 1991; 'c...:..',The ExecutiveEIl-ginee r , G.. G. with the tender. .:D+asSapeo,o. ' . ., . . 'Short 2/SCo/DA/91-92/10:2 The Eexecutive Enitineer, SOil Conservation' Divisiori, Dil'ectorateOf Agrcultui:-e" Panaji, invitesl on behalf of the : nor of Goa, seaIedPercentage . Rate Tender from .appTovedjeligiblecontiactoT'S registered in appropriate class . gory of the P.W.D. (Irrigation), Goa 'State and possesing experience of having successfully executed works'. for the following wocrks.·' '. . . . Sr. No. Name of works Replacement of wooden structure to. the' sluice. gate "Tin Manos" situated at St. Cruz Tiswadi Twluka .. , -' . . ,2. Replacement of wooden structure, to the sluice gate . def-ending the paddy "Morombi-O-Pe'queno" at MeTces Tiswadi Taluka. ' Estin:tated cost Rs. 22.194/- 28,320/- Earnest. money deposit Rs. 555/- 708/- '. Coat of ,Class of Time tender contractol :limit .torm as. V (H. & t.) ,4S'days 301- V (H. & I..) 45 dl;tys 30

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',GG"·~"~1 ./

Panaji,23rd ,May, 1991 Uyaisthat 1913} . SERIES IIlNo. 8

OFFICIAL ........ ·,.,····''7E······T TE' \.J.t\..l:.. ",1'.1 £J



, AgriculfureDepartment

Dire,ctorate of. Agriculture

, Soil ConservatiOn DiviSion

.•.. Panaji - Goa

. / . Tender Notice No, 1/SCD/DA/91-92/83: . I' / , :

The Executive,EngineeI', SoH ConServation Division, Directorate of Agriculture, Panaji, 'invites on behalf of the Gover- ' nor of Goa, sealec]; Item Rate tenders' from approvedfeUgible contractors, registered in appropriate.:.: class and category of the~. W.D. (Irrigation), ,Goa State and possessi:i}.g ,experienceof.havihg succe,ss'fully executed slimllar works for the following works. . .

S~.,No. Name of works. Iqstimated

. cost ,~.

1. Closure of 'breach and repairs to t11'e bUI).d "Murda" at 1,58,041/-Merces of'TiSwadi Taluka; , .

'2; Work of closure. ofbreacb. in the bund' defendingthe1;04,171/~ paddy field "Goltiiri Tenants Association situated at Navelim of Tiswadi Taluka.

F...arnest money

,'deposit . Its.'


Class of .<;ontractor Timelim1t

m(H&I) -'-do-

Cost of tender

form Rs.



/,!,e~<l~rs\Vi1l .Pe'· received. up to 3.00 p. m. on'29~5-91. and Tender focrm:sWUI be . issiued on all wo~kirig days up· to W:»I,:Jj~,PpenMon same day at 3;30 p. m, in the, Office of the 4.00 p. m. till 28-:5-91 to the. appropriate: ClaSs of contractors EfX~~U~iye~Ehgineer,.SoiLConservation·:Division, Directorate .' whose application for the tender received iIi thisOftice not Of~#:i~tg:l;1;l:~~;,~~aji-q~~",Ea,r~es(M9ney . sh<?uld . bedeposi:- late:!," . than 27-5-91 alongwith valid Incmrie,,;t:i.x- ' ~ClOOlrance ted;iri'th~StateJ3~k()f)IIidiaofina .schedul~ J3ank of ~~:tificate andUSitof SUnilar works executed by the Contrac-

':::o:~r.:~h~k~c~t~~~~er:i=i~o::e~i~io!ri7~~i~~' 'rught to~c~ept ol'reject any or all the tender~ without Directorate ofA:grit;-tiltUre~<panaji-Goaor depOSitin,p,ost'al3Sign41gi~yreason thereof is reserved. ' Office~ Saving Bank 5pledged to qbyernITttmt to' .~ "enci~~d', / . »~~naJi, . 6th. May, 1991; 'c...:..',The ExecutiveEIl-gineer , G.. G. with the tender. .:D+asSapeo,o. ' . ., .

. 'Short TenderNO!ic€;:;~6. 2/SCo/DA/91-92/10:2

The Eexecutive Enitineer, SOil Conservation' Divisiori, Dil'ectorateOf Agrcultui:-e" Panaji, invitesl on behalf of the GoVeif~ : nor of Goa, seaIedPercentage . Rate Tender from .appTovedjeligiblecontiactoT'S registered in appropriate class andcate~ . gory of the P.W.D. (Irrigation), Goa 'State and possesing experience of having successfully executed ~ilar works'. for the following wocrks.·' '. . . .

Sr. No. Name of works

~. Replacement of wooden structure to. the' sluice. gate "Tin Manos" situated at St. Cruz Tiswadi Twluka .. , -' .

. ,2. Replacement of wooden structure, to the sluice gate . def-ending the paddy fie:l~ "Morombi-O-Pe'queno" at MeTces Tiswadi Taluka. '

Estin:tated cost Rs.



Earnest. money deposit




'. Coat of ,Class of Time tender contractol :limit .torm as.

V (H. & t.) ,4S'days 301-

V (H. & I..) 45 dl;tys 30

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82 • OFFICIAL· .GAZE'l."l.'E -GOVT ... OF . GOA SERIES III No. 8

, Tend~s will be lI'eceived up to 3.00 p. m. on 29-5-91 and, Will . be opened on the'.Erune day at 3.30p: m. in the office of the EXecutive Engineer, Soil Conservatian . Division, Di:recto~< rate of Agriculture, Panaji-Goa, Earnest Mon~yshould be

deposited in the State Bank ·of India or ~ a Scheduled Ba:nk of Panaji Branch in the form of Deposit "at Oall Receipt in favour of the Executive Engineer, SoU Consei:-Vl:J,tion Division, Directorate of Agriculture, Ba:naji~Goa,ordeposit in p<,>st Office Saving Bank pledged; to' Government to' be encla .. sed with the tender.

23RDMAY., 1991

Tenderis forms will be issued o:n all working days up to' 4.00p. m. till 28-5-91 to' the appropriate. class of contractots whose' application fQl,r. the tender receivellin t:l:U3 office' not later than 27-5-9'1 along with valid Income-tax Clearance' Gertificate and lis1t of similar \vorks executed by the contrac- -tor. ' .

Right to'alccept OIT reje:ctany ar all the tenders without without a:ssigning any reasan th~eof is res€T'ired.

Panaj'i, 15th May, 1991. - The Executive Engineer, fl. G. JJi.M Sapeco.

• •• Public Works Department

V'(orb Diy[sion v, (Bldgs.) Pa,nllji. Goa

Tnder' Notice No.PWD~VVDV /Bldgs/ Asw /F.2/3/91-92

The Executive Engineer, Works'Division V (Bldgs), P,W.D., Panaji-Goainvites en behalf of the Governor of Goa, sealed Item/Percentage rate tenders from the approrvedand~ eligible Contractors of G.OO, PWD /CPWD liMES/Railway up to 15-00 hours on 29th May, 1991 for the below mentioned warks.

Br.No .. Deseri ption'



cOnstruction of. Primary Hea.lth Centre at Calvale in Bardez Taluka (iIndcall).

OonStruct~on of. Ovet<head Resell'lVoir fot" Primary Health Centre at Bicholim.

"Constructiono{ Sump. JDstan~tio:n .ofPllmpg andgmks .to HospitaIandrepajrs to!A and ~B' type Quart~ at :po H;C.Can,(loHm). " .. ' . ,I '.

Providing atid.fi:xihgF;t:;C. C,,&n~he& ~tPUn.dalic ' Temple Complex .. ~t PorvoVrtm.;·

, ! . ,'i .": ~,' ;

Tenders will be received u~ to3~aO p~ni.~n29thMay, 1mn' and. will be opened at 3.30 . p. m. on.the -same day,. Ea;rne'st Mo:ney Deposit should be ,depositedin.the State Bank of India or any other Scheduled. Bank in' the formCl.f DepoS'it,at Call Receipt in the favour of Executive Engi,neer,'WorksDivision . V (Bldgs) , Panaji-Goa an~lthe'same to' beehclOsed w,i'fu the tender. The Last da.teof . Receipts' of application .. from the Contractors is up to 23/5/91.

Esti'mated cast . Rs.





Earnest money Time limit

Rs .

10.000/- 2~0 days. including monsoon

10.0;(jO/- 360 days includIDg mCit1SO!OD

2,466/- 120 days excluding monsoon

2Z6/- 30 days . iricluddng monsoon.

Cost of Class of tender

contractor fOrIn Rs.

TIr and above 100/-in Bldgs.

III and abave 100/-in Bldgs.

IV and above 1001-In Bldgs..

Vanlt above 30'/-m BldgS'.

Tender forms . will be issued on all wookiJ:{g -days up to - 12-00 heurs on 27th May; 1991. The ContractOtt"s' must produce

a valid .,.Income~tax Oleaiiance Certificate before lswe of ' Tender forms. ". . .

Right to. reject any or all the tend:~rs without assignmg any :reason tileroof is res:er:ved.

Panaji; 9th May, 1991. -The: EXecutive Engiileer, .Sd/~,

WOrD Division' XIX. Bllmbolim - SOli

Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXIX/ASWIJ;i'-4/91-92/3

The Executive Engineer, Works Division XIX, PWD, .Bambolim . invites on, behalf' of Goa, sealed Item Rate/ jPercentagerate tenders' from approved and eligible class below mentioned Contractors of Goa, PWD/CPWD/MES/ /P & T etc. for· t~efollowing works'.upto 3.00p. m. 01\ 31~5-1991.

Sr. No. Name ~f works

1., Widening and Renovation of the .. existing ramp at Cortalim including mooring' columns . (Opp. to ' Marcaim) (Re-Tender). . :,' "/f,

~~;;;.;Construction: .• {)f passenger shed-cum-rest room at ;;;'i::; .• ;:,A,J,doPal .. , (Re-tender).

'3~'i; ~I'?~diUg.· AlUminium WindOWS . to the first floor' of ;; .••.. ~e,):s:ospital Building 'at P.H.C. Mandur.

4;,;: :C§:~~#i.~t.iOnOf landing platform andr'emoVal .of ex~ .PqSEl(dr:p<if~~t~oVW:e isafe navigation for' the canoes

... t9; ~~t~r. ;tiieiny~Saleri Taluka, Canp.can&


Estimated . cost ,Rs •.

Earnest money deposit


1,92,550</- 4,814/-

1,25,8830/- 3,147/-

l,n,060/-, 3,677/-


Class of contractor Timel1m1t


III & above 120 days (Hydraulics) (Incl.


III &\above 180 days (H.I./Bldgs) (Incl.


III & above 90 days . (Bldgs. (Incl.


III and above 150 days (Hydraulics) (Inc!.


Cost of tender

, &S.





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, 1-'·'

;SERIES llI'Nti;8

"Note: Application' for ea~h"wo-rRshoUld besubfuited 'separately. . .

Tenders ~l be opened;at3.;30 p. m., onfl).e s~e dar· !he .

entertained.' ApplicatiohS shoUld give particulars of class , ofregu;trati6ri; categ~, liSt6f Woi'lt§ ,in 'hand, cbmplt'1~ed,

stahis, .position,. etc:m: case' telldeter iiitefids to' pay E:M~D. . -in: caSh, tl1esaine should be paid to, theCashiet and enclose '

the l'clwalltreceipt ifithetenderand no cash alongWth . Earnest Moriey . may be deposited . in the' fOrm:' of Del,161:li.t~at Call . Receipt of· the Scheduled Bank:' payable . atPanaji. 'Conditionsand tender forms can' be had fromthe'Divisioru¥ Office' upto12-00 noon' on 28-5-1991 during working hours on payment of the' cost of tender ·form (non refundable). If required by post, an amount'of Rl;.3Q-Q0 shall be paid extra.

AppIic~tion~ji'~qlie~ts for 'the' 'issue of 'the te~de~ :forms should reach the' Divisional OffIce'" latest by 11.00 a. m.' on. 24-5-1991. Applications receilved. thereafter will' not, be

'ten.derwill be accepted. ' '

.. The valid' Income-tax Clearance shaiI be furnished by,'the. tender~i in Reserve form, '.' . ,

"The~right to. reject atw or allthetender~without assigiung, any reason thereof, is reserved. The conditional ,and unbal!'/.P.ced tender Will. be rejected out right~y.

I'anaji, 2ndMay,l991,--' The Executive Engineer, Sd!-.. '

"" .. ••• Advertiseinen1s

In the . Court of the Civil Judge Senior Div:isio~ at,Mapu~a . . " ..

Special Civil Suit\No. 13/28/901 A

Mrs. JackelineKenedy 'Camilo; . ma,jor, housewife, presently

, residing at Penha de Franca, MaUm, Balrdez-Goa.


Mr. Contantinho Phil'i,R CardoZo, major, employee of Kadamba Transport . Corporat~on, 1'/0 Saipem Candollm, . Bardez, -Goa.

Notice -Defendant.

'. .

It is hereby made known to the public that by Judg-. ment and decree dated 10th day of April, 1990, passed by this Court the marnageof Plaintiff Mrs., Jackeline Kenedy Camilo with the defendant Mr. Contantinho Philip Cardozo solemnized on 25.1.89 under entry No. 78 of the Marriage Registration ~k i'o'r the year 1989 of the Civil Registi-ar of Bardez, at Mapusa, have been dissolved by thiS' decree of divorce.

Given. under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 9th day of May, 1991.

G. V. Ratnam, Civil Judge Senior, Division, Mapusa.

V. No. 7S5/19!:}l

• Officeel the, Civil RegistraJ'-crim-Sub-Registrar and

~otaryEx~Officioofthis .luclicialDiVision \ . '. ,of; .. IlhasofGoa " ,

Asha Suresli'Ka,zrta(Oivil Registl'ar~cum~S~b~Segist~ar and Notary Ex:::OfficioOf Ilhas, Pamji-Goa. - .

2 In accordance 'with pa:ra 1~ of '.Art: 17~ of LaW-No. 2'049. dated 6th August, 1951 anif for the purpose of para 2nd of the' said Art,; it is herebymad'epublic that liy a deed of Succession, dillited 16th April, 1991 at pages 57reverse onwardiS! of the Regil%eT Book of De,adS'. NO'. 638 of thiS <Jffice, the follOwing is recorded:- That on 26th· 'October; 19'58, .. expired Mrs; Generosa Piedade alias Generosa PiedadeMon-. teiro alias Jenerosa Monteiro, daughter of Romualdo ·Jose Monteiro, and Widow of Michael de Souza alias Micaelde Souza who had expired on 2nd September, 1898 at'Bambolim, leaVing behind her as her Oillly heirs her grand children Uballdo . FranciSco' de Souza married to Angelica de Souza; and Alcantara Jose Rufino de Souza . married to Fausta· D'Souza, both sons of her onily' child. Felicio de Souza who predeceased her on 18th March, 1957, at Bambolim, and hiS Wife Maria Idalina Lourenco also expirecl on 8th January,: 1949, leaving behind 'them above mentioned 2 sons Ulialdo Franc~o and Alcanta:r:a; Jose,

That besides .the above said . heirs Ubalda Souza 31ias Ubaldo ,FranciSco D'Souza and Alcantara Jose Rufino de SQuza there does not exist any ot.lJ.er; person who acoormng to the Law may have a preferOOItial right over' the said legal heirs 0'1' who'm;:Ly concur With them to 'the. estate left by the

. said: deceased aibove p€:rson/persoru;,

~anaji, 8th May, 1991. - The Notary Ex-officio; Asha S11!J"(js'it. Kamat.,

V. No. 777/1991

Asha Suresh Kamat, Civil Registrar-cu.m.-Sub~Registrat. ind Notary Ex"()fficio· of Ilhas, Panaji-GQa. '

3 rn accordance with para lsi .. of Art. 179 of Law, NO; 2049 dated ,6th AuguSt, 1951 and for, the purpose of para .2nd of

,the said Art""it is hereby made public that. by a deed of sUcc~ssion, dated 16th April, 1991 at page !:l'4 onwards of the Register Book of Dee~ No. 638 of this office, the following is recorded:-, That Shri Manuel MlirceIino PereIra alias :Manuel

. M; Pereira, died at CUjira, Santa Cruz, Tiswadi on 11th, Dec.ember, 199.0, in the status of married to Snit. ,ca.r.mma Estrocio, ,to whom he' was " mamed without pre;'fitiptial

. agreement and thereforeunderllie regime of genera,i comu~ nion of assets. That the said Manuel Marcelino Pereira ex.­piredwithotit'will, gift or' any teste-rnentary ~diSp6sitionsof· his estate, leaving behirid him as half sha.reror'moietY";ho1der·Iiis widow, the saidSmt.' Carrriina Estrpcio,and as hiS sole and universal heirs.the :following six children, namely; one) Smt. Monica Pereira married to. Baptista Peixoto, resident of Taleigao; 'two) Shri Jose Antonio Bernardo f>ereira, mar­ried to Aparina Dias, resident of Cujira; .three) ShriRoberto EstevaoPereira;fout) Smt., Eugenia Pereira,married to Cruz Peixoto, resident of Taleigao; ,five) Smt. Lotu:'entina Antonia Pereira married to DaYalland Karapurkar, resident of Taleigao and Shri Aleluia Pereira, bachelor, resident of Cujira; there being' no one else who> call .be preferred to them. in this succession or concur with them in the. inheritance left by the said deceased Manuel Marcelifio Pereira alias

, Manuel lVI. Pereira. ' -

Panaji, 10th May; 1991. -.:.. The Notary' Ex-Officio, Asha Buresh Kwmat.

V. No. 801/1991

• Office. of the Civil' Re9istrar-cum .. Sub~Re9istrar and Notary Ex-Offlcio in this Judicicil Division

of Bardez,- Mapusa " . Pedro pliUipdas Meroes' JoaoCivllRegisrtmr-cu.:m-Sub-Re.c

gistrar .8.ndNotaIlY Ex-Orficio in the judicial Division: ·of ~ardez, Mapusa, Goa~

4, ,In accmldanceWith paragr~aph 1st of Article 179 of law' no; 2049 dated 6th day of August, 1951 and for the purpOSieof paragraph 2nd of the said Article, it is hereby made public that by a . Deed of Succession., dated 30th dJaJy of April 1991, at page 156 overleaf ,onwards of the Registter Book of Deeds No., 751 of this office, the follOWing is

. recorded:-

, ' :'rh.at on 22nd day '(}f July 1979 at Marlra,Pilerna, Bardez, Goa, expired ShridJrur alias Shridhar Pundo}ica :kete LotIikat

, an.d-Iatel'on 26th day: of September 1981 at Marra, PUerna, Bar'dez, GQa expilrled SrtabaiSihridhar Xete LOtlikar bothw8re .

'married wit;hout ante-nuptiall, agreement and under general­communiOn of estate and on only one marriage of both and t:q.e Said Shridar alias Shridhar PundoUca Xete LotIikar and said Smt. Sitlalbai SllIl:l.idhar Xete Lottikar both expired without will or'any other disposlition Cl'f their estate, leaving

'behind them as their heirs the following persons;, name'ly:-

(1) ShriVassudev Shridhar Xete Lotlikar, alias Vissonat Xete Lotlicar aged 65 years, retired Government employee; married to Sow Vasanti, Vassudev Xete LOtlikar, of major age, hOil~e, residing a,tPilerna, Bardez, Goa; .

, (2) ShriVishwanath Shtldhar Xet Lotlikar, aged 62 years retired Government employee, married to SoW PTa;...

, mila Vishwanath Xet Lotlikar, of ,major age, houseWife, reSiding. at Pile rna" Bardez, Goa; ,

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84 S!!l!~lES IjlNo~r,B

.. (3) Smt. lUmunam Shridhar Xet l-totlikaralias Yamirii .>¢~C),1iCira:kant' MadkaijtMl,·. aged 61 years,. widOW .of)ate ··Chari:dt1l3JkantMadkaikar,.resi,.ding'atMaLa,. Panaji,Goa;

•• '0 :(4) • Shri AnandaliaS~dr~shridnar XetIptli.kar. ' .. aged 59 years, goldsmith;· maroriedtO S<>W Surekha Ananc . Xet Lotlikar, of major age, housewife, residing at Dombivali, . Bombay; .

. (5) ShriAmrut alias Amrutr~ Sihrfdhar Xet Lotiikar, aged 58 years,retiJred'Go'\Term:nent se!I'V'aIlt, married to Sow

: Sa"vitri Amrut' Xet., Lotlikar, of major age,. housewife, residing at Piler.n:a,Ba,rdez, Goa; :. ", . '.,.

(6) Shri MohanaliasMoh~' Shri<;llia;r :xet Lotlikar, . aged 55 '. YOOil'S, Government servant,' married .' to Sow Mohim. Mohan Xet' Lqtlikar,· of major age,Governmmt servant; residing at Pilerna,' Bardez, Goa; .

(7); ~ri 'indrakalIlitaShridhar Xet Lotlikar, aged 54 years, goldSmith, married to Sow·Vandana, Indrakant Xet LotlikaIr, . of . major age, houS!ewife, . residing at' Andheri, Bombay;·.'···.,

":(8) Shri Chahdral\iaihta Shridhar XetLotlikar; aged 50 " years,: Government 'servant, married to Sow Lin:a Chan­. drakant XetLotlikar, ,of major' age; . housewife,.ii'esiding at

. Ptierna, Bardez, Goal; , ..' . .

as' their sole . hcl):'s successors there·, being no· one . else' whO cOuld prefer them in the successiOn of theft late said father and mother or could concur with 1;bem in the elState left by the saiddece~. Shridar Pundolica X6te Lotiikar and late Sitabai Shridhar Xete Lotlikar, Pilerna, Bardez. Goa.

. Mapusa, 7th May, 1991. - The Notary Ex;.officio, Pedro Philip aas Merce8 Joiio;

V. No., 720/1991

;.:~/ '

, 23RDMAY 1991 , . ...... ,.". ,,'

• succ~ . of . their late 1Sai(1 :fathe~ or could concur with·, them'in the estate left by the said deceased Chal1drakant SadiaOOiv Madkaikar. .

Ma'pUSa;,7th :t\IaY,1991: ~The Notary Ex"Officio, Pedro Philip dasMerce8 JoiW. . . .~. " V. No; 721/1991

Office of the. Civil' Re.gistrar-cum.Sub-Registrar, IIhas- Panaji '

'\ """Notice

6 Whereas Ramanata Andrade resident of st. Cruz Bando, Ill1as· d~S!i.res to change· the surname of his minor son from '

.9Nitin'Ramnath Andrade" to "Nitin Ramnath Hadkohker".

Therefore. any person ha¥ing objections may lodge tlie" same in' .thisoffice, within thirty days as PeJ;:Rule 3(2) of the . Goa Change ,of Name and Surname Rules, 1991, in' force. '

Panaji, 10th MaY,1991. -The Civil Registrar:-cum-Sub-: -Registrar, ¥ls1ui 8. Ka11UJ,t.

V. No. 779/1991


'1 Whereas Ramanata Andrade, reS!i.dent of st. ,Cruz Bando, Ilhas Goa, desires to cllange his name and surname from "RamanataAndrade" to "Ramnath Hadkon~er".

Therefore any persOn having objections may lodge the same in this office, within thirty days 'as per Rule 3(2) of the. Goa Change of Name and Surname Rule:;; 1991, in forc~.

Panaji, 10th May, ,1991. - The Civil Registrar.-cum-SuQ~ -Registrar; Asha 8. Kamat.

V .. No. 780/1991

Notice .' .

8 Whereas VinaecaFernandes, resident of Taleigao, Ilhas 'Goa, desires to change his name and surname from Vinaeca

F,el'IlaI}des to ,"Vinay,ak Hadkonkar~': Therefore; any person having objections may lodge the

same in this office, within thirty days as per Rule 3(2) of . the Goa Change of Name and. Surname Rules, 1991, in force.

Panaj-i,' 9th May, 199!.- The Civil Registrar7cum-Sub­,-Registrar, Asha 8. Kamat.

. "V. No. 879/1991


9 Whereas MilIa Keshav Dobi, resident of Azossil11 Du1-bolem,Illias, Goa desires to change her name from Min$. Keshav Dobi to Meena CarValho.

Therefore, any person having objections may lodge' thi same in this office,' within thirty days as per Rule 3(2) .of the Goa Change of . Name and Surname RUle?, 1991, in force.

Panaji,17th May, 1991. ~ The 'Civil Registrar-cum-Sub~ -Registrar, Asha S: Kamat.

. V. No. 898/1991

V. 'No. 905/1991

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·, .... ;.·.i. Notice 'r··

1f • Whereas Caetano. Calbral, resident .' of " Caranzhlem, pona-Paula, Aivao, Ilhas Goa, desires tp change his name from Caetano Cabral to "Nara.yan Cabral". . '.'

~ '.

Thf:)I1efore anY person having objections may lodge the same in this office; within thirty days·as per Rule 3(2) of the Goa. Change of Name and Surname Rule'S!, 1991, in: force ..

P!anaji, 10th May, 199i. - The Civil Registrar-cum~Sub-' -Registrar, 4sha S. KaJrr/QJt. ... r: .. v. No:; 949/199-1

• , .. Office ·of the Civil' Re9istrar,cum~SuD~Re9istr~r, Salcete


12 ,ShViGuUun Nabial1as Shaikh' Gularn . Nabi Habib Mohammed, inarVied,' se.rnce, resident of Fatord:a; 'Mi.trgao". c/? Marcelina Bernardina Fernandes;. H. no. ,4~, '. Fatorda, Margao,' desarestochange the Iiame of his minor sonM()!ha.-moo Habib to "Mohamed Sameer". .

Therefore any'person ha.vingany ~bjection is hereby invited to file the same 'in this Office unde·r Article 178(3) ()!f' the Civil Registration Cod~,in force withi.uthirty (SO). days from the date of.publicationof this .Notice.

. / . .

Margao, :26th April, 1991. -' The Civil R~gistrar..:cum~Suh­-Registrar, Joanes AgneJ,o LinoRoilJrigues:



~ : :2~lP?¥Ar~1!t91;

of Section 3 of the Goa Change of:N.ame and SUrname Act, 1~90 (Goa Act, No.8' of 1990) Wi,thih'30. (thiity), days from the'date of publication of this Notice, ..

Ma~gao, 14th May, 1991.~'Ti:ie 'Civil R~gistrar-<:um~S~b­.' Registrar,' Joan~s Agnelo, ,Lino'Roi!:ri;g.r.uis;\

(" ',.J::.:", l'"

V. No. 853i1991

'" '},'<

Notice .' • J". .> 1 • ~ ~ • _ . ; •• ,

16 Quex6va Gauco, Unmarried,. student,. aged .22 years, resident of Margao, Goa, des~re/:l ·to. ch~ge ,l),isname,to 'Keshav Namdev GaUDS'. .

.Therefore, any peroonhaving any objection is. he~eby""in­vitedto file the same 'in this Office as per ~b-Section (2) of Section 3 of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 199Q(Goa Act .no. 8 of. 1990) within thirty'(30) days from the ?ate of. publication of, this Notice.

. Margao, 13th May, 1991.-:-The Civil Registrar-cum-:sub­-Registrar, Joanes -Agnew Lino. Rot'lrig.u,es.,

.... V: No. 876!199'1

----.-,._-.-.. . OHk~ of the Civil Registraf~cum-S~b-lle9istrar .

Canacona-Go.a .


17 ,Shri' Visnudassa Ananta Porobo' ea.aio, .residentof '. V\!elwado,' POinguiniin, Canacona,Goo; has applied for change

of n3.me from 'Visnudassa Ananta Porobo Cadio', to 'Vishnudas Anant. Prabhu G,aOnkar'. ' .

Any person having any objection to the above <;:hange of ' name,. mays'ubmit the' same to this office within thirty days

13 Miss Maria Teresa Sivilia Lourdes Rodrigues, alias Solvilia Rodrigues Borges, unmarried, .aged 51 'years, resident of Dabolini, Mormugao taluka, desires to challge her' name to 'Sivilia Rodrigues'.

. from the date of publication of this notjce:.vj~ Sec. 3(2) of < the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act" 1990 and Rule

3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Rule 1991. in

. Therefore, any person having any; objection is hereby 'invited to file the same ,in .this office as per SUb;,.section (2), of Section (3) of NotifIcation No. 7/49/90/LD(Estt) of Law (EStablishment) DepaTtment, Panaji, published in Official GaZette No. 45, Series I, dated 7-2-1991, within thirty (30) days from the. date of publication of this Noti()e.

,;Margao, 22nd Ap:ril,1991. -,-- The (Jivil Registrar"cum-Sub­ge,gistrar,.J, qwnes AgrielOLino RoilTigues. . , . , , . ' , ~ '. ".' - ;.': '" - '.


14 Smt .. Kerela J'ebelina .. Gama.,married, major fu a~.· liol'lsewife, residing, at. Cuncolim, . Salcete, desires .to . change

, her name to 'Carol Jebelina. ·Fernandes'. ' '. ,

Therefore, ahy ,person having any objeCtion is hereby jnvited ~6 tile the same in tbis Office as per Sub-Section (2) of Section 3 of the 'rhe Goa Change. ,of ;Name and §'lurname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No.8 of 1990), within thirty (30) days from-the date of publication of thisN'otice. '

Margao, 3rd May, 1991.~. The Civil Registrar-cum"Sub-' ~Registrar, ~Joanes,AgneloLino Roilrigues.

V. No. 'S10/191}!


'lo"Smt. CruzinaFiloineria FeleciariaArlimisia Cahralh'O, aged 45 years,~arried, resident ofNagoa~Verna, Salcete, Goa;'desirestochange'her name to 'Cruzina 'Filomena' ll'eleciai Artimisia Carvalho' .

~e~~:fore, any perSon having .anyobje'ci'ion is MrebY AiJ!~~e,4t0:fileJhe same in this Office as perSub"Sectron (2)

force. '. - .. , .

Canaconai 9th May, i991. - The Civil Registra~-cum"Sub­-Registrar, Sd!~.

. V;:No, .. 839i199:!,


18 Shrj. Arun~ R3Ja Folo Gaun~r resident of Welwado, Poingulniin . Canacona, ,Goa has applied· for . change of name lrom 'ArunaRaiaFolo.Gali.nCor' to "ArunRayaPhal

'. Gaonkar'.· . .. ,

Any person having any objection to the above change of . name may submit· the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publication of thishotice'vide .sec. 3(2) of

. tl:J.e G'oa Change of. Name and SUI'l¥lJlieArit, '199{) l3.nC! Rule 3(2)o;f the Goa Change of· Name andSrirnanie Rules. 1991, in force.' . .,~

Canac~,9th May, 1991. -.TheGiViI· Registrar-cum~ub~ Registrar, Sd/-,.' .

., V. NC>.. ,840/1991 ",;:','


19 ShrlBalchondra Voicunta Bando of Dessaiwada.; Agonda,Goahas applied for change of name from' 'Balchondra 'Voicunta Bando' to' 'Bhalchandra Vaikunth Naik'. .

Any person having any . objection to the above change of . name may submit the same in this office within thirty days . from the .date of publicationoftIiis.notice,·vide Sec. 3(2) of the.Goa Change of Name and SurDame: .. ;A.ct,.1990 and.Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name andSurIl8,me Rule'S 1991 in. force.

: .. 'C~acona, "'13thMay, 1991.":" ',I'h.e.Civi1Re~*ar-cum-sub-,.,Registrar,Sd/'" "', '.. . '. .. .. ,' ',' ·V. No. 877/1991

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86 SERIESl11'*f": 8


20 Whereas RamadassaGaudo, . Kht!dem-Priol desires to change his name from . Ramadassa . qaudo to·' "Ramdas Kerkar". '

Therefore, any person having objection is hereby invit~d to file the same' in this office under' the provisions' of Section 3(2) of the Goa Ghange of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act' No.8. of 1990) read with Rule 3(2) of the Goa

. Change of Name' and Suxna,tne RIDes, 1991, within thirty.' daysfroin the date ofp'l;lblicatiort of this notice. . '. /. '> .~ •

. Ponda, 10th May, 1991. ~ The Civil. Registrar, Ckandrakan£. Pis8'urlekiar.' . .

. V.No:S14/1991

Notice • >' ,',"

21 Whereas Ananta' GanexaG!audo, Khedem-Prioi desires to change his name from ·".A:nanta Ganexa Gaudo'!. t6 "Anant Ganexa Khedekar"

Therefore, any person having objection is hereby invited to file the same in this office under the provisions or' Section ' 3(2) of· the GoaChaUge of Name and Surname Act,1990 (Goa Act No.8 of 1990) read with Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of .Name and .Surname Rules, 1991,' within thirty days.from,the date' of publication of this notice.

Ponda; 10th May, 1991. - The Civil Registrar, Chwndrakdnt Pi8surlek,ar:

t·.,' '. • . ' ".

V. No. 815/1991

. Notice'

22 WhereaS :Sudo Xeddu GaudQ,' KMdem-l:>riol< desires to change his namefroni"Budo Xeddu Gaudo" "to "B'udesh Xeddu Kerkar". .'. . , . "' .

Therefore, any person having objection is hereby invited to file the same iIi this Office under the prOvisions of Section 3(2) of the Goa Cliange of Name and Surname. Act, 1990 (GOa Act No.8 of 1990) read with Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname' Rules, '1991, within thirty days from the date of publication of this notice.

Ponda, 10th May, 1991 .. - The Civil Registmr, Chandra kant Pi88'Uriekar ..

V. No. 816/1991


23 Whereas. Gurudas SheduGaudo, Khedem-Priol desires to change his name from "Gurudas Shedu Gaudo" to "Gurudas· Shedu .Kerkar". .

Therefore, any person having' objection' is hereby invited to file the same in this ·office· under the provisions. of Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No.' 80£ 1990) read With Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change . of Name. and SUrname Rules, 1991, within thirty days from the date of publication .of this notice. .

23RD MAY, 1991

Change of Name and SurnameRules,1991,'within thirty days: from .the date of publication of ,this notice.

, '

Porida, 13th May~1991 . ..:...-. The Civil Reiistrar, Ohantl:'a~ . . kwnt Pi88'Urlekar.

V. No. 824/1991


25 .. Whereas Thanu SanvoI6 Naique, Kulkaraniwada, Betki, Marcela-Goa desires to change his name from "Thanu Sanvolo Naique" to "Narayan Sanvolo Naique".

Therefore, any person having objection is hereby invited to file the same in this office ,under the prOvisions of·section3(2) of the Goa change'of Iiatne arid surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No.8 of 1990) read with Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name

'and surname Rules 1991,' within thirty days from the' .date of publication of this notice.

Ponda,14th May, "1991. -:- The Civil RegiStrar, Chaniirakant Pi8suriekar.

.. "


26 Whereas Socorrinho da Costa, Amblai, Panchwadi de~ sires to, cbange his name from SocorriIiho da Costa to "Socorro Eugeruo D'Costa".

Therefore, any person having objection is hereby invited to file the same in this Office under the provisions of Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No.8 of 1990) read with Ruie 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Rules, 1991. Within thirty days from the .date. of publication of this notice. '

Ponda, 10th May, 1991. - The Civil Registrar, Chandrakant Pis8'UrT,ekl:W.

V. No. 908/1991

• Office of .the Civil Registrar-cum~Sub-Registro:r

. Momiugao . at Vasco da Garna


'27 Whereas Smt. Gay Perpetua Nancy Rodrigues, resident of A-1, PuShpanjali Bldg., Opp. Goa Sahakar Bhandar;Vasco has· applied, in F~ A for changing her name' and surname from Gay perpe'tua'Nancy Rodrigueisl to Gail Nancy Perpetua Rodrigties uilder the Goa Change of Name an~ Surname Act :/.990 (Act 8 of 1990).

Any person having any objection to the change may submit the same to this office within 30 (thirty) days :firom the date of publication 'of. this notiCe, as per section 3(2)~ ..

Vasco da Gaina, 30th. April, 1991. ~ The Civil Registrar­-curo-SUb-Registrar, William 8. RebeUo.

V. No. 829/19Q1

Ponda, 10th May, 1991. - The Civil Registrar, Chwndrak-ant I P~8'Urlek(Jjf'.


28 Whereas Shri Damodar Yeshwant Shet Palyekar, resident of Baina, Patrong, Vasco da Gama, Goa has applied in Form'. A for changing his surnam'e froin Damodar YeshwantShE!t Palyekarto Damodar .Yeshwant Raikar under .the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act 1990 {Act 8 of

V. No. 817/1991


24,.,VVhereasGovindaCrlsna Naique, rio. Deulwado Borim deSir~;to6hange his . name from ~'GovindaCrisna :Naique" to'!'~GiJV:md.'CriSna Borker". .... . . . >" '<'\,/;':',''':'' . ',"", \ . .

"'A >

'. TJieref9re,~~yp:er$0:P:ha.ving opjeQtion'is hereby invited to! fil~ ,the:~e' mt'his office unde,r the prO'Visiions of Section 3(2)?l',;.tq~,.'~~Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa::~\cbNo,:<;8df [.199() read with Rule 3(2) of the.Goa

1990). . .

Any person having any objection to 'the change ,may, subnlit the same to this office within 30 . (thirty) days from the date of publication of this notice alS per section 3'(Z).

Vasco da' Gama, 13th. May, 1991. - The Civil Registrar­-'curo-'SulJ;.Registrar, W. 8. Rebello.

V. No. 831/1991

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29 WhereasShri Chandracanta· Xamba Morzo resident· of H. No. 108, W /1, Head Land, .. Sada, Mormugao, Goa has applied in Form A for changing his name and surname from 'Chandracanta Xaniba . Morzo· to Chandrakant· xamba Morjeke1r' underr the Goa Change of N arne and Surname, Act. 1990. (Act 8 of 1990).

Any person having any objection to the. change may submit the same to this office within 80 (thirty) days' from the date of publication'o'f this notice as per section 3(2).

Vasco dl} Gama, 9th May, 1991. - The Civil Registrarr'­-cum-Sub-Registr:ar, W. B. Rebello . . '

V. No. 897/1991

• Office of the Civil,Registrar-cum-Sub-Registl'ar.

Barde:r.: - Mapusa


30 . Whereas Maria Leela Cezeria Carneiro, residing at Cotula, Saligao,.· Bardez, Goa,. desires . to change her name from "Maria LeelaCezeria Cat~eiro'; .to "Laila Carneiro".

Therefore, ·any person having objection is hereby invited to file the same in .. this Office· under. the provisions Of Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No. 8 of 1990) read with Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Rules" 1991, within thirty daysfl"bm the date of publication of this notice.

Mapusa, 4th April, 1991. - The Civil Registrar-cum';'Sub­-Regis~ar, Pedlro FiU,pe das Merces .Joao.

. V. No. 823/1991

. Notic~

3~ Whereas Sanjiv' Sadanand .Paliekal', residing at San-golda, Bardez, Goa, desires to change his name from "Sanjiv Sadanand Paliekar~' to "Sanjay Sadanand Palienkar".

Therefore, any person· having objection is hereby invited , to fi~e the same in this Office under the provisions of Section

3(2) Of the Goa. Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No. 8 of 1990) read with Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change nf Name and Surname Rules, 19M:, Within thirty days from the date,. of publication of this notice. .

. .

MapUsi,.13th Miy, 19?1~~The Ci~i1 Registrar~um-Sub­-Registrar,. Eedr,o FiUpeda8Merces Joao.

V.' No:S9lfI991.

AdmiDiSt1'ation Office' of . the Comtundades of Bardes' , ·Mapusa-Goa

Notices' .

32 In accordance with the tenns and forthep~~seesta- . bUshed inATticle 330 of the Code of Comurudades. in force, it is hereby 'announGed that the uncultivated and unused plOt' of land de,tails of which are given below, has been applied on lease (Aforam~nto) basis, for. construction of a residential houSie.

1. Name of the Applicant: - Atinaram M. Naik rio Dhargal, Pernem, Goa.

2. Land named "Temericno Sorvo" .. Ch. No.1, P.T. S.112 plot No. 52, situated at Mapusa village 'Of 'Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Mapusa, admeasUTing 400 square metresi.


Blast: By plot No. 53 01 the same sub-division.

w.est: Partly by plot No. 51 & P, NOi.5() of the , same' sub.-dii'ViSion.'

'North: By proposed road of.lOmt. 'widthof the saine sub-division. '

South: By Granted COlnunidade land.

File No. 1~145-90.-ACB/

IT any person has any objection against the proposed lease he/she, should submith~Sl/her objection in writing to the Administrator of Comurudades Of Bardez, within 30 days from, the second publication of this notice in the Official Gazette.

Mapusa, '22nd April; 1991. - The acting Secretary R. P. Parob.

V. No. 744/1991


33 In accordance with the' terms and for the purpose­es1Jablishedin Article 330. of the Cod~: ofComlinidadelS in force, it is hereby announced that the uD,cultivated and unused plot of land details of whic:h are given below, has been applied on lease (AfOlI'amento) basfts, for' construction of a residential' Chapel & Cemetry.

1. Name of ,the 'Applicant:- Shri Mellino Fernandes, resi­dent at Ibrampur, Angod (Pernem-Go~).

2. 'Land named -, Late No. -:-' Survey No. 162/1 plot No.-, situated at Angod-Wadda-'lbrampur village of Pernem Taluka. and. belonging to the Comunidade of Ibrampur, adnieaSlUlI'mg 5000-00 square metres.

- iL Boundaries':"'-

East: By rem:;UD1ng . part of Comunidade land under same Sub-diivisiolil.

West: ,By remaining part of Comimiooo.e land under same Sub-divislion.

North: By remaining part of Comunidade land undelr, same Sub-division and

South: By remaining part of Comunidade land under Sub:.wvl!siem"

File No. 4a3-90"ACB/ .

If any person has any objection agamstthecproposed lease he/she should submit. his/her objection in writing to the Administrator of Comu:ID:da.des of Bardez, within 30 days from the second puplication of' this notice in the Official Gazette.

Mapusa, 12th AprU, 1991. ~ The acting Secretary, R<itnacar Porob ,DessaJi. .

.v. ~o. 756/1991


34.~[n' accorrdance with the terms ,andfol' the PUT'pose established jn Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force iUs hereby announced that the uncultivated and unuseci plot of land details of which are given belOW, bas been applied on lea;ge,(Afpramento') basis for .<;onstruction of a residential house. . ..

. ... i. Name of the Applicant Smt. Fatima A .. V. Fernandes; CIO Calyim-Aldoilia Bwrdez-Goa. . ,

2. Land n::tmed "Cursachy-Muddi", Lote No.-, Survey' No. "38/4 plot No. "B", situated at Zoidavaddo- Nachi­nola Villa.ge of Bardez Taluka and belonging to . the Comunidade of· Nachinola, adIneasuring390-00 sqUall metres.' .

3. Boundaries:-

El~iSlt: By. existing road 10· metres.

West: By plot "A" of same sulJ,.~iVision.

North: By Survey No. 38/3 and

South: By 3,0.0 metres access of same sub-diVision.

File No. 1-197~88-ACB/1988.·

If anype1;'son has ·any objedion ,againsil; the proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection in writing to the

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, '

Administrator of Comunidadesorf Bardez, within, 30 days from the secood publication of this notice in the Official

'Gazette. '

Mapusa, 7th May, 1991. -The acting seCretary, Ratnacar P. Des8ai. ' , ' '

V. No. 774/l9~'l.

35 In accordance with the terns and for the purposeesta­blished in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announce,d that the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of which are given below, has been applied on leaSe (Aforamento) basis, for, construction of a residential house. '

.23RDMAY~ 1991

26th :M:ay 1991 (S'QIlday)as ordered by the President of the ,Cc:imunidade in order to, discuss the folluwing:'

.. ' " t: ,', .'.... 1. To elect a speaiafattorney to attend and to handle

, Court matters'Iivith suitable remuneration." "

2. To discuss the filing of cases in the High/Sessions CoUrt against the auctioners.

3. Any,other business with the pennission ,of the, chair.

Colvale, 22nd~ April, 199'1. 7 The Clerk, IvoMonteiro. " ,. V. No.. , 825/1.991

1. Name of the Applicant:- Shrl Eusebio E~tanislau de f Souza, at AmbegalPonda-Goa.' ,


38 , Notice is hereby given that the Co.munidadehas declared ." Jono." for the year 199(}"91.' The· same may be cla:"Cled. ~n every Tuesday and eve~y Sunday of May, 1991.

2. Land named "biteiro de Danua", Lote No.40p, Survey No. 281/1 plot No. 12, situated at Tivim village of ,Bardez Taluka and belonging-to the Comtmidade Of Tivim, admeasuring 400,00 sqUll~e metres: , '

3. 'Boundaries:- f

East: Plot No.7 of same Sub-Division. West: 10,00 metres wide road.' North: Open space of same Sub-Division and South: ,Plot No~ .11 of same SUb-Division~ ,

Fil~ N~. 1-1~8~79-ACB/i979. ' .

If any person 'has anyobjectio~against th~"proposed lease he/She shouldsub~it<his/her~13jectionin writing to the Administrator of', Comunidades':()f:,Bardez,Within ',30 days from the second publication of t~is ,notice; in ,th¢: Official Gazette: '

Mapusa, 10th May, i99i "Theacti:dgSecretary,Ratnacar P.'De88ai:' ,."' "',.: :,~ i , "

, . ' ',.V:No; 834/1991

, .C::olXl11Dia~cl.;.; ," " BORDEM

36 The above~mentio.r;ted Comunidade ,is hereby cO:nvened to meet,at its meeting"p,iace at'Chavato' in an 'extraordinary. meeting on 3rd Sunday" at ,10' a. m. after publication of' this Notice in Official Gazette in' order to discussan~decide on followingsiIbjects.' ,In case there is no quorum of'the Comunidade; it \}'ill be 'held at 11 a. m. on sam'e day: and place.

L,Ti> file Civil suit against Shri Satu cDeuPol and' Shri TanajiEshwant Pol for manipulating survey' records of Co.munidade land bearing survey N.o. 38/4- of village Bordem and to dilSiqual-ify them from holding any Po.sts of Managing Committee of Comunidade.

2. To. disqualify Laximan Sazu Po.I, Naru' HariPol, Tukaram Naru Pol and Sadanand Vassu' Pol and Pundalik Satu Poil. from tmWtlSiting any post of Managing Committee o.f Co.munidade to. them. '

3. Alty other subject with permission of the President:

Bordem, 8th May, 1991. -,. The Clerk in charge, V. R. Prabh.ugaonker.

, V. No. 805/1991 '


,37 ,The abo.v;e-mentioned Comunidade is hereby co.nvened tor a General Bo.dy meeting at its. meeting hall at 9.30 a. m.on

Marna . .:.-. The Clerk, Abdul Aziz Khwn.

V. No. 827/1991

• Private Advertisements

39, Smt. Raida -Alfia 'Francisco., Braganca 'e Duarte, resident of' OnSabhatt of MapU'sa, Blm'dez~Go.a, Wishes' to renew and transfer in her name one share certificate No. 144 'containlngshare·No. 144 of the COInunidade' ofCorlLvri, Bardez-Go.a, beionging to" her late, father Anto.niolsac Praxedes de Braganca,fromCorlimarid to collect the uruap,sed dividends of the same share." ,,'

Objections if any rri~y be raised' before the Clerk of the Comu:ni4ade of.. CorUm, , within' 30 days.,

V. No. 8>54/1991

,,40 'F'ilipe Dias, resident of Santa Cruz, wisneSi to ,colle~ ,fr()~the t:reasury 6fCo.munidadeofCaiapur the sum ()f',~~.'l!}5"60P:s .• 6f,jonpof the year 1990 .,belonging to hiS ,

ilatefath~r·Shri:Jacill;tQ-,Xavier ,Dias who was ,a' member of the Coi'nunidade and invites claims within ' legal period.

V; No,857/1991

• '''Pevalcia''


41 An Extraordinary Meeting of Mahajiuis of this Sauns­than Will bei>held at Mulgudi-Katto-Quepem Goa 'on.Sunday, 9-6-1990 at 10.30 a. m. in accordance with 'art no. 38 para 6 of Devasthan Regulation to. discus'S, follOwing 'points.


, (;) Utilisation of Saunsthan· fund for constructio.n o.f ~teps from Sthal to Parvat. (2) Incomplete construction of' tank ,(lake) undertaken by Saunsthanin the property ,"Govyaga.1". (3) Utilisatioo o.fDevasthan fund by the, committee without appro.valof Budget and plan. (4) To review the wOTk, u'nder-tak~n by 'the SaunSthan Committee.' "

All are requested to be present.

Paroda; 5th, May, 1991. -The Secr~tary, Ulhas De88ai.

V. No:, 709'/199i

(Imprensa Naciona!:'::': Go8 )

PRIOE -1-70,Ps.

• --... - .... "7, ' ~ •

" ~ ~. ,./I -';. " • ", .... , \ ' , •
