· m . the world, saturday evening. april 16, 1892. '...

M . THE WORLD, SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 16, 1892. ' 'j'vllll B OUR THEATRES NEXT WEEK. PPPPJ H "A Child of Fortune" to Be m Seen at the Oasino. B Bernhardt In "Leah" at the Sletro-- K polttHti Opern-IIom- o. B Carl Mtllocckor'n new comic opera, " Das B BonntnBsklnd," under too lltlo of " Child ot jBB Fortune," will liavo Us tint metropolitan IVaV production Monday iilgut at toe Casino. Tno HBBm opera Is in, v.blcu will teof tbe HjBBJ UBUal elaborato Casino stjle. The action AaTaf v takes place In Bcotland, and this will afford BBH , opportunities tor sumo very odd costumes. BBBj Tho opera w ill bo Inlcrpretel by Lily I'ost, BBBj Annlo itejers, Jennla lloliTartu, Clara H, Coudray, Nina F.trrlnjton, Cbtrles dassott, , William l'ruclte. Ucnrl Harry Mac- - BBH Boiiougu and Jefferson de Angoll j, who w 111 bo IPPB tbe " child of fortune." IBBBj Jliue. Uarali Bernhardt wilt appear for the lH first tluio In tbla city Tuesday nlgbt at tbe IBBBJ Metropolitan Opera. lluuso In " Leah." Tho ' HH French version of this famous German play DBBi bas been mado by Albert Darmont, Sarah's HBBj leading man and author ot tbe play "Pauline BBBl Waiictiard." livrnhardt mil repeat "Leah" BBM Wednesday nlgbt. Thursday night she will BBB play lor tbo benefit of tbu Actoiv Fund, and BBl Friday sbo will innkii ber last appearance in BBB New York tL" seasun. licrnbardt is said to BB Oo very strong work in " Leah."' Her Inter- - BB prelation w 111 ce w atched with much interest. BBB "Across the Potomac." a uur drama by BBB Edwsrd AI. Altrlcnd and Augustm I'ltou, will be ecca for thu first time .Monday nlgut at BBB! Proctor's Twenty-tblr- d street Theatre. Tbo BBB' Plorl In nvo acts and eight scenes. Tbe BBB ca8t wul Include ltobcrt tlllllard, J. o. Lo BBl Brasse, Eugene Kberle, .Mason Mitchell, Will- - f lam Harccurt, Lorliuer Stoddard, manes f Kevins, Ad Weaver, Mark I rice, Malcolm BBl Bradley, J. II. llatiny, John llopUns, W. I). I conyers, Harry llynes, Henrietta Lander. BBl IMen Tracy, Lbarlntte Tlllelt, Urace tlayler, .BH Alice Fisher, Cecil Wallace and May Winter. Polly Middles," a cotnlo opera founded BH upon u libretto by Archibald Clavcrlng (lun- - PBW tor, author ot .Mr. llarnes of New York." 'BBl nlll bo sung at tbo Fourteenth btreet Thca- - BB tre Monday nlgbt, with Miss Annlo PUley us 'IBM tbe star. Tbe muslcot " Polly Middles" bas 'Ifa been composed by W. W, Lowltz, and Big. BI Tomasl will direct the cbjrus. In tbe com- - 'H pany will bo William P. tlulOeroo, Ueorge c j BI llonlloce, Charles .). Campbell, Charles Altl- - I' Bj son. Air. C. Wbeelan, Miss Uolanlle Wallace, fl.ii Miss Hosa Cook, Miss Mamie Carey and Miss i BI May Lev luge. i. "Husband and Wife" will havo Us first i j BJ Amerlcun performance at tlioiisr-I'l- l '.en, and It will remain at tin- - bouse lor B eral wees. Miss Cora Tanner will bo tbe star of the company, which has has been ery 1 JB carefully selected by MauagersT. Henry (B French and William K. Mnn. The play win A.lfl be produced under tbo direction of ltlchard 1 jtS Datker. "Ilusjb.inj and WLe" will be uip-- w ! FVI cened by a one-a- piay entitled " Hearts. ' I "wk At '1 ony Pastor's Theatre next week tbe rJ attractions will be Harry Kemoll, Lydla Yea-- l tnuns, Adams, Casey and Howard, Capllola v Forrest, Nelly Magulre, tbu "coster girl;" II Imra Fox. tbo conjurer; Joslo Oregory, Urlf-- tin and Marks, George K. Austin: itotert I Wlnstanley and Joe SVest lu a "musical ana dancing comedy act." and Kurtz, tbo juggler. I Wllltaui ll. crane will play Tho American Minister " until tbe end ut his engagement at 1 Ihe Star Theatre next mjutb. Tiie play has ill proved entertaining, nnd the subject, which Is nut ottcn dealt with on tbe stage, seems to Interest tbo public. Tbe third act Is exceed- ingly good, and It always appeals very strongly to tbe audience. "Mr. Wilkinson's Widows," tho clever comedy that New Yorkers have nlready lu- - i dorsed, will bj revived Monday night at v i , Herrmann's 1 beatre, where " Ulorlaua " will fw i! bo withdrawn alter ierlormance. (f i Wilton Lacknye wUl appear as Mr. Peri lu, II I the disturbed and excited young busbaud, II I wnose dirucultles form tuo tbemo or Mr. tf ifi Wilkinson's Wldons." I Tbe Lost Paradlso " will be played at K Uammersteln's Harlem opera-llous- o next II W week. Tbe oast will Include William Morris, I ' I Frank Mordaunt, Leslie Allen, Cyril Scott, n , Orrln Johnson, John C. Ilucxstone. Emmet ' corrlgan, Thomas oberle, Henry Talbot, Miss I 'V Byduey .Armstrong. Miss utlette Tyler. Miss I ' Kua Hawkins and tbu Misses Annie and Maud Adams. I I "Tbo Lion Tamer" has but threo weeks . longer to run at tbe Broadway Ibeiiro. on I , Saturday, April 'J:i. oni or the largest theatre I parties or tbo season villi see the poitorm-- I ance. This party will consist of two hundred -- f'. members or tbo Manhattan Athletic club. I Alter leaving tbe Broadway Theatre Wlbon r and bis entire company will go to ban Fran- cisco. "Merry Gotham" will remain at tho Tbeatn. until April S3, when tbe lait lcriormanco will bu given. It bas success- fully run through ibo Lenten season, to the surprise even of Manager Daniel Frohman. " Merry Gotham " will bo succeeded by " Tho Gray Mare," u comedy by Goorgo lu Slmms and Cecil Halelgn. Tho new entertainment ut, tho Eden Museo seems to have cau?ht the public fancy. Pow- ell's feats of legerdemain aro extremely and thu funtastlo work of Majllton has been very well received. Tbe Huagarlan Band gives the usual concerts twice day, and tbe music Interpreted by these artists Is ! always well selected. Evans and Hoey will be tbo stars at tbe People's Theatre next week, and U Is per-na- needless to say tbat they will present tbe perennial farce, known as " A Parlor .Match." The cast will be a good one, beaded by tbe clever little soubrette, Minnie French. Tbe sluers Levey aud a new quartet of male Tolccs will be features of tbe performance. Lent bas not mado tbe least difference to business ut tbe Madison Snuaro Theatre, where a "Trip to Chinatown" still prevails, In all Its glory. Two new vers cs, written by Charles 11. iloyt, will be added next week to tbe song Harry Conor sings about bis experi- ences "On the Bowel y.'r Hoyt's farce bas astonished everybody including Iloyt him- - belt. At tbe Columbus Theatre, Harlem, Steele I i Mackaye's sensational play J " Money Mad," I will be next week's attraction. It will be r presented wltb all tbo original mechanical l)t effects. Including the famous drawbridge la A. Chicago. Tbe cast will be a good one. Tbe AV leading lady will bo Miss Emily ltlgl, an ac-- f tress wbo has mado a bit In " Money Mad's " leading role. xi Fiederlck Paulding will appear In "The r Struggle of Life" at tho Windsor Theatre I' 1 Monday. He will be supported by Adelaide Clara Baker ltust, Llllle Sinclair, Kdwla Varrey, Guy Ltndstey, Kills Rtsn Frank M. Kendrlck, Waiter Stuart, Master Charles Thropp, William Bentley, K. and Tbomas Maguiro. Miss Fanny lllcu will present ber farce, ' A Jolly surprise," at tbe lillou Theatre next week. Tho piece bas already been seen at tho Harlem Opera-Hom- Miss ltlco will bave n good company, Including John W. llansome, Mrs. sol smith, .Miss Kva Turnor. Miss Chamberlain, Charles Uradsbaw and Lawlor and Thornton. " McCarthy's Mishaps." an athletic will be piny 1. 1 at II. It. Jacobs' Thea- tre next week. 'Ibo lompany will bo partic- ularly good. Among tho peoplo announced to appear are Barney Ferguson, "BUIle" car- ton, George Crunp. Charles Stanly, James calliban, George Gates Gertrude Fort, Carrie Uohrand Hertba Weslbrnok. "Col. Carter of Cartemv.l'e" Is still to be seen at Palmers Theatre, where tbe admir- able won; of E. M. lloiltnd, as tbu chivalrous old southern colonel, stands out auiplclously. Mr. Holland bos never donu Letter work than this lino chancier sketch of col. Carier. Cbarles L. Harris has tnadu a distinct bit. carraenclta bns made a bit In ber new PpanHli darcc, " L.i 'lota," at Hosier Dial's Concert Hall, nn1 hlio will continue to pre- sent It during tbscoimn? week. Tbo TimJe-v- l lo pruxrammti v,lll liiciiule Harry Kennedy, the tpniiliuiiiulst : Culn and Lorreno, bur-lesi- trapeze performers, and Gogyer and Uoihhrlp. "Jilnuiy" I'owor.i nobody would think ot calling him Jatuos T. 1'uweri will Ugln u eik'n engagement at tbo Grand upera-ilou- o Monday in" A straight Tip," a that nicaks very vociferously lor it- self. Ho win bo aupuorU'Ci by tbo same com- pany tbnt has before been seen In this city, nlgbt P. S. Ullmoru aud bis baud willglvoa concert- - " spook," llarnard's play, will be contlnuod at tbe Union squire Theatre during tbo coin- ing week. The play has been allorcd. Its third act being removed.' It will certainly not sutler fiout Ibis removal, for the third act wus tbo worst. "Holly Tree Inn," which precedes " Spooks," Is exceedingly pretty. T hut very excellent fun e, " Incog," remains at the standard '1 beatre, but It Is coming to Iboeudof Us New York run. Tbe piece lias made a success, an It certainly doervert to do, for It Is bright, well wrltn-- and thoroughly amublng. It, is now preceded by a curtain-raise- r called "Book III., Chap. .," In which Charles Dickson appears, 'l here will b an entertainment at this house nlgbt. Charles T. K1IH, a German dialect comedian, will appear next week ut the New Parle Thea- tre In an " unpretentious comedy " by Herbert Hall Wlnslow, entitled " Undo Caspar." It was written expressly lor Mr. Ellis, who will sing n number ot nuw songi. Tbe play is not a It will remain at the Park for two weeks. " Kellly and tbo Four Hundred " will be re- vived nt llarrlgan's Tbeatro next week, and theatre-goer- s will undoubtedly bo glad to bear this. Harrtgan bas never had so ex- uberant a success as " Kellly," and, although It bas enjoyed a very long run In tills city, It btlll has vitality. The " tough girl " and "Magglo Murphy's Heme " arc always wel- come. At Daly's Theatre "The Foresters" Is still I lie attractlon.and it fills tho.tbeatre at every performance, 'i bo season at this bouso ends April -- ':. owing o contracts which have been mado for a very long time. "1 he Foi esters " could run successfully lor months to come. Tbo production Is one ot the most artistic that this city has seen and tbat means a gi cat deal. A ben-jil- t to Gus. Phillips, otherwise known as "Ootty Gooft," will take place at the Union Theatro nlgbt- - Among those to appear arc Jennie Yeamans, llarrr Kernel), Lydla Yeamans, F. G. '1 ltus, Dutch Dalr, Uoorgn MurpUy, Frank McNlsb, Conroy and Fox. WUllnui Jerome aud Gus. Utuns. Tho coming week will bo the last ot Itanium's circus lu this city tor tho present seasun. o.i April an tbe gigantic show will open In Brooklyn. Tbe huge Madison Square Garden nas been crowded during tbo past week, nlthough nearly all the theatres bave been complinlnot bad business. Barnum's circus comes, H seen and conquers. A six days' blcvcle race, wltb five young women as tho contestants, will begin at llubcr's Palace Musi-ur- Monday ntternooa. The girls will represent America, France, Germany, England and Ireland. Tb distance they travel will be accurately re- corded by means ot electric dials. Alblnl and his company will be seen In tbe tbeatro. Fanny Herring will appear In " Denver Dan and Ills Hand of Dead Shots " In Theatre No. 1 of Doris's Musum next week; in Theatre No. a Bradley and Shaw's Vaudeville com- pany will be seen, and In Theatre No. n Hen-sha- and Hager's Comedy Company will bold the stag. In tbo curl) bolls will be Jo-J- o, Unrlc, Wilson and Sol stone. The Henry Hurle&quo company will begin tbe second week of Its engagement at Nlblo's Monday night- - Jim Hall and Joe Choynskl will again appear, and Ncwmayer, tbe n amateur, will be seen. Muldoon a flvu champions v, 111 meet all comers at every per- formance. The repertoire at tho Araberg Theatro next week will be as follows: Monday, "Die lltmmeisleltcr ;" Tuesday, " Der Mllllonen-bnu- er ;" Wednesday, " Hosenmueller and ITnke :" Thursday, roor Jonathan ;" Fri- day, "Die llezaehmte Scbwlegermutter," and Saturday, for tbe first time, " Gewagte illttel." Sennj will remain at Worth's Museum dur- ing the coming week. An amusing feature ot the entertainment there win be tbe doughnut convention, In which twenty girls will take part. Nayo, the Guatemalan ballet dancer; Big. Mutty and bis educated monkey and a stage performance will be otber attractions. From Chaos to Man, or the Seven Ages of Our World," explained by Garret P. Servlss at Muslo Hall, contlnuos considera- ble attention. Tbo entertainment is an ex- cellent one. It U not only Instructive but amusing. Thef scenic effects arc very elab- orate, and well worth more than one In- spection. ' liTASTELESS-EFFECTU- ALi: ; FOB A ' DISORDERED LIVER Tiiktin ai dlncUd th famous Pillt M i nrova marratious rtoratlvaatoiiaftld of tha abort or kiodrad diaaaact. 25 Cents a Box. batjaneralW rcopn!red In England and, In (fact throughout tha world to b "worth a icnlnna a bti." for tha reaaon that they i WI.L, OUUi: a wide runy ufcora.! plInttand that they hara aarad to raaoy ' nuffurera not rotralr ono but many galutaa, lo doctors' bills. Covered with a Tasteless & Soluble Coating. ' 0t all dru?l8t0. Frlc 2A centBcbus BICYCLES. ON PIjAN. All laadlngauiulard raakaa. Old whaala tftkan In etching. Catalogut. Hat of aeondhand whaala and aaay tarma tu parmant mailad tr. Ujabton and PneamatH tlrei appliad to old whaala at niodarata coat, Malta, 7.00 to 15,00: rpa. Too. tul.60: long atocslnga, 38c. Attil.liu Journal fraa, PECK. Jfc SNYDKK, U'U,auNI.N.l. stop payimi nouni.i: pkicim. Try ' Cl.ovi.n Ll ar" California Wlnea. equal to baat Imported. Alldattara. Agancj, VI Jludaou at. When Baby was sick, we cave her Cattorta, When she was a Child, she cried for Cautorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Cattorta. When she had Children, she faro them Caslotia. TOBIAS' DERBY C6HD1TI0H FDWDEBS Ar warranted aiparlor to say others, or no par. For Ih. cur. of I)ISTMPKR, WORMS. BOTH. COcTtJHS, ItlDKHOIJNU, C0LU3, tc.. In HDItHKS. aod COLDS. COytlHS.'ll.OHS OF MILK. BLACK TONUUE, IIORN DUTThMPEK, do.. In CATTLE. Price US ceajla. Bold bj all Druif lata and Saddler. DEPOT. lOAIUIMlAY HT., Nl'.tV VOUli tMUSENENTS. UlflriTIIIO 31VHHVX, Oth Are. and nlln I H N 30"' " f'" " ' v. IIUII I II U AitmtuUnn IOre.,1,. NAYO, Guatemala's Famous Ballet Danes.. Hourly in i kc PprforsnaiiCM. CASINO, BROADWAY AND 30T1I ST. , No PerforrnD- - Tentfbl. CX)MMK!U'l.NO NKXT UOffDAY NHIHT. CHILD OF FORTUNE. ACADEMY. N,aUT- - Th Fsrowell of tb QrsVttt German 81 a r, AJJKLE SANDKOGK, i n "Tin: t i:i)dini at vai.k.m." A.MUERO THEATHK-Matloa- aat 'i o'oloek and evanmr at 8. 15, Tboiua In "IMo llimmal,. letter. " Mcndar (laal tlue),l'DI UlmneUlelMr." SPECIAL NOTICES. .,'i,F;MW"!A.-:T,,- K .hunt muRit. rOODl delicloue; cookeln one mlnale. ! cental allcroeara Ilea th rood Co., CI oihara. Harry1 Trlreiibernne. the ontr preparation to be diended on to cleanae and praaerre tne hair. MMUSEAJENTS. T at s. at 8. at 8. FALLS OF NIAGAEA. HOthHt. and 4th At A Banl of Urpaiaa from hpplof Forrat, haadad bv tha Quatn of tlia Triba, will area ratal foracatt th lutura, fraa of cbarga, for a tary ladj Tliltlac MAOAKA. OK yUOARAi-t- h tt. and 4th ava. TONY PASTOR'S. B.KSi.'A'.Rv- -. 1TONV I'ArtlOK'U Ureal Show. nnllpi.K Udla Teaman.. Deo. Murphr, 11(1.1. IWm. Jerome, Mirer Hall Oiiar- - Itat, Frank McNIab, Llllle We.l- - lern and othere tn big ehow. HAimiUAK'H T1IRATRU, M. IV. HANI.KV Manager "Tllh LAMT Of TIIK 1I0UANH." Wadneadar. I Matlneaa. Nalurdaj. Mondajr, April IB. "HHILI.Y ASP Tilt: .00." DALY'S'THEATRE. Era"rr Night at 8.16? Tannraon'a Oomadir, TIIK F.illK-TKlt- ri. Mualo by 8ulllan, Ul Italian, Mr. Drew, Ac. Matina.a Wadoe.dajr and Hatnrday at tl. rBi?s;oM1;,. Mond'j.lS.Eaater ProdaetionLuUltlJal UUJIa ACROSS THE POTOMAC. STAR THEATRE.gMAT.'J: W.VI. II. ciiam: la f AMERICAN MINISTER U.NIIIN .SCJUAKI; THKATRK. Keenlniealb.lS. Matlnea SPOOKS I t feY PEOPLE S Mr.HENKYC. MINER, Prop'tor. HERRMANN. Kelt Week- - EVANS t HUl;V. "rMautir Merry Botham. HERE IN OUR MIDST. Some Rcmarkabb Assertions Made to a Reporter. Con A rui nl Inn of rMlmllnr mtntrmcntB Wlilcli Ila.o I'rrwlonaly Ilrru Publlahed. Tba Intareat, not to i7 axcttament, which tha pob'leition of ratlala tDterflaeva have canned lo Haw York li real. rtmarliabiA. It It rany to make lUtt manU concrrjlnc people nhu may rr&lde at a dlstaoo, bnt those it ho are here In our ml Jit and hoe worde are beyond uuettion carry power of conviction The fo.ljnlDd atatemc nta can be Implicitly railed ' upon) At .No. CfiU'eit l?7th ttreet I a larite, richly appointed rehKeuce In a charming nelthburhood. ltaoccjpant U Mrs. W. II. Mllie, wife of a promi- nent capitatNt, now ratlra I from acttro bmlnem, lu an Inlervieif with her ha mada thetullowlns rrroirkable r.tatexnsr.t "It ts norr lc years klnce our eon, J. Nohyn Wlllii, v attarka with kid ney dUurdern Uls eullerlnffi weie the mit In- tense tmafflnable. Wo tecured the krrtL-e- j and constant attendance cf the mod iktlled pb)lclant In the city. Their treatment tailed tuioruuchu atletlate hli pata, hntlly they announced to u their Inability to i fleet a cuie. In the Kammrr we took htm to a n renrt, hnplnc to ttnd a curr. Au old frUnd advhed the uae of a remedy whloh hn had need ierionally with Ihe moit gratl- - fjlni retntti. WeimJIt for the thild. and from the f rat doe ha Improved, and tho Ircatment wai continued forayaftf. Today ho It well and strong and li attending echool All thli li due to the ..te of that wonder. ut remedy Warncr'a ISafe Cure. We never fail to a Jvtte It uae and are pleased to have the opportunity of thue publicly testifying to ita merit." ".My mother. Mra. 8. A. Vanderbllt, fa it ill allre and well," aald Mra. It. it McMurrey, of St. raul'a avenue, Htaten Island, "and owaa her good health to the uae of a welM,uowu remedy. ' 1 alto know from expertem what can bo gained trora ita uno," continued Mm. Me M array, "fur I had a eevere at'aok of alcknrat laat Winter and found that thia remedy wae tha only thing that would cure tt. It made me feel like a new pereon. Toany one aaSerlng from dlaordera of thekiineya or liver I would heartily reoommand tha tee of arner't tafs Cure, for It baa dooe ao much fcr ma I aeak Irum lojg experience and from Tho next call waa on Mrs. L. C. Brlgca. at No. 301 103th atrect. She sail: " AbJita year and a half ago I had whet the doctor pronounced to be gall atonee I suffered great agony and tha pbyatclana failed to relieve tne. At tbe tame time I loat much tleeh and grew weak. 1 had oft an read of a medtalnt which wai claimed to be a cure for that dltraw, and revolved to try It I used eight bottles of it and have been a we't woman since. That remedy is Warner's Safe Cure, and ofery woman should uee It Anlntereatlne eiperlenrn waa re'ataS by Mra. Keafie, of Wo. 145 Kant Llghtyaeoond street. "I wasdaily placed under a atean apparatus," eha said, for live hour at a time. This win five yean ago, while ill withaggravatnd kidney diieate. heveral phytielans attendel ma aoduaed all known method a to cauaa me to per pi re. I had beard about a remedy that bad beau recom- mended to me and finally began to una It. It really worked wondcra tn my case and I would not be without It for auv monay. Personally, Iffeel tbat I owe it to humanity to publicly mention that it la to Wamer'e bate Cure tbat I owe my recov- ery." Id apeaklng of hi wife. Mr. Albert O. Eave. of Ko. 63 Kait Twelfth atraat, aaldi "Some three year ago aha waa pronounced at tha point of death from nraemla by attendant physician. Her detth wa predicted within a few hours, aa, she wa suffer- ing from poerpural convnlaions. She took War- ner's Safe Care and la a well woman "My aieter wa a Clio ted exactly as was my wife," continued Mr. Eaves, "and under my advice used tha Safe Cure and recovered. I consider tha caee of my wife a moetmarveloua rnreaod am amloua and willing tbat the credit aboold be given to the Safe Cure. Ttaeaa oalapoaen aasertlons are beyond qnettlon and prova tba power of thlj great remedy which la deservedly to popular. AMUSEMENTS. IWADISO.V 8QUARK OARDKN. FOURTH Vf EKK AND I. MIT BUT ONE. NTILL CROWDED AT .NlflHT. Matinee Kihibitioneeenie ae Kreatnce, bat not ao rruwdeJ. BASNUM AND BAILEY GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. With alt IU very wonderful attraction ani Imra Klralfy'a Colnmbna and the DtecoTeryof America P. T. Barnuma&dJ. A. Ualley, equal owner. Admlaalon to everyttiina,t BO cent. Reserved setts. $1, Private boxes, 413. Hlngte box aeats, i. Children under 10, half price. Box ofhoe open lor aale of advance aeata from 9 to 4 daily. lelTII HTnKOTnEATKENEAlTflT7rXva This Week Unlv, Mat. Wed. and Sat.. LYDIA tHOMPSON In a triple DAN, A RAD PENNF. A BIlOP. Neat aler In Archibald Claeerlnt Oucter'a lapU.Uo Operetta. I'ullr MlJdlua. BDBN Mt'KEE. 93d at., near Broadwaj. HPKCfAl. MATINEE TSe In.tantanoa buec.aa of POWELL'S WONDERS, " SHe 99 MUNCZI I.AJtlb and MANY llttNUAKIAN UilMTnU NEWtlROUP.i ORCHESTRA. IN WAX. KUQU THCATRE. R'WAY. NKAK JOTH ST. Nlfhta. B.lSl MatlDMaWed. aoj Sal. NELLIE McHENRY and A NIGHT AT TIIE CIRCUS. Next Weak Fanny Rloe A Jolly Surprise. NIBLO'S. Wii&'m. T. 1IENHY BtlllLUSqUiI I WM Ultll.DOON'S COMPANY. ATHLKTKS. JI.VI HAM.. JOE CIIOYINXKY. Bpaetal Prue Me.lal. ani Puree, to All Oomere. fcr,. 8.15. Sat. Mat. BffiAr, ST. MARC. NEXT W EEK -- LOST PAR A DISK. ' 'WINDSOR TUKATRK IS and 47 Bower. HPI.KNIIlll PRODIKU'ION IINl.'I.K TOM'S OAtllN. Neat K. PaULDINQ. COSMOPOUTAN PARK AND lUSI.NO, lUUIh et. and Aui.t.rdam ave. Plcnlo Ground t KlBe Raogea. J. UUTERDINU. tMUSEMztUl. iTj fl HUBER S Museum fl Week April 19, ISTgRXATlONAL COKTHT )j affBBJ LADY BICYGUSTS, M America, KnalanJ, Ireland, Oar lAJftl many, h ranee. Kxucrt and beautltil rlier. flpM ftxaaBaV rrcordeJ by eltotiitlty. Kxcttlng races and (aai '!LH !5Vl:it1IA,,Ti,.:.,.'3!;iS MOHAMMED I ' JH Wonilere, with lll- - NIHVVAIIIIE.N', 'knor..ha3tmal.r-ltiellena.- ' CJaSH Quebo. walknonraior.: Itt.KRMANN, th etroae .aiJBXl maiii l.avlnl.n ami Zarnea, aenallet.l Suaura, XIH Zulu chlrt, W'lilte t:aile UIU. acout! Capt. D v'BXaj tioarcer, tattooed i Kaffir Ji wtlk.o i bot troaat Prof. Krler, ON TIIK STAKE TH !AH treat A I.J11N I. Kltiw of KarJi. Trerelll Trta,' illBBJ VVooJa. Travellb Sletere. llrooaa ana Urn iViflSBH Witt, "Chlne.e" csmeiilen, Kd Ilojere, LsalM 'WM Ileautl., Ham Archer. Clara 11.11. 'Vaal l4tiTst7Music Half and Alharabra Cttrt, :S 13 and 13C Laat Uta at. -- jH ORCHESTRION. J I'lny I'.rrrii AftrriwoH and Ettnittf, H GRAND OPKRA-IIOUS- F liiill Reaerred aeata. Orchestra Clrole and Oaloonr, Maa jl'BJ UOSKCOdltLAN. lsH "aaTsiwEifir wjbb? will cotriMTii UlhCMMA rqu Tiient.AMCEorTnKYrEEK. H NeitWrek-.- !. r. I'ow.Min " A Tip." IHel NEXT SUNDAY! 0&8&Vc3F 1. H. OILMOKK AND IIIHHAND OFM, Jjlfl WITH MANY KM1NENT SOLOISTS. lH "" " ORAND J H Ea.ter Rttndar nijrllt. Anrtl 17. .rl URAND HACKED CONCKRT. ").BH Ho.t of talent rrlll appear. WafSH of "TsNH Theatrical Mecbanietl A.fxiatlon Lodze He. ML .iiHI In atil ot 1 THE RELIEF FUND. fM GARDEN THEATRE. SJST ." L.aeo and Manaxer Mr. T. H.' FBKMok X VH m ,m Cora Tanner, ;41M IU lUllill. HUSBAND AND WFL M land one-a- pla?r 1IBABT8. (Q KOSTER & BIAL'S. TO-DA- Y. 'ofl CARMENCITA tlltAND ;fl .matim:ij. 'SH WtERItMANNM-"-'nlne,8.1- B. Mti.ret.,3.ta," 'ABV LA8T TIMK 9J Mr. CharleaFrohmiu'a Brilliant Onrnedr IIHt "rred'L.r..- - OLORIANA! fl Mon.. April Mr. VTIIalnaoD'aVrid . i3H GOLUMfirJrj TIIKATRE. MaU Wad. and 8aV, J$t The areat Hpectacnlar Melodrama, t THE MIDNIGHT ALARM. WM NEXT WEKK-MOS- EY MAD. $&flH H. R. JACOBS' THEATRE. "ShWg ;.S TJA DAElt SECRET. rM NEXT Hra MLSUAPS. iYifU PALMER Sj ftenlnVN.'lV 8at. Mar?stL llH URKAT HUCOEHS of the New AMERICAN PLAT, 'i'PB Oolonel Carter of 0arter8villee Jl BROADWAY THEATRE. Oor. ilstav, ,..V3M Kienlnaaats. Raturdar Mstlm, at V'VaH l'UANO'13 WILSON LAST I THE ..H AND COMPANY. I M0NT1L I TAMKK. ''SSB JACOB BLANK'S Winter Harden. 1U0 3d a.e., betweaa Uthu4 JtSBl lltb at.. Uraid eoncrtrt erery eeenifur at T.St. MAIIhL HART. Till! RKFINaD HKlUO-OOill- BTANnARDTltnATRE. 'bS CHARLFH landUeo. W.Lederera 11(0(10 fHll PrJded tj "Book Hi., Chap. 1," Mr. DtekMf VH aa Howard Leelie UBI 3KOYT'HMadl.on Rg. Theatre. 24th at. B'wsr.' f.'WH ilOYT THOMAS. Manaiera. Ere. S.SOlHat. S. 'i'WK 6TH MONTH peri-or- ance; ,'(h!H IIOVT'W ATltlPTII CIIINATUWX. CH SSthmT ,laH MrVO'FLYHNINrJEXICa H UPTOWN ASSEMBLY ROOMS. 102 E. S3 that, S-- Larce hall for ball, conoeru, lector, meatlasa naH Ae. alio lejantnewlo!geanii meeting roooaaf leaV V'Isbbbbbb! OHCQXL'fN AMUSEUENTS. iH Select Orcheatra and Balcon Beau, SO Mats. ' '9BS iik htii.i, Ai.Ait.51. Introauclna UTrl.KTUEabAY. WiM Kelt Week-N- at Soodnln la THE WOMmgat i; ' ATWDTTTflXr EDWIN KN0WLE8. r AJurXlXUri. Proprietor and Maaaeer. BBl len eenln. MatlneM Wedsaadar ASstotdSK TifjM JANAUSOHEK the iurvhit moo. H COL. HINN'S NEW PARK THKATRKJ " ''JH MATIN REM WEDNESDAY AN D RATUKDAT. JVbBB M ARO A RET .MATHER, LEAH, THE F0B)5AKa.4jM COLUMBIA. TOWABSJga2S" Rferr Evenlnr. Matinee UatuixUj, tfBaBBBal MR. E. S. WILLARD' jrg., COL KINN'r. NEW PAUK THIS VTKK. fifinWaH MAT1NEEM WEDNESDAY AND HATUROAT. 'VlBH LASTT1MK. ' WvAflBl MARGARET MATHEK, IllMl) ASP Jl'UrlM NOVELTY THEATRE. m&l2BSM&' ifl BRISTOL'S EOllDATED.HORSEJs 'M Neit Week-E- dln Arden lu Nlibt and MormU. jVH BEDFORD AVE. THEATRE. BR031YM, E. .' S TblaWrek. . c'iH "THE WESTERNERl Eaater A TEN BUOBOK. M A MUSIC HALL ROMANCE. .1 What Came of JacJc's Desire to Try a If 1 Neio Profession. . 't J Born in tbe profession, Jnik Flenlitlut ( bad rougbed it in tbe provinces for years before olnc to London, aud there was uotatrickof tbe stage, move on I be I ' tbeatrical boards, or a part from Mamlet ' down wltb which be was not thoroughly I familiar. He bad versatility, too, and could both N.M sine uud dance as well as bo could act, f He bud made good progress in his pro- - j T , fesiion, and was then at one of tbe '! ' Btrnnd houses receiving a Bnlary of 3 per II 'reck- - . To those wbo imagine actors' salaries I , ' reach fabulous sums this wll not appear ' princely income, but I cau assure them 'Y that the actor who can commaud eight i pounds n week-n- ot unusually magnified f tocigbteeii "for professional purposes" i must havo climbed a very long way up from the bottom of the ladder, J llut Jack was like Oliver he wanted ' more," and belie riuc it was unobtain- - able in his own profouiou, turned to the I variety ttage to stek It. W'lih tbis object in view he betook bimtelf one tiaturdny J I morning to a certain mnio hall where III H sflla1Ss-'-'jg"- c (bey held day shows and interviewed the worthy manager thereof. Into the managerial ear bo poured Ms plnus, aud when he couoluded Ibo man- agerial mouth opened nud tbo managerial voice said: , "You actors seldom mnko much of ft fist of our biz: you'ro not used to work, hitr siugle-baude- Hut if you roally want to have a shy nt the came f can give you n show nuy Saturday morning next mouth, and will try to look in whilo you aro on. " This was not nt nil wlint Jack vtauted, nnd he toll the manager ho bad beeu nt groat troublo aud expense m setting souio suitable souim written aud eccentrio "cet-ups- " made, and fult sura his show would catch ou, but be wasn't coiup to trot it out to a parcel of 'deadheads1' at a day how. 'I he ruauagor shook bis Lead. "It's not the 'show.' laddie, that 1 care it hang about, itdou't matter lo me it it ain't up to tealemes; it's whether your unme is cood enouch to draw that's all I've cot to ihtnk about. When you ran drnw a hundred quid u week you cau command it, and all tbe best balls are bouud to bave you." Homo cue railing the manager owav nt Ibis moment Jack was left to bis own reflections, and these not being of a 7ery pleasing ualure he turned and left the irHftiiilftliilVlltll'Virniifiiitf hall. " I'll not give up without a jolly good try," said Jack to himself. "Perhaps, alter all, the managers are not the best peoplo to go to. I'll have a shot at tbe agents aud see what they've cot to say for themselves." He mado the best of his way to Water- loo JJrid&o, but hardly bod be set foot upon It before a voice at his elbow ex- claimed: " Oh ! Mr. Fleshtint, how fast you're walking." He turned in surprise, anil recognized in the sneaker pretty Pet Partridge, a sprightly little scrio who bad been en- - lazed with' htm iu'a burlesque that ran a f inndred nights at a Wett-u- d theatie. The usual greetings over, he inquired where she was going. "To the agent's," replied Pot. "And so am I," said Jack. Bhe stood still for a moment and looked at bim. " You're coming into our biz, Mr. Flesh-tin- t, are you?" "Indeed I am. Miss Partridge," he answered; "that is, if I cau get an en. gacement." "Aud do vou Ihtnk you'll like it?" " 1 don't kuow yet Candidly, I don't car it's the money that lures me." " Hut what about your 'Art?' wltb a 'big 'A.'" "All Humbug-w- itb a big 'H." " Which W the agents are you going to?" '' I have not decided ; I was going to rumple tbem all round." " Oh I then come with me to mine Mr. Sbopall line's roally genuine and a capital business man," Jack tbauked ber for ber advice, aud together they entered that worthy man's office. Tliev found Mr, Hhopall a stout, dark, spectacled man, about fifty deep iu a mass of col respond nee, surrounded by ) ookR, paper, ledgeia, and letters strewu about the room in bntinees-lik- e con-fu'io- H put bis lien aside and listened atten- tively to nil Jkck had to sar. "So you want to have a fling at the iia'tilTisiff.iifftiMiii"i'ii1'rii '""''-- ' balls," he said. "Well, I don't se hv you shouldn't. Of course, you won't take my ndvice, hut I'll givo it nil the same, For a man of jour ability Ihere'd always be hreatl and cheese st the rauie; hut to make a really big hit niul get your uame up tslont anil talent uly is no good. It's nil cliance. Vnur chance may come tt the Drat poollnr yon may wait twenly 1 ears for it. Vou get hold of a song with a good ' tiddly-iiut- h' chorus it catches on it becomes the rnze -- and I could shon you for a j ear right off, and almost on your own terms. " Now uiy advice it don't touch Lou- - don yet; take n run round tho 'provs.' nud tty your wing among the yokels. l.ook heio. " slid he broke off to pickup a letter that lay on the desk. " Netty Jims you hmw her, of cotvrs?, tho greatest of tho forlorn has taken the Menm Clock ami Utile Kuisley. nud she's going to turn it into a People's Pu'nce. Now, I run shop jou there fora lortulght; I'll nsls Netty to ' throw your name mi ' in tho hills; you'll have a good sbow, and there'll I e notices in the locals of the ' Grand Inaugural Opening, aud all that sort of .thing, ko that you'll have ai good I a chance as ever you'll get'. Come, what do ou say ?" Somehow the Steam Clock. Netty Jims ami Little Darsley seemed a long way off i.cO n week. Jack shook his heail. " Oh, do acrept," put in l'et. " I'm going won't that tempt you?" and a mUchievous twinkle coming into her bright eyes she and Jack had always cot on well together ho was tain to yield, aud telt'ed the engagement there aud thou. Tbe Wcani Clock. Little Burs'ar, had been a " sing-song,- " tbeu a uiiHlo hall, and. though now a palace, it was n public house always. 'Ihe only eutra o to tho pilaco nas through the pub. bars an admirable arrangement for thirsty Little liarsleyans, but one that did nut favoiuhiy impress Jack vli.ii, a week i or so lator, he made his tlri--t aciniMntnure of tho ' behind tbe scenes " of provincial music hall life. Miss Netty Jims met him kindly aud introduced lilm to a big, fat, oily young man -- me Sol Sloses wlutn Jack con. eluded a "Mr. Jima," though it is very doubtful if either of their signatures had ever been appended tn tbe registrar's roil of this or any other country. The leader of tho orchestra distributed Jack's band-part- s among his aubordiu-nie- , nud having run through tho nielo-diei- t, inn do n few gincral remarks, nnd wound uu by alluding tu the perpitusl thirst that sits, nightmare-like- , on oil luuaic-ha- ll orchestras. At utght Jack found his way lo tbo drpHaiug-ruo- n.vile hols beneath Ibo stage (hat nn respectable pic could have been oxpected to inhabit and lound it occupied by two grutleuieu of the burnt- - nrk pennies ou, w bo were buiy " black- - lug" tor a "chair turn. "'Thoy hadappar-- j eutly lingered at the Palace bars, and were ii:arrelltug as he entered. Words I running high, they appeared to be ou the point of to blow., autl Jack, in- - tcr.'cring, had them both on him in au inslaut, tho elder of tbe two dubbin: him an ensanguined play-act- and the .younger tbreatsniug to "knock his two eves into on" if he didu't "hold hi jaw." Not carioe to brawl jnst at the moment. Jack silent, find busied himself with his make-u- When dressed he went up. stairs, anil was stseeered to see Pet, wbo bail just come oH from a " Bkirt danoe, " cooly diveat berselt of her outer clotliiiiif in the vtincs. and nimbly step, pinr; Irom her skirts, betishted aud be. Irtinki-il- , trip licbtlv on tbe stage acnin as I'rince Lovethelot, to round after round of applause. At length his turn rnme, and suppress-in- c a strong desire to bolt, be went ou the stsEe. llut somehow tbe novelty of bis surroundings, (he noise of tbe baud, tbe hurry aud bustle of tbe whole thine, the new experience of bsvioe bis owu words of tbo chorus bnwled ta;k at him by the "cods," tbe difficulty of nudtns some, thine to do with himself during the syni. phouy betweiu each vrfrte, and the sight of Sol Mnses grinning at him from tho stalls nil these, nnd a tbutianud otber tilings took every particle ot spirit out of him. nud when be left tbe stage be us oonsoioii of having made one of the most din mill failures ou record. "Oh, do try to put n little more 'go' into your work," said l'et, eucourag. itigly. to bim. lint It mah no use. Jack had lost all licuit, uud his other song uieeliug with no better fate he retired to his drenaing-roon- i fully persuaded that tbe '"alls" should know him no more. A special llceuse till 2 o'clock had been obtained to celebrate tbe Graud Inaugural Opening Kight, nnd when tbe show wus over a number of townspeople gathered together to do honor to the occasion. Hoi. inai offensively vulgar dress suit, and Netty Jims, in a imle green satin ball dress, decorated with played host and hostess in regsl fashion. Drinks were both frequent and free, and tha Iwllioose burnt-corker- having psld duo attention to a'l liquid refresh- ments, fell to quarrelling again, and no- ticing Jack and Pet sittiug together, turned their attention to them. Bmsrling under bis own defeat. Jack .aai fTBH was In no mood to be mado a butt oft, ' ?H and w ben one of bis assailants mada soma . . iH insulting remark concerning Miss Far ' ''dl tridtfe be very quickly receWed a blow ia jH the oyo tbat rendered tbe blacking ot that , H orcan a cunerfluity for aosa mbV uicbts to come. hj:JBB A ceneral free fijht followed, in thm VJM course of which a spirit lamp (nsed for fPH lishtinc cisars and nines) was OTerturnool VV-I- nnd full on Pet's dress. In an iustaak 'VIH tbero arose a cry of tiro and all Dream gSH confusion. CuHuc bis mad folly far vKJLaVafl . brginuiiis ibo iltbturbauce. Jack pulled oil vaBS bis cont, nnd wruniins it round Pet. ax. vSsjM I linsuinbed tbe tlames and carried k,-vSa,Pa- outside. Ba To place ber in a cab and drive to tim xUdBB hobinial uni tbe work of a few momenta, ( but Jack linsered without for more tnm r4H an hour till a message Mas brought hlaB'H tbat the poor cirl was oat of danger. 'VV'SaffaVafl , It was se eral weeks before Vet waa aUV''X--- lotved to leno tbe hospital, and It WM 3bB cry sad journey thnt those two made m r';lBS Loudon n week later, for both knew Uim'PPJ never asain would pretty Pet Patridc WVjVSiH seen upon the stae the nature of beciaVSH juries rendering ber a cripple for life. jjfc9 Jack UL'censiucly blamed himself thr,:U beiuR the ciuio of tbo accident, bnt Pt,BpH droning his head upon ber shoulder, jpJJBH said : "vdPH " Never mind, Jack, dear! I'd willimg.l ; jBBBaj ly co through it all over again, tea hu. 'it PPS dred thousand times, if I thongki M .VvBna would wiu mo your dear love." ''I'v ')" sifiH Some years bave rolled by aineeMla)' H above narrated events occurred, andi ta PPPJ day you will not find a happier couple Ml jPPJ or out of tbo profession than Mr.andlUh 'PH Fleshtint, or a prettier troupe of timm JPPPJ romps than tho two tiny Pet w iPPfl the two valiant Jacks wbo ' SPPPJ them mtmma and papa. Pap. mS JbmPJ does not get X8J a week, timk Mm PPfl market value on tbe legitimate teMMB 'PJPPJ ba gone up coosidsrablr of late. MaVH AbH has never regretted nla ronvena a ttVPPJ matrimony. VVV" lfil idiaaaaaaaaai t ,' AMATEUR BOXERS' STATUS. Efieot of the New Rule Adopted by tho Ai Ai U. William n. Curtis, President of the Metro- politan Association ot the Amateur Athletic Union, when he accepted tbat position an- nounced bis purpoto ot exposing tbo Inside workings of tbo nilegoj amateur boxing busi- ness. He preferred tbree distinct charges against reputed vtolatori oi the law. As tbo rule tliou existed bo would have been obliged to prove tbe man's guilt absolutely In order to dlsclpllno lilrn. This, on tbe taco of It, Is a very dltllcult matter. Tbe Union bas now taken a load of trouble from Mr. CurtKs shoulders. ll,bas pasiod the "suspicion rule." lly Its provisions any alhleto can bo suspended from tho amateur ranks, pending his ability to proo bis Inno- cence. Many advantages arc expected to bo derived Iromthls law. It will, Us advocates claim, tend to purity all amateur sport. President cuitls does not expect that tho new law will make men honest, but that It will prove a decided lnccntlvo for sonio of tbem to change their courses. Tbe new law maj bj violated, of course, but greater secrecy will bo necessary for safety lu so doing. It will do anay with boxers aud their backers getting in lino for tbo box office to draw their money as soon as their bouts arc over. Consternation oxlsts among many boxers wbo have been so long posing as amateurs, it Is said to be urtalu tbat iuoic than nuy pugilists ulll be suspended under the new latv. 'ihueo men aie tisktug tbemselve-- , ' What can we do no J" It Is expected mat souiu oi them will be driven openly Into the professional ranks, unJ tbu local pro. emlonals mo wondering wbere these men Mill nguiu In the t,anie. It is alleged that manyot there as ama- teurs reevlted as mucu as tKOO apiece lor tour-roun- d exhibitions. Many very clever professional lighters would bo glad to light ,orpur-e- s of slmllur magnitude. The nnal disposition of tbo amateur stars will bo Hatched with InteiesU Owing to the recent rains, tha New York and Philadelphia baseball teams were unable to play In the (Quaker City yesterday. Tbo same state ot aliulrs muventcd the game at wnsblngtun. The games ulajcd lesulted as follows: At !!Ulmoro-llrotkl- rn. 10; Baltimore, C. At CinctnnftUCIflvelaniJ, 'J; Cincinnati, 0. At St. St. IaiuIii, 0, I'ltUlmrg, 11. At LonltTllla Chicago, si lxuUTllla, 4. y tbe following schedulo ot champion- ship games will be cai rled out : At Wtablnston Nnw York ti. Waahlofton. At Phllaitca'hla-llrook- ljn . I'hlladelplila. At baltluiore Hotou va. Baltimore. At Clntlanati 0 crrland va. Uluulouati. At Loularllla-Cbtcau- o Ta. Lojlavlilfl. At BU i.uul.-Htlit- ra. bu LouW. Tbe Columbia Athletic Club Is enjoying a boom, 'ihe Club 111 have roud races every Thursday during Apt II and May, starling ftum tbo Uonoubue Hotel, Mxly-tblr- d aueet and KUbth avenue, at H o'clock. Membcis ot otber clubs are welcome to Juln In tbe Colum- bia s runs at any time. P. Wal.enschlager, tbe club's star runner. Is looked upon by some as a dark horse In tbo coming individual Junior championship contest, April at). Many sporting men are disappointed tbe conditions ot tbe right havo been changed. Tbuy expected that tbe battle would bo de- cided wltb skIu gloves. In private. As tbo men are righting for money, tbo (2,000 purse offered by the coney Island Athletic Club proved a suftlclent incentive for tbem to agrje to battle before that Club, May u. a a Frank Simmons, one of the Amity Athletic Club's officials, says tbat bis Club will close Its boxing season Tuesday nlgbt nltu sumo excellent spariing. Among tbose wno bave promised to box aro: Hugh Winters and Tom Cotter, of Brooklyn: Jack Mkclly and Johnny Martin, of tbe Mationnl A. C; Jack Gorman and Jimmy llooney, or tbe star A. C; Ed hnceney, of tbu National A. C, and Jod Shorten, ot tbo Williamsburg A. A. Jack Horsey, "tbo Ualtlmoro Spider," siys If Harry Martin is not satlsned nith tho out- come of their last ngbt at White Plains, nnd in which Horsey won in clevcnrounds, bo will meet him again beiorc any responsible club for a purse. TheXavler Boat Club Is making a deter- mined effort to tako a place among tbe leaders this season. It has several crews practising for the coming regattas. 1 ho re- ceipts of tbe Club's ontertalnment May A will be used In furthering tbe club's ambition ou the water. Tbe newly organized Sagamore Athletic Club Is steadily increasing In membership, and in a short time v, in hold Its initial stag. Among tbo n boxers in the new Club are bammy Kelly, Jock Ityan and Paady Miller. Those connected with tbe management of the Clinton Athletic club's boxing sbow to be held at tbe Metropolitan Opera-Ilous- e to- night claim that It will be one or tbe best of t be seasor. There w 111 be ten bouts between clever boxers. Kddle carter, of tbe Suburban Harriers, Bays tbat tbe fifth annual cross-count- handicap, to be run from Fort Oeorge this will be tbe most successtul of tbst organization. m The Athletic Club and tbe Wolf Tone Club, of Ilrooklvn, will play a match game of Gaelic tootbaU at Erestlna, h. 1., at li.30 r. u. FROM THE WORLD OF LABOR. M. F. Collins has been recommended to Gov. Flovterlurtheoniieof Matu Pilnlerby tbe central Labor Council of 'Iroy. The Mosaic and Kncnusttc 'lllo l.aicrn' Union ordered aslrlke rstirday ai t lie slinp of W. K. Jackson, nhcre a suspeuucJ member tsworklnr. A painters' strike Is In prognss on the Jobs otKtvres Klto, Thirtieth street mid Ninth avenne. against thu emp'oymcut if non- union men. Tha ntllcrs elected by tbo ltrookljn Fire- men's Union aie! William Wnltcr, recre-tar- y ; Henry chevrcux, Financial secretary ; Uiorgc (itiebcl, 'Ircasuier. Pollers and yatidpatents' 1'r.lon No. i:i lias . ItiUorteil I be strike of the i ublocl-mn- i s, an J they are out In all sbopi Mutu thu latter uiu on strike. Unless tbe n carpenters employed on tho (Hand Ccntinl Hold, Hrra.l.n uni Fourth slrecl, tc dlsoiini'Ktd a stilkc mil lu i ordered tbeie ret Monda). Clnrles dresser, rredin-!- ; IIok'Ii nnd lleuiy luvu lnvii eicciiilut AS4-inbl- U.M1-I- , K.ot I., to ' rui re-c- tbem In Hie llaiinoiu icultrenu', (.ailed by tbu Centre! LaLcr tut n. i ' A rumor Is In circulation to thccrTrrt that Ibe Heading llalltnad Company (Mil pot notices next Monday announcing n iiencrsl reduetion of wnges. it luloiibtfii It tlicetn-plnjee- s arc rtuuy to &tmo uultiSl the rtduc-- , ' tlon. local AfetnWy :i.3Hti, K. of -, Women' Sblrtmakcrs, will stun a factory, t uud desire the a"s,lstanen of K. of I. Corrrspord ltb Mis. Addle unla. bac, 40 Congress street, (irand K.ipU'B. MKIi. Tbo Ilrooklvn s' fnlon Inn reaustedthe llullrtlng Irados louin.ll of tbo Kastern Dlstilct tuatslt them In unlunllng the hliups (.1 llostes .'clinieck and Muisih. Oerberd ltels ns elected delegate to tho Trade Is btlsk. 'Ibe House lcavue, of llos-- 1 ton, bas Issued n circular to Ihe clothing mer- chants of tbat city, (iflering to all ilrius whiiie healthful and ' aro made unuer lUinune conditions a ceitlllcate signed by tbo . Piesldent nnd becrvlary of tbe League. Tlin boss stone tuttcis of Nenark, N. J., liMllig rcIUMdl to illiilidge tlielr machine is ex pee led that an extended striked! ttiestonit ludnstry of Newmk will, be tbo consequence. The light will be com- plicated thiougb the lact tbo men whoso dlsmlstal is demanded haio recently Joined tbe Knights of Labor. Urlcklaycrs' Union No. 0 has voted down a proposition to send delegates to tbo llrook-- 1 lyn (K. U.) Ilullillng Trades Coumll uud the , Urooklyu Central Labor lcderatlon. The question Is not to be taken up again unless tne other HrlcklHyers" I nlousnf liroohlyn Jo'n cither of tho two bodies. W. uprcner, P. ' Ptlaiun, W. Felton, p. Mason and ( nartes Kocho were ileutcdtureMso tbe constltutlor. Unions New. too nnd llll. of Philadelphia, bale Miueeded lu keeping a number of Ualtlmoro clg who were to tako tbe places of strikers irnm leaving tbelr Jobs In lialtlmorc where agents bad been sent by the 1'lilladclphln bosses. Delegate: tu the eight-hou- r conference for the May deinouM ration in Urooklyn were elected tbls week by cabtn.'t-Makcr- s' Union No. 1, tho Hat Kirishers' Association, llouse-Palule- Union, Firemen's Union, L'Uar-Make- Union No. 14U, Labor Lceum Asso- ciation. Laborers' Union No. U and Uartcnders' Union No. ll). The new oincers ot the Walters' Humanity Club arc: Paul iliisli, President; Henry Orefke, : M. Decker, 1 rensu it rj 'Charles liebnke, Financial Secretary; C h. hchoenbeig, Ileeordlng uud Coi responding Irsecrrtary; J. Mlbcrcr, Trustca; liriiest Klein, Paul Illdllngmejer, s Ooldleldt. Aud- itors. T be Club bus at present '3 memberi. ' Bartenders' Union No. 10 has elected AI- - tert Klilue, Treasurer: (1. Alick and 11. KaU Itch, Auditors; M. lleid.'lborg and It. 1 borne, 'trustees; Mm Kocrnlg, Delegate to thu Cen- tral Labor Federation; .Messrs. KoTiilg. Kopf and Thome, Delegates to the Joint Local Lxecutlve Uoaiu; Win. Koerntg, Delegate to tbe Klght Hour Cinlerence. Kern's As.embly ltooius nnd I.cluS Astoria Schuetzen Park bave been unl.nlred. 1 bo Workmen's Fire Insuranco Association bad ll,D,"l memoers on April 1. 'I be receipts during ihe Inst tlscal ytnr were 14,74.,l.-.4- , ana (li.OTU.37 were expended.' 'ibe follow- ing onicers were elected last night: tiusiuic Dressier, Manager; 11. Folgncr, Auditor; Charles LudwIg.ltccordlngHrcrelury; Messrs. lrl bel, Kut.ciier, Haulrg, Obergrlosser, Ililmm-:- r and Hleth. hxamlners; Mesirn. Weber, Colltz, Oreicb. ,. Jannnowskl, Waas, Kngel, Olcck, Horn and Mmon, cummlttee on Appeals, ll was decided to tbe Association. The ofltclil organ of tbe Kr.Uhts of Labor advises District Assemblies tu send delegates to tbe coming Intel national Labor congress, lobe held next Fall In Zurich, Switzerland, In order to asilst In restricting " tbo evils of uuwejeoino Immigration to this country," nnd to show tbo Huropcan workmen "that the K. ot L. In the United States are willing to do tbelr share In tho gicat International struggle for emancipation. " At yesterday ovemng's g of tbo New York machlnbiis In Clarendon Hall speeches were mode"by General Mccretorj Morsu and J. Kuline. Mr. Morse said that, be- cause the machinists' trade was poorly or- ganized, their wagos wete hardly liult of what they might bolt they baa a powerful organ- ization; they were not even strong enough to abolish piece work, one nt the worst evils that bad been done away wltb by many other labor unions, similar meetings will beheld every month by tbe machinists In different parts ot tbo city. P. i:. Jensin and Cbarles Fink, of tho Jour- neymen 'tailors' Union of America, havo pro- posed tbat a lt leature bu estab- lished by that organlral Ion, a plan to that effect to bo submitted to tbe membership at large. Amendments to the constitution re- lating to tbo management of tbe general office aro to be submitted by May l. Secre- tary Lennon made an agltatlrn lour through New Jersey and Massachusetts and be reports satlstar.tory results. To organize Button SI 00 Have been appropriated by the General council. Charters were granted to new uulons In Trenton, N. J., and Wllllamsporl, Pa., last mouth. Strikes are In progress at Minneapolis, Minn.; Beaver Falls, Fa.: Ports- mouth and Norfolk, Va. 'ihe receipts In March were llMtuy. The crganlzlng fund contains 11,440.411; strike fund, !!,a3.40; ,total In tbe treasury, 4,'.''5.tl7. Prescribed Without n Diploma. Vlncenzo Llbertlno, ot lUl'Mott street, was to-d- held lu tho Tombs Court In 1,000 for examination on tbe charge of practising medicine without a diploma or licence. ICTOil DOB H1LLIARQ SHOT. His Frtco Poppored by a Gover- nor's Island "Super.'' It All Happened at the ttchenrsul of New I'lny. Acior Hob Milliard Is Mr lcs hindsome tr-d- than bo 'was two ve houisago, at bo lies in bod nt his liuti l-- l West Frrl)-llilr- stieet, with tbo left side of his face i'pperd wltb snull bo:, tho result of an accident last nlgbt. As It adlng man In Atiftiatui PltouV com-pn'i- y. he wus rehearsing the character of Col. Italpli Hiker, l.N A.. ln"Acru3l tbo Poto- mac," r.l tbo TiU'inj-tbli- d street Tlientrc. Ho was lending the forces in im attack upon tho Confcdi-int- Army, when onoottho n "tliluklug part," played by a Mildlcr Hum (lOicinor's Island, blazed nwny at him, leielllng lilin to tbe floor and rerais- ing thu I'nIO'i Ar.nj moit etTeutuiilly. Aclor llllllard's associates assisted btm to Ms feet nnd hurried him In a cab to Dr. Ktilghl'h bouse, 'JO West Thlrly-flrs- l sticut, where social hours were spent In picking tbe molecules of powder Iroui Ills face. Mr. Illlllnru was then taken tu bis borne, and when an KmMno woiii.d reporter saw lilm till morning bis head and I see. were com- plete! bandaged, and be Was surTerlug great JMitn. It was all due," ho snld, "to the 'super' who wus pla lug line of the Confederate sol- - dlers. instead u( tiling over my head as bo was ordered to, be let It go lull lu my lace, aud this Is tho result." llouniolled the bandages and exposed tho leltMJoof bis luce which was dolled with .little pin beal black mark'. The left cyo was Uully lonlilsed nnd bloodshot but bis sight baJ been miraculously pre r rd. "The poor sillier' wasn't really tn blame," tho actor continued, "and be lelt alums', ns bad nil do. but not uulte, though. Wo all thought that having icgulur army soldiers there would bu no danger in tbelr bundling of tbu guns, but Hi tius esse tho soldier snanped hlgmi once at tne nnd It failed to cxpb ae. He then reloaded It and that time It went, off wltb a tenjteaurc. " I Intend, however, tu ploy the part next Monday H I nm not foreed to dlsgu',.o mysu.t tooborrllnv, and shall play It even wltb au ." PARKHURST TRIAL DAYS. Throo of tho Clergyman's Crises to Como Up Next Week. Another of Dr. Parkburst's cases will come up for trlat Monday, when dispossess pro- ceedings against Hapbael Israel, the occu- pant of tbo bouso 114 West Thlrlj-nr- st street, will bo held In tho Eighth District Civil Court. Dr. Parkhurat'a companion, "Sunbeam" Krvlng, and Agent Gardner will testify as to what they saw going on, at tbo tlmool tnclr visit to I be house. Then on Tuesday tbe case of Marie Andrea, Indicted loi keeping a disorderly bouse at 4'J Wost Fourth stieet, will Us tried In Part 111. ourl of General fcesslon- - Dr. Parkbtirst will co a witness and Assistant District-Attorne- y Mcluttro sas tbo evidence will bo more rcvultlug than tbat taken In liuttlo Adams's recent trial. When asked to dehcrlLo what took place In the Andrea bouse. Dr. Parkhur.-- t yesterday sal l to an Kvesimi Woni.u lepcrter: It Is a French house : that seems to cover It all." Ihe suit to eject nattle Adams fiom the premises ll.T East Twenty-sevrnl- n street, in wblcb the evidence Is expected to be a repeti- tion of that oncied in the trial to eject ber Irnm No. ill, will be tried Wednesday, by agreement oi counsel, in tbe lUghtb Dlsttlct civil court. SMALL-PO- X OUTBREAK EAIN. Five Oases Found by the Health Offioiah To-Da- y. Another due of Typhus Fever Conies to Unlit Also. Ihe Health Depsrtment was notified this that nf Ireih cases of small-po- x nuliicasool typhus fever bad been dls.'ov-er- e J. Tho pntlenl suffering from typhus fever was I'criiis Casey, thl.-t- ). our years old. of 110 tlanseviiort street, Mho Ha'ked Into lleltevuo Hospital the win r day and said he was sick. The doctors, IblnUng he was suffering from nlcuholl'm, placed him in tbe alcoholic ward, uhern u number ut otbtr alleged drunken men had been placed. Ibis morning, bowel cr, tho doctors visited i the man u;nln and found that bo was suffer- ing from typhus Icier. Ho was removed to Nt rlh Unit her Itland. The victims of stn.ill.nnx are : Wnglopp Vtlenier, thlrtj-rln- e years old, of nt)7 East Omi llundre.i and ITrst street. ' caliln Douglas, three Jears old.of 1471 Flnt avenue. I John Zurko, one year old, ot Mil Htanton street. Heckle Asber, eight years old, of 13 Poyer street. Unknown married woman, tncnty-fou- r Jems old, ot 17 West Ninety-nint- h street, Mbo, It li claimed, Is the wife of a newspaper reporter. The Isst named contracted the dlseaco while vlst.Ing a wedding at the house ot ber dressmaker, who lives In Brooklyn. a, 'dr. holcombe makes terms. HIb Wire Finds i Im and a.'rs. Wylle Tot other on a Btcnmehlp. News of tho arrival In Han Francisco of Dr. Almcron J. Holcombo and Mrs. P. A. Wylle, tbe eloping Jersey O'y couple, was received tbls morning. I Colli were well known In Jersey city so- ciety, and wheu they ran nway together, about six neeks ago, tbo ntlair created a n. Mrs. Wyllo Is tho wltoof T. A. Wylle, of the Urccnwuod Lakolcc corn-pa- n ) if Now Jersei.and lived with ber nus-b.i- and twctve-yenr-ol- d son In tbu Myra llenrv nats In I'nvunla avenne. boon alter she and lir. Holcombe went away word was lecelved that a party answering to tbe description of the couple bad arrived I at Panama, and bail taken the steamer to Sun Trnnclsco. Mrc. Holcombe started overland l for han hranclsco, nberu sho arrived several days ago, and was ou tbe dock when tbe steamer arrived. When Dr. Holcombe found that bU wife . was bent up'.n making lilm disgorge some of bis property bo ore'ied negotiations with ber llimugb her counsel. Ho agreed to turn over to bis wife nartot his real estate In Jirey city and Minneapolis on condition that she should not prosoiutu hlra. This proposition was accepted by Mir Ilclcombe, and papers wore signed last nlgbt to tbls effect. AMONG THE WHEELMZN. Th Montana: Wheelmen will ba represented by Me.are. Klllnihain. Kllm-k- , Ceeler, Pitcher, I.vnch, Hlti aad Cllrard In taa race uieeLa durlnc Ibe Hummer. A rlub run I) tbe Manhattan Bloele Club will be held Co'tnorrow, Lane la'aud Whralmen are etill looklnr for a eultable aita for their new Tne Bedford Wheelmen are maklOK an eitra enoit tolncreaae their memUrihlp. A very enrceaaf nl olnb run waa that of tbe Lrasi Wheelmen laat nlcht. The IltTermde Wheelmen are preparing for their race uu eta to be held tbu Bnromer.

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H "A Child of Fortune" to Be

m Seen at the Oasino.

B Bernhardt In "Leah" at the Sletro-- K

polttHti Opern-IIom- o.

B Carl Mtllocckor'n new comic opera, " DasB BonntnBsklnd," under too lltlo of " Child ot

jBB Fortune," will liavo Us tint metropolitanIVaV production Monday iilgut at toe Casino. TnoHBBm opera Is in, v.blcu will teof tbeHjBBJ UBUal elaborato Casino stjle. The action

AaTaf v takes place In Bcotland, and this will affordBBH , opportunities tor sumo very odd costumes.BBBj Tho opera w ill bo Inlcrpretel by Lily I'ost,BBBj Annlo itejers, Jennla lloliTartu, Clara

H, Coudray, Nina F.trrlnjton, Cbtrles dassott,, William l'ruclte. Ucnrl Harry Mac- -

BBH Boiiougu and Jefferson de Angoll j, who w 111 bo

IPPB tbe " child of fortune."IBBBj Jliue. Uarali Bernhardt wilt appear for thelH first tluio In tbla city Tuesday nlgbt at tbeIBBBJ Metropolitan Opera. lluuso In " Leah." Tho '

HH French version of this famous German playDBBi bas been mado by Albert Darmont, Sarah'sHBBj leading man and author ot tbe play "PaulineBBBl Waiictiard." livrnhardt mil repeat "Leah"BBM Wednesday nlgbt. Thursday night she willBBB play lor tbo benefit of tbu Actoiv Fund, andBBl Friday sbo will innkii ber last appearance inBBB New York tL" seasun. licrnbardt is said to

BB Oo very strong work in " Leah."' Her Inter- -BB prelation w 111 ce w atched with much interest.

BBB "Across the Potomac." a uur drama byBBB Edwsrd AI. Altrlcnd and Augustm I'ltou, will

be ecca for thu first time .Monday nlgut atBBB! Proctor's Twenty-tblr- d street Theatre. TboBBB' Plorl In nvo acts and eight scenes. TbeBBB ca8t wul Include ltobcrt tlllllard, J. o. LoBBl Brasse, Eugene Kberle, .Mason Mitchell, Will- -

f lam Harccurt, Lorliuer Stoddard, manesf Kevins, Ad Weaver, Mark I rice, Malcolm

BBl Bradley, J. II. llatiny, John llopUns, W. I).I conyers, Harry llynes, Henrietta Lander.

BBl IMen Tracy, Lbarlntte Tlllelt, Urace tlayler,.BH Alice Fisher, Cecil Wallace and May Winter.

Polly Middles," a cotnlo opera foundedBH upon u libretto by Archibald Clavcrlng (lun- -PBW tor, author ot .Mr. llarnes of New York."'BBl nlll bo sung at tbo Fourteenth btreet Thca- -BB tre Monday nlgbt, with Miss Annlo PUley us

'IBM tbe star. Tbe muslcot " Polly Middles" bas'Ifa been composed by W. W, Lowltz, and Big.

BI Tomasl will direct the cbjrus. In tbe com- -' H pany will bo William P. tlulOeroo, Ueorge cj BI llonlloce, Charles .). Campbell, Charles Altl- -I' Bj son. Air. C. Wbeelan, Miss Uolanlle Wallace,

fl.ii Miss Hosa Cook, Miss Mamie Carey and Missi BI May Lev luge.

i. "Husband and Wife" will havo Us firsti j BJ Amerlcun performance at tlioiisr-I'l- l

'.en, and It will remain at tin- - bouse lor B

eral wees. Miss Cora Tanner will bo tbestar of the company, which has has been ery

1 JB carefully selected by MauagersT. Henry(B French and William K. Mnn. The play winA.lfl be produced under tbo direction of ltlchard1 jtS Datker. "Ilusjb.inj and WLe" will be uip-- w

! FVI cened by a one-a- piay entitled " Hearts. 'I "wk At '1 ony Pastor's Theatre next week tbe

rJ attractions will be Harry Kemoll, Lydla Yea-- ltnuns, Adams, Casey and Howard, Capllolav Forrest, Nelly Magulre, tbu "coster girl;"

II Imra Fox. tbo conjurer; Joslo Oregory, Urlf--tin and Marks, George K. Austin: itotert

I Wlnstanley and Joe SVest lu a "musical anadancing comedy act." and Kurtz, tbo juggler.

I Wllltaui ll. crane will play Tho AmericanMinister " until tbe end ut his engagement at

1 Ihe Star Theatre next mjutb. Tiie play hasill proved entertaining, nnd the subject, whichIs nut ottcn dealt with on tbe stage, seems toInterest tbo public. Tbe third act Is exceed-ingly good, and It always appeals verystrongly to tbe audience.

"Mr. Wilkinson's Widows," tho clevercomedy that New Yorkers have nlready lu--

i dorsed, will bj revived Monday night atv i , Herrmann's 1 beatre, where " Ulorlaua " will

fw i! bo withdrawn alter ierlormance.(f i Wilton Lacknye wUl appear as Mr. Peri lu,II I the disturbed and excited young busbaud,II I wnose dirucultles form tuo tbemo or ifi Wilkinson's Wldons."I Tbe Lost Paradlso " will be played atK Uammersteln's Harlem opera-llous- o nextII W week. Tbe oast will Include William Morris,I ' I Frank Mordaunt, Leslie Allen, Cyril Scott,n , Orrln Johnson, John C. Ilucxstone. Emmet' corrlgan, Thomas oberle, Henry Talbot, Miss

I 'V Byduey .Armstrong. Miss utlette Tyler. MissI ' Kua Hawkins and tbu Misses Annie and

Maud Adams.I I "Tbo Lion Tamer" has but threo weeks

. longer to run at tbe Broadway Ibeiiro. onI , Saturday, April 'J:i. oni or the largest theatreI parties or tbo season villi see the poitorm--I ance. This party will consist of two hundred

--f'. members or tbo Manhattan Athletic club.I Alter leaving tbe Broadway Theatre Wlbonr and bis entire company will go to ban Fran-

cisco."Merry Gotham" will remain at tho

Tbeatn. until April S3, when tbe laitlcriormanco will bu given. It bas success-fully run through ibo Lenten season, to thesurprise even of Manager Daniel Frohman." Merry Gotham " will bo succeeded by " ThoGray Mare," u comedy by Goorgo lu Slmmsand Cecil Halelgn.

Tho new entertainment ut, tho Eden Museoseems to have cau?ht the public fancy. Pow-ell's feats of legerdemain aro extremely

and thu funtastlo work of Majlltonhas been very well received. Tbe HuagarlanBand gives the usual concerts twice day,and tbe music Interpreted by these artists Is

! always well selected.Evans and Hoey will be tbo stars at tbe

People's Theatre next week, and U Is per-na-

needless to say tbat they will presenttbe perennial farce, known as " A Parlor.Match." The cast will be a good one, beadedby tbe clever little soubrette, Minnie French.Tbe sluers Levey aud a new quartet of maleTolccs will be features of tbe performance.

Lent bas not mado tbe least difference tobusiness ut tbe Madison Snuaro Theatre,where a "Trip to Chinatown" still prevails,In all Its glory. Two new vers cs, written byCharles 11. iloyt, will be added next week totbe song Harry Conor sings about bis experi-ences "On the Bowel y.'r Hoyt's farce basastonished everybody including Iloyt him- -belt.

At tbe Columbus Theatre, Harlem, SteeleI i Mackaye's sensational play J " Money Mad,"I will be next week's attraction. It will ber presented wltb all tbo original mechanicall)t effects. Including the famous drawbridge laA. Chicago. Tbe cast will be a good one. Tbe

AV leading lady will bo Miss Emily ltlgl, an ac--f tress wbo has mado a bit In " Money Mad's "

leading role.xi Fiederlck Paulding will appear In "Ther Struggle of Life" at tho Windsor Theatre

I' 1 Monday. He will be supported by AdelaideClara Baker ltust, Llllle Sinclair,

Kdwla Varrey, Guy Ltndstey, Kills RtsnFrank M. Kendrlck, Waiter Stuart, MasterCharles Thropp, William Bentley, K.and Tbomas Maguiro.

Miss Fanny lllcu will present ber farce, ' AJolly surprise," at tbe lillou Theatre nextweek. Tho piece bas already been seen attho Harlem Opera-Hom- Miss ltlco willbave n good company, Including John W.llansome, Mrs. sol smith, .Miss Kva Turnor.Miss Chamberlain, Charles Uradsbaw andLawlor and Thornton.

" McCarthy's Mishaps." an athleticwill be piny 1. 1 at II. It. Jacobs' Thea-

tre next week. 'Ibo lompany will bo partic-ularly good. Among tho peoplo announced toappear are Barney Ferguson, "BUIle" car-ton, George Crunp. Charles Stanly, Jamescalliban, George Gates Gertrude Fort, CarrieUohrand Hertba Weslbrnok.

"Col. Carter of Cartemv.l'e" Is still to beseen at Palmers Theatre, where tbe admir-able won; of E. M. lloiltnd, as tbu chivalrousold southern colonel, stands out auiplclously.Mr. Holland bos never donu Letter work thanthis lino chancier sketch of col. Carier.Cbarles L. Harris has tnadu a distinct bit.

carraenclta bns made a bit In ber newPpanHli darcc, " L.i 'lota," at Hosier Dial'sConcert Hall, nn1 hlio will continue to pre-sent It during tbscoimn? week. Tbo TimJe-v- l

lo pruxrammti v,lll liiciiule Harry Kennedy,the tpniiliuiiiulst : Culn and Lorreno, bur-lesi-

trapeze performers, and Gogyer andUoihhrlp.

"Jilnuiy" I'owor.i nobody would think otcalling him Jatuos T. 1'uweri will Ugln u

eik'n engagement at tbo Grand upera-ilou-oMonday in" A straight Tip," a

that nicaks very vociferously lor it-

self. Ho win bo aupuorU'Ci by tbo same com-pany tbnt has before been seen In this city,

nlgbt P. S. Ullmoru aud bis baudwillglvoa concert- -

" spook," llarnard's play, will be contlnuodat tbe Union squire Theatre during tbo coin-ing week. The play has been allorcd. Itsthird act being removed.' It will certainlynot sutler fiout Ibis removal, for the third actwus tbo worst. "Holly Tree Inn," whichprecedes " Spooks," Is exceedingly pretty.

T hut very excellent fun e, " Incog," remainsat the standard '1 beatre, but It Is coming toIboeudof Us New York run. Tbe piece liasmade a success, an It certainly doervert to do,for It Is bright, well wrltn-- and thoroughlyamublng. It, is now preceded by a curtain-raise- r

called "Book III., Chap. .," In whichCharles Dickson appears, 'l here will b anentertainment at this house nlgbt.

Charles T. K1IH, a German dialect comedian,will appear next week ut the New Parle Thea-tre In an " unpretentious comedy " by HerbertHall Wlnslow, entitled " Undo Caspar." Itwas written expressly lor Mr. Ellis, who willsing n number ot nuw songi. Tbe play is nota It will remain at the Parkfor two weeks.

" Kellly and tbo Four Hundred " will be re-vived nt llarrlgan's Tbeatro next week, andtheatre-goer- s will undoubtedly bo glad tobear this. Harrtgan bas never had so ex-

uberant a success as " Kellly," and, althoughIt bas enjoyed a very long run In tills city, Itbtlll has vitality. The " tough girl " and"Magglo Murphy's Heme " arc always wel-come.

At Daly's Theatre "The Foresters" Is stillI lie attractlon.and it fills tho.tbeatre at everyperformance, 'i bo season at this bouso endsApril --':. owing o contracts which have beenmado for a very long time. "1 he Foi esters "could run successfully lor months to come.Tbo production Is one ot the most artisticthat this city has seen and tbat means agi cat deal.

A ben-jil- t to Gus. Phillips, otherwise knownas "Ootty Gooft," will take place at the Union

Theatro nlgbt- - Amongthose to appear arc Jennie Yeamans, llarrrKernel), Lydla Yeamans, F. G. '1 ltus, DutchDalr, Uoorgn MurpUy, Frank McNlsb, Conroyand Fox. WUllnui Jerome aud Gus. Utuns.

Tho coming week will bo the last otItanium's circus lu this city tor tho presentseasun. o.i April an tbe gigantic show willopen In Brooklyn. Tbe huge Madison SquareGarden nas been crowded during tbo pastweek, nlthough nearly all the theatres bavebeen complinlnot bad business. Barnum'scircus comes, H seen and conquers.

A six days' blcvcle race,wltb five young women as tho contestants,will begin at llubcr's Palace Musi-ur- Mondayntternooa. The girls will represent America,France, Germany, England and Ireland. Tbdistance they travel will be accurately re-corded by means ot electric dials. Alblnland his company will be seen In tbe tbeatro.

Fanny Herring will appear In " Denver Danand Ills Hand of Dead Shots " In Theatre No.1 of Doris's Musum next week; in TheatreNo. a Bradley and Shaw's Vaudeville com-pany will be seen, and In Theatre No. n Hen-sha-

and Hager's Comedy Company will boldthe stag. In tbo curl) bolls will be Jo-J- o,

Unrlc, Wilson and Sol stone.The Henry Hurle&quo company will begin

tbe second week of Its engagement at Nlblo'sMonday night- - Jim Hall and Joe Choynsklwill again appear, and Ncwmayer, tbe n

amateur, will be seen. Muldoon a flvuchampions v, 111 meet all comers at every per-formance.

The repertoire at tho Araberg Theatro nextweek will be as follows: Monday, "Dielltmmeisleltcr ;" Tuesday, " Der Mllllonen-bnu- er

;" Wednesday, " Hosenmueller andITnke :" Thursday, roor Jonathan ;" Fri-day, "Die llezaehmte Scbwlegermutter," andSaturday, for tbe first time, " Gewagteillttel."

Sennj will remain at Worth's Museum dur-ing the coming week. An amusing feature otthe entertainment there win be tbe doughnutconvention, In which twenty girls will takepart. Nayo, the Guatemalan ballet dancer;Big. Mutty and bis educated monkey and astage performance will be otber attractions.

From Chaos to Man, or the Seven Ages ofOur World," explained by Garret P. Servlssat Muslo Hall, contlnuos considera-ble attention. Tbo entertainment is an ex-cellent one. It U not only Instructive butamusing. Thef scenic effects arc very elab-orate, and well worth more than one In-spection. '


; FOB A '

DISORDERED LIVERTiiktin ai dlncUd th famous Pillt M

i nrova marratious rtoratlvaatoiiaftldof tha abort or kiodrad diaaaact.

25 Cents a Box.batjaneralW rcopn!red In England and, In

(fact throughout tha world to b "worth aicnlnna a bti." for tha reaaon that theyi WI.L, OUUi: a wide runy ufcora.!plInttand that they hara aarad to raaoy' nuffurera not rotralr ono but many galutaa, lodoctors' bills.Covered with a Tasteless & Soluble Coating.


0t all dru?l8t0. Frlc 2A centBcbus


All laadlngauiulard raakaa. Old whaala tftkanIn etching. Catalogut. Hat of aeondhandwhaala and aaay tarma tu parmant mailad tr.Ujabton and PneamatH tlrei appliad to old whaalaat niodarata coat, Malta, 7.00 to 15,00:rpa. Too. tul.60: long atocslnga, 38c. Journal fraa, PECK. Jfc SNYDKK,U'U,auNI.N.l.

stop payimi nouni.i: pkicim.Try ' Cl.ovi.n Ll ar" California Wlnea. equal to

baat Imported. Alldattara. Agancj, VI Jludaou at.

When Baby was sick, we cave her Cattorta,When she was a Child, she cried for Cautorla.When she became Miss, she clung to Cattorta.When she had Children, she faro them Caslotia.


Ar warranted aiparlor to say others, or no par.For Ih. cur. of I)ISTMPKR, WORMS. BOTH.


Price US ceajla.Bold bj all Druif lata and Saddler.



UlflriTIIIO 31VHHVX, Oth Are. andnlln I H N 30"' " f'" " ' v.IIUII I II U AitmtuUnn IOre.,1,.NAYO, Guatemala's Famous Ballet Danes..

Hourly in i kc PprforsnaiiCM.CASINO, BROADWAY AND 30T1I ST.

, No PerforrnD- - Tentfbl.CX)MMK!U'l.NO NKXT UOffDAY NHIHT.


Th Fsrowell of tb QrsVttt German 81 a r,

AJJKLE SANDKOGK,i n "Tin: t i:i)dini at vai.k.m."

A.MUERO THEATHK-Matloa- aat 'i o'oloek andevanmr at 8. 15, Tboiua In "IMo llimmal,.

letter. " Mcndar (laal tlue),l'DI UlmneUlelMr."


.,'i,F;MW"!A.-:T,,- K .hunt muRit.rOODl delicloue; cookeln one mlnale. !cental allcroeara Ilea th rood Co., CI oihara.Harry1 Trlreiibernne. the ontr preparationto be diended on to cleanae and praaerre tne hair.



at s. at 8. at 8.FALLS OF NIAGAEA.

HOthHt. and 4th AtA Banl of Urpaiaa from hpplof Forrat, haadad

bv tha Quatn of tlia Triba, will area ratal foracattth lutura, fraa of cbarga, for a tary ladj TliltlacMAOAKA.

OK yUOARAi-t-h tt. and 4th ava.

TONY PASTOR'S. B.KSi.'A'.Rv- -.1TONV I'ArtlOK'U Ureal Show.nnllpi.K Udla Teaman.. Deo. Murphr,

11(1.1. IWm. Jerome, Mirer Hall Oiiar- -Itat, Frank McNIab, Llllle We.l--lern and othere tn big ehow.


"Tllh LAMT Of TIIK 1I0UANH."Wadneadar. I Matlneaa. Nalurdaj.

Mondajr, April IB. "HHILI.Y ASP Tilt: .00."DALY'S'THEATRE. Era"rr Night at 8.16?

Tannraon'a Oomadir,TIIK F.illK-TKlt- ri.

Mualo by 8ulllan, Ul Italian, Mr. Drew, Ac.Matina.a Wadoe.dajr and Hatnrday at tl.

rBi?s;oM1;,.Mond'j.lS.Eaater ProdaetionLuUltlJal UUJIaACROSS THE POTOMAC.STAR THEATRE.gMAT.'J:

W.VI. II. ciiam: la


Keenlniealb.lS. Matlnea


HERRMANN.Kelt Week- - EVANS t HUl;V.

"rMautir Merry Botham.


Some Rcmarkabb Assertions Madeto a Reporter.

Con A rui nl Inn of rMlmllnr mtntrmcntBWlilcli Ila.o I'rrwlonaly Ilrru

Publlahed.Tba Intareat, not to i7 axcttament, which tha

pob'leition of ratlala tDterflaeva have canned loHaw York li real. rtmarliabiA. It It rany to makelUtt manU concrrjlnc people nhu may rr&lde at adlstaoo, bnt those it ho are here In our ml Jit and

hoe worde are beyond uuettion carry power ofconviction

The fo.ljnlDd atatemc nta can be Implicitly railed'upon)

At .No. CfiU'eit l?7th ttreet I a larite, richlyappointed rehKeuce In a charming nelthburhood.ltaoccjpant U Mrs. W. II. Mllie, wife of a promi-nent capitatNt, now ratlra I from acttro bmlnem,lu an Inlervieif with her ha mada thetullowlnsrrroirkable r.tatexnsr.t "It ts norr lc years klnceour eon, J. Nohyn Wlllii, v attarka with kidney dUurdern Uls eullerlnffi weie the mit In-

tense tmafflnable. Wo tecured the krrtL-e- j andconstant attendance cf the mod iktlled pb)lclantIn the city. Their treatment tailed tuioruuchuatletlate hli pata, hntlly they announced to utheir Inability to i fleet a cuie. In the Kammrr wetook htm to a n renrt, hnplnc to ttnd acurr. Au old frUnd advhed the uae of a remedywhloh hn had need ierionally with Ihe moit gratl- -fjlni retntti. WeimJIt for the thild. and fromthe f rat doe ha Improved, and tho Ircatment waicontinued forayaftf. Today ho It well and strongand li attending echool All thli li due to the ..teof that wonder. ut remedy Warncr'a ISafe Cure.We never fail to a Jvtte It uae and are pleased tohave the opportunity of thue publicly testifying toita merit."

".My mother. Mra. 8. A. Vanderbllt, fa it ill allreand well," aald Mra. It. it McMurrey, of St. raul'aavenue, Htaten Island, "and owaa her good healthto the uae of a welM,uowu remedy.

' 1 alto know from expertem what can bo gainedtrora ita uno," continued Mm. Me M array, "fur Ihad a eevere at'aok of alcknrat laat Winter andfound that thia remedy wae tha only thing thatwould cure tt. It made me feel like a new pereon.Toany one aaSerlng from dlaordera of thekiineyaor liver I would heartily reoommand tha tee of

arner't tafs Cure, for It baa dooe ao much fcrma I aeak Irum lojg experience and from

Tho next call waa on Mrs. L. C. Brlgca. at No.301 103th atrect. She sail: " AbJita year anda half ago I had whet the doctor pronounced tobe gall atonee I suffered great agony and thapbyatclana failed to relieve tne. At tbe tame timeI loat much tleeh and grew weak. 1 had oft an readof a medtalnt which wai claimed to be a cure forthat dltraw, and revolved to try It I used eightbottles of it and have been a we't woman since.That remedy is Warner's Safe Cure, and oferywoman should uee It

Anlntereatlne eiperlenrn waa re'ataS by Mra.Keafie, of Wo. 145 Kant Llghtyaeoond street. "Iwasdaily placed under a atean apparatus," ehasaid, for live hour at a time. This win fiveyean ago, while ill withaggravatnd kidney diieate.heveral phytielans attendel ma aoduaed all knownmethod a to cauaa me to per pi re. I had beard

about a remedy that bad beau recom-mended to me and finally began to una It. Itreally worked wondcra tn my case and I would notbe without It for auv monay. Personally, Iffeeltbat I owe it to humanity to publicly mention thatit la to Wamer'e bate Cure tbat I owe my recov-ery."

Id apeaklng of hi wife. Mr. Albert O. Eave. ofKo. 63 Kait Twelfth atraat, aaldi "Some threeyear ago aha waa pronounced at tha point of deathfrom nraemla by attendant physician. Her detthwa predicted within a few hours, aa, she wa suffer-ing from poerpural convnlaions. She took War-

ner's Safe Care and la a well woman"My aieter wa a Clio ted exactly as was my wife,"

continued Mr. Eaves, "and under my advice usedtha Safe Cure and recovered. I consider tha caeeof my wife a moetmarveloua rnreaod am amlouaand willing tbat the credit aboold be given to theSafe Cure.

Ttaeaa oalapoaen aasertlons are beyond qnettlonand prova tba power of thlj great remedy which ladeservedly to popular.



Matinee Kihibitioneeenie ae Kreatnce, bat not aorruwdeJ.


With alt IU very wonderful attraction aniImra Klralfy'a

Colnmbna and the DtecoTeryof AmericaP. T. Barnuma&dJ. A. Ualley, equal owner.

Admlaalon to everyttiina,t BO cent. Reservedsetts. $1, Private boxes, 413. Hlngte box aeats,

i. Children under 10, half price. Box ofhoe openlor aale of advance aeata from 9 to 4 daily.

lelTII HTnKOTnEATKENEAlTflT7rXvaThis Week Unlv, Mat. Wed. and Sat..LYDIA tHOMPSON

In a triple DAN, A RAD PENNF.A BIlOP.

Neat aler In Archibald ClaeerlntOucter'a lapU.Uo Operetta. I'ullr MlJdlua.

BDBN Mt'KEE. 93d at., near Broadwaj.HPKCfAl. MATINEETSe In.tantanoa buec.aa of



KUQU THCATRE. R'WAY. NKAK JOTH ST.Nlfhta. B.lSl MatlDMaWed. aoj Sal.


Next Weak Fanny Rloe A Jolly Surprise.

NIBLO'S. Wii&'m. T.


JI.VI HAM.. JOE CIIOYINXKY.Bpaetal Prue Me.lal. ani Puree, to All Oomere. fcr,. 8.15. Sat. Mat.




et. and Aui.t.rdam ave. Plcnlo Ground t

KlBe Raogea. J. UUTERDINU.

tMUSEMztUl. iTj flHUBER S Museum flWeek April 19, ISTgRXATlONAL COKTHT )j affBBJ

LADY BICYGUSTS, America, KnalanJ, Ireland, Oar lAJftlmany, h ranee. Kxucrt and beautltil rlier. flpM ftxaaBaVrrcordeJ by eltotiitlty. Kxcttlng races and (aai '!LH

!5Vl:it1IA,,Ti,.:.,.'3!;iS MOHAMMED I' JHWonilere, with lll- -

NIHVVAIIIIE.N', 'knor..ha3tmal.r-ltiellena.- ' CJaSHQuebo. walknonraior.: Itt.KRMANN, th etroae .aiJBXlmaiii l.avlnl.n ami Zarnea, aenallet.l Suaura, XIHZulu chlrt, W'lilte t:aile UIU. acout! Capt. D v'BXajtioarcer, tattooed i Kaffir Ji wtlk.o i bot troaatProf. Krler, ON TIIK STAKE TH !AHtreat A I.J11N I. Kltiw of KarJi. Trerelll Trta,' illBBJVVooJa. Travellb Sletere. llrooaa ana Urn iViflSBHWitt, "Chlne.e" csmeiilen, Kd Ilojere, LsalM 'WMIleautl., Ham Archer. Clara 11.11. 'Vaall4tiTst7Music Half and Alharabra Cttrt, :S

13 and 13C Laat Uta at. -- jHORCHESTRION. JI'lny I'.rrrii AftrriwoH and Ettnittf, H

GRAND OPKRA-IIOUS- F liiillReaerred aeata. Orchestra Clrole and Oaloonr, Maa jl'BJUOSKCOdltLAN. lsH

"aaTsiwEifir wjbb?will cotriMTii UlhCMMA

rqu Tiient.AMCEorTnKYrEEK. HNeitWrek-.- !. r. I'ow.Min " A Tip." IHelNEXT SUNDAY! 0&8&Vc3F


Ea.ter Rttndar nijrllt. Anrtl 17. .rlURAND HACKED CONCKRT. ").BHHo.t of talent rrlll appear. WafSH of "TsNHTheatrical Mecbanietl A.fxiatlon Lodze He. ML .iiHI

In atil ot 1

THE RELIEF FUND. fMGARDEN THEATRE. SJST ."L.aeo and Manaxer Mr. T. H.' FBKMok X VHm ,m Cora Tanner, ;41MIU lUllill. HUSBAND AND WFL M

land one-a- pla?r 1IBABT8. (Q


tlltAND ;fl.matim:ij. 'SH

WtERItMANNM-"-'nlne,8.1- B. Mti.ret.,3.ta," 'ABVLA8T TIMK 9JMr. CharleaFrohmiu'a Brilliant Onrnedr IIHt

"rred'L.r..- - OLORIANA! flMon.. April Mr. VTIIalnaoD'aVrid . i3HGOLUMfirJrj TIIKATRE. MaU Wad. and 8aV, J$tThe areat Hpectacnlar Melodrama, t



PALMER Sj ftenlnVN.'lV 8at. Mar?stL llHURKAT HUCOEHS of the New AMERICAN PLAT, 'i'PBOolonel Carter of 0arter8villee JlBROADWAY THEATRE. Oor. ilstav, ,..V3MKienlnaaats. Raturdar Mstlm, at V'VaHl'UANO'13 WILSON LAST I THE ..HAND COMPANY. I M0NT1L I TAMKK. ''SSBJACOB BLANK'SWinter Harden. 1U0 3d a.e., betweaa Uthu4 JtSBllltb at.. Uraid eoncrtrt erery eeenifur at T.St.MAIIhL HART. Till! RKFINaD HKlUO-OOill-

BTANnARDTltnATRE. 'bSCHARLFH landUeo. W.Lederera 11(0(10 fHllPrJded tj "Book Hi., Chap. 1," Mr. DtekMf VHaa Howard Leelie UBI

3KOYT'HMadl.on Rg. Theatre. 24th at. B'wsr.' f.'WHilOYT THOMAS. Manaiera. Ere. S.SOlHat. S. 'i'WK


Larce hall for ball, conoeru, lector, meatlasa naHAe. alio lejantnewlo!geanii meeting roooaaf leaV V'Isbbbbbb!

OHCQXL'fN AMUSEUENTS. iHSelect Orcheatra and Balcon Beau, SO Mats. ' '9BSiik htii.i, Ai.Ait.51.

Introauclna UTrl.KTUEabAY. WiMKelt Week-N- at Soodnln la THE WOMmgat i;'




.1 What Came of JacJc's Desire to Try aIf 1 Neio Profession.


't J Born in tbe profession, Jnik Flenlitlut( bad rougbed it in tbe provinces for years

before olnc to London, aud there wasuotatrickof tbe stage, move on I be

I ' tbeatrical boards, or a part from Mamlet' down wltb which be was not thoroughly

I familiar.He bad versatility, too, and could both

N.M sine uud dance as well as bo could act,f He bud made good progress in his pro- -

j T , fesiion, and was then at one of tbe'! ' Btrnnd houses receiving a Bnlary of 3 per

II 'reck- -

. To those wbo imagine actors' salariesI

, ' reach fabulous sums this wll not appear' princely income, but I cau assure them

'Y that the actor who can commaud eighti pounds n week-n- ot unusually magnified

f tocigbteeii "for professional purposes"i must havo climbed a very long way up

from the bottom of the ladder,J llut Jack was like Oliver he wanted

' more," and belie riuc it was unobtain- -able in his own profouiou, turned to the

I variety ttage to stek It. W'lih tbis objectin view he betook bimtelf one tiaturdny

J I morning to a certain mnio hall where



(bey held day shows and interviewed theworthy manager thereof.

Into the managerial ear bo poured Msplnus, aud when he couoluded Ibo man-agerial mouth opened nud tbo managerialvoice said: ,

"You actors seldom mnko much of ftfist of our biz: you'ro not used to work,hitr siugle-baude- Hut if you roallywant to have a shy nt the came f can giveyou n show nuy Saturday morning nextmouth, and will try to look in whilo youaro on. "

This was not nt nil wlint Jack vtauted,nnd he toll the manager ho bad beeu ntgroat troublo aud expense m setting souiosuitable souim written aud eccentrio"cet-ups- " made, and fult sura his showwould catch ou, but be wasn't coiup totrot it out to a parcel of 'deadheads1' ata day how.

'I he ruauagor shook bis Lead."It's not the 'show.' laddie, that 1

care it hang about, itdou't matter lo meit it ain't up to tealemes; it's whetheryour unme is cood enouch to draw that'sall I've cot to ihtnk about. When youran drnw a hundred quid u week you caucommand it, and all tbe best balls arebouud to bave you."

Homo cue railing the manager owav ntIbis moment Jack was left to bis ownreflections, and these not being of a 7erypleasing ualure he turned and left the


hall." I'll not give up without a jolly goodtry," said Jack to himself. "Perhaps,alter all, the managers are not the bestpeoplo to go to. I'll have a shot at tbeagents aud see what they've cot to say forthemselves."

He mado the best of his way to Water-loo JJrid&o, but hardly bod be set footupon It before a voice at his elbow ex-

claimed:" Oh ! Mr. Fleshtint, how fast you'rewalking."

He turned in surprise, anil recognizedin the sneaker pretty Pet Partridge, asprightly little scrio who bad been en--lazed with' htm iu'a burlesque that ran afinndred nights at a Wett-u- d theatie.

The usual greetings over, he inquiredwhere she was going.

"To the agent's," replied Pot."And so am I," said Jack. Bhe stood

still for a moment and looked at bim." You're coming into our biz, Mr. Flesh-tin- t,

are you?""Indeed I am. Miss Partridge," he

answered; "that is, if I cau get an en.gacement."

"Aud do vou Ihtnk you'll like it?"" 1 don't kuow yet Candidly, I don'tcar it's the money that lures me."" Hut what about your 'Art?' wltb a'big 'A.'"

"All Humbug-w- itb a big 'H."" Which W the agents are you goingto?"

' ' I have not decided ; I was going torumple tbem all round."" Oh I then come with me to mine Mr.Sbopall line's roally genuine and a capitalbusiness man," Jack tbauked ber forber advice, aud together they enteredthat worthy man's office.

Tliev found Mr, Hhopall a stout, dark,spectacled man, about fifty deep iu amass of col respond nee, surrounded by) ookR, paper, ledgeia, and letters strewuabout the room in bntinees-lik- e con-fu'io-

H put bis lien aside and listened atten-tively to nil Jkck had to sar.

"So you want to have a fling at the

iia'tilTisiff.iifftiMiii"i'ii1'rii '""''-- '

balls," he said. "Well, I don't se hvyou shouldn't. Of course, you won'ttake my ndvice, hut I'll givo it nilthe same, For a man of jour abilityIhere'd always be hreatl and cheese st therauie; hut to make a really big hit niulget your uame up tslont anil talent uly

is no good. It's nil cliance. Vnurchance may come tt the Drat poollnryon may wait twenly 1 ears for it. Vouget hold of a song with a good ' tiddly-iiut- h'

chorus it catches on it becomesthe rnze -- and I could shon you for a j earright off, and almost on your own terms.

" Now uiy advice it don't touch Lou- -

don yet; take n run round tho 'provs.'nud tty your wing among the yokels.l.ook heio. " slid he broke off to pickupa letter that lay on the desk. " NettyJims you hmw her, of cotvrs?, thogreatest of tho forlorn has taken theMenm Clock ami Utile Kuisley. nud she'sgoing to turn it into a People's Pu'nce.Now, I run shop jou there fora lortulght;I'll nsls Netty to ' throw your name mi ' intho hills; you'll have a good sbow, andthere'll I e notices in the locals of the

' Grand Inaugural Opening, aud all thatsort of .thing, ko that you'll have ai good

I a chance as ever you'll get'. Come, what

do ou say ?"Somehow the Steam Clock. Netty Jims

ami Little Darsley seemed a long way offi.cO n week. Jack shook his heail.

" Oh, do acrept," put in l'et. " I'mgoing won't that tempt you?" and amUchievous twinkle coming into herbright eyes she and Jack had always coton well together ho was tain to yield,aud telt'ed the engagement there audthou.

Tbe Wcani Clock. Little Burs'ar, hadbeen a " sing-song,- " tbeu auiiHlo hall, and. though now a palace, itwas n public house always. 'Ihe onlyeutra o to tho pilaco nas through thepub. bars an admirable arrangement forthirsty Little liarsleyans, but one that didnut favoiuhiy impress Jack vli.ii, a week i

or so lator, he made his tlri--t aciniMntnureof tho ' behind tbe scenes " of provincialmusic hall life.

Miss Netty Jims met him kindly audintroduced lilm to a big, fat, oily youngman -- me Sol Sloses wlutn Jack con.eluded a "Mr. Jima," though it is verydoubtful if either of their signatures hadever been appended tn tbe registrar's roilof this or any other country.

The leader of tho orchestra distributedJack's band-part- s among his aubordiu-nie- ,

nud having run through tho nielo-diei- t,

inn do n few gincral remarks, nndwound uu by alluding tu the perpituslthirst that sits, nightmare-like- , on oilluuaic-ha- ll orchestras.

At utght Jack found his way lo tbodrpHaiug-ruo- n.vile hols beneath Ibostage (hat nn respectable pic could havebeen oxpected to inhabit and lound itoccupied by two grutleuieu of the burnt- -

nrk pennies ou, w bo were buiy " black- -lug" tor a "chair turn. "'Thoy hadappar-- jeutly lingered at the Palace bars, andwere ii:arrelltug as he entered. Words I

running high, they appeared to be ou thepoint of to blow., autl Jack, in- -tcr.'cring, had them both on him in auinslaut, tho elder of tbe two dubbin:him an ensanguined play-act- and the

.younger tbreatsniug to "knock his twoeves into on" if he didu't "hold hi

jaw."Not carioe to brawl jnst at the moment.

Jack silent, find busied himself withhis make-u- When dressed he went up.stairs, anil was stseeered to see Pet,wbo bail just come oH from a " Bkirtdanoe, " cooly diveat berselt of her outerclotliiiiif in the vtincs. and nimbly step,pinr; Irom her skirts, betishted aud be.Irtinki-il- , trip licbtlv on tbe stage acninas I'rince Lovethelot, to round afterround of applause.

At length his turn rnme, and suppress-in- c

a strong desire to bolt, be went ou thestsEe. llut somehow tbe novelty of bissurroundings, (he noise of tbe baud, tbehurry aud bustle of tbe whole thine, thenew experience of bsvioe bis owu wordsof tbo chorus bnwled ta;k at him by the"cods," tbe difficulty of nudtns some,thine to do with himself during the syni.phouy betweiu each vrfrte, and the sightof Sol Mnses grinning at him from thostalls nil these, nnd a tbutianud otbertilings took every particle ot spirit out ofhim. nud when be left tbe stage be usoonsoioii of having made one of the mostdin mill failures ou record.

"Oh, do try to put n little more 'go'into your work," said l'et, eucourag.itigly. to bim.

lint It mah no use. Jack had lost alllicuit, uud his other song uieeliug withno better fate he retired to his drenaing-roon- i

fully persuaded that tbe '"alls"should know him no more.

A special llceuse till 2 o'clock had beenobtained to celebrate tbe Graud InauguralOpening Kight, nnd when tbe show wusover a number of townspeople gatheredtogether to do honor to the occasion.

Hoi. inai offensively vulgar dress suit,and Netty Jims, in a imle green satin balldress, decorated with host and hostess in regsl fashion.

Drinks were both frequent and free,and tha Iwllioose burnt-corker- havingpsld duo attention to a'l liquid refresh-ments, fell to quarrelling again, and no-ticing Jack and Pet sittiug together,turned their attention to them.

Bmsrling under bis own defeat. Jack

.aai fTBHwas In no mood to be mado a butt oft, ' ?Hand w ben one of bis assailants mada soma .

. iHinsulting remark concerning Miss Far ' ''dltridtfe be very quickly receWed a blow ia jHthe oyo tbat rendered tbe blacking ot that , orcan a cunerfluity for aosa mbVuicbts to come. hj:JBB

A ceneral free fijht followed, in thm VJMcourse of which a spirit lamp (nsed for fPHlishtinc cisars and nines) was OTerturnool VV-I-

nnd full on Pet's dress. In an iustaak 'VIHtbero arose a cry of tiro and all Dream gSHconfusion. CuHuc bis mad folly far vKJLaVafl

. brginuiiis ibo iltbturbauce. Jack pulled oil vaBSbis cont, nnd wruniins it round Pet. ax. vSsjMI linsuinbed tbe tlames and carried k,-vSa,Pa-

outside. BaTo place ber in a cab and drive to tim xUdBBhobinial uni tbe work of a few momenta, (but Jack linsered without for more tnm r4Han hour till a message Mas brought hlaB'Htbat the poor cirl was oat of danger. 'VV'SaffaVafl

, It was se eral weeks before Vet waa aUV''X---

lotved to leno tbe hospital, and It WM 3bBcry sad journey thnt those two made m r';lBSLoudon n week later, for both knew Uim'PPJnever asain would pretty Pet Patridc WVjVSiHseen upon the stae the nature of beciaVSHjuries rendering ber a cripple for life. jjfc9

Jack UL'censiucly blamed himself thr,:UbeiuR the ciuio of tbo accident, bnt Pt,BpHdroning his head upon ber shoulder, jpJJBHsaid : "vdPH" Never mind, Jack, dear! I'd willimg.l ;jBBBajly co through it all over again, tea hu. 'it PPSdred thousand times, if I thongki M .VvBnawould wiu mo your dear love." ''I'v ')"sifiHSome years bave rolled by aineeMla)' Habove narrated events occurred, andi ta PPPJday you will not find a happier couple Ml jPPJor out of tbo profession than Mr.andlUh 'PHFleshtint, or a prettier troupe of timm JPPPJromps than tho two tiny Pet w iPPflthe two valiant Jacks wbo ' SPPPJthem mtmma and papa. Pap. mS JbmPJdoes not get X8J a week, timk Mm PPflmarket value on tbe legitimate teMMB 'PJPPJba gone up coosidsrablr of late. MaVH AbHhas never regretted nla ronvena a ttVPPJmatrimony. VVV" lfil

idiaaaaaaaaait ,'


Efieot of the New Rule Adoptedby tho Ai Ai U.

William n. Curtis, President of the Metro-politan Association ot the Amateur AthleticUnion, when he accepted tbat position an-

nounced bis purpoto ot exposing tbo Insideworkings of tbo nilegoj amateur boxing busi-ness. He preferred tbree distinct chargesagainst reputed vtolatori oi the law. As tborule tliou existed bo would have been obligedto prove tbe man's guilt absolutely In orderto dlsclpllno lilrn. This, on tbe taco of It, Is avery dltllcult matter.

Tbe Union bas now taken a load of troublefrom Mr. CurtKs shoulders. ll,bas pasiodthe "suspicion rule." lly Its provisions anyalhleto can bo suspended from tho amateurranks, pending his ability to proo bis Inno-cence.

Many advantages arc expected to bo derivedIromthls law. It will, Us advocates claim,tend to purity all amateur sport.

President cuitls does not expect that thonew law will make men honest, but that Itwill prove a decided lnccntlvo for sonio oftbem to change their courses.

Tbe new law maj bj violated, of course, butgreater secrecy will bo necessary for safety luso doing. It will do anay with boxers audtheir backers getting in lino for tbo box officeto draw their money as soon as their boutsarc over.

Consternation oxlsts among many boxerswbo have been so long posing as amateurs,it Is said to be urtalu tbat iuoic than nuypugilists ulll be suspended under the newlatv. 'ihueo men aie tisktug tbemselve-- ,' What can we do no J" It Is expected matsouiu oi them will be driven openly Into theprofessional ranks, unJ tbu local pro. emlonalsmo wondering wbere these men Mill nguiu Inthe t,anie.

It is alleged that manyot there as ama-teurs reevlted as mucu as tKOO apiece lortour-roun- d exhibitions. Many very cleverprofessional lighters would bo glad to light,orpur-e- s of slmllur magnitude. The nnaldisposition of tbo amateur stars will boHatched with InteiesU

Owing to the recent rains, tha New Yorkand Philadelphia baseball teams were unableto play In the (Quaker City yesterday. Tbosame state ot aliulrs muventcd the

game at wnsblngtun. The gamesulajcd lesulted as follows:

At !!Ulmoro-llrotkl- rn. 10; Baltimore, C.

At CinctnnftUCIflvelaniJ, 'J; Cincinnati, 0.At St. St. IaiuIii, 0, I'ltUlmrg, 11.

At LonltTllla Chicago, si lxuUTllla, 4.y tbe following schedulo ot champion-

ship games will be cai rled out :

At Wtablnston Nnw York ti. Waahlofton.At Phllaitca'hla-llrook- ljn . I'hlladelplila.At baltluiore Hotou va. Baltimore.At Clntlanati 0 crrland va. Uluulouati.At Loularllla-Cbtcau- o Ta. Lojlavlilfl.At BU i.uul.-Htlit- ra. bu LouW.

Tbe Columbia Athletic Club Is enjoying aboom, 'ihe Club 111 have roud races everyThursday during Apt II and May, starlingftum tbo Uonoubue Hotel, Mxly-tblr- d aueetand KUbth avenue, at H o'clock. Membcis ototber clubs are welcome to Juln In tbe Colum-bia s runs at any time. P. Wal.enschlager, tbeclub's star runner. Is looked upon by some asa dark horse In tbo coming individual Juniorchampionship contest, April at).

Many sporting men are disappointedtbe conditions ot tbe

right havo been changed. Tbuy expectedthat tbe battle would bo de-cided wltb skIu gloves. In private. As tbomen are righting for money, tbo (2,000 purseoffered by the coney Island Athletic Clubproved a suftlclent incentive for tbem to agrjeto battle before that Club, May u.


Frank Simmons, one of the Amity AthleticClub's officials, says tbat bis Club will closeIts boxing season Tuesday nlgbt nltu sumoexcellent spariing. Among tbose wno bavepromised to box aro: Hugh Winters and TomCotter, of Brooklyn: Jack Mkclly and JohnnyMartin, of tbe Mationnl A. C; Jack Gormanand Jimmy llooney, or tbe star A. C; Edhnceney, of tbu National A. C, and JodShorten, ot tbo Williamsburg A. A.

Jack Horsey, "tbo Ualtlmoro Spider," siysIf Harry Martin is not satlsned nith tho out-come of their last ngbt at White Plains, nndin which Horsey won in clevcnrounds, bo willmeet him again beiorc any responsible clubfor a purse.

TheXavler Boat Club Is making a deter-mined effort to tako a place among tbeleaders this season. It has several crewspractising for the coming regattas. 1 ho re-ceipts of tbe Club's ontertalnment May A willbe used In furthering tbe club's ambition outhe water.

Tbe newly organized Sagamore AthleticClub Is steadily increasing In membership,and in a short time v, in hold Its initial stag.Among tbo n boxers in the newClub are bammy Kelly, Jock Ityan and PaadyMiller.

Those connected with tbe management ofthe Clinton Athletic club's boxing sbow tobe held at tbe Metropolitan Opera-Ilous- e to-night claim that It will be one or tbe best oft be seasor. There w 111 be ten bouts betweenclever boxers.

Kddle carter, of tbe Suburban Harriers,Bays tbat tbe fifth annual cross-count-

handicap, to be run from Fort Oeorge thiswill be tbe most successtul of tbst


The Athletic Club and tbeWolf Tone Club, of Ilrooklvn, will play amatch game of Gaelic tootbaU at Erestlna,h. 1., at li.30 r. u.


M. F. Collins has been recommended toGov. Flovterlurtheoniieof Matu Pilnlerbytbe central Labor Council of 'Iroy.

The Mosaic and Kncnusttc 'lllo l.aicrn'Union ordered aslrlke rstirday ai t lie slinpof W. K. Jackson, nhcre a suspeuucJ membertsworklnr.

A painters' strike Is In prognss on the JobsotKtvres Klto, Thirtieth street mid Ninthavenne. against thu emp'oymcut if non-

union men.Tha ntllcrs elected by tbo ltrookljn Fire-

men's Union aie! William Wnltcr, recre-tar- y

; Henry chevrcux, Financial secretary ;Uiorgc (itiebcl, 'Ircasuier.

Pollers and yatidpatents' 1'r.lon No. i:i lias .

ItiUorteil I be strike of the i ublocl-mn- i s, an Jthey are out In all sbopi Mutu thu latter uiuon strike.

Unless tbe n carpenters employedon tho (Hand Ccntinl Hold, Hrra.l.n uniFourth slrecl, tc dlsoiini'Ktd a stilkc mil lu i

ordered tbeie ret Monda).Clnrles dresser, rredin-!- ; IIok'Ii nnd

lleuiy luvu lnvii eicciiilut Uw.ilAS4-inbl- U.M1-I- , K.ot I., to '

rui re-c- tbem In Hie llaiinoiu icultrenu',(.ailed by tbu Centre! LaLcr tut n. i

'A rumor Is In circulation to thccrTrrt thatIbe Heading llalltnad Company (Mil potnotices next Monday announcing n iiencrslreduetion of wnges. it luloiibtfii It tlicetn-plnjee- s

arc rtuuy to &tmo uultiSl the rtduc-- ,'

tlon.local AfetnWy :i.3Hti, K. of -, Women'

Sblrtmakcrs, will stun a factory, t

uud desire the a"s,lstanen of K. of I.Corrrspord ltb Mis. Addle unla.

bac, 40 Congress street, (irand K.ipU'B. MKIi.Tbo Ilrooklvn s' fnlon Inn

reaustedthe llullrtlng Irados louin.ll of tboKastern Dlstilct tuatslt them In unlunllngthe hliups (.1 llostes .'clinieck and Muisih.Oerberd ltels ns elected delegate to tho

Trade Is btlsk.'Ibe House lcavue, of llos-- 1

ton, bas Issued n circular to Ihe clothing mer-chants of tbat city, (iflering to all ilrius whiiie

healthful and 'aro made unuerlUinune conditions a ceitlllcate signed by tbo .

Piesldent nnd becrvlary of tbe League.Tlin boss stone tuttcis of Nenark, N. J.,

liMllig rcIUMdl to illiilidge tlielr is ex pee led that an extendedstriked! ttiestonit ludnstry of Newmk will,be tbo consequence. The light will be com-plicated thiougb the lact tbo men whosodlsmlstal is demanded haio recently Joinedtbe Knights of Labor.

Urlcklaycrs' Union No. 0 has voted downa proposition to send delegates to tbo llrook-- 1

lyn (K. U.) Ilullillng Trades Coumll uud the ,

Urooklyu Central Labor lcderatlon. Thequestion Is not to be taken up again unlesstne other HrlcklHyers" I nlousnf liroohlyn Jo'ncither of tho two bodies. W. uprcner, P. 'Ptlaiun, W. Felton, p. Mason and ( nartesKocho were ileutcdtureMso tbe constltutlor.

Unions New. too nnd llll. ofPhiladelphia, bale Miueeded lu keeping anumber of Ualtlmoro clg who wereto tako tbe places of strikers irnm leavingtbelr Jobs In lialtlmorc where agents badbeen sent by the 1'lilladclphln bosses.

Delegate: tu the eight-hou- r conference forthe May deinouM ration in Urooklyn wereelected tbls week by cabtn.'t-Makcr- s' UnionNo. 1, tho Hat Kirishers' Association, llouse-Palule-

Union, Firemen's Union, L'Uar-Make-

Union No. 14U, Labor Lceum Asso-ciation. Laborers' Union No. U and Uartcnders'Union No. ll).

The new oincers ot the Walters' HumanityClub arc: Paul iliisli, President; HenryOrefke, : M. Decker, 1 rensu it rj

'Charles liebnke, Financial Secretary; C h.hchoenbeig, Ileeordlng uud Coi responding

Irsecrrtary; J. Mlbcrcr, Trustca; liriiestKlein, Paul Illdllngmejer, s Ooldleldt. Aud-itors. T be Club bus at present '3 memberi. '

Bartenders' Union No. 10 has elected AI- -tert Klilue, Treasurer: (1. Alick and 11. KaUItch, Auditors; M. lleid.'lborg and It. 1 borne,'trustees; Mm Kocrnlg, Delegate to thu Cen-tral Labor Federation; .Messrs. KoTiilg.Kopf and Thome, Delegates to the Joint LocalLxecutlve Uoaiu; Win. Koerntg, Delegate totbe Klght Hour Cinlerence. Kern's As.emblyltooius nnd I.cluS Astoria Schuetzen Parkbave been unl.nlred.

1 bo Workmen's Fire Insuranco Associationbad ll,D,"l memoers on April 1. 'I be receiptsduring ihe Inst tlscal ytnr were 14,74.,l.-.4-


ana (li.OTU.37 were expended.' 'ibe follow-ing onicers were elected last night: tiusiuicDressier, Manager; 11. Folgncr, Auditor;Charles LudwIg.ltccordlngHrcrelury; Messrs.lrl bel, Kut.ciier, Haulrg, Obergrlosser,Ililmm-:- r and Hleth. hxamlners; Mesirn.Weber, Colltz, Oreicb. ,. Jannnowskl, Waas,Kngel, Olcck, Horn and Mmon, cummlttee onAppeals, ll was decided to tbeAssociation.

The ofltclil organ of tbe Kr.Uhts of Laboradvises District Assemblies tu send delegatesto tbe coming Intel national Labor congress,lobe held next Fall In Zurich, Switzerland,In order to asilst In restricting " tbo evils ofuuwejeoino Immigration to this country,"nnd to show tbo Huropcan workmen "thatthe K. ot L. In the United States are willingto do tbelr share In tho gicat Internationalstruggle for emancipation. "

At yesterday ovemng's g oftbo New York machlnbiis In Clarendon Hallspeeches were mode"by General MccretorjMorsu and J. Kuline. Mr. Morse said that, be-cause the machinists' trade was poorly or-ganized, their wagos wete hardly liult of whatthey might bolt they baa a powerful organ-ization; they were not even strong enough toabolish piece work, one nt the worst evilsthat bad been done away wltb by many otherlabor unions, similar meetings will beheldevery month by tbe machinists In differentparts ot tbo city.

P. i:. Jensin and Cbarles Fink, of tho Jour-neymen 'tailors' Union of America, havo pro-posed tbat a lt leature bu estab-lished by that organlral Ion, a plan to thateffect to bo submitted to tbe membership atlarge. Amendments to the constitution re-lating to tbo management of tbe generaloffice aro to be submitted by May l. Secre-tary Lennon made an agltatlrn lour throughNew Jersey and Massachusetts and be reportssatlstar.tory results. To organize ButtonSI 00 Have been appropriated by the Generalcouncil. Charters were granted to newuulons In Trenton, N. J., and Wllllamsporl,Pa., last mouth. Strikes are In progress atMinneapolis, Minn.; Beaver Falls, Fa.: Ports-mouth and Norfolk, Va. 'ihe receipts InMarch were llMtuy. The crganlzlng fundcontains 11,440.411; strike fund, !!,a3.40;,total In tbe treasury, 4,'.''5.tl7.

Prescribed Without n Diploma.Vlncenzo Llbertlno, ot lUl'Mott street, was

to-d- held lu tho Tombs Court In 1,000 forexamination on tbe charge of practisingmedicine without a diploma or licence.


His Frtco Poppored by a Gover-

nor's Island "Super.''

It All Happened at the ttchenrsulof New I'lny.

Acior Hob Milliard Is Mr lcs hindsometr-d- than bo 'was two ve houisago, at bolies in bod nt his liuti l-- l West Frrl)-llilr-

stieet, with tbo left side of his face i'pperdwltb snull bo:, tho result of an accident lastnlgbt.

As It adlng man In Atiftiatui PltouV com-pn'i- y.

he wus rehearsing the character of Col.Italpli Hiker, l.N A.. ln"Acru3l tbo Poto-mac," r.l tbo TiU'inj-tbli- d street Tlientrc.Ho was lending the forces in im attack upontho Confcdi-int- Army, when onoottho

n "tliluklug part," played by aMildlcr Hum (lOicinor's Island, blazed nwnyat him, leielllng lilin to tbe floor and rerais-ing thu I'nIO'i Ar.nj moit etTeutuiilly.

Aclor llllllard's associates assisted btm toMs feet nnd hurried him In a cab to Dr.Ktilghl'h bouse, 'JO West Thlrly-flrs- l sticut,where social hours were spent In pickingtbe molecules of powder Iroui Ills face.

Mr. Illlllnru was then taken tu bis borne,and when an KmMno woiii.d reporter sawlilm till morning bis head and I see. were com-plete! bandaged, and be Was surTerlug greatJMitn.

It was all due," ho snld, "to the 'super'who wus pla lug line of the Confederate sol- -

dlers. instead u( tiling over my head as bowas ordered to, be let It go lull lu my lace,aud this Is tho result."

llouniolled the bandages and exposed tholeltMJoof bis luce which was dolled with

.little pin beal black mark'. The left cyowas Uully lonlilsed nnd bloodshot but bissight baJ been miraculously pre r rd.

"The poor sillier' wasn't really tn blame,"tho actor continued, "and be lelt alums', nsbad nil do. but not uulte, though. Wo allthought that having icgulur army soldiersthere would bu no danger in tbelr bundlingof tbu guns, but Hi tius esse tho soldiersnanped hlgmi once at tne nnd It failed tocxpb ae. He then reloaded It and that timeIt went, off wltb a tenjteaurc.

" I Intend, however, tu ploy the part nextMonday H I nm not foreed to dlsgu',.o mysu.ttooborrllnv, and shall play It even wltb au



Throo of tho Clergyman's Crises toComo Up Next Week.

Another of Dr. Parkburst's cases will comeup for trlat Monday, when dispossess pro-ceedings against Hapbael Israel, the occu-pant of tbo bouso 114 West Thlrlj-nr- st

street, will bo held In tho Eighth DistrictCivil Court.

Dr. Parkhurat'a companion, "Sunbeam"Krvlng, and Agent Gardner will testify as towhat they saw going on, at tbo tlmool tnclrvisit to I be house.

Then on Tuesday tbe case of Marie Andrea,Indicted loi keeping a disorderly bouse at 4'JWost Fourth stieet, will Us tried In Part 111.

ourl of General fcesslon- - Dr. Parkbtirstwill co a witness and Assistant District-Attorne- y

Mcluttro sas tbo evidence will bomore rcvultlug than tbat taken In liuttloAdams's recent trial.

When asked to dehcrlLo what took place Inthe Andrea bouse. Dr. Parkhur.-- t yesterdaysal l to an Kvesimi Woni.u lepcrter:

It Is a French house : that seems to coverIt all."

Ihe suit to eject nattle Adams fiom thepremises ll.T East Twenty-sevrnl- n street, inwblcb the evidence Is expected to be a repeti-tion of that oncied in the trial to eject berIrnm No. ill, will be tried Wednesday, byagreement oi counsel, in tbe lUghtb Dlsttlctcivil court.


Five Oases Found by the HealthOffioiah To-Da- y.

Another due of Typhus FeverConies to Unlit Also.

Ihe Health Depsrtment was notified thisthat nf Ireih cases of small-po- x

nuliicasool typhus fever bad been dls.'ov-er- e

J.Tho pntlenl suffering from typhus fever was

I'criiis Casey, thl.-t- ). our years old. of 110tlanseviiort street, Mho Ha'ked Into lleltevuoHospital the win r day and said he was sick.

The doctors, IblnUng he was sufferingfrom nlcuholl'm, placed him in tbe alcoholicward, uhern u number ut otbtr allegeddrunken men had been placed.

Ibis morning, bowel cr, tho doctors visitedi the man u;nln and found that bo was suffer-

ing from typhus Icier. Ho was removed toNt rlh Unit her Itland.

The victims of stn.ill.nnx are :Wnglopp Vtlenier, thlrtj-rln- e years old, of

nt)7 East Omi llundre.i and ITrst street.' caliln Douglas, three Jears old.of 1471Flnt avenue.

I John Zurko, one year old, ot Mil Htantonstreet.

Heckle Asber, eight years old, of 13 Poyerstreet.

Unknown married woman, tncnty-fou- rJems old, ot 17 West Ninety-nint- h street,Mbo, It li claimed, Is the wife of a newspaperreporter.

The Isst named contracted the dlseacowhile vlst.Ing a wedding at the house ot berdressmaker, who lives In Brooklyn.


'dr. holcombe makes terms.HIb Wire Finds i Im and a.'rs. Wylle

Tot other on a Btcnmehlp.News of tho arrival In Han Francisco of Dr.

Almcron J. Holcombo and Mrs. P. A. Wylle,tbe eloping Jersey O'y couple, was receivedtbls morning.

I Colli were well known In Jersey city so-

ciety, and wheu they ran nway together,about six neeks ago, tbo ntlair created a n.

Mrs. Wyllo Is tho wltoof T. A. Wylle,of the Urccnwuod Lakolcc corn-pa- n

) if Now Jersei.and lived with ber nus-b.i-

and twctve-yenr-ol- d son In tbu Myrallenrv nats In I'nvunla avenne.

boon alter she and lir. Holcombe went awayword was lecelved that a party answeringto tbe description of the couple bad arrived

I at Panama, and bail taken the steamer to SunTrnnclsco. Mrc. Holcombe started overland

l for han hranclsco, nberu sho arrived severaldays ago, and was ou tbe dock when tbesteamer arrived.

When Dr. Holcombe found that bU wife. was bent up'.n making lilm disgorge some of

bis property bo ore'ied negotiations with berllimugb her counsel. Ho agreed to turn overto bis wife nartot his real estate In Jireycity and Minneapolis on condition that sheshould not prosoiutu hlra. This propositionwas accepted by Mir Ilclcombe, and paperswore signed last nlgbt to tbls effect.


Th Montana: Wheelmen will ba represented byMe.are. Klllnihain. Kllm-k- , Ceeler, Pitcher,I.vnch, Hlti aad Cllrard In taa race uieeLa durlncIbe Hummer.

A rlub run I) tbe Manhattan Bloele Club willbe held Co'tnorrow,

Lane la'aud Whralmen are etill looklnr for aeultable aita for their new

Tne Bedford Wheelmen are maklOK an eitraenoit tolncreaae their memUrihlp.A very enrceaaf nl olnb run waa that of tbe LrasiWheelmen laat nlcht.The IltTermde Wheelmen are preparing for theirrace uu eta to be held tbu Bnromer.