مصطلحات طبية medical terminology...the prefixes-cont. (h) term: hemi meaning: half, the...

لحـــــاث طبـيـــــــت مصطلثالثتضرة المحا ا أ/ لعقاد نهى ا

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Page 1: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

مصطلحـــــاث طبـيـــــــت

المحاضرة الثالثت

نهى العقاد/ أ

Page 2: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (H)

Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body

( من الجسم االٌسر او االٌمنالشق النصفً ) نصف

Examples: Hemiplegia : paralysis of half of the bodyشلل نصفً

Hemiparesis: numbness of the half of the body تخدرفً نصف الجسم ( خذالن) او


Page 3: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (H)

Term: HyperMeaning: Excessive or above normal زٌادة عن

المعدل الطبٌعً

Examples: Hyperglycemia : Excessive blood glucose above

normal levelزٌادة ارتفاع نسبة السكر فً الدم

Hypertension: Excessive blood pressure above normal level ارتفاع ضغط الدم


Page 4: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (H)

Term: Hypo

Meaning: lack of or under or below normal نقص

عن المعدل الطبٌعً


Hypoglycemia : lack of blood glucose below normal level

نقص نسبة السكر فً الدم

Hypotension: lack of blood pressure below normal level انخفاض ضغط الدم


Page 5: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (I)

Term: Inter

Meaning: between, among خالل اوبٌن


Intercellular : between the cells

بٌن الخالٌا


Page 6: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (I)

Term: Intra

Meaning: inside, within, into داخل


Intracellular : inside the cells

داخل الخالٌا

Intravascular: inside the blood vessel داخل الوعاء



Page 7: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (I)

Term: In-

Meaning: not, non ال النافٌة


Insufficient : not enough

غٌر كافً

Inappropriate: not suitable غٌر مناسب


Page 8: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (K)

Term: kerat (o)Meaning: horny tissues المقرنة االنسجة

Examples: keratin : sulfur-containing fibrous proteins that

form the chemical basis of horny epidermal tissues (as hair and nails)

اساستكون البروتٌنٌة االلٌافهً عبارة عن طبقة من الكرٌاتٌنمادة واالظافرالقرنٌة مثل الشعر االنسجة


Page 9: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (L)

Term: Lact (o)

Meaning: milk الحلٌب


Lactation : A process of milk feeding

عملٌة الرضاعة


Page 10: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (L)

Term: Lymph (o)Meaning: related to lymph or lymphatic system

الجهاز اللٌمفاوي اوٌتعلق بالسائل اللٌمفاوي

Examples: Lymphadenitis : inflammation of lymph nodeالتهاب فً الغدد اللٌمفاوٌة

Lymphedema: enlargement of lymph node الٌمفاوٌةتضخم الغدد


Page 11: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (M)

Term: Mal

Meaning: bad سٌئ


Malnutrition : bad nourishment

سوء تغذٌة

Malabsorption: bad absorption

سوء االمتصاص


Page 12: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (M)

Term: Macr (o)

Meaning: large كبٌر -ضخم


Macrocephaly : Enlargement of the head

ضخامة الرأس


Page 13: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (M)

Term: Micro

Meaning: small صغٌر


Microorganism : small organisms

الكائنات الدقٌقة

Microcyte: small cells

خالٌا صغٌرة الحجم


Page 14: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (M)

Term: Meg (a) Megal (o)

Meaning: large كبٌر or abnormal enlargement


Megacolon : abnormal enlargement of colon

( الغلٌظة االمعاء)تضخم القولون

Megaloblast: a large erythroblast that appears in the blood especially in pernicious anemia


Page 15: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (M)

Term: My (o) - or – Muscul (o)

Meaning: Pertaining to Muscles عضالت


Myocardial infarction : an acute episode of heart

disease marked by the death or damage of heart muscle

due to insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle

usually as a result of a coronary thrombosis or a

coronary occlusion الجلطة القلبية

Myositis: inflammation of muscles التهاب العضالت

Musculoskeletal system: Systems of muscles and

bones الجهاز العظمي العضلي


Page 16: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (N)

Term: Narc (o)

Meaning: pertaining to sleep نوم


Narcotics : drugs inducing sleep منومة ادوٌة


Page 17: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (N)

Term: Nas (o)

Meaning: pertaining to the nose أنف


Nasogastric Tube :

intubation of the stomach by way of the nasal passages المعدي االنفً االنبوب


Page 18: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (N)

Term: Nephr (o)

Meaning: pertaining to kidney الكلٌة


Nephritis : inflammation of kidney nephron

التهاب الكلٌة

Nephrolithiasis: stones at the kidney الكلٌة حصاوي

Nephrectomy: removal of the kidney الكلٌة ازالة


Page 19: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (N)

Term: Neur (o)

Meaning: pertaining to nerves االعصاب

Examples: Neurology : branch of medicine concerned especially

with the structure, functions, and diseases of the nervous system االعصابعلم دراسة

Neurosurgery: surgery of nervous system االعصابجراحة

Neurologist: a person specializing in neurology especially : a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of disease of the nervous system

اعصاب اخصائً


Page 20: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (O)

Term: Ophthalm (o)

Meaning: pertaining to eye العٌن


Ophthalmology : a branch of medical science dealing with the structure, functions, and diseases of the eye علم دراسة العٌن

Ophthalmologist: a person who specializes in ophthalmology أخصائً عٌـــــــــــون


Page 21: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (O)

Term: Ot (o)

Meaning: pertaining to ear االذن


Otitis media : inflammation of the middle ear التهاب

الوسطى االذن

Otology: a science that deals with the ear and its diseases وامراضها االذنعلم دراسة


Page 22: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (P)

Term: Pancreat(o)

Meaning: pertaining to pancreas البنكرٌاس


Pancreatitis: inflammation of the pancreas التهاب


Pancreatic duct: a duct connecting the pancreas with the intestine قناة البنكرٌاس


Page 23: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (P)

Term: Path (o)

Meaning: pertaining to disease المرض

Examples: Pathology: the study of the essential nature of diseases

and especially of the structural and functional changes produced by them

ومسببات حدوثها والتغٌرات التً تحدثها االمراضعلم دراسة

Pathologist: specialist in pathology; specifically : a physician who interprets and diagnoses the changes caused by disease in tissues and body fluids

الباثولوجً اخصائً


Page 24: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (P)

Term: Peri

Meaning: around or enclosing حول


Pericarditis: inflammation of the pericardiumالتهاب الغشاء المحٌط بالقلب

Peritonitis: inflammation of the peritoneum

( the smooth transparent serous membrane that lines the cavity of the abdomen)

حول البطن البرٌتونًالتهاب الغشاء


Page 25: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (P)

Term: Pneum(o)

Meaning: pertaining to lung الرئة


Pneumonia: inflammation of the lung

التهاب رئوي

Pneumothorax: a condition in which air or other gas is present in the pleural cavity.

هواء داخل الرئوي


Page 26: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (P)

Term: PolyMeaning: excessive زٌادة or affecting many parts


Examples: Polydipsia: excessive or abnormal thirstعطش شدٌد

Polyuria: excessive urinationزٌادة عدد مرات التبول

Polyphagia : excessive appetite or eating( شهٌة مفتوحة للطعام) االكلزٌادة عدد مرات


Page 27: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (P)

Term: PreMeaning: before قبلExamples: Preoperative: occurring, performed, or administered

before and usually close to a surgical operation قبل العملٌة preeclampsia: a serious condition developing in late

pregnancy that is characterized by a sudden rise in blood pressure, excessive weight gain, generalized edema, proteinuria, severe headache, and visual disturbances and that may result in eclampsia if untreated (an attack of convulsions )

( تشنج قبل الحمل)تشنج حملً


Page 28: مصطلحات طبية Medical Terminology...The Prefixes-Cont. (H) Term: Hemi Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body )مسجلا نم رس لاا وا نم لاا فصنلا

The Prefixes-Cont. (P)

Term: Post

Meaning: after or behind بعد


Postpartum: after Birth بعد المٌالد

postnatal: بعد الوالدة after delivery


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