london. cllronicled and criticised by me. ed-ml'nd...

THE WORLD OF LONDON. CllRONICLED AND CRITICISED BY ME. ED- Ml'ND YATES. (Hl QfKEN'S VIS1T TO iNVKRrALTiD-T.MTKROR WLUUAM ON TIIK MOVK-KlMi CHATU.E9 ABD liis qikkn -*:mpiu>iS 1 JUCnRKlCK -Tsr. ciitncii con.;ri>s-west iibbia autaaaiasm - ART and uti.rary BOTEB. fBT CABtf TO THE TBIB.'KE.) fpyrigM; IBBI rhf ***>*** MbbBbs I oidon sept. »-T1aI Queen pald hor vtsit to ln- vereaaM lata caajB and drank tea with »lr Algernou ,,.! 1 adv Hortliwi, k. The Quecn's vMts there are al- aaysefgrBal Brtcteal to Ladfj BartBwteB** |BBBli, who ,re rarefany earBaleit from appaartag and ran oaly gather waat bbbbmbm from aarh gil.npse* as may be M-en of IhC reyal ,-arrlage as it romr- and drives away. 1 H j. KAISKR WKATUNO OOT HIS WELCC-ME- Kniperor William has uiTerod him-elf as a gBCal at Vteaaaaad Baspcrot I' .i..ePh would. i aat toin, H.TC heea en.haiited if he .oiild have dlspcn-ed wttB ),|s xlsit. which ts rcgarded sit the Austrlan OoBft as nast BBBTBirnBiTT at B tune when ten- of thou-and*' r,f persons have BC rulned Bf th. reicnt BOa* ,,,M wi.Ri. great fttatrcac prevalls all orer the iinpire Baapemr WIIBaa. ls hcBevei to have v'oli.nteered Ih,- rtstl BC a quasMnub?» «J ",.r w.l. who,,.. it ,. sai.l. BC .- on mu.l, ra** senaa than Befarc ala Iflp to RawatB. The Mrar l«.res hi- vasicaa. heata nrcadf.illy. al he rsaa- Jrayc paatlag far political ihataaalaBB. and hl- BtanifoM ait.vitles BCCf evorv one ln B stutc of con-tant raea aud bn.tle. lt i- But onlv in VteBUfl that peoplis graashlc. for I hear fr..m Bertta that ibcrc l- a BBlrer- ? aj feeliiig of dt-ontent there ahoat the Emperor *, restacaal n-avels. wlii.-l. arc rcgard«l a-s iinrtlgiiitled. BBMBBtBty nseless and verv oaatty. added ... whi, 1. Ihe? lead to State being BBfaVcfCji or left to sub .rdinate«. The F.n.p.-ror has now been ronstantly on tha move for four nmnths. and his aflalrs of all klnds are. reported BB he greatly in arrear-. Piplomati-t- are tho.-oi.ghlT «.-aiidali/.ed at IhC glaring want offtarl,ife-ted bv IBC Kniperor in selerling Rhon-t.-, k for .hc Place of meeting Wtt* Kmperor Fraacts Joaeph and Blaa i.corgp. for it «raa la lata eery mbJbbb that i-rvd ,.,1.1. Ihc i.reat was re-iding when he defcated tho .Austrlan and Saxon arnnes at llohenfriedbrrg IB JBBC, 174S, and the battletield is 00 OoBBl llochborg's es- tate. THI". BOTAli RVMAN1AN C0CTUS. King Caartca of Kumania eapeetel ln Eneland shortly. The vi-u <-f Ihc Qaeen of BaBsaala ni ,.lmo,-al srlll be verv brlef. and BC* rtajr at_lhe raatle is not BBely to CNroed two nisht-. Ilet Maje-tv vfll prs-bablv go to --roiland -ooncr than -he experted 1. order M pav a ftymg rtatt to the r.inre and l*MarOU of Wale- at Aher* rrldte. Queen Klizabrlh I- de-iron- of tnivers- lig a> mmli iharartcri-tu' llichland s.enery as -he poMibly rau. aid will pn-bably go t*. Balne.ral by Ih. eld rayal raaBe, arwiail thn-nph from Blairgowne throngh the spittal of f.U-ti-liee. EMPBJC8B PBEDEMICB AND H! B DAtMSIBTScaB. ataBBSsBM rreoertrh and her da.u-'hter-. who are stav- l-,g m Yeake, c> aal t«> the Lata eeery morning be- fore BftalrfBrl f..r -ea bathing. Ifl the afternoon they mako aatarslBBC t<> Ihe varhMH 1-land.. arrompanied bv Priaec Adolph of S,-hiinniherg l.ippe. who arnvod from Yem.e last week on a vl-it to hi- ttaticee. Prin- MM Ylrtor.a. Kinpre- l'r.-<1-ri. k will remnin m Yenire till thc end of september and will then k-are there for BcrBa. aa. will atop on the .^ar at BMIfl to look at the hou-e, that has been -elerted aa a re-irtenre for Ptlare>« Yk t,.na after Tter BMHTtSBB, and will al-o -pend a few fUvs at llnnihur: I. ordcr to in-pe-t ihe procn-s- of Ihc srarl al the hou-e siio i- hartag built at rrmiberg. THi; TRIKXX1AI. BATjOX at BR."*-MX-. The QiM*en of the ltelcian- ar, onipaniod the Kmg to Pmssels to be prcseut at the iiiaii^urati'.n of tlie tn- ennial Salon, Till- no fsnret than twciny ri.oni?. Enghsh art i- rcpecsculett sol.-ly by MIUuls and WBlstler. The fanaet M.'!ui- one partrall tn ui- le»s happy stvle, bnt the eaatrlaathMa of the latter range from two very rb-ver full hn-ili- to -The K.tll.i.K ll.-rl-pt.*1 Hc also rontnbutes -otne strihtBg etehlligs. j;y a eurions lajaratrarr. a few honrs bcfore the cere- Biony rhok pla-e there dled at Hey-t. with terriblc su,l grnasai Mr. Arthar Ctceeaa. an art rrBIc and an e\ pert ai Enrope<>n reputatioxi. who had arranged tke lielgian Hoyal collertion. daM.lod In dlplomacy, uiid was the Cr»t pareliaser of Millefs " L'-Nngelus.'' ? RKLIC 01' DISHAtT.l. A toiirl«t in the Mldlands ln passlng rhrrmgli Rlr- Tnlneham the other day saw ln a curlo shop-wtndow the following letter wntteu on the Hou'C of t'ommon-. Iiote papcr: Tataaay. Dear Mr. r.Ud»M>n«: ron!d von now. or at any oth -r IBbc Bi-'- m" IhrcB miiiutes b,-hinil ye Bacaher'a rbalrl TasmftMhlBlly. »¦ MaWAEU. Hero was a flnd. hl thoncht. The lett-r ws« appar- aaUp gcnulne. SO he went in ;<'id ask'-d the pn<e. paid the randid rurfomonger: Slr, that letter is a l.irc. 1 won't sell it. I keep lt tl.erc brinc peoph- Inl. U-.e Oiop to Itnulre about lt. yon ar- doing, ai.d when they are here thev look ronnd and gencrallv buy *.nietlur.B. 1 has-e s,.ld Uundreds of poiinds' wortll by Ihal Jettcr." Kxit Tr.url<t deliehted. yet di«\pp',int'*d. Tnp tii.tli U lhat Mr. t.ladstone, havlns BCCB applied t,. for soine roniributions to a aaaaar, sont this letter with sonie other autographs, and lt w BWBbbbbb] for Iwo gullieas. labor at thk rnuRrif cOKCBebb. Thc (hufTh rongrcs*. whirh meets at Hull next verk. will not have thc beneflt of -Ben" T.llettV Mvtea an.i .oiinscl. a-s the Bacetsttva CaaaBalttci, after rt pocKl deal of fommunii'ation. epl-tolarr and telo- graphle, with thc rhamplon of the sons of Labor, have ut la*t sati.-tled tliemsei»e*..that he ll aat a uienihcr of IhC CBarcB Bf Iria**-****1 The fact was apparent to al- nio*-t everr one BBM from the very first. and though thc romnnttee Baec av-aded a sicne by the tirdy di- ,,.ver>', It is to be hoped that e^eIl at the clercath honr they will be able t. aarai. a bonalide wurkliik'iniii a- a -pe«ker whu 1- al BBCC a < htirclimati and a r-\< it-eiitHtlve af and ap'.loi-i-t for atrike? TBC <li- . usvion of that sajhfert and on Ihc duty of the I liur.Ji la reganl to thc dwcllinps of the p.H.r proSBlaca t. BC .f (onsiderable iBtllBBl. but <>therwi~c thc prBBTBBlBsa ,s a diljl one, ihoilgh there mav 1k: MMM BeCjaBlBBtlcal lireworkfc on the subjcct of BrataarhBOita. PJDCE1YEB BV TnK OLl> CATBOUC9. The Ul-hop of Balrtaary was very well roceived at the c»ld (athollr foiiKiv. at folonne. wli.-ii- the Bosahui .lergy. no le-s than ItH ABgBcaa, laoh part in the pn>- raeitaBB. Thc BuTatlBB. ltali.ui. OWtrh and (o-nnaa i>ld raiholle, are all r^BrcseahBt at the ronfereine, hle.h paitook of an ititernatloiial rhBiactce, THK OotPOBJtO MOVEXEBT. One of Ihe BMMI iBtceestaag ho/»k4 of thp autumn will bc an Beeeaual of th'.- c»xf/,rd aaBVCBBBttl bv th<- l^ran of Bt. Paul'-. I hear that this w,.rk 7ia. gTUSVn oui ol the Baaaalaa bv Iir. f'hur. B la < anoti l.lddou that hc would OuBiraBBtC a ' hapter ol p<-r soual renilnlsreiires on the movement to thc UfO of Dr. Pusey. Koroe of Dr. Puscy's fncnd- and a.ltnir crs have pmteMPd latcly ajtHln^t Cardlnal BfBfBB'* being de><ril^*d as the fnunder of the oxford move nient, but hl. elainis to be aa regarded are beyond d.s piite. and a, a iiiatier of f«et ijr. l'u-ey did not lahc any activc part In the moCcment nntil lt w;w thor ongiily aaaraaaa all «ver thc aaaatry. ApeocBlag t<> rat«t nnl Newiiian, the BMBBBBBBt whs raally starleil t.v Kel.le's BBBBBSM a-slzc sermon on nattorial apo-- ta.'T. whi. h lie piea, hed at st. Man's, (aBfafi, hfl Julr. IIBJB. WOftTVLESa BEOBO RXAlalalB*aj. The milnary anthoritlcs have t^*en falrly aaceaaafBI In wirhhojdliig froni f!i" pre-- any BCCCBBM of thc p\ titv.rdiiiary mceting which oc.urrod Iu July ln thc l-i w',-,1 Indla KeginiPiit, u.iHrtcred at Janml.a. Th.- oeciurence I- caarvaBCaBB cvlden.-e of tlie ntter rot. tennes- i.f ihe Wc-t India corp^, a rondliinri lonir kimwu 6o oftlcprs who knew ar.MliliiK of the-e rppl inent>. Jt i-; about time to dl-peiise with the dnblou. and costly acrvuci of the lazy and 111 .oiidltloned iiegroe* BMBpBBBBI tlio.c We»t Indla reglnient». They aie malutained wholly for SaTBlc. on tho unwhols- Kome W«j«t Coast of Afrlcu possca-lons. In thc W«»t indiea whlte truop. do better aud are moie healthy than arc the bla/k troop* in the Improved eoudlilona Iu whieh the former now llvc. So far Mf the Afrhan aSBsrla. Is conceined lt would be gencrally more ad- vantageoti- to Inriea-e tho stn-nglh of thc Hooaaaa levles on the f'o,i-t, atVBBg theui B donble eoniplcniciit of ofhoers, and ta dlsband those Weat lndla regiinents. whlch are worlhlcss a. troop- and aflord to the ofti.eis poaTetf to theni a very bad prof,-.ional educatlon. VOLCNT^KRS H.N'UBBKD BV THE J.1NI- Tliere la widespread dUrontcnt umongst tlie voiun teer offlcers who have g»ne Unough the eoBBBM of mnsketry drlll at Aldershot thU year. owlng lo the maoner in whlch they are prartlcally boycottod by tlie hlgh-fcouled rob's of tlie llne. The unfnrnlshed fcteto oi thclr barrachs ooropcis tiiaoi to tahe rafuge In Iho hotel, and no offrr ha. errr hoen made la Rlve Ihcm honorary membership ol one of thr- messcs. TIIK OCCVPATtOei OF MAMK)NAl,tM>. ot inany iinporlaiii niovement- aow laklag afckM in AfrifU thr o. upation of Mashonaland liy the Hnlisli sontii Afrka t'aaipany i* oae whk-h stwids out pre- oaalaenl. Tho way whkh the work i* habaj l.y Iho company ahawa lhal llriti-h cnterprisr. <an stil l.e Vhaaroaa and nia.terful. It. was only in tetotef laal that thr .iiarier wa* cranted ai.d already Ihe ruil w-ay and letetTBBh are liolnu nt-Red forward from Capc (olony us part and ptir.rl of the plan for the oirupa tinn i.f Maahoaaland arhhrh I* now batoi ranied <>ni by the piom-ei- OSBBdlUoB, orgHiilzed l.y Iho IIfiti-li Soutli Afri.a (omp....v. mider the siipcrvislnn of re. il Rhodea, niaiiiipnu; dire.tor in Afri.a. It is tl.e mlii en.l wealth. the ejoM raafc. arhkh s,. miih Ii is e\ parted) ahi.ii niitnrally is inalnlv attra.iinp rubli. attcnti<.n. t.ut iiorhups the most iniportant feitnre nf Ma-shonaland Is that Kuroprans ian settle and thrive in Ilie coimtry. It bi healtliy and wate.ed, a hlKhlatid plateau, .standiiiK 4.000 ai.d ,VOO0 feet thc *ca levil. EDMl'ND YATF.s. TTto ninth paro of The Trlbune to-day contntn. a varied aaaorUaaal of InleresUng " Want" advertise nicnts. TO IEATB CBESSOS T0-M0RP.0W. TIIE PRI'.SIDI'.NT bT&Y WITH AProiXTMENTS- KXl'Klli.Mi TO Hi: IN WASHINr.TON A WEEK REFORK COMlRaaS ahjovuns. rresson fipriflfr*. PvflB., Sept. Jfl (iSpe.-iali.-Tho Pre-ideiit had marly th" cntire day to hinis.-lf and i-oiiseijiiently waa eaahled lo dtapatrh ronaidenible l,iisin»-3-. induding aatloa on BRfadataarnta, pardnn, etc. In the iniiriiiiii-' he re.-eived a dl.pati li from Rayreaealalivc McKluley *aylns lhal he tlaiuchl roaare.. w.mld di-p.-e of the TBrlfl t.ill ln Ihe pi-e-.-t.t week and ndj.nirn aboal Octobor 1. Later in Ihe day a tehpi-ain was meived from senator Aldairh alao e\- pre-sinc Ihe saine opniiou. with raap.H,t to tho Tarlff t.ill. TheM dispafhra .'iro ln raaponae an the ive-i denfs reojaesl lor mfoimatioii ..n thc aabjerl. Tlie Preatdeal wlll retarn to Waahlnaton ncjt Wedaoday in accoraaaro wuh hi* orifjaal Intention lo be there at baad a iini b<i,.re Ihe rhwe of tle- *e«slon ..f roaare**. If tl.e W'fiito ll..ii-e i- n'.t ready far hi* he wlll probably ho Iho «ae»l >>f Posiataater iieneraJ Waaaataher. Mr. and Mr-. .1. R. MrKee and Iheir rhlMrea will leavo bero la-Biorroiw fm- lndbuisip»lt». Mr*. M.-Kee will rctorn 1i> th- Whlto II..:.-<> as Iho lYe-ident's gaesl Bbotll thc n.lddl" of Pe. etnli.'f. The pi'iitlemen who aja aalalaafl al (ies-.n piofe-ionallv hy rea-i.ii ol Iho 1'ie-idcnt's preseat-e are oriitpyins Cottaec li m llttxlmnr-are., wlm ii i- al*o as an Exmitive ofire. The** are E. w. Ilalford, the Prad- denfs pnvate tararetary F. .">'¦ Rarh*dah*. of th« IVun- sylvaniii Kaili-.-ad: A. 3. Oarke. of Ihe A--oi I'ress. and I'. V. DejnWW, of the Eni.ed l'i*---. Tln-i' wero r.ntertait.ed nl dtntter l.y U.e PrraMenl and Mr*. llarnsyfi ye-teiday nftornoiui. und in rel.irn cavo Iho lYesldential pi.rty a - tive o'rlarh tea" thi- atlernonn. Their rottaee wa. handtaaneljr derorated for the orra sion wifi flaes, t!iiw..i-. j-iiden ro.1 and fi-n:-. The jriiest-s wcra thr Preshteal and Mra. Ilarrisun, Mr. Biid Mr*. J. It. MiKee, Mr.. IMmmh k. Mi*. Sancer bih! lmle Henjaniii. MrKee. They reaialned nenrl; two h'.urs and oa lalniii: their leave -aul thal tl.e i.ffalr -was ¦ d..|ie':tfui Mirrn.« ln erery fealBre.'' Tlie I're-idei.t *«t.t the follnwUlg liimiii.ati.iii- to t'tr ajaaata thi- ataralim: Tn he l*rahato Jodee for ""' Di-tnit of rtah, Praarl. L. naccett, "f WaKhlnBina .('..iitity, liali; lleary KhleM., "f subibiII .aiiil) <haiies II. ller-naii. of Teotvla Cainty: Jarob J'd.n ..on. «.f *an l'cte t'onnt) rtepheB li. Ftatier, ol Jarob rouaty; lletior W. HaiElit, .-f Uavl* looiilj Williaai (.oodwin. nf I'a.he t'lMiBljr, and iiioln i- >. WbImHI. "t Wasatrh Cauaty. l'ir>l LleBtenanl Ralpli W. Il«»yi. llth llifanttv. lo he eaptain. vir.- *a.-e. I't.i -*1 *.Iid I.ic-nteiiant 11. T. Ilm-l. llth iBfatitry, to be m-t Uruteaanl, vlro ii..m. praaiMited: w aid la>ut»M> R. K. Rryan, l-t .avaliv. t>. be iir-i lientrnam, v:.e llolion, di-iea.d; addHkatal swoiid l.lrnt.-nanl .".¦¦ II. Me)er 10 I..- .e> ond lieutenaiii 1-t I'avall.r, \ .. .. Uryan, proaio»ed. Tl.e ri-e-Ll-it al-o slcned |Ik r..minl*«i(.n nl I. doro L. ~.Me... »1 T..-I.I.....-.'. i* ' mled >tatc < uii-iil at Atn-t.-rda:... T.,e l'i--io.-nt )¦¦!'¦ rrantrd a pardoti in th.- ...--. ol I <>tis .l..i.-. .vi.t.-d m Ilie N-..I.',.-." Il|.|rl>1 ¦. lowa ..i lortoti? a »ipial iro i" a Bmnej ..t-d- r, .¦¦¦¦'¦ rommaled W iwo yeai*.' a. tnal iinpri...iini..|.l i'- sOBtenre ol ti\" vear* imp^.v-.i in Ilie ..-'. '»! It. n .lone*. i-.iBvlrled ..l niakii.i! fal.nirie* ln .li" bvok* c.f the Natloaal ol MaB.»rd, hau. Vou will find it warlh yoai whlh t" oibbiIbo tho Fhort. pithy advertiscments on the nitit'i pa#4 th;. mornuyf. _^___ A BRIJ.UAST BALl AT I.F.SOX. Pittsfield. sept. 2-2 laaarlal)..A arilUanl ball *.«. glven by ihe arlfa of !>i. Hreenleaf, ol i:«.-t<.i.. ... ih. -panoiis i.H-.iiieaf rottaat Ni-nlght Tlie uraat mu«i. r.M.m wa- baaaiilBlly de.»raird und llw pir^> Itv.u, to a-.emble absHil 10 ..'¦ U. Tlio Kroonds a.-r» bi-IIIiantly l,tht-d. Landn's ,..-. l-.-t:a fnrt.l-lied ".' imi-ir. ri.e iu.Mii .h..Bc brlBlitln und iho ) niiuc m< and niaid.-n- valhed iiwr Iho Ixaiatlful irmuiid.. Mr* ai.d Mis. <.rt*.i.!eaf wrelvod Uralr e.i...- !r. Ihr dnwnu raom. Aaalher id ihe»o danies «ii i. siven Mr>. Ureealeal oa aeataaiber ;.... ai.d a Ihinl .... " inbrr >'. Aaaaai tho rae.t* pr*--nt lo-iilabl »r« Ji»hn .'. .\sioi-, Mr. aad M:-. a'.d M!«s Mofc.-s, the I'obBMlis Ulid ihe.r inie-t-. liKludins Thoflia* lloward and Mr. and Mi*. wiii-tler, al ItaltiBMirn: Ml»« I'ann.rfole, dan.-bl'i i.f tle- Miin l'i Mr. vir.. rn.,-.-:. Rkhard .rtniaii, Jr., ihe VI.--.- .....¦:-... Ji.tla. H.,tt.T, Mr*. aad Mi-- Ni. ,,.|..- I¦.-!.. ..-.... i.l Itrl* .-. Mr. and Miv < laili, Mlss ., Mi- WllliliiS. Mr. .'.I MM. H.'.viU l.i.l.;. |sfl»-r M.n..- Mr. ..n Mr-, M»il>-r, Ihe Mi---s lle'lnionle, Mr, t-.-i.-r. Mr. li-i.:... nf I. Jand; Mr. and Mr*. 1'.r-uh. Mr. and Mr*. K.dl'-mll. vir und Mi-. lloward ln. k.-r-ni.. Mr. ai.d Mi-. Wali»-i Kuvdaoi, Mayor liiapin, "f liruuhlyn, and hl. aife; Dodfg aud Mr. Blid Mr-. Johll l.'aue. DISSER TO TIIE i niST hF. rMllf. Sisty-f'iur of tl..- ..Id roairade. id tl.e^ de 1'ans in thc Arn.y ..f tho Kntomat i.avc anlled ln ln vltinc him to l.e their /.i'--t ..l a dlnoer i.. be irtveii in «.t.v abnut '»U.I..-r -J". The ii.iint bebiR. a- already pabUahed m The Tribiine, nrirent to avoM brliiR mu.-d np in ai i dcii.i.i.strar.'.i) ar di-i u.sioii <.f «ny aorl loo<hliii: Ereii.ii politi's or Army di*pnl«*, flm ,-n.- on thi* ocasl'tn will l.e .trh-tly liniit.*! ln hl* "II roiiipaiiioii* in iini.s; thal i-. i-> ..iii....-- wlm ->-.vrii ;,| U.'- Aimv of U.e l'ot'iliiai: li.-tvM-.-n Ani.-ii-t, l.l.l, and Jiily. ls.,J. ihe I'oaiaiiltee «.f ArranaraieBl. .-.m-ist- ol bIbo orps ooaimaaders; aaairly, i.en^ral. k. Ii. k.-w I'onrth Aimv <i<n.-; I'lli Joha l*arwr, Fillh; WilliaM H. liai.lilm. Mxti.: II. W. *l.niitii. rwelflh; Johll ... 1'arke. Mntli; ollver <> lloaard, Kleveiilli; liani-i |-.. >i.-i,)e-, Thlrd; liani-l UolteiileM, >iftli, and Jolw N.-wtoii, hlaUi. ihe I'lMllll i. ..ijii-it.d 1 BITlve h'Tr .l.oiif Iirtohrr .J on tl.e ...Miiian.. I. will -a.l li'in l.r.-i |...,l neit Wodnesday. MR RI.AISi: MlS TO l.EWE UAISE. Aotu*la, Me >-pt. '»- l*>ffcrhd».- It i- raportH heie by frtends of Mr. lhal l>- «.il ko t>. IV. i. inu-ton tlie ol th<- pie-ent aeeh, .lartiim prabaldy on iiiursday. «. _ Miuiv pt...-tleal i.eed- roaM l.e ...... l.v earafnUtr sraa- niiiK he lmle advrrtl ^nicnis oa Um nmiii paaa af i no Triinine. ? . A FISE SEW BC1UMSU FOIt TBMPLBJ IIETH El.. Tii.- aaaa.ii.wn% aaal ytaUodaj Um T'aiple BoUl.Kl, at S. .: i llilrl-st. ai.d l*.-\l.,i:U.r.-:.\ .. (,»| i,-,-!, tiansf.-tr d t" Uai .'ix.i'i eattaa Rodopli Hhalaai, ... » II....... st f..r 91*8,000, iu. ...iliini. (J l.> II. P>V. K:i.|tiniiii Ko.l.r. ih- raiii.i «.f aV T-.....I- Rrth-FJ, aha -a,.l ln , rayorv-r ol Th Trlbaa* lhat .»..-.<¦ w*** no 0Va.ll* ln ...... ....Hon Wllh Ih* tiaii-f-r l.<- t., iimi..- |,.,I,;i. II.s ,-nni{r. jtatl'.ii «....!il |,rotKil.iv ranllait* ui.'l! ..<\> Juty to iM,rH',l|. ln Um ii!4 l'l:.'- aB«-ra <i--i havr N-. n lul Uar ! aaveatren v-^.i-. 'l'l. ir>.-n.*», -i.l|i had, h««»\i-r, in- ,-r a-«sl ¦¦ nnii li tlial a *!v- l»r a ».¦» H.iiiBir«.|r"- had ...... eiaalaid at .s<.v.-iity.i.\iii*t. and rifiii-av.- aad Um lonn- datli.n af...- would !»«. la.d .i-\t «.-> >h lOf a n,..r. noarloaa aad aawo lo.tiv than Um aM aa*. "Wa l.»\. -i...|ii.v ilvra ti..- di.iM.i.ii'.i. raaaicfauea," be said, ih<- d.,-d oi Ihe pla.e. bat caatrtalag th<- *aie I «m vy bo tiiore at pr***..i."_ ___ SOMISATTOSS BY MBUVAL MES. The llisi nionlhly awrtlBI ahare Un -uni...... va.atlon. (,f Iho MeaVal aorlrly af ta* I'oaaly ..t Xea.Varh araa h^d la.t alfht, at 13 Woal i.iity-t.r*ist.. »itii ih'- praal. dent, ln. llnaalrr h. Naater, |a ehair, l»r. Ilora.¦. 'fr.ry ilank* l».d a |>a|>ei- mi " Tha Dlnuiinsl* anil Inat- ....-nt of Thaae lii*.-.-.-* <iei»-raiiy Attend.*! t.y Kyatptom. of FriMaallla." ai.d tl.e aahieel «u» aftomard Oha-oaai-d htttfy t,v Di*. JaeaM, Taaaapooa, l. Ufaaatta, Wahlo ...a i,ih.-i«. N«xt n.ii.iih tiie aaaaai aleruaa oetar., jh.i la.t nlghl noiniaatloii. WOTO ii.a'l. All of UM aaatOH w«re renomiiiauo. exrept I'lialdtal Il.infi, and he n.n- aaatai to haeaaae a i-aiidmate f>>r on.. ni Bve .¦..n»oi- Kl.lp*. I-or UM oll.I pi'-nU-ii., ^IH. Aiiili.ii i--. liirrhT. O. 11. HoiiKla*. and J. laonaid UoralBB i.-n- phacad in aaaaaaaUaa. Dr. UaralBg ara. ais<< m....-iiiat.-.i fur the vke-prciiUclny, .rltli PT. AlthUl M. JBCBBBI a. a eaaaBotMor. TIIE AI.VA TD HO ISTO WISTER QfARTEKX. WrUlaii. K.'. ot.-am yu-I.t Al\a aaa aachorad iff staiil.u.n. s. I.. maanday. Tha 'i'w arrrr buaj at volk alMpBaac th.- vi«.i.| uf Iii riHUlnj.' aod stoHh.K .-v.iy. duBaj away. Tadaj 9aa Alva wiu Marl lor ivuiningtoii, Utl., wbera aha wlll so mto alutcr uuaitcr.. i AGAINST TAMMAXV MISRULE Cmf CLKRGYMK.V SFEAK ^VITII EMPHASIS. A STRONO ASDltEaB AD0PTEB AfT AN EARKEST KBETIXG-TIIE IM'.omim.vt MTJflsV TI.II.S wilo sidNUi it. fteer 100 of Bew-YorB - repeaseatailea ministers met in llardinaii 1UII, at lifilia.e. and Nineleenth -t.. yes¬ terday afternooa to rti-<u. the cfTort* now being made bv thc Dcople's Mniil"-ipal LcagBC in the dlrertlon of ridding thi- ,-lty from tlie pra-p of Tammany ilall. The liall wa-s niorrj than rotnforlably lllled and tlie rlor- iryinen talked about thc -iiuatloii with groat oarne.-t- ne. and vigiir. Father Durev. of 84. Leo's Rotnati Catholl, chiirili, ratlcal thc niocliiip to order aud iu a ahtai addre-s told the objort of tlre gatherlng. He leferred to the tnectin.n- of ininMers whlch was held early in tl«<- saataier iu riil.-kcrtng ilall, wh.-ti tlie tuinistera d.-.lared far BtocaBty aud philanlhropy a* the In-plrallon of a moveincnt thp foimdation of whlrh wa< love ,.f flod aud |o\,- of nelghbors. I'rea- Iieri and leaehers of mnrahty. hc add.-d. were not alnalng acajn-t the decoratn ,.f thclr ofti, e by cnpurinir in sin-h a noveraent. lie doaed his addre-s by Bcanlaatlag the i;ev. Dr. Knslen Mit'he-ney for ihairruuii of the nteet Ing. The Rev. Dr. Doenm, <>f the ciiurrh of thc *li-ani*er-. .*ron<1< Ihc noinination. Dr. Mit'hesncy waa eleitcd tiniiilinon-ly. .nn luking the rhalr, he add.-d t>> what Father Durcv had alr.-adv >aid up.m the iniportiimt of Ihe meetlng. ln ontlnary tn iiii.-i.ii"'- tnlnlsters werc e^tiairoa* (p.m dl.cuw.lng politi' -. hc -aid. but he thoiiKlii H'it nptm the aahjert of th . dlsgracefnl govarnojcftl of tlie ,,u |hey had no rlght lo rrmaln allent. nerg.une.n Itm R Ihelr heads Iu -hn,n<- In mflacnaenrc of Ihc rerraptloB aud Inrompetenee of the *-t miiii-tr..tii.u of th- aBalM "f the etty. whlrh eamo front polllleal dlseonragjenienl ajui Milid pal'ti-aii-lnp. The iWly leiii-ilN. Im a.ti'l. wa- to elei't Bten who ai-.- I,.,ii. -t eaangh, Iwmiw eooagti aud .,v ronrageoii. rnoogh hi d.. whal tn.-y aie ele. ted tu ,1,,. When he -a«J -Wc wanl men of thc rlfht kmd inoi-c than we WBBt BKfl who are Denioerat*. li.'li who are Repobltrans ,-.- Bsen who arc 1'ioh'bitu.iii-UI *B uiu-,1 BMsss thc Intelllgent and cunservatltrc ol our pvoplc in cie.t imr rnlers." hc «aa appWudcd warmly. Thc i'Wiiuii ,.f th- Uer. Dr. B, B. Ijrlar bs aerre* Utry and Ihc aO.ptkui .f a -"les af rales lor thc guvernmctil of thc werilug folh»wcB. The roH-i werc otl-i'"d by the U.V. Mr. Kiainer. < haninan of IhC Clercvineii'- .".> 1'C l.i'lt.-l-s fiom r.M»ni ep-csmei. WBO "Uld BOf be rrcsent werc r-ad. and earh on,- rontaiacd BaoBfaacai ,,f heailv -uppori bt v..|ee. pen and vote. An .'M'l |,.I indii.iti'iii ol Ihe rxlent Ol the inlitstet-' >; 0. 1,,1'iv In Ihls in.-v.-ient lo glre thla rlly an B»Hie*l ..,d gov.-rnawi.1 .- -",.*,. ln the fBrt Ihal MI ,|,',:.v,.'.'i' had M-|.o,.led fonnallv Mi thc nntic-s -a. ,., ihem. ai.d only lour had oprnty refu-'-d lo u.i,e with Ihc Leagae In th.t onrk. Two ,.f Ihrse de, laivd f.-f a -ii ii -ut i:ep..l'B.«B liehet, Bn<1 lar. ,'bj... t.-d i a iiiiiii-t.i lahlng 11 i'ii«f i" Mlttca. rhe K-'v Dr. H'-v >¦'. ' i-e>h« i«id an ad.'.v- whteh,, pre,,.,.,d. prpfoH.g II wBh Ihe .v.u.irk that .e wa- a rllm-ii nl N>« Y-.'U l-eforc hc bc bbbj a ...,,..;. .| ihe .pel. :""1 '". ,IM ""' b" :l~ Hi/Pi.ship or it- Imi. ti.»i en he <¦¦>¦¦ amc a preaeher. i. ,...,,.,. aus m-..,....-ly appUwted Thc aBdre-s ;.- p:..i. and to Ihc i"....i aad MprcsH thc -nuaijon ,f ..n.,,1- rlearly. H »..> <*« UAUm»: J«STiarKXt«W«HjM .-':;;:^';.,!:,v';:;ri.;:r,:f^:33 .iil,l.-.u tnvolving no, i-"--- BUd so a»¦ m - :;i:;:s..i^r;:;,:;:;:;-,:'^rf-;:,;:r^3 !KT^ptti*faTO!l*Vr-Si ¦,.,- ihe i'."|.',' i:..Mi«i ,|n*|l*^.l|wn:i%,,!,ll"l .. .1 r.-l -. in I '... "f New Norli at lh- ,,,. i.i i|,p ni,. ..! v t-.i- and .! .!'?'¦¦'- "i ii.h .. ,. k ... f-,v.,r.-,l f II -VI k II.-.1 :",,,"'": !'" " "','.", ,:,,-.-..¦- i..»vp. ,,-,.! and Iraad Ih-il w»*» ,: Nn I'l'.li-NM. \1 Vl K- M v|,,; We n ike lio "!.<:-"* agaln»l IlidiVlduii-, f": v" ei.iifldPin n ii n . alKSan i.o« olhcial pla.e, ,| ¦.., ,1 titi< ll) IlllpUgU Ihe l;:.-::."l- Blld ll .: ihal have |..i ., loi ; iibm prevailpd iii. evrr) dPi-arti.i "f »ur un g-o.-rnmci t. M... ho. I-i'" ;«- ; iiui-.rt.ii.l I"'-'- id li.r.i in aho ire t ..i ,,,,-K ,.i deptaveil lile. llie Iwiuentpp I .".'.". ;¦'¦" ; ,.i hoiiM*. ..( vlce. aud .>du, utonaJI} " iBiipiI f"i ,;!;;',,,':;;:., ...;,...' ..,!,.. mi., ...Mt »r UM. l-r* ... pi»Si. "' '' '::'. (''. "'"xll .,< || .| ,,.,'! Ill.ll |l ,<" lIlPI." '"'' I'1 " >J polii. i.'.-i.-i- .iiidei iu I..i^d eilhp. laiffHb » ,.¦ Itijarva. Hi- ...,..,-.,-.¦ .1 t .- .Iii I, t.aitnll- .|tiaii<!-re.l. a-,d ll'.dPr |iM.' <t .«..¦' Il.i,r..\pii i-i j"'- are l«-l « hl i. .- 'i i"-'' '- '" m.rov.n.e.,|..Unt p." H"'" '.' ,1"1 ¦'¦' :' i""-"'- ,-.... || -ii.,,.;.-1 I'.n IhP IM i.i V", ,.1,1 )-. ., . ni eri ln all 11 I"' -; ' '";',' '; "! ,;.".- .,,..:.¦. .d .::- '.im '. i' Biiallj r*|B -IM. ai.d .. ..ii'u-.i.- i- niadP I.i i.iBipari- ll .¦! II."' "' ; miiiita i.ii.g t.ihpr ,:.... ne- ..f Ihe a..rM a ; ',.'1, ,i,.,:.ird Ih- .: "-:*¦ "' ':' '"¦'"^ l'1 " nnl |,|.-1. I- ... UM' differPlil ,11.1.1'ICa. \'...:-l _k ¦..-.. .. llma.e. .".-. tv .- :¦- -piiI «V "-.'',,¦ -. ,.i."i mi' iiallv. ... d --.. u.'i. !: added B.U.' ... lo the , ix.t ll.'- l«'"l '..¦ ... ,,. ||,., u.i-'.e ..f n»i -.* i- the loa.l ^'.! Blld pl Wll.P- ¦.'". I' .lanr'd D i,.,:u- p.-vad-. :'.¦ -..uini.ii.ity .ii.d :..*.; "- ,. ,,.,-: .1 utiitma. II.- pd..e '..:¦" .h.HiW i- ''" |...-kp.l i.f .-h«*.lpr ¦¦. »hp .-...'.. .".'> ¦' ,..t.,||i ,.-I. ... Ihe ).,' ol t ¦' '.'.> I""'!.'': t:,.-l,.. .-¦ ,. and II...rt- »l Hi d.|.arl .-i IMtU ..., ,anhl« t. ¦.'-'! Wllh icltle ...-!.'.. I-:.. IhC K.\r IsP ,, ,. ni il,.: ii a-. Ih dl.turtiPi .. 'U ',.. peaei ,., ,,'» tlioir vmaii ui. and pr-de.! iIp-i.i ....., ' ¦'- ,., ,'llUll i ,.( lllltl ,.'-l t:/'i.-. Moiipi I- .! I" || .. » ... .,;, . anV O'lti. ullj Blld !.. llill '.' ,'....,. ., j:,.,;.... I),. ,.,., ,..- lll.Tpf.HS1 .,|.,,..--..l and I,,-.- ... ..¦"". i-i": ?.¦..* ''".:. '"';; i-vpr humblp, Ihe g.iv.-riiiiip..l n...»l bo Ixiugut. llie 1.....I liiill. wh>. . ..' ,.''.,... the ll.ii.dns-l "I .IH" -..,. ,i..| dollar. iiP, -. arv. Iia- ii" Imuhp. l "'i'--- l,., ti,.. ,,1.,,, .. nf ... .,.t. Mi.nrj ai.d party are ,..i, wat.liwor.1- Ihal t-aii, au Pi.lra.¦ I !'.. ,.,,,.,, ,,f .,,.!, m.i Mniii.i-tra.l.... 'Hl publi,* ,,,,,,,,t |.k-,i e 1., ,!.'.!. I.iiinier- .al "ll.-le- the ,...; ,,..!, :,i,- |. llipl "I I' f'llow the exainpl.- <>t Ihe ,,fti.ials whollourM. '¦. 'raial. and . .> ..¦i.i*-e.|UPiiee ].,.,. ,,,'ili.t r..'.le»|e- bt t'li-t'-d i lei'K. and OPlMl .",,,,,., |,i e.t.-.-iiK-d 'nnl. '.ni"-: ¦. Hiat publle '"ii IMpik-p I- -Ijie-n in Ihe liMitufcnB* <-re. t.-d for pal.ll>' ,, i.rIM Ihe. w1i.,|<- luBfl "f InlerriBUNC belw,'. ma aud Bia.i. as rn Ir-m Ihe reorst. I.i Ihe d.,.l. paia-r-. I* I"---:"- b.mI f.l" rtpaUug i. "-«. d up.m \"l. X tMl'l.l - '1" Till V'.IM.. N,,,v ,,,,. .,ii The d«-l un h.'-l bfe ol niauy publle nftji-lal. had IImj f«un» I" ''"' l..«"'-' '"'in ol thi-. m uipy i.'a.n t., .-..I..,'"¦ with dpbau.lM-ry. \ rlruiikPii p..ll.-e raptaln will to tto iiiMpToI a I.i.-l ,,,,,,,1,. |i, ,,i |n.ii.t. and a hlgfi »fl.« Uol lre.|.w..H..3 ¦. l,,,i, of III famo will liate a lh..u>aiid f.ill.isi ln hl. ... ,,; \|ii. |- iiia.'-- a |,|l/.' l',-t.-.ii| I.f a di~.i:i.e |.l .,.! f n,,.,, l,v I'i" tti'UlU. h.'mI'I'I .>/ IIIPII WhuBI UlPt ,'. |,| ii- in nuili'iiiiy ai.d wIiihii lla.J irgaid ..- ,i.i,l.i ii, e Ijiai ne- ¦. um*. »'t ii-"'.-. il. and pottwrfiiHy -lo ,. n||.,. ..t I." i|. ,:¦!".I. I 'ie vi'.l ef.V.-rll ..-i,i ihal . nlulM lo -.i|.|.i.-«* inuip aud pi.-s.-m ii,- IU" iiiin. '.-.i ol ,..'i'..|.ti..'i ..i"l niUlllplB- ii..' MHin.'-. ..I riiulual l.ft*. Ill.'l.- i- Btiotlier a-pe. o' Hi'- |.|.,l.|.-in "t I.IU'.I' ipal n-lurui i.itm. ii< iv oime. i-.i wllh Ihal I.. .i .,,.ni^l ale-lVe. A rlll .....M-.l.l.ielil .'.\lst- t'' OI'l..' Ji.. iiHid.tio... of llie la.oraiiiv lor Ihc nw . "' ihe. ,,11 i-i, \- f.i. a- ma. be pra.ti. ahie. It llill -pefc. it II Im- a ti-.,.- l.ghtPit Ihe burdeii. »f ,1,1- V., .-.' Wol'liU-. lo ,'., -e Ihe t.all, llllller Will. ll the .,.. .1- e.iri, their l.l-H.t. to Ll Un- «a, III -IU. f,,i ihe avpragp inmi. IO i-roniot"' the health and hap U||. and w.-llar. »l Ihe ln.* 1.1 the pe..|,le. It lllil-t ,.,, ii.ii ui.l..,,.« eiiiuiaiiH' lasathHi. wllh Pllf.u-.lng J.i l.'U'1-lali..ii Iu belialf i.f lal.or BUfl vith Liiardlug publle fra.i..Iji«hm. lt mu-t pnivBte l.-.m ,1-,-et, heallhliil hoiii.-. ainple -, hool lt. oinuiodatloiiH and Ih,- Ih-i |io~ il.l"- M-t.-in of tapBl fa.llitl.-. wlH-tvby fa.i'tl.--- »i BliHI.*-! ,,,-aii- ...a\ mahe Ihelr boaies ln Ihe ¦Hihurli.: iju'' II.- batle. 'mn-.-um-. Ill.iari"-, ,-t, ln hhort. BB IBai -nalie. f,,r pht'.lral, ineiilaJ sad Thl. i,i.,||,iii ..f g,Hid giivi-inni<-iit l- ihe pnitilen. ol phlln. Ihlitpy. Theief,.!.' II I- Ih" l,I'..l,e,ll of |,ll«|,HI. lillt .V.-IV rcllgllHI. .-I.1ea\,,l' I- llalldlupi.ed I'. "IM' IWPC ii.i.iii and , adnili.l.tralioii. Tlie m.v wiiii-n mlght be on pubh.- iii,iii..v,-,..i,i- |. I...e-iv u;,.|,d We I.HlM nnl entm.l MirB -i ll" ui"-- ol I"'1'1'*' imi,io as olher llie. have ,:ui |e l.lll t l.rllhaiil .,.,,' lo mn I.u'. i-apabhv honest and pnhll. >plrlled inlei- lo aid in o'.i ilnllig -in li rulcis i- Ihe i.rgi'i.l dntv of all i.'lic.on- meii. in Ihe inler,-t ol hiniiaully. \Vp liillllstPI'- of rellglOU, Wllir-e (liltle- lead 11. to fn.e -idlv the lui'li h«tiii-- ol ,.iir k.T,.,,i iii"tro,i.,|i-. cill nw.ii our fellow rulnl.ter., a- well a- rat all n'oiilf, Kl pllt .nl". Un- |i!-M< thal foi-rn that. i-elltfloil ohirh t.a-lics that Ihc love of (i.-l ls thc love of maji. POM/lWIMl I.IADI I'.s 1.1KI. SIll'.JM'. \v<- nn: |M'ife,iiv rertaln that thc ra t n.ajorlty of voter- ln our rlt) de-ire an Iu«m.-i and rlean gcarern- .,,i. bat they arc aver faltlag to aatala it. Aad why ! siuiply bciause the great poBBoal part'ie- of llie .ountrv aanagc «ur kteai politn-. kacplag ap thclr BoBtleal di\i-i"iis lo tlio mln of the .Itv, thal the parlles may |.. niiitlniied , iliiliiK't for the Natloiial ro,itei,t. Thi. |. the e\«n-e whli h sends ntcn l.y tlie thoiisand- hi.e ahaea lo fol|,,w tlieir leiidrr aud vote for Uie " regular < alididate '' be Iu- eVCT Hl meaii U. roirupt. It 1- Ihls party ..,e|| that iin.-t be bioacn ln thc rlty oi* New If w-e arc to Ikivc a u<*»\ bbB penaaneatly f>*m govara in.-iit l.ood ,iii/.,-ii- tnii-t work tigether and votc tn i/elln-r for U'iikI liien, lltt'-ilv IgTKBiUg pill ly lll.e.. To .'in* end ili'ir nni-t ln- ra-gniilaattoo. The rVople'4 Mmilrrpal League i. In-titui.-d t<» ilvorrc our clty gov i-iiiinelit lioiii Mate .nnl Nalloiml pollth s, to .aiidldat'- for ahilitl and liiti'gril.v. Iiidcpoudei.t of imHlP. Im"-. I^ and fa< llon-. and to pla, ,- Ihe irovenilliellt oil H tolllldl.t loll .f I'IKllK'o'l- l.lfllie. prlll rude and bv th.<. ineali- piirilv thi- liloral atino- lilieie of our'ui.-trop.ill-. We look upon Un- a- . r.- Ilgloils dutv and are l.ot to be deten.-d by anv fear that th'* nrgiiiijuitiou nuiv Ik- n->-d l,\ pollf. ilan- for wc trii.t ln the rlghteoii-nc*., of the raa»c and ln tlie hnUi inoml m-ii.p ,,f llie Rn Ht inajorlty of tlie louiuiunlUr. We thercfurc liivit* all tnUaslois of, rallalon to unite ln thls ntovnirnf and to ntit befraa their nmareaatiuas the Impurtaoro of >.*i>iK the ebwtlve fiaiichlMj fm- the pinpo-e of . pnro iMvenniient. as aaaloel the deinands nf rorrapl party orpuilzation*. We a*k no one to |.-ave lii-. piirtv on any state of NaUonal l.*ue. bal we aah Uir metnber* of all pa.ti» to utiite on a niotal and nnt a piui.V I.ti-i-i in the dlree Unn «»f iiiii- miiiiielpal alTaiip. Thns with a < lear wa srleino and in the h.i'.est prlde of rltirrn-lnp the iM-sl p.-ople of New Vmii will iise their power and the da.v >.f deals and I........ wlll be over. Kltnes, and falth fuluess win be the niline rendiMoa .<f oniee, and ine pui.lii- nioi-.illy will bc raardad by Uaa pnbllc adflauua- tiation. We pnt hefore the peonle the nam"s of tl.oso who are BCTtVctlBI the iir«aiii7.atlon of the dtl/.en* as a ¦aarantee lhal no party ead bt peraonal adraatafje. h MMixht, and lhal bul one unn actaalej tho niovement, the piirily af our elty (rovernment. Tho addrcs* wa* then slcned by the follrrwlnff mltils- tera: liishop Pidlrr. It. HebOf Newton. llnwarrt rrosby, Moraan Dlx, tiu-tav lioithell. De sola Mntide-. liuuies II. l'arkliiirst. .lames .>. s. lluntinerton, David II. liraer. Fellx Adler, (harles F. Dcettis. Ilonjamln 11. Tyler. R.itwrt s. Ma< Atihtir, Kiwlgn Mt-CheatMT, Abbott E. Klttredue. Wllllam T. sablne, O. Krederl. k Krotel, RnWt M. Sommervllle, IVllliam l.loyd, oeorire .lame. Mlaglaa, Cnrl Erliaa, hainuel 9. ^.aard. Aaiodoai A. itrlnke, Ale.xapder IValters, KdWafsl ll. <"oe. WeReahw W. Iiowdlsh, Tlioodot-e C. Wnilams. Conrnd R. Uadaery. (iiariei c. <;oss. Ileaaer ll. wanaea, lieorfo Miipmnn Payson, ftoorffe S. llnkor, Wahfto Mes- snro*. Conrad Einil ra.iidl.etf. s. 11. Kosslter. J. W. HrinikeiliolT, Oauraje E. Strobrlrtge, A. II. llarshaw, iteiijainiii Rrewalar, c. K. Itonea, Charle. E. fcVdtoa, A. I*. Eknian. .latne-s M. Whltoa, I.. II. s. hwiib, W. J. Ma.dowell, neaffB D. Dewhaatt, ilenry Wilson, Paal Qoaltteadery, CharhM J. Ifoti, K. R. wilson. I. <:. Nharf, Thoataa IMsea, Jr. l). M. iledK". w. Warrea i.ile-, ThOBta. Doiik' William llmiiel, .lam.s M. PhllpBtl, Fharloa u. aaayth. lidn Parher, Madi*ni r. IVtcra, 11. Weinchel, iWsr, W. Urooks. ll. Olaea, iicnraa ... farter, fcibart Ma on. Frederkh uieak. .iiitnes ( li inilier*. Joftn siili'.n, Willlaai II. l.awn-tne, l;. liupkui*. .1. Worden. \. ll. I.ilja. \\ M. Walker. \. ll. RartliiKhaai. Ite-irjo M. M...0. ttracaa ll Mayer. I-. Watier-, Rdaard l». r*, lleary M. Ma.-ci-a.ken. AarwB \\i-e. Thoataa inmnmei. .'ame- II. I'ooh. Ixler strvker, .ra* ll. *li..on*. l-.a. Mrt.alre. w. B. Ilai-liaw. .1. W. li.-lr. llaMiian Iliai-liv. W.lham Mu-k-iave. .lo-eph Mttirtl, W.liiat.i We-I". i.eld. li iton II. I..-W. The.sif.iT. A. II. Mil-nii. Ell-wortli lion- lils, UarhW I.. W. .'. Hlltlii". TholilBs .1 l.n. rr. Walur ll. Hoyd. Nrwl.m IMkin-. Jwnli I¦'!*¦.htnaii. ihai-les ll. *inith, I*. Edwln TalBiaa*. Ileia*) M..II..I1 Id-ed. .lo..pli Hni.l. li --I.;,. IiN.i:..!...'. .I'.hn llei.ry llopkin*. Jaaae. II. llcadh-j. Wllllaat A. U>- loti. .loa-hliii Elin.-l.toii. F. II.....lm. .'¦ > *U>ne, Uottfrled iiiitiinri-koid. I..-...I.-. .1. <.. i-'1'.';. ..... I.l, Kevn.-ld-. |r.. s. D" Um .-v T<.wn«eBd. .*. ». Rurrhard. V. <-'. .;--. I'h.lip -had. S. I. i'-"'1".. *|..-i....| II liiav. \. Reed, \. F. * haiilll-.i. li. N. Knid. imauel Rael and I .vn-.m.-lll/. Ih- addrcs* wa* .!i> upplaialod. and at it- <i.»e |ir 1 -ald lhal he La'l MaM.-d Mlth BloVrBMIIt. with i.-rra. li.tcr *t and he had i.'-v.t -"-n ..n" -. '''""I'n'il'ei llOd." I." «'\. In.iil"d. -II Wlll b" sl|. rf-.flll. and ti.- dar* »f ihr lnl.|nll.ia. rliy eovernawmt^aro ii.:n,l,ei.-rt. li.. re .- n. oll I" l.I;""!''''.L'',-. Ml. Tlie Rev Waldo Me.¦.>.¦ »i lh»- Frra ii.i.ti-t i hnrrh. made .. .liorl addr. ln *hl«h h.¦ rad tl..- rhnrah iiV.-r he pm*lde* and a l.nnil ii....'." Bp ol IBO lotiliiier mi.-iiiI.--j - ,,f ihe rhnreh. Thr Uev. Ililiiam Ll...vd »atd lhal I." »-a- ln f.iVi.r i.f Ih" l.e..ei;.-- .Un: AiiMlnn.- I;. I"-.1 lla.ll." - U Bitvhl ...-.' he drrlarad. "aiiylhlnil lo leat tlie Uepii! I i-.iiis. W .- dn IM.I pniposfl lo ii.-ml M.-.I.. .. -ti..,e|,i |li-krt. or ...¦ l,.il|il../-.l lal.<-|MU.BJ iim ,.,.. .-I-.--. sii.n^ht ii. i.i lle *B«:?:'¦ -I.--I that M-<- iha' »ealn.lder* bi.i ihrlartdra**.. .ir. thiHICh ll.-v rollhl ..'I lall. |M.|II|. *. Thi. MIB f, l,|| aa* lii.'". »P bY Ih" IteV. Chllle- R. KBIVlh. who Ihoagbt lhal Ihe in.iepei.di-i.i pie-- -hmiM be ra- Thr Rrt vi, iiiiiilii.^-i'.n. «.f Ihr i.M.-t al Ihr 1I"U <>,, ,. -...i ..f li.-liop lliintliiaion. no anioiiiil ..I s--if adinlraiion ar mlk w..nld wm. "Ilanl. ..Ild i,,i.-. .,!,. whal «...I.* li" v ii't.ed. .«.. mat l.ilk ...,<l Ie- and ll.e p."s. mav pal B* «HI l.n.-li-. Ln. ar. .1,11 mn i h .". Ihr vi"-- Mr. Hui.tinitl..n .l.en ...I'-f-d a rr*nliill«n ahlrh, ... rffrci. «,, thal bo ..ii.-li.iaie far Mny«r i.n»lderad ni.i--- I,- l,e -all.f.i.torv io B BiaforUy ol Ihr lab.* ..r.-.ii|ir '""l'i.'.. in-.ln... lo Ihis rt-ulnt''". ..v..- .i-.end.d I v Ihr RrV. I..*)*|W K. Mr-.l.n.lL'.-. who.1 U l«r rrfrrissl I. ll.- «' .mmlll-e ..'. Ile-.lnli.e, Rrfi«4** IW* ,,.,ld i." di-pi.'d ..f .. n.....-..i ln adlmirn aa* m id.-. \. il... fl.r> il-v. t.r. , FnR'HI a.lo-d lhal Ihr im. lioii |r> allhdraaii. f..r hlm' lo ader .. r- oliitpii. on Ihr lll.le.l r.l-.*l l.v tfr. IlllllllnCloll. Ui- f-.i-e-l Ihlll II.- di*pn.|tif»n "f Ih" a.aii«-r li. Ibal "iv v.,.iiid >.r hkalf ,,. I.» ..rrri-tlj i-ike.i l.y Iho publtr. ll.lered thi* i.- i.Itilioti ... - ,|vrd Th il H.. »'..e l":.'' !^ "'>' '"* "' ,).,-,.,,.. ,,f .11 ..r.-an:-..UM * ahl'i ..'.' lll Mll.pallH ... ,||, |||.. niotemri t ., .,, .: ,:n .u.lf ado|.l< .!. al Iho n..--. .-' ..... Itird r x ui n m v vN ii ii vv ii.ti r. tvraa. ,.I,., ii- ... « i... ..¦¦.': pi.-i '!.¦. r.I..- ...... |, |, .!:,...,! 1,1 II .. RVV M' II I - '...". .-' i'1 ... i, ... |;.-i-. |)rs I .<> I.t llld l>- .. IIi*1 .' '¦. -i- |.ii..i patil.ipal.-d. r.i'l.i 1....-1. Ui B.plamiiU hl* ... .,,¦ p|r;i.- ih< !.. ortn* rnen .-.J ih.ii !¦" wanird l.i makr li -..-....¦ i.e-.t ..f an .-. -.rn-nre whl< li up Ihi* ti:i,.- I. rl l-ril !.' l>' i profniiiid -' -Whr-B Ihe rrrral .Irlhr mi Ihr »w Y-rli < "titrsl .,,,.1 t|...t--.n Rltrrr Ra iMad ana Br I iirdrrad." .,-. -nt. -I ne.u lo II. Wollrr Wrll,, the ll.lrd % !i - |.n- l'1-it .f ih>- r>....t. in Ih* m»rra t il Ihr a .r'.:ii,-iii.... I had .\lr. iii. |t |. -i, i, tn. iii rould n.mpllah l...t!.i'.l la'er i.B I.lll f»r me. Blld .,..,, | i,'.i i.,i rerrivrd Im Ulk.*4 ii'..u the .trlhe. ,-,,1 ,....- ludrd I .t -ai.urf: I...I.. r Uui-t-y, Jn*l 'all n.- iii--i i!-.,t «e .... r..-l.t ii. Ihi* nialirr.' I ati»*rrad N|, || Waltrr -I un nrjll .-: .. drnnCNIIIO -... .;¦' .' ioiii*.' and I i-fn ..' ¦.' do U rhl. .'.-I... .,i ll .-.. I...H..-1 llil.'"t ...'.-.-.I .'.:.-..! r ., !¦-' nrpn*a. _- 4»-. ¦1 ni; ...vii:\ii Ft»K I.I.I n«»S B»aiT1IS. iii'.v :v tiii i <-: ;>it 11 ii -- r.i/.M i. n iihinii* -j i i-.M Tl.e Rollro .'--miiil-s!..--. rr*»«-tdaj de. irt'-d lhal ,. iv MHctityelKl.l i-.m.-'-I- p«.Hind plarr. a-.mld br ,..,|..,1 rft tl..-I' B '.:.¦ M. Il"' f'-.l-.e IPIM 11 havinii fnond -mi i'.l" I'"'-" .¦' hlrh in br und ln ;.. ,. ,; ,|. Ui, Iii nl.,. I. I'l-v. 'li I- P ..'", '' ¦'' .,;.. ,., ,|,l I... foUl.d A .--I (IH' t fol Ihi ..I iv- rtrnl) .-...''. I..."." I....I-I. ¦-.- " ¦»*.. ¦'¦¦'* l'i Ih" I'.. t Ititei l.niiii.e.- l'i matinv. !.... hiiildincs «.:i i-' ,...i.-.i and rrowvad b) .'-" maipany »' a r«.| ,.f .^ij-, rarh. IW *nrh an Ihr ¦ «:ll li.iw Ihe i.M uni-r nflei .'..¦ hilioo ll-pirtmriit i,,. i.. fniibrr .1 f... tl.e h<iitdinr«. II *.»-* e»re< led lhal -jfin b.illd .. -.' .. r..-l >d ei 41 ra. h a.Mtld l- ,,,.,.,-,,1. |,.|l Ihr I...M.I- Cltril l'l th" l'l.'- I. ...1-1 I.- ir. i Ihr, -I-"'¦. wit'i'inl ...'.tr..| I-- .-'I ... si.,;.-.t ba- rldhhlrd !..-. . ..iiini--) ...... < to KtVO «>BIO ni. iinv. f.r bnlhRni balld b. >»..- "'id U* |-.i:.,ii.ic ihr ..Ih'iaJ i-.n-.t will pndml.lj be «lien "... Thrrr n dlhVran.I ..|dnlai am.Mi« Ihr rHin.ils n' hillie ll.-..'"ler reaardiiiB lle lerai of oll.I ,-, l,.,...| i,.,i,-.i,.....-!.. .I.ief nf th- liaraau ol FhiUmi* ||, -i.lIHdlllrd "li .ll.'.-.a.'V Hl lll l-l-.. ol I..I... ... ¦ ..llnrii. all. trrin of oil.e had -M'li.'i "." I",-"-' '. i -r und wi... i.-.-i i".'" iiiiaRiiS 'wer. ria- Uiw ,(,,:. ii,. l.-rttl -.1 »«.r tl.'..- i--..r-. LU -"ii.- "f Ihr ,...'. .,i iiiinh ii.-' i»l.I K.iie.ii....-h'- lerai raidrad .,., Anan.l I im! lhal he .- niw Jn'MMil! "v.-. If u. .,..i..,i--| \»lll .i-n.i.i" in ,;.,,. aithoiil reapiadiiliiia l.lai f«N n Itill lerai id Ihrca rilK li.-l'ir- irv.-i K UKNKRAI. I'OMMITTEF.. I.'.iil. I.. |.e!.II-l'l. iliiirmin ..' on ,!,.. ln, i.-.i e of ihe p-neral ...innnn.-. af ll.e l'.-,.|i|.-'- viuiii. i|.:.i l.r.inn.., annoanrisa yrnierday -.-.mi i.m.i<. iiaaii- ..( n.'-i. arh«. had ..n-.-nt.-l ... nrrvo nn Ihr --".. ,.itti... and « f... th- -u., ¦..-ef th-- Leanar.'* mdldaie. had I.n added ln Ihe ll*t. Irnoiia the ;U|dil|.|,al BBBX a.-r II...- >.| < ha.l--, llenrv \ ...iklev. Williiini II. >. liK-ifelin. Muns'ii S. Wi.llon. li...,ili.s r.daale. Willlaai R. i-bHI*. F. Marrajr »'l\ phanl. william B. Aadrear., Frrtdr Tnrher. I»r. llenrv |». N,.\.-. R. I*. ll..niai.s, l.oul- .1. Ii.ill'.nl. jr. rlarener s.' Ihty. llenrv i>.n. !»'. Walier Meodelsohn, lieoraa it iii.pi.i..-, iSroraa WaddlaaHai. Lraiael V. Myawtl, .l.ishuu ll.-niy. i;..d..lph Kop.i. Ilarry M. Reqaa. A. s. Ilal-h. Will. im '. sl.i'im...'". Ftrdrrlrh II. Ulh l,..i,s. riiiiion I'aln.ei-. Alfred Ayrcs, V. R. Mahnstnan, Min.nelT. IliiiiliiUli. .lall.". M. I.eB i-. .lame- l|. Ilal.- ek. Willlaai K. i'ai.en. .rao llraaaa-h-k, Jaaae. Ii...-d. Inild I'allanan, li-.-.l.-ri- U Eanl-en. .lame- l.-lin NiBtaaW W. .1. Ulh. Illlbnai M-.itI- t ii, Veen Isaae \\all«-l.. Rl.-hald FaaaBinra, Aiiloni. Iiasii.ia. MI. uael MaHlo. Allllb. Claunlnl. J.rao Murray. ..rgr Ul-.-d. John tatrey, .l..-eph, ii.tu.u.i Ward, ar. liNDiMi th.' M w V"Ti.N.i hUSTHOnH WMPf.R The K.i.iil.ll.aii vi.t.-is ..f Ih.' XXl-t A« IM.I.i.t aa oppartaalty U«t ali*t M aaUto a aracUVal bs»t »f ii.- a-orklaas ..I ti.a ballat la«. Thr Ri-pni.ii.-:... Jtawrlalhwi i.f ti"' dom.-t, had tattrd a awrUaa f-r Uial |,iir|M,..-, aad u -Ia* la UM a»..«-iatio,..» hradajaarlrrs. n... 103 i-v-t l-'ifiyni.'tii *t. A .iiLpii- t-atlaa baeUi »a* laaard br ib* Fed"»al Hah, aad ti.o*.- proarat la-t alahl iv-iit Ltii.xii.-li UM i-.i... ->f raUaa, J»*t ..* U.-y **lil h..-- In .!.. II lu thls It.i un il...ll(.n d.v. V n.imlh.r ..f tl," <ll*- trlrt load.-i* aaatr hil^f r n.i.U. ..\|.l.inat-.rv ..f Um .yatrla, -u.d ivh-n th- votliiu fnr Btartlce l.-aan, It »a< f.iin.d thal ii,.. \..k,. i,ad no dim.-nity whatrvet in eaadatflUag »Rh UW wojaliaBtaali <¦' 9V law. watra, aaea ni.der.tood, »<''ai^d eafeidlBltj ahapla t" awiyaadjr. a>.¦ DRROVMCina TA.MMA.NY IifPI.KTTY. The BaaeaUvo rou.mltt.. of Iho Cltlaaaa' Lo.»l lm- i.t..i...i..-i.t PBity of u.- ....ty.u.ird ai.d Twraty.NMiih Wurd* h-ld a rtaanlrd w.'l BMtthaj Bt th. .a.iv hoadaaartrra. K* 2.9*9 ThhaVaaW.. 1a*t niji.t. Tho li.air.iiai. ni Um KoaMMaiv. Jahfl ll. Raataaal, aaahi a h*9 and ....r...-.t addrraa. m ahkh ba udv.., ti... aowlaa- ,'on fi.r UM onii.. <.f CeaMBBBdaart of sir-'.-t .f ..i,.. bibb athrr thaa a praaawlaaBl pdRMlaa. Ha rbarard |-..,....,l..l.i...r I'".>'.r *'th Lavlng- Invll.-d BMBaVr* .,, in, . ,i./..». i*aity to a iri.-i.di.v emlinmcf. aad u.--.. |,;l>..k. tt..,s..l Ill-IF .....t.d.,..- l.v I...I.I.. ll"' nrivaU. .i.-rato... Ti.l* »a- daar. ,... ..nlli...- M Hr. Koa ....n. .... UM aaraa** -f aattthaj It Naaar lhal. th. ,,i,,,... «a* naklnt a alth la.,,i.aov lla.l .lol.n tadjBK. Jf . follioi'.d Mr. h.....-l>l-el lu » slinll...' v.-lii. Th. iiaiarr" ao 9ataf Uie HaM aad phwa uouhuk u»o j CBIasas1 Parlv O.i.venUon, is-ported In favor »l holdlng ihe eaarcBMaa at l*Hach*a ltall. One-hundred-and-twen- ti'th-t. and Third-av,-., on Mouday CteaUtg n.'U, at 8 oVloi-k. The re..,rl kia adopted. and tlie rampatKii BBB> mlltee authorlzed la arransra for th.i eletlliti of delemites iron, tha lecal elaaa 1.1 saah atatBoa Baaafct of the two . ard*.. Pat ihc aaaaaatiaB lor Comn.lisloner of Strct Improrc rocnu as ,ippo*.-d to Mr. Papoy, I.oiil., J. HeJnt/. Jajne* L. Watta aud John H. BBCeppal ar- uromlnently ¦nsltsar4 -«. . MR. KKAN NUM1NATEI), HI'T DKCLINEH. Asbury Park. N. .1.. Sept. M (SpcclaJi.-The Re> publlrajis of tlie llld (ongrcss Dlstrict, comprlslng Blirtliaat Monmouth and t'nion rountle*. met in shlnn's Hall. Kreeliold. to day to nonitnate a caudidate for (oni'rc-s. lt was one of tho moat enthusianUc ronventlons cvcr held ln thc dMrlct. Jolin T. Rosscll, of Kreehold, wa* made rliairman and Benjan-ln F. S. Iirown, of Matawan, secreUry. h^^|BBa>ossman Jnnn Keaii, Jr., of ElUabetli. waa nomluatat by acclamatlon. BoaalaMtJBl werc adopted Ifjaorsbif, Praaldent Har- rlson's Admlnlstratlon. thc McKlnley bill. rexlprocity, speaker Keed, and favorlng lawa to aecure a free vote and an honest tount. The rcsoliitions al-o say We denouncc those meinbers of (aingrcsa. both, Re- piibii.44.ns and Deatorrata, who. wiiile arawlng thclr -alarie- a- LOBgreaaioen, neglct-t their BilbUc. iluti-» and leave their -eaU- viuant; and we parlicularly do- iiouni-e thoso I'ongresamoa who, whlle noiuliially pre- ont at the s(-ious or loagrcaa, sneak out of the ruom at overy rotl-eall In order lo break a ouoruui and prc vent the imuaartlnn of the publle bu-fness. ... Tho Mld Congrossloiial DUtrl.'t ls a .-oininernal Blt> tri.t. The dlstrlet BCCdl a Rcprocntatiyo wlio wt l have at Wa.shlni.tnn. and who will labor with ind.-fatlgable teaJ to aerure lor the dlstrlet needed ap- nroprlatioiis for our waterways ai.d for tho erectioo ol aaeh pabllc bulldlwg. aa arc Becccaaarj, for ihe tranaartion of thc PcBoral buslnc-s. Wc belloso that th.- statc of N.-w-.Ier-e-v -liouid -eleet a.- il-. rCB- reseotatives ln and for all other offlrei-s i.ien who art identitl.'d with th,; Intere-t of ihelr vartotis d- trlrt- and wc depre, ale thc growliig tendemy of tlie Deinorratli- partv to iiominate men for nfflre wnn aro virtuallj' rasldents of nn-.tlier BBBBB, who haye no bu-iiie-..- or other Interc-ts .onnertiin,' thcin with tlw Ktate of and who are noniiiiatea BOSeq bsraaac of thcrr weelth. Mr. Kchii wits inforiiied by telegraph of his noniln*- tlon. ll* aaal a reply, po-itiveiv aarBalai to raa. Kvfongressman ABMM I'larB, Jr.. the pr-.-ldent of the new Natlonal ol Kllzabeth. wa.s tliwi Domlnatcd. NOMINATKD FOR (ONT.RESS. Ntar-Hacaa. ftoaa., sept. aa.-Thc ITohibitionlst* of Btc lld riasgieaalonal Dtah-trt todav Boatlaaled C. M. Whlttnore, of MarMaa. Ralon Hnngc. I.u.. Sept. 42.-B. K. Robcrts was re- newilnated lor t'oogress bv the Deaaocrats of tlie Yltli DUtrlct to aas. FOR (OM.R.F.iSMAN-.\TI.\R'.F IN OFUO. relaaabsia, uatB. Sept. » iBBertal ..-D.*»i»lta Bac I>.*m- o.rntl" s-rr. of tl,- Btat. f'-r the pi;ri>,)-e «f gaa*. Uu._OlU""BlBn hoe. nr.:... it ls aat Uagiibahli that th- lt.,.,jt,ll .:>..- may BBV« a »olld del.-jatlun from thl» .stafe I.i th.- BPBt Nu'lnnal IISSMP. With the BB- n,.i.ii. ..i.-nt fo.ii. WaahlBgtau Usal < nnure.. la >,«t to ,*-, ihe blll, pio'.atlng f'.r the rssataratlcfl .f »,e ,,ld dlatrlebi, ,.»,»»rnoi lample-ll ha. abandoned IBC Id-;. ,f al axtra Sraate. of tho Lial-Utar.; la t'.re y la ih- arl af last »lnt. r. Be aaa denl.-, that apaa » atrle* eaaairaetloii a pottla. af Btarr* rawBaBlB, llaaillUH. ('¦', i* left saUrely out of th« lld Dlstrlet; b-it,n.e ihU »-a« d'.ne in UM pr.-vlou. law th« lii-nio. rat- lain, lhat tin- 4r.rrvn.4nd.-r aUI Bctd bo.hI. j.ihn 1 Ruaatkes. PX-HppaBpf "f th< IIou«» nf R.-iip.- arwUtivea, 1- ont in a -urd sdioeaUag the risctisa >.f the .«..iv.,.i,e i'aogiPa%ao»a-at-Urgp. i|f laacs aaa Bromid that »IU'-e a p..r!l..i> af a U)«.i*'.ii.. ..mprl-lna alvnit JOO VStara, |i |eft out, thPt'- are no I'oufreaaBMal dlitrltta in th- State. it.' advi.e- ti,- BepuMleaaa t<> raaajkB. th-ir aiadastlaas (,v di-tie'Sa, aud ih-11 t., uat Uie t lagWSlBISB on the g.'n- ral a- <"ll .<<¦ th dlatrlrt HcBH, 'hit th.y m»v be \ote<l fr,r bv all th,- electera <,f th'- Male. That tilan SPCBM to ,. ..., a-ita rl.^er un ..ur wau* l-ssdlaa aasa. aod if lt B f.iimd te I-' n»«-d in *'iii*ui, la.e. ll iiii.r te- adopt-sl. ti. f 1* -ii -u » <t"-.i.i taa. ih. Btatc »HI an BepaBhV ,-jn u, Nev.u,t.-r t.v a larce a*j..r.ty, and th- ata. «ouid rmiilt in a **>lld rt'-l.-.,'i'.ii fr-.m "li;,'. "f lec Ro- puhlK-aa. sad -iv "D ppiWKrato i- iii'.-ud-l W th" a^rry- i>.ai.d* r. _ 'im: wy.iMi.M. ii'iN niM'i.iKD. rblracj.. h*pt '-'- -\ fti-i'.t'h tr'.'i l.aiao.t,-. Wyo., M,. tVvomilig Bnd* it- f tn n I- -.¦:..r :-¦ IWSIl nt. uH|ug l" ll..- fa.i.'v,. .-¦ II Uon ,'f tV RaadtHUnB, »i..h piohaMy 11, ...!..'.» ''. latP ..-'-"o mi f.r *s lonnty ..;.,. ii- »-. ..¦¦:¦. 11. -<1 .'i'i |.!.-s.-!ii- any general ,. ¦..!, I,,;;.' I, ,| ll, I"'.' ],,.(...,:... .f I. ,111-tUII- ..... '.ii tV\..i:,lns a.MiM ne admlUcd ".-Iit .I*.-, M||..i, 1 \\i.. iab-ring nndei tbu |iaprea»i«i th-. pi..i.i.,t rei .uiina uv .¦.¦. i;-'n» »ui'i. a-".ild naturally !*¦ ii-.d 00 Un ui. of tttls mwitp. ln d-rtng Ihli Ihe fu ... - i»f. r-'d t'. the .-!. tl.,r> " ITw Brat irgalar eictuHi tkit » "lid ..'¦. '.r foiioi>iiii lae n:*t .«-.r,n of Uir I..f.*,4t ,r«. . ? . I'.X (.MilU-SSSUN li'M'll.l. IB A FK'.llT. bt !.«¦'.. -'|,t. .2 apprlal I"' ii B. 'I'M-iri. IhC i.-.ii. ratii Lai-r ,.f th.-viiiti. n.-tn. t and a bttter eaeaay of rt 'AflS-r. - Jul.ii J. ii'N-1.1. th- nt.ject ..f h.s «r,"i t,. ilav aad Un * i'»t 1.1. th-r la Im* D»l.ratl- »1>I-. They te'ik-le 1,1, 11,. -tr>.t nntil frtends pull-d th.-m ais.rt ind i,o» the, the it-11 i. h-ne* th. gfbt »h-n 'h-r 11,....t. 1. N'e.'.i rlaim. h «a* "»|.|g*d" oul el the leguhM noiiiiiu- tlon fi,r l KOg.vM l»J " . «.-. 1111 r h i.i'.w iti\n < U'R. ti,p ....¦ d ..,.: r. i,-ii.v 11. tin.' ig i.i,' r I. .iraat Ba* pul.ll ,11 t'luli .>. held .u*' i-.'inii.: ». ih.' iNti'i. I.-...1- ,i',Mit.r«. N". u (Tiar.iun-at. \i..v.i t,r-v BepuUlcans ..,,,. ,..,...,, -| ,... nn), >.|.|'.., i,.i.,..i -.,1 \. ,i» ih.) pru|HH>al i.f tha i..n-.« ..: '^-ht landala.ei f..r UKBibPTahlp. Ih.-y «.;. I,e \, I 'ii'.ui :.l Un i.ex'. ii.e.-tmi;, whlch wtll bc .'..'.. Un in-t Miadat ln 1. :.-i-r. An .'iit«rta.iin,eut «ill i»- t-.M'ii ah, ',' «', i-i IS. Rellers, barera nmt wuraers will alwaei (lnd lt to their intcresi io kecp ira. lt of the lltlle advertl**cBM*nt> ul Hi,. puipie.' liuv an; prlBtcd ufl UK BtatfeJ p»s'C vl ihc ftibuno .v/.iv ilMdi'sillRt: Ri:i-rnu< \.\ roBBtTTBB. rourord, N. II., i-ppt. --¦- Th.- Bepubtteaa >lat« ri.nin.Hlon iH-gatiiied t.. nigut by elcrUng l'. .'. Caurch- Ui i.f Lebauoo, ihalrniau; 0. .- .l.-»e(t, nf I.a.oiua, re.'ret.iii 1'. ll ft'ondinan, .f foiuord, trcaiiucr. iu<; I'Ri'ts roR TBBATBB sk.kts. 'I lie -^le "f --.»1- f.r tho Ul-t p-1 f"i'in.ui. .. of - Dr." ... the liarden 11i»-:iit->* in. >at,nda\ nlght, t,,.,k ulaip .,1 th.- iifiii Aveuaa Aorthat yOTterday .ifl. 11 "li. IV. I.. Nonnali a'tui^ .1- Blll tio.ieer. l*h.> tli-t -*le «..- >.l s.'\Cllt> -'it- ll Tl-. .'"I. I" II- !'¦ Wagnrr. llcn Kn'n.h th.'.T boughi thniv -i\ ,it Bll caelt, for Itta In.'i.d- and dgbl iiinr.- werc ...Id ;it i*1 l. i.eti.-ral Mvrrttl bougbl Iw>, »l #111 .'... aud M -v llBII* llll'.'.' .lt +1 K. I". -t'llltoll iMHIghl -ixteell .11 p|-J .». ll .ind .',.l,n lloL-.-r- thi-.-"- Ilt iM. llie prt.Ps i,.i ihe 1, t ..[ i!,.- .<:. Iiestia ranged fr.mi th.--,- 1.1 .-... ..". Ihc l.,«,-i pi-l.p |'.nd loi llll- p.tri ,,f the Iwii-e. Th.. i.,\i- h-piv -"hi '»- followa: li»a K. ln lieurgH k,- 1-1 i.u .Ti.i'i i.i'x \, i" \. H llumniel lor ¦*-." .. IWi\«*» lt, n miil I. ,,1 i|r |\-.n al fm ein h 1;,im - li .ind II 1,1 mi inii,ii .it ri'. ... II..' Iiighe-.! prn.. |.,'i.i r,.i .1 ¦.¦ai in Ihe hahiHij »». #T ,u mul IIm- |..wp»| .-j ,. aliile Ih. 1.1 the --ill.'.i iniistsl fiotu -<l -> io k'or iwrult.n.c eeiila 10H ran get int-:'- MtUe t.iv.-i Plll* Ih. l"-( II. r r- L'Ullb.l 11, He " U.HI'1 t-i.'t. ? Itnh I'uiii'h 1,1- a- .' l>ad< all .,!'.*. IIab ..¦... 1, ..11, 1.. 1,-. a -iu. .1 .Mti, I,-'. "-I .1 .4.1 aater. 1.1... -I- im il dniggiot*. «. >tlllion< nl hraiU noM ,,,'inl \.|lli a |.r..fn-i.-li Of BSag' .|,| ,,,, ,,-. ..- .|,..ii,ll,| j|,p, ,.i.n. -I ll bl Itariv s I tn ,i|'h'-i'.ii* He ,.i,.. liair |.'-i«.:.-r and buiillli. r. . ? AI>\M> liii N.-s Un lliur-hi, .-». iileinb, r 18. I**1>0. iil Lh i.-iiti,.. .,f tii" ride - parrnta, New ll.. Ie .1,-. N \ ln ii,. i;,a |li I. r Ilt- ,'-. I.iltlli 11.>*",.«. ilaU4t*fc*4 nf \s M \\ Vo.iaga, ln t'lae'aea Bf. Adam-. of Wiattle, tVaahlagton. KI.I.I.V.N M.l.l'A' At l-PPkahlll. \ Y. s,i.iernh-r 17. |. 11,. Ilev. livlnt I-. tVhllP, Ml 1 liarle- \V llllM.11. (,,,.I, ,,r V » Wliid-ni N \ to Ml-- ".in. ., ... ld.el dallghlel "f Ml*. JBBP Jnd th" Ilt" ill.lK A Al.eli. af l-",.-kill. Mll.lJ.K 1VI.1I IT. -On Widii'-day. hCptOlilBul 17, Ic.iO, nl St (hM-ii-l.s CIiuii I, N.'mVuk I'lty, ln Ke. .,!.,.. >..,., KH.II) A. I.US-. .,f lli/al.-tli AMilf-. tn Jnnn Milier, 11 f Bph-YuTB < Itv. i-i-rrAiii' HAi.iu.N 1.1, s. i.t.mi.. r 22, is'.io. at. ii, p" 1 naupi :cr.i i..». »tt. -l N.w-Yo,*, by Uir lt. v. J..i,u I, |,,,ii,- .1 I. i.ei.ild Alfi.-d Pippaid and MUC .1,,-. 1,1.1,1,. UalbHt. 11 \ iiiiui 1. M'i;;i,.iN "ii rauseaibec 20. is>.mj. i,v u>, || \\ |- jappa ii..'hIi,i*' Marrla Ten Braack ui Mliuiie d.iiivlilr .if .Vr i,nd Mrs. l)a\ld M.uiran, i>f Brooklya, L 1 Sa i»i-l« Notlces of marrtage aiust be lndojsed witji ful] iiaiue aad ailUrecs. DILD. AKKi.Mti'r.'.ii ''ii hatBraay, Heoa, 20. at XyacB, B. Y.. I'.,,..'iti 11. ArKriiiiurHh. 111 hli .uth v,ai. I ri.'.xl- ate I.iiIUhI U. atu-nd ui- fHneral scyvtcca at ui» lau' re»ideiK... N)Bck, B. s%. gBcaaay, -Sept. .'», at lt 3i. .lrain laarrs SM«sC . aa a. rp. aud Chaathera st at 10 15 B. 111. lairiHge- "Ul he ln v.allli.K aa arilMil of traln*>. P1pV>w aain) H,i«"-j,< ..... 1'hlUdelphla. Albany and f.oulaslile papers plcaie copv. (Alll'l-NTKR-Al i'lcaeantilli.', B. Y.. Scpfin'-er '22, of ,mmii'uptloH, C*)l*» OarpiBafr. J... agrd '.it. y.ari, 4 i'.'i'i'u'l»i','».'rv.."» ai th, Phaaaatvlllo station xi. r.. rhurch, aa vv.dn.Mla,. HryiinsibPr J4. at 2 a'phwk p. m. rolll.-At rsaBera, B. Y.. K. picinber 22. 1SW ltartaell-, j, as. .<f ItatBelle and Maillia l lobh. aiicii IU l-ai*, 1 11,1.1,Lh aud *> '!,*.-. |-iii,-t»i "irviiis ,'i. Weda4Mday, K>*ptenacr 14, ln si. juhu'a st . v BelaUvra aud frlrtid* aie linlted. liit.rni.-i.l O..KIaiid l'.-.iii-tc.v. 1 l.l.lii I' I' siidd-niv. ul hi'urt failure. ui Ureeuarl, h. Oum '.-..pN-ini. r zl, Maraarpi *-. bploved »if- ..* .luim ... Kuii-rwl a-rslepa ul her lalo r<»ld,-iii- »i. \V,<i.i,-duy, at. llPlaUvea aiid fneinl" "re r.peclfnlly Invlld t.> att-nd wltlioui fnrther iiiitli-. t'arrlagM will ae ln sralUaa aa thc arrlval of 1:0J p. ». tralu froni Oraud Ctntral TAi^l. . D1KP. IllfhTOir naddralT. on featurday, Septrmber "0, lohn S. ..ll.riore, arrd 04 yrara. ., RrlaUVM and frl. nd. of the fanilly are Invlted to atiena UM foail.l .(1SI..S »t hl* lat.. MoBasaco. 921 W4B439a> *t. on Tu..*day v'.iU.K, at s oiloik. .... . liit.-niient at ..rrenwood at convrnlenre of the lamuy. Iteaar 9oaar». JIl'Ml'llKKY-Al Wllllamstown, Maaa., Frlday, Srptem. b. r 19, 1K.0. MaraarH Maepbrraoa, »>ifo of Theodore K. Hanphray, fon,.niy at Albaar. N. V. Bnil.l at tl.e Albany Rural l cnietery. MONTAiilT'-At BtaaRegaB, Mkhhaat. Septeitiber 20, t harl.-s hUIIbbm Moutaaoe, foiraerly of llirtloid, Coua, Inl- im nt, at llailf-'Ki. M-.W'To.N-vt RaaaaaMd, R. J on sat.irdar. Septornbor 20 Isua<: Xeartaa. ln the. 7*>tb y.-ar of hts a«e. Funeral servn >¦* Taeaday, llrpteaiarr "J3. al H o cloca, from hl* lat" n sldenee, Oikland-ave, Uloomttiid. Poorla. ni.. i-aners alraoe raay. KANnOI.I'H-41 .summlt, N. J., Sund.v, Septeniber 21, A. R. Kai.doiph. ln l.i. Tlst year. ..... s,.r%|i«a at Baptlal t'hurch, in Summlt, llednra. day. fsV|it,.inlM.r 24. al 10 a. m. Int'.'rn.. i.t at I'laiiiiloid. N. J. Tl'RNK.ll-Siiddi-.ily on Monday. Sepfmbor 22, »t har latja paddeaee, Ko. lo.l Raat Mdst., Klla, *lf» of Charlea W. Turner, in the 3Hd year of her v.-a. Retfca of faaeral armrra h'-ri-aftrr. W10Ql*f tiaddrahr. at Rarthaaod, New.Hamp.hlr., Run- day. s»-pieii.l>ei L'l, lienry li. WbBJIa, in ln. .ath year. Notfi-i- of fim.-ral later._ Spcciul IXotiffs. t'arprt l l.anlna. T. M. bl'MVAIO. ajo "th-avo. Telrphone, 12U 194%. b<:i>d for clrcular. ~ luvaluablo t'or All Korm. of feaada arahaea., Carter". Mttie i.ivrr PRhv_. _.«r.. V. A. Miuelalr .olicita order* for boaic-iaada Jaow, Jelli.a cautu-u, api ed, preserved and braudied frultt. AU- .olute mirlty KuiKnterd. and only ttrst-.-laaa m.terlal BMBb AU fruit put up ui aiass aud .tored for eaataaacf. ux>"> fall. For clrcular. ioi.Ulnlni{ pric..* and rafareaea. ea> drein Mn. C. A. bioclair, No. i AUce Louro, Brooalya. M. T._ I'oalofllrr .Vuliro. (Should I.- read by all iiit-rt.-t-d, as rhanscs may oecur at anv ti.i..-.i ,, Ijrtlrra fot- fi.i.ien loiuiuies need n.,t bo .artully ad> dre.s.-<t f-r dlspotrh by any parUealar st.-an..-..« aropt aaea It l* a^neii I.. ..-..d d.,pii..iu*. ,< baahiag aj.'i naaaMrcka dorumoa*.*, imer. n-i .pri-tell) addiciial ta.ii>;; *cm by th." f.i-t.-t t'**>sr!a avalhuMr. Forataa NtaU. for t...- are* a>p4eather 2. »iU elo-..}v in all ibmw) at tm- ' a- f,..low». WKDNhsffAV-.U -JiJo a. .... f'.r p-r .. l. Trav^, via .sU'.ti...i.;-ii, aad u..i..... iMtrra fta Irdaad mu*t u.- dlre.-t.-a -^.-r Tiara"!; at 10 a. .... f-.r BM a. ». Brltaaale, via Quavnatuwn ,i-ti.-.> foi uiut linuin and otli.-i l-;.i...|Kaii"* ...'.-- I<" dlrertrd "|MI uri.- aunlc-'i; al 10 a. M. I*r tl..- N'.-u.. .lai.ds di..-.-., ix:r ». «. Maaadaat, via U..t(. n.a... iIrtter* n.-i*. br dlrrctrd fot Maaadam'';; at 11 3.. a. .... f-.r UrlftUBi dli.-t, p"r ». *. lUiynland, \ia Aatwerp ii.-tt.-i- n....t i«- dlrreaal "fet Rhyaland"): .1 I l>- '"¦ la* ''"'"¦ 1"r »; ". *>a«B»a, via Uavan. ai j p. m, r.» Jaaaa! a, |,.-. a. *. u...ian. . JlllKMi.vV -At B u. n.. 1... . ..|. Ila'ti and l'ort Palx i*-r . -. 441 at ll 90a. w. to. t.u...|>-, *. *. Mar« Buwnla. via aao Ua«.m\ ai 1 n. .... lor Her- ,.,,,,!__ ,,., , .. O.-ii,!.. ii, ut I |>. ii.. lo. Nas.-a.i. N. I'., ai.O. Sau.s',,,1 i.l.a. |»l ?. - *....!..-... a- S p. ie [or llnatan, ,.r a. a. I'r.f. H«4-r, tr.«i N ,».i.!l.-a..s, at H :90 p. n- t-f \'.Mf,,nii<i:a...l, i»-. -I-....,.. f no. Hal.fax; at B:99 a. at, for i>t. J'..-..-. M.i|..-l.«... I" *t-a,i.-.i fr.,m ll.., fa\. KR1UAY U i |> in- f-'l .laina,.... <.-'¦>Ui»M and f.-iate- n.ala. p.-r .. *. UaaMH lhft4tta far iMI/^ ...u»t Ij.. dJre.ual 'bTaII/'RuXv ,41 1 a. BI. f'.r liati"-. Hwlt/irlaad, Itaiy, M.'.in r..a.a'.ii aad larkry, p.. a. *. l.a Uourfogao, vi4 llavr.' a> ll . w. f«r Hoifiar l-ir-nd and alsj niri au.l AIlM at 11 i..i- i-,,,,|». p. ». » Ltahrla, vu g..t*-a»towa . Ti '.'.'.i a. m. r..- >i'-...>:¦.. p"r * ». Klhr \.a nsnthanptna and (1 t- R ffi^.t b<- d.r.---'-<t "i-¦- JCiO- ;; ai 1 aaa. f,,i Cainp.-. Ie t !..a|. - !».!-.. a.-d V n-........ p r s. « lu- at-n, l.-t;.-i* f... ui..-. Mi-\i. aii Matr* a...l . ulil ...-.*'. oa dlr'.lMl "prr Vioataa ",; at 1 p. ... f-'l Noiwar <l.r.;t, IK-r >. s. Xrtra- il.4t.-r. .r...-t br dlr-'.-d .. |~r .Nori;.. ), al n in. !>'.. th-- il.r.-.-l. |«>r «. a. Uou.-idnin, vla .\...«i. i-ia.ii .lett.i- ....I-- ... dlni-t.*! .. p. r i...tu«r.". «t 2 |>. hl. f..r M...IM...I <Ilt... I, I*'. «. -. Ani-hmia, v|a lilarfo. ihlter. ii.'-.t l..- .Ui.- r-u ¦. pei An-iioMa || it I ii ni. fnr liii..-rt-.ds ai.d ".r- ytowB, p.-r .. .. i.'i.s*la, fr»,m \. w<ir, . M NI.W -Vt .1 p. ni far r.a4a Rh-a. vla I.imon, r»r s .. l-ONiiall. fr.m. Xrw-Onraa*; at :i |i. ... for iruv'.IIO, p. r *. * a. i.t.-n. fioii, N.-w-O.;.-»..« a. 3 B. BI for lll'..- Brld. aod i.rrytoaa, pt a a J- Olerl* k, fr.-.n »aa> MalT* far UM Sarletr |si»nd«. prr '-itp TropK Hud ffrem boa Kra...j...- tUu* h"rH BrptMBbrr -J.. at Jl 30 u iu Ma11 . lor . ..n.-i and Japaa. |,-i ». »¦ '.*.u. rr-m Un l-inn-l-r... .1..- ...- >.-,'-.. b.r -.-.-,, at 9 99 B. m. Malls f'T th- Ila»a.l-in l.lai.d.. |a*T *. *-. AJWWalBJ ifron. San Franelarn lo-- l.-n ", t..l.. r 4 at i 3o p. n. V?n. lor Auatialia. X.¦» ./...aia.,.|. Ilaaaliaa. K.,-1 and Kanioan l»land». |*f - - Mariiar- froai Maa I >-an. i..o,. r*.«¦. h.'e fhtftla-r I'-. a' 911 p .-, ... MI arrtval at KvW.Vurk i.f - * «:th ItrlllM nvul. f-r An- traUa f..r X.»liMinBland, bv- .all ... Ilaltfat, and " by.traai.-r. .>.< at tin* .-tl.- da'.> ... :<n p. .. Ma Is for Mi.i-...!..,. hi tall t.. Il...t.,:i and thrao. I.T ;t.a..,er. il,.- at Ihis nflH-r d.."ly at rl 10 p. r... Mat:. f,,r aha l.v ra.i U. Tampa. KM.. and by s'.«.i...t Kilinc M«rida.« md Th .-Hy* ei,-r a- im* ..;.-- jaUy at ¦¦¦40 a ... Ma.',* f." M»vl.-.'. oifrloid, nnl^.. .,, V'-. dlr.-4 fm dl.p.''-h hy »u-am. r, claoa at this " -ii!''"'.,'i';','' "'.f .:.-.:..- af Ttaa«.ParHV mill* I. ¦rranr. -I '..> tt," |iieaiim|4Ma -f Ih-lf iinlnt-Msipfd o\»rl»n4 traii.H to ^an Kranrl- ..¦ Man. tmm thr Ka-t .rrtyhu «a tlnie i. son Kiai. .¦'. ¦-''. *aj ..' sallintf .f *4.*amrra »r.- d.-|*eli.d t'.":,.-.' "i -i. - day. r.-e.frd ma.l ci..-,* atop. "ViV^-iV.r'viM-'vrr. r>-taa-t-r. To"^mr*. Mew.Tata. N. Y.. 9>pa>oih.r 10. 1300. .. .._9 fjohlical Xoticca. Repiibliran Primary Elreilono. Thr Repabllcaa aatar. ratohVd la »h-- arraral Ass-rabiy Dl.lrl.-ta wlll n.-.t a. Um alarr. Ie :.itiaf>i- naii..^d <.:i rnday -vn,,,-.-. b> pt>aab. r 99. UBja, :.t * oVhKk, fot UVt pttrpnsr ..f .l- Ui.e irlrffat.. 10 Uv i.- nhutlai convsntioul iia,.,.d a. f.>!I..11. a .-i.i-.NTV COXVEXTIOX t.i be '1 al W I'--: Ha::. I-' M"v ath-t.. hetweea Ttii.d and r.anth atr... .... Tim.-d.v rvealag, o^tober i, I*:-.. ,i H ..' I. ... Ii. legat. - Ui k- jpi-..!....¦ '1 i- ' ll« *.< v:'.l Flt.1 .\ !>.-: I. '. I IM','..' -. «,.,.i .\.i.l s i.|.i .. .. d. . natra, Thlld A-- n....i ln l.-i 'i il I- -MI ». ..ln A-- Ul.l.lvl -"> .1- K .'¦ 4 K lll. As- l.iMl iL-i. I. '. -'¦ .. »' *. >i\tli \.*.-n,..ii ln.tii.-t. 7 d.¦i-c.-.s. S.-I .'11 A., i. ...i I'.-' '. I- 'I- I- -a'ea I !..:. As-'...i.:i lu.t.i.i, » <: I- -..t-v \ --. n l,l« J..-:. I, lo <:. L -..!.>. Tnlli .. . .: Lii Ui* .Li I" d. I- -."-- i.,.,..,.., \.,1*1* uistikt. e d ;¦^o. Tn. .m. A. ii.iiij I'.-.i.' ' d- l.'iMba. Thui a-- u !>:-' t, IS dib-eatai I-,--. Mntii a--......i |.i--:..t. .'. d l.-aaWB. I-,.-.-.,t.i a.ii.i-:-. iM-.-.-i. !> ii. i-.--..'.-.- MM-.-Illh A- .ilhlr 1...I:.. -. -!¦ ;- ¦>'¦ *. i .. . >iith luatiltt. IH d'-l'tataa l ..¦..!... »n a-.ii.'.:v |it»»rl. t, i-- d-l'-tratrs, Niii.tni.ti. v.-.i.i:i ln*trlit. S2 d.-l.-aatra, T«l A. ll.'..-. Ii.-I.:. t. T -I |.-e:.t... Tu.i.ii.llMl \..,-il, lll.ltl 11 UelrTateaj ,i,i,i .-.,,, .i jtMs.-iit.ry Ki-.-.-t. I4d.u-a.tri Twmtr.thlld A*a..i.hlv Ul*trl>-t. 49 4V-lf|jaB*J A. iBIill Ki-C.-t Tn.i.ti-thitd Waid * il- lr«atr». T«. i.t, f.Mllth W ll '4 0- Ii -,l'e». Hbu'biidax-, 1 di Irtatr C...UT *........l t'oavrotlaas t.-> !-.> brld <n Moadcy araaa int. Il.tobrl L, at » o'vhKk. al U* pla, - d-'-..:utCd BB ItflklW. tl/. Kl\th . ,ui.-r. IMstili-*.. 141 Froohlio tt. s..\ t.lli l ...ic..s--, H.-.r:. t. IH.'i,. 1 iiihtli I'onill. -si,, lil-l: .. 'I.l I....I...H -! .Nii.Oi r.,iik.T...|..ii!ll l>,*t:.;. JS V\en...- ,V. .tViltl. I .ui;i..-|..iial [.l-lii'l. '-'-:. Ib. ¦¦¦'-¦"¦'¦ _ l.l.v.n.h t.*Biraal.mol I.:-'-:--. IIB lJ«hth-a«a. Twrlfth ,,.,3..-M......I im.m i""> .-' ;f'i alB*aaaa lhtrt.s-i.Ui i ,.,-i..s...i..i. n.-'iet. i.iV) Thlrd-atr. Rrpn*»atatt4a lo hr Vke >oaie ;.- ... im ¦¦..<:» roava«. U..H. .v.-pt thal UV T«...ti-^->....d A. .-.N) IMrUlel .hsll raUUrd '..- I- (l.'l.-.»..¦. m ti--- Tii-lfih t ¦-.-..- M*M -1 Ulatrirl . ..nvvi.ti.,.. a.,d .i .1. .OU. s ln tl.. Thlrterath l.'-.i- BIWlaBBl IM*'.:' I <.¦:.».¦..t.-.n. Jadtrial r»i«4rl l Loat.-ai.* lo h." h«-ld ->¦- rvralaa. Uelotvl 9, at B »'.-lo ... .t u. pla. .- lij. r na....d Thlrd i-i-l .'. I'¦-¦¦:.' ''..'Iv. i'<:"" 5«l tilatoo I'la--.. .-vi.n.j. Ji.dicial n.-i.... i ".iv...i...... I«SS9 laudarw 1>. ;. jat. - t" !¦. ,.|.|i..:l:.iJ..d a- IvUoB.: Thi .i ,t......I i i. -I... t. i deiraata. I A..- lH.llli I. I d-'i.'iiat.'. s. i.iiUi v- ii 'i pl»trii ¦' 4< I. ,-.!"a. N.ntli \... ii.. Uitil.l. 10 avh'.atea. gr\mth .I-.-.. .al l»l*t.|. t \......i-ii l.'-tri.t. t d>-l- '.mi.. ra.rnt4.tb A.--...'... n.-ti- l. 7 drlegat.-.. .|.(-, i- -i lllatrl.-t, 11 drfrsab-.. 'I 11. lltT-s. ..lld A-..-...IIIT ll.-t!! t, U! d. I' r'.ll 4. v.-. iii.ii in-iiii". i ....I.M..I....S i.aiaotr ,ua fn A . n -!- aud ll.l-....... t.. I" ie id -.. l-ioal .i.-llll.g. ,,,,,!,. ic ,,i .> ,.',-,... i. ... l'i.- ...adquarl -n. .-f Um i.< pun. ii, |. ,iu :,i....s in in ...p. -.l.v d.-t.i. (.. In -.1.^ nt} f..iiilii IHst.lit, tl., Ass. H.i.iy Iii.tri t l-..||\.l|l|..|| !.. Il.llll.l'- ll' '.....(.. l'l ll.e I lH|'l....||lh r..- uirarlaital IM*trl.t.alloa aad landldalr* f..i \--^u. v iitui r,.i-,.--!..n-. .-I *!...¦; ifipr..¦.¦-....nt.. rhall !¦. hrtd al l,,,,, ||:,||'. iv.'. I iii.-luin J|. d-.tnd UftnHi- ». ..i. haluidai i-iLiiiiw. orirtaa i .i. m u'cwrh. Caah r.atv.'litl.Hi sl.all ...iii.-i .. ... ...a.-v .!. i. .-i.t. . a- H.-re may I... .-U-. lii.n disll.ts ln II." A-..'iiil|v .li-til. I ex.-pl SMl |n tl,.- 1 w. i.u f..,.rll. A-i-.: Lii li.-t.l.-. tl,.' drh-aatra .sha'.l l., aunortli,.I a* follot*.,l -tl.lrd VV.iid. I.l d^U- rfu;.. i'«.i.iii..iii.. V.aid. li li.i^.a... RhaBibiUpa. 9 Iho Alil......a..|.- 1'aavmUon li. I..- T«< niyiinrd Waid, Twctity-foiirll. |ii*trl.-l, -"ai n- ii.-i.i a' Tara Mull (Virtlandt-avr, ii,..-h.!.. -.1 n.d int..-ih-.t aa Muiida) eteliBiB. <'. l»l«-r 0, IB4V. at s o' ai.d shill ,.,i,. i.t ,.r :ii ihi !....(.-. , ._. The Ald. . ....v.-ntl. m in '.Ie ¦niv-fi.n.ih V.arrt, Tw.-l.ttfrii.Ul a--ii,i.U li.siii.' -.,..11 I..- hold at tha i,.mu- ..( Ihr .-sili...l.a.i ln... .>... ...' ¦I'V.-iitli *l .nd \ and- l.itl-u\ .¦.. .... M..ii.Iiiv rvral.C, Ito4o> |,^r d a'. H nVlwh. and -hall !>.. ronatl ..Md .<* fnlU>»*: Tw.n'.y.....irtli Wa d, 1-' U...> uaL* Bh* 9 d^^ t;al.-*." Thr |il..e* at ivhiti. tho piimaiies atU b" hcid ara ad fattnwa: Klrot A«s.i..i.iv Ulatrtrt. i'.i KraahUa-ab b.-.ond a.s.i.i!.1v HIMrl.l pui 1". nl*t. Thlrd A-*.-n.l.!v IHsiii.-t. I9S I'.nrhth st Ko-trtli As.. inhiy IKHlict. IhT Kiv-t llmadw.y. Hfth AsM.i.l.iv IM.tri.t. I.M VV.'.l lloaatoasrt. M\tU D4.trl.-t 410 ...a..d..t. Mavrath A»..-iiii.;y ai.tri.t. afl t'linu-n P.ace. Klehtb AtM-mbly INUrk-t, 09 l.,i.ll..«.»i. Mntii in-tiKt. i AUaadoa bajuara. Tllth AsK.ll.brv lll-l.l.t. "fl A ^^ lli'Viilb A...n..ilv Ulatrtrt. 107 V\. .t rhlrtyfouraaaBi T»\.lft.i AM-in.-li lil.tint. 711 Kirib ». Tlil.te.-i.tii A...H.Mv i.i.niet. Mirataavr. A**i-niblv l)|.t. iit -.%7 l-.a*t Teuth-it. Hfli-iiili. I>i-tiiit. 4l'.» I' .v-.,..i>i> Di-iH-t. »Thii*ayr. Seventrentli A.-.-mbly PloWkt, 341 IVi *t l..rty.»evrnth. riebt.eiilt. A'-.ii,l.lT Dl.trl.t. 2ir. RboI Thlrtt.fourth-.l. Nlneu-. nth A.s.iu.ilv l)l*trl.-l. I.lnilf.r* 11.11, We.t Sl\ti..r\. iith-.l a'.d lli.,il..\..d. Tw.-i.ti.-th Aa-anbly i>i«t.t.-t 1M F-aat iiftv.f.., Tweiitv-first A... iiilli Utstrl.t. li... Kast I Iftv-ninlh-at. T«.i.tV-...-....d A......My fii-iri.t. I^JH TWrdjat-o. Twmlv-thlrd A*..l>lv Utstrl.t. llUdeb.a.idl s llall, Oi...|iii..di ¦! a..d-i\t.-.-.itii.h! and Mrraad ave. Tiv.-i.ty.f.i.iitJi Dtatrlrl I'a.ntilhld VVa.d Tttra Hall, t''.ave., DMI ilii...hiiid'id Tm. ntv-f ii'lh IVard. Snl.iirl.nii T. p.iUie.n 1'lnb. Ooo- Inji'dr -l ai d-ti-vntv s.-i.aUl-at. u.,d Vaicleiblit-af.1, Ki.iKsbiidk' -, r..|..ii.lii-ni Hall, lllvridakbv*. Th.- paR. mn he u|*'.i fn... H t-i 9 p. .... R) i.:d.-i ..f th.- lt.pul.l.ia.1 fannty .i.niniittee, *,. V 11. CKl'.iKU, l're*ldcaa> WIM.IAM H.BIXI.AMr. s,.,,..,, J. T1H.MA& Bl UARXlS J K'On M. PATTKRSOX, Chakmaa ot ths Ihaaajfjii QBaaTfaaaa. ai

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ABD liis qikkn -*:mpiu>iS 1 JUCnRKlCK

-Tsr. ciitncii con.;ri>s-west

iibbia autaaaiasm - ART

and uti.rary BOTEB.fBT CABtf TO THE TBIB.'KE.)

fpyrigM; IBBI *¦ rhf ***>*** MbbBbs

I oidon sept. »-T1aI Queen pald hor vtsit to ln-

vereaaM lata caajB and drank tea with »lr Algernou,,.! 1 adv Hortliwi, k. The Quecn's vMts there are al-

aaysefgrBal Brtcteal to Ladfj BartBwteB** |BBBli, who

,re rarefany earBaleit from appaartag and ran oalygather waat bbbbmbm from aarh gil.npse* as may be

M-en of IhC reyal ,-arrlage as it romr- and drives away.


Kniperor William has uiTerod him-elf as a gBCal at

Vteaaaaad Baspcrot I' .i..ePh would. i aat toin,

H.TC heea en.haiited if he .oiild have dlspcn-ed wttB

),|s xlsit. which ts rcgarded sit the Austrlan OoBft as

nast BBBTBirnBiTT at B tune when ten- of thou-and*'r,f persons have BC rulned Bf th. reicnt BOa*,,,M wi.Ri. great fttatrcac prevalls all orer the

iinpire Baapemr WIIBaa. ls hcBevei to have

v'oli.nteered Ih,- rtstl BC a quasMnub?» «J",.r w.l. who,,.. it ,. sai.l. BC .- on mu.l,

ra** senaa than Befarc ala Iflp to RawatB. The *»Mrar l«.res hi- vasicaa. heata nrcadf.illy. al he rsaa-

Jrayc paatlag far political ihataaalaBB. and hl- BtanifoMait.vitles BCCf evorv one ln B stutc of con-tant raea

aud bn.tle. lt i- But onlv in VteBUfl that peoplisgraashlc. for I hear fr..m Bertta that ibcrc l- a BBlrer-

? aj feeliiig of dt-ontent there ahoat the Emperor *,

restacaal n-avels. wlii.-l. arc rcgard«l a-s iinrtlgiiitled.BBMBBtBty nseless and verv oaatty. added ... whi, 1. Ihe?lead to State being BBfaVcfCji or left to sub

.rdinate«. The F.n.p.-ror has now been ronstantly on

tha move for four nmnths. and his aflalrs of all klnds

are. reported BB he greatly in arrear-. Piplomati-t-are tho.-oi.ghlT «.-aiidali/.ed at IhC glaring want offtarl,ife-ted bv IBC Kniperor in selerling Rhon-t.-, k for

.hc Place of meeting Wtt* Kmperor Fraacts Joaeph and

Blaa i.corgp. for it «raa la lata eery mbJbbb that i-rvd

,.,1.1. Ihc i.reat was re-iding when he defcated tho

.Austrlan and Saxon arnnes at llohenfriedbrrg IB JBBC,174S, and the battletield is 00 OoBBl llochborg's es-


King Caartca of Kumania l« eapeetel ln Enelandshortly. The vi-u <-f Ihc Qaeen of BaBsaala ni

,.lmo,-al srlll be verv brlef. and BC* rtajr at_lheraatle is not BBely to CNroed two nisht-. Ilet Maje-tvvfll prs-bablv go to --roiland -ooncr than -he experted1. order M pav a ftymg rtatt to the

r.inre and l*MarOU of Wale- at Aher*

rrldte. Queen Klizabrlh I- de-iron- of tnivers-

lig a> mmli iharartcri-tu' llichland s.enery as -he

poMibly rau. aid will pn-bably go t*. Balne.ral by Ih.eld rayal raaBe, arwiail thn-nph from Blairgownethrongh the spittal of f.U-ti-liee.

EMPBJC8B PBEDEMICB AND H! B DAtMSIBTScaB.ataBBSsBM rreoertrh and her da.u-'hter-. who are stav-

l-,g m Yeake, c> aal t«> the Lata eeery morning be-

fore BftalrfBrl f..r -ea bathing. Ifl the afternoon theymako aatarslBBC t<> Ihe varhMH 1-land.. arrompaniedbv Priaec Adolph of S,-hiinniherg l.ippe. who arnvodfrom Yem.e last week on a vl-it to hi- ttaticee. Prin-

MM Ylrtor.a. Kinpre- l'r.-<1-ri. k will remnin m

Yenire till thc end of september and will then k-arethere for BcrBa. aa. will atop on the

.^ar at BMIfl to look at the hou-e,that has been -elerted aa a re-irtenre for Ptlare>« Ykt,.na after Tter BMHTtSBB, and will al-o -pend a few

fUvs at llnnihur: I. ordcr to in-pe-t ihe procn-s- ofIhc srarl al the hou-e siio i- hartag built at rrmiberg.

THi; TRIKXX1AI. BATjOX at BR."*-MX-.The QiM*en of the ltelcian- ar, onipaniod the Kmg to

Pmssels to be prcseut at the iiiaii^urati'.n of tlie tn-

ennial Salon, Till- no fsnret than twciny

ri.oni?. Enghsh art i- rcpecsculett sol.-ly by MIUulsand WBlstler. The fanaet M.'!ui- one partrall tn ui-

le»s happy stvle, bnt the eaatrlaathMa of the latter

range from two very rb-ver full hn-ili- to -The K.tll.i.Kll.-rl-pt.*1 Hc also rontnbutes -otne strihtBg etehlligs.j;y a eurions lajaratrarr. a few honrs bcfore the cere-

Biony rhok pla-e there dled at Hey-t. with terriblc su,l

grnasai Mr. Arthar Ctceeaa. an art rrBIc and an e\

pert ai Enrope<>n reputatioxi. who had arranged tke

lielgian Hoyal collertion. daM.lod In dlplomacy, uiid

was the Cr»t pareliaser of Millefs " L'-Nngelus.''? RKLIC 01' DISHAtT.l.

A toiirl«t in the Mldlands ln passlng rhrrmgli Rlr-

Tnlneham the other day saw ln a curlo shop-wtndow the

following letter wntteu on the Hou'C of t'ommon-.

Iiote papcr: Tataaay.Dear Mr. r.Ud»M>n«: ron!d von now. or at any oth -r

IBbc Bi-'- m" IhrcB miiiutes b,-hinil ye Bacaher'a rbalrl

TasmftMhlBlly. »¦ MaWAEU.Hero was a flnd. hl thoncht. The lett-r ws« appar-

aaUp gcnulne. SO he went in ;<'id ask'-d the pn<e.paid the randid rurfomonger: Slr, that letter is a

l.irc. 1 won't sell it. I keep lt tl.erc t» brinc peoph-Inl. U-.e Oiop to Itnulre about lt. a« yon ar- doing, ai.d

when they are here thev look ronnd and gencrallv buy*.nietlur.B. 1 has-e s,.ld Uundreds of poiinds' wortll byIhal Jettcr." Kxit Tr.url<t deliehted. yet di«\pp',int'*d.Tnp tii.tli U lhat Mr. t.ladstone, havlns BCCB appliedt,. for soine roniributions to a aaaaar, sont this letterwith sonie other autographs, and lt w BWBbbbbb] forIwo gullieas.

labor at thk rnuRrif cOKCBebb.

Thc (hufTh rongrcs*. whirh meets at Hull next

verk. will not have thc beneflt of -Ben" T.llettVMvtea an.i .oiinscl. a-s the Bacetsttva CaaaBalttci, afterrt pocKl deal of fommunii'ation. epl-tolarr and telo-

graphle, with thc rhamplon of the sons of Labor, have

ut la*t sati.-tled tliemsei»e*..that he ll aat a uienihcr of

IhC CBarcB Bf Iria**-****1 The fact was apparent to al-

nio*-t everr one BBM from the very first. and thoughthc romnnttee Baec av-aded a sicne by the tirdy di-

,,.ver>', It is to be hoped that e^eIl at the clercath honrthey will be able t. aarai. a bonalide wurkliik'iniii a-

a -pe«ker whu 1- al BBCC a < htirclimati and a r-\<

it-eiitHtlve af and ap'.loi-i-t for atrike? TBC <li-. usvion of that sajhfert and on Ihc duty of the I liur.Ji

la reganl to thc dwcllinps of the p.H.r proSBlaca t. BC.f (onsiderable iBtllBBl. but <>therwi~c thc prBBTBBlBsa,s a diljl one, ihoilgh there mav 1k: MMM BeCjaBlBBtlcallireworkfc on the subjcct of BrataarhBOita.

PJDCE1YEB BV TnK OLl> CATBOUC9.The Ul-hop of Balrtaary was very well roceived at

the c»ld (athollr foiiKiv. at folonne. wli.-ii- the Bosahui.lergy. no le-s than ItH ABgBcaa, laoh part in the pn>-raeitaBB. Thc BuTatlBB. ltali.ui. OWtrh and (o-nnaai>ld raiholle, are all r^BrcseahBt at the ronfereine,.« hle.h paitook of an ititernatloiial rhBiactce,

THK OotPOBJtO MOVEXEBT.One of Ihe BMMI iBtceestaag ho/»k4 of thp autumn

will bc an Beeeaual of th'.- c»xf/,rd aaBVCBBBttl bv th<-l^ran of Bt. Paul'-. I hear that this w,.rk 7ia. gTUSVnoui ol the Baaaalaa bv Iir. f'hur. B la < anotil.lddou that hc would OuBiraBBtC a ' hapter ol p<-rsoual renilnlsreiires on the movement to thc UfO ofDr. Pusey. Koroe of Dr. Puscy's fncnd- and a.ltnircrs have pmteMPd latcly ajtHln^t Cardlnal BfBfBB'*being de><ril^*d as the fnunder of the oxford movenient, but hl. elainis to be aa regarded are beyond d.spiite. and a, a iiiatier of f«et ijr. l'u-ey did not lahcany activc part In the moCcment nntil lt w;w thorongiily aaaraaaa all «ver thc aaaatry. ApeocBlag t<>rat«t nnl Newiiian, the BMBBBBBBt whs raally starleilt.v Kel.le's BBBBBSM a-slzc sermon on nattorial apo--ta.'T. whi. h lie piea, hed at st. Man's, (aBfafi, hflJulr. IIBJB.

WOftTVLESa BEOBO RXAlalalB*aj.The milnary anthoritlcs have t^*en falrly aaceaaafBI

In wirhhojdliig froni f!i" pre-- any BCCCBBM of thc p\titv.rdiiiary mceting which oc.urrod Iu July ln thc l-iw',-,1 Indla KeginiPiit, u.iHrtcred at Janml.a. Th.-oeciurence I- caarvaBCaBB cvlden.-e of tlie ntter rot.tennes- i.f ihe Wc-t India corp^, a rondliinri lonirkimwu 6o oftlcprs who knew ar.MliliiK of the-e rpplinent>. Jt i-; about time to dl-peiise with the dnblou.and costly acrvuci of the lazy and 111 .oiidltlonediiegroe* BMBpBBBBI tlio.c We»t Indla reglnient». Theyaie malutained wholly for SaTBlc. on tho unwhols-Kome W«j«t Coast of Afrlcu possca-lons. In thc W«»tindiea whlte truop. do better aud are moie healthythan arc the bla/k troop* in the Improved eoudlilonaIu whieh the former now llvc. So far Mf the AfrhanaSBsrla. Is conceined lt would be gencrally more ad-vantageoti- to Inriea-e tho stn-nglh of thc Hooaaaalevles on the f'o,i-t, atVBBg theui B donble eoniplcniciitof ofhoers, and ta dlsband those Weat lndla regiinents.whlch are worlhlcss a. troop- and aflord to the ofti.eispoaTetf to theni a very bad prof,-.ional educatlon.

VOLCNT^KRS H.N'UBBKD BV THE J.1NI-Tliere la widespread dUrontcnt umongst tlie voiun

teer offlcers who have g»ne Unough the eoBBBM ofmnsketry drlll at Aldershot thU year. owlng lo themaoner in whlch they are prartlcally boycottod bytlie hlgh-fcouled rob's of tlie llne. The unfnrnlshedfcteto oi thclr barrachs ooropcis tiiaoi to tahe rafuge In

Iho hotel, and no offrr ha. errr hoen made la RlveIhcm honorary membership ol one of thr- messcs.

TIIK OCCVPATtOei OF MAMK)NAl,tM>.ot inany iinporlaiii niovement- aow laklag afckM

in AfrifU thr o. upation of Mashonaland liy the Hnlislisontii Afrka t'aaipany i* oae whk-h stwids out pre-oaalaenl. Tho way i» whkh the work i* habaj

l.y Iho company ahawa lhal llriti-h cnterprisr. <an still.e Vhaaroaa and nia.terful. It. was only in tetoteflaal that thr .iiarier wa* cranted ai.d already Ihe ruilw-ay and letetTBBh are liolnu nt-Red forward from Capc(olony us part and ptir.rl of the plan for the oirupatinn i.f Maahoaaland arhhrh I* now batoi ranied <>ni

by the piom-ei- OSBBdlUoB, orgHiilzed l.y Iho IIfiti-liSoutli Afri.a (omp....v. mider the siipcrvislnn of re. ilRhodea, niaiiiipnu; dire.tor in Afri.a. It is tl.e mlii

en.l wealth. the ejoM raafc. arhkh s,. miih Ii is e\

parted) ahi.ii niitnrally is inalnlv attra.iinp rubli.attcnti<.n. t.ut iiorhups the most iniportant feitnre nfMa-shonaland Is that Kuroprans ian settle and thrivein Ilie coimtry. It bi healtliy and wate.ed, a

hlKhlatid plateau, .standiiiK 4.000 ai.d ,VOO0 feet atn.vethc *ca levil. EDMl'ND YATF.s.

TTto ninth paro of The Trlbune to-day contntn. a

varied aaaorUaaal of InleresUng " Want" advertisenicnts.




REFORK COMlRaaS ahjovuns.

rresson fipriflfr*. PvflB., Sept. Jfl (iSpe.-iali.-ThoPre-ideiit had marly th" cntire day to hinis.-lf and

i-oiiseijiiently waa eaahled lo dtapatrh ronaideniblel,iisin»-3-. induding aatloa on BRfadataarnta,, etc. In the iniiriiiiii-' he re.-eived a dl.pati li

from Rayreaealalivc McKluley *aylns lhal he tlaiuchlroaare.. w.mld di-p.-e of the TBrlfl t.ill ln Ihe pi-e-.-t.tweek and ndj.nirn aboal Octobor 1. Later in Ihe daya tehpi-ain was meived from senator Aldairh alao e\-

pre-sinc Ihe saine opniiou. with raap.H,t to tho Tarlfft.ill. TheM dispafhra .'iro ln raaponae an the ive-i

denfs reojaesl lor mfoimatioii ..n thc aabjerl. TliePreatdeal wlll retarn to Waahlnaton ncjt Wedaodayin accoraaaro wuh hi* orifjaal Intention lo be there atbaad a iini b<i,.re Ihe rhwe of tle- *e«slon ..f roaare**.If tl.e W'fiito ll..ii-e i- n'.t ready far hi* hewlll probably ho Iho «ae»l >>f Posiataater iieneraJWaaaataher. Mr. and Mr-. .1. R. MrKee and IheirrhlMrea will leavo bero la-Biorroiw fm- lndbuisip»lt».Mr*. M.-Kee will rctorn 1i> th- Whlto II..:.-<> as IholYe-ident's gaesl Bbotll thc n.lddl" of Pe. etnli.'f. Thepi'iitlemen who aja aalalaafl al (ies-.n piofe-ionallvhy rea-i.ii ol Iho 1'ie-idcnt's preseat-e are oriitpyinsCottaec li m llttxlmnr-are., wlm ii i- al*o as an

Exmitive ofire. The** are E. w. Ilalford, the Prad-denfs pnvate tararetary F. .">'¦ Rarh*dah*. of th« IVun-sylvaniii Kaili-.-ad: A. 3. Oarke. of Ihe A--oi

I'ress. and I'. V. DejnWW, of the Eni.ed l'i*---. Tln-i'wero r.ntertait.ed nl dtntter l.y U.e PrraMenl and Mr*.llarnsyfi ye-teiday nftornoiui. und in rel.irn cavo IholYesldential pi.rty a - tive o'rlarh tea" thi- atlernonn.Their rottaee wa. handtaaneljr derorated for the orra

sion wifi flaes, t!iiw..i-. j-iiden ro.1 and fi-n:-. The

jriiest-s wcra thr Preshteal and Mra. Ilarrisun, Mr. BiidMr*. J. It. MiKee, Mr.. IMmmh k. Mi*. Sancer bih!lmle Henjaniii. MrKee. They reaialned nenrl; two

h'.urs and oa lalniii: their leave -aul thal tl.e i.ffalr-was ¦ d..|ie':tfui Mirrn.« ln erery fealBre.''

Tlie I're-idei.t *«t.t the follnwUlg liimiii.ati.iii- to t'tr

ajaaata thi- ataralim: Tn he l*rahato Jodee for ""'

Di-tnit of rtah, Praarl. L. naccett, "f WaKhlnBina.('..iitity, liali; lleary KhleM., "f subibiII .aiiil)<haiies II. ller-naii. of Teotvla Cainty: Jarob J'd.n..on. «.f *an l'cte t'onnt) rtepheB li. Ftatier, ol Jarobrouaty; lletior W. HaiElit, .-f Uavl* looiilj Williaai(.oodwin. nf I'a.he t'lMiBljr, and iiioln i- >. WbImHI. "t

Wasatrh Cauaty. l'ir>l LleBtenanl Ralpli W. Il«»yi.llth llifanttv. lo he eaptain. vir.- *a.-e. I't.i -*1 *.IidI.ic-nteiiant 11. T. Ilm-l. llth iBfatitry, to be m-t

Uruteaanl, vlro ii..m. praaiMited: w aid la>ut»M>:.niR. K. Rryan, l-t .avaliv. t>. be iir-i lientrnam, v:.e

llolion, di-iea.d; addHkatal swoiid l.lrnt.-nanl .".¦¦

II. Me)er 10 I..- .e> ond lieutenaiii 1-t I'avall.r, \ .. ..

Uryan, proaio»ed.Tl.e ri-e-Ll-it al-o slcned |Ik r..minl*«i(.n nl I.

doro L. ~.Me... »1 T..-I.I.....-.'. i* ' mled >tatc < uii-iilat Atn-t.-rda:...

T.,e l'i--io.-nt )¦¦!'¦ rrantrd a pardoti in th.- ...--. olI <>tis .l..i.-. .vi.t.-d m Ilie N-..I.',.-." Il|.|rl>1 ¦.

lowa ..i lortoti? a »ipial iro i" a Bmnej ..t-d- r, .¦¦¦¦'¦

rommaled W iwo yeai*.' a. tnal iinpri...iini..|.l i'-

sOBtenre ol ti\" vear* imp^.v-.i in Ilie ..-'. '»! It. n

.lone*. i-.iBvlrled ..l niakii.i! fal.nirie* ln .li" bvok*c.f the Natloaal ol MaB.»rd, hau.

Vou will find it warlh yoai whlh t" oibbiIbo thoFhort. pithy advertiscments on the nitit'i pa#4 th;.

mornuyf. _^___


Pittsfield. sept. 2-2 laaarlal)..A arilUanl ball *.«.

glven by ihe arlfa of !>i. Hreenleaf, ol i:«.-t<.i.. ... ih.

-panoiis i.H-.iiieaf rottaat Ni-nlght Tlie uraat mu«i.r.M.m wa- baaaiilBlly de.»raird und llw pir^> Itv.u,

to a-.emble absHil 10 ..'¦ .¦ U. Tlio Kroonds a.-r»

bi-IIIiantly l,tht-d. Landn's ,..-. l-.-t:a fnrt.l-lied ".'

imi-ir. ri.e iu.Mii .h..Bc brlBlitln und iho ) niiuc m<

and niaid.-n- valhed iiwr Iho Ixaiatlful irmuiid.. Mr*ai.d Mis. <.rt*.i.!eaf wrelvod Uralr e.i...- !r. Ihr dnwnuraom. Aaalher id ihe»o danies «ii i. siven i» Mr>.Ureealeal oa aeataaiber ;.... ai.d a Ihinl .... " inbrr >'.

Aaaaai tho rae.t* pr*--nt lo-iilabl »r« Ji»hn .'.

.\sioi-, Mr. aad M:-. a'.d M!«s Mofc.-s, the I'obBMlis Ulidihe.r inie-t-. liKludins Thoflia* lloward and Mr. andMi*. wiii-tler, al ItaltiBMirn: Ml»« I'ann.rfole, dan.-bl'ii.f tle- Miin l'i Mr. vir.. rn.,-.-:.Rkhard .rtniaii, Jr., ihe VI.--.- .....¦:-... Ji.tla.H.,tt.T, Mr*. aad Mi-- Ni. ,,.|..- I ¦.-!.. ..-.... i.l Itrl* .-.

Mr. and Miv < laili, Mlss ., Mi- WllliliiS. Mr. .'.IMM. H.'.viU l.i.l.;. |sfl»-r M.n..- Mr. ..n Mr-, M»il>-r,Ihe Mi---s lle'lnionle, Mr, t-.-i.-r. Mr. li-i.:... nf I. -¦

Jand; Mr. and Mr*. 1'.r-uh. Mr. and Mr*. K.dl'-mll.vir und Mi-. lloward ln. k.-r-ni.. Mr. ai.d Mi-. Wali»-iKuvdaoi, Mayor liiapin, "f liruuhlyn, and hl. aife; Dodfg aud Mr. Blid Mr-. Johll l.'aue.

DISSER TO TIIE i niST hF. rMllf.Sisty-f'iur of tl..- ..Id roairade. id tl.e^ de

1'ans in thc Arn.y ..f tho Kntomat i.avc anlled ln lnvltinc him to l.e their /.i'--t ..l a dlnoer i.. be irtveiiin «.t.v abnut '»U.I..-r -J".

The ii.iint bebiR. a- already pabUahed m TheTribiine, nrirent to avoM brliiR mu.-d np in ai i

dcii.i.i.strar.'.i) ar di-i u.sioii <.f «ny aorl loo<hliii:Ereii.ii politi's or Army di*pnl«*, flm ,-n.- t»on thi* ocasl'tn will l.e .trh-tly liniit.*! ln hl* "IIroiiipaiiioii* in iini.s; thal i-. i-> ..iii....-- wlm ->-.vrii ;,|

U.'- Aimv of U.e l'ot'iliiai: li.-tvM-.-n Ani.-ii-t, l.l.l, andJiily. ls.,J.

ihe I'oaiaiiltee «.f ArranaraieBl. .-.m-ist- ol bIboorps ooaimaaders; aaairly, i.en^ral. k. Ii. k.-w

I'onrth Aimv <i<n.-; I'lli Joha l*arwr, Fillh; WilliaMH. liai.lilm. Mxti.: II. W. *l.niitii. rwelflh; Johll ...1'arke. Mntli; ollver <> lloaard, Kleveiilli; liani-i |-..>i.-i,)e-, Thlrd; liani-l UolteiileM, >iftli, and JolwN.-wtoii, hlaUi.

ihe I'lMllll i. ..ijii-it.d 1 BITlve h'Tr .l.oiif Iirtohrr.J on tl.e ...Miiian.. I. will -a.l li'in l.r.-i |...,lneit Wodnesday.

MR RI.AISi: MlS TO l.EWE UAISE.Aotu*la, Me >-pt. '»- l*>ffcrhd».- It i- raportH

heie by frtends of Mr. lhal l>- «.il ko t>. IV. i.

inu-ton tlie ol th<- pie-ent aeeh, .lartiim prabaldyon iiiursday.

«. _

Miuiv pt...-tleal i.eed- roaM l.e ...... l.v earafnUtr sraa-niiiK he lmle advrrtl ^nicnis oa Um nmiii paaa af i noTriinine.

? .

A FISE SEW BC1UMSU FOIt TBMPLBJ IIETH El..Tii.- aaaa.ii.wn% aaal ytaUodaj Um T'aiple

BoUl.Kl, at S. .: i llilrl-st. ai.d l*.-\l.,i:U.r.-:.\ .. (,»| i,-,-!,tiansf.-tr d t" Uai .'ix.i'i eattaa Rodopli Hhalaai, ... » f..r 91*8,000, iu. ...iliini. (J l.> II. P>V. K:i.|tiniiiiKo.l.r. ih- raiii.i «.f aV T-.....I- Rrth-FJ, aha -a,.l ln ,

rayorv-r ol Th Trlbaa* lhat .»..-.<¦ w*** no 0Va.ll* ln ......

....Hon Wllh Ih* tiaii-f-r l.<- t., iimi..- |,.,I,;i.II.s ,-nni{r. jtatl'.ii «....!il |,rotKil.iv ranllait* ui.'l! ..<\> Jutyto iM,rH',l|. ln Um ii!4 l'l:.'- aB«-ra <i--i havr N-. n lul Uar! aaveatren v-^.i-. 'l'l. ir>.-n.*», -i.l|i had, h««»\i-r, in-

,-r a-«sl ¦¦ nnii li tlial a *!v- l»r a ».¦» H.iiiBir«.|r"- had ......

eiaalaid at .s<.v.-iity.i.\iii*t. and rifiii-av.- aad Um lonn-datli.n af...- would !»«. la.d .i-\t «.-> >h lOf a n,..r.

noarloaa aad aawo lo.tiv than Um aM aa*. "Wa l.»\.

-i...|ii.v ilvra ti..- di.iM.i.ii'.i. raaaicfauea," be said, ih<-

d.,-d oi Ihe pla.e. bat caatrtalag th<- *aie I «m vy bo

tiiore at pr***..i."____SOMISATTOSS BY MBUVAL MES.

The llisi nionlhly awrtlBI ahare Un -uni...... va.atlon. (,f

Iho MeaVal aorlrly af ta* I'oaaly ..t Xea.Varh araa h^dla.t alfht, at N« 13 Woal i.iity-t.r*ist.. »itii ih'- praal.dent, ln. llnaalrr h. Naater, |a u» ehair, l»r. Ilora.¦.'fr.ry ilank* l».d a |>a|>ei- mi " Tha Dlnuiinsl* anil Inat-

....-nt of Thaae lii*.-.-.-* <iei»-raiiy Attend.*! t.y Kyatptom.of FriMaallla." ai.d tl.e aahieel «u» aftomard Oha-oaai-dhtttfy t,v Di*. JaeaM, Taaaapooa, l. Ufaaatta, Wahlo...a i,ih.-i«. N«xt n.ii.iih tiie aaaaai aleruaa oetar., jh.i

la.t nlghl noiniaatloii. WOTO ii.a'l. All of UM aaatOHw«re renomiiiauo. exrept I'lialdtal Il.infi, and he n.n-

aaatai to haeaaae a i-aiidmate f>>r on.. ni Bve .¦..n»oi-

Kl.lp*. I-or UM oll.I pi'-nU-ii., ^IH. Aiiili.ii i--.

liirrhT. O. 11. HoiiKla*. and J. laonaid UoralBB i.-n-

phacad in aaaaaaaUaa. Dr. UaralBg ara. ais<< m....-iiiat.-.ifur the vke-prciiUclny, .rltli PT. AlthUl M. JBCBBBI a.

a eaaaBotMor.

TIIE AI.VA TD HO ISTO WISTER QfARTEKX.WrUlaii. K.'. ot.-am yu-I.t Al\a aaa aachorad

iff staiil.u.n. s. I.. maanday. Tha 'i'w arrrr buaj atvolk alMpBaac th.- vi«.i.| uf Iii riHUlnj.' aod stoHh.K .-v.iy.duBaj away. Tadaj 9aa Alva wiu Marl lor ivuiningtoii,Utl., wbera aha wlll so mto alutcr uuaitcr.. i





TI.II.S wilo sidNUi it.

fteer 100 of Bew-YorB - repeaseatailea ministers metin llardinaii 1UII, at lifilia.e. and Nineleenth -t.. yes¬terday afternooa to rti-<u. the cfTort* now being madebv thc Dcople's Mniil"-ipal LcagBC in the dlrertlon ofridding thi- ,-lty from tlie pra-p of Tammany ilall.The liall wa-s niorrj than rotnforlably lllled and tlie rlor-

iryinen talked about thc -iiuatloii with groat oarne.-t-ne. and vigiir. Father Durev. of 84. Leo's RotnatiCatholl, chiirili, ratlcal thc niocliiip to order aud iu a

ahtai addre-s told the objort of tlre gatherlng. Heleferred to the tnectin.n- of ininMers whlch was held

early in tl«<- saataier iu riil.-kcrtng ilall, wh.-ti tlietuinistera d.-.lared far BtocaBty aud philanlhropy a*

the In-plrallon of a moveincnt thp foimdation of whlrhwa< love ,.f flod aud |o\,- of nelghbors. I'rea- Iieri

and leaehers of mnrahty. hc add.-d. were not alnalngacajn-t the decoratn ,.f thclr ofti, e by cnpurinir in sin-h

a noveraent. lie doaed his addre-s by Bcanlaatlag thei;ev. Dr. Knslen Mit'he-ney for ihairruuii of the nteet

Ing. The Rev. Dr. Doenm, <>f the ciiurrh of thc

*li-ani*er-. .*ron<1< Ihc noinination. Dr. Mit'hesncywaa eleitcd tiniiilinon-ly..nn luking the rhalr, he add.-d t>> what Father Durcv

had alr.-adv >aid up.m the iniportiimt of Ihe meetlng.ln ontlnary tn iiii.-i.ii"'- tnlnlsters werc e^tiairoa*(p.m dl.cuw.lng politi' -. hc -aid. but he thoiiKlii H'it

nptm the aahjert of th . dlsgracefnl govarnojcftl of tlie,,u |hey had no rlght lo rrmaln allent. nerg.une.nItm R Ihelr heads Iu -hn,n<- In mflacnaenrc of

Ihc rerraptloB aud Inrompetenee of the *-t

miiii-tr..tii.u of th- aBalM "f the etty.whlrh eamo front polllleal dlseonragjenienl ajui

Milid pal'ti-aii-lnp. The iWly leiii-ilN. Im a.ti'l. wa- to

elei't Bten who ai-.- I,.,ii. -t eaangh, Iwmiw eooagti aud

.,v ronrageoii. rnoogh hi d.. whal tn.-y aie ele. ted tu

,1,,. When he -a«J -Wc wanl men of thc rlfht kmd

inoi-c than we WBBt BKfl who are Denioerat*. li.'li who

are Repobltrans ,-.- Bsen who arc 1'ioh'bitu.iii-UI *B

uiu-,1 BMsss thc Intelllgent and cunservatltrc ol our

pvoplc in cie.t imr rnlers." hc «aa appWudcd warmly.Thc i'Wiiuii ,.f th- Uer. Dr. B, B. Ijrlar bs aerre*

Utry and Ihc aO.ptkui .f a -"les af rales lor thc

guvernmctil of thc werilug folh»wcB. The roH-i werc

otl-i'"d by the U.V. Mr. Kiainer. < haninan of IhC

Clercvineii'- .".> 1'Cl.i'lt.-l-s fiom r.M»ni ep-csmei. WBO "Uld BOf be

rrcsent werc r-ad. and earh on,- rontaiacd BaoBfaacai,,f heailv -uppori bt v..|ee. pen and vote. An .'M'l

|,.I indii.iti'iii ol Ihe rxlent Ol the inlitstet-' >; 0.

1,,1'iv In Ihls in.-v.-ient lo glre thla rlly an B»Hie*l..,d gov.-rnawi.1 .- -",.*,. ln the fBrt Ihal

MI ,|,',:.v,.'.'i' had M-|.o,.led fonnallv Mi thc nntic-s

-a. ,., ihem. ai.d only lour had oprnty refu-'-d lo

u.i,e with Ihc Leagae In th.t onrk. Two ,.f Ihrse

de, laivd f.-f a -ii ii -ut i:ep..l'B.«B liehet, Bn<1 lar.

,'bj... t.-d i a iiiiiii-t.i lahlng 11 i'ii«f i" Mlttca.rhe K-'v Dr. H'-v >¦'. ' i-e>h« i«id an ad.'.v- whteh,, pre,,.,.,d. prpfoH.g II wBh Ihe .v.u.irk that

.e wa- a rllm-ii nl N>« Y-.'U l-eforc hc bc bbbj a

...,,..;. .| ihe .pel. :""1 '". ,IM ""' b" :l~

Hi/Pi.ship or it- Imi. ti.»i en he <¦¦>¦¦ amc a preaeher.i. ,...,,.,. aus m-..,....-ly appUwted Thc aBdre-s

;.- p:..i. and to Ihc i"....i aad MprcsH thc -nuaijon

,f ..n.,,1- rlearly. H »..> <*« UAUm»:

J«STiarKXt«W«HjM.-':;;:^';.,!:,v';:;ri.;:r,:f^:33.iil,l.-.u tnvolving no, i-"--- BUd so a»¦ m -

:;i:;:s..i^r;:;,:;:;:;-,:'^rf-;:,;:r^3!KT^ptti*faTO!l*Vr-Si¦,.,- ihe i'."|.',' i:..Mi«i ,|n*|l*^.l|wn:i%,,!,ll"l ..

.1 r.-l -. in I '... "f New Norli at lh-,,,. i.i i|,p ni,. ..! v t-.i- and .! .!'?'¦¦'- "i ii.h

.. ,. k ... f-,v.,r.-,l f II -VI

k II.-.1:",,,"'": !'" " "','.", ,:,,-.-..¦- i..»vp.

,,-,.! and Iraad Ih-il w»*» ,:

Nn I'l'.li-NM. \1 Vl K- M v|,,;

We n ike lio "!.<:-"* agaln»l IlidiVlduii-, f": v" ei.iifldPin n ii n . alKSan i.o« olhcial pla.e,,| ¦.., ,1 titi< ll) IlllpUgU Ihe l;:.-::."l- Blld ll .:

ihal have |..i ., loi ; iibm prevailpd iii. evrr)

dPi-arti.i "f »ur un g-o.-rnmci t. M... ho. I-i'" ;«-; iiui-.rt.ii.l I"'-'- id li.r.i in aho ire t ..i

,,,,-K ,.i deptaveil lile. llie Iwiuentpp I .".'.". ;¦'¦" '¦ ;,.i hoiiM*. ..( vlce. aud .>du, utonaJI} " iBiipiI f"i

,;!;;',,,':;;:., ...;,...' ..,!,.. mi., »r UM. l-r* ... pi»Si. "' '' '::'. (''. "'"xll.,< || .| ,,.,'! Ill.ll |l ,<" lIlPI." '"'' I'1 " >J

polii. i.'.-i.-i- .iiidei iu I..i^d eilhp. laiffHb »

,.¦ Itijarva. Hi- ...,..,-.,-.¦ .1 t .- .Iii

I, t.aitnll- .|tiaii<!-re.l. a-,d ll'.dPr |iM.' <t .«..¦'

Il.i,r..\pii i-i j"'- are '¦ l«-l « hl i. .- 'i i"-'' '- '"

m.rov.n.e.,|..Unt p." H"'" '.' "« ,1"1 ¦'¦' :' i""-"'-

,-.... || -ii.,,.;.-1 I'.n IhP IM i.i V",,.1,1 )-. ., . ni eri ln all 11 I"'-; ' '";',' '; "!

,;.".- .,,..:.¦. .d .::- '.im '. -¦ i' Biiallj r*|B -IM. ai.d.. ..ii'u-.i.- i- niadP I.i i.iBipari- ll .¦! II."' "' ;miiiita i.ii.g t.ihpr ,:.... ne- ..f Ihe a..rM a ;',.'1, ,i,.,:.ird Ih- .: "-:*¦ "' ':' '"¦'"^ "¦ l'1 "

nnl |,|.-1. I- ... UM' differPlil ,11.1.1'ICa. \'...:-l _k¦..-.. .. llma.e. .".-. tv .- :¦- -piiI «V "-.'',,¦

-. ,.i."i mi' iiallv. ... d --.. u.'i. !: added B.U.' ...

lo the , ix.t ll.'- l«'"l '..¦ ...,,. ||,., u.i-'.e ..f n»i -.* i- the loa.l ^'.!

Blld pl Wll.P- ¦.'". I' .lanr'd Di,.,:u- p.-vad-. :'.¦ -..uini.ii.ity .ii.d :..*.; "-

,. ,,.,-: .1 utiitma. II.- pd..e '..:¦" .h.HiW i- ''"

|...-kp.l i.f .-h«*.lpr ¦¦. »hp .-...'.. .".'> ¦'

,..t.,||i ,.-I. ... Ihe ).,' ol t ¦' '.'.> I""'!.'': t:,.-l,...-¦ ,. and II...rt- »l Hi d.|.arl .-i IMtU..., ,anhl« t. ¦.'-'! Wllh icltle ...-!.'.. I-:.. IhC K.\r IsP

,, ,. ni il,.: ii a-. Ih dl.turtiPi .. 'U ',.. peaei,., ,,'» tlioir vmaii ui. and pr-de.! iIp-i.i ....., >¦ ' ¦'-

,., ,'llUll i ,.( lllltl ,.'-l t:/'i.-. Moiipi I- .! I"

|| .. » ... .,;, . anV O'lti. ullj Blld !.. llill '.'

,'....,. ., j:,.,;.... I),. ,.,., ,..- lll.Tpf.HS1 .,|.,, I,,-.- ... ..¦"". '« i-i": ?.¦..* ''".:. '"';;i-vpr humblp, Ihe g.iv.-riiiiip..l n...»l bo Ixiugut.llie 1.....I liiill. wh>. . ..' ,.''.,... the ll.ii.dns-l "I .IH"

-..,. ,i..| dollar. iiP, -. arv. Iia- ii" Imuhp. l "'i'---

l,., ti,.. ,,1.,,, .. nf ... .,.t. Mi.nrj ai.d party are,..i, wat.liwor.1- Ihal t-aii, au Pi.lra.¦ I !'..

,.,,,.,, ,,f .,,.!, m.i Mniii.i-tra.l.... 'Hl publi,*,,,,,,,,t |.k-,i e 1., ,!.'.!. I.iiinier- .al "ll.-le- the

,...; ,,..!, :,i,- |. llipl "I I' f'llow the exainpl.- <>t Ihe,,fti.ials whollourM. '¦. 'raial. and . .> ..¦i.i*-e.|UPiiee s«].,.,. ,,,'ili.t r..'.le»|e- bt t'li-t'-d i lei'K. and OPlMl.",,,,,., |,i e.t.-.-iiK-d 'nnl. '.ni"-: ¦. Hiat publle '"ii

IMpik-p I- -Ijie-n in Ihe liMitufcnB* <-re. t.-d for pal.ll>',, i.rIM Ihe. w1i.,|<- luBfl "f InlerriBUNC belw,'.

ma aud Bia.i. as rn Ir-m Ihe reorst. I.i Ihe d.,.l.

paia-r-. I* I"---:"- b.mI f.l" rtpaUug i. "-«. d up.m

\"l. X tMl'l.l - '1" Till V'.IM..

N,,,v ,,,,. .,ii The d«-l un h.'-l bfe ol niauy publlenftji-lal. had IImj f«un» I" ''"' l..«"'-' '"'in ol thi-.

m uipy i.'a.n t., .-..I..,'"¦ with dpbau.lM-ry. \

rlruiikPii p..ll.-e raptaln will to tto iiiMpToI a I.i.-l

,,,,,,,1,. |i, ,,i |n.ii.t. and a hlgfi »fl.« Uol lre.|.w..H..3 ¦.

l,,,i, ,¦ of III famo will liate a lh..u>aiid f.ill.isi ln hl.... ,,; \|ii. |- iiia.'-- a |,|l/.' l',-t.-.ii| I.f a di~.i:i.e |.l

.,.! f n,,.,, l,v I'i" tti'UlU. h.'mI'I'I .>/ IIIPII WhuBI UlPt,'. |,| ii- in nuili'iiiiy ai.d wIiihii lla.J irgaid ..-

,i.i,l.i ii, e

Ijiai ne- ¦. um*. »'t ii-"'.-. il. and pottwrfiiHy -lo,. n||.,. ..t I." i|. ,:¦!".I. I 'ie vi'.l ef.V.-rll

..-i,i ihal . nlulM lo -.i|.|.i.-«* inuip aud pi.-s.-mii,- IU" iiiin. '.-.i ol ,..'i'..|.ti..'i ..i"l niUlllplB-ii..' MHin.'-. ..I riiulual l.ft*.

Ill.'l.- i- Btiotlier a-pe. o' Hi'- |.|.,l.|.-in "t I.IU'.I' ipaln-lurui i.itm. ii< iv oime. i-.i wllh Ihal I.. .i.,,.ni^l ale-lVe. A rlll .....M-.l.l.ielil .'.\lst- t'' OI'l..'

Ji.. iiHid.tio... of llie la.oraiiiv lor Ihc nw . "' ihe.,,11 i-i, \- f.i. a- ma. be pra.ti. ahie. It llill II Im- a ti-.,.- I« l.ghtPit Ihe burdeii. »f

,1,1- V., .-.' Wol'liU-. lo ,'., -e Ihe t.all, llllller Will. ll the.,.. .1- e.iri, their l.l-H.t. to Ll Un- «a, III -IU.

f,,i ihe avpragp inmi. IO i-roniot"' the health and hapU||. and w.-llar. »l Ihe ln.* 1.1 the pe..|,le. It lllil-t

,.,, ii.ii ui.l..,,.« eiiiuiaiiH' lasathHi. wllhPllf.u-.lng J.i l.'U'1-lali..ii Iu belialf i.f lal.or BUfl vithLiiardlug publle fra.i..Iji«hm. lt mu-t pnivBte l.-.m,1-,-et, heallhliil hoiii.-. ainple -, hool lt. oinuiodatloiiHand Ih,- Ih-i |io~ il.l"- M-t.-in of fa.llitl.-. wlH-tvby fa.i'tl.--- »i BliHI.*-!,,,-aii- ...a\ mahe Ihelr boaies ln Ihe ¦Hihurli.: iju''II.- batle. 'mn-.-um-. Ill.iari"-, ,-t, ln hhort. BB IBai-nalie. f,,r pht'.lral, ineiilaJ sad Thl.i,i.,||,iii ..f g,Hid giivi-inni<-iit l- ihe pnitilen. ol phlln.Ihlitpy. Theief,.!.' II I- Ih" l,I'..l,e,ll of |,ll«|,HI. lillt.V.-IV rcllgllHI. .-I.1ea\,,l' I- llalldlupi.ed I'. "IM' IWPCii.i.iii and , adnili.l.tralioii. Tlie m.v wiiii-nmlght be on pubh.- iii,iii..v,-,..i,i- |. I...e-ivu;,.|,d We I.HlM nnl entm.l MirB -i ll" ui"-- ol I"'1'1'*'imi,io as olher llie. have ,:ui |e l.lll t l.rllhaiil.,.,,' lo mn I.u'. i-apabhv honest and pnhll. >plrlledinlei- lo aid in o'.i ilnllig -in li rulcis i- Ihe i.rgi'i.ldntv of all i.'lic.on- meii. in Ihe inler,-t ol hiniiaully.\Vp liillllstPI'- of rellglOU, Wllir-e (liltle- lead 11. to fn.e-idlv the lui'li h«tiii-- ol ,.iir k.T,.,,i iii"tro,i.,|i-. cillnw.ii our fellow rulnl.ter., a- well a- rat all rcprh.usn'oiilf, Kl pllt .nl". Un- |i!-M< thal foi-rn that. i-elltfloilohirh t.a-lics that Ihc love of (i.-l ls thc love of maji.

POM/lWIMl I.IADI I'.s 1.1KI. SIll'.JM'.

\v<- nn: |M'ife,iiv rertaln that thc ra t n.ajorlty ofvoter- ln our rlt) de-ire an Iu«m.-i and rlean gcarern-.,,i. bat they arc aver faltlag to aatala it. Aad why !

siuiply bciause the great poBBoal part'ie- of llie .ountrvaanagc «ur kteai politn-. kacplag ap thclr BoBtlealdi\i-i"iis lo tlio mln of the .Itv, thal the parlles may|.. niiitlniied , iliiliiK't for the Natloiial ro,itei,t. Thi.|. the e\«n-e whli h sends ntcn l.y tlie thoiisand- hi.eahaea lo fol|,,w tlieir leiidrr aud vote for Uie " regular

< alididate '' be Iu- eVCT Hl meaii U. roirupt. It 1- Ihls party..,e|| that iin.-t be bioacn ln thc rlty oi* New Ifw-e arc to Ikivc a u<*»\ bbB penaaneatly f>*m govarain.-iit l.ood ,iii/.,-ii- tnii-t work tigether and votc tni/elln-r for U'iikI liien, lltt'-ilv IgTKBiUg pill ly lll.e.. To.'in* end ili'ir nni-t ln- ra-gniilaattoo. The rVople'4Mmilrrpal League i. In-titui.-d t<» ilvorrc our clty govi-iiiinelit lioiii Mate .nnl Nalloiml pollth s, to'- for ahilitl and liiti'gril.v. Iiidcpoudei.t ofimHlP. Im"-. I^ and fa< llon-. and to pla, ,- Iheirovenilliellt oil H tolllldl.t loll .f I'IKllK'o'l- l.lfllie. prlllrude and bv th.<. ineali- piirilv thi- liloral atino-

lilieie of our'ui.-trop.ill-. We look upon Un- a- . r.-

Ilgloils dutv and are l.ot to be deten.-d by anv fearthat th'* nrgiiiijuitiou nuiv Ik- n->-d l,\ pollf.ilan- for wc trii.t ln the rlghteoii-nc*., of the raa»cand ln tlie hnUi inoml m-ii.p ,,f llie Rn Ht inajorlty oftlie louiuiunlUr. We thercfurc liivit* all tnUaslois of,

rallalon to unite ln thls ntovnirnf and to ntit befraatheir nmareaatiuas the Impurtaoro of >.*i>iK the ebwtlvefiaiichlMj fm- the pinpo-e of . pnro iMvenniient. as

aaaloel the deinands nf rorrapl party orpuilzation*.We a*k no one to |.-ave lii-. piirtv on any state ofNaUonal l.*ue. bal we aah Uir metnber* of all pa.ti»to utiite on a niotal and nnt a piui.V I.ti-i-i in the dlreeUnn «»f iiiii- miiiiielpal alTaiip. Thns with a < lear wasrleino and in the h.i'.est prlde of rltirrn-lnp the iM-slp.-ople of New Vmii will iise their power and the da.v>.f deals and I........ wlll be over. Kltnes, and falthfuluess win be the niline rendiMoa .<f oniee, and inepui.lii- nioi-.illy will bc raardad by Uaa pnbllc adflauua-tiation.We pnt hefore the peonle the nam"s of tl.oso who

are BCTtVctlBI the iir«aiii7.atlon of the dtl/.en* as a

¦aarantee lhal no party ead bt peraonal adraatafje. hMMixht, and lhal bul one unn actaalej tho niovement,the piirily af our elty (rovernment.

Tho addrcs* wa* then slcned by the follrrwlnff mltils-tera:

liishop Pidlrr. It. HebOf Newton. llnwarrt rrosby,Moraan Dlx, tiu-tav lioithell. De sola Mntide-. liuuiesII. l'arkliiirst. .lames .>. s. lluntinerton, David II.liraer. Fellx Adler, (harles F. Dcettis. Ilonjamln 11.Tyler. R.itwrt s. Ma< Atihtir, Kiwlgn Mt-CheatMT, AbbottE. Klttredue. Wllllam T. sablne, O. Krederl. k Krotel,RnWt M. Sommervllle, IVllliam l.loyd, oeorire .lame.Mlaglaa, Cnrl Erliaa, hainuel 9. ^.aard. AaiodoaiA. itrlnke, Ale.xapder IValters, KdWafsl ll. <"oe.WeReahw W. Iiowdlsh, Tlioodot-e C. Wnilams. ConrndR. Uadaery. (iiariei c. <;oss. Ileaaer ll. wanaea,lieorfo Miipmnn Payson, ftoorffe S. llnkor, Wahfto Mes-snro*. Conrad Einil ra.iidl.etf. s. 11. Kosslter. J. W.HrinikeiliolT, Oauraje E. Strobrlrtge, A. II. llarshaw,iteiijainiii Rrewalar, c. K. Itonea, Charle. E. fcVdtoa,A. I*. Eknian. .latne-s M. Whltoa, I.. II. s. hwiib, W. J.Ma.dowell, neaffB D. Dewhaatt, ilenry Wilson, PaalQoaltteadery, CharhM J. Ifoti, K. R. wilson. I. <:.

Nharf, Thoataa IMsea, Jr. l). M. iledK". w. Warreai.ile-, ThOBta. Doiik' William llmiiel, .lam.s M.

PhllpBtl, Fharloa u. aaayth. lidn Parher, Madi*nir. IVtcra, 11. Weinchel, iWsr, W. Urooks. ll. Olaea,iicnraa ... farter, fcibart Ma on. Frederkh uieak..iiitnes ( li inilier*. Joftn siili'.n, Willlaai II. l.awn-tne,l;. liupkui*. .1. Worden. \. ll. I.ilja. \\ M. Walker.\. ll. RartliiKhaai. Ite-irjo M. M...0. ttracaa ll Mayer.I-. Watier-, Rdaard l». r*, lleary M. Ma.-ci-a.ken.AarwB \\i-e. Thoataa inmnmei. .'ame- II. I'ooh. Ixlerstrvker, .ra* ll. *li..on*. l-.a. Mrt.alre. w. B.Ilai-liaw. .1. W. li.-lr. llaMiian Iliai-liv. W.lhamMu-k-iave. .lo-eph Mttirtl, W.liiat.i We-I". i.eld. li itonII. I..-W. The.sif.iT. A. II. Mil-nii. Ell-wortli lion-lils, UarhW I.. W. .'. Hlltlii". TholilBs .1l.n. rr. Walur ll. Hoyd. Nrwl.m IMkin-. JwnliI¦'!*¦.htnaii. ihai-les ll. *inith, I*. Edwln TalBiaa*. Ileia*)M..II..I1 Id-ed. .lo..pli Hni.l. li --I.;,. IiN.i:..!...'. .I'.hn

llei.ry llopkin*. Jaaae. II. llcadh-j. Wllllaat A. U>-loti. .loa-hliii Elin.-l.toii. F. II.....lm. .'¦ > *U>ne,Uottfrled iiiitiinri-koid. I..-...I.-. .1. <.. i-'1'.';...... I.l, Kevn.-ld-. |r.. s. D" Um .-v T<.wn«eBd. .*. ».

Rurrhard. V. <-'. .;--. I'h.lip -had. S. I. i'-"'1"..*|..-i....| II liiav. \. Reed, \. F. * N. Knid. imauel Rael and I .vn-.m.-lll/.

Ih- addrcs* wa* .!i> upplaialod. and at it- <i.»e|ir 1 -ald lhal he La'l MaM.-d Mlth BloVrBMIIt.with i.-rra. li.tcr *t and he had i.'-v.t -"-n ..n" -.

'''""I'n'il'ei llOd." I." «'\. In.iil"d. -II Wlll b" sl|. rf-.flll.and ti.- dar* »f ihr lnl.|nll.ia. rliy eovernawmt^aroii.:n,l,ei.-rt. li.. re .- n. oll I" l.I;""!''''.L'',-. Ml.

Tlie Rev Waldo Me.¦.>.¦ »i lh»- Frra ii.i.ti-t i hnrrh.made .. .liorl addr. ln *hl«h h.¦ rad tl..- rhnrahiiV.-r he pm*lde* and a l.nnil ii....'." Bp ol IBOlotiliiier mi.-iiiI.--j - ,,f ihe rhnreh.

Thr Uev. Ililiiam Ll...vd »atd lhal I." »-a- n« lnf.iVi.r i.f Ih" l.e..ei;.-- .Un: AiiMlnn.- I;. I"-.1 lla.ll." - U Bitvhl ...-.' he drrlarad. "aiiylhlnillo leat tlie Uepii! I i-.iiis. W .- dn IM.I pniposfl lo ii.-mlM.-.I.. .. -ti..,e|,i |li-krt. or ...¦ l,.il|il../-.l lal.<-|MU.BJiim ,.,.. .-I-.--. sii.n^ht ii. i.i lle *B«:?:'¦ -I.--I M-<- iha' »ealn.lder* bi.i ihrlartdra** thiHICh ll.-v rollhl ..'I lall. |M.|II|. *. Thi. MIB

f, l,|| aa* lii.'". »P bY Ih" IteV. Chllle- R. KBIVlh.who Ihoagbt lhal Ihe in.iepei.di-i.i pie-- -hmiM be ra-

Thr Rrt vi, iiiiiilii.^-i'.n. «.f Ihr i.M.-t al Ihr 1I"U<>,, ,. -...i ..f li.-liop lliintliiaion. no anioiiiil..I s--if adinlraiion ar mlk w..nld wm. "Ilanl. ..Ildi,,i.-. .,!,. whal «...I.* li" v ii't.ed. .«.. matl.ilk ...,<l Ie- and ll.e p."s. mav pal B* «HI l.n.-li-. Ln. ar. .1,11 mn i h .". Ihr vi"-- Mr.Hui.tinitl..n .l.en ...I'-f-d a rr*nliill«n ahlrh, ... rffrci.«,, thal bo ..ii.-li.iaie far Mny«r i.n»lderad ni.i---I,- l,e -all.f.i.torv io B BiaforUy ol Ihr lab.* ..r.-.ii|ir

'""l'i.'.. in-.ln... lo Ihis rt-ulnt''". ..v..- .i-.end.d I v

Ihr RrV. I..*)*|W K. Mr-.l.n.lL'.-. who.1 U l«rrrfrrissl I. ll.- «' .mmlll-e ..'. Ile-.lnli.e, Rrfi«4** IW*,,.,ld i." di-pi.'d ..f .. n.....-..i ln adlmirn aa* m id.-.\. il... fl.r> il-v. t.r. , FnR'HI a.lo-d lhal Ihr im.

lioii |r> allhdraaii. f..r hlm' lo ader .. r- oliitpii. on Ihrlll.le.l r.l-.*l l.v tfr. IlllllllnCloll. Ui- f-.i-e-l Ihlll II.-

di*pn.|tif»n "f Ih" a.aii«-r li. Ibal "iv v.,.iiid >.r hkalf,,. I.» ..rrri-tlj i-ike.i l.y Iho publtr. ll.lered thi*i.- i.Itilioti

... - ,|vrd Th il H.. »'..e l":.'' !^ "'>' '"* "'

,).,-,.,,.. ,,f .11 ..r.-an:-..UM * ahl'i ..'.' lll Mll.pallH... ,||, |||.. niotemri t

., .,, .: ,¦ ,:n .u.lf ado|.l< .!. al Iho n..--. .-'

..... Itirdr x ui n m v vN ii ii vv ii.ti r. tvraa.,.I,., ii- ... « i... ..¦¦.': pi.-i '!.¦. r.I..-

...... |, |, .!:,...,! 1,1 II .. RVV M' II I - '...". .-' i'1

... i, ... |;.-i-. |)rs I .<> I.t llld l>- .. IIi*1 .' '¦. -i-

|.ii..i patil.ipal.-d. r.i'l.i 1....-1. Ui B.plamiiU hl*... .,,¦ p|r;i.- ih< !.. ortn* rnen .-.J ih.ii !¦" wanirdl.i makr li -..-....¦ i.e-.t ..f an .-. -.rn-nre whl< li up l« Ihi*ti:i,.- I. rl l-ril !.' l>' i profniiiid -'

-Whr-B Ihe rrrral .Irlhr mi Ihr »w Y-rli < "titrsl.,,,.1 t|...t--.n Rltrrr Ra iMad ana Br I iirdrrad." .,-. -nt.-I ne.u lo II. Wollrr Wrll,, the ll.lrd % !i - |.n- l'1-it

.f ih>- r>....t. in Ih* m»rra t il Ihr a .r'.:ii,-iii.... I had.\lr. iii. |t |. -i, i, tn. iii rould

n.mpllah l...t!.i'.l la'er i.B I.lll f»r me. Blld.,..,, | i,'.i i.,i rerrivrd Im Ulk.*4 ii'..u the .trlhe.,-,,1 ,....- ludrd I .t -ai.urf: I...I.. r Uui-t-y, Jn*l 'alln.- iii--i i!-.,t «e .... r..-l.t ii. Ihi* nialirr.' I ati»*rradN|, || Waltrr -I un nrjll .-: .. drnnCNIIIO-... .;¦' .' ioiii*.' and I i-fn ..' ¦.' do U

rhl. -¦ .'.-I... .,i ll .-.. I...H..-1 llil.'"t ...'.-.-.I .'.:.-..!

r ., !¦-' nrpn*a._- 4»-.

¦1 ni; ...vii:\ii Ft»K I.I.I n«»S B» iii'.v :v tiii i <-: ;>it 11 ii -- r.i/.M i.

n iihinii* -j i i-.M

Tl.e Rollro .'--miiil-s!..--. rr*»«-tdaj de. irt'-d lhal,. iv MHctityelKl.l i-.m.-'-I- p«.Hind plarr. a-.mld br

,..,|..,1 rft tl..-I' B '.:.¦ M. Il"' f'-.l-.e IPIM 11

havinii fnond -mi i'.l" I'"'-" .¦' hlrh in br und ln

;.. ,. ,; ,|. Ui, Iii nl.,. I. I'l-v. 'li I- P ..'", '' ¦''

.,;.. ,., ,|,l I... foUl.d A .--I (IH' t fol Ihi ..I

iv- rtrnl) .-...''. I..."." I....I-I. ¦-.- " ¦»*.. ¦'¦¦'* l'i Ih"I'.. t Ititei l.niiii.e.- l'i matinv. !.... hiiildincs «.:i i-'

,...i.-.i and rrowvad b) .'-" maipany »' a r«.| ,.f

.^ij-, rarh. IW *nrh an Ihr ¦«:ll li.iw Ihe i.M uni-r nflei .'..¦ hilioo ll-pirtmriiti,,. i.. fniibrr .1 f... tl.e h<iitdinr«. II *.»-* e»re< led

lhal -jfin b.illd .. .¦ -.' .. r..-l >d ei 41 ra. h a.Mtld l-

,,,.,.,-,,1. |,.|l Ihr I...M.I- Cltril l'l th" l'l.'- I. ...1-1 I.-

ir. i Ihr, -I-"'¦. wit'i'inl ...'.tr..| I-- .-'I ... si.,;.-.t ba- rldhhlrd !..-. . ..iiini--) ...... < to KtVO «>BIO

ni. iinv. f.r bnlhRni balld b. >»..- "'id U*

|-.i:.,ii.ic ihr ..Ih'iaJ i-.n-.t will pndml.lj be «lien "...

Thrrr n dlhVran.I ..|dnlai am.Mi« Ihr rHin.ilsn' hillie ll.-..'"ler reaardiiiB lle lerai of oll.I,-, l,.,...| i,.,i,-.i,.....-!.. .I.ief nf th- liaraau ol FhiUmi*||, -i.lIHdlllrd "li .ll.'.-.a.'V Hl lll l-l-.. ol I..I... ...¦ ..llnrii. all. trrin of oil.e had -M'li.'i "." I",-"-' '.i -r und wi... i.-.-i i".'" iiiiaRiiS 'wer. ria- Uiw

,(,,:. ii,. l.-rttl -.1 »«.r tl.'..- i--..r-. LU -"ii.- "f Ihr,...'. .,i iiiinh ii.-' i»l.I K.iie.ii....-h'- lerai raidrad.,., Anan.l I im! lhal he .- niw Jn'MMil! "v.-. If

u. .,..i..,i--| \»lll .i-n.i.i" in

,;.,,. aithoiil reapiadiiliiia l.lai f«N n Itill lerai id Ihrca

rilK li.-l'ir- irv.-i K UKNKRAI. I'OMMITTEF..I.'.iil. I.. |.e!.II-l'l. iliiirmin ..' on

,!,.. ln, i.-.i e of ihe p-neral ...innnn.-. af ll.e l'.-,.|i|.-'-viuiii. i|.:.i l.r.inn.., annoanrisa yrnierday -.-.mi i.m.i<.

iiaaii- ..( n.'-i. arh«. had ..n-.-nt.-l ... nrrvo nn Ihr --"..

,.itti... and « f... th- -u., ¦..-ef th-- Leanar.'*mdldaie. had I.n added ln Ihe ll*t. Irnoiia the

;U|dil|.|,al BBBX a.-r II...- >.| < ha.l--, llenrv

\ ...iklev. Williiini II. >. liK-ifelin. Muns'ii S. Wi.llon.

li...,ili.s r.daale. Willlaai R. i-bHI*. F. Marrajr »'l\

phanl. william B. Aadrear., Frrtdr Tnrher. I»r. llenrv

|». N,.\.-. R. I*. ll..niai.s, l.oul- .1. Ii.ill'.nl. jr. rlareners.' Ihty. llenrv i>.n. !»'. Walier Meodelsohn, lieoraa

it iii.pi.i..-, iSroraa WaddlaaHai. Lraiael V. Myawtl,.l.ishuu ll.-niy. i;..d..lph Kop.i. Ilarry M. Reqaa.A. s. Ilal-h. Will. im '. sl.i'im...'". Ftrdrrlrh II. Ulhl,..i,s. riiiiion I'aln.ei-. Alfred Ayrcs, V. R. Mahnstnan,Min.nelT. IliiiiliiUli. .lall.". M. I.eB i-. .lame- l|. Ilal.- ek.

Willlaai K. i'ai.en. .rao llraaaa-h-k, Jaaae. Ii...-d.

Inild I'allanan, li-.-.l.-ri- U Eanl-en. .lame- NiBtaaW W. .1. Ulh. Illlbnai M-.itI-t ii, Veen Isaae \\all«-l.. Rl.-hald FaaaBinra, Aiiloni.Iiasii.ia. MI. uael MaHlo. Allllb. Claunlnl. J.raoMurray. ..rgr Ul-.-d. John tatrey, .l..-eph,ii.tu.u.i Ward, ar.

liNDiMi th.' M w V"Ti.N.i hUSTHOnH WMPf.RThe K.i.iil.ll.aii vi.t.-is ..f Ih.' XXl-t A« IM.I.i.t aa oppartaalty U«t ali*t M aaUto a aracUVal bs»t »f

ii.- a-orklaas ..I ti.a ballat la«. Thr Ri-pni.ii.-:...Jtawrlalhwi i.f ti"' dom.-t, had tattrd a awrUaa f-r Uial|,iir|M,..-, aad u -Ia* la UM a»..«-iatio,..» hradajaarlrrs.n... 103 i-v-t l-'ifiyni.'tii *t. A .iiLpii- t-atlaa baeUi »a*

laaard br ib* Fed"»al Hah, aad ti.o*.- proarat la-t alahliv-iit Ltii.xii.-li UM i-.i... ->f raUaa, J»*t ..* U.-y **lil h..-- In

.!.. II lu thls It.i un il...ll(.n d.v. V n.imlh.r ..f tl," <ll*-

trlrt load.-i* aaatr hil^f r n.i.U. ..\|.l.inat-.rv ..f Um .yatrla,-u.d ivh-n th- votliiu fnr Btartlce l.-aan, It »a< f.iin.d thal

ii,.. \..k,. i,ad no dim.-nity whatrvet in eaadatflUag »RhUW wojaliaBtaali <¦' 9V law. watra, aaea ni.der.tood,»<''ai^d eafeidlBltj ahapla t" awiyaadjr.


The BaaeaUvo rou.mltt.. of Iho Cltlaaaa' Lo.»l lm-

i.t..i...i..-i.t PBity of u.- T«....ty.u.ird ai.d Twraty.NMiihWurd* h-ld a rtaanlrd w.'l BMtthaj Bt th.

.a.iv hoadaaartrra. K* 2.9*9 ThhaVaaW.. 1a*t niji.t. Tholi.air.iiai. ni Um KoaMMaiv. Jahfl ll. Raataaal, aaahi a h*9and ....r...-.t addrraa. m ahkh ba udv.., ti... aowlaa-,'on fi.r UM onii.. <.f CeaMBBBdaart of sir-'.-t ..i,.. bibb athrr thaa a praaawlaaBl pdRMlaa. Harbarard |-..,....,l..l.i...r I'".>'.r *'th Lavlng- Invll.-d BMBaVr*.,, in, . ,i./..». i*aity to a iri.-i.di.v emlinmcf. aad u.--..

|,;l>..k. tt..,s..l Ill-IF .....t.d.,..- l.v I...I.I.. ll"'

nrivaU. .i.-rato... Ti.l* »a- daar. ,... ..nlli...- M Hr.

Koa ....n. .... UM aaraa** -f aattthaj It Naaar lhal. th.

,,i,,,... «a* naklnt a alth la.,,i.aov lla.l

.lol.n tadjBK. Jf . follioi'.d Mr. h.....-l>l-el lu » slinll...' v.-lii.

Th. iiaiarr" ao 9ataf Uie HaM aad phwa i« uouhuk u»o j

CBIasas1 Parlv O.i.venUon, is-ported In favor »l holdlngihe eaarcBMaa at l*Hach*a ltall. One-hundred-and-twen-ti'th-t. and Third-av,-., on Mouday CteaUtg n.'U, at 8oVloi-k. The re..,rl kia adopted. and tlie rampatKii BBB>mlltee authorlzed la arransra for th.i eletlliti of delemites

iron, tha lecal elaaa 1.1 saah atatBoa Baaafct of the two

. ard*..Pat ihc aaaaaatiaB lor Comn.lisloner of Strct Improrc

rocnu as ,ippo*.-d to Mr. Papoy, I.oiil., J. HeJnt/. Jajne*

L. Watta aud John H. BBCeppal ar- uromlnently ¦nsltsar4-«. .

MR. KKAN NUM1NATEI), HI'T DKCLINEH.Asbury Park. N. .1.. Sept. M (SpcclaJi.-The Re>

publlrajis of tlie llld (ongrcss Dlstrict, comprlslngBlirtliaat Monmouth and t'nion rountle*. met in

shlnn's Hall. Kreeliold. to day to nonitnate a caudidatefor (oni'rc-s. lt was one of tho moat enthusianUcronventlons cvcr held ln thc dMrlct. Jolin T. Rosscll,of Kreehold, wa* made rliairman and Benjan-ln F. S.

Iirown, of Matawan, secreUry. h^^|BBa>ossman Jnnn

Keaii, Jr., of ElUabetli. waa nomluatat by acclamatlon.BoaalaMtJBl werc adopted Ifjaorsbif, Praaldent Har-rlson's Admlnlstratlon. thc McKlnley bill. rexlprocity,speaker Keed, and favorlng lawa to aecure a free voteand an honest tount. The rcsoliitions al-o sayWe denouncc those meinbers of (aingrcsa. both, Re-

piibii.44.ns and Deatorrata, who. wiiile arawlng thclr-alarie- a- LOBgreaaioen, neglct-t their BilbUc. iluti-»and leave their -eaU- viuant; and we parlicularly do-iiouni-e thoso I'ongresamoa who, whlle noiuliially pre-ont at the s(-ious or loagrcaa, sneak out of the ruom

at overy rotl-eall In order lo break a ouoruui and prcvent the imuaartlnn of the publle bu-fness.


Tho Mld Congrossloiial DUtrl.'t ls a .-oininernal Blt>tri.t. The dlstrlet BCCdl a Rcprocntatiyo wlio wt lhave at Wa.shlni.tnn. and who will labor withind.-fatlgable teaJ to aerure lor the dlstrlet needed ap-nroprlatioiis for our waterways ai.d for tho

erectioo ol aaeh pabllc bulldlwg. aa arc Becccaaarj, forihe tranaartion of thc PcBoral buslnc-s. Wc bellosothat th.- statc of N.-w-.Ier-e-v -liouid -eleet a.- il-. rCB-reseotatives ln and for all other offlrei-s i.ien

who art identitl.'d with th,; Intere-t of ihelr vartotis d-trlrt- and wc depre, ale thc growliig tendemy of tlieDeinorratli- partv to iiominate men for nfflre wnn aro

virtuallj' rasldents of nn-.tlier BBBBB, who haye no

bu-iiie-..- or other Interc-ts .onnertiin,' thcin with tlwKtate of and who are noniiiiatea BOSeqbsraaac of thcrr weelth.

Mr. Kchii wits inforiiied by telegraph of his noniln*-tlon. ll* aaal a reply, po-itiveiv aarBalai to raa.

Kvfongressman ABMM I'larB, Jr.. the pr-.-ldent of thenew Natlonal ol Kllzabeth. wa.s tliwiDomlnatcd.

NOMINATKD FOR (ONT.RESS.Ntar-Hacaa. ftoaa., sept. aa.-Thc ITohibitionlst* of

Btc lld riasgieaalonal Dtah-trt todav Boatlaaled C. M.Whlttnore, of MarMaa.Ralon Hnngc. I.u.. Sept. 42.-B. K. Robcrts was re-

newilnated lor t'oogress bv the Deaaocrats of tlie YltliDUtrlct to aas.

FOR (OM.R.F.iSMAN-.\TI.\R'.F IN OFUO.relaaabsia, uatB. Sept. » iBBertal ..-D.*»i»lta Bac I>.*m-

o.rntl" s-rr. of tl,- Btat. f'-r the pi;ri>,)-e «f gaa* Uu._OlU""BlBn hoe. nr.:... it ls aat Uagiibahlithat th- lt.,.,jt,ll .:>..- may BBV« a »olld del.-jatlun from

thl» .stafe I.i th.- BPBt Nu'lnnal IISSMP. With the BB-

n,.i.ii. ..i.-nt fo.ii. WaahlBgtau Usal < nnure.. la >,«t

to ,*-, ihe blll, pio'.atlng f'.r the rssataratlcfl.f »,e ,,ld dlatrlebi, ,.»,»»rnoi lample-ll ha. abandoned IBCId-;. ,f al axtra Sraate. of tho Lial-Utar.; la t'.re

y la ih- arl af last »lnt. r. Be aaa denl.-, that

apaa » atrle* eaaairaetloii a pottla. af Btarr* rawBaBlB,llaaillUH. ('¦', i* left saUrely out of th« lld Dlstrlet;b-it,n.e ihU »-a« d'.ne in UM pr.-vlou. law th«

lii-nio. rat- lain, lhat tin- 4r.rrvn.4nd.-r aUI Bctd bo.hI.j.ihn 1 Ruaatkes. PX-HppaBpf "f th< IIou«» nf R.-iip.-

arwUtivea, 1- ont in a -urd sdioeaUag the risctisa >.f the

.«..iv.,.i,e i'aogiPa%ao»a-at-Urgp. i|f laacs aaa Bromid that

»IU'-e a p..r!l..i> af a U)«.i*'.ii.. ..mprl-lna alvnit JOO VStara,|i |eft out, thPt'- are no I'oufreaaBMal dlitrltta in th- State.

it.' advi.e- ti,- BepuMleaaa t<> raaajkB. th-ir aiadastlaas(,v di-tie'Sa, aud ih-11 t., uat Uie t lagWSlBISB on the g.'n-

ral a- <"ll .<<¦ th dlatrlrt HcBH, 'hit th.y m»v be \ote<lfr,r bv all th,- electera <,f th'- Male. That tilan SPCBM to

,. ..., a-ita rl.^er un ..ur wau* l-ssdlaa aasa. aod if lt Bf.iimd te I-' n»«-d in *'iii*ui, la.e. ll iiii.r te- adopt-sl.ti. f 1* -ii -u » <t"-.i.i taa. ih. Btatc »HI an BepaBhV,-jn u, Nev.u,t.-r t.v a larce a*j..r.ty, and th- ata. «ouid

rmiilt in a **>lld rt'-l.-.,'i'.ii fr-.m "li;,'. "f lec Ro-

puhlK-aa. sad -iv "D ppiWKrato i- iii'.-ud-l W th" a^rry-i>.ai.d* r.


'im: wy.iMi.M. ii'iN niM'i.iKD.rblracj.. h*pt '-'- -\ fti-i'.t'h tr'.'i l.aiao.t,-. Wyo.,

M,. tVvomilig Bnd* it- f tn n I- -.¦:..r :-¦ IWSIl nt.

uH|ug l" ll..- fa.i.'v,. .-¦ II Uon ,'f tV RaadtHUnB,»i..h piohaMy 11, ...!..'.» ''. latP ..-'-"o mi f.r *s

lonnty ..;.,. ii- »-. ..¦¦:¦. 11. -<1 .'i'i |.!.-s.-!ii- any general,. ¦..!, I,,;;.' I, ,| ll, I"'.' ],,.(...,:... .f I. ,111-tUII-

..... '.ii tV\..i:,lns a.MiM ne admlUcd ".-Iit

.I*.-, M||..i, 1 \\i.. iab-ring nndei tbu |iaprea»i«ith-. pi..i.i.,t rei .uiina uv .¦.¦. i;-'n» »ui'i. a-".ild

naturally !*¦ ii-.d 00 Un ui. of tttls mwitp. ln d-rtngIhli Ihe fu ... - i»f. r-'d t'. the .-!. tl.,r> a« " ITw Brat

irgalar eictuHi tkit » "lid ..'¦. '.r foiioi>iiii lae n:*t

.«-.r,n of Uir I..f.*,4t ,r«. .

? .

I'.X (.MilU-SSSUN li'M'll.l. IB A FK' !.«¦'.. -'|,t. .2 apprlal I"' ii B. 'I'M-iri. IhC

i.-.ii. ratii Lai-r ,.f th.-viiiti. n.-tn. t and a bttter eaeaayof rt 'AflS-r. - Jul.ii J. ii'N-1.1. th- nt.ject ..f h.s

«r,"i t,. ilav aad Un * i'»t 1.1. th-r la Im* D»l.ratl- »1>I-.They te'ik-le 1,1, 11,. -tr>.t nntil frtends pull-d th.-m ais.rtind i,o» the, the it-11 i. h-ne* th. gfbt »h-n 'h-r 11,....t.

1. N'e.'.i rlaim. h «a* "»|.|g*d" oul el the leguhM noiiiiiu-

tlon fi,r l KOg.vM l»J " «.-.

1111 r h i.i'.w iti\n < U'R.ti,p ....¦ d ..,.: r. i,-ii.v 11. tin.' ig i.i,' r I. .iraat Ba*

pul.ll ,11 t'luli .>. held .u*' i-.'inii.: ». ih.' iNti'i. I.-...1-

,i',Mit.r«. N". u (Tiar.iun-at. \i..v.i t,r-v BepuUlcans..,,,. ,..,...,, -| ,... nn), >.|.|'.., i,.i.,..i -.,1 \. ,i» ih.)

pru|HH>al i.f tha i..n-.« ..: '^-ht landala.ei f..r UKBibPTahlp.Ih.-y «.;. I,e \, '¦ I 'ii'.ui :.l Un i.ex'. ii.e.-tmi;, whlch wtll bc.'..'.. Un in-t Miadat ln 1. :.-i-r. An .'iit«rta.iin,eut «illi»- t-.M'ii ah, ',' «', (¦ i-i IS.

Rellers, barera nmt wuraers will alwaei (lnd lt totheir intcresi io kecp ira. lt of the .¦ lltlle advertl**cBM*nt>ul Hi,. puipie.' liuv an; prlBtcd ufl UK BtatfeJ p»s'Cvl ihc ftibuno

.v/.iv ilMdi'sillRt: Ri:i-rnu< \.\ roBBtTTBB.rourord, N. II., i-ppt. --¦- Th.- Bepubtteaa >lat«

ri.nin.Hlon iH-gatiiied t.. nigut by elcrUng l'. .'. Caurch-Ui i.f Lebauoo, ihalrniau; 0. .- .l.-»e(t, nf I.a.oiua,re.'ret.iii 1'. ll ft'ondinan, .f foiuord, trcaiiucr.

iu<; I'Ri'ts roR TBBATBB sk.kts.

'I lie -^le "f --.»1- f.r tho Ul-t p-1 f"i'in.ui. .. of -" ... the liarden 11i»-:iit->* in. >at,nda\ nlght, t,,.,k

ulaip .,1 th.- iifiii Aveuaa Aorthat yOTterday.ifl. 11 "li. IV. I.. Nonnali a'tui^ .1- Blll tio.ieer. l*h.>tli-t -*le «..- >.l s.'\Cllt> -'it- ll Tl-. .'"I. I" II- !'¦

Wagnrr. llcn Kn'n.h th.'.T boughi thniv -i\ ,it Bll caelt, for Itta In.'i.d- and dgbl iiinr.- werc...Id ;it i*1 l. i.eti.-ral Mvrrttl bougbl Iw>, »l #111 .'... audM -v llBII* llll'.'.' .lt +1 K. I". -t'llltoll iMHIghl -ixteell.11 p|-J .». ll .ind .',.l,n lloL-.-r- thi-.-"- Ilt iM. llie prt.Psi,.i ihe 1, t ..[ i!,.- .<:. Iiestia ranged fr.mi th.--,- 1.1 .-... ..".

Ihc l.,«,-i pi-l.p |'.nd loi llll- p.tri ,,f the Iwii-e. Th..i.,\i- h-piv -"hi '»- followa: li»a K. ln lieurgH k,- 1-1i.u .Ti.i'i i.i'x \, i" \. H llumniel lor ¦*-." .. IWi\«*» lt,

n miil I. ,,1 i|r |\-.n al fm ein h 1;,im - li .indII 1,1 mi inii,ii .it ri'. ... II..' Iiighe-.! prn..|.,'i.i r,.i .1 ¦.¦ai in Ihe hahiHij »». #T ,u mul IIm- |..wp»|

.-j ,. aliile Ih. 1.1 the --ill.'.i iniistsl fiotu -<l -> io

k'or iwrult.n.c eeiila 10H ran get int-:'- MtUe t.iv.-iPlll* Ih. l"-( II. r r- L'Ullb.l 11, He " U.HI'1 t-i.'t.


Itnh I'uiii'h 1,1- a- .' l>ad< all .,!'.*. IIab..¦... 1, ..11, 1.. 1,-. a -iu. .1 .Mti, I,-'. "-I .1 .4.1 aater.

1.1... -I- im il dniggiot*.«.

>tlllion< nl hraiU noM ,,,'inl \.|lli a |.r..fn-i.-li Of BSag'.|,| ,,,, ,,-. ..- .|,..ii,ll,| j|,p, ,.i.n. -I ll blItariv s I tn ,i|'h'-i'.ii* He ,.i,.. liair |.'-i«.:.-r and buiillli. r.

. ?>\M> liii N.-s Un lliur-hi, .-». iileinb, r 18. I**1>0. iilLh i.-iiti,.. .,f tii" ride - parrnta, New ll.. Ie .1,-. N \ln ii,. i;,a |li I. r Ilt- ,'-. I.iltlli 11.>*",.«. ilaU4t*fc*4nf \s M \\ Vo.iaga, ln t'lae'aea Bf. Adam-. of Wiattle,tVaahlagton.

KI.I.I.V.N M.l.l'A' At l-PPkahlll. \ Y. s,i.iernh-r 17.|. 11,. Ilev. livlnt I-. tVhllP, Ml 1 liarle- \V llllM.11.(,,,.I, ,,r V » Wliid-ni N \ to Ml-- ".in. ., ... ld.eldallghlel "f Ml*. JBBP Jnd th" Ilt" ill.lK A l-",.-kill.

Mll.lJ.K 1VI.1I IT. -On Widii'-day. hCptOlilBul 17, Ic.iO,nl St (hM-ii-l.s CIiuii I, N.'mVuk I'lty, ln Ke..,!.,.. >..,., KH.II) A. I.US-. .,f lli/al.-tli AMilf-. tn

Jnnn Milier, 11 f Bph-YuTB < Itv.

i-i-rrAiii' HAi.iu.N 1.1, s. i.t.mi.. r 22, is'.io. at. ii, p"1 naupi :cr.i i..». »tt. -l N.w-Yo,*, by Uir lt. v. J..i,uI, |,,,ii,- .1 I. i.ei.ild Alfi.-d Pippaid and MUC.1,,-. 1,1.1,1,. UalbHt.

11 \ iiiiui 1. M'i;;i,.iN "ii rauseaibec 20. is>.mj. i,vu>, || \\ |- jappa ii..'hIi,i*' Marrla Ten Braack uiMliuiie d.iiivlilr .if .Vr i,nd Mrs. l)a\ld M.uiran, i>fBrooklya, L 1 Sa i»i-l«

Notlces of marrtage aiust be lndojsed witji ful]iiaiue aad ailUrecs.

DILD.AKKi.Mti'r.'.ii ''ii hatBraay, Heoa, 20. at XyacB, B. Y..

I'.,,..'iti 11. ArKriiiiurHh. 111 hli .uth v,ai.

I ri.'.xl- ate I.iiIUhI U. atu-nd ui- fHneral scyvtcca at ui»lau' re»ideiK... N)Bck, B. s%. gBcaaay, -Sept. .'», at lt 3i.

.lrain laarrs SM«sC . aa a. rp. aud Chaathera st at 10 15B. 111. lairiHge- "Ul he ln v.allli.K aa arilMil of traln*>.

P1pV>w aain) H,i«"-j,< .....

1'hlUdelphla. Albany and f.oulaslile papers plcaie copv.(Alll'l-NTKR-Al i'lcaeantilli.', B. Y.. Scpfin'-er '22, of,mmii'uptloH, C*)l*» OarpiBafr. J... agrd '.it. y.ari, 4

i'.'i'i'u'l»i','».'rv.."» ai th, Phaaaatvlllo station xi. r..rhurch, aa vv.dn.Mla,. HryiinsibPr J4. at 2 a'phwk p. m.

rolll.-At rsaBera, B. Y.. K. picinber 22. 1SW ltartaell-,j, as. .<f ItatBelle and Maillia l lobh. aiicii IU l-ai*,1 11,1.1,Lh aud *> '!,*.-.

|-iii,-t»i "irviiis ,'i. Weda4Mday, K>*ptenacr 14, ln si.juhu'a st . v i»

BelaUvra aud frlrtid* aie linlted.liit.rni.-i.l O..KIaiid l'.-.iii-tc.v.

1 l.l.lii I' I' siidd-niv. ul hi'urt failure. ui Ureeuarl, h. Oum'.-..pN-ini. r zl, Maraarpi *-. bploved »if- ..* .luim ...

Kuii-rwl a-rslepa ul her lalo r<»ld,-iii- »i. \V,<i.i,-duy, at.

llPlaUvea aiid fneinl" "re r.peclfnlly Invlld t.> att-ndwltlioui fnrther iiiitli-.

t'arrlagM will ae ln sralUaa aa thc arrlval of 1:0J p. ».tralu froni Oraud Ctntral TAi^l. .

D1KP.IllfhTOir naddralT. on featurday, Septrmber "0, lohn S.

..ll.riore, arrd 04 yrara. .,RrlaUVM and frl. nd. of the fanilly are Invlted to atienaUM foail.l .(1SI..S »t hl* lat.. MoBasaco. 921 W4B439a>*t. on Tu..*day v'.iU.K, at s oiloik.

.... .liit.-niient at ..rrenwood at convrnlenre of the lamuy.Iteaar 9oaar».JIl'Ml'llKKY-Al Wllllamstown, Maaa., Frlday, Srptem.

b. r 19, 1K.0. MaraarH Maepbrraoa, »>ifo of TheodoreK. Hanphray, fon,.niy at Albaar. N. V.

Bnil.l at tl.e Albany Rural l cnietery.MONTAiilT'-At BtaaRegaB, Mkhhaat. Septeitiber 20,

t harl.-s hUIIbbm Moutaaoe, foiraerly of llirtloid, Coua,Inl- im nt, at llailf-'Ki.M-.W'To.N-vt RaaaaaMd, R. J on sat.irdar. Septornbor20 Isua<: Xeartaa. ln the. 7*>tb y.-ar of hts a«e.

Funeral servn >¦* Taeaday, llrpteaiarr "J3. al H o cloca,from hl* lat" n sldenee, Oikland-ave, Uloomttiid.

Poorla. ni.. i-aners alraoe raay.KANnOI.I'H-41 .summlt, N. J., Sund.v, Septeniber 21,A. R. Kai.doiph. ln l.i. Tlst year. ..... s,.r%|i«a at Baptlal t'hurch, in Summlt, fsV|it,.inlM.r 24. al 10 a. m.

Int'.'rn.. i.t at I'laiiiiloid. N. J.Tl'RNK.ll-Siiddi-.ily on Monday. Sepfmbor 22, »t har latjapaddeaee, Ko. lo.l Raat Mdst., Klla, *lf» of Charlea W.Turner, in the 3Hd year of her v.-a.

Retfca of faaeral armrra h'-ri-aftrr.W10Ql*f tiaddrahr. at Rarthaaod, New.Hamp.hlr., Run-day. s»-pieii.l>ei L'l, lienry li. WbBJIa, in ln. .ath year.

Notfi-i- of fim.-ral later._

Spcciul IXotiffs.t'arprt l l.anlna.

T. M. bl'MVAIO. ajo "th-avo.Telrphone, 12U 194%. b<:i>d for clrcular.


luvaluablo t'or All Korm.

of feaada arahaea., Carter". Mttie i.ivrr PRhv_._.«r.. V. A. Miuelalr .olicita order* for boaic-iaada Jaow,Jelli.a cautu-u, api ed, preserved and braudied frultt. AU-.olute mirlty KuiKnterd. and only ttrst-.-laaa m.terlal BMBbAU fruit put up ui aiass aud .tored for eaataaacf. ux>">fall. For clrcular. ioi.Ulnlni{ pric..* and rafareaea. ea>drein Mn. C. A. bioclair, No. i AUce Louro, Brooalya.M. T._

I'oalofllrr .Vuliro.(Should I.- read by all iiit-rt.-t-d, as rhanscs may

oecur at anv ti.i..-.i ,,

Ijrtlrra fot- fi.i.ien loiuiuies need n.,t bo .artully ad>dre.s.-<t f-r dlspotrh by any parUealar st.-an..-..« aropt aaeaIt l* a^neii I.. ..-..d d.,pii..iu*. ,< baahiag aj.'i naaaMrckadorumoa*.*, imer. n-i .pri-tell) addiciial ta.ii>;; *cm byth." f.i-t.-t t'**>sr!a avalhuMr.

Forataa NtaU. for t...- are* a>p4eather 2. »iUelo-..}v in all ibmw) at tm- ' a- f,..low».WKDNhsffAV-.U -JiJo a. .... f'.r p-r .. l.

Trav^, via .sU'.ti...i.;-ii, aad u..i..... iMtrra fta Irdaadmu*t u.- dlre.-t.-a -^.-r Tiara"!; at 10 a. .... f-.r BMa. ». Brltaaale, via Quavnatuwn ,i-ti.-.> foi uiut linuinand otli.-i l-;.i...|Kaii"* ...'.-- I<" dlrertrd "|MI uri.-

aunlc-'i; al 10 a. M. I*r tl..- N'.-u.. .lai.ds di..-.-., ix:r ». «.

Maaadaat, via U..t(. n.a... iIrtter* n.-i*. br dlrrctrd fotMaaadam'';; at 11 3.. a. .... f-.r UrlftUBi dli.-t, p"r ». *.

lUiynland, \ia Aatwerp ii.-tt.-i- n....t i«- dlrreaal "fetRhyaland"): .1 I l>- '"¦ la* ''"'"¦ 1"r »; ". *>a«B»a, viaUavan. ai j p. m, r.» Jaaaa! a, |,.-. a. *. u...ian. .

JlllKMi.vV -At B u. n.. 1... . ..|. Ila'ti and l'ort d«Palx i*-r . -. 441 at ll 90a. w. to. t.u...|>-, i« *. *. Mar«Buwnla. via aao Ua«.m\ ai 1 n. .... lor Her-,.,,,,!__ ,,., , .. O.-ii,!.. ii, ut I |>. ii.. lo. Nas.-a.i. N. I'., ai.O.Sau.s',,,1 i.l.a. |»l ?. - *....!..-... a- S p. ie [or llnatan,,.r a. a. I'r.f. H«4-r, tr.«i N ,».i.!l.-a..s, at H :90 p. n- t-f\'.Mf,,nii<i:a...l, i»-. -I-....,.. f no. Hal.fax; at B:99 a. at, fori>t. J'..-..-. M.i|..-l.«... I" *t-a,i.-.i fr.,m ll.., fa\.

KR1UAY U i |> in- f-'l .laina,.... <.-'¦>Ui»M and f.-iate-n.ala. p.-r .. *. UaaMH lhft4tta far iMI/^ ...u»t Ij.. dJre.ual

'bTaII/'RuXv ,41 1 a. BI. f'.r liati"-. Hwlt/irlaad, Itaiy,M.'.in r..a.a'.ii aad larkry, p.. a. *. l.a Uourfogao, vi4llavr.' a> ll . w. f«r Hoifiar l-ir-nd and alsj

niri au.l AIlM at 11i..i- i-,,,,|». p. ». » Ltahrla, vu g..t*-a»towa . a»

Ti '.'.'.i a. m. r..- >i'-...>:¦.. p"r * ». Klhr \.a nsnthanptnaand (1 t- R ffi^.t b<- d.r.---'-<t "i-¦- JCiO- ;; ai 1 aaa.f,,i Cainp.-. Ie t !..a|. - !».!-.. a.-d V n-........ p r s. « lu-at-n, l.-t;.-i* f... ui..-. Mi-\i. aii Matr* a...l . ulil ...-.*'. oa

dlr'.lMl "prr Vioataa ",; at 1 p. ... f-'l Noiwar <l.r.;t,IK-r >. s. Xrtra- il.4t.-r. .r...-t br dlr-'.-d .. |~r .Nori;.. ),al n in. !>'.. th-- il.r.-.-l. |«>r «. a. Uou.-idnin,vla .\...«i. i-ia.ii .lett.i- ....I-- ... dlni-t.*! .. p. r i...tu«". «t 2 |>. hl. f..r M...IM...I <Ilt... I, I*'. «. -. Ani-hmia,v|a lilarfo. ihlter. ii.'-.t l..- .Ui.- r-u ¦. pei An-iioMa ||it I ii ni. fnr liii..-rt-.ds ai.d ".r- ytowB, p.-r .. .. i.'i.s*la,fr»,m \. w<ir, .

M NI.W -Vt .1 p. ni far r.a4a Rh-a. vla I.imon, r»rs .. l-ONiiall. fr.m. Xrw-Onraa*; at :i |i. ... for iruv'.IIO,p. r *. * a. i.t.-n. fioii, N.-w-O.;.-»..« a. 3 B. BI for lll'..-Brld. aod i.rrytoaa, pt a a J- Olerl* k, fr.-.n »aa>

MalT* far UM Sarletr |si»nd«. prr '-itp TropK Hudffrem boa Kra...j...- tUu* h"rH BrptMBbrr -J.. at Jl 30u iu Ma11 . lor . ..n.-i and Japaa. |,-i ». »¦ '.*.u. rr-m

Un l-inn-l-r... .1..- ...- >.-,'-.. b.r -.-.-,, at 9 99 B. m.

Malls f'T th- Ila»a.l-in l.lai.d.. |a*T *. *-. AJWWalBJifron. San Franelarn lo-- l.-n ", t..l.. r 4 at i 3o p. n.V?n. lor Auatialia. X.¦» ./...aia.,.|. Ilaaaliaa. K.,-1 andKanioan l»land». |*f - - Mariiar- froai Maa I >-an. i..o,.r*.«¦. h.'e fhtftla-r I'-. a' '¦ 911 p .-, ... MI arrtval atKvW.Vurk i.f - * «:th ItrlllM nvul. f-r An-traUa f..r X.»liMinBland, bv- .all ... Ilaltfat, and" by.traai.-r. .>.< at tin* .-tl.- da'.> ... *¦ :<n p. ..

Ma Is for Mi.i-...!..,. hi tall t.. Il...t.,:i and thrao. I.T;t.a..,er. il,.- at Ihis nflH-r d.."ly at rl 10 p. r... Mat:.f,,r aha l.v ra.i U. Tampa. KM.. and by s'.«.i...tKilinc M«rida.« md Th .-Hy* ei,-r a- im* ..;.-- jaUyat ¦¦¦40 a ... Ma.',* f." M»vl.-.'. oifrloid, nnl^...,, V'-. dlr.-4 fm dl.p.''-h hy »u-am. r, claoa at this" -ii!''"'.,'i';','' "'.f .:.-.:..- af Ttaa«.ParHV mill* I.¦rranr. -I '..> tt," |iieaiim|4Ma -f Ih-lf iinlnt-Msipfd o\»rl»n4traii.H to ^an Kranrl- ..¦ Man. tmm thr Ka-t .rrtyhu «a

tlnie i. son Kiai. i« .¦'. ¦-''. *aj ..' sallintf .f *4.*amrra»r.- d.-|*eli.d t'.":,.-.' "i -i. - day. r.-e.frd ma.lci..-,* atop. "ViV^-iV.r'viM-'vrr. r>-taa-t-r.

To"^mr*. Mew.Tata. N. Y.. 9>pa>oih.r 10. 1300... .._9

fjohlical Xoticca.

Repiibliran Primary Elreilono.

Thr Repabllcaa aatar. ratohVd la »h-- arraral Ass-rabiyDl.lrl.-ta wlll n.-.t a. Um alarr. Ie :.itiaf>i- naii..^d <.:i

rnday -vn,,,-.-. b> pt>aab. r 99. UBja, :.t * oVhKk, fot UVtpttrpnsr ..f .l- Ui.e irlrffat.. 10 Uv i.- nhutlai convsntiouliia,.,.d a. f.>!I..11.

a .-i.i-.NTV COXVEXTIOXt.i be '1 al W I'--: Ha::. I-' M"v ath-t.. hetweea

Ttii.d and r.anth atr... .... Tim.-d.v rvealag, o^tober i,I*:-.. ,i H ..' I. ...

Ii. legat. - Ui k- jpi-..!....¦ '1 i- ' ll« *.< v:'.l

Flt.1 .\ !>.-: I. '. I IM','..' -.

«,.,.i .\.i.l s i.|.i .. .. d. . natra,Thlld A-- n....i ln l.-i 'i il I- -MI ».

..ln A-- Ul.l.lvl -"> .1- K .'¦ 4K lll. As- l.iMl iL-i. I. '. -'¦ .. »' *.>i\tli \.*.-n,..ii ln.tii.-t. 7 d.¦i-c.-.s.S.-I .'11 A., i. ...i I'.-' '. I- 'I- I- -a'eaI !..:. As-'...i.:i lu.t.i.i, » <: I- -..t-v\ --. n l,l« J..-:. I, lo <:. L -..!.>.Tnlli .. . .: Lii Ui* .Li I" d. I- -."--i.,.,..,.., \.,1*1* uistikt. e d ;¦^o.Tn. .m. A. ii.iiij I'.-.i.' ' d- l.'iMba.Thui a-- u !>:-' t, IS dib-eataiI-,--. Mntii a--......i |.i--:..t. .'. d l.-aaWB.I-,.-.-.,t.i a.ii.i-:-. iM-.-.-i. !> ii. i-.--..'.-.-MM-.-Illh A- .ilhlr 1...I:.. -. -!¦ ;- ¦>'¦*. i .. . >iith luatiltt. IH d'-l'tataal ..¦..!... »n a-.ii.'.:v |it»»rl. t, i-- d-l'-tratrs,Niii.tni.ti. v.-.i.i:i ln*trlit. S2 d.-l.-aatra,T«l A. ll.'..-. Ii.-I.:. t. T -I |.-e:.t...Tu.i.ii.llMl \..,-il, lll.ltl 11 UelrTateaj

,i,i,i .-.,,, .i jtMs.-iit.ry Ki-.-.-t. I4d.u-a.triTwmtr.thlld A*a..i.hlv Ul*trl>-t. 49 4V-lf|jaB* A. iBIill Ki-C.-t

Tn.i.ti-thitd Waid * il- lr«atr».T«. i.t, f.Mllth W ll '4 0- Ii -,l'e».Hbu'biidax-, 1 di Irtatr

C...UT *........l t'oavrotlaas t.-> !-.> brld <n Moadcy araaaint. Il.tobrl L, at » o'vhKk. al U* pla, - d-'-..:utCd BB

ItflklW. tl/.Kl\th . ,ui.-r. IMstili-*.. 141 Froohlio tt.s..\ t.lli l ...ic..s--, H.-.r:. t. IH.'i,.1 iiihtli I'onill. -si,, lil-l: .. 'I.l I....I...H -!

.Nii.Oi r.,iik.T...|..ii!ll l>,*t:.;. JS V\en...- ,V.

.tViltl. I .ui;i..-|..iial [.l-lii'l. '-'-:. Ib. ¦¦¦'-¦"¦'¦_

l.l.v.n.h t.*Biraal.mol I.:-'-:--. IIB lJ«hth-a«a.Twrlfth ,,.,3..-M......I im.m i""> .-' ;f'i alB*aaaalhtrt.s-i.Ui i ,.,-i..s...i..i. n.-'iet. i.iV) Thlrd-atr.

Rrpn*»atatt4a lo hr Vke >oaie ;.- ... im ¦¦..<:» roava«.U..H. .v.-pt thal UV T«...ti-^->....d A. .-.N) IMrUlel .hsllb» raUUrd '..- I- (l.'l.-.»..¦. m ti--- Tii-lfih t ¦-.-..- M*M -1

Ulatrirl . ..nvvi.ti.,.. a.,d .i .1. .OU. s ln tl.. Thlrterath l.'-.i-

BIWlaBBl IM*'.:' I <.¦:.».¦..t.-.n.

Jadtrial r»i«4rl l Loat.-ai.* lo h." h«-ld ->¦-

rvralaa. Uelotvl 9, at B »'.-lo ... .t u. pla. .- lij. r

na....dThlrd i-i-l .'. I'¦-¦¦:.' ''..'Iv. i'<:"" 5«l tilatoo I'la--...-vi.n.j. Ji.dicial n.-i.... i ".iv...i...... I«SS9 laudarw1>. ;. jat. - t" !¦. ,.|.|i..:l:.iJ..d a- IvUoB.:

Thi .i ,t......I i i. -I... t. i deiraata.IA..- lH.llli I. I d-'i.'iiat.'.

s. i.iiUi v- ii 'i pl»trii ¦' 4< I. ,-.!"a.N.ntli \... ii.. Uitil.l. 10 avh'.atea.

gr\mth .I-.-.. .al l»l*t.|. \......i-ii l.'-tri.t. t d>-l- '.mi..ra.rnt4.tb A.--...'... n.-ti- l. 7 drlegat.-...|.(-, i- -i lllatrl.-t, 11 drfrsab-..'I 11. lltT-s. ..lld A-..-...IIIT ll.-t!! t, U! d. I' r'.ll 4.

v.-. iii.ii in-iiii". i ....I.M..I....S i.aiaotr ,uafn A . n -!- aud ll.l-....... t.. I" ie id -.. l-ioal .i.-llll.g.,,,,,!,. ic ,,i .> ,.',-,... i. ... l'i.- ...adquarl -n. .-f Um i.< pun.ii, |. ,iu :,i....s in in ...p. -.l.v d.-t.i. (.. In -.1.^T« nt} f..iiilii IHst.lit, tl., Ass. H.i.iy Iii.tri tl-..||\.l|l|..|| !.. Il.llll.l'- ll' '.....(.. l'l ll.e I lH|'l....||lh r..-uirarlaital IM*trl.t.alloa aad landldalr* f..i \--^u. v

iitui r,.i-,.--!..n-. .-I *!...¦; ifipr..¦.¦-....nt.. rhall !¦. hrtd all,,,,, ||:,||'. iv.'. I iii.-luin J|. d-.tnd UftnHi-». ..i. haluidai i-iLiiiiw. orirtaa i .i. m u'cwrh. Caahr.atv.'litl.Hi sl.all ...iii.-i .. ... ...a.-v .!. i. .-i.t. . a- H.-re mayI... .-U-. lii.n disll.ts ln II." A-..'iiil|v .li-til. I ex.-pl SMl|n tl,.- 1 w. i.u f..,.rll. A-i-.: Lii li.-t.l.-. tl,.' drh-aatra .sha'.ll., aunortli,.I a* follot*.,l -tl.lrd VV.iid. I.l d^U-rfu;.. i'«.i.iii..iii.. V.aid. li li.i^.a... RhaBibiUpa. 9

Iho Alil......a..|.- 1'aavmUon li. I..- T«< niyiinrd Waid,Twctity-foiirll. |ii*trl.-l, -"ai n- ii.-i.i a' TaraMull (Virtlandt-avr, ii,..-h.!.. -.1 n.d int..-ih-.t aaMuiida) eteliBiB. <'. l»l«-r 0, IB4V. at s o' ai.d shill,.,i,. i.t ,.r :ii ihi !....(.-. , ._.

The Ald. . ....v.-ntl. m in '.Ie "¦ ¦niv-fi.n.ih V.arrt,Tw.-l.ttfrii.Ul a--ii,i.U li.siii.' -.,..11 I..- hold at thai,.mu- ..( Ihr .-sili...l.a.i ln... .>... ...'¦I'V.-iitli *l .nd \ and- l.itl-u\ .¦.. .... M..ii.Iiiv rvral.C, Ito4o>|,^r d a'. H nVlwh. and -hall !>.. ronatl ..Md .<* fnlU>»*:Tw.n'.y.....irtli Wa d, 1-' U...> uaL* Bh* 9 d^^t;al.-*."

Thr |il..e* at ivhiti. tho piimaiies atU b" hcid ara adfattnwa:

Klrot A«s.i..i.iv Ulatrtrt. i'.i KraahUa-abb.-.ond a.s.i.i!.1v HIMrl.l pui 1". nl*t.Thlrd A-*.-n.l.!v IHsiii.-t. I9S I'.nrhth stKo-trtli As.. inhiy IKHlict. IhT Kiv-t llmadw.y.Hfth AsM.i.l.iv IM.tri.t. I.M VV.'.l lloaatoasrt.M\tU D4.trl.-t 410 ...a..d..t.Mavrath A»..-iiii.;y ai.tri.t. afl t'linu-n P.ace.Klehtb AtM-mbly INUrk-t, 09 l.,i.ll..«.»i.Mntii in-tiKt. i AUaadoa bajuara.Tllth AsK.ll.brv lll-l.l.t. "fl A

^^lli'Viilb A...n..ilv Ulatrtrt. 107 V\. .t rhlrtyfouraaaBiT»\.lft.i AM-in.-li lil.tint. 711 Kirib ».

Tlil.te.-i.tii A...H.Mv i.i.niet. 2» A**i-niblv l)|.t. iit -.%7 l-.a*t Teuth-it.Hfli-iiili. I>i-tiiit. 4l'.» I' .v-.,..i>i> Di-iH-t. »Thii*ayr.Seventrentli A.-.-mbly PloWkt, 341 IVi *t l..rty.»evrnth.riebt.eiilt. A'-.ii,l.lT Dl.trl.t. 2ir. RboI Thlrtt.fourth-.l.Nlneu-. nth A.s.iu.ilv l)l*trl.-l. I.lnilf.r* 11.11, We.t

Sl\ti..r\. iith-.l a'.d lli.,il..\..d.Tw.-i.ti.-th Aa-anbly i>i«t.t.-t 1M F-aat iiftv.f.., A... iiilli Utstrl.t. li... Kast I Iftv-ninlh-at.T«.i.tV-...-....d A......My fii-iri.t. I^JH TWrdjat-o.Twmlv-thlrd A*..l>lv Utstrl.t. llUdeb.a.idl s llall,

Oi...|iii..di ¦! a..d-i\t.-.-.itii.h! and Mrraad ave.Tiv.-i.ty.f.i.iitJi Dtatrlrl

I'a.ntilhld VVa.d Tttra Hall, t''.ave., DMIilii...hiiid'id

Tm. ntv-f ii'lh IVard. Snl.iirl.nii T. p.iUie.n 1'lnb. Ooo-Inji'dr -l ai d-ti-vntv s.-i.aUl-at. u.,d Vaicleiblit-af.1,

Ki.iKsbiidk' -, r..|..ii.lii-ni Hall, lllvridakbv*.Th.- paR. mn he u|*'.i fn... H t-i 9 p. ....

R) i.:d.-i ..f th.- lt.pul.l.ia.1 fannty .i.niniittee,*,. V 11. CKl'.iKU, l're*ldcaa>

WIM.IAM H.BIXI.AMr. s,.,,..,,J. T1H.MA& Bl UARXlS

J K'On M. PATTKRSOX,Chakmaa ot ths Ihaaajfjii QBaaTfaaaa. ai