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Bewerbungen für Praktika Im Rahmen des COMENIUS Projektes CML-K-RP-10-11033 Europas Schätze - junge Menschen teilen sie miteinander Applications for work placements Within COMENIUS Project CML-K-RP-10-11033 Treasures of Europe -

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Bewerbungen für Praktika

Im Rahmen des COMENIUS Projektes CML-K-RP-10-11033

Europas Schätze - junge Menschen teilen sie miteinander

Applications for work placements

Within COMENIUS ProjectCML-K-RP-10-11033

Treasures of Europe - Young people share

1 Vorlage für eine Bewerbung für ein Praktikum in Tschechien

Guideline for an application for a work placement in Tschechia

2 Vorlagen für eine Bewerbung für ein Praktikum in Finnland

Guideline for an application for a work placement in Finland

3 Vorlage für eine Bewerbung für ein Praktikum in Deutschland

Guideline for an application for a work placement in Germany

4 Bewerbungen für ein Praktikum in TschechienFür die Bereiche Gastronomie, Tourismus, HandwerkErstellt von Schülern aus Boppard/Deutschland

Applications for a work placement in TschechiaFor Hotels, tourism, handcraftMade by students of Boppard/Germany

5 Bewerbungen für ein Praktikum in FinnlandFür die Bereiche Gastronomie, Tourismus, HandwerkErstellt von Schülern aus Boppard/Deutschland

Applications for a work placement in FinlandFor Hotels, tourism, handcraftMade by students of Boppard/Germany

6 Bewerbungen für ein Praktikum in DeutschlandFür die Bereiche Gastronomie, Handel, TourismusErstellt von Schülern aus Kladno/Tschechien

Applications for a work placement in GermanyFor Hotels, commerce, tourismMade by students of Kladno/Tschechia

7 Bewerbungen für ein Praktikum in DeutschlandFür die Bereiche Gastronomie, Handel, TourismusErstellt von Schülern aus Tampere/Finnland

Applications for a work placement in GermanyFor hotels, commerce, tourismMade by students of Tampere/Finland

Vorlage für eineBewerbung für ein Praktikum

In Tschechien

Guideline for anApplication for a work placement

In Tschechia

Job Application

Company name: ________________________________________________

Company description: ________________________________________________

Company Address:



Postal code:_________________________________________________________


Application for the position: ________________________________________________

Commencement: _____________________________

First name: ___________________ Surname: _______________________ Title: ____________

Gender: Male Female Meritual status: single married ID (identity card) number: _________________________________________________________

Date of birth: _________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________

Telephone number: _________________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________________

Driving licence: _________________________________________________________


Basic: Yes No Finished (year): ___________

Secondary: Yes No Finished (year): ___________

Vocational: Yes No Finished (year): ___________

University: Yes No Finished (year): ___________


1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________ 4. _____________________________

Work experience:

1. Company name: _______________________________________________________

Work Place: _______________________________________________________

Position: _______________________________________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

2. Company name: _______________________________________________________

Work Place: _______________________________________________________

Position: _______________________________________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

3. Company name: _______________________________________________________

Work Place: _______________________________________________________

Position: _______________________________________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

4. Company name: _______________________________________________________

Work Place: _______________________________________________________

Position: _______________________________________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

Condition: ___________________________________________________________________


Flexibility: Yes No Criminal record: Yes No


1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________ Signature: _________________________________

Vorlagen für eineBewerbung für ein Praktikum

In Finnland

Guideline for anApplication for a work placement

In Finland

Korvinen Tia ApplicationMottisentie 537500 LEMPÄÄLÄFINLANDtel.+358504301007 [email protected]

Tampereen messut OyOlli TokoiIlmailunkatu 2033901 TAMPEREFINLAND


I am an 18 year old girl and I am studying my second year at basic business studies in Pirkanmaa vocational institute in Kangasala. I am applying for a practical training in your company, because I interested in your company, when our study group made a study visit to your company. I felt very interesting the variety of the tasks, that an employee can have. I would love to work in a place, that offers a lot of opportunities to do various things and learn a lot of new things.

I am able to work on my own initiative, I am a fast learner and social person. I can speak fluent English, some Swedish and German. I earned a lot of work experience in sales during the last years. Before that I worked as a children instructor assistant in the day care centre. I had training also in a kitchen and in joiner´s workshop. I have experiences about various working circumstances.

My referee is my teacher Pirkko Parvonen, tel +358407115490

I am more than happy to answer any extra question by phone or e-mail.


Tia Korvinen

Tia Korvinen

Appendages: CV

Saija Anonen ApplicationVuorenhanta 2036810 KUHMALAHTIFINLAND 27.09.2010tel.+358400 876 373

Seipäjärven lomatilaRisto SeipäjärviKulmalantie 834330 POIKELUSFINLAND

Reference: I contacted you by e-mail 25.9.10

Mr. Seipäjärvi!

I visited the website of your company and it rose my interest in your company. I like to make my next work placement in your company. The tourist activities that your company provides to tourists fit very well with the objectives, that I have for my work placement.

I’m a 17- years old student from Kuhmalahti. I am a second year student as tourism activities provider in Pirkanmaa Vocational Institute in Kangasala. I will graduate to a tourist service producer in spring 2012.

I can speak English, Swedish and German. I have earlier experience from tourism industry from my previous job training in hotel Urku in Kangasala. There my tasks were among other things customer service and serving. In addition I have work experience from children´s day-care and house cleaning.

My teacher Pirkko Parvonen (tel. +358407115390) recommends me.

I’ll answer with pleasure to other questions in phone or by e-mail.


Saija Anonen

Saija Anonen

Appendages: CV

Koivonen Tiina ApplicationKalkunkulma 2 E 3533330 TAMPEREFINLAND+35845394929 [email protected]

Hotelli UrkuMichael JohanssonKangasalantie 110836200 KANGASALAFINLAND

Reference: I saw your advertisement for vacancy in Aamulehti newspaper 25.09.2010.


I’m student in Kangasala vocational institute. I am a second year student of the restaurant sector. Now it’s coming our second practical training. Your application interested me, because I want more training from restaurant sector.’

I have a little bit experience in customer service. I was in the last year for one month on practical training in Hesburger at Tampere central square. The practical training was successful and I learned a lot of customer service. I had a summer job a cleaner by cleaning schools in Kangasala area so I understand also the importance of cleanness and hygienic. The second practical training aims especially at developing of the skills of food production and so the vacancy for a kitchen maid is just perfect to me. I’m eager to learn new things and I like to care things carefully and well from beginning to end.

I am glad to answer to your questions on telephone and e-mail.

With friendly regards,

Tiina Koivonen

Tiina Koivonen

Appendages: CV

Vorlage für eineBewerbung für ein Praktikum

In Deutschland

Guideline for anApplication for a work placement

In Germany

12345 Example Name 1 November 20106 Example Street 17 12345 Example Town8 Finland9 Phone: 0049-1234/4356710Mobile: 0049-171/85645311E-mail: [email protected] Hotel Great Lion16 Mr. Carl Stuart17 Personalleiter 18 Example Street 119 12345 Example Town20 Germany21222324Application for a work placement at Name of Hotel in February 2011..Dear Mr. Stuart,.I am writing to ask whether you would be able to take me on for a four-week work placement in your hotel..I am currently enrolled in a two year vocational training course, to qualify as a Hotel Business and Catering Manager, at the XYZ School in Town, Country. As part of this training, I would like to gain some hands-on experience of working in a German hotel..As you can see from my CV, I have worked at the three-star hotel XYZ Name. My responsibilities included serving in the hotel’s main restaurant and in the tea room. I very much enjoyed dealing with the guests and attending to their every need. I hope that by working in your hotel, I will gain further valuable experience. .I have a friendly manner; do not mind working long hours or weekends; enjoy working in a team; and as part of a work placement at your hotel, would be prepared to work without any salary. In addition to my mother tongue (Finnish), my English is very good..I very much hope you consider my application. As part of my course, I would need to undertake the work placement in February 2011. I can be available for a telephone interview at a time to suit you. .I look forward to hearing from you..Yours sincerely..Example Name (written by hand)

Enclosures (curriculum vitae, passport photo, certificates)

Hints & tips when drafting your letter

1. Your contact details Ensure you include your daytime telephone number, mobile phone number and email

addresses so that the hotel can easily get in touch with you.

2. Recipient’s contact details Find out who the correct contact person is. Ensure you spell his/her name and job title correctly. In some cases, your contact person will be the ‘Personalleiter’ (Head of Human


3. Salutation Dear Mr. Surname Dear Ms. Surname

4. Your current training Write about the skills you get at school, which might be helpful for your work placement

(MS-word, excel…) Be precise in writing about what you are currently doing and what the outcome of your

training will be.

5. Your work experience If possible, show that you have some existing work experience, however small. Show enthusiasm! Outline briefly:

a) Where you have workedb) What your responsibilities have beenc) Which aspects of the job you enjoyed particularly

Show your hunger to learn more!

6. Show you are keen Outline your strengths State which language(s) you speak and to what level Show you really want to work for them

7. Note Always have another person to double check your letter to ensure there are no spelling

mistakes in it.

Bewerbungen für ein PraktikumIn Tschechien

Für die BereicheGastronomie, Tourismus, Handwerk

Erstellt von Schülern aus Boppard/Deutschland

Applications for a work placementIn Tschechia

ForHotels, tourism, handcraft

Made byStudents of Boppard/Germany

Job Application

Company name: Restaurant Gome__________________________________

Company description: Restaurant_______________________________________

Company Address:

Street: námestí E. Benese_____________________________________________

Town: Kladno_____________________________________________________

Postal code: 1467___________________________________________________

Country: Tschechia_________________________________________________

Application for the position: Work replacement as a waitress______________________

Commencement: from December 27th 2010 to January 7th 2011

First name: Jennifer_____________ Surname: Kasers__________________ Title: ____________

Gender: Male Female X

Meritual status: single X married ID (identity card) number: 98758373978378___________________________________________

Date of birth: 07.04.1989________________________________________________

Address: Linenweg 12 56112 Lahnstein Germany_______________________

Telephone number: 0049 2621 6353456_________________________________________

Email: [email protected]______________________________________

Driving licence: yes_______________________________________________________


Basic: Yes X No Finished (year): 1997_______

Secondary: Yes X No Finished (year): 2004_______

Vocational: Yes x No Finished (year): 2012_______

University: Yes No X Finished (year): ___________


1. German______________________ 2. English_______________________

3. French_______________________ 4. _____________________________

Work experience:

1. Company name: Restaurant Wüstenhof at Weitersburg________________________

Work Place: Weitersburg Germany_____________________________________

Position: waitress with experiences in service a la carte and events_________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

2. Company name: Hotel Stein Koblenz Metternich_____________________________

Work Place: Koblenz Germany________________________________________

Position: Roomservice and waitress__________________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

3. Company name: _______________________________________________________

Work Place: _______________________________________________________

Position: _______________________________________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

4. Company name: _______________________________________________________

Work Place: _______________________________________________________

Position: _______________________________________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

Condition: ___________________________________________________________________


Flexibility: Yes x No Criminal record: Yes No x


1. I have a good general education______________________________________________

2. I enjoy working in a team

3. I don’t mind working long hours and on weekends

4. _______________________________________________________________________

Date: 17.05.2011_____________ Signature: Jennifer Kasers

Job Application

Company name: Travel Sunshine

Cmpany description: Travel agency

Company Address:

Street: Flowerstreet 27_______________________________________________

Town: Kladno_____________________________________________________

Postal code: 56154__________________________________________________

Country: Tschechia

Aplication for the position:_____________________ work replacement as a travel agent

Commencement: June 2011 ____________________

First name: Thanmas____________ Surname: Nimuan_________________ Title: ____________

Gender: Male Female X

Meritual status: single X married ID (identity card) number: C 56384__________________________________________________

Date of birth: 05.09.1992________________________________________________

Address: Im Blauenhain 2 56154 Boppard Germany______________________

Telephone number: 0049 6742 893125__________________________________________

Email: [email protected]___________________________________

Driving licence: _________________________________________________________


Basic: Yes X No Finished (year): 2010_______

Secondary: Yes X No Finished (year): 2010_______

Vocational: Yes No x Finished (year): ___________

University: Yes No X Finished (year): ___________


1. Thai_________________________ 2. German______________________

3. English_______________________ 4. French_______________________

Work experience:

1. Company name: Mühlensenke Restaurant___________________________________

Work Place: Boppard Germany________________________________________

Position: waitress and help in the kitchen as temporary employee__________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

2. Company name: Hotel Ebertor____________________________________________

Work Place: Boppard Germany________________________________________

Position: waitress in breakfastservice as trainee_________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

3. Company name: Hotel Ebertor____________________________________________

Work Place: Boppard Germany________________________________________

Position: cook as trainee___________________________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

4. Company name: Hotel Ebertor____________________________________________

Work Place: Boppard Germany________________________________________

Position: Service, waitress as temporary employee______________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

Condition: good health_________________________________________________________


Flexibility: Yes x No Criminal record: Yes No x


1. football/soccer___________________________________________________________

2. meet friends and meet new people____________________________________________

3. to chat or phone with friends________________________________________________

4. to travel_________________________________________________________________

Date: 18.05.2011_____________ Signature: Thanmas Nimuan___________________

Job Application

Company name: Billa, spol. S r. O._________________________________

Company description: Electrician

Company Address:

Street: Stechova 3189________________________________________________

Town: Kladno_____________________________________________________

Postal code: 1467___________________________________________________

Country: Tschechia_________________________________________________

Application for the position: Work replacement as a electrician____________________

Commencement: from March 24th 2011 to April 7th 2011

First name: Jeffrey______________ Surname: Hun____________________ Title: ____________

Gender: Male X Female

Meritual status: single X married ID (identity card) number: 56080____________________________________________________

Date of birth: 01.07.1990________________________________________________

Address: Franz-Michael-Str. 45 56077 Koblenz Germany_________________

Telephone number: 0049 175268904____________________________________________

Email: jeff-87hotmail.de___________________________________________

Driving licence: yes_______________________________________________________


Basic: Yes X No Finished (year): 2006_______

Secondary: Yes X No Finished (year): 2007_______

Vocational: Yes No X Finished (year): ___________

University: Yes No X Finished (year): ___________


1. German______________________ 2. English_______________________

3. Cantonese_____________________ 4. French_______________________

Work experience:

1. Company name: German army „Bundeswehr“________________________________

Work Place: Rennerod and Koblenz - Germany___________________________

Position: Soldier_________________________________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

2. Company name: DHL___________________________________________________

Work Place: Koblenz - Germany_______________________________________

Position: Part-time worker: delivering parcels__________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

3. Company name: Restaurant „Extrablatt“____________________________________

Work Place: Koblenz - Germany_______________________________________

Position: Kitchen_________________________________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

4. Company name: Restaurant „Nha Trang“___________________________________

Work Place: Cologne - Germany_______________________________________

Position: Kitchen, Bar-Keeper, Waiter________________________________

Reference: _______________________________________________________

Condition: healthy_____________________________________________________________


Flexibility: Yes X No Criminal record: Yes No X


1. Football/Soccer___________________________________________________________

2. Mobile World____________________________________________________________

3. Friends_________________________________________________________________

4. Family__________________________________________________________________

Date: 05.01.2011_____________ Signature: Jeffrey Hun_______________________

Bewerbungen für ein PraktikumIn Finnland

Für die BereicheGastronomie, Tourismus, Handwerk

Erstellt von Schülern aus Boppard/Deutschland

Applications for a work placementIn Finland

ForHotels, tourism, handcraft

Made byStudents of Boppard/Germany

Jennifer Kasers ApplicationLinenweg 1256112 Lahnstein 2010-12-16GERMANYtel. + 49 2621 6856466 [email protected]

Hotelli UrkuMichael JohanssonKangasalantie 110836200 KANGASALAFINLAND

Dear Mr. Johansson,

I am attending a vocational school in Boppard which I will finish in June 2012. During that time we have to pass a work replacement in different firms for a period of eight weeks. I am very interested in doing it in your hotel from December 27th, 2010 to January 7th, 2011.

I have first experience in the hotel and catering business. I´ve worked as a waitress at the restaurant Wüstenhof in Weitersburg for a period of two and a half years. So I have previous experiences in service a la carte and on events. I´ve also worked at the hotel Stein in Koblenz- Metternich. Now I would like to get the opportunity for further experience abroad. I would be keen to work at the front desk and at the administration. I have a good general education and I enjoy working in a team. I don`t mind working long hours or weekends. I hope my qualifications enable me to meet your expectations. I am available for your questions at any time.

I am looking forward to receiving an answer from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Jennifer Kasers

EnclosuresCurriculum vitae

Thanmas NinuanKoblenzer Straße 6756154 Boppardtel. +496742 892075                                                                                                    2010-12-16Email [email protected]  Seipäjärven lomatilaRisto SeipajärvenKulmalantie 834330 POIKELUSFINLAND  Dear Mr. Seipäjävi!

I would like to apply for a four week work replacement in your travel agency in June 2011.

I am 18-years old and I am attending the Vocational School at Boppard, Germany in the section Hotel matters and Catering. In summer 2012 I will graduate with “Fachhochschulreife” that enables me to study at university. During that time we have to get eight weeks of work experience.

I read your website in the internet and it looks very interesting. Your travel agency looks very welcome so I would like to get some experience there.

I worked for three years at a restaurant in Boppard as a temporary employee. In these three years I learned a lot like talking to guests and finding out about their wishes.I also did a practical training in a travel agency at Boppard for two weeks. It liked it very much. I could help the travel agent like to phone with clients; I decorated the shop window and the interior of the agency. I even did the reservation of a flight and canceling one. But two weeks were too short for me. So I would like to get some more experience and in a foreign country, hopefully in your agency.

I like to work with customers and to get in contact with people. I am reliable and open-mined. My language skills are Thai, German, English and French.

I thank you for taking the time to consider my application and I would be delighted to attend an interview with you, maybe by telephone. Sincerely,  

Thanmas Ninuan

Appendages: CV, photo

Jeffrey Hun 17-12-2010Hans-Michael-Str.3756070 KoblenzGermanytel. [email protected]

Tampereen messut OyOlli TokoiIlamailunkatu 2033901 TampereFinland

Dear Mr. and Mrs.

I am writing to apply for a four week electrician practical training in your company in May 2011.

I am studying at the Vocational School in Boppard, Germany, in the section of electrical engineering in my first year. After two years I will pass the vocational baccalaureate diploma.Within this time we have to pass work replacements for eight weeks in order to be admitted to the examination in summer 2012.

I am searching for a new challenge, so I looked in the World Wide Web after possibilities of work replacements outside Germany. When I read your homepage I felt very interested in the variety of tasks you get in your firm. I would love to learn in a place, which offers a lot of opportunities to do various things and new things in another country.I am very interested in electrical engineering. My father is an electrical worker, so I grow up with these items and I could get a lot of experiences.Besides that I got some more experiences during a three weeks work replacement at the firm Bomag at Boppard June 2010.

I am able to work on my own initiative; I am a fast learner and a social person. I can speak fluent English and German. During my two years in the German Army I learned a lot about working, self-confidence and responsibility.

I would be delighted if you gave me that chance to learn and to upgrade my experience in your company in Finland.

My vocational teacher is Mrs. Poersch, tel. +4917625289969

I am more than happy to get an answer and I would be happy to answer any question you have.

Yours sincerely,

Jeffrey Hun

Appendages: Curriculum Vitae

Bewerbungen für ein PraktikumIn Deutschland

Für die BereicheGastronomie, Handel, Tourismus

Erstellt von Schülern aus Kladno/Tschechien

Applications for a work placementIn Germany

ForHotels, commerce, tourism

Made byStudents of Kladn/Tschechia

Susana Droctor Fousuova [email protected] Tel.: 736 289 257

Hotel SpiderVera SeidlováCross 24335 02 TampereFinland

15 May 2011

Dear Sir/ Madam

I am writing you to apply for two months work in your hotel as a chambermaid.

I saw your hotel website and it addressed me . I would like to work abroad at your hotel as a chambermaid during July and August this year. It is necessary for me to get some new experience and knowledge of a hotel function.

I am 18 years old I am from the Czech Republic. I am a student of the second year as a provider of tourist activities in the hotel operation. I am gong to have the course as a provider of tourist services in spring 2012. I will finish the vocational school next year with the final leaving exam. I am keen in managering of an international hotel and in future I would like to study at university turism and hotel services.

I was searching for an interesting job in internet and I have found your websites. I think that your hotel is for me the best practice. I would like to inform you that I have worked in a hotel twice in our town as a receptionist and a chambermaid.. I´ve got to know about your tourist department that your hotel provides for tourists and it works very well..

I speak English, German and French. I am able to work on my own. I have experience in a hotel service from my previous jobs at the hotel Meriot in Kladno .

I would be glad if you answer me and give me posibility to work in your hote

Thank you for the reply

Yours sincerely

Susana Drostor

Enclousures: my photo, CV

Lenka Fenková Lánu V Caloupkách 59 270 61 Lány

Mrs. J. Hasting Personnel Office International Computing Services PLC City Road Tampere EC3 4HJ Finnland

15 may 2011

Dear Mrs. Hastings,

I would you like to apply for the position advertised in The Guardian on 16 April for a personal Assistant to the Sales Director.

I am 20 years old and come from the Czech Republic. I study vocational school . It is my last year. As you will see from my c.v., much of the work I did mostly during my holidays in a position of a PA. I deal not only with the routine work of a secretary, but also represent the Assistant Director at small meetings and functions, and am delegated to take a number of certain decisions in his absence.

Your advertisement asked for a knowledge of languages. I have kept up my French, and learnt Italian for the past two years at school , and have regularly visited Belgium and Italy with the Assistant Director, acting as an interpreter and translator for him. In this year I am going to improve both languages at school. Next year I´m finnishig the vocational school. I am also familiar with the latest developments in Information Technology having just completed a one-month course at The City College, in day release courses I attended when I was with Johnson Bros.

I am particularly interested in the situation you are offering, as I would like to become more involved with an IT organization. I am quite familiar with many software products that ICS manufacture for office technology.

As well as my secretarial skills and experience of running a busy office. I am used to working with technicians and other specialized personnel in the field of computers. I have a genuine interest in computer development and the people involved in the profession.

Please let me know if there is any further information you require. I look forward to hearing from you

Yours sincerely, Lenka Fenkova (Ms)

Encl. c.v.

Michel Kastner

ul. V.Nezvala 752

27204 Kladno

Tel: 737975138

e-mail: [email protected]

The Town Council of Boppardsquare St. Pavel 44 272 01 BoppardGermany 10 May 2011

Dear Mr. NovakI would like to apply for the job of turist department at the Municipal Town Hall.

According to the announcement which was placed on the official public notices of the Boppard town council, I would like to apply for job in a public service officer in tourist department.

I am 16 years old and I am a student of 2nd year of the high school (SOŠ and SOU Kladno, public officers activities). The study will be finished by the leaving exam.I would like to get more practical work experience to use it during my leaving exam. I would like to apply for the officer‘s job at the town council in Boppard.

I used to work in a town council for two years and I am interested in continuing my work for atown council in future. I would prefer an occupation that offers more job possibilities to improve my knowledge in office work and to get more information about administrative issues in the coucil district.

I can work hard, I am also interested in getting new facts and using them, I am independent, conversable and communicative. I am able to communicate in English and German.

Last year I also got lot of good experience as a public officer at the fire brigade department in Kladno.

In case of any further questions you can contact me via e-mail or my phone.

Thank you for your reply.

Yours sincerelyMichel Kastner

Appendance : CV , my phopto

Bewerbungen für ein PraktikumIn Deutschland

Für die BereicheGastronomie, Handel, Tourismus

Erstellt von Schülern aus Tampere/Finnland

Applications for a work placementIn Germany

ForHotels, commerce, tourism

Made byStudents of Tampere/Finland

Taorvonen ZiaApplication

Mattisentie 1237500 LEMPÄÄLÄFINLANDtel.+358509331007 [email protected]

Tampereen messut OyOlli TokoiIlmailunkatu 2033901 TAMPEREFINLAND


I am an 18 year old girl and I am studying my second year at basic business studies in Pirkanmaa vocational institute in Kangasala. I am applying for a practical training in your company, because I interested in your company, when our study group made a study visit to your company. I felt very interesting the variety of the tasks, that an employee can have. I would love to work in a place, that offers a lot of opportunities to do various things and learn a lot of new things.

I am able to work on my own initiative, I am a fast learner and social person. I can speak fluent English, some Swedish and German. I earned a lot of work experience in sales during the last years. Before that I worked as a children instructor assistant in the day care centre. I had training also in a kitchen and in joiner´s workshop. I have experiences about various working circumstances.

My referee is my teacher Pirkko Parvonen, tel +358409118310

I am more than happy to answer any extra question by phone or e-mail.


Zia Taorvonen

Zia Taorvonen

Appendages: CV

Farita Pulmela ApplicationReihitie 5 as 736760 LUOPIOINENFINLAND [email protected]


Reference: I found from your website mol.fi vacancies regarding customer service job.

Mr/ Mrs recruiter,

I am a second year student as tourism activities provider in Pirkanmaa Vocational Institute. I apply for the second job placement. I will graduate in the spring of 2012.

I have visited a few times your company to get acquainted with the place and it rose my interest at the first time. You have a nice and very professional working community and I really would like to be a part of you staff and give my contribution to your company.

On beside my studies I work as a part-time employee in the restaurant Liekki.I made also my first practical training (spring 2009) in the same company. I was in customer service and I got valuable practical work experience in customer services. I got good feedback from my professionality and service skills. I received the best possible evaluation and feedback. I consider fitting very well to customer service..

Although I am a second year student, I feel that because of my earlier studies and strong learning motivation I am a suitable candidate to the customer service job. I am responsible and I insist very high quality of my work.I am really interested in working in your company.

I hope I will be invited to an interview

Best regards

Farita Pulmela

Farita Pulmela

Appendages: CV

Faija Uhan ApplicationVuomenranta 1136810 KUHMALAHTIFINLAND 27.09.2010tel.+358400 9762393

Seipäjärven lomatilaRisto SeipäjärviKulmalantie 834330 POIKELUSFINLAND

Reference: I contacted you by e-mail 25.9.10

Mr. Seipäjärvi!

I visited the website of your company and it rose my interest in your company. I like to make my next work placement in your company. The tourist activities that your company provides to tourists fit very well with the objectives, that I have for my work placement.

I’m a 17- years old student from Kuhmalahti. I am a second year student as tourism activities provider in Pirkanmaa Vocational Institute in Kangasala. I will graduate to a tourist service producer in spring 2012.

I can speak English, Swedish and German. I have earlier experience from tourism industry from my previous job training in hotel Urku in Kangasala. There my tasks were among other things customer service and serving. In addition I have work experience from children´s day-care and house cleaning.

My teacher Pirkko Parvonen (tel. +358409113300) recommends me.

I’ll answer with pleasure to other questions in phone or by e-mail.


Faija Uhan

Faija Uhan

Appendages: CV