01 basics of computers

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  • 8/12/2019 01 Basics of Computers


    Job Oriented Computer Course Basics of Computers

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    I. Basics of Computers

    1.1. Introduction

    What are computers? What they do? Why would you want to use one?How they evolved? What should you know before using them? Where

    they can be used? so on!

    Yeah,so m any quest ions in th e mind o f a lay m an and, even, a novice!

    Thus, our Course is designed expertly for a beginner to manage an office on his own.

    Come on Lets Learn!

    1.2. What are Computers?

    Computers are machines that perform tasks or calculations according to a set of instructions,

    or programs.The word computer is a derived from the termcompute.A computer is electronic equipment, which is capable of creating solutions by

    performing complex processing of information without manual intervention and thattoo at a tremendous speed.

    Thus, the computer is a general purpose machine that processes data according to a set ofinstructions that are stored internally either temporarily or permanently.

    There are various definitions for a computer. It may be defined as above or as any of thefollowing:

    A programmable machine that inputs, processes and outputs data.

    An electronic device that stores, retrieves and processes data, and can beprogrammed with instructions.

    A machine that accepts input, processes it according to specified rules, and

    produces output.

    Thus the basic stepsin computing are


    Process ORProcessing


    Store and Retrieve

    Now , you got an ideaWhat the computersare!Isnt it?So, lets learn What they do? andWhy you would want to use it?




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    1.3. What the computer does? Why we need it?

    After the evolution of computer, within a short span of time, the entire gamut ofhuman life has changed at an overwhelming pace.

    Be it business, academic, defence strategy, budgeting, research, engineering,medicine or space exploration, computers have established themselves as anindispensable part.

    Computers play an important role in human lives. The primary purpose of using acomputer is to make life easier.

    In the workplace, many people use computers to keep records, analyze data,do research, and manage projects.

    The growing popularity of computers has been turned into account by theBusiness World.

    In the Academics, the subject of computers is a mandatory part of manyregular courses.

    In the field of Medicine, the history of each patient is storedby freeing the doctors

    from the burden of storing bundles of paper.

    At home, computers are useful for everyone. You can use computers to findinformation, store pictures and music, play games, and communicate with others.

    Note The computer commonly used in homes or offices is popularly referred to as

    a PCPersonal Computer.

    A computer is connected to the Internet (anetwork that links computers around the world)for communicating others (email ElectronicMail), chatting to them(IMInstant Messaging),finding information(Searching), etc.

    In the employment arena also, computers haveexercised their influence. The ability to work withcomputers is a necessary pre-requisite for mostof the present job profiles.

    1.4. How they are evolved?

    After EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer), in 1946, ENIAC (ElectronicNumerical Integrator and Computer)was the first generalpurpose electronic computer.

    Physically, ENIACwas enormous, weighing more than 27,000 kilograms andfilling a large room. To process data, ENIAC used about 18,000 vacuum tubes,each the size of light bulb.

    Vacuum Tube



    Personal Computer (PC)

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    1.5. What should we learn first?

    We may have considerable expertise only if we learn about the hardwareand software. Computerswork through an interaction of hardwareand software.

    1.5.1. Hardware

    The computer and all equipment attached to it are called the hardware.


    The physical components of a computer constitute thehardware.

    Hardwarerefers to the parts of a computer that you can see and touch,including the case and everything inside it.

    The most important piece of hardware is a tiny rectangular chip inside

    your computer called the M icroprocessor, which is in

    Central Processing Unit (CPU). Itsthe brain of the computer the part

    that tr anslates instructions and perf orms calcul ations.

    Hardwareitems such as your monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, and other components, whichare often called Hardware Devicesor Peripherals.

    1.5.2. Software

    A set of instructions that perform a particular task is called a Program or Software.

    (or)The instructions that tell the computer what to do are called software.

    Softwarerefers to the instructions, or programs, that tell the hardware what to do.

    For example,

    a Word Processing Program that you can use to write letters on the computer is a typ e ofsoftware.

    The Operating System(OS) like MS Windows is software that manages your computer andthe devices connected to it.

    Later, we discuss about Hardware Parts and Software elaborately.

    Ti l l now, you are gradual ly becoming famil iar to the computer. Isnt it?So, lets see Where they are usedand theTypes of computers.

    1.6. Where they are used?

    Already, we have seen the uses of a computer in section 1.3. Specifically mentioning, the computersare used in: -

    a) Home Purposes

    b) Office Automation

    c) Business Accounting

    d) Publishing Works (DTP)

    e) Schools and Colleges

    f) Internet Cafes

    g) Traffic-Signaling

    h) Defence Purposes

    i) Gaming

    j) Industries & Factories

    and those arejust a few of the appli cations.

    Microprocessor Chip (IC)

    Hardware (Parts) Software (Programs)

    DTPDesktop Publishinge.g. PageMaker, Photoshop,


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    UPSUninterrupted Power Supply

    RAMRandom Access Memory

    CPUCentral Processing Unit

    1.7. Hardware Parts

    Hardware is any part of the computer that you can physically touch, pick up, hold, move around theroom etc. Examples of hardware include the monitor, mouse, hard disk, motherboard etc.

    The term HARDWARErefers to the physical components of a computer.

    The basic configurationof a computer includes

    Computer Case

    CPU (Mother Board & Pentium chip (IC))






    Disk Drives: USB Drive, CD / DVD, Hard Drive

    Memory (RAM)


    UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)

    (See in the picture each part in order given)

    Before learning about the parts, we first get an idea about

    the basic steps in computingand

    the block diagram of the computer architecture.

    The basic stepsin computing are


    Process ORProcessing


    Store and Retrieve

    The simple Block

    diagram of



    Hardware Parts












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    1.8. Input Devices

    The Input Devicesare the Devices that input information in the Computer.


    Key Board and Mouse Digital Camera Touch Pad Joystick

    Scanner (OCR) Touch Screen Graphics Tablet Microphone

    BCR (Bar Code Reader) MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) Light Pen

    You don ' t need in-depth kn ow ledge of each input device but you doneed to recognize, which wo uld be the most s uitable for specif ic types

    of data.

    Ke board and Mouse Touch Pad Joystick

    Di ital Camera

    ScannerTouch Screen Gra hics Tablet Microphone

    Light PenBar Code








    OCR Optical Character RecognitionOMR Optical Mark ReaderBCR Bar Code Reader / RecognitionMICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

    Bar CodeReader /Scanner

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    1.10. Output Devices

    The Output Devicesare the Devices that output the information from the Computer.



    CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) LCD (Liquid Crystalline Display) TFT (Thin Film Transistor)


    DMP (Dot Matrix Printer) LASER Inkjet / Bubble jet

    Speaker Plotter Other Output Devices

    1.10.1. Monitor

    A monitordisplays the information for the user to view them.

    The information could be in text or graphical form.

    The area in which the information is displayed is called thescreen.

    The picture on a monitor is made up of thousands of tiny coloured dotscalled pixels.

    There are basically two types of monitors viz.,

    CRT Monitors andLCD Monitors.The LCD monitors are being widely used these days.

    1.10.2. Printers

    Printersare another common output device.

    They are used to create a 'hard' copy of your worki.e. something that you can hold, hand to someone else orfile away.

    Most printers produce their output on paper.

    There are three main types of printers:

    Laser printers

    Inkjet printers

    Dot Matrix (impact) printers

    VDU Visual Display Unit

    CRT Monitor LCD Monitor TFT Monitor


    LCD Projector

    Speech Synthesizer

    S eakers Plotter

    Bubble JetDMP LASER Printer

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    Laser Printer Inkjet Printers Dot Matrix Printers

    1. Non-Impact Printers Non-Impact Printers Impact Printers

    2. Faster printingRelatively faster than DMP butslower than Laser

    Slower relatively

    3. High Quality Medium Quality Poor Quality

    4. Use Powered Ink, called TONERCartridges contain INK, bothcolour and black and white

    Print Head containing grid ofPINS and Carbon Ribbon

    5.Colour version and also Blackand White version available

    Colour version and also Blackand White version available

    Only Single Colour

    6. Cost is Expensive Cost is Cheap Cost is Moderate

    7. Print Cost is Moderate Print Cost is Expensive Print Cost is Cheap

    1.10.3. Plotter

    Plotters are a specialist type of printer, which is able to draw high quality images on very largepieces of paper, for example 3 foot wide by 10 foot long.

    They are used by engineers, architectsand map-makers to draw plans of buildings, diagrams ofmachines or large scale maps.

    A plotter differs from a printer in that it draws images using a pen.

    There are plotters now which are 'pen-less'and are usedfor creating high density drawings.

    There are four types of Plotters:

    Drum Plotter

    Micrographic Plotter

    Flatbed Plotter

    Inkjet Plotter

    1.10.4. Speakers

    Most computers are fitted with a small internal speaker which can produce beeping sounds toalert you if you make an error.

    Computers can also be fitted with a sound card (or chip) which will enable sound to be outputthrough external speakers.

    These usually produce a much higher quality soundthan the internal speaker.

    1.10.5. LCD Projector

    An LCD Projectortakes the input from a computer and shows it on a large screen.

    It is commonly used in organizations for displaying PowerPoi nt presentationduring meetings.

    Hardware Table

    Recollect all the Hardware Partsonce again. Seethe table below: -

    Input devices CPU box Output devices Memory devices /drives

    KeyboardMouseScanner(OCR)MicrophoneJoystickOMRBCRMICRSmart Card

    Cards: Motherboard,VGA, AGP,Sound, LAN

    Cords: Mains, Printer,Monitor

    SMPSBuses (cables)Ports: Serial, USB,

    Parallel, LPTSocketsIC (chips): Processor, ROMTransistorsCapacitorsDiodesResistors

    Monitor: CRT, LCD, TFTPrinter: DMP, Laser,

    Inkjet, BubbleJet

    SpeakerPlotter: Flatbed, DrumLCD ProjectorSpeech Synthesizer

    Hard disk driveFloppy disk driveCD / DVD driveTapesFlash Memory (Pendrive, Memory Card)

    Note Input / Output devices are also called

    as Peripherals

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    1.11. Generations of Computers

    First generat ion compu ters, starting with the UNIVAC(UNIVersal Automatic Computer)in 1951, usedvacuum tubes, and their memories were made of thin tubes of liquid mercury and magnetic drums.

    Second generat ion sy stems, in the late 1950s, replaced tubes withtransistors and used magnetic cores for memories. Size was reducedand reliability was significantly improved.

    Third generat ion com puters, beginning in the mid 1960s, used the first

    Integrated Circuits (IC) and the first Operating Systems (OS), andDatabase Management Systems (DBMS).

    Fourth generat ion computers, starting in the mid 1970s, are madeentirely of chips. The microprocessor and personal computer arespawned.

    Even with the millions of people using computers every day, we are stillin the fourth generation.

    The f i f th generat ion implies faster hardware and more sophisticated software that uses ArtificialIntelligence(AI) routinely. You will be in the fifth generation, perhaps in the 20152020 time frames.

    1.12. Software

    After learning What the Hardware parts are! We start know ing about the next most impo rtantpart of the Compu ters i.e. What is Software? an dWhat are its types?

    Come on Lets Learn!

    Before that, we would know about Languages, Instruct ions, Programs

    1.12.1. Language

    A Computer Languageis

    a medium for communicat ion between the user and the hardware,so as to make computer work as per the given instructions

    1.12.2. Types of Languages:

    Machine language

    The Machine Language is in 0s and 1si.e. binary digits.

    e.g.: ASCII Code for A is 65. Its equivalent binary code is 01100101

    It isMachine understandable language.

    This is also calledLow level language.

    This is thefirst generation language.

    011011011 000110000 (Machine Language)

    Assembly language

    The Assembly language is written using Mnemonics, which are hexadecimal codes for the

    characters and instructions (called asHex codes).e.g.: For the instruction ADD 5, 2

    Assembly language code is E9 5, 2 (say E9is Mnemonic/Hex Code for ADD)

    Super Computer



    Second Generation Computer

    ASCII American StandardCode for InformationInterchange

    It is code for denoting acharacter in bytes.

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    This is also calledMiddle level language.

    This is thesecond generation language.

    The Assembly language code should be translated in to Machine Language. That translatorsoftware is called as anASSEMBLER.

    High level language

    The High level language is written using English-like words.

    e.g.: Add 2, 5

    This is also called User language.

    This is the third generation language.

    The High level language codeshould be translated in toMachine Language. There are two types

    of Translatorsfor translating High Level Language. They are Compilersand Interpreters.

    Examples of High level languages


    FORTRAN Formula Translation

    BASIC Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction code

    COBOL Common Business Oriented Language

    DBMS Data Base Management System

    e.g.: dBase III+, dBase IV, FoxBASE

    Forth generation languages (4GLs)

    OOP Object OrientedProgramming

    e.g.: C++, Java

    RDBMS Relational Data BaseManagement System

    e.g.: FoxPro, Sybase,Oracle, Ingress, MS Access

    Fifth and Sixth generation language

    AI Artificial Intelligence e.g. Robotics

    OBDBMS Object Oriented Relational DataBase Management System

    e.g. Oracle, java,.NET, etc.

    1.12.3. InstructionA Ins t ruc t ion is

    a comm and given to a computerto make it process as per the given command

    1.12.4. Program

    A Computer Programis

    a sequence / set of commands or ins t ruc t ions given to a comp uterThose commands must be written in an order.










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    1.13. Types of Computers

    In the section 1.5, you learned the meaning of terms like 'hardware' and 'software'.

    This next section will introduce you to the different types of computer available today.

    Handheld Computer

    Tablet PCServer System

    Various Types of Computers

    Super Computer MainframeServer

    Personal Computer Laptop PDA

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    1.14. Software


    a set of programsrelated to a particular job / task

    1.14.1. Types of Software


    System ApplicationSoftware Software

    System Software

    The System Softwareis thesoftware (programs) required for the overall maintenanceofthe whole computer system and its parts (i.e. hardware), as well as the applicationsoftware.

    e.g.: Types of System Software e.g.

    Operating system (OS) MS Windows, DOS, OS/2, etc.

    BIOS (Basic Input Output system)

    Utilities (Utility Programs) Win Zip, Defragmentation, etc.

    Drivers Audio, Motherboard, LAN, etc.

    DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries)

    Application software

    The Application software are the software required

    for the user purposeslike office purpose, publishing purpose, hospitals,banking, traffic control, reservations, payroll, games,

    entertainment, communication, etc.

    Application software can be classified as

    General purpose



    1.15. Operating System (OS)

    An Operating System is

    a set of sp ecial ized p rograms,which is used for the overall performance of

    not only the CPU and its partsbut also the whole computer system

    and maintenance of the application software.

    e.g.: MS DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System)


    MS Windows


    Mac OS

    The operating system is needed to control everything happening in your computer.

    It controls the memory, the disks, the peripherals and the application software.

    . Without the operating system your computer would just sit there doing nothing .

    A lication Software

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    Here are some of the tasks that an operating system performs:

    Here are a few of the other tasks:

    Sorting out where to store data on disk drives

    Dealing with security - user names and passwords

    Organising files and folders

    Managing data transfer from the CPU to the peripherals e.g. printer, monitor

    Deals with saving, deleting, opening, closing files

    1.15.1. Types of Operating System

    Single User / Single program OS: Only one User and one Program at a timee.g.: MS DOS

    Multi User Operating System: No. of Users at a time and one Servere.g.: Unix

    Multi program Operating System: No. of Users and No. of Programs at a timee.g.: MS Windows

    CUI Operating SystemIn this operating system, we have to type the characters for the commands

    e.g.: MS DOS Unix Part of Linux

    GUI Operating System

    In this OS, all the commands are seen as small picturescalled graphicse.g.: MS Windows OS / 2 Part of Linux




    CUI Character User InterfaceGUI Graphical User Interface

    The OperatingSystem acts as an

    INTERFACEbetweenthe user and the


    Tasks performed by an Operating System (OS)

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    1.16. Memory Devices

    It is vital that you have a way of saving the document that you are currently working on.

    It is also vital that you cansave software applications that you use on your computer.

    This section will introduce you to the different types of memory and storage devices.

    The data is stored in the storage devices which are calledMemory.


    Primary Secondary

    ROM RAM e.g.: Floppy Disk(Read Only (Random Hard disk

    Memory) Access CD(Compact Disk)Memory) DVD (Digital Video Disk)

    CacheMemory Flash Memory(Pen

    Drive, Memory Card)

    1.16.1. System Memory (ROM)

    ROMis a special kind of memory which stores theinstructions which the computer uses when i t ' boots up' -

    the BIOS(Basic Input Output System).

    It allows the computer to check

    the type of hard disk installed,

    the amount of RAM installed,

    the type of CPU being used, etc.

    Because the data is 'read only', it can be read but not changed

    by the user.

    The key thing to remember about ROM is that the data is not erased when the computer is switched off

    the data is stored permanently, so it is called 'non volatile memory'

    The types of ROM are:

    PROM Programmable Read Only Memory

    EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

    EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

    UVPROM Ultraviolet Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

    1.16.2. Short Term Memory (RAM)

    RAMis a kind of primary memory which can be read

    fromor wri tten toby a computer or other devices.

    Information stored in RAM is lost when the computer is

    turned off.

    This is because RAM is called as 'temporary memory' or'volatile memory'.

    Most computers are typically sold with 512 MB - 4 GBofRAM installed.

    The types of RAM are:

    SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory

    DDR Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory

    The data in the RAMis lost may be when:

    The computer is crashed

    Accidentally the computer is switched off OR

    Power Supply is cut

    When you rebooted and logged back in,your work was gone forever.


    Read Only Memory (ROM)

    Random Access Memory (RAM)

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    When you are working with any one or more application software*,

    their modules are temporarily stored in RAM while they are

    processed by the CPU.

    One of the factors that CPUs performance and speed are high is the

    capacity of RAM. That is, . the more the capacity of RAM, the higher is theperformance of the CPU .

    The External or Secondary Storage Devices (SSDs) are

    Blu-ray Disc (BD)

    Storage Device Comparison

    Storage Device Size / Capacity ComparisonSpeed ofaccess to


    Cost perGigabyteof storage

    RAM and ROM 512 MB2 GB Fastest Very Fast

    Floppy Disk 1.44 MB (smallest capacity) Faster Expensive

    Zip Disk 100 MB Faster Cheaper

    CD 650 MB700 MB Faster Cheaper

    Flash memory 1 GB32 GB Faster CheaperDVD 4.7 GB Faster Cheaper

    Magnetic Tape Over 100 GB Slowest Cheapest

    Hard Disk Around 120 GB1 Terabyte (TB) (largest capacity) More Faster Cheapest

    Blu-ray Disc 25 GB128 GB Faster Expensive

    Storage Capacity Units

    1 Bit (b) 0 or 1

    1 Byte (B) 8 bits

    1Kilo Byte (KB) 1024 Bytes 210


    1 Mega Byte (MB) 1024 Kilo Bytes 1024 x 1024 Bytes (210


    1 Giga Byte (GB) 1024 Mega Bytes 1024 x 1024 x 1024 Bytes (230


    1 Tera Byte (TB) 1024 Giga Bytes 1 MB x 1 MB (240


    *We learnApplication Software

    in later sessions.

    Hard Disk

    Floppy Disk Flash Memory

    (Pen Drive / MemoryStick

    Compact Disk (CD) Digital Versatile / Video


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    Wide Area Network (WAN)

    1.16.3. What is a network?

    A Computer Networkis

    formed by joining computers together,and it allows computers or users to transfer files,

    to share software and dataand share one printer.

    1.16.4. Types of Networks

    Local Area Network (LAN)

    When the computers are fairly close to one another,

    say, in a single office or two buildingsthat are separated by a road,

    they can bejoined together either by cables or wireless means.

    These computers then form a Local Area Network (LAN).

    Once the computers are connected together into a LAN,

    many people (users) can share and use the same resourcesat the same time.They can share files, software, hard disks andperipherals such as a printer or CD-ROM.

    Users can also use the LANto communicate with each otherby e-mail.

    Data can be transmitted very quickly between networkedcomputers.

    To log onto a LAN, you usually need a user name and password.

    Wide Area Network (WAN)

    By linking LANs together, the network is no longer local to one building,it is now spread over a wide area.

    It is known as a Wide Area Network (WAN).

    So basically a WAN is where individual computers or LANs which are a long distance apart from each otherare connected together.

    Many modern companies have offices, shops or factories in various locations around the country, and forlarge corporations, across the world.

    Even though staff works in different places, they often need to beable to access the sameinformation no matterwhere they are.

    They generally will notshare hardware orsoftware, unlike a LAN.

    Do you know!

    . The largestWAN in existenceis the Internet .

    The user nameidentifies you to the fileserver so that it can 'serve' you the

    correct files.

    The passwordensures that the username really does belong to you.


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    1.17.2. Firewall

    A firewall is a program or a hardware device that can be used to help protect a network from hackers whomight try to break in and gain access to your data.

    Internet Terminology

    ISP : ISP stands for 'Internet Service Provider'. An ISP is a company that provides Internet access.

    Web Pages: A web pageor webpage is a document or information resource that is suitable for theWorld Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a


    Web page is a method of viewing both text and pictures on the same page.

    Web pages are created using a special programming language called HyperText MarkupLanguageor HTMLfor short.

    Web Browsers: A web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversinginformation resources on the World Wide Web.

    The basic function of a web browser is to all ow you to view text, images, videos fr om web pages.

    There are a number of web browsers available. The most popular are Internet Explorer, Firefox,Safari, Operaand Netscape.

    Google is NOT a Web Brow ser; it is rather a Search Eng ineWeb Site : A website, also written as Web site, web site, or simply site, is a collection of related

    web pages containing images, videos or other digital assets .

    A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a networksuch as the Internet.

    Browse/Surfing: Searching for Information on the internet or simply exploring the internet iscommonly referred to Surfingor Browsing.

    URL : Abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator; it is the global address of documents andother resources on the World Wide Web.

    Blog : A blog(a blend of the term web log) is a type of website or part of a website supposedto be updated with new content from time to time .

    Search Engine : A Seach Engine is essentially a database program, which finds out informationand catalogues all web pages on the Internet according to keywords, about aspecific topicyou enter into the search box provided.

    Web Pa es

    Mostly used Web Browsers

    OperaSafariNetscapeFirefoxInternet Explorer

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    Job Oriented Computer Course Basics of Computers

    For doubts if any contact the author: tmk.sir @ gmail.com