02 nixon foreign and domestic policy

Richard Nixon’s Domestic and Foreign Policies

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Richard Nixon’s Domestic and Foreign


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Southern Strategy 1968 –

70% of black studentsin south

1972 – 18% of black students in South

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Food Stamps

Social Security

A Bit of Liberalism

Social Security – increase by 10%

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OSHA – Decreases workplace fatalities by 60% over the first 30 years

OccupationalSafety andHealthAdministration

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Philadelphia Plan – government contractors

Responsive to women’s rights -Brought sexual discrimination issues under

the Civil Rights Act -Increased hiring goals for women

Affirmative Action

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1970 – Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

1973 – Drug Enforcement Administration

Supreme Court Justices – Nixon filled 4 openings with conservative judges – Rehnquist

Conservatives and Miranda

Conservative Moves

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Basing foreign policy on national interest

No longer based on broad principles like containment

Each foreign policy issue by itself, What is in the best interest of the U.S.


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Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

Effort to curb recent arms developments

ABM Defense systems

1969 - 1972


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Yom Kippur War - 1973 Shuttle Diplomacy

Egypt and Syria attack Israel

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1973 OPEC Meeting

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By 1973 – U.S. dependedOn foreign sources for 1/3 of its oil

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Ping Pong Team in China

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Letter from China to Nixon

Letter from Nixon to China

Primary Sources