1- i 5hin i if miss i at mrs fibeien5 lkew col francis...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY AUGUST 28 8 110- un i 1- I PtUiHsbed Every Evening to the Tear at TOE G Fens ave betweea IStli and 14Ui stx- Telepbeae Main BM- LKew York Office KB Firm Ave Chicago Office J7W CesHaerctal Bank BWg Boston Office J Mtrnal BtriMlnc- pbUadetobiEi OCJce 612 Cbestoet St Baltimore rw Building EDGAR i ssxw PAUL c PATTERSON C wrrf 3fim r MMtaeintr Editor SUNDAY AUGUST 28 TOM BOBsaupnoK KATKS BY MATU Daily Oaly the swath of July 3 July 3 July 4 July E uly C July 7 July July a July 1- Jcly 1J Poly is July IS S 22 y 28 4S SB 4I412- 47C7 4SS4- 7OTX 4U- 44887 July 35 ts 3- 3otal Zer Ute m ath Daily average Xor Ute raced 13860S- WtKl Tie net total dradatlaa oC The Ttees daily darte the xaoBtii e Jaiy was 2C44G39 sit ooefex lets ever and returned eliminated TUB number di- vided by 2S the Bluster days af pahlica- Kca shows the set dally average for tdy- to bare been 49113 Sunday Te number ef cos j to and perfect coplea- M The Washington Times printed Sundays July 2 3RJ9ZJuly 34 16 S7SKjBiy a 17 39S15- Th net total dre atJoa C The Tfcaea- rEnnaays daring the mouth o July was K7TI aU copies left ever aDd retwraed by cents eliminated Tfcta seaiber trbea- ClrMed by E the somber Ses6ays during JaJy ebows the nix Straflsy average for July egnrer for the previous day left of the date Mae Persons leaving the cIty for a Icnsr or short period during tlta- snmsner can have The Ti to them at the rate oS thirty cents a month or nevea feats a week Addresaea may be rhnnged n often a dealreO nail nbccrlptlons must IID paid Ia advance PRIMARY TO NAME CANDI DATE FOR PRESIDENT- If Senator Cummins of Iowa voices the sentiment of tli insurgents in Of the chief isis ia tb next reosiea may be a national primary election law for tbe selection of candidates for President and Vkse President Out in Cumriins declared for a national prim make a easipaign for it when Congress meets ia December If be fails im TUB effort to enlist eaottgk votes to pass such a measwre Senator C says he will propsre legislation to change Ute basis of represeatatioa in national conventions and to briNg L I I SEr BUILD FRAx A SBr- PrrprieI I Rt8So 1 nt- LIly and smAaYJ It t oS IiI 1yruLY Dally The uber 0 cempIete and perfect IbIS Waeb1agten TImeS te4 m- ini ry was as uIy L i Jui7 U sy uJ 11 July 31 fi L Ct DIy 4Je 4JJI L G July dy DIy IS uly July July It sly July being wIt eC IImfnK I8I1th oC wes as lI aJ eI1 or the mouth Si Eunday fer Ute th aI being ef CO have been 3434- Yn MCh lzue or the drIAtlcm are plainly priniei u Ute head eC tile ant page at Ute mailed All I CongresABd he wuJly e his te State the day ary aJICl esnouuceql that he wOftJd 5hin m CIee 1e Z e P J e cmcULtT1ON co1e3- ei 4ll 1T day Y 4444 4iM 464 Tnt Tuly 44 luir 441i 4i31 44S4 the July July cl7 Total Lycrag TheThnet tier Sesnior law > > ¬ > ¬ = = inetitHtions nnd r the control of Federal law Instead of having delegates ehoaen according to the of the variotts States Senator CM the vote cast in each State for the Republican electors Senator Cummins The inexorable logic of the argu ment for the primary election to name party candidates for office with- in counties and States ap 3 lies with equal force to the proposal 10 nominate candidates for national office at primary elections I have little doubt of eventual of this reform The faults which attach to the present system of nom- inating candidates for the of flees In conventions composed of dele gates selected on a basis of popula- tion instead of party votes cast are so glaring that they have ap- pealed to men have familiarized themselves with conditions as they exist The people will not long hes- itate to demand the elimination of the evil when they become thoroughly In- formed concerning it The evil complained of by Senator Cummins is twofold Under the system Democratic States which seldom or never east a vote in the Electoral College may have as may delegates ia a na- tional Republican convention as Re- publican States er Repnbiie States cratic vote n the Sectoral College nay as many delegates in a na- tional Democratic convention as Demo- cratic States Senator Cummins would change this se thai the of the delegates to a party convention would represent the bulk of the party other angle of the evil men- tioned by Senator Cummins as growing out of the national convention as now conducted pertains to contested dele- gations The national committees settle contests but there is BO protec- tion of Jaw thrown about their de- liberations They are answerable to no authority save that of their volun- tary party argawzaiioa Senator Cummins advocates as a secondary Sib in the event of Ute refusal of Congress to enact a national prim- ary law the enactment of Federal statutes that will put national con- ventions on the rump basis as State conventions in those States where legal machinery has been provided for the public one This hrteot feHN propajal is as radical as nay ihftfc has come from that quarter Sonaior Oimminc dis- cusees it tely and defily dianosee hese size the frOM ItS Rve ue to I Says districts the achieve- ment highest long ho pre- vailing Repub- lican which seWoa Qo never east a Demo bulk buS of t CoNgressional delegatiess would thoien according have vote- r noeninatiNg enai ntes for C ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ of one argument after another that might be raised against it If the comes to the surface in Congress howover the Iowa Senator and his band pf colaborers will have a job on their hands A change of such far reaching consequences affecting so many men intereets aad communities if it comes at all will arrive only after a JpBg nght Converts will have to be made almost singly A majority members of botk hotes will in- stinctively oppose it at the beginning because it is different from the estab- lished order and because they wilt recognize that it will be impossible until after thorough dissuasion to meet the new conditions which the new system would create MERCHANTS SHOWING GET TOGETHER SPIRIT One of the best evidences of the rapid spread of the boosting spirit in Washington may be found in the events which have marked the organ- ization of the new Retail Merchants Association The underlying necessity for good boosting is organization and unanimity of action A willingness even a desire for these has by the men who have formed the mercantile society The association will make for im- provement in trade condition in Washington if its purposes are carried out as now planned and there doesnt seem to be a possfeiiity of failure As the machinery of OrganizatIon gets into operation a large number of trade evils will be eliminated The merchants will work together to abolish suck practices as rebating waste of money in unproitable advertising contributions to unworthy societies dubs and philanthropic and charitable organizations A uniform and com- prehensive system of credits will be adopted Agreements will be reached as to closing hours on holidays When established on a sound work- ing basis the association will take up the problem of stimulating trade for Washington from the people who live This be one of the most important of the society and will be rich in benefits to the city as a whole Another of the advantages to the community will he the fact that in the future these large important interests will be able to operate nraetieaJiy a Oslo lofts in movements for the up building of the city In the past the influence of he merchants has exerted largely through individual effort IH the future the effort of the individual will be fused with that of the whole making a force that is bound to take a prominent pert ansi be a potent element in affairs affeetir r the citys interests for boUt the com- munity and the merchants to nnd that such a large number of business com- petitors can get together to solve problems in which all are concerned and to join hands in working for the welfare of UK community It shows that Washington is rapidly learning how to boost WHY ONLY HIGHBROWS AND LOWBROWS ref- orm o- ft e be- eS objec- tionable in the adjacent territory wilt been It is 8 geo under- takings sign I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Why have we Americans the prise wordcoiners of the age been content to drift along for suck a protracted period without filling the longfelt want of a term to fit in between the now universally used and charmingly appropriate titles highbrow and tew brow When one stops to think of it he realizes there are thousands of people who are neither excessively high nor shockingly low of forehead Mast these struggle through life with no fitting nomenclature by which their mental attainments eaa be easily and quickly designated Today they are engaged in just that struggle nod they are not the only sufferers Their friends constantly find themselves in- volved in a tangle of explanations These also arc entitled to emaneipa- tiou from the burden of intricate char aeter delineation which is placed upon them whenever they attempt to describe their hybrid acquaintance to a third party One says You dont know Irs X do you Shes intelligent well read thoroughly informed The per son addressed immediately breaks in Ah a highbrow Not at all Shes not a highbrow Again the auditor interrupts A lowbrow No shes not a lowbrow either but here one encounters the deadlock The third party can picture a highbrow and a lowbrow but no mental photograph of any intermediate brow caR be produced One explains for ten minutes and then gives up How matters would be simplified if we which we could classify one who say isnt crazy about Browning and Emer sons essays but who at the same time checks his depravity just this side of ragtime and George Barr Me As not have two additional formulas by which the mental aud to a degree the moral rating of ones friends could be t How would this classi- fication operate Highbrow Browning anthropology Corot economies Bacon uplift Gib- bon j inherent sin Vergil fourth di- mension Euripides duplicate whist eyether pate de ioie gras lemon phosphate Henry Cabot Lodge Wood row Wilson noj chewing gum Low highbrow Municipal govern mont Kipling Fer ro- Shakespeare polities Thackeray taxa only hAd a word or a phrase by Cute eoR as were at it WHY socialisM long ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ton golf grand bridge chicken Maryland eether stocks and hoods ginriekeys Omar Theodore Jennings Bryan chewing gum in private High Musical comedy Richard Harding Davis euclire base- ball Anthony HopeNmoving pictures small steak medium Ella Wheeler Wilcox havent came Robert W Chambers purple sooks Fingy Connors George chewing gum friends Lowbrow Laura Jean Libby ham pitch I and her moiodnwner oil The Duchess beer George M Johan red flannels beans toothpicks Big Tim Bathhouse John chewing on street cars Would not this classification solve problem Why limit ourselves to inconveniences of highbrow sad lowbrow1 when it would be so easy have four instead of only two titles o bestow upon those whom we are attempting to honor by a Jescriptkm of their endowments These valuable suggestions are offered for the use of y who may wish to take advantage them They are put fortk in that they may perhaps meet a demand that has long made itself felt among those who ever for accuracy and simplicity in GEORGIA DOING A LITTLE IN SURGING TOO The spirit of insurgency is not the exclusive property of the Republican Witness the Congressional now natione just made in Georgia Repre ntative Livingston of the Fifth die rict hag been defeated by an inswr because he for the Pita resolution wmch enabled Speak- er Cannon to retain his grip on the louse organization at the beginning f the tariff session Representative cward of the Eighth district has bees beaten OH the face of the returns by notker Democratic insurgent but de- atds a recount of the vote The to Rim was also based on his of the Fitzgerald resolution The Democrats came in for a pretty severe round of criticism for furnish e votes by which Uncle Joe ind his organization were saved when the fight on the rules was inaugurated- a year and a half ago The Georgia primary results however indicate that the subserviency to dots not extend to the rank ansi ito of Democratic party any more than it extends to the rank and file of the Republican party It is a hopeful sign to used Democ- racy as well as Republicanism ridding itself of those leaders who are enemies of progress HERES A POSER FOR THE ROOSEVELT FORECASTERS dore a bad fire minutes It W3 printed in the press dispatches Friday and is understood to be true BRISTOL Va Au 2 Speaker Cannon will visit the Ninth Virginia district to assist Representative B B Sierap in his campaign Stomp was an ardent supporter of Cannon Former President Roosevelt will also Visit the Ninth district In behalf of Stamp speaking at Bristol Octo- ber 7 Stack that up alongside Cofond Roosevelts recent speeches nod s e if eau find the answer Roose- velt William wh sky B sandwich hair the Ute to t of t- It strive party voted support JIg Qua the y Bores one tJat will give the fore ers of Ute political career of Thee Roosevelt in rules Alht In the I yeti opera COx with gum keenly gent gerald op- position the Rouse ¬ ¬ ¬ One need not be surprised if awak- ened about S a nn by sxan a thump1 mar Its merely the sound of tee produced the fellow who ront posed his vacation until the zeai hot weather arrived It should not be forgotten that a fee years a o Coioaei Rooseyelt was oom- piteieaied for the broad knowiedjca of his displayed in his hook Wlo BIBs the West a self rick by subject ¬ That hcrricane reported from Texas yesterday ray have been as as they claim but theres reason to believe it was merely a gentle zephyr compared with the Hew stale this old world VCOHM be if politicians adhered strictly to the in- junction not to lot the sun set on their wrath Mr Sherman evidently isnt olnc TO let a little thing like a jolt in the solar plexus 3ar his admiration the Presi- dent The reports today dont bar monlfe vary with the theory that the West is no longer wild and wooly Its at alt remarkable that Prof See is able to dfecem more things on vianets than anybody else That package handed Detroit yester- day is technically Renown as the reverse EarHsh double cross Etni eror William must have been reading Aldrich on how to acify th people Enter the flathunter Concert Today By the u S Engineer Band at Washington Barracks at 3 135 pm JULIUS KAMPER Chief Musician PROGRAM March Tannhauser Wagner Overture Raymond Thoems Piccolo solo The Humming Bird Damre- By Corporal Levea Selection The Fortune Teler Herbert SerenaSe Braga Excerpts from The Office Boy had gale that hIt Yomm or Cheyenne DOt Angels En i well a ¬ ¬ ¬ REFUSES FIBEIEN5 lEETIi President of Newport News Opposes Chiefs Effort- at Rejection WASHINGTON TTltHS BUREAU AXJ5XAKDRIi VA AUG 2 An answer to the iltecussion as to the next Fkeuwns Convention he held ia rews has been by President J P Parley of Newport 4 President FaHer ay the convention be held la Newport News i spite of the opposition of Chief Stow of the lire department He declared that if the needed funds cannot be by any othe means the members T his company Baaie Company No i will take it upon themselves to entertain the convention The discussion arose over ecMvetl in this eky rom V K Stow reassembled to select some other piaee than Newport News Mr Curtain the retiring president refused- to act has reported to the poWee the theft of Company GvFfrstl Yh tnia Regiment Aioxandrnv Light Infantry has been called for special drill tomorrow night the Holy on The body of H Crupper yean old who Mad at his home IZiS Half street southwest Washington wilt be brought to Alexandria His funeral will be held from Demaines funeral chapel tomorrow afternoon at 2Jft Burial wilt be in the Union Ceme- tery The State corporation commission has granted a charter to the Commonwealth of Alexandria county Tasker M F P Moncure of Rosslyn- J jdar J B T Thornton has beset pe- titioned bv the citizens of Baltoton and FSUfle Alexandria county to incorpor- ate these towns into to be Known as National Park CKEYBNNB velts vMt to Cheyenne nod that one aroused Jtoe eoional aiiftiiUly This was when he was shown a copy of an editorial In the Now Tork Bvea Post which violently attacked Roosevelt for his recent anticorporatfoa speeches The colonel swu kin Sat expected the Evening Post would in The editorial has so angered Roose here he will at- tempt some sort of a toeal reprisal He is not so much aroused by the attack front a political standpoint but he is ia the odl false Roosevelt holds that the Poet is reactionary oncac pointing out that It supported Parker him ia the campaign and bolted Bryan TO YIELD whether wm Newport given will certainly rallied Engine atelegram or Xewport asking to have the convention Robert Dvleh 311 Duke street a of fowl Ts fOr tall Inspection At ot Ute Holy JIte So- eIety of at X81Ts Glesrek tie elded pardelllBte J the of Society 10 ge heM Ja- W on the laM Ja Qc tobw set arty tomorrow Company TIM officers are R c L resident Welt and sec- retarY nil ROOSEVELT ANGRY OVER EDITORIAL Wy Aug sA single political teatwe ked CGleeel poe ucowled and mid rids tile kind or an attack that I make just noon as nay JtrcJctm- ovemeat eiear decent politics was made New York volt that It is furious at ta1a charger torts which be ert are Itt News Nwa umbw ii In prapattios a meeting It wag to parade Sunday a- jirlutins concern Mowure vice president trensiret oneS lug in as enufne for bellewed a against > ¬ ¬ ¬ ROOSEVELT RIDES A PONY AND GIVES COWBOY YELL Spirit of the West Expressed in the Performance of the Colonel Himself Before Cheyennes Assembly of the Plains Witnesses Unparalleled Exhibition OHETBNNE Wyo Aug is Careen lag wildly about the frostier park track on the back of a big white CoL Theodore Roosevelt came back to the West Standing in his stirrups he held up the horse with one hand waved his big black felt hat to the ten thousand neo pie in the stands and yelled the shrill Whooppee of the cowboy And thousands of cowboys gand Westerners went mad with enthusiasm Roosevelt was an embodiment of the spirit of the West today He spent the entire day ia one wild continuous rush of Western events He overworked the word bully In his enjoyment and took to shouting the real cowboy yell All the West was represented here to- day and all the West paid a tribute of holiday enthusiasm to Roosevelt Out at Frontier Park where the col- onel was the center figure of the cele- bration that commemorated the days of the open range and the fence ride excitement ran riot There was proba- bly the greatest program of wild West- ern performances that was ever ai ranged and the colonel was kept busy applaudteg- SfgnMcantly all through the per- formance there hung in plain view be- fore the stand the colonel occupied bjttge colored banner Inscribed Wyom Choice for 112 Theodore with a big picture of the colonel When Captain Hardy a crack marks man unfurled the banner with a re- volver shot the stands rose to their feet and cheered for tully live minutes and the colonel leaned from the stand bowed and waved his When the colonel arrived Lere he was met by Senator Warren and Senator Borah of Idaho Gov D B Brooks of Wyoming Gen Frederick S Smith of the Department of Missouri and W E Stone chairman of the frontier cole bratfctn committee A yelling escort cf cowboys slid a detachment of the Ninth Cavalry were OB band to escort his auto tojhe InterOcean Hotel He had luncheon at the hotel ind was then taken back to a stand fn m which he viewed a real Western parade cowpony the a s Roose- velt and but 1 lng wild a I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Western Gathering Openly Expresses Wish for the Colonel in CContimied from Tint Pare Ay ef which Sheridan is the county TIM other day the convention was held and Mnlna had a bare majority and the Insurgents charge the rs ilar were in a maority Anyhow two cr nventkms were and two sets of ielegateb chosen The contest may be settled in the courts ig threatening to run as aa aad amittedly would have much strength Here win tell you the progressrve movement which sweeping over the country Nobody can doubt the hold of Roosevelt in this part of the country One hears here no end of talk about Roosevelt as the maa to be nominated In TMZ Not only is this the case as to Wyoming but men who foregather here whose business carries them into the neighboring States of Montana Colorado and Utah say the feeling for Roosevelt to strong- It is as certain as anything can be in politics that Roosevelt can have the delegations from these States whenever he wants them merely by the turning over of his barV Everybpdy one talks to here accedot to this proposition and many of them say openly The man for W2 They look on Raeevelt here as his own menu whom nobody cast boss and they like Today the town was still talking about the fact that the only wild horse which could not be ridden ia the frontier celebration was Teddy Roosevelt Little Said 9f Taft So far as President Taft is concern- ed they have little to say about him here unless pressed to talk There Is a noticeable absence of Some difference of opinion is heard here as to the demonstration for Roosevelt yesterday Some hold that it was not a great as might have been expected Suck talk is not to be taken very seriously Roosevelt was greatly delighted over it Ther cannot fairly be another interpreta- tion upon It than that Roosevelt keeps bin hold on these people The only morning paper ia Cheyenne the Sunday State Leader says today Had it been President Roosevelt- of the United States instead of Teddy the man and the citizen who arrived in Cheyenne yesterday there would not have been a more rousing welcome accorded him by citizens cowpnnchers cowgirls In usual stolid Indians were so much stirred up that the squaws threw kisses at the colonel and many of the red men rode up to the stand he occupied while seeing the celebra- tion at Pioneer Park and shook hands with hlm The colonel had suck a xoott time at this roundup that he has promised the cattleman who managed the function that he wit come back to see the frontier celebra KISSING IS SCORED IN MEDICAL PAPER Massachusetts Board of Health Says Practice Spreads Infan tile Paralysis BOSTON Aug 2SKissmg was scored pointed out by the latest therein ralyate showing that the direase which lass alarmed the world and spread in- fantile mortality to an enormous extent has been transmitted in many cases by osculation Children infected with the disease have spread the dread Jdmc s to other children and even adults with amaz jag frequency by kissing CHEYENNE WANTS ROOSEVELT AGAIN 1912 n set 1JIka r politicians trouble Is all or piece with tile gen- eral it named comment one way or the other Col- onel diana Eastern and Western vial torsThe r tins next year it possible once more and the dangers monthly bulle- tin or the V State beard ol health in connection wltl lnfauWe pa I I co In- dependent a Is and assachusetts ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Some nyc thousand soldiers Infantry cavalry and two mountain were in line After them came a braves and greeted thom with a Indian xcarwh as they passed the The trained buffaloes hitched to a cart driven Charlie Hirst a reel drew the comment from the colonel Great Bully Thats the best thing I ever saW Immediately after his arrival at the park Colonel Roosevelt delivered his speech He stood in the broiling sun hour talking The colonel talked irri- gation and the advantages of Western his he paid a tribute to Frederick Remington and suggested a monument to the painter sculptor of Western life to be built by the men he painted and modeled At the conclusion of his speech the given a b white pony for ride about the track He took the at the roundup that the eo did during his stay in Cheyenne earned him such a storm of applause an- greeted his ride about the track with the Indians from the Shoshone and the Wind river reservations many of whom he knew welL The colonel watched with interest a sham battle and maneuvers by detach- ments of cavalry and artillery Fort Russell but the and steerriding contests had him stand log on his toes to lean against the stand and shout encouragement to the per formers Indian races races hurdle races trick riding stunts steerroping and riding mule races con- tests ad Indian war dances all kept the cofcel In a continual burst of en- thusiasm But he yelled more than usual when twenty wild which had never known saddle or were turned loose on the track and forty men to bridle saddle and ride them Immediately after the Frontier Day celebration closed Colonel Roosevelt was the guest of Governor Brooks at an informal dinner at the executive man- sion Amon the were former Gov W A Richardson James R Gr Cold who has traveled with Roosevelt from Omaha Senators Warren ad Borah Mayor P S Gosh of Cheyenne and United States Judge Jein A finer hundred or mere Shoshone lid Sioux in tall war pIuton tWrwar I Roosevelt seerar ol Ute rest stand and Westerner or- an colonel was a turn at gallop like a I Roosevelt Insisted on hands from I I I w bones Arapabee ponies one knew elder a yipping brander one trIed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ H Miss Marjorie Colton Guest At Mrs L Z Leiters Cottage Daughter of Col Francis Colton Goes to Beverly Cove From Magnolia Mass Senator Aldrich Host at Dinner at Newport Fishing Club Mine Marjorie Colton daughter of CM Prancfs Colton who has Mac with her father has gone to Cove to bo the house guest of Mt K Z Latter and her son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Joseph Letter Xlss Colton who has been acting as hostess for her heather CoL George CotteR governor of Ports Rico recently returned to this country Senator Nelson W Aldrich enter- tained at dinner lest evening at the Newport Fishing Cum on Gooseberry Island ia compliment to J Pierpont Morgan Among bIn guests was Senator Wetmere Mrs Guy Fairfax Whiting wife of Dr whiting who with her debutante daugh- ters the Misses Whiting is spending the season at their cottage at the Vir- ginia Hot Springs was the pat- ronesses at the first large german the season which WOn held n the ball- room of the Homestead ii tel last evening Mrs Henry Y Satterlee widow of today on the Baltic from Burepe where Miss Burlingame Goes to Annapolis Xtes Nellie Burlingame has gone to Annapolis Md to be the guest of Miffs Florence Dare is spending sev eral weeks in Anne Arundol county M L the guest of friends Mine CoeDs A Broussard who has been the guest of her cousins the Misses Raymond of Euclid street for several weeks is now spending some time in Atlantic City before going to New York from whence she will sail for her home la Texas D Brace who have made an extended trip through have returned to Washington Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Mabel Sanford and John X XcKlramie The wedding took place Thursday evening at 6 oclock at St Vincent de Pauls OConnen officiating la the presence of small party of relatives and Mr and Mrs Return Prom Piney Point Mr and Mrs Marcey M Mitchell 1147 Eighth street northwest have returned to Washington from an ex- tended stay at their cottage Mitcheirs at Piney Md Mrs Mitchells sister Miss Clara V Moore was their guest Mr and Mrs Robert McC Dice of Q street are spending several weeks in Atlantic City N J Miss Charlotte Lane who is spend- ing some time ia Magnolia Mass attended the ball at Hotel on Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Robert Roosevelt and Miss Olga Roosevelt who are now at than summer pteee on the North Shore win go to TVarronten Va week to attend the horse show Gun George w Davis and his daughter Miss Davis left Washington early in the season for New Canaan Coniu have returned to Washington and have opened their apartment in the Connecticut Mrs Nell S and her daugh- ter Miss Marie McMillan Brown who I been- a at the Oceanside nt MagnoJla Beverly oX amon BIshop Satterlee arrived In New York she baa spending several months Miss White for days Dr and W L Church the Rev P J friends Mitchell tow Point 7 neat who BroW nest been several Mrs Can- ada Cath- olic pastor the a ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + The Business DoctorB- y Roe Fulkerson i I IJ EE- EM ftpLEASB the public said the Doctor TBere is the whole of bueiaesB success AH over this people are getting rich and are doing It by simply supplying a leasfelt want Prom the top of a mans head to the soles of his feet things to add to his comfort and secret broad land eaa be made Bus the man who does it has made money From the pipe which be smokes to tie cook whom he hires Its only a matter of adding to his comfort to set his money It has not been many years ago that the first ear down on Monday morning carried a bunch of men each of whom had a bundle of laundry In a newspaper package taking it to the man who did his work Saturday night he was com- pelled to go back for it Then came the wagon which called for the laundry the last The present state of that business is that It a man is m a hurry to go place Tuesday the laundryman wilt come Monday morning and got his clothes wash and iron them mend every tear sew on every missing but ton darn the holes in every pair of socks and lay them neatly nrrapped in his room Tuesday ct noon The aver- age man would as soon be run through- a clothes wringer himself as to have his pet shirt torn The modern laun- dry is simply an unusually good ex- ample of what perfection may be ob- tained in the way of personal service As to the result every laundryman In tft s town runs an automobile What is true of this trade is true of every The question price Is compared to the question of A better quality article a better packed bundle a better delivery sys- tem a more courteous corps of clerks Ilrst or the week and returned It some oUter f the ser- vice ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ have been spending aomo time in Atlantic are new of Mr and Mrs Ben B Bradford at their country place Lawn In Maryland Mrs F B loring Guest of Mrs CromwelL Mrs Francis B T- Loring who has cousin Mrs John Thorndike at Man chtSter Mass arrived at Mass and is the house guest of Mrs Oliver Cromwell for a fortnight At the conclusion of her visit with Mrs Cromwell Mrs wIH to Oyster Bay where she will be joined her now at Narragansett Pier 3 iss Jean Loring wiH arrive at within a few days to visit Mrs Thorndike She will also be the guest of Miss Olga Roosevelt for a few days M Kroupensky counselor of the embassy has been transferred arM Priiice Koudacheff of the embassy staff has been promoted to take his place as counselor They are both in Europe now thus leaving Mr de Thai the only secretary at Manchester where the summer quarters of th em- bassy were established early in the season The naval attache of the Russian em- bassy Commander VassWeC will sail shortly for Europe MUle will remain at Manchester- Mr and Mrs Sot Peyser of Newport a days with Mrs Sol e Mr and Mrs S Goldsmith of MS On tario road wilt be at home this evening In honor of the engagement of their daughter Helen to Wise of Har risonbarg Va Miss Rena Saugorbas returned to the city from a MaMiss Rose Frank has returned to Bal- timore after a weeks vhnt ia Wash- ington Miss Esther Jonas of Baltimore who has been the guoet of Mrs I Goodman of the Winchester has returned to her home Mrs X Goodman of Kfehieenih street has left for fortnights May in Mrs Addle Sigmnnd is expected horn from Braddock Heights where she has spent the past fortnight Mfee Pauline Kronhetaa and the Misses Hanlein arrived home today from Brad dock Heights The Excelsior Club has issued invita- tions for a tug tide to be given on Sep tember 4 v Misses Coheusioas have returned to Washington from Atlantic Guy where they have spent a fortnight Miss Semis Kahn returned home to- day from Baltimore where she las been the guest of relatives for the last week GOLF BALL KILLS BIRD CONCORD N H Aug 2S Sailing bird by a hard driven ball was the un usual experience of a Mfllviile golfer while playing around the links of St Pauls School In this city On the next to the last hole the golfer drove the ball from the tee and just as he hit it a Iage bird started its flight from a point about twentyfive yards In advance Barely bad the bird reached height of- ten yards when the ball hit it squarely and both fell to earth the bird dead tile or Dr been Ute guest Of her Magno- lia by daughter Miss Lydia LoriDg who is Man- chester Rus- sian o Vas Va are spending few H short stay in a Harold Levy Jelt the city today for a water trip to and a a k wife basS sews Baltimore V Balti- more Boston ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ halfsize collars quartersize shoes long and short sleeves for readymade shirts special delhery for in a hurry free umbrellas In theater lobbies plenty of stamps and change in the drawer and thousand other things along the lines ef better service and requisites to business success today There is no truer statement than tic one that If man do any piece o work better than his fellows the will tread a path to his door even though Be build his home in a wilder ness If you want to make money do your work well render better service- to your patrons than they have yet had or add to the comfort of any man and he will pay you for It handsomely please the public The Association of commerce of Chicago has Issued a statement that the 750000 visitors who were in that city during the recent Knights Temp lar conclave left 8000009 Ja the town In good hard cash Wonder During the civil war many postal clerks in Richmond resigned because they could not pay their living expen- ses from their salary They were get- ting 9 dollars a year It took a roll big enough to choke a taR to meal Yet there are stilt people who keep their eyes fixed on their income and pay no attention to what It Is costing th cn to live Have your strap riveted on your trunk One of the best sources of In come for the baggage man Is the sale of trunk straps to travelers As a rule he Isnt at all particular whose trunk he fakes i jm oft of The suprene court of appeals of VT- rgica has just handed down an Inter- esting opinion of interest to advertisers The It N gave the exclusive priv- ilege of pasting advertisements on the doors of their freight cars one man The court held such a privilege granted common carrier was Illegal and that it was In violation of the statute pro- hibiting the granting of undue or un- reasonable preferences It held that as the companys charter specified they were in business to transport freight they were outside o when they went into the advertising business Many a good thing has been pulled Oft on the 13th but always by some fellow to watch the calendar people a by far too numerous to mention are better quality which are the two great a woril Let me repeat to make money merely if conve- ntIon PaY too buy- a to bya It busy too ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Post on 26-Apr-2019




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PtUiHsbed Every Evening to the Tear atTOE G

Fens ave betweea IStli and 14Ui stx-Telepbeae Main BM-

LKew York Office KB Firm AveChicago Office J7W CesHaerctal Bank BWgBoston Office J Mtrnal BtriMlnc-pbUadetobiEi OCJce 612 Cbestoet StBaltimore rw Building

EDGAR i ssxw PAUL c PATTERSONC wrrf 3fim r MMtaeintr Editor



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vided by 2S the Bluster days af pahlica-Kca shows the set dally average for tdy-to bare been 49113

SundayTe number ef cos j to and perfect coplea-

M The Washington Times printed Sundays

July 2 3RJ9ZJuly 3416 S7SKjBiy a17 39S15-

Th net total dre atJoa C The Tfcaea-rEnnaays daring the mouth o July wasK7TI aU copies left ever aDd retwraed bycents eliminated Tfcta seaiber trbea-ClrMed by E the somber Ses6ays duringJaJy ebows the nix Straflsy average for July

egnrer for the previous day

left of the date Mae

Persons leaving the cIty for aIcnsr or short period during tlta-snmsner can have The Ti

to them at the rate oSthirty cents a month or neveafeats a week Addresaea may berhnnged n often a dealreOnail nbccrlptlons must IID paidIa advance


If Senator Cummins of Iowa voicesthe sentiment of tli insurgents in

Ofthe chief isis ia tb next reosieamay be a national primary electionlaw for tbe selection of candidates forPresident and Vkse President Out in

Cumriins declared for a national prim

make a easipaign for it when Congressmeets ia December If be fails im TUB

effort to enlist eaottgk votes to passsuch a measwre Senator Csays he will propsre legislation tochange Ute basis of represeatatioa innational conventions and to briNg




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inetitHtions nnd r the controlof Federal law Instead of havingdelegates ehoaen according to theofthe variotts States Senator CM

the vote cast in each State for theRepublican electors SenatorCummins

The inexorable logic of the argument for the primary election toname party candidates for office with-in counties and States ap3 lies with equal force to the proposal10 nominate candidates for nationaloffice at primary elections I havelittle doubt of eventual

of this reform The faults whichattach to the present system of nom-inating candidates for the offlees In conventions composed of delegates selected on a basis of popula-tion instead of party votes cast areso glaring that they have ap-pealed to men have familiarizedthemselves with conditions as theyexist The people will not long hes-itate to demand the elimination of theevil when they become thoroughly In-formed concerning it

The evil complained of by SenatorCummins is twofold Under the

system Democratic Stateswhich seldom or never east a

vote in the Electoral Collegemay have as may delegates ia a na-

tional Republican convention as Re-

publican States er Repnbiie States

cratic vote n the Sectoral Collegenay as many delegates in a na-

tional Democratic convention as Demo-

cratic States Senator Cummins wouldchange this se thai the of thedelegates to a party convention wouldrepresent the bulk of the party

other angle of the evil men-

tioned by Senator Cummins as growingout of the national convention as nowconducted pertains to contested dele-

gations The national committeessettle contests but there is BO protec-tion of Jaw thrown about their de-

liberations They are answerable tono authority save that of their volun-

tary party argawzaiioa SenatorCummins advocates as a secondary

Sib in the event of Ute refusalof Congress to enact a national prim-ary law the enactment of Federalstatutes that will put national con-

ventions on the rump basis as Stateconventions in those States where legalmachinery has been provided for the

public oneThis hrteot feHN propajal is as

radical as nay ihftfc has come fromthat quarter Sonaior Oimminc dis-

cusees it tely and defily dianosee


sizethe frOM


Rve ue toI



the achieve-ment






which seWoa Qo never east a Demo


buS of


CoNgressional delegatiess

would thoien according




noeninatiNg enai ntes for




















of one argument after another thatmight be raised against it If the

comes to the surface in Congresshowover the Iowa Senator and hisband pf colaborers will have a job ontheir hands A change of such farreaching consequences affecting somany men intereets aad communitiesif it comes at all will arrive only aftera JpBg nght Converts will have to bemade almost singly A majority

members of botk hotes will in-

stinctively oppose it at the beginningbecause it is different from the estab-lished order and because they wiltrecognize that it will be impossibleuntil after thorough dissuasion tomeet the new conditions which thenew system would create


One of the best evidences of therapid spread of the boosting spirit inWashington may be found in theevents which have marked the organ-ization of the new Retail MerchantsAssociation The underlying necessityfor good boosting is organization andunanimity of action A willingnesseven a desire for these has

by the men who have formedthe mercantile society

The association will make for im-

provement in trade condition inWashington if its purposes are carriedout as now planned and there doesntseem to be a possfeiiity of failure Asthe machinery of OrganizatIon gets intooperation a large number of trade evilswill be eliminated The merchants willwork together to abolish suck

practices as rebating wasteof money in unproitable advertisingcontributions to unworthy societiesdubs and philanthropic and charitableorganizations A uniform and com-

prehensive system of credits will beadopted Agreements will be reachedas to closing hours on holidays

When established on a sound work-

ing basis the association will take upthe problem of stimulating trade forWashington from the people who live

Thisbe one of the most important

of the society and will be richin benefits to the city as a whole

Another of the advantages to thecommunity will he the fact that in thefuture these large important interestswill be able to operate nraetieaJiy aOslo lofts in movements for the upbuilding of the city In the past theinfluence of he merchants hasexerted largely through individualeffort IH the future the effort of theindividual will be fused with that ofthe whole making a force that isbound to take a prominent pert ansibe a potent element in affairs affeetir r

the citys interestsfor boUt the com-

munity and the merchants to nnd thatsuch a large number of business com-

petitors can get together to solveproblems in which all are concernedand to join hands in working for thewelfare of UK community It showsthat Washington is rapidly learninghow to boost








in the adjacent territory wilt


It is 8 geo













Why have we Americans the prisewordcoiners of the age been contentto drift along for suck a protractedperiod without filling the longfeltwant of a term to fit in between thenow universally used and charminglyappropriate titles highbrow andtew brow When one stops to think

of it he realizes there are thousandsof people who are neither excessivelyhigh nor shockingly low of foreheadMast these struggle through life withno fitting nomenclature by which theirmental attainments eaa be easily andquickly designated Today they areengaged in just that struggle nodthey are not the only sufferers Theirfriends constantly find themselves in-

volved in a tangle of explanationsThese also arc entitled to emaneipa-tiou from the burden of intricate charaeter delineation which is placed uponthem whenever they attempt todescribe their hybrid acquaintance toa third party

One says You dont know Irs Xdo you Shes intelligent well readthoroughly informed The person addressed immediately breaks in

Ah a highbrow Not at all Shesnot a highbrow Again the auditorinterrupts A lowbrow No shesnot a lowbrow either but here oneencounters the deadlock The thirdparty can picture a highbrow and alowbrow but no mental photographof any intermediate brow caR beproduced One explains for ten minutesand then gives up

How matters would be simplified ifwewhich we could classify one who sayisnt crazy about Browning and Emersons essays but who at the sametime checks his depravity just thisside of ragtime and George Barr Me

Asnot have two additional formulas bywhich the mental aud to a degreethe moral rating of ones friends couldbe t How would this classi-

fication operateHighbrow Browning anthropology

Corot economies Bacon uplift Gib-

bon j inherent sin Vergil fourth di-

mension Euripides duplicate whisteyether pate de ioie gras lemonphosphate Henry Cabot Lodge Woodrow Wilson noj chewing gum

Low highbrow Municipal governmont Kipling Fer ro-

Shakespeare polities Thackeray taxa

only hAd a word or a phrase by

Cute eoR as were at it WHY










ton golf grand bridge chickenMaryland eether stocks and hoodsginriekeys Omar Theodore

Jennings Bryan chewinggum in private

High Musical comedyRichard Harding Davis euclire base-ball Anthony HopeNmoving picturessmall steak medium Ella WheelerWilcox havent came RobertW Chambers purple sooks FingyConnors George chewing gum

friendsLowbrow Laura Jean Libby ham

pitch I and her moiodnwneroil The Duchess beer George M

Johan red flannels beans toothpicksBig Tim Bathhouse John chewing

on street carsWould not this classification solve

problem Why limit ourselves toinconveniences of highbrow sad

lowbrow1 when it would be so easyhave four instead of only two titles

o bestow upon those whom we areattempting to honor by a Jescriptkm oftheir endowments These valuablesuggestions are offered for the use of

y who may wish to take advantagethem They are put fortk in

that they may perhaps meet ademand that has long made itself

felt among those who everfor accuracy and simplicity in


The spirit of insurgency is not theexclusive property of the Republican

Witness the Congressional nownatione just made in Georgia Repre

ntative Livingston of the Fifth dierict hag been defeated by an inswr

because he for the Pitaresolution wmch enabled Speak-

er Cannon to retain his grip on thelouse organization at the beginningf the tariff session Representativecward of the Eighth district has bees

beaten OH the face of the returns bynotker Democratic insurgent but de-

atds a recount of the vote Theto Rim was also based on hisof the Fitzgerald resolution

The Democrats came in for a prettysevere round of criticism for furnish

e votes by which Uncle Joeind his organization were saved whenthe fight on the rules was inaugurated-a year and a half ago The Georgiaprimary results however indicate thatthe subserviency to dotsnot extend to the rank ansi ito ofDemocratic party any more than itextends to the rank and file of theRepublican party

It is a hopeful sign to used Democ-

racy as well as Republicanism riddingitself of those leaders who are enemiesof progress


dore a bad fire minutes ItW3 printed in the press dispatchesFriday and is understood to be true

BRISTOL Va Au 2 SpeakerCannon will visit the Ninth Virginiadistrict to assist Representative BB Sierap in his campaign Stompwas an ardent supporter of Cannon

Former President Roosevelt willalso Visit the Ninth district In behalfof Stamp speaking at Bristol Octo-ber 7

Stack that up alongside CofondRoosevelts recent speeches nod s e if

eau find the answer


velt William

wh sky






of t-








Bores one tJat will give the foreers of Ute political career of Thee


in rules Alht In the

I yeti









the Rouse




One need not be surprised if awak-ened about S a nn by sxan a thump1mar Its merely the sound oftee produced the fellow who rontposed his vacation until the zeai hotweather arrived

It should not be forgotten that a feeyears a o Coioaei Rooseyelt was oom-piteieaied for the broad knowiedjca ofhis displayed in his hook WloBIBs the West

aself rick




That hcrricane reported from Texasyesterday ray have been as as theyclaim but theres reason to believe itwas merely a gentle zephyr comparedwith the

Hew stale this old world VCOHM be ifpoliticians adhered strictly to the in-

junction not to lot the sun set on theirwrath

Mr Sherman evidently isnt olnc TO

let a little thing like a jolt in the solarplexus 3ar his admiration the Presi-dent

The reports today dont barmonlfe vary with the theory thatthe West is no longer wild and wooly

Its at alt remarkable that ProfSee is able to dfecem more things onvianets than anybody else

That package handed Detroit yester-day is technically Renown as the reverseEarHsh double cross

Etni eror William must have beenreading Aldrich on how to acify thpeople

Enter the flathunter

Concert TodayBy the u S Engineer Band atWashington Barracks at 3 135 p m

JULIUS KAMPER Chief Musician

PROGRAMMarch Tannhauser WagnerOverture Raymond ThoemsPiccolo solo The Humming Bird

Damre-By Corporal Levea

Selection The Fortune TelerHerbert

SerenaSe BragaExcerpts from The Office Boy


gale that hIt Yomm














President of Newport NewsOpposes Chiefs Effort-

at Rejection


An answer to the iltecussion as tothe next Fkeuwns Convention

he held ia rews has beenby President J P Parley of

Newport 4

President FaHer ay the conventionbe held la Newport News

i spite of the opposition of Chief Stowof the lire department He declaredthat if the needed funds cannot be

by any othe means the membersT his company Baaie Company

No i will take it upon themselves toentertain the convention

The discussion arose overecMvetl in this eky rom V K Stow

reassembled to select someother piaee than Newport News MrCurtain the retiring president refused-to act

hasreported to the poWee the theft of

Company GvFfrstl Yh tnia RegimentAioxandrnv Light Infantry has beencalled for special drill tomorrow night

the Holyon

The body of H Crupperyean old who Mad at his home IZiSHalf street southwest Washington wiltbe brought to AlexandriaHis funeral will be held from Demainesfuneral chapel tomorrow afternoon at2Jft Burial wilt be in the Union Ceme-tery

The State corporation commission hasgranted a charter to the Commonwealth

of Alexandria county

Tasker MF P Moncure

of Rosslyn-

J jdar J B T Thornton has beset pe-titioned bv the citizens of Baltoton andFSUfle Alexandria county to incorpor-ate these towns into to be Knownas National Park


velts vMt to Cheyenne nod that onearoused Jtoe eoional aiiftiiUly

This was when he was shown a copyof an editorial In the Now Tork Bvea

Post which violently attackedRoosevelt for his recent anticorporatfoaspeeches The colonel swu kin Sat

expected the Evening Post would

inThe editorial has so angered Roose

here he will at-tempt some sort of a toeal reprisal Heis not so much aroused by the attackfront a political standpoint but he is

ia the odlfalse

Roosevelt holds that the Poet isreactionary oncac pointing out that Itsupported Parker him ia the

campaign and bolted Bryan


whetherwm Newportgiven

will certainly


atelegramor Xewport asking to have theconvention

Robert Dvleh 311 Duke streeta

of fowl

Ts fOr tall Inspection

At ot Ute Holy JIte So-eIety of at X81Ts Glesrek tieelded pardelllBte J the of

Society 10 ge heM Ja-W on the laM Ja Qctobw

set arty


CompanyTIM officers are R c

L resident Weltand sec-retarY nil



Wy Aug sA singlepolitical teatwe ked CGleeel poe

ucowled and midrids tile kind or an attack that I

makejust noon as nay JtrcJctm-ovemeat eiear decent politics wasmade New York

volt that It is

furious at ta1a chargertorts which be ert are





ii In prapattios

a meetingIt wag

to parade



jirlutins concernMowure

vice presidenttrensiret




as enufnefor









Spirit of the West Expressed in the Performance of theColonel Himself Before Cheyennes Assembly of the

Plains Witnesses Unparalleled Exhibition

OHETBNNE Wyo Aug is Careenlag wildly about the frostier park trackon the back of a big whiteCoL Theodore Roosevelt came back tothe West

Standing in his stirrups he held upthe horse with one hand waved his bigblack felt hat to the ten thousand neopie in the stands and yelled the shrillWhooppee of the cowboy Andthousands of cowboys gand Westernerswent mad with enthusiasm

Roosevelt was an embodiment of thespirit of the West today He spent theentire day ia one wild continuous rushof Western events He overworked theword bully In his enjoyment and tookto shouting the real cowboy yell

All the West was represented here to-day and all the West paid a tribute ofholiday enthusiasm to Roosevelt

Out at Frontier Park where the col-

onel was the center figure of the cele-bration that commemorated the days ofthe open range and the fence rideexcitement ran riot There was proba-bly the greatest program of wild West-ern performances that was ever airanged and the colonel was kept busyapplaudteg-

SfgnMcantly all through the per-formance there hung in plain view be-

fore the stand the colonel occupiedbjttge colored banner Inscribed Wyom

Choice for 112 Theodorewith a big picture of the colonel

When Captain Hardy a crack marksman unfurled the banner with a re-

volver shot the stands rose to theirfeet and cheered for tully live minutesand the colonel leaned from the stand

bowed and waved hisWhen the colonel arrived Lere he was

met by Senator Warren and SenatorBorah of Idaho Gov D B Brooks ofWyoming Gen Frederick S Smith ofthe Department of Missouri and W EStone chairman of the frontier colebratfctn committee A yelling escort cfcowboys slid a detachment of the NinthCavalry were OB band to escort hisauto tojhe InterOcean Hotel He hadluncheon at the hotel ind was thentaken back to a stand fn m which heviewed a real Western parade




s Roose-velt

and but


















Western Gathering OpenlyExpresses Wish for the

Colonel in

CContimied from Tint PareAy ef which Sheridan is the county

TIM other day theconvention was held and Mnlna hada bare majority and the Insurgentscharge the rs ilar were in a maorityAnyhow two cr nventkms wereand two sets of ielegateb chosen Thecontest may be settled in the courts

ig threatening to run as aaaad amittedly would have

much strengthHere win tell you the

progressrve movement whichsweeping over the country Nobody candoubt the hold of Roosevelt in this partof the country One hears here no endof talk about Roosevelt as the maa tobe nominated In TMZ Not only is thisthe case as to Wyoming but men whoforegather here whose business carriesthem into the neighboring States ofMontana Colorado and Utah say thefeeling for Roosevelt to strong-

It is as certain as anything can bein politics that Roosevelt can have thedelegations from these States wheneverhe wants them merely by the turningover of his barV Everybpdy one talksto here accedot to this proposition andmany of them say openly The manfor W2 They look on Raeevelt hereas his own menu whom nobody cast bossand they like

Today the town was still talkingabout the fact that the only wildhorse which could not be ridden iathe frontier celebration wasTeddy Roosevelt

Little Said 9f TaftSo far as President Taft is concern-

ed they have little to say about himhere unless pressed to talk There Isa noticeable absence of

Some difference of opinion is heardhere as to the demonstration forRoosevelt yesterday Some hold thatit was not a great as might havebeen expected Suck talk is not tobe taken very seriously Rooseveltwas greatly delighted over it Thercannot fairly be another interpreta-tion upon It than that Rooseveltkeeps bin hold on these people Theonly morning paper ia Cheyenne theSunday State Leader says today

Had it been President Roosevelt-of the United States instead of

Teddy the man and the citizenwho arrived in Cheyenne yesterdaythere would not have been a morerousing welcome accorded him bycitizens cowpnnchers cowgirls In

usual stolid Indians were somuch stirred up that the squawsthrew kisses at the colonel and manyof the red men rode up to the standhe occupied while seeing the celebra-tion at Pioneer Park and shook handswith hlm

The colonel had suck a xoott time atthis roundup that he has promisedthe cattleman whomanaged the function that he witcome back to see the frontier celebra


Massachusetts Board of HealthSays Practice Spreads Infan

tile ParalysisBOSTON Aug 2SKissmg was scored

pointed out by the latesttherein

ralyate showing that the direase whichlass alarmed the world and spread in-fantile mortality to an enormous extenthas been transmitted in many cases byosculation

Children infected with the diseasehave spread the dread Jdmc s to otherchildren and even adults with amazjag frequency by kissing



1912 n

set 1JIka


politicianstrouble Is all or piece with tile gen-eral



comment oneway or the other


diana Eastern and Western vialtorsThe


tins next year it possible

once more and the dangersmonthly bulle-

tin or the V State beard olhealth in connection wltl lnfauWe pa















Some nyc thousand soldiers Infantrycavalry and two mountainwere in line

After them came a

braves and greeted thom with aIndian xcarwh as they passed theThe trained buffaloes hitched to a cartdriven Charlie Hirst a reeldrew the comment from thecolonel Great Bully Thats the bestthing I ever saWImmediately after his arrival at thepark Colonel Roosevelt delivered hisspeech He stood in the broiling sunhour talkingThe colonel talked irri-

gation and the advantages of Westernhis he paid a tributeto Frederick Remington and suggesteda monument to the painter sculptorof Western life to be built by the menhe painted and modeledAt the conclusion of his speech thegiven a b white pony forride about the track He took the

at the roundup that the eodid during his stay in Cheyenneearned him such a storm of applause an-greeted his ride about the trackwith the Indians from the Shoshone andthe Wind river reservations many ofwhom he knew welL

The colonel watched with interest asham battle and maneuvers by detach-ments of cavalry and artilleryFort Russell but theand steerriding contests had him standlog on his toes to lean against the standand shout encouragement to the performers

Indian races races hurdleraces trick riding stunts steerropingand riding mule races con-tests ad Indian war dances all keptthe cofcel In a continual burst of en-thusiasm But he yelled morethan usual when twenty wildwhich had never known saddle orwere turned loose on the track and fortymen to bridle saddle and ridethem

Immediately after the Frontier Daycelebration closed Colonel Rooseveltwas the guest of Governor Brooks at aninformal dinner at the executive man-sion Amon the were formerGov W A Richardson James R GrCold who has traveled with Rooseveltfrom Omaha Senators Warren adBorah Mayor P S Gosh of Cheyenneand United States Judge Jein A finer

hundred or mereShoshone lid Siouxin tall war pIuton tWrwar IRoosevelt seerar ol Ute



colonel wasaturn at gallop like a


Roosevelt Insisted on hands






one knew elder

a yipping branderone







Miss Marjorie Colton GuestAt Mrs L Z Leiters Cottage

Daughter of Col Francis Colton Goes to Beverly CoveFrom Magnolia Mass Senator Aldrich Host at

Dinner at Newport Fishing Club

Mine Marjorie Colton daughter ofCM Prancfs Colton who has

Mac with her father has gone toCove to bo the house guest of

Mt K Z Latter and her son anddaughterinlaw Mr and Mrs JosephLetter

Xlss Colton who has been acting ashostess for her heather CoL GeorgeCotteR governor of Ports Rico recentlyreturned to this country

Senator Nelson W Aldrich enter-tained at dinner lest evening at theNewport Fishing Cum on GooseberryIsland ia compliment to J PierpontMorgan Among bIn guests was SenatorWetmere

Mrs Guy Fairfax Whiting wife of Drwhiting who with her debutante daugh-ters the Misses Whiting is spendingthe season at their cottage at the Vir-ginia Hot Springs was the pat-ronesses at the first large germanthe season which WOn held n the ball-room of the Homestead ii tel lastevening

Mrs Henry Y Satterlee widow of

today on the Baltic from Burepe where

Miss BurlingameGoes to Annapolis

Xtes Nellie Burlingame has gone toAnnapolis Md to be the guest of

Miffs Florence Dare is spending several weeks in Anne Arundol countyM L the guest of friends

Mine CoeDs A Broussard who hasbeen the guest of her cousins theMisses Raymond of Euclid street forseveral weeks is now spending sometime in Atlantic City before going toNew York from whence she will sailfor her home la Texas

D Brace who havemade an extended trip through

have returned to Washington

Announcement is made of the mar-riage of Miss Mabel Sanford andJohn X XcKlramie The weddingtook place Thursday evening at 6oclock at St Vincent de PaulsOConnen officiating la the presenceof small party of relatives and

Mr and MrsReturn Prom Piney Point

Mr and Mrs Marcey M Mitchell1147 Eighth street northwest havereturned to Washington from an ex-

tended stay at their cottageMitcheirs at Piney Md Mrs

Mitchells sister Miss Clara V Moorewas their guest

Mr and Mrs Robert McC Dice ofQ street are spending several

weeks in Atlantic City N JMiss Charlotte Lane who is spend-

ing some time ia Magnolia Massattended the ball atHotel on Wednesday evening

Mr and Mrs Robert Roosevelt andMiss Olga Roosevelt who are nowat than summer pteee on the NorthShore win go to TVarronten Va

week to attend the horse showGun George w Davis and his

daughter Miss Davis leftWashington early in the season forNew Canaan Coniu have returned toWashington and have opened theirapartment in the Connecticut

Mrs Nell S and her daugh-ter Miss Marie McMillan Brown who


been-a at the Oceanside nt MagnoJla




BIshop Satterlee arrived In New York

she baa spending several months

Miss White for days

Dr and W


Church the Rev P J












Cath-olic pastor the





> ¬







The Business DoctorB-y Roe Fulkerson





ftpLEASB the public said theDoctor TBere is the wholeof bueiaesB success AH over this

people are getting rich andare doing It by simply supplying aleasfelt want Prom the top of a manshead to the soles of his feet things

to add to his comfort and

secretbroad land

eaa be made


the man who does it has made moneyFrom the pipe which be smokes to tiecook whom he hires Its only a matterof adding to his comfort to set hismoney

It has not been many years ago thatthe first ear down on Monday morningcarried a bunch of men each of whomhad a bundle of laundry In a newspaperpackage taking it to the man who didhis work Saturday night he was com-

pelled to go back for it Then camethe wagon which called for the laundry

the lastThe present state of that business is

that It a man is m a hurry to goplace Tuesday the laundryman

wilt come Monday morning and got hisclothes wash and iron them mendevery tear sew on every missing button darn the holes in every pair ofsocks and lay them neatly nrrapped inhis room Tuesday ct noon The aver-age man would as soon be run through-a clothes wringer himself as to havehis pet shirt torn The modern laun-dry is simply an unusually good ex-

ample of what perfection may be ob-

tained in the way of personal serviceAs to the result every laundryman Intft s town runs an automobile

What is true of this trade is true ofevery The question price Is

compared to the question ofA better quality article a better

packed bundle a better delivery sys-tem a more courteous corps of clerks

Ilrst or the week and returned It


oUter f









have been spending aomo time inAtlantic are new ofMr and Mrs Ben B Bradford attheir country place Lawn InMarylandMrs F B loringGuest of Mrs CromwelL

Mrs Francis B T-

Loring who hascousin Mrs John Thorndike at ManchtSter Mass arrived at

Mass and is the house guest ofMrs Oliver Cromwell for a fortnightAt the conclusion of her visit with MrsCromwell Mrs wIH to OysterBay where she will be joined hernow at Narragansett Pier

3 iss Jean Loring wiH arrive atwithin a few days to visit Mrs

Thorndike She will also be the guestof Miss Olga Roosevelt for a few days

M Kroupensky counselor of theembassy has been transferred arMPriiice Koudacheff of the embassystaff has been promoted to take hisplace as counselor They are both inEurope now thus leaving Mr de Thaithe only secretary at Manchesterwhere the summer quarters of th em-bassy were established early in theseason

The naval attache of the Russian em-bassy Commander VassWeC will sailshortly for Europe MUlewill remain at Manchester-

Mr and Mrs Sot Peyser of Newporta days

with Mrs Sole

Mr and Mrs S Goldsmith of MS Ontario road wilt be at home this eveningIn honor of the engagement of theirdaughter Helen to Wise of Harrisonbarg Va

Miss Rena Saugorbas returned to thecity from aMaMiss

Rose Frank has returned to Bal-timore after a weeks vhnt ia Wash-ington

Miss Esther Jonas of Baltimore whohas been the guoet of Mrs I Goodmanof the Winchester has returned to herhome

Mrs X Goodman of Kfehieenih streethas left for fortnights May in

Mrs Addle Sigmnnd is expected hornfrom Braddock Heights where she hasspent the past fortnight

Mfee Pauline Kronhetaa and the MissesHanlein arrived home today from Braddock Heights

The Excelsior Club has issued invita-tions for a tug tide to be given on September 4

vMisses Coheusioas have returned to

Washington from Atlantic Guy wherethey have spent a fortnight

Miss Semis Kahn returned home to-day from Baltimore where she lasbeen the guest of relatives for the lastweek


bird by a hard driven ball was the unusual experience of a Mfllviile golferwhile playing around the links of StPauls School In this city On the nextto the last hole the golfer drove the ballfrom the tee and just as he hit it aIage bird started its flight from a pointabout twentyfive yards In advanceBarely bad the bird reached height of-

ten yards when the ball hit it squarelyand both fell to earth the bird dead


or Drbeen Ute guest Of her


bydaughter Miss Lydia LoriDg who is





Va are spending fewH

short stay in


Harold Levy Jelt the city today fora water trip to and























halfsize collars quartersize shoeslong and short sleeves for readymadeshirts special delhery for in ahurry free umbrellas In theater lobbiesplenty of stamps and change in thedrawer and thousand other things

along the lines ef better service andrequisites to business success today

There is no truer statement than ticone that If man do any piece owork better than his fellows thewill tread a path to his door eventhough Be build his home in a wilderness If you want to make money doyour work well render better service-to your patrons than they have yet hador add to the comfort of any man andhe will pay you for It handsomely

please the public

The Association of commerce ofChicago has Issued a statement thatthe 750000 visitors who were in thatcity during the recent Knights Templar conclave left 8000009 Ja the townIn good hard cash Wonder

During the civil war many postalclerks in Richmond resigned becausethey could not pay their living expen-ses from their salary They were get-ting 9 dollars a year It took aroll big enough to choke a taR to

meal Yet there are stilt people whokeep their eyes fixed on their incomeand pay no attention to what It Iscosting th cn to live

Have your strap riveted on yourtrunk One of the best sources of Income for the baggage man Is the saleof trunk straps to travelers As a rulehe Isnt at all particular whose trunkhe fakes i jm oft of

The suprene court of appeals of VT-rgica has just handed down an Inter-esting opinion of interest to advertisersThe It N gave the exclusive priv-ilege of pasting advertisements on thedoors of their freight cars one manThe court held such a privilege granted

common carrier was Illegal and thatit was In violation of the statute pro-hibiting the granting of undue or un-reasonable preferences It held that asthe companys charter specified theywere in business to transport freightthey were outside o when they wentinto the advertising business

Many a good thing has been pulled Ofton the 13th but always by somefellow to watch the calendar


aby far too numerous to mention arebetter quality which are the two great


Let me repeat to make money merely

if conve-ntIon PaY














