1. ibm rational® software modeler - ufv · ibm rational® software modeler the rational® software...

1 Summary 1. IBM Rational® Software Modeler.......................................................................................... 1 2. Creating the GeoProfile ......................................................................................................... 2 3. Applying OCL Constraints .................................................................................................... 10 4. Applying Icons to Stereotypes ............................................................................................. 14 5. Applying the GeoProfile ...................................................................................................... 14 1. IBM Rational® Software Modeler The Rational® Software Modeler (RSM) is a commercial CASE tool that lets you create UML diagrams and profiles; currently, RSM is part of the Rational® Software Architect which is under IBM license. This tool was presented as a great alternative to the profile specification, offering features such as language support for definition of OCL constraints, including stereotypes and icons on the possibility of import and export in various formats including XMI (XML Metadata Interchange). Desktop of Rational® Sofware Architect Another advantage of this tool is to be multilingual. This tutorial was made using the version 8.0 of this tool with English language.

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Summary 1. IBM Rational® Software Modeler .......................................................................................... 1

2. Creating the GeoProfile ......................................................................................................... 2

3. Applying OCL Constraints .................................................................................................... 10

4. Applying Icons to Stereotypes ............................................................................................. 14

5. Applying the GeoProfile ...................................................................................................... 14

1. IBM Rational® Software Modeler

The Rational® Software Modeler (RSM) is a commercial CASE tool that lets you create

UML diagrams and profiles; currently, RSM is part of the Rational® Software Architect

which is under IBM license. This tool was presented as a great alternative to the profile

specification, offering features such as language support for definition of OCL

constraints, including stereotypes and icons on the possibility of import and export in

various formats including XMI (XML Metadata Interchange).

Desktop of Rational® Sofware Architect

Another advantage of this tool is to be multilingual. This tutorial was made using the

version 8.0 of this tool with English language.


2. Creating the GeoProfile

Creating UML profiles in RSM tool is performed fairly intuitive. To create a new profile,

simply click: File -> New -> Project -> Modeling -> UML Extensibility ->

UML Profile Project.

A window is opened to set the project name. Clicking Next opens a new window, as

illustrated in the figure below, to add the name and other properties of the profile.

Type GeoProfile in the field Profile Name.


Then, simply click Finish, and the project profile will be created and available for

manipulation in the “Project Explorer”.


The following shall be added the elements of UML profile. To do this, simply select the

profile in the Project Explorer and click the right mouse button, and then click

Add Diagram -> Class Diagram.

With the class diagram created, you can add the elements of extension of the UML to

the profile, for example, metaclasses, stereotypes and tagged values.

First, let's create the stereotypes of theGeoProfile. Let's start with stereotypes for

network objects (NetworkObj, Arc, Node, UnidirectionalArc and BidirectionalArc).

Add the Stereotype elements, as shown in the figure below. Note that stereotypes

NetworkObj and Arc are abstract. To place a stereotype as abstract, simply select it on

the model and check the option Abstract on the tab General.


Then use the element Generalization, so leave the profile as shown below.

The next step is to extend the UML metaclass Class using stereotypes created, to add

the element Metaclass, in the window that appears, select the metaclass Class, add to

the project and click OK.


The metaclass "Class" will appear in the diagram, now let's extend the metaclass using

the stereotype created, and just use the element Extension.

Now let's extend the metaclass Association, creating stereotypes that deals with the

topological relationships between the classes. There are six different types of

topological relationships in GeoProfile, let's create just one for example.

First, create an element Stereotype and give it the name "Temporal". Now includes an

element Metaclass, but this time select the metaclass Association and then use the


element Extension to extend the metaclass Association with the stereotype created,

as shown in the figure below.

A stereotype can have properties, which can be referred to as tag definitions. When a

stereotype is applied to a model element, the values of the properties are listed in the

profile as tagged values, and can be handled in the model.

The next step is to create the stereotype TemporalObject, which refers to spatial

objects with temporal aspects, and their enumerations (tagged values). The GeoProfile

defines two kinds of enumeration, TemporalPrimitive and TemporalType. Includes at

the schema two elements of type enumeration, and name them as TemporalPrimitive

and TemporalType.

Add the Enumeration Literals (instant e interval) in TemporalPrimitive and

(valid_time, transaction_time and bitemporal) in TemporalType, see figure below.


Now, add to the schema the stereotype TemporalObj and includes two attributes with

types of enumerations created previously: temporalPrimitive of type

TemporalPrimitive and temporalType of type TemporalType.

To add the type of the attribute, just select it within the stereotype or in

Project Explorer tab, and in lower bar General click the Select Type button and select

the type in the window that appears, see figure below.


Just now we extend the metaclass Class again for the stereotype created; includes one

more Extension element from the stereotype TemporalObj to the metaclass Class.

This is enough to create the diagram of the profile to stereotypes of GeoProfile entirely

according to your specification; include other Stereotypes, Generalizations and

Extensions that are missing to leave the template as follows. Now, save the template.

Schema of GeoProfile


3. Applying OCL Constraints

The RSM supports OCL language for defining constraints, the same used to validate the

generated conceptual schema. This way, OCL constraints described in this section

always have as context a stereotype of GeoProfile, besides being invariant.

The constraints specified for GeoProfile basically avoiding the occurrence of three

types of errors: adding stereotypes incompatible within a single element; poor

construction of networks; and addition of topological relationships are impossible to

happen between two elements (e.g. Cross-relationship between two objects with

representation of geographic point). These three groups of constraints are analysed


To declare Constraints, first right-click the stereotype to which to apply the constraint,

and, on the menu, choose Add UML -> Constraint.

In the edit box that appears, add the OCL constraint refers to the stereotype.


Adding constraints can also be done by the Project Explorer.

The properties of each restriction can be handled in General tab, by selecting the

object. In the field Nome, type the name of the constraint, and in the

Language and corresponding body field, type OCL. If there is any error in the

validation of the constraint error, a message will be shown.

GeoProfile restrictions are described below; add them to the profile created. The field

context refers to which stereotype the constraint is applied.

OCL constraints for verification of the existence of stereotypes incompatible in a same

schema class.

A context GeoField

self.base_Class.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Point' or s.name = 'Line' or s.name = 'Polygon' or s.name = 'ComplexSpatialObj') -> isEmpty()

B context Network

self.base_Class.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Point' or s.name = 'Line' or s.name = 'Polygon' or s.name = 'ComplexSpatialObj' or s.name = 'TIN' or s.name = 'Isolines' or s.name = 'GridOfCells' or s.name = 'AdjPolygons' or s.name = 'GridOfPoints' or s.name = 'IrregularPoints' or s.name = 'Node' or s.name = 'UnidirectionalArc' or s.name = 'BidirectionalArc') -> isEmpty()

C context NetworkObj

self.base_Class.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'TIN' or s.name = 'Isolines' or s.name = 'GridOfCells' or s.name = 'AdjPolygons' or s.name = 'GridOfPoints' or s.name = 'IrregularPoints') -> isEmpty()

D context Node

self.base_Class.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'UnidirectionalArc' or s.name = 'BidirectionalArc') -> isEmpty()

E self.base_Class.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'BidirectionalArc') -> isEmpty()


context UnidirectionalArc

OCL constraints for verification of the existence of stereotypes incompatible in a same

schema Association.

F context Cross

self.base_Association.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Disjoint' or s.name = 'In' or s.name = 'Overlap' or s.name = 'Touch') -> isEmpty()

G context Disjoint

self.base_Association.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Cross' or s.name = 'In' or s.name = 'Overlap' or s.name = 'Touch') -> isEmpty()

H context In

self.base_Association.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Disjoint' or s.name = 'Cross' or s.name = 'Overlap' or s.name = 'Touch') -> isEmpty()

I context Overlap

self.base_Association.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Disjoint' or s.name = 'Cross' or s.name = 'In' or s.name = 'Touch') -> isEmpty()

J context Touch

self.base_Association.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Disjoint' or s.name = 'Cross' or s.name = 'In' or s.name = 'Overlap') -> isEmpty()

OCL constraints for validation of the networks defined in the schema.

K context Network

not self.base_Class.ownedAttribute.association.memberEnd.class.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Node') -> isEmpty()

L context Network

not self.base_Class.ownedAttribute.association.memberEnd.class .getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'UnidirectionalArc' or s.name = 'BidirectionalArc') -> isEmpty()

M context Arc

not self.base_Class.ownedAttribute.association.memberEnd.class .getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Node') -> isEmpty()

N context Node

not self.base_Class.ownedAttribute.association.memberEnd.class .getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'UnidirectionalArc' or s.name = 'BidirectionalArc') -> isEmpty()

OCL constraints for validation of topological relationships of type In and Disjoint.

O context In

self.base_Association.memberEnd.class -> forAll (c | c.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Point' or s.name = 'Line' or s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty())

P context Disjoint

self.base_Association.memberEnd.class -> forAll (c | c.getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Point' or s.name = 'Line' or s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty())

OCL constraints for validation of topological relationships of type Cross, Overlap and


Q context Cross

let classes : OrderedSet(Class) = self.base_Association.memberEnd.class -> asOrderedSet() in ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() ->


select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() ) or ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty() ) or ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() )

R context Overlap

let classes : OrderedSet(Class) = self.base_Association.memberEnd.class -> asOrderedSet() in ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() ) or ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty() )

S context Touch

let classes : OrderedSet(Class) = self.base_Association.memberEnd.class -> asOrderedSet() in ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty() ) or ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() ) or ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty() ) or ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() ) or ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Point') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty() ) or ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Polygon') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Point') -> notEmpty() ) or ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Point') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() ) or ((classes -> at(1)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Line') -> notEmpty() and (classes -> at(2)).getAppliedStereotypes() -> select(s | s.name = 'Point') -> notEmpty() )

Recalling that the OCL constraints of the GeoProfile validate only the conceptual

schema; is valid to say that a topological relationship modeled between classes that

have multiple representation is conceptually correct if the type of topological

relationship can exist for at least one geographical representation of the classes

concerned. In this case, the application has to restrict which geographical

representation of the class will be involved in the relationship.


4. Applying Icons to Stereotypes

Icons can be associated with stereotypes for a clearer representation of diagram


To associate an icon to a stereotype, select the stereotype in the schema, or in the

Project Explorer, and in the General tab, click the Browse button on the Icon field to

add an icon to the stereotype.

Now you can add the other icons of other stereotypes: Point, Line, Polygon,

ComplexSpatialObj, TemporalObj, TIN, Isolines, GridOfCells, GridOfPoints,

IrregularPoints, AdjPolygons, Node, UniderctionalArc, BidirectionalArc, Touch, In,

Cross, Overlap, Disjoint, and Network.

After specifying all elements of GeoProfile, it can be used in modeling of spatial

database. The files related to profiles in this tool will be saved using the

extension .EPX.

5. Applying the GeoProfile

With the profile created, we can use it in our modeling of geographic classes. To use

the GeoProfile, start by creating a new model: File -> New -> Model Project.


To apply the GeoProfile to a template, just select it and go to the Properties tab, and in

the Profile tab, click Add Profile...”.

Then, select the profile in the workspace. Now the elements added to the model may

make use of stereotypes and constraints of GeoProfile.


Now, with the profile applied, you can apply the stereotypes of GeoProfile in UML

elements. For example, to include a class in the model, simply go to the Properties tab,

click Stereotypes and then “Apply Stereotypes...”. A window will be opened with all

the available stereotypes.

Now, select the stereotype you want and click OK. The stereotype is then applied to

the corresponding class.

Note: you can apply more than one stereotype to a same class, the OCL constraints

described above prevent incompatible stereotypes are applied in the same class.


With the stereotype applied to the class, you can change some properties, such as the

way you view the same. The tool provides several ways to view stereotypes:

Decoração e Texto, Decoração, Imagem da Forma, Texto e Nenhum. To accomplish

this, simply select the class, right-click it, and then click: Filters -> Stereotypes and

Visibility Style, and then select the desired shape.

Note: there are occurrences of problems when viewing more than one stereotype by class. If are applied more than one stereotype to a class, can only be viewed the icon of the first stereotype applied. To work around this problem, you should opt for the visualization of stereotypes in textual form or text and icon.

As defined in GeoProfile, stereotypes can also be applied to relationships. Add another class with a stereotype and an Association element between them.


Select the object Association added and add a stereotype to proceed in the same way

as shown for objects of type class.

Another type of geographical object that can be found in our applications are the

temporal objects, defined in GeoProfile as TemporalObj. For this type of object are

defined two tagged values, temporalType and temporalPrimitive. To define their

values, first we should add a class in the model with the stereotype TemporalObj.


The value of each tagged value for this type of object can be set in the Properties

window tab Stereotypes. The RSM considers the first value declared as the default


Other UML elements can also be added to the model as packages, attributes, operations, data types, etc. To add new elements to the schema, you can use the Palette tab or in the Project Explorer by right-clicking on the schema; on the menu, choice Add UML and all elements that can be added to the template will be shown.


This is enough to create a complete UML model for modeling spatial database using

GeoProfile in the RSM tool. An example of "School" by using this profile is shown


Note that the classes City, School and District have stereotypes such as <<Point>> and <<polygon>>, it shows how the class may be represented in a geographic application. Disctrict, for example, can be represented as a point or a polygon, depending on the scale. The class Student, in turn, has not stereotype, because it is a class without


geographic representation will thus be created as a common object class, without applying any stereotype. Note also that were applied stereotypes to relationships NARY. The stereotype <<in>> between District and City topologically shows that every District element is within a City element, the same goes for the relationship between School and District. There is no topological relationship between Student and School, so we use only one common relationship Association, without applying any stereotype. The next step now is to validate our model using OCL constraints of GeoProfile. To do

this, right-click on the model in the Project Explorer and, on the menu, click Validate.

If any validation error occurs, an error message will appear in the Problems tab.

Otherwise, the confirmation of validation will appear on the Console tab.


The tool RSM also lets you import and export models in XMI (XML Metadata

Interchange) and other formats such as UML, Ecore, etc. To do this, go to: File -

> Import/Export.

For the option Export, a window will appear showing the possible formats for which the model can be exported.


More information about this tool can be found at:
