1 training plan in my learning link manager training plan guide france september 2014 hr services...

1 Training Plan in My Learning Link Manager Training Plan Guide France September 2014 HR Services France HR Services – September 2013

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Page 1: 1 Training Plan in My Learning Link Manager Training Plan Guide France September 2014 HR Services France HR Services – September 2013


Training Plan in My Learning LinkManager Training Plan Guide


September 2014

HR Services France

HR Services – September 2013

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●Introduction● Training plan: roles & responsibilities

● System login

● Access the training plan

● Enter the training needs

● Enter a Budget Reserve

● Enter a FDQ (External diploma training)

● Training plan summary

● Training plan reporting

●Annexes● Training typologies


● HR Support PeopleLink


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● My Learning Link is the Global Schneider Electric tool dedicated to training management. My Learning link has been implemented in order to facilitate the development of your team‘s training plan.

● My Learning Link will help you to build your training plan and to request training via self services. The data entered is stored into My Learning Link and therefore, constitute your Training plan for the coming year.

For your information: all mobility made during the construction of the training plan (September to December) will not be updated in the system. In case of mobility, the training needs will remain attached to the declaring manager ‘s team.

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Training Plan Roles

System Role Plan Contributor Plan Manager

Operational Role Manager HR Business Partner

Training plan actions:

Training Plan launchRole requests Configure custom reports for Managers & HRBP

Assign individual/collective training

Create a budget reserve

Access to training plan reporting via MLL

Complete individual training assignments if necessary

Complete budget reserve if necessary

Access Training Plan reporting via MLL & TDH

Training plan follow up : Run custom report Application connection to track manager’s progress

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System login

Copy/Paste the following link:https://schneider-electric.csod.com/client/schneider-electric/default.aspx

To access for the first time, please enter:

  1 You Login Name will be your SESA ID  2. If you were hired on or after January 3, 2014, your password will be Welcome1Welcome1 upon first logging into the system.If you were hired on or before January 2, 2014, your password will be your SESA ID upon first logging into the system.

Once you log in for the first time, you will be prompted to change your password.

Pre requisite: Prefereably, open MLL in Internet Explorer or Firefox. Do not use the link to "My Learning Link" directly from Lotus Notes

If you already connected to My Learning Link and you forgot your password, you can reinitialize it by clicking on the “Forgot password” link.

My Learning Link is accessible anywhere. All you need is an internet connection

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Access Training PlanTo access to the training plan, go to:

My Team Training Plans « FRA_Plan de formation 2015 » 

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Add training

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When a plan contributor first starts building the training plan, no training requests appear. During the training plan access period, the plan contributor can request trainings for his/her team and modify existing requests.

1.To request individual & collective training, click on « Add Training »

2.To request a budget reserve, or an External Degree Training (FDQ), click on « Add External Training »





Add a Training – Manager (Plan Contributor)

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You can filter by type of training.

Click on the link “Add Training”

Add a Training – Manager (Plan Contributor)

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search for training in the catalog:

1.In the free text field you can enter keywords like : training title, training ID….

2.Select the language of the event.To see available events in the French learning offer, we advise you to refine your search and filter by language: French (France).

•To launch your search click the “Search” button

•When you find the event, tick the box on the left to select it and click on “Add Selected”.

Wait for the screen to change and the list of employees will appear


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Add a Training – Manager (Plan Contributor)

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• Select the employee(s) you would like to assign the training to.

• Scroll to the right to select the “Typology” and the “Priority*” for the deployment of the training

• Click “Save” to confirm your choice

• Click “Close” to finish and go back to the main screen

(Cf. See the annexes for definition of the typologies)








Add a Training – Manager (Plan Contributor)

High priority = Training is scheduled during the 1st semester.Medium priority = Training is scheduled during the 2nd semester

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At any time in the main screen you can:

1.See the list of training assigned

2.See the details of a training by clicking on the title

3.Check the employees already affected to each training by clicking on the (+)

4.Control the estimated budget for of the training plan

Wait until your Training Plan is complete, before clicking on “Submit”

Warning: This functionality should be used only at the end of the training plan construction.After clicking “Submit”, an information email is automatically sent to the manager’s N+1. Note: The message will be triggered every time the submit button is clicked.

Add a Training – Manager (Plan Contributor)









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External Training – Budget reserve

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To enter a budget reserve, click on « Add External Training »

Training Plan – Making a Budget Reserve



Advice for Plan Contributors:Requesting budget reserve is not recommended but can be done when:

The training is not yet created in the catalog (local offer / one shot)

Your need is not clearly identified (new team member, training course etc..)


•Budget reserves aren’t nominative, therefore the follow up of the training plan status during the Y+1 can be challenging•Every budget reserve will have to be re- entered by the Manager via the self service, once the employee and the relevant training are identified.


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Rules for Entering: Mandatory fields

Training title: Enter “Budget Reserve”Training description: Enter detailed purpose of the budget reserve demand.Institution: Enter “Budget Reserve”Training dates: Enter 1st January 2015 – 31st December 2015Cost: Enter the total budget reserve amountTraining hours: Enter estimated hours (If no available, put 1 hour)Logistic provider: Do not useClick “Save” to finish

Wait for the change of the screen to see the list of your direct reports

Training Plan – Making a Budget Reserve

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Once on “Edit Budget Reserve”:1.Unselect all your direct reports and select the line “Budget Reserve” only 2.Enter the estimated number of trainees in the “Estimated Users” box. (For your information, the total cost of the budget reserve will be equal to the cost multiplied by the # of Estimated Users)

•Click “Save” and then on “Close” to return to the main screen

•The Budget Reserve appears now with the total amount calculated

NB: You don’t need to enter the typology or priority on a Budget Reserve

Training Plan – Making a Budget Reserve

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External Training – FDQ

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To enter an External degree (FDQ), click on « Add External Training »

Entering an External Degree Training (FDQ)



Rules for Entering: Mandatory fields

Training title: Enter title following this model: FDQ_Degree Title_ 2015-2017Training description: Explain FDQ purpose + specify the year of the FDQ (e.g. 1rst year on a 3 years program)Institution: Enter the FDQ vendor nameTraining dates: Always indicate 01/01/2015– 12/31/2015.Cost: Indicate the cost for the coming year. For the FDQ made on several years, enter the estimated cost at the prorate of the number of years.Training hours: Enter the estimated hours at the prorate of the number of years of FDQ.Vendor Name: Always select FDQ External providerAttachments: You can join the convention and the “Reciprocal agreement” (a document signed by the Manager, the Employee and the HRBP).

Click “Save” to finish

Wait for the change of the screen to see the list of your direct reports

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On the “Edit FDQ” screen:

1.Select the employee from the list2.Scroll to the right to select the typology “FDQ” and the “Priority*” for the deployment of the training3.Click “Save” to validate4.Click “Close “ to return to the main screen5.The FDQ shows up with the amount already calculated

Entering an External Degree Training (FDQ)





« High » for a deployment during the 1st semester« Medium » for a deployment during the 2nd semester






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Training Plan – Training Plan summary

In this screen you will see:

1.The list of training2.Budget reserve request3.FDQ request4.Total estimated cost of the training plan*








After having finished entering their training plan, you should click on the "Submit" button to conclude.

By this action the plan is validated. It will then be subject to review and approval of the RHBP

Warning: After clicking “Submit”, an information email is automatically sent to the N+1. Note that this message will be triggered every time the submit button is clicked.


*Note: the training cost in “My Learning Link” covers only the teaching costs, that is to say approximately 40% of the total cost of the training. It is necessary to multiply these costs by 2,5 to obtain an estimate of the total investment.

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Training Plan Reporting

The manager can at any moment during the training plan construction run a report on his perimeter.To do so, go in the menu Reports > Standard Reports.

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Training Plan Reporting

In the tab « Training » select the report « Training Demand Forecast Summary ».

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In the part « Select criteria », do not make

any selection.

In the part « Select criteria », do not make

any selection.

1. Training Plan Template: Select « FRA_Plan de formation 2015 »2. Training Request type: Select « All Languages»3. Report Title: Enter the title of your choice4. Click on Process Report




Training Plan Reporting

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Training Plan Reporting

The first time you run the report, we recommend you to refresh the internet page:

The click on the Excel Icon to see the summary of your Training plan request.

To see and launch the export other times, you just need to refresh the report data by clicking on the following icon:

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Training Plan Reporting

For your information, your budget reserve request will not appear in this reporting.

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Categories French fields English Translation

Typologies •Adaptation au poste•Programme d’entreprise•Développement des compétences•Formation Diplomante & Qualifiante (FDQ)

•Job adaptation•Company program•Skill development•External degree (FDQ)

Training Typologies

● Adaptation to job● Training that enable to get the following competency :

●Essential for the employee job●Or made necessary after a change in working tools ●Or to meet to a legal mandatory requirement (ex: security).

● Company program● Training to address the challenges of the entity and speaking to groups of employees. They are subject to a

particular frame defined by the entity.

● Skill development● Training to help maintaining and developing the employees skills in the workplace or to prepare a professional

business development.

● FDQ – « External degree »● These courses lead to a degree or diploma

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Formations diplômantes et qualifiantes (FDQ)

● Most of time the FDQ are made on several years.

● For new FDQ, please enroll you employee in year 1.

● For FDQ which started in 2014 and continuing in 2015, please enroll you employee in year 2.

● For FDQ which started in 2013 and continuing in 2015, please enroll you employee in year 3.

● The typology of the FDQ will always be « FDQ  »

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Contact Support HRIS

●Should help be required on Training Plan, please contact Peoplelink:

By email:●https://express20.easyvista.com/

By phone:●Dialing 25 25●Or external call +33 (0)1 70 48 88 88.

A counselor will answer you from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m.

to 5:30 p.m.