10 c castoria - rockcastle county public library ii you ahave oains in tbe back i weak bahlfi* or...

HASU5 PATCH. wheat aud going to lei months, fi SCOTT'S EMULSION IP YOU ONLY KNEW HOW would build you up weight, •t/engther throat and «un£i a :red have I aan as well MT. VERNON, KY Will be in office at Liv fery Monday , WorW.guaranteed, I TAKE NOTICE. ? A. C. Hiatt's Store k Beginning Saturday 17th. our flour- » ( iog mill will start anil tfUl run every <j* ( day in the week, unless i unavoidably f hindered, in which ev»nt the public will . n I receive notice. Q j • Try our Meal Flour aud SbipstutT, p * and see if in is not equal h> anything on .4 { market. ' H f .Bring us your wheat, )we pay the 'Q I highest market price in ,<&sli, or ex- Q f change flour. ; w j If y°u wrnt your corn ground bring [ it to us we can please yoo. : ' » If you waht the besfc ships tuff send w [ your order to us. . * fi f 5 Yours very truly- O \ BEATY & HAMLJN, Prop's. £ \ MT. VERNON ROLLER MILLS. X ^ MT. VBRNON, • - /KENTUCKY. £ LADIES' TB1WMDD HATS, R. W. DYCHE DENTIST MT. VERNON, KY. Office at residence on Main '1 Crown and Bridge Work Specialty. Vork guaranteed. A. C. HIATT HIATT, KENTUCKY, J^rodheptd ]Y[ ai *bJe V\^orkp BRODHEAD Y ,. Granite and Marble Monuments and Tombstones manufactured by ALBRIGHT & FRANCISCO. Also Agents foi> Iron Pence. D. B. A LBRIGHT, Manager C . C . V 'illiamaj ATTORNjEY-AT-LAW. MT. VERNON. KY. ««-OFFICE.- Oh art. floor o The Bank of Mt. Vernon, on Church street.—Special attention .given to collections, i Phone No. 8o. : Conveft ience of the Saving? Account, Many persbna keep their money liere as a permanent in- , vestment because the risk of loaning, to individhals is avoid- 'ed. As an investment, you can compute the net returns accu rately. Small amounts may be added affany time. A Savings. ; account offers a profitable means to reWzexm funds that are idle, awaiting investment, You may Withdraw a part or the -entire amount at any time. With a determination, to save yon are always welcome here. Why not lend your money to the , bank? As borrowers, wa stand ready to receive such amounts •as you can save from time to time. will pay you a regu- lar rate of interest on your money. WO'll explain in detail'if you will ball at the bank. \ ^ H E B A N K OF MT} VERNON, 3 C McCLARY For Women's Ills Ere. Fannie Ellis, of Foster, Art, suffered agony for seven | jwsn. Bead her letter about Cardnl She writes: " I was sick for liferen years; wi'h female trouble. Every month I would rery nearly die with my head and back. I took X2-bottl4i of Cardui and was cured. Cardui is It God-send to fnfferirig women." Try & \T ALL DEtJQ STORES SIMffiX | jMT. VERNON, KEN' Eat What You want of the food you need Kodol will digest it. Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today, and purchase a dollar bottle, and If you can honestly say, that you did not receive any benefits from It, after using the entire bottle, the drug- gist will refund your money to you" without question or delay. We will pay the druggist the price of the bottle purchased by you. This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one Ai a family. We could not affgrd to make such an offer, unless we positively knew what Kodol will do for you. It would bankrupt us. The dollar bottle contains 254 times as much as the fifty cent bottle. MEN'S BAD DAYS. The critical days of subject to diseases only when the IconstUuiion'has not the strength which' 1 0 c O®bat them. These evidences Viennese scientist has dis- iheir interest tor the as for the investi- of the mysteries ot existence the law of recurrence could so active a part m the comlort human lite few persons would lielieved. Dr. Swoboda's are still too new to have stood .-the test ol investigation, bni i bet are of vital interest. ID the opinion of the discoverer ot these laws no man escapes them. Toe. Viennese professor begius the ex- position of his theory with tbe general statement that physical conditions occur at stated periods, not' from external causes but with mathematical regularity, in ac- cordance with a Law of tbe physical J. J. Mc'Jall the rich farmer is home this wees teeing after his McCall Says he is leave Hazel Patch iu a few fof Rockci.stle.-J. W. ders lor lumber. Sold by CHAS. C.lDAVIS W.A.Carson fur Granite Moiiuiiiet kinds. Kali mutes on application. GEO. OWENS Propr K I L L T H E C O U C H MO CURE THE LUNGS , T " Dr. King's New Discovery FOBCSES." 8 5. ) ALL THROAT AND LUHfl TROUBLE*. A bronze tablet, presented by the Chicago Congregational Club in commemoration of the aarival ol Pilgrim fathers in Amsterdam in It**), and iu, recognaiiou of the hospitality of the City of Amster- dam, was unveiled yesterday iu the Kuglish Reformed church j that city. Since the year 1607 {English-speaking people havi worshipped in this church, includ ;ing many of the Pilgrims am ioihers who in the Seventeenth _j century became colonists America. I II you have oains in tbe bacK i weak bahlfi* or any other indication ol a weakened or disordered dilion of the kidneys or bladder you should get DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills right away w you experience tbe last sign kidney or bladder complaint's be sure that you get De V Kidney and Bladder Pills. know what thev will do for j and if you will send your nam E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago will receive a free trial box pi these kidney and bladder pilts. They are sold here by Cha: Davis. Gen. T. S. Sharretts, i eteran ta-iiff expert, who assisted f all. the Democrats in rigging up lbs ished ! Wilson tariff bill, is authority for 1 he statement that the recent tariff I bill passed by the Senate shows a 2 per cent reduction from tbe 1 f tbe Dingley law, aud a mat j reduction trom the House rat. j Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt three children arrived at Genoa .tormy voyage from Naples KENTICKV FAIR DATES Stanford, July 31—3 days. Hendersou. July 27—!> days. Georgetown, July i7—5 days. Madisonville, August 3—5 days. Bluegrass Fair, Lexington, August 9—6 days. Taylorsville, August 10-4 days. Uniontown, August 10-5 days. Harrodsburg, August 12—3 days. Leitch field, August 17—4 davs. Ba'boursville, August, 18—3 days. BKODUKAI), August 18—3 davs. Shepbergdsville, Aug.—18—3 days. Ewing Aug. 19—? days. Sbelbyville, Aug—24—5 davs. Elizabethtown, Aug. 24—3 days. Springfield, Aug 25—4 days. London, Aug.' 25 —4 days. Florence, Aug. 25—3 days. Frankford. Aug. 31—3 days. Hardinsburg, Aug. 31—3 days. Nicbolasville, Aug. 31—4 davs. Tompkinsville, Sept. 1—5 days. Fern Creek, .Sept. 1 —4 days. Btrdstown, Sept. t—4 davs. Hodgeuville. Sept. 7—3 days.- Monticello, -Sept. 7—4 days. Glasgow, Sept. 8—4 days. Sanders, Sept. g—4 days. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR, LOUISVILLE, SEPT. 13-6days. Scotttville, Sept 16—3 days. Bedford, October I—2 davs. •RIND Laxat i ve Fruit Syrup Plusint to tak» The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Curca stomach and liver troubles and chronic con- stipation by restoring tho natural action of the atom' ach, liver and bowels, ••tut* aubatttutM. W o i OOo. Epilepsy, Fits Convulsions, or Spasms and St. Vitus' Dance are Nervous Diseases. Most cases can be cured by strengthening and build- ing up the nervous system. To do this a nerve medi- cine is needed. Dr. Miles' Nervine will be found efficacious and satisfac- tory. It haa cured many cases of these diseases and we believe it will cure you. We can give you names of many who nave been cured through its use; Write for advice.- '•UT son John had •ptfopar for rears. after bavlnjf him tyted bjf The manifestations of tb> the so-called critical days are some limes . trivial, mjre serious, but their always favorable. They have final bad effect. These syropt of the critical period never occur i * * * * Do1 , Dr. King s New ihscovei more Ireqnently than at intervals | c , |re j n , e j could no[ of twenty-three or twenty -eight j he writes, "suffering as I days apart. The bumau organiza- a severe lung trouble and tion IS 100 complicated to allow IcongH." To cu its work'ngs to be made clear even Colcfcl. obstinate C, by means of this key. The e | ^ r symptoms may be caused by the G , j bv r humuu being's own actions. Any | Tria | [ree llollle excessive exDe^diture ot euetgy is attended by a diminutiou 111 force which causes a recurrence of the critical days. These irregular ap- pearances of ihe symptoms that mark a critical day in bumau life may also be caused by emotional strain. "Prolessor Swibodacites as an instance of stjch phenomena tue smartuess or pain following tbe death ol a beloved relative, which becomes poignant t went v-three days after death, endures lor tbe same number of davs and then subsides. There are other cases in wbich tbeetieel of the ciitical day shows itself recurring at short intervals, wbicb are iu fact fraction- al parts o^be regular period of tweuty-three or tweuty-eight days. Tms view of the importance of periods In human affairs reverses many medical ideas. One of its results is tbe tneoiy that man is of the critical days-are, it might be explained, commonly mistaken for evidences of . ill health; since they show'themselves in such forms as 1 months, for cold, inflammation, an eruption Pruett has tw on tji'e skin, weakness of heart. The first ort e faintness dizziness, irritability, in- lumber trace digestion. At these times the will I Bros , are nirvirg tbeir mill tl is weakened and the subject is week The) have been doing irresolute and depressed Men j good busio:ss in lum'ier have been known at this lime to j Ha/el Patch nd Livingston hat expose,themselves to danger with- r.lce ball gain • the score was i- out • directly attempting suicide !6 in favor 01 no The Jheory not only shows the! pitched for Livmgstou, Brauso growth of life, it also shows its for Hazle Patch. decline. In the view of the! Frank and Leila Hum, of Mare:s periodic illness death is no single -bnrg were visiting their sister. Mrs suddeh eve-it It is the last ofjEddHunlou the fourth. Sunda the critical days—New York Sun. | school is progressing nicely, wit - Mrs. .'anhook Supt —Tbe eand LIFE 100,000 YEARS AGO. 'uatesareas bleu ae e as gra„ Scientists have tourid in a cave in | hoppers.—G« orge Branson ha Switzerland borfes of men, who been ill but i ( better —Mrs. Dann lived 100.000 years ago, when llle p—;,, | las f (Ver Henrv Herro was in constant danger from wildl r •, beasts. To day the danger as shown by A. W. Brcwn ol Alex- andre, Me., is largely from deadly CASTORIA gbs, and pi The Kind You Ilnvo Always Bought, nnil which has boen In use for over 30 years, has borao tho signature of and luis boon made uiulcr his per- sonal supervision since it* infancy. Allow no 01101» deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-im-giiod " are but Experiments th it triile wilh'und eiiil:inUi-r the health of Infants and CUUdren—Experience against KxperimenU What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pnre- fc'oric, l>rops nil.I Soothini; Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nod allays Fcverlsliness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. The Children's l'auucea—Tho Mother's Friend. j GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of III In Use For Over 30 Years. Buy The Best BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT Always makes a hit when ' used for RHEUMATISM, SPRAINS. ' CUTS, WOUNDS, BURNS, , STIFF' JOINTS, CORNS, , BUNIONS, ETC., Prlct, 25c, SOc and Sl.OO onimtndsd by > OH AS C DAVIS. lo mate Narragansett Pier goor It is* proposed to drive ou KambljiiK- The Sherifat Mobile has placed, e. •' SPRING SHOES! t Weak Throat—Weak Lungs Cold after cold; cough after cough! Troubled with this taking-cold habit? Better break; it up. We have great confidence in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this work. No medicine like it for weak throats and weak lungs. Ask your doctor for his opinion. He knows all about it. His approval is valuable. Follow his advice at all times. No alcohol in this cough medicine. '}.c. Ayer Co.. Lowell. Mm. men at "neer beer'' siands to take th-.* names of custom rs. It is said the proceeds u iler the pro * bibition law ' It is claimed that 0 onlv two ? -obile .1 loons . hevc 4\ closei and tl 4t the c onsumptiou of > liquor is as fi'eat as ever •. A hurricane did uuch da mag e 0 to property at Pa una. Ti'le- graphic commuoica ion has been ; u . s feared that interior and coast towns have " suffered considerably Announcement w s made from the olfic of P--orient W. H Has stager, of tin "uiitbern Iron and Steele Company, at Birmingham, Ala., succes SOT to the Southern Steele Comfiauv, 1 anlirupt, that the plaot wrl be ri uuiug within sixty days. Employ ment will be furnished ioi 5,000 men. OASITOniA. J. McKENZIE &SON. Get Well If yon are sick, you wish to get well, donf yon? Of course you do. You wish to be rid of the pain and misery, and be happy again. If your illness is caused by female trouble, you can quickly get the right remedy to get well. It's Cardui. This great medicine, for women, has re- lieved or cured thousands of ladies, suffering like you from some female trouble.

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Post on 10-May-2018




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wheat aud going to lei months, fi


would build you up weight, •t/engther throat and «un£i a

:red have I aan as well

MT. VERNON, KY Will be in office at Liv

fery Monday ,

WorW.guaranteed, I TAKE NOTICE. ? A. C. Hiatt's Store k B e g i n n i n g S a t u r d a y 17th . ou r flour- » ( iog mi l l will s t a r t anil tfUl run every <j* ( d a y in t h e w e e k , unless i unavo idab ly f h inde red , in which ev»nt t h e publ ic will . n I receive notice. Q j • T r y ou r Meal Flour aud SbipstutT, p * a n d see if in is no t equa l h> a n y t h i n g on .4 { m a r k e t . ' H f .Bring us y o u r w hea t , )we pay t h e 'Q I h ighes t m a r k e t pr ice in ,<&sli, or ex- Q f change flour. ; w j If y ° u wrn t y o u r corn g r o u n d b r ing [ i t t o us we can p l ea se yoo. : ' »

If y o u w a h t t h e besfc sh ips tuff send w [ y o u r o r d e r t o us. . * fi f 5 Yours very t ru ly - O


L A D I E S ' T B 1 W M D D H A T S , R. W . D Y C H E D E N T I S T


Office at residence on Main '1 Crown and Bridge Work

Specialty. Vork guaranteed. A. C. HIATT

H I A T T , K E N T U C K Y , J^rodheptd ]Y[ai*bJe

V\^orkp BRODHEAD Y ,.

Granite and Marble Monuments and Tombstones manufactured by

ALBRIGHT & FRANCISCO. Also Agents foi> Iron Pence.

D. B. A LBRIGHT, Manager

C . C . V ' i l l i a m a j ATTORNjEY-AT-LAW. MT. V E R N O N . KY.

« « - O F F I C E . - Oh art. floor o The Bank of Mt. Vernon, on Church street.—Special attention .given to collections, i

Phone No. 8o.

: Conveft ience of the Saving? Account, Many pe r sbna keep the i r money l iere a s a p e r m a n e n t in-

, ve s tmen t because the r i sk of loaning, to individhals is avoid-'ed. As an investment, you can c o m p u t e t h e ne t r e tu rns accu ra te ly . Smal l amoun t s may be added affany t ime. A Savings.

; account offers a profi table means to reWzexm f u n d s t h a t a r e idle, awai t ing investment , You may Withdraw a p a r t o r t h e

-ent i re amoun t a t any t ime. With a determination, to save yon a r e always welcome here . Why not lend your money to t h e

, bank? A s bor rowers , wa s tand ready to receive such amoun t s •as you can save f r o m t ime to t ime. W« will pay you a regu-lar r a t e of i n t e r e s t on your money. WO'll explain in detai l ' i f you will ball a t t h e bank. \

^ H E B A N K O F M T } V E R N O N ,

3 C McCLARY For Women's Ills

Ere. Fannie Ellis, of Foster, Art , suffered agony for seven | jwsn. Bead her letter about Cardnl She writes: "I was sick for liferen years; wi'h female trouble. Every month I would rery nearly die with my head and back. I took X2-bottl4i of Cardui and was cured. Cardui is It God-send to fnfferirig women." Try &

\ T A L L D E t J Q S T O R E S


Eat What You want of the food you need

Kodol will digest it. O u r G u a r a n t e e

Go to your druggist today, and purchase a dollar bottle, and If you can honestly say, that you did not receive any benefits from It, after using the entire bottle, the drug-gist will refund your money to you" without question or delay.

We will pay the druggist the price of the bottle purchased by you.

This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one Ai a family. •

We could not affgrd to make such an offer, unless we positively knew what Kodol will do for you.

It would bankrupt us. The dollar bottle contains 254 times

as much as the fifty cent bottle.


The critical days of

subject to diseases only when the IconstUuiion'has not the strength

which ' 1 0 cO®bat them. These evidences Viennese scientist has dis-

iheir interest tor the as for the investi-

of the mysteries ot existence the law of recurrence could

so active a part m the comlort human lite few persons would

lielieved. Dr. Swoboda's are still too new to have

stood .-the test ol investigation, bni i bet are of vital interest. ID the opinion of the discoverer ot these laws no man escapes them. Toe. Viennese professor begius the ex-position of his theory with tbe general statement that physical conditions occur at stated periods, not' from external causes but with mathematical regularity, in ac-cordance with a Law of tbe physical

J. J. Mc'Jall the rich farmer is home this wees teeing after his

McCall Says he is leave Hazel Patch iu a few fof Rockci.stle.-J. W.

ders lor lumber.

Sold by CHAS. C.lDAVIS

W . A . C a r s o n

fur Granite Moiiuiiiet kinds. Kali mutes on application.



™,T" Dr. King's New Discovery FOBCSES."8 5.


A bronze tablet, presented by the Chicago Congregational Club in commemoration of the aarival ol Pilgrim fathers in Amsterdam in It**), and iu, recognaiiou of the hospitality of the City of Amster-dam, was unveiled yesterday iu the Kuglish Reformed church

j that city. Since the year 1607 {English-speaking people havi worshipped in this church, includ

;ing many of the Pilgrims am • ioihers who in the Seventeenth _ j century became colonists


I II you have oains in tbe bacK i weak bahlfi* or any other indication ol a weakened or disordered dilion of the kidneys or bladder you should get DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills right away w you experience tbe last sign kidney or bladder complaint's be sure that you get De V Kidney and Bladder Pills. know what thev will do for j and if you will send your nam E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago will receive a free trial box pi these kidney and bladder pilts. They are sold here by Cha: Davis.

Gen. T. S. Sharretts, i eteran ta-iiff expert, who assisted

f a l l . the Democrats in rigging up lbs ished ! Wilson tariff bill, is authority for

1 he statement that the recent tariff I bill passed by the Senate shows a 2 per cent reduction from tbe 1 f tbe Dingley law, aud a mat

j reduction trom the House rat. j Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt • three children arrived at Genoa

.tormy voyage from Naples


Stanford, July 31—3 days. Hendersou. July 27—!> days. Georgetown, July i7—5 days. Madisonville, August 3—5 days. Bluegrass Fair, Lexington, August 9—6 days. Taylorsville, August 10-4 days. • Uniontown, August 10-5 days. Harrodsburg, August 12—3 days. Leitch field, August 17—4 davs. Ba'boursville, August, 18—3 days. BKODUKAI), August 18—3 davs. Shepbergdsville, Aug.—18—3 days. Ewing Aug. 19—? days. Sbelbyville, Aug—24—5 davs. Elizabethtown, Aug. 24—3 days. Springfield, Aug 25—4 days. London, Aug.' 25 —4 days. Florence, Aug. 25—3 days. Frankford. Aug. 31—3 days. Hardinsburg, Aug. 31—3 days. Nicbolasville, Aug. 31—4 davs. Tompkinsville, Sept. 1—5 days. Fern Creek, .Sept. 1 —4 days. Btrdstown, Sept. t—4 davs. Hodgeuville. Sept. 7—3 days.-Monticello, -Sept. 7—4 days. Glasgow, Sept. 8—4 days. Sanders, Sept. g—4 days. KENTUCKY S T A T E FAIR, LOUISVILLE, S E P T . 13-6days. Scotttville, Sept 16—3 days. Bedford, October I—2 davs.

•RIND Laxative Fruit Syrup

P l u s i n t to t ak»

T h e n e w laxative. Does not gr ipe or n a u s e a t e . Curca s t o m a c h and l iver troubles and chronic con-stipation by restoring tho na tura l action of t h e a t o m ' ach, l i v e r and b o w e l s , • • t u t * aubatttutM. W o i OOo.

Epilepsy, Fits

Convulsions, or Spasms and St . V i t u s ' Dance are Nervous Diseases. Most cases can be cured by s t rengthening and build-ing u p the nervous system. To do this a nerve medi-cine i s needed. Dr . Miles ' Nervine will be found efficacious and satisfac-tory. I t haa cured many cases of these diseases and we believe i t will cure you. W e can give you names of m a n y who nave been cured through i t s use; Wr i t e fo r advice.-

'•UT son John had •ptfopar for rears. — after bavlnjf him t y t e d bjf

The manifestations of tb> the so-called critical days are some limes . trivial, m j r e serious, but their always favorable. They have final bad effect. These syropt of the critical period never occur i * * * * D o 1

, Dr. King s New ihscovei more Ireqnently than at intervals | c , | r e j n , e j c o u l d n o [

of twenty-three or twenty -eight j he writes, "suffering as I days apart. The bumau organiza- a severe lung trouble and tion IS 100 complicated to allow IcongH." To cu its work'ngs to be made clear even • Colcfcl. obstinate C, by means of this key. The ™ e | ™ ^ — r

symptoms may be caused by the G , j b v r

humuu being's own actions. Any | T r i a | [ r e e l l o l l l e

excessive exDe^diture ot euetgy is attended by a diminutiou 111 force which causes a recurrence of the critical days. These irregular ap-pearances of ihe symptoms that mark a critical day in bumau life may also be caused by emotional strain. "Prolessor Swibodacites as an instance of stjch phenomena tue smartuess or pain following tbe death ol a beloved relative, which becomes poignant t went v-three days after death, endures lor tbe same number of davs and then subsides. There are other cases in wbich tbeetieel of the ciitical day shows itself recurring at short intervals, wbicb are iu fact fraction-al parts o ^ b e regular period of tweuty-three or tweuty-eight days.

Tms view of the importance of periods In human affairs reverses many medical ideas. One of its results is tbe tneoiy that man is

of the critical days-are, it might be explained, commonly mistaken for evidences of . ill health; since they show'themselves in such forms as 1 months, for cold, inflammation, an eruption Pruett has tw on tji'e skin, weakness of heart. The first ort e faintness dizziness, irritability, in- lumber trace digestion. At these times the will I Bros , are nirvirg tbeir mill tl is weakened and the subject is week The) have been doing irresolute and depressed Men j good busio:ss in lum'ier have been known at this lime to j Ha/el Patch nd Livingston hat expose,themselves to danger with- r.lce ball gain • the score was i -out • directly attempting suicide !6 in favor 01 no The Jheory not only shows the! pitched for Livmgstou, Brauso growth of life, it also shows its for Hazle Patch. decline. In the view of the! Frank and Leila Hum, of Mare:s periodic illness death is no single -bnrg were visiting their sister. Mrs suddeh eve-it It is the last o f j E d d H u n l o u the fourth. — Sunda the critical days—New York Sun. | school is progressing nicely, wit

- Mrs. .'anhook Supt —Tbe eand L I F E 100,000 YEARS AGO. ' u a t e s a r e a s bleu ae e as g r a „ Scientists have tourid in a cave in | hoppers.—G« orge Branson ha

Switzerland borfes of men, who been ill but i ( better —Mrs. Dann lived 100.000 years ago, when llle p—;,, | l a s f ( V er — Henrv Herro was in constant danger from wildl r •, beasts. To day the danger as shown by A. W. Brcwn ol Alex-andre, Me., is largely from deadly


gbs, and pi

The Kind You Ilnvo Always B o u g h t , nnil which h a s boen In use for over 3 0 years, h a s b o r a o t h o s igna ture of

a n d luis boon made uiulcr h is pe r -sonal supervision s ince it* infancy. Allow n o 01101» deceive you In this .

All Counterfei ts , Imi ta t ions a n d "Just- im-gi iod " a r e b u t Exper iments th i t t r i i le w i lh ' und eiiil:inUi-r t h e heal th of In f an t s a n d CUUdren—Experience against KxperimenU

W h a t is C A S T O R I A Castoria Is a harmless subs t i tu te for Castor Oil, Pnre-fc'oric, l>rops nil.I Soothini; Syrups. I t is Pleasant . I t contains ne i the r Opium, Morphine no r o ther Narcotic substance. I t s a g e Is i ts gua ran tee . I t destroys Worms nod allays Fcverlsliness. I t cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Tee th ing Troubles , cures Constipation a n d Flatulency. I t assimilates t h e Food, regulates t h e Stomach a n d Bowels, giving heal thy a u d natural sleep. T h e Chi ldren 's l 'auucea—Tho Mother ' s Fr iend. j

GENUINE C A S T O R I A ALWAYS Bears t h e Signature of


In Use For Over 3 0 Years.

B u y T h e B e s t


LINIMENT Always makes a hit when ' used for RHEUMATISM, SPRAINS. ' CUTS, WOUNDS, BURNS, , STIFF' JOINTS, CORNS, , BUNIONS, ETC., Prlct, 25c, SOc and Sl.OO

onimtndsd by >


lo mate Narragansett Pier goor It is* proposed to drive ou KambljiiK-

The S h e r i f a t Mobile has placed, e. • '


W e a k Throat—Weak Lungs Cold after cold; cough after cough! Troubled with this taking-cold habit? Better break; it up. W e have great confidence in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this work. N o medicine like it for weak throats and weak lungs. Ask your doctor for his opinion. He knows all about it. His approval is valuable. Follow his advice at all times. No alcohol in this cough medicine. '}.c. Ayer Co.. Lowell. Mm.

men at "neer beer ' ' siands to take • th-.* names of custom rs. It is said the proceeds u iler the pro * bibition law ' It is claimed that 0

onlv two ? -obile .1 loons . hevc 4\ closei and tl 4t the c onsumptiou of > liquor is as fi'eat as ever •.

A hurricane did uuch da mag e 0

to property at Pa una. Ti'le-graphic commuoica ion has been ;u.

s feared that interior and coast towns have " suffered considerably

Announcement w s made from the olfic of P--orient W. H Has stager, of tin "uiitbern Iron and Steele Company, at Birmingham, Ala., succes SOT to the Southern Steele Comfiauv, 1 anlirupt, that the plaot wrl be ri uuiug within sixty days. Employ ment will be furnished ioi 5,000 men.

O A S I T O n i A .


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