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10 Day Challenge Instructions, Journals & Daily Videos Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge 10 days © 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

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10 Day Challenge

Instructions, Journals & Daily Videos

Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge

10 days

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

Page 2: 10 Day HLC Challenge (2016)healthylivingblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/... · mental strategies necessary to lose weight permanently. This challenge is based on a live program

Hello Winner!

Congratulations on taking the first step toward a healthier and happier life! During the next ten days, we will be jumping into the mental strategies necessary to lose weight permanently.

This challenge is based on a live program we ran in June 2015 with over 1,000 participants. The results our challengers experienced were truly amazing. Check out some of their Facebook comments:

I am so impressed with Ramona and Jayne and all the other winners who stepped up to this challenge.

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

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Welcome to EatTrainWin’s 10 Day Healthy Living Challenge! Ready to change your life?

You may have missed the live challenge, or perhaps you didn’t put your heart and soul into it, but that’s okay. You can do this self-guided challenge now. Here’s how:

Click to request to join the private Facebook group where you will receive lots of support from your fellow winners.

Print out this entire document. I know that sounds old-school, but studies show that journaling is more effective when you do it with pen and paper.

Schedule time each day, and I mean schedule as in put an appointment for YOU in your calendar, to complete these journal assignments. Don’t rush through them. Go deep inside to discover what is holding you back. Discover the reasons why you are eating too much. Uncover the emotions that you are feeding with junk food rather than with love.

If you invest your heart and soul in this challenge, you may find yourself in tears. That’s okay — that means you care enough to love yourself healthy. If you need anything, please send a note to me at [email protected].

Big hugs,




© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

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For each of the 10 days in this challenge, I will ask you to complete a journaling/mental exercise designed to change your mindset toward weight loss/healthy living. These journals are the most important part of the challenge.

This calendar of extra credit will help you eat healthy, train daily, and win happiness during the challenge.

Day 1

Make one small improvement to your overall diet today.

Day 2

Take a selfie of you doing a wall sit while brushing your teeth.

Day 3

Write down 5 things that made you really happy today.

Day 4

Create your own rules for earning a Planned Indulgence.

Day 5

Contact a friend to be your exercise accountability partner.

Day 6

Celebrate hump day by enjoying 30 minutes of self-care (no chores!).

Day 7

Eat an entire rainbow of colors. Candy doesn’t count!

Day 8

Sleep better by turning off electronics 30 min. before bedtime.

Day 9

Enjoy a Planned Indulgence free of food guilt!

Day 10

Drink extra water today to rehydrate and flush your body!

Congratulations on committing to the 10 DAY HEALTHY LIVING CHALLENGE!

This is the first step to designing your complete healthy living blueprint. Winner Winner!


Concentrate on making slightly better

food choices. Perfection isn’t



Incorporate movement into your daily routine.

It doesn’t need to be intense

to be effective!


Be sure to schedule time to complete the journals you receive with the daily HLC email.

HLC Winner

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

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© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge

day oneWelcome to day one!

Print out each journal and keep the completed journals in a special folder. They deserve it. YOU deserve it. This challenge is about self-love and creating the mindset required to really live your healthiest and happiest life.

Today, we will be exploring what the mean voices in our heads say to us. We'll start working on quieting them down, but it won't happen overnight.

Our inner critics can do some pretty serious damage to our attitudes with all their negative self-talk, so, beginning today, let’s focus on the sentiments of Amy Bloom below.

Eat healthy: Make one small improvement to your overall diet today. Brag about this change in the Facebook group!

Page 6: 10 Day HLC Challenge (2016)healthylivingblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/... · mental strategies necessary to lose weight permanently. This challenge is based on a live program

Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE



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“You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” - Amy Bloom -

When you are in a negative mindset, what horrible things do you say about your body that you wouldn’t say to your best friend?

It’s hard to admit how awful your inner critic can behave. Self-criticism and the guilt and shame that come with it will stop your weight loss in its tracks. Turning the spotlight on your inner critic is the first step in quieting the monkey chatter!

Bonus: Name your inner critic.

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge

day one

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

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EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge


twoWelcome to day two!

Yesterday's journal exercise was a tough one and it was tough for a reason. We can't learn how to change our mindset if we don't acknowledge what our inner critic is saying to us.

We're shifting gears today ... it's time for some self-love. I encourage you to work through the process and give it your all!

Are you a glass half-full or a glass half-empty person? When you decide to improve your diet, do you look at all the things you can't have or do you focus on all the incredible benefits that healthy living has to offer? Attitude makes all the difference in the world!

Train Daily: Take a selfie of you doing a wall sit while brushing your teeth.

Page 8: 10 Day HLC Challenge (2016)healthylivingblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/... · mental strategies necessary to lose weight permanently. This challenge is based on a live program

Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE



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“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.”

- Doris Day -

When was the last time you thanked your least favorite body part for its service? Write yourself a love letter. Make up for bad-mouthing your body.

Although you may claim you hate your thighs (or another body part), can this possibly be true when you think about what that body part has done for you? Our body, with all its incredible functions, is the one thing we should be most grateful for.

Bonus: Watch Marie Forleo’s “Gratitude: The Most Powerful Practice You’re Not Doing”

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge



© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

Page 9: 10 Day HLC Challenge (2016)healthylivingblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/... · mental strategies necessary to lose weight permanently. This challenge is based on a live program

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge


threeWelcome to day three!

How did you enjoy yesterday's forced self-love? Pretty sweet, huh? Today we are going to identify one of the top reasons why we are too hard on ourselves ... PERFECTIONISM!

Perfectionism, and her evil sister "All-or-Nothing", are two guaranteed ways to ruin your mood, day and life because both of them are crammed full of negativity. I can't say it any better than this:

This is such a powerful statement. Please read it again, close your eyes and really let it sink in. Do it!

Win Happiness: Write down 5 things that made you really happy today.

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

Page 10: 10 Day HLC Challenge (2016)healthylivingblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/... · mental strategies necessary to lose weight permanently. This challenge is based on a live program

Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE



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“When perfectionism is driving…shame is always riding shotgun.” - Brene Brown -

How has perfectionism and the all-or-nothing approach impacted your health and happiness?

It’s important to see how you sabotage yourself and where you allow your inner critic to shame you when you fail to reach perfection in your daily life or in your diet.

Bonus: Read Brene Brown’s Essay “Want to be happy? Stop trying to be

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge



© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

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EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge


fourWelcome to day four!

Can you believe you are already one third of the way through the challenge? Today we are going to focus on mindful eating.

When we use all our senses to really experience food, we recognize satisfaction earlier which makes it more difficult to overeat.

Let's see what's going on while we are dining. What's eating you?

Eat healthy: Create your own rules for earning a Planned Indulgence.

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

Page 12: 10 Day HLC Challenge (2016)healthylivingblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/... · mental strategies necessary to lose weight permanently. This challenge is based on a live program

Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC



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“A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.” - Aesop -

Describe what you are doing during your typical meal? What other activities are occurring during this time?

Many people overeat without even realizing it. Being present in the moment is a simple and effective technique to stop mindless eating and to fully enjoy the food you are consuming.

Bonus: Read Dr. Susan Albers blog re: Emotional vs. Physical Hunger

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge



Page 13: 10 Day HLC Challenge (2016)healthylivingblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/... · mental strategies necessary to lose weight permanently. This challenge is based on a live program

It's Day 5 and you're almost halfway done!

Yesterday we talked about your eating environment. Today, we need to explore what you're feeding.

Dive inside YOU, your thoughts and beliefs, to figure out what you have to let go of in order to stop overeating.

Overeating is rarely about the food. In order to stop the behavior, you need to explore the source of the problem.

Train Daily: Contact a friend to be your exercise accountability partner.

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge


f ive

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

Page 14: 10 Day HLC Challenge (2016)healthylivingblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/... · mental strategies necessary to lose weight permanently. This challenge is based on a live program

Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE



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“Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.” - Peter De Vries -

What thoughts and behaviors do you need to let go of the most to stop overeating? What new thoughts and behaviors can you create for success?

We can’t erase all of life’s stressors. But with a little awareness of what is causing us to overeat, we can begin developing other ways to soothe ourselves without food. It starts with acknowledgement of our emotions.

Bonus: Identify the emotions you experienced before eating dinner tonight.

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge


f ive

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

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Welcome to day six!

It's pretty easy to keep promises we make to other people. Why is it so much harder when we make a promise to ourselves?

Most of the time it’s because we bite off more than we can chew. At EatTrainWin, I tell my clients to focus on baby steps. With each small win we celebrate and then slowly raise the bar. That's what I want you to do in today's journal exercise.

Win Happiness: You're officially halfway through the challenge and that means you get a bonus! Celebrate hump day by enjoying 30 minutes of self-care (no chores!).

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge

day six

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

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Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE


“Keep every promise you make and only make promises you can keep.” - Anthony Hitt -

Think of how it felt to deliver on promises you made to others. Write down three promises you will make to yourself and keep this week.

Promises are easier to keep than goals because they come with 1) emotional attachment, 2) a history of success, and 3) a subconscious buy-in. Goals have a much lower percentage of success because we aren’t emotionally invested in them.

Bonus: Record a video reciting your promises to yourself. Share, if comfortable.

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge

day six

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

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Welcome to day seven!

On day one we listed all the mean things our inner critic tells us. Today it’s time to fight back with some positive self-talk. This is the first step in reprogramming that little b!tch to say nicer things to us.

If you really take on a positive affirmation, invest in it, and repeat it to yourself with emotion multiple times a day for a period of time, it will become part of your subconscious mind.

Eat healthy: Eat an entire rainbow of colors. Candy doesn't count!

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge



© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

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Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE


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“You will be a failure, until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation which clicks.” - F Lorence Scovel Shinn -

Write a one sentence positive affirmation and set an alarm to recite it (and believe it) when you wake up, eat lunch, and go to bed.

Success breeds success, and that’s why EatTrainWin encourages adding on another healthy habit when a new behavior becomes a habit. If you don’t believe you can, then you can’t. Positive affirmations will help you believe in YOU!

Bonus: Read my blog, You are the Captain of Your Ship, on positive affirmations.

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge



© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

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Welcome to day eight!

How many of you recited your positive affirmations to yourself as you were putting your head down on the pillow last night? I did and I hope you did, too!

Now that we're in a positive mindset, and we’ve identified the negatives and put some positives back in our heads, let’s shift our focus onto pleasure.

People are motivated to change either to escape pain or win pleasure. How can you use your pain and pleasure to be the catalyst for long-lasting change? Today, let's run from the pain and toward the pleasure.

Train Daily: Sleep better by turning off electronics 30 minutes before bedtime.

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge



© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

Page 20: 10 Day HLC Challenge (2016)healthylivingblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/... · mental strategies necessary to lose weight permanently. This challenge is based on a live program

Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC


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“Secret to success is learning how to use pain and pleasure, instead of having pain and pleasure use you.” - Tony Robbins -

Write down all the new pleasures you will enjoy as you lose weight and improve your health. The more you write, the better the inspiration.

People are motivated to change by a desire to either: 1) escape pain, which may include health complications related to weight, or 2) run toward pleasure. Escaping pain only works for so long; at some point you need to run toward pleasure.

Bonus: Read and contemplate the Pain and Pleasure Principle blog by Adam Sicinski.

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge



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© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

Welcome to day nine!

It takes a really big scoop of courage to discover what’s holding you back from your best life. You’ve heard the expression, “Go big or go home!” If your goals don’t scare you a little, they aren’t big enough.

It’s a fine line. You want to commit to a bold goal but you have to celebrate every baby step it takes to get there. So today we’re going to identify some big moves to get you on your way.

You’re a winner; let me hear you roar.

Win Happiness: Enjoy a Planned Indulgence free of food guilt!

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge



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Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC



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“Freedom lies in being bold.”

- Robert Frost -

Write down one or two really BOLD actions you will take as you further develop your freedom from emotional eating/food worries.

You’ve heard the saying, “go big or go home.” If your goals don’t scare you a little bit, then they aren’t big enough. Let yourself visualize completing this action as you savor the feeling of success and deep pride in yourself.

Bonus: Take a photo of something that makes you feel free.

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge



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© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC

Welcome to day ten! Congratulations you made it! You made a ten-day promise to yourself and you nailed it.

I’m all about celebrating the big and the small WINS in life. Duh. That’s why my company is called EatTrainWIN. You did it! You stuck to the challenge and kept going even when it got messy inside your head.

Now that you’ve taken the first baby step toward winning the healthy life you deserve, I want to encourage you to commit to taking the next step by adding a support system to your goals and joining the EatTrainWin community.

You don’t have to accept where you are today and you don’t have to walk your journey alone.

Eat healthy: Drink extra water today to rehydrate and flush your body!

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge

day ten

Page 24: 10 Day HLC Challenge (2016)healthylivingblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/... · mental strategies necessary to lose weight permanently. This challenge is based on a live program

Because you deserve to... LOVE yourself enough to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE© 2016 EatTrainWin, LLC


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“Kind, supportive words from a soothing friend can make the difference between a food binge and calming down without having eaten one bite because of stress.” - Dr. Susan Al bers -

If your best friend or closest family knew you were struggling with the same things you are struggling with, how would you support them?

People truly care about each other and want to help their friends and loved ones who are struggling. Visualizing how you would comfort a friend in need will give you tools and ideas to self-soothe without turning to food.

Bonus: Connect with a fellow EatTrainWinner and agree to support each other.

EatTrainWin’s Healthy Living Challenge

day ten