10 things you are doing wrong in joomla

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10 things you are doing Wrong in joomla

Ashwin date | @coolbung2nd august 2014

1. file paths

require_once JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_community'.DS.'helper.php'

Looks ugly. It needn't. You can use this without worrying about Linux/Windows/mac compatibility

require_once JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_community/helper.php'

This is perfectly fine and much readable. Also easier to write

Add/edit/delete/trash articles

Common category manager

Menu containers & menu types & menu options


Modules & module config options, template positions

Assigning template to menus

Plugins built-in types & configuration

2. Closing php files

Avoid adding a closing php tags at the end of the file. You can corrupt json output or other headers