14021680 persons and family relations reviewer vena verga

7/31/2019 14021680 Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena Verga http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/14021680-persons-and-family-relations-reviewer-vena-verga 1/15 P ers ons a nd F ami ly Re la ti ons Re vi ew er Vena V. Verga PERSONS AND FAMILY RELATIONS REVIEWER PERSONS AND FAMILY RELATIONS REVIEWER CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES (R.A. 386) Art 1. This At sh!"" #$ %&'& !s th$ Cii" C'*$ '+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s - E.O. 48 of March 20 !"4# - Ro$as %ode %ommission - &r. 'eorge (aco)o *chairman+ - ,an-ary 2 !"4" */assed )y %ongress+ Art. -. L!s sh!"" t!%$ $++$t !+t$r 1 *!/s +'""'i&0 th$ ',"$ti'& '+ th$ir ,2#"i!ti'& i& th$ O++ii!" !4$tt$5 2&"$ss it is 'th$ris$ ,r'i*$*. This C'*$ sh!"" t!%$ $++$t 1 /$!r !+t$r ,2#"i!ti'&. - -g. 10 !"0 *too3 effect+ - EO 200 *-ino+  laws to )e effective m-st )e /-)lished either in the Official 'a5ette or in a news/a/er of general circ-lation in the co-ntry. *6a7ada v 6-vera/-)lication not to )e in Official 'a5ette )eca-se of its erratic release and limited readershi/+ - ntended to ena)le /eo/le to )ecome familiar with the stat-te - M-st )e in f-ll - P-)lication is an indis/ensa)le re-irement a)sence of which will render the law ineffective. -  9-nless otherwise /rovided: *refers to !day /eriod not /-)lication Art. 3. I0&'r!&$ '+ th$ "! $2s$s &' '&$ +r' ',"i!&$ th$r$ith . - a//lies only to mandatory and /rohi)itory laws Art. 7. L!s sh!"" h!$ &' r$tr'!ti$ $++$t5 2&"$ss th$ '&tr!r/ is ,r'i*$* - ;aw loo3s to the f-t-re. - nstances when a law may )e given a r$tr'!ti$  effect< o =hen the law e$/ress ly /rovides for retroactivity *inso far as it does not /re>-dice or im/air vested or ac-ired rights in accordance with the %ivil %ode or other laws+ o %-rative or remedial  *c-ring defects or adding to the means of enforcing e$isting o)ligations+. R?;E< f the irreg-larity consists in doing some act or doing it in the mode which the legislat-re might have made material )y an e$/ress law it may do so )y a s-)se-ent one. o Proced-ral.  *to avoid /ossi)le in>-stice+ o Penal in character and favora)le to the acc-sed. *not a ha)it-al delin-ent @if wAin !0 years from date of release or last conviction of a crime he is fo-nd g-ilty of any said crimes a third time or oftener.+ Art. . Ats $$2t$* !0!i&st th$ ,r'isi'&s '+ !&*!t'r/ !&* ,r'hi#it'r/ "!s sh!"" #$ 'i*5 $$,t h$& th$ "! its$"+ !2th'ri4$s th$ir !"i*it/. - Mandatory ;aws omission of which renders the /roceeding or acts to which it relates generally illegal or void. E$am/le< /rescri/tive /eriods - Prohi)itory ;aws contain /ositive /rohi)itions and are co-ched in the negative terms im/orting that the act re-ired shall not )e done otherwise than designated. E$am/le< 9BO:C - Dowever if the law e$/ressly /rovides for the validity of acts committed in violation of a mandatory or /rohi)itory /rovision of a stat-te s-ch act shall )e considered valid or enforcea)le. Art. 6. Ri0hts !/ #$ !i$*5 2&"$ss th$ !i$r is '&tr!r/ t' "!5 ,2#"i ,'"i/5 'r!"s 'r 0''* 2st's5 'r ,r$2*ii!" t' ! thir* ,$rs'& ith ! ri0ht r$'0&i4$* #/ "!. - =aiver  intentional relin-ishment of a 3nown right not /res-med )-t m-st )e clearly and convincingly shown either )y e$/ress sti/-lation or acts admitting no other reasona)le e$/lanation - right to )e validly waived m-st )e in e$istence at the time of the waiver and m-st )e e$ercised )y a d-ly ca/acitated /erson act-ally /ossessing the right to ma3e the waiver. */res-//oses that the /arty has 3nowledge of its rights )-t chooses not to assert them+ Art. 9. L!s !r$ r$,$!"$* '&"/ #/ s2#s$:2$&t '&$s5 !&* th$ir i'"!ti'& 'r &'&;'#s$r!&$ sh!"" &'t #$ $2s$* #/ *is2s$5 'r 2st'5 'r ,r!ti$ t' th$ '&tr!r/. Wh$& th$ '2rts *$"!r$ ! "! t' #$ i&'&sist$&t ith th$ C'&stit2ti'&5 th$ +'r$r sh!"" #$ 'i* !&* th$ "!tt$r sh!"" 0'$r&. A*i&istr!ti$ 'r $$2ti$ !ts5 'r*$rs !&* r$02"!ti'&s sh!"" #$ !"i* '&"/ h$& th$/ !r$ &'t '&tr!r/ t' th$ "!s 'r th$ C'&stit2ti'&. - Re/eal  legislative act of a)rogating thro-gh a s-)se-ent law the effects of a /revio-s stat-te or /ortions thereof. May )e either e$/ress or im/lied. Art. 8. <2*ii!" *$isi'&s !,,"/i&0 'r i&t$r,r$ti&0 th$ "!s 'r th$ C'&stit2ti'& sh!"" +'r ,!rt '+ th$ "$0!" s/st$ '+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s. - ,-dicial decisions o  altho-gh in themselves not laws ass-me the same a-thority as the stat-te itself. o %onstit-te evidence of what the law means. o  9legis inter/retatio legis vim o)tinet:  inter/retation /laced -/on the written law )y a com/etent co-rt has the force of law o % decisions @ a-thoritative and /recedentGsetting o nferior co-rts decisions and %o-rt of //eals @ merely /ers-asive o /iag v %antero *>-dge entered into2 nd  marriage witho-t having his first void marriage >-dicially declared a n-llity not a )asis for immorality+  at that time there was no need for  >-dicial declaration of n-llity o =iegel v em/io &y  case where the -/reme %o-rt declared that there was a need for a declaration of n-llity of a void marriage. Art. =. N' 2*0$ 'r '2rt sh!"" *$"i&$ t' r$&*$r 2*0$&t #/ r$!s'& '+ th$ si"$&$5 '#s2rit/ 'r i&s2++ii$&/ '+ th$ "!s. - Bing-no non de-e enri-ecerse torti5eramente con dano de otro =hen the stat-tes are silent or am)ig-o-s this is one of those >$r0! P!0$ 1 '+ 1

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Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V. Verga



Art 1. This At sh!"" #$ %&'& !s th$ Cii" C'*$ '+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s- E.O. 48 of March 20 !"4#-

Ro$as %ode %ommission- &r. 'eorge (aco)o *chairman+- ,an-ary 2 !"4" */assed )y %ongress+

Art. -. L!s sh!"" t!%$ $++$t !+t$r 1 *!/s +'""'i&0 th$ ',"$ti'& '+ th$ir,2#"i!ti'& i& th$ O++ii!" !4$tt$5 2&"$ss it is 'th$ris$ ,r'i*$*. ThisC'*$ sh!"" t!%$ $++$t 1 /$!r !+t$r ,2#"i!ti'&.

- -g. 10 !"0 *too3 effect+- EO 200 *-ino+  laws to )e effective m-st )e /-)lished either in the

Official 'a5ette or in a news/a/er of general circ-lation in the co-ntry.*6a7ada v 6-vera/-)lication not to )e in Official 'a5ette )eca-se ofits erratic release and limited readershi/+

- ntended to ena)le /eo/le to )ecome familiar with the stat-te- M-st )e in f-ll- P-)lication is an indis/ensa)le re-irement a)sence of which will

render the law ineffective.

-  9-nless otherwise /rovided: *refers to !day /eriod not /-)licationArt. 3. I0&'r!&$ '+ th$ "! $2s$s &' '&$ +r' ',"i!&$ th$r$ith.

- a//lies only to mandatory and /rohi)itory lawsArt. 7. L!s sh!"" h!$ &' r$tr'!ti$ $++$t5 2&"$ss th$ '&tr!r/ is ,r'i*$*

- ;aw loo3s to the f-t-re.- nstances when a law may )e given a r$tr'!ti$  effect<

o =hen the law e$/ressly /rovides for retroactivity *insofar as it

does not /re>-dice or im/air vested or ac-ired rights inaccordance with the %ivil %ode or other laws+

o %-rative or remedial  *c-ring defects or adding to the means

of enforcing e$isting o)ligations+. R?;E< f the irreg-larityconsists in doing some act or doing it in the mode which thelegislat-re might have made material )y an e$/ress law itmay do so )y a s-)se-ent one.

o Proced-ral.  *to avoid /ossi)le in>-stice+

o Penal in character and favora)le to the acc-sed. *not a

ha)it-al delin-ent @if wAin !0 years from date of release orlast conviction of a crime he is fo-nd g-ilty of any saidcrimes a third time or oftener.+

Art. . Ats $$2t$* !0!i&st th$ ,r'isi'&s '+ !&*!t'r/ !&* ,r'hi#it'r/"!s sh!"" #$ 'i*5 $$,t h$& th$ "! its$"+ !2th'ri4$s th$ir !"i*it/.

- Mandatory ;aws omission of which renders the /roceeding or acts towhich it relates generally illegal or void. E$am/le< /rescri/tive /eriods

- Prohi)itory ;aws contain /ositive /rohi)itions and are co-ched in thenegative terms im/orting that the act re-ired shall not )e doneotherwise than designated. E$am/le< 9BO:C

- Dowever if the law e$/ressly /rovides for the validity of actscommitted in violation of a mandatory or /rohi)itory /rovision of astat-te s-ch act shall )e considered valid or enforcea)le.

Art. 6. Ri0hts !/ #$ !i$*5 2&"$ss th$ !i$r is '&tr!r/ t' "!5 ,2#"i

,'"i/5 'r!"s 'r 0''* 2st's5 'r ,r$2*ii!" t' ! thir* ,$rs'& ith ! ri0htr$'0&i4$* #/ "!.

- =aiver  intentional relin-ishment of a 3nown right not /res-med)-t m-st )e clearly and convincingly shown either )y e$/resssti/-lation or acts admitting no other reasona)le e$/lanation

- right to )e validly waived m-st )e in e$istence at the time of thewaiver and m-st )e e$ercised )y a d-ly ca/acitated /erson act-ally/ossessing the right to ma3e the waiver. */res-//oses that the /artyhas 3nowledge of its rights )-t chooses not to assert them+

Art. 9. L!s !r$ r$,$!"$* '&"/ #/ s2#s$:2$&t '&$s5 !&* th$ir i'"!ti'& 'r&'&;'#s$r!&$ sh!"" &'t #$ $2s$* #/ *is2s$5 'r 2st'5 'r ,r!ti$ t'th$ '&tr!r/. Wh$& th$ '2rts *$"!r$ ! "! t' #$ i&'&sist$&t ith th$C'&stit2ti'&5 th$ +'r$r sh!"" #$ 'i* !&* th$ "!tt$r sh!"" 0'$r&.A*i&istr!ti$ 'r $$2ti$ !ts5 'r*$rs !&* r$02"!ti'&s sh!"" #$ !"i* '&"/h$& th$/ !r$ &'t '&tr!r/ t' th$ "!s 'r th$ C'&stit2ti'&.

- Re/eal   legislative act of a)rogating thro-gh a s-)se-ent law theeffects of a /revio-s stat-te or /ortions thereof. May )e either e$/ressor im/lied.

Art. 8. <2*ii!" *$isi'&s !,,"/i&0 'r i&t$r,r$ti&0 th$ "!s 'r th$C'&stit2ti'& sh!"" +'r ,!rt '+ th$ "$0!" s/st$ '+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s.

- ,-dicial decisionso  altho-gh in themselves not laws ass-me the same a-thority

as the stat-te itself.o %onstit-te evidence of what the law means.

o  9legis inter/retatio legis vim o)tinet:  inter/retation /laced

-/on the written law )y a com/etent co-rt has the force oflaw

o % decisions @ a-thoritative and /recedentGsetting

o nferior co-rts decisions and %o-rt of //eals @ merely

/ers-asiveo /iag v %antero *>-dge entered into2nd  marriage witho-t

having his first void marriage >-dicially declared a n-llity nota )asis for immorality+  at that time there was no need for >-dicial declaration of n-llity

o =iegel v em/io &y   case where the -/reme %o-rt

declared that there was a need for a declaration of n-llity of avoid marriage.

Art. =. N' 2*0$ 'r '2rt sh!"" *$"i&$ t' r$&*$r 2*0$&t #/ r$!s'& '+ th$si"$&$5 '#s2rit/ 'r i&s2++ii$&/ '+ th$ "!s.

- Bing-no non de-e enri-ecerse torti5eramente con dano de otro

=hen the stat-tes are silent or am)ig-o-s this is one of those

>$r0! P!0$ 1 '+ 1

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Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V. Verga

f-ndamental /rinci/les which the co-rts invo3e in order to arrive at asol-tion that wo-ld res/ond to the vehement -rge of conscience.

- ,-stice Dolmes @ 9&o and m-st legislate: to fill in the ga/s in the law)eca-se the mind of the legislator li3e all h-man )eings is finite andtherefore cannot envisage all /ossi)le cases to which the law maya//ly. Bor has the h-man mind the infinite ca/acity to antici/ate all

sit-ations.Art. 1?. I& !s$ '+ *'2#t i& th$ i&t$r,r$t!ti'& !&* !,,"i!ti'& '+ "!s5 it is,r$s2$* th!t th$ "!!%i&0 #'*/ i&t$&*$* ri0ht !&* 2sti$ t' ,r$!i".

- %onstr-ction and inter/retation come only after it has )eendemonstrated that a//lication is im/ossi)le or inade-ate witho-tthem.

Art. 11. C2st's hih !r$ '&tr!r/ t' "!5 ,2#"i 'r*$r 'r ,2#"i ,'"i/sh!"" &'t #$ '2&t$&!&$*.Art. 1-. A 2st' 2st #$ ,r'$* !s ! +!t5 !'r*i&0 t' th$ r2"$s '+$i*$&$.

- %-stom   r-le of cond-ct formed )y re/etition of acts -niformlyo)served */racticed+ as a social r-le legally )inding and o)ligatory.

- ,-ridical c-stom @ can s-//lement stat-tory law or a//lied in thea)sence of s-ch stat-te.

- ocial c-stom @ canHt s-//lement stat law or a//lied in the a)sence ofstat-te.

- %-stom even if /roven cannot /revail over a stat-tory r-le or even alegal r-le en-nciated )y the %

Art. 13. Wh$& th$ "! s,$!%s '+ /$!rs5 '&ths5 *!/s 'r &i0hts5 it sh!"" #$2&*$rst''* th!t /$!rs !r$ '+ 36 *!/s $!h@ '&ths5 '+ 3? *!/s@ *!/s5 '+-7 h'2rs@ !&* &i0hts +r' s2&s$t t' s2&ris$. I+ '&ths !r$ *$si0&!t$* #/th$ir &!$5 th$/ sh!"" #$ ',2t$* #/ th$ &2#$r '+ *!/s hih th$/r$s,$ti$"/ h!$. I& ',2ti&0 ! ,$ri'*5 th$ +irst *!/ sh!"" #$ $"2*$*5!&* th$ "!st *!/ i&"2*$*.

- f the e$tra day in a lea/ year is not a day of the year )eca-se it isthe 1th day then to what year does it )elongI %ertainly it m-st)elong to the year where it falls and therefore the 1 daysconstit-te one year.

Art. 17. P$&!" "!s !&* th's$ '+ ,2#"i s$2rit/ !&* s!+$t/ sh!"" #$

'#"i0!t'r/ 2,'& !"" h' "i$ 'r s''2r& i& th$ Phi"i,,i&$ t$rrit'r/5 s2#$t t'th$ ,ri&i,"$s '+ ,2#"i i&t$r&!ti'&!" "! !&* t' tr$!t/ sti,2"!ti'&s.

- %iti5ens and foreigners are s-)>ect to all /enal laws. =ill even attachregardless whether or not a foreigner is merely so>o-rning in Philterritory BT they may however )e imm-ne from s-it and thereforecannot )e criminally /rosec-ted in the Phili//ines in certain caseswhere the Phili//ine government has waived its criminal >-risdictionover them on the )asis of the /rinci/les of /-)lic international law andtreaty sti/-lations

- !"! Vienna %onvention on &i/lomatic Relations @ /rovided that the/erson of the di/lomatic agent shall )e inviola)le and he shall not )elia)le to any form of arrest or detention. De shall en>oy imm-nity fromcriminal >-risdiction of the receiving state.

Art. 1. L!s r$"!ti&0 t' +!i"/ ri0hts !&* *2ti$s5 'r t' th$ st!t2s5 '&*iti'&!&* "$0!" !,!it/ '+ ,$rs'&s !r$ #i&*i&0 2,'& iti4$&s '+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s5$$& th'20h "ii&0 !#r'!*.

- Bationality R-le- 6enchave5 v Escano the only a)sol-te divorce recogni5ed is one of

the alien s/o-se. Fili/ino s/o-se can )e said to have committed

conc-)inage *h-s)and+ or ad-ltery *wife+.Art. 16. R$!" ,r',$rt/ !s $"" !s ,$rs'&!" ,r',$rt/ is s2#$t t' th$ "! '+th$ '2&tr/ h$r$ it is sit2!t$*. H'$$r5 i&t$st!t$ !&* t$st!$&t!r/s2$ssi'&s5 #'th ith r$s,$t t' th$ 'r*$r '+ s2$ssi'& !&* t' th$!'2&t '+ s2$ssi'&!" ri0hts !&* t' th$ i&tri&si !"i*it/ '+ t$st!$&t!r/,r'isi'&s5 sh!"" #$ r$02"!t$* #/ th$ &!ti'&!" "! '+ th$ ,$rs'& h's$s2$ssi'& is 2&*$r '&si*$r!ti'&5 h!t$$r !/ #$ th$ &!t2r$ '+ th$,r',$rt/ !&* r$0!r*"$ss '+ th$ '2&tr/ h$r$i& s!i* ,r',$rt/ !/ #$+'2&*.

- //lica)ility of Bational ;aw of decedent in intestate or testamentarys-ccession with regard to<

o Order of s-ccession

o mo-nt of s-ccessional rights

o ntrinsic validity of the /rovisions of the will


%a/acity to s-cceedArti"$ 19. Th$ +'rs !&* s'"$&iti$s '+ '&tr!ts5 i""s5 !&* 'th$r ,2#"ii&str2$&ts sh!"" #$ 0'$r&$* #/ th$ "!s '+ th$ '2&tr/ i& hih th$/ !r$$$2t$*. Wh$& th$ !ts r$+$rr$* t' !r$ $$2t$* #$+'r$ th$ *i,"'!ti 'r'&s2"!r '++ii!"s '+ th$ R$,2#"i '+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s i& ! +'r$i0& '2&tr/5 th$s'"$&iti$s $st!#"ish$* #/ Phi"i,,i&$ "!s sh!"" #$ '#s$r$* i& th$ir$$2ti'&. Pr'hi#iti$ "!s '&$r&i&0 ,$rs'&s5 th$ir !ts 'r ,r',$rt/5 !&*th's$ hih h!$ +'r th$ir '#$t ,2#"i 'r*$r5 ,2#"i ,'"i/ !&* 0''*2st's sh!"" &'t #$ r$&*$r$* i&$++$ti$ #/ "!s 'r 2*0$&ts,r'2"0!t$*5 'r #/ *$t$ri&!ti'&s 'r '&$&ti'&s !0r$$* 2,'& i& ! +'r$i0&'2&tr/.

- E$trinsic validity @ if act is valid where it is e$ec-ted even if said actwonHt )e valid here will )e deemed as valid nonetheless.

- &i/lomatic and cons-lar officials are re/resentatives of the statetherefore Phili//ine law sho-ld /revail if act is e$ec-ted )efore adi/lomat in a foreign co-ntry. *)asis< )y r-les of international lawhost co-ntry where di/lomat is assigned waives its >-risdiction overthe /remises of the di/lomatic office of another co-ntry located in thesaid host co-ntry+

Art. 18. I& !tt$rs hih !r$ 0'$r&$* #/ th$ C'*$ '+ C'$r$ !&*s,$i!" "!s5 th$ir *$+ii$&/ sh!"" #$ s2,,"i$* #/ th$ ,r'isi'&s '+ thisC'*$.


>$r0! P!0$ - '+ 1

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Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V. Verga

Art. 1=. E$r/ ,$rs'& 2st5 i& th$ $$ris$ '+ his ri0hts !&* i& th$,$r+'r!&$ '+ his *2ti$s5 !t ith 2sti$5 0i$ $$r/'&$ his *2$5 !&*'#s$r$ h'&$st/ !&* 0''* +!ith.

- /rinci/le of a)-se of rights.- %odifies the conce/t of what is >-stice and fair /lay so that the a)-se

of right )y a /erson will )e /revented.-

Elements of a)-se of right<o 6here is a legal right or d-ty

o =hich is e$ercised in )ad faith

o For the sole intent of /re>-dicing or in>-ring another

Art. -?. E$r/ ,$rs'& h'5 '&tr!r/ t' "!5 i""+2""/ 'r &$0"i0$&t"/ !2s$s*!!0$ t' !&'th$r5 sh!"" i&*$&i+/ th$ "!tt$r +'r th$ s!$.

- s/ea3s of the general sanction for all the other /rovisions of law whichdo not es/ecially /rovide their own sanction.

Art. -1. A&/ ,$rs'& h' i""+2""/ !2s$s "'ss 'r i&2r/ t' !&'th$r i& !!&&$r th!t is '&tr!r/ t' 'r!"s5 0''* 2st's 'r ,2#"i ,'"i/ sh!""',$&s!t$ th$ "!tt$r +'r th$ *!!0$.

- fill in the co-ntless ga/s of the stat-tes which leave so many victimsof moral wrongs hel/less even tho-gh they have act-ally s-fferedmaterial and moral in>-ry.


&eals with acts contra )on-s mores @ and has the following elements<o 6here is an act which is legal

o (-t which is contrary to morals good c-stoms /-)lic order

or /-)lic /olicyo nd it is done with intent to in>-re.

rticles !"20 and 2! are related to each other and -nder these articles anact which ca-ses in>-ry to another may )e made the )asis for an award ofdamages. %ommon Element< act m-st )e intentional. Dowever art 20 does notdisting-ish< 9willf-lly: or 9negligently: J /ari delicto  in e-al fa-lt in similar offense or crime e-al in g-ilt or in legalfa-lt.Art. --. E$r/ ,$rs'& h' thr'20h !& !t 'r ,$r+'r!&$ #/ !&'th$r5 'r!&/ 'th$r $!&s5 !:2ir$s 'r '$s i&t' ,'ss$ssi'& '+ s'$thi&0 !t th$$,$&s$ '+ th$ "!tt$r ith'2t 2st 'r "$0!" 0r'2&*5 sh!"" r$t2r& th$ s!$ t'

hi. ; /revention of -n>-st enrichment. Bo /erson can claim what is not validlyand legally his or hers.Art. -3. E$& h$& !& !t 'r $$&t !2si&0 *!!0$ t' !&'th$rs ,r',$rt/!s &'t *2$ t' th$ +!2"t 'r &$0"i0$&$ '+ th$ *$+$&*!&t5 th$ "!tt$r sh!"" #$"i!#"$ +'r i&*$&it/ i+ thr'20h th$ !t 'r $$&t h$ !s #$&$+it$*.Art. -7. I& !"" '&tr!t2!"5 ,r',$rt/ 'r 'th$r r$"!ti'&s5 h$& '&$ '+ th$,!rti$s is !t ! *is!*!&t!0$ '& !'2&t '+ his 'r!" *$,$&*$&$5i0&'r!&$5 i&*i0$&$5 $&t!" $!%&$ss5 t$&*$r !0$ 'r 'th$r h!&*i!,5 th$'2rts 2st #$ i0i"!&t +'r his ,r't$ti'&.

G in consonance with what is right and legal.Art. -. Th'20ht"$ss $tr!!0!&$ i& $,$&s$s +'r ,"$!s2r$ 'r *is,"!/*2ri&0 ! ,$ri'* '+ !2t$ ,2#"i !&t 'r $$r0$&/ !/ #$ st',,$* #/

'r*$r '+ th$ '2rts !t th$ i&st!&$ '+ !&/ 0'$r&$&t 'r ,ri!t$ h!rit!#"$i&stit2ti'&.

- to /revent inconsiderate and ostentatio-s activities d-ring times ofemergency

- s/ecifically /rovides for the entities which are given legal standing tosee3 an in>-nction<


any government oro /rivate charita)le instit-tion.

Art. -6. E$r/ ,$rs'& sh!"" r$s,$t th$ *i0&it/5 ,$rs'&!"it/5 ,ri!/ !&*,$!$ '+ i&* '+ his &$i0h#'rs !&* 'th$r ,$rs'&s. Th$ ++. !&* sii"!r !ts5th'20h th$/ !/ &'t '&stit2t$ ! rii&!" '++$&s$5 sh!"" ,r'*2$ ! !2s$ '+!ti'& +'r *!!0$s5 ,r$$&ti'& !&* 'th$r r$"i$+

1. Pr/i&0 i&t' th$ ,ri!/ '+ !&'th$rs r$si*$&$-. M$**"i&0 ith 'r *ist2r#i&0 th$ ,ri!t$ "i+$ 'r +!i"/ r$"!ti'&s

'+ !&'th$r3. I&tri02i&0 t' !2s$ !&'th$r t' #$ !"i$&!t$* +r' his +ri$&*s7. V$i&0 'r h2i"i!ti&0 !&'th$r '& !'2&t '+ his r$"i0i'2s

#$"i$+s5 "'"/ st!ti'& i& "i+$5 ,"!$ '+ #irth5 ,h/si!" *$+$t5 'r'th$r ,$rs'&!" '&*iti'&.

- EKP;B6OB OF %OMMOB 6O B%;?OB OF R6 2 *Protectionof D-man &ignity+

o acredness of h-man /ersonality is a concomitant of every

/lan for h-man amelioration.o 6he to-chstone of every system of laws of the c-lt-re and

civili5ation of every co-ntry is how far it dignifies man.Art. -9. A&/ ,$rs'& s2++$ri&0 !t$ri!" 'r 'r!" "'ss #$!2s$ ! ,2#"is$r!&t 'r $,"'/$$ r$+2s$s 'r &$0"$ts5 ith'2t 2st !2s$5 t' ,$r+'r his'++ii!" *2t/ !/ +i"$ !& !ti'& +'r *!!0$s !&* 'th$r r$"i$+ !0!i&st th$"!tt$r5 ith'2t ,r$2*i$ t' !&/ *isi,"i&!r/ !*i&istr!ti$ !ti'& th!t !/#$ t!%$&.Art. -8. B&+!ir ',$titi'& i& !0ri2"t2r!"5 '$ri!" 'r i&*2stri!"$&t$r,ris$s5 'r i& "!#'r5 thr'20h th$ 2s$ '+ +'r$5 i&tii*!ti'&5 *$$it5!hi&!ti'& 'r !&/ 'th$r 2&2st5 ',,r$ssi$ 'r hi0hh!&*$* $th'* sh!""0i$ ris$ t' ! ri0ht '+ !ti'& #/ th$ ,$rs'& h' th$r$#/ s2++$rs *!!0$.

- ,?6F%6OB )y the !"4# %ivil %ode commission<o t is necessary in a system of free enter/rise. &emocracy

)ecomes a verita)le moc3ery if any /erson or gro-/ of/ersons )y any -n>-st or highhanded method may de/riveothers of a fair chance to engage in )-siness or earn a living.

Art. -=. Wh$& th$ !2s$* i& rii&!" ,r's$2ti'& is !:2itt$* '& th$0r'2&* th!t his 02i"t h!s &'t #$$& ,r'$* #$/'&* r$!s'&!#"$ *'2#t5 ! ii"!ti'& +'r *!!0$s +'r th$ s!$ !t 'r 'issi'& !/ #$ i&stit2t$*. S2h!ti'& r$:2ir$s '&"/ ! ,r$,'&*$r!&$ '+ $i*$&$. B,'& 'ti'& '+ th$*$+$&*!&t5 th$ '2rt !/ r$:2ir$ th$ ,"!i&ti++ t' +i"$ ! #'&* t' !&s$r +'r*!!0$s i& !s$ th$ ',"!i&t sh'2"* #$ +'2&* t' #$ !"ii'2s. (-) I+ i& !rii&!" !s$ th$ 2*0$&t '+ !:2itt!" is #!s$* 2,'& r$!s'&!#"$ *'2#t5th$ '2rt sh!"" s' *$"!r$. I& th$ !#s$&$ '+ !&/ *$"!r!ti'& t' th!t $++$t5

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it !/ #$ i&+$rr$* +r' th$ t$t '+ th$ *$isi'& h$th$r 'r &'t th$ !:2itt!"is *2$ t' th!t 0r'2&*.

- Proof )eyond Reasona)le &o-)t  amo-nt of /roof which forms ana)iding moral certainty that the acc-sed committed the crime charged.BO6 a)sol-te certainty (?6 s-ch degree of /roof is more e$actingthan what is needed in a civil case which is<


Pre/onderance of Evidence

 as a whole evidence add-ced )y oneside o-tweighs that of the adverse /arty.Art. 3?. Wh$& ! s$,!r!t$ ii" !ti'& is #r'20ht t' *$!&* ii" "i!#i"it/!risi&0 +r' ! rii&!" '++$&s$5 !&* &' rii&!" ,r'$$*i&0s !r$ i&stit2t$**2ri&0 th$ ,$&*$&/ '+ th$ ii" !s$5 ! ,r$,'&*$r!&$ '+ $i*$&$ sh!"""i%$is$ #$ s2++ii$&t t' ,r'$ th$ !t ',"!i&$* '+.

G -ant-m of evidence still merely /re/onderance of evidence even if thecivil action arose from a criminal offenseArt. 31. Wh$& th$ ii" !ti'& is #!s$* '& !& '#"i0!ti'& &'t !risi&0 +r' th$!t 'r 'issi'& ',"!i&$* '+ !s ! +$"'&/5 s2h ii" !ti'& !/ ,r'$$*i&*$,$&*$&t"/ '+ th$ rii&!" ,r'$$*i&0s !&* r$0!r*"$ss '+ th$ r$s2"t '+th$ "!tt$r.

- if civil action arose not from a felony  -asiGdelict  act or omissionwhich ca-ses damage to another there )eing fa-lt or negligence ifthere is no /reGe$isting contract-al relation )etween the /arties.

-&oes not /rovide for an inde/endent civil action.

- %-l/a a-iliana *-asi delict+having had its own fo-ndation andindiv-ality se/arate from criminal negligence against -asiGdelito*c-/la e$traGcontract-al+ or criminal negligence

- lso a//lies to c-l/a contract-alG distinct from criminal actioninstit-ted )ased on criminal negligence. 6his is governed )y %ivil %odeand not those of Revised Penal %ode and it )eing entirely se/arateand distinct from criminal action the same may )e instit-ted and/rosec-ted inde/endently of and regardless of the res-lt of the latter.

Art. 3-. A&/ ,2#"i '++i$r 'r $,"'/$$5 'r !&/ ,ri!t$ i&*ii*2!"5 h'*ir$t"/ 'r i&*ir$t"/ '#str2ts5 *$+$!ts5 i'"!t$s 'r i& !&/ !&&$r i,$*$s'r i,!irs !&/ '+ th$ +'""'i&0 ri0hts !&* "i#$rti$s '+ !&'th$r ,$rs'& sh!""#$ "i!#"$ t' th$ "!tt$r +'r *!!0$s

!. Freedom of Religion

2. Freedom of /eech1. Freedom to write for he /ress or to maintain a /eriodical /-)lication4. Freedom from ar)itrary or illegal detention. Freedom from s-ffrage. 6he right against de/rivation of /ro/erty witho-t d-e /rocess of law#. 6he right to a >-st com/ensation when /rivate /ro/erty is ta3en for

/-)lic -se8. 6he right to e-al /rotection of the laws". 6he right to )e sec-re in oneHs /erson ho-se /a/ers and effects

against -nreasona)le searches and sei5-res!0. 6he li)erty of a)ode and of changing the same!!. 6he /rivacy of comm-nication and corres/ondence

!2. 6he right to )ecome a mem)er of associations or societies for/-r/oses not contrary to law

!1. 6he right to ta3e /art in a /eacea)le assem)ly to /etition thegovernment for redress of grievances

!4. 6he right to )e free from invol-ntary servit-de of any form!. 6he right of the acc-sed against e$cessive )ail

!. 6he right of the acc-sed to )e heard )y himself and co-nsel to )einformed of the nat-re and ca-se of the acc-sation against him tohave a s/eedy and /-)lic trial to meet the witnesses face to face andto have com/-lsory /rocess to sec-re the attendance of witness in his)ehalf.

!#. Freedom from )eing com/elled to )e a witness against oneHs self orfrom )eing forced to confess g-ilt or from )eing ind-ced )y a /romiseof imm-nity or reward to ma3e s-ch confession e$ce/t when the/erson confessing )ecomes a state witness

!8. Freedom from e$cessive fines or cr-el or -n-s-al /-nishment -nlessthe same is im/osed or inflicted in accordance with a stat-te which hasnot )een >-dicially declared -nconstit-tional and

!". Freedom of access to the co-rtsI& !&/ '+ th$ !s$s r$+$rr$* t' i& this !rti"$5 h$th$r 'r &'t th$*$+$&*!&ts !t 'r 'issi'&

'&stit2t$ ! rii&!" '++$&s$5 th$ !00ri$$* ,!rt/ h!s ! ri0ht t' '$&$!& $&tir$"/ s$,!r!t$ !&* *isti&t ii" !ti'& +'r *!!0$s5 !&* +'r 'th$rr$"i$+. S2h ii" !ti'& sh!"" ,r'$$* i&*$,$&*$&t"/ 'r !&/ rii&!",r's$2ti'& (i+ th$ "!tt$r #$ i&stit2t$*)5 !&* !/ #$ ,r'$* #/ !,r$,'&*$r!&$ '+ $i*$&$. Th$ i&*$&it/ sh!"" i&"2*$ 'r!" *!!0$s.E$,"!r/ *!!0$s !/ !"s' #$ !*2*i!t$*. Th$ r$s,'&si#i"it/ h$r$i& s$t+'rth is &'t *$!&*!#"$ +r' ! 2*0$ 2&"$ss his !t 'r 'issi'& '&stit2t$s! i'"!ti'& '+ th$ P$&!" C'*$ 'r 'th$r ,$&!" st!t2t$.

- for effective maintenance of democracy for these reasons<o in most cases threat to freedom originates from a)-ses or

/ower of government officials and /eace offices most are leftwitho-t redress )eca-se fiscal is over)-rdened or cant/rosec-te a fellow /-)lic official *high ran3ing+

o -ant-m of evidence re-ired for a criminal action is /roof

)eyond reasona)le do-)t which often /revents a//ro/riate/-nishment.

o &irect and o/en violations of the Penal %ode tram/ling -/on

the freedoms named are not so fre-ent as those s-)tleclever and indirect ways which do not come within the /ale ofthe /enal law. 6hese which are not criminally /-nisha)le aregreatest dangers to which democracy clies.

- res/ondeat s-/erior  /rinci/al and agent or master and servant. Bores/ondeat s-/erior )etween s-/erior officers of the military and theirs-)ordinates.

- May )e 9directly: or 9indirectly: - P-)lic acco-nta)ility

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- 'ood faith is not a defense. t is eno-gh that there was a violation ofthe constit-tional rights of the /laintiffs and it is not re-ired thatdefendants sho-ld have acted with malice or )ad faith. 6he wrong may)e civil or criminal. 6o ma3e good faith material is to defeat the main/-r/ose of article 12 which is that effective /rotection of individ-alrights.

Art. 33. I& !s$s '+ *$+!!ti'&5 +r!2*5 !&* ,h/si!" i&2ri$s5 ! ii" !ti'&+'r *!!0$s5 $&tir$"/ s$,!r!t$ !&* *isti&t +r' th$ rii&!" !ti'&5 !/#$ #r'20ht #/ th$ i&2r$* ,!rt/. S2h ii" !ti'& sh!"" ,r'$$*i&*$,$&*$&t"/ '+ th$ rii&!" ,r's$2ti'&5 !&* sh!"" r$:2ir$ '&"/ !,r$,'&*$r!&$ '+ $i*$&$.

- R6OB;E< to allow the citi5en to enforce his rights in a /rivate action)ro-ght )y him regardless of the action of the tate attorney. n acriminal /rosec-tion the com/lainant is the tate. 6he in>-redindivid-al is the one most concerned )eca-se it is he who has s-ffereddirectly. De sho-ld )e /ermitted to demand re/aration for the wrongwhich /ec-liarly affects him.

- %riminal Begligence not incl-ded in the /rovision. 6he law /enali5esthe negligent act or careless act )-t not the res-lt thereof.

Art. 37. Wh$& ! $#$r '+ ! it/ 'r 2&ii,!" ,'"i$ +'r$ r$+2s$s 'r +!i"st' r$&*$r !i* 'r ,r't$ti'& t' !&/ ,$rs'& i& !s$ '+ *!&0$r t' "i+$ 'r,r',$rt/5 s2h ,$!$ '++i$r sh!"" #$ ,ri!ri"/ "i!#"$ +'r *!!0$s5 !&* th$it/ 'r 2&ii,!"it/ sh!"" #$ s2#si*i!ri"/ r$s,'&si#"$ th$r$+'r$. Th$ ii"!ti'& h$r$i& r$'0&i4$* sh!"" #$ i&*$,$&*$&t '+ !&/ rii&!" ,r'$$*i&0s!&* ! ,r$,'&*$r!&$ '+ $i*$&$ sh!"" s2++i$ t' s2,,'rt s2h !ti'&.Art. 3. Wh$& ! ,$rs'&5 "!ii&0 t' #$ i&2r$* #/ ! rii&!" '++$&s$5h!r0$s !&'th$r ith th$ s!$5 +'r hih &' i&*$,$&*$&t ii" !ti'& is0r!&t$* i& this C'*$ 'r !&/ s,$i!" "!5 #2t th$ 2sti$ '+ ,$!$ +i&*s &'r$!s'&!#"$ 0r'2&*s t' #$"i$$ th!t ! ri$ h!s #$$& 'itt$*5 'r th$,r's$2ti&0 !tt'r&$/ r$+2s$s 'r +!i"s t' i&stit2t$ rii&!" ,r'$$*i&0s5 th$',"!i&!&t !/ #ri&0 ! ii" !ti'& +'r *!!0$s !0!i&st th$ !""$0$*'++$&*$r. S2h ii" !ti'& sh!"" #$ s2,,'rt$* #/ ,r$,'&*$r!&$ '+$i*$&$. O& th$ *$+$&*!&ts 'ti'&5 th$ '2rt !/ r$:2ir$ th$ ,"!i&ti++ t'+i"$ ! #'&* t' i&*$&i+/ th$ *$+$&*!&t i& !s$ th$ ',"!i&t sh'2"* #$+'2&* t' #$ !"ii'2s. (-)I+ *2ri&0 th$ ,$&*$&/ '+ th$ ii" !ti'&5 !&

i&+'r!ti'& sh'2"* #$ ,r$s$&t$* #/ th$ ,r's$2ti&0 !tt'r&$/5 th$ ii"!ti'& sh!"" #$ s2s,$&*$* 2&ti" th$ t$ri&!ti'& '+ th$ rii&!" ,r'$$*i&0s.

- Reservation of %ivil ction.shall )e made )efore the /rosec-tionstarts /resenting its evidence and other circ-mstances affording theoffended /arty a reasona)le o//ort-nity to ma3e s-ch reservation.EK%EP6 (P 22 *criminal action for violation of (P 22 shall )e deemedto incl-de the corres/onding civil action. Bo reservation to file s-chcivil action se/arately shall )e allowed.

- =hen se/arate civil action is s-s/ended.  F criminal action is filedafter the said civil action has already )een instit-ted the latter shall)e s-s/ended in whatever stage it may )e fo-nd )efore >-dgment onthe merits. 6he s-s/ension shall last -ntil final >-dgment is rendered inthe criminal action. (?6 nevertheless )efore >-dgment on the merits

is rendered in the civil action the same may -/on motion of theoffended /arty )e consolidated with the criminal action in the co-rttrying the criminal action. *shall )e tried and decided >ointly.+

o E$tinction of /enal action does not carry with it e$tinction of

the civil action. Dowever the civil action )ased on delict may)e deemed e$ting-ished if there is a finding in a final

 >-dgment in the criminal action that the act or omission fromwhich the civil lia)ility may arise did not e$ist.- =hen civil action may /roceed inde/endently   shall only re-ire

/re/onderance of evidence. *art 121114 and 2!# of civil code+. nno case however may the offended /arty recover damages twice forthe same act or omission charged in the criminal action.

- Effect of &eath on %ivil ctions @ &eath of acc-sed after arraignmentwill e$ting-ish civil lia)ility arising from the delict. Dowever when civilaction may /roceed inde/endently */receding /aragra/h+ it maycontin-e against the estate or legal re/resentative of the acc-sed after/ro/er s-)stit-tion or against said estate or heirs to s-)stit-te thedeceased and g-ardian for minor heirs.

- ,-dgment in civil action not a )ar .  )solved defendant in a civilaction is not a )ar to a criminal action against the defendant.

Art. 36. Pr$2*ii!" :2$sti'&s5 hih 2st #$ *$i*$* #$+'r$ !&/ rii&!",r's$2ti'& !/ #$ i&stit2t$* 'r !/ ,r'$$*5 sh!"" #$ 0'$r&$* #/ th$r2"$s '+ '2rt hih th$ S2,r$$ C'2rt sh!"" ,r'2"0!t$ !&* hih sh!""&'t #$ i& '&+"it ith th$ ,r'isi'&s '+ this C'*$.

- Precedence.  6he general r-le is that where )oth a civil and criminalcase arising from the same facts are filed in co-rt the criminal caseta3es /recedence. EK%EP6OB< if there is a /re>-dicial -estion  onethat arises in a case the resol-tion of which is a logical antecedent ofthe iss-e involved therein and the cogni5ance of which /ertains toanother tri)-nal. 6here are always 2 cases involved civil and criminal.6he criminal case is always s-s/ended )eca-se the iss-es in the civil isdeterminative of the o-tcome of the criminal case.

- 6wo essential elements of a /re>-dicial -estion<o 6he civil action involved an iss-e similar or intimately related

to the iss-e raised in the criminal actiono 6he resol-tion of s-ch iss-e determined whether or not the

criminal action may /roceed.


Cii" P$rs'&!"it/

Art. 39. <2ri*i!" !,!it/5 hih is th$ +it&$ss t' #$ th$ s2#$t '+ "$0!"r$"!ti'&s5 is i&h$r$&t i& $$r/ &!t2r!" ,$rs'&5 !&* is "'st '&"/ thr'20h*$!th. C!,!it/ t' !t5 hih is th$ ,'$r t' *' !ts ith "$0!" $++$t5 is!:2ir$* !&* !/ #$ "'st.

- ,-ridical ca/acity @ ac-ired -/on )irth of a /erson. Jsome caseseven -n)orn. *art 404! #42 84+ and terminated only -/on death.

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- %a/acity to act is not inherent in a /erson.Art. 38. Mi&'rit/5 i&s!&it/ 'r i#$i"it/5 th$ st!t$ '+ #$i&0 *$!+;2t$5,r'*i0!"it/ !&* ii" i&t$r*iti'& !r$ $r$ r$striti'&s '& th$ !,!it/ t'!t5 !&* *' &'t $$,t th$ i&!,!it!t$* ,$rs'& +r' $rt!i& '#"i0!ti'&s5!s h$& th$ "!tt$r !ris$ +r' his !ts 'r +r' ,r',$rt/ r$"!ti'&s5 s2h !s$!s$$&ts.

Grestricts the ca/acity to act.Art. 3=. Th$ +'""'i&0 ir2st!&$s5 !'&0 'th$rs5 '*i+/ 'r "iit!,!it/ t' !t !0$5 i&s!&it/5 i#$i"it/5 th$ st!t$ '+ #$i&0 *$!+;2t$5,$&!"t/5 ,r'*i0!"it/5 +!i"/ r$"!ti'&s5 !"i$&!0$5 !#s$&$5 i&s'"$&/ !&*tr2st$$shi,. Th$ '&s$:2$&$s '+ th$s$ ir2st!&$s r$ 0'$r&$* i& thisC'*$5 'th$r '*$s5 th$ R2"$s '+ C'2rt5 !&* i& s,$i!" "!s. C!,!it/ t' !t is&'t "iit$* '& !'2&t '+ r$"i0i'2s #$"i$+ 'r ,'"iti!" ',i&i'&. A !rri$*'!&5 -1 /$!rs '+ !0$ 'r '$r5 is :2!"i+i$* +'r !"" !ts '+ ii" "i+$5 $$,ti& !s$s s,$i+i$* #/ "!.

- )roader in sco/e than art 18 )-t en-merates sit-ations which merel-modify the ca/acity to act.

JJJ 'BF%B%E OF R6 18 and 1"  Ma3e an overview of the sit-ation that-alifies a /ersonHs /ower to -nderta3e acts which can /rod-ce legal effects.

N!t2r!" P$rs'&s

Art. 7?. irth *$t$ri&$s ,$rs'&!"it/@ #2t th$ '&$i$* hi"* sh!"" #$'&si*$r$* #'r& +'r !"" ,2r,'s$s th!t !r$ +!'r!#"$ t' it5 ,r'i*$* it #$ #'r&"!t$r ith th$ '&*iti'&s s,$i+i$* i& th$ +'""'i&0 !rti"$Art. 71. F'r ii" ,2r,'s$s5 th$ +'$t2s is '&si*$r$* #'r& i+ it is !"i$ !t th$ti$ it is ',"$t$"/ *$"i$r$* +r' th$ 'th$rs '#. H'$$r5 i+ th$+'$t2s h!* !& i&tr!;2t$ri&$ "i+$ '+ "$ss th!& 9 '&ths5 it is &'t *$$$* #'r&i+ it *i$s ithi& -7 h'2rs !+t$r its ',"$t$ *$"i$r/ +r' th$ !t$r&!"'#.

- 'el-5 v %   canHt invo3e 9/rovisional /ersonality: of a conceivedchild to o)tain damages for and on )ehalf of an a)orted childconsidering that art 40 and 4! were not met. (?6 the /arents cano)tain damages in their o-r right against the doctor who ca-sed thea)ortion on acco-nt of distress and ang-ish attendant to its loss and

disa//ointment of their /arental e$/ectation.- (R6D %ER6F%6E   )est evidence of the fact of )irth. Once

registered with the office of the local civil registrar it )ecomes a /-)licdoc-ment. Entries are only L/rima facieH evidence of the factscontained therein. 6his is strictly confidential and the contents cant )erevealed e$ce/t in the cases /rovided )y law.JJJ 6hey still maintaintheir nat-re as /-)lic doc-ments )eca-se following the /ro/er legal/roced-re they can )e o)tained )y those interested therein.

o BonGdisclos-re of (irth Records< E$ce/t -/on re-est of any

of the ff< Person himself or any /erson a-thori5ed )y him

Dis s/o-se /arentAs his direct descendants org-ardian or instit-tion legally in charge of him if heis a minor

6he co-rt or /ro/er /-)lic official whenever neededin administrative >-dicial or other official/roceedings to determine the identity of the childHs

/arents or other circ-mstances s-rro-nding his )irth n case of /ersonHs death the nearest of 3in.Art. 7-. Cii" P$rs'&!"it/ is $ti&02ish$* #/ *$!th. Th$ $++$t 2,'& th$ri0hts !&* '#"i0!ti'&s '+ th$ *$$!s$* is *$t$ri&$* #/ "!5 #/ '&tr!t!&* #/ i"".

- &eath %ertificate< 6he office of the local civil registrar of a m-nici/alityor a city m-st also have in its c-stody the death certificated of the/ersons who died in its locality.

- 6he rights and o)ligations of a dead /erson can still )e reg-lated )ycontract will or the law.

Art. 73. I+ th$r$ is *'2#t5 !s #$t$$& - 'r 'r$ ,$rs'&s h' !r$ !""$* t's2$$* $!h 'th$r5 !s t' hih '+ th$ *i$* +irst5 h'$$r !""$0$s th$*$!th '+ '&$ ,ri'r t' th$ 'th$r5 sh!"" ,r'$ th$ s!$@ i& th$ !#s$&$ '+,r''+5 it is ,r$s2$* th!t th$/ *i$* !t th$ s!$ ti$ !&* th$r$ sh!"" #$ &'tr!&sissi'& '+ ri0hts +r' '&$ t' th$ 'th$r.

-Proof of death m-st )e esta)lished )y /ositive evidence. t can never)e esta)lished from mere inference arising from another inference orfrom /res-m/tions and ass-m/tions. *,-a-in v Bavarro son died)efore mom d-ring ,a/anese shootings+

<2ri*i!" P$rs'&s

Art. 77. Th$ ++. !r$ 2ri*i!" ,$rs'&s!. 6he state and its /olitical s-)divisions2. Other cor/orations instit-tions and entities for /-)lic interest or

/-r/ose created )y law their /ersonality )egins as soon as they have)een constit-ted according to law

1. %or/orations /artnershi/s and associations for /rivate interest or/-r/ose to which the law grants a >-ridical /ersonality se/arate and

distinct from that of each shareholder /artner or mem)er.Art. 7. <2ri*i!" ,$rs'&s $&ti'&$* i& N's. 1 !&* - '+ th$ ,r$$*i&0 !rti"$!r$ 0'$r&$* #/ th$ "!s r$!ti&0 'r 'r0!&i4i&0 th$. Pri!t$ 'r,'r!ti'&s!r$ r$02"!t$* #/ "!s '+ 0$&$r!" !,,"i!ti'& '& th$ s2#$t. P!rt&$rshi,s!&* !ss'i!ti'&s +'r ,ri!t$ i&t$r$st 'r ,2r,'s$ !r$ 0'$r&$* #/ th$,r'isi'&s '+ this C'*$ '&$r&i&0 ,!rt&$rshi,s (36 !&* 39!)Art. 76. <2ri*i!" ,$rs'&s !/ !:2ir$ !&* ,'ss$ss ,r',$rt/ '+ !"" %i&*s5 !s$"" s i&2r '#"i0!ti'&s !&* #ri&0 ii" 'r rii&!" !ti'&s5 i& '&+'rit/ith th$ "!s !&* r$02"!ti'&s '+ th$ 'r0!&i4!ti'&.

- ,-ridical Person   is a )eing of legal e$istence s-sce/ti)le of rightsand o)ligations or of )eing the s-)>ect of >-ridical relations.

- s a f-ndamental r-le the tate cannot )e s-ed witho-t its consent.

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- Political s-)divisions  m-nici/al cor/orations /rovinces cities andm-nici/alities.

o M-nici/al cor/orations  e$ist in d-al ca/acity.

6hey e$ercise the right s/ringing from sovereignty 6hey e$ercise /rivate /ro/rietary or cor/orate right

arising from their e$istence as legal /ersons and not

as /-)lic agencies.- %or/orations *government+ are governed )y (P 8 a3a %or/oration

%ode of the Phili//ines. *effective May ! !"80+- Partnershi/ 2 or more- &istinct Personality and E$ce/tions< %or/orations /artnershi/s and

associations for /rivate interest and /-r/ose may )e granted )y law a >-ridical /ersonality se/arate and distinct from that of eachshareholder /artner or mem)er. E$am/le< O)ligation of cor/ is noto)ligation of stoc3holder and vice versa.

Art. 79. B,'& th$ *iss'"2ti'& '+ 'r,'r!ti'&s5 i&stit2ti'&s !&* 'th$r $&titi$s+'r ,2#"i i&t$r$st 'r ,2r,'s$ $&ti'&$* i& N'. - '+ Art 775 th$ir ,r',$rt/!&* 'th$r !ss$ts sh!"" #$ *is,'s$* '+ i& ,2rs2!&$ '+ "! 'r th$ h!rt$rr$!ti&0 th$. I+ &'thi&0 h!s #$$& s,$i+i$* '& this ,'i&t5 th$ ,r',$rt/ !&*'th$r !ss$ts sh!"" #$ !,,"i$* t' sii"!r ,2r,'s$s +'r th$ #$&$+it '+ th$r$0i'&5 ,r'i&$5 it/ 'r 2&ii,!"it/ hih *2ri&0 th$ $ist$&$ '+ th$i&stit2ti'& *$ri$* th$ ,ri&i,!" #$&$+its +r' th$ s!$.

Citi4$&shi, !&* D'ii"$

Art. 78. Th$ +'""'i&0 !r$ iti4$&s '+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s!. 6hose who were citi5ens of the Phili//ines at the time of the ado/tion

of the %onstit-tion of the Phili//ines2. 6hose )orn in the Phili//ines of foreign /arents who )efore the

ado/tion of said %onstit-tion had )een elected to /-)lic office in thePhili//ines

1. 6hose whose fathers are citi5ens of the Phili//ines4. 6hose whose mothers are citi5ens of the Phili//ines and -/on

reaching the age of ma>ority elect Phili//ine citi5enshi/. 6hose who are nat-rali5ed in accordance with law.

Art. 7=. N!t2r!"i4!ti'& !&* th$ "'ss !&* r$!:2isiti'& '+ iti4$&shi, '+ th$Phi"i,,i&$s !r$ 0'$r&$* #/ s,$i!" "!s.Art. ?. F'r th$ $$ris$ '+ ii" ri0hts !&* th$ +2"+i""$&t '+ ii"'#"i0!ti'&s5 th$ *'ii"$ '+ &!t2r!" ,$rs'&s is th$ ,"!$ '+ th$ir h!#it2!"r$si*$&$.

- &omicile   denotes a fi$ed /ermanent residence to which whena)sent one has the intention of ret-rning.

o &omicile is residence co-/led with the intention to remain for

an -nlimited time.o Residence   -sed to indicate a /lace of a)ode whether

/ermanent or tem/orary.o One may have many residences )-t only one domicile.

- minor follows the domicile of his /arents- &omicile of origin can only )e lost and a change of domicile occ-rs

when the following re-isites are /resent<o n act-al removal or an act-al change of domicile

o )ona fide intention of a)andoning the former /lace of

residence esta)lishing a new one

o cts which corres/ond with the /-r/ose.- ?nder the Family %ode the h-s)and and wife shall fi$ the family

domicile. n case of disagreement the %o-rt shall decide.Art. 1. Wh$& th$ "! r$!ti&0 'r r$'0&i4i&0 th$5 'r !&/ 'th$r ,r'isi'&*'$s &'t +i th$ *'ii"$ '+ 2ri*i!" ,$rs'&s5 th$ s!$ sh!"" #$ 2&*$rst''*t' #$ th$ ,"!$ h$r$ th$ir "$0!" r$,r$s$&t!ti'& is $st!#"ish$* 'r h$r$th$/ $$ris$ th$ir ,ri&i,!" +2&ti'&s.

- ,-s ang-inis  citi5enshi/ )y )lood

- ,-s oli  refers to citi5enshi/ on the )asis of the /lace of )irth- c-isition of %iti5enshi/< governed )y % 4#1 as amended.

o -alifications

Bot )e less than 2! on day of hearing of /etition M-st have resided in Phil for a contin-o-s /eriod of

not less than !0 years

'ood moral character and )elieves in the /rinci/lesof %onsti. Pro/er cond-ct and irre/roacha)le mannerd-ring residence in Phil in his relation withconstit-ted govHt. as well as with comm-nity heHsliving

M-st own real estate in Phil worth not less thanP000.00 Phil c-rrency or m-st have some 3nownl-crative trade /rofessions or lawf-l occ-/ation.*-nder /resent consti no alien may own land e$ce/tthro-gh hereditary s-ccession+

)le to s/ea3 and write in English or /anish andany one of the /rinci/la Phili//ine lang-ages

M-st have enrolled his minor children of school agein any /-)lic or /rivate school recogni5ed )y theOffice of Private Ed-cation of the Phili//ines

o /ecial -alifications *!o years contin-o-s residence may )e

red-ced to years+ if< Donora)ly held office Esta)lished a new ind-stry or introd-ced a -sef-l

invention in the Phil (eing married to a Fili/ino woman Engaged as a teacher in Phil in a /-)lic or recogni5ed

/rivate school not esta)lished for e$cl-siveinstr-ction of children of /ersons of a /artic-larnationality or race in any of the )ranches of ed-c orind-stry for a /eriod of not less than 2 years

(orn in the Phili//ines

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o =ho are dis-alified

O//osed to organi5ed govt or affiliated with anyassociation who -/hold or teach doctrines o//osingall organi5ed govts.

&efend or teach the necessity or /ro/riety ofviolence /ersonal assa-lt or assassination for the

s-ccess and /redominance of their ideas Polygamists or )elievers in /ractice of /olygamy %onvicted of crimes involving moral t-r/it-de -ffering from mental alienation or inc-ra)le

contagio-s diseases &-ring residence has not mingled socially with

Fili/inos or who have not evinced a sincere desire tolearn and em)race all c-stoms traditions and idealsof Fili/inos

%iti5ens of nations with whom *? and+ the Phil areat war d-ring the /eriod of war

%iti5ens of foreign *other than ?+ whose laws donot grant Fili/inos the right to )ecome nat-rali5edciti5ens or s-)>ect thereof.

- ;oss of %iti5enshi/o Bat-rali5ation in foreign co-ntry

o E$/ress ren-nciation of citi5enshi/

o Oath of allegiance to s-//ort consti of foreign -/on )eing 2!

yAo. Provided may not divest himself of Phil citi5enshi/ in anymanner while RP is at war with any co-ntry

o Render service or acce/t commission in the armed forces of

foreign. Provided shall not divest a Fili/ino of a Philciti5enshi/ if<

- RP has a defensive andAor offensive /act of alliance with foreignco-ntry

- aid foreign co-ntry maintains armed forces on Phil territory withconsent of RP. Provided<

o De states that he does so only in connection with his service

to said foreign co-ntryo Render service -nder any circ-mstances mentioned in /ar a

and ) shall not )e /ermitted to /artici/ate or vote in anyelection of RP d-ring /eriod of service or commission in thearmed forces of said co-ntry

cancellation of certificate of nat-rali5ation declared )y com/etent a-thority a deserter of Phil

armed forces in time of war -nless /lenary /ardonor amnesty granted

in case of a woman -/on her marriage to aforeigner if )y virt-e of laws in force in herh-s)andHs co-ntry she ac-ires his nationality.

- Reac-isition of %iti5enshi/

o (y nat-rali5ation. Provided he doesnHt have any of the

dis-alifications /rescri)ed.o Re/atriation of deserters of army navy or air cor/s. Provided

woman who lost her citi5enshi/ )y reason of marriage withalien )e re/atriated after termination of marital stat-s

o (y direct act of the %ongress of the Phili//ines

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 Article 1

• aclolo vs. %R @ nat-re of marriage

• 3inner vs. tate of O3lahoma @ marriage is one of the )asic civil rights of man

• (ove vs. Pinnioti @ marriage is not at most a civil contract. t is at least a civil

contract )eca-se the contracting /arties m-st give their f-ll and freeconsentAagreement to it. (-t -nli3e other contracts it cannot )e dissolved or)reached >-st )eca-se the e$/ected o-tcome did not materiali5e.

• P6N6 vs. B;R% @ as a s/ecial contract marriage cannot )e restricted )y any

discriminatory r-leAreg-lationsA/olicies.• tate vs. 6a))y @ marriage creates a s/ecial stat-s or relation )etween

contracting /arties• Magee vs. o-ng @ the state is interested in marriage

• -l-eta vs. @ altho-gh marriage esta)lishes a /ermanent -nion it does not

shed the /arties individ-al integrity and /rivacy.• Binal vs. (ayadog @ as a general r-le the law in force d-ring the time of the

marriage shall govern the marriage.• (ayog)og vs. % @ e$ce/tion to the r-le *Provisions of the /anish code was

not im/lemented in the Phili//ines th-s the laws in force when the case was)ro-ght to the co-rt+


. (efore !"2" < the /anish civil code )-t there are /rovisions that nevertoo3 effect in the Phili//ines li3e rt. 1 and 4.

(. !"2" -ntil -g-st 2" !"0 @ Marriage ;aws of !"2".%. -g-st 10 !"0 -ntil -g-st 2 !"88 @ %ivil %ode of the Phili//ines&. -g-st 1 !"88 -ntil /resent @ Family code of the Phili//ines

Bote< 6he Princi/le that the validity of marriage is determined )y the law effectived-ring the cele)ration of the marriage is f-rther highlighted )y the fact that 'EBER; R?;E 6DE B6?RE OF 6DE MRR'E ;RE& %E;E(R6E& %BBO6(E %DB'E& ( ?(E?EB6 MEB&MEB6 6O 6DE ;=.

Void marriage cannot )e c-red. 6h-s while rt 2 of the family code /rovides thatthe law shall have retroactive effect in so far as it does not /re>-dice or im/airvested rights the retroactivity cla-se is a general one and does not e$/ressly anddirectly validate a /revio-s void marriage -nder the %ivil %ode.

6here is one clear case where the Family code allows the filling of a /etition to

declare a marriage void even if the gro-nd was not stat-torily /rovided for a voidmarriage -nder the %ivil %ode< rticle 1 */sychological inca/acity GG no longer hasa /rescri/tive /eriod+ case where this is the gro-nd may )e filed regardless ofwhether the marriage has )een cele)rated )efore or after -g-st 1 2004.

 Article 2-6

• %hi Ming 6soi vs. % @ /rocreation as one of the essential marital o)ligations

-nder the Family %ode is )ased on the -niversal /rinci/le that /rocreation ofchildren thro-gh se$-al -nion is one of the )asic ends of marriage.

• M.6 vs. ,.6 @ after se$-al change the se$ is already changed th-s that /erson

can already contract marriage.• 6eter vs. 6eter @ consent re-isite to marriage relation need not however )e

e$/ressed in any s/ecial manner or /artic-lar form. */age !!4+• ;ocal 'overnment %ode was instit-ted on ,an-ary ! !""2.

• Peo/le vs. ,anssen @ if marriage is iss-ed in a /lace other than the residence ofthe contracting /arty the marriage /erformed on the )asis of s-ch a marriagelicense is still valid.

• Payne vs. Payne @ 6he commission of /er>-ry or dece/tion on the /art of the

contracting /arties as to their age in order to avoid the stat-tory re-irementof /arental consent is not a ca-se to invalidate a marriage o)tained thro-ghs-ch marriage license.

• 6he marriage certificate is not an essential nor formal re-irement of marriage.

Fail-re to sign a marriage certificate itself does not render the marriage void orann-lla)le *Madride>o vs. de leon+

• (alog)og vs. %. @ 6he a)sence of witness is merely and irreg-larity which will

not render a marriage void.

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• E-genio r vs. Vele5 @Phili//ine law does not recogni5e common law marriages.

Persons re/resenting themselves as h-s)ands and wives and has )een livingtogether for s-ch a long /eriod of time witho-t marriage are considered 9married: in common law >-risdiction )-t not in the Phili//ines.

• %osca vs. Palay/ayon @ the /ractice of >-dge of re-iring the /arties to sign the

contract )efore as3ing for their declaration is highly im/ro/er )-t will not affect

the validity of the marriage.• Dermosisima vs. % @ mere )reach of /romise to marry is not an actiona)le

wrong.• =assmer vs. Vele5 @ (reach of /romise to marry attendant with formally

setting a wedding and going thro-gh all the /re/aration can )e lia)le -nder art2! *%%+


• vice mayor may act on )ehalf of the mayor and a-thori5e marriages *Peo/le

vs. (-stamante+

 Article 21

• 'arcia vs. Recio GG f witho-t a certificate of legal ca/acity and the marriage

license is nonetheless iss-es the marriage cele)rated on the )asis of s-ch

marriage licenses shall not considered void for it is merely an irreg-larity.

 Article 22 and 23

• BicdaoG%arino vs. %arino GG 6he certification of the civil registry shall en>oy high

/ro)ative val-e.

 Article 26

• Bo state is )o-nd y committee to geive effect in its co-rt to laws which are

re/-gnant to its own laws and good order of society *(rimson vs. (rimson+• =oo =oo in vs. Vivo @ f the law in the foreign co-ntry *e$. %hina + is not

/roven it wo-ld )e ass-med )y the co-rt that it has laws the same as in thePhili//ines

• &ivorce initiated )y a Fili/ino is against /-)lic /olicy *%ang vs. % 6echave$ vs.


'arcia vs. Recio G f the Fili/ino is already nat-rali5ed rt 2 will not a//ly )-tthe law where he was nat-rali5ed.

 Article 34

• Man5ano vs. anche5 @ Re-irement for article 14 is only that there sho-ld )e

no legal im/ediment at the time of the cele)ration of the marriage.

 Article 35 

• &omingo vs. % GG For /-r/oses of remarriage the only acce/ta)le /roof to

show the voidness of the first marriage is a >-dicial declaration iss-ed )y aco-rt directly stating that the first marriage is n-ll and void *&omingo vs. %+.

 Article 36

• 6-a5on vs. % GG 6he finding of the trial co-rt as to the e$istence or nonG

e$istence of the /sychological inca/acity shall )e )inding -/on the % -nless itcan )e s-fficiently shown that the trail co-rt erred.

 Article 38

(ac3 vs. (ac3 @ >-dicial declaration of n-llity of marriage shall dissolve ffinity.

Arti"$ 3=• %hi Ming 6soi vs. % GG ny of the /arties of a void marriage may file for n-llity

case even tho-gh s-ch /arty is the wrong doer

 Article 40

C!s$ D!t$ C'$r$* R2"i&0

1. M$&*'4! S$,t$#$r-85 1=7

With'2t &$$*

-. Ar!0'& F$#r2!r/ -851=9

With'2t &$$*

3. '$4 <2&$ 3?5 1=91 With &$$*

7. C'&s$02$r! <!&2!r/ 3?51=91 With &$$*

. O*!/!t <2&$ -5 1=99 With'2t &$$*

6. T'"$&ti&' M!/ 3?5 1=83 With'2t &$$*

9. Wi$0$" A202st 1=51=86

With &$$*

8. F!i"/C'*$

A202st 351=83

With &$$*

 Article 41

• 'ome5 vs. ;i/ana @ as a general r-le marriage contracted d-ring the lifetime

of the first s/o-se is n-ll and void.• Peo/le vs. rcillaGG 6he declaration of /res-m/tive death will still )e /rimaG

facie and can )e overthrown )y evidence• RP vs. Bolasco @ the a)sence of diligent search on the /resent s/o-se negates

that there is well fo-nded )elief to /res-me that the s/o-se is dead.

 Article 46

• (-cat vs. (-cat @ si$ months /regnancy is already conceiva)le th-s no

concealment• -ino vs. &eli5o @ fo-r months /regnancy is still -nconceiva)le there is

concealment.• Foss vs. Foss @ the h-s)and 3new )efore marriage of the -nchaste character of

the s/o-se th-s no gro-nd for legal se/aration.

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 Article 47 

• (rown vs. am)ao @ the co-rt can ta3e notice of /rescri/tion even if it is not

alleged in the answer in an ann-lment case.

 Article 48

• %ardenas vs. %ardenas and Rehn Ocam/o vs. Florencio @ ,-dgment on

sti/-lation of facts and confession of >-dgment is no /rohi)ited so long as it iscorro)orated )y inde/endent evidences.

 Article 49

• ilva vs. % @ visitation rights sho-ld )e given to the /arent not awarded with

c-stody -nless there are com/elling reasons to r-le otherwise.

 Article 50

• Valde5 vs. R6% @ rt 0 a//lies on to s-)se-ent void marriages contracted y a

s/o-se of a /rior marriage )efore the latter is >-dicially declared void. For voidmarriages the r-le on coGownershi/ shall a//ly

 Article 55 

• Prather vs. Prather @ se$ with a cow im/eril the wifeHs life.

ymthe vs. ymthe @ se/aration where )oth of the s/o-ses willingly conc-r isnot a willf-l desertion of one )y the other.

 Article 56

• Ocam/o vs. Florencio @ the fail-re of a h-s)and to loo3 for his erring s/o-se

does not constit-te condonation• lmacen vs. (alta5ar @ the act of the s/o-se of giving money to not filing

charges does not constit-te condonation.• Peo/le vs. ensano @ the consent of a s/o-se may)e ded-ced from his actions.

• 'reene vs. 'reene @ volenti non fit in>-ria

• =hithers/oon vs =hiters/oon @ connivance

 Article 58

• Pacete vs. %arriaga GG 6he nonGo)servance of the months cooling off /eriod

may set aside the decision of the lower co-rt. For as long as se/aration isinserted in any case the mandatory re-irement m-st )e com/lied with.

• rroyo vs. Vas-e5 @ f the /etition is denied the co-rt cannot com/el the

s/o-ses to live together for marital o)ligations are /-rely /ersonal in character.

 Article 74-77 

• 6oda ,r. vs. % @ a se/aration of /ro/erty cannot )e effected )y mere

e$ec-tion of a contract or agreement of the /arties )-t )y the decree of theco-rt a//roving the same.

 Article 87 

• Rodrig-e5 vs. Rodrig-e5 @ the selling of the /ro/erty from the s/o-se to the

da-ghter to the father cannot )e n-llified )eca-se all are g-ilty no one mayrecover what was given )y virt-e of the contract.



=itness testified he didnHt see or hear the act-al e$change of vows. Deonly testified 9 saw the weddingQ: % said that the act-al e$change of vows co-ld)e /res-med )eca-se there was an act-al wedding ceremony as testified )y thewitness. s long as the witness saw there was a wedding ceremony the co-rt thenma3es a /res-m/tion that the e$change of vows too3 /lace.S


-thority of solemni5ing officer is a formal re-irement. 6he 'EBER;R?;E is that for solemni5ing officers<

!. B%?M(EB6 >-dge A mayor2. =6DB its >-risdiction

a)sence of a-thority treated as no a-thority so Voidmarriage.

Bavarro case stated that if the solemni5ing officer cele)rated the marriage)eyond its >-risdiction this is >-st an irreg-larity. Es/ecially if )oth /artieswere in good faith or one of them was in good faith.

M6% A R6% ,?&'EGwithin its >-risdiction eg. Ma3ati only% A % ,?6%EGentire Phili//ines

S! "# CA

;ower co-rt n-llified a marriage )eca-se of /sychological inca/acity. %agreed that it was a void marriage )-t the gro-nd was differentC it was )ased onlac3 of marriage licenseQ

6he general r-le is that if yo- donHt assign an error in >-dgment thea//ellate co-rt will not tac3le that -nassigned error or iss-e. (-t in this case evenif the iss-e was -nassigned it was so o)vio-s from the records that there was nomarriage license so the % co-ld validly render a >-dgment that indeed themarriage is void )eca-se there was no marriage license.

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Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V. Verga

 L?B% D, %EH Rich L/arentsH died. /erson claims that she was a da-ghter. (rothers N sisters ofthe deceased /arents -estioned the standing of the da-ghter. 6he Lda-ghterHarg-ed that only the D-s)and can im/-gn her stat-s in a direct action. s the Lda-ghterH correctI

%< =ROB' -n da-ghterQ =hyI t was /roven that the da-ghter did notcome from the mother so the R-les on Paternity N Filiation will BO6 a//ly. 6his is a)latant case of F;F%6OB of (R6D %ER6F%6E.

o the R?;E is< %DE%T FR6 if the child came o-t from the Mother )efore yo-a//ly the R-les on Paternity N FiliationQQQ

TB' %E

= files ;egal e/aration case against D. = won. D went to the ?.. = now wants toado/t her children N as3s co-rt to designate her as the one who will e$erciseParental -thority )ased on R6. 2!1 of Family %ode.

%< 6ermination of Parental -thority is always with %a-se N m-st )e e$/ressly/rovided )y the co-rt. n this legal se/aration case there is no showing that theParental -thority of D was terminated.

R6. 2!1 of F% merely &E'B6E the /erson who will e$ercise /arentala-thority. t does not mean that D )eing the g-ilty s/o-se will -tomatically losehis /arental a-thority.

For (B&OBMEB6 to a//lyG it means total a)sol-te cessation of Family &-ties. nthe Tang %ase there was no a)andonment )eca-se the D had contact with thechildren thr- overseas /hone calls al)eit it was seldom.


!. (efore a 1rd  /arty co-ld ado/t earnest efforts to loo3 for a /ossi)le Lado/terH within the e$tended family.

2. if the )a)y so-ght to )e ado/ted is still inside the wom) of the mother anycontract or agreement of ado/tion entered )y the )iological /arents isVO&Q

1. do/ter cannot rescind do/tion only the do/ted /erson can. (-t thedo/ter can &isinherit the do/ted /erson.

4. ?nder Family %odeG liens cannot ado/t *this was old r-le+?nder &omestic do/tion ;awG liens can now ado/t *new r-le+

. ;oo3 for the 1 E$ce/tions or gro-nds to e$em/t the aliens from /roc-ring%ertificate of ;egal %a/acity or %ertificate of Residency.

 9legally free child: in interco-ntry ado/tion means that the child is vol-ntarily orinvol-ntarily committed to social welfare agency.

%an yo- file interco-ntry ado/tion a//lication in the reg-lar co-rtsIY$s5 #2t th$ '2rt i"" 2st *$t$ri&$ i+ !"" th$ ,!,$rs !r$ ',"$t$ i""r$+$r it t' th$ INTERCOBNTRY ADOPTION OARD +'r th$ ,r',$r*$t$ri&!ti'& '+ A*',ti'&. (i& sh'rt5 ,2,2&t! ,! ri& /2& s! I&t$r'2&tr/A*',ti'& '!r*G s' /'2 #$tt$r 0' th$r$ i&iti!""/5 &'t t' th$ '2rts)

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Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V. Verga


1==7S!"it! . M!0t'"is

Psychological inca/acity is/sychosomatic and deals with

state of mind and th-s canonly )e /roven )y indicatorsor e$ternal manifestations of

the /erson claimed to )e/sychologically inca/acitated.

6hese indicators m-st )eclearly alleged in the

com/laint filed in the co-rt.

r'h& . CA% r-led that the testimony

of the h-s)and with res/ectto the re/ort of the

/sychiatrist was not withinthe doctorG/atient /rivilegedcomm-nication r-le since theone who wo-ld testify is notthe doctor )-t the h-s)and.

% also r-led that neither canthe h-s)andHs testimony )e

considered a circ-mvention ofthe /rohi)ition )eca-se histestimony cannot have the

force and effect of thetestimony of the /hysician

who e$amined the /atientand made the re/ort.S!"$*' . Ort!&$4

1==S!&t's . CA

$*i!;S!&t's6he very first case decided )ythe % which disc-ssed the

sco/e and meaning of rt1. %denied the n-llity case.

ccdg to ,-stice em/io &iyU/sychological inca/acity m-st )echaracteri5e )y *a+ gravity *)+

 >-ridical antecedence *c+inc-ra)ility

1==6T2!s'& . CA

6he finding of the trial co-rt as to the e$istence or nonGe$istence of a /artyHs /sychological inca/a)it at the time ofthe marriage is final and )inding on the % -nless it can )es-fficiently shown that the tiral co-rtHs fact-al findings and

eval-ation of the testimonies and /ieces of evidence/resented are clearly and manifestly erroneo-s.

V!"*$4 . RTC&elivery of /res-m/tive legitime is not re-ired as a

general r-le in void marriages )-t as an e$ce/tion to thisgeneral r-le the Valde5 r-ling also states that /ar *2+*1+*4+*+ of rt41 relates only )y the e$/licit terms of rt0 tovoida)le marriages -nder rt2 and e$ce/tionally to void

marriages -nder rt 40.

1==9Chi Mi&0 Ts'i

Procreation is an essential o)ligation *as the)asic end of marriage+. %onstant nonGf-lfillmentof this o)ligation will finally destroy the integrityor wholeness of the marriage. Prolonged ref-sal

of a s/o-se to have se$-al interco-rse with his orher s/o-se is considered a sign of /sychologicalinca/acity altho-gh /hysically ca/a)le. 6his isthe only case which n-llity on the gro-nds of P

was granted.RP . CA !&* MOLINA

% en-merated the g-idelines in invo3ing the/sychological inca/acity -nder art1< *!+the

)-rden of /roof to show the n-llity of the

marriage )elong to the /laintiff *2+the root ca-seof the /sychological inca/acity m-st )e<

*a+medically or clinically identified *)+ alleged inthe com/laint *c+ s-fficiently /rocen )y e$/ertsand *d+ cleary e$/lained in the decision. *1+theinca/acity m-st )e /roven to )e e$isting at thetime of the cele)ration of the marriage *4+ Pm-st )e shown to )e medically or clinically

/ermanent or inc-ra)le *+s-ch illness m-st )egrave eno-gh to )ring a)o-t the disa)ility of the

/arty to ass-me the essential o)ligations ofmarriage. *+ the essential o)ligations m-st )ethose em)odied )y rt " to #! *h-s)and and

wife+of F% as well as rt 220 22! and 11

*/arents and children+ *#+inter/retations given )ythe Bational //ellate Matrimonial 6ri)-nal of the%atholic %h-rch in the P while not controlling ordecisive sho-ld )e given great res/ect )y o-r

co-rts. *8+the trial co-rt m-st order the/rosec-ting attorney or fiscal and ' to a//earas co-nsel for the state. Bo decision shall )e

handed down -nless the % iss-es a certification.*last sent not anymore needed /-rs-ant to %


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Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V. Verga

-???M!r's . M!r's

% r-led that 9the /ersonalmedical or /sychological

e$amination of res/ondent isnot a re-irement for a

declaration of /sychologicalinca/acity and that it is not a

condition sine -a non fors-ch declaration. Doweverthe %o-rt may or may not

acce/t the testimony of the/sychologist or /sychiatrist.

6he %o-rt may )ase itsdecision on the t't!"it/ '+

th$ $i*$&$ other than thefindings of the /sychiatrist or


-??1R$,2#"i . D!0*!0

the law does not define what/sychological inca/acity is andtherefore the determination isleft solely with the co-rts on a

caseGtoGcase )asis.&etermination of P 9de/ends onthe facts of the case. Each m-st)e >-dged not on the )asis of a/riori ass-m/tions /redilections

or generali5ations )-t accordingto its own facts.: 

-??-%hoa v. %hoa

-??3Masias v. Masias

Mercado Fehr v. Fehr(arcelo v. %G(engson

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