16 5 the tide of war turns

CHAPTER 16 : The Civil War Section 5 : The Tide of War Turns

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CHAPTER 16: The Civil War

Section 5: The Tide of War Turns

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VOCABULARY Total war Destroying civilian and economic resources

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CHANCELLORSVILLE General Ambrose E. Burnside took command of the Union Army He lost the Battleof Fredericksburg toLee

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Battle of Fredericksburg

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CHANCELLORSVILLE General Joseph Hooker then took command He lost the Battle of Chancellorsville to Lee

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Battle of Chancellorsville

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Battle of Chancellorsville

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Robert E. Lee

and his Horse


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GETTYSBURG Lee marches up North again



Washington D.C.




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GETTYSBURG Next General George G. Meade commanded the Union Army

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Why Gettysburg?

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GETTYSBURG The Battle of Gettysburg was the key turning point of the war Three day battle in July 1863 Bloodiest battle (28,000 casualties)

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Gettysburg Day One

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Gettysburg Day Two



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Gettysburg Day Two



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Little Round TopLittle Round Top

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Gettysburg Day Three

George Pickett

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Pickett’s Charge

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Pickett’s Charge

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Pickett’s Charge

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Pickett’s Charge

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Gettysburg Day Three

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GETTYSBURG Pickett’s Charge fails Union victory Beginning of the downfall of the South

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Lincoln visits the battlefield• Gives the Gettysburg Address – speech to honor the soldiers

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Lincoln at


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1864 Presidential Election• Lincoln vs. McClellan

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Lincoln wins in a landslide vote

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SHERMAN’S MARCH Union General William Tecumseh Sherman captures Atlanta, Georgia

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Sherman Captures Atlanta

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SHERMAN’S MARCH He burned down the city Then marched to the coast

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Sherman’s March to the Sea

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“I will make Georgia howl.”

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SHERMAN’S MARCH Along the way, he practiced total war

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“Sherman Necktie”

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THE WILDERNESS AND PETERSBURG Grant took charge of all Union troops His WildernessCampaign attackedLee in Virginia

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The Wilderness Campaign

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THE WILDERNESS AND PETERSBURG • Grant took twice as many casualties but continued attacking

Both sides dug in at Petersburg for a siege

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Trenches at


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Union Gun at Petersburg

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Lee on the Run

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Grant finally surrounds Lee at Appomattox Courthouse • Lee is forced to surrender

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Surrender at


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“The war is over, the rebels are our

countrymen again.”

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“I have done for you all that it was in my power to do. You have

done all your duty. Leave the result to God. Go to your homes and resume your occupations. Obey the laws and become as

good citizens as you were soldiers”

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EFFECTS OF THE WAR The Civil War lasted 4

years (1861-1865) 620,000 Americans died Ended slavery