1ano-1covest2010-inglês (1)

COLÉGIO PRESBITERIANO QUINZE DE NOVEMBRO I Simulado COVEST – 2010 – INGLÊS – 1° ANO Read the text and answer question 1. Manuela da Silva from Portugal People think it’s always warm and sunny in Portugal, but January and February are often cold, wet and grey. I don’t like winter. I usually meet friends in restaurants and bars and we chat. Sometimes we go to a Brazilian bar. I love Brazilian music. But then suddenly it’s summer and at weekends we drive to the beach, sunbathe, and go swimming. I love summer. 1. Read the sentences and mark T (true) or F (false), then choose the correct alternative: 1. Manuela is from Brazil. T F 2. The weather is always warm and sunny in Portugal. T F 3. Manuela goes to bars with her friends when it’s cold and grey. T F 4. Manuela goes to a Brazilian bar in summer. T F 5. Manuela goes swimming in summer. T F 6. Manuela doesn’t like winter but she likes summer. T F The correct sequence is: a) F – F – T – F – T – T b) F – F – F –T – T – T c) F – F – T – T – F - T d) T – F – T – F –T – T e) T – T – T – F – F – T Read the text and answer question 2: ABOUT ART At a dinner in Hollywood to celebrate his birthday, Charlie Chaplin entertained the guests during the evening by imitating people they knew: men, women and children, his chauffeur, his Japanese servants, his secretaries. Finally he sang at the top of his voice an aria from an Italian Opera – sang it superbly. "But Charlie, I never knew you could sing so beautifully," someone exclaimed. "I can't sing at all", Charlie answered. "I was only imitating Caruso."

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COLGIO PRESBITERIANO QUINZE DE NOVEMBRO I Simulado COVEST 2010 INGLS 1 ANORead the text and answer question 1. Manuela da Silva from Portugal People think its always warm and sunny in Portugal, but January and February are often cold, wet and grey. I dont like winter. I usually meet friends in restaurants and bars and we chat. Sometimes we go to a Brazilian bar. I love Brazilian music. But then suddenly its summer and at weekends we drive to the beach, sunbathe, and go swimming. I love summer.

1. Read the sentences and mark T (true) or F (false), then choose the correct alternative:1. Manuela is from Brazil. 2. The weather is always warm and sunny in Portugal. 3. Manuela goes to bars with her friends when its cold and grey. 4. Manuela goes to a Brazilian bar in summer. 5. Manuela goes swimming in summer. 6. Manuela doesnt like winter but she likes summer. The correct sequence is: a) b) c) d) e) FFTFTT F F F T T T FFTTF-T T F T F T T TTTFFT T T T T T T F F F F F F

Read the text and answer question 2:

ABOUT ART At a dinner in Hollywood to celebrate his birthday, Charlie Chaplin entertained the guests during the evening by imitating people they knew: men, women and children, his chauffeur, his Japanese servants, his secretaries. Finally he sang at the top of his voice an aria from an Italian Opera sang it superbly. "But Charlie, I never knew you could sing so beautifully," someone exclaimed. "I can't sing at all", Charlie answered. "I was only imitating Caruso." 2. Some of the people Chaplin imitated a) were not known by his guests b) worked for him c) entertained the guests too d) were more famous than Charlie himself e) worked for all his guests 3. (Unitau ) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde seqncia de question tags adequadas para completar as frases a seguir: 1. He isn't at home, __________ ? 2. That will happen, __________ ? 3. She hasn't got a cue, ___________ ? 4. It rains a lot, ___________ ?

a) isn't he; won't it; has he; doesn't it b) is it; will it; does she; has it c) isn't he; will it; has she; hasn't it d) is he; won't it; has she; doesn't it e) isn't he; won't he; has she; does it 4. (Fuvest) Assinale a alternativa correta: He doesn't study here, _________ he? a) doesn't b) do c) did d) does e) don't 5. (Ita-adapted ) Michiko and Yamashiro are not Japanese, __________ ? a) are they b) aren't they c) aren't them d) are e) are they not -Read the cartoon and answer questions 1-2:

6. The tag questions that correctly complete the balloons above are: a) doesnt it / cant you b) does he / can you c) does it / cant you d) does she / can he e) does it / can you 7. Was the boy paying attention to the girl?

a) Yes, he was paying attention to everything she said. b) No, he paid attention only to his friend. c) Yes, he was paying a lot of attention to his friend. d) No, he didnt hear anything the girl said because he was looking above. e) No, he wasnt paying attention at all. 8. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde seqncia de question tags adequadas para completar as frases a seguir: 1. Lets dance, __________ ? 2. Stop crying, __________ ? 3. I am a good daughter, ___________ ? 4. You may go, ___________ ? a) will you; shall we; arent I; may not you b) shall we; will you; arent I; may not you c) shall we; will you; arent I; may you not d) will we; shall you; isnt I; not may you e) shall we; will you; arent you; may not you

GABARITO 1A 2B 3-D 4D 5A 6C 7E 8B