2 drivetest analysis ver1

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  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1



    Drive Test Analysis

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved


  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Upon completion of this course, you will be

    able to:

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    Of drive test data analysis

    Identify the basic problems and cause

    of the problems

    Propose the solutions to solve thenetwork problems

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    Chapter 1Chapter 1 Common procedure of drive test dataCommon procedure of drive test data


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    Chapter 2Chapter 2 Case study for drive test analysisCase study for drive test analysis

    Chapter 3 Practice on drive test analysisChapter 3 Practice on drive test analysis

  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Common procedure of DT data analyze

    1. Check if the Drive test KPIs meet the requirement. If not, identify the problematic logfiles. Capture the figure and events (e.g. locations, time, identify problematic cells)

    2. Check the RxLevel and RxQual distribution, check if they are related to the pointsthat miss the KPI requirement?

    3. (If new site or cluster) Check the distribution of each BCCH (CGI), pay attention tothe crossed feeder.

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 4

    4. Analyze the points that miss the KPIs point by point. (To make the analysis morecomprehensive , get more information from engineering parameters, BSC dataconfiguration, traffic statistic and BTS alarms)

    5. Identify the possible causes of each problem points ,discuss with customers

    4. Propose solutions and get approval from customers before execute the changerequest

    4. Re- Drive Test to verify the problem after implemented the solutions

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    Chapter 1Chapter 1 Common procedure of drive test dataCommon procedure of drive test data


    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 5

    Chapter 2Chapter 2 Case study for drive test analysisCase study for drive test analysis

    Chapter 3 Practice on drive test analysisChapter 3 Practice on drive test analysis

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    Downlink RxLevel

    Coverage of single cell

    Coverage of whole network

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    Network Coverage is evaluated by:

    RxLev = EIRP(dBm) L(dB)


    EIRP = Effective Isotropic Radiated Power

    L = Propagation Losses

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 7


    Unexpected coverage

    (overshooting)Good coverage

    In urban area, Lower Antenna Height (=6 degree),

    and Lower EIRP (

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    The picture shows the coverage of a city, which contains good and bad

    coverage areas.

    The distribution of downlink RxLev concentrates from -80 to -95 dBm.

    Good Coverage

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    Bad Coverage

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    Coverage Issues Coverage hole

    Sudden Decrease on Signal Level

    Line of Sight Lost Lack of Dominant Server

    Coverage Overlapping

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  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Coverage Hole




    Poor CoverageAreas



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    RxLevel(Serving Cell) is about (or less than) -95 dBm

    RxLevel(Neighbours) are about (or less than) -95 dBm

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    Sudden Decrease on Signal Level

    RxLev(Serving Cell and

    Neighbors) decrease in a

    short time.

    Check if there is big change

    of testing environment, e.g.

    check if the test was

    performed on a highway

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    and that particular area was

    a tunnel or not.

    Signal level on the chart will

    make a curve rather than

    unstable changes.

    This usually cause Ping

    Pong Handovers

    Page 12

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    Line of Sight Lost

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    Signal Strength of Serving cell make fast up and down dueto far away server being blocked by obstacles from theterrain. The other way, signal from the server lose line ofsight(LOS) to the mobile because of a hill of something.

    RxQuality goesworse when thelevel drops downfast

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    Lack of Dominant Server

    Signal Level of more

    than one cell (Serving

    Cell and Neighbors) are

    not high enough.

    This might happen

    because the MS is

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 14

    borders and there is no

    any best server to keep

    the call.

    Lack of Dominant Server

    Causes too many


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    Coverage Overlapping Signal Level of 34

    cells are too closed to

    each other.

    This might point

    overlapping cells.

    This will cause quality

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    problems because of

    frequency reuse and

    frequent HO

    Immediate action to

    optimize cell coverage

    should be taken by

    power reductions,

    downtilt or other

    configuration changes.

    Page 15

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    cell Other cell BBSIC 1Freq. A

    MS is covered by the

    serving cell, but is

    outside the cell

    BSC thinks that it is

    neighbor cell A and

    makes a handover to

    cell A

    The MS is not near cell

    A so the assi ned TCH

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 16

    Coverage spot(island effect)

    Neighbour cell ABSIC 1Freq. A

    for the handover is notused

    Cell A will have unused

    TCH (handover)

    The call might bedropped because it

    cannot make the

    handover or bad quality

  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Propose solutions for Coverage Issue

    Solution of low coverage

    Solution of no dominant cell ,overshooting and overlapping

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  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Solutions of Low Coverage

    Possible solution can be listed as below:

    New Site Proposal

    Sector Addition

    Site Configuration Change (Antenna Type, height, azimuth, tilt changes)

    Loss or Attenuation Check ( Feeders, Connectors, Jumpers, etc..)

    Proposal Remark How to do

    New Site ProposalMost effective solution,

    but the cost is hi hest

    Using prediction tool(U-net) to identify the best

    locations to ut new sites

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 18

    Sector Addition Effective solutionbut only for Omni-Site

    Using prediction tool(U-net) to identify therecommended azimuth of new sectors


    Height Difficult, high cost

    Using prediction tool(U-net) to identify the

    recommended height, type, azimuth or down tilt of


    Type Difficult, high cost

    Azimuth Easy to operate

    DowntiltEasy to operate


    Feeders Only for troubleshooting

    Referring to hardware checking guide

    Connectors Only for troubleshooting

    Jumpers Only for troubleshooting

  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Solutions of overshooting or overlapping

    Possible solution can be listed as below: Site Configuration Change (Antenna Type, height, azimuth, tilt changes)

    Cell Configuration Change (Carrier Power Type, Static TRX Power Class, Fine Tuning

    of Static TRX Power)

    Proposal Remark How to do


    Height Difficult, high cost

    Using prediction tool(U-net) to identify the

    recommmended hei ht t e azimuth or

    Type Difficult, high cost

    Azimuth Easy to operate

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 19

    downtilt of sector.

    Downtilt Easy to operate

    Parameter Output Power relatedEasy to operate, but with

    risk of coverage reduction

    Referring to Data Configuration Reference


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    What is crossed feeder issue (1)

    The term crossed feeder is used to describe the problem that

    arises when the feeders for two or more sectors in a site are

    inadvertently connected incorrectly. For Example, consider a newcell site that has three sectors, A, B, and C:

    Cross Feeder

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 20

  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    What is crossed feeder issue (2)

    The crossed feeder problem would arise

    if the feeder for sector A is connected to

    sector C and vice versa. When this

    happens, the sectors typically continue

    to provide good coverage. However, the

    network parameters for the two sectors

    are also reversed. For example, the

    parameters storing the sectors' BCCH

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 21

    an s s o a acen sec ors wou e


    For example, suppose we run a drive test

    through the area served by the cell

    whose feeders are crossed display the

    ServBCCH attribute on the Map while

    the cell sectors are colored by BCCH.

    This is what we might see:

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    What is crossed feeder issue (3)

    There are 3 types of crossed feeder:

    Crossed transmit feeders

    Crossed receive feeders

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 22

    Crossed transmit and receive feeders

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    The problems raised by crossed feeder


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    Crossed Feeder SituationNormal Situation

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    The problems raised by crossed feeder issue

    Crossed feeder will raise many problems, such as:

    A greater degree of interference

    A poor uplink signal strength

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 24

    A poor performance of handover

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    How to detect crossed feeder issue by DT

    Crossed transmit feeders

    Crossed transmit feeders will result in the swap of 2 or more sectors

    BCCH frequency and TCHs. As the sectors are pointing in theincorrect direction, performance will suffer as the frequency plan has

    been changed and a greater degree of interference will be present.

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 25

    In DT, we will find that the handset receives the signal which shouldn't

    have been received in the current cell.

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    How to detect crossed feeder issue by DT

    Crossed transmit feeders

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    In the example shown above, point A is in the area of coverage of Cell

    D3, but the handset at point A receives the stronger signal of Cell D2. Itindicates that TX feeders were crossed between Cell D3 and Cell D2.

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    How to detect crossed feeder issue by DT

    Crossed receive feeders

    It is not easy to detect this fault by DT, because the BCCH frequencies will

    appear exactly as they were designed. However, the statistics for the cell

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 27

    Uplink signal strength would be very poor

    Link balance would be larger than expected

    Handover success rate would be very low

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    How to detect crossed feeder issue by DT

    Crossed receive feeders

    The MR measurement is very useful in detecting this type of feeder


    Uplink-and-Downlink Balance Measurement per TRX and TCH

    Receive Level Measurement per TRX are the most useful statistics .

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 28

    For example, if the uplink-and-downlink balance is always in level 10

    or level 11, we can consider that there is something wrong in the

    receive path of the site, crossed receive feeder is a possible problem.

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  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Downlink RxQual Issue

    What is RxQual Issue

    The problems raised by RxQual issue

    How to detect quality issue by DT

    Poor Quality Issue

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved

    a ua ty ue to gna trengt s a

    Bad Quality due to Signal Strength FER is OK

    Bad Quality due to C/A Interference

    Bad Quality due to Time Dispersion

    The solution to RxQual issue

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  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    The problems raised by RxQual Issue

    Bad RxQual may raise many problems, such as:

    Difficulty in accessing the network

    Dro ed calls due to bad ualit

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 33

    Poor handover success rate

    Low MOS value (poor speech quality)

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    Bad Quality due to Signal Strength FER is Bad

    As the signal strength dropsdown, the quality of the callbecomes worse being effectedby interference and/ or fading.Consequently the system

    becomes weaker to handle theinterference.

    Drop calls and ping ponghandovers usuall ha en in

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 34

    such environments.

    RxLev (Serving Cell andNeighbors) is not high enough(about less than -95dbm).

    Maybe there areinterferences in this region forbad FER.

    Bad RxLev

    Bad RxQual

    Bad FER

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    Bad Quality due to Signal Strength FER is OK

    This case is similar withthe previous except forFER. Signal strength isalso bad in this, but FER is

    still fine.

    FER is ok, it means thatthere is no obvious

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 35

    n er erence n e area.

    The coverage is usuallythe problem in thissituation.

    Bad RxLev

    Bad RxQual

    Fine FER

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    Bad Quality due to Time Dispersion


    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 37

    Time dispersion is caused by the reflections. The MS uses all or most of thereceived power, instead of only the direct signal, there is a larger probability to

    decode the information. So the RxQual will be very bad perhaps.


    Reflecting object

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    Bad Quality due to Time Dispersion

    The MS is near thecell, it is less than 1mile far away.

    The RxQual is verybad for the bad C/R,

    in which, R stands forreflected signal and C

    stands for ori inal

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 38

    signal. The TA is too high.It is because that TAstands for thereflected signal but

    the original signal.

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  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    The solution to RxQual issue (2)

    RxQual Issue Solution

    Bad Quality due to C/A


    Avoided adjacent frequencies in the same cell

    and preferably in neighboring cells as well.

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 40

    Bad Quality due to Time


    Move the site to be placed near the reflecting

    object to prevent time dispersion. Another

    efficient solution is to modify the antenna

    arrangement, either in azimuth (horizontally) or

    by tilt (vertically).

  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Interference Issue Hardware Problem

    TRX Problem

    Feeder & Arrester Problem


    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved

    Adjacent channel & Co-channel

    Inter-modulation Interference


    Other Equipment

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    Co-Channel & Adjacent Channel Interference

    As beside Figure show Station A~D,

    Supposing the frequency N have

    already allocated to cell A-3.so

    fre uenc N can not be allocate to

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved

    A1A2B1B2B3C1C2C3D1D2D3; and frequency

    N1 can not be allocated to cell A1


    (No ,hoping)

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  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    C/I Problem

    C/I Definition

    C/I: Carrier signal /Interference signal

    Optimize C/I method

    Im rove Covera e

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved

    Decrease Interference

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  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    The solution to Interference, C/I,BER issue (1)

    Interference Issue Solution

    Serious interference due to Co-channel orAdjacent channel

    Adjust cell frequency or adjustcoverage

    Serious interference due to feeder or Arrester Check whether the Feeder and

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 47

    an enna g en ng, or rec

    replacement its.

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  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    The solution to Interference,C/I,BER issue (1)

    BER Issue Solution

    Worst BER due to poor coverageImprove coverage by adjustingantenna azimuth and downtilt oradd new sites

    Ensure the interference source

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 49

    and solution as interference

    solution.Worst BER due to Transmission Checking transmission alarm in


    Worst BER to TRX At first check equipment alarm inM2000,ensure which TRX is


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  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Handover signaling on Um(TEMS Message)

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    Handover signaling on Um(TEMS Message)

    BCCH of Neighbors

    to be measuredServing Cell:DL DTX is ONRxLev(sub) is -109+ 62 =--49dBmRxQual sub is 0

    Tell MS how to access toTarget TCH Channel

    Target cell Description

    Target channel DescriptionChannel Type, Timeslot

    TSCRF hoppingMAIO, HSN

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 52

    The RxLev ofNeighbors

    Inter cell SynchronousHandover

    Speech version: EFR

    Handover Complete Handover Success!!!

    Only after SABM & UAin Layer2 Message,handover success!

    The purpose of Handover Analysis

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    The purpose of handover analysis in DT is

    understand the wireless handover performance of network.

    find out whether the handovers are healthy in this network.

    what is typical handover failure in this network.

    find out whether nei hbor audit work is needed in this network.

    The purpose of Handover Analysis

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved

    To make optimization of HSR, the most effective way is based on traffic

    analysis, combining DT events, neighbor audit, and data configuration

    audit together.

    Page 53

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    Handover Types

    Different handover types by network topology

    Different handover types by algorithm

    PBGT handover

    Qualit handover

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    Edge Handover

    Intracell Handover

    Other types of handover

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    Handover Types(Algorithm)

  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Handover Types(Algorithm)

    In DT, the most common handover

    types happens in following order of



    OM Forced HO

    Directed Retry

    TA Emergency HO

    Bad Qualit HO

    Edge HO

    La er HO

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 56




    Rapid Level Drop HO

    Load HO

    Interference HO


    Fast Moving MS HO

    Overlay/Underly HO

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    Quality Handover

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    Quality Handover Exp:


    DL RxQuality >= DL Quality HO


    handover caused by DLRxQuality takes place.


    Quality Handover

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    x ua ty >= ua ty


    handover caused by ULRxQuality takes place.

    DL&UL Quality HOThresholds are generally

    set to 6.

    UL Quality HO cant bemonitored in DT.

    Page 58

    Handover was performed to a better qualitycell just after experiencing quality problems.

    EDGE Handover

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    Edge Handover Exp:


    DL RxLevel < Edge HO DL

    RX_LEV Thresholdhandover caused by DLRxLevel takes place.

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 59

    UL RxLevel < Edge HO UL

    RX_LEV Threshold

    handover caused by ULRxQuality takes place.

    UL EDGE handover cant be

    monitored in DT.

    Handover was performed to the cell withhigher downlink Rxlev.

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    Other types of handover

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    Other types of handover are not easy to judge or not easy to encounter

    in DT test, for example :

    TA handover

    Directed Retry

    Load handover


    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved

    Fast Moving MS HO

    Page 61

    For analysis of different types of handover or handover caused byuplink, it is recommended by traffic analysis or single-user signaling


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    Handover Issues

    What is

    Dragged Handover

    Power Control Effect

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    ng ong an over

    Missing Neighbor Relation

    Fake Neighbor

    Handover Failure

    Dragged Handover

  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    There will be such cases that you will notice handover process takingplace a little late, which is called dragged handover.

    First thing to check will be handovermargins between the neighbors. Ifmargins for level, quality or powerbudget handovers are not setcorrectly, If margins are too much,handover will happen late, vice

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 63

    versa. A Quality handover

    should happen earlier

    Dragged handover events oftenoccur after a GSM serving cell losesdominance for a significant timeperiod.

    Dragged Handover often cause CallDrop or Handover Failure.

    Power Control Effect

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    Power Control Effect sometimesmay mislead us, you might thinkthat handover is happening toolate between two neighbors.

    When the call is continuing on atimeslot that belongs toTCHTRX, power control featurewill try to reduce output power

    Power control

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 64

    as much as possible until a

    quality problem occurs. Thatswhy you will see serving cellsignal level is less thanneighbors level. It looks lessbut in reality, the signal level onBCCH TRX is still higher than

    neighbors broadcasting level.

    Ping-pong Handover

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    Ping-pong handovers occur when the MS is handed over from one cell toanother but is quickly handed back to the original cell.

    The shot shows two ping-pong handovers displayed on

    the map along with theServering CI attribute. Thefirst ping-pong handover isfrom cell 12424 to cell 12368

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 65

    Ping-pong HO

    from cell 12424 to cell 12366

    and back. Changes in thevalue of the CI is shown belowthe route. It can be clearlyvisualized by lines to cellsdisplay.

    For most cases, Ping-pong Handover is caused by no dominant cell. There wasa handover back to cell 12366 after the second ping-pong handover, but this wasoutside of the defined window. The change in dominance after the handover was9dB, which represents a much healthier handover.

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  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Handover Failure

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    Handover Failure: Handover attempt was failed and the call returned back to its

    all channel.

    Target Cell is BCCH is 13

    BSIC is 65

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    Handover Failure

    Page 68

    900M RF hopping Channel.

    Half Rate MA list is 1, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

    MAIO is 4, HSN is 31,

    TSC is 5.

    Channel mode is AMR(SV3)

    The handover has notsuccessfully completed yet!

    Handover Failure iscaused by T200 ExpiredAnother example: Excessive Number of Handover

    Failure due to Hardware Problem

  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Proposal of Handover Issue

    Dragged Handover

    PingPong Handover

    Missing Neighbor Relation

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved

    Solutions of Handover Issues

  • 7/30/2019 2 DriveTest Analysis Ver1


    Issue Proposal

    Dragged Handover

    Check if the parameter of handover, such as: PBGT, Quality, Interference, Edge

    handover threshold, and P/N Value is set too high.

    Check if there is no dominant coverage. Referring to the solution of Low Coverage.

    Check if the traffic volume of target cell is high or has congestion at measuring time.

    Check if there is hardware problem. Referring to hardware checking guide

    Check if there is no dominant coverage. Referring to the solution of Low Coverage.

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 70

    Ping-pong Handover Check if the parameter of handover, such as: PBGT, Quality, Interference, Edge

    handover threshold, and P/N Value is set too low . Check if there is overlapping coverage area, which may also cause ping-pong


    Missing Neighbor NeighborAudit. Check if there is neighbor missing according to data configuration in


    Handover Failure

    Find out the cause of Handover failure form Um signaling flow from Layer2 and

    Layer3 Message.

    Check if the HSR between source and target cell is low. If it is, find the root cause of

    handover failure reasons by traffic statistic analysis.

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    Thank You
