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  • 8/13/2019 2 - Hydraulic Binders(1)




    Mrs B K Ramjeeawon

  • 8/13/2019 2 - Hydraulic Binders(1)


  • 8/13/2019 2 - Hydraulic Binders(1)


    Brief History

    Cementing materials have been used sinceancient Egyptian and Roman times. Egyptiansused calcined impure gypsum while Romans and

    Greeks used calcined limestone Later sand, crushed stone or brick and broken

    tiles were added to this lime and water mixtureproducing the first concrete in history

    Because of limited use of lime under water,Romans have ground together lime and a volcanicash or finely ground burnt clay tiles

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    Manufacture of Portland Cement

    Portland cement was developed in 1824 andderives its name from Portland limestone inDorset because of its close resemblance to this

    rock after hydration has taken place.

    The basic raw materials used in the manufactureof Portland cements are calcium carbonate,

    found in calcareous rocks such as limestone orchalk, and silica, alumina and iron oxide found inargillaceous rocks such as clay or shale.

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    Manufacture of CementWet Process

    Intimate grinding and mixing of the rawmaterials in certain proportions

    Burning of this mixture at very high

    temperature to produce clinker

    Mixing may be in dry or wet state; wet

    process is used, in general, for softermaterials such as chalk or clay. Water

    added to produce slurry which is

    eventually led off to a kiln

    Clinker formed by diffusion between

    solid particles, therefore intimate mixing

    essential for producing uniform cement

    Slurry fed at the upper end of the kiln and clinker is

    discharged at the lower end where fuel is injected; with

    temperature increasing progressively, slurry undergoesa number of changes as it travels down the kiln

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    Manufacture of Cement contd

    Burning of this mixture at very high temperature

    to produce clinker

    Grinding it into powder form


    Done on a steel cylinder, with a

    refractory lining, slightly inclined to thehorizontal and rotates continuously

    about its own axis 3.5m dia and

    150m long

    At 100oC, water evaporates; at about 850oC

    CO2is given off and at about 1400o

    C incipientfusion takes place in the firing zone where

    calcium silicates and calcium aluminates are

    formed in the resulting clinker

    Clinker allowed to cool and then ground,

    with 1 to 5 percent of gypsum (calcium

    sulphate) to required fineness

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    Manufacturing Process

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    Manufacture of Cement

    Different types of Portland cements are obtained by varyingthe proportions of the raw materials, the temperature ofburning and the fineness of grinding. And, in some cases, byintergrinding the clinker with other recognised materials suchas PFA (pulverished-fuel ash) or granulated blastfurnace slag.

    Gypsum is added to regulate the setting of concrete whenmixed with water, which would otherwise set much tooquickly for general use.

    Certain additives may also be introduced for producing specialcements, e.g., calcium chloride is added in the manufacture ofextra-rapid-hardening-cement.

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    Manufacture of Cement

    Dry or semi-dry process is used for the harder rocks such aslimestone and shale. The constituent materials are crushedinto powder form and, with a minimum amount of water,passed into an inclined rotating nodulising pan where nodules

    are formed. These are known as raw meal.

    This is fed into a kiln and thereafter the manufacturingprocess is similar to the wet process although a much shorterkiln is used.

    It should be noted that the dry and semi-dry processes aremore energy efficient than the wet process.

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    Manufacture of Portland Cement

    The grinding of the clinker produces a cementpowder which is still hot and this hot cement isusually allowed to cool before it leaves the

    cement works.

    A wide range of cement is produced byincorporating other materials during manufacture

    including air-entraining cement andcombinations of Portland Cement with mineraladditions.

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    The different cements used for making concreteare finely ground powders and all have theimportant property that when mixed with water,a chemical reaction (hydration) takes place which,

    in time, produces a very hard and strong bindingmedium for the aggregate particles.

    The following table shows the different types of

    concrete. Of these, Portland Cement is the mostwidely used, the others being used whereconcretes with special properties are required.

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    Basic Chemistry of Cement

    All Portland Cements contain the same active

    compoundsonly the proportion of each is


    Tricalcium silicate, C3S3CaO.SiO2

    Dicalcium silicate, C2S2CaO.SiO2

    Tricalcium aluminate, C3A3CaO.Al2O3

    Tetracalcium aluminoferrite, C4AF4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3

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    Chemical Composition The calculation of the potential composition

    of Portland cement is based on the work of RH Bogue and others.

    The Bogue Composition:

    C3S = 4.07(CaO)7.60(SiO2)6.72(Al2O3)1.43(Fe2O3)2.85(SO3)

    C2S = 2.87 (SiO2)0.754(3CaO.SiO2)


    A = 2.65(Al2





    C4AF = 3.04(Fe2O3)

    Terms in bracket represent the percentage ofthe given oxide in the total weight of cement

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    Chemical Composition It is to be noted that the Bogue composition

    underestimates the C3S content (andoverestimates the C2S) because other oxidesreplace some of the CaO in C3S

    Three minor compounds of cementamountingto not more than a few % of the weight of cement:

    MgO, TiO2, Mn2O3, K2O and Na2O

    The oxides of potassium and sodium, known as the

    alkalis, have been found to react with someaggregates, the products causing disintegration ofconcrete; they also affect the rate of gain ofstrength of cement

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    Role in Cement

    However, C3A is beneficial in the manufactureof cement in that it facilitates the combinationof lime and silica.

    C4AF is also present in small quantities, andcompared with the other components, it doesnot affect the behaviour significantly.

    However, it reacts with gypsum to formcalcium sulphoferrite and its presence mayaccelerate the hydration of the silicates

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    Main Compounds in Portland Cement

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    Hydration of Cement

    The two silicates, C3S and C2S, which are the moststable of these compounds, together form 70 to80 percent of the constituents in the cement andcontribute most to the physical properties of

    concrete. When cement comes into contact with water, C3S

    begins to hydrate rapidly, generating aconsiderable amount of heat and making a

    significant contribution to the development ofthe early strength, particularly during the first 14days.

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    Hydration of Cement

    In contrast C2S, which hydrates slowly and is

    mainly responsible for the development in

    strength after about 7 days, may be active for a

    considerable period of time. It is generally believed that cements rich in C2S

    result in a greater resistance to chemical attack

    and a smaller drying shrinkage than do otherPortland cements.

    The contents of C3S and C2S are interdependent.

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    Hydration of Cement

    The hydration of C3A is extremely exothermicand takes place very quickly, producing littleincrease in strength after about 24 hours.

    Of the four principal compounds, tricalcium

    aluminate, C3A, is the least stable andcements containing more than 10% of thiscompound produce concretes which areparticularly susceptible to sulphate attack.

    Tetracalcium aluminoferrite, C4AF, is of lessimportance than the other three compoundswhen considering the properties of hardenedcement mortars or concrete.

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    Hydration of Cement

    There are two ways in which compoundspresent in cement may react with water:

    True reaction of hydration: direct addition of

    water molecules onto the compounds Hydrolysis: breaking down of water molecules

    into hydrogen and hydroxyl ions and reaction ofthese ions with the compounds of cement

    It is convenient, however, to apply the termhydration to all reactions of cement withwater

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    Hydration of Cement

    Le Chatelier observed that the products ofhydration of cement are chemically the same asthe products of hydration of the individualcompounds under similar conditions - later

    confirmed by Steinour (1952), and Bogue andLerch (1934).

    The products of hydration of cement have a lowsolubility in waterindicated by the stability of

    hardened cement paste in contact with water The hydrated cement bonds firmly to the

    unreacted cement

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    Hydration of Cement Main hydrates are:

    calcium silicate hydrates denoted as C-S-H(previously referred to as tobermorite gel), and

    tricalcium aluminate hydrate. C4AF believed tohydrate to tricalcium aluminate hydrate and an

    amorphous phase Hydration of silicates (by hydrolysis):

    2C3S + 6H C3S2H3+ 3Ca(OH)2

    2C2S + 4H C3S2H3+ Ca(OH)2Product of hydration is themicrocrystalline hydrate

    C3S2H3and some lime separating out as crystallineCa(OH)2

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    Hydration of Cement

    The hydration of C3S does not proceed at aconstant rate. There is an initial rapid release if calcium hydroxide

    into the solution leaving an outer layer of calciumsilicate hydrate.

    This is followed by a dormant period during whichlittle hydration takes place (C-S-H forms a coating onC3S)

    Eventually the coating ruptures because of thepressure of the products of hydration, and hydration

    speeds up again. Further slowing down: diffusion becomes the

    controlling factor

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    Hydration of Cement The hydration of C3A with water is very violent

    and leads to immediate stiffening of the paste(flash set). Even with addition of gypsum, therate of reaction is quicker than that of calcium

    silicates Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) reacts with C3A to form

    insoluble calcium sulphoaluminate, and eventuallya tricalcium aluminate hydrate is formed

    There is some evidence that the hydration of C3Ais retarded by Ca(OH)2liberated by the hydrolysisof C3S (product forms a protective coating on thesurface of unhydrated grains of C3A)

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    Addition of Gypsum The amount of gypsum added to the clinker is

    crucial and needs careful control as an excessleads to expansion and consequent disruptionof the set cement paste.

    Amount depends on: C3A content and indirectly on the fineness of


    Alkali content of cement

    Optimum gypsum content is determined onthe basis of the heat of hydration, so that adesirable rate of early reaction occurs andlittle C3A is available for reaction after all thegypsum has combined

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    Addition of Gypsum Amount of gypsum expressed as weight of SO3

    present - limited by BS12:1978 to 2.5% when C3A content is not more than 5%

    3% when C3A content exceeds 5%

    The presence of dehydrated products of gypsum

    in cement any lead tofalse set: When gypsum is interground with too hot clinker

    formation of hemihydrate (CaSO4. H2O) oranhydrite (CaSO4) are formed

    When cement containing these dehydrated productsare mixed with water, these hydrate to form gypsum.

    Thus plaster set takes place with stiffening of thepaste

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    Heat of Hydration

    The hydration of cement is exothermic (like manychemical reactions)

    Heat of hydration defined as the quantity of heat(J) per gram of unhydrated cement, evolved upon

    complete hydration at a given temperature For usual range of Portland cements:

    of total heat liberated between 1 and 3 days

    in 7 days, and

    90% in 6 months

    The heat of hydration depends on the chemicalcomposition of the cement

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    Heat of Hydration Total heat of hydration sum of heats of hydration of

    individual pure compounds, when their respectiveproportions by mass are hydrated separately. Typical values


    Compound Heat of Hydration (J/g)

    Tricalcium silicate 502

    Dicalcium silicate 260

    Tricalcium aluminate 867

    Tetracalcium aluminoferrite 419

    Therefore reducing the proportions of C3A and C3S will

    result in a decrease in the heat of hydration

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    Heat of Hydration

    Points to be noted:

    There is no relation between the heat of hydrationand the cementing properties of the individual

    compounds. The fineness of cement affects the rate of heat

    development but not the total amount of heatliberated.

    The total amount of heat liberated can becontrolled in a concrete mix by varying thequantity of cement added (the richness)

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    Strength Development

    There are two classical theories of hardening orgain of strength of cement:

    Le Chatelier (1882) states that the products ofhydration of cement have a lower solubility than theoriginal compounds, so that the hydrates precipitatesfrom a supersaturated solution. The precipitate is inthe form of interlaced elongated crystals with highcohesive and adhesive properties

    Colloidal theory by Michaelis (1893) states that thecrystalline aluminate, sulpho-aluminate and hydroxideof calcium give the initial strength.

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    Strength Development

    (Michaelis contd) The lime-saturated water thenattacks the silicates and forms a hydrated calciumsilicate which, being almost insoluble, forms agelatinous mass. This hardens gradually as a result of

    water loss (either by external drying or hydration ofinner unhydrated cement grains).

    Modern knowledge has shown that both theoriesare plausible and the colloidal behaviour is a

    function of the size of the surface area ofparticles rather than the non-regularity of theirinternal structure

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    Strength Development

    In the case of Portland cement:

    When mixed with large amount of water: cementproduces within a few hours a solution

    supersaturated with calcium hydroxide andcontaining concentrations of C-S-H in metastablecondition. This precipitates in agreement with LeChateliers theory

    The subsequent hardening may be due to thewithdrawal of water from the hydrated material aspostulated by Michaelis

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    Strength Development of Pure Compounds










    0 60 120 180 240 300 360

    Age (days)







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    Strength Development

    Convenient rule to strength development:

    C3S contributes most to strength development

    during first 28 days

    C2S influences later gain in strength

    After about 1 year, both compounds contribute

    approximately equally to strength

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    Setting of Concrete Term used to describe the stiffening of the

    cement paste In strict terms, setting refers to a change in

    state from fluid to rigid

    During setting, there is some strength gainbut, for practical purposes it is convenient todistinguish between setting and hardening

    Hardening refers to the gain of strength of a

    set cement paste Two stages are used to describe the state

    reached by cement on hydration: initial setand final set

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    Caused by the selective hydration of cementcompounds

    First two compounds to react are C3A and C3S. With the addition of gypsum, C3S sets first when

    mixed with water and exhibits an initial set C2S stiffens in a more gradual manner The setting process is accompanied by

    temperature changes in the cement paste

    Initial set corresponds to a rapid rise intemperature Final set corresponds to the peak temperature


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    Setting False set: abnormal premature stiffening of

    cement within minutes of mixing with water No appreciable heat evolved and remixing of the

    cement paste without the addition of waterrestores plasticity of the paste without a loss of

    strength Potential causes:

    Hydration of dehydrated products of gypsum (asdetailed previously)

    Presence of alkalis in cement: these may carbonateduring storage and then on hydration, the alkalicarbonates react with Ca(OH)2liberated by hydrolysisof C3S to form CaCO3. This precipitates and induces arigidity of the paste

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    Activation of C3S by aeration at moderately highhumidities: water is adsorbed on the grains of cementand these freshly activated surfaces can combine veryrapidly with more water during mixing producing false

    set Flash set: takes place in cement with insufficient

    gypsum to control the rapid reaction of C3A withwater.

    Can only be overcome by adding more water and re-agitating the mix.

    The addition of water causes a reduction in strength

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    Tests on Cement

    Tests undertaken to ensure that the cementproduced is of desired quality and conforms tonational or international standards:

    Chemical composition (beyond scope of lecture) Fineness

    Consistence of standard paste

    Setting time


    Strength of cement

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    Fineness of cement

    The rate of hydration depends on the fineness ofcement particles and for rapid development ofstrength, a high fineness is necessary

    However, increased fineness involved increased

    costs: For grinding

    Increased gypsum requirement

    Effect on other properties, such as workability of fresh

    concrete and long-term behaviour Fineness measured by the determination of the

    specific surface (in m2/kg)

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    Direct approach: measure particle sizedistribution by sedimentation or elutriation

    The method is based on Stokes law giving theterminal velocity of fall under gravity of a

    spherical particle in a fluid medium Two methods: Wagner turbidimeter: concentration of particles

    under suspension at a given level in kerosene isdetermined under a beam of light

    Air permeability (Lea and Nurse) method:measurement of the pressure drop when dry air flowsat a constant velocity through a bed of cement ofknown porosity and thickness

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    Consistence of standard paste

    Neat cement of standard paste consistence has tobe used in setting time and soundness tests

    Therefore it is necessary to determine the watercontent, for any given cement, which will produce

    a paste of standard consistence Consistence is measured by the Vicat apparatus

    Standard consistence is the point at which aplunger penetrates to a point 5 1mm from thebottom of the mould.

    Water content measured are typically in therange of 26 to 33%

    S tti ti

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    Setting time

    The Vicat apparatus is also used for this test

    Initial set is the time since mixing with waterwhen the paste has stiffened sufficiently forthe needle to penetrate to a point 5 1mmfrom the bottom of the mould

    Minimum time of 45 minutes prescribed forordinary and rapid-hardening Portland cement

    Final set is the time, since mixing with water,at which a specific needle makes animpression on the surface of the cement pastein a specified manner

    This is required by BS not to exceed 10 hours

    for ordinary, rapid hardening Portland cement

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    Setting time

    Approximate relationship between initial andfinal setting times:

    Final time (min) = 90 + 1.2 x initial time (min)

    Since setting is affected by temperature andhumidity, certain values are prescribed by BS ascontrol namely:

    Mixing at room temperature of 20 2oand min.

    relative humidity of 65% Curing or storing at same temperature and max.

    relative humidity of 90%

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    Cement paste is required to have volume stability,i.e. it should not undergo large volume changeonce it has set

    Disruptive expansion of cement may occur due to

    reactions with free lime, magnesia and calciumsulphatecements exhibiting these types ofexpansion are classified as unsound

    Different tests prescribed for detecting different

    deleterious materials present; Le Chateliers accelerated test (BS): detecting

    unsoundness due to free lime only

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    Autoclave test (ASTM): sensitive to both magnesia

    and free lime

    No test available for detection of calcium sulphate

    but its content can be easily determined bychemical analysis

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    Strength tests are not made on neat cement

    paste because of difficulties in obtaining good

    specimens and in testing with a consequent

    large variability of test results

    Tests are done on cement-sand mortar or

    concrete of prescribed proportions

    Compressive strength tests are more common

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    Types of Portland cement The different types exhibit different properties

    when mixed with water Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC):

    Most common cement

    Used where there is no exposure to sulphates inthe soil or groundwater

    Typical fineness of about 275m2/kg

    Rapid-hardening Portland Cement

    Similar to OPC Develops strength rapidly; has a higher C3S

    content (up to 70%) and higher fineness(minimum of 325m2/kg)

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    Types of Portland Cement

    Used principally when formwork need to be removedearly

    It should not be used in mass concrete construction orin large structural sections

    Same setting time as OPC

    Marginally higher cost than OPC

    Special rapid-hardening PC Highly rapid-hardening

    Fineness ranging from 700 to 900m2

    /kg Higher gypsum content

    Used for early prestressing and urgent repairs

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    Types of Portland Cement

    Low-heat Portland cement: It has a low heat of hydration: 250J/g at age of 7 days

    and 290J/g at 28 days

    Developed in the US for use in large gravity dams

    Slower development of strength than OPC due tolower content of C3S and C3A

    Portlandpozzolan cement of low-heat variety

    Sulphate-resisting cement:

    Low C3A content (limited to 3.5%) so as to avoidsulphate attack from outside the concrete

    Minimum fineness of 250m2/kg

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    Types of Portland Cement Has the advantage of being relatively low heat

    (not much higher than low-heat cement) Higher cost due to special composition of raw

    materials, therefore not for general use

    Portland blast-furnace cement

    Produced when intergrinding or blending PCclinker with ground granulated blastfurnace slag

    Hydration is initiated when lime liberated in the

    hydration of PC provides the correct alkalinity Used in various proportions (refer to table earlier)

    Similar to OPC wrt fineness, setting times andsoundness

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    Types of Portland Cement

    However, lower early strength than OPC with similar

    later strength

    Typical uses in mass concrete due to lower heat of

    hydration and in sea-water construction due to better

    sulphate resistance (lower C3A content) than OPC

    White or coloured PC

    Use for architectural purposes

    Made with china clay and requires special precautionsduring grinding

    Therefore it is costlytwice as much as OPC

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    Types of Portland Cement

    Portland-pozzolan cement Use of PFA or fly asha pozzolan (a siliceous or

    siliceous/aluminous material, which when in finelydivided form and in the presence of moisture, reactwith lime at ordinary temperature to form compounds

    with cementitious properties) Slow gain in strength and require curing over a

    comparatively long period High long-term strength Use of PFA improves sulphate resistance

    Pozzolans may often be cheaper than PC Main advantage lies in slow hydration and therefore

    low rate of heat development