2012 ces trend guide - a joint ipsos-iotx upstream pre-show report

2012 Consumer Electronics Show Trend Guide IMPLICATIONS FOR MARKETERS, TECHNOLOGISTS & RESEARCHERS An Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange Report January 6th, 2012

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Ipsos-IOTX Austin Futures Group and UPSTREAM Design Innovation teams take a look at this years 2012 International CES, pre-show the show to share trend observations, technology examples and recommended panels and exhibits for those attending.


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Trend Guide


An Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange Report January 6th, 2012

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Upstream is a brand and innovation consultancy that empowers leaders to innovate more effectively and for businesses to reach new targets, achieving sustained growth. By providing innovation frameworks, actionable insight, structured co-creation and a design centered point-of-view we bridge the gaps of technol-ogy, product design and marketing to spark innovation.

Our DNA emanates from the worlds of executive management, technology design, brand strategy, marketing and research with special skill sets across sectors. We specialize in the application of world-class expertise to solve diverse real-world business problems, ranging from the design of brands and business strategies to the design of products, services and digital systems. We’re solution agnostic. We understand that business outcomes are best achieved through holistic solutions that serve and solve problems of consumers.

Upstream exists to help business leaders manage a increasingly disrupted marketplace, design new innovations and bring functional teams together to execute most efficiently across their brand ecosystem.

We collaborate exclusively with organizations that demonstrate; a need to grow, consistent investment toward innovation with an internal executive champion for change.

Ipsos is a global market research company and anindependent company ranking fifth among global research companies.

Ipsos is committed to working with clients to identify the right solutions to their specific challenges.

We specialize in six areas of research: advertisingresearch; marketing research; media, content andtechnology research; loyalty, quality and customerrelationship management research; opinion polls and social research; and survey management, data collection and delivery. Our industry specialization model means we have an intimate understanding of your brands, your consumers and your marketplace.

The Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange is the innovation and technology hub of a global research network. Based in LA, Austin, New York, London and locations worldwide, The Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange takes a multi-disciplinary approach to business issues. Teams of researchers, strategists, technical engineers and design architects work hand in hand with our clients and their customers. We immerse you in your customers’ world and keep them engaged in yours.

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Andy’s experience spans the marketing communication space working for the world’s leading fortune 500 brands. He focuses on digital innovation, web marketing and integrated communication strategy. He is the former founder of GSDM’s connections planning and digital strategy practices.

He also serves as an advisor to several new media and technology startups concentrated in the online video, social networking and integrated communications space. He is a past speaker-moderator at events including MIT’s Future of Entertainment,SXSW Interactive and Digital America with ongoing contributor-collaborator status within PSFK.com’s The Purple List, the Society of Word of Mouth and the Plannersphere.

Andy Hunter

Jerry Courtney

Paul Noble-Campbell is an Industrial Designer, who creates opportunities through design that makes organizations, people and society thrive. He creates rich brand experiences by blending a human-centric approach with his diverse experiences. Paul’s collaborative leadership has guided multi-national clients through hundreds of initiatives resulting in the design of products spanning a diverse range of industries such as consumer electronics, healthcare, house wares, furniture, sports equipment, toys, industrial equipment, and consumer products. Paul’s international experience was gained at design consultancies in Australia (at Form Australia), Hong Kong (at Zoo Design) and in the USA (at Astro Studios and as Director of Design Strategy at M3 Design). Paul’s work is permanently exhibited at the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum and has been responsible for accruing numerous patents for his clients. He presented at the inaugural Human Centered Design conference in 2011..

Paul Noble-Campbell

Andy Hunter Andy’s experience spans the marketing and communication spaces working for the world’s leading fortune 500 brands. He focuses on brand innovation, emerging technologies and integrated systems design. He is the former founder of GSDM’s connections planning and digital strategy practices and former lead engagment strategist for clients including BMW, Walmart, American Express, PWC Consulting and Sears.

He also serves as an advisor to several new media and technology startups concentrated in the online video, social networking and integrated communications space. He is a past speaker-moderator at events including MIT’s Future of Entertainment, SXSW Interactive Advidory Board and Digital America with ongoing contributor-collaborator status within PSFK.com’s The Purple List.


Jeff MulhausenFor over 12 years, Jeff has built a reputation as a leader in the design and innovation in-dustry. He was again selected as a judge for the 2012 CES Innovations Awards where he evaluated entries in computer hardware, gaming and mobile apps. He is the former Vice Chair of Central Texas Chapter of the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA). He is listed on over 10 patents, and his work has been widely recognized. Jeff has been awarded more than 15 national and international design awards including IDEA/BusinessWeek, ID Magazine, Consumer Electronics Show, RedDotAward (Germany), and a Good Design Award (Japan). Jeff has worked with leaders on projects ranging from portable electronics to children’s games with clients such as Igloo, Microsoft, Dell, PetSafe, Coleman, Hasbro,Wyse, Polycom and AMD. He lectures on design and innovation at the Universityof Texas business school. Jeff’s work has been exhibited at the Austin Museum ofArt, and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in New York City. lbu

Upstream exists to help business leaders manage a

Jerry CourtneyJerry’s approach to digital is based in a simple three part mantra - understand why people do what they do, figure out how to help them do it and learn how to help them better next time. This consumer-centric approach has served him well in his 15 years of experience in connecting business, technology and marketing strategies. Jerry was a pioneer at the end of the last millenium, building one of the largest digital media practices in advertising. He has guided frequent first-to-market work across all digital platforms for clients such as:AT&T, BMW, Walmart and Southwest Airlines. Moving into the marketer’s seat, he has lead holistic touchpoint strategy at Target Corporation, synthesizing everything from database marketing to national television for the brand, as well as playing an integral part in monetiz-ing the company’s media assets and assessing the efficacy of the corporate media mix.

Paul Noble-CampbellPaul Noble-Campbell is an Industrial Designer, who creates opportunities through design that makes organizations, people and society thrive. He creates rich brand experiences by blending a human-centric approach with his diverse experiences. Paul’s collaborative leadership has guided multi-national clients through hundreds of initiatives resulting in the design of products spanning a diverse range of industries such as consumer electronics, healthcare, house wares, furniture, sports equipment, toys, industrial equipment, and con-sumer products. Paul’s international experience was gained at design consultancies in Aus-tralia (at Form Australia), Hong Kong (at Zoo Design) and in the USA (at Astro Studios and as Director of Design Strategy at M3 Design). Paul’s work is permanently exhibited at the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum and has been responsible for accruing numerous patents for his clients. He presented at the inaugural Human Centered Design conference in 2011.

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Established over 40 years ago, the yearly Consumer Electronics Show brings together consumer technology brands and product manufacturers together to showcase next generation innovations to the world. Television, computer, gaming & entertainment, mobile phone, automotive, home automation, personal electronics and product accessories converge across miles of convention space in an overwhelming and exhilarating display of what’s now and what’s next.Prominent brands including Ford, Disney, Intel, Dell, Microsoft, Google, Motorola, Sony, Nintendo, Electronic Arts participate with over 48,000 Exhibitors and more than 140,000 attendees from 140 countries. The International CES is owned and produced by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), the preemi-nent trade association promoting growth in the $186 billion U.S. consumer technology industry. CEA represents more than 2,000 corporate members involved in the design, development, manufacturing, distribution and integration of consumer electronics products. All profits from CES are reinvested into industry services, including technical training and education, industry promotion, engineering standards development, market research and legislative advocacy.

The International CES 2012, as it does every year, will present an enormous array of gadgets, technology innovations and a feeding frenzy of consumer elec-tronics commerce.

But looking above the fray of the convention floors, we expect several disruptors to shape the macro trends of the coming years. Major technology and con-sumer behavior shifts are emerging that are changing the business of consumer electronics, media and entertainment and digital-online media. As social and mobile adoption mainstreams for consumers and marketers, new platforms, technology and media will emerge shaped by these fundamental disruptors:



APPIFICATION: The term "product" is evolving as mobile, online and tablet applications open up a new markets for entrepreneurs, brands and businesses to create new services, utility and enhancements to existingproducts.

POST-SOCIAL WORLD: Social media and social networks, having reached mainstream, become less of a point of focus and integrate into consumer and marketer toolbox. New space races will emerge from combined social, mobile, local and digital enabled products that are accessed in new ways via tablets, ubiquitous smartphones and portable ultrabooks.

UBIQUITOUS CONTENT & DATA: Data is everywhere and content can be accessed in multiple forms. This overwhelming choice andabundance of invisible data collection is presenting opportunities and obstacles for people and brands to filter thrugh clutter to get better information, more product and service relevance, and new socialconnections while retaining trust in providors and a promise of privacy.

UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY: Technology, media and entertainment companies are finally unlocking content portability forconsumers, so ownership and access of media can happen anywhere on any device in many forms. Once thought to be a barrier to success for the media industry, open and integrated content platforms are leading to smarter strategies to own media ecosys-tems with content, devices, online media and valuable data assets to monetize. Technology devices will also become more accessible, with low cost of entry of tablets, ultrabooks and feature rich mobile devices for middle and low income consumers.

GAMIFIED VALUE: Privacy concerns abound in a world where so much behavior happens in the digital space and newpredictive and analytic technologies can understand personal behavior in new ways. However, as laws and standards come into place for data privacy and trust-ed data centric brands emerge, some of these fears will erode. As part of this, people will increasingly bewilling to give up even more personal information to brands and online services for the return of rewards, social currency and “gamified” value.

CLOUD TECHNOLOGY & MOBILE: The coming years will see a major shift of how technology and data is stored and accessed. Where processing power and media storage once wasprimarily housed on local hard-drives and servers, most of this data will shift to wirelessly accessednetworks that store content and data invisibly, automatically in large, enterprise driven server farms of Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Facebook. Over time, these server farms may translate to insight mines that store valuable, anonymous data the indi-viduals, marketers and institutions will want to understand and access.

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Financial professions, digital marketers and healthcare enterprises may have been the first to actively track and analyze behavioral-lifestyle data. However, as self tracking digital technologies, online data aggregators, augmented apparel enable advanced user analytics for individuals, that act of active data collection and persoinal metrics will become the next big thing. The first sectors to apply novel apps and devices for discreetly managing life and health more productively are already catching fire with self analysis tools like Fitbit and JawboneUP. Research company Technavio predicts that the global mobile health applications market will reach USD 4.1 billion by 2014, up from USD 1.7 billion in 2010. You’ll see solutions for diagnosing, monitoring and treating a variety of illnesses - from obesity to asthma, from poor vision or hearing to high blood pressure. Seemingly disparate data points like work activity, commuter data, financial transations and calendar data will be compared to understand effects on health and achieve new understanding of ones self. This data tracking will create new benefits individuals. It will also intensify the privacy concerns and scrutiny of cloud services that support the system of personal data storage.Need further proof? Apple’s App Store currently offers 9,000 mobile health apps (1,500 cardio apps, 1,300 diet apps, 1,000 stress and relaxation apps, and 650 women’s health apps). By mid-2012, this number is expected reach 13,000 (Source: MobiHealthNews, September 2011).Collecting, sharing, tracking and optimization of oneself is a major trend for 2012. Look for this trend to extend into other sectors throughout the year.

Personal biometrics and digital enabled behavior analysis will increasingly let consumers discreetly track and manage their lives more effectively.



October 2011 saw US automotive company Ford demonstrate three apps offering in-car health monitoring. The sample apps use Ford’s SYNC Applink software to enable drivers to access certain mobile health apps while driving to keep track of chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma and hay fever.

Released in November 2011, Jawbone’s Up is a wristband personal tracking device that tracks a user’s moving, eating and sleeping patterns. The device syncs with an iPhone app, and users can set the device to vibrate when they have been inactive for a period, compete against friends and even earn real life rewards for completing activity challenges.

LOOK OUT FOR IN 2012Startup Misfit Wearables raised funding to launch a wearable product focused on helping control a chronic condition by the end of 2012. Investors include John Sculley, former CEO of Apple.

What does all of this data mean and how are we going to manage the info? Hear from companies making data digestible, fun and something we can act on.

AT&T announced in October that it will begin selling clothes embedded with health monitors, able to track the wearer’s vital signs (including heart rate and body temperature) and upload them to a dedicated website.According to AT&T, apart from its sports based applications, these bio-monitoring clothes line will also be uniquely beneficial for a range of uses including fire fighters, policemen and even military personnel. Above all, the health tracking clothes are expected to greatly entice the interest of the senior citizens, where in they will have the freedom of wearing health monitors in a more fashionable way.

The B1 Basis Band is a watch-like wellness aid includes optical blood flow and galvanic skin sensors to track your pulse rate, calorie burn-rate and sleep patterns.

WITHINGSBooth:North - 3521www.withings.com

CES PANELData Liberation: Making Health Data Intelligible for the Consumer January 11, 2012 11:35 AM - 12:25 PMLVCC, North Hall N250

Booth:LVCC, North Hall

CES Panel:Data Liberation January 11, 11:35 AM North Hall N250

BASISBooth:North - 3632www.mybasis.com


FORD MOTORSBooths: GL-4,North - 2230www.ford.com

Withings’ Blood Pressure Monitor plugs into an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch and takes the user’s blood pressure. Data can be sent directly to a doctor or published (confidentially) on the Web.Also look for their Wi-Fi enabled scales which can measure both weight and fat mass and upload the data to a web portal.

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LOOK OUT FOR IN 2012More gesture recognition and natural user-interface innovations migrate over from the gaming world to be used in the interaction with TVs and computers (such as the next-generation Microsoft Kinect).

New natural interfaces based on movement will allow more intuitive control of tech, increasing access to information and digital content.

Augmented reality may have become an attention getter in the marketing world in 2011, but new computer interfaces and augmented screens will reach a tipping point in 2012 as touchscreen, mobile sensing and accelerometer innovations go mainstream. New Natural User-Interfaces (NUI’s) will allow more intuitive control of computer applications, manipulation of digital content and information. Bridged to local data and online content, these new interfaces use people’s movements and gestures to create a bridge between the real world and the digital world. Progressive consumer electronics companies (Microsoft Xbox, Google, Apple, and Nintendo) have realized the importance of making the products around us simpler to use, rather than blindly adding more features because they can. This trend is enhanced by the increased capabilities of natural interfaces to integrated into new environmental elements of gesture, movements, location, voice-command, biometric response and soon, our moods and our thoughts.In 2012 will see Near Field Communication (NFC mobile-wireless data transfer capability) becoming more prevalent in mobile products and will drive an exponential growth in mobile (hence personal) interactions. Early examples of NFC enabled gesture interactions will be mobile payment and information sharing through natural gestures (like the Bump contact sharing app).This all leads to a new form of interaction that’s more intuitive, natural and easy for consumers to adopt. It changes the game of marketing content creation, customer interaction and creates opportunities for information providers and product technologists to ultimately make digital more “human.”


Easily maintain your desired comfort level in your home with this learning thermostat that remembers your temperature adjustments and programs itself to build a personalized schedule based on your preferences. Its passive interface also knows when you are not home (via proximity sensors) and is intelligent enough to make the appropriate adjustments. Additional information is provided while it is being adjusted by their owners so as to give them real-time feedback about the energy usage implications of their selection and provides suggestions on how to save energy.

Multiple platforms in new and scalable formats offer potential for innovative monetization strategies and programs. With an ever-expanding universe of content creation, consumption forms a revolutionary business model awaits.

ExoDesk, a collaboration between ViewSonic and ExoPC, is a desk with an embedded computer and unique user-interface. It reads input from 10 fingers and hand gestures to make moving tools, virtual keypads, objects and images around the desktop easy and intuitive.

The next-generation of Microsoft’s Kinect is said to be so accurate it can read lips, voice pitch and facial characteristics (and complex finger movements and gestures) to determine what mood the player is in. The Kinect platform has the potential to create new paradigms in the way that we interact with computers and communicate. Expect the Kinetic sensor technology to be incorporated into displays, TVs, ultrabooks and mobile phones as it becomes miniaturized.It’s likely to be available in 2013, but look for an announcement at CES.

VIEWSONICBooth:South Hall - 36631www.viewsonic.com

NEST LABSBooth:Hilton Suites 303www.nest.com

CES PANELMerging Content with New Technologies: Content ReinventionJanuary 9, 2012 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.mLVCC, North Hall N261

MICROSOFT XBOXBooth:Central - 7244www.xbox.com/kinect

SoftKinetic develops gesture recognition hardware and software for interaction with digital entertainment, gaming, interactive digital signage, advergaming and physical therapy.Their software can recognize various scenic elements, track user’s body; and adapt digital content to the user’s movements, and vice versa.

SOFTKINETICBooth:South 4 - 36062www.softkinetic.com



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SoLoMo = SOCIAL, LOCAL, MOBILE. Fuelled by multiple social and “geo-awareness” technology components, location-based marketing will create new types of value exchanges between marketers and consumers. Behavioral data tracking will evolve to real time value creation between marketers, content creators, consumers and their social networks. Marketers will be challenged to explore new types of social-interpersonal currency for consumers to feel more connected and valued “in-the-moment” as they go about there daily lives.The advantages from the consumer’s perspective are that ubiquitous mobile access allows you to be connected at any location whilst connected to your entire social network and their opinions, advice and buying power. Brands will need to find value intersections to connect with people, based on consumer’s immediate needs and relationship building opportunities as paid-marketing impact further diminishes and brands are squeezed a central role.In 2012 expect products and services to make it more effortless (through the processing of passive-data) to contribute to anything from connecting like-minded strangers for recommendations, pinpointing roads in need of repairs to finding signs of extraterrestrial life. Consumers can and will increasingly broadcast more data about where and what they are doing to create new social opportunities to connect with their friends, valued products and people with shared interests.Tech devices create continuous data-exhaust of daily life that provide marketers rich data to mine fro insight. 2012 will be the beginning of a long journey of navigating real time, local connectivity and understanding big data.

Mobile “geo-awareness” technology, will create dramatic paradigm shifts to how we shop, socialize and how we are marketed to.


Digby Mobile Commerce from AT&T helps to lift sales by delivering a user-friendly interface for consumers to search, browse and buy products on their mobile phones. It allows retailers to provide information, pictures of products, rich media and an enhanced shopping experience when potential customers scan barcodes. Retailers are provided with analytics about customer buying behaviors.

AT&T www.digby .com

CES PANELGuarding Your Online PrivacyJanuary 11, 12:45 pm North Hall - 264

AMAZONBooth:South 2 - 25376www.amazon.com


LOOK OUT FOR IN 2012Marketers will continue to explore ways to utilize mobile SoLoMo data but will need to create clear value for consumers and not overstep their privacy boundaries, acting more transparently.

Euclid is analogous to Google Analytics for the physical world.The Euclid sensor anonymously detects smartphones as they move around the area of your store, both inside and out, so data is collected without visitors having to “opt-in” – so their privacy is kept intact.Euclid provides store owners with visitor-based analytics - such as how many people walked by, how many walked through the door, how many were new vs existing customers and how long did they stay.

Looxcie is the creator of the first mobile-connected, handsfree, wearable video cam that frees people to record and share on the go. Looxcie owners can record their lives and share clips instantly to their social network or record and stream live video.

L o c a t i o n - b a s e d social network, Gowalla was bought by Facebook and is set to be a huge player in location based marketing.

Amazon’s Flow app, enables consumers to research products in-store (through image recognition) and to purchase them.

KEYNOTE:Carolyn EversonFacebookJanuary 11, 4 p.m.Las Vegas Hilton Theater


The eBay Inspiration Shop is a selection of products curated by celebrities, editors & stylists shoppers can purchase instantly by scanning a QR code in a mobile application.


LOOXCIEBooth:North - 3520www.looxcie.com

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In years past, CES has been a slightly ridiculous technology race to build the largest or thinnest TV with seemingly little thought to improving their usability. Many will persevere with that race, so expect the proliferation of the 4K resolution standard (4000 pixel columns), high-contrast OLED screens, 3D tech and ultra-thin bezels. However watch for innovations in this space that mark some progress of the shifting role of the TV in our lives and homes. Television is already has a social aspect to it, whether it’s talking to the person next to you, texting, tweeting or calling friends about what you’re watching. But it’s about to become a much more social experience. Expect the popularity of Social Media and The Cult of Influence to migrate the TV away from being a pure consumption medium/device to a creation device. The TV will enable us to become connected to others, curators of content right on our couches, and online participants, instead of TV watching zombies. Expect that a gargantuan “Cloud Fight” for dominance of cloud computing between Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix and cable providers (such as AT&T and Time Warner) to extend into a fight for dominance in control of living room content and access to behavorial insight.The blurry line separating TV and computer screens will go away as cloud computing allows content to be seamlessly moved between primary screens and second screens. Increasingly within our lives, display devices and projected imagery will become fixtures like picture frames, mirrors and faucets. Personalized content, social multilayered entertainment will be cost of entry for the marketing-media-tech world as viewing technology commoditizes.

Integration of Social Media and The Cult of Influence into the TV experience will transform it from a media consumption device to a content curating experience.


IntoNow is a TV companion app recently bought by Yahoo. It makes engaging with your friends around your favorite television shows easy and fun. The app picks up on audio cues made by whatever you’re watching on TV and then displays websites, game scores, even Twitter feeds of musicians and other famous types shown on the big(ger) screen. Just tap the green button when you’re watching, and IntoNow will identify the show, right down to the episode. Once identified, it’s easy to share the content with your friends on Twitter or Facebook.

Disney Second Screen is an interactive onscreen film feature accessible via a computer or iPad app that provides additional content to you as you view a movie. The movie links with the viewer’s device through an audio cue, a manual sync, or with a visual sync indicator. As the film plays on your television, interactive elements such as trivia, photo galleries, and animated flipbooks appear on the iPad or computer screen. Disney Second Screen is currently available to use on an iPad or computer with Flash.


INTO NOW/YAHOOBooth:South Hall Meeting Rooms - S113 www.intonow.com


FLINGOBooth:Titian Ballroom - 74106www.flingo.tv

Flingo is the embedded technology inside many internet-connected TVs that allows media partners like Fox, Showtime and Etsy and others to build apps that integrate both. It enables broadcasters and advertisers to build mobile and web applications that are aware of what television content you are watching. Broadcasters can provide additional relevant content to on-air shows in those applications, increasing engagement with users on the second screen.

Skype for TV was announced in 2010. Expect plenty of solutions for integration of Skype into the TV experience, as well as peripherals.

SKYPEBooths:Central Plaza - CP13South 2 - MP25857www.skype.com

LOOK OUT FOR IN 2012Many expect Apple to make a TV based on the Siri voice-commands. They are expected to make a “media related” announcement in late January 2012. It could be that they make public new deals with cable operators and pay TV operators that extend their reach as a content provider.

CES PANELMultiscreen UniverseJanuary 9, 1PMNorth Hall N259

Fanhattan is an entertainment service that lets you discover and watch TV and movies on your iOS device from many popular services including Netflix, Hulu Plus, iTunes, Vudu, and ABC.The application allows you browse related content including recommendations from friends, reviews from Rotten Tomatoes, ratings, trailers, actor and crew bios, soundtracks, fan gear, and more.

FANHATTANVenetian Palazzo Hospitality Suiteswww.fanhattan.com

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Digital and interactive technologies have been bound in the past to browsers, websites and technology devices. Invention and manufacturing of physical product has been constrained by accessibility to closed and complex manufacturing chains. This is changing as open source hardware, software and manufacturing technologies mainstream, and what we deem “product” will change. And it will be more accessible to all.3D printing, computer-controlled cutting and sintering; originally used for rapid-product prototyping, have now evolved and proliferated to where they have spawned a whole new distributed manufacturing network. This new network of local, distributed manufacturers has enabled the mass-customization of electronic products, furniture, jewelry, and even aircraft engines. Open-source electronic prototyping platforms (such as Arduino) have similarly allowed new freedoms in the creation of interactive electronic objects. 3D printers will, in the not too distant future new electronics will also be able to produce electronic circuitry and components. Apple iOS, Android and code libraries and new online creation software allow for virtually anyone to create social mobile and online applications more easily.Pioneering companies such as Ponoko, Etsy and Shapeways have sprouted communities that allow creators to upload their designs, have them produced and provide a virtual market-place for them to promote and sell their products.We’re watching this movement carefully – as all brands will have to react to this massive, future upheaval that could effect CPG, computer, gaming and retail worlds.

The “appification of everything”, open source tech and accessible manufacturing merge the tangible product and digital, online worlds.


Berg’s “Little Printer” was created in collaboration with Foursquare, The Guardian, Nike, ARUP, and Google.It’s a tiny device that sits in your home, bringing you information from the web. You hook it up with a wireless connection, and then use your phone to configure what sources of content you like to receive -- news, puzzles, messages from friends, weather updates or reminders. The Little Printer (available in 2012) is the first in a family of products that will be known as Berg Cloud.

MakerBot Industries is a Brooklyn, New York-based company producing open source hardware, specifically 3D printers. MakerBot builds on the early progress of the RepRap Project with the goal of bringing desktop 3D printing into the home at an affordable price.Makerbot are one of several sources of 3D printers and laser cutters designed around low-cost parts and freeware in the spirit of open-source. The source files needed to make these devices are freely available, allowing anyone to build their own from scratch.

Ponoko is one of the first manufacturers to use distributed manufacturing and on-demand manufacturing. They make it possible for designers to meet customers, “where creators, digital fabricators, materials suppliers and buyers meet to make (almost) anything.”Their website can be used by customers as a virtual marketplace to promote and sell their digital designs and products.It is a green idea- producing only when something is wanted, transporting ideas instead of physical objects.

Ford and Bug Labs, will develop and distribute open-source developer tools to advance in-car connectivity innovation.

The Disney Appmate toys have unique footprints that the iPad’s touch screen is able to recognize and read movement from. The app then tailors the game according to the toy’s character.

BUG LABSwww.buglabs.com

BERG CLOUDwww.bergcloud.com

MAKERBOTBooth:South 4 - 36839www.makerbot.com

GREEN GOOSEwww.greengoose.com



GreenGoose sensors are wireless stickers and stick on anything that moves - to automatically tell you what’s happening; a frisbee is caught, or the toilet seat goes down.


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Consumers will become more accustom to tracking, storing and sharing personal information.

The question for brands will be what value will you offer for them to share this data?


Data ubiquity creates the same insight mining opportunities for researchers as it does for brands.

However, it also could create a volume of passive data, and digital behavior analytics competitors. How will you partner, pursue and develop skill sets to compete?

Utilitarian, technology tools and metric driven applications could become as important to consumers as entertainment media.

As a media company or media buyer, what will you do to make your media a service and your data a useful application for people?


Content is becoming 3 dimensional and multilayered across devices As media and technology expectations of consumers increase and attentiveness and reach efficiency decreases, your brand will have to work even harder ( as if it isn’t already) to attract attention.

What would a fully augmented brand experience look like for your marketing efforts? What would your marketing operation look like to deploy this experience?

Gestures and interactions are a form of non-verbal communication that say something about an individual. Web analytics has evolved to track and understand some of this unspoken behavior, but kinetic data remains somewhat untapped.

What will you do as a research company to model and understand technology enabled actions and gestures to predict outcomes for clients and gain new insight into peoples behaviors?

As a media company you may have already conquered the “third screen”. New, augmented and interactive channels may provide even more opportunity to engage consumers, but also create a whole new area to explore and develop.

What will you do as a media company to created new augmented experiences and appropriately place digital enabled experiences into the real world?


Marketing in the moment, brand conversation in real time is seeming more a possibility in the coming years.

What kind of infrastructure, technology and partners will you gather to explore So-Lo-Mo opportunities?

Passive data exhaust is so abundant yet seemingly far out reach in terms of making sense of location, social and mobile data to make it meaningful.

What will you do to develop big data and advanced passive monitoring capabilities in the coming year? If data is more accessable to all, what will you do to create new value, retain clients?

So-Lo-Mo creates a new form of media that gives media “event” and digital interaction a new spin. Gamified and rewards based interactions in the real world seem to be the next big thing.How will you make it scalable and effective from an ROI perspective? Will it be a media channel niche for broadcasters, promotional events and storytelling content? Or a mainstream channel?


Content placement has always been important to brands.

As social networking interactions become more deeply embedded into the viewing experience, how will you integrate messaging and monitor activity in real time to understand impact, effectiveness and perception of your brand within social tv environment?


Audience and social network access through social technology enabled living room could open a doorway for direct conversation with viewers and consumers through next genteration televisions and displays.

How will you prepare to create a digital research network to access people, interactions and their consumption habits in home? To gather and report this data?

Social TV has been a discussion within the media and entertainment world for some time, and most of the major players have already begun to experiment with social content and new, alternative, social advertising placements.

How will you monetize socialized content and cross-platform media in 2012 and evolve your efforts?


Nike may have been the first brand to venture into technology integration of mainstream product with Nike ID years ago, but more and more brands will need to consider doing the same to attract consumers.

What assets does your brand have to retain and create enhanced experiences for consumers?

As the saying goes, knowledge is power. Certainly in the big data world digital research insights are power to marketers as well.

Researchers sit on volumes of data that in aggregate may be of value or curiosity to people and marketers.

What could you do with your data to create new value and engagement with “panel.”

Entertainment brands like Disney and Nintendo are starting to experiment with physical, licensed product that has embedded technology that adds to a real time, data driven, transmedia film, digital and consumer generated “story”.

What could you do to make real world product part of your digital or broadcast narrative?


Page 11: 2012 CES TREND GUIDE - A joint IPSOS-IOTX Upstream Pre-Show Report


ANDY [email protected]

JEFF [email protected]