2014 spring pelorus

Lake Murray Flotilla 12-3, the first Flotilla in South Carolina, celebrates 67 years of excellence. Touring and learning about the USCGC Seneca. Preparing for National Safe Boating Week. Quarterly report from Auxiliary Aviation. The Pelorus Spring 2014 In This Issue:

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Page 1: 2014 Spring Pelorus

•Lake Murray Flotilla 12-3, the first Flotilla in

South Carolina, celebrates 67 years of excellence.

•Touring and learning about the USCGC


•Preparing for National Safe Boating Week.

•Quarterly report from Auxiliary Aviation.

The PelorusSpring 2014

In This Issue:

Page 2: 2014 Spring Pelorus



FROM THE COMMANDERAUXINFO, as of 23 March 2014, indicates that Division 12 has dedicated 8,230 hours of service in 2014. It’s good for

almost three months of service for the year. Please continue to submit your 7029, 7030, and other reports to get your hours

recorded by your Flotilla data input person (usually the FSO-IS). It is more important now than ever with the current budget scrutiny and continuing resolution concerns within our government.

The following information provides some news, information, and guidance for all of us. Please take a few minutes to read and start a plan to work on items that you need to complete. It covers a little on our directives, information gathering, and adherence to policies regardless of the roles you serve in.

Our District Commander, Admiral Korn has asked all of us to focus on Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) activities. His message mentioned that we need to stop looking backward and always look forward. So, let’s get out there and perform Vessel Examinations, Marine Dealer Visits, Operational Patrols, teach ABS courses, and all other RBS activities.

Our District DIRAUX, CDR Dunbar is retiring the end of May. The OTO, CWO Acklin, will be acting DIRAUX until replacement is named and in place.

Continued on

Page Four

Al Crothers

Division Twelve Commander

Division Twelve ~ Seventh Coast Guard DistrictSpring Edition, 2014

Cover Photo: Members of Division 12 along with Captain Kiley and Ensign Perez posing for group photo

after touring the US Coast Guard Cutter Seneca.

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The Division Commander’s Report Page 2, 4-5

Report from the Vice-Commander Page 6-7

Lay Leader Phillip Poole Page 8

First Quarter Mission Hours Reports Page 22-23

State Liaison Report Page 20-21

Staff Officer List & Contact Info Page 24-25

Celebrating 67 Years Page 10, 15 USCGC Seneca Page 12

Flotilla Reports

The Inland Lakes Page 9 Charleston & Edisto Beach Page 11

East Cooper & Georgetown Page 13

Division Staff Officer Reports

Auxiliary Aviation Page 14-15

Communications Services Page 16

Diversity & Inclusion Page 7

Human Resources Page 19

Information Systems Page 16

Marine Safety Page 17

Operations Page 17

Publications Page 17

Public Education Page 17

RBS Visitation Page 5 Secretary Records Page 18-19

May 17-23, 2014

National Safe Boating Week

As many of you are aware, National Safe Boating Week is almost upon us. This is one of the highlights of the year for the Auxiliary, and we encourage all members to check with their Public Affairs Officers (FSO-PA) to find out what your Flotilla has planned, and where your assistance is needed.

Division 12 welcomes the USCGC Seneca to


The members of Division 12 had a very unique opportunity to tour the USCGC Seneca as it docked in Charleston. We’d like to extend a special thanks to the captain and crew of the Seneca and welcome them to our great city. For information on the history of the Seneca, please see the article on page 12.

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FROM THE COMMANDER (CONTD . )National Safe Boating Week (NSBW) is 17

May-23 May 2014. Please give Rick Leary, SO-PA/Division 12 Coordinator, and your own FSO-PA/NSBW coordinators your utmost cooperation. You will find that participation in the NSWB activities is fun and rewarding. A schedule of events for the division will be coming out soon via a division wide message.

D-TRAIN is tentatively scheduled for 18-20 September 2014. Please plan to attend. You will have a chance to participate in the district meeting, the district banquet, district training, social activities, and get a chance to meet members from other divisions. It will be in Orlando at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center (at the Florida Mall) again this year. More details will come out on the D7 web site as the plans formalize.

Assignment to Duty is an important topic. All of us must make sure that we notify our FC and VFC when we are performing any Auxiliary business or activity like a VSC, MDV, PE, OP, etc. It has been covered extensively in prior messages from the district bridge. This is a reminder for us to provide advance notice of members going out on Auxiliary business.

A written trail (paper, email, etc.) is best, documented phone calls are second best, and no notice is a bad idea. All units need to identify and implement the best approach to handle this. We want our members to be covered by the liability of the Coast Guard when acting on Auxiliary business. Notifying the appropriate person prior to an activity is the best way to do so.

As a follow-up to assignment to duty, District is also asking all of us to go into the Skills Bank and enter our skills (career experience and other skills), whether retired or not, via your personal page within AUXDirectory or through a 7028 form. The skill codes are listed online in the AUXDirectory section and/or the 7028 form. Let’s see what we can do to get Division 12 100% complete by June 2014. It is very easy for everyone to complete.

Always look at what your fellow members are doing. Keep awards on your mind, and make sure to promote them in Flotilla meetings, and in your communications with members. Remind others that anyone can nominate or originate an award. It is not just for leaders. Let’s award each other for their work throughout the year and not wait for the end of year award season.

Consider team awards also, especially for NSBW teams or other teams as they perform their work throughout the year. The hardest part about awards is just getting started. Ask your DCDR, VCDR, FC, or VFC to get involved in award writing if you are uncomfortable with the process. Awards will be edited and improved as they work up through the approval process. Just provide the pertinent data and supporting information on the proper form. Award templates are available on the District tools web link:

District Tools Web Link

Thank you for completing the unit audits and paying annual dues. All of the District Northern Division audits are complete. That puts us as one

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Following Page

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of the 10 divisions that are at 100% as of March 25. The entire northern area (6 divisions) fill most of the 10 spots. Division 12 is also one of two divisions in the district to have 100% of their dues paid. Thanks, it helps the North lead the way again!

Keep up the good work, and take advantage of the training and certifications available to all of us. The recreational boating public, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Auxiliary membership us expect it with the services we provide. Opportunities will multiply as the weather and water gets warmer. Be safe and enjoy all of the activities you are involved in.

Coxswains and OPFAC Owners: The Auxiliary Order Management (AOM) system

has high visibility with EVERY order. FINCEN is auditing orders at a rate of 100%. Please follow the Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR) guidance from OTO Acklin on allowable expenses, smoking, meals, fuel additives, etc. Don’t try to “game” the system. A proper example: Ice is allowable, but water and Gatorade fall into “subsistence” and are NOT

reimbursed as a line item. Also, there have been instances of AUX signing as OIA – this is an absolute NO-NO!

The Spring Division meeting is at the Mt. Pleasant Water Works Public Meeting Room on 12 April. The address is 1619 Rifle Range Rd; Mt. Pleasant, SC. The remaining division meetings are 12 July and 11 October. They are also scheduled for the Mt. Pleasant Water Works Public Meeting Room. All of the general meetings are scheduled for 1030 hour with the Commanders Call at 0900.

I look forward to seeing you at the meetings and serving with you throughout 2014. Thank you for your Time and Service.

Al CrothersDCDR 12

Program VisitationDwaine Harris, SO-PV

Remember when you first joined the auxiliary. You wonted to do every thing. You volunteered to do coffee, work at the base use your boat, just

about any thing. Then you passed your QE and went on every patrol. What are you doing know? Well the auxiliary is still the same and you are still the same person. It might be time to motivate your self and shear your boating knowledge with the public.

One way to do that is to be a (PV) program visitor. You can do the visits at your speed an on your time schedule, or with a friend. Visitation is not just passing out safety leaflets.

It’s the interaction with the public. I am always in uniform and that alone invites conversation. We need you and you will find many rewards if you look for them.

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Spring has finally arrived and the Division 12 train has departed the platform for another fun-filled year of providing leadership guidance for public boating safety. Many of you have tackled the good practice to fine tune your chosen Auxiliary skills and are already seeking new credentials and leadership opportunities. Please be mindful to ensure all of your equipment is to USCG standards, clean and inventoried. A professional profile is established by correctly wearing the proper uniform for a specific authorized function. There is a proven axiom that if you look important, the public will treat you as an important person.

On a personal note, I recently tried on my two working uniforms and had to discard one: to salvage it was going to require either a magician or skillful seamstress due to mysterious shrinkage of size and color. We have agreed to maintain required appearance standards established by the USCG, more importantly we want to represent them well and we want to look professional. Flotilla Commanders are encouraged to include brief uniform discussions in meetings, as a reminder.

The upcoming keystone event is National Safe Boating Week. It is important that each Flotilla seek a government proclamation for NSBW. This represents an early opportunity to obtain publicity for our Flotillas and for the Auxiliary. As in recent years, there will be a focus on life jacket programs. We encourage you to be creative in developing local awareness programs that best suit the local boaters as a supplement for the potential programs that will soon begin to circulate from D7.

Warmer weather will bring opportunity for new member recruitment, which remains a requirement for our ongoing success. If your Flotilla plans to hold a social event this spring, please consider inviting many potential new members for introduction to the social side of the Auxiliary. With a little thinking, we all know someone who would make a good candidate for membership, and they would appreciate being invited to a Flotilla meeting as an introduction to our mission and activities.

The continuing recovery of the economy will likely elevate boating activities, and increase the USCG specific needs for the Auxiliary. We will have a busy summer. I speculate that the only meaningful cost control on the Auxiliary is travel, which affects some training - especially C-School. To maintain high level training opportunities, C-School is being brought to us to minimize personal travel costs. Aux Leadership and Management School (AUXLAMS) is being offered over weekends in Charleston. It is designed for leaders and those intended on becoming leaders.

John MurphyVice Division Commander

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Diversity & Inclusion

Al Crothers, SO-DV

Diversity is about our commitment to embrace men and women of all racial, cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds as full,

equal, and vital members of our organization.

Our Diversity and Inclusion program has taken hold in nearly every unit. Flotilla 12-1 and 12-6 have completed the requirements to earn the National Commodore’s (NACO) Three Star Award for Diversity Excellence in 2014. It is time for the remaining units to pursue the same award. Use the following link to determine what requirements remain in your units pursuit of the award.

Diversity Excellence Award

Please work with your FSO-DV or Flotilla Commander, if an FSO has not been named, to see what can be done within your flotilla to complete the requirements.

District Goals for DiversityThere are two main GOALS we ALL should be focusing on at this time.1. Filling any FSO-DV position vacancy.2. Scheduling at least one of the two PowerPoint

presentations on diversity.

The goal is to have these complete in the in the first quarter and certainly before NSBW. There are great references (Resources, News, and Outreach Programs) for all of us to read in order to understand the directorate ourselves. You can find a list of those on the cgaux.org Diversity & Inclusion page. Below is the URL:

Diversity & Inclusion Directorate

I strongly recommend that you consider participating, as you will learn a lot about yourself and the Auxiliary. For more information on how to sign-up for AUXLAMS, please feel free to contact William Carter at [email protected]. An online sign-up sheet is also available by visiting the link below:

AUXLAMS Signup Sheet

Thank you for all that you do to make the Auxiliary such a successful organization.

Semper ParatusJohn MurphyVCDR

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The Captain of a boat lost his way in the middle of a storm. While trying to control his ship and maneuver to avoid sinking, he started feeling anguish and frustration. The waves became bigger and the noise of the water hitting the boat almost led him to despair. But he did not give up and tried harder every time the waves hit the boat. In his desperate attempts to stay strong and keep the boat steady, he was unable to hear one of his crew yelling at him.

"Captain, Captain!" kept yelling the crew member, while holding on to one of the deck's bars to avoid falling off the boat. "Captain, Captain!" Insisted the crew member.

This time, while trying to approach him, a huge wave almost made the boat tip over and the crew member fell and rolled on the deck till he luckily found another rail to hold on to. After several attempts, the crew member finally was able to reach his fighting, drenched, and tired Captain who had started to yell out his frustrations and thoughts to the raging waves.

"If I am a good hard working man, why does this happen to me?!.. And I cannot get out of this one?! I have been sailing the open ocean for years to fish the best catch and get support for my family!! Why, why, why?!!!"

At that moment, his crew member was able to grab the Captain's shoulder and make him turn so that the Captain could hear him.

"Captain, Captain!” yelled the crew member again. The Captain looked at him furiously for distracting him from his difficult task.

"What do you need? Don't you see I am trying to control the ship and find our way back?!" Complained the Captain. The crew member kept holding onto the Captain and pointed in the opposite direction, towards the stern.

"Captain!" He replied. "The lighthouse is right over there, on the other side. We are going in the wrong direction!!!"

In my adaption of this short but inspiring article from Mr. Luis Corrales, I hope it helps us all to ponder the thought: In which direction would we decide to go during a storm on the open ocean or one in our own lives? Amen.

God’s love,Phil

Phillip Poole, Lay Leader

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12-1, Lake Marion & the Inland Sea

John Owen, FCAs members creep from the winter hibernation,

our activities are slowly increasing. We enjoyed an exciting social outing in February whereby members explored the Wateree River aboard the Fish Eagle (a member owned tour vessel).

Several Public Affairs events have been completed locally and with assisting 12-3 at the State Fair Grounds - Columbia Sportsman's Classic. When the weather provided the opportunity, we completed on-the-water training with two-boat drills and safety patrols, as well as a VE blitz at one of the boat landings on Lake Marion.

12-3, Lake Murray

Don Carty, FCWith the scheduled upcoming events, we will need your cooperation and commitment. Your participation is welcome and needed. Contact the Staff Officer in charge of the event, the Flotilla Commander or the Vice Flotilla Commander.

There are also many opportunities for training and improving your skills. Our Member Training Officer (FSO-MT) is more than willing to help you achieve your training and educational goals in the Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Our Operations Officer (FSO-OP) and FSO-MT are working on an intense Coxswain Crew training program for this year, so please let them know if you want to become, re-certify or participate this year on the water missions and training.

The annual Columbia Boat Show (shown in the above right photo) was held at the State Fairgrounds in Columbia on February 7-9. Flotilla 12-3 shared a booth with The Lake Murray Association. Flotilla members who volunteered their time talked to the public about safe boating, handed out pamphlets and also informed people about the About Boating Safely (ABS) class we will be holding on April 5 at Flotilla Island.

Thank you to those flotilla members who helped at the booth: Barbara Burchfield, Steve Pstrak and Jerry Ruschkofski.

Pictured from left: Dave Landis, Lake Murray Association Vice President and Barbara Burchfield

Flotilla 12-3 has also celebrated its 67th Birthday.

See article on the following page.

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The Lake Murray U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary was chartered on February 1, 1947 as Flotilla 12-3, the first Auxiliary membership unit in South Carolina.

On Saturday, February 1, 2014, members, guests and retirees came from all over South Carolina to celebrate 67 years of service to the Coast Guard and to the boating community. A dinner buffet was held at Flotilla Island, complete with a large anniversary cake displaying the Auxiliary logo. Following the dinner, a slideshow presentation was shown featuring many of the historical moments of member activities on the lake.

The video reclaimed memories of responding to a major fuel spill, rescuing boaters from sinking vessels, performing vessel safety checks, installation of the first radio communications for boaters, role playing as ‘the bad guys’ while training with the Coast Guard, boat crew training and lots of fellowship together.

In addition, an historical display of significant events and newsworthy articles covered one wall in chronological order. Also of notable interest is that in 2005 Flotilla 12-3 assisted with the recovery of a WWII B-25 Bomber that crash landed in Lake Murray on April 4, 1943. In 2000, the first annual Lake Murray Boating Safety Fair was held, a combined effort of Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 12-3, Lake Murray Power Squadron, SCDNR, Emergency Medical Service responders, Lake Murray Marine Patrol and others. In 1999, Flotilla 12-3 established the

Lake Murray Radio Watch with 10 land based stations and 10-16 mobile units, staffed by Auxiliarists who answered the call for boaters on Channel 83A. Flotilla 12-3 served with 2 vessels and six members for safety and security at the 30th G8 summit in Sea Island, GA in 2004. G8 is an unofficial annual forum for the leaders of Canada, the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Earlier in 1994, Flotilla 12-3 members assisted in safety and security exercises as part of the Coast Guard Olympic Task Force covering the Olympic tryouts held in Savannah, GA prior to the Olympic games in Atlanta.

One of its signature events, supporting the annual U.S. Army Paratroopers jump into Lake Murray, was highlighted in a video presentation of the first paratrooper jump in 2009. The Coast Guard Auxiliary also participates annually in the 4H2o summer water camp sponsored by Clemson Extension service, hosting twenty students for water safety and radio communications lessons at Flotilla Island.

Flotilla 12-3 Lake Murray is noted for having the only Coast Guard Auxiliary Commodore, Jay Dahlgren, from South Carolina in District 7, which covers Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

The membership welcomed special guests at the anniversary celebration, Boswainmate Jared Wike, U.S. Coast Guard

Lake Murray Coast Guard Auxiliary Celebrates 67 Years

By Barbara Burchfield, US Coast Guard Auxiliary

Continued on Page Fifteen

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12-12, Edisto Beach

Karen Andrews, FCBoating this winter has been minimal. The harsh winter conditions have caused many safety patrols to be cancelled. However, we were able to accomplish three helicopter ops patrols out of five attempts. We were also able to conduct a two-boat training session with Station Charleston.

On 20 March, we were asked to assist in a search-and-rescue of a missing fisherman from the Bennetts Point area.

Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, only his boat has been found. As usual during the winter months, we began our annual training requirements beginning with the Division Leadership Workshop and the AuxAir Workshop. At the Flotilla level, we continued our training with the 1-Hr TCT Refresher, and the Division sponsored First aid Class. This emphasis on training has once again renewed our desire to get back on the water and get ready for a new boating season.

12-8, Charleston

Paul Berka, FCThe Flotilla held its Change of Watch Ceremony

at the Zeus Grill and Seafood in Mt. Pleasant on 18 January. There were over forty members and friends in attendance. I would like to give a very special thanks to Jane and Bob Orenstein for all their work to make this a great event.

The Charleston Boat Show was held at the North Charleston Convention Center on the weekend of 24-26 January. We had an excellent turnout with lots of sign-ups for the ABS course and Vessel Safety Checks. I would like to thank members from 12-6, 12-8 and 12-12 who manned the booth along with those from the Gold Side who helped with this.

The 2014 District Leadership Workshop was held on 25 January at Air Station Savannah. Dwaine Harris, Joe Woodbury, Duncan Hutchinson and myself were in attendance.

My major objective for 2014 is to install a mentoring program for new Flotilla members. To make this possible, we need to establish mentor training classes. I would appreciate any suggestions from the membership. At the February meeting, our Human Resources Officer (FSO-HR) Duncan Hutchinson gave a presentation on information for new members.

National Safe Boating Week is soon approaching, and I’m pleased to announce that Jay Bird will be brainstorming ideas with Flotilla members on a theme and events.


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USCGC SENECAThe members of Division 12 were very fortunate to have a unique opportunity last month to get a tour of the USCGC Seneca, which is based out of Boston. All of us here at Division 12 would like to extend

a special thanks to Captain Kiley, and to the crew of Seneca, for allowing us to tour their vessel.

The USCGC Seneca takes its name from a Revenue Cutter, which was launched from Newport News, Virginia and commissioned in 1908. Following the tragic loss of life on the Titanic in 1912, the International Ice Patrol began, with Seneca becoming the first cutter to handle ice patrol duties.

In 1915, the Revenue Cutter Service joined with the US Lifesaving Service to form the US Coast Guard. USCGC Seneca, along with many others, were called into service during the First World War. During the war, USCGC Seneca escorted over 350 vessels between Gibraltar and Great Britain. She also rescued crew members from British vessels.

In September of 1918, a torpedo struck the SS Wellington. The crew of 36 were rescued by Seneca, and volunteers were sent aboard in an attempt to repair and sail the Wellington back to Great Britain. Once underway however, the weather began to deteriorate, causing the Wellington to go down with 11 crew members from the Seneca. In honor of their efforts, a memorial plaque was erected at Gibraltar. USCGC

Seneca would continue to serve until she was decommissioned in 1936.

The modern-day US Coast Guard Cutter Seneca was built in Newport, Rhode Island. The keel was laid on September 16, 1982 and launched later in June of 1984. She was formally commissioned in May of 1987 and is the sixth of thirteen 270’ Famous Class Cutters and she is designed to serve the US Coast Guard until 2038.

On 13 July 2011, USCGC Seneca conducted an interdiction of a self-propelled semi-submersible vessel (SPSS) which was in the Caribbean. This was done with the assistance of air support from a helicopter detachment. The five-person crew of the SPSS was placed under arrest, and 7.5 tons of cocaine, valued at nearly $180 million, was seized. This mission was the first of its kind, and prevented an enormous amount of illegal drugs from entering our nation.

Today, the USCGC Seneca, working under the Operational Control of Commander, Coast Guard Atlantic Area, is well prepared to conduct a variety of missions, such as:

• Counter-Drug Law Enforcement• Fisheries Law Enforcement• Search and Rescue• Alien Migration Interdiction Operations• Homeland Security

“A Tradition of Honor, A Legacy of Action”

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EAST COOPER & GEORGETOWN12-6, Mount Pleasant

Scott Heisler, FCAt the February meeting we had an opportunity to

hear from the Seventh District Chief of Staff, our own Bob Weskerna. One of the things he talked about was our progress from 2012 through 2013 in the six areas that get looked at by senior leadership. Think of them as our “core mission areas” if you like. Those core areas are the number of public education graduates, the number of vessel exams, the number of program visits, the number of member training hours, the number of operations hours, and the number of members in the flotilla.

We did pretty well in these categories with a few exceptions. The larger point is that these areas are truly the essence of what we do in the Auxiliary. Teaching boating safety courses, explaining the boating laws to people as we inspect their boats, operating small boats, and dropping off literature at local marinas and shops. We tell the story of safe boating. We live the story of safe boating. We should be talking about safe boating to our friends at work and our neighbors and inviting them to come join us.

12-10, Georgetown

Rick Bankert, FC

Georgetown 12-10 is doing well addressing our goals for 2014. There is good interest in membership from several strong candidates. And we have already sworn in one new member. We look forward to exceeding new member goals for the year. We have also begun reinvigorating our Program Visitors

program. This will help the Auxiliary reach out to the boating public in our area and improve boating safety.

Public Education and Public Affairs have already had successes too. We are using monthly meetings to promote the on-line required training modules. Member Training is also surveying needs and interests for current and potential training opportunities.

Operations have taken place on the water. We had two facilities participate in the state disaster training session for Myrtle Beach (with a simulated plane crash). 12-10 was able to coordinate with our former colleagues in 12-04 to help with crew duties on this activity.

Georgetown 12-10 is looking forward to another year meeting our flotilla duties and working with the local Station Georgetown folks.

2014 Flotilla 12-3 leaders

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Air Observers Ann Marie Graham (12-06) and

Peg Peterson (12-03)

Auxiliary Aviation saw minimal activity in the winter quarter because of the cold water temperatures which restrict flights no further offshore than gliding distance from land, unless the crew is equipped with All Weather Dry Coveralls (ADCs). Jay Byers (12-03) and Air Observer Be Moore (12-12) flew an MOM on January 8 from Charleston Harbor to Myrtle Beach along the shore and then ICW back. On January 10, Jay flew another MOM with Air Crew Kent McCoin (12-03) from Savannah to St. Simons Island along the shore and then ICW back.

The main activity in the winter quarter is the

Annual Auxiliary Aviation Air Safety Workshop at Air Station Savannah. Each year Auxiliary Pilots, Air Crew, Air Observers, and new members training for aviation positions get the latest information from Auxiliary District 7 leadership and Commanders at Sector Charleston, Sector Jacksonville, and Air Station Savannah. An agenda of required topics addresses Cockpit Resource Management, AeroMedical Factors, and a review of Federal Aviation Regulations. Included this year was a presentation of the ‘first light’ search protocol and logistics required to accept a call out, notify and assemble crew, and fly a mission that launches at sun up.

Additionally, the membership was introduced to

the Corridor Information Weather System (CIWS), the state-of-the-art current and predictive radar system used by aviators at Air Station Savannah and the Federal Aviation Administration. This year, presentations incorporated a large number of outside materials from online sources. Participants then swam


75 yards in flight suits or similar dress, without boots, and climbed into a life raft to maintain currency.

Ken Plesser (12-03) District 7 DSO-AV and Doug Armstrong (16-01) District 7 AX2, presented the District 7 Strategic Plan for Auxiliary Aviation. Jay Byers presented a method to fly accurate Parallel Track SARs using the iPad, and Ron Sain presented Aging Gracefully, Flying Safely. Ken and Doug will be attending the Auxiliary Aviation Annual Workshops at Clearwater, Miami, and Puerto Rico this quarter.

This year, a tour of the rescue helicopters was

arranged for the workshop attendees. See the photo above and on the following page. A special thanks to all who participated in the very informative tour.

Respectively submitted,Ron Sain (12-04)AAAC District 7

Ron Sain, AAAC, Flotilla 12-2

Photos on Following Page

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Left Photo: Air Commander Ron Sain, Air Observer Jim Nelson, Air Crew Tommy Timberlake and Bud

Shepard, all from Myrtle Beach, Flotilla 12-04. Right Photo: First Pilots Jay Byers and Al Paglia of

Flotilla 12-03.


Station Charleston-Auxiliary Liaison Officer and his wife Nicole; Al Crothers, Division Commander and his wife Linda; Vito Giardina, Immediate Past Division Commander; retirees Richard Lesnieski, Don and Marilyn Davis, James and Bobby Smith, and John O’Farrell accompanied by son Tim O’Farrell; and members from other Coast Guard Auxiliary units, Deborah Lee, Ann Graham, Jeannette and Carl Brown, and Alma Lyerly.

The Coast Guard Auxiliary is the non-military, uniformed component of the United States Coast Guard, and is tasked with many of the core missions, including promoting recreational boating safety programs aimed at reducing loss of life, injuries and property damage. In addition, the members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary enjoy a variety of volunteer opportunities such as boat crew and coxswain, instructors, vessel examiners, mass rescue responders,

chefs, language interpreters, air crew members, and web managers just to name a few.

Founded in 1939 by an Act of Congress as the U.S. Coast Guard Reserves and re-designated the Coast Guard Auxiliary in 1941, the 31,000 volunteer members (men and women) donate thousands of hours in support of Coast Guard missions. Visit us online at www.cgaux.org for more information.

Lake Murray Coast Guard Auxiliary Celebrates 67 Years (Contd.)

Barbara Burchfield wrote the above news story about our 67th Anniversary which was

vetted by Assistant District Staff Office for Publications 7 North (ADSO-PA 7N), Roy

Crittenden, and approved for release.

Barbara then submitted it to 15 printed and

online publishers and 6 local radio stations.

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Information SystemsSue Hastings, SO-IS

Spring is finally here, and as you are thinking about preparing for the

boating season and starting your vessel safety exams, RBS program visits, public affairs missions, and other Auxiliary activities, do not forget about the 7030 Mission Activity, 7038 Vessel Examination and 7046 RBS Program Visit forms that need to be completed when these missions are done. Also, your travel and prep times for them should be completed on the 7029 Webform. Your patrols under orders will flow through to AUXDATA via the AOM system but you will still need to submit your prep and travel time except for Trailering time on your 7029 form.

With the 7029 Mission Log form, you need to remember not to put in hours that should be on another form. If you do submit the same hours on more than one form, you would be double counting missions. The 7029 form should have only prep and travel time for any missions that are submitted through 7030/7038/7046. Other items you can include on the 7029 Mission Log are meetings, conferences, training (except hours submitted on 7039 Workshop Form), study time, duties as an elected or appointed officer, phone calls and emails related to Auxiliary.

Also, when you include your mileage on the 7029 form, do not put in a Dollar amount for the gas used. The Dollar amount is costs for meals, uniform items, hotel expenses, etc. that you spent but did not receive compensation from being on CG Orders.

As you are thinking about cleaning up your boats, homes, yards, etc. this Spring, also take the time to clean up your contact information, email, phones, and updating your availability and skills using the 7028 Change of Member Information Webform.

Communications ServicesDavid Hastings, SO-CS

Have you checked the Division 12 or your Flotilla website lately? Do you know what information is on these pages? The websites are often the first impression of the Auxiliary that the public sees. We need to make sure that what is on these sites is up to date and relevant to the boating public and you, our members.

Our Flotilla webmaster’s are working hard to make sure that we present the most up to date information, pictures, etc. They need your help though. When you do a program or activity do you send pictures and information to your webmaster? When boating classes are planned or other events such as VE Blitzes, Public Affairs booths do you post to your website?

The Division and all but one of the Flotillas are using the Approved National website template or WOW format for their websites. The reason for this is that the Coast Guard wants us, as they do, to have a uniform look to our website home pages. We can link as much material as we need to these sites.

Take a look at your Flotilla and the Division website and if you have any suggestions or information or pictures to help improve our sites, please let your Flotilla webmaster or myself know.


Page 17: 2014 Spring Pelorus


PublicationsWilliam Carter, SO-PB

As the boating season will soon be underway, it’s important that we all make sure to check Division and Flotilla publications, as well as websites, to see what our Flotilla’s have planned for VE’s, Public Affairs events, and National Safe Boating Week. Make sure to sign-up, even if it’s only for one or two events. Your time and dedication to the Auxiliary is very much appreciated, and makes a difference to your community.

I’d also like to congratulate Flotilla 12-12 of Edisto Island for starting its own newsletter. Pamela Bray has put together a great publication and I look forward to seeing their progress.

OperationsJoe Fleming, SO-OP

Happy New Year, hope all had a great time.

As the New Year starts we need to get a fresh start on checking and updating our equipment. Coxswains need to be sure to check their P-PERB battery’s for expiration dates. If you need a battery, let me know, and I’ll send the contact information to you. Also make sure to check the condition of Inflatables for wear and CO2 cartridges. Check with your crew members on their equipment and record inspection dates for your records.

As of now we have money for our normal operation this year. Use it, but don’t abuse it. Double check your paperwork before going in AOM for reimbursement, (meal reimbursement will not cover breakfast) As always, practice all your skills while patrolling. Like any other skill, you must practice to stay current.

Continuous practice of boating and seamanship skills will keep you sharp and ready. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance with problems related to Operations. I will do what I can to help.

Marine SafetyRick Bankert, SO-MS

Division 12 has several active Marine Safety programs operating already in 2014. There appears to be growth and increased interest in the program. We could still do more in terms of sharing ideas on how to make the Marine Safety program work.

There is a new opportunity coming out of Sector Charleston in the Marine Safety area. We will have more information on the pollution safety patrol program as they become available. The Charleston area flotillas have already begun to develop their roles in this program.

Thanks to the Flotillas who send their monthly Marine Safety reports. Please keep sending them in.

Public EducationVacant as of 2014

The Staff Officer position for Public Education is currently vacant. Public

Education is one of the cornerstones of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, and is an invaluable tool in helping us promote Recreational Boating Safety. If you’re interested in this position, please contact Al Crothers, Division Commander, or John Murphy, Division Vice-Commander.


Page 18: 2014 Spring Pelorus



Minutes from Division 12 Meeting

Wild Dunes Resort, Isle of Palms, S.C.Saturday, January 11, 2014

• The meeting was called to order at 1300 hours by Al Crothers, DCDR

• The Pledge of Allegiance was led by John Murphy, Division Vice Commander.

• The Invocation was given by Phillip Poole

DCDR Welcome/IntroductionsAl Crothers welcomed everyone and recognized Bob

Weskerna DCOS, and COMO Jay Dahlgren.

Minutes ApprovedFestus Burchfield moved the October minutes from

Commander’s Call meeting and Division 12 meeting be approved as presented in the Pelorus, seconded by Vito Giardina. Minutes were approved.

Financial ReportVito Giardina SO-FN presented the 2014 Budget.

Festus motioned that the budget be approved seconded by Jeanette Brown. Motion passed.

Awards• Sue Hastings and Dave Hastings received the

Commandant’s Certificate of Excellence, RBS and Operations and Administration.

• Vito Giardina received an award in Human Resources Challenge.

• Karen Andrews, Joe Livingston and Ron Foreman received the Flotilla Commander Award for Member Retention.

Staff Officer ReportsSue Hastings passed out the list of new Division and

Flotilla Staff Officers.

Roster of members and guests present12-1COMO Jay DahlgrenWilliam HayesRon CunninghamJoe Livingston

12-2Carl BrownJeanette BrownAlma Lyerly

12-3Sue Carty

Don CartyBarbara BurchfieldFestus BurchfieldKen PlesserPeggy Peterson

12-4Chuck BudnickJim NelsonOliver Leimbach

12-6Bob Weskerna, DCOS

Al Crothers, DCDRDeborah LeeAnn GrahamRick LearyRon ForemanScott HeislerPhil Poole

12-8Dwaine HarrisPaul BerkaRichard Daniel

12-10John Murphy, VCDRVito Giardina, IPDCDRSue HastingsHap JamesDavid HastingsRick Bankert

12-12Karen AndrewsJim Andrews

Continued on following page

Deborah Lee, SO-SR

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Division Commanders CommentsAl praised our Division for leading with 51,927

volunteer hours. We still need Staff Officers to fill the positions of Diversity, Public Education, and Vessel Exams.

Guest CommentsBob Weskerna complimented our Division on all the

hours performed. He reminded the Flotilla Commanders that the Financial Audit and the Material Inventory are due March 1.

Announcements• The Charleston Boat Show was held in January.• Division First Aid Course – Station Charleston

Saturday, March 15.• Flotilla 12-3 celebrates its 67th Birthday party at

Flotilla Island February 1, starting at 1730.• Spring Division Meeting will be held Saturday,

April 12, at Mt. Pleasant Water Works.• Summer Division Meeting: Saturday, July 12 Mt.

Pleasant Water Works.• Fall Division Meeting: Saturday, October 11 Mt.

Pleasant Water Works.• Leader Training Briefs to follow meeting

Adjournment.• FC Leadership, New Member Application Process,

D7 IS/Help Desk and QE Process were discussed.

Open DiscussionThere was a discussion about refreshments at future

Division meetings. John Murphy made a motion to eliminate the refreshments at future meetings, which was seconded by Barbara Burchfield. Motion passed.

Meeting AdjournmentVito Giardina made a motion that the meeting be

adjourned, and was seconded by Ron Foreman. The meeting was adjourned at 1005 by Al Crothers, DCDR.

Respectfully submitted,Deborah Lee, SO-SR

Human Resources John Owen, SO-HR

Currently, our Division has received 14 inquires via the

National E-Responder Program. Flotilla HR officers has been

diligently working with those referred to them for membership. As a reminder, when e-responders are forwarded from me to FSO-HR's, a courtesy copy is also sent to the FC and VFC. This is to ensure someone from the Flotilla contacts the individual as soon as possible. This must be a team effort. Please do not rely only on the FSO-HR. Sometimes they may not receive the referral from me, or mail/messages may get lost in cyber-space. I know for me, that when someone indicates that someone will contact me - and they do not in a timely manner - it is very frustrating (to say the least).

Please review the D7 - HR Corner website for current information regarding New Member Applications (ANSC 7001). Recently an additional CGAux Association, Inc - Consent Form was included as part of the enrollment packet. Also on the D7 - HR Corner website is valuable information regarding the Mentoring Program. Please review and involve your flotilla members.

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DNR reports that 2013 recreational boating safety fatalities in the state have exceeded 2012 fatalities as of this report, through the end of August.

* Does not include 4 additional boating fatalities in private ponds during 2013. Source: DNR Accident Investigations Office 3-21-2014.

We provided SCDNR and SC Boating Law Administrator the 2013 performance statistics for Division 12, which includes AuxData information for missions and volunteer hours, as well as public education NASBLA approved courses.

We contacted E-Dept. to clarify the boating course Auxiliary requirements for BQ status (AUXMAN Chapter 8, B.1.c). At the Division 12 meeting held on 11JAN, questions arose whether DNR’s ‘un-proctored” online course and DNR’s classroom courses that are less than 8 hours would satisfy the Auxiliary requirements. This initiated a request by Nan Ellen Fuller, DCDR 2, on 04 FEB, for written guidance in the form of D7 Help Desk Knowledge base article.

QE support: “How to Request a QE Session in

District 7” presentation, authorized and uploaded to D7

“QE Corner” in the Help Desk. Distributed CD’s containing QE Bulletin #3, underway check-ride forms, QE Crew Request form and the presentation to flotillas at the Division 12 meeting on 11JAN.

Requests for 2014 SCDNR Boating Law & Responsibilities handbooks went out in January for the annual distribution in May; including flotillas in Divisions 2, 10 and 12. A very limited supply of SCDNR tide books (8 boxes total) will be distributed to Division 12 coastal flotillas at the Division meeting. We have been advised that DNR is considering the elimination of printed tide tables in favor of digital formats.

We presented a suggestion from Ronny Merritt, FC 25 Lake Hartwell, to SCDNR for changing the dating of SC Boating Law & Responsibilities handbooks from years to edition numbers. This suggestion works on a continuing basis, especially for handbooks that don’t change from year to year, such as 2012-2013. By changing to edition numbers, it would curtail the public’s impression that previous years handbooks were out-of-date and also help to reduce printing costs. It was favorably received and adopted for use by DNR. Merritt’s suggestion was also sent to GA and FL state authorities.

We assisted flotillas with contact with DNR, such as VSC coordination for NSBW. A life jacket loaner program involving Sea Tow-Lake Murray and Lake Murray marine patrol units of Lexington and Richland County Sheriff’s Departments was initiated.


2013 24* TBA*

2012 14 111

2011 19 98

2010 26 107

Continued on following page

Barbara Burchfield, SLO-SC

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The idea is to loan PFDs to boaters who are ticketed for non-compliant life jacket use so they can return to their homes legally. The boaters can return the loaned PFDs on their court date and the PFDs will be sent to the marine patrol units to be used again. The program is still in the ‘talking about’ stage.

Attendance• Met with SC BLA representative.• Arranged SCDNR Director as Lake Murray

Association guest speaker at public meeting.• Arranged SCDNR presentation and marine patrol

officers introductions at Flotilla 12-3 meeting held on 27JAN.

• The Auxiliary Sector Coordinator (ASC) Teleconference monthly meetings with USCG Sector Charleston and Auxiliary leadership helps to communicate important current events/issues.

• Attended Flotilla 12-3 meetings.• The Division 12 quarterly meeting and Change of

Watch was held on 11JAN.• Lake Murray Safety Consortium meeting; multi-

agency and law enforcement group promoting an alliance for safety.

• Lake Murray Chamber of Commerce, Lake Murray Association and Sea Tow partners.

• The Columbia Boat Show was held 08-10FEB.• Flotilla 12-3, Lake Murray, celebrated its 67th

Anniversary on 01FEB. Flotilla 12-3 was the first flotilla chartered in SC.

• Met with TowBoatUS-Lake Murray, a new service to the area and safety advocate.

• Met with and provided whistles for New Wave Paddleboarding, a Special Olympics sponsor.

News releases, articles, photos, and stories:1. News release–external media; “Coast Guard Auxiliary Features SCDNR Speaker” “Coast Guard Auxiliary Lake Murray Celebrates 67

Years of Service”2. Hosting a boating safety quiz to be published in each quarterly issue of the Lake Murray Association newsletter LakeLink.3. SLO quarterly reports published in Division 12 newsletters.4. Flotilla newsletter reports and articles submitted monthly.

Public EducationIn January we submitted 2014 information,

procedures and documents to all FSO-PE, an effort to give new officers a successful way to accomplish their jobs and as a refresher for members returning to the FSO-PE position. PA, VE and PV members are major contributors to getting the word out about our boating safety courses – please use their services. Student enrollments for boating classes continue to be low even as sales of boats less than 26 feet have increased by 6.7% in 2013.


15 MAR 2014

Number of ABS Classes 7

Number of students graduated 48

Students under the age of 18 8%

Students registered at DNR



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22% 17%



Hours: All Flotilla Activities

12-1 12-212-3 12-412-6 12-812-10 12-12



25% 17%



Hours: Recreational Boating Safety

12-1 12-212-3 12-412-6 12-812-10 12-12






Hours: Marine Patrols

12-1 12-212-3 12-412-6 12-812-10 12-12



17% 5%



Hours: Member Training

12-1 12-212-3 12-412-6 12-812-10 12-12





Hours: Public Affairs

12-1 12-212-3 12-412-6 12-812-10 12-12





Vessel Safety Checks

12-1 12-212-3 12-412-6 12-812-10 12-12

The information above is accurate as of 2 April from the D7 AuxInfo report.

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12-1 522.50 -67% 0.00 -100% 82.00 447% 7.00 -69% 0.00 N/A*

12-2 561.00 20% 34.00 -13% 0.00 -100% 0.00 N/A* 0.00 N/A*

12-3 1,916.60 -20% 22.50 104% 37.00 640% 85.80 -40% 155.80 205%

12-4 1,690.45 -17% 85.00 23% 8.50 -72% 83.20 182% 0.00 -100%

12-6 2,163.30 -34% 62.00 88% 25.00 -27% 0.00 -100% 0.00 N/A*

12-8 1,619.75 -45% 14.00 -17% 6.00 -82% 64.00 -57% 0.00 N/A*

12-10 1,163.00 -18% 8.00 3.00 1% 154.00 -39% 0.00 N/A*

12-12 174.20 -78% 0.00 -100% 0.00 -100% 0.00 -100% 19.90

Total 9,810.80 -34% 225.50 16% 907.50 24% 394.00 -40% 175.70 199%






12-1 12.00 0.00 N/A* 24.00 -25% 0.00 -100% 2.50 -96%

12-2 0.00 N/A* 0.00 N/A* 0.00 N/A* 0.00 N/A* 40.00

12-3 0.00 N/A* 0.00 N/A* 91.70 197% 64.6 -27% 0.00 N/A*

12-4 12.10 -59% 0.00 N/A* 14.20 -84% 13.00 -43% 67.65 745%

12-6 122.00 -43% 0.00 N/A* 49.00 83% 5.80 -94% 54.00 69%

12-8 219.00 21% 10.00 81.00 31% 169.00 -6% 28.00 -35%

12-10 0.00 N/A* 0.00 N/A* 16.00 -29% 36.00 18.00 -38%

12-12 0.00 N/A* 0.00 N/A* 6.00 1% 33.30 -64% 0.00 N/A*

Total 365.10 -14% 10.00 281.90 6% 321.70 -46% 210.15 23%

The information above is accurate as of 2 April 2014 from the D7 AuxInfo report. The increase/decrease from 2013 is also listed. Make sure to double-check your calendars and submit all hours. Let’s get these numbers up!

* Flotilla did not log hours in this category for 2013 or 2014, therefore the percentage increase/decrease does not apply.

Flotilla logged no hours in this category for 2013.

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Division Commander Al Crothers [email protected] Vice Division Commander John Murphy [email protected] Immediate Past Division Commander Vito Giardina [email protected]

Flotilla Commanders/Vice Commanders12-1, Lake Marion & the Inland Sea FC John Owen [email protected] VFC William Hayes [email protected] 12-2, Grand Strand FC Jeanette Brown [email protected]

VFC Stephen Clay [email protected] 12-3, Lake Murray FC Don Carty [email protected] VFC Festus Burchfield [email protected] 12-4, Central Grand Strand FC Thomas Timberlake [email protected] VFC Oliver Leimbach [email protected]

12-6, Mount Pleasant FC Scott Heisler [email protected] VFC Anne Graham [email protected] 12-8, Charleston FC Paul Berka [email protected] VFC Dwaine Harris [email protected] 12-10, Georgetown FC Rick Bankert [email protected]

VFC Edward Wozniak [email protected] 12-12, Edisto Beach FC Be Moore [email protected] VFC Karen Andrews [email protected]

Division Support StaffAUXAIR Auxiliary Aviation Ron Sain [email protected] DDSL-12 Director’s District Security Liaison Vito Giardina [email protected]

ADDSL-12 Assistant Director’s District Security Liaison Al Crothers [email protected] SLO-SC State Liaison Officer Barbara Burchfield [email protected] SLO-SC State Liaison Officer Festus Burchfield [email protected]

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SO-CM Communications Joe Newman [email protected] SO-CS Communications Systems David Hastings [email protected] SO-DV Diversity & Inclusion Al Crothers [email protected] Finance Vito Giardina [email protected] Human Resources John Owen [email protected]

SO-IS Information Systems Susan Hastings [email protected] SO-MA Materials Michael Mikutaitis [email protected] SO-MS Marine Safety Rick Bankert [email protected] SO-MT Member Training Richard Daniel [email protected] SO-NS Navigation Systems Allen James [email protected]

SO-OP Operations Joe Fleming [email protected] SO-PA Public Affairs Rick Leary [email protected] SO-PB Publications William Carter [email protected] SO-PE Public Education Vacant PositionSO-PV Program Visitation Dwaine Harris [email protected]

SO-SR Secretary Records Deborah Lee [email protected] SO-VE Vessel Safety Exams Andy Poole [email protected]

From the EditorI appreciate the feedback from everyone on the layout for The Pelorus. If anyone has photos they would like to

see used for the front cover of upcoming editions, please feel free to send them to me. My only request is that the photo be rectangular in shape as it will be easier to insert into the cover. Thanks again for the great feedback.

William Carter, SO-PB, Division 12

Confidentiality NoticeTelephone numbers and addresses of members are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. As a matter of policy, rosters of names, addresses and telephone numbers shall not be made available to the general public or any outside organization. Privacy of all rosters shall be safeguarded and the page clearly labeled. The publications of these rosters, addresses, and telephone numbers on any computer on-line service including the Internet is prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974.