2015 cef transport calls - european commission · -eligible baseline: b2 (230d) and b3 (priority)...

2015 CEF Transport Calls ERTMS CEF Transport Info Day – 30 November 2015 Judit Bertrand (DG MOVE) Piotr Glinka (INEA) Maria Angeles Bueno-Cobos (ERA)

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Page 1: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

2015 CEF Transport Calls


CEF Transport Info Day – 30 November 2015

Judit Bertrand (DG MOVE)

Piotr Glinka (INEA)

Maria Angeles Bueno-Cobos (ERA)

Page 2: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

1. ERTMS Specific Objectives

2. ERTMS Application and Grant Agreement

3. Interoperability and ERTMS Deliverables

Page 3: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

Budget and Specific Objectives:

€200 million (general envelope) and €200 million (cohesion envelope) support actions in the following Specific Objectives:

1) ERTMS Track-side (TS) deployment

2) ERTMS On-board (OB) deployment

EU grant:

• ERTMS: maximum 50%/85% (CF) of the eligible costs

• Infrastructure works (TS): 40%/(up to) 85% (CF) of the eligible costs

Page 4: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

ERTMS Track-side deployment (1/2)

1) ERTMS deployment:

- Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY)

- Focus on Core Network Corridor sections

- New and constructed lines

- Infrastructure works (for L2)

- GSM-R: only as a part of ERTMS (L2)

- Preparatory actions (e.g. studies, ToR, etc.)

Page 5: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

ERTMS Track-side deployment (2/2)

-Eligible costs:

- ERTMS deployment: ceiling of €260k/km of double track line (incl. Hard/Software, ETCS, GSM-R)

Section ≠ double track > calculation of a double track equivalent

- ETCS upgrade: no ceiling (actual costs)

- Infrastructure works (for L2): no ceiling (actual costs)

- Preparatory actions: no ceiling (actual costs)

Page 6: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

ERTMS On-board deployment (1/2)

ERTMS deployment:

- Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY)

- Existing vehicles already in operation only

- GSM-R interference issues

- Training, ad-hoc expertise for SMEs

- B3 prototype vehicles

Page 7: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

ERTMS On-board deployment (2/2)

-Eligible costs of:

- ERTMS retrofit: ceiling of €250k/ERTMS OBU (incl. Hard/Software, ETCS, GSM-R if applicable)

- ERTMS upgrade: no ceiling (actual costs)

- Training, ad-hoc expertise: no ceiling (actual costs)

- B3 prototype vehicles: no ceiling (actual costs)

Page 8: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

1. ERTMS Specific Objectives

2. ERTMS Application and Grant Agreement

3. Interoperability and ERTMS Deliverables

Page 9: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

ERTMS Application (1/5) The same structure of each specific objective:

• Description: read carefully, check if you fit

• Calls Essential Conditions: prove they are met

• Technical information:

•provide as requested

•info quality (not quantity) counts

• Funding conditions:

•check and apply in the proposal

•no ceiling: provide background info on actual costs

• Deliverables: analyse and make sure they can be provided

Call = Competition, so make sure that

the application is logical, complete, consistent and clear!

Benefit from the Guide for Applicants and FAQ

Page 10: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

ERTMS Application (2/5)

-OB/TS: separate applications

-Preparatory actions/ ERTMS TS deployment: separate applications

-Preparatory actions (e.g. studies, ToR, etc.): followed by deployment!

-OB/TS deployment: scope in 1 or more Member States - OK!

-GSM-R (General envelope): with ERTMS L2 (together with ETCS) only

-Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (No CBA)

Page 11: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

ERTMS Application (3/5)

Rail – ERTMS TS combined (Cohesion MS only):

- ERTMS TS on the same sections as rail activities

- Rail and ERTMS TS presented separately (tech/fin)

- ERTMS requirements (info, ceilings) to be applied

- GSM-R standalone: eligible, as part of a Rail component

Page 12: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

ERTMS Application (4/5)

-Ideal proposal TS:

- Line section, length, ERTMS Level/Baseline, call requested information (e.g. as Annexes)

- > 1 section: 1 activity = 1 section

- Address call deliverables

- Milestones: to follow authorisation procedure

- Infrastructure works: separate activity(ies)

Page 13: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

ERTMS Application (5/5)

-Ideal proposal OB:

- vehicles types, numbers, ERTMS Level/Baseline, call requested info (e.g. as Annexes)

- Prototyping foreseen: 2 activities per vehicle type:

- Activity 1: Prototyping, Vehicle Type 1

- Activity 2: Retrofitting, Vehicle Type 1

- Address call deliverables

- Milestones: to follow authorisation procedure

- Training, ad-hoc expertise: separate activity(ies)

- Pure B3 prototype: demonstrate EU added value

Page 14: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

ERTMS Grant Agreement

-Based on application and evaluation, but takes into account call requirements, e.g.:

- Deliverables (identified in the text)

- Costs, in line with ceiling

-Description: Concise, clear, quantitative info on the scope, deliverables, milestones as implementation "checkpoints"

-Activities TS: usually 1 activity per section

-Activities OB: usually up to 2 (if prototyping) activities per vehicle type

Page 15: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

ERTMS Project implementation - tips

-Final meeting: demonstration ride/ RBC visit

-Dedicated technical support: INECO

-At the end, verification of DELIVERABLES:

- ultimate verification of successful completion (regardless of final meeting)

- provide ASAP, preferably once available and well before the planned submission of the FPC

- Incompleteness/ lack of TSI compliance demonstration might lead to a payment reduction/rejection

• Involve NoBo(s) and NSA(s) as soon as possible!

Page 16: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

1. ERTMS Specific Objectives

2. ERTMS Application and Grant Agreement

3. Interoperability and ERTMS Deliverables

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ERTMS deployment must be in line with the TSI CCS and EU legislation

› The technical deliverables:

› demonstrate interoperability

› fundamental to achieve the aim of the Actions

They are detailed in the call requirements for each priority and each option


Page 18: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

Track-side: EU authorisation process demonstrated with:

- Operational tests scenarios applied for the verification of the subsystem, and report on the results of tests

- EC declaration of conformity and EC certificate of conformity of interoperable constituents

- EC declaration of verification and EC certificate of verification of the trackside subsystem

- Application file for Authorisation from the NSA, or the Authorisation itself, if available at the end of the Action


Page 19: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

On-Board: EU authorisation process demonstrated with:

- Tests reports in line with TSI CCS.

(Use of accredited laboratories is mandated)

- EC declaration of conformity and EC certificate of conformity of interoperable constituents

- EC declaration of verification and EC certificate of verification of the on-board subsystem


- Application file for Authorisation from the NSA, or the Authorisation itself, if available at the end of the Action

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Application should demonstrate a successful Action

- The descriptions of tasks, planning, parties involved, and all information provided, should demonstrate that the Action will follow the TSI CCS and it will be completed successfully producing the requested deliverables

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All documents required in the Call to be provided

- Application must be coherent with the option Action

proposal: ERTMS deployment, ERTMS upgrade, track-side, on-board, retrofitting, prototypes, studies

There is a different list of documents to be provided depending on the priority, specific objectives and options

Page 22: 2015 CEF Transport Calls - European Commission · -Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3 (PRIORITY) -Focus on Core Network Corridor sections -New and constructed lines -Infrastructure

More information on the calls…

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