2016 amtech user conference · •close jobs timely ... • to export data into excel, highlight...

2016 Amtech User Conference High Velocity Closing Sue Hahn

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Page 1: 2016 Amtech User Conference · •Close Jobs timely ... • To export data into Excel, highlight the lines to export, and select Edit > Copy. Open up a new Excel spreadsheet and select

2016 Amtech User Conference


Page 2: 2016 Amtech User Conference · •Close Jobs timely ... • To export data into Excel, highlight the lines to export, and select Edit > Copy. Open up a new Excel spreadsheet and select


• WhoClosestheirBooksin:• Over30Days?• Over3Weeks?• Over2Weeks?• Over1Week?• WithinaWeek?• 3Days?• 2Days?• 1Day?

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• TheImaginerasystemisfulloftoolstoassistyoutoClosetheBooksin24hours.

• InthissessionwewilldiscussthevariousoptionsavailableintheprogramtohavemanyofyourcurrentProcessesbecomemuchmoreautomated.

• Thiswillassistyouwithstreamliningtheprocess,fromAutomaticGLCodinginthePOmodule,throughCodingRawMaterialsinJobCosting,andPeriodicInventoryCountingusingTopGun.

• Useoftheseprocesseswillhelpyourpeopleworkmoreefficientlyandmostimportantlywithaccuracyofentriesforbothyoursalesandpurchases.

• WealsowillreviewvarioustipsandtricksspecificallyforyourAccountingpersonnel,toassistthemintheirdaytodayprocess,aswellasfindingandusingthecorrectreports,usingrecurringjournalentriestoautomaticallyenteraccrualseachmonth,andexportingdataforfinancialstatements,aswellassomeexcitingnewfunctionalityaddedinthe3.2sr1version.

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• Enableuserstostreamlineaccountingfunctionsandmonthendclosetogettimelyandaccuratefinancialstatements.

Purpose– Fittingallthepiecestogetherinatimelyfashion










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• CloseOpenPurchaseOrders–• AutoClosePOinA/P– ifflagischecked,systemwillautoclosePOsthathavebeenreceivedandcompletelyprocessedthroughA/P.

• ManuallyclosePOs- WhenyouruntheclosePOoptionthislooksforPO’smarkedcomplete.

• RunthePurchasePriceVariancereportinthePurchasingmodule.Thisreportcanbeusedtoanalyzevariancesforthemonth.Thisisoptional.

• RunthePOAccrualsreceiptreportafterinvoiceentryintheA/Pmodulehasbeencutoffforthemonth.ThisreportwilltellyoupurchaseordermaterialsreceivedbutnotinvoicedinA/P.Usethisreporttomaketheaccrualentryasneeded.

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• SheetPurchaseOrders• POwilluseG/LcodeassignedtofirstexpenselineinVendortable

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POAccruals ReceiptReport

• Usedtocreatemonthendaccrualjournalentry

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• EnsureallproductreceivedpriortomonthendcutoffarereceivedthroughPOReceiving.• Willneedtocreatemanualjournalentriestoreconciletheinventoryaccountsatmonthendeitherusinginventoryreportstobaseanetchangeinventoryadjustmententryorjobcostreportsforamoredetailedbreakdown.• InventoryValuationReports– shouldberunafterproductionforthemonthhasceasedandbeforethenewmonth’sproductionhasstarted.youcanrunreportssuchasItemSummaryAsOfwhichallowyoutouseaspecificdate.

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• MaterialCostTypes• AssigntoPurchasedItems(ItemWarehouseRecord)

• AutoassignG/LinPurchaseOrder

• MinimizesG/LcodingerrorsonP.O.s

• EliminateskeyingofG/LcodeinA/P

• CategorizesexpenseforJobCostingpurposes

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• InventoryAdjustmentsReport – UsereporttoadjustG/Laccountsformiscellaneousadjustmentsmadeininventory.

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• CloseJobstimely• M/Ejobsthathavenoadditionalcoststopostshouldbeclosed.

• ClosingdatemustbewithinthecurrentG/Lperiod

• Toclosejobs

• JobCost>View>ShowJobsEligibleforClosure>search• Selectjobs• Actions>CloseSelectedJobs

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• MaterialsRegister – UsemoverawmaterialscostinG/LtoWIPaccount.

• ConversionRegister – Usetocontraexpenseaccountsmovelaborcostfordirectlabor,variableand


• FinishedGoodsRegister – UsetomovecostsfromWIPG/LaccounttoFinishedGoodsaccount.

• CostofGoodsSold – UsetomovecostsfromFinishedGoodsG/LaccounttoCostofGoodssold


• ClosingAdjustments – UsetoadjustWIPG/Laccounttomovevariancestovarianceexpenseaccounts.

• WIPValuation – BalanceendingG/LaccountbalanceforWIPtovaluationreport.

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�ClosingAnalysis- Analyzejobperformanceandvariances�Variancescanbeanalyzedtodeterminewhetherestimatingisaccurate�AdjustmentsRegister

� VariancefromEstimatedcosts� CanbebookedtoCOGS

�ConversionRegister� Reportingalllabor?� Checkaccuracyofestimatingrates

�ClosedJobDetail� Plannedcontributionvs.actualcontribution

�CostDetailAnalysis(PrintthroughInvoicing>SalesAnalysis)� Comparesellingpricevs.contributionatstandard

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• DRUsageReport– checktomakesureDeliveryReceiptshaveallbeenpostedtoinvoicing.ClickonReportsintheShippingHistoryscreen.DR’swithaPrintedandApprovedstatusshouldbepostedtoinvoicingiftheshipdateisinthecurrentpostingperiod.

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• Alwayshavetaxcomefromshipto• 3.2Cannowaddgenerictexttotheinvoice

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—Invoicing(Sales)• ShipmentsNotInvoiced- generatedfromPrintbutton

• OtherKeyReports• AccountDistributionreport– shouldtietoG/L• InvoiceRegister– shouldtietoAccountDistributionreport• SalesTaxReportbyState• SalesAnalysisreports– shouldtietoinvoiceregisterbutmaynotnecessarilytietoG/L

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• CheckthePostDropShiptoInvoicingscreentomakesurealldropshipshavebeeninvoicedforthemonth.

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• IfusingConsumptionOrders(newfunctionalitytotrackconsignmentinventoryandinvoicecustomersforusage)

• runthePostConsumptionOrderstoInvoicingproceduretomakesureallconsumptionordershavebeeninvoicedforthemonth.

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• CashReceiptsreportshouldbalancetodepositandbeposteddaily.

• G/LDistributionReport– shouldbalancetozero

• AgedTrialBalanceand/orOpenReceivables– shouldbalancetoG/L

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• BankReconciliation- UndertheentryoptiononthemenubarselectCheckReconciliationforbothARandAP

• ReconciledandUn-reconciledChecksreportscanbeusedtoreconcilethebankaccountstotheGeneralLedgertrialbalance

• Markthedeposit/checksthathaveclearedthebank.

• CanexportthedatafromthecheckreconciliationscreenintoaMSExcelspreadsheettofacilitatecompletionofabankreconciliation.


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• ToexportdataintoExcel,highlightthelinestoexport,andselectEdit>Copy.OpenupanewExcelspreadsheetandselectEdit>Paste.


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• PayableItemsreport(PurchasesJournal)shouldbeposteddaily.

• AgingofPayablesreportand/orOpenPayables– shouldbalancetoG/L

• G/LDistributionReport– shouldbalancetozero

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• AutomaticallydefaultGLaccountfortax,freight,&otherchargesfromthePOtoinvoiceentry.

• AutoclosePOfromAPmodulewheninvoicedandreceivedcomplete.

• Savedataentrytimebyhavingthesystemdefaulttheprice&quantityreceivedfromthePO.

• Inmulti-plantenvironmenthavesystembreakoutcheckrunsbasedonplant.

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• A/Pprocessing• SearchbyVendorReceiptNo.(BOL)orASNNo.forpullingalllinesforinvoicingatonce

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• TrialBalance– mustrunUpdatetoSummarytoseedata

• DetailbyCodereport– canruninDrillDown(Detailed)andSummaryVersions

• DetailbyTransactionreport– canseeoneormorejournalentries

• FinancialStatements

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RecurringJournalEntries– StandardAccruals• Professional/Legal• Monthlydepreciation• Property/MedicalInsurance

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• Manysalesanalysisreports• A/RAgedTrialBalancereport• A/PAgingofPayablesreport• G/LTrialBalance• G/LFinancialStatements• G/LDetailbyCodereport

• In3.2SR1,mostGL/AP/ARreportsareabletobeexportedtoEXCELforanalysis.

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• FinancialStatements(BalanceSheets,IncomeStatements,ExpenseSchedules)canbebuiltintheG/Lmodule.

• Astatementformatmustbecreatedforeachtypeofstatementdesired– thisiswhereyoudefinetheappearanceofthestatement,controlhowthestatementtotals,andmapG/Laccountcodestolines.

• AnotheroptionistoexportaTrialBalanceintoa.csv file,exporttoMSExcel,thenbuildyourowncustomizedfinancialstatementsthataremappedtospecificcells.



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• Musthavetwonon-reportingaccountcodesbuiltinyourchartofaccounts–thesedoNOTgetmappedtoyourfinancialstatements:• Non-reportingLiabilityaccountcode.• Non-reportingIncome(Loss)accountcode.

• Closeoutthelastpostingperiodofyourfiscalyeartodeterminenetincome(loss)fortheyear.

• Twojournalentriesareneededtomovethenetincome(loss)fortheyearintoRetainedEarnings.


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• Thefirstjournalentrywillbeenteredinthelastpostingperiodofthecurrentfiscalyear– thiswillmovethenetincome(loss)intothenon-reportingliabilityaccount.

• Thesecondjournalentrywillbeenteredinthefirstpostingperiodofthenewfiscalyear– thiswillmovethenetincome(loss)fromthenon-reportingliabilityaccountintoRetainedEarnings.


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