2020 parent opinion survey burmese translation guide to be

2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 1 2020 ခွစ္ မိဘ အႀကံဥာဏ္ စစ္တမ္းေကာက္ယူမႈမွ ႀကိဆိပါ၏ မိဘမာွင့္ ေစာင္ ့ေရွာက္သူတိ ႔၏ အႀကံဥာဏ္မာသည္ ကြ္ပ္တိ႔ ေကာင္လူမႈအသိင္အဝိင္တြ င္ ေကာင္သူေကာင္သာမာ၏ လိအပ္ခက္ကိ မည္မွေကာင္ေအာင္ လပ္ေပေနေၾကာင္ ေဖာ္ျပသည့္ အေရႀကေသာ ညႊန္ခက္တစ္ခ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ ကြ ပ္တိ႔သည္ ဤစစ္တမ္ အေျဖမာကိ ေကာင္တိတက္မႈ အတြက္ သံပါမည္။ ပညာေရးွင့္ ေလ့ကင္ဌာနသည္ အေျဖမားကိ ကာင္းသူေကာင္းသားမာ၏ ရလဒ္မာအာ တိးျမွင့္ေပးရနလပ္မည့္ သေတသနတြ င္ အသံးျပပါမည္။ ဤစစ္တမ္ကိေျဖဆိသည့္ သင့္ အေျဖမာကိ အမည္ေဖာ္ျပျခင္ လံလံမရွိဘ ထာပါသည္။ ORIMA သေတသနသည္ ဤစစ္တမ္ေကာက္ယူမႈကိ ပညာေရွင့္ ေလ့ကင့္ေရ ဌာန (Department of Education and Training) ကိယ္စာ ေဆာင္ရြက္ေနပါသည္။ ORIMA သေတသနသည္ သတင္အခက္အလက္ သျခာရွိေရ အက္ဥပေဒ (Privacy Act 1988) ပါ ၾသစေၾတလိင္ငံ သတင္အခက္အလက္ သျခာရွိေရ စည္မဥ္မာ အရ သင့္ အခြင့္အေရမာကိ ေလစာၿပ ထိန္သိမ္ထာပါသည္။ ORIMA သေတသနသည္ သတင္အခက္အလက္ သျခာရွိေရ ကင့္ဝတ္ [Privacy (Market and Social Research) Code 2014] ကိလည္ လိက္နာပါသည္၊ ျပည္နယ္ွင့္ အပ္ခပ္ခံနယ္ေျမ ဥပေဒတိ႔ကိလည္ လိက္နာပါသည္။ ORIMA ၏ သတင္ အခက္အလက္ သျခာရွိေရ မူဝါဒ အျပည့္အစံကိ ဖတ္ရႈရန္ ေကဇူျပ၍ ဤေနရာ တြ င္ ကလစ္ွိပ္ပါ (အဂၤလိပ္စာျဖင့္သာ)။ ညႊန္ၾကားခက္မား သင္ မေျဖဆိမီ ေမးခြ န္းတစ္ခစီကိ ေကးဇူးျပ၍ အေသအခာ ဖတ္ရႈပါ။ သင္ ေပလိသည့္ အေျဖကိ ဇယာတြ င္ ေရြပါ။ ဥပမာ- အမႈိက္ပစ္ျခင္ကိ တာျမစ္သင့္သည္ဟ သင္ သေဘာတူလွင္ သင္သည္ အာက္တြင္ေဖာ္ျပထာသည့္အတိင္ ‘သေဘာတူသည္’ ကိေရြရပါသည္။ေကဇူျပ၍ သတိျပရမည္မွာ 'သေဘတူလည္ မဟတ္ သေဘာမတူလည္ မဟတ္' ကိ ပွမ္မွအေျဖ သိ႔မဟတ္ အျမင္ေရာေထြ သည့္အေျဖ ေပရန္ အမွန္တကယ္ သင္ ရည္ရြယ္မွာသာ ေရြသင့္သည္။ ကိ ပံမွန္သမာရိက အေျဖတစ္ခအေနျဖင္ ့ မေရြသင့္ပါ။ အလြန္ သေဘာမတူ သေဘာမတူ သေဘာတူလည္း မဟတ္၊ သေဘာမတူလည္း မဟတ္ သေဘာတူသည္ အလြန္ သေဘာတူ အမႈိက္ပစ္ျခင္ကိ တာျမစ္သင္ ့သည္

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2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 1

ORIMA (Department of Education and Training) ORIMA (Privacy Act 1988) ORIMA [Privacy (Market and Social Research) Code 2014] ORIMA ()

- ‘’ ' '


2020 ‘ ’ ‘ ’

My child enjoys the learning they do at school

3. /

My child has been supported this year to adjust to his/her new year level

My child feels safe at school

My child feels confident about the skills and strategies they have learnt at school to address bullying behaviours


This school provides opportunities for my child to develop a sense of responsibility

The academic standards at this school provide adequate challenge for my child

This school encourages my child to persist when learning is difficult

My child can explore their own interests when it is related to their class work
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 3

My child has been bullied recently at school

This school provides opportunities for my child to make decisions and solve problems

This school provides diverse programs for my child’s interests and abilities
14. /

The school provides my child with opportunities to build his/her confidence

This school gives my child opportunities to participate in school activities

My child is taught organisational skills to help him/her with managing homework and schoolwork load

This school gives me opportunities to participate in my child’s education

I feel confident that this school provides a good standard of education for my child
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 4



Teachers are enthusiastic and positive about teaching

There is effective two-way communication between the teachers and parents at this school

My child gets extra help with learning from teachers when needed

Teachers at this school expect my child to do his/her best

Teachers communicate with me often enough about my child’s progress

Teachers provide useful feedback and respond to the learning needs of my child

I understand how my child is assessed

The teachers are very good at making learning engaging

My child feels motivated by his/her teachers to learn
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 5

Teachers at this school model positive behaviour


This school has clean and well-maintained facilities and properties

I am able to get the information I need through the school’s regular communication channels

I feel this school values parents’ contributions

I feel comfortable about approaching this school with any concerns I might have

This school has a strong relationship with the local community

This school communicates the importance of respecting all cultural beliefs and practices
This school takes parents’ concerns seriously
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 6

The school respects and values my family’s beliefs and wishes

This school always aims to improve the quality of education it provides

This school has a consistent approach to promoting positive student behaviour

This school has a clear understanding of its strengths and areas for improvement

This school celebrates student achievements in all areas
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 7


I feel confident that the Victorian public school system prepares students for the next phase of their life

I feel confident that this school prepares students for the next phase of their life

I feel confident that Victorian public schools generally provide a good standard of education for students

Overall, I am satisfied with the education my child receives from this school
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 8


45. [ASK ALL] -

Year 1
Year 3
Year 4
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 9
46. [ASK ALL] 2020

Yes – my child has mainly learnt from home during periods of remote and flexible learning

Yes – but my child has also attended school on-site (for example, if you are a permitted worker)


No – my child has continued to attend school on site (for example if you are a permitted worker, or if your child has attended a specialist school)
47. [Show if Q46=1 or 2]
( )


None - my child typically didn’t need help
Less than 1 hour per week
1 – 3 hours per week
4 – 5 hours per week
6 – 10 hours per week
11 – 20 hours per week
Over 20 hours per week
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 10
48. [Show if Q46=1 or 2]

Far too light
A bit light
About right
Too much
Far too much
49. [Show if Q46=1 or 2] ..

My child less engaged with or interested in their schoolwork

No difference to my child’s level of engagement with or interest in their schoolwork

My child more engaged with or interested in their schoolwork
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 11
[Show if Q46=1 or 2]
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 12

I understand what my child is expected to do each day
( )

I can contact my child’s teacher(s) when I need to

Teachers communicate with me often enough about my child’s progress
( )

My child has adequate contact with their teacher(s)

My child often gets distracted from studying by other things happening in the house

My child often gets distracted from studying by other things happening online (e.g. social media)

My child does a full day’s worth of schoolwork every school day

Since learning from home started, I feel like I have a better understanding of what my child is learning
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 13

Since learning from home began, the school has improved aspects of its remote learning delivery over time

( )

Compared to normal onsite learning the school had more of an emphasis on academic achievement during period(s) of flexible and remote learning

( )

Compared to normal onsite learning the school had more of an emphasis on student wellbeing during period(s) of flexible and remote learning

I feel well supported by my child's school and teachers to help my child learn from home

I feel that my child can learn just as effectively from home as they can in the classroom

The school has responded effectively to feedback from parents
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 14
I have confidence in the school system in Victoria (ALL schools in Victoria)

I have confidence in the government school system in Victoria (these are also known as the state or public schools)
66. [Show if Q46=1 or 2] ?
Very dissatisfied
Neither dissatisfied or satisfied
Very satisfied
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 15
[Show if Q46=1 or 2]

( -
Temporarily to reduce infection risk (e.g. when the child is showing cold symptoms)

Temporarily to accommodate a child’s special needs (e.g. anxiety to attend school)
69. /

Permanently to accommodate child / parent choice
70. [Show if Q46=1 or 2]
(- )
Not at all disruptive
Slightly disruptive
Moderately disruptive
Highly disruptive
Extremely disruptive
71. [Show if Q46=1 or 2]
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 16
72. [Ask Q71=1]

Created or modified your child’s Individual Education Plans

Held a Student Support Group meeting

Provided assistance with technology to support learning at home

Had regular contact with you or your child to check in on student progress

Provided learning materials in accessible formats
[Exclusive] None of the above [Exclusive]
Postgraduate Degree
/ Graduate Diploma / Graduate Certificate
Bachelor’s degree
/ Advanced Diploma / Diploma
III / IV Certificates III / IV
Year 12
Year 11
Year 10
I / II Certificates I / II
2020 Parent Opinion Survey – BURMESE Translation Guide – To be used for translation only 17
Year 9 or below
Prefer not to say

74. /COVID-19

[Exclusive] No financial impact [Exclusive]
( )

Job loss by one adult (caregiver)
( )

Job loss by two adults (caregivers)

(- )

Difficulty paying bills or buying necessities (e.g. food)
Adult having to work longer hours
(- JobSeeker)

Adult filed for unemployment (e.g. JobSeeker)
(- JobKeeper)