21 essential social media marketing

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Page 1: 21 Essential Social Media Marketing

21 Essential In

Social Media Marketing


Page 2: 21 Essential Social Media Marketing


Welcome to Simplymyservices.in “21 Essential In Social Media

Marketing” Presentation. This presentation will provide you with

information to quickly and effectively plan, build, maintain and

promote your business.

Social media has become an effective vehicle for content distribution,

and products are no exception. According to the Small Business

Success Index, sponsored by Network Solutions (2010), one in five

small businesses are now actively using social media. About 75% of

those surveyed have a company page on a social networking

site. What makes social media so effective for marketing

purposes? The simple answer is that it gives your product massive

exposure across a wide range of platforms.


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1. Start With a Feed

A “feed” is a summary of web content that is updated on a regular basis. It

allows users to keep informed of a website’s latest changes. The

predominant feed format is Really Simple Syndication (RSS) 2.0.

Feeds allow you to easily see new content. A summary or “headline” view lets

youquickly scan recent content changes, and headlines are linked to their

appropriate content. RSS readers are very useful because you no longer have

to search for relevant information; you simply save your search queries in the

reader and the relevant information will come to you.

Unless you have another blog aggregator that you prefer, I recommend you sign up for Google Reader.


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2. Track Wikipedia

Wikipedia is where experts, industry leaders, researchers and other key

influencers talk. You may have thought it was just an online encyclopedia, but it

has a forum for every single article posted. Lively discussions are often ongoing

behind the scenes, as each article has its own discussion page where

Wikipedia editors debate and discuss.

You’ll want to know what people are saying about your page, your competitors

and your industry.

Subscribe both to edits made to each article you select as well as its corresponding discussion page, in order to monitor what people are saying.


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3. Track Tweets, Comments and Discussions

Twitter is one of the main places online that comments go viral. Companies like

Dell and Southwest Airlines monitor Twitter in real time so that a negative tweet

about a product or service can be addressed quickly by customer service.

It is also important to note that Google indexes tweets. If your company, product

or brand is being tweeted about, you’ll want to know.

Luckily, Twitter is equipped to send information to your social media dashboard.


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4. Optional Tracking

If your industry has strong aftermarket sales, you may wish to monitor prices.

eBay and Craigslist are the top aftermarket sales sites. The prices people are

paying for your products there will help you determine aftermarket value.

Go to eBay. Enter a search query. Scroll to the bottom and click the orange

RSS button, and paste the link in your aggregator.

Go to Craigslist. Enter a search term. Look for the RSS feed. You know what to


If you want to monitor your competition, or any webpage in particular, subscribe to an RSS feed at WatchThatPage. It will notify you any time a page is changed.


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5. Why Businesses Should Use Social Networking

� Reach large numbers of potential customers

� Build relationships and loyalty with current customers

� Get feedback to improve your business

You may choose to use Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare or any or all of the

myriad of alternatives but you really should embrace social networking and

discover its potential for your business. After all, if everyone else is using social

networking there must be a reason or they would soon stop. If you don't feel

confident to tackle this area yourself find someone who does, inside or outside

your business, but don't get left behind. Your competitors are probably using

social networking so it is definitely time you did too.


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6. How a SMM Agency Can Change Your Business Returns

BloggingA good Social media marketing agency takes up the task of creating a blog for your website and

updating it frequently. Blogging can be formal and highly informative that is used to drive huge traffic to your website. Thus, it is extremely important to ensure if the SMM firm does this task efficiently.

Micro-bloggingThis is yet another important service offered by good SMM companies online. Micro-blogging refers to

tiny snippets of information sent on a micro-blogging site. Popular micro-blogging sites are Twitter and

Tumblr. These sites allow users to send and read regular updates from 'followers'. You are free to post

updates on any topic including industry news and trends, promotion of brand etc.

Social Networking Web SitesRegular updates and information about latest trends on your website can be posted on various social

networking web sites, which are visited by millions of visitors in routine. You can also incorporate relevant pictures, content, discount coupons, website links and even videos for business promotion


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7. Managing Your Company's

Social Media Presence

Social media is about return on engagement. Your customers, clients, and

partners are watching and reading...EVERYTHING. It's critical to remember

this! Social media is a great tool for genuine interaction with people all over the


Do a lot of listening. Don't just try and shove products and services at people

you're connected with on Facebook and Twitter. Simply engage in conversation.

Be genuine.

Social media isn't an opportunity to reinvent your brand, but to widen your

brand's reach. Remember the mantra, "if you're not networking, you're not


Great foundation for any company's marketing plan across the board-not just in

the social media realm, but in every facet of how to effectively market your

company's products or services.


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8. Social Media Can Help Contact

Centres Enhance Customer Service

Research by Dimension Data revealed that a growing number of contact centres worldwide are dealing with more modern forms of communication such as online enquiries, SMS texts and live web chat.

The study found that nearly two thirds were handling online enquiries, while almost half were managing

text interactions and a quarter of respondents were offering live chat over the internet.

An increasing number of businesses are keen to exploit the customer service benefits of social

networking websites like Facebook and Twitter as a channel that can quickly deal with consumer

complaints and queries.

As more consumers use the internet to interact with businesses it is of growing importance that organisations enhance their online presence by appearing on as many communication channels as


Dimension Data discovered that nearly 20 per cent of research participants reported that their contact

centre was currently utilising social media and this number is expected to rise to one third over the next two years.

The growth in technology means that firms should now see their traditional contact centres more like

customer management agencies as there is a greater opportunity to develop a lasting relationship with



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9. Making a Custom FacebookFan Page

Page IdentityWhen people come to your page they need to see what you're all about before they even click the like

button. If you're not clear about what you are and what you do than people will get the wrong message

and potentially not give you a like.

Get the Right AppsDepending on what your fan page is about will determine the apps you want to install for it. Facebook

offers a ton of apps for free that are quite useful. You can add things like a streaming music player,

movie updater, mobile capability and search engine integration

Pictures are Worth a Thousand LikesPeople are much more likely to see a picture and make an opinion before they ever read text. If you have captivating images for your fan page people are more likely to stop and spend more time there. If

your page looks boring and unpleasing then why should they stop and read anything you've written?


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10. Facebook is an attractive

and cost-effective marketing


� Facebook Pages are visible to everyone

� Facebook Pages can have an unlimited number of fans

� Users can automatically support your Facebook Page without


� You can send Updates to all your fans


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11. Increase Facebook Fans

� Custom Welcome Page

� Remind Them

� Incentivize

� Call Them To Action

� Interact

� Be A Tease

� Explain Yourself


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12. Twitter Marketing ?

Twitter can be a powerful marketing tool that, if used correctly, can be effective

in providing the same or even more income than your current full time career. In

its simplest form, Twitter is a social networking website that allows you to share

a small fragment of your thoughts and opinions at the exact moment that it

occurs with anyone that has opted-in to follow your tweets. Hence the catch

phrase on the Twitter sign-up page, "What Are You Doing?" Twitter can be

explained as the combination of Facebook, instant messaging and sms all rolled

into one simple, yet brilliant package

You might be thinking "wow, big deal" but there is massive potential in this mini

social networking site to meet other like-minded people, share info and web site

links and promote products and businesses. And those factors combined with

the ability to gain thousands of followers make it a perfect platform for business.


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13. Really like to become more

socially online?

� Tip 1: Start Humble and Small

� Tip 2: Get a Widget

� Tip 3: Always Test your Widgets and Buttons!

� Tip 4: Always Attract your Followers.

�Tip 5: Try To See What Pros are doing.

�Tip 6: Find People That Share the same Interest


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14. Using Right Facebook

Applications For Your Business

Facebook applications to inform the potential customers about your company

and your business. Remember, it is one of the best ways to interact and

communicate with your customers on their own turf.

Did you know that you can achieve viral marketing objectives easily and quickly

through the right use of Facebook applications? You will be able to raise the

interests of various non-users of the social media site through newsletters and

emails by your customers or the Facebook "friends". In addition to this you will

be able to direct maximum traffic towards your actual official website.


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15. What Role Does Social

Media Play in a SEO Strategy?

It has been confirmed by Google that they are giving social media bookmarks

more and more value when it comes to search engine rankings. That means

every website owner and SEO expert should be using social networking as a

search engine strategy. But how important is it really that a site is getting social

media traffic, and what is the very best service to use?

SEO and social networking, often called Web 2.0, adds action to a website and

loads of social votes as well. Search engines do not only look for back-links and

on site SEO any more, they are constantly checking out the activity of the site

like updates and also web 2.0 elements and analyze the web page's SEO and

social networking activity accordingly.


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16. Use Social Media to

Promote Your Business


Don't sell too fast!Being "social" is about connection and feedback. Instead of using the medium as a sales tool, try to get

feedback about how your customers feel about your products. Apply that feedback to your business, and improve your current offer.

Spread your efforts...slowlyJust like any other human institution, each social media site has a different character. You are more

likely to succeed if you slowly build a separate strategy for each of them.

Consistency pays offThat means you have to always stay fresh. People's attention spans are especially short when they are

using social media sites. You will have to engage them; it's not enough to display your logo,

surrounded by fancy graphics.

In order to leverage your efforts, you need to become familiar with viral features, such as the Facebook"Like" button. Such mechanisms allow your content, and promotions, to be spread all over the internet

by users

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17. Basic Rules of Social Media Marketing?

� Update!

� No pitching!

� Communicate with your audience.

� Choose Wisely.

� Handle angry customers with class.

� Link to others

� Share!

� Start a weekly trend.

� Link to your blog


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18. Effective Ways to Market Your Products

Viral Marketing is an effective online marketing tool wherein customers are

involved in spreading the marketing message to other people in their peer group.

The businesses send information, interactive games, video clips, promotional

emails and any digital media to a customer, who in turn will be encouraged to

distribute it to others.

� Email marketing

� Facebook Ads

� Google Adwords

� YouTube videos

� Articles


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19. Get the Most Out of Your Content

eBooks: eBooks are a great tool when it comes to content. The writing of an

eBook is much simpler than the writing of a print book. You can take all of the

content from your website and put it into an eBook.

Guest blogs post: You will build a large number of links and generate a lot of

website traffic if you publish guest blog articles.

Creating a membership area: You can make access to your content more exclusive than merely putting it out there for anyone and everyone

Podcasting: Podcasting is another great way to share your content and to

increase your web presence.

Making videos: Once you have made your podcast, making a video from that content is a natural choice.


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20. Tips to Build a Stronger LinkedIn Profile

1. Don't just cut and paste sections from your résumé, that backward-looking document. LinkedIn shows your past experience and more: your present efforts and future aspirations.

2. Borrow from the best marketers you know. Draw inspiration from others you respect. Adapt smart wording you see them using to your own personal style and branding.

3. Write a dynamic personal tagline. That 120-character line of text under your name that LinkedIn calls your Professional Headline is the first impression you make in your profile. It defines you all over LinkedIn.

4. Put your polished elevator pitch to eve n better use. Your self-description, practiced and refined, is the essence of who you are and succinctly positions what you do.

5. Identify your background and show yourself as greater than the sum of the experience you had. The Experience and Specialties fields drive your personal SEO in LinkedIn searches; knit in Google keywords to improve being found in a search.

6. You must have a good photo. A clear picture of what you look like, a friendly, approachable face, is a basic, yet underutilized, tool to reinforce your brand

7. Further show your ideas and voice, different from the crowd. Use the powerful free LinkedIn apps to showcase your voice.

8. Make your profile 100% complete; get a personalized LinkedIn URL. Look your very best, fully rounding out your LinkedIn profile to tell WHO you really are.


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21. Using Mobile Applications to Market to Social Networks: Ready, Set, Check-In!

Marketers are a buzz over the potential mobile marketing offers. Experts predict

that almost half of US mobile phone users will have a smart phone by the end of

2011, so interest in marketing to mobile users has reached a tipping point.

� Coupons

� Sweepstakes

� Mayor Reward

� Trips

� Education

� Sponsor Reward

� Enhancing Membership


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Congratulations! After reading the information in this guide, you should be better

informed about the overall process of getting your socializing your business.

The best advice may be to start slowly and grow your site to meet the needs of

your business.

We hope that you feel well informed about techniques for social media for your

business. We would like to invite you to see how Simplymyservices.in can help

you to create a winning social media business.


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Simplymyservices.in FeaturesEverything you need to START Internet Marketing for your businesEverything you need to START Internet Marketing for your business:s:

� Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing

� PPC, Adwords Advertising

� Classifieds Listing

� B2B Product Listing

� Social Bookmarking

� Directory Submission

� Video Distribution Service

Call us at +91 9892 108 127 or visit us at www.simplymyservices.in