21st bomber command tactical mission report 40, ocr

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    , i ~ ~ C T E D tI Byllut ..n [+y ,rC.G 1\;.:. Alr Force

    j ~ ~ ' ( t _ ~ ~

    UISSION _NO . 40FlO WN U "AI< 19"

    COpy NO .l 0 a


    APO 114

    _ uAtii

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    1.H.B l i l

    FORmanTbe lncend1D.ry nir;ht .tto.ck of 10 Much IP4ti on Tokyo. the rep or t

    of Which r o l l o ~ . , embodied II. comPlete cbrunge or tuotlc. for the XI IBomber COlDlllrun4..Prior to th h o.tto.ek, ul l at r i kes hP.d be en pla.nned fA high_level,prool.loft effort . . The desired r esul t . hud not been obtained, however,aince in 0. grea t many instances !ldvarae weo.ther oondl t iona hnd prevented vlauo.l bombing. A ,tudy of r o.diCo.lly different tact lc . WUB made,r ea ultin in II. plan to r l ow- level . lncendlo.ry o.ttaoks , I t wna believedthat the followin g o.dvo.nto.ges would r esul t l1. Better W e o t h ~ L C ! W A 1 - l l i M . : At lO'lleT c.lt1tudes , winds ot 2S to

    35 knots, 11.8 oompo.r 3.l '1'11! :;,.W t .. 180 knots ut 25 , 000 to 30,000 t u t ,'WOuld ordinarily be enc:lunt{1Tod, I:h\lu mo.!Cing 1 unneceaso,ry to co unter_aot excese1ve drif t by ~ ~ i ~ l n g b o m b l n ~ o p p r o ~ c h e s to runCloud conditions wo'llci also tond to be more favoro.ble at lower alt i tude

    ..o.rlly be Bet terbet t er U L L R M ~ " ~ I at lOVier altitudes, Scope defin1 tion would ordin.

    3. GUAtpr B o Q . . ~ . : EHminat:l.on of the climb to hl gh leve lsplul the flLct that fcrrno.tiorBwould not be flown at night would r llllu l tin dec r easod fuel conB"lmption ar.d t h e r e ) . ~ o r o llll"ger bomb lOll.ds. I naddition , i t WII.B bei!.ovl:ld that nigr.t bombing would permit dispensing~ t h al l ~ u n i t i o n e x ~ e p t that for the ta i l guns . The e l im i na tionof thla weight would "also inorease the potentinl bomb loo.d,

    4. ~ ! A l 1 9 _ J : ! l l ) 1 : . Q . V B ~ ~ Q . Q . ~ Low- l evol fly ing WIUI ex_pected to put l ess strnin the engines o.nd to faci l i ta te the prob.le.m of mCl.intenanoe ,5. Greater Bgmbing A c c u r a c ~ : Errors in bombing were expeetedto decrease as 0. result of the lowering of thG bombing altitude Although low- altitude attCl.cks would ordinCl.fily incroll.se the probabil-i ty of losles al II. result of enemy actioc. the miesions ~ u l d beplanned to reach J apan o.t 0. time whon i ts defenses were least effec t ive. The fnot t hat the enemy had not as yet developed an effiC i entn ight f ighter was an importCl.nt consider ation ,

    Although night bombing wou ld be new for a great many B_29cr ews , 0.11 cr ews bad had experience in night navigation on previousmissio ns.

    To take advantage of t he surprise element i n the planni ng , fourlepar ate targets G ~ e selectod for attncks eve ry second night in ord.er to prevent. IlS far M r o s s ~ " b l e the enemy from set t ing up effoctivel O' - level defenses. Targe";s selonted wore the urban ll.reas of Tokyo,Nagoya , Osaka and Kobe. N ~ g o y a was lCl.ter made the target for aond at t ack , tho f i f th and las t of this ser iss ,Th e f i r s t mission against Tokyo was planned o.t an attaok al t i tude of 5000 to eooo f ee t so that maximum eff eot of enemy automo.tio

    weapons Gnd barrage bo.lloons cou ld be avoided , Pickod crews, des i gnated as pathfinder crews, were to mark tho aiming points , Bombingwas to be by individual aircraft , with each pl ane using radar II.ppro_o.ches and making visual cor roc t ions, if possible,I t is noteworthy t hc.t th e ob j ect of these atto.Oks wa s W tobomb indiscr iminate ly civi l i an popUla t i ons. The Objec t !n ! to des-troy the indqstrial s tr ato '1 ' targets oonoentrated in the urbanareas of these f our ma jo r Japaneso oi t i es.

    .HB .U

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr



    APO 234.

    TACTIC;.L U!SSIc. R!POR'I'Pleld O!>4tr Ro. 43 lUuIon 110. 40

    Tar-pt l Urban.,\reo. or

    10 Wo.rch 1945

    T ~ b 1 e of Content_

    'I'a.otlcII.1 IUJ'lI.tlve ExhIbl t TargiSt Chart Ezh1bIt RAdar No.v ' gntion Chart Jo.pa.nExhib i t Ro.dar Scepe Photo_

    i.zmex A

    J.nnex 8

    Ope ro.tions Exhl hi t Tra.ck ChartPar t I _ No.vigntlonPar t II BotIc':'ng Por t I I I _ Pli ght Engineer i ngPo.r t IV Radar Par t V - Gunne::-y Par t VI _ Air_S on Rescue Exhibit - Air_Sao. Rucllo l.Io.p

    .. TIeo.ther

    Plll"t I - "'enther SWl'lDlory

    Par t II _ Chll.rt - ForecnBt Wen ther VBOb8erved WentherPar t I I I - Prognostio Uo.pPnrt IV - Synoptic lfup 1i.nnex C COllUllunicntions

    . . . . .xDP(t!"t I _ Ro.der Countor },letUlurc8Par t II - C.)nOllunic nt lol15 ( R:l.dio)In tel l igenc e Par t I E:1OJI.y Air Oppositio nPar t I I - Ant lo.irornft nnd

    A l r ~ t o - ~ l r Bombing

    Par t I I I _ Bomb i ng Result8 and DII.mD.ge

    ABs ell .!llIent . . .Ann&x E Consolldll.ted Stat i s t ioa l Summnry J.nnox P XXI Bomblrt' COlllmD.nd Field Ord erl Annex G - Distribution . . .

    A-2 Section


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    (5) Ounnetyl(See Annex P ~ r t V, for detail . ) "0~ n n . r y wa. e.,loyed ~ & ~ i n s t th e enemy on this ai ion With the exoeption of ~ p r o x 1 m n t e l y 500 rounds f i r . d .oae l e ~ c h l i ~ h t

    (6 ) e i r - S e ~ ae.cuel{S.e knnex A. Part VI, for dotnll ' ) 'Pour 8 ~ 1 P ' . ditohed, with a to tnl of 40 lurviYor. b e i n ~ picked UP., . 'fta,tborl: (See ..:.nnex B, for DetOoill) J.lthoush the foreOD.t wn. COod, wea thor between 30 doSreo. north and 34 do&reel northmuoh aore .evere froQ for.onst. Wia" .ere hiSblr than forecn.t .WOnther oonditions nt bOoses w.re sood for both tQke-off nnd 10.ndiO&.h. Cp!!ll!ll.lnicg,t..12.o.lJ.

    (1 ) Counter ~ o . l u r e l r . ( S e e Lnnex C,d'to.lls) . No o f f e n s ' ; r ; : : - ~ O B W o r e employed.indioated t h ~ t the J apanese ho.ve 10-cm equipment nnd nref ni r advll.nbse.

    PArt I , forThe ',Ql'cbuling i t to

    (2 ) C9!lll!ll1DicP.tioDh :(S!! i.nnex C, Pnrt II , for deto.ll.)J ~ 1 n g WOos reported on 0,11 Itr ike fr equencie.. Discipline Wl.S goodby the 73rd 314th Wings . The 313th W i ~ repor te d secur1ty UDInti .factory and thnt corrective nction 1. be1ng token.

    1. Intel11cfJnoq Si'TTG'Y!(1) Enemy Air Oppop1tlpn.(See 0, PGrt I , fordetoJl.) Snemy ai r opposition was we ik, 74 enemy fighter. mak1ag40 ctto.ck No B_29'. were lost or d n m ~ e d due to enemy nircraf tnotion. Rick wnl r.ported n. firing who.t o.ppeared to be 3 7 ~ traceror inoendiary QIMIunition. No olr.1.ma nso.inst onaftly o . i r c r . r t ware l I I ~ e . (2) Enemv qnti _gircr, ttt(See Annax D. Pnrt II , fo r

    de t dh ) Two B_29's were loat o.nd 42 were danul-ged by nnti -nircraf t .Bnsed on ROM in tercept s , i t is bel i eved that the enamy hnd ear ly1fn.rnins of the o.tt:lok. I nteMa and Iloouro.te flAk 'Willi reportod in tb&nroo. and from ship. in Tokyo BIlY . Howover , nnt1- o.i rcrn t t t i re .diminished in firo po'WOr and accuracy all each succeeding plane inover the ~ r Se a rchlighta 'WOre reported of! ective a t tbl I tar tof raid. but beco.me less efhotlve. TholO on .hips in the Bs.y werereported o.a very aocurate. Some colored benms were reported.

    (3 ) Bsxnbin, R\?Iult, god DOGOn .j.uesQqntl ( S.e Mnu D.Part III . for detAl llI) . . Interpretation of photographs obtained on11 Maroh 1945 01l8el8ed Yi8i bl e damago at '40,146,000 square feet, or15.8 .quare mil ea of oity o.reo. destroyed. Eightee n por cent of thei ndu.trial 63 per cent of tho commeroial distriot8 were destroyed,&long with the heart of the r e8idential district . In Inc end1ary ZoneHo. 1 de.truction to taled 82 per ce nt. Twenty. two industri a l t a r , e tnumberl and many other unldont i f i od industri es wors destroyod or dnm_... ,

    12,,;M',e " ' ~ ' 1 .CURTIS E. LeW.rl4aJor G.1nero.l, V , S.l...CO llUllllndinf;

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr



    - - - - - 13rd. a 3t3th . 16- ln i l101 POint---- 314th. 0- Offset Aiming PointAiming Point No. Wing Ale AssignedI 2/3 of 73rd.

    2 1/3 of 73rd . 8 1/30 ' 313th.34


    21 3 of 313th.All of 314th.

    A-2 SectionXXI Bomber Command.

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    A- 2 SECT ION






    XXI BOMBER COMMAND.. .. .. .. I.. .. ________ ....__ _ . . ! 9 T i o I EItGR ",V I'! ToPO eo

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr




    EXhibit _ Traok Cho.rtpart I - NavigatIonpar t I I - BombingPart I I I - Flight Englneor1n.gPart rv - RadarPart V - Gunnery~ r t VI - Air-Sea ResouoExbibit - Air-Sea Roacue K&p


    10 }laroh liJ4S

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    ,,,.1 ' ; ' .

    : I" I .: i- t[\H---t-+-+-+-H----#(1...j:/:::.--t---I---J--!----j ""55'-'-.- '-'--O-'--,--'!ATE 1011 . . . 48: 1 o ~ . 1..;.1 : ; , ~ : : .... , ... .

    j ) V ' ......... l C ' I ~ " , ; " , : , , , ~ , , f---,'tJ " ,nr / ,

    f : 1 IH t - - t 1 - - f - ' ' ' ' ' . ! ] . I ~ ~ ' ' ' "


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    lH . I !. ! 1

    PART I - NAVIGATICN1. Tho t o Hon shu wa s made a t al t itudes f t b fraa1000 to 5 000 f eet , a . a r esult of whio h D&vigatol'1 had oonsiderablediffioulty in obta in ing oe l est ia l Toad i ngo booausc of excelsive

    aloud OOVDr a nd t ur bul enoo enoounto r ed .2. l WO re foroed t o r ely on Lo r an and metr o wi nd. . .a baois for thei r do ad e o k o n l ~ g Loran r ango was exoept i onally

    ood, with CllLny fix e s baing obte. lne d on the oou t of Honshu . Theroute was pl e.c.ned with i n 30850 m1108 of tho Ilanpo Shoto 181ands ADd.oTora! f ixos we ro obtainod. wi t h tho A}1/APQ.- 13 . 'Hinds to tho t a rgotarea were s t r ongor ti :an br iofod ' ,ntl navigt.torll who wor e una.bl e to obtain oole s t ia l , radar , or Lo r an f iXos wera b l ~ n u 10 t o ) 0 mi los eastor c ourao. Wnds wo r o br i of od a t 8 0 o a t 15 knots "n d oompute d a t2600 at 40 ~ o t 9

    ,. The l andf a ll , oonst ini t ia l point , and offse t a i po intwere oas i ly i dent i f ied on the Au/APQw13 . Bomb r u.n.s wo r o s tar ted withradar, wi t h vi sual oorreotion being made in ~ oases .

    4. Seve ral of tho e.1roraf t whioh made l and fal l a tIIlado no a tt omp t to t urn wost to Tokyo , but bOlDbed Cho ll lturned southwar d t o baso .ChoalPoint Pointand

    5. Tho homi ng a i rc r af t wor e Gene ra l ly non--efteot ive , 1tith 8igna.18 r a n g i f r ol'l good t o oompl ete ly jarr.r.Jld . lIavil!; tors hes it atedto us c suoh aids over enomy t er r i t ory whon their r eliab i l i ty WI..doubt fu l a.t best .

    6 . Airor a! 't gonera l ly follO',fed a traok 10 3 0 111. 1108 ea s t ot thorouto t o base , ind i oating fai lu r e to oorreot for th e . trongwest winds exper i enoet! on th o r outo t o the ta r get .7. Timos t o tho t ar t;et aToragod 7 hour s and 15 minut e s . wi t h

    to tal time bo ing 14 ho ar s and 10 mi nut es . Beoause of t ho great or distanco trom. Gun lll. to tho ta r get . timo for the ~ t h Wng airo raf t aver age .. an additiOllll l 25 minutos t o tho targe t and 50 mi nuto s t o ba se .(For dota i l s of t ho navi gation on th is mission l eo ohart preoodi ngth h r epor t . )


    1. 'Vea thor was ol ear ovor t argo t . Tho f i r s t a i r or af t over th et a r get had DO t r oub l o i n loc at ing tho a imi ng pointa and tho i r bombsst arted f i res by moans of wh ioh l at or a i rcraf t wo r e able to looa t ot he a. i ming points , ovon t hough t hoy f l ew thr OUGh heavy smoko. The73r d and 3l3th '11ngs ' bombs oOlnp l oto l y out the a iming po ints ,o.nd l o . r ~ o.rens around them, whi l e those 'Of th O) 31 4-th Wng hi t t he i ro.im1ng poi nt , but mnny untouched ar ons ware l e f t r o u n d i t .

    2. ThO pr imary difficul t i es enoounte r ed on t hi s missi on r e. ul t -ed f r om the sevar o ' encount er ed bythe 'ai r cra.f t overt he t This w::.s to hellt from the f i re , ' a lready Gtnrte4.., S. y_et al fires outoide of ta.rge t o.rea ( Inoendiary Zone #1 )-14-

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    .!! l ! !!

    abo OG.llud. troublo 1111100 a numbe r at a.i rc raf t r e le . .e . thei r b- .bI .b e l l thoy we r e doing so on tnol r aiming point .

    ,. Throe bombing a l t i t udes wore used, tho lowest boin& SOOO to5800 f ee t . Tho 313th '.'fing whioh b01nbod a t thil l a l t i tude repo r te d the

    e B t amount of f lak dr.mego to the i r alTere.ft yet sustained on anyrUssion.4. I t WIle found t hat tho B-lO shaoklo causod many r e l e aso faU"

    uro a of 1 ~ 4 7 - A 2 olus te r s . In futnTo mill s tone only B-7 shaokles w111be used with this typo s t ~ r

    a . LaH A l ~ ! t u d o (1) Tho i n l t ~ o l a r uba wile flown as individua l 8.1Nraftby tho th roo ' r ings who par" ioipatoJ in t h i s rr.ission .(2) No attempt was mnde to ass omb lo clemonts of gr oup.duri ng ent i r e mission,

    b. fllrnb tc Bomping A l t ~ ~ u d ~ : Tho time roqu i rod to olimb to0. bOll\blng a l t i tudo cf 7000 to 5000 :('or.:t vor"J short . tho averagefo r 0..11 a i r e rnr t bcing cnly 11 miulltes.

    o. Cruiso to a r g a(1) Tho oruiso ovor tho tnrgot wn s aooompli shod a t 230mph oa libratod nil ' t'pood as phoned w H h ~ J . t !!1 ( 'n oul ty .(2) A wide var ia t ion in power sett ings wa s used . but

    23 00 RFt! nnd 39 u !.lallit'old P.t 'ossure was t ho axerago power se t t ing usodovo r the t arge t n r c ~ .

    d. Roturn to Bal1:c:. In noarly all oascs tho r oturns to baSewor e made a t 7000 tr.: vcooroo t unt ' l l o.pp't'oximat;o ly one hour from thobaso whoro l (!tdOll'lls a t a,proxinu:,to:"y 100 feot pe r minute wtlre made .In oomparison to p r o v i o u ~ rnisBionl1: , wne r o r eturns ~ e r o mnde from2.5 . 000 feot nnd o.hC'v':t, tho :lVorag') fuel used to r e turn from tho ta r got on t h i s missioll a"i; 7000 t.o 8000 root was only approximato l y 12.5gallon s more.

    2. Commonts on Results of Mission,ll. Tho 73r d Wi ng carr ied the greatost aVl;lrago bOlab l oad:13 . 880 pounds . All air-::reft of th is vtir:g ._ carr ied the maximum oapao

    i ty bcmb load of 184 eaoh of tho 1147 ir.oondittry or 40 eaoh of 1::-28inoendiary bombs.b . The avorage fuel uead to tho ta r got wae a6 planned f or

    a l l Wings .

    - 15 -

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    o. Tho lI....oro.ge fu ol r Ole r VUI to r a l l W1n&. were in OUOot 1000 &11oas . Thill 'll'US flOI!I.owhat h i ~ h o r than ant ioipated. 1ndioat1n& tha t on subsoouont milsiOils of th is type ~ o l l . t . r bomb 10&41_, bo oar r ied. -

    d. A ma.rkod improvomont in eng11!e oporo.t1on was not i ood.by f l i ght o n g i ~ o o r & on ~ h l c miusion . Ttds WU6 in a l l probabi1it,4ua to the 0001 outs ida a ir t e ~ p G r l . t u r e s a t night and tho low powers o t t l ~ thn t we r o roqu!rod by th is of mission.

    a. For vort ioal plo t , fuol c ons umpt ion, and bomb load,aeo Chart A-.b. For oomparison of pc.l t S miBsionl with th is one , 100

    Oba.1'1; - B"'....

    1. AN/AN-13.:(I . . Approx1mato ly 2/3 of tho IItriking foroo droppod oxolusivoly by r o.dor .b. All n o . v i ~ t l " . n avor one=y t e r r i tory was by r adar . Wnddotormino.tlon WD.S di f f iou l t I l o. :,/

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    ..+_-!-i.!i......... 0\1I

    '- ,"' ,


    "" >;:

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    20000BOMBLOAO /Sooo( ,ss . ) 10000


    i ; ii i i ! i . !\ 1 l:r:::r: .: .: r'''', i 1 : I !_. 1' . l " - ~ - ' t " - r . 1-r"--- .jHY j {I/N'cr ; ! . . 1.. t = 1 = : . ..........................- ..............i $ 1 3 ~ ; j W # ~ ' } ; , 4 ~ W I N ' ~ !; , : . Ij 1 1 :1~ - ; ; : ; -- - , j 1

    BOMB ! i ; ' ~ l . .... ..- . - t ~ I I _.[' _ ....... .25'000 .." . ...... .. ..... ............ t .......... ..., . ...... . ,; ; a,.,'A'\ I............l..".......L.........t.. =i.,..:\.\.. ~ , . I I .. . ..t . ,t.... . ..! l

    : ; ; : : ! . : t + J j ~ I=i=4LTlTU()[ZOOoo(FEET)I -. : : ; ; , :I ; A7r3 P i! ; iii/2 00 , .. il,\j+ ..... ....-f ... -+ ...F(!EL : J t ' , \ f ! / i fRESERVE 117170 ....... . ! 7/:. ",' ..;... 1''''1''' ' '

    "A) , f l ? ~ , , - Q . . ", i{V l iON, 800 "l::1 ( : .. i: .600 t ~ - t - I - - - t - - .. 1--1.-1--- .4'00 , ,

    SPREAO 16tJo ............1.........L ...j ...........f ...1..j- ..\ ........., / I NL 12co ~ ........ - . ~ ...-....... t.- ....-.-.! .....,....t....-....l----.. ....-..-!...-.- ...ruc . j i l l ...1 1nE( RII.- i ' ' .. ' , iI( .JE 't SOO .... ..p ..:..... . ......,.. . , ...... .. ..... 1 .......(vROUP5) , J H ~ ' ; i l'''''i ............L. : ....

    100 ,, .-,i+- . + . - ~ , .. - .. . - ~ .. ..--.. .! ' 1 I 1TARGETPATE

    o ! I \

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    1.011. th i s


    Tho fo l l owinglII ission : (Soo

    is D. sUmmary of ditohing i !lo i dont s oc DurringAi r - Sell R080UQ UD.p f ollowing th is r epor t . )

    n . Air')r a f t No . 7\'759: J1Jth \'f1ng- -'l'hls nirClraft ditohedo.t 7 / I ~ - 145/38E a t }OOJ45 Z. Tho orow of 11 wa s l g h ~ o by aDur.\bo a t loo725z v.nd a l l wor e ros{'\uod at 101130Z b; ' th o tondor Be r ingS trl l i t .b. Airc r a f t 19V757: 313th W ng--T h1:5 di tch i ng ooo ur ro d.

    a t l8 /00N - 145/15E D.t 09223 8Z a lonc s i do th o t onder Bo r ing St ra i t andtho ont i ro o r Ql': of 8, in nd1i t ion to ono pu'lsengor , wa s resoued in 18minutos .

    o . Ai ror a f t no. 25V527: 314th 171ng- -ThiB p1o.no was l us tr opor ted nt 22/00rl _ 147/30E nt 09221;.4Z . Elovon sl lr vivors wer e s igh t od nt 22/2Jtll - 146/19E a t 102233Z. Tho DUS-18 (c i no SYfoopor) was noti-fiod of t h i s o.nd sont be-o!>; , oot inlD.t ed o.rrivn l t imo Il t thn t pos i t i onat 11 0700Z . Rosouo of tho 11 8u rv i v ors w ~ s mado by t ho c i no swoeperbo twoon 11 0700Z and 111211Z .

    d. li o . 44V759 : 31J"th di to h ing woos 1'0-p or tod nt 19/10N - 145130E nt 100145Z . TrJ oc mon did not 8urvivo thod i t oh i ng . Tho n ino r oa ohed th o beaoh of Pll j ar is Is land,ma do oont ao t w it h 0. soaroh plllnn , a.nd TIe!"o not i f i e d thc.t a s h ip wouldpiok thorn up i n ono hour . Rosouo '-ms of foc tod ut 1108 00Z by t ho t unda r Cook ' s Inl o t .

    2 .wor d wns On t hi s mis s i on th or o ra ra 7 plnno s from wh ich nor oooivoG . For t ha t no s cu roh oould bo i n st i t u tod .

    -1 9 -

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    11 lII.1 I

    1 - WentberII Chart .. P'OJ'ltoo.et va .. Observed. Wel1ther

    III .. Prognostic MapIV .. SynoptiO Uo.p

    Wl8!loD No. 6010 I.!o.roh 1945


    .l . l l l! l i l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    - .,

    J l i J l J lI 't!EQTHE8

    1. h lO i CLt Take-0Ct.1 4/10 CUlllu lu . , b aae s 1500 tee t , topa.000 f eet . Visibility 15 miles.2. Soute Botwo en bases nnd 30 de&ree. northl 4-5/ 10oumulul ~ ~ d c t r n t o u m u l u ~ . b a s ~ s 1500 f eet, tops 5 -6000 with

    ""iddy sco.ttl'lred l igh t shO'll'ers . B ~ t w e e 24 end 27 de gr e u north theal oud Cover i no r oasert to 8/10 with an incrense i n shower nct ivi ty,Vieibi l1 ty WOoS 15 miles d:"opplng to 1 mile 1.n Tllin,

    b. B o t w o ~ n 31 and 34 degrees north: There were 10/10 cumuluatUIod n r ntooumulu8 wi th 2-3/10 cU!!',uloni nbuB, Scr.ttered thundersto rm .and mode r ete icing und turbulence Vfflre reported . Visibil i ty WIlS zeroin modero.te to he :tvy ro.ln. There ~ r G numerous reports of St. Elmo'st i r a ,

    3. 3/10 stro.tocumulul , b o . s ~ 3000 t eet , tops 5000 feet .l f l l l reported. The top of the hn,:G I nyer over the tnrget wns nt 7000toet . Visibi l i ty wns 10 mil ea be ing reduced as l ow nB toro in smoke.Smoke WIl.S observod be l lowing up over the target nrell. to 23 , 000 feet.SevereturbulencG wns roported over the f i res with pIanos bei ng bounoedupward 2_3000 f ~ b t , over the bombed ~ r e I l . B . ~ i n d nt 7000 feet werer eported ns 260 degrees Il.t 40 knota .

    4, Route Returning! The same wenther wnl enoountered onthe route outgoing,

    5, !A'GS on Return! 5/ 10 cumulu., bases 1800 f ee t. topa 6000teet . Visibil i ty was 15 mi l es,

    6. fo re cast wns cons idered ~ o o d except thnt weather between30 d e ~ e e s north nnd 34 degrees north wns conside r nbly more sever ethan f o r e c B t . and wind. were higher thnD t ho se for acnst .

    _22-.Hi. Q .Il111

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    30,00025,00020,00015,000 -V:;O Ac10,000 c:- -- - - -=::>5000 J j / ' ' ' l 6 A > ~ S e r-


    9- /0 MARCH /94-5, I " F ~ ~ C A l T W I ~ ~ . I . "---.... ...-,.-

    ~ o A s k "'""> c:::;, c:::? c::>t- - _ _ r . L=L --- I--- -( " " ' " " ) ' l " ~ k C d # ~ "2.80"'zQic~ - - u --" - 0 - ' O '. /,U .c. J t ,.. (, q / " ' N A . s ZOrN ZjoN :Jtt'N TA RGfl

    30 ,OOC 015 WIATHER25,000 - - - - -20000 ~ O I k 7 i l r I I L ~ IS,oOC I H eW_Gte Ii:.u>j ---10,000 0." ,,f1 ._--5 000 ~ o C V - . - - - - i - ~ ;... - ~ o . t ; ; ~ _ ' r : ~ . . . : C& -SURfA, : : : t ~ B ::-L.--' -=t j -9 J - 8 c ~ ' " l < -- - ,::::-- - . -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


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    I (, " P h O C N O ' - / v MA,v

    0 06 0 2 10 M A n /9 .. .5-




    [{O. ' . ..,


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    IWO MA . L


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr



    P ~ t I _ ~ d a r ~ o ~ ~ t e r ~ a 8 u r e a Part I I .. C'!clIl1'1l,;.o"Co:t1ona (Radio)

    lI1J.wn No iC!Ie J4,.rcb 1945

    _zo ..

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    U ; .!111li Ir,n 1 - MDiJl CO\lNTEB MWVBES

    1. G!U[Qlla. Two llCu .oarch c.i r o n t t putlOipa.tod in nnd oompleted th i .

    m1'aion., S' OJ'oh WILl performed f or enemy t r ClnlnUuiQn8 1n the troquonoybanda 70-90 mo. 90_120 mo, 120-110 mo. 170.300 me. 300_1000 mo. and1000-3000 mo. Wh ile over th o tnrget. tho eo a.rch WIl. concontro.ted onl oWng radar dgna.lI with high PRP IUld abort pill. . , chara.ctelrh .t ic

    b. A total of 51 ligna.la wa.a logged. but after analya!. fo rrepe t i t i on a.nd a.mblgulty . thl& number wna resolved into 30 differentl ignal . , The a.na.lysis included co incid enco of the 81gna.la with enemya.otlon . thoi r possible tra.nsmlssion from particula.r enemy equipmont8.a.nd proviou. i ntercepts ,

    o. No offensive countor mea.sutes wete employed,2. Ro,ults of SOgrch l

    f ollows I The s i g n ~ l s of t i c u l n r intereat intercepted were

    (1 ) ..lLlQO.250ola I Nojlma Zak:l(2) n/2450/S: 0 Shimo.,(3) 78/3000/6 : Ka.tsuro..

    These York TA UOdel I I I a i g n ~ 1 5 were present throughout thG r ~ i d overth e target , Th e s i ~ ~ a l s tracked the i r c r a f t at close rnnge, but searched when the aircraf t departed. F l ~ was m o d e ~ a t e in this area, butwas associated with 10 em GL r adtu" loo().ted in this (lJ"Ocz. rnthar than theseeigno.ls .

    (4) 195/3000/3 -4: Since flak and searChlights had l i t t l eevidenCe of being r ~ d n r control lad a t point of this intercept, it isdif f icu l t to distinguish whether this signll.l came from the Mdrk 41 -42searchlight control or th e llo.rk Ti. Wode1 4. AJ;!'C equipme nt. Flak w ~ s moderate nnd inacourate nnd predioted c o n o e n t r ~ t i o n which t onds to in -dicate that the signal WQS from the searchlight control equipment . Therewo r e about 100 r c h l i g h t s in the target ar ea . Soma l i ghts we r o point.ed directly at pI nnas when f i r s t tu r ned on, 1 l ight f i r s t piCking up 0.plo.ne , thqn 6 to 8 coning on it. This would in4ico.te scm e use of r adarfor locating o.timuth,

    ( 5) 200/1200/6 : This aignal in the tnrget o.reo. indiCatedpossiblo Mark 21 operation . a lthough f l ~ WQs n C c u ~ t e to inaccur ate .mso.gor to intense , nnd continuously pOinted .(6) 198/2500/4 : This is believed to bnve been n ahipborner adar of th e York 44 r c h l i g h t control type . The slgnol intercepted south of Choai POint. The antenna wus sweeping a t 2 rpm,(7) 300012000/6 1 This signnl MS much i!!!porto.nce in thUi t 15 one of few 10 cn radar signnls r eceived from the Japanese Empire.The chnrCoctoristics indicate Co probo.b1e 1.Iork 51 . 52 surfnce leo.roh with

    0. power of 2kw. No other inforMation i l available. Thi s ligna l woaintercepted in the Kntaura areo. I mnge wal nt 2950 mo and harmonica1460 and 1490 mo .( 8) 301o/hhh/1. 21

    area , had a I ~ e o p ro.to of 6 r pm,beam width.,

    Thil signal, l ogged in the; lI'ojimn ZakiThe signal waa weak and tu.d 0. narrow

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    .U.! l Ii 11

    (9) 325/2500/,6-,6: Thi. 10 em a l ~ n ~ l . ~ . oolntodWitb o.OOW'nte AJ.. botwaon l(l.taufc. nncl. Nojimo. Zakl.b. Other algnal l l in the to.rg3t ~ e o . were 0.1 (ollowal

    73/1500/'1574.5/1000/3479/U,OO/238 0/1000/34TTc.cklngTro.clcingTr c.clc ln gTrack1ng

    The 11gonl. pre.uaably or i ginnted from the Uark ' CHI ' por tnb l e a'archequipment locnted on the npp ro o.ch to Tokyo ovor Nojimn Znkl.0. Slenn10 l o g ~ 9 d on rout. to tnrget:


    104/-- -/2218S/800.900/S195/800-900/12-1479/300 . 400/36ge/ 200_400/ 2O..s0100/600/13104/800 . 900/14 -1 6109/300- 500/42148/500/11153/250/14156/300 - 4.00/4156/1800/9160/250/10

    In tHc ept Lpcg,tiOD

    Mlkuro. Jlmo.To Shlll1tlo ShilllO.Soru Go.nllikura. J l mo.BoniMTori Shima.Hc.ehijo JiDo.Hae hi jo J i mOoHaehljo J imo.Tori Shima.Aoga ShimaHaChijo Jimo.

    Ec. :rly Wa r ningEc.rly '1lll'ningYa.rk 12Mule CHI 'llarlc 1 !.!odel 1},IodH. 2Karle 1 Wado l 1Modlf. 1Unrk 1 Jiodo 1 1Lfod1f . 1Y : ~ k : II J.J. r Soo.rehM ~ k 34 , 35 ; 2 rpmUC\l'k 34 , 35 ; 2 rpmEarly l'o.rningMark II KPossibly ai r bo r nolhrk VI , lr4oo.e l 4TH

    d. Other 8ignals logged on r eturn from targetl10/1400/16152/200-300/41 1 5 / 5 0 7 0 / 6 103/600/16

    South of ChosiSouth of Chos!35/00N - 140/50EBo.yonaise Rocks

    3. hnnlyD!s nDd Conclusions I

    3rpm Swp. JJark I IPOSSibly Uark 34, 35Navy id r S e ~ c h Mark II J.ir Seo.:rch

    No D/F ' ing of any signal was possible due to lock of sui t_able equipment, The 1ntcro ,"p t locr.tiona l i s t od are the poe! tiona ofth o airc r o.rt when the signals wer e intercepted.b. By breakdown of the to ta l number of signnls in terc epted onthis mission to e a t i m t e d t ype or enemy equipment , tho f 0 1 1 0 w i r ~ choraD .

    ter is t ics may be evolved:Type Eoulp!!l2 nt Fr oQuenoy EB!:.. Pullle WidthIInrk flo. Model 3 75-78 1600_3000 S-aMark 41 , .2 196-200 1000 ' - S21 197- 200 1000- 2500 ' _61lnrk 1 2 166- 200 600 _1000 Siiark 'CHI ' 73-79 500- 1400 23_46lI!'ll'k 34 , 3S 146-156 300-500 4-1 2


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    .i..Ii .Q lU IO. A .. rch wU l be lBo.lnte.1ned to f ur the r ident i ty and looa.t.addltlona.l data. on t he 1D om bo.nd. !he three )0 om 11,"&1. 4110u841n an nboYe nre the f i re t In te r cept , in th i l wi th pul width andPIP obtnl ned. I n hugU. t 19" a 10 em wall o.t Inubl

    Silk! and b e Snk:i . In Sept ember 194 ' a 10 em 8i!Nll n l In tercIlIptedat I o.t.uftl. . Then pr evioul Intercepts ar e 'Tor y ol ol e to tho l ooat lonot tho mad . on thl 1 mil' on. This gi ve , oo nc rete .. dencll th o. tJapaneae hAve )0 om equi pment nnd ule it t o fa ir a d v ~ t o . g e ......FNtt I I .. .CCIt)..'1r.lIC TIOlfS (RADIO)

    1, J1rikt Repor t l ! ;. total of 21 . tr1ke o r t s W0.8 t r o.nsm1 t ted.we r e r ecoived by gr ound stotions. h11 wings repor ted uo 1ng thenew Bombs Away r epor t for incnediory type mls,iona.2, Pox I r ansmiog i on,! Th3 usua l wenthe r and time t ioks wo r et r an ' mi t ted on the hour and holf hour . Some Fo x me songeo .ere de l oyedbeCause the ground stotiono wns working ai r craf t at th e op ecif ie d t i me ,Howeve r . tho reports wer e t r ansmitted 1mmedio.tG1y f ollowing tho te r mination of that traff io.3, FrequenCies! Al l Wl ngs repor t ed j amming en nI l s t r ike fr e _queno i es . with l i ght to moderate effectivenesa . .....tmosphar ic i nte r -ferenoe WQI al i ght. The following i s 0. pe r cont age br cnkdown of

    pe r t requencYI 22 per cent on 3 ~ o g a c y c l e s S4 pe r c ont on 7 mOgaDyc l es .and 24 pe r cent on 11 mego.cyolos.

    4. Nr.vil:ntlonp.) ,;,lda.1 Out of 201 roquute fo r P.F/DF beo.ringl ,1156 'Mtr ll obtainod, Tho r oltll1nlng 35 were not beC(l.use of y..e akaign nls . both o.ircrr. f t nnd ground Ilto.t1on . prio r i ty of urgent request .over n o r c ~ l chock r equosts, in tor f or ence , r c r ~ t operato rs beIng un_able to fol l ow th e ground s t ~ t i o n instructions . and hunting of thoD/i' I n d 1 c ~ t o r ;.11 "'ings reportod using r.ir_to _ .1r hom1ng w1 th goodr esul t s end mnde usa of ~ n g o nnd i s l ~ n d homing devic es . The 314thWng l ~ o r eported us1ng hom1ng fac111tlos offered by 0 dest r oyer neorIwo Jimo ~ 1 t h oxcel l ent r esults.5 . Not 01ec1R11M Ill1d Soc ur i tv : Improvement was noted by the

    73r d ond 3H.th ''lings . Tho 313th sl\id that disclpline nnd socuri ty wereuns l\t lsfactory nnd tha t corroctlve t i o ~ w ~ s baing tak en, Tho 73r dreported 2 incid l)nts or aircraf t oper nto:rs lnterr C)ring with nnotM rt r c:.namil'ls i on,6. Enemy TrnnsmiBslons:nnd jwmmlng wore notC)d on this

    0. . 3145 kOG :

    The following inoident , ofmission I

    (1) :. t 1630Z , or. leo.ving the t arget .;!,Teo.. odd ch e.raoters,pr ooigns. by fiv e - l etto r groups wer e r ece ived ~ n d remninod ontho r.l r for one hour .

    (2 ) At 0930Z ond l S30Z J c:.p voice Wna mode r nto ly . t f ac tlve.(3) .t 1630Z , s tendy slgno.1 r ece ived dur ing ground s tation ' s wenther t r nnsmlsB10n i neffective ,(4 ) Unknown stntlon l ending during ground I t nt10n trcns .

    missio ns nt 16S8Z . l730Z. 17S6Z rund 1903Z.


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    J l l t l i l l

    'b. 5051 tee I(1) Alrormlt op erat or. 841d ba gp ipe was r ece ivedlnteralt tefttly th r oughout the mi n i on. U,. ot Q-.Yl to. F il te r- ov. r ..

    oam. tba majority of 1t a . rf . otivon (8 ) Intent ional OW i nte rforenc e bet wee n nod 17001.

    o. 11080 kOsi CW between l S0 0Z and 1600Z par tial l yott.OUTe_d. 3'10, 7310. 11160. 3990, 7'1 5, and 10810 k0 11 R . ~ 1 1 l b l

    7. 01 l t r .", Super -D umboe sent G. di tching o r t ot a 313thWng aircr Q/t rund t hl1 repo r t wns immed i ntely forwurded to t b ~ t hendquo.rte rs . One 314th ~ l n g n.1 r orc.tt wo.s to gs '\ run ur gG nt boo.r illluntil fr equ onc y was chrungod. This nirornf t r equested two ur ge nt bo or_l ng . which were not received. l r te r c h ~ n g i n g rr3quoney. howeve r . thebonr l ng r eceived.

    8. EguiPt:lont )la l f unot l on ' , NiI RT - I3, 1 no lid o tone , l oaUbn. ..t10n control l ooso; 1 Inoperc.tlvo , pow er tlbo blew out t wic e l 1 f i xedantennn orf ; t r a i l ing wi r e , 21 inoper a t ive I 10 sticking j 2 we ights l o, t .SCR-S 22 I 2 dynnmotor burned out , 2 sGta 1 Channel 'B 'a.nd '0 ' i noper a t!vG; 1 set bu r ne d out dur ing otI l ectr ical storm hN!;JUf.7,a i nopernt1ve j 3 broke n. RC-36 1 1 j nckbox6 mi cr ophone buttons lnopernt ivo, 3 microphone lI",t t cho9 in ter mi t tent ,1 r p h D n 1 res is t or bur nod out in ~ l i f

    - 30 _

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    11B. .U ..


    part I .. EDOillf Air OppositiOn.port II -E noay A n t l u i r o r ~ ~ D 4 Air-to-AirBaab1ng .port III _ Bombing Results .. DamAgo Aaaol8m.ont

    "hll ion No 4010 Jl:l.l"Oh 1945

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    PM T I .. EmtYAIR arras II ON

    a . Enomy air oppos i t ion wus woak. Sovonty_four onomyf i ghtors mndo 40 ntto.oks. rio 8- 29 ' 15 woro do.mc.goJ or los t duo toonomy ni rornrt . 8-29 G U r _ ~ o r s mado no o l ~ 1 m ab. Surpri.o was appa ro nt ly aohiovod . Thoro was l i t t leovidohOO of a1r- ground ooordination . Tto o n o ~ pilots in toro opt ingappearod t o havo l i t t lo or no km"'lodgo of night fighting.

    2. Trpo of EnOmy Airoraft Atto.okinp;:a . 5-29 orows ~ r o ablo to ~ d o ~ l f y positivoly only 3 oft ho 40 nttnokors . ~ o l u d i n g tho 7 onomy airo raf t that oould not beidontifiod oithor by typo (T!E or SIB) or name , 15 of tho r emaining33 a t t tloks woro mOod". possibly , by twb.- ongino n iro r Qft .b . Tho b r o ~ k d o w n :

    No. of Attt:.oksSIt:: u/I 13TIE U/I 9Unidont ifiod 7Possibly Irving 4Tojo 2N ~ k 1Zo1co 1Possibly Jno k 1Possibly Tony 1Twin Boom EIA -.l

    TOTAL 403. Enomy .\1roro.ft Sightod . But tlot Attt.oking:

    0. . Six aingl o-ongino u n i d ~ n t i f i e d . Qiroro.ft in targot aroa ,6000 to 7000 foot ,b . El ovon singla- ongine unidontif ied airoraft and 1 twin

    engino nl rornft at 5000 f oo t in vioinity of Chosl on withdrawal.4. Dirootion o.nd Lovel of At t aoks: . Beoauao of tho smD.ll nuc.borof at t noks no attompt has boon ~ d o to a n a l y z ~ attaoks on Q poroout _ago baais . Two nty-throo of tha 40 nt to.okb .uro mudo from tho t a i lquartor . TWenty- four of tho 40 attaoks woro mad o f r om l ovol . Distri bution of nttaoka on dirootion nnd l ovol ba sis appoa r s on tho ohar t

    on tho fo l lowing page,5. Aoouraoy of Enomy Pires. No B- 29 was dumagod nnd/or doatroyod

    by anom y a iroraft , as oompnrod to 0% . 0% , 16.5% . 4 .7% . 8 ~ . l 3 . ~ and r oapoot1voly . of d u r n ~ g o d and/or doatroyod by n o ~ ai ror af t on 7 pr ovious mis s ions .


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    Direction IUld Level of ;"pprollchof Enemy Aircro.1't

    Tota l Numberof At taoks

    FRO!! ABOVE 7

    FRCI.! BELOW 9


    6. Typo of Pr01aatilo ,: Tho Niak firod 'whu.t lookod l1 ko 37- mmtraoor or inoondia ry ammuni t i on" . Tho i r o r whioh at t ookod 50mi los po.ll t lnnd l s ond 'lrn5 using only l'ilQ.ohino guns. One of tho un i -dontifiod twin- angino airoraft firod 4 fixod gunSl tho othor uni dont i fiod twin -ongino f i g h t ~ firod 6 f i xod guns . A pOllll l blo Jaokwns ropor tod as firing 6 fixod guns .

    7. Enomy Taot io s ;n . Booaullo of do. rlcnOll5 durin{; tho stri)ro. thoro is l i t t loto r opor t on tho gpno r al ocploymont of Japanoso a i ro r af t .b . I t appoars that oithor r adar-oqu ipped night fightorswo r o not oxtonsivoly usod or , i f used, wora no t offootivo. Tho at taoks ocourrod whi l o tho B-29 ' s woro illuminatod by firo or soaroh

    l i ght s or shortly aft or . s t . Elmo ' s firo from tho propol lor s wnsa moans of di stinguis ing botwoon al roro.ft with dlfforont numbo r ofang i nas . Soco orows beliovod fightors wor o l imitod to vll1ual soarohing Qnd "stumbl od" on our a iroraf t .

    o . A ooor dinatod at t aok: wus mado by 2 lIinglo-ongi no fight ors aga inst a B-29-oaught by soa rohli ghts in tho ta rgot aroa . Thoaoairo r af t , in t r an , attnokod from 9 o ' olook l ow. Bro alcnwo.ys oouldnot be obsorvod .

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    d. Anotber ai roraft waa t ~ c k o d by 3 a1 ns1e-eD& lnet i ghter. and 1 tw l n- eo! l ne t1ghter . of which 2 uttacked fr om high11 o' cl ook, one t r om 3 o' cl ock , and one t rom a l ow posItI ont r om 12 o' cl ock.6 . .QI.tr Tg.gtlC. va Sopey Ai r crAf t ! Evo.sin o.ctlon WIlS takenIn aome Co.5es by turnIng nod In one I n B t ~ n e . by m b l n g 2500 feetat 300 mph i nd i cated into ' 0. heo.vy cloud bank. Evasive notion takenby .ome o . l r c eonltated of sho.rp S turns nnd diving to lowera.ltl t udea:.9 . loamy llr crp,t t jJi l rkionl

    1 Nick1 Possible Jilek1 Zeka

    - SLIver colored.- 0111'6 dro.b.Sllvar colo red .

    10, Result. of Btts on Enemv 41rcrnf t - None .11. Clai ms - None

    ..... " ..PART I I - &illRCR;.FT aND bIB- rD.-oIR BOJ$ING

    1 . Enemy AntlAlrcrnf t Fire :0. . Bo.sod on ReM inte r cept! . I t 111 o:ppll. rent toot theenemy had 0.0 early warning of th1s attack ,b . F i n t ; /i . wo." encounte r e d en r outo o.t Haho. , Chi chl ,nnd ~ i Y O k o Jima . He nvy flok wo..s generally menge r , Inuccur a.te,di cted concent r a.tion.c . Before la.ndf'c.ll (:SS/OON _ 141/30E) , medium f lak wo."

    encounte r e d from s hips by the of the :S13th W ng. I t wa.s repo r t -ed ns genera l ly inaccurate automatic woc.pons f i re . Tra.cers wereobserved long beforo ;.;e were in ra.nge. One shlp f i rod 0. flo.reju" t before opening f i re .

    d. From l a . n d f ~ l l towith soc.e heavy ;.fA r&ported.ere.l ly inl.Ccurate .

    !P , f lak wo.s t:lostly Crom t:IEIdium Wi . ..I t was meaber to mode r ate , and gen -e . The 73rd Wing crewst inuously pointed heavy f lak fromdamaged by t hi a f i re a t 7000 f t .

    reportedships 1n in tense andTokyo Bay. accu r ate , OonOne A/e w u

    f . The 73rd Wing bombed the Target Area between l S14-17S8Zf r om 6620-69S0 f t . through 2/10- 10/ 10 und ercas t . Axes of attackwere 2900 -3090 Flak e ncountered was medium and heavy , in tense andaocurate. T'lIEInty-three AlC wor e damaged . One AlC was l os t due tounknown r e asons .

    - 34-

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    c. The 313t h 'I1D& bcubed the TarS&t Ar && bebrelXl. 1526.18001 trom 5650-8000 ft , through 1 / 1 0 ~ 2 / 1 0 Ilnde r cl,llt , Axis of at t ack.. .. 'Pp roxl mately 305 . Tho in i t i a l elements over Tokyo met gener a l l y acourate bar rago l of modora te i ntenlll1ty . 'filth each lIuoceedint,;el eme nt , the flak was l ea a aocurate and dimi nished in intensityWltll the l a s t planes oVllr the area bombing through the Booke oft he f i res below were n ~ b l e to observe any AlA f i re , Nine Ale sut f ered minor f lak damage.

    h. TM 314th W ng bombed Tokyo bounn 1507- 1759Z f r om~ 0 0 - 9 2 0 0 f t , through 2/10 undercut, Axel! of at tack W9re2100 -340 . F lak encountered was medium and heavy. meager to i ntenae ,and &courate to inaooura.te, Ten Ale were dama.ged by f lak . 1 of'Whi oh was la ter lost to survey , Two A!e were loet to flak , and 6Ale we r e l ost to unknown Causes , Crews reported obse rvations ot 7Jle being shot dO'lm ove:- the target , presumably by flak ( One of t bueappears to be a duplication).

    i . The w i ~ d over the ta rget wa8 variously repor ted asf rom 2200-3100 a t lS-60K.j . En r oute baok . a l l A!e r eported heavy and medium f lak

    .. !eneral ly m e ~ g e r and inaccurate . Flak was reported near !aSumiga Lake, At Chosi Point s o ~ e intense , inaccurate predicted conoentrations of heavy flak were reported, The crew of Ale 484 (S04thGr oup) f l ying app roximate ly 7 miles west of Haha Jima saw an unlcnownpl ane braCketed by 4 searchlights and then shot down .

    k . The searChlights were reported effective a t tbe beginning ot the raid . They picked up targets and passed theu from l ightto l ight . Gun f i re was reported as aCcurate on A/e tracked by sea r cblights . A!C not illuminated by searchlights were not fired upon.Some colored beacs were reported, A3 the raid progressed. the searchl ights became progressively 10s8 and le88 effective , -searching theaky wildly and o r r a t i c a l l y ~ . Searchlights abOard ships in Tokyo Baywere repo rted o.a very accurate ,

    1. An estimate ot the number and location of search l ightsh as follows:

    Loclti2D(I ) .Ch ib , Peninsula j

    {a) Kisaruzw (3S/24N - 139/55&)(b) A n e g ~ s a k i \35/ 2SN _ 140/02E)(c ) Ooi (35/3lN _ 140/05E)(d) !Johara ( 3 5 / 2 S 1 ~ - 14o/,isE)(e) (35/15N - 140/l0 S)

    (2) South TokyO:( a) Haneda (35/33N - 139/45)

    (3)(a) West s hore of Tokyo Bay , aroundPalace, and tho No r thwestern part of ci ty



    the Emperor"50 .100(b) Ring around outer edge of ci ty 100

    - 36 -


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr



    ' 1 ~ B i l

    ( . ) But of To!CYo I( . ) Punabuhl (35/4211 - 140/00E) 20(b) 35/40N - 140/30E 12( . ) 35/4.5N _ 140/1SS 10(d) 35/55N - 140/05E 5

    (5) Choai Pointl 1S(6) Chich! Jim . ,

    m. R C ~ : observers reported. I n t ~ r c " p t l o n a of tyPical AIAan d s/ L radar frequenCies. In par t icular thl!ly r eported modllu,to J/A1n the Nojirnazaki area associated ~ l t h .. 10 oentimeter ot ~ d . r t andpr obable radar control of f l ~ c in Choel Point Area.

    2. ~ a c t l c . , ylI !LA: Evasive action vu l ed a l l the way fromviolent ef forts to loae searchlights to no evasive action. Soma Alewore able to get out of searchlight beams ; othors reported evasive.otion ineffective .3. Air - to-Air B ~ a n d Rockqte : None reported .Ala r epor ted ' f l are bombs ' over th e ta rge t area . Threethese wore observod.

    PART I I I PJJ:AG!l: bSSESs;,:E:l'l REPOaT


    A 314th V!'1ngor four of

    l i isdo!\ No . j ' 3 PRsl! 77 Date Flown : 11 [arch 1 9 ~ Reference! AAF Air Objective ~ o l d e r 90 . 17.

    SIDIMARYDamage to Tokyo City resulting from XXI Bomber Command Miss ion40, 10 ~ r c h 1 9 4 ~ t o t a 1 3 4 ~ O , l ~ 6 , O O O sq . f t 10, 120 &ores or 15 . 6sq. mi. of City area destroyed.Eighteen per cent of the industrial and 63 per cent of theoommercie1 d i s t r we re dostroyed along with t he heart of tho r es _i dentia l dis t r ic t . Ei ghty-two pe r cent of inoend iary zone No. 1was destroyed .Total damage resultin g from XXI Bombar Comltl&nd l l isdons 38and 40, 25 February 1945 ~ ~ d 9 Maroh 1945 respeot17ely , is 469, 146 ,

    000 sq . f t . , 10, 600 acres or 16 , 8 sq . mi .Twonty-two industries assigned target numbers and ~ a n y othe runidentif ied industri es were destroyed or a g e d

    DETAILS CF DA}lAQE(All r eferences to buildings. targets and areas are keyed tothe annotated pi oture whioh fol l ows this report).

    -30 ->~ ! ~ l L l i l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    . i . . lQJI!l

    tABG!l 33' - Rlss o Stoo l ~ g . Co. - Des t r oyed.tARgET 335 - Army Pr ovl s l ons Depo t _ 50% dost royed, 1 maln bul ldin&and , warehouses stl11 d i D ~ %ARQET 365 - Shiodome Freight Yards _ Buildln&s 60% destr oyed.'UROET 366 - Ste&r.l Englneoring andRolling Stock Ufg . Co .URGIT 626 _ Fujiku r al Electr l0Cabll5 \forks.

    tARGET 204 - S a k u r a d ~ Eng l ne er i ngWorkstARGET 901 - TokyO Gas Co . ,Sunamachl 110rkstARGET 910 - Rising Sun Petroleun


    19 minor buildings destr oyed ; 5-maln bulldlngs s t l11 standlng.70% destr oyed ; adc1nist r at l onbuilding , r ep or ted cable fac tory and 2 cl scellaneou8 bui ld ings s t i l l standlng.30 aDall bui l dings destroyed;5 catn-buildlngs , t l l l ' l d n g . ....Destr oyed; 2 gasocoter s s t l l lS'tilndlng.Destroy&d .

    TARGET 1397- Japan Reflning .forks Moderate deJ:Iage - about 15%de8tr oyedTARGET 911 - Ogu r a Oil Co. DestroYGd.tARGET 912 - Nisshin Splnnlng Destroysd .tARoS! 913 - Hattorl Company(Preci8 i on Instr uments) Destroyed.TARGET 914 - O r 1 8 n t ~ 1 ieaving Go. Des troyed .TAq,gET 91. Orls!"1to.l 'i/oavlng Co, Destroye d .TARGET 1342- J ap an lia.ohiM I ndustry Oes troyodTARG::T 1250 -Tokyo Katai CO.

    W GET 1 ~ 7 Q - Sumida. !l.ivGr RR Yard ,Joban LinoIARGSl' 1 4 ~ O - Nippon Eloctrio Wire

    C; Cable CO.I,.\BOET 1448 -Tsukij i l!Clrkot 'lhohsClle Ware housoTARGET 1449 -Kanda Marke tTU I. GE:'t 145Q -Koto }!arket

    - 37-

    All 8Da l l buildings des troyedj4 la rge bui ldings s t i l l stand l ng.3 warehouses destroyed3 wa r ohouses dllLl& ged .Repor t ed location is in a des troyed areo..13 smo.ll buildings des t royed .

    Destroyd .Destroyed.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    A J ~ l ! 1 1

    Ua14ent1tle' abip , . ra, po i b l ,' fuopt It.&t.... nport. 4 1n AI7U r ObjecU.. Folcler 90.17On1d..bt1ti., l n d ~ t r 1 adJacentto ..bov. tar&et

    11 . . . .11 bulldln!,1 destroy'd..65 emaIl and m.dlum. l l t . d build-1n, ' de.troyedi entire root of1 large building supe rf ic ia l lyd a m a . ~ d

    AREAS ( f PAliAGBote I See annota.tion. on atto.ohecl .nllU"ged photograph.

    m... SL..Lt . of dlllllQ.g&1 373 , 060 , 000 13 , 350,000, 400 , 000 800,0005 2?5,OOO 6,84.7 , 0007 2,990,0006 661,0009 1, 4110 , 00010 780,00011 6 , 500 , 000

    " 3,439 . 000" 19, 470,000" 1 , 71.9,000IS 6 , 2 Z 5 ~ O O O . : u I l . L l C L ~ &

    INpUSTRIAL ABA - (62 1/4 sq . 1 . 11 . 3 sq . mi or 16% of tot0.1 aroa destroyed.

    C O l ! M E R C l A L . . . . . A B ~ _ (e 3/4 sq. mi . ) ,C. 5 sq . mi or 62.8% of totl\ l o.ree. destroyed.

    IHQ E;NDMRY ZONE NO.1 _ (eOG annotated print) .. 10 sq, mi , of which6 , 2 sq. mi , or W0.5 d. s treye d . (Reference ll-9)Print IV :31 and enlnrged print annotated and a ttached.

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    C.I U. XXI BOM . COM

    iI. A Icau IN WIL l i

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    J l ~ l ! . l l


    10 Ma.r ch J..,45

    -41 ..

    JU . l ! . l l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    DECLASS IFIEDi \ U l h O r \ t y

    NARA Dale l 1




    MISSION NO .409 Mil'ch 1945

    PI'iD'llry TOrgo t urban :.rca TOkyoVFECTIVENESS OF MlSS!CN.:.ircraft ; . i rborno percent Of .:. .ircrnft on Hand ..:..ircrllft Bombing primarypercent Of ; ' ircraft ':"irborno.. rcrof t Bombing :.11 'lOrgGts percent Of ...ircrllft :.1rbornoBombs Dropped on pri.nlry 'I(l.rgetBolilbs Dropped on Other Targets .Enomy .:..1rcrllft Destroyed

    325 84%Z/9 86;298 92%

    1665 TOns116 Tons

    NonaBombing Results - Dlmago ;.ssosszwn t photo& Shoo :.bout 16 . 7 sq . }.iilos Of City

    .:.rOD Dostroyod .


    COOT OF MlSSIW' : ~ 1 r c r a f t LOst 14]?Crccnt Of ; ~ i r c r n f t :..irborno 4 .3%

    l . i rcroft J)lmlgld. 42percon t of .';.ircro.ft i..irborno 13%

    CrC;ii fh:lmbElr casua1tios 102percent Of Toto1 pe.rticipat1Dg 3 .1%


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    , Ale ,I/e Ale Ale T Ml!. llgine back!ired .b Operat:.ons personnel error.e 1 !..Ie earburetor out #2 engine.

    1 mg drop fI2 engine .1 :./e lIanb bOy doors ou t .1 :.JC 14 turbo out.d Leak in 011 scavenger l ine //2 engine .

    DECLASSIFIEDI \ U l h r i t y

    """ D ' ' ' ~ ! . l -

    .. .211,,1 }.tISSIOrw J,.9n:.r,-'" 9' M a ~ 9 h :l9l&STruE OF RETURN Ale Ale Ale :.IeO!JIllNe Bu,w.L.\G Bl.IL..tlmG Cll.k' .;.a..i.ni w.c.;(;QtW _ L.R. AI"I.} Cl\.SERv.:..-DATE F lJISr LAsr TAnGEl' ARY l'.i.iL TIW.v.GEl'

    9-1OI8U 2158 Z 0121 Z 34 - - 2300 z 02Z/ Z 34 - 3 2157 Z 0056 Z 38 - 1 2239 Z 0137 Z 31 - 5 2157 Z 0227 z 137 - 9 2341 Z 0125 :l 32 - - 2110 Z !. 0212 Z 26 - 3 2340 z 0109 z 15 - 2 2242 Z 0210 Z 20 - 4 2110 Z 0212 Z 93 - 9-- ,, 2253 Z !. 0049 Z 25 - 1, 2245 Z 0050 z 24 - - 1 1\----- 2245 zf - - 0050 z 49 - 1 1 2110 Z 0227 Z 279 - '19 1

    .3 .'Je not in comnission fo r takeoff .l .Je engine b!lckfired .1 .Je brakes fa i l ea .if'3 engine cutting out.i Bomb bay doors mopers t i ve .





    "1 :Jc assigned for observation and photograp:tic purposes .


    &'F.c.CrJ. ..E3525



    i EXcludes .3 super dumbos . toI'o of uhich aborted. and 2 homing :JC .C Excludes die landing at IfIO and returning lote.1 uneble to secure suffic ient bombll to lood e l l ..../e in tinll fo r missic:n . l :i3Xcludes 1 super dumbo - 2 haning :.Je .

    sse RET-- ----

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    QCIlfU:C'IED COF.(

    I KECHA.NICAI. f1ILURENIT Non- Banbed =bedEffec.1ve Secondary thern 2 - -6 4 - 219 - - 1)0 5 - 1W& 11 - 46 - - -9 3 - 10" 3 - 105 2 - 3

    :3 "jIG 6 - 519 1 - -29 1 - -'-4 fiG 2 - -'1 BO 21 - 9


    I \ U \ h O r i \ Y iJ!jL1l-\ B) : . NARA0:= J lUI. II .I< I

    to .MISSION,


    Bombed Non . som...d Bombed Non- Bombed .=bed Non_iJetcmbedi'tectiv ose.ODd",", other 5f'tecUTe ~ c o o d a r y other Effectiv Seeoftdary In ther ! 'Necti cODdary1 - - -- - - 12 - - - - 4 -3 - 4 1- -- - - - .- - - -- - - - .- - - -- - . --1 - ,. -- - - -- 1 - l - .4 - 5 1

    SECRET- - - - - -

    . """"dother---1-2 ,114-- - .-5

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr



    -- y 1f8 Tokyo llr'ban .:.rea pMi to . Nikko LR 2unknom TO 1!19 TOkyo urben .:.rea p 38Choai LR 100 TOkyo urban J ea p 31, 'l'1 t eyan9-HUto .chos i POint .Senda! LR 5f3 lIet Tokyo urban ..".rea p 13716 Tokyo urban ..".rea p 3219 Tokyo urban ..:.rea p 26Ch03 i , Mlug TO 2 =., unknovn LR 304 Tokyo urb:ln .:.rea p 15Cho s i . }Ql taura LR 205 Tokyo urban .:.rea p 20! l{aSUllli.gaura .Ha J"!8 Ji aJ3. , ChichiJilIB....gr ig an. GugUlln TO 43 U@ oltyo oz:ban ....rea p 9319 Tokyo orban :.rea p 25unknom LR 129 TOkyo urban .:.rea p 24" i C TOkyo urban :.rea p 49D Tokye urban :.r ea p 279


    NARA Do

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr



    DECLASS if iEDA U 1 h o r i t y ~ NARA D o < , ~ ! l -



    ~ l U b uu ._ ....,, _ __~ T E 9 lprcb 1945


    ENIIII ,EIiDII ' NEIIY lAce. I I UN-UllIT I A;e AiA A e & & DTJrn! . , . , ITOTALA. ECH. EUKI , ENEIIY ,"NEllY lAce. 1" 1 1_ 1 TOTALAie AiA Aie & & em! (JIJl!N IU . ORI IIIIIlRAiA ECH. TOTAL / /MI5S- /lIOUHDEil / TOTALPARTICI- llLLED IIC &: llU'tIlED CASUALTIfSPATl l(i97989900

    1 " 15189.1!? --- _ _ 1 1 - 23 11 4189:22 3364663513721525 1111 3 143 14

    ~ i 1 6 ___ If _ _ 1 _ _ - - 358 - - 1 19 - - - -- 2 - 2 - 9 - 9 359 3 - - 304 - - - - _ _ _ _ . - - 191

    05 - - - - 1 - 1 - - -- 2361 II I. ~ ~ - - - 1 3 ... - 4 - 9 - 9 li1I4 1 3 1 - 1 1 I 4~ 9 1 I I 3 W I I I I I-U 334 36 1 37. !9 - - 3 !i 5 _-_ 7_ - 7 304 46 1 4714 2 - 1 6 9 _ 10 - 10 68 82 2 84.'" ... J

    2 1 4 7 14 42.e.a Missing. UO rrord .b .3:../e d i ' t < : Bec&l!e l os t over Honsh.u and used e :z:cc! ls1w fuel .31 p3rso!'nc l r escued,c Mie.:::ina. 1;0 r.ord .d l: . .le ditchod cnroute to base . 11 crel1 members rescued .

    l : . / e niDsing . tK:licved shot do-:m over pr1.m.ry .

    SBCR iT

    1 141 3307e Missing . No nar d .I 1.JC l ost t o sw:vcy 3/l4J45.B: l .JC l os t t o survey 3/14/45 .

    3 93 6 102

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    DECLASSIFIEDA u t h o r i t

    NARADate ~ I . L

    ~ 4 . Q . 1 i ; ; . I

    & ~ . f i J Y OPPOSITluN AN1J .A.t&iUiHTiON E.i.!'.clIDI'ru&;&

    -. ISSI C>I_ ___DATE 4q

    9 _ eh 1945NO.Oi' . i : J ~ M I T A/e DJl:.3'l'HOYclJ &: DAMAGED ALWNrrlON E.XPEIID1TURE5IIp . AT!'A .,sC CA l TRERN IT &l eWN: "y ; , : - TD'E OR DES- PROB . 20 M.M.''.i:Ji.ID WUUEl. TROYED OE:Snt 'D D>l:AGEl) FIRI

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    40.'SS'ON,-""= ;;:-oror.---9 i.tl reh 1945

    FLIG8T DATi &. FUEL COHSU IfPT ION DATE. 4rn Gp. 498 Gp . 199 G, . ,Wp o i 73 r d n ng. /e " " ,P'LIGIlI' DATA""g. T1.. A Low Al titude 6 :45 6, 50 6 ,35 6d5 6 ,Uh g . Ti or Cl1 .b To Bo.b- ,05 :12i ng Al t i tude ;17 :21 , 14Avg. Tille At Bombing ! l tHud . :20 :28 ,31 :28 :27"vgo nyug Tl . 14 :29 15 :05 14,42 14:48 14 :46Avg. Distance n om (Naut i calAir 1I11es ) 2771 23)5

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    .H!U! I f I S S I O I I _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _D TE 9 I"' r ch 1945FLIGHT DATA &FUEL CON SUMPT ION ,..

    -,ie 6 Gp . 9 Gp . 504 GJ . 505 Gp . JIJth nng* )2 25 15 20 92P'LIGHT DATA

    Avg . Tl At Low Alti tude 7:: 5 7 :00 7 :12 7,15 7:17b g . Time or Clilllb To Bo .b-i ng .u t i tude :05 :08 ,05 :05 ,06ivg. Tim e At Bombing Alt i tude ,25 , ) ) :28 :20 ,27ivg. Fly i ng Ti. 15 :31 15 :25 15 : 04. 15:12 15: :.2l!vg . Distance nown (Nauti calAir IIliles) ;:861; 26/,1 2814 2636 2746

    FUEL CONSUMPTIONCoaaumed To Target.

    iTerage J410 3350 327l. ) )09 ))501Iax1 . . . 360/, 39)0 )500 39(17 )9)01I1n1_ 3;:;0) 3200 3050 2.959

    ConSUMed From Target To Bases(Ale Without IlaltWlCtion)No . or Aireraft )1 2) 15 20 69

    Average 21;:'7 2410 ~ 3 9 0 2286 2J85IIaxhIuo 2 / ~ 5 1 . . ZP97 :':8::::0 259) 2897M in '- - 2271 2 0 ~ L . 2125 19?) 19?)

    Consumed Fro. Target To B a s e ~ (A/C With Malfunction)Ho. Of Aircraft 1 2 ;'ion e None )

    Average 215.:2 27/.,) - - 251.6-,- 2152 2749 - - 2749lI1n1aum 2152 2737 - - 2152Total Fuel Ueedl

    Average 50;-7 5696 5664 5590 5717-,- 6060 59)) 5924 6196 6196Min1mw. 5J,.74 5490 543) 5123 512)Tota l Fuel Rell8.ining:

    Average 92) 1089 1121 i l52 10501Iax1. . . . 1 2 8 ~ 1295 1352 1500 1500Minbua 700 852 861 501. 504

    Avg. Ga l e . Cons Ullled Per Hour )76.1 369.4 375 .8 )67 .8 372 .4Avg. a . l l . Consumed Per Mile 2.04 2. lE 2.0 2.12 2 .08

    TOTAL FUEL USED OH AIJUl()RNE Aje 186967 174600 104552 13551.5 601664* tar which ruel data are available

    .C:F. r .RET

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    111551011_.1.'''0_ ____PLIGHT DATA .. FuEL CON5UIIPI'ION DATE 9 M!)'Tcn 19L.5

    , DATA

    Avg. Ti_e At Low Alti tudebg . Ti_. or Clil lb To Bo.b-i ng AltitudeAvg . Time At Bombing AltitudeAvg. ny i ng T i_b g . Distance Flown (Nautical.A r II.1les)

    Cooaumed To Target sAverage""" ....1101 . , .

    Consu.td From Target To Base,(Alc Without Malfunction)80. Of Aircraft


    COQSUll9d Fro. Target To Base:(i/c With 1IB1function)No. Of Aircraft

    Aver age" " "bUl l1I1lli""",

    Total fuel Used:AverageMaxiMumMinillUll

    Total Fuel ReDRining:Average"""mUl lIlinbUll

    Avg. Gals. Consumed Per HourAvg. Gals. Consumed Per Mile










    10.'391507550404 .6

    2 .2,169223

    * Ale tar whieh fuel data or. an i l ab l 2 !l/e of 19th Group h nded a t 1ro J i::lll .

    , " ' . . ..-. -- --- --

    ;(:0 43








    2 ,45" 3

    5,0315 :192840






    10701507435421. 52.2.7

    21st B.C .280





  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    00. AVERAGE imlAGEUNIT AIRe . . , . , BASIC 'f t . USEI'tJLAIRBORNE OF Ale LOAD497 34 74555 59116498 42 74525 59345499 39 74452 56564500 36 74540 59360

    - - . ,-;0:- -_ . _ .- - 74516- ... .- . . - -- . .73 " !NO __ _ _ 59107- .._=- _._- - - -6 32 75350 5C7079 25 74000 60000504 15 75000 56367505 20 73447 59104-- --.- _.. - _. _ .. . - . --.. " - ".-513 ~ l l 92 74730 59092 .

    19 23 74600 6062529 20 76600 59540

    ~ J ! J i . ! ! J ! ~



    LOADED LOADED14. 9 - Wi7-. 2 1365336 .6 - E2613.2 - !li+7 - 2 1390937. 1 - i7,2813 .5 - ""17-:.2 1393037 . 1 - E2613 .4 - 111,,0 , ,3 O?dratnrs n.vai:!'t.blf" ,.,111 be u s i p e dto the special pl a!les , The a l l o e . o . t i ~ n of pl anes ,al t i tude . and ident if ioation slgn.o. l s wi l l beas follo'Wetl!l!ll l\lttil!ode f!:.!gueDO Y Identlf i o s tiOD.73'. 24.000 424 Icoa W73'. 25 ,000 524 kDs c313th 26.000 2:)0 ko. 13th 27.000 330 Icos A

    0) Jall!-'IIing t aot ios may be employed by the .nell)' but 1 f re-q u e ~ o y of tho 4 should r emoln open .

    ~ 4 ) Wint;s wil l predesignate ODS plnne per squadroD. as t h o . s hplar:o to t ransmit a s t r ike report.(a. ) Speo i a l a tdke report wil l oonsist of tiJlle OVer to.rget

    (\GL'l). tal' go t 'bOl!lb ed . r:ethod o f bomb ing. 0 loud oover a go l'

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 40, Ocr


    II.B.ILII I" l ID CIlDlll JnJII!BR "', IIB!n'IJIllROtlSZ mnm!R 2. CORTIJrom

    ; . .. B_V ) '.. B - Moderato_ C .. l!oager_ D .. NODo

    LeII\Ycall ad XXI BCJ:: cao

    Dlsm IDUTlO!" 2 u. wg