3 loreal social audits program suppliers subcontractors

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  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors




    Social audits program

    Suppliers & Subcontractors


  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors



    Why Such a Program ?

    LOral has been a signatory of the UnitedNations Global Compact since June 2003and iscommitted to a set of core values in the areasof human rights, labour standards, the

    environment and anti-corruption as set out inthe Global Compacts ten principles.

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors



    Social audits program

    LORAL has decided to reinforce the social auditprogram in order to ensure compliance with theLORALsGeneral Terms of Purchase and Payment, ILOconventions and local laws.

    LORALis reinforcing its 2006 action plan:

    Internal social audits : plants and distribution centersExternal social audits : our suppliers and sub-contractors

    - all sub-contractors: wherever located- packaging components, raw materials, POS &

    promotional items suppliersfor factories located

    in countries at risks

    The social audits program will be realized by a third partauditing body Intertek.

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors



    Third part auditing body : Intertek

    Global quality control service provider with 15000employees in 110 countries and 309 laboratories

    15'000 audits per year in more than 100 countries

    Global Network of more than 300 qualified auditors close tomost of the main industrial areas

    Professionals in terms of social and environmentalresponsibility

    Already working in this area with many internationalGroups


  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors



    What is a Social Audit ?The social audit will cover the following areas:

    > child labor

    > forced labor

    > health and safety

    > freedom of association

    > non-discrimination> disciplinary practices

    > sexual and moral harassment

    > pay

    > working time

    > relations with sub-contractors and suppliers

    The auditors will check the compliance with both theLOREAL General terms and conditions and with the ILOconventions and local laws

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors



    Audit Scope & Texts of reference

    Themes Principles listed in our GTP

    Child Labor ILO Conventions 138 et 182+ specific requirement from LOral

    child = under the age of 16

    + laws and regulations of the country

    Forced and Prisoner Labor ILO Conventions 105 et 29,

    + laws and regulations of the country

    Health and Security Laws and regulations of the country

    Freedom of Association ILO Conventions 87 et 98

    + laws and regulations of the country

    Equality, Non discrimination ILO Conventions 100 et 111+ laws and regulations of the country

    Disciplinary practices,

    harassment and abuse,

    hours of work, wages and

    primes, sub-contractor.

    Laws and regulations of the country

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Possible Audit ResultsFinal Social

    Audit Result


    Zero toleranceChild labor < 16 years/

    Concealed, forced, prison,dangerous labor

    Alert sent to LOREAL HeadquartersInterruption of business relationship with the


    Needs MajorImprovement

    Major and recurrentissues

    Re-audit within 90 days maximumFollow up audit with a Needs Major

    Improvements result twice in the samesection = Zero Tolerance

    Needs Improvement

    Isolated Problem

    Periodic re-audit to be planned


    Best Practices

    Periodic re-audit to be planned

    Access denied Completely or partially

    Re-audit to be planned as soon as alertreceived

    2nd Access denied = Zero tolerance

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors



    Day + 7


    Opening meeting

    Facility tour

    Documents reviewEmployee interviews

    Pre-closing meeting

    Closing meeting

    Sign Corrective

    Action Plan




    Audit Window Audit

    Sends Audit

    request to Intertek



    Needs Improvement

    Needs Major Improvement

    Zero Tolerance


    Contact Intertek

    Local Office

    Supplier facility

    Initiation of

    Audit RequestDay + 7

    Posts report on

    the Web Platform

    Audit Report

    Logs in on the

    Web Platform to

    check audit


    Provides LOral

    and site with

    audit window


    documentation &



    resource for audit


    Process Flow


  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors



    Audit Process






    Opening Meeting


    Closing Meeting



  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Opening Meeting

    Explain to the management representatives:

    The aim and scope of the audit,

    The standards and policies against which thefacility will be audited,

    The audit procedure,The agenda of the audit,

    Learn about the facility,

    The site Manager, a health and safety managerand a human resources manager should bepresent at the opening meeting.

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Facility Tour

    Verification of the Workplace Conditions, Fire

    Prevention, Dormitories,

    Cleared and Identifiable Alleys

    Cleanliness, First Aid

    Fire Prevention Equipment

    Temperature, Ventilation

    Lighting, Potable WaterAccess to safety Exits

    Accessibility in case of fire

    Earplugs, Masks

    Gloves, Protective glasses

    Safety shoes, HelmetsUse of Chemicals

    Dormitories Toilets


  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Documentation ReviewA review and analysis of :

    Personnel recruitment file and contractWorking Hours recording system for normal/OT hours

    Payslip records

    Social Security payment

    Proof of salary payment

    Health and safety records & certificatesFire protection records and SOP

    Health & Safety Management systems

    Minimum Wages, OT hourly rate

    Paper/money deposits

    Salary Payment delay

    Unauthorized deductions/fines

    Clarification on normal/OT working hours

    Rest days, leaves

    Health & Safety and other local regulations

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Interviewing Employees

    Key Elements of the employee interview :

    Without Management or site representatives

    Only upon acceptance of the employee itself

    Confidentiality of the interview and source ofinformation ensured

    Informal way to ensure efficiency

    Interview in 1 by 1 (or group)

    Random Selection of the personnel list, based onfacility ratio (Women/Men, Packaging/ admin dept..)

    Also employees identified during the facility tour

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Pre Closing Meeting

    A meeting between auditors to :

    Clarify and cross check information & issuesfound

    Clarify and Debate among themselves ifnecessary

    Write down the Non conformities in theCorrective Action Plan

    Quote the Local laws to address the findings

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Closing Meeting

    A meeting with the management representativesto:

    Present the Best Practices /Observations/ NonConformities

    Clarify and Debate necessary issues

    Explain and find an agreement on the CorrectiveAction Plan

    A copy of the Corrective Action Plan is providedto the management representatives at the endof the audit

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors



    The report given to the requestor is made of:

    A photo report (whenever possible) on main nonconformities & best practices,

    The audit report itself with details of thefindings, objective evidence and details of locallaws if applicable

    A copy of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) inEnglish that will help the requestor to follow upwith the supplier

    A copy of the signed CAP in the local language toget the proof that it has been signed by thefacility representatives

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Example of an Audit Report

    1st Page information on Factory and global result

    To: From:

    Audit Type: Initial

    Name of Factory: XXXFactory Address: YYYYMailing Address: Same as aboveTelephone No.: 86-512-000000 Tel-Fax No: 86-512-00000



    Zero Tolerance X Needs MajorImprovement NeedsImprovementSatisfactory Access Denied

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Example of an Audit Report

    Overall result by section(1/2)

    Themes ComplianceLevel BestPractices Non Conformity Summary

    1 Child Labor Satisfactory NIL

    2 Forced &Compulsory

    LaborSatisfactory NIL

    3 Health & Safety Needs MajorImprovement

    NIL 1. No ventilation system wasequipped to expel the foul

    air at the raw material


    2. No belt guard was

    equipped to two Sponge

    Grinding machines in Pen

    making department.

    4 Freedom ofAssociation Satisfactory NIL

    5 NonDiscrimination Satisfactory NIL

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Example of an Audit Report

    6 DisciplinaryPractices Satisfactory NIL

    7 Harassment andAbuse Satisfactory NIL

    8 Compensation &Benefits Needs MajorImprovement

    NIL 1.The factory had not signed laborcontracts with 11 out of 16

    interviewees.9 Hours of Work Needs Major

    ImprovementNIL Hours of Work could not be verified

    during this audit due to:1)The factory only provided the

    manual attendance records of

    January 2006, which issued by

    department supervisor, and no

    detailed working hours and overtime

    hours were registered on the

    records. The manual attendancerecords for 2005 were not maintained

    as the factory had finished the year-

    end sum-up.10 Subcontracting Satisfactory NIL

    Overall result by section(2/2)

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Example of an Audit Report

    Overall AssessmentFactory Overview

    XXXX., Ltd is located in Province, China. The total land area occupied by the

    facility is about 60,000m. They have started their operation in existing location

    since February 1991. The main products manufactured by the factory are

    High-Class Cosmetic Packaging Components.Percentage dedicated to LOral: 10%Other brands in the factory: X, Y, Z ..

    Number of employees interviewed: 16Number of Record reviewed & review period: 16Last period paid: January 2006

    Peak period: N/ARandom Period: December 2005 and October 2005Peak Months of the Facility: N/A

    Communicated Findings with (Facility Manager): Mr. XXX / Vice General ManagerAgreed to and signed Corrective Action Plan (CAP): Yes

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Example of an Audit ReportDetailed Findings by section, example8. Comp ensat ion & B enef its:Zero Tolerance Needs Major

    Improvement X NeedsImprovement SatisfactoryAccess Denied

    Subject : Labour contractLaw:In accordance with the PRC Labor Law article 16, a labour contract shallbe concluded where a labour relationship is to be established.Finding/Objective evidence:It was noted that the factory had not signed labor

    contracts with 11 out of 16 interviewees.Management response:During the audit, the factory provided one copy of

    , signed between the audit factory and Kunshan

    XXX Due to the factory could not provide the original version of the and there were several unclear points on it, the copy was not

    accepted during this audit. The factory explained that XXX., Ltd. exported the

    8 out of 11 interviewees who did not sign labor contracts with the factory. And

    the rest 3 were new workers and their labor contracts were in process.

    Proposed corrective action:It is recommended that the factory should sign

    labor contracts with all workers.

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Example of a Photo ReportDetailed pictures on non conformities &

    best practices

    Blocked Emergency Exit of Dormitory

    Electric Appliance Controller Boxwithout Cover and Warning Sings

    Evacuation Plan provided

    Sponge Grinding Machines without BeltGuard

  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Example of a Corrective Action

    Plan (CAP)

    Section NON CONFORMITY CORRECTIVE ACTION DEADLINEHealth &Safety No ventilation system

    was equipped to

    expel the foul air

    at the raw material


    Factory will equip ventilation

    system of the raw material

    department to ensure

    workers working under

    healthy condition.

    1 week

    factory did not

    supervise and trainemployees to

    properly wear and

    to use the

    personal protective

    equipment such as

    respirator, two

    workers in raw


    department did notwear respirator.

    factory should supervise and train

    employees to properly wearand use the personal

    protective equipment.

    Immediate for

    workers nottrained yet

    and training

    plan for


    CAP is

    submitted in

    both local

    language and

    translated in


    CAP is signed

    by both the

    audit team and


  • 5/28/2018 3 Loreal Social Audits Program Suppliers Subcontractors


    Need Social Audit countries list PC / RM / POS & Promotional Items suppliers plants located in :

    rgentinaBoliviaBrazilChiliColombiaDominican RepublicEcuadorHondurasMexicoNicaraguaParaguayPeruUruguayVenezuelaGuatemala

    BangladeshBruneiCambodiaChinaHong KongIndiaIndonesiaMacauMalaysiaPakistanPhilippinesSouth KoreaSri LankaTaiwanThailandSingaporeVietnam

    DubaiEgyptGhanaIsraelKenyaLesothoMauritiusMoroccoSouth fricaSwaziland
