31 book marketing ideas | twitter marketing for authors

31 Book Marketing Ideas That Will Help You Sell More Books Tip #15: Twitter Marketing!

Post on 19-Oct-2014




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http://www.bookpromotionhub.com This is part of the 31 Book Marketing Ideas That Will Help You Sell More Books Series | Twitter Marketing for Authors


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31 Book Marketing Ideas That Will Help You Sell More Books

Tip #15: Twitter Marketing!

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Why does Twitter Marketing matters?• People seem to either “get” Twitter or they’re

completely confused by the concept of marketing with only 140 characters. That said, Twitter is one of the top 3 social media platforms and it should not be ignored!

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There Are A Lot Of Authors Who Connect With Their Fans On Twitter And Convert That Into ...

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Benefits Of Using Twitter Marketing As Part Of Your Book Marketing Strategy!

It’s an instantaneous way to connect with influence makers because they are far more accessible than on email!

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3 Insider’s Secrets

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Insider’s Secret #1• You should be authentic and don’t try to be

someone else in your writing.

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Insider’s Secret #2• Share valuable content to increase the likelihood

that others will want to share it ... Don’t be afraid to share juicy tidbits about your book ;-)

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Insider’s Secret #3

• Be social by reaching out to influence authors you want to connect to and who you want to take notice of what you’re up to. Retweet their Tweets to catch their attention.

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Immediate Action Step To Implement This Lesson!

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Your Action Step• Make it a point to spend

at least 15 minutes per day to start off with on Twitter and work your way to 30 minutes. Make sure to share great content about yourself and your book.

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